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Talking to a friend who doesn't play Neopets, about Neopets and how Neovia exists in a perpetual state of the early 1900s with gas lamps and stuff while there is a literal visible space station a few hundred miles out of the atmosphere with microwaves, laser guns and we've been to this world's Moon.
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some-call-it-pen · 1 month
Neovia and qasala should have their own altador cup teams.
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adobe-outdesign · 7 months
shoutout to Neopets for having no consistency with how they handle families re: species
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like imagine you're Sophie's mom here and you're ready for your first kid to be a kangaroo thing like yourself or a dragon like your husband and instead it's a dog. And you're like "okay the next one will be a kangaroo thing or a dragon" but no it's a wolf. And THEN you're like "okay it's canines. we have this figured out it's always gonna be canines" and then you have another kid and it's a goat
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ghostmath · 2 months
uhhh ok well since im still speedrunning my neopets rennaissance tour,
(feel free to ignore this if you do not neopet)
I’m writing another thing for the neopian times and I need to populate a masquerade ball. if any of y’all neopets players (or former neopets players) are in possession of a character who:
is an adventurous type, and might belong to, say, a guild of explorers (could be more of a scholar or magician type too)
might attend a masquerade ball in Neovia, organized by said guild
you would be ok letting me borrow for a quick cameo
then please let me know! they won’t have a huge part or necessarily any speaking lines (unless you want one), but you can tell me a little bit about who they are and what they would be wearing to a fancy masquerade and I’d be delighted to include them. :3
ideally i’d love to get at least 4-5 characters for this but we’ll see what happens. gonna ask the currently active ntwfers too, but im asking mutuals here first because, like, seriously y’all, even if you don’t play anymore, let me reference your deep cut character/neopet you haven’t fed in 15 years. cmon. cmon. itll be fun
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zafaraagent · 1 year
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Any other Neovia fans out there
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cloudybori · 2 months
I think neovia should have their own yooyuball team
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ksslr · 3 months
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another pet of mine, Komissariat! he's a grey yurble from neovia, local tortured poet, and once was an archeologist.
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artsyarcane · 8 months
Good god, ok… I started getting tired around year 10 and I just finished this a few minutes ago (it’s past 3 am). There are a lot of plots at the beginning that don’t differentiate between meta lore plots and world lore plots but they become distinctly separate at year 6. The crossed out dates are because I’d like to come up with month names that don’t sound as infantile as the canonical ones.
Neopets Timeline:
Faeries arrive in Neopia. (Year unknown)
Queen Fyora ascends to the throne and unites the elements. (Year unknown)
Calabrus gifts the faeries a magic bowl and Faerieland is created with the aid of said artifact. (Year still unknown)
Altador gathers his companions. (Year unknown)
City of Altador founded. (Year unknown)
Darkest Faerie betrays Altador and is turned to stone and banished by Queen Fyora and the sorceress Jerdana. (993 SE/BN)
Qasala seemingly abandoned and buried in supernatural sandstorm-Razul’s curse takes hold of the city. (193 SE)
Neovia cursed its residents returning as ghosts once every Halloween. (Year 2 SE)
Faerieland discovered. (approx. Year 1 KE)
Dr. Sloth attempts to take over Neopia by turning neopets into VirtuPets. (Year 2 KE)
Tyrannia and the Chomby are discovered. War breaks out in Tyrannia soon after. (March 20th-May 10th Year 3 KE)
Lost Desert discovered. (June 12th-July 10th Year 3 KE)
Investigation of the murder of King Coltzan III by Princess Sankara. (July 9th-16th Year 3 KE)
Retrieval of Coltzan’s crown. (July 17th-19th Year 3 KE)
Destruction of Maraqua and discovery of Krawk Island. (August 17th-23rd Year 3 KE)
Lord Darigan tries and fails to conquer Meridell. (Year 4 KE)
Mystery island nearly destroyed. (Year 5 KE)
Lord Kass tries and fails to conquer Meridell. Lord Darigan reinstated as the ruler of the Citadel (February 2nd-May 13th Year 6 KE)
Bori discovered and the Bringer of Night defeated. (October 21st-December 22nd Year 6 KE)
Maraqua rediscovered. (March 15th-June 10th Year 7 KE)
Qasala rediscovered and Razul’s curse lifted. (August 30th-November 29th Year 7 KE)
The Darkest Faerie freed and imprisoned again. Altador rejoins Neopia. (November 15th Year 7 KE)
The Wand of Wishing is retrieved and hidden away again. (March 14th Year 8 KE)
Shenkuu discovered. (August 3rd-September 8th Year 8 KE)
Neovia discovered and its curse lifted. (October 3rd-November 21st Year 8 KE)
Roxton A. Colchester III and Co. discover and subsequently lose an island inhabited by giant mutant petpetpets. An event all involved would rather forget. (Year 9 KE)
Dr. Sloth tries and once more fails to conquer Neopia by mutating neopets but differently this time. (Year 10 KE)
Moltara discovered and global warming averted. (Year 11 KE)
Faerieland falls at the hands of the sorceress Xandra. (Year 12 KE)
Krawk island disappears and is reformed in an effort led by Gavril McGill. (Year 13 KE)
First time in over a decade where nothing (officially canonical) of note has happened. (Year 14 KE)
Discovery of Tyrannian obelisk. Obelisk war begins. (Year 15 KE)
Diplomatic crisis at Lost Desert trade summit averted. (Year 16 KE)
Nothing (officially canonical) of note occurs. (Years 17-18 KE)
Darkest Faerie is freed and begins an attempt to take revenge on all Neopia. (February Year 19 KE)
Darkest Faerie is defeated and flees, weakened, into the Haunted Woods. (May Year 20 KE)
Diplomatic tension in the Lost Desert and subsequent rising and quelling of Sakhmet rebellion. (November 19th Year 20-March 2nd Year 21 KE)
Legends and Letters. (Year 21 KE)
Nothing (officially canonical) of note occurs. (Years 22-24 KE)
The faerie Luxinia is discovered on a small piece of Faerieland that survived the fall and freed from a crystal. New Faerieland is founded with Luxinia as mayor. (Year 25 KE)
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castleofthade · 5 months
wanna read my unfinished Eliv Thade fanfiction? here you go. ifhte readmore breaks i'm sorry im fixing it as fast as i can
Castle Thade is.. old, it is older than Eliv and his parents, but it was always of their family.
Neovia and The Haunted Woods were once known under a single name, which has become lost to time.
The establishment of the Grand Neovian Coal Mine caused an economic boom in Neovia; most of the population moved to the fledgling town to find work there, leaving little funding for any significant infrastructure upkeep in what is present day Haunted Woods.
With most businesses focused in the successful sister town, the main remaining economic draw of the old village was tourism. Along with the re-establishment of the fairground, the townsfolk who remained embraced the novelties of living in an environment full of ghosts and eerie magic, and over time the abandoned village’s identity became synonymous with The Haunted Woods.
Eliv Thade was born on the cusp of this economic shift. As a child, Castle Thade was the center of the community, and the family often lent space and resources to their numerous neighbors. His mother, Evolly Thade, was a genius scholar who frequently welcomed visitors from near and far come to the estate to pick her mind on new theories and matters of philosophy. Dafét Thade, his father and heir of the family’s company, was similarly popular- though with a more business-minded crowd who sought advice with inventions and investments.  
Eliv was a shy child, coddled by his eccentric parents and never sent to a proper school or encouraged to socialize. He spent a great deal of time doing private studies, or getting lost in the castle's labyrinthine hallways and secret chambers. Exploring his home was a puzzle itself with all of its trick locks and hidden mechanisms, which contributed to and encouraged his love of logic games and clever tricks.
In another life, he could’ve been some sort of sleight of hand magician, but there's a world of difference between "obscuring the answer" and "presenting a problem to be solved." 
The first tragedy of Eliv Thade was when he was three years old and, despite his parents' cautions about this exact scenario, was excitedly sprinting across the halls with a pair of scissors from his mother’s study. The resulting injury and infection from this caused his right eye to stop developing, leaving it tiny and nearsighted. His left eye remained large and beautiful, though would be mistaken for the injured eye post-mortem.  
The second Tragedy of Eliv Thade occurred when he was ten years old; His father died suddenly and violently. Foul play was considered, but a killer was never found. He was too young to fully understand the situation; No matter how much of a prodigy, a ten year old is still a child. Eliv surely felt his absence, but Dafét was rarely home to begin with.
His mother coped with the traumatic loss by forgoing the ambiguous, floweriness of philosophy she once enjoyed, and focusing her interests on things that could be answered in a solid way; If she couldn’t make sense of her husband's death, she would make sense of a riddle or a math problem.
Evolly began to test her son with logic puzzles rather than showing him art and poetry and… affection. Eliv would comfort in these sorts of things,  as they were the few interactions he had with his mother while she grieved, aside from seeing her at dinner. It was around this time that he started creating his own puzzles, both as a game and as a way to spend time with his only parent.  His studies shifted towards anything that could improve his craft.
Aside from this change in dynamic, his childhood continued in relative comfort. Evolly Thade took over her late husband's business and became less involved with the community and more involved in the comfort of numbers and engineering. The castle would empty, little by little, as neighbors and friends felt estranged by the absence of a warm welcome, and more enticed by the rush of money to the neighborhood of the coal mines.
By the time he was 15,  the village of the woods had only a quarter of the population he’d known as a child. The woods itself had begun to overgrow and take over the abandoned properties, and it was starting to feel like there had never been a sizable village at all. 
His mother was a ghost of the woman she once was, the grief took a toll on her body and she could no longer focus on the business. Eliv showed no interest in taking up the mantle, buried as he was in his own studies and creative endeavors. It was passed on to his uncle, a stern kau named Faltheu who loathed his late brother and had only visited once before (as a formality when Eliv was born.) 
 Faltheu cut all financial ties with the widow and her son and never looked back. Both of them were too distracted with their own miserable fixations to protest, and it wasn’t until much later that the family’s well of fortune would threaten to dry.
Evolly Thade vanished before they began to feel the financial strain. She announced, one day, that she was going into the darker woods to find an answer, she would do it alone, and that she would return in 3 days. Her son assumed it was some sort of riddle and didn’t stop this; He figured three days was his time limit to figure out what the game was and complete it. He did eventually realize that his mother was actually, finally speaking to him again, and that some tragedy had occurred in the dangerous forest that grew larger each day.
The reason this answerless tragedy didn’t destroy him was simple- It wasn’t a puzzle, not in the sense that he believed in. A puzzle contained all of the pieces needed to solve it. His mothers disappearance was missing too many pieces, it had random and meaningless elements- it was EMOTIONAL-  It wasn’t a riddle, it was a mystery, and Eliv Thade did not view himself as a detective. 
It did affect him, though. In small and quiet ways, his mothers (presumed) death hardened whatever wonder and joy he felt towards the world around him. The years ground by, each lonelier than the last. There were no more guests, and the small castle staff mostly kept to themselves.
Now an adult at 24,  Eliv Thade’s home was only a landmark in the ghost town of the haunted woods. Only the most stubborn or most suited for the area remained now; Namely the witches, the beasts, and the undead. 
Eliv tried to keep himself busy as he always did- writing and inventing puzzles- But he struggled with the futile nature of creating without an audience. He grew up surrounded by people eager to have their wits tested and to test his own mind, and he did lament that he had been only a child. Moreover he regretted hiding himself away as a child, not establishing himself with the friends and guests of his family, not KEEPING those friends. No one knew who Eliv Thade was. Not in the way people had known previous heirs of Castle Thade.
It didn’t help that the family business, in his uncle Faltheu’s hands, had been driven into the ground with bad financial decisions before he’d turned 18. Everything connected to the Thade family (save for the castle itself) had been destroyed and was fading,  and Eliv fell into a deep existential depression. He lamented aloud how the greater world would never know of his genius!! Neopia was deprived of the greatest mind of their time!! The castle’s staff thought it was very melodramatic, but Mr.Thade and his remaining old wealth kept a roof over their heads, so they kept quiet.
He spent his 20’s and a good part of his 30’s trying to publish books, making numerous miserable trips to Neovia and failing to network. He very much had what it took, he just didn’t know how to sell himself. 
He was offered a job as a puzzle writer for one of the Neovian weekly newspapers, which he humored briefly but eventually found too insulting to keep up with since his boss didn’t appreciate how difficult all his submissions were. Neovians were very easily insulted and didn’t enjoy puzzles that made them feel stupid.
It wasn’t until he met one Mr.Krawley that the course of his life changed. The salesman appeared out of nowhere (as he does) and proposed a business partnership. Krawley, a worldly traveler, would sell the idea of a genius puzzlemaster you could come and challenge to the wider public… In exchange, he would be allowed to sell his own wares and do other shadowy deals with these same guests. Eliv Thade, with not much to lose and while in the fugue of a midlife crisis, agreed without much thought.
At first there was a slow trickle of curious guests, mostly from Neovia, which quickly became a daily stream of strangers from as far as Tyrannia; All of them eager to test their wits and pick the mind of this mysterious man in his mysterious castle. It reminded him exactly of how his home was as a child, and for a time, all was good.
It was around this time that the old fairgrounds, long abandoned from “The Incident” had been re-established by a crew of carnies that popped up from nowhere. There’s a lot of “nowhere” in the haunted woods, so don’t worry about that! Eliv did not care for the carnies and found them anti-intellectual and annoying, and he was insulted to learn that his home and his GREAT MIND was considered an extension of the fair; Just another tourist trap.
As all things go with Mr.Krawley, so did his deal with Eliv Thade. The effects were slower, quieter than the fate that awaited Neovia down the line. You could argue that Krawley didn’t even do anything, and that it was all Thade’s own hubris.  His frustrations with his skills being sold as a novelty, as well as the ever decreasing amount of actually good challenges.. It wore on him. He became apathetic, consumed with ennui, and the bad attitude it nurtured was causing this poisoned well to finally dry. What was that thing his late Father always said? “Life is a game,” wasn’t it? But this game had bored him enough. 
Eliv Thade began to grow dangerous, to himself and to others.
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thecutiecollective · 2 years
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Polina V
IG: Dont.Watch
Represented by Fashion Models Agency
📷 Neovia Photo
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calictii · 3 months
Can't believe i forgot about Neovia. XD
was so baffled where my last void essences were. Checked everywhere on the map twice before i remembered to check the haunted woods again.
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synthaphone · 2 years
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drawrings- viarnne vs a standard issue robot kiko, sam using healing springs snowballs as ice packs, ben can eat little a hamburger in the nude as a treat, joke neovia au ben and viarnne because my friend told me to make them victorian orphans, palette the nimmo/frogfolk/froakie, and some doodle birds
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jumbleytumbles · 9 months
my neopet's petpet has brought us one (1) single organic peanut from the depths of the neovia catacombs. lovely.
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adobe-outdesign · 10 months
me: hmm I think I will look at Neopets characters
Neopets characters:
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smalltowngnoll · 10 months
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This soft pudding makes a great dessert.
I’ve been visiting the site’s food stores to see what inspiration hits. Saw this while shopping at the crumpetmonger’s in Neovia. Apparently means “bland” in welsh, but it sounded interesting. Fun little pudding that I would have added cornstarch to make it thicker so I could match the picture better, but you’re supposed to soak oats for 2 days. There’s a modern version that uses strawberry jello, but then it wouldn’t match the pic.
Oh, and you top it with honey and bourbon, so that’s fun!
I used the recipe here.
Shitty Picture
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Alright, last bit for the Lab Rats!!! Thank you all for being so supportive!!!
Pile of Soot or Weeble
Ditsy or Floobix
No Neopets news today... Although, as a quick aside, as we all know, Dacardia was meant to get an Altador Cup team this year, but, well... They wanted to "focus on rebuilding", so their debut was delayed to next year. Thing is, with Floobix and Weebly apparently being Lutari Island Petpets (something I haven't seen before!!), it got me thinking... What if Lutari Island was also added to the Cup? You know, keep it an even number. (Even funnier would be a Neovia team, but let's focus on one thing here). Oh well, some things just won't happen, I guess...
... Team Qasala sounds interesting, however...
Anyways! Tomorrow I'll reveal the next group, though I think process of elimination might help reveal it early, haha. Let's have fun with this one, too!!
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