kylapon · 6 days
Next episode or down time episode of mythos & magic, has to be something that gets the party to reconcile with Markos or sad turn Markos leaves officially. I don’t want him to leave but with how hurt a betrayal of trust this was i wouldn’t blame him.
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kylapon · 6 days
ALSO I just gotta say that I LOVE the concept of God Games taking place in a coliseum with a bunch of gods and different creatures watching. Massive kudos to whoever had this idea, whether it was Jay or any of the artists that animated this song.
Not sure if I'll ever make God Games but I just had to doodle this concept that I love so much
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from left to right the gods are
Dionysus, Hades, Artemis, Aeolus, and Hermes
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kylapon · 9 days
I see Viviana harass gaverin or sylph, and the other helps them out of the situation. Mostly I see sylph get attacked cause hummingbird.
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kylapon · 11 days
Oh boy yeah I don’t want to think of the war path mal would be on.
been thinking about snake brothers all day. do you have any idea of how fucked mal would be if peri wasn't around. i almost put don't threaten me with a good time on his playlist and then went "nah peri being there indirectly keeps him from getting this bad"
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kylapon · 11 days
I’m gonna cry this was so sweet.
So... Uh- I may have had Mythos & Magic thoughts-
*drops tiny headcanon/fic of what I think happened while leaving the labyrinth*
Spoilers for today's Mythos & Magic session 9/8/24
Mark almost wanted to cry when learning that his friends, his party- *𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢* has been lying to him since they first met.. He understood why- and didn't blame them for not telling him,
He wasn't angry that they never said anything, he could never be angry at them.. (Not for this at least)
If anything, beneath the shock- he felt grateful that they told him.. he just felt like an idiot for not putting the pieces together.. of course none of them were human.. For crying out loud- Arlos and Champion even had the same voice!
He held back his tears, not wanting to make his loved ones feel bad, but the sting and the pain of realizing that Arlos- the guy he had been crushing on and wanting to get to know- 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚜𝚎 𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍..
Mark held back his tears, not wanting for Arlos- Champion? Whoever he was to see him cry.. Not wanting 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 to see him cry..
Walking behind everyone else, Markos allowed himself to let out a few quiet tears, he let himself hate the fact that he was being an idiot for- gods know how long...
When Mark had wiped away the tears, he noticed Arlos looking back at him. Everyone engrossed in their own conversation or healing whatever wounds they had left to realize the human- (𝚝𝚑𝚎 *𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢* 𝚑𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗) was walking slower than them..
Mark could feel his legs turn to jelly, and he stopped, watching as everyone else walked ahead..
Except.. For Arlos, Who stopped just a moment after Mark had.
The pair watched as everyone slowly walked ahead, while he and Arlos stood for a moment just.. staring at each other
Arlos opened his mouth a few times, seemingly wanting to say *something* but not knowing how- so instead, held out a hand.
Mark couldn't help the few tears that fell as he took Arlos's hand. He tried to say something- only for Arlos to pull him into a hug.
Despite how much he felt like an idiot- Mark hugged him back, squeezing as tight as he could- trying to convey without words that he wasn't upset at them, and that he just wanted them to stop lying...
Barely speaking above a whisper- Mark asked if they would tell him everything from now on... Only for Arlos to quickly nod his head, and carefully bury it in Marks shoulder.
"Everything.. I promise..."
Mark couldn't help but believe him.
It may seem foolish, but Mark believed them without a second thought..
"I'll explain everything that's mine to share.. If you're still...wanting to go get dinner?"
Mark let out a small laugh, and quickly nodded "I-I think I'd love that.."
The pair ended up letting each other go, but keeping their hands intertwined as they caught up to the party.
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kylapon · 11 days
So see that.
having mal and peri thoughts again ; I think, pretty much the whole time they were walking back out, peri was really shaky but also had that kind "dont touch me right now" vibe about him - and I think while everyone was respecting that, Mal was absolutely hovering right next to him keeping up a short conversation just in case he started to zone out ; at some point they ending up kinda hooking their pinkies togther for comfort . (and at some point peri was leaning very heavily into her because you know . dying + funky oracle dream isn't- fun, and probably makes it very hard to feel- real for a while after. or something)
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kylapon · 11 days
Headcannon for Arlos’s backstory: (cause I haven’t done them yet)
He was apart of a large herd of centaur, that was actually really peaceful and traded often with humans, but one day something started hunting them. And to stay safe members were chosen to leave the herd voluntarily. Arlos being one. He holds no ill toward his people, and is why he’s still so kind to others.
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kylapon · 20 days
Just had a bad thought/theory/headcannon (don’t know what to call it.:
Markos is going to be hurt bad enough the group need to let out their true forms to fight properly. But that will either scare him bad, or extremely confuse him.
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kylapon · 24 days
Mythos and magic theory:
Rai was kicked out of his flock for not wanting to hurt passing by human travelers. And Arlos is the one who found him bloody and beaten. The two had traveled together for a while before meeting the snake siblings. Hence why Rai is so comfortable sharing a nest with Arlos.
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kylapon · 24 days
Mythos and magic headcannon:
Mal will lean his head to pari whenever a particularly hard vision hits cause it can cause pain to pari. Mal does this to show concern and wishing they could take the pain away but knows they can’t.
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kylapon · 1 month
Howdy tumblr… what’d’y’all know about cowpokes in these here parts… 👀
Specifically those officially appearing on the upcoming Wild West SMP!!! Introducing the first look at Connor W. Hare ✨
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kylapon · 1 month
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Darius being overprotective when Hunter is being overworked at the castle
Please reblog, don’t repost :)
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kylapon · 1 month
I’m so normal about Io. They’re just changing from evil vampire bird wants revenge to all I want is friends I feel I can trust… anyone else see this not going great for them? Cause I see an infighting happening with Percy before Dawn can pull them apart. But I think that’ll cause damage or at best confusion for Io to make them stop and listen.
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kylapon · 1 month
Theory on what the snake bros in mythos and magic campaigns backstory is: the siblings are the last survivors of their clan of Gorgons. Mal was assigned as the protector for Peri when he was born, when it was found out he was “blessed” to be an oracle. So at first Mal didn’t like not being like siblings and felt like a babysitter for their younger siblings. But when their home was attacked it changed to must keep him safe hoping someone in the clan was alive. This made Mal very snappy at new people at first, (since they wouldn’t have the rings yet. Then they met Rai and Arlos. Who Peri was a fan of immediately. Finally having others to rely on Mal could let his guard down and trust others, but now needing an outlit realized they had a pension for shiny things.
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kylapon · 1 month
lol thank you heyhay and greendm for this~
this is what happened in that scene right?
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[The text post reads "you and your dreadful little polycule havent seen the last of me"]
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kylapon · 1 month
demiromantic rune ventura and asexual vast cadere <3
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kylapon · 1 month
*grabs tail feathers gently* no let vast have her moment with rune. I’m sure we’ll get to see her when she gets back.- Kyle holding a lapis
Did u also see Vast in her new dress today!? She's so prebby ✨3
-Percy, holding a blue orchid
O•O mama got a new dress!?
I gotta go find the ✨prettiness✨
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