#neopronouns are fine w/ me but like i said
essentially my gender journey
young me: imma wear dresses but also not dresses. i hate skirts. raR
middle school me: whoa i don't have to be a girl?? there's more than two options????
high school me: *gets referred to as a boy* huh. that felt... not bad??? kinda good?????? *gets referred to as them* same thing???????? how???
old me: [removed. because, you know, i have yet to get there.]
so as i'm currently stuck in a web of questioning and concerns, i'm going to make one thing clear:
my label with probably change throughout the years.
and if you're not alright with that, then i'd suggest unfollowing. i'm still a questioning blob of confusion and caffine, so please be patient while i figure this shit out. hell, i'm not even sure what real dysphoria feels like, but i'm trying to figure it out. i know when things give me gender euphoria- i think. idk, man, i'm stil super confused.
so yeah.
be patient throughout my questioning and sporatic label changes :)
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sweet-drmzzz · 5 months
wowowowow I’m finally doing a pinned post
Hiya!! My names are Z-Fey, and Faele (pronounced fey-elle)!! I am the host of a median collective, and this is my/our main blog. You can find our plural side blog here: @treehousearchive
I go by Fae/Zi/It/They pronouns, and idrc how the grammar around them works (so you could say “fae are a person with adhd” or “fae is a person with adhd.” Please use my neopronouns as much as, if not more than you use they/it
if you misgender me I’ll eat ur knees /hj
I am faekin and foxkin, and I’m absolutely amazing at it. Don’t try to disprove alterhuman shit. I won’t listen. Also keep any alterhuman discourse off this blog. All nonhumans are welcome here. Yes even physical ones. Yes even ones that truly believe they are an animal. Yes even mentally ill/delusional ones.
Collectively we are aspec and arospec. Afaik that goes for everyone in our collective but I could be wrong.
currently I don’t check my discord, if you need to reach me my asks and DMs on here are the fastest ways.
I use a lot of emoticons, abbreviations, and tone tags :3
tone tag key:
/lh- light hearted
/j- joking
/hj- half joking
/sarc- sarcasm
/nm- not mean
/nf- not forced
/gen- genuine
/aesth- aesthetic (used to describe aesthetic attraction. Ex. “He’s hot /aesth”
if I ever use one u don’t understand just ask! I’m more then willing to inform!
Pedos. Like genuinely. Pedos maps etc fucking disgust me. Stay tf away from my blog
Zionist. Yeah nuhuh. If u support genocide I don’t want to talk to u.
Homophobes/Transphobes. I’m gay asf. I don’t think you want to be here.
Zoophiles. No. Just no.
Anti furry/Anti alterhuman. Once again. I’m a therian. Y would u want to be here???
Sexual/kink blogs. Nothing against you, have ur fun. Idrc. I’m just not comfy w that.
Anti-endos. I don’t want that negativity on my blog. All good vibes here.
If you demonize mental illnesses (like schizophrenia or npd) fuck off. If you use “delulu” or treat serious mental illnesses as silly little things fuck off.
Anti aro/aspec. This shouldn’t even be a thing? Just let people exist?
if I don’t like u I’ll block u.
With all due respect, which is none, leave me alone.
#Happy Fox Hours
Foxkin euphoria and just generally happy foxkin related stuff
#Happy Fae Hours
Second verse, same as the first but w fae stuff this time.
#Zi speak!!
text posts and me ranting
#Soda Spill
My writing. Includes poetry and short stories/snippets from bigger stories. (Please note that since originally making this I have stopped using the name Soda, as that has gone to one of my headmates. This tag may change soon.)
#Faele agrees
Rebolgs!! I might forget to tag my rebolgs. I’ll try my best but if I do my apologies.
#Sad bitch time
vents n stuff. Me being depressed.
Boundaries: mostly im fine with anything.
pls don’t tag me in angelic/religious stuff, or send it to me. Especially if it has eyes featured prominently.
uhh i feel like this shouldn’t need to be said but just in case: foxes are a game animal where I live. I already see my kind’s hides enough. Don’t show me pics of that.
just yk… if i ask u to quit do so please. There’s nothing rly big other than those two things that I can think of. Be nice.
My filter tag list is here. If you are intentionally rude and disrespectful about it you will be blocked.
I have a side blog for Will wood stuff called @willwooddaily
thank you for your time!!
(userbox by @/plural-userboxes)
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etherealspacejelly · 9 months
Neopronouns are not even real pronouns. A pronoun is a noun used to describe a living being. They/Them is fine, they are real pronouns used in the English language. And yes, while I think there is no possible way for someone who has boy or girl genes to actually be non-binary, I will respect them as a person. But, neopronouns, however, are way over the top. I’ve seen people online who identify as like, xe/xem. That’s ridiculous, they’re not even a part of the English language. I’ve seen one person who identified as shark/sharkself. That is so annoying. I’m not gonna call you “shark” bro. Nobody is gonna call you that, except for maybe people as delusional as you. So, I’m conclusion, yes, neopronouns are ridiculous and stupid and unnecessary. Whoever uses them certainly needs mental help, but instead we are celebrating and giving them parades and telling them it’s fine and not stupid at all to identify as a fucking shark.
That being said, if we Normalize these outrageous neopronouns, I don't think I'll be able to handle meeting another three or more person with unique neopronouns, I don’t think I'll care about memorizing them if we don’t get along. I can only imagine that inside their head they are going like “Why can’t everyone understand me? why can’t anyone respect me? why can’t anyone get along with me? me… me…me…”. This is just starting to become a narcissistic play.  It’s just sad that you yourself are intentionally creating a situation that excludes you from other people. You are making yourself too different, you eventually get depressed, commit die and well, will anybody care about you in the end?
Pronouns replace nouns and they are a part of a language. Not something we just make up because we think we are more special than anyone else.
Also, this stuff only appeals to children, or adults with some sort of arrested development. No mature human being would want to go by “cupcakeself”.
We all have names. If you want to rebel against pronouns why can’t you just use your name? Be “Johnself” or “Sallyself” or something people can remember. We aren’t going to trouble ourselves to memorize some made up nounself words.
You’re lucky if we can remember your name let alone some made up ridiculousness.
I hope everyone with neopronouns die.
hey anon. anon. just a question for you. does that Actually Genuinely affect you? like at all? do you know anyone in real life who uses neopronouns? or is it just people online who are literally just minding their business. hmm?
also. all words are made up dingus it came free with your fucking language. we make up words all the time. selfie is in the dictionary now. it wasnt 50 years ago. does that make it not a real word? no. it does not. because language is a tool used by human beings to describe ourselves and the world around us, and to communicate ideas and knowledge. do you think we just. found a dictionary under a rock one day?
if neopronouns bother you that much, just block people who use them. block the neopronoun tag. or perhaps just get off tumblr. touch some grass. focus on a real problem instead of people online using words you dont like. there are people dying right now anon. the planet is on fire. sharkself pronouns arent hurting you.
also. you said that neopronouns only appeal to children, then said that all neopronoun users should die. so... you think children should die? you want children to kill themselves anon? is that what you want? you seem like a lovely person /s
and seeing as you mentioned nonbinary people. you know that there are more sexes than just male and female right? like biologically. they taught you male and female in school to simplify things for your developing brain, like how they tell you that electrons are particles and you cant square root -1. but once you start studying these things at a more in depth level, you realise that they arent that simple at all. biological sex exists on a spectrum. it is a collection of attributes that can behave any number of ways. including hormones, genitalia, chromosomes, secondary sex characteristics, and more.
furthermore, gender and sex are not the same thing. but i cant be bothered to explain that to you because you will refuse to understand it anyway, and ive wasted enough time talking to you as it is.
if you send me anything like this again im just going to delete it, but i wanted to at least try and talk some sense into you first.
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seichuui · 8 months
So I wanted to ask what are your pronouns- you made a list on the sntry, but you said you use any BUT male ones??? ( So sorry if I made a wrong interpretation of it- ) and I'm- kind of not good w neopronouns ( I think they're called this way ) cuz I just have a really bad memory and often make mistakes on that- so I wanted to ask if you're ok w me using they/them on you- ( If you're not, I PROMISE I'll try my best on remembering AT LEAST one of your pronoun sets- just please don't be mad at me if I miss it- )
( I wanna know cuz you like TR and have been REALLY nice to me and wanna be mooties- pls?? )
ALSO!!! Sorry if I make any mistakes on you!!! I'm now officially learning what systems are and may make some mistakes when talking to you or not undertand some stuff... I also hope you don't have a problem w me asking about the stuff I don't know- I wanna learn about it!!!
-Aran / Manjirachi / Cupidlect
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Haiii ^3^ !! Regarding your question ~ yes, in fact, I do use any pronouns aside from male terms ! 'N I don't really mind if you use my neopronouns or not because im perfectly fine with they/them ++ she/her etc !! && our system doesn't mind they/she/it pronouns being used on us because those are our collective nouns/termz !!!
—Also, regarding your other question–Sure ! We have been planning to ask you if you wanted to be moots as well but we were too shy to, hehe •▽•" I'm really glad you wanted to be mutuals with us !!! (≧∇≦)/~
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cosmik-homo · 1 year
Jamie is so offended he wasn't aware of the Doctor's (actual) Fine Silverwear Pronoun Sets because Ben And Polly were not aware of them because two is like me in that they tried the water of this social transitioning thing for 2 seconds, realized its kinda annoying and decided to just kind of privately do whatever it wants forever and not bother w other people. But Jamie feels bad as if the Doctor didn't trust him w it so you see this, recently-literate 18th century highlander going around with neopronoun flashcards in his sporran and two is like I said she/him/it is fine! And Jamie's like ALL PRONOUNS IS ALL PRONOUNS AND THATS WHAT YOU DESERVE.
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local-crater-group · 1 year
SS: hello, wider world! i am Saccharine Sunset of the crater group!
SS: after a lot of 'encouragement' from myself, the rest of my group has agreed to interact with outsiders!
NMMB: We are the crater group! We've never really interacted with others, due to our isolation, but as SS said, with lots of convincing, most of us (well JET is the only one that doesn't like this) are willing to do this!
NMMB: There are six of us! We all live on this island too. (Although it is in fact, collapsing).
SS: most of us live on that island. i dont. thats easy to forget though!
SS: anyways, there are six of us, right!
SS: Jaunty Fluttering of Two Sparks, our beloved senior, also known as JET. or jet. i call fang jet.
SS: Nine Materials, a Million Bells is here with me!
SS: Flightless Parallels of Balance, who is.. doing something, im sure.
SS: Accented Looking of One Imprisonment, ...not sure about her state.
SS: Everything Alight in an Ideal World, my twin, the whole reason that im even here!
SS: and last but not least, me, Saccharine Sunset!
SS: i think thats everyone..
NMMB: Shoot sorry I did forget. I just forget you aren't over here. Then again, you think I would know by now.
NMMB: Pretty sure ALOOM is sleeping or something, last time I knew. I can always ask JET, I know the two talk a lot.
NMMB: Then again, JET may be busy.
NMMB: Oh well! I can just bug fang till fang replies lol.
SS: ill just take it as a compliment, that you feel like im there!
SS: and yeah.. probably! ofc theres nothing bad
SS: thats probably it for our introduction!
SS: Saccharine Sunset, out!
NMMB: Oh right! See yall later!
hello! we are open to roleplay (with other rw ocs), and asks of any kind (be careful w m!as tho pls)!!!!
Names of the iterators and their pronouns:
Jaunty Fluttering of Two Sparks (JFTS or JET):
Based off of sabertooth tigers
Nine Materials, a Million Bells (NMMB):
Based off of dragon mantes
Flightless Parallels of Balance (FPB):
Ay/ayself, fa/fade/fades/fades/fadeself, they/them
Based off of green carpet moths (Colostygia pectinataria)
Accented Looking of One Imprisonment (ALOOM):
She/her or they/them
Based off of Tasmanian tigers
Everything Alight in an Ideal World (EAIW):
They/them or he/him
Based off of black and scarlet cicadas (Huechys sanguinea/Huechys incarnata)
Saccharine Sunset (SS):
Hello!! So, I am one of the owners of this blog, Echo <3. I run, a lot of other blogs, but my main one is @echothedragon <3. The main other blogs I run are @threemossystones and @echo-the-wyrm. I am also genderfluid, so my pronouns can change as well, for my pronouns, use they/them or moth/mothself if you don't know, otherwise, ask please. The characters here that I made are NMMB, JET, and ALOOM!!
ayup!! im... lemon/lime/honeycomb, or whatever. i use they/them or any neopronouns!! my pronouns page is here. my main blog is @enlighten3d. my ocs on this blog are FPB, EAIW, and SS!! the other rp blogs i run are @finely-tuned-line and @predictions-of-the-past!! (:
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arachnitopia · 2 years
ok intro post time
hihi! i have an array of names, feel free to call me watever you'd like :]
i use he/it + neopronouns, and am a minor. please take note!
ive been on tumblr for 3 years now, im not new hehe.
i have autism, as well as other things i won't be getting into! please be patient w/ me :]
i have a plethora of interests, and frequently talk about + rb said interests en masse, so be prepared for dashboard spam lol. i also talk a lot in the tags!!! read them >:]
i personally dont initiate very well unless its via asks (USUALLY ON ANON) but i am very cool and approachable please come closer (feel free 2 interact!!)
i have the worlds most standard dni, just dont be a bigot or a creep and we are probably fine!
interests (no particular order) under the cut :D
identity v
lobotomy corp + proj moon
fullmetal alchemist
land of the lustrous
my little pony (g4 primary)
cookie run
food fantasy
gothic horror (ESPECIALLY frankenstein)
funerary services
victorian/classic literature
of course, i consume all of my media very critically. however, i'm not perfect, so if there's anything shitty that i've missed or if i support someone i shouldn't, please RESPECTFULLY let me know! thank u :]
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roboromantic · 2 years
like okay re: Nimbus and gender:
I said before I don't really like their design. the baby face just doesn't work and kinda feels like an attempt to keep them looking "neutral" rather than recognize that people can have beards or y'know. be older than 20. and still be nb. it's just really weird bc like. they're ripped and have a bulge for crying out loud. I know I said I wanted conflicting looks but I still want it to look like one cohesive person, not a kid face slapped onto an adult body.
and yet again it's like Why do they have to be young. I get that that's part of the whole storyline but you could still have a brash trainee that's a Bit older
As with other video game characters, I'm once again seeing people just completely miss the fact that they are constantly and consistently referred to with they/them and refer to them with he/him instead. that doesn't really have anything to do w/the character or writing, but I think it's more proof that the more familiar use of singular they to refer to someone of unknown gender means it's often seen as a sort of invisible placeholder pronoun even when used by nonbinary people (which is why I say not to use they/them for me. Neopronouns are far harder to ignore and imo make it obvious that I'm nonbinary)
The bit where Nimbus tells you their real name is. hm. it's done before you find out Cloud Striders all have uuuhhh what's the word I'm looking for. Aliases? (or if they mentioned that before the exotic quest then I just completely missed it, which I admit is entirely possible.) and if it were just the voice line I think it'd probably be fine, but the flavor text being like "they used their real name, they thought you should know." 😬. What Do You Mean.
the later exotic quest shows that Cloud Striders' real names aren't like. secrets. Sure, our Guardian didn't know their name, but the flavor text coulda just said st about your Guardian being slightly confused and Nimbus clarifying. or about how it shows that they're actually being more serious. instead it feels more like that bit of dialogue in the early version of me:a where this minor trans npc just deadnamed herself for absolutely no reason.
I feel like maybe there were a couple more things I wanted to say? i forgor. I'll update if I think of more
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brokenmousepad · 2 years
swizzys dni and you better look at it !! /gen
- basic dni crit - have a history of causing drama - you fakeclaim/invalidate did/osdd or any other disorder/mental illness - under 13 [ adults i have a block button and i will use it just try not to interact unless i do it first ] - wont use tone indicators unless its under good faith - against neopronouns/xenogenders or you wont use someones neopronouns - terf / swerf / whatever dni transphobes ?? - danganronpa/yandere simulator/genshin impact main [ unless i interact first ] - anti furry - talk a lot about discourse [ if i interact first its fine ] - dont think self-dx is valid/against self-dx - you don’t like pineapples on pizza /j - against endo systems as well as any non-traumagenic system - nsfw account - nsfw littlespace / agereg acc / supporter - against good faith identities / cause discourse if i follow w this in mind
boundaries !! - I have a very specific rule when it comes to warnings. PLEASE FOLLOW IT if you want to interact :]] - 1. Don’t use ��tw” instead use content warning!! - 2. Don’t just use n$fvv, y3ii!ng to censor, even if it’s censored I can still imagine it. - 3. Please instead do cw: body liquid, loud sounds, this way I don’t imagine the triggers. If you need more examples or have a genq about it, dm me !! - i use tone indicators and i will need you to use tone indicators - please utilize the ask me / anon when talking to me !! - blatantly asking me “can we be friends?” is something im very uncomfortable with - that being said only dm for business purposes or if were close - i will post media that could be triggering it will be on the post itself and in the tags that being said stay safe
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shoezuki · 3 years
Frankly its funny cuz we Do See that ppl on mcyttwt regularly spout transphobic shit n mockery as long as it suits their needs of pertaining to ccs they dont like. Like
When that whole 'phil said he doesnt care if ppl use the wrong pronouns' thing came up it was mentioned by the twitter sbi updates acct (the Good One) and the qrts were FULL of shit like. 'New pee/paw pronouns just dropped' and 'aww enby babie' and 'nonbinary energy 🥺 hes ok w being misgendered' and 'oh em gee? Shes an icon' shit from ppl who obviously hate phil n are Mocking him thru mockery of neopronouns and nonbinary ppl (and yes those are ALL exact quotes) n like.
Even as a 'joke' or even if u like phil. Its fuckin weird. And shows that like. Acceptance of terminology n things that affect minorities Doesnt extend outside of what they like. So many times ive seen homies getting called racial slurs for 'supporting a racist' or some bullshit from ppl thats Racist or Transphobic etc from ppl who are Allegedly against techno for..... according to them, doing bigotted things jus like what they done?
Like. The point is ppl r fucking hypocritical. They attack these ccs n us under the guise of being 'against' oppression and microagressions. But they act like what they hate so much. So many times i see things that could be transphobic n racist n Genuinely Bigotted in any way treated as if its Fine because its against ccs.
I see ppl use technos irl name and i feel theyd so easily deadname me/use My irl name too
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grayfilmsandstuff · 3 years
Hey there friendo! Could I get a funky madcom matchup? I'm fine with whoever (๑¯∇¯๑) This is also gonna be hella disjointed, so I apologize in advance (╥w╥)
I'm 4'11 with super dark brown eyes and hair and a baby face; most people always think  I'm much younger than I actually am (I'm 20, but just look like a forever teen I guess) I've got dreadlocks that go a little past mid back, freckles, beauty marks and light patches all over my body (not sure if its vitiligo or not), and I wear prescription sports goggles instead of normal glasses since the straps make me less likely to lose them, and Im accidentally rough on stuff sometimes
Agender, aroace with leaning for gender neutral and neopronouns, but i dont really care much in the end ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I've got a metric shit-ton of mental illness, so my mental state is Wack™, tho I'll point out my ADHD and Autism since those are my most prominent. Paradoxical is the best word to describe me cuz I can range from feral gremlin memelord to so-quiet-you-forget-Im-there (I accidentally scare people alot cuz of this). Relatively apathetic emotionally, and I can sometimes struggle with social cues, I'm also very childish, hyperactive and immature, and can be blunt and straight forward with my words. I have a trash sense of humor (I'll basically laugh at anything), tho I do enjoy dark, self-deprecating, and/or inappropriate jokes the most. Since most people see me as "ignorant baby", I like fucking with them by just saying the weirdest shit or casually cursing because I can. Honestly, the amount of memes, shitposts, and copypastas that I've memorized just for the sake of a joke, is amazing.
I'm academically smart to a degree, with a leaning towards the sciences, maths, and engineering. Mostly a big psychology and astronomy nerd and really big into art. I've gotta bunch of sketchbooks and folders full of drawings, (mostly character designs), from over the years and too many damn color pencils (that I will continue to add on too, because fuck yeah colors). I'm really into transformers, comics, anime, video games, and true crime. I like to lift weights and have questionable eating habits (forgetting to eat is a problem of mine so I always have snacks on me, and I tend to eat things I really shouldnt; Ex. Chalk) and basically eat like a famine survivor when it comes to food. I practically inhale my food and I tend to get aggressive if someone tries to interact with me while I'm eating or cooking. All and all tho, I'm mostly here to vibe and just live in the moment.
I have a lot of cat-like habits and tend to headbutt, rub up against, and bite and/or lick people who I like; walk on my toes alot; and prefer small spaces over wide open ones. I'm also really flexible, so it's not odd to causally find me weird ass positions. Gets the nyoomies randomly and struggles with volume control (not helped by me being slightly hard at hearing), so I'll usually pace around while talking and making random noises (echolocalia basically, and I'll mostly beep, meow, trill, make Kirby noises "poyo!", etc.,), and also hand flappy! I also like to sing to myself and have a really great range (mostly on the higher end of the spectrum), as well as decent voice acting capabilities! I mirror things alot, so if I interact with someone long enough, I'll subconsciously start mimicking them and their habits (mostly verbal quirks and accents, but physical quirks too sometimes). Very much prefer hot and humid weather and get real tried/hibernate when it gets colder. For that reason, I've got a huge nest of soft blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals.
i.. . .this was so long.. . .. i love you thank you for sending in a request but note for people in the future please don't make your requests this long it makes it rough on me
this is a good example of the longest request i'll take and this is a good example of the shortest use this to your advantage
i match you wiiiiiith...
- Hank isn't sure where you came from but he returned to the bunker with you one day and after the shock factor was over, everyone accepted it and welcomed you in
- they really like your goggles, sometimes they'll point to their own and then point to you, saying that you were matching :}
- he's got a wack mental state too, so he understands a lot of what you're going through and helps you with social cues from the other three, and just is there in general to help out
- you also help them if they feel like they need to lean onto you for comfort or help
- he actually thinks your bluntness is helpful because he's the kind of person is mostly oblivious and doesn't understand what you're saying unless you say it directly and say exactly what you mean
- they love making you laugh at the silliest things. if makes them really happy knowing that they can make you smile or laugh no matter what the circumstances are
- a lot of the time when you say a meme or a copypasta in front of him he won't understand and will ask you what it means
- "one bad gloop and she do what i yoinky two big splurgs and a big gloopy three more yoinks, then i buy me a smoothie poured up a gloop, that's a gloop and a splurgy"
- "...i'm sorry what"
- they really look up to how smart you are and it fascinates them when you'll just ramble about a topic because they know that means you're really interested in it
- you love drawing and a lot of the time you give your assorted doodles to Hank. he loves and cherishes them because what the heck how are you so talented??
- they get onto you for eating things you shouldn't. they want you be happy and healthy, not just the former
- he also enjoys watching you cook whenever you do! he tries his best to help but the big guy has no idea how you do it
- they LOVE your cat-like habits. they love cats. period. any time you'll meow or rub up against them they just melt entirely
- the first time you picked up on something he said and started mimicking it, his initial reaction was :O but it grew more into a :D
thanks for the request! i tried to keep it short with all that you provided me, have a good day my friend
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your-fav-has-madd · 4 years
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Hey y’all licorice here! This is my first time making an account like this so my apologies if some things about my blog are kinda out of wack (aka I really hope my inbox isn’t broken) but welcome!
This blog is dedicated to sharing headcanons or canons (if there are characters canonically with madd, have yet to see any but it would be cool if they’re are) about characters/paras with maladaptive daydreaming disorder
My main is: @deerwingz and the flag is made by @bugsyishyperfixating
My rules are simple but go as follows:
No character submissions when inbox is closed
Yes you are allowed to submit multiple characters however if I had to give a limit keep it about 3 and under
Yes you can submit your own paras and ocs but please have a reference image I can crop (send in via dm)
Please specify what source your character is from! Even if it’s “obvious” I don’t care still do it just in case, With that being said if a character is from an obscure source just make sure the character has a good clear image I can reference from (so no poorly doodles background characters sorry it’s just really hard to work with >_<)
No submitting irl people w/o their permission
Yes you can submit yourself id just edit your account onto it
No character personas meant to represent real people (what I mean is like jaiden, odd1sout, dream smp ect.) unless they actually do have MaDD or give permission
I kindly ask for you to not interact if you fit any of the criteria:
Homophobic/transphobic/racist/ableist ect.
Proana/ed blog
You post irl s/h/gore
I don’t really care about lgbt discourse but the owner of this account uses neopronouns/xenogenders/is pro-mogai so keep that in mind ^_^
Nsfw (I’m a minor, if you have an nsfw alt that’s fine but please don’t interact on an nsfw account)
Q: “can I submit *insert source here*”
A: I made a post addressing this topic but in conclusion if you don’t know of a source is “too problematic” to be submitted there’s no harm in submitting I’ll just tell u if I won’t do it (and if ur worried about me being harsh about it dw I won’t be I want this blog to be a positive place)
Q: “can I edit ur posts (ex: add stickers, filters, ect.)”
A: of course once my posts are made feel free to do what you want with them. Credit is appreciated but if your simply putting it as like ur pfp or something idrc do what you want.
Q: can I submit things that aren’t flag related (like resources, personal experiences ect.)
A: if it’s MaDD related sure go ham
Q: “how do I know if I’m a maladaptive daydreamer?”
A: oh boy well there’s a lot to consider here, and I am no professional but @madd-information has some good posts explaining it!!!
And that’s pretty much it :)
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hops-hunny · 3 years
im questioning my gender identity...
sometimes i love being feminine and idk i love being feminine, but most of the time i feel that something is missing, i love being both feminine and masc, even tho i have never really tried being more "masc", when i was little people thought i was a boy cause i wore my stepmom's son's clothes, i used to skateboard, but these things don't mean anything cause when people called me boy i used to get offended by it
but now, i started to be more comfortable w any pronoun (ik that pronouns don't especify gender), i'd love if people started calling me "he/him" (no one calls me that, and my mom doesn't know), but i also love when people call me "she/her", and "they/them", and i also love the idea of being called a neopronoun
when im whoreknee i kinda imagine that i have a dick, and someone is doing yk things w it to pleasure me, and i just LOVE the feeling, but i also LOVE having a clit, and i love my boobs, they are huge and im proud of them kwjsjwks, but i kinda like the idea of not having them
idk, i already considered being gender fluid or queer, but honestly i still don't know what i am feeling abt my identity
WHAT DO I DO LY (and also anons, please help me)😭😭😭😭
ik that i shouldn't rely on labels, but idk i feel more complete if i had a label (im not saying people who don't like to use labels are incomplete, im just saying that I, ME, ZIANE would feel incomplete without a label)
my god i said label a lot of times
I understand what you mean though, labels can be important, especially when you have that feeling that you know there's something out there that can describe how you're feeling but you don't have the vocab for it!
That's how I felt too for a bit but I thought I was being dramatic or that I was just silly. For me I like all the things that come with being woman like my body and things like that but anytime someone calls me a woman I feel insanely awful or when anyone calls me Kelly it invokes such a nasty feeling that I cannot place what so ever so I went to all my friends who fall under the trans and nonbinary umbrella and asked them and looked into what being a demigirl was and I was like "omg?? that's me!!"
I don't wanna tell you what you are or what you aren't but it sounds like you may be genderfluid or genderflux!!
Also it is totally normal and fine to go by many different pronouns and if there is any you want me to try out for you pls lmk! You are never limited to just one set I mean look at me for fucks sake, I use wish/she/they/it and they all make me very happy!! Also here's a carrd that has literally a TON of neopronouns to browse and plus the cool thing about neos is you can make them yourself as well.
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radiqueer · 6 years
my politics
or: a brief rundown of things I believe about the world and my place in it.
queer stuff
ace people are lgbtq by virtue of being ace. aro people are lgbtq by virtue of being aro
intersex people are lgbtq by virtue of being intersex
mogai genders and identities are good and useful and don’t hurt anybody
there’s nothing wrong with words like cis, allosexual, monosexual, and perisex/dyadic. also, cis/allo/mono/perisex people don’t get a say in whether those words should exist.
neurogenders are just fine
neopronouns are valid
that said I do have adhd and english is my second language which makes it difficult for me to always remember neo/nounself pronouns.
mental illness/disability stuff
self diagnosis is valid
mentally ill people with stigmatized illnesses deserve better
ableism bad obviously
adhd/autism are real illnesses and not caused by fucking vaccines
im anti censorship in any form but not anti hate speech.
death threats make you a reprehensible person
fiction about like...kids fucking or w/e is not comparable to real life pedophilia or csa because shit that happens to real kids isn’t comparable to shit that happens on a page which you can stop reading anytime
censorship of supposedly “pedophilic” media always leads to censorship of queer media because queer people have historically been characterized as perverts, deviants, and pedophiles
regardless, fiction does not directly correspond to reality
ao3 is a blessing and if you want censored media go elsewhere
stop sending death threats to people drawing ship art
im an atheist and anti religion
activist and sj critical/left critical
still a leftist though
pro technology
pro minors with sexualities/kink
I don’t have a stance on map discourse and if you ask me to have one you’ll be blocked
this list will be updated as and when I think of stuff, or if my views change.
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unofficiallyswizzy · 3 years
swizzys dni and you better look at it !! /gen - basic dni crit - have a history of causing drama - you fakeclaim/invalidate did/osdd or any other disorder/mental illness - under 13 [ adults i have a block button and i will use it just try not to interact unless i do it first ] - wont use tone indicators unless its under good faith - against neopronouns/xenogenders or you wont use someones neopronouns - terf / swerf / whatever dni transphobes ?? - danganronpa/yandere simulator/genshin impact main [ unless i interact first ] - anti furry - talk a lot about discourse [ if i interact first its fine ] - dont think self-dx is valid/against self-dx - you don’t like pineapples on pizza /j - against endo systems as well as any non-traumagenic system - nsfw account - nsfw littlespace / agereg acc / supporter - against good faith identities / cause discourse if i follow w this in mind boundaries !! - I have a very specific rule when it comes to warnings. PLEASE FOLLOW IT if you want to interact :]] - 1. Don’t use “tw” instead use content warning!! - 2. Don’t just use n$fvv, y3ii!ng to censor, even if it’s censored I can still imagine it. - 3. Please instead do cw: body liquid, loud sounds, this way I don’t imagine the triggers. If you need more examples or have a genq about it, dm me !! - i use tone indicators and i will need you to use tone indicators - please utilize the ask me / anon when talking to me !! - blatantly asking me “can we be friends?” is something im very uncomfortable with - that being said only dm for business purposes or if were close - i will post media that could be triggering it will be on the post itself and in the tags that being said stay safe
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arofili · 3 years
eyyyy it’s your tssanta here! your requests already sparking many ideas!!!! may I ask if you have any dnws specific to depicting trans or nonbinary experience? So excited I am writing for you!! :’) :D
yay i'm so excited!!!!
(dnws under the cut)
i don't really have many hard dnws for trans stuff specifically, but i do have some preferences!!
in general i'm really not here for any kind of parental abuse. i'm fine if a parent is confused or initially unaccepting of a trans character's identity, or if the situation is "shit's complicated," but i don't want to see any intentional misgendering from a parental figure. basically i want to see parents who love their kids, even if they don't Get It and/or mess up. (that being said, i Don't think eol was a good dad and that may have extended to gender stuff too, but i'd rather not have that dwelled on if you're writing trans maeglin- a reference is fine but please don't depict it)
i'm okay with deadnames and past pronouns being used in circumstances where that would make sense narratively, especially pre-transition or mid-questioning, but otherwise chosen names/pronouns are def better
wrt sex: i prefer anatomical accuracy for genitals and other body parts, rather than, like, calling a penis a 'clit' or a clit a 'dick' for gender affirmation reasons - this is totally a ymmv thing and if it's an issue for you as a writer it's okay to write that, but it's less confusing for me as a reader if you just call a body part what it is. (and gender-affirming for me, tbh)
likewise, i live for guys and enbies being pregnant and having kids! (why? idk?? i dont want kids of my own and i DEF don't want to be pregnant but like. my trans favs having kids is like catnip lol. the human brain is inexplicable!)
i love nonbinary characters interacting with other nonbinary characters and acknowledging that they are nonbinary in different ways!! nonbinary as a category rather than a 'third option' <3 <3 <3 -especially love to see 'i have a specific gender' vs. 'idk lol' vs. 'i definitely don't have a gender'
likewise, pronoun diversity is awesome; i usually use they/them for nonbinary characters but neopronouns are great too
i'm not really into 'magical transition' handwavey-ness... like with body part terms in general, i guess i like trans characters being comfortable in their own bodies? or learning to be comfortable? that isn't to say dysphoria is a no, but i guess social dysphoria is more interesting/relatable to me than physicla dysphoria?? (i know i don't have to justify myself, lol, but i am actually quite interested in why i like the things i like haha) if you're going to work with physical dysphoria i would much prefer that being dealt with in ways similar to how we deal with it irl. like, you can substitute hormones for a potion or something, i'm just not really interested in 'oh i just got my parts swapped out no problem, it was Valar Magic' or w/e. (i also think that like...idk...the Valar just magicking away dysphoria cheapens a character's personal journey? idk. i get the wish fulfillment appeal, it's just not for me, lol) -that being said, a character being reborn with the hroa they prefer is okay!! but i'm also here for characters coming back with the same kind of hroa they had before...really whatever makes the most sense for the character and their relationship with their body. but in general, especially for elves who don't generally have drastic sexual dimorphism, i think physical dysphoria is much more managable than it is for humans irl.
ANYWAY this is long and rambly and very much just my personal preferences but!! i hope this helps!! definitely don't feel like you have to include all of this, and again none of this is a hard "DNW" if you have a great idea you'd like to explore about a concept, but generally this is what i like :)
and thank you so much <3 <3 if you have any other questions feel free to ask!!
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