#nejdets posts
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Agradecer o dom da vida e começar o dia com o coração radiante de fé e esperanças fará do hoje o seu dia mais feliz e pleno em realizações e bênçãos!Liahna Mell✔️
Being grateful for the gift of life and starting the day with a heart radiant with faith and hope will make today your happiest day, full of achievements and blessings!
Liahna Mell✔️
55. أن تكون ممتنًا لهبة الحياة وأن تبدأ يومك بقلب مشع بالإيمان والأمل سيجعل يومك أسعد يوم ومليء بالإنجازات والبركات!✔️
#claudia mateus#didiribeiro#marcus cruzes#alternative rock#aikolis#lacarolita#leusaposts#mary flor#maryflorlovebloq#youtube#ministério m#pa o la#nejdets posts#gostei postei#positividade#todos meus seguidores
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I love the simple things in life! I love a beautiful smile, a sparkle in the eyes, calling just to hear someone's voice and see if they're okay, writing and receiving letters, a tight hug, a firm handshake, a good morning.or thank you very much... these among many other things are very important to me.
#claudia mateus#didiribeiro#marcus cruzes#alternative rock#aikolis#lacarolita#leusaposts#mary flor#maryflorlovebloq#youtube#asikam#aram22#nejatpost#Nejdets posts#todos meus seguidores
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Gönderilerini beğendiklerim (unuttuğum varsa çok özür dilerim) @yildizlardaabulunmusum @yildizlardakaybolmusum @uyumakonusalimmm @syonchez @aylema52 @theedessa @g-u-v-e-n @gelmemeye-giden-adam @asitligece @gamzecukuru @cileklilipglos @ghostorionn @nejdets-posts
Bir taneciklerim (konuştuğum vs)
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Digitální kompetence na prvním stupni základní školy a v mateřské škole
Příručka Digitální kompetence pro všechny
Digitální kompetence – data a digitální obsah
Digitální kompetence – bezpečnost
Digitální kompetence – ovládání, využívání zařízení
Digitální kompetence – vytváření digitálního obsahu
Digitální kompetence – využití digitálních technoogií
Digitální kompetence – význam digitálních technologií
Záznam webináře k příručce Digitální kompetence pro všechny
Interaktivní příručka k digitálním kompetencím v OrgPadu
Digitalizace a skenování
Post-it (Google Play, App Store)
Fotoskener (Google Play, App Store)
Microsoft Lens (Google Play, App Store)
Canva – univerzální nástroj k tvorbě letáků, plakátů, grafiky na sociální sítě a všeho, co v knihovně potřebujete 🙂
Microsoft Designer – tvorba různých typů grafiky s využitím umělé inteligence.
Autodraw – automatické rozpoznávání tvarů.
Quick, Draw! – praktická a zábavná ukázka, jak se učí umělá inteligence.
Scribble Diffusion – generování fotografie z textu a kresby.
Animated Drawings – vytvořte si jednoduché animace z kresby.
Animate from audio – vyberte si postavu a namluvte hlas.
Mluvící avatar – vytvořte si mluvícího avatara podle návodu na AI Dětem.
Snapseed (Google Play, App Store) – mobilní editor, který využívá umělou inteligenci.
Cleanup.pictures – jednoduché odstranění objektů z fotografie.
Profile Pic Maker – vytvořte si profesionální profilovou fotografii.
Descript – editujte video jednoduše jako text. Automatický přepis na text a vylepšení zvuku.
V editoru Clipchamp si můžete nechat vygenerovat hlasový záznam řeči podle textu. Umí také vytvořit automatické titulky. Obě funkce fungují v češtině a dalších jazycích. Editor je dostupný zdarma a ve Windows 10 a 11 nahrazuje starší aplikaci na úpravu videí.
Oblíbený editor CapCut využívá umělou inteligenci a určitě stojí za vyzkoušení.
Hodně věcí zvládnete také v Canvě. Umí např. odstranit pozadí videa, i když nemáte green screen.
Zrcadlení mobilu a tabletu
LetsView – zrcadlení zdarma.
Reflector – univerzální nástroj k zrcadlení mobilů, tabletů a dalších zařízení s podporou AirPlay, Google Cast a Miracast.
AirServer – populární nástroj k zcadlení.
Umělá inteligence: metodiky a materiály pro učitele
AI dětem
Průvodce ChatGPT pro učitele
Stanovisko Masarykovy univerzity k využívání umělé inteligence ve výuce
Stanovisko PdF UP k problematice využívání umělé inteligence
Etické pokyny pro využívání umělé inteligence a dat ve výuce a vzdělávání pro pedagogy
Příležitosti a rizika umělé inteligence
Kybernetická bezpečnost
Padlet Bezpečnost dětí na netu je průběžně aktualizovaná nástěnka pro učitele, děti, rodiče a metodiky.
KYBcast je podcast o kybernetické bezpečnosti pro učitele, ICT metodiky a ajťáky. Mluvíme jednoduše a lidsky 🙂
Stabilizátory a další vybavení do výuky
Například Osmo Mobile 3, který se už neprodává. Můžete si koupit novější typ nebo podobný výrobek od jiného výrobce. V e-shopech je najdete většinou pod označením stabilizátor nebo gimball.
Hodně praktických ukázek a inspirace nejdete v publikaci Moderní technologie ve výuce (zdarma v pdf).
Další tipy najdete na stránce IT guru.
Užitečné zdroje
Youtubový kanál Videovýuka s Václavem Maněnou.
Padlet Aplikace a inspirace do výuky je plný užitečných tipů.
Facebooková skupina Výuka informatiky je pro všechny, kteří chtějí využívat technologie ve vzdělávání.
Zdroj: https://twitter.com/VaclavManena
#výuka#škola#rady a návody#manuály#aplikace pro školy a učitele#aplikace#grafika#užitečné zdroje#stabilizátory#digitalizace#skenování#video#zrcadlení#AI#umělá inteligence#kybernetická bezpečnost#moderní technologie ve výuce#učitelé#online vzdělávání#využívání technologií ve výuce#Václav Maněna
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İzmir'de ekmek ve ramazan pidesi fiyatlarına zam geldi!
İzmir’de ekmek ve ramazan pidesi fiyatlarına zam geldi!
İzmir’de ramazan pidesi ve ekmek fiyatları belli oldu. İzmir Fırıncılar Odası Başkanı Nejdet Durmuş tarafından yapılan açıklamada, ekmek ve pidenin gramaj ve fiyat zam oranlarını açıkladı. Detaylar haberimizde…
Fırıncı esnafının ayın sonunu getiremediğini kaydeden Durmuş, ‘Türkiye’de ekmek dışında hangi ürüne iki yıldır zam gelmedi? Biz üyelerimiz kadar…
View On WordPress
#2019 ekmek zam#2019 zam#Blog#ekmeğe zam#ekmek#izmir#izmir blog#izmir de ekmek ve ramazan pidesi fiyatlarına zam geldi#pide#ramazan#ramazan pidesi#zam geldi
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110 imagens de tatuagens de caveira estilosas e inspiradoras
Pode parecer macabro, mas você sabia que a tatuagem de caveira abrange inúmeros significados, e muitos deles não têm nada a ver com morte? Diversas crenças costumam ter essa figura como a representação de uma superação, proteção, até poder e força. Há também quem crie o seu próprio significado, preenchendo a arte com cores, referências entre outras ideias de cunho pessoal bastante especiais.
E se a sua vontade é de marcar a pele com uma tatuagem de caveira, inspire-se nessas 110 imagens a seguir, de tamanhos, estilos e propostas diferentes:
1. Esta caveira sombreada preencheu todo o antebraço
Diego Lanzone
2. A tatuagem de caveira na mão é bastante estilosa, não acha?
3. A cobra adicionou ainda mais poder à tatuagem
Secret Skull
4. Esta arte old school ficou bem divertida
Dead Ahead Tattoo Co.
5. A tatuagem de caveira com flores é bem feminina
Bitácora Tattoo
6. Já esta com referência à morte pode ser uma inspiração para aproveitarmos cada segundo da vida
Tattooist Goun
7. Já pensou em adicionar rosas à sua caveira?
Orlova Nadin
8. Ou bromélias coloridas alegrando a tatuagem de caveira simples
Aurel Tattoo
9. Metade caveira, metade o astro rei
Vik B. Tattooer
10. Sua majestade, a caveira
Jakobi Rios
11. Consegue encontrar o cérebro e o coração adicionados nesta arte?
Leap Ink & Piercing
12. A tatuagem de caveira mexicana possui um significado bastante tradicional
Dotty Smith Tattoo
13. A caveira e as rosas acompanharam o contorno do corpo feminino
Tattoo Mozart
14. A tatuagem de caveira preta e cinza é um clássico
15. O desenho ganhou um destaque especial com o vermelho
Secret Skull
16. Veja o capricho desta composição da moça segurando um crânio
Chad Dupraw
17. E esta arte que tem o formato lindo de uma borboleta?
Porca Loca Tattoo
18. Este desenho minimalista parece carregar inúmeros significados
Tommy Junior
19. Aquele detalhe estiloso no dedo médio
Evo Tattoos
20. Esse mosaico não ficou diferente e criativo?
Will Murray
21. Por trás de uma mera tatuagem, um significado relacionado à ciência
Melissa Valiquette
22. Olhando para esta fofura, você jamais remeteria a tatuagem a algo macabro, não é mesmo?
23. Uma paixão pela gastronomia
João B. Carvalho
24. Veja como esta mandala deixou a tattoo ainda mais linda
Ana Tatu
25. No dedinho, com olhinhos de coração
Inked Dollgen
26. Uma homenagem à imortal Marilyn Monroe
Hokus Pokus Tattoo
27. A tatuagem de caveira com rosas ainda contou com uma referência religiosa
Eternal Ink
28. Com criatividade, esta caveira foi se “desmanchando em cores”
Ivan PereTattoo
29. E esta infestada por lindas flores
Tattoos of Sacramento
30. Seriam cogumelos coloridos?
Victor Fluores
31. Rosas brotando do crânio podem ser uma simbologia da renascença
Polina Shcherbina
32. “Lembrar”
33. Uma caveira para cada panturrilha
Georgi Higman
34. Para quem não tem medo de ousar
Iende Tattoo
35. Há também opções para quem prefere algo discreto e minimalista
36. Uma caveira entre carrancas e flores
Spider Tattoos
37. A pintura deste crânio ficou divina!
Spring Tattoos
38. Essas caveiras diabinhas são bastante irreverentes
sammylou tattoo
39. Esta galáxia ficou perfeita, não acha?
World of Skulls
40. Sua caveira ficará um primor na perna
Becky Matheson
41. Ou até mesmo no antebraço
André Catalán
42. Que tal na lateral do bumbum?
Under Skin Tattoo
43. Ou na coxa
Studio K Tattoo
44. Esta caveira estampou a superfície de uma concha
Jonas Borkhoff
45. Enquanto esta é cheia de referências diferenciadas
Garrido John
46. Nesta arte a caveira se fez presente na fumacinha do jarro
Geoff Sin
47. E aqui ela foi um mero detalhe no meio das flores
Oro Tattoo
48. Sua caveira pode ser engraçadinha
Eastside Ink
49. Sensual…
Lara Stark
50. Ou homenageando um artista que você gosta muito
Samanta Flôor
51. E se ela for metade crânio, metade flor?
Emanuele Lazzaretti
52. As caveiras mexicanas são ou não são um arraso?
Tatau Tattoo Studio
53. Tatuar o pescoço mostra bastante atitude e estilo
Sparrow Ink Tattoo
54. Esta caveira é doida por uma festa
Skulls 27 Collection
55. Enquanto esta recebe a proteção de uma poderosa cobra
Leathernecks Tattoo
56. Quando o desenho combina perfeitamente com os espinhos
Narrow Street Modern Tattooing
57. O sombreamento desta foi caprichado, não acha?
Luan Amorin
58. Uma tattoo em parceria
Lucas Carvalho
59. A caveira mexicana é uma grande homenagem aos mortos que amamos
Distrito 13
60. Espia o efeito aquarela do fundo desta tattoo
Suíno Tattoo
61. Simples, delicada e cheia de representações
Andrezinho Amazônia Encantada
62. Quanto mais colorida, mais divertida
Guilherme Ribeiro
63. Este braço todo fechado ficou lindo
Daniel Claudio
64. Esta rosa vermelha também parece uma simbologia do fogo
Victor Rodrigues
65. Esta tatuagem de caveira preto e cinza ficou animal
Danilo Bonin
66. Assim como esta, que contou com traços mais delicados
Julia Otsuka
67. No formato genial de uma lâmpada
Fabiano Monteiro
68. Esta arte contou com elementos que representam a morte
Gorbalex Tattoo
69. Sua tattoo homenagem ficará mais completa com uma data especial
Lucas Milagres Tattoo
70. A rosa recebeu o devido destaque pela diferenciação de cores
71. O romantismo não foi esquecido
72. Este crânio está literalmente bem conservado
Tate Woodruff
73. Uma caveimorango? Ou um morangoveira?
Lacey Tattoos
74. Que fofo este lacinho!
Daan Morte
75. Toda a lateral do bumbum foi devidamente preenchida
76. Repare em cada detalhe desta arte e se apaixone
Justin Ballard
77. E estes olhos em chamas?
Domino Effect
78. Uma homenagem ao valioso tempo
Sash Tattoo
79. Uma tattoo pertinho do coração
Metal Maiden Tattoo
80. Aqui a rosa tomou conta
Toddy at 21st Century Tattoo
81. Aliás, elas oferecem mais leveza à ideia
Woodwork Tattoo
82. E sua caveira pode ficar assim, no miolinho dela
Rebel Muse Tattoo
83. Ou ganhando destaque no centro
Anthony Shiina
84. A caveira é o complemento perfeito desta arte
Aaron Lewis Tattoos
85. Para o dedo, uma caveira e formato de rosa azul
Inkomplete Tattoo
86. A tradicional tatuagem old school é linda e atemporal
Jutty stewart
87. Somente o contorno deu conta do recado por aqui
Maikel Hernandez
88. É só olhar direitinho que você encontrará a caveira
Alex Mazzoni
89. O crânio pode até se confundir com as pétalas
Joel Nathan
90. Pertinho do cotovelo
Emanuele Lazzaretti
91. Esta arte parece estar para poucos amigos
Brannon Amtower
92. Os tons de sépia dão um charme a mais na arte
Nejdet Camgöz
93. Assim como os desenhos com contornos e pontilhismo
94. Os desenhos podem também se fundirem, como se fosse uma coisa só
Chris Isntur
95. Um reflexo um tanto quanto curioso, não?
96. As referências incluídas nesta tattoo a deixaram mais feminina
Vision Skin Tattoo
97. Quando o desenho acompanha o formato do ombro
Captain Niglo
98. A escolha de cores perfeita
Saraeve Tattoo
99. O realismo desta arte é impressionante
U-Gene Tattoo
100. Qualquer semelhança com os 3 macaquinhos, é mera coincidência
Crystal Powell
101. Não parece uma tatuagem de marinheiro?
Independent Tattoo
102. Uma rosa, digamos, exuberante
Perfect Image Waterloo
103. Veja só como ficou igualzinho
Aska Pawl
104. Um crânio e seu perfil
Kim Gidlund
105. As realistas rosas parecem saltar da pele
Sinter Tattoo
106. No meio das costas, de forma discreta
FDD Citron
107. A diferença pode estar na coloração
Darkline Tattoo
108. Pertinho do pulso, no antebraço
Sunrise Tattoo
109. Enrolada em pétalas
Retro e Tatts
110. Uma caveira carregada de personalidade
Já sabe que estilo de caveira e proporção de tatuagem que você quer fazer? Não esqueça de escolher um profissional de confiança para deixar a sua arte do jeitinho que deseja.
O post 110 imagens de tatuagens de caveira estilosas e inspiradoras apareceu primeiro em Dicas de Mulher.
110 imagens de tatuagens de caveira estilosas e inspiradoras Publicado primeiro em https://www.dicasdemulher.com.br
Este conteúdo apareceu primeiro em : http://bit.ly/2CrNVhr
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110 imagens de tatuagens de caveira estilosas e inspiradoras
Pode parecer macabro, mas você sabia que a tatuagem de caveira abrange inúmeros significados, e muitos deles não têm nada a ver com morte? Diversas crenças costumam ter essa figura como a representação de uma superação, proteção, até poder e força. Há também quem crie o seu próprio significado, preenchendo a arte com cores, referências entre outras ideias de cunho pessoal bastante especiais.
E se a sua vontade é de marcar a pele com uma tatuagem de caveira, inspire-se nessas 110 imagens a seguir, de tamanhos, estilos e propostas diferentes:
1. Esta caveira sombreada preencheu todo o antebraço
Diego Lanzone
2. A tatuagem de caveira na mão é bastante estilosa, não acha?
3. A cobra adicionou ainda mais poder à tatuagem
Secret Skull
4. Esta arte old school ficou bem divertida
Dead Ahead Tattoo Co.
5. A tatuagem de caveira com flores é bem feminina
Bitácora Tattoo
6. Já esta com referência à morte pode ser uma inspiração para aproveitarmos cada segundo da vida
Tattooist Goun
7. Já pensou em adicionar rosas à sua caveira?
Orlova Nadin
8. Ou bromélias coloridas alegrando a tatuagem de caveira simples
Aurel Tattoo
9. Metade caveira, metade o astro rei
Vik B. Tattooer
10. Sua majestade, a caveira
Jakobi Rios
11. Consegue encontrar o cérebro e o coração adicionados nesta arte?
Leap Ink & Piercing
12. A tatuagem de caveira mexicana possui um significado bastante tradicional
Dotty Smith Tattoo
13. A caveira e as rosas acompanharam o contorno do corpo feminino
Tattoo Mozart
14. A tatuagem de caveira preta e cinza é um clássico
15. O desenho ganhou um destaque especial com o vermelho
Secret Skull
16. Veja o capricho desta composição da moça segurando um crânio
Chad Dupraw
17. E esta arte que tem o formato lindo de uma borboleta?
Porca Loca Tattoo
18. Este desenho minimalista parece carregar inúmeros significados
Tommy Junior
19. Aquele detalhe estiloso no dedo médio
Evo Tattoos
20. Esse mosaico não ficou diferente e criativo?
Will Murray
21. Por trás de uma mera tatuagem, um significado relacionado à ciência
Melissa Valiquette
22. Olhando para esta fofura, você jamais remeteria a tatuagem a algo macabro, não é mesmo?
23. Uma paixão pela gastronomia
João B. Carvalho
24. Veja como esta mandala deixou a tattoo ainda mais linda
Ana Tatu
25. No dedinho, com olhinhos de coração
Inked Dollgen
26. Uma homenagem à imortal Marilyn Monroe
Hokus Pokus Tattoo
27. A tatuagem de caveira com rosas ainda contou com uma referência religiosa
Eternal Ink
28. Com criatividade, esta caveira foi se “desmanchando em cores”
Ivan PereTattoo
29. E esta infestada por lindas flores
Tattoos of Sacramento
30. Seriam cogumelos coloridos?
Victor Fluores
31. Rosas brotando do crânio podem ser uma simbologia da renascença
Polina Shcherbina
32. “Lembrar”
33. Uma caveira para cada panturrilha
Georgi Higman
34. Para quem não tem medo de ousar
Iende Tattoo
35. Há também opções para quem prefere algo discreto e minimalista
36. Uma caveira entre carrancas e flores
Spider Tattoos
37. A pintura deste crânio ficou divina!
Spring Tattoos
38. Essas caveiras diabinhas são bastante irreverentes
sammylou tattoo
39. Esta galáxia ficou perfeita, não acha?
World of Skulls
40. Sua caveira ficará um primor na perna
Becky Matheson
41. Ou até mesmo no antebraço
André Catalán
42. Que tal na lateral do bumbum?
Under Skin Tattoo
43. Ou na coxa
Studio K Tattoo
44. Esta caveira estampou a superfície de uma concha
Jonas Borkhoff
45. Enquanto esta é cheia de referências diferenciadas
Garrido John
46. Nesta arte a caveira se fez presente na fumacinha do jarro
Geoff Sin
47. E aqui ela foi um mero detalhe no meio das flores
Oro Tattoo
48. Sua caveira pode ser engraçadinha
Eastside Ink
49. Sensual…
Lara Stark
50. Ou homenageando um artista que você gosta muito
Samanta Flôor
51. E se ela for metade crânio, metade flor?
Emanuele Lazzaretti
52. As caveiras mexicanas são ou não são um arraso?
Tatau Tattoo Studio
53. Tatuar o pescoço mostra bastante atitude e estilo
Sparrow Ink Tattoo
54. Esta caveira é doida por uma festa
Skulls 27 Collection
55. Enquanto esta recebe a proteção de uma poderosa cobra
Leathernecks Tattoo
56. Quando o desenho combina perfeitamente com os espinhos
Narrow Street Modern Tattooing
57. O sombreamento desta foi caprichado, não acha?
Luan Amorin
58. Uma tattoo em parceria
Lucas Carvalho
59. A caveira mexicana é uma grande homenagem aos mortos que amamos
Distrito 13
60. Espia o efeito aquarela do fundo desta tattoo
Suíno Tattoo
61. Simples, delicada e cheia de representações
Andrezinho Amazônia Encantada
62. Quanto mais colorida, mais divertida
Guilherme Ribeiro
63. Este braço todo fechado ficou lindo
Daniel Claudio
64. Esta rosa vermelha também parece uma simbologia do fogo
Victor Rodrigues
65. Esta tatuagem de caveira preto e cinza ficou animal
Danilo Bonin
66. Assim como esta, que contou com traços mais delicados
Julia Otsuka
67. No formato genial de uma lâmpada
Fabiano Monteiro
68. Esta arte contou com elementos que representam a morte
Gorbalex Tattoo
69. Sua tattoo homenagem ficará mais completa com uma data especial
Lucas Milagres Tattoo
70. A rosa recebeu o devido destaque pela diferenciação de cores
71. O romantismo não foi esquecido
72. Este crânio está literalmente bem conservado
Tate Woodruff
73. Uma caveimorango? Ou um morangoveira?
Lacey Tattoos
74. Que fofo este lacinho!
Daan Morte
75. Toda a lateral do bumbum foi devidamente preenchida
76. Repare em cada detalhe desta arte e se apaixone
Justin Ballard
77. E estes olhos em chamas?
Domino Effect
78. Uma homenagem ao valioso tempo
Sash Tattoo
79. Uma tattoo pertinho do coração
Metal Maiden Tattoo
80. Aqui a rosa tomou conta
Toddy at 21st Century Tattoo
81. Aliás, elas oferecem mais leveza à ideia
Woodwork Tattoo
82. E sua caveira pode ficar assim, no miolinho dela
Rebel Muse Tattoo
83. Ou ganhando destaque no centro
Anthony Shiina
84. A caveira é o complemento perfeito desta arte
Aaron Lewis Tattoos
85. Para o dedo, uma caveira e formato de rosa azul
Inkomplete Tattoo
86. A tradicional tatuagem old school é linda e atemporal
Jutty stewart
87. Somente o contorno deu conta do recado por aqui
Maikel Hernandez
88. É só olhar direitinho que você encontrará a caveira
Alex Mazzoni
89. O crânio pode até se confundir com as pétalas
Joel Nathan
90. Pertinho do cotovelo
Emanuele Lazzaretti
91. Esta arte parece estar para poucos amigos
Brannon Amtower
92. Os tons de sépia dão um charme a mais na arte
Nejdet Camgöz
93. Assim como os desenhos com contornos e pontilhismo
94. Os desenhos podem também se fundirem, como se fosse uma coisa só
Chris Isntur
95. Um reflexo um tanto quanto curioso, não?
96. As referências incluídas nesta tattoo a deixaram mais feminina
Vision Skin Tattoo
97. Quando o desenho acompanha o formato do ombro
Captain Niglo
98. A escolha de cores perfeita
Saraeve Tattoo
99. O realismo desta arte é impressionante
U-Gene Tattoo
100. Qualquer semelhança com os 3 macaquinhos, é mera coincidência
Crystal Powell
101. Não parece uma tatuagem de marinheiro?
Independent Tattoo
102. Uma rosa, digamos, exuberante
Perfect Image Waterloo
103. Veja só como ficou igualzinho
Aska Pawl
104. Um crânio e seu perfil
Kim Gidlund
105. As realistas rosas parecem saltar da pele
Sinter Tattoo
106. No meio das costas, de forma discreta
FDD Citron
107. A diferença pode estar na coloração
Darkline Tattoo
108. Pertinho do pulso, no antebraço
Sunrise Tattoo
109. Enrolada em pétalas
Retro e Tatts
110. Uma caveira carregada de personalidade
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O post 110 imagens de tatuagens de caveira estilosas e inspiradoras apareceu primeiro em Dicas de Mulher.
110 imagens de tatuagens de caveira estilosas e inspiradoras Publicado primeiro em https://www.dicasdemulher.com.br/
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Sarıkamış’ta trafik kazası: 7 yaralı
Sarıkamış’ta trafik kazası: 7 yaralı
Kars’ın Sarıkamış ilçesinde minibüsün devrilmesi sonucu meydana gelen trafik kazasında 7 kişi yaralandı.
İlçeye bağlı Armutlu Köyüne giden Zeki Ateş yönetiminde 36 AAD 529 plakalı minibüs Karapınar Köyü mevkisinde sürücünün direksiyon hakimiyetini kaybetmesi sonucu kontrolden çıkarak devrildi. Kazada sürücü ile minibüste bulunan Hanım Ateş, Sinem Ateş, Azad Yıldırım, Erkan Yılmaz, Nejdet Bulut ve…
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Každý svůj příspěvek byste však s ohledem na poslední krok měli psát tak, jako kdyby jste jej chtěli otisknout v novinách.
Celkový pohled na hodnocení obsahu ukazuje následující graf:
Využité zdroje:
Autor článku: Jan Kyselý
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ANKARA, Turkey | The Latest: Turkey's election board declares Erdogan winner
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/DWjDRh
ANKARA, Turkey | The Latest: Turkey's election board declares Erdogan winner
ANKARA, Turkey — The Latest on Turkey’s presidential and parliamentary elections (all times local):
2:20 a.m.
Turkey’s national electoral board has pronounced incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as the winner of the country’s presidential election with an “absolute majority” of valid votes.
Speaking early Monday, the head of the Supreme Election Council said 97.7 of votes had been counted. Sadi Guven said the remaining votes would not affect the outcome of Erdogan’s re-election.
The vote also ushered in an executive presidency system giving Erdogan sweeping new powers.
Guven also announced that unofficial results showed five parties had passed the 10 percent election threshold required to enter parliament.
They are Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party, its allied Nationalist Movement Party, the main secular opposition Republican People’s Party, the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party and the center-right Good Party.
12:30 a.m.
Thousands of people are celebrating in the predominantly Kurdish southeastern city of Diyarbakir after a pro-Kurdish party passed a difficult electoral threshold to enter parliament.
Revelers waved the flags of the Peoples’ Democratic Party, or HDP, and blared their car horns. One party supporter, Nejdet Erke, said he was “waiting for this emotion” since the morning.
Despite no media coverage and a crackdown, HDP passed a 10 percent threshold necessary to get seats in the legislature. According to unofficial results, it will be the third largest party in parliament with 67 seats.
Nine lawmakers, including presidential candidate Selahattin Demirtas, and thousands of party members are in prison on alleged terror charges with links to outlawed Kurdish insurgents.
A fragile peace process with Kurdish insurgents fell apart in 2015 and led to clashes across the southeast. Davut Kaymaz, a celebrant from the historic Sur district, which was destroyed during clashes, said “I have seen many cruelties here . now we are celebrating.”
11 p.m.
The leading Turkish opposition party says it believes the results for the presidential elections are incomplete and may go to a second round, moments before President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed victory.
Spokesman Bulent Tezcan of the Republican People’s Party slammed Turkey’s state-run news agency for reporting that Erdogan has won enough to avoid a runoff and accused the agency of distorting the results.
He said, “there is a high probability the presidential election will go to a second round.”
State-run Anadolu news agency has Erdogan leading the race with 52.63 percent, more than the 50 percent required to avoid a second round on July 8.
Sunday’s elections will usher in an executive presidency with sweeping powers, narrowly voted in a referendum last year.
10:45 p.m.
Turkey’s incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has claimed victory in critical elections based on unofficial results, securing an executive presidency with sweeping powers.
Speaking in televised remarks from Istanbul late Sunday, 64-year-old Erdogan said “the nation has entrusted to me the responsibility of the presidency and the executive duty.”
He also declared victory for the People’s Alliance, an electoral cooperation between his ruling Justice and Development Party and the small Nationalist Movement Party, saying they had a “parliamentary majority” in the 600-member assembly.
Sunday’s elections are putting into force a stronger presidential system, allowing the president to form the government, appoint ministers, vice presidents and top bureaucrats, issue decrees, prepare the budget and impose states of emergency.
10:00 p.m.
A presidential candidate in Turkey has contested election reports from the country’s state-run news agency and accused it of “manipulation.”
Muharrem Ince tweeted that only 37 percent of ballot boxes had actually been counted when Anadolu Agency reported Sunday that more than 85 percent were tallied.
Ince was the lead rival to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the election. He called on election observers and party members “not to abandon the ballot boxes.”
Erdogan’s ruling party slammed Ince’s comments. Government spokesman Bekir Bozdag alleged that Ince was “threatening and targeting” the news agency.
The election will usher in an executive presidency with sweeping powers.
9:15 p.m.
Partial results show a pro-Kurdish party has passed a critical electoral threshold to enter the Turkish parliament, risking the ruling party’s majority.
State-run Anadolu news agency shows the Peoples’ Democratic Party, or HDP, with 10.4 percent with more than 80 percent of the votes counted. That will give the HDP some 65 seats in the 600-member parliament.
The opposition “Nation Alliance,” which consists of secular, nationalist and an Islamic-leaning party, hovered around 33 percent. The “People Alliance” of Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development party, or AKP, and a nationalist party led at 55 percent. However, AKP alone stood below the mark needed for a majority, with 297 seats.
Turkey’s system of governance will transform into an executive presidency with sweeping powers after Sunday’s presidential and parliamentary elections. Whoever controls parliament will be key to providing checks and balances on what critics warn could be a “one-man regime.”
7:45 p.m.
Unofficial results from Turkey’s presidential election show incumbent Recep Tayyip Erdogan with a commanding lead.
With more than half of ballot boxes counted Sunday, in the lead, Erdogan had 56.5 percent of the vote, which would be enough for him to win outright and avoid a runoff election.
Turkey’s official Anadolu news agency said challenger Muharrem Ince was in second place, with nearly 29 percent of the vote. Jailed candidate Selahattin Demirtas hovered at around 6 percent.
In the parliamentary election, a “People Alliance” consisting of Erdogan’s ruling party and a nationalist party led at around 59 percent with about 36 percent of ballot boxes counted.
The pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party is nearing the 10 percent electoral threshold to enter parliament, with 9 percent of the vote.
Sunday’s high-stakes presidential and parliamentary elections could consolidate Erdogan’s grip on power or curtail his vast political ambitions.
7 p.m.
The French Communist Party says that a delegation from its party which was in Turkey to observe the elections has been released after being detained by Turkish authorities.
PCF National Secretary Pierre Laurent said on BFM Television that the three-person delegation, which included Cotes-d’Armor Senator Christine Prunaud, was freed in Agri Sunday afternoon after French authorities intervened.
In a statement of condemnation following the Sunday morning arrests, the PCF accused the Turkish government of wanting “to stifle all voices denouncing the massive fraud at work.”
It said that Turkish authorities went to Twitter to accuse their delegation of being “false observers.”
The delegation was in Turkey to observe Sunday’s presidential and parliamentary elections.
6:50 p.m.
Early partial results in Turkey’s presidential elections show incumbent Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the lead, with challenger Muharrem Ince in second place.
Turkey’s official Anadolu News Agency said that with 22 percent of the country’s ballot boxes counted, Erdogan was at 59.1 percent of the vote, with Ince at 26.5 percent.
Sunday’s high-stakes presidential and parliamentary elections could consolidate President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s grip on power or curtail his vast political ambitions. The vote will complete Turkey’s transition to a new executive presidential system, a move approved in a controversial referendum last year.
6:15 p.m.
The counting of votes has begun across Turkey in the high-stakes dual election for the presidency and parliament.
Ballot box committees started opening envelopes holding ballots after polls closed at 1400 GMT. Officials were raising the ballots and calling out the votes for the committee and other observers in the room to keep count. They assessed valid and invalid votes, depending on how the ballots were stamped.
Partial results were expected to start being announced four hours after polls closed, at 1800 GMT.
Six candidates, including President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, are competing for the presidency. The results will transform Turkey’s parliamentary governance system to an executive presidency.
Eight parties are bidding for 600 parliamentary seats. Five of them are also part of two competing electoral alliances. The alliances —new in these elections— allow smaller parties to bypass a 10 percent threshold required for individual parties to enter parliament. Alliance votes will be distributed to the parties according to the ratio of votes they received individually.
5:35 p.m.
A contender for Turkey’s presidency has called on citizens “to not abandon the ballot boxes” as polls closed in critical dual presidential and parliamentary elections.
Muharrem Ince, nominated for president by the leading opposition Republican People’s Party, said ballot box observers should not leave their stations without signed results and asked people to go to their district electoral committees to monitor.
Ince is incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s lead opponent and has been warning of voting irregularities and pressure on civil servants. He advised Supreme Election Council members to do their jobs “abiding by law” and without fear.
Ince also accused Turkey’s official Anadolu news agency of siding with Erdogan by presenting manipulative results, citing past elections.
5 p.m.
The polls have closed in Turkey’s landmark presidential and parliamentary elections in which President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is seeking re-election to a presidency with vastly expanded powers.
Voting ended at 1400 GMT on Sunday. The elections complete Turkey’s switch from a parliamentary democracy to an executive presidency, which was approved in a contested referendum last year.
Erdogan — who has been at Turkey’s helm for the past 15 years — is seen as the front-runner. However, he is facing a tough challenge by a robust opposition that has joined forces in a bid to unseat him.
Voters are also choosing among eight parties, including two alliances, for 600 parliamentary seats.
More than 59 million Turkish citizens, including some 3 million living abroad, were eligible to vote. There are no exit polls.
4:20 p.m.
Turkey’s official news agency says authorities have launched investigations into 10 foreign nationals in the country’s predominantly Kurdish regions.
Anadolu Agency, sourcing interior ministry officials, said the foreigners attempted to “interfere” in the elections by posing as accredited observers. They include three French citizens in eastern Agri province and three Germans and four Italians in the southeastern provinces of Sirnak, Batman and Diyarbakir.
The Agri governor’s office said the French nationals were speaking to voters regarding the elections but were not on the official Organization for Security and Co-operation of Europe accredited monitor list. They were brought to law enforcement to be “interviewed.”
It was unclear what the investigation entails.
Citing security, authorities moved and merged thousands of ballot boxes in Kurdish areas, affecting some 144,000 voters and forcing many to cross military checkpoints to reach polling stations.
4:10 p.m.
Turkey’s state-run news agency says two people were hurt in a clash that erupted between two rival groups at a polling station in a town in the southeast.
Anadolu Agency says the fighting occurred Sunday in Suruc in Sanliurfa province, where authorities were investigating reports of ballot box-stuffing at another polling station.
There was no further detail on what caused the fight.
Sanliurfa governor Abdullah Erin said on Twitter: “The necessary interventions were made concerning the short-lived fighting between the sides.”
Tensions in Suruc have been high in recent weeks after four people were killed in fighting that erupted during campaigning by a ruling party parliamentary candidate.
2:15 p.m.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan cast his vote in the country’s presidential and parliamentary elections, saying that Turkey was experiencing a “democratic revolution.”
Sunday’s elections will complete Turkey’s transition to a new executive presidential system. Whoever wins the presidential race will rule over the country with expanded powers.
After voting in Istanbul, Erdogan said: “With the presidential system, Turkey has set the bar high concerning efforts to reach beyond the level of contemporary civilization.”
The president said participation in the elections appeared to be high, saying that 50 percent of voters had already cast their ballots. There was no official word on turnout from election officials.
Dozens of supporters gathered outside the polling station chanting his name.
13:30 p.m.
The head of Turkey’s electoral commission says authorities have taken the “necessary initiatives” following reports of irregularities at voting stations in southeast Turkey.
Videos posted Sunday on social media appeared to show people voting in bulk at a ballot box in the town of Suruc, in Sanliurfa province, where four people were killed in a violent fight that erupted ahead of Turkey’s parliamentary and presidential elections.
Sadi Guven, the head of the High Electoral Board, said “administrative and criminal” procedures were launched.
Earlier, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, chairman of the main opposition party, said “complaints” about irregularities had emerged in some eastern and southeastern regions and called on officials in charge of polling stations to remain impartial.
He urged government workers to “not forget that you are state employees. You are not the employee of a political party.”
13:15 p.m.
European election monitors are criticizing a Turkish decision to deny entry to two members for alleged bias against Turkey.
Peter Osusky, head of the delegation from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly told The Associated Press on Sunday that all observers “are strongly adhering to so-called code of conduct” regardless of their political opinions.
Turkey denied entry to Andrej Hunko of Germany’s Left Party and Jabar Amin of Sweden’s small Environment Party “based on their publicly expressed political opinion.”
The OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights decided to deploy 22 long-term and 350 short-term observers for Turkey’s presidential and parliamentary elections Sunday. Opposition leaders fear recent changes to electoral procedures could lead to voting fraud.
This week the Turkish state-run news agency carried a story suggesting that the OSCE observer mission was biased against Turkey. Ignacio Sanchez Amor, leader of the short-term OSCE observer mission, called the story “a complete fabrication.”
11:40 a.m.
Two main candidates posing a tough challenge to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey’s presidential and parliamentary elections have cast their votes and vowed vigilance amid fears of possible fraud.
Erdogan and his ruling party are the seen as the front runners in the dual polls but for the first time in his 15-year-rule, the Turkish leader is facing a united and more energized opposition.
Rallies by Muharrem Ince of the secular opposition Republican People’s Party, or CHP, have drawn massive crowds, while Meral Aksener of the newly-formed nationalist Good Party is trying to attract conservative votes away from Erdogan’s ruling party.
Both leaders on Sunday alluded to fears of vote-rigging.
Ince voted in his home town of Yalova in northwest Turkey. Aksener told reporters in Istanbul: “I hope these elections are beneficial and truly reflect the free will of the voters.”
10:25 a.m.
Turkey’s state-run news agency says authorities have arrested six people for allegedly insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdogan ahead of a campaign rally by his main opponent in Sunday’s elections.
The Anadolu Agency said the six were detained late Saturday days after videos posted on social media reportedly showed them shouting expletives against Erdogan. The news agency said they were later charged with “insulting state elders.”
The agency said police were searching for other suspects.
Insulting the president is a crime punishable by up to four years in prison. Erdogan has filed close to 2,000 lawsuits against people, including school children, for insulting him.
As a goodwill gesture, he dropped the cases following a failed military coup in 2016. But many more cases have been filed since then.
9 a.m.
Turkey is holding high-stakes presidential and parliamentary elections that could consolidate President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s hold on power or curtail his vast political ambitions.
Voters flocked to polling centers Sunday to cast ballots in an election that will complete Turkey’s transition to a new executive presidential system, a move approved in a controversial referendum last year.
Erdogan, 64, is seeking re-election for a new five-year term with hugely increased powers under the new system, which he insists will bring prosperity and stability to Turkey, especially after a failed coup attempt in 2016 that has left the country under a state of emergency since then. His ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, is hoping to retain its majority in parliament.
Still, Erdogan — who has been in power since 2003 — is facing a more robust and united opposition this time, one that has vowed to return Turkey to a parliamentary democracy with strong checks and balances and decried what it calls Erdogan’s “one-man rule.”
By Associated Press
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🌲Então dezembro chegou, o mês mais bonito do ano. É hora de agradecer o que conquistamos e comemorar com alegria as novas conquistas. Bem vindo Dezembro.
🌲لقد وصل شهر ديسمبر، وحان الوقت لنشعر بالامتنان لما حققناه ولنكون ممتنين للإنجازات الجديدة. مرحبًا ديسمبر.
December is here, it's the most beautiful month of the year. It's time to be thankful for what we've achieved and celebrate with joy our new achievements. Welcome, December. 🌲
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There are things that words cannot say. Only a look expresses and affection confirms.
Tem coisas que as palavras não dizem. Somente o olhar expressa e o carinho confirma
#claudia mateus#didiribeiro#marcus cruzes#alternative rock#aikolis#lacarolita#leusaposts#mary flor#maryflorlovebloq#youtube#gostei postei#pa o la#nejatpost#todos meus seguidores#Nejdets posts
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Türk doktora sınırları aşan davet
New Post has been published on https://damhaber.com/2018/03/18/turk-doktora-sinirlari-asan-davet/
Türk doktora sınırları aşan davet
Prof. Dr. Burak Turna, robotik cerrahi konusundaki deneyimini aktarmak üzere İskoçya’nın en köklü üniversitelerinden Edinburgh Üniversitesi Hastanesine davet edildi
Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji Anabilim Dalı Öğretim Üyesi Prof. Dr. Burak Turna, robotik cerrahi konusundaki deneyimini aktarmak üzere İskoçya’nın en köklü üniversitelerinden Edinburgh Üniversitesi Hastanesine davet edildi.
İHA’nın haberine göre; Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji Anabilim Dalı Öğretim Üyesi Prof. Dr. Burak Turna, İskoçya’nın en köklü üniversitelerinden Edinburgh Üniversitesi Hastanesine davet edildi.
Ege Üniversitesinde robotik cerrahi ameliyatlarını 2012 yılından beri gerçekleştirdiklerini ve çok başarılı sonuçlar elde ettiklerini söyleyen Prof. Dr. Turna, “Ülkemizdeki akademik merkezlerden robotik cerrahi alanında en çok operasyona imza atan ekiplerden birisiyiz. Bu operasyonların neticesinde deneyimimiz çok arttı ve bu başarı neticesinde ulusal ve uluslararası birçok platformda çeşitli akademik etkinliklere davetler aldık.
Ege Üniversitesinde kazandığım bu deneyim neticesinde İskoçya’da bulunan Edinburgh Üniversitesi de bana bir davette bulundu. Orada yeni kurulmakta olan robotik cerrahi sistemine akademik ve klinik anlamda katkıda bulunmamı istediler. Ben de gelen bu prestijli teklifi üniversitemiz yönetimine bildirdim. Üniversite üst yönetimimizin de desteği ile bu çerçevede Ege Üniversitesindeki görevime bir süreliğine ara verip, Edinburgh Üniversitesi Hastanesinde çalışmaya başlayacağım. Edinburgh’da özellikle prostat ve böbrek kanseri hastalarında robotik cerrahi operasyonlarını yapacağım. Üniversitemi ve ülkemi temsil edecek olmaktan dolayı büyük mutluluk ve onur duruyorum. Desteklerinden dolayı Rektörümüz Prof. Dr. Nejdet Budak’a, dekanımıza ve başhekimimize ve üroloji bölümündeki çalışma arkadaşlarıma çok teşekkür ediyorum” dedi.
#Edinburgh Üniversitesi Hastanesi#Ege Üniversitesi#İskoçya#Prof. Dr. Burak Turna#Prof. Dr. Nejdet Budak#üroloji
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10 11 12 Uniq Hall Sahnesinde!
İstanbul’un en büyük tiyatro salonu Uniq Hall, Ezgi Mola ve Enis Arıkan’ın başrollerinde olduğu, biletleri dakikalar içinde tükenen tiyatro oyunu 10 11 12 ’yi ağırlıyor!
10 11 12, lüks bir rezidansa taşınan iki komşunun birbiriyle tanışmasını, ilişkisini ve sadece “kapı önüne bıraktığı çöpler” ile yaşam belirtisi gösteren bir diğer komşu üzerinden yaşama bakışlarını konu alıyor.
Rezidans kavramı statü sembolü müdür? Statü hayatımızın neresindedir ve neresinde olmalıdır? Aynı binada oturuyoruz diye birbirimizle bağ kurmak zorunda mıyız? Aslında hiç tanımıyorken, hatta yüzünü bile görmemişken, önyargılarımızdan kaynaklı öz kurgularımızla bir insana hayat yazmak da ne demek?Hayatın gerçeğine aslında ne kadar değiyoruz?
10 11 12 ’de neler oluyor? İlk evini almış olan 12 numaradaki genç kadının (Ezgi Mola) tüm hayalleri gerçek olmuştur. Bir gün, karşı dairesi 11 numaraya taşınmakta olan tuhaf ama çekici yeni komşuyla (Enis Arıkan) rezidansın koridorunda yolları kesişir. İkilinin ayrıcalıklı hayatlarıyla övündükleri ve üstünlüklerini kanıtlamaya çalıştıkları sohbetlerle başlayan ilişkileri, her gün adım adım yerini 10 numarada yaşayan hiç görmedikleri ve sürekli çöplerini kapıya bırakan diğer komşularıyla ilgili kurdukları planlara bırakmaktadır. Ama işler hiç de umdukları gibi gitmez. İkili arasında bol gerilimli maceralı günler başlar.
Tek Perde, 85 dk
Yazan: Jason Hall Oyuncular: Ezgi Mola, Enis Arıkan Çeviren: Çağ Çalışkur Yöneten: İpek Bilgin Yardımcı Yönetmen: Uygar Özçelik Dekor-Işık: Mehmet Yücebaşoğlu Ses: Özgür Kuşakoğlu Casting: İbrahim Çiçek Mekan Yönetimi: Cansın Şenel Proje Ekibi: Göksun Büyükkahraman, Ömersan Yemişçioğlu, Nejdet Sert, Ekim Yeşilbaş
Biletler için tıklayınız.
The post 10 11 12 Uniq Hall Sahnesinde! appeared first on Şehri Keşfet & Explore the City.
from WordPress https://istandist.com/10-11-12-uniq-hall-sahnesinde/
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První rande!
No ano, měla jsem fakt i rande, po tom všem „řádění“ a zakoukávání se do sester! Jak takové rande najdete? Já jsem zjistila, že existuje iGirls! Dobrá věc, tahle věc. Já jsem si účelně hledala samozřejmě lidi z mého okolí a našla jsem tam Terku. Legrace bylo, že jsem v té době nebyla moc kreativní a psala jsem to podobné holkám. Vím ne moc originální, ale vyšlo to.
Největší legrace bylo, když jsme se rozepsaly, já jsem jí napsala, jak to semnou je a ona mi doporučila ať se sejdou s Petrou z minulého blogu :D no asi nevěděla, no ale já věděla, že tudy cesta nepovede a byla jsem připravená se posunout dál v tomto životě lesby a jít opravdu na „rande“
Když jsme se sešly, tak jsem od Terky dostala čokoládový muffin, což bylo super! První věc, co mi však řekla, hele nejsi moc stará na to, abys přišla na to, že jsi lesba? Kolik, že ti je? V té době mi bylo tuším 24. Takže musím uznat, že na první den zpověď o tom, že nejsem lesba :D
Přišla v košili džínové jako já a první věc, co bylo, tak řekla, hele já nemám moc ráda chodit oblíkaná jako lesba, protože prostě to o mě nemusí vědět každý od pohledu :D já v té době čerstvě ostříhaná…aha děkuji :D další rána, rande jak vyšité :D noooo pak si přivedla kamarádku, která byla po rozchodu a potřebovala se odreagovat, což bylo fajn, protože se pozornost odvedla od toho, že jsem stará na to být lesba…a také to, že nechce už nikdy chodit s někým, kdo měl předtím chlapy, protože nechce být pro někoho odrazový můstek. No dobře říkala jsem si, tak budeme kámošky……
Tak jsem si říkala fajn pokec, Terka se mi líbila, ale nu což! Jenže naše „rande“ v tomto stylu se opakovala a začala být čím dál tím legračnější? Nevím, jak to nazvat, znáte ten pocit, kdy se s někým loučíte a cítíte to, že je to ta trapná situace, kdy si máte dát pusu? Nebo se alespoň obejmout? Tak ta nastala a já nevěděla, co dělat, protože přece říkala, že bývalou „heteračku“ nechce, takže jsem si říkala, proč bych jí tu pusu sakra dávala? Noo, jenže když je někdo holka jako Terka, tak si o to řekne :D „A pusu na rozloučenou?“ takže ano tomu říkám confusing situation. Tak další víkend jsme teda šly spolu na bandbinton nebo jak se to sakra píše! No a tam za každou prohru měla dostat pusu, stále a stále více matoucí, ale když vám od začátku někdo řekne, že s vámi nechce randit a nic mít, tak jsem v sobě měla doooost velký blok. Naše rande pokračovaly i dál k ní domu, kdy mě donutila nejenom koukat na hrozné filmy jako Stmívání, ale dokonce mě donutila pít zázvorový čaj a to mě zatím donutily jen dva lidé, samozřejmě, že ten další je má přítelkyně!
Další legrační akce byla, když mě k nim pozvala domu na Alias? Tuším a my dvě jsme spolu vyhrávaly … chvíli, ale i tak říkala, že semnou být nechce, že si nebudeme rozumět! Legrace! Víc zmatených signálů jsem snad v životě nedostala, takže musím říct, že jsem chvílema byla tak zmatená, že jsem si nebyla jistá, jestli vlastně jsem vůbec na holky, protože se mi postavila taková zeď obranná, že bylo těžké jí bořit. Jenže jak to bývá, tak lesbické vztahy nejsou jen ve dvou. V tomto vztahu běhal obláček s EX! Ex je totiž to nejzajímavější stvoření, které ve světě leseb můžete zažít. Je to takový brouk, který parazituje na všech budoucích vztazích a snaží se ho zkoušet. Ona se se svou bývalou přítelkyní stále vídala, a dokonce u ní přespávala, což mě zatlouklo další cihlu do mé zdi.
Takže jsme jednou si sedly a řekly jsme si, že bychom teda neměly pokračovat v čem jsme začaly, protože ona má city k bývalce a má ke mně postavenou bariéru, stejně tak jako já k ní. Bylo legrační vidět, že ten druhý cítí na chlub to stejné. Já když s ní byla, bylo to super, jakmile jsme se však rozutekly každá jinam, tak to bylo hrozný….
Já v té době jela na hory s ESN, což byla další fajn legrace, protože tam byla samozřejmě Lenka, která mě furt fascinovala a cítila jsem, že se semnou už dokáže bavit na normální úrovni jako s kámo. Což je fajn, když k tomu člověku máte kladný vztah si myslím :D
Každopádně zpět ke kapitole Tereza. Samozřejmě jsem se vrátila a daly jsme se zas do řeči a nějak tu naší debatu přeskočily a přešly jsme rovnou k tomu, že jsem u ní přespávala. Zapomněla jsem říct, že v té první fázi jsme si několikrát řekly, že vlastně nerandíme, ale přinesla mi žluté tulipány jako přinesl z Hvězdy nám nepřály Augustus. Tenhle film jsem totiž milovala, ale nejenom ten film, ale i knihu! Terka mi furt nosila dárky, od prvního dne. Nikdy nezapomenu na tu chvíli, jak jsem jí na Valentýna kupovala Lilie, protože je miluje a hrozně jsem si přišla trapně, že jí je dávám, prostě jsme si tak nějak nebyly souzeni, když jsem se cítila trapně jen ohledně kytek, protože mi přišlo, že to vlastně není vhodný, když mě nechce …. Nebo to říkala, činy byly jinde.
Takže jsme přešly dál a usínaly jsme vedle sebe, někdy se i líbaly .. ehm…. Ale největší legrace, která vás totálně pohřbí, když se líbáte, ležíte v posteli a najednou vám holka řekne, ty jsi hambatá, ty jsi si chtěla sundat tričko :D v tu chvíli už opravdu nikdy nic nebude, nebo to jsem si neřekla, ale to bylo tak hrozně …. Nepříjemný :D protože tak sakra, co to tu teda děláme a proč :D??
Nooo, ale koukáte na film stmívání a ona vám řekne, takhle to má být, vídíte se poprvé a hned se zamilujete Kláro! Další holka, co semnou nevidí romanci ve filmu…říkala jsem si…no tak asi moje lásky nejsou jako z filmu, co já vím …. No jenže poslední věc, kterou chcete vidět a cítit, že spolu jdete po městě, potkáte její bývalku a ona vás pustí….proč? Proč? Tak jí říkám, tak běž za ní, já si jdu nakoupit, pak mě doženeš a ona jde? Vážně? Pustí mě? Nechá mě jít? ……… no nevím takový vztah nechci, říkala jsem si, ale když někoho pak držíte a cítíte se fajn, nechcete to zahodit, ale víte, že chcete tu pohádku ze Stmívání…teda já ne tak doslova, ale chcete tu vášeň na první pohled! Chcete to bušení srdce a myslet na ní ve dne v noci a to já neměla.
Po té jsem odjela na Miss Freedom do Prahy, kam jsem se přihlásila jen kvůli vstupu zadarmo a free alkoholu :D noo….a tam skončila kapitola Terka a proč? Poznala jsem někoho, kdo ve mně probudil to, co jsem chtěla cítit. Prostě na první pohled vám někdo tak sedne a cítíte tu chemii a nejenom vy, jenže co teď? V alkoholovém opojení jsem Terce napsala sms, že měla pravdu, že bychom si obě měly najít někoho u koho ta jiskra bude na první pohled, a že to takhle bude nejlepší! No moc pochopení se mi nedostalo….dostala jsem vynadáno, že jsem byla pro ní jen odrazový můstek a že to celou dobu věděla. To nebylo moc fajn, v ten den jsem z Prahy rovnou jela na teambuilding, takže nenaspáno nic, mrzutá, smutná a ubrečená, ale nová kapitola začala, že?
Z každé kapitoly by mělo být poučení :D z této kapitoly si beru ponaučení takové, že den nekončí tmou, ale i ve tmě můžete najít….to je blbost, zas tak poetická nejsem, ve tmě nic nenajdete, pokud nejdete do ledničky! Moje poučení je takové, lámat chleba se nedá, i když se budete hodně snažit srdce si nakonec najde cestu jinam! I když jak to tak bývá, tak to úplně nemusí být správná cesta.
Jen ještě vsuvka. Ženský jsou některé hodně inteligetní a Terka přesně věděla o koho jde, do telefonu mi to řekla a vůbec nechápu, jak to mohla poznat jen z liku na fejsíčku, ale upřímně bych na to přišla a stejně po tomhle endingu mi dávala dárky, které jsem jí stejně pak zakázala!
Byla to veselá kapitola mého života! Asi jako každá, kterou jsem zažila!
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