thatweirdindiekid · 4 years
So Agent Izuku Idea 👉👈
( Idk how to make the hands black. Sue me.)
Anyway here’s a song and the link cause the song’s good lol.
( slowed down ) blood // water                                                 https://youtu.be/mYMcHbFuE3I
 Anyway please listen to it while I give you my idea for this fic.
Its a few months since Izuku’s dream has been brutally slaughtered by All Might. He feels bitter but not hate towards the Symbol of Peace, knowing that he was right. After that encounter, he decides to tell his mom about EVERYTHING and I mean it. Obviously she was FURIOUS but he convinced her to not go and try to sue the school and gat Bakugou blacklisted like he should.
Izuku decides to leave the school and just finish high school online. So they do that and the word gets out that ‘Deku’ left. Bakugou doesn’t let this deter him however, determined to become number one. Still, a little part of him was worried where the shitty nerd could have disappeared to, as Auntie Inko stopped contacted his old hag.
Meanwhile Izuku gave up on his dream, but he still did his analysis, but he coded it because he knew it could end in trouble if it got in the wrong hands. He did so with all and burned the old ones (except his first one as it held some sentimental value to him), and he decided to start working out. 
A boy at around a height of 170 cm strolled down the street, listening to one of his favourite songs ‘Do I Wanna Know’ by Artic Monkeys through his earbuds. He had recently fallen in love with pre-quirk era music, especially when slowed.
He was attractive and anyone who say him knew that whether they wanted to admit it or not. The green shrub which grew on his head was now styled into a undercut and he had a piercing or two on his ears. His jaw was chilled, no longer having that baby fat, causing to look a little more mature. 
His adorable round eyes also disappeared out of existence and they were a lot narrower, and his emerald eyes no longer retained the same shine as before.
Under his eyes were a little pink, signifying the lack of sleep, and somehow it just made him more attractive. As well a resting bitch face. His fingers were wrapped in a white gauze because he had unfortunately gotten a little to aggressive with his punching bag with the remainder of his money after paying haf of the bills which he bought after finding a part-time job at a cat café.
He had recently applied and the popularity of the cozy place sky-rocketed after word of a handsome greenette cosplaying as a neko-butler who would serve you attracted the attention of a LOT of people. I mean who wouldn’t jump at the chance to witness such a glorious sight. This has caused business to boom which granted Izuku with a surprisingly large sum of yen.
It was time for his shift and he was running a little late, but he informed his manager who understood his situation. As he reached at the door, he noticed a little girl being pulled away from her mother, who was busy window shopping and had noticed to late.
He sprinted over to the white van and just as the girl was about to be hauled in, Izuku had already closed the space between himself and the criminal. He held onto the kidnappers wrist and bent it so far back an audible crack was heard. 
The man cried out in agony, instinctually letting go of the child to cradle his shattered wrist. Quickly he thrust her towards her mother who caught her while looking on in horror. 
He grabbed the shady man who was attempted to jump in the vehicle and judo-flipped him. As he sat on the man’s back while holding his hands to restrain him, people were filming, cheering while one onlooker had just hung up the phone after contacting the Musutafu police.
He, acting a little to calm in this situation, continued sitting there as he waited for the police to arrive and humming to the tune of another one of his songs ‘Sweater Weather’  by The Neighborhood.
People were just astounded by how nonchalant the young man seemed to be. His boss crossed the road to greet him, a lazy grin stretched across her youthful face as she seemed to have not age a day over 25. 
Dressed in a white button up shirt rolled up at the sleeves, and some wide legged pants in a dark brown and cream coloured heels, she looked a lot more professional than her employee, who was currently in a baggy graphic tee of an old anime, paired with equally baggy distressed jeans and white converse sneakers.
She knelt in front of him and suddenly flicked his forehead, causing him to groan.
“ Why do I put up with your bullshit,” she muttered with a exasperated look on her face.
“Because I am a valuable asset to your business and you find me attractive.” he said smugly.
His voice was melodious, it was like silk which actually caused some girls and guys to blush. Just then the police showed up, approaching the two with guns aimed at the criminal who had fallen unconscious after colliding with the concrete pavement. 
Izuku got up and by the collar of the almost-kidnapper, dropped them infront of the confused officers and with a slight dusting off of his hands he looked at them and said, “ Here you go.” to break the silence as everyone had become deadly quiet when they arrived.
A loud “EHHHH?” resonated from everyone’s mouth as he did so as well as large sweat drop to roll down the side of their head.
He was required for questioning, as was the mother who he was informed name’s Yuna.
He was questioned by Detective Tsukauchi, and to the man’s surprise every word that left the boys mouth were confirmed as true. 
“You know what you did can be classified as vigilantism right?”
“Not if I’m quirkless its not.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“But technically it does.”
The boy was let go without charges, considering that he technically committed no crimes but was let off with a warning to try not to find himself in situations like that again.
As he was escorted out the interrogation room, a flash of green passed by him as sniffles were heard.
“Izuku I’m so glad your okay!” Inko sighed, voice muffled by her face being pressed against Izuku’s chest.
Izuku hugged back, a warm smile on his face that was before he loudly groaned after she slapped his head with irritation.
“Again Izuku? Really?” 
Pouting, he just looked at her with fake betrayal as he rubbed his sore head.
“I’m sorry kaa-san I’m to handsome and heroic to not be awesome,” he snarkily replied, which simply earned him another tap on the head.
He remembers unofficially taking Yui as his little sister because she was cute. He also liked detective Tsukauchi, and that his how he found his soon-to-be mentor and father-figure.
Suddenly his alarm went off, causing him to reluctantly awake. He had returned from France just yesterday after completing another mission for the government. Someone had tried to break in and Izuku, as skilled as he was, successfully broke his ankles (kudos to you if you get the reference).
The mysterious man had taken his mother hostage after he was surrounded by police and pro-heroes alike and so Izuku did what any logical human would do. 
He beat the ever living shit out of him.
Since it was actually a well-known crime boss he had paralyzed waist down, he was offered a deal by the government.
Since he enjoyed it he can either, work for the government as a weapon after they assessed his level of skill or they let him off with a warning.
He obviously chose the first option and he did a test and shit and that’s how he became a hitman for politicians, as well as an interrogator. He was able to move over to larger apartment, got his boss, co-workers and mother nice gifts and still got to work as a neko-butler(okay what the actual fuck)
alright im tired your tired so be free little butterfly lmao
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