neonovember · 6 months
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thoughts of bucky and sarah have been rattling in my brain for too long. no i cant start a new series, yes i will consume every single crumb they give us of them. (i mean just look at our man, he needs her).
bucky barnes x sarah wilson
Louisiana is sinking. That’s what Sarah thinks, as she drives back from St Orleans taking the road that winds up and twists into her home of Delacroix. Not the decadent blues that fall heavy on her tongue as she whispers along with the lyrical soundscape of her beloved home. Not the way the unrelenting sun beats heavy on her shoulders. And definitely not the head strong mass of muscle who’s surprisingly very good at playing hide and seek sleeping on her old beaten couch.
Yes, she is thinking about the future of Louisiana’s sinkage. That’s what she convinces herself, she has done the part of the dutiful civilian, using the god awful cartoon straws that turn to mush by the second sip, set up recycling boxes near the waste bin. Participated in local cleanups, followed the hashtags and discourse, the whole lot. So she is determined to put her mind to the near cataclysmic disaster of the climate warming.
But the drum of her fingers against her steering wheel lulls her back to dark curls and the open mouthed laughter of James.
Like a tide. Always.
@fleurdelouve my adoration for this ship!
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merlinswritings · 2 years
Criminal Attorney
@neowritings on IG {no reposts}
Hi, welcome (back) to my page! I felt like I want to have a crime theme in the future, with only crime-related posts! However, I am very impatient so here you have the first post!
Disclaimer: These are primarily based on the American justice system and random countries that give me the needed information! Please correct me (kindly) if I'm wrong or should add some things.
Trigger warning: crimes, anything related to crime and law
What is an attorney?
The word kind of has two meanings of the same.
An agent or someone authorized to act for another
A person who has been qualified by a state or Federal Court to provide legal services, including appearing in court.
While countries such as the US tend to classify all practitioners of law under the title of attorney, some countries have developed a tradition of creating titles that help to identify the era of expertise.
The type of legal services provided by an attorney varies, as many attorneys choose to focus their practice on a particular portion of the law
Ex: An attorney may choose to focus on criminal law, while another chooses to build a practice around family law.
The reason there are specializations of degrees is that it helps make it easier for clients to find the right lawyer who has the right knowledge that will prove helpful with a given set of circumstances.
What is criminal law?
Criminal law is a part of law that concerns crimes that are committed against the public authority. It's not the same as civil law, which involves crimes people commit against each other, not necessarily against the whole public.
Ex 1: Civil crimes are like suing your partner for cheating on you and wanting full custody of your child. Or suing a company for not giving the promised things. Ex 2: Criminal law is murder or robbery. It goes against the law. And although there is a specific victim, murder in general runs against the interest of the public.
Three broad types of crimes appear in the criminal code:
Misdemeanors: A crime less serious than a felony - petty, theft, prostitution, intoxication, simple assault, etc.
Felonies: A crime of high seriousness - murder, animal cruelty, tax invasion, robbery, battery, etc.
Treason: The crime of attacking a state of authority to which one owes allegiance - participating in a war against one's native country, (attempting) to overthrow the government, etc
Defense Attorney vs Prosecutor
What is a defense attorney?
A defense attorney is a lawyer who defends a person or business against criminal charges. There are two primary types of these professionals: civil defense attorneys and criminal defense attorneys. Civil defense attorneys represent clients who face fines due to non-criminal lawsuits. Criminal defense attorneys work for clients who may serve jail time if convicted.
What is a prosecutor?
A prosecutor is a lawyer and elected official that represents an individual or an entire body of citizens of jurisdiction when they press legal charges against a person or corporation. Prosecutors are responsible for charging the accused with specific crimes and presenting evidence for members of a jury to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused party is guilty. These professionals are public officers, meaning they represent the district attorney's office, an elected official responsible for criminal prosecutors within a jurisdiction who the government funds with public money.
Then what is the difference?
The difference is that the prosecutor is on the side of the government and the law. Their clients (often cops) have a case against the said-to-be guilty and try to convince the jury that they deserve a specific punishment (usually jail).
A defense attorney has to convince the jury that their client is in fact not guilty, even when they are they still have to make sure there will not be, or as minimal as possible, a punishment.
Criminal defense lawyer
what do they do? (duties)
Investigate the case and interview witnesses
Research case law, statutes, crime codes, and procedural law
Build a defense and develop a case stragety
Negotiate with the prosecution to plea a bargain to lesser charges
Draft, file, and argue motions such as motions to dismiss and motions to surpress
Advocate for the defendant at trual
Draft, file and argue appeals
Do they help the bad guys?
Defense lawyers get hired, they can choose not to do so but will miss out on lawyers. It can so happen they have to prove someone is not guilty, even if they are, and they might win. They also help innocent people from being put with the blame.
Education, Training, Certification:
Education: Like all lawyers, criminal lawyers will first need to complete a bachelor's degree, then get a law degree. Those two degrees typically take a total of 7 years to complete.
License: Criminal Attorneys must pass the bar examination in the state whoch they intend to practice.
Certification: Criminal lawyers earn a board certification from the National Board of Legal Specialty Certification (NBLSC). The NBLSC is a non-profit organization accredited by the American Bar Association to provide board certification for attorneys and is an outgrowth of the National Board of Trial Advocacy.
Skills needed:
Writing and speaking skills: Excellent oral and written advocacy skills in order to argue a client's case and pursuade the jury.
Research and investigative skills: Are important in building a client's case and establishing a strong defense.
Creative and analytical skills: Strong creative thinking and analytical skills to develop a legal strategy, analyze case law and litigate complex cases.
Legal knowledge and experience: In-depth understanding of state, federal, and local rules, court procedures, evidentiary laws, and local judges to navigate the criminal justice system efficiently and competently.
Interpersonal skills: Excellent interpersonal skills are necessary to build a strong client-attorney relationship. Criminal defendants are a finicky group who somethimes go through many lawyers before setting on one they like. Therefore, the ability to attract and retain clients is essential to thriving criminal defense practice.
Fun facts:
Criminal lawyers employed in law firms generally ern the highest salaries; experienced criminal attorneys can earn well into six figures. The highest-paid criminal lawyers are often those that represent high-profile, wealthy defendants in high-stakes cases.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the salary range for all attorneys, including criminal attorneys, is as follows:
Median Anual Salary: $120,910 ($58.13 /hour) Top 10% Anual Salary: More than $208,000 ($100 /hour) Bottom 10% Anual Salary: Less than $58,220($27.99 /hour) Public Defender and Non-Profit Salaries are usually modest (the $30,000 - $50,000 range is common).
Costs: Costs of legal representation depend on the bureau they work for, or if they are freenlancers. It can even depend on how many cases they have won. Some go by the hour (expect above the $150,- an hour.) and some by a fixed or set fee (will depend on the outcome mostly). Note that you will make a lot of hours with them.
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nanasarea · 4 years
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𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵: In a world where soulmates can visit each other in their dreams and can only remember the dreams once they found each other, what happens when you’re disappointed at the man of your dreams?
𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: angst and fluff
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: reader x Jaemin
𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 1.6k
𝘢/𝘯: please tell me what y'all think of the series so far!!
𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵  𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵  𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
Tag list: @keiboo @minavenue​ 
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“You get so much more surly when you drink, do you know that?” Chenle asked as he watched Jaemin chug another drink down. 
“I am not surly!” Jaemin yelled before sitting down next to Chenle and resting his head on his shoulder. 
“How do you smell so much like tequila? You hate tequila.” Chenle sighed.
“Is he always like this?” Jisung asked, chuckling at the interaction in front of him. 
“Most of the time, yes.” Chenle answered. “Thanks for keeping me company, I couldn’t handle taking care of him by myself.” He added.
“No problem. Besides, I like scolding my friends once they get sober again, it intensifies the nagging.” Jisung joked. “Huh, smart.” Chenle said as he continued to down his drink.
“What about your girlfriend?” Chenle asked, making Jisung both confused and amused. 
“Girlfriend? First of all, what part of me made you think I was straight so I can change it immediately.” Jisung laughed and took a sip from his cup. “Second of all, if you’re referring to Patrick, that’s my younger cousin and she caught a ride home with a friend, she still has a curfew.” Jisung explained.
“Oh, sorry, man, should’ve guessed from your cuffed jeans.” Chenle joked.
 “And? Do you also listen to boy in blue? Or whatever the equivalent to do you listen to girl in red is.” Jisung asked. 
“Indeed, I am the gay.” Chenle said, raising his cup. “And we shall drink to that!” Jisung announced, so they both drank before Jisung took a seat next to Chenle.
“Do you ever wonder like.” As Jisung looked at Chenle, he saw him looking at the abyss with a calm expression. “Why do we urinate?” Chenle asked, turning to face Jisung, who only stared at him in disbelief.
“Are you really that drunk?” Jisung laughed, causing Chenle to shake his hand as he joined in on the laughter. 
“Then you must have a fever!” Jisung joked, placing his hand on Chenle’s forehead to check his temperature as a joke. They both laughed as Jisung took his hand away before they realised that both of their marks were fading.
“Wait-“ Chenle said, looking at Jisung’s hand, his hand shooting up to feel his forehead as he shifted his gaze onto Jisun, who just nodded, signalling that Chenle’s forehead mark has indeed faded and had been left with only the outline.
“Are we about to kiss right now?” Chenle asked, jokingly fixing his hair behind his ear. 
“Do you want us to?” Jisung asked in a serious tone, causing him to blush and slightly nod, giving Jisung the green light to close the gap between the two.
“Did you just Debby me?” Jisung asked, once he pulled away, his hand still on Chenle’s cheek, right before they both started laughing. 
“This might be the alcohol talking, but if you don’t go back to kissing me, I will extremely upset an-“ And with that, Chenle was cut off by Jisung kissing him again as Jaemin continued to drift off to sleep in the corner.
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As Jaemin stopped rubbing his eyes, he saw me walking towards the coffee machine. As I waited for my refill, I noticed him, shaking and curled up into a ball, his eyes red and puffy. 
“Hey.” I greeted, trying to use the softest voice possible. 
“Hey.” He greeted back, his voice cracking, making him clear his throat before making eye contact. “Guess you wanna wake up now?” He asked, making me chuckle.
“I might hate you, but I’m not gonna leave you to cry on your own.” I said, sitting down next to him.
“So, do you need comfort or do you wanna talk about it right now?” I asked, patting my shoulder, signalling him to rest his head on it.
“You sure you want to hear me cry about something so insignificant?” He chuckled, which made me place my hand on his knee. 
“You’ve heard me cry over literal spilled milk, I think we’re past that.”
“You want me to just listen?” I asked, to which he nodded while sniffling. 
“I wanted to make things right, but it's too late, isn’t it?” He asked, to which I just shook my head. 
“I’m just so use to people leaving and abandoning me, without even allowing us to have a normal conversation to sort things out. Plus, you know me. I have horrible social and communication skills, I didn’t have many friends growing up, and being an only child didn’t really help with that.” He said, trying to hold back his tears. 
“I grew up with my parents’ friends, which means I had to grow up faster, to be able to understand their conversations. I always thought it made me mature, which I have now figured out is just a fancy way of saying trauma, isn’t it?” He asked, tears rolling down his face occasionally.
“Yeah, I understand that, understand more than I care to admit.” “You too, huh?” I nodded, to which he finally smiled for second.
“I guess we’re not soulmates for nothing.” He chuckled. 
I rolled my eyes and slightly pushed him away in a playful manner before he stood up.
“Come on, while we’re still dreaming, let me buy you a drink or two to make up for being a dick tonight.” Jaemin said, extending his hand to pull me up.
“Tonight?” I asked, playfully. 
“I’ll buy you more for all of the other times I was a dick in our next dream.” He rolled his eyes. 
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dreamsafterhours · 3 years
long time no see
jeno: bananas have a radioactive isotope in them. to avoid a lethal dose of radiation, you must refrain from eating 600 bananas per second
jaemin: there goes my friday night
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neonacity · 3 years
Paubaya Chapter 2: Johnny x Reader
Paubaya (v) - a Filipino word which means to entrust something or someone to another; to give something away.
Pairing: Johnny x Reader
Themes: angst, single parent au
TW: cheating
Chapter 1
"I saw him." 
Doyoung looked up from his plate of food, a clueless expression on his face. The office cafeteria is busy as usual during lunch time, but I was far from being in the mood of joining the high energy around me. 
My best friend stopped mid-chew, a number of emotions passing over his features in a matter of seconds. There was shock, anger, and finally worry.
"Are you okay?"
I couldn't help but give a small tight smile at his reaction. This is reason number one why Kim Doyoung is my ride or die. I know he is dying to ask me a million questions and yet the first thing he does is to make sure I am okay. 
"I wasn't… but I'm doing better now. I was just shaken. He...met Jiwoo." 
Doyoung put down his chopsticks with a little bit more force on the table. 
I nodded. "I know, right?"
"Is Jiwoo okay?"
"Yes… I mean… he doesn't know who Johnny is." 
"But Johnny? Does he know who your boy is?" Doyoung asked, his eyes drilling down on me. 
I didn't answer. I simply stared at the untouched tray of food in front of me before slowly meeting Doyoung's heavy gaze. When our eyes locked, I could see my worries reflected on his. 
None of us needed to speak to express what we both know. Johnny doesn’t need any confirmation to know who Jiwoo is. Because every day I have to live through seeing his eye smile on my son's face and hearing his laugh from his giggles. 
One look is all it takes for him to know. 
I felt warmth cover my hand resting numbly on the table and looked down to see Doyoung's fingers tangling with mine. I gave them a gentle squeeze. 
"Everything is going to be alright…" 
I smiled weakly and gave him a small nod. 
"If you need anything, you know i'll always be here right?"
I gave a breathless laugh. "Of course… You're not Jiwoo's favorite uncle for nothing." 
That made him smile. 
"And because of that, I am going to buy the two of you ice cream later. Call?"
A soft laugh passed my lips.
"Mama, am I a bad boy?" 
I stopped mid-writing and looked at the boy in front of me in mild shock. He is currently playing with his lego blocks while I try to finish some of the paperworks I had to bring home for the weekend. My eyes quickly scoured his features to see if there was any distress there but he looked so calm even as he asked such a loaded question. 
"No honey… why are you asking?"
He was silent for a while as he assembled two blocks together. 
"Because my Papa didn't want me…"
My heart dropped to my stomach. I quickly pushed back the knot gathering on my throat and calmly put down my pen. Picking myself up from my side of the table, I moved over to his side and gently wrapped my arms around him.
"Did they tease you at daycare again…?"
He didn't say anything but I knew the answer. Mostly because this isn't the first time it has happened.
"My playmates all have Papas…"
I buried my face into the crook of his neck to gather myself. The last thing I want my son to see right now is his own mother breaking down in front of him. When I felt like I could finally string two words together, I gently moved him so that we were facing each other. He looked at me with his big brown eyes and I cupped his cheeks with my palms. 
"Look… You're not a bad boy. Not having a papa is not your fault, angel. In fact, Mama can't wish for a kinder, sweeter baby boy." 
"Is my Papa a bad person then?" 
I took a deep breath and shook my head slightly with a smile. 
"No honey, he isn't...Remember what I told you before about all of us having a happy place? You and me, our happy place is the same. It's just that, your papa has a different happy place so he has to be somewhere else…"
He slowly nodded, his eyes dropping to look at the lego block on his hands. How easy is it to feed him words that can make him hate his father? Sometimes, hatred is the easy way out to justify and answer things that are hard to talk about. But that's one route I'm never going to take because if there is one thing I promised myself when I became a mother, it is that I'll raise him in a place full only of love.
"I love me and Mama's happy place," he finally said with a small smile that showed the slight dimple on his left cheek. I ruffled his hair fondly. 
"You do, right? We have lots of people there too. Grandpa and Grandma, Uncle Doyoung…"
He nodded and I was relieved to see the light in his eyes showing up again. 
"Jiwoo loves all of them!"
"And they love you, too." 
He giggled and turned back to play with his toys once more. I watched my son's back, trying to settle down on the fact that I've survived just another day of what I'm sure is going to be many in the coming future. 
"Thank you for agreeing to meet me."
I stared at the dark liquid swirling in the untouched cup of coffee sitting in front of me. It's been almost half an hour since the waiter served it so I can assume it has gone cold and stale by now. I remained silent, refusing to meet the eyes of the man in front of me.
To be honest, I wasn't really at all surprised when I got the message from him. I have no idea what strings he pulled to get my contact, but I would be lying if I say I didn't expect to hear from him again. The accidental meeting at the park was brief, but it had obviously left a mark on him as I tried my best to excuse myself and Jiwoo from the situation that day. Of course, he still found a way to get to us… he always does.
Silence fell over us thickly like a suffocating blanket. I could feel his eyes on me, studying me, and I tried my best to put up my strongest facade to keep him from having a glimpse of what's going on inside my head. I could have easily said no to his invite—ignored it and move on—but I didn't want to live looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life. 
I don't deserve it. 
"How have you been doing?"
I lifted my eyes away from the table to look at him for the first time.
"Let's get to the point, Johnny. We both know you didn't ask me to come just to ask how I have been."
He pursed his lips and his Adam's apple bobbed as he processed my words. I could see his internal dilemma as he tried to find the best way to ask the question we both know is coming. 
"Your son… Is he. Is he mine?"
It's funny how I have always imagined this moment to happen in my head, each time having a different set of reaction from me. I've ran it again and again in my imagination that it was incredibly ironic how fast I was able to answer his question now.
"You fathered him. But he isn't yours. He is my son."
The look that passed his face was indescribable. It was like watching the four seasons come and go in a matter of seconds with the amout of emotions that played there. 
"Why—why didn't you tell me?"
"Why would I tell you? We were over when I found out about it." 
"Still, I had the right to—"
"You. Do NOT have the slightest right of access to anything about me and my son, Johnny. You removed yourself from that position."
I didn't even blink nor miss a heartbeat when I delivered those words. All those nights spent trying to put myself back together felt like a collective nightmare that has finally passed. For the first time since a long time, I felt really empowered.
Johnny remained silent in front of me, his eyes bearing all the unspoken things he probably couldn't manage to put into words at the moment. Here's the man I loved for a good part of my life staring back at me with the exact look I have always imagined him to have when this moment finally plays out. But I couldn't feel any sense of redemption. It just felt cathartic. 
"I would have wanted to be there for you. This was—he is my responsibility." 
That word made my calm resolve crack a bit. I slightly leaned over the table, my gaze burning against his. 
"I am more than just a responsibility, Johnny. I used to be the girl you loved until you decided that you wanted someone else. Even if I told you back then, would you have decided to stay?"
"Yes, I—"
"Yes, because you would feel like that is what you should do after knocking me up. You would have stayed out of your heroic sense of responsibility and not for anything else."
For the first time, a look of genuine pain took over his face. When he spoke again, I could feel it reflected openly in his words. 
"I loved you. There is nothing fake in that. I genuinely loved you."
His words made my heart stop. I could feel my resolve slowly breaking down but I gave my best to gather myself before my emotions took over. He must have noticed, because he leaned back, looking sorry for what he just said. 
"I know, Johnny. But you love her more. That's why you chose her." 
Years have passed since that day we had to face our truth in our old living room. Yet here we are again in the same situation, both a little bit older but still the same type of broken.
I was the first one who shattered the silence. 
"It took me such a long time to be happy for you so I hope you can respect my life right now. I really just want to live my life peacefully with my son. He is all I have."
He didn't answer. Still, I patiently waited, because this is the only reason why I decided to meet him in the first place. I need to know that I can live my life without worrying about him again. 
We both looked at the owner of the soft voice who stopped by our table. A woman stood smiling gently at us, her eyes moving between me and the man sitting in front of me. I have never seen her before, but one look at Johnny's face made me it clear to me about who she is. 
"Babe. What are you doing here?"
Sometimes, fate can just decide to be so unbelievably cruel to you.
"I was just about to get some coffee. I didn't know this is where you will be meeting your friend," she answered as she moved to look at me again with such an open and kind expression. 
I could see it. Why he chose her. 
I managed to smile as I picked myself up from my seat. I didn't hesitate to offer her my hand and my name which she both took warmly.
"It's nice to meet you. Johnny did mention that he is going to meet a friend. Where did you two connect?" 
It took me a few heartbeats before I could answer. 
"I'm just a college friend," I said with a smile. I could feel Johnny's heavy gaze on me. 
"Oh, it's so nice that you saw each other again then. I'm sorry I disturbed your get-together." 
"No. Not at all. I actually have to go. You came just right in time," I smiled back as I turned to grab my purse from my seat. I quickly threw a glance over Johnny's direction after giving his girlfriend a smile. 
"Well, it's nice seeing you again. I'll get going now." 
I have taken two steps when he called out to me once more. His voice sounded almost desperate and I knew it was taking him everything to keep his emotions in check. 
"Wait. What's his name?" 
I froze on my spot for a bit before slowly turning to look at him. His girlfriend looked at him curiously and slipped her hand in his as he waited for an answer.  
I smiled. 
Tag list: @suhpersonic, @minejungwoo, @jaehyunsbutthole
Chapter 3
Uh, I’m not sure if I missed anyone, but for those who want to be added to the tag list, just drop me a message! ❤
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your-world-with-nct · 4 years
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— happy valentines petals <3 (inspired by this tweet)
💌 • 9:17pm
every year, you always strived to go all out for husband!jaehyun’s birthday and valentines’ day, whether it was that one date at an expensive restaurant, the healing picnic and cute photoshoot you did at the park, or the surprise trip to paris where you proposed to him. however, due to the current situation and the safety restrictions, your options for his special day were very limited, which is why you resorted to a simple celebration and a homemade dinner at your place – just you, the love of your life, and some delicious food and drinks.
after finishing the delectable meal and a few glasses of your favourite wine, jaehyun picked out one of his favourite vinyls, placing it on the record player and letting the familiar melody of chet baker’s ‘i fall in love too easily’ float throughout the house.
approaching your figure on the couch and dragging you to stand up, his arms easily snaked around your waist as his hypnotising smile had you up in seconds. you didn’t know if it was the drinks, the music, the special occasion, or simply if it was jung jaehyun himself that had you melting into his arms in the middle of the living room, swaying from side to side with each piano chord.
jaehyun would be lying if he said that right now wasn’t one of his happiest moments, as the trumpet solo echoed through the room, he felt your head lean against his chest, right next to his erratic heartbeat.
even after years of being together, you still made his heart race like it did when he first saw you at the record store. he felt the corners of your mouth turn up as you noticed his heartbeat quicken at your touch, bringing his hand to caress your face, a face he’d become accustomed to seeing every day yet one he’d never get tired of.
“hey, jae?” you hummed, voice muffled as your face was pressed up against jaehyun’s shirt.
“yes, darling?” he replied, enamoured by the simplest things like your velvety voice and your drunken smile.
you leaned closer, cupping your hands around your mouth and whispering into your husband’s ear, “can i tell you a pick up line?”
a deep baritone laugh escaped from jaehyun, as he nodded to let you proceed, too intrigued by your question to stop you.
“so, do i know you? i feel like i’ve seen you around before?” you began, furrowing your eyebrows to feign confusion.
if there was a way to tell your heart to calm down, jaehyun would very much have liked to know the method at that moment, overwhelmed by your natural cuteness, “i’d hope so, we’re married, love.”
“no, no, no, shush, let me finish,” you smushed your hand against his soft lips, eyes widening when he planted a light peck on your fingers as you retracted your arm in shock.
the same deep chuckle returned, but jaehyun quickly cleared his throat and prompted you to continue once he saw your bottom lip jutting out, “okay, okay, go ahead, y/n.”
“hey, do i know you?”
“you already said that bit–”
“oh, no, wait, no,” you paused to gather your thoughts before gasping when you finally remembered, “you look really familiar... oh my god, you look like the man of my dreams!”
“aww, y/n, you cutie,” jaehyun cupped your face in his hand, squishing your cheeks and kissing your pouty lips, “i am that guy, darling, the one in your dreams.”
“woah, really?” the intoxication had you reacting to anything and everything with a child-like wonder that your lover couldn’t help but admire, grinning at your surprised expression.
“yes i am, and you’re everything i’ve ever dreamed of, you know that, right?” he subtly intertwined his fingers with yours, pressing a kiss to your knuckles, and flashing those irresistible dimples at you as he continued to move to the rhythm of the song.
“i didn’t know that, but i’m glad that i am, jae,” you poked at jaehyun’s dimples and gave him a cheeky smile, “no wonder the universe brought you here on valentines’ day, there had to be a reason why you’re the most lovable person i’ve ever met.”
as the music faded away in the background and the only sounds in the room were the beating of your entwined hearts and your peaceful breaths, the simplicity of the moment was what made it—and you—so beautiful in jaehyun’s eyes.
yes, he may be one to fall in love too easily, but he knew that he was never going to be fooled by you.
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yuta-nakamots · 4 years
Playing Games - n.yt
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Pairing - Frat Boy!Yuta x Reader
Genre - College!AU, Fluff, Smut, Slight Angst
Warnings - Safe sex, swearing, alcohol consumption
Summary - Yuta is a notorious frat boy known for sleeping around with tons of girls yet never getting into a relationship. You never would have thought you’d become entangled with him until fate ends up placing both of you in the same beginner guitar class during your spring semester.
Word Count - 11.2k
A/N - i do not condone or promote the behavior or fraternities or sororities, especially during COVID-19, read a bit about it here. i am simply writing about my own fantasy in my own ideal world. with that being said, please remember to wear your masks and stay safe out there. this one shot will be my first work with smut in it so i’m open to pretty much any and all feedback. special thank you to @neocitybynight​ for helping me work out some of the plot!
Tag List - @jisungismymom @jikooksgirl19 @jungcity @boiolay @yasmini24
Written for the Bingo Collab hosted by @legendnct​. Check out the masterlist here.
"Baby, I’m afraid to fall in love. ‘Cause what if it’s not reciprocated?” –  Pink Sweat$ - Honesty
“So won’t you say my name, say my name?”– summer walker - playing games
“Don’t follow me, you’ll end up in my arms” –  Joji - SLOW DANCING IN THE DARK
“Can you focus on me? Baby can you focus on me?”– H.E.R - focus
“Oh, how I love you. I just feel so lost without you.”–  McKay & Jeff Bernat - Angel 2 Me
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It’s the first day of your second semester of college and you’re starting to rethink your decision of signing up for Guitar 101 as you step into the classroom. You don’t remember what pushed you to add this course to your schedule other than the fact that it would knock off two off your graduation requirements, though surely there were other courses that could’ve done that as well.
You were quite the beginner to guitar, having only touched one maybe only a few times in your life and you were sure that you absolutely would not have ever thought about taking Guitar 101 if it wasn’t for your friend Mark, who had suggested it to you.
Mark is a sweet guy and you just so happened to have the pleasure of meeting last semester in your math class. He had walked in late on the first day and took the seat next to you as he muttered something about the campus being too big and not having building names displayed clearly.
Your friendship truly started the day he came in without any of his belongings, not even his backpack. “I, uh, woke up late and ran to class. Literally.” You could tell from the way sections of his hair were standing up and how his white t-shirt was inside out, but you didn’t tell him that.
“If it’s okay with you, can you send me your notes later?” He asked, his eyes resembling that of boba. Mark let out an audible sigh of relief when you agreed and handed him your phone to type in his number. As soon as he gave it back to you, you sent him a message to make sure he typed it correctly and it was at that moment that Mark realized, after a whole month of sitting next to you and occasionally working together, he had yet to remember your name.
‘Hey, this is y/n. Still can’t believe you forgot your backpack’
The two of you fit together like puzzle pieces and you always did your work together at any given opportunity, finding that two heads are definitely better than one when it came to calculus.  Sometimes working on projects together often led to you and Mark spending more time together and eventually leading both of your guys’ friends to speculate that you were dating, to which you insisted was not true.
Your friends seemed to understand and leave it be, though Mark’s friends were a whole different story. He was part of one of the newest frats on campus which had come to fame due to their good-looking members, not a single one of them falling even a hair short of having god-tier visuals. You recognized a few of them, having been to their frat house a couple of times to work on projects with Mark though most of them were older than you so it came as a surprise to you when you saw one of them in your beginner guitar class.
You didn’t know his name but he was easy to remember with his long black hair and his ever-changing fashion sense. Today, he resembled something out of a motorcycle magazine with his maroon leather jacket, black ripped jeans, and the bandana tied around his head.
You watched as he took a seat in the front of the room though you had enough sense to turn your attention back to the professor who had started class and was displaying a list of names with corresponding locker numbers that housed the guitar you’d be using.
Standing up with the rest of the class, you went to go find your own locker and let out a sigh of relief when you saw it was on the bottom row because that meant less effort to take it in and out rather than if you had one on the top row.
Right as you popped your lock open, a shadow was cast over you and you turned around to see Mark’s friend who was even more stunning up close. He flashed you a quick smile along with an apology as he moved to the side to give you more room and allow you to grab your guitar out from the locker.
You were just slightly irritated at the guy. People with good looks knew how to use them to their advantage and this man obviously knew what he was doing. Had he been sane, he could’ve just waited for you to get your stuff out before getting his own, but instead, he chose to tower over you as you were crouching down on the floor.
Your eyes followed his figure as he made his way back to his seat in the front of the room, sitting down in front of the professor and you rolled your eyes knowing that he’s going to have an ego as tall as a skyscraper.
Aside from your encounter with the nameless e-boy, your first class went pretty okay though you were already having a little trouble remembering which chords were which so you sent a text to Mark asking for tips. He responds a few minutes later with fingering charts and even offers to tutor you, which you gladly accept.
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You and Mark had appointed Wednesday afternoons and Sunday mornings as your lesson times and the first time you visit him is on the former. It was February so the weather was still quite cold though it wasn’t cold enough to make you regret not wearing a thicker jacket.
Before you could even text Mark that you’re outside the frat house, the door opens and he pulls you in, visibly shivering due to only being in a t-shirt and basketball shorts. “Not so Canadian are you, huh?” You joke at him, seeing the once thick-skinned boy now struggling to warm himself up as he practically ran up the stairs to his room.
You followed him up, greeting his roommate, Taeil, when you passed him in the hallway. Taeil was the oldest member of the frat and was set to graduate at the end of the semester. He had you absolutely fooled when you first met him. His personality reminded you of a golden meadow or a sunny beach but he was a total animal when it came to parties though Mark had told you that you’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg.
Having seen Taeil out in the hallway, you thought you and Mark would be the only ones in the room so you weren’t expecting to see the same guy from guitar class lying around on Mark’s bed. “Yuta, this is y/n, y/n meet Yuta.”
Yuta gave you that same smile you saw on the first day of class as he told Mark, “oh, I know her, she’s in my guitar class.”
“Dude, that’s so cool. You guys can work together on projects and the playing tests then. Man, that course would’ve been way more fun if I could play with someone I knew.” You shot Mark an awkward smile as if telling him to move on because you highly doubted that you’d ever want to work with Yuta, especially if his ego was as big as you thought it was. He’d call you out left and right for even the tiniest mistakes and you didn’t want to put yourself through that.
Mark cleared his throat while grabbing his guitar and handing it to you, and Taeil’s guitar to Yuta. “Yeah so, uh, anyway, I thought it would be better to teach you guys at the same time since you both are at the same level if that’s okay with you.” Mark’s question was obviously aimed towards you however Yuta answered first without any hesitation.
“Works for me.” Yuta looked over to you, strands of his white locks falling in front of his eyes though it didn’t dampen the intensity of his gaze in the slightest.
You didn’t exactly like the idea of playing with an audience, even if it was just Yuta. But if he was a beginner like you, then theoretically the playing field should be even. It was only because of this did you nod your head, telling Mark, “sure.”
Your first lesson with Mark consisted of his retaught both you and Yuta the fundamentals and basic chords you had already learned, making sure that your hands and fingers were placed the right way. Yuta, who was having a harder time than you, let out an exasperated sigh as he leaned back against the wall next to Mark’s bed while he ripped open a bag of gummy bears. “Whoever gets the fingerings right first gets a gummy bear.”
“Okay, bet.” Not really one for competition, you wanted to refuse his proposal, but this guy was really getting on your nerves. It was as if he had no interest yet all the passion in the world. And that’s aside from the fact that you simply wanted to continue showing him up and proving that you weren’t such a pushover and he can’t simply bend you to his will.
The three of you became so wrapped up in the competition that you didn’t even notice that you were supposed to leave to get to your last class of the day, which was now starting in five minutes. When you glanced over at the clock on Mark’s desk, you practically jumped out of your seat, “holy shit, I’m gonna be late to class.”
“I can drive you if you want.” Yuta offered.
“No, it’s okay, I’ll be fine.” You weren’t exactly lying but you weren’t entirely telling the truth as you declined him. It was an eight-minute walk away but you could probably make it in six if you did your Black Friday walk and surely your professor wouldn’t mind if you were just a minute late.
Mark helped you gather your belongings and held his door open for you. “Alright, see you y/n. I’ll set an alarm next time so we don’t forget.” He said with a slight laugh in his voice.
As you stepped out of the frat house, you just couldn’t stop your mind from wandering back to Yuta. He barely even knew you yet he had offered to drive you to class, even though your campus wasn’t particularly large. There was something about that man that made you want to run for your life but also just stop and stare at him all day.
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The second time you had a lesson with Mark is on a Sunday morning and you’re pleasantly surprised to see that Yuta is nowhere to be found as you set foot into Mark’s room. After placing your bag down next to Mark’s desk, you pick up Taeil’s guitar and join him on his bed while he quietly plays a song to himself.
“Yuta’s still knocked out from the party we had yesterday so I doubt he’ll be joining us.” Mark informed you, and his statement rang true as Yuta did not come in during all of the three hours you spent next to Mark, much to your relief. Instead, Taeil had come in, looking terribly hungover.
“Hey, what’s up man.” Is all Taeil got to say before rolling into his bed, putting in a single Airpod before falling asleep, much to both you and Mark’s amusement.
Mark had tried to teach you basic chord sequences and strumming patterns but your brain just wasn’t having it. He kept giggling at seeing you frustrated and you had to repeatedly tell him to shut up in fear of waking Taeil so eventually both of you decided to call it a day as you put the guitars back on their stands.
You got back onto the bed next to Mark as both of you played on your phones for a bit before he turned his off and turned to talk to you. “Hey, y/n, so the guys are throwing this party next week Saturday and I was wondering if you’d want to come.”
“Next Saturday...Valentine’s Day?” You ask as you check your calendar on your phone.
“Yeah. You don’t have to though if you already have other plans.” Mark blurted out.
You laughed at the thought of actually going on a date on Valentine’s Day. “Didn’t have any plans besides ordering take-out and watching Netflix.”
Mark laughed along with you. “So is that a yes?”
“Do you wanna sleepover too since you’re gonna be here on Sunday morning anyway?” You raised an eyebrow at Mark, wondering if he was actually serious.
“Sounds convenient but then where are you gonna sleep?” You countered.
“Uh, in Taeil’s bed.” Mark said, the gears in his head almost visibly turning.
“And where is he going to sleep?” You ask, not wanting to cause the kind senior any extra stress from having to deal with Mark as a roommate on top of his impending graduation.
Mark reached up and scratched the back of his head. “I don’t know, probably somewhere on the floor downstairs.” Your eyes grew wide at his statement. “Okay wait, before you yell at me, Taeil always gets too hammered to make it back up to the room until like, Sunday afternoon as you clearly just saw.” He explained, gesturing to his sleeping body on the other side of the room.
“Okay, then. But if he gets mad, it’s your fault, your idea, not mine.”
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By the time Valentine’s Day came around, you were more than ready for it to end, having been annoyed by all the lovey-dovey advertisement and the couples posting on Instagram and holding hands and kissing wherever you went. You had always heard that love finds its way to those who are least expecting it, which is why you gave up the thought of ever pining over a guy who was likely to reject you anyway. Though, sure enough, love really did find a way of messing with your life in more than one way.
When you arrived at the party, you had first gone up to Mark’s room to drop off your bag that held your change of clothes and personal hygiene supplies. You don’t know what you were expecting to see when you entered his room, but you certainly weren’t expecting to see Mark’s bare ass while he was fucking into a girl in his bed, the same bed you were supposed to sleep in at the end of the night. “Oh, shit, fuck, sorry y/n, can you just uh, come back in a bit-”
You were pretty sure you were just as embarrassed as Mark, shouting “alright, have fun dude” as you closed the door. You turned around to search for somewhere else to go, pondering on the idea of just going back to your dorm after the party and walked right into Taeil.
“Should I not go in there?” He asked, having seen the way you backed out of the room and closed the door.
“Not unless you wanna see Mark’s butt.”
“Eh, I see it from time to time, can’t be any worse than usual.”
“Taeil, no” you exclaim, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him away before he could open the door.
“Oh, you mean to see his butt while he’s doing that kind of thing, I get it now.” He said with a playful glint in his eyes. “Were you planning on sleeping over?” He asked, having noticed the duffel bag hanging from your shoulder.
You let out a sigh before answering. “Yeah, I was gonna sleep in Mark’s bed and he was gonna sleep in yours since he said you apparently get too fucked up to make it back to the room.” At which Taeil laughs as he nodded his head, acknowledging the statement.
“He’s certainly not wrong,” Taeil confirmed, “did you want to put that down somewhere? I can let you keep it in our lounge room during the party. It’s a members-only room so you can just ask one of the guys to open it for you later in case I’m already out.”
You can’t help but giggle at Taeil’s joke as you accept his offer, following him down the hallway to a door where he punches in some numbers onto a keypad before opening it. Your jaw dropped when you looked inside, being met with a huge U-shaped couch facing the back wall where a large TV was mounted. “What do you guys even do in here?”
“Usually just gaming, sometimes watching big sports matches. Just normal guys stuff. We agreed to no sex, drugs, or alcohol in here so it’s like a safe room of sorts I guess.” Taeil explained to you.
“Huh, didn’t think you guys would have something like this.” You told him as you placed your duffle bag against the wall near the door.
“Frat life isn’t just all about getting high and drunk you know, y/n,” he said, playfully scoffing at you, “but speaking of, would you like to get a drink downstairs?” You nod your head before walking alongside Taeil as he places an arm around your shoulders, guiding you down to the party.
As you pass by Mark’s room along the way to the stairs, both you and Taeil share a laugh as you could hear the faint noises of sex through the door, though you really just wanted to erase the image of Mark’s ass from your head. Taeil seems to understand this much as he takes you to the kitchen and tells Doyoung, the frat’s resident entrepreneur with a side hobby for mixology, to get you something strong.
You’ve met Doyoung a couple of times, though you only exchanged short greetings since you were always doing something with Mark. “Where’s your boyfriend?” He inquired.
“Oh, we’re not dating. He’s in his room though.”
“Sure seems like you’re dating. Why isn’t he here with you?”
Taeil responds, saving you from having to explain to Doyoung. “He’s getting lucky with some other girl.”
Doyoung’s eyes go wide as he responds, “that’s a first for him.”
You were about to ask what he meant by that but you’re interrupted by loud yells coming from the living room, causing you to turn around and see what was going on. You spot Yuta standing up on the makeshift DJ booth in the corner of the room with Johnny, who you recognized as your TA in your English class, as he grabbed the microphone and shouted “let’s get fucking drunk” before Johnny could manage to yank it out of his grasp and turn it off.
“What’s with that guy?” You mumble to yourself, not really expecting Doyoung to overhear you.
“Oh, Yuta? He’s just like that sometimes.” Doyoung states, shrugging his shoulders as he wiped the kitchen counter with a towel. “He’s that one friend who does really questionable things but you can’t get rid of them because deep down they’re actually pretty nice.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “You think he’s nice?”
“He is once you get to know him.”
You look at Taeil for reaffirmation only to find that said man is long gone, the only evidence of him ever being there is his yellow phone left lying on the counter next to Doyoung’s own drink. “I’ve gotten to know him and I wouldn’t say he’s nice, per se.”
Doyoung shakes his head at you, “you just haven’t cracked him open yet.”
“Why do you talk as if he’s an egg or something?” You joke laughing to yourself and watching as Doyoung fights back a smile.
“He is, in a sense. He’s got a tougher exterior along with his own inner issues that come tumbling out once he trusts you.”
Doyoung hums in thought before speaking. “I’m not gonna say too much because it’s his life and his own story to tell, but let me just ask you this one question. Don’t you ever wonder why he constantly sleeps around with girls yet never gets into a relationship with any of them?”
You ponder on the question before asking one back. “So are the rumors true?” Yuta’s reputation did precede him and you had, in fact, heard from other girls who had their own stories and adventures with Yuta but you didn’t necessarily believe them completely, not wanting to assume anything about Yuta.
“Some, not all...but yes, most of the ones I have heard were true, but maybe that’s just because people know I live with him so there’s no sense in trying to lie around me.” Doyoung responds to which you nod your head, acknowledging the accuracy behind his statement.
Three shots later of whatever Doyoung was making you, you were already starting to feel hot and lightheaded so you went back upstairs, as per Doyoung’s advice, and made your way to Mark’s room hoping he’d be done by now. You cracked his door open and peeked around it, grumbling to yourself as you saw your best friend and the same girl from earlier wrapped up in his blanket. You weren’t too sure where you were going to sleep tonight and you weren’t too keen on walking back to your dorm this late at night, especially when you were already starting to feel tipsy.
Closing the door quietly, not wanting to disturb the two people inside, you step away from the room, only to run into someone behind you. You spun around, ready to apologize until you realized who it was. Yuta, a quite drunk Yuta too.
“Taeil told me Mark got lucky-” he stopped to hiccup, “but I didn’t fully believe it so I came to-” he hiccuped again, “see for myself, but I think your action speak-” he reached up to briefly rub his eyes, “louder than words” he finished, letting out a yawn at the end. “Need somewhere to stay?”
“How did you know I was sleeping over?” You ask, wary of the man and his intentions.
He waves his hands as if dismissing your preconceived notions. “Taeil told me that too. Makes sense anyway since you’re here on Sunday’s as well.”
You sighed, not wanting to let yourself give in to Yuta yet again and give him another thing to hold over you, but it wasn’t as if you had many other options. “Taeil let me leave my bag in the lounge, can you unlock the door for me? I think I’ll just ask Doyoung to drive me back to my dorm or something.”
Yuta hummed as he grabbed your wrist and led you down the hallway to the lounge. He unlocked the door for you and held it open, but once both of you were inside, he closed the door behind him and turned on the mood lighting and watched as the room began to glow purple.
You picked up your bag as Yuta threw himself over the backrest of the sofa and tumbled onto the cushions. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re beautiful?”
“Well, yeah?” You stuttered, taken aback by his sudden comment.
“Damn, I wanted to be the first.”
“Okay?” You said, questioning his antics as Doyoung’s words floated through your head about Yuta and his trysts with girls, not wanting to become another victim.
As if Yuta could hear you thinking, he sat up and peered over the couch just enough to make eye contact with you, his eyes mischievously shining in the low lighting. “Were you gonna sleep with Mark?” He asked, raising his eyebrow suggestively.
“What? No,” you exclaim, “he’s my best friend, I would never do that.”
“Not like that you sicko,” Yuta said as he chuckled at your flustered state.
“Oh,” realization dawning upon you, “uh, yeah, I was planning to just sleep in his bed and he was gonna take Taeil’s but now I’m pretty sure that’s not happening tonight.”
“You can stay in my room if you want.” Now it was your turn to raise a suggestive eyebrow at him. “No, it’s not what you’re thinking. My roommate is away in China so his side is open. You can sleep in my bed if you’re not comfortable being in a stranger’s bed.” You were surprised he made it through such a long statement without any hiccups.
“Uh, thanks, I guess I’ll take you up on that offer.” You say, finally unrooting yourself from the floor and making your way towards the door.
Yuta begins haphazardly pulling himself over the back of the couch seeing as how you were ready to leave the room. “I’ll show you to the bathroom.” He would’ve face planted straight into the floor if it weren’t for you standing right in his path of destruction, barely catching him before he nearly sent both of you to the ground. “Sorry” he giggled as he regained his balance and pushed open the door.
You couldn’t mistake the way his body felt against yours, how warm and comforting it was. He smelled nice too, which was odd for someone who partied like an animal and lived with god knows how many other guys. You shook yourself out of your thoughts and grabbed your bag, following Yuta out of the lounge.
He led you to the bathroom and instructed you on how to use the shower and lock the door before telling you how to get to his room once you were done. The bathroom was surprisingly neat but you were sure it was thanks to Doyoung and Taeyong, the only two people you thought had their heads on straight in this house. Even if you had only briefly met both of them, it was enough to let you know that those men were the reason why the house somehow looked presentable within just a few hours after a raging party.
You showered quickly, the effect of Doyoung’s drinks really hitting you now, making you want to just pass out. Once you were done showering you threw on one of Mark’s shirts that you had previously stolen, intending on giving it back to him tonight, but you weren’t comfortable wearing your normal beat up sleepwear in front of Yuta, so you opted to wear Mark’s shirt instead.
Not quite wanting to have another incident like the one you had earlier with Mark, you knocked on Yuta’s door just to be safe. You heard him laugh from the inside as he called out “it’s unlocked, just come in.” As you let yourself in, he got off his bed telling you “I’m going to shower now. Just make yourself comfortable in whichever bed you want. I’ll sleep in whatever one you don’t choose.”
After he left the room, you looked between the two beds. One was neatly made and had pictures strung up on the wall next to it, the blankets and sheets folded nicely and placed alongside a few pillows near the foot of the bed. The other, which Yuta had just rolled out of, had wrinkled sheets with the blanket half falling off the bed, not a single pillow within a whole six-foot radius of his bed.
You didn’t really want to mess up the organization of whoever his roommate was, so instead, you just took one of the pillows and plopped it onto Yuta’s bed as you grabbed the blanket from the floor and pulled it over your head, allowing his scent to flood your nose. Just as you were about to drift into sleep, you heard the door open and close followed by rapid footsteps coming your way.
Before you even had time to react, Yuta was flinging himself on top of you and laughing as you gasped for air under his weight. “Somebody looks comfortable.” He teased as you continued squirming, trying to push him off you.
You wouldn’t take him to be a clingy drunk after seeing how rowdy he was during the party, but you suppose this is the side of him that managed to charm so many other girls into thinking they’d be that one lucky girl to finally win over Nakamoto Yuta’s heart. “Get off of me.” You uttered forcefully as you tried to make him move over and relieve the pressure on your chest and stomach.
“You silly, this is my bed” he cooed, letting another round of giggles leave his lips before rolling off you towards the wall, leaving you on the outside of the bed. He threw the blanket over himself, humming as he felt the warmth of it, that you had made, on his freshly showered skin.
Yuta kept his distance as he laid on his back with his eyes closed, his hands reaching up to ruffle his damp hair, speaking of which, “you know people say you can get sick if you go to sleep with damp hair?” You asked him quizzically.
“Yeah, but I’ve never gotten sick from it so I don’t really care.” He said dismissively.
A few moments passed before either one of you spoke again. “Didn’t you say that you were going to sleep in the other bed?” You questioned, remembering your conversation from not too long ago.
“Yeah, but I’m too lazy to unfold everything and put it back in the morning so here I am.” Yuta beamed, smiling over at you. You rolled your eyes at him, scoffing as he continued playing with his hair, making it stick up in different directions. “I can sleep somewhere else if you’re not comfortable with me being here.”
You wanted to say ‘yes, please move’ but you didn’t have enough strength in you to tell him to get out, not when you enjoyed his presence next to you so instead you simply told him “it’s fine” before tugging over more of his blanket and turning to face away from him.
He let out a whine as now half of his body was uncovered and exposed to the cold winter air and he yanked his blanket back, inadvertently pulling you with it, causing you to face him with your forehead nearly resting against his chest. “Why are you hogging my blanket?” Yuta whined.
“I’m not hogging it, you just keep trying to take more than your fair share of it.” You fired back at him.
“This is my room and my blanket.”
“You’re the one who offered to let me stay here, and might I add, you said you were going to sleep in the bed that I didn’t choose.”
“I can always retract my offer, you know.” You shook your head, the idea of asking Doyoung to drive you back to your dorm at 3am wasn’t exactly appealing to you. “Okay then come closer so we can actually share the blanket instead of leaving one of us to freeze.”
You let out a huff and scooted closer to Yuta. “Are you happy now?” Yuta let out a hum as he smiled down at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling underneath the strands of bleached white hair that had fallen in front of his face.
Closing your eyes again, you tried to fall asleep, hoping that you wouldn’t have any further interruptions from Yuta, but you couldn’t seem to fully relax with the main light of the room still on. “Yuta can you turn off the light?” He looked over you, clearly unhappy. “Please?”
“You’re closer.”
“God, why are you so difficult.” You remarked as you slid out from under the blanket, walking over to flip the light switch.
“I’m not difficult, you’re difficult.” He fired at you as the room became dark, illuminated only from the light of the moon. “You’re always so uptight and on edge about getting to class on time and being prepared.”
“Because that’s what a good student does, and unlike you, I actually want to graduate from college in four years.” You spit back as you rolled back into the bed next to him.
“Hey, not everyone graduates within four years, some of us just have a different path in life. And what makes you think that I’m not trying to graduate soon?”
“Your attitude and your seemingly nonexistent care to even make it to class on time.”
“That doesn’t mean I don’t do my work though.”
“But you totally miss the instructions that the professors give at the beginning of class.”
“It’s not hard to figure things out when you’ve got a brain as big as mine.”
“You’re so annoying, just let me sleep.” You grumbled as you moved closer to him, wanting more of the blanket.
Silence falls upon both of you again but you let out a huff when Yuta starts talking again. He sure was annoying as hell when he was drunk. “Do you have feelings for Mark, or like, any other guys...like at all?”
You stared up at him, praying he’d feel the daggers coming from your eyes, “no.”
“Good, I was hoping you didn’t so I could do this.”
“Do wha-”
You hadn’t even finished your sentence before Yuta tilted your chin up and brought his lips to yours, eagerly molding his to fit the shape of yours.
You didn’t know what you were thinking when you started to kiss him back, in fact, you probably weren’t thinking at all. Yuta took it as a green light and let the hand that was against your chin find its way to the back of your neck to pull you in closer. You didn’t realize your body had shifted until you were now completely pressed up against him. It soon became all too hot and suffocating, forcing you to pull away and break the kiss.
Your eyes met his and held his gaze as you came to your senses. “Yuta, I’m not here to have sex with you.”
“Wasn’t planning on it.” He replied almost nonchalantly.
You rolled your eyes at him, “no, I mean, like ever.”
“Okay. Who says I can’t just kiss a pretty girl because I want to?” He asked, the attitude in his voice was almost enough to make you want to slap him.
“I do?” You quipped. “I didn’t tell you that you could kiss me either-”
“Says the person who was definitely not kissing me back.” Yuta teased as he cocked an eyebrow at you, daring you to continue.
You flung the blanket off of you, not wanting to put up with any more of his antics. “Don’t use your fuckboy charms on me, I’m not here to become another one of your girls.”
“Y/n, wait, that’s not what I meant to do,” he whined, grabbing your wrist before you could fully get out of the bed, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to come off that way and for your information, I am not attached any of the ‘girls’ you are alluding to.”
“You attached yourself to them the moment you put your dick inside them and gave them something to talk about.”
“That's not what I intended to do.”
“Then what is it that you intend to do, Yuta?”
He paused with his mouth slightly open and you took this moment to separate your wrist from his grasp before he spoke again. “I don’t try to ‘charm’ them or whatever you call it. I’m not even looking for a relationship, trust me.”
“And why should I trust you when you have girls practically throwing themselves at you?”
Yuta let out a groan as he flopped onto his back. “Look, I never wanted to be this blunt with you but I’m not looking for a relationship because the last one I was in ended with me getting cheated on.” He paused as if letting his words sink in. “I don’t want to fall in love again because I don’t want to risk going through that same pain another time. I’m scared to fall in love because what if it’s not reciprocated? Is that enough to make you believe me?”
You stare at him in shock, barely managing to stutter out “I’m sorry, I didn’t-”
“It’s fine, let’s just go to sleep, I said too much already.” He interrupted, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you back under the blanket. Once you were close enough for his liking, Yuta let go of you, retracting his arm back to his half of the bed though he stopped when he felt your hand on his forearm. He looked up at you with wide eyes as you pulled his arm back over you and allowed your forehead to rest against his chest.
Yuta stayed like that until you fell asleep, finding it hard to do the same. It took him awhile to find himself in the familiar lull due to his thoughts running rampant in his mind as his eyes traced over your features. If only you could read his mind, you’d know of the dilemma he realized he had wrapped himself into that he was too scared to admit on his own.
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You woke up with a pounding headache, to say the least. Reaching up to massage your forehead, you tried to roll onto your back only to find that you weren’t able to. You jerked around, finding Yuta’s sleeping body as you remembered the events and conversations that took place just hours prior. You stilled as you took a moment to admire the way the golden rays of sun seeped in through the window, falling across his face and causing him to have an ethereal glow. He’d be quite attractive if it wasn’t for his attitude.
However, his face alone wasn’t enough to distract you from the fact that he was practically spooning you and you weren’t confident that you could get out without waking him though what really irked you was the fact that part of you didn’t want to leave from his warm embrace.
You stayed in his arms for a few minutes longer until your headache became unbearable and your throat was begging for something to drink. You tried your best to gently extract yourself from Yuta but much to your distaste, he woke up. He caused you even more displeasure when he pulled you back towards himself and whined “where are you going?”
“I’m thirsty and I have a headache.” You stated plainly, your voice void of energy.
Yuta whined once more before trying to reason with you. “But it’s cold, it’s cuddle weather.”
“I didn’t say that I wanted to cuddle with you.” You pointed out, at which Yuta finally forced his eyes open as he yawned and stretched before sighing.
“I’ll get you water and some ibuprofen if you stay for a little longer.”
“Fine, but that’s only because I don’t have anywhere else to go.” You were trying to convince him of this as much as you were trying to convince yourself of the statement while he gave you one of the brightest smiles you’ve seen from a full-time college student as he climbed over you and let himself out of the room.
You took this time as an opportunity to use the bathroom and peek into Mark’s room as you made your way back. You were surprised to see there was no one in the room and nearly jumped when an arm wrapped around your waist from the back. “Are we spying on Mark?” Yuta whispered into your ear.
Scoffing, you answer “he’s not even in there, you idiot.”
“Huh, I wonder where he went,” Yuta contemplated, “might as well grab the guitars while we’re here.” He handed you the glass of water and pills he was carrying as he walked into Mark’s room and picked up the two guitars from their stands.
“What are we supposed to do without Mark?”
“Practice? What else are we supposed to do?” The man in front of you asked rhetorically.
You shook your head at him, not liking the sound of his idea. “We won’t know if we’re doing anything right, we’re literally both beginners.”
“That doesn’t mean we can’t help each other.” Yuta countered.
“Ugh, whatever, you’re so irritating.” And with that, you down the pills and turn to walk back to his room.
Playing guitar with Yuta wasn’t actually all that terrible. He knew more than he let on during your shared sessions with Mark and he offered you some tips every so often as he led both of you through the chord progression sheet. The whole scene of it was quite surreal, the way you and Yuta were both simply clothed in plain t-shirts, hair still roused from sleep, the way the sun gently lit the room and warmed it up.
You were genuinely enjoying yourself and didn’t even notice when Mark came into the room. “You guys started without me?” He whined cutely.
Yuta looked at you and you gestured at him to respond. “Y/n went to go spy on you in your room but you weren’t there so we decided to steal the guitars and have fun on our own.” You shot Yuta a look, hoping he understood the ‘I will strangle you’ glare you were giving him.
“Wow y/n, why were you spying on me man?” Mark asked dejectedly.
“I was just checking to see if your girl was still with you because I didn’t want to barge in on anything, again.” You tease.
Mark groans and covers his face out of embarrassment. “Oh gosh, don’t remind me.”
“Wait, wait, you saw Mark naked?” Yuta questioned with his eyes wide. “He has a big butt doesn’t he?” He added, smirking, at which both you and Mark yell at him to shut up. “Just saying facts.” He claims, raising his hands up in defense.
“Anyways,” Mark said a little too aggressively, “are you guys doing okay on your own? Or did you want me to join?”
Again, Yuta turned to you for a response, though this time you really hated yourself for what you answered with. “No, I think we’re fine, thanks though.”
“Better go wash your sheets bro, you were wild last night.” Yuta called out as Mark left the room.
“Dude,” Mark exclaimed, “don’t ever say that again, please bro.” And just like that, I was only you and Yuta again.
“Speaking of parties,” Yuta began, “we’re thinking of holding another one in March before spring break. Wanna come?”
“I can’t believe you guys are already planning another one not even a whole day after getting drunk out of your mind.” You joke, the disbelief obvious in your expression.
“Hey, you have to let loose every once in a while,” he states, “but my offer still stands.”
You hum, faking getting lost in thought, “ask me again in a month and I’ll let you know.”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you tilted your head to the side, the look on your face clearly ridiculing him, “for now.” He adds on.
You went back to looking over the chord progression sheet and tried again to go through the one you were on before Mark came in. You almost succeed this time until you place your fingers one fret away from where they were supposed to be. “Yikes” Yuta comments as he reaches out and shifts your hand over for you, causing you to stick your tongue out at him.
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It seemed only reasonable that when the guys continued having parties every so often, that you were invited to every single one of them whether it be through Mark or Yuta, and the one time Johnny had hit you up not knowing your involvement with the frat already, or even when Taeil invited you though it was really because Mark needed help sorting out his relationship issues.
Everyone except you was surprised that Mark had found himself a girlfriend, especially one that wasn’t you. You were happy for him, even if it meant having to respond to his panicked texts at 2am asking what something meant in ‘girl language’ accompanied by numerous screenshots.
Mark often ended up leaving you and Yuta on your own on Sundays because that was the only day when both he and his girlfriend were free. You certainly didn’t mind spending more time with Yuta now that he stopped being such a cocky asshole all the time. Whatever absence Mark had left, Yuta was there to make up for it whether it be his lingering touches, shy kisses, and even the offering of his clothes to you when you accidentally ended up sleeping over again, though this time you voluntarily shared a bed with him.
Yuta was becoming a necessary presence in your life, though you didn’t mind. You didn’t mind it when he moved to sit next to you during class. You didn’t mind when he asked to work with you for the upcoming playing test. You didn’t mind when he found you during parties swept you away from the dance floor to take you elsewhere.
You especially didn’t mind when taking you elsewhere resulted in your current situation, your hands tangled in Yuta’s now orange-colored hair, as you lay under him while he kissed you breathless.
“You look so fucking hot, you had all of them staring at you.” Yuta growls out between kisses.
You bite his bottom lip, causing him to groan slightly. “Mmm, you like that though. You like it when I look like this.”
“Not when other men get to look at you the way I do.”
“And why is that?”
“Because you’re mine.”
The use of the word caused you to stop in your tracks, Yuta pulling back as your lips stopped moving against his. “What are we?” You ask him, your voice shaking.
“What do you mean?”
“Like, this relationship?” You say, gesturing between the two of you, “What is our relationship to each other?”
“We’re friends.”
“But are we just friends? Because I don’t think friends kiss each other like this.”
“They don’t, but that doesn’t mean we can’t.” Yuta interjected as he leaned in to reattach his lips to yours.
“No, Yuta, stop,” you declare, pulling away from him, “I told you I’m not someone you can just play around with. If you want to keep me as a friend, then that’s all we will be. No kissing, no flirting, none of that.”
“I’m not playing around with you-”
“Then why is it so hard for you to place a label on us?” You questioned him, unintentionally raising your voice ever so slightly.
He rolled off of you, throwing an arm up to cover his eyes as he let out a sigh of exasperation. “I...I don’t know.”
“We’re clearly more than just friends but if you’re not willing to commit to being something more, then I’ll leave it at that.”
“Y/n, I- fuck, I don’t know what I even want-”
“And that’s okay,” you interrupt, “I’ll just give you time to think then, but for now,” you pause as you stand up from his bed, “just friends.” And with that you let yourself out of his room and ventured back downstairs to the party without turning back, finding comfort in the common sight of Johnny manning the boards, Doyoung in the kitchen with the drinks, even down to Taeyong and Taeil drunkenly swaying with each other on the dance floor.
“Here, something sweet to get rid of that sour look on your face.” Doyoung joked as he slid a drink across the counter.
You let out a chuckle as you raised the glass to your lips. “That obvious huh?”
“It is when I know whose room you just came from and who you’ve been spending all your time with.” He was really too intelligent to be stuck with these idiots.
You could only sigh as you took a large swig of whatever it is Doyoung made for you, relishing in the burn it gave you as it went down your throat, wishing for the alcohol-induced pain to overtake the one in your mind caused by the one and only Nakamoto Yuta.
Needless to say, you and Yuta ended up changing songs for the playing test and performing alone. Yuta moved back to his previous seat in the front of the room, though you still felt the way his eyes practically pierced through you as you played your chosen song, which albeit, was on the easier side since you wanted to give yourself a break.
Unbeknownst to you, Yuta wished so badly to be the person you were singing about. “Can you focus on me? Baby can you focus on me?” You sang, and he mentally beat himself to the ground.
Yuta still wanted to give you the world more than anything but he didn’t trust himself to do so, not when he’s already hurt you more than he should have. He became so caught up in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice you finished playing until he heard the applause coming from your classmates.
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You actually did end up going to their spring party, but it was due to a request made by Johnny as he told you about Mark’s current post-breakup state near the end of your English class together. “He’s pretty much been in his room all the time. Not like the normal kind where he just prefers to chill in his room, but like, the kind where he doesn’t even come down to eat with us and Taeil has to bring food up to him.”
“Did Mark say anything about the breakup? Like why or how it happened?” You questioned, not wanting to have to ask Mark himself in case it was still too sensitive a subject to talk about.
Johnny hummed in thought, cocking his head to the side. “He didn’t say much to me, but he told Taeil that she wasn’t looking for anything serious but he thought that she was.” Johnny paused to take a sip from the Starbucks cup on his desk. “In my opinion, he should’ve waited to get to know her instead of just fucking her and deciding to date her y’know? But, I mean, that’s on him, so as they say, not my problem.” He shrugged his shoulder before taking another sip of his drink.
“Literally who says that?” You joke, enjoying poking fun at the older guy.
Johnny turned to you, a mock look of offense plastered onto his face. “Y/n! You don’t know? The famous Johnny Suh says it all the time.” You rolled your eyes at him as you packed up your belongings, promising to be at the party later that night, not exactly fancying the thought of running into a certain someone at the party as well.
Mark’s fiery whirlwind of a romance had left him to become a mess of all sorts and you spent your time with him at the party in his bed, watching tik toks and animal video compilations to get his mind off of things. You felt a sense of relief as you heard one of his faint snores, realizing that he was asleep, allowing you to slip out of his room and head downstairs to grab a drink from Doyoung.
Right as you were about to head back up, you saw the all too familiar head of orange hair glowing under the dim lighting as he looked down across the party from the bottom of the staircase. He didn’t seem to notice you as you made your way towards him until a small “hey” left your lips.
His eyes darted over to your face, offering a simple nod of his head to you to  acknowledge your presence. You stood next to him, leaning against the wall until you broke the silence “how have you been?”
“Fine. You?”
“Pretty good I guess.” You could tell he didn’t want to talk to you, but you didn’t want to leave him, just feeling so drawn to him. Finding comfort in his presence, you closed your eyes and let your head fall against the wall as you lost yourself in the music that Johnny had going.
“I’ll get going, this party isn’t as exciting as normal.” Yuta stated as he turned to go back upstairs. Starting up the stairs after him, wanting to check in on Mark again, but when Yuta heard you following him, he turned around and called out to you. ”Don’t follow me, you’ll end up in my arms.” You froze as he turned back around and continued his way up while you processed his words, allowing him to escape from you yet again.
You watched from an outsider's perspective and through the narratives of the other guys as over the next few days, Yuta replaced Mark as the resident vegetable. He fell into the same state Mark was previously in, said boy having slowly come back to his senses with your constant nurturing and care.
Party after party, Yuta was no longer down on the dance floor with one hand holding a red solo cup, another around the waist of a girl he had just met. You wanted so badly to speak to him, but whenever you spotted him off to the edges of the crowd, he’d disappear seconds later like he knew you were watching him. As much as it was nice to have Mark back and go back to your normal best friend activities, Yuta had lodged himself in your heart without you knowing it.
Countless parties more and it was already nearing the end of spring semester. Yuta had stopped showing up to class, appearing once or twice a week, at most. Even at parties, he no longer came out of his room, according to Taeil. You had been meaning to talk to Yuta for a while now, but with finals looming right around the corner and his ability to hole himself up in his room, it was nearly impossible to find the time and place for it.
You were sick of worrying about him and if he was eating and sleeping okay, often finding yourself wondering what he was currently doing while you were studying or eating your own meals. You hated how often he occupied your mind. You truly wanted to believe that you were different to him, that someday he’d come around ready to commit to something but you ridiculed yourself for thinking that you’d have enough power to change someone as stubborn as Yuta. Little did you know, you were more than capable of doing so.
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You had just entered the last week before finals and your school was generous enough to allot students a two day period to study before finals started. Of course, the frats and sororities took it as a last-ditch opportunity to party before their seniors graduated. You attended the party thrown to celebrate the graduating Taeil, Johnny, and Taeyong, but you were there for a different reason.
Throwing a quick greeting to Doyoung in the kitchen as you entered, he offered you a drink, which you told him to save for later before storming up the stairs. You were tired of all the hours you spent thinking about Yuta. If he wasn’t going to do anything about this, then you were whether it ended your friendship with him or not. You were done thinking about all the what-ifs, you wanted a definitive answer and you wanted it now.
Stopping in front of Yuta’s door, having enough manners to think about knocking before entering, you raised your hand to knock. Though before you were able to, you heard the music coming from inside. It didn’t take a genius to recognize that it was his voice singing the words. You froze with your hand against the door as you continued to listen to him. “Oh, how I love you. I just feel so lost without you.”
You opened his door slowly, knowing fully well that he wouldn’t be able to hear you knock over the loud noise coming from the party and his own blue-toned song. Both of you stood there in shock as your eyes met. Yuta was sitting on his bed with Taeil’s guitar in his lap and a notebook laid open next to him while you stood in the middle of his doorway, hand still on the knob.
Oh, how you missed the sight of him, even when he was dressed as simply as he was right now with just a grey t-shirt and black shorts sporting the logo of his favorite soccer team. “Yuta, we need to talk” you blurted out, stopping yourself from ogling him any further.
“Alright.” He complied, closing the notebook as you sat at the foot of his bed.
You take in a deep breath before starting. “I’m pretty sure you know this already, but I like you,” pausing to regather yourself and push through the rest of the speech you practiced in your head, “I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about you recently and I just want to settle this whole thing once and for all.”
Yuta nodded while picking at his fingers which you could see were now raw from playing the guitar so much, making you wonder just how often he was on it. “I’ve been thinking about you too...a lot,” he said as he looked up at you, “and I think I have an answer for you.”
You plant your hand down next to you on his bed, resting your weight on it and letting your head loll to the side as you raise an eyebrow at him asking him to continue. “I like you too, and I know the way I’ve been acting doesn’t really show that but I’m just scared.”
“Of what?”
“Of getting hurt again.” Yuta said, letting his head rest in his hands.
“Yuta, you know I would never cheat on you.”
“That’s what she told me too, but people can be deceiving.”
“Look, I’m not her,” you pointed out to him, “and I’m telling you right now that I would not even think about cheating on you.”
“Yeah, well, things can change.” Yuta let out exasperatedly.
“So you should change with them. You’re not going to grow unless you accept those changes.”
He went silent for a bit before looking up at you. “Teach me how to accept them, then.”
“What do you mean by that?” You ask him, your eyes meeting his.
“Show me that you’re different. Prove to me that not all change is bad.”
You moved closer to him as he spoke, swinging a leg over his lap and straddling him. “I will.”
Yuta’s eyes fluttered shut and you felt as he shakily exhaled before he reopened his eyes. “Can I kiss you?”
You nodded, and this time it was your eyes that closed as Yuta connected his lips to yours. Within a few seconds, you felt his tongue brush against your bottom lip, asking for entrance, which you allowed and gave him a sense of dominance before letting your tongue dance with his while gently pushing him down onto the bed.
He whined as he broke the kiss and rolled both of you over, switching your positions, preferring to smother your body with his, making you giggle at his actions. “Thank you for asking this time.” You told him, referencing the first time he had kissed you.
“I was drunk, okay? I wasn’t thinking straight and I just wanted to kiss you so badly.” Yuta groaned, grinding his growing erection on your hip at the last part.
“Oh you wanna kiss me so bad huh?” You teased.
You could’ve sworn he let out a growl right then before responding “fuck yeah I do” and reconnecting your lips to his. After fighting your tongue yet again, he pulled away and slowly opened his now lust-filled eyes. “Are you sure you want this?”
“Yes,” you let out breathlessly, “I want it.”
“Who do you want?” He questioned as he slipped his hands under your shirt, gently kneading your breasts while kissing along your jaw and down your neck.
“Baby, say my name.”
“Yuta, I want you.”
“Fuck, I love it when you say my name.” He said as he pulled his shirt off, throwing it down to the floor as you sat up and did the same.
The second your shirt was off, Yuta’s hands were already undoing the clasp of your bra, tossing it to the side as well before pushing you back down and running his hands over your breasts. His mouth latched onto one of your nipples as his hand played with the other.
You let out a whine as he pushed his erection against your clit, making you feel your own arousal that had started leaking out onto your underwear. Yuta glanced up at you, smirking, as he heard the sound you made. “Someone’s getting needy.” He kissed his way down your abdomen, sitting back once he reached the waistband of your pants, pulling them off along with your underwear.
He groaned as he took in all of your naked beauty, telling you “you’re so fucking hot” as he spread your legs and brought his face down to your folds and licking a long strip upwards. He repeated this motion a few times before you let out a frustrated moan at his teasing.
Yuta laughed at your desperation until your hand wove it’s way into his hair and pushed him closer to where you wanted him most. He seemed to get the message as he dove in, allowing you to get lost in the feeling of his tongue swirling around and pressing at your entrance.
You weren’t expecting it when you suddenly felt him pressing a finger into you, though you enjoyed the sensation of it and raised your hips to feel more, only to be met with Yuta’s free hand coming down on your stomach, holding you down. He waited for you to relax before inserting a second digit, then a third as he started to speed up and finger fuck you open.
He was reaching places inside of you that you had never reached before but you still wanted more. “Yuta,” you breathed out, “just fuck me already.”
“Well when you say it like that, there’s no way I can resist” he said, a sly smile creeping onto his face as he sat up, his erection bobbing as he tugged off his ripped jeans, freeing it from its confines.
“Condom” you tell him.
“Oh, you’re one of those girls,” he snickered, earning him a smack on the arm from you, “I’m just kidding, jeez, I don’t want to have to be responsible for a child just yet.” He defended as he reached over and stuck his hand into one of the drawers of his nightstand.
“I’m not risking getting pregnant when I can barely pay my tuition.” You quipped back at him.
“Fair enough.” Yuta remarked as he ripped open the package and rolled the condom over his already leaking cock.
He crawled over you, his elbows coming to rest next to either side of your head. “Are you sure you want this?” He asked as he lined himself up with your entrance.
“Are you sure want this?” You countered to him, both of you knowing fully well what you meant since once he went through with this, there was no turning back. Yuta was promising himself to you just as you had done to him.
You watched as his eyes found yours, “I want this, I want you, I want us.” With that he pushed himself into you, both of you letting out sinful moans as he bottomed out.
He barely gave you time to adjust before he started slowly rocking his hips as your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer while your hands found their way into his brightly colored locks. Just as he began to accelerate his movements, thrusting harder and faster, his door swung open.
Mark walked in casually, “hey, Yuta have you seen Taeil’s- holy shit i’m so sorry” he exclaimed once he realized the situation.
Yuta didn’t even pause as he told Mark “it’s on the floor.”
If you weren’t struggling to hold back your lewd sounds in the presence of your best friend, you would’ve laughed at how Mark snatched up the guitar and bolted out of the room, muttering “guess we’re even now, y/n” as he shut the door.
You let out a whimper as Yuta hit your spot the second the door closed. “Fuck, right there.”
He pushed himself into you a few more times before suddenly rolling over, bringing you to straddle him. “Ride me” he commanded, one of his hands coming to rub your clit. You began bouncing on his lap and clenched around him, drawing a moan from him. “I won’t last long if you keep doing that.”
“Good, I'm not going to either.” You informed him, already feeling the knot in your stomach begging to be released.
Your thighs were starting to become sore though you didn’t want to stop. Yuta noticed your change of pace, bringing both his hands up to your hips as he began thrusting up into you. You let out a cry as he managed to brush against your most sensitive areas, causing an orgasm to wash over you.
His movements slowly only for a bit as he let you take control, riding out your high before firmly grasping your hips again and bouncing you on himself, relishing in the feeling of your tight walls fluttering around him.
Staying true to his word, Yuta came shortly after you, filling the condom with his cum. He continued to push himself up into you until it became too much and he pulled out with a hiss. Yuta gently you down on his bed before getting up to dispose of the condom in the trash bin next to his nightstand.
You welcomed him with open arms as he climbed back into bed, his own arms wrapping around your waist as he began pressing light kisses across your collarbone as he broke the silence. “So does this make us a thing?”
“Depends on what you mean by that.” You tell him, wanting him to clearly voice his thoughts.
“Are we official?” He clarified.
“Only if you want us to be.”
Yuta smiled up at you. “y/n, Yuta’s girl, I like the sound of that.” You leaned down to press a kiss to his lips before he spoke again. “That song was about you, by the way”
“I figured that much.” You stated as you pushed his hair out of his face.
He giggled as he told you “I wrote it after jacking off to the thought of you.”
“Okay, you didn’t have to tell me that.” He let out a full laugh this time as he rolled both of you onto your sides and brought his forehead to rest against yours.
“Gosh, as if you weren’t clingy enough before this.” You joke, playfully kissing his nose.
“I’m all yours now.” Yuta cooed, his arms pulling your still naked body impossibly closer to his.
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A/N - i do not condone or promote the behavior or fraternities or sororities, especially during COVID-19, read a bit about it here. i am simply writing about my own fantasy in my own ideal world. with that being said, please remember to wear your masks and stay safe out there. this one shot will be my first work with smut in it so i’m open to pretty much any and all feedback. special thank you to @neocitybynight​ for helping me work out some of the plot!
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moonlightjeno · 3 years
✒ 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬
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it's in small moments that you allow yourself to believe that maybe this whole charade is real. moments when he looks at you, eyes bright as he talks about how his day went and your heart swells that you think this fake relationship is real. it's in the way he holds your hands, playing with your fingers as you two watch avatar from the hundredth time, and fakebf!jeno recalls a certain line that gets your heart to swell. because it is in those instants that you forget the doodles on the pages, you forget the smudged ink on the month-old paper that sits by your desk collecting dust. you allow the tug at your heart. because when jeno smiles at you, when his face lights up at a joke he's said and you've laughed with him because you could never deny the way your heart flipped on over itself when you heard his laugh. you can't deny how he holds your world in his hands. how it's those doodles on that dammed sheet of notebook paper that started the dates. those hearts that climb around the edges of the paper, as they spiral in no sense no order a great metaphor for your heart, no direction just floating. hearts that jeno had seen, and in his attempt to get back at his ex had asked to take you out, an attempt he'd said to get his ex jealous.
what you don't know is that when jeno hears your laugh any plans leave his mind and you are the only thing he wants to hear. if he wasn't so scared to lose you, he'd let you know. let you know that there was never really an ex and he'd been pinning after you for long enough that his friends had threatened to expose it. so when he holds your hand, or when he kisses you like you are his only person. when he whispers how much he loves you and drags you on bike rides when the sun rises so that he can tell you that no matter how beautiful the sky looks. no matter that you will look at the sunrise, it's gold and purple paint spilling over the edges of the city and into the river. it will never hold the beauty that you do. he only wishes that he had the courage to tell you that those doodle hearts on the blank page should be filled with your name. and his heart belonged to you and you only.
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- 0.421k | fake dating!jeno
𝙘𝙤𝙥𝙮𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 2021 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙟𝙚𝙣𝙤
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adorablele · 4 years
4:00pm ⎔ wc: 227, boyfriend!haechan, fluff
returning from the bathroom, you heard your boyfriend’s exasperated words.
“okay, okay,” hyuck drawled, “I’ll hug you!”
you glanced around the living room of the dream dorm. jeno stepped out onto the balcony to answer a call while chenle and jisung were focused on the intense Mario Kart race they were having.
“you can do this jisung,” jaemin cheered, “win the game so renjun can pay for dinner!”
renjun rolled his eyes and muttered something to chenle in mandarin which caused the younger boy to chuckle.
you stared quizzically at hyuck who was sitting on the couch. no one was begging him for a hug.
“who are you talking to?” you asked, walking over to him.
the small pout on his lips and the soft tugs on your right arm reflected his teasing words, “geez, you’re so insistent.”
you settled on his lap with your legs on either side of him. while you’ve been in this position a dozen times, something felt different in the way he tightly wrapped his arms around you; securing you on him like a seatbelt. he nuzzled his nose in the crook of your neck and your fingers played with the hair on the nape of his neck.
“are you okay?” you whispered.
he sighed, pulling you closer as if he wanted your heart to be one with his.
“I am now.”
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jaefluenza · 4 years
Make It Up | L.Taeyong
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Genre: single parent!au, suggestive content, fluff with a little bit of angst
Pairing: CEO!Taeyong x Secretary!reader
Word count: 11,2k words
Summary: Spending a lot of time with your boss’ daughter was probably a bad decision for you. Before you even realize that you dipped your feet in the water, your body was already drowning. Will you able to escape the maze between your feelings and professionalism?
singledad!ty is a dream periodt
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“Do you want me to bring you coffee, sir?” You asked him calmly. During an intense meeting like this, no one could approach him just to offer him a drink, except you.
“Yes, please. Oh, and this meeting will not be finished until we solve the problem. So, I want you to pick taehee up from her daycare.” He ordered.
“Yes, sir.” You bow politely to your boss before proceeding to leave the room. You sneak a glance at Johnny on your way out, cringing along with him as you cheer on him and the rest of the team with your body language.
You work in a game development company as the main secretary of the CEO, Lee Taeyong. The company stocks were expected to be increased by the end of the month. But someone decided to be a dick and spread some false rumors about one of the game made by the developing team. So the stockholders were complaining against the CEO and now he’s as angry as a hungry lion.
The sound of your heels clicking could be heard all over the hall. You walk at a fast pace in your pencil skirt to the parking lot. Mr. Lee never trusts his daughter to anyone except you, not even his personal driver. You don’t understand why you’re the only woman he could trust his daughter to, even though he has a girlfriend. You spend a lot of time with Lee Taehee, the true heir of your company, more than your family.
You smiled in satisfaction when you reach the luxury daycare. You lock your boss’ car as you walk into the huge lobby. You greeted the receptionist, smiling politely. “Hello, ms. Y/n. I’ll bring Lee Taehee for you.” The woman greeted you back before calling the teacher from the toddler’s class to bring Taehee.
A minute later, a joyful kid runs towards you. You smile and squat down to welcome her in a hug. “Our beautiful Taehee!” You greeted. “Hi, Y/n!” She inhaled your sweet scent before pulling away. “Where’s daddy?” She asked.
“Well, daddy’s got a meeting and he couldn’t pick you up. He said sorry though,” You explained.
You can feel your heart melted when she pouts, “Uh, did he told you to buy me ice cream though?”
You laughed as you took her arms and bow politely to the staff before walking her out to the car. “Of course, let’s go get ice cream!” 
After helping her to put on the seat belts, you start the engine and goes to the little princess’ favorite ice cream parlor. 
“Actually, daddy promised to take me and kkoma to the pet park. But I don’t think he’s available tonight.” The little girl pouts. You always feel sad for Taehee. With her dad always got drown in work, she plays alone most of the time. Taeyong never hires a nanny or a babysitter into the big penthouse because he could never trust any stranger to be in the house. You’ve been working for almost two years that he could finally trust his daughter to you. 
“It’s okay. I can play with you. You’re gonna show me the book you bought last week, right?” You comforted her before you wipe some ice cream leftovers around her lips. Taehee’s eyes lit in happiness after knowing she’ll have someone to play with tonight. “Really? Yeah, let’s play with the new toys daddy bought me yesterday, too!”
Your phone rings continuously as you unlock the big penthouse in the middle of the frenetic Seoul city. You told Taehee to go into her bedroom while you answer the call. “Good evening, Mr. Lee. What can I help you?”
“You forgot to hand me the rest of the schedule. Well, what am I supposed to do tomorrow? No meetings, right?” He chuckled. You feel relieved when you heard his relaxed tone as an indication that he’s no longer angry like he has been since this morning. “Oh, yeah, I’m very sorry, sir. Well, you got no more team meetings tomorrow. You only need to meet some of our directorates and that’s all.” 
You heard Taeyong groans over the phone, “Urgh, those old men again, huh?” You chuckled before you reply, “Actually, you missed a very very important schedule for tonight, boss.”
He furrowed his eyebrow upon hearing your words. “What- Oh shit. Yeah, my god, I’m a terrible dad. Yeah, please tell her I’m sorry and I promise I will take her tomorrow evening.”
You smiled before you reply with a nod, “Already did that.”
“And please be with her for tonight, I will stay in Jennie’s apartment. I need some kind of stress relief.” Taeyong said nonchalantly. You frown because you know he can’t see you. “Alright, good night, boss.”
You sigh, feeling terribly sad for Taehee. For you, Taeyong’s girlfriend is being really selfish. She never wants to stay at the penthouse because she can’t do chores or cook. She barely voluntarily spends any time with Taehee, and she bluntly told Taeyong that she doesn’t really like kids. You can’t believe that your boss chose that kind of girl to be his future second wife but then again, it’s none of your business.
“Y/n? Are you finished with the call? I’m shivering..” Taehee called from her bathroom. You mentally facepalmed yourself as you rushed into her bathroom. “I’m sorry! I’ll bring your squishy ducks!”
“Taehee, I’m staying with you tonight. Daddy said he won’t be able to go home tonight. He said he’s really sorry that he couldn’t take you and kkoma to the pet park and that he promised he will bring you tomorrow evening.”
Taehee sighs, “Another promise... It’s okay, as long as you’re here, I’ll be fine.” You feel a motherly happy feeling when she said that and something inside of you melted from the warmth feeling. “That’s my pretty girl. Come on, show me what daddy bought you yesterday.”
You open your eyes slowly at the ray of the morning sunshine. You look back at Taehee who’s still sleeping soundly in your arms. You gently untangled her hands away from you before pulling up the blanket to cover her more. You get out of bed to prepare breakfast until you stop in your track because of a picture on Taehee’s little study desk. 
You recognize your boss’ writing under the picture: “Mommy.” You look longer at the picture, noticing how much resemblance this woman has with Taehee. “She has her nose and lips.” You mumbled. In a brief time, you remembered what Taehee told you about her mother.
“Daddy told me that mommy has gone to heaven. I never got to see her face, but this is the only picture I got from grandma. She said mommy died when she delivered me into this world. I don’t even know what that means.”
You glance back at the sleeping toddler, feeling sorry for her to not having a mom at such a young age. Your boss never tells you anything about his private life but spending a lot of time with his daughter makes you know everything because you know how little kids don’t lie, right?
You put the picture back on the study desk before leaving the bedroom to cook breakfast. You remember Taehee wanting to eat some soup yesterday so you decided to cook a chicken soup for her and also you. You were chopping some onions when you heard the door getting unlocked. You furrowed your eyebrow at how he got home early in the morning.
“Good morning, boss. Did you have breakfast?” You greeted him as he lets himself fall on the couch in the living room. “Hey, and nope. Give me a bowl of whatever of that thing you just cook, please.” 
You simply nod even though you badly want to ask him why he didn’t have breakfast at her home but you know exactly what the answer is. “Why don’t you go to her room, sir? She’s still sleeping, I guess.” You suggested. Taeyong nods in agreement before walking wearily to his daughter’s room.
Taeyong crept into the cute kiddy room before jumping down on the bed to wake his little monster up. “Good morning, my princess. It’s time to wake up!” He coos as he cuddles into taehee’s little arms. “Hm,” Taehee groans cutely at his dad who bothers her in her sleep before opening her eyes slowly, “Hi, daddy.”
Taeyong showered the smaller one with kisses, smiling at how she reacts cutely to the kisses. “Where’s Y/n? Did she went home?” Taehee asked before wriggling out of her dad’s arms. “No, she’s cooking. Let’s bath you up before we have breakfast.”
You finished cooking the soup at the same time when your boss has his daughter in his arms, walking together to the kitchen with growling stomachs. “Wow, chicken soup! Thanks, Y/n! you’re the best!” Taehee claps her little hands when she saw the meals you put on her high chair. You nod happily as you see Taeyong digging his food already. “At this point, I may be applicable to be your housemaid, boss.” You smile teasingly. He laughs it off, “Don’t worry, I’ll raise your salary.” He smirked. Oh, that goddamn smirk, you thought. 
“No, sir. I’m just joking.” You laugh along with him, before taehee speaks up nonchalantly. “I think, at this point, you may be applicable to be my mom.” She copied your word while chewing on the chicken innocently. You glance awkwardly at your boss who chocked on his soup. You bring him a glass of water before laughing awkwardly. 
“Taehee, you can’t just say things like that to Y/n.” Taeyong scold his cute daughter gently. Taehee nods as she grins on you. “Excuse me, sir. I think I have to go home. I will meet you in your office.” You bowed politely to both your boss and the smaller boss. “Bye, taehee.” You wave her goodbye and she waved back. Gosh, that was so awkward.
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“Why can’t we just compensate them with free diamonds or a new special customized weapon? Why do we have to lose millions of stocks just because of some morons?” Taeyong groans with his hands folded in his chest.
His directorial advisor sighs, “No, we can’t just do that, Mr. Lee. The developing team may be able to do that by noon but our directorates will not tolerate that kind of compensation. It’s not fair to our in-app purchasers. And people will just spread more rumors for us to give them more free diamonds and weapons.”
You knocked before you enter the room with CEO Lee’s prepared meeting suits and his proposal papers.
“Excuse me, Mr. Lee. Our directorates are coming in ten minutes. We should be getting ready for your proposal.
Taeyong nods, thanking you mentally for saving him from the frustrating conversation.
You bowed to the middle-aged man before trailing behind your boss to the meeting room.
Being alone with your boss after the awkward conversation with his daughter this morning is killing you softly.
You distract yourself by organizing some papers and preparing drinks on the table. You feel a pair of eyes on you as you pass around the room.
Taeyong cleared his throat before speaking up to you, “Uhm, I remembered you didn’t have breakfast with us earlier, have you eat?” He asked.
You glance at him awkwardly, “Y-yeah, I.. have, thank you for worrying.”
“You don’t have to be all formal and polite to me you know. We’re almost at the same age.”
You smile, “It’s alright, Mr. Lee. You are my boss and this is office hours, also I’m two years younger than you, so this should be my preferable manner to you, sir.”
“Well, that’s understandable. Uh, and about our conversation this morning. You didn’t wholeheartedly take her words, right?” He asked.
Ah, those awkward goosebumps are coming back.
“Of course, no, Mr. Lee.” You fake a smile.
“Good, then, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable around Taehee and I. Afterall, you spend a lot of time with her more than Jennie and I did these past few years.”
You only nod, not wanting to continue the conversation.
You thanked the directorates for coming in a great timing just so you can immediately leave the room. You walked wearily towards your table beside Johnny’s before leaning your head onto the table.
“What’s with the frown, Miss Secretary?” Johnny glance at your table beside him with a teasing smirk.
“Shut up, John. You don’t know what I’ve been through.”
“Tell me, maybe this wise oppa can give you the right answer for every question you have.”
You rolled your eyes before turning into him, “Taehee literally just asked me to be her mom this morning.”
Johnny didn’t show any expected reaction, which makes you furrowed your eyebrow.
“Aren’t you her mom already? You practically live at his penthouse more than his girlfriend does.”
You hit his arms playfully before protesting, “Shut your mouth! You and the developing team are the only people who knew I helped Mr. Lee’s daughter, okay? Don’t be a big mouth..”
Johnny laughs quietly, “Yes, ma’am.”
You keep thinking about Johnny’s words earlier. Every staff in the daycare know how you act motherly towards taehee. Some of her friends’ mom even called you taehee’s mom before you clarified that you’re only her dad’s assistant.
You remember bringing Taehee to your family’s Thanksgiving dinner because Taeyong decided to go to a romantic dinner with his glorious girlfriend instead of spending time with his daughter. Your family loves Taehee, even allowed Taehee to call them family names. You remember Taehee being very happy that night, “this year’s thanksgiving is better than any thanksgiving year with my grandpops and dad.”
Your concern is, does taehee really think of you as her mother, just because you spend time with her more than her future mother did? You don’t exactly think so, but the situation tells you otherwise.
Your thoughts were interrupted by your alarm, reminding you about the meeting. You immediately move from the snack bar, and leave to assist your boss after the meeting.
“How’s the meeting, boss? Did it went well?” You greeted.
He smiled in satisfaction before nodding at you, “Yeah, I managed to convince them about the compensation. We made a great deal. Well, I don’t have any working schedule left, right? Let’s take taehee and kkoma to the pet park.” He suggested cheerfully.
You smile along with him, feeling glad that everything went well. “Alright, sir. I’ll have Mr. Han ready with the car. Have fun, sir.” You bowed politely.
He stopped in his track before he turns back to you, “No, you’re coming with us.”
Your jaw drops. Is he seriously asking you to go with him and his daughter, on a private trip? “Why am I coming with you, Mr. Lee? Perhaps, Miss Kim is not available?” You asked.
“I haven’t asked her yet. I just thought that Taehee would be happy if you tag along.” He explained with a smile. “Well, if you have another plan for today, it’s okay.”
You nod immediately. “No, I’m completely free, Mr. Lee.”
“Aye, you can drop the formalities. It’s past office hours. You can be comfortable around me and Taehee. Just call me Taeyong.”
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“Taehee!” You greeted Taehee as she ran to hug you. So, Taeyong and you decided to pick Taehee up from the daycare before getting kkoma the poodle in the penthouse. She looks at her dad with sparkly eyes, “Is she coming with us?” She asked excitedly. Taeyong nods, smiling at his daughter who seems to like being with his assistant more than him. “Thank you, daddy!” She pulls away from you to hug her daddy’s legs. Taeyong smiled even wilder, before lifting his daughter to give her kisses. 
“Now, it’s time for you to get in the car and put the seat belts on.” 
You watch as Taeyong puts his daughter on the car seat. You get on the passenger seat in front, putting your own seat belts, listening to the father and daughter playing around. 
“Alright, let’s go!”
Fifteen minutes later in the parking lot, Taeyong and you are debating about who’s going up to get kkoma. You insisted to go up so Taehee declared that you win the debate and the three of you laughed. 
“I’ll be back with kkoma.” You smiled before closing the car door.
“Bye, Y/n!” Taehee waved at you.
You went to the penthouse, walking towards the only front door on that floor, before stopping upon seeing someone standing in front of the door. 
You immediately bow, “Good afternoon, Miss Kim.” 
Jennie looks at you with a furrowed eyebrow, “What are you doing here? Where’s your boss? Why are you alone?” 
You felt sweaty before trying to explain calmly. “I’m here to get kkoma. Mr. Lee and his daughter are going to the pet park.”
She tilts her head, seems to be astonished by your explanation. “Don’t go in. I’ll get the dog instead.” You bowed politely before she unlocked the door and walk into the house. “Urgh, why didn’t he tell me.” She mumbled.
You were about to leave when you remember that you left your things in the car, and his girlfriend probably doesn’t know where the car is parked. So, you wait until Jennie comes out with kkoma. You noticed that she only brought the dog without the leash. 
“Uh, Miss Kim? I’m sorry but you forgot the leash.” 
Her jaw drop cockily. “Are you seriously telling me to get a dog’s leash?”
You stutter, “I’m sorry, Miss Kim, but you told me not to go into the house.”
She rolled her eyes in a sassy manner, before walking back into the house, groaning angrily. You bit your lip, trying not to laugh at the situation.
You walk behind your boss’ girlfriend. You were about to lead her to the car but she stopped walking. “You can leave now, I’ll call him.” 
You bowed before explaining that you left your things in the car. 
She glares at you, “What? Did you come here with him? No way, did you also go to the daycare with him?”
You only nod, not wanting to explain more. She just groans and leaves you in front of the elevator. 
Taeyong saw you from an angle and he felt somehow relieved after worrying about what possibly took you so long until he saw his girlfriend. He lifted his eyebrow before getting out of the car to greet his girfriend.
“Jennie, what are you doing here? Why are you holding kkoma?” He asked, glancing at you with a disoriented look. You just bit your lip awkwardly.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you have a date with your daughter? Did you possibly think I wouldn’t want to join? Of course, I would. Why did you bring her? It’s past office hours.” She ranted.
“I’m sorry, okay. Let’s just go. Taehee’s very excited if she comes along.” 
Jennie gets in the car immediately, greeting Taehee with a made-up smile and an awkward sentence of, “Hi, did you eat?”
Taeyong looks at you, “Aren’t you going with us?”
“Ah, I’m sorry, Mr. Lee. I think I can’t join you to the pet park. Let me get my things in the back seat.”
Taeyong was about to speak when Taehee opened the window and scream out. “No! Y/n, you said you’re going with us!”
You cringed at how the situation become before glancing at Jennie who’s signaling you to leave immediately.
“Taehee, Y/n said she got something important came up and-”
“No! If Y/n is not coming, then let’s not go. Daddy, this is not what I want!”
Taeyong sighed heavily before opening the back seat door beside his daughter. “Let’s go, Y/n. I know you leave far from here and you didn’t bring your car. Just go with us, I’ll drive you home after we leave the pet park.”
You can’t disobey your boss and after looking at Taehee’s pleading eyes, you decided that you can’t win over the boss’ daughter. You get in the car as Taehee immediately hugs your hand, feeling glad that you finally agreed to join. 
Jennie glares at her boyfriend angrily. Taeyong mouths, “What? This is my daughter’s day, not ours.”
You let Taehee out of her car seat and let her play with Jennie and kkoma. Taeyong walks with you behind them, as he smiles in satisfaction upon seeing two of his favorite people get along well. “I’m happy Jennie could play with Taehee like that. I think, going to the pet park today is the best decision I have ever made.”
You agree to what he said, but there’s a part inside of you that feels a little bit heavy upon seeing the strange pair hanging out together. You only smile as you watch Taehee running around chasing kkoma in the field. Jennie gives up running. Well, she’s wearing a 10 cm heels, of course, she can’t run freely like the little toddler.
Taeyong approaches his girlfriend, starting to talk to her and laughing around instead of playing with his daughter. You keep on watching the little girl running around until you heard her crying loudly.
“Taehee!” You scream as you run towards Taehee who just fell into the ground.
Jennie and Taeyong quickly take a look at the screams, and soon Jennie was left with nothing but kkoma’s leash and a groan.
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re gonna be okay, Taehee.” You look at Taehee’s injured knee and you sighed. You managed a smile and told her to only look at you, not the wound. Fortunately, she’s being a good girl.
“Taehee! Daddy’s here. It’s okay, baby girl.”
Taehee was about to cry at the sight of her dad, but as soon as kkoma sit beside her and sympathetically stay in her side, she becomes calm and her sobbing starts to stop.
“Mr. Lee, can you get me the aid kit in your car?” You asked calmly. He nodded and immediately runs off to his car. You glance at Jennie who’s only looking with her phone in her hand, probably not knowing what to do.
A minute later, she tried to walk across to you and Taehee, looking like a tired marathon player when she was only walking.
“I’m sorry but I can’t squat down, I’m wearing a skirt.” She said cockily, which makes you want to puke on the spot.
I’m also wearing a skirt, duh. You thought.
Another minute has passed, and Taehee stops crying and starts to play with kkoma beside her, you tried to cover the wound with your hand, as you saw Taeyong walking closer with the aid kit.
“There you go.” Taeyong watches as you treat his daughter’s wound, feeling embarrassed with his girlfriend only watching and fanning herself.
“Let’s go. We need to talk.” He drags his girlfriend to a spot where no one could see them.
“What are you doing? Did you seriously just stand there, wearing a shade, while my daughter is injured?”
Jennie’s jaw drops, “I’m wearing a skirt, Taeyong! I can’t squat down, are you looking down on me now? Oh, you think I don’t care about your daughter, huh?”
“I was not thinking about that but now I’m kind of convinced that you actually don’t,” He paused, before sighing in disappointment. “really care about my daughter.”
Jennie blinked before reaching out for his hand, asking for forgiveness. “I’m sorry, Taeyong. I just.. I just didn’t know what to do. It’s not like I don’t care about Taehee, really.”
“If you love me, you should have known what to do when one of my favorite people, my child, is injured. You should’ve known that Taehee is important to me, Jen.”
Taeyong decided to bring Jennie home by ordering a taxi for her. He knows that she’s probably not going to talk to him for a few days but he’s trying not to care.
He sighed heavily before going back to the field where you treated taehee’s wound. He smiled softly when he saw you and his daughter laughing together, amazed at how capable you are to make his daughter stop crying.
“Hey, baby!” He carries his daughter and lifts her up, playing with her as he loves to hear her giggles.
You smiled upon the view of the daddy and daughter moment, until you notice the absence of his girlfriend. “Mr. Lee, may I ask but where’s Miss Kim?”
He turns at you after giving his daughter a kiss, “Well, She went home. She’s not used to outdoor activities like this. I’m sorry that she didn’t know what to help earlier. Also, like what I said earlier, please drop the formalities when we’re outside the office like this.” You only nod at him, smiling politely at him.
“Daddy, I’m hungry!” Taehee shouts while rubbing her tummy cutely. “Alright! What do you want to eat, baby?”
So you ended up at an Italian restaurant with the father and daughter. Since Taehee wants to eat pasta, you ordered a creamy fusilli carbonara for her, while Taeyong ordered some dishes for you and him.
“Since we’re eating informally like this, can I ask something that I’ve been curious about?”
“Yeah, go ahead.”
“So, you said you can’t trust your daughter with anyone in her daily life, when you actually could send her to your parents. Why wouldn’t you do that?” You asked him carefully.
He sighs while looking at Taehee who’s playing with the napkin on the table. “I did. There was one time when I sent Taehee to my parents, but as a matter of fact, I’m not that close to my parents and my brothers. I was taught about business since I was in elementary school, so I always have this little thought that there isn’t any real love in my house except from my mother. My brothers’ thirst for money and power disgust me as much as I hate living in my own house.”
You look into his eyes deeply, feeling moved that he’s voluntarily opening up to you. “Too much information, right? Well, the point is I don’t find it comfortable to put my daughter in my parents’ house because she will be lonely there. Besides, my parents didn’t fancy my late wife. We were together without my parents’ permission so it was difficult for me and her until we had Taehee.”
You nod understandingly, feeling so warm inside. “It must be hard for you, Taeyong. It’s a good thing that you endured all of the hard times for Taehee, and now, as you can see, she grew up as a happy kid.”
Taeyong stutters, glancing at how your hand unconsciously reaches for his hand. “Y/n...” You looked at your hand on his, before your eyes widen in embarrassment. You immediately brush your hand away from his. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to...”
He smiled softly, “It’s alright. Thank you for understanding my situation. A lot of my friends say that I’m not being a good father for not spending lot of times with my daughter, but they don’t understand how hard it is to manage a company and taking care of a toddler at the same time, cause they have a wife.”
“Of course, they wouldn’t know. Well, I’ll always be available for Taehee. She’s a sweet baby, I love being near her. I’m always ready whenever you need my help.”
Taeyong never sees someone this dedicated to his daughter except you. He stares in amusement when he saw you feed his daughter delicately. He also noticed how much Taehee feels comfortable around you. This is why he trusted you so much with his daughter. But one thing that bothers his insides like butterflies are flying inside his stomach is your motherly feelings towards Taehee, the one he couldn’t find in anyone besides his late wife, especially Jennie. He finds it odd.
After the pet park ‘date’ with your boss, everything went back to normal, except your relationship with Taeyong. He kept wanting you to be very comfortable around him past office hours. He finds you as a friend, and a literal mom for Taehee. You picked her up from the daycare, it becomes your new routine. Sometimes, when Taeyong has to stay up in the office, you’d bring Taehee to your house and let her play with your twin nephews. Taehee really adores you, and his father weren’t so oblivious about that.
“Hey, Taehee said she wants to visit your nephews tonight, is that possible?” Taeyong asked with a visible pair of eye bags under his eyes. He looks so tired and uneven.
“Yeah, sure. Don’t worry, I’ll pick her up.” You smiled at him. “Mr. Lee, are you alright? You look tired...”
He gives you a soft smile as he replies, “Well, just a few problems with the diva. You know that. By the way, I won’t be able to come home tonight so can she stays in your place tonight? I’m so sorry...”
You nod, “That’s nothing to apologize for.”
His face lit up in delight upon seeing you agreed to help. “Alright, since I’ll be away for a moment, you can’t use my car. I’ll have Jaehyun to drive you and Taehee around, alright?”
So, you ended up waiting for Mr. Jung in front of the office lobby. You were replying to a message from your aunt when a beep from an expensive car chimes in front of you. “Hey, Y/n.”
You smile and bow to Mr. Jung. He’s a childhood friend of Taeyong, and he’s the closest uncle Taehee has among all of her father’s friends. “Good afternoon, Mr. Jung. Thank you for picking me up.”
“Aye, drop the formalities and just get in.”
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“Y/n! I miss you already!” You open your arms widely as the little princess runs towards you.
“Be careful, honey, or you’ll fall.” You uttered gently.
Jaehyun smiles softly behind the both of you as he plays with his car keys, examining you and his friend’s daughter. Jennie could never, he thought.
“Hey, is that uncle Jae?” She lets go of the hug and goes towards the cheeky man. “Yeah, he came with me to pick you up. Say hello to him, please?” Taehee only sighed before waving to Jaehyun weakly, clearly missing his dad more. “Where’s daddy?” She asked while pouting.
Jaehyun scoffs, “Hey, why aren’t you excited to meet me? Aren’t I the coolest uncle you have in the city?” Taehee shakes her head lightly, her head hurts upon seeing the overconfident man. “Let’s go, Y/n. I’m hungry.” She takes your hand and drags you softly to the car, knowing which car to go to for its eccentric color. “Hey, wait for me! Ugh, she really takes after her dad.”
You spoon the rice and pull a nice trick into feeding little Taehee. After five spoons and she nearly finishes her meal, Jaehyun wants to try to do a trick while feeding her. “Let me try,” he said. You nod and give the meal to him, while Taehee focused on her iPad. “Hey, taehee.. look at me. Here goes the airplane~”
The spoon ended up in front of her mouth, but Taehee keeps an unamused face as she eats the food. “What was that, uncle Jae? You’re so lame,” she shakes her head as she continues to focus on her videos. You hold your laugh, but people around the three of you laugh at the silly scene. Jaehyun covered his face in embarrassment, before whining to Taehee playfully. “Oh, taehee, can you at least work with me? Pretty pwease~” Taehee can’t help but leaves her iPad and laughs along with you. “Uncle Jae is so funny, and ugly hahaha,” she clapped happily while chewing on the meat.
Night comes, and you stay in Taeyong’s apartment again since he said he’s going to come home late and you haven’t cleaned up your apartment so you didn’t bring Taehee to your place. After putting her to sleep, you sit quietly on the couch with a snack you bought earlier to keep you up while waiting for your boss to come home. Thirty minutes later, you found yourself flinching at the sound of the door opened by the owner of the penthouse. You quickly tidy up the room and stand up to greet him, but when you do, you were met by a pair of lethargic eyes. “Mr. Lee..” you went up to him before helping him to walk properly.
Jaehyun groans behind him. “It is so tiring to bring him up here, even though they got a rich and pretentious ass elevator here. Today is the most tiring day of my life, and now I still gotta drive you home.” He complained. “Mr. Jung, you might want to rest a little bit. I’ll help Mr. Lee to change and stuff.” You said to him while assisting your boss to his bedroom. After helping him changing his shirt, you walked out of the room for him to change the rest of his clothes.
“Today is rougher for him, he... uh.. he caught his girlfriend cheating on him with his close business partner. I was lucky enough to catch him quickly earlier before he drinks his ninth bottle for the night. He’s a mess right now.” Jaehyun explained.
You sighed, “That’s so horrible. I don’t think I should leave him alone with Taehee. I’ll stay to make him some hangover soup tomorrow. Thank you for taking care of him, please have a good rest.” Jaehyun nodded before leaving the penthouse, sighing in relief that he finally gets to rest at home.
You knocked on his door, “Mr. Lee? Are you ready to sleep? I’ll help you clean your face.” There is no answer from him, so you decided to come in. Taeyong sits on the edge of his bed, his upper half body leaning on his hands, covering his face while small sobs could be heard. You gulped before approaching him. You say nothing but instead, sitting beside him and pulling him into your body, hugging him tightly. “I gave her everything, whatever she wanted, and she chose that bastard,” Taeyong mumbled and you only listen. “I accepted her even though she didn’t get along well with my daughter, but... that was.. man, that was terrible. This hurts more than when I lost taehee’s mom.” He sobs and you, once again, only listen.
“Y/n... can you take care of me tonight?” He asked before pulling away from your arms. You blink in confusion, “How can I do so?” you asked while stuttering. He says nothing but leans down to you, putting his lips on you gently. You close your eyes and reply to the kiss, enjoying the moment he savor you with his tongue. Taeyong’s drunken limb starts to roam around your body, and he found his hand near the hem of your shirt, before pulling away to catch a breath. “Can I?” He asked while panting. You only nodded, before letting him raise your shirt gently as he gives wet kisses around your neck, and you only moan softly.
Later on, you found yourself asleep next to him, hands and legs tangled up with each other. You smiled at the sight of your naked bodies pressed against each other, before falling asleep hearing the sound of his soft breath.
The next morning, you woke up at the sound of your alarm ringing and you know right away that it’s already six in the morning. You try to untangle your arms but the man you called boss won’t let you go. “Mr. Lee, I have to wake up,” you mumble softly. He only groans, “Urgh, five more minutes. My head hurts.” You smiled and put your free hand on his head, running your hand through his hair. “That’s why I need to wake up first, I’ll cook some hangover soup.”
A minute later, he let go of you with kisses and you only giggle to his touch. Taeyong pulls the blanket to cover himself more as he gets some more sleep as you wear his shirt and leave to the kitchen.
After cooking the breakfast with love, you went to Taehee’s room to wake her up, and to your surprise, she was already awake. You greeted her with a tight hug, before carrying her up to give her drink. “Y/n, you smell like daddy.” She mumbled. You chuckled awkwardly before putting her on her high chair, “Really? Maybe it’s because daddy lent me his blanket last night.”
To your surprise, Taehee sighed in relief while putting her hand on her chest cutely, “Finally daddy treat you right, I’m always upset whenever he let you sleep in my room. You know how small my bed is and he only gets to sleep on that big bed alone. But now I’m happy that you get to sleep on that big bed too!” You laughed wholeheartedly at her cute remarks while at the same time feeling relieved that she didn’t find it weird that you’re sleeping with her dad. “Oh, he lent you his shirt as well!”
After the little princess finished the breakfast, you let her take a shower by herself since she insisted that she’s now able to clean herself. By that, you also have time to wash the dishes while you wait for her. You were busy humming like a chirping bird while cleaning the dirty dishes when you felt hands surrounding your waist.
Taeyong leaned his head on your shoulder, before kissing your shoulder blades gently.
“You look good on my shirt.” He mumbled against your skin and you can feel heat surrounding your body. “But you definitely look good without any shirt on.”
You blink in nervousness, “I thought you wouldn’t remember yesterday’s event, since you were heavily drunk.” You feel him shaking his head, “Of course I would, the moment I got to taste your beautiful lips, that was when I sobered up.”
You blushed madly, at the thought of him fully sober when he did things to you last night. “The soup’s on the table, have it before it’s cold.” You stuttered. “No, I prefer you for breakfast.” Taeyong continues to tease you while caressing his thumb against your waist, until a loud cute voice comes from the sub room bathroom, indicating that the little princess has just finished her bath and needs her bathrobe soon.
You let go of Taeyong with a giggle, caressing his cheeks softly, “Your daughter needs me more than you do. Now finish your soup so your head will stop ringing.” He smiled and nodded at you.
“It’s weekend! What should we do today?” You asked taehee as you dry her hair with a towel. “Hm, what about coloring? And also, let’s have watermelon before lunch since it’s summer.” You nod, “such a perfect plan! I’ll inform your dad right away.”
So, you stayed another day in his house, but one thing, he hasn’t made it official yet. You convinced yourself not to expect anything from him but his affection to you convinced you otherwise. But time passes and Taeyong treats you the way he does to you that particular night. He remains professional during office hours but when you stayed at the penthouse for Taehee, he’d get super affectionate with you.
Taeyong hasn’t heard about Jennie nor he wanted to look for her. He let himself forget about her and relies on you, his lovely secretary, instead. He took you on several dates, but he hasn’t confirmed the real thing yet. You wait patiently for the right time he would confess to you, but reality slaps you so hard for you to wake up.
Today, which is Friday, you took a day off to help your family move, and Taeyong gladly let you go with a careful hug, avoiding being caught by the workers. Until you received a call from Jaehyun informing you that Taehee got injured while running around with her friends. It went so bad that she got a cast wrapped around her little arm.
You drove as soon as possible to the hospital, with flowers and a cute teddy bear in your arms, you run towards the room Jaehyun told you. You smiled as soon as you spotted Jaehyun in the hallway, greeting him in a hurry. “Where is she? I brought her-”
Jaehyun cuts you off, “Uh, Y/n. I don’t think you should come in right now, I think they’re busy.” He stuttered so much that you find it suspicious when he covers the door with his body. “What happen?” You asked. Jaehyun blinked before he sighed, “No, Y/n, I think you deserve to know.” He caress your shoulder gently before walking away from the door.
That was when you felt thunder wakes you up loudly, as the clear image of your boss and his ex-girlfriend leans against each other in front of the sleeping toddler, lips brushed against each other. You dropped the flowers and the plushie bear, tears dropping heavily down your cheeks.
“Y/n... are you.. are you alright?” Jaehyun asked you before putting your head up to him, distracting your stormy mind. “No, I... I, have to go.” You leave him and the things you brought for taehee as you run out wiping your tears harshly.
How can you be proud that he touched you so many times you thought he loved you or something. Reality hurts, and now you’re awakened with false hope. You weren’t disappointed with him, but you. How can you dream about being together with him, when in reality he was far away from you to reach him. He only has her in his mind, since she was the one suitable enough to match his class. You downgraded yourself to the point of your big decision today.
Monday comes, and you determined yourself to come to work, and to submit the resignation paper yourself to him. You couldn’t let personal feelings go through your work, so you decided to quit this job and find another one that’ll be easier for you to forget him. The only one who knew about it was Johnny. He tried to make you think about it twice but in the end, he respected your determined decision.
“Good morning, Mr. Lee, do you want to have some coffee?” You greet him formally, leaving him uptight about the awkward tension. “Oh, no, I’m okay. Please do continue your work. Oh, and Y/n, are you okay? You look unusually under the weather.” He asked. “I’m okay, thanks for asking. By the way, Mr. Lee, I’m here to submit a paper.”
He narrowed his eyes, “What paper?” You slowly put the white envelope on his table. “What is this?” His voice changed into a stern one, as he takes the envelope with doubt. “My resignation letter. Please put your signature under the stated letter, so I could apply for another-”
“Wait, no, are you gonna quit? I mean, why?”
“-job at the end of the month.” You finished your words without letting him cutting in.
“Why? Why are you quitting? Your work has been perfect and you never make a mistake, why in the world should you quit?” He is now standing up while putting his fist on the table.
“I made a mistake, and it’s a big fatal mistake.” You uttered. “What? What did you do? Tell me and we can work it out.”
“I made a big mistake by putting my heart and expectations on my own employer without realizing that it would damage my work value and now I will be no longer able to work properly under this company without having my own personal feelings intervene my work so... I chose to quit, and please respect my decision, Mr. Lee.” You try so hard to hold your tears not to come out but you have limits so, you decided to bow and leave the room quietly.
“Y/n, you’re okay-” Johnny passes by but you have no intentions to stop walking so you leave him behind and go forward to the nearest toilet. Now I have 2 weeks to work under his presence, so I gotta withstand everything, you thought.
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“No, mom. I will not stay in the company. Besides, it’s a chance for me to try out new things out there. And if I can’t get a new career, I’ve got enough experience and value to apply as a secretary.” You explained to your mother.
“I know you can’t work under his company anymore, but what about his daughter? What about that child, huh?” Your mother’s words hit different, and now you fall into a deep silence. “Mom, I’m sure he can take care of her by himself and that she won’t be needing me that much. Besides, him choosing her shows that he didn’t actually need me to babysit his daughter.”
“Since when do you become this selfish? Are you even my daughter? You said you were the only one she knew and trusted, not even his rich and pretty girlfriend.” Your mother retorted back, and you just groaned in annoyance. “Did you just call her pretty?”
“Did you just roll your eyes on me?” She flicked your head with one hand while the other hand stays kneading the dough. “I’m sorry,” you apologized.
“I’m just telling you that Taehee has become my grandchild too, just like the twins, and the thought of her being lonely like she used to be is terrifying for me. I’m sure despite the pain you felt for her father, you’re feeling the same too. Are you sure to leave her alone as if you never knew her?”
You sighed, I don’t know what to do with that, mom.
And that is true, even though you continue working for the rest of your work hours before your resignation without Taeyong asking you to take care of his daughter, you still think about her. You think of how she might need you since her little hand was cast but there’s nothing you could do about it.
Jaehyun still communicates with you about her condition without her father knowing, so you feel grateful that at least you’d know what’s up with her.
On the day before your farewell, Taeyong got himself wasted on the bar, as much as Jaehyun could reminisce to the day when his best friend was wasted over a breakup. He only sighed upon seeing his drunk friend before paying the bills for him.
“I don’t know a well human being like you could be this wasted, of course, after knowing that spoiled little bitch.” Jaehyun muttered. Taeyong turns to look at him, “you called her what?” He mumbled.
“Yeah, Jennie, the spoiled little bitch, who cheated on you with your best partner.”
“Don’t call my girlfriend that unless you want a punch from me.” Taeyong balled his hand into a fist until his knuckles turn white. “Try to punch me with that weak ass punch, you idiot. Please reflect on what you’ve done.”
Jaehyun holds himself not to order a liquor since he’ll be driving his best friend back to his penthouse, and he praised himself for being a perfect bestie. “Dude, do you even know why Y/n quit her job?”
“No, I don’t understand why she would be that stupid to quit after I paid her million dollars every month.”
Jaehyun closed his eyes, trying hard not to punch his best friend into oblivion, “What an idiot, you slept with her, several times. Took her on a date and make her live with high expectations around you, and in the end, you chose that bitch who cheated on you? I can’t believe you didn’t consider yourself as a jerk by now.”
Taeyong sighed under the influence of alcohol, “Everyone makes mistake, and deserve a second chance. She promised me to get better, and who I am to reject her, a god?”
“I know you’re trying to be saint about it, but don’t let it makes you blind. For this time, please think of your daughter, and consider who has been next to you, and would she break her promise again? You have a lot of things to make sure, bud.”
After bringing Taeyong home, Jaehyun drove again to the hospital, where he asked his girlfriend, Chaeyoung, to stay with the poor little toddler. As soon as he opened the door, a crying baby and a frowning face of his girlfriend was the first thing he saw. “She won’t fall asleep,” she complained.
“Is she still looking for Y/n?” Jaehyun asked and Chaeyoung only nodded.
You rushed towards the hospital as soon as he called you desperately, looking for help. And it mesmerized both him and Chaeyoung that you managed to get her to sleep in only ten minutes.
After jaehyun and his girlfriend left, you caressed taehee’s back gently before you fall asleep next to her. You made sure to text your mom to bring taehee breakfast tomorrow so she’ll get to eat as much as possible.
The next day, you were awakened by the sounds of Taehee crying, and the first thing you saw was Taeyong with his angry-looking girlfriend. “No, just go daddy! I don’t need you! I have Y/n over here and I don’t wanna be with aunt Jennie!” She whines and you only shushed her with soothing words, and she managed to stop.
“Alright, we’re leaving. Y/n, uh... I’m sorry for keeping you busy with her.” Taeyong scratched the nape of his head before leaving with the girl.
After the pair leave, you managed to calm the wailing toddler down, and luckily she was fast enough to stop crying. “Taehee, why wouldn’t you want to be with aunt Jennie?” You asked carefully, while caressing your hand gently on her head as she cuddles into your side. “I don’t like her. She takes daddy from me, and daddy doesn’t care about it either. My arm is hurting every night, but daddy is busy working or playing with aunt Jennie, I hate it.” Taehee pauses as she sniffs, “Maybe daddy hates me.”
You let out a heavy sigh of your mouth as you get a little bit too emotional about the little poor girl. “No, Taehee, daddy loves you so much, but sometimes, he just doesn’t know how to show it.” You wipe her tears gently and make her look up to you. “He really loves you, he prepared a lot of things for your future. And as much as you need his love, daddy needs it too. Daddy needs aunt Jennie as much as you need him. You’re a good baby, Taehee. You’ve been supporting your daddy and he only needs to know that.”
“Does he look happier when he’s with her?” You were tongue-tied when she gives you the sharp but sad question. You don’t know the answer, because to be honest, you’ve been thinking of the same thing too. “I think he’s happier with me, and with you! He’s so happy when the three of us are together. Y/n, why won’t you be my mom?”
You blinked, startled by her sudden request. “Taehee, I am only being a helper-“
She starts to cry again, “Do you hate me too? Do you not want to be with me?” You quickly make her stop by rejecting her remarks. “No, Taehee, I want to be with you. We spent a lot of time together. I love you, baby, and you should never doubt that. Now enough talking about adult stuff, your arm will hurt more if we keep stressing about it. How about watching paw patrols while waiting for my mom to come here with your breakfast?”
Her eyes immediately lit up in delight upon hearing that her ‘grandmother’ will come with food. “Grandma cooked for me?! Yaay! Finally... urgh, The food here sucks.”
“Wait, I think I left my wallet on the sofa,” Taeyong mumbled as he roamed around his body to check every pocket he has in his clothes. “There’s no way I’d walk back again, we’re already in the basement.”
Taeyong sighs, “Alright, just go to the car first,” he handed in the car keys before running back to his daughter’s ward. He was about to open the door when he overheard the conversation going on between his daughter and you. “Does he look happier when he’s with her?” Taeyong furrowed his eyebrow while waiting for your answer, but then he heard nothing from you.
“I think he’s happier with me, and with you! He’s so happy when the three of us are together.” The words quickly ring repetitively in his head, which makes him question the same thing, does he look happier when he’s with you, and his daughter?
He walks back to the parking lot, hands empty without his wallet, but a brand new decision. He goes to the car with no emotion drawn on his face, but so many things in his head.
“Where are we heading to? This isn’t the right way to the coex. Are you.. taking me home?”
“Yeah, I didn’t manage to get my wallet back so let’s just eat ramen in your house.”
Jennie narrowed her eyes suspiciously before Taeyong shuts down all of her thoughts with a glare.
“This is weird. I don’t like instant noodles, and you cooked for me right in my own house, are you gonna break up with me?” She joked. But then Taeyong nodded, after slurping his last ramen. “Yeah, after all, I do realize that I’m not exactly happy when I’m with you.”
Jennie loses her smile and she makes sure that she hears wrong from him. “Wait a minute, no, you’re only joking, right? No, yong, not cool. Not funny, you need to learn another joke.”
“No, I’m not joking. You never let me do whatever makes me happy. You always had me listen to you every time, like a puppet. And the most important thing, you never, let alone love my daughter, you never have any interest in her. How could I be with someone like that? You should’ve dated any single man without any kids, like that man you cheated me on with, Kim Jongin.”
Jennie lets out her tears fall like he hurts her intentionally. “I thought we talked about that, yong. You said you forgive me for that.”
“No, Jen. This is not working out anymore. We can’t work it out anymore.” Taeyong was already standing up, ready to leave the house when Jennie pulls his hand back tightly, preventing him to leave. “No, yong. I promise I will make things right, please. Please-”
Taeyong holds her hand for the last time, giving her the best of his smiles, along with his sad glaze over his eyes. “I’m so sorry for being a jerk, Jen. But you really need to meet someone else other than me. Someone who will love you fully for you. Someone who will not ask too much from you, like me. I appreciate all of our times together but we can’t be together, so, goodbye.”
A week after your resignation, you spend your time resting in your apartment. Taehee was discharged from the hospital and now she can move as much as she wants so you no longer stays with her. You never heard of Taeyong or his little daughter, the last time you heard of him was from Johnny, where he said Taeyong got himself drown in work more than usual. You, on the other hand, are the opposites of him. 
You spend your days mostly laying on your bed, sometimes splattered on your sofa, stuck with Netflix and tubs of ice cream. Even though you weren’t really adjusted by only lying around sluggishly at home, the feeling of emptiness without your work and Taehee make you feel like doing nothing would be the best option. 
You know very well that the moment you lay your application forms on any company mailboxes, acceptances will come to you like a waterfall. No doubt, you have the experience of working in a big and reputable technology company, and your educational background is no joke. But lately, you have no interest in working and trying out new things, like you used to be. It’s like you’ve changed into another person, and you, of course, find it weird.
Like now, in front of your full body mirror, you started to question your whole being the moment you grabbed your old party dress. “Seriously, who are you? You never go into clubs or bars in the past few years, and now you want to get drown in alcohol? That is so not you, Y/n.” You talked to yourself like a madwoman. 
“Urgh, fuck it. I’ll get wasted tonight,” you mumbled. 
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You engulfed your ninth bottle on the bar chair, eyes getting heavy every second as you put down the empty bottle. You were about to order more bottles when a stranger sits next to you. “I’ll pay her bills. Hey, miss. Even though you’re quite a hot mess right now, your look still being an eye-catcher.” 
You narrowed your already blurry eyes at the unfamiliar man. “Uh, I’m sorry. I don’t drink with strangers.” You were about to leave when he holds your wrist tightly. “Where are you going? I’m paying your bills, at least chat with me here.”
You brushed his hand aside weakly, “No, I’ll pay-”
“Let go of her, you trash.” With a sudden force, you were pulled behind someone’s back. At one moment, you quickly notice the man in front of you from his hair color, and especially his peculiar scent. Lee Taeyong?
“I’ll pay her bills. Please be quick.” He brings you along to the cashier and as you watch his back under the influence, you can’t help but adore his familiar figure. “Those back... and those arms, used to hold me every night.”
“Let’s go, Y/n. Oh wow, your cheeks are so red.” He chuckles as he helped you standing properly by holding both of your upper arms. “Really? It’s because Mr. Lee is really handsome tonight,” you mumble sweetly. Taeyong chuckles louder when he heard the compliment out of your own mouth, knowing very well that you won’t exactly say that kind of thing when you’re sober. “No, you’re just really drunk, right now.” He noticed your skimpy dress before taking off his coat to cover your revealing outfit. “Let’s go.”
“Mr. Lee, why are you so perfect that It’s so hard to get on your side?” You mumble in your drunk state, while Taeyong only listens bitterly on his driver seat. “The harder I tried to chase you, you’ll be ahead further, away from me. You’re too far for me, Mr. Lee. I’m scared, about the fact that even though you’re not someone I can reach so easily, it’s hard for me to erase you from my mind.”
Taeyong was about to say something when you continue talking, “You and taehee, has become a part of my life that I can’t just erase so easily. Huh, am I too drunk? Am I dreaming?” You let out a heavy sigh as a drop of tear rolls on your cheek. “Can I actually say these things to you? Whatever, It hurts.” 
This time, in his sober state, Taeyong fully understands that you truly had something special for him. Only now that he realizes that the only person he needed all this time was you. The only missing piece to his and taehee’s life was you. He no longer questions why you decided to leave your job. And finally, he understands what Jaehyun meant and he knows what to do.
“No, don’t go. I hate being drunk alone,” you mumble as you put your hand weakly in his, preventing him from leaving. “But, Y/n...”
“Please, I promise I won’t get wasted and be a trouble for you. Just this one night, please.” Taeyong sighs as he leads you back to your bed. “Alright, now let’s change your clothes first.”
He tries so hard not to touch you like he used to do when you sleep in his place. He smiles softly when he sees you shift around in your sleep. When he finished putting your pajamas on, he quickly covers you with a blanket before heading out of your room to check on his daughter.  “Hey, Jae. Thanks for taking care of taehee, is she asleep?”
“Yeah, yeah. I know, you’re gonna sleep there tonight, huh? Don’t worry, Taehee’s already sleeping with Chae in my bedroom. Take care of her, she deserves it. I’m always ready to help you, bro.”
Taeyong laughs when he hears his best friend yawns from the other side. “Alright, thank you so much. And also, I want you to arrange the whole thing we talked about yesterday. Please?”
“Dude, if only I can take back what I said earlier about always being ready to help you, I will. But no, alright, I’ll take care of it by tomorrow. You owe me a lot, dude.” 
“I sure do, thank you a lot Jae.”
After hanging up the call, he goes back to your room, only to see you curled up against your pillow, snoring softly like a little baby. He lays down next to you, eyes wide awake while admiring your sleeping figure. “Why only now that I realize, that you were meant for me? I don’t deserve you, Y/n.”
Later on, he fell asleep with his body hugging yours, spooning you cozily and the warm fuzzy feeling makes you feel loved even in your dream.
“Good morning.” A familiar voice greets you the moment you open your eyes. “Oh, it’s Mr. Lee. Why would I hear him, especially on my bed? Oh, and now I can see him. Wow, hallucinations are either real these days.” You rub your eyes to get a better view, but he’s too good to be true. Taeyong stays still with a remaining smile on his face. “Am I still drunk? Ah, my head hurts.” You stretch out your hand to touch his face, and your eyes widen as you feel his cheeks against your palm.
“Mr. Lee?! Wait, you’re real?” You jolts up in shock as he chuckles sweetly. “You’re funny, Y/n. Yeah, I’m real. You’re the one who asked me to stay last night,” he muttered.
Distracted by his raspy morning voice, you think hard about how he ended up on your bed. But you were too drunk to remember everything. His face turns serious when he speaks up, “Don’t ever get drunk like yesterday, someone almost put something in your drink and I can’t even imagine what could’ve happened if I didn’t come sooner.” 
You sat on the bar chair as he cooks some hangover soup for you, still confused about what just happened last night. Taeyong smiles upon seeing your puzzled expression. “So one of my business partner were having a celebration in the same bar last night, and he recognized you drinking alone on the bar, he only remembers you as my secretary so he contacted me and I thanked him a lot for that. If I was a little bit late, you could’ve been dragged to anywhere by that bastard.”
“Mr. Lee, we didn’t do anything last night, right?” You asked him bluntly, before covering your mouth out of embarrassment. Shit, I shouldn’t ask him that.
“Haha, no. You only asked me for cuddles. No more than that.” He put the soup on the counter before sitting down next to you. “Eat it before it cools down.” He gives you his sweet smiles as he pats the top of your head gently. You nod before you spoon the warm broth. 
“Mr. Lee, is she okay with you being here?” you asked carefully. “Who? Taehee? Uh, I asked Jaehyun to take care of her last night, and I just checked up on her and she just ate her breakfast.”
You smiles bitterly, “That’s good, but I mean Miss Kim, does she know that you’re here?”
Taeyong sighed before licking his lip nervously. “Uhm, I broke up with her, Y/n.”
You tilt your head, how come I never know that...
“I realized that I’m never happy whenever I’m around her, and she was one of the reasons why I can’t spend more time with my daughter, so... I decided to call it off with her.” 
“Ah, I’m sorry for you, Mr. Lee.” you bowed politely to him, feeling sorry that he had to end his 3 years relationship. “It’s alright. I’m okay, why would I be with someone who doesn’t cherish my daughter as much as I do, right?”
Seeing you staying still as you stare at nowhere, he takes it as a chance to give you a little bit of clarity. “Y/n, would you listen to what I’m gonna say?”
You turn your vision to him, and right at both of his brown orbs, you decide to listen without any expectations. “What is it?” You muttered. He closes his eyes while you set yours on him still. He gives out a small soothing smile as he speaks up, “What I did to you was unforgivable and shameful. I am very sorry for that. I regret hurting you and not realizing it. While being with her, I was blinded by greed and fraud. And maybe that’s why I couldn’t see what’s in front of me. My true tendency, my happiness.”
You were taken aback as you expected none of those words to come out of his mouth. His eyes wander to yours, looking for any answer from them. “Y/n, do you still love me? Do I... deserve a precious second chance from you?”
You gulped down in nervousness, “If I say I do, will I lose you again, Mr. Lee?”
His lips pull themselves up into a smile automatically at the sounds of your question, “I promise you no promises, Y/n. But I’ll hold onto you forever. Let’s not let go of each other.” He took your hand gently before putting a kiss on your delicate palm. “Don’t let go of me again, yong.”
He nodded as he leaned down to press his lips into yours, and you close your eyes along to the kiss.
Hours later, he brought you to a place where his daughter, along with Jaehyun and Chaeyoung have waited for you both. You feel your tears of happiness flowing like a river when the little girl holds the banner with a growing smile on her face, there written, ‘Will you be my mom?’
“Yes, honey. Yes,” you muttered as you hugged her tightly, before Taeyong joined the hug as well. “Well, our mission here is accomplished, so now please excuse me and my love to go on a nice date, Mr. Lee.”
“Haha, thanks Jae, I owe you a lot.”
little sequel
jaefluenza masterlist
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horanghoe · 4 years
Hermes Hates Christmas - Jaemin Drabble
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Yo yo so this was entirely inspired by @choerrypuffs​ fic - 'my best friend wants to be abducted by aliens' and would've never been sinned into existence if it weren't for @jimjamjaemin being a gem. So there's that! Go check them both out :D
Genre: Drabble, Fluff, mentions of kissing!
Word Count: 2k of teeth rotting fluff and flirting nonsense
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“You know, you’re decently nice-looking, considering you’re one of Hermes’ offspring.”
Jaemin stated in an amused tone, chin resting snug in his palms with that annoying grin of his plastered right across his stupidly pretty face. His elbow planted languidly on the kitchen tabletop.
He was looking at you - rather into you - like some kind of love-struck puppy. He had been doing so for a while now and it was making you feel sick, flustered.
You choked on your cereal, coughing a little before scoffing. Your body shot up defensively out of habit.
“And what exactly in - the shit is that supposed to mean Jae?” You stumbled in retort, and Jaemin didn’t even try to hide his amusement. Eyes morphing into crescents and gums pulling back to show off those stupidly perfectly teeth.
He’d been pestering you all morning, and resumed his prodding as soon as his tight little ass hit that kitchen chair at 10PM sharp. 
He had asked if you wanted to sleep over for days now, and you figured it was about time to visit the needy boy since most of your friends and siblings had left for home, or better yet dipped out on the first day back.
You figured his persistent effort of annoyance was some kind of an attempt to get payback on behalf of his Camp siblings for that little flour prank you and your own siblings had played on the remaining 'Holiday Camp' residents.
You and your remaining older brother and sister left a bag on top of doors around the Camp. Any door really that would make you shit yourselves with laughter when the contents ended up on people's head. Harmless, but unreasonably funny.
Your pal, Ares' daughter Lisa had egged you on (literally) to replace the boring flour with eggnog in lieu of the holiday seasons. The bits that didn't freeze inside the tub atop the tool shed door, landed all over resident flirt, Na Jae-min.
He couldn't wash the smell out for days.
Little did you know, he forgave you of that prank as soon as he saw your face infected with giddy childlike joy. He couldn't care less about pride when your happiness was a part of the equation. 
Nah, Na Jaemin just found a certain type of joy in provoking you. Your annoyance was endearing to him, sickly so.
A little snort escaped him as he flicked his eyes over you. The scene of your emotions across the table were crescendoing.
And selfishly, approaching his favourite part.
“Because that was a sentence. I thought Hermes' children are supposed to be quick witted? You're sure he was claiming you when he set that tent on fire, right?” This time, for your sake, he hid his smile behind his curled fingers.
“Jaem, please.” You sighed desperately. Your spoon hitting the bowl with a loud clank, a groan practically radiating from your body and hands immediately flying to your face.
Your elbows thunked with emotional weight against the table. "My head hurts."
You could hear him laughing airily, reaching over to grab your spoon before you instinctively slapped his hand away with an offended noise.
“Mmmm -“ He hummed, “- you're pretty moody for one of his kids, too. Maybe we should ask for another sign, besides the fire accident. Mark practically screams Hermes energy, you know? Maybe he was trying to claim him." 
Before you could get up and throttle the boy into a new dimension, Jeno appeared from his bunk further down the cabin, taking a seat beside you at the table.
He was instantly too close and you both couldn’t stand it and absolutely adored the walk-in excuse of a human distraction.
“What’s up - Umm, did I interrupt something?” Jeno started strong, but quickly sensed the tense looks being shared and sat up a little stiffer beside you in his seat.
You groaned loudly, downing the rest of your cereal quickly.
"No, we're fine." Jaemin spoke on your behalf.
Leaning back to adjust his hoodie and tuck his hands in his pockets. You wiped an escapee but of milk from your lip, before firmly planting your bowl down and turning to Jeno. Who in all fairness, was pretty amused.
You and Jaemin fought like kids and yet loved each other dearly. Not that you wouldn't rather die than admit that to him.
Because you would. Die that is.
"Jaem's been bothering me all day." You groaned, grabbing Jeno's arm and leaning into him dramatically. "All I wanted was to eat in peace and instead all I do is suffer."
His jumper was pretty soft and smelt like him, and the heat that radiated from him was very welcome despite the cabin warmth. 
"Oh?" Jeno said calmly, raising his eyebrow with a sleepy smile and peering between the two of you. "Do enlighten me."
You squinted at his slight sarcasm, holding onto him like a feral cat seeking warmth like the first time in years, Jaemin simply shrugged. His personality withdrew a little with you clinging to Jeno.
"Miss moody won't tell me what she wants for Christmas so I was trying to - wait a second, is that my chain?! Dude quit stealing my shit! I thought I lost that last week. Give it!"
Jaemins temporary flirty behaviour was replaced with mock horror and disgust, a finger pointing straight at the chain sat snug on your collarbone.
You immediately gasped, theatrically throwing a hand to your neck. The banter-ball had just been thrown straight back into your court.
"Oh, this? Oops well, sorry to hear it disappeared, I guess I found it for you. Your welcome." You quipped, nose creasing with effort not to sneer. It was Jaemins turn to frown in a tick of frustration. 
"You're not cute. Give it back? Please?" His tone was pleading. You thought for a minute, finger to chin before shaking your head, knees jolting up with a giddy sort of joy.
"Mmm, it looks better over here, on me. Finders keepers and all that. You can try and woo me out of it, that could lure me." Jeno laughed quietly.
"Y/N, what are you? A Sphinx? When did you steal that? He made me look under his bed and everything, shit's a mess down there." 
You thought for a second before shrugging.
"Probably around the same time I found his dumb supreme hoodie Mark always goes on about buying off of him." Jaemin whined loudly, crying out.
"My what?! Not my hoodie! Y/N, I said you could borrow it, not take it completely!" You shrugged a little with a genuine frownt. 
"Sorry, I'll give them back." He shook his head after a moment, smiling up at you instinctively as you eased off Jeno's limbs and stood to approach him.
Jeno flicked out his phone, adjusting himself before scrolling to watch a video. Distracted completely. 
The way his eyes gleamed, the way his stupid face made you swoon, you bet that aphrodite really must have had Jaemin pegged as one of her favourite sons. 
You paused before him, before lunging to sit on his lap with your head tucked under his chin. He grunted a little at first, purely out of surprise. But his arms quickly found their way around, pulling you into him so gently.
"You do look good in that chain, baby. So pretty. Now can I have it back? " He mumbled against your hair, giving a small squeeze before rocking you both gently.
"Sure." You giggled a little. Unclipping the cool silver before adjusting it around his own neck, pressing a small kiss on his nose.
"I'll grab the hoodie tomorrow morning?" He cooed cutely with a melting grin.
"Thank you." He said quietly, elongating the words to edge towards smugness. 
"You know, you're pretty dense, considering you're one of Aphrodite's kids." You whispered, quickly pulling away from his oncoming kisses. He whined loudly.
"Noooo - kiss me! I was so close!" He whimpered like an A grade theatre kid, mock tears being wiped from his eyes.
"And a pretty big drama queen, too." You snorted, Jaemin rolling his eyes as you and laughed chestily at his creased brows, the giggle causing your eyes to sparkle.
"You know that you're a meany? You do know that, right? One big silver tongued meany." Jaemin whined, before you peered down at him.
"I don't think my dad would appreciate you calling me that." You shot back, with an uppity tone. He rolled his eyes, hands resting on your lower back with a finger drawing slight patterns under the hem of your shirt.
"I think he'd be somewhat happy that I called you a thief.  Hell, a good one at that. Seriously, if it weren't for me keeping you in check, I think you'd have the ability to talk yourself out of anything."
There it was, that cocky smile, those eyes with a glimmer of mischief. The ones you had fell in love with. Oh by God's did they drive you wild.
"Whatever." You scoffed, rolling your eyes.
"Mmm, yeah. Seriously though." He hummed, watching you curiously.
And he kept watching you. And then he kept staring. His smile growing by the minute.
After a moment of silence you grew fidgety. His arms around your waist, patiently peering up at you. All over again, the annoyance winding up and up and up until he got you flustered all over again.
But fuck, you loved it.
"Kiss me." He whispered, giving a small wink. You groaned, noting the sound of Jeno leaving the room with a sigh and a small 'Fuck this'.
With the door slammed shut and horizons safe, quickly you pecked at his cheek, Jaemin squealing with a garrish round of giggles. He settled just as quickly, sitting back to peer up at you with those dumb puppy eyes.
"You're everything I could have wanted and more." He whispered through teeth, smile far too wide for your liking. Yet you couldn't hide the smile that twitched at your lips. 
Rolling your eyes to look up, left, right, dead into those beautiful eyes.
"You're an idiot." You groaned. He smiled wider.
"But you love it." 
"A beautifully stupid idiot."
"Meany~" He whined, eyes squeezing shut before opening again.
"Oh poor baby lost his necklace." You mocked, bottom lip out and all. He scoffed, slapping your thigh lightly.
"Now that's just bullying." 
"Kiss me and I'll apologise." You suggested, about to dive out of his embrace before he cried out, holding your torso against his.
"I don't kiss thieves! Much less thieves that blackmail!" Jaemin seethed.
"I gave it back! I'll give it back!." You huffed, removing your arms from his shoulders to cross over your chest.
"You're hurting my leg, thief. The weight of your sins is entirely damning. I might sink straight down into the underworld!" He exclaimed dramatically. 
His small smile quickly turned into giggles. Your humour mirrored his. Chest heaving little breaths of air between laughter.
"Nah, you'd go straight down to the pits, president heart-breaker." You giggled at his scoff, hands stretching to reach around his neck again. He gave a light squeeze back.
"Rude, we're all fully aware that that's Johnny Suh's job. Nah, you'd slip by the judges and save me first. Knowing you; you'd talk your way out of Charon's ferry toll. Maybe even slip past Cerberus."
You giggled, even more so than you had meant to. All gradually calming into a smile. Stilling to ponder into his eyes. 
Instinctively your head leaned forward a little to bump noses with the doting boy below.
Jaemin met you halfway, head tilting forward to tap a finger delicately on the soft bit under your jaw, lips pressing softly against yours.
"Thief." He whispered against your lips, pulling away from a soft open mouthed kiss. Eyes hooded and aura softened with awe.
Before you could get offended, he whispered the rest of his statement, starting another dizzying kiss that made your head and heart swell with love.
"You stole my heart. Remind me never to ask for it back."
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well would you look at that: updated 15/FEBRUARY/2022
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your-world-with-nct · 4 years
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— @doyoungcore ty for the inspiration for this post joyce 🥺 consider this a very belated bday present hehe (also apologies for the late post, i hope this longer blurb makes up for it 🙈)
💌 • 4:56pm
browsing the clothing racks for items that caught your eye, you sighed as you checked the price tag of the pair of jeans you’d been considering getting for a while, groaning at the fact that it hadn’t gone on sale yet.
you dragged your feet to the next aisle, looking down at your worn-out sneakers and heading for the shoe section instead, immediately spotting some reasonably-priced stylish boots along with your favourite shoe brand’s name splashed above the display.
“hey, excuse me, hi, do you have a minute?” you would be lying if you said that the man standing in front of you panting and swiping at his forehead wasn’t the most beautiful person you’d ever laid eyes on, your throat drying up at his unbelievable looks.
“oh, me? yeah, i have a minute, are you okay?” you questioned why this man who could pass off as a model was acting as desperate as those people in the town centre who passed out flyers that nobody ever paid attention too, pausing to take in his breathtaking physique.
“i’m so sorry to bother you, but my name is doyoung, and my ex is here with her new boyfriend. i was wondering if you could just pose as my partner for a bit, y’know, until she’s gone,” stranger!doyoung nervously smiled at you, his eyes flitting all over as, you assumed, he was searching for his ex, “if i’m interrupting your shopping, i-i’ll go but, i, i just don’t wanna look pathetic in front of her.”
the request shocked you, but there was a small voice in your head that wanted to go along with it. not only because you felt sorry for doyoung and you didn’t want him to embarrass himself in front of his ex, but also the fact this gorgeous boy thought that you were believable enough to be, well, in his league and dating him, inflated your ego and you had to repay him for doing wonders with your confidence.
“no, no, that’s fine, doyoung! i’m y/n, by the way, and don’t worry, you’re not really interrupting anything,” you grinned at him, trying not to scream when an adorable gummy smile appeared on his face, “just do what you need to do, i’ll go with it.”
contrary to your statement, you couldn’t hide the shock on your face when doyoung went straight for your hand and interlocked your fingers, leading you to those shoes you’d been eyeing, while gazing at you with his twilight orbs, “how about those, babe? i remember you saying you needed more shoes to go with those pants you bought last week.”
considering how jittery doyoung was when he approached you, you were beyond amazed by how easily he transformed into an endearing ‘boyfriend’, helping you reach shoes on higher shelves and asking employees for your size, all whilst making light-hearted conversation with you and calling you the cutest nicknames.
within a few minutes, you were immersed in your role, completely embracing doyoung’s kindness, and even forgetting that it was all an act at times, especially when he tidied away the shoes you didn’t want and wordlessly handed your sneakers back to you, as if it was his silent way of showing affection.
except… it wasn’t; he was just trying to save himself from embarrassment and it meant absolutely nothing to him, whilst, you, on the other hand, basked in the undeserved attention he gave you. the feeling of being cared for was so unfamiliar to you that the slightest acts of service from a handsome stranger had you melting.
it had been almost ten minutes since you were parading around as doyoung’s lover, yet you still hadn’t seen his dreaded ex nor her new boyfriend. seeing as he was currently too focused on picking out his own shoes, you examined the adjacent aisles, looking in all directions just to find that there was quite literally no other couple in sight. either his ex had already left the store, or doyoung was the smoothest man you had ever met.
the new discovery had your brain running at a hundred miles per hour, eventually deciding to keep playing along with doyoung’s little game, you know, have a little fun before you went back to being single and lonely.
“hey, doie, not to alarm you, but i see a couple on their way over here,” you whispered in his ear, coming up behind him as he was returning a shoe box to its rightful place on the shelf, “is that your ex over there?”
doyoung didn’t know if it was your statement or the close proximity that had his heart racing, clearing his throat in an attempt to soothe his erratic pulse, “oh, is it? i-i don’t wanna risk checking though, let’s just–”
taking a page out of the romcom protagonist book, you smirked as you stepped closer to the blushing boy, forcing him to take a step backward against a wall of branded trainers, cocking your eyebrow when you noticed the coral shade spreading across his face, “let’s just stay like this for a bit, i’m sure she’ll hate seeing her ex like this with someone else, huh?”
the confidence oozing out of you had doyoung in mental shambles - when he tried the elaborate pick-up ploy on an unsuspecting you, he didn’t think it would go this well, and now he felt obliged to tell you the truth, although that would mean he was risking rejection and, judging from what he learned about your personality in the past fifteen minutes, possibly an emotional response.
however, it occurred to him that, if he played his cards right, he could walk away today with your number, and a date at the cafè his best friend owned, all he had to do was not to react, which was proving a difficult task right now as he felt your hand on his waist and your breath ghosting on his collarbone.
“okay, okay, fine, there is no ex!” doyoung blurted out, not being able to last any longer with your intense gaze on him, “i-i made it up as an excuse to try and talk to you because, well…”
“because what?” you sat down on one of the small sofas to give doyoung some space, scattered with abandoned shoes that had no pair.
your nonchalant reaction had him furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, brushing off his bewilderment to answer your question, “i just, i thought you were really pretty and i wanted to talk to you. how was i supposed to know you would go along with, all that, so quickly and easily?”
doyoung couldn’t explain the relief he felt when you began giggling, as he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“it was easy enough to pretend, when you’re probably the most likeable person i’ve ever met,” you chuckled, the shyness from before evaporating the longer you stared at doyoung’s beauty, “since you basically tricked me into hanging out with you, how about we actually go do something? y’know, where you don’t have lie to me about what we’re doing?”
“wait, really?” doyoung’s eyes widened, surprised that you still wanted anything to do with him.
“yes, now, let me pay for these and we can head to your friend’s cafè down the road. unless that was a lie too?” you both broke out into wide grins, as you took his hand and led him to the counter, whilst he balanced your purchases in his arms.
you couldn’t explain where that courage cane from, nor why a mere twenty minutes with a stranger made you feel more content than ever; but meeting doyoung was like listening to a song for the first time and immediately knowing it would be your favourite.
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moonlightjeno · 3 years
✒ 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 : 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
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[ 𝟏𝟏:𝟏𝟑 𝐩𝐦 ] you shove your hands into the pockets of the light winter jacket you wore. the cold air of the river biting into your skin as you walked out of your friend's apartment building and into the street. mark trailing behind you for a short huff of breaths before you see the white puffs of air in front of you.
the light in front of you becomes a red blur. the normal hand sign that indicates no crossing missing a couple of fingers from flickering led lights. you shiver, the jacket you're wearing not doing much to stop the cold of the night even if you're jumping up and down in a weak attempt to get some heat. you can feel mark next to you, his gaze on your shivering body as he speaks, asking if you want his jacket. you shake your head, a small smile grazing your features because though you were cold mark without his jacket would freeze.
at your shake, you hear his chuckle, and you turn your head slightly to take the boy in. brown hair disheveled from the wind, but eyes bright, laughter escaping his lips. "well I wouldn't have given it to you, either way, I was just trying to be a gentleman" he tells you, grin never leaving his face. you can't help but laugh as the light turns a green-white color and you grab mark's hand pulling him along with you.
you tug him along, laughter trailing you as you walk quickly through the streets of the city in search of cheap alcohol your friends had requested. you only meant to grab his hand for a quick second, a tug of the hand to get him to move along because the boy would have been too distracted by the way the white smoke came out of his lips or the red lights of the cars to cross the street. yet mark never pulls away, the warmth of his hand is like a small hug on your freezing ones. something he comments, something along the lines as to "why are your hands always cold as fuck?" you don't have an answer for him. wanting to keep his hand on yours for as long as possible as you feel your body heat increase as you pull mark slightly closer to you so that the fabric of your jacket's touch.
every time you catch him smiling at you, hand in yours as if it were the most casual thing you wish your heart didn't skip a beat. you wish you didn't think how it would feel to be kissed by him, you wish you didn't feel the way your heart was just seconds away from imploding in on itself out of pure joy by having him near you.
moments like these that leave you breathless. emotions to raw too overwhelming to ever put out into words, and lay them in fron of you. so you do what you do best. you keep that feeling that love that challenges the stars to yourself and reflect it back when you smile at him. keep it safe in your heart for the day you are brave enough to let him know how you feel.
and mark wonders as he holds your hand, swinging it back and forth through the streets if everytime you smile at him you feel the same way. if your cheeks feel warm when he makes an awkward compliment that leaves him in a jumble of words. or if you know that every song he has on queue, the muffled music coming out of his phone is his confession to you.
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— 0.709k mark! psa dont fall in love with your best friend
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jensungf · 4 years
summary: the kissing booth was a horrible movie, but somehow you still managed to get roped into watching the god-awful sequel, and the only reason you could blame was your stupid best friend by the name of lee donghyuck. oh, and the fact that you may or may not be whipped for him too.
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pairing: reader x lee donghyuck genre: fluff + best friends to lovers!au word count: 1.7k
a/n: i wrote this on a whim once again, but it’s lowkey dedicated to @gohyuck​ and @haechaaaaaaanssi for always fueling my hyuck feels! also disclaimer: i have not watched kissing booth 2 nor do i ever plan to </3
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“no. no way. not in a million years.”
   donghyuck looked at you with his puppy dog eyes, his perfectly soft and supple pink lips puckered into that damned pout that made your heart palpitate and head spin. you blinked and forced your head out of the gutter.
  nope. there was no way you were giving in, you told yourself as you tried to ignore what you liked to call the haechan effect. more so known as the phenomenon that your best friend had over people (unfortunately, it meant especially you.)
“please y/n, no one else wants to watch with me!” donghyuck pleads, grasping your hand with his oddly petite ones. you tried to ignore the way your heart was beating erratically out of your chest at his small action. you didn’t know if you should be saddened or relieved that he probably didn’t even know how much of an effect it had on you.
“you really couldn’t ask mark? or johnny?” you quip, yet the annoyance in your voice was dissipating with every word you spoke, the longer he held your hand.
  were you sweating? could he feel your sweaty palm? could he hear how loud your chest was pounding? you hoped you weren’t being obvious with how smitten you may or may not be at the moment.
he shook his head fervently, pouting even more. “they said no, and i really wanna watch it with you, so pretty please?” 
  how could you say no to him when he was looking at you like you held the world in your hands? even though you already knew deep down that you were going to give in, that didn’t mean you were going to give in without a fight.
  you kept persisting as you finally untwine your fingers and tug your hand away, nose wrinkling in distaste. “the first movie was already so bad and cringey! why the hell is there even a second one?”
  the expression on donghyuck’s face morphed to one of hurt, and you immediately felt the panic rise in your chest. you didn’t mean to offend him, as much as you abhorred the aforementioned movie (seriously though, it wasn’t possible to sit through the first fifteen minutes even when everyone was practically gagging every minute or so). you knew how much he liked this movie, and even though you vehemently disagreed with his taste (leading you to force him to agree to a movie marathon of your favorite rom-coms), his opinions were still valid. 
  he sighed dejectedly, looking down at his lap like a kicked puppy. “all right, fine. i guess i'm just going to go watch the movie… alone… all by myself…” he mumbled, continuing on for dramatic effect. 
  of course. give it to lee donghyuck to always get his way with you. no surprise when he always had his way when it came to you unfortunately (after all, it was only the cost of having your heart stolen by him.)
  you paused for a second. it was so obvious he was only being like this to just guilt-trip you into watching the horrid sequel with him. but in the end, your heart won. so much for mind over matter.
you let out a small huff, “... fine.”
  donghyuck looked back up at you with stars in his eyes, his face instantaneously brightening at your response. “really?” 
  he tackled you into a hug and you felt the air being knocked out of your lungs by his sheer weight as you let out an ‘oomph’. “i knew you loved me!” he screeched as you yelled at him to get his stupid booty off of you because of course i love you, you idiot.
“only this one time. and then you owe me,” you mutter, trying to forget the feeling of his arms around you. it didn’t help your budding feelings that he happened to be very affectionate with everyone, especially you. you leaned over instinctually and grabbed his cheek, feeling his soft skin and squishy flesh between your thumb and forefinger. “you know one day i’m going to stop listening to you being an idiot right?” 
  he grinned and cupped your cheeks between his palms as well, squishing them together until your face hurt. “just admit that you love me,” he cooed before he let go with a cackle.
  you both settled into your spots on the couch, and you try not to think about the way that his body is so close to you (not to mention the warmth radiating from his body that made the soft quilt on you unnecessary) as you try to ignore the way it seemed like he was slowly inching closer and closer to you. 
  however, you suddenly shifted your attention to the familiar sound of the netflix intro playing on the tv in front of you, and braced yourself. just as you expected, the movie was sickeningly cheesy and cliche. that being said, this just meant that you couldn’t resist looking over at him every time as he let out his adorable laugh at a cheesy line or how his pretty brown eyes widened before every predictable scene. it was a miracle you managed to sit through the entire two hours of the despicably cliche love triangle. maybe because you probably spent most of the time not so discreetly paying more attention to the boy besides you than the actual movie. 
  you hadn’t even realized that the movie had ended until you’re snapped out of your trance at the sound of donghyuck’s screeching. “i can’t believe that they left the movie on a cliffhanger!”
  you let out a hum of bemusement and donghyuck finally notices your gaze on him. it was difficult for him to focus on the movie as well, when he was trying his best to ignore the fact that your attention was all on him. in fact, it took him every ounce of self-control to not bust out in a smirk and kiss your pretty face right then and there.
  donghyuck turns to you with an unreadable look in his eyes, causing you to freeze. “w-what?” you stammer, suddenly realizing how close he was to you. “stop looking at me like that, hyuck, you’re scaring me.”
he leans in closer to you, and you jerk backward. what the heck was he doing?
the corners of his lips upturn into a smirk, “you’re not that slick, y/n.” 
if your heart was beating out of your chest earlier, you might as well be playing it on a stereo for everyone in the tri-state area to hear. “what are you talking about?” you say, unable to hide how breathless you had become.
he cocks an eyebrow in amusement. his voice drops an octave as he parts his lips to whisper, “you didn’t think i’d notice how you were staring at me the entire time, baby?”
you let out a small gasp. you felt practically immobilized from the shock coursing through your veins— from the fact that he called you baby or that you were caught, you weren’t sure.
“i owe you, right?” he asks teasingly, and you can’t find it in you to nod your head, but he continues on anyway.
“here’s my payment then.” 
  before you could question him, he closes the gap between you both and connects his lips with yours. your mind goes blank and the only thing you can even think of was how lee donghyuck was truly going to be the death of you. he moves his soft, plump lips against yours and pulls you in closer by your waist. your heart was skyrocketing at this point, lost in the feeling of how right it felt. he moves his hands up to cup your cheeks gently, as he breaks away to allow you both to take a breath. he smiles and pecks your lips again as he pulls away.
you didn’t even realize that your eyes had squeezed shut before you opened them and drank in the sight of his handsome features. you traced over the moles dotting his face like a constellation, and how undeniably breathtaking he was. you felt as if you were drunk, practically intoxicated by your best friend’s presence and touch. 
he smirks proudly. “how was that for payback, huh?”
you snap out of your daze and immediately shove him away. “lee donghyuck, what the fuck was that?” you grumble as you try to wrap your head around what had just happened. 
“aww, don’t tell me you didn’t like it! i’m not that bad of a kisser y/n,” he teases with a fake pout.
you flushed warmly at his words. “no! i just— ugh, you’re so annoying!” you felt the heat creep up your neck as you refuse to look him in the eye. 
donghyuck remains silent for a moment but he throws his head back and bursts out laughing. “you’re so cute y/n…” he says between laughs, finally putting his hands to squish your cheeks and mimic what you had done to him earlier. his eyes sparkle before he forces you to lock eyes with him.
“can’t you tell i like you too?” 
you feel time stop, just for a second, before your instincts kick in and you practically go into overdrive. your jaw drops and you grab a pillow to throw at him. 
“you knew all this time!?” you spluttered in embarrassment, “i can’t believe you— oh my god, you’re such a bitch!”
“it’s not my fault you’re so obvious! and you’re too cute to resist. how is it my fault for not being able to hold back from kissing you when you look so pretty like, all the time?” 
you let out a groan as he envelopes you into his arms. you stop struggling because fuck, what was the point anymore when you were exposed? donghyuck rests his head onto yours as he rocks you slightly back and forth, humming in contentment. he presses a gentle kiss to the crown of your head, and you can’t help but wrap your arms around him as well, accepting your fate.
“so… does that mean we can do it again? like how they did it in the movie?”
“lee donghyuck!”
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bonus scene:
“so did you even watch the movie at all?” he asks while stroking your head as you lay on his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. the movie was still replaying on the flat-screen tv, yet it was practically background noise drowned out by the comforting thump of donghyuck’s heart.
you sigh and bite your lip guiltily. “not really…”
he looks down at you as you tilt your head backwards to get a better look at his face, only to see a mischievous grin spread across his face. you raise your eyebrows in suspicion. “what?”
“you know…”
he pauses before flashing a cheeky smile.
“there’s a kissing booth 3 coming out.”
“over my dead body!”
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adorablele · 4 years
Mark fluff pls 🥺 maybe something like poking each other's cheeks and like hugging and cuddling or whatever else you wanna add 😭 he's just so cute I wanna squish his face and tell him he's the most adorable human on the planet 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🐽
mark x reader, fluff, bestfriend!au, wc: 462
[2:57 AM] you were tense, as still as a statue. your heart was racing and you were very, very conscious of your breathing.
blinking through the darkness of mark’s room, you stared at his bareback.
it wasn’t like this was the first time sleeping in mark’s bed. the two of you have been best friends for more than a decade, more than 10 years of sleepovers. so why was this any different?
ah, right. some time in your friendship, your brain thought that hey, mark is cute, and he’d be an amazing boyfriend! you know what? you like him.
or more recently, you realized, was that you felt something stronger.
it was driving you crazy.
the way your stomach flipped when he laughed, the way you felt a little colder when he wasn’t near you, the way your face heated when he complimented you, the way he remained completely and utterly oblivious to his effect on you; all of it was pushing you to the point where you wanted to scream, “hey stupid, I like you!”
no, that’s not right.
you slowly pushed yourself up and looked over his shoulder. his eyes were peacefully closed, the moon casting a beautiful highlight on his face.
“are you awake?” you whispered, lightly poking his cheek.
when he didn’t respond, you laid back down on your side.
“I don’t like you,” you mumbled, “I don’t like the way your eyes put the stars to shame when you talk about life forms outside of earth at 3AM because you don’t realize that you’re the one that’s out of this world. I don’t like the way your hair falls into your eyes whenever you stare down at the ground when you’re playing guitar because I want to brush it away. I don’t like the way you stare at me with those warm brown eyes as if I’m the only thing in the world that’s worth your attention because it makes me nervous.”
“I don’t like you,” you said a little louder.
taking your finger, you lightly traced three words onto his back; three words that said the truth.
I love you.
sighing, you turned your back towards mark and closed your eyes. you assumed that you fell into a light sleep because you slowly gained consciousness when you felt shifting on the bed. brushing it off as him moving in his sleep, you kept your eyes closed.
“at first I was really concerned when you said you didn’t to like me,” mark confessed, “and I still am a bit confused, so I hope that I’m interpreting your message right.”
you were back to being as still as a statue, heart racing and very, very controlled breaths. you stopped yourself from jerking at his touch when you felt his finger trace along your back.
‘I love you too.’
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di0rtaeyong · 4 years
Laundry Day (m.l)
➸ summary: Mark finally decided to do laundry, but it didn’t go as planned.
➸ genre: smut
➸ word count: 1.1k
➸ warnings: masturbation (m), olfactophilia, mentions of vaginal penetration, light dirty talk
➸ authors note: one of my first times writing smut! 
Mark didn’t mean to. He really didn’t.
See, he had finally taken initiative to do the laundry that had been sitting in his room for much longer than it should have.
He had ignored Doyoung’s nagging, only pushing off the clothes to side the room, or into his closet whenever you came over.
He had finally decided that today would be the day that he did laundry. Until he came across a great distraction.
Sitting between his fingers was a red lace thong. More specifically, your red lace thong.
You and Mark had gotten caught in the rain that morning when you decided to get breakfast before you went back home to study, leading you back to his dorm and to change out of your wet clothes into his.
Mark guessed you forgot these here by mistake when you changed, probably just forgetting to stuff them in your bag of clothes to take home.
He pulled at it slightly, thinking about how it must have been new as he had never seen it before. He watched the fabric stretch on his command and he started to deeply wonder what they looked like around your hips.
He felt dirty as the held the fabric in his fingers. He knew he should just put it in with the other dirty laundry and forget all about it. Or maybe he should tell you that you left it here?
He felt absolutely filthy when his finger accidentally brushed over the cloth that covers your folds, fabric damp.
He felt completely obscene when he felt his mind go blank, and he didn’t even consider the lewdness of his actions as he brought the fabric up to his nose and inhaled deeply.
Your scent filled his nostrils as he let out and embarrassingly foul moan. He felt the blood rush through him, feeling his hardness against his basketball shorts.
His eyes widened. If he was holding, sniffing, the panties you were wearing that morning, what were you wearing now?
Another inhale and another moan had Mark sitting up against the headboard of the bed and a hand down his shorts.
He thought of you walking around right now with just these red lace panties and just his shirt. You would be walking towards him, tugging on the hem of the shirt, feigning innocence. Mark knew how you really were.
You would crawl towards him as he sat against the headboard, waiting for you. You would crawl over him and straddle him, not quite letting your intimate parts touch no matter how bad either of you wanted it.
He’d hold you by your hips and rock you slowly back and forth, keeping his eyes on you as you keened and begged, “more, more”.
He’d move you so your finally over his cock, panties soaked and you begging for relief, for him, his mouth, his fingers, his cock.
But in reality, he was sat against his headboard, alone, and your panties wrapped around his hard cock as he pumped it and grunted.
The fabric scratched in the most delicious way and with his imagination running, he felt himself building up to his release.
In his mind, he had moved your panties to the side and helped you sink down on him, your walls stretching for him and wetness offering him the most delicious sounds.
He’d watch your face contort as you got accustomed to his size, for each time he entered you felt as tight as ever. He’d try his best not to move as you let out ragged breaths and clamped your hands onto his shoulders.
In reality, he spat onto his right hand and wrapped it around his cock along with the red fabric. Pumping a bit more faster this time, he let his imagination take over as he saw you bouncing on top of him in his mind.
Release fast approaching he took one last look at the fabric around his cock before he let out a deep moan, white spurts covering the red lace and his hand.
Moving his hand to his side, he closed his eyes and tried to catch his breath. How filthy he was. First keeping his girlfriend’s panties, then sniffing them for goodness sake and to top it all off, he had just used them to jack off and came on them.
His thoughts were interrupted by his phone ringing, a groan escaping his lips. Without checking caller ID, he answered.
“Hello?” His voice was hoarse.
“Mark?” It was you. He bolted up from his lying position, eyes wide open. Had you somehow known what he had done? Would you be mad or would you be into it?
“Yeah baby,” he said, trying to keep his voice as casual as possible. But you knew him too well.
“Why do you sound like that? Your voice only sounds like that after- oh my gosh Mark did you just jack off?!” You asked. You weren’t mad at all, voice teasing.
He glanced at the panties in his hand, his own cum drying out on it. He’d have to wash it fast.
“Uh, yeah baby I did. Was thinking of you,” he said. He let his voice remain deep, loving the sharp inhale he heard from your end.
“What were you thinking about, Marky?” You said as you bit your lip.
“You, on top of me, lookin’ so pretty as usual,” he hummed out, feeling his cock starting to get a little hard again.
“Yeah Marky? What am I wearing?” You asked innocently.
“You’ll be wearing my shirt, the one you took this morning baby, and those sexy red lace panties you h-“. He froze.
A beat passed. Then a second one. A third and then;
“MARK LEE! What did you do to my underwear?!”, you practically screeched.
Mark winced lightly, moving the phone away from his ear for a moment. Bringing it back to his ear, he realized he might as well come clear now.
“Baby, I just really couldn’t help it. They were so sexy and they smelt so good-“
“You smelt them?! God Mark, I didn’t know you were this filthy.”
He shifted nervously, hand squeezing the fabric. “Uh, well... I’m sorry?” He wasn’t really sure what to say.
“Mark don’t apologize. I’m coming to your dorm in thirty minutes, I can’t take this, I really wanna ride you now.”
“Hmm baby look who’s the filthy one now,” he chuckled as he relaxed against the pillow.
“Shut up. You owe me new underwear, perv. Those were expensive.” You joked.
“Yeah, yeah don’t worry,” he laughed softly.
“Oh and Mark?”
“I’m still wearing your shirt.”
Then the line went dead.
Mark sighed as he clutched the red fabric in his palm. He was so lucky to have you.
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