trashfamilyimagines · 6 years
Till Death Do Us Part (Halloween Kylo Ren Imagine)
Kylo and you have been having a running prank battle, but today was a special day. (As requested by anonymous! 🖤)
Halloween was finally here, and you had the most perfect idea to get Kylo back. He embarrassed you in front of a whole battalion of stormtroopers last week, and you knew you couldn't let that fly. He had stolen your clothes after training, leaving you to run past his men during a lecture- only wearing a towel. You were mortified, so getting your revenge would not be as kind as your previous retaliation.
" Armitage are you sure this is going to work?." You fidget with the wound prosthetic piece, trying to adjust bloody bandages around the fake wound.
"Y/N, trust me. I know exactly how to get Ren all worked up, as long as you can sit still long enough." The ginger man snickered slightly, clearly enjoying the thought of annoying his new Supreme Leader.
The whole team in the Infirmary agreed to be in on this scheme, even helping you fashion together a lifelike wound. Hux helped piece together the perfect story, and all you had left to do was play dead.
Which proved to be harder than you expected, honing in on the force to slow down your racing heart to a quiet murmur was no easy task. Y/EC eyes fluttered shut; lying down into place on the cot, placing your Y/SC hand slightly over the bloody mess on your side.
"Good. Now stay that way, I'll be back shortly with Kylo." Hux took off, running down the base's halls in a fake panic.
"Quickly! Someone find the Supreme Leader! Y/N was gravely injured!" The ginger shouted into his comm, sprinting even farther away.
You took a deep breath; settling into your catatonic state, and getting into character. The halls were alive with chatter, seeing as no one but the Infirmary staff knew of this plot. Loud footsteps pounded down the hall, you could sense him, but you had to stay strong. The suspense was building in your chest- and your Y/EC fluttered open only momentarily,
"The Supreme Leader is almost here ma'am." The female nurse beside you squeezed your shoulder, helping you snap back into focus.
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"Where is she! Where is Y/N! I will see to it that whoever allowed this to happen will never breathe again!" Kylo's booming voice echoed in the hall outside your room, his words ricocheting off the metallic walls.
"Sir, we don't know. She must have snuck off the base like usual! We did what we could." Another nurse in the Infirmary spoke up, trying to calm him down.
What sounded like a vase shattering startled the nurse beside you, as the metal doors hissed open to the room you were laying in.
"Ren, I'm sorry. I had the best staff and the best medical droids do what they could to save her, but it wasn't enough. Y/N was found too late, im afraid. There was nothing anyone could have done to save her." Armitage's voice was sullen, and you tried your best to not squirm under the pressure.
"Y/N! What happened to you? Who did this!" Kylo's voice cracked as he rushed to the side of your bed, gently cupping your face with his gloved hands.
A pang of guilt rushed throughout your body, you knew it was time to tell him the truth. Y/EC peeled open slowly, revealing his tearstained face, bloodshot eyes locked onto you.
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"Got you! Hah, oh lord that was too good Y/N!" The General broke the silence, unable to contain his composure any longer.
"What do you mean, got me?." Your lover blinked back tears, suddenly seeing you stare back at him.
"I'm sorry.." You sat upright, wrapping your arms around him tightly.
"Don't you ever do this to me again. I thought I really lost you.." Kylo murmured into your Y/SC neck, brushing your hair away from his face.
"Happy Halloween?.." You notice a small chuckle emit from his lips as you spoke.
"Happy Halloween, Y/N. You win. For now."
Ren mumbled the last few words, but you heard them.
You shake your head, lifting his pale freckled face up from your neck. His eyes scanned your features,
"I love you." A shy smile lit up your face, biting down on your lower lip softly.
"I know." Kylo's chocolate eyes locked onto your own, his dark lashes fluttered close as he leaned in to kiss you.
His lips crashed against your own, causing an audible groan from Hux,
"Did you forget about me? Get a room you two!." The General waved his hand, dismissing the staff around the two of you to give you space.
"No more pranks for now please?" You laughed gently, looking up at the taller man towering over you.
"You've got a deal. But just know I will get you back later, Y/N." Kylo laughed softly, squeezing you closer to his warm body.
"Fair enough." Your Y/EC eyes rolled slightly and relaxed into his grasp, finally happy to successfully get your boyfriend back.
Well, at least for the time being.
Thank you for the lovely prompt anonymous! Add me on Xbox live @ angelosgargoyle ! I play battlefront 2 constantly and I'd love new people to play with! Be safe and have a great Halloween! 🖤🕸🎃 STAY SPOOKY
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trashfamilyimagines · 6 years
How about one for Halloween where the reader does a dead girlfriend prank on Kylo and Hux helps with the prank? They both get a good laugh out of it except for Kylo. 😂
YeS YES YES! I AM SO DOWN! Gotta set down my battlefront 2 today and start on that! 🖤🖤🖤
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trashfamilyimagines · 7 years
αℓιιт σяι'ѕнуα тαℓ'∂ιи - fαмιℓу ιѕ мσяє тнαи вℓσσ∂ (A Torian Cadera Imagine)
As the reigning Champion of the Great Hunt, you begin to learn quickly who you can and cannot trust. Thankfully, the crew who has your back is some of the best people any Bounty Hunter could ask for. In fact; you’ve taken so much of a liking to them, you call them family. Corellia is a cruel and worn torn planet, you found yourself of yet another mission from Darth Tormen, but you were on your last string of patience. How many more times would you need to cover this Sith Lord’s ass? You decided to drag Torian, (the only one in your crew willingly wanting to join you on the planet’s surface) along for the ride. You were in Green Jedi territory at the moment, and blasted through a group of republic defenders and their Jedi companions- headed back to help Tormen yet again. “Blasted Jedi. They’re only slowing us down!” You shouted, enraged by your boss’ ability at keeping himself constantly in hot water. “K'atini! (Y/N) control your temper. We’re almost there.” Your young Mandalorian counterpart spoke up, directing the two of you into the last building to rescue Tormen. You couldn’t help but roll your (Y/EC) eyes and blast through the guards at the entrance, working in sync together, as always. “Finally.” You high five Torian as the last republic agent dropped to the floor, jumping down to the scene that was laid out before the two of you. “Did someone call for some backup?.” A smirk painted your features as you blasted a jedi holding a saber to the Sith Lord. Tormen swiftly used your cover to his advantage, striking down the other master in front of him, “The Intel you provided me helped find the location of the Supreme Chancellor. According to Seros’ datapad, they landed on The Founder.” Your eyes widened, “Are you insane? That’s part of the Republic Fleet! Going there would be a death sentence.” Tormen’s deep accented voice relayed a sense of calmness, “Not if you use the plan our intelligence has provided. Go to the Corellia Orbital Station, I have everything you will need. Including Republic Emergency signals: officers will chase after you to make the scene more believable. Other than that, that’s all I can do.” “You best hope that does the trick.” You spun on your heel, storming out of the building with Cadera hot on your heels. “ Ni’ve got gar norac- I’ve got your back. Don’t worry, it’ll all work out.” The blonde haired man wrapped an arm around you, hoping to give you a sense of security. “Thanks Torian. I sure hope you’re right.” The two of you entered the Bounty Hunter turbolift, pressing the button to head to your  freighter’s hangar. It was quiet, but a comfortable silence. Over the span of time you knew each other, you got closer and closer. Especially after rescuing him on Hoth. You walked into your ship; starting to head up the stairs to your own quarters when the Mandalorian stopped you by a slight tap on your armored shoulder. “Yes Cadera?. What’s on your mind?.” Your brow raised slightly as you spoke, scanning his features with your (y/ec) eyes. “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum. I love you, (Y/N).” He pulled you into a tight embrace, a smile painting your features for the first time in a long time, “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, I love you too Torian.” Your smile soon spread into a full on grin, not being able to control the joy that surged through your veins. His next actions were totally unexpected- the blonde haired man dropped to one knee, his crystal blue orbs locking onto your own eyes: “Ner runi cuyir te ca kebii'tra, Bal gar cuyir te me'suum'ika bal te Ka'ra- My soul is the night sky, and you are the moon and stars. (Y/N), will you marry me?.” You pulled him up, causing your faces to be only inches away, “It was about time you asked.” His lips slammed into your own, kissing you the most passionately he ever has. Your (Y/SC) hands weaved into his golden locks during the kiss, and he slowly backed you into the cold metallic wall behind you. Torian pulled away briefly, only to whisper, “Ner Cyar'ika.” (My Darling.)
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trashfamilyimagines · 7 years
SWTOR imagines!
Due to my infinite love of Star Wars the Old Republic I will be releasing a few more imagines today and the first one will be a Torian Cadera imagine! Stay tuned…
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trashfamilyimagines · 7 years
What They Are Like When:
You're Crying/Upset (Original Trilogy) LEIA: •notices your facial expressions and lightens up on her usual comments after a particularly rough loss on your last mission, you two were on your ship back to the rebel base. •uses the silly nicknames you two came up with for each other to try to get a smile out of you- she knew you were blaming yourself again. •moves closer to you and gently plays with your hair, telling you a story from her life on Alderaan. • knows stories help distract you from the bad that may be going on currently. •squeezes your hand in a comforting manner, making sure to read your body language •holds you and smooths your hair down as you cry, feeling a few tears escape her own eyes- she hates seeing you so torn up. •knows exactly the right words to say as you calm down and are sniffling softly, she knows what it was like to lose it all. •you end up falling asleep in her arms •she was holding you in the captain's chair •your head was on her shoulder- with Leia's long dark hair shielding you from any other person's gaze •she smiled down at you and kissed your temple gently before she fell asleep soon after LUKE: •is a sympathetic crier •so when you broke down after he returned from getting stranded out on Hoth, he found himself upset too. •he hated that he was the reason you were upset •which resulted in him rambling during his apology, he didn't want to scare anyone, let alone you. •he may or may not have accidentally revealed his true feelings for you during that rant •you weren't even upset anymore, so you ended up silencing his ramble with a kiss •freaks out shortly after due to being embarrassed at how frazzled he was •sighs happily after he pulls you into his bed and automatically draped his arms around you •is a snuggle bug and held you while drawing shapes on your back in his bed at the medbay. •it was a small fit but neither of you minded because he was safe and you were together HAN: •your hot tempers sparked a fight that really ended up hurting you •even a hug from Chewie didn't make you feel better- that's when he noticed how upset you truly were •he carefully approached you trying to make sure he wouldn't upset you any further •you ended up in his arms somehow but you weren't even mad anymore •you could never stay mad at han even if you tried- he just knew how to make your anger go away •he didn't even have to speak much at all, but when he did the words surprised you when he actually apologized and meant it. •turns out Han isn't always as hard as he seems (*cough* *cough* especially around you) •he ends up kissing you at the table in the falcon shortly after •(which ends up answering the question that started the fight in the first place) •he doesn't even have to say it but you know he feels the same.
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trashfamilyimagines · 7 years
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Thexan. Because…well,why not
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trashfamilyimagines · 7 years
Arcann Imagine ●
Type: A lyric inspired imagine! Amount of words: 1000+ Song used: At My Best by MGK ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I wrote this song as a message for help Our lightsabers clashed harshly, his golden blade hissing bitterly as my fiery red blade matched his with expert precision. On behalf of anybody finding theirself I didn't want this. I was too young to die, but he had to be stopped, the weight of the galaxy on my shoulders. Where had I gone wrong? I wrote this letter to numb your pain I faltered from his next strike, soon feeling the old familiar sting of a saber- right through my core. 'Cause everyday I wake up I'm feeling the same A carbonite wall decoration. That's all I was to him for the force knows how long, frozen and left for dead. I got issues just like you got issues How could I trust Arcann? Senya laid her life down for her son on Voss- but how do I know he still doesn't harbor resentment in his heart for me? I've been hurt I've seen the scar tissue His maimed face was so close- his mask no longer part of his image, giving me a clear look into his crystal blue orbs. Right before he bowed to his knees, the former emperor pledging himself to our cause- more specifically to me. If I show you would you run away? I let my guard down. I decided to trust Arcann- take him into my Alliance, regardless of what Lana and the others had to say. Do I gotta hide 'em for you to wanna stay? I'll never forget the first night he stayed on base. So evasive- but so open all the same. The Force binds us in a way I haven't experienced in my entire lifelong journey. Do I, even need you, should I leave you? Valkorion tempted me, destroy him? I knew his father told his son the same thing. We decided to leave that past- no matter how hurtful- behind us. Do I, gotta be you, just to please you? Comprise was hard to make, but he had my back. The way he and I butt heads can be frustrating to say the least- but it only brought us closer. Do I, say I'm all good, when I bleed you The memories tore through my mind at night, I awoke in a sweat- feeling his saber tear through me again- like all those years ago. I awoke from a night terror- unaware of who to go to. So I ran right to his door, and subsequently, into his arms. Through my, heart, quit tearing mine apart I let my walls down. Arcann earned my trust, he protected me on the battmefield- and soon off of it as well. His cybernetic hand was a cooling sensation against my pale face, forcing me to look into those dangerously beautiful eyes I had been avoiding for so long. His lips brushed mine softly, so gingerly, as if I would shatter in his grasp. For such a rough looking man, he was so delicate. I shout, I swear, I get angry, I get scared Our fights were a blazen image of our love. Harsh, intense sparks that grew into a brilliant flame. Many of the times I was to blame, I questioned his feelings too much- which in turn hurt him. I never meant it of course, I just wanted some form of reassurance. I fall, I break, I mess up, I make mistakes I almost lost him on Odessen, the same way I lost Torian. That feeling of him fading through our connection, all because of my failure to come to his aide quick enough. I was lucky his mother Senya was at his side- or I might have lost my prince. But if you can't take me at my worst You don't deserve me at my best I knew he was my weak spot, as the Outlander and Commander of the Alliance I couldn't afford to look weak. But at the same time I knew I could never leave him- not after this all. I stayed by his side, my hand gripping his as I passed out in the uncomfortable medbay chair by his bedside. It was my fault he was in this position. Life is about making mistakes I was afraid. Afraid to lose him. Afraid to admit I loved him. Afraid his father would kill him if I let him too close. So I pushed the only man I've ever had feelings for away. It's also about trying to be great The pressure of having a former emperor cloud your thoughts, pushing you to claim the throne of his twisted daughter was a burden I did not want to carry. But the Alliance depended on me. So I pushed through the heartbreak and suffering that followed my decision. Do not let failure scare you away The bass rumbling of his voice still replayed over and over again in my brain like it was yesterday: "I will love you no matter what you do to push me away. I'm a fully grown man, my father cannot stop me from loving you the way you deserve. If you fail- we fail together. I will protect you until my last breath." I know you fed up, you fall, get up The battle against his father- was how I knew his words were true. The fallen prince of Zakkul proved his words with his actions helping me kill his father who loomed in my head- finally freeing me from the shackles in my mind. It's all in us, I can speak about 'cause I did it Ladies and gentlemen here's the exhibit. I was broadcasted across the galaxy, now was the time. I announced myself as the new Empress to the eternal throne with an exception- a newly changed Arcaan would be the man beside me. An emperor and an empress. It's my life look a little closer you could see the highlight Unstoppable. Our connection and our love stabilized us, as we took over the empty throne, claiming the Eternal Empire as our own. Gold ain't always golden but I told 'em Not everyone was pleased with this new change in leadership, with Vaylin and Valkorion gone- many people were skeptical of the new and improved emperor. Look at all the years I've been waiting for a moment I couldn't help but look back at how we first met- how he couldn't stand my rebellious nature as the Outlander, how he knew I inspired his people to turn. But those days are long gone. Shed a lot of tears just to smile in the morning Waking up in the morning was an adjustment for me. So many years spent alone in a cold bumpy bunk on a ship compared to now- arising to the feeling of his arms draped lazily over my body, warm and safe from all harm. I always had a smile on my face. If you can't take me at my worst You don't deserve me at my best. Being with Arcann was a gift from whatever higher being existed, but for now- I'm not going to question it. My husband, my not so prince charming, my emperor, and most of all: the love of my life. Long may we reign.
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trashfamilyimagines · 7 years
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Switching off his own weapon, Ren extended an arm toward the device lying in the snow. It twitched and then began to vibrate as the Force called to it. Stretching out his hand farther, straining, Ren beckoned powerfully—and the lightsaber rose, to come bulleting toward his outstretched fingers. And past them.
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trashfamilyimagines · 7 years
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GET TO KNOW ME MEME : [8/20] female characters ↳ Leia Organa (Star Wars) I don’t know who you are or where you came from, but from now on you’ll do as I tell you, okay ?
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trashfamilyimagines · 7 years
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trashfamilyimagines · 7 years
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The Jedi are extinct, their fire has gone out of the universe. You, my friend, are all that’s left of their religion - Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
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trashfamilyimagines · 7 years
I’ve been a writer for quite a few years and have always loved imagines and preferences! I support ALL ships and I am excited to get started!
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