#ner ka'ra
bluegalaxygirl · 5 months
Undercover (Bad Batch X Reader) P1
Plot: Reader goes undercover at a prestigious event, her job is mainly to gather intel while the batch keeps watch.
Warning: Bad language, Drinking and Violence
Reader is female (sorry), Established relationship, Poly relationship between reader and each member of the batch. There's some brother moments and banter between the clones but no Clone X Clone stuff.
language list
P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7
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The mission seemed simple enough all you had to do was gather information for the the Jedi order who have suspensions that a neutral senator is actually working for the Separatist, along with a few of his friend. There isn't any solid proof, and they needed to be sneaky about it so, who better than a squad that no one knows enough about to do the job. The prestigious party the senator is hosting at one of his grand halls is the perfect place to get everything you all need, so your now in the fresher getting into a dress that was gifted to you from senator Chuchi. A one-shoulder strap Floor-length black dress with a heart neckline, the fabric is tight around your waist and a red silk sash is resting around your hips, there's a high split on one side but the fabric of the skirt is slight ruffled making it so you can only see your leg coming out of the gap when walking, your shoes are simple red heals not to high and easy to fight or run in if needed. Your job is to listen in on conversations, hopefully get talking to the senator himself and get him to spill at least something, Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair have already set off to get themselves set up, Cross of course being high up and out-of-the-way enough to where he can see the main hall but also not be seen while the other two act as guards. A knock on the fresher door snaps you out of your thoughts getting you to turn towards it while making sure your hair is swooped over one side letting it rest over the single strap of your dress and covering your ear for an ear piece you'll be wearing later. "Y/n, we're heading out soon, you ready?" Echo's voice calls out from the other side of the door bringing a small smile to your face.
Echo's and Tech's job is to go in through the back and gain access to their system gathering any records and files they can and it seems they have the go ahead from Wrecker who's managed to clear a path for them by the back door. "One second" You call back grabbing your red clutch bag before taking one last look in the mirror, your surprised at how good you look, when the dress was first gifted to you it didn't seem like it would look good on you at all but you were so wrong. Walking to the fresher door you open it and step out almost bumping into Echo who's still waiting outside the door, his eyes look you over going slightly wide from amazement, taking a step back the cyborg gulps having never seen you in anything other than your armor and blacks before. Stunned he stands there almost motionless as his eyes continue to look you over, letting out a small laugh at his reaction you place a hand on his shoulder and call his name managing to snap the poor trooper out of his shock, Echo's eyes meet yours still looking like a deer in speeder lights, but he knows he has to get something out instead of just standing there staring at you "Y-you look n-.. Beautiful" Echo offers you a smile glad he managed to stop himself from saying you looked nice, you look beyond nice so why was that the first word that tried to leave his mouth? Biting your lip lightly you step closer running your hand from his shoulder to the back of his neck while placing a lingering kiss on his cheek. "Thank you, Ner Ka'ra" You whisper always happy to see the clone so flustered and that slight pinkness on his pale cheeks, he's so cute, feeling his flesh hand wrap around your waist to hold you closer you let out a hum of contentment letting him hold you close "I mean it Ad'ika, you look … Kandosii'a" Echo whispers in your ear before placing a kiss on your neck.
Kissing his cheek one more time you pull away while taking his hand starting to walk into the cockpit ready to start the mission, with Echo following closely you make your way over to Tech who's waiting by the open door of the marauder his eyes only focused on the data-pad in his hands. So lost in his own world he doesn't notice you or Echo walking over, letting go of your hand Echo clears his throat to get his brother attention which finally make him look up from the data-pad. Tech goes to say something as he looks up only to stop when seeing you, a strange feeling he hasn't felt before rushes through him making his body tense up. "We ready?" You ask after a while of silence, managing to push the strange feeling aside Tech nods relaxing a little and managing focus on the task at hand "Ah, yes, here put this in, and we'll get going" He adjusts his goggles before handing you an ear piece which you happily place in your ear making sure your hair is covering it from sight, Echo stares at his brother flicking his eyes at you then back to Tech secretly telling his brother to say something. Getting the hint Tech quickly offers you his hand and helps you down the steps of the ship, you can walk perfectly fine but your not about to pass up his offer so take his hand and walk down the steps "That dress, it's the one Senator Chuchi gifted you, correct?" The goggles wearing clone asks unsure of exactly what to say as that feeling from before bubbles up again.
Letting out a hum you give him a nod while starting walking with the two down the back streets that lead to the grand hall, your hand still in Tech's while Echo places a hand on your lower back "She made a good choice, the fabric shows off your natural curves, the exposed shoulder makes you look confident and the peek of skin is most differently an attraction. As for the bottom half of the dress-" Tech watches your leg peek out of the slit in the shirt as you walk gulping slightly to try and regain his nerves "It hides a lot but also gives those who are interested a look at your fair skin and toned leg when you walk away… The mix of red and black is quite symbolically, perfect for this mission" Tech finishes stopping at the spot where there supposed to split up and turns to you pulling his hand out of yours forgetting that he hadn't let you go. Echo holds back a laugh at his brothers attempt to compliment you but at the same time felt outdone since all he could muster was a simple compliment. Turning to Tech you run your hand over his cheek while leaning in placing a light kiss on his lips, as much as he struggles with emotions and compliments you know he tries, it may not be a normal compliment and you may not have understood some of it but at the end of it all you could see what he really means. "Thanks Can'gal, thats very sweet" You whisper against his lips earning a smile off the clone who runs a hand over your waist feeling more relaxed as that feeling goes away being replaced by that familiar warmness in his chest that only you can provide.
Pulling away you turn to Echo who has that soft look on his face, wrapping an arm around his neck you pull the cyborg in for a hug placing a kiss on his cheek "Be safe" You tell him before pulling away slightly to peck his lips "We will. Be careful Cyare, if you need help or a break just call out" Nodding you give both of them one last kiss before head off in one direction while the two head off in the other, walking out into the street you follow it down to the large brick building with white marble stairs and people gathered all around. Red velvet rope stops crowds and news reporters from getting any closer, guards and robots are stations all around keeping guard and helping people out of vehicles that pull up to the walk way, taking a breath to calm yourself you hold your head high and walk up to a short line of people who are showing off their golden invites to a service droid who's wearing a black tux. Handing your invite over the droid scans it before gesturing you through onto the red carpet lining the way up and into the building, the sound of people yelling, camera's flashing and screaming soon dies down as you make it past the wide open golden doors and into the building, calming instrumental music fills the halls along with light talking and laughing, a completely different environment to the chaos outside. After making it up yet another set of stairs you make it to the last guard point, people shuffle through the metal detectors as the guards on either side watch, waiting to jump in the moment an alarm goes off, taking a breath you step though knowing it's not going to go off but you know what to do next which is what actually make you nervous.
Deliberately flexing your foot in your shoe loosening the already loose strap, it comes off making you stumble a little and drop your clutch bag. Bending down to pick up your bag your hand is met by a black gloved hand causing a smile to form on your face as you look up to meet eyes with Hunter. He easily slips a knife into your bag before handing it to you without anyone noticing, taking your free hand he guides you to stand up straight letting his eyes look you over in the posses. "Ma'am, please allow me" A smirk appears on the leaders face while kneeling down and taking a hold of your exposed leg, placing your hand on his shoulder for balance you watch as his gloves hands brush against your skin and lift your leg up, so he can place your shoe back on and tighten the strap. "Perfect" Hunter whispers gently placing your food down but keeping it out of the slit in your dress, while standing he lets his hand run up your leg to your knee before letting it go to take your hand off his shoulder, bringing your hand to his lips Hunter kiss over your knuckles making you cruse him in your head at how flustered he's making you. At this moment you want nothing more than for him to kiss you and hold you right now but it would give the mission away so you have to hold back, your'll make a mental note to get him back for this later though. "Have a nice night, Ma'am" Hunter lets go of your hand and bows slightly before walking away still with that smirk on his face, composing yourself for a moment you grip onto your bag while making your way into the main hall seeing it packed with people, the stage right at the back has several aliens playing instruments but there's no singer with is a good thing since there's already a lot of talking and laughing almost drowning out the light and beautiful music.
The hall is exactly how Tech described, white marble pillars line the sides of room holding up baloney's that people use when a play or consort is on, the room is walled in white and red floral wall paper and gold specks, the large stage is made out of a dark wood with strange lights hanging around and heavy red curtains pulled back to the sides. The floor is all red carpet and flat perfect for all the round tables with white cloth and pots of flowers to cover the area, most of the white wooden chairs are unused most guest preferring to stand and mingle, a make shift bar is off to the left with two bar tenders but no one is ordering drinks from it since there are staff walking around with trays of small food and glasses of wine. The area for the staff is just behind the make shift bar but you know it only leads to a prep room and not an actual kitchen which is on the other side of the room behind sealed doors, walking into the room your eyes scan the crowd trying to find your target. "Pretty girl, look at you all dressed up" A snake like voice comes over the com in your ear making you smile, taking a wine glass of a waiter you thank them but are mainly aiming it at Crosshair who is somewhere up above you. "Been holding out on us Ad'ika… He's on your 4, surrounded by blue suits. Go strut your sexy ass over there" You can hear the smirk in his voice making you blush with a wide smile, turning to where he mentioned you notice your target with several business men around him engrossed in conversation and laughter, it's going to be hard to get him away without looking suspicious so for now you'll just have to ease drop. Sipping on your wine you walk around looking over the decor, feeling flowers on the table and looking at art work on the walls portending to ponder in order not look like your listening.
Their conversation is boring at best mainly talking about gossip from their homes but nothing that would indicate that he's working for the separatists. "We're in the control room" Tech's voice comes over the coms along with the sound of clicking and turning which is most likely Echo working his magic. "Good, our pretty girls inside mingling with the locals" Cross chuckles making it hard for you to resit rolling your eyes "Y/n's here? Where? I wanna see" Wrecker's voice comes though making you hold back a laugh at the clear pout he has on. "You can see her later, just keep focused" Echo groans through the same line as the big man which means there all in the same room together, that wasn't part of the plan which makes you worry a bit. "Wrecker.. Stick to the plan" Hunter whispers in slight anger making the big guy groan, walking over to another painting you have to hold back another laugh at Wrecker's pouty voice "But Tech's won't show me the recording, come on, you've all seen her why can't i? … I'm not aloud up front only in the back where she isn't going to be so just show me and then I'll go" A drawn out sigh is heard behind him clearly coming from Tech "Fine, here you go" The goggles wearing close gives in showing the big guy a recording of you in the dress, there's a loud gasp followed by Wrecker's much cheery voice "You look amazing Cyar'ika, like an angel but in black" his heartfelt compliment makes your heart swell almost making you tear up but you manage to control yourself and move to the next painting as to not seem weird just standing in one place for so long.
Echo sighs through the com clearly annoyed by what Wrecker just said "I know what your going for but its not the compliment you think it is… a black angel is mostly seen as the devil or death" Before the big guy can apologise or retract his compliment Tech clears his throat indicating he's about to spill some interesting facts which makes your chest grow warm again "In some cultures yes, but in mythology and other cultures black angels or angels in black represent a more complex or morally ambiguous character and symbolize a sense of power, rebellion, or a departure from conventional norms." After he's finished there's a short silence before Wrecker lets out a confused "huh?" while Crosshair chuckles finding all this quite amusing "I actually like it, i think it suits her. Miss angel in black" Taking a long sip from your glass of wine you hold back your need to answer wanting to tell the snickering sniper to shut up and focus but luckily Hunter does that for you. "Focus, all of you" Hunter whispers through the com again managing to stop the chatter and get everything back to doing their jobs and hopefully Wrecker has headed off to be where he was meant to be. Through the conversation you've been listening in on the senator and his pals who are still just gossiping about their lives at home, clearly not going to get anywhere you walk away finishing off your wine and setting the empty glass down on a table full of empty glasses tapping it before walking away. "Nothing… really?" Cross asks after seeing you tap the empty glass letting him know what you found, with all their talking he's surprised you got nothing at all.
Heading over to the bar area you have a look around for any of the lesser targets but none of them are in sight, its strange since there should be at least one or two. Its still early so hopefully they will show up but if their not here then where are they? Leaning on the bar you get a surprised look from the man behind it since no one has ordered a drink and the bar is mostly here just to block the unsightly view of the back room from guests "Can i get a blue moon please" You ask with a sweet smile making the man nod and start to make you a drink, you feel sorry for the two men behind the bar both just having to sand here all night and do nothing, your sure some people would love it but you could never. When the small blue drink is placed down you gladly take it thanking the young man before taking a sip, a thought crosses your mind as you do, these bar tenders have been here the whole time just listening so maybe you can sweet talk your way into some kind of useful information "Slow night?" You ask with a small laugh asking the two of them trying to lighten their mood, both seem board and hopefully that will make them willing to talk "Yes ma'am" They both answer in unison as if they were addressing a superior officer, it makes you laugh being reminded of Reg's on their first day "We'll since no one is taking advantage of the free bar, i was hoping i could ask you about this place, its history and architecture i was going to ask the owner but…" Looking over at your target you watch him laugh with the other men, another round of wine in their hands "I don't want to interrupt his much-needed down time"
Turning back to the two men they both eye you with suspicion while glancing at each other having a silent conversation, holding out your hand for them to shake you bring them back to you hoping to stop their worrying "Sorry i should introduce myself, I'm F/N F/LN I'm a Anthropologist at Yavin Prime, i hear this place has a rich history so i hope i can write about it" You smile seeming to ease their worries, it doesn't take long for them to talk about its history, who owned it before your target and what it was used for, the information wasn't fully useful until they got to its more resent events, the basement area has recently been commended due to structure issues, the only problem is there's no basement on any floor plans. Portending to think for a second you tap your half empty glass in short bursts almost like mores code so Crosshair knows your on to something "That's very unusual, basements are very rare for a building of this size that was built centenaries ago, no wonder it must be falling apart" You tap your chin hoping to draw out more information while not asking directly and giving yourself away "Oh no it was built a few years ago, There was some kind of sink-hole bellow the building, it seems they decided to put a basement down there instead of covering it up" One of the bartenders says only to get nudged by the other one who leans on the bar to be a bit closer to you.
A part of you wants to pull away mainly because of the slight growl in your ear from Crosshair but you know this is something you have to hear so leaning closer you let the man whisper to you after making sure no one is looking your way "I heard they put it down there since the more square foot you have on a building the more you can sell it for. On a building like this you can't add on without a reason… Between you and me i think the sink-hole was made up so the owner can sell this place for more money and pay back his debt" The man whispers to you making your eyebrow rise, the other bartender is quick to grab his mates shoulder and pull him away from you giving him a hard glare "Dude, the hell" They whisper to each other starting to bicker and fight about what you had just heard, your target has no records of being in debt, that only means he's dealing under the table so to speak. "The schismatics show no basement levels or any work or money transfers related to it" Tech's voice comes over your com, the sound of clicking is still heard in the background indicating there still in that room trying to get the data they need "There is a report of a sink-hole but its actually two buildings away" Echo states with a curious hum "Wrecker and i will check it out, the rest of you stick to your jobs and keep an eye out" Hunter orders his voice no longer a whisper meaning he's already away from his station "Y/n, see if you can talk to our target, get his attention somehow"
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
Ok, stream off a little. *Puts sugar in the table*. Favorites endearings terms for each clone? (Give and receive, I'm sure Cody enjoy Commander in bed!)
Like, I know (ner) sarad, sarad'ika, riduur, ca'tra, cyare, cyar'ika, kar'ta, mesh'la, me'suum'ika, runi?... with all of that nobody in this blessed fandom has teach me how to tell kitten, little bird or star. Dishonor of them... (though on the other hand know more words in mando'a than in german ie...)
I read once jare mean kamikaze/daredevil and I'm waiting for the fic using jare'ika or whatever!
Pet names! I live for pet names~
Alright. Like you said, Cody loves being called Commander in bed. Also, so do Fox and Wolffe, though I think Fox isn't actively aware of it yet.
Jesse and Hardcase use terms like Babe and Angel, and I tend to have their partners call them love or darling.
Little Bird is sen'ika, by the by.
I had Hunter call someone copikla, which means charming/cute (but it's meant to be directed at animals and babies, not grown women, lol.)
Technically Ka'ra is stars, but like, in the lion king "ancient kings looking down and watching over us" kind of way.
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Mandalorian marriage/relationships
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my soul is the night sky and you are the moon and stars- torian cadera [ galactic basic ]
“Ner runi ca kebii'tra, bal gar me'suum'ika ka'ra.” [ mando'a ]
unlike the rest of the galaxy, when a Mandalorian is in love, they say it outright with no shyness or hesitation. A Mandalorians life is without regret or shame. when being Mandalorian honour to ones partner is important . love loyalty honour to one another is excepted and held highly usually mando partners stay together rest of their life even in death and the next life. Mandalorians do not have sex till marriage in most cases as seen with boba fett and many others.
Mandalorians show affection often to their partner as they are not shy about their love for one another physical affection would include a gentle headbutt while wearing a helmet known as a keldabe kiss. The Mandalorians may be the best warriors in the galaxy and feared by many but the love affection and devotion for one’s partner is high and shown in public and at home, if any outsider has a problem with their open love they usually would receive a punch to the jaw or worse.
We are one when together, we are one when parted, we share all, we will raise warriors [ galactic basic ]
Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde [ mando’a]
a ridurik bond is a Mandalorian marriage bond between two Mandalorians. no sermon is needed they do not care for official marriage to a Mandalorian it is between them alone, of course, a celebration is held for the couple throughout the day and night the couple can adopt or have children of their own but usually war orphans or cast out children are found sometimes other Mandalorian children can be adopted if their buirs are dead.
A Mandalorian marriage vow is said between the couple no sermon is needed to hear it only between the couple it doesn’t even have to be in person In some situations couples will say their vows over the com or in battle.
Mando’a words
Ridurik/Marriage bond
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questforgalas · 2 years
Nina's Special, Secret, Vacation City (An Uncle!Batch AU)
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Summary: Tech gets to have play time with his niece
Notes: Tech girlies, come get your fluff serving :) Nina is named after CT-99
Ner ka'ra = my star
WC: 1k
Tags: Uncle!Tech, nothin but fluff. Tech interacting with a toddler should be a tag of its own, AU - order 66 didn’t happen
Tay's Masterlist
On AO3
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Building blocks covered the table, scattered from corner to corner, not an inch of grey to be seen. Tech’s lower back was tensing from being bent for so long, but Nina’s small play table didn’t offer him many options for comfortable positions. It was no matter. The task at hand was more important than some minor discomfort. The block metropolis in front of him was steadily growing, and he was doing his best to keep up with the steady stream of orders coming from his current commander.
“Red block please.”
“Green please.”
“Ok, 3 spokes please.”
“No Unka Tech, blue one not red one!”
“My mistake, ner ka’ra. Here is the blue block. That should be sufficient for the luxury pool.” Big green eyes looked expectantly at him with a steady hand outstretched waiting for him to hand her the block. Once the brick hit her palm, the youngling returned to carefully constructing the imaginary pool on the far side of the complex.
As Tech watched his niece, he made a note to craft a new bandana for her next time he had a moment. There were many traits the toddler in front of him shared with her father, but the most telling was her mane of curly brown hair that became more unruly every day and she was currently trying, but failing, to keep out of her eyes while she constructed her vision. Those bright green eyes though, those were uniquely hers. They were also a tool used on her uncles frequently because even at the early age of 3, she had them figured out.
Tech had made his way to Hunter’s family’s apartment two hours ago after being asked by Hunter’s partner to stop by to look over the recent diagnostics from their family ship since they were apparently giving some odd readings. After giving the diagnostics a once over and promising to see to the ship personally tomorrow, he’d remained in the apartment, idly chatting with Hunter’s partner. While they were talking, Hunter returned with Nina from whatever errand they’d been running, and the quiet apartment was quickly disrupted.
“Unka Tech! Unka Tech!” Nina screeched as she ran into Tech’s arms as soon as she saw him at the kitchen counter. “Unka Tech we went to the market and ran away from the monster but we escaped and Dada got me a big fruit and I ate it.”
“Wow ner ka’ra. That is a fascinating tale. I theorize that it was, in fact, a Meiloorun fruit?” Tech inquired. Nina gasped, her eyes going wide.
“How did you know?”
“The pink stains around your lips are a good indicator,” Tech explained. He playfully poked her nose as he spoke, causing the youngling to fall into a fit of giggles.
“I’d like to circle back to the ‘ran away from the monster’ part, please,” Hunter’s partner gave him a pointed look, clearly concerned at this not-so-minor tidbit not being addressed. A chuckle rumbled from Hunter’s chest.
“Nothing to worry about cyar’ika. A loth cat jumped out from an alley and surprised her. She then decided it was a monster,” he explained.
“Unka Tech, come play with me. I have new blocks to build with!” The full power of Nina’s eyes met Tech’s, and he knew he was powerless to refuse. That was an hour ago, and the two of them had made impressive progress building Nina’s “secret, special, vacation city” for her family. The complex included a pool, houses for everyone, a play set that took up half the space, and a shooting range so “Unka Crossy can do the blasty thing”.
Tech diligently built as he was instructed, and he’d give suggestions on building placement to maximize space and allow the complex to run at top efficiency, each received enthusiastically by the youngling. She was young, but she had started to show interest in activities like tinkering and building which Tech jumped on as soon as Hunter mentioned it to him. Admittedly, Nina’s designs weren’t always what he expected, nor were they engineering marvels, but he’d subtly make his adjustments, making sure to not lose the integrity of her build. Her proud smile after she completed a project never failed to squeeze his heart.
“Finished!” Nina yelled once the pool was complete.
“Excellent job, ad’ika. This city is a beacon in the galaxy,” Tech complimented.
“What’s a be- beac-beacon?” The young girl’s determined look had been replaced with confusion as she sounded out the word.
“A beacon is a light used as a signal. They are used to convey messages or feelings. This city, for example, might be called a ‘beacon of hope’ as it demonstrates a life full of happiness and health.” Nina listened to Tech’s explanation, face full of wonder as she took in the information, but something caught in her thoughts because Tech watched as her eyebrows furrowed and nose scrunched in concentration. Patiently, he waited, remaining seated while the youngling worked out what was swirling in her head. At last, she spoke.
“Are you happy, Unka Tech?” Nina looked up at him from her position on the floor as she asked. The sudden change of subject caught Tech off guard for just a moment, but as Nina continued gazing up at him, he felt a small smile appear on his lips.
“Of course, ner ka’ra. I’m always happy when I’m with you,” He reached out to tip up her chin so her eyes met his, and he answered honestly. His reward was a toothy smile, and then he was jolted back as tiny arms were thrown around his neck and a small body crashed into him. Once the shock war off, Tech wrapped his arms around her, holding her as close to him as he could.  
“I’m happy too, Unka Tech. Thank you for playing with me. I love you!” she said, nuzzled into his neck. Tech was still unsure if he’d ever want children of his own in the future, but moments like this with his little star certainly made the desire hard to deny.
“I love you too, ad’ika. Now, shall we show your parents your handiwork?”
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l0nglives · 10 months
"When you say it like that, it sounds terrible, but at the time, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. I still can’t.” (satine)
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ka'ra give her patience ! she pinches the bridge of her nose & counts to ten. both in galactic basic & mando'a. slowly. ❝ & in your infinite wisdom , ❞ she opens those eyes of hers , the color of draboon lapis , to give him a pointed look to better emphasize the word wisdom. ❝ you thought kicking a man made of steel an advantageous combat manuever. ❞
her arms fall limply to her sides for a moment. she is a pacifist ; truly , the galaxy is better off with her belief , since her tempter rivaled the former warlord adonai kryze most magnificantly. she put down the beskar'spear in favor of not setting the galaxy aflame. that doesn't mean she isn't a trained warrior. that doesn't mean she doesn't remember the rules of engagement & how critical it is for one to assess their opponent before attacking. control. hands are now on her hips & she feels like she's scolding korkie than a fully grown man , ❝ might i remind you , ner di'kutt jettii , that both of us should reach forty in a few years time ? ❞ stay alive , you idiot. you aren't eighteen anymore. ❝ whilst a myriad of charisma & full on poodoo , i'd rather think the galaxy is a brighter place with you in it. ❞
a pause , because he really deserves it.
❝ ass. ❞
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epicmusic42 · 1 year
WIP Game
Okay so I've seen this around a few times, where you're supposed to list all the stories in your WIP folder and followers can ask about them/request snippets. And it did get me curious how ridiculous my list is because uh... I work on many stories simultaneously. And it's a WIP until it's finished or I decide I'm not writing it.
So yeah. Folks can ask about anything they want. I do not promise you will get an answer since I also included the count of [Redacted] WIP files I've got.
Everything is organized by Fandom and if I have multiple wips for a series, then the series has a subheader. Things in [brackets] are more commentary than wip, but I felt should be acknowledged when counting.
Crown of mikhil
Prompt notes
Untitled 1
Time Fuckery
Modernish AU
Mirror Images?
Two Steps Forward, Nein Steps Back
The Brunch Club
The Brunch Club backstorys
Mechs AU
Murderplay blumentrio 
Untitled 2
My Wish for You
Not my sister, my uncle 
Agent A
I'm calling Martha
Ot4 but Crack
Untitled 3
Breaking Marius's curse
The Terror: God of grieving, living out of spite, and the trapped
Going from Yes, to I love you
Pangolin Brian 
Time loop
Brian is Arthur 40k fiction go
Ocean Pirate AU
On Recovery When You're Immortal 
Te amo
This is new
Next Steps
Untitled 4
I Said I'm Keeping You 
Not Quite Human
[Loose Change]
Promise You'll Keep Me, Even If I'm Real
Quick Thots 
Ts/Jonny end
Jonny gangbang
Marius/Jonny cannibalism 
Superhero Stuff
@fracnkie 's Outsider Pov
The Inherent Eroticism of…
Asking for what you want
Welcoming a new crew member
Urban Magic
Eyot Cemetery 
Sexy Ghoul Feeding Time
[Like five docs on Ghoul language]
Star Wars
Ka'ra the Gota
Loose Change 
More Dead than kaysh thought
Untitled 5
Obi-wan Kenobi of aliit Kryze 
Obi-wan Kenobi of Clan Kryze
Xai giiyha'ah anohrahak uu ehnoctel
[Also like 7 notes docs]
Goran joha
Jesara, celo kat fohl
Ke'nuhoy, ner ad'ika 
Mando'a I see fire
sa sarad cuyir gotal de pitat
Tal jabat te laamtorun (Blood upon the risers)
Follow up
Jesara celo kat fohl, juve e paihenelru foh keelak
Tamah qa brok vaversi
"I've been yours"
Alpha means buir
And I say
Bat Concordia 
Dom/sub thing
Ehnap im Lunetana'unru'yth; Rumar'eyir nu Ru'hiib'manir
Jetii ori'vod 
Kar'ta beskare
Mattress red
Merged world's
Mission: babysitter wanted
Protest snippet 
Rex fucked up
Staging a couple
Stewjoni witch
T'ad runise
Time travel dooku
Time travel maul/Obi-wan 
To be naasade
To: a connection 
Untitled 6
Untitled 7
Xarehk paiochl Rakadaiji
Brain wtf?
Jonny dville and Jon Sims same guy
Marvel-Dimension Travel
Sire, if I may?
Prompt Bucket
Original Work
Space Beowulf
Satan & Jesus go to pride
Cyberpunk persephone 
The Adventures of the Wise Old Wizard
This is my idea of a pandemic
Generic Prompt Bucket
Loose Change (technically not a WIP)
Redacted A
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Redacted B
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If you read this far, I'll do you the favour of informing you that there are 133 WIPs.
No, I'm not actively working on all of them. But these are all projects that I haven't removed to a "fics I'll never write" or equivalent folder.
0 notes
neon-junkie · 3 years
Ner Ka’ra
Summary: You and Crosshair enjoy something different in your sleepy state, followed by glowing words to seal the deal.
Pairing: Crosshair x Reader
Reader Description: Reader is gender-neutral and uses they/them pronouns. This fic does not include any descriptions of their appearance.
Tags: Morning sex, Cuddlefucking, Love confession, Established relationship.
Word count: 1k
Notes: Had a request for some sleepy morning sex with Crossy, and I ended up writing a bit more than I usually do when it comes to requests. What can I say, I love this man (▰˘◡˘▰)
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Kamino is, oddly, the perfectly setting for lazy mornings. The waves continue crashing outside, rain hammering on your oversized window, and never do you see the sun. However, the thick clouds still provide enough light to wake you up each morning, not to mention the beeping of your alarm, droning away until you reach over and tap the snooze button.
With a heavy sigh, you fall back onto the pillow. Nimble hands find your waist, pulling you tightly, tucking you back in to where you were previously lying. Crosshair stirs behind you, his eyes remaining shut as he nuzzles your shoulder blade, enjoy the skin against skin contact, not that he's currently deprived of it.
You're both still nude from the night before, and the only change is that you're no longer damp and sweaty. The hand on your waist finds your hips, pulling at you even more, ensuring that you can feel Crosshairs hardening cock against your ass. You hum, grinding against him, riling both of yourselves up.
"Somebody's awake," you softly murmur, smiling when Crosshair chuckles, nodding in agreement.
"He is," Crosshair replies, vaguely gesturing to his growing erection. "Fancy being my wake-up call?" Crosshair questions, and sucks in a sharp inhale when you grind your ass against his cock even more, followed by vocalizing your consent.
"Always," you confirm.
Calloused fingertips trail over your hips, running slowly up and down your thighs, teasing you for a few moments until even Crosshair can't wait any longer. He glides his touch around your thighs, searching, soon finding your entrance. You're still worked up from last night, your muscles not quite relaxing, despite your deep and content slumber. Crosshair takes advantage of the head start, moving his hand away to slick two fingers up in his mouth, before returning them to their rightful spot.
You hum in approval as a finger slowly slides into you, gradually making its way in, and not stopping until Crosshair reaches his knuckles. He waits a few, short moments before slipping it out, only to push it in again at a quickened pace, followed by steadily pumping his single finger in and out of you. Within time, his second finger is inserted, and Crosshair eventually scissors his fingers apart as he continues prepping you, planting kisses along your neck and shoulder blade as he works.
You're whining, despite your dazed and sleepy state. Your eyes have only fluttered open a few times, but opted to fall shut, enticed by the sensation of feeling without seeing. Crosshair is the same, eyes scrunched shut, breathing steadily as he finally slips his fingers out, touching his cock a few times before slicking it up against you.
No words are shared, no begs or pleads, nothing like the usual, pent-up, dominating sex you two usually enjoy. Instead, you sigh in unison as Crosshair slips in; his moans are rarely soft, always hissed through gritted teeth, or muffled by your skin as he bites into it. Crosshair's usual demeanour has slipped off, and he's so engulfed in you that he doesn't realize, but when he does, he pays no mind to it; you're the only person who he'll allow to see him like this, even if both of your eyes are shut, and you're seeing through gentle touches, and the sensation of your bodies being joined together as one.
Again, unlike the usual routine, Crosshairs thrusts are deep and slow. It's as if, for once, he's putting focus into how you really feel around him, how slick and tight you are, how you invite him in so wantingly. He's whimpering by now, each sound timed perfectly with his thrusts. Crosshairs hand finds your hips, not gripping onto them for once, but holding them just firmly enough as if to confirm that you really are here, in his arms, matching his sounds as you share much more than warmth and passion.
You feel Crosshair shudder when you whisper his name. Karking hell, that's you crying for him, the person who he devotes his entire self to, mewling for him in the darkness as he continues rolling his hips against you. Despite the angle, you peer your head over your shoulder, managing to find his lips and share some of the softest, yet most desperate kisses in your lifetime. That sensation is burning in your chest; you're so warm, your heart is oh-so warm, and it feels like an eternal flame roaring away, kept alight by the sniper pinned up behind you.
"Ner ka'ra," Crosshair mutters against your lips as the kiss breaks. "I'm-" is all that he managers to sputter out, and you're nodding in agreement, feeling your climax quickly approaching.
"Inside," you confirm, and Crosshair nods eagerly in agreement.
"Touch yourself," he sweetly orders, and whispers "for me," at the end of his words.
Never would you deny this man, so a hand slips down between your thighs, unbothered by the knowledge that you'll soon make a mess beneath the sheets. Hungrily, Crosshairs thrusts get faster, digging his forehead against the curve of your neck. He's clinging onto you desperately, taunted by the idea that you'll somehow slip from his grasp.
Somehow, Crosshair manages to hold back, waiting for you to climax before he does. He always allows you to go first, if anything, he pushes for it, feeling disappointed in himself when he reaches peak before you do. You're his everything, his world, each individual star that hangs ahead every night, and the warmth from the sun as it rises in the morning, and Crosshair would never risk finding his own bliss until you've found yours, both under the sheets, and above it.
Heavy breaths fill the air, and you're almost certain you can feel the dampness of tears against your back. You dare not question it, even when you peer over your shoulder to kiss Crosshair again, confirming after the kiss breaks that his eyes are clouded. "I love you," he mutters in the softest tone that you're ever heard, and now you understand why his eyes have swollen up, as yours begin to.
"I love you too," you whisper, sealing the deal with another kiss. The crackling of thunder outside goes unnoticed by both of you, too busy being entwined, engulfed in each other. There are few things that Crosshair finds pure calmness in, but each of those few things involve you.
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“What Do You Call Me?” - Din Djarin x female!reader
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Summary: You try to note down and learn all the words Din speaks in Mando’a but there are a few whose meanings you just can’t figure out on your own. So, you have no other option than to ask him what the names he is calling you actually mean.
Warning: Din speaks some Mando’a (yep, still a warning), … I don’t think there is anything I should warn you about tho, it’s only a short fluffy oneshot... happy Valentine’s Day! 💜
Category: fluff
Words: 2.500
Notes: There is no use of (Y/N) in this one! Note 2: I finished this piece two hours before it was posted (I scheduled it and immediatly went to bed afterwards) because I really wanted to have something for Valentine’s Day… so it’s not beta-read at all. I normally read through my writing at least twice but that didn’t happen here.... it’s late, I’m tired… hopefully Din isn’t too OOC and I don’t cringe too hard tomorrow morning when I re-read it and delete it because I’m embarrassed. Fingers crossed! Note 3: I must add that it was rather relaxing to finally write something under 8.000 words…
“What Do You Call Me?” – Din Djarin x fem!reader
It's no secret that Din's really smart. He's very knowledgeable and you really admired all his knowledge about different cultures and languages. You were especially fascinating by whatever language sometimes slipped over his lips, often when it was just the kid, him and you. After a while you figured that it was most likely Mando'a, the language of the Mandalorians. And the more it happened, the more often the words slipped from his mouth, the more curious you got and you began to wonder what exactly all those words meant. So, you had started to note them down on your datapad, or at least their pronunciation because you had no idea how to actually spell the words. You could write down their pronunciation fairly well but with what you really struggled was with their translations. Only a few were fairly easy.
When yet another cable went lose somewhere in the walls of the Razor Crest and Din yelled "HAR-chak" after noticing the problem you knew it had to be a swear word or something along the lines. Maybe "shit" or "damn it" but you never were too sure about it. Languages were tricky. Sometimes there just wasn't a translation for a specific word, and you could only note down a rough association. But you made it your mission to at least try. To try noting them all down, give them a translation or context in which you heard Din use them and learn them. It was hard, especially when you just couldn't figure a consistent meaning out. And you couldn't ask Din. Well, you could, but you didn't want to. Din didn't know about your little mission and you wanted to keep it that way for now. You wanted to surprise him with your effort, you wanted to be able to from at least one sentence before bringing it up because for now you were a bit too embarrassed and unsure. You wanted to impress him. You huffed and glanced up at the streaks of silver and blue that were swirling around the Razor Crest while in hyperspace. You were sitting on one of the co-pilot seats, legs perched up and pressed to your chest. Biting your lip in concentration you pushed your hair back with your free hand, the other one was holding your datapad, as you sighed deeply. You were frustrated, there was no other way to describe it. All the letters you wrote down seemed to laugh at you whenever you glared at them in anger when you weren't able to decipher their meaning. With a groan you put the datapad down on the floor beside you. You just couldn't look at it anymore, and stretched all your limbs away from your body, melting into the seat. You tried to focus on your breathing, to calm down your frustrated thoughts. Your goal of forming at least one sentence seemed even further away now than when you started your little mission. There were just too many inconsistencies. Sometimes you thought you finally figured out what the nickname he called the kid by meant only for him to call you by the same name. You were sure that Din wasn't calling you by a name that would translate to "child". You furrowed your brows. At least you hoped so for his sake. But one word that left you especially baffled was "REE-yay". You couldn't quite pinpoint when he started to call you that but it must have been very early on. And you could never figure out a consistent usage or meaning. At first you thought that it maybe just meant girl or woman? But you weren't so sure about that anymore. It somehow didn't feel right. The word felt too … intimate to only mean girl or woman. You huffed and scratched your neck in an attempt to soothe the aching and to sort your thoughts. You just wanted to figure out what he was calling you at that point. You didn't even care anymore if you had to ask Din to finally figure it out. You just wanted some clarity. "What are you worrying about?" You leaned your head back to look at Din who was standing behind you, his hands on the back of the seat to either side of your head. For a moment you just stared at him, in awe of how the flickering lights of hyperspace reflected on his armor in such a stark contrast to the void of his black visor. Something so typically Din in a way. You quickly shook your head and lowered your gaze when you felt heat rise to your cheeks. "I'm not worrying, just thinking" you mumbled and crossed your arms before your chest. Din chuckled lowly behind you and then sat down in the pilot seat beside you. "What is my verd'ika thinking about then?" Your body tensed, not only because of the new nickname but primarily because of the "my" he had put before it. What did he mean by that? What was he calling you? My friend? My buddy? My ... woman? You almost yelped at that thought but managed to force your jaw to stay shut. With your eyes wide and round you stared at the Mandalorian. His gaze was lowered and focused on the switches and buttons before him but not in an embarrassed manner or in an attempt to hide from your gaze. He seemed carefree and relaxed. He wouldn't just call you "his woman" and not react, right? You faintly nodded at yourself. No, this nickname meant something else. It had to because you weren't sure if your heart could take anything else. You blinked and noticed that Din was now facing you, his head tilted to one side in question. With heat rising to your face once again you noticed that you hadn't answered him yet. "Ehm, nothing really. Nothing important, don't worry." You bit your lip and cursed silently at yourself. This could have been your chance to ask him. To ask him what all those names meant. But you didn't. _______________ "Can you hold this, ner ka'ra?" Din asked and handed you a tool without turning to look at you. "O-of course" you stumbled and took the tool from him, so he had a free hand to grab the cable that had come loose yet again. You gulped and pushed your hair back while you glanced at Din's back as he continued to work. The nickname he had called you was already well known by you. He had started to call you that and that other word "REE-yay" more frequently ever since one week or two. Almost no other nickname or word in Mando'a left his lips anymore, which made it rather difficult to achieve your goal of learning one sentence in that language. And you still had no idea what the nicknames meant either. You figured that "nair" translated to "my" but that only made your face heat up even more than before. "Riye?" Your eyes snapped back to his dark visor that was now turned to you. Embarrassed you realized that you had spaced out and probably missed something he had said to you. "What?" you asked, your eyes wide and unblinkingly staring at his helmet hiding his eyes from you. Din let out a sigh and completely turned around to face you. You gulped and redirected your gaze upwards. "Something is on your mind. What is bothering you?" "Always so direct" you joked and laughed nervously, fumbling with the tool in your hand. "Riye" he addressed you carefully but with a slight warning in his tone. He was serious. You bit your lip and stared down at the ground, not able to hold his gaze. But you stayed quiet. With your mind racing circles in your mind, you couldn't decide if you wanted to finally ask him or not. When you felt hands on your shoulders your head shot up and met with the void of Din's visor again. You gulped, your eyes flickering from the visor then to the wall and back to his visor repeatedly. Then you let out a long sigh. Without a word you put the tool in your pocket and instead grabbed your datapad and quickly pushed it against his chest before you could retrack again. Perplexed Din lowered his head to stare at your hands before he slowly took the datapad from you. Silently he read through all the words you had typed down. "I tried to note down all the words you speak in Mando'a and translate them" you began to explain, fiddling with your hands while your eyes were directed to the floor once again. "But I only managed to figure out their rough pronunciation and write down some notes, I... I really struggle with their meaning" you continued to ramble. When Din didn't react after a few long heartbeats, you cautiously glanced up at the silent Mandalorian. He was unmovingly staring down at your datapad, his body completely tense. Then suddenly his head snapped up to meet your gaze. "When did you start doing that?" Confused you blinked for a few seconds, trying to sort your thoughts. "Ehm, a few weeks? Maybe two months or more?" you guessed and shrugged your shoulders. "I didn't tell you because I wanted to at least learn one full sentence to surprise you with it but..." you didn't finish and just gestured to your chaotic notes that mostly consisted of furious question marks. Din looked back down at the datapad. "Why?" You furrowed your brows. "Why?" you asked to make sure you heard him correctly. The Mandalorian nodded, his helmet still lowered but you weren't sure if he wasn't maybe looking at you. Out of reflex you pointed at him. "Because..." you cleared your throat. "Because of you." Your clasped your hands before your chest after that, your eyes darting around again in nervousness. Din slowly lifted his head and you felt his gaze burning on your skin form behind the visor. Both of you stood there, frozen and not daring to breathe for what felt like an eternity. You bit your lip and began to fumble with your hands again. "I-" Din started. "I don't know what to say." You couldn't hold back your laugh, the nervous giggles that finally spilled over your lips as you shook your head. "Sorry" you said breathlessly, the laughter still very noticeable in your voice, though. "I don't know why I'm laughing." That made Din laugh, too. He handed you back your datapad when you had calmed down. "I'm impressed" he stated and pointed at the device. "Most of the pronunciations are correct. But the translations..." He chuckled lowly and stemmed his hands against his hips. You crossed your arms before your chest and raise done eyebrow at him. "What do you call me then?" "What?" Din asked perplex, the laughter suddenly vanished from his voice. He almost sounded... flustered? Or at least surprised. "You said the translations of the words were wrong so teach me what they really mean" you proposed with your chin slightly raised in a challenging manner. You grabbed your datapad again and looked through the words as you continued. "Most of the words I wrote down are nicknames, so what are you calling me?" Din froze, you couldn't even see his chest rise and fall anymore. Now you were pretty sure that he was flustered and embarrassed. Or maybe even scared that you would figure out the meaning of his nicknames for you? Your body vibrated in anticipation, eager to finally get to know what all those nicknames mean. "Din?" you asked, eyebrows furrowed. "What does "REE-yay" mean?" For a few more moments he stayed still before he cleared his throat and tilted his helmet away from you, staring at the wall behind you. "What does... riye mean?" he questioned, his voice uncharacteristically high and trembling. You hummed and nodded. "Ehm, it means..." he started and directed his head back to face you. "It means favor, benefit or good turn." You furrowed your brows. "Good turn? Benefit?" you asked confused. "What does that have to do with me?" "When used as a term of endearment it means that this person, upon meeting, changed live for the better" he explained quickly. "Just like how you change my life for the better." Your eyes grew wide. "Wha-what?" Din slowly reached for you without another word and placed his gloved hand on your cheek that was already burning again in embarrassment. "You made my life better, riye. You and ad'ika, the kid." Your breath hitched in your throat as your eyes stared into the void of his visor, selfishly longing to peek behind it to see if his eyes were equally as wide as yours. "I-" you began but you had no idea what you even wanted to say. Your eyes darted around again as you tried to find the words, any words. But Din's hand on your face, his thumb drawing slow circles on your cheek, made you shiver and gasp for air. You had expected a lot but nothing like that. You hadn't been prepared for that confession. You had no idea what to say, so instead you just let your datapad fall to the ground and placed your hands to either side of his helmet. Din tensed but when he realized you weren't about to move any further, he let his hand wander from your cheek to your eyes, covering them completely, leaving you in the dark. Then he placed his free hand over one of yours. The touch sent shivers down your spine and you felt your heart beat repeatedly against your ribs in anticipation. Then he slowly guided your hand up, lifting his helmet in the process. It didn't move up much, just enough for him to place his lips on yours. Your heart skipped a beat when his lips melted over yours, dancing against them, tugging at your bottom lip ever so slightly. You gasped and stepped closer, pressing your chest against his. Even with his hand covering them you shut your eyes tight, as you soaked in the feeling of his lips, rough and soft at the same time. The heat spread from your cheeks to your neck and further down until it settled in your stomach. The flames in your belly hungrily fluttered and stretched towards Din, craving his touch and more. Your fingers began to tremble against his helmet, unable to hold onto anything. You let out a short whine at that and pressed even further into him. The coldness of his beskar, however, did nothing to soothe the fire in your veins. Slowly Din pulled away, his lips still hovering over yours, touching ever so slightly. "You changed my life for the better, too" you whispered into the dark, a small smile adorning your face now. And before you knew it Din's lips were back on yours.
Permanent Simps: @buckysalefty
Din Djarin Simps: @theflightytemptressadventure / @sarahjkl82-blog / @remmysbounty / @cali-beaches-wakes-and-boards / @idekah / @freeshavocadoooo / @dindaddy / @wonderless-screwup​
If you want to be added/removed/switched to another taglist at any point just let me know!
The crossed out names I couldn’t tag normally (I had to do some coding for it to work) so PLEASE check if “Allow this blog to appear in search results” or anything similar regarding tagging in your settings is turned ON for your blog! I hope that works so I can tag you more easily the next time, BUT if your name is still crossed out the next time shoot me a message to let me know you turned it on but it still isn’t work, please. I’ll try to find another solution for it then.Thank you! 💜
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
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ad'ika - sweetie, darling
aliit - family, clan
cyar'ika - darling, beloved, sweetheart 
darasuum - eternity
ka'ra - stars
ka'rta - heart
runi - soul
tar - starfield, space, star, sky
verd'ika - little warrior/soldier
mesh'la - beautiful
yaim - home
cyare - beloved
senaar - bird
ca'tra - night sky
oyu'baat - universe
sarad - flower
Can pair with ‘ner’ meaning ‘my’ or with the suffix ‘ika’ meaning ‘little.’ If anyone knows anymore, please comment on this post or send me an ask and I’ll add it. Link to the dictionary can be found here.
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rabbitdarling · 3 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars Legends: Jedi Apprentice Series - Jude Watson & Dave Wolverton Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Myles the Mandalorian & Jaster Mereel, Myles the Mandalorian & Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: Myles the Mandalorian (Star Wars), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Xanatos (Star Wars), Jaster Mereel Additional Tags: bandomeer au, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Mandalorian Adoption (Star Wars), Fluff and Angst, Mand'alor Jaster Mereel, Mandalorian Culture, Young Obi-Wan Kenobi, Hurt Obi-Wan Kenobi, Hurt/Comfort, Slavery, violence against a minor, Protective Myles, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Not Beta Read, We Die like Xanatos, Warnings and Ratings will increase as story gets updated, Canon What Canon?, Force take the Wheel, Stewjoni Obi-Wan Kenobi Summary:
“I will love the light for it shows me the way; yet I will love the darkness for it shows me the stars.“ -Augustine “Og” Mandino
 The Ka'ra called and Myles found himself answering; he doesn't know why they chose him, why they needed him on the mining rig in the middle of the ocean on Bandomeer. They called and he answered and he will never regret answering that call, not when it gave him something he didn't realize he had been seeking.
Title updated, same fic.
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bluegalaxygirl · 5 months
Language list
This is for any and all bad batch or clone wars relates stories i do. Things like nicknames, swears and one off words in mandalorian or Kaminoan will be put in here along with how to say them and their English meaning or translation.
Reader nicknames:
Mesh'la - (Maysh-lah)- Beautiful
Cyare - (Shah-ray)- Love or Loved
Cyar'ika - (Shar-ee-kah)- Sweetheart, Beloved
Ad'ika - (Ah-dee-kah) - Sweetie, Darling
Bad batch nicknames:
Alor - (Ah-lor)- Leader, Boss (Hunter's Nickname)
Ner Verd - (Nair Vaird)- My Warrior (Wrecker's Nickname)
Ner Ka'ra - (Nair Kay-rah )- My Star (Echo's Nickname)
Can'gal - (Cahn-gahl)- Starfighter (Tech's Nickname)
Galaar - (Ga-lar)- Hawk (Crosshair's Nickname)
Kandosii'a (Kan-doh-see-la)- Stunning, amazing
Darasuum (Da-rah-soom) - Forever or Eternal/Eternally
Ner - (Nair) -My, mine
Cuun (Koon) - Our
Darl (Draal) - Bright, Glowing
Dralshy'a - (Drahl-shee-ya) -Stronger, Brighter
Warning: Swears
Haran (Hah-rahn) - Hell
Osik - Shit
Osi'kyr - Oh Shit!
Shah or Krif - Fuck
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cranity · 4 years
Ner Mesh'la, gar taylir ner kar'ta in gar gaane bal gar chakur ner haal teh haalas. Gar smile is tranyc bal sur'haaise as ka'ra. Gar are ner yaim, cyare. Kar'taylir darasuum, Din Djarin
Meg copyc miite, Ni ge liser't urmankalar bic dajun'la par Ni
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syntymatitahna · 5 years
Hamlet's soliloquy o'r Mando'a
Cuyir, ra nu'cuyir, ibac tionas:
To be, or not to be, that [is the] question:
Meh ijaat'shya o'r mirde atiniir
If [it's] more honorable in [the] thoughts to endure
goore bal beviine b'ori'suumyc ka'ra,
[the] throws and lances of outrageous stars
ra jurir besbe'trayce ram'or naysol uraktose
or to carry weapons to attack too many difficulties
bal ti akaan rohakar val: ramaanar, nuhoyir
and with war to defeat them: to die, to sleep
dar; bal de nuhoy, sirbur mhi kyri
no more; and by sleep, to say we end
aaray be'kar'ta, bal ta'raysholan nyne
[the] pain of [the] heart, and [the] thousand hits
meg loras juri? par ibac nari
that flesh carries? for that act
solus vercopaani ruusaanyc. Ramaanar, nuhoyir,
one wishes devoutly. To die, to sleep,
ret haa'tayli vercopase; elek, ibac chaab,
maybe see dreams; yes, that [is the] fear
jorcu o'r nuhoy be'kyr'am, tion'meg haa'ite ret olaro,
because in [the] sleep of death, what visions may come,
sha ca'nara mhi ba'slana cuun ramaanla baare,
at [the] time we leave our mortal bodies,
(enteyo) dinui(r) bah mhi jorbe mirdir. Ibac mird
(must) give us a reason to think. That thought
ukoro chaashya urakto oya
pushes further [a] difficult life
jorcu tion'ad jorso'ran nyne be nu'baatyc ca'nara
because who shall bear [the] hits of uncaring time
ne'serim narise be tsad droten, chayai b'ori'jaon'yc adat,
[the] incorrect acts of the Republic, [the] teasing of self-important people,
kad'la aaray be paguur be'cyare, n'iviin'yc tor,
[the] sharp pain of a love's dislike, slow justice,
duraan be te naak'ade, bal tette
[the] scorn of the pacifists, and [the] kicks
meg di'kute dinui bah ruusaane,
that fools give to reliable ones,
meh kaysh lise te'habir uraktose
if one can remove difficulties
ti nu'hukaatyc kad?
with an uncovered dagger?
tion'ad ret jorso'ran uraktose,
who might bear [the] difficulties,
oritsir bal onidir chur haryc oya,
curse and sweat under tired life,
meh nu'jorcu chaab be nakare suum kyr'am, -
if not because [of a] fear of unknown things beyond death, -
ibac nu'mar'ey'la uvet, teh briik be'meg
that undiscovered world, from [the] line of which
naasad verd yaimpar, - mirshe tionir,
no warrior returns, - [the] brain questions,
bal mhi jatne emuuri (yaim'la) dushe mhi gana,
and we prefer [the] (familiar) bad things we have,
bal n'eyayti at ashise meg mhi nu'kar'tayli.
and don't flee to other things that we don't know.
mirdir gotal'u mhi an hut'uune,
to think makes us all cowards,
bal jiriad sal be mirde gotal'u nu'jahaala
and [the] ghastly colour of thoughts makes sick
ge'tal sal be nasre,
[the] red colour of resolve
bal nare be ori'munad bal ori'kando,
and acts of great height and weight,
ti mirde, val shonar amu be'chaaj teh jate'kara
with thoughts, their waves change wrong/far from [the] right course
bal dar'gana gai be nari. Luubid jii,
and no longer have [the] name of action. Enough now,
ogir copyc Opelia? Mesh, gedet'ye ke'partayli
there [is] lovely Ophelia? Beauty, please remember
an ner nu'serime ti gar suvar.
all my wrongs with your understanding.
Sol'johayc de Hamlet © 2019 by sootnose is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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tishinada · 7 years
Shit. My Bounty Hunter just got the post-reunion letter from Torian. I didn’t even know we got letters after the reunion (I’ve never romanced two of the four who’ve returned, and I haven’t gotten an Aric-mancer that far.)
And damn, got me in the feels. Who knew adorable but practical Torian (who is turned on by heavy armor and flame throwers and a woman who can kick his ass) could be so poetic?
Subject: Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum
When Mand'alor gave me this position, she asked what made me fight so hard. So I told her about you. Your courage, passion, strength. I treated every battle like it'd bring you back.
She taught me a phrase from her clan, and it reminded me of you. Thought about it every day. Chanted it in my head like a battle song.
Ner runi ca kebii'tra,
Bal gar me'suum'ika bal ka'ra.
My soul is the night sky,
And you are the moon and stars.
Always knew I'd find you. Now that you're back, I'm never letting go.
Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum. I love you.
I might have gotten a little misty-eyed. For a couple of seconds. Of course the fact he calls you Cyar’ika (Beloved) in front of Mandalore and everyone without even blinking (and no one blinks at it) is a reminder that their culture is based on honor, courage, and testing yourself, but isn’t some sort of toxic stoic culture that thinks emotions are a weakness.
Though apparently the taste in women runs in the family. Jicoln comments that if he was still young, he’d make a try for you... :D
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trashfamilyimagines · 7 years
αℓιιт σяι'ѕнуα тαℓ'∂ιи - fαмιℓу ιѕ мσяє тнαи вℓσσ∂ (A Torian Cadera Imagine)
As the reigning Champion of the Great Hunt, you begin to learn quickly who you can and cannot trust. Thankfully, the crew who has your back is some of the best people any Bounty Hunter could ask for. In fact; you’ve taken so much of a liking to them, you call them family. Corellia is a cruel and worn torn planet, you found yourself of yet another mission from Darth Tormen, but you were on your last string of patience. How many more times would you need to cover this Sith Lord’s ass? You decided to drag Torian, (the only one in your crew willingly wanting to join you on the planet’s surface) along for the ride. You were in Green Jedi territory at the moment, and blasted through a group of republic defenders and their Jedi companions- headed back to help Tormen yet again. “Blasted Jedi. They’re only slowing us down!” You shouted, enraged by your boss’ ability at keeping himself constantly in hot water. “K'atini! (Y/N) control your temper. We’re almost there.” Your young Mandalorian counterpart spoke up, directing the two of you into the last building to rescue Tormen. You couldn’t help but roll your (Y/EC) eyes and blast through the guards at the entrance, working in sync together, as always. “Finally.” You high five Torian as the last republic agent dropped to the floor, jumping down to the scene that was laid out before the two of you. “Did someone call for some backup?.” A smirk painted your features as you blasted a jedi holding a saber to the Sith Lord. Tormen swiftly used your cover to his advantage, striking down the other master in front of him, “The Intel you provided me helped find the location of the Supreme Chancellor. According to Seros’ datapad, they landed on The Founder.” Your eyes widened, “Are you insane? That’s part of the Republic Fleet! Going there would be a death sentence.” Tormen’s deep accented voice relayed a sense of calmness, “Not if you use the plan our intelligence has provided. Go to the Corellia Orbital Station, I have everything you will need. Including Republic Emergency signals: officers will chase after you to make the scene more believable. Other than that, that’s all I can do.” “You best hope that does the trick.” You spun on your heel, storming out of the building with Cadera hot on your heels. “ Ni’ve got gar norac- I’ve got your back. Don’t worry, it’ll all work out.” The blonde haired man wrapped an arm around you, hoping to give you a sense of security. “Thanks Torian. I sure hope you’re right.” The two of you entered the Bounty Hunter turbolift, pressing the button to head to your  freighter’s hangar. It was quiet, but a comfortable silence. Over the span of time you knew each other, you got closer and closer. Especially after rescuing him on Hoth. You walked into your ship; starting to head up the stairs to your own quarters when the Mandalorian stopped you by a slight tap on your armored shoulder. “Yes Cadera?. What’s on your mind?.” Your brow raised slightly as you spoke, scanning his features with your (y/ec) eyes. “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum. I love you, (Y/N).” He pulled you into a tight embrace, a smile painting your features for the first time in a long time, “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, I love you too Torian.” Your smile soon spread into a full on grin, not being able to control the joy that surged through your veins. His next actions were totally unexpected- the blonde haired man dropped to one knee, his crystal blue orbs locking onto your own eyes: “Ner runi cuyir te ca kebii'tra, Bal gar cuyir te me'suum'ika bal te Ka'ra- My soul is the night sky, and you are the moon and stars. (Y/N), will you marry me?.” You pulled him up, causing your faces to be only inches away, “It was about time you asked.” His lips slammed into your own, kissing you the most passionately he ever has. Your (Y/SC) hands weaved into his golden locks during the kiss, and he slowly backed you into the cold metallic wall behind you. Torian pulled away briefly, only to whisper, “Ner Cyar'ika.” (My Darling.)
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neon-junkie · 3 years
A list of Mando’a words and phrases to use in your writing! (both fluffy and smutty)
Elek - Yes Lek - Yeah Nayc - No Jate - Good Ori'jate - Very good Dush - Bad Ner - My Bid - So Ori - Big, extreme, very Ra - Or Jatne - Best Daab - Down Shaadlar - Move Sheber - Sit Gedet'ye - Please Vo're - Thanks Ba'gedet'ye - You're welcome
Murcyur - Kiss Jatisyc - Deliscious Ka'rta - Heart or soul Ka'ra - Stars Tracinya - Flame Tracyn - Fire Kandosii'la - Stunning, amazing Dral - Bright, glowing, strong, powerful Cyar'ika - Darling, sweetheart Cyare - Beloved, loved Mesh'la - Beautiful Mirdala - Clever Verburyc - Loyal Yaihi'l - Full Iviin'yc - Fast, quickly Ekur - Choke Etyc - Dirty, filthy Haav - Bed Haavlaam - Bunk
Tion'jor - "Why?" Tion'tuur - "When?" Udesiir - "Relax, calm down, take it easy." Copaani gaan? - "Need a hand?" Gar serim - "Yes, you're right." or "That's it." Ret'lini - "Just in case." Me'copaani? - "What do you want?" "What would you like?" Haar'chak! - "Damn it!" Gal'gala - "Let me buy you a drink." Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum - "I love you," literally "I will know you forever."
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