kylapon · 2 months
I kinda hope we get some past bits from nepherus. I really want to see what kind of role he played in estaliera with prince zandan.My fear and thought is we’ll run into the little snot and Neph will be forced to obey his commands with that spell that was chocking him.
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the-great-zalmoxis · 2 months
👀 could i see some zaa/amarkun?
Thank you so much for asking (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)♡ ! I shall post the beginning of the fic because I am hoping to still change some of it, later on. Improbable as it sounds, I am still stuck at the Trazyn mission, even after all those months. I want to finish this when I finish the game too
‘Yes, Great One!’ Said Overlord of the Nepheru Dynasty Amarkun the Gatherer. His voice was as unemotional as ever. Unwavering. His loyal lieutenant, Zaa of tomorrow was by his side, always and ever as sharp as a blade. But this blade had two edges. Amarkun was starting to fear his reliance on the cryptek. The effects his adviser had on him were growing at an alarming rate. Right now, Zaa was coaching him on his responses to The Phaeron. Coaching an Overlord! Inadmissible! Scandalous! Una- He hid a shudder as Zaa’s tail rubbed at the base of his spine. He could feel the rest of it curling around his calf. Pulsing with fat magnetic fields, that overcharged his sensors. It meant that the cryptek was pleased with Amarkun’s answer. He started this habit of rewarding him with pleasureful fluxes when he found the nemesor’s answers to be in line with his opinions, or punishing him with the lack of stimuli when they did not. Amarkun was quite bothered by this approach since he couldn’t punish the cryptek for anything concrete. What concerned him more was his own reaction to the so-called punishments. What started as indifference, turned into confusion as Zaa not only retreated from his commander’s presence but had the gall to leave the command bridge with the pretext of needing cryptek Sekhnet’s council. It started grating on Amarku’s engrams seeing Zaa come back, with a jump in his step that wasn’t there before, and sparks dancing on his carapace. He tried not to be bothered by who his lieutenant wished to spend his time off with him. He hid his irritation under the pretext of Zaa leaving while on duty.
It is a bit all over the place, but this is why it is a WIP
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toldentops-fr · 4 years
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It’s so hard picking favorites and I probably have more but here’s some of my clan highlights!
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littleleeeloo · 5 years
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Inktober Day 17 2019 Original Character: Nepherus | D&D Sorcerer Watercolor: Sap Green (and other colors)
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segersgia · 3 years
Gonna say Warhammer 40K because I'd like to learn more about it from someone who, going off their blog, appears to be a fan.
Oof, this is going to be a rather difficult one...
See Warhammer 40k has... like... a lot of characters. And I mean a LOT of characters; I'm most definitely not the authority on what you would consider good 40k characters. There are like thousands of books...
Favourite Character:
Warboss Grimskull:
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This guy is the reason I first became enamoured by the 40k scene. This loud, obnoxious Ork who shouts abuse at you during your stroll through Warhammer 40.000 Space Marine. All he just wants to do is steal a giant mech.
Second Favourite Character:
Nemesor Amarkun the Gatherer of the Nepheru Dynasty:
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You don't really see people in 40k give their enemies a chance to surrender or flee. Necrons are most definitely not known for their mercy.
I really wish he gets a mention in the canon, outside of the game he was in.
Least Favourite Character:
Lukas the Trickster:
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This guy is the epitome of everything I hate about Dudebro culture. He is the "Rebel" within a chapter of space marines known for their rebelliousness.
It is also kind of annoying that his main claim to fame is that he was a "Beast in bed". I am very suspicious of anyone that has Lukas as their favourite, because I just know that that little bit of trivia is the sole reason for it.
The character I’m most like:
This Nurgling:
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Seriously though... If I or someone else ever relates to anyone in 40k, send help. 40k is filled with murderous lunatics and should not be relatable.
Favourite Pairing:
Ciaphas Cain & Amberley Vail:
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(Artwork by Lutherniel on deviantart https://www.deviantart.com/lutherniel)
Not much romance going on in the Grim 41st Millenium, but atleast these two seem to have a healthy relationship going on.
Least Favourite Pairing:
Roboute Guilliman and Yvraine:
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There is no Chemistry, there is not even a friendship. Both are using each other for the gain of their respective faction. There isn't even canonically anything going on. It is just people self-inserting themselves Guilliman while thirsting after Yvraine.
Favourite Moment:
The Octarius War:
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An inquisitor thought it was a good idea to pit the all consuming cosmic horror called the Tyranids, against the almighty Ork Empire of Octarius.
He didn't realise that a fight between two factions that thrive on conflict, would not weaken both sides. It in fact strengthened both sides so much that the end result will cause uncountable suffering to humanity.
The Tyranids have won this conflict recently ;)
Rating out of 10:
Games Workshop, please just give Space Dwarfs instead of 50 books about Space Marines...
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anibunnyart · 7 years
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From left to right: Wilhelm, Sylara, and Nepheru.
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sixtyse7en · 4 years
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Petey Rex & Pennie Lu, gen 1; Shadoe Jax & Jennie Poe, gen 2; Zionius Max | Nepherus Zak | Zyphoid Jet, gen 3. We have a 7-Chihuahua, three generation family 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶 🐱 2020-11-02 https://www.instagram.com/p/CHGhtmmBuzn/?igshid=qnvkzahwfdvy
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anigraham · 7 years
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When you don’t like Vivec, but end up becoming his champion anyway.
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anigraham · 7 years
Stole this because I can. Do it if you wanna.
Going with my ESO crew who I am imagining are all in the same room.
1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME?: Wil: Wilhelm the Unbreakable. Sylara: Sylara! Nepheru: Nepheru Ashamairan.
2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME?:  Sylara: . . .What? Wil: Wilhelm. Nepheru:  Nepheru Ashamairan.
3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT? :  Sylara: . . .What? Nepheru: Ashamairan is a family name.  I have never been curious enough to inquire about my personal name, no. Wil: It all began as me being the undefeated wrestling champion of the area I grew up in.  No one could take me down.  So that turned into a competition to knock me down by any means imagined.  No one could do that.  They described me as a wall and eventually as unbreakable.  I then became Wilhelm the Unbreakable. Sylara:  . . .What?  Really?!
4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN?:  Nepheru & Wil: Single. Sylara: I am currently unavailable due to my relationship with Queen Ayrenn.  I think we are just waiting for things to settle down before taking our relationship another step forward. Nepheru: You cannot be serious. Sylara: She practically proposed to me!
5. WHAT ARE YOUR POWERS AND ABILITIES?: Nepheru: Ice and nature magic.  I enjoy manipulating both of these energies. Sylara: I can steal energy and health from people. . .and then I stab them.  A lot. Wil: I’m a Nord.  I have a shield and a sword. I hit things with them.  Sometimes I’ll use a big hammer instead.
6. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES?:  Nepheru and Sylara: Red. Wil: Green.
7. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR?:  Nepheru and Wil: No. Sylara: An attempt was once made. It didn’t go well. There was a terrible mess!
8. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY MEMBERS?: Wil: My sister and her wife and their little brat child. Sylara: My oldest sister is part of the Eyes of the Queen and my youngest sister still lives and helps my father in Valenwood!  We are all very close even if we don’t get to see each other as often anymore. Nepheru: They are no longer living.
9. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: Wil: No. Sylara: YES! Mimi my kitty follows me and keeps me company. And then I have my wolf, Fiddlestick.  I feel weird calling them “pets” though. They are more like animal companions!  They’re my friends. Nepheru: *Chuckling* Yes, but I’m a little embarrassed to say. 
10. TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE:  Wil: Wine.  It tastes terrible.  Life is too short to drink terrible tasting juice.  I don’t care if it can get you drunk.  You should enjoy what you are drinking. Sylara: I HATE THE COLD. It’s awful. Why would anyone be willing to live somewhere with snow?!  It hurts. You can’t breathe. It’s terrible. Nepheru: Answering this question. Sylara: I am getting the sense that you have a lot of hate inside of you for a lot of things. Nepheru: Can you sense the hate I am feeling toward you right now? Sylara: . . .
11. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME?:  Sylara: I dabble in leather crafting and wood working, but I am a master alchemist. I travel in search of ingredients and bring them back to Valenwood to help my people.  Everyone can rest assured that my work doesn’t hurt the Green! Nepheru: I love reading.  I love exploring.  I really love just being out in the world. Wil: I’m good at drinking.
13. HAVE YOU EVER… KILLED ANYONE?:  Sylara: Of course. Wil: ...Have you ever eaten anyone you killed? Sylara: Of course.
14. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU?: Nepheru: Mer? Sylara: . . .What? Wil: *Nodding* A frost troll.  Sylara: . . . . . .What?
15. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS.: Nepheru: *Amused* Let’s just say I am not good at upholding proper etiquette when in the presence of certain people.  So probably most bad habits you can associate with not caring is a habit I have. Wil: I chew on my facial hair. My sister would nag me about eating with my mouth open, but who cares? Sylara: I don’t have any bad habits!
16. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE?: Wil: He’s no longer with us, but my father. Nepheru: Not really. I mean. I don’t know. I only vaguely knew him, but. . .never mind.  I don’t feel like explaining it. Sylara; THE QUEEN! And Am-aril, Cariel, Razum-Dar (even if he’s mad at me), Shazah, The Silvenar, the Green Lady, Aranias, Gelthior, my mother, my father, Lyris-- Wil: Okay, stop.  
17. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL?:  Wil: Straight. Nepheru: *Shrug* Sylara: I’m Ayrenn-sexual. Wil & Nepheru: . . .
18. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY?: Wil: I’m too old for that. Nepheru: *Shrug* Sylara: I’m going to marry the Queen.  I don’t know if she wants children.  Probably should have children.  I want children.  I want lots of children!  I want a BIG family!  How would that work, though?  I guess we will have to adopt a lot of kids. . .
19. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS?:  Wil: *Proud* When I was younger I did.  You could say I was a bit popular with the women.  Maybe even with a few men. Sylara: Does my little sister and her friends count? Nepheru: Huh?
21. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF?:  Wil: I’m not afraid of anything! Nepheru: When your worst nightmare happens to you, you find yourself no longer fearing things anymore. Sylara: . . . . . . . .I don’t want to talk about it. Please don’t make me talk about it.
22. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR?: Wil: Um.  My armor? Nepheru: Scale armor with some leather armor. Sylara: A really cute crop top and some leather pants.  I like to wrap up my arms, hands, and feet as I find it easier to climb in and I like feeling the earth with my feet!  And I like to wear bones and oh!  My helmet is really poofy it’s fun.  
23. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE?:  Wil: Miss mead and ale. Nepheru: No. Sylara: The Queen!
24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU?:  Wil: Dragon Knight. Nepheru: Warden. Sylara: Nightblade!
25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE?: Wil: I have a few really close friends! And there is a guy who follows me around. . . Nepheru: I usually keep to myself.  But there are some people who I can feel I can rely on if I needed to and who I trust. Sylara: I have a lot of friends! There’s the Queen, Am-aril, Cariel, Shazah, the Silvenar, Aranias, Lyris, Abnur-- Wil: You do not have to name them all!
26. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE?:  Wil: My sister makes really good pies. I’m not obsessed with pies like some people though. Sylara: THEY’RE GROSS. Nepheru: There are meat pies. . . Sylara: WASTE OF MEAT.
27. FAVORITE DRINK?:  Nepheru: I like teas. Wil: Honey Lager, Bravil Mead, or Honeyhips Brown Ale. Sylara: Waaaater?
29. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE?: Sylara: Valenwood! Wil: A tavern. Nepheru: *Frustrated noises* 
30. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE?:  Wil: I’m too old for that. Nepheru: No. Sylara: The Queen.
31. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN?: Nepheru: I just rather not. Sylara: Ooo! A lake.  So calm and refreshing. Wil: The ocean. I think. 
33. WHAT’S YOUR ‘TYPE’?:  Wil: When I was younger I found myself attracted to very strong and bold women.  Someone not afraid to give you a piece of her mind.  Also had to be a woman who knew how to handle a sword. Nepheru: Well to start, they would need to have a pulse. . .but I have honestly never given it much thought. Sylara: THE QUEEN. Nepheru: Okay, pretend that Ayrenn and you aren’t a “thing” how would you answer? Sylara: Oh! Someone really fun and confident. And playful! Someone cute like me.
34. CAMPING, OR INDOORS?:  Sylara: Outdoors! Nepheru: Camping. Wil: *Shrug* I’m comfortable wherever. I guess I would prefer the indoors.  I mean a real bed is nice.
35. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM LIFE?  Wil: Ale and mead. Nepheru: At this point, I really don’t know.   Sylara: I want a big family and for everyone to live in peace and harmony and for everyone to be happy.  *Nodding*
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anigraham · 7 years
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A subtle color change, but I like it~
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anigraham · 7 years
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You gotta be quick on the screenshot button in those high traffic areas.
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anigraham · 7 years
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anigraham · 7 years
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anigraham · 7 years
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anigraham · 7 years
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Nepheru just accepts the fact that Shrieky will always get the pillow. Just look how territorial he is of it~
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sixtyse7en · 5 years
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the ineffable Mister Nepherus Zak with his Diddy (me) in the director's seat 🐶♥️🎩 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4GnphVAx0t/?igshid=1xgx3xuk3gx4b
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