#neil stubenhaus
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Pages - You Need A Hero
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John Ross Lang Richard James Page Steven Park George
John Ross Lang Richard James Page Steven Park George
Bobby Colomby
Neil Stubenhaus - Bass Jeff Porcaro - Drums Steve Khan - Electric guitar Steve George - Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes], Synthesizer [Yamaha CS-80 & Minimoog], Backing Vocals Paulinho DaCosta - Percussion Richard Page - Vocals, Backing Vocals
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mitjalovse · 9 months ago
Patti Labelle's career surprises me in a way, cause I see her as a 70's musician. You see, she doesn't really sound like a musician for the 80's despite having some of her biggest hits then. Thus, she reminds me of many veteran musicians who did their most famous work in the period, yet she didn't feel like a sellout thanks to that achievement. One of her peers in that regard might be Michael McDonald and what do you know – the single from Winner In You found her duetting with him. Well, calling this piece a duet is a paradox, since both of them weren't together in a studio to do that, yet this oddly does fit the theme of the song. However, I do wish they would've done more together – should someone call them now for a collaborative LP?
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amadeusrockradio · 2 years ago
released October 15, 2020 Artists: Lead vocals: Bill Cantos, Marilyn Scott, Randy Goodrum, Jerry Lopez, Ole Børud, Andreas Aleman, Frank Ådahl, Ashton Moran, Michael Haddad, ZoSia, Maeva Borzakian, Wendy Moten and Warren Wiebe Keyboards: Tomi Malm Rhodes: Robbie Buchanan Bass: Jimmy Haslip, Neil Stubenhaus, JM Popo, Lars-Erik Dahle, Johannes Zetterberg and Timo Pulkinnen Drums: Vinnie…
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drivebymediamusic · 2 years ago
Dolly Parton - Dolly Dolly Dolly
1980 MCA Records
All the players are here; Jay Graydon, Buzz Felton, Jeff Baxter, Jeff Porcaro, Neil Stubenhaus. Arrangements by Michael Omartian and Nick Decaro.
#dollyparton, #dollydollydolly, #yachtcountry, #countrydisco
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rainingmusic · 6 years ago
PEABO BRYSON - If Ever You're In My Arms Again
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donaldmckenzie · 5 years ago
Karizma - Live in Germany 2001 - Vinnie Colaiuta, Neil Stubenhaus, Micha...
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acab5023 · 4 years ago
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🇺🇸 Sandy Farina ‎– All Alone In The Night -1980 I bought this LP 7 years ago and the first time I heard it I wasn't very excited but looking at the credits, I wanted to re-analyze it carefully. Over time it has become a classic album in my collection ... killer rhythms from maestro Jeff Porcaro, incredible solos from the great Steve Lukather or incredible rhythmic base from the genius of Neil Stubenhaus are some of the stellar credits of the album. https://labibledelawestcoast.blogspot.com/2011/10/sandy-farina-all-alone-in-night-1980.html The voice of the artist is wonderful as is her innate ability to compose. https://youtu.be/m9gfArdu3NU Perfect mix of Country-Rock, WestCoast and even disco, an album worth discovering and appreciating. Lost Classic !! https://www.instagram.com/p/CE-UREuJlKK/?igshid=5b4t2gkelpwh
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nasu-no-hana · 5 years ago
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Pages / Pages (1981) 楽曲も演奏もほぼ完璧なペイジズのサード・アルバム。 #pages #RichardPage lead and background vocals, grand piano #SteveGeorge backing vocals, Fender Rhodes, synthesizer, piano John Lang co-writer Charles Johnson (guitar), Neil Stubenhaus (bass), Ralph Humphrey (drums), #SteveKhan (electric guitar), #JeffPorcaro (drums), #SteveLukather (electric guitar), Paulinho DaCosta (percussion), Vince Colaiuta (drums), Tom Scott (sax), #JayGraydon (guitars, synthesizer programming, producer), Mike Baird (drums) and #AlJarreau (vocal flute). #cdcollection #vinyl #vinylcollection #coverart #albumart #33rpm #lp #nowspinning #nowplaying #アナログ盤 #レコード #records #rock #soul #aor #classicrock #CapitolRecords #1981 #coffee #コーヒー #cat #猫 (宮古島) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBo-JgmJTc0/?igshid=zdsf9s26wkks
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musicosmos-com-br · 6 years ago
Neil Stubenhaus: o baixista das estrelas
Por Alex Rocha.
Nascido em 18 de julho de 1953 em Bridgeport, Connecticut, Neil Stubenhaus é um baixista que possui uma das mais extensas e importantes discografias na história da música americana. Sua sonoridade e fraseado inconfundíveis fizeram parte de centenas de álbuns registrados ao lado de grandes nomes da música pop e do jazz contemporâneo desde o final dos anos 70 até os dias de hoje.
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Neil começou sua trajetória musical aos 10 anos tocando bateria mas já aos 12 passou a tocar baixo elétrico. Formado pela Berklee College of Music de Boston em 1976 teve como colegas de curso os bateristas Steve Smith, Vinnie Colaiuta e John JR Robinson com os quais mais tarde iria compôr sessões rítmicas das mais presentes nos estúdios de gravação americanos.
Em 1977 Neil entrou para o grupo Blood, Sweet & Tears. Um ano mais tarde passou a integrar a banda do guitarrista Larry Carlton que o convenceu a se mudar para a Califórnia onde Neil se tornou um nome dos mais requisitados para gravações pelos compositores e produtores musicais da costa oeste.
Desde 1979, Stubenhaus gravou mais de 600 álbuns dos quais mais de 70 foram indicados ao Grammy, mais de 20 músicas foram vencedoras do Grammy e pelo menos 60 álbuns alcançaram discos de Ouro e/ou Platina. Ele também gravou mais de 150 trilhas sonoras de filmes, bem como inúmeros jingles e comerciais. Por mais de 20 anos, Neil excursionou com a cantora Barbara Streisand e gravou nas produções do renomado maestro americano Quincy Jones.
A lista de artistas com quem Neil gravou e/ou excursionou é extensa: Aerosmith, Anita Baker, Elton John, Rod Stewart, Frank Sinatra, Michael Bolton, Joe Cocker, Air Supply, Whitney Houston, Al Jarreau, George Benson, Gino Vanelli, Andrea Bocelli, Eros Ramazzotti, Ricky Martin, Bonnie Raitt, Lionel Richie, Cher, Diane Schuur, The Isley Brothers, Dionne Warwick, Smokey Robinson, Natalie Cole, Burt Bacharach, Julio Iglesias e o nosso Milton Nascimento – além de artistas do jazz contemporâneo como Lee Ritenour, Kirk Whalum, Tom Scott e Sadao Watanabe além de ter feito parte do grupo Karizma ao lado de Vinnie Colaiuta, David Garfield e Mike Landau.
Na década de 1990 Stubenhaus foi premiado com o M.V. P. Award (Most Valuable Player) pela N.A.R.A.S. (National Academy of Recording Arts and Science) e também com o Outstanding Achievement Award pela Berklee College of Music onde frequentemente é convidado a ministrar clínicas. Em maio de 1998 foi capa da revista americana Bass Frontiers. Em 2000, Neil gravou para a Star Licks Productions uma video-aula para a série All-Star Bass.
Entre seus projetos mais recentes, destaque para sua colaboração no álbum de estreia de Laura Dickinson “One for my baby – To Frank Sinatra with Love” onde Neil toca em duo com a cantora uma versão para o clássico “My Funny Valentine”.
Segue abaixo a transcrição que fiz de um típico exemplo do enorme talento de Neil Stubenhaus a serviço da música: a linha de baixo da faixa “Get a Grip” gravada em 1988 para o álbum “Flashpoint” do saxofonista e compositor Tom Scott onde também se destaca a presença de Vinnie Colaiuta na bateria.
Neil me contou por recentemente e-mail que utilizou nesta e em muitas gravações um baixo Fender Precision com um captador J anexado à ponte plugado a um preamp da Stars Guitars. O baixo tinha ajustes customizados pelo luthier James Tyler de Los Angeles.
Infelizmente o instrumento foi furtado  em 1989 juntamente com o carro do baixista que o havia deixado por um curto período no porta-malas e nunca mais foi encontrado. Neil me relatou: “- Ainda tenho saudades daquele baixo”.
Até a próxima!
Veja e baixe a transcrição aqui!
Alex Rocha
Bacharel em Música pela Universidade Estácio de Sá, Alex Rocha é baixista, compositor, arranjador e produtor musical.
Fez parte da banda do cantor Emílio Santiago de 2003 até 2013 tendo gravado seus DVDs “O Melhor das Aquarelas” em 2005 e “Só Danço Samba Ao Vivo” de 2011, premiado com o Grammy Latino como o melhor álbum de samba em 2012. Seu primeiro CD  solo ”Boas Novas” (Niterói Discos/2003) obteve excelentes resenhas da crítica especializada e foi co-produzido pelo baixista Arthur Maia.
Em 27 anos de carreira, Alex Rocha acompanhou artistas como Victor Biglione, Wagner Tiso, Celso Blues Boy, Bibi Ferreira, Itamara Koorax, Pery Ribeiro, Zé Renato, Leila Pinheiro, Fred Martins e Nico Rezende, e também grandes músicos da cena do jazz internacional, como Eddy Palermo, Phil DeGreg, Jeff Kunkel e Mark Lambert entre outros.
Na Rede Globo de Televisão participou do programa Gente Inocente entre 2000 e 2002, gravando inúmeras trilhas musicais veiculadas pela emissora.
Participou de festivais como: Festival Internacional de Blues do Circo Voador (1993); Nescafé in Blues (SP- 1994); Búzios Jazz & Blues 2000; Festival de Jazz & Blues de Fortaleza -2001; Tribulaciones Jazz Festival (Buenos Aires/2001); Ipatinga Jazz Live (2004 e 2008); Baltimore Waterfront Festival (E.U.A.- 2006); Curitiba Jazz & Blues Festival (2008); Festival de Jazz da Savassi, e Rio das Ostras Jazz & Blues em 2011.
Apresentou-se com seu grupo no 3º Niterói Musifesfest em setembro de 2006 recebendo como convidado especial Toninho Horta. Em 2009 gravou o CD “Aventura” do tecladista José Roberto Bertrami, lançado pela gravadora inglesa Farout Recordings, indicado ao Grammy Latino. No ano 2011 lançou o CD ”Cachet!” pelo selo Niterói Discos, em parceria com o guitarrista Marcelo Frisieiro. Em 2012 participou da gravação do programa “Som Brasil - Clube da Esquina” da Rede Globo de Televisão acompanhando Milton Nascimento, Lô Borges e Wagner Tiso. No mesmo ano passou a colaborar como colunista da revista Bass Player Brasil. No ano de 2014 participou do festival MIDEM em Cannes, França acompanhando o Andrea Dutra Quarteto  e o Cláudio Dauelsberg Trio.
Desde novembro de 2015 acompanha o cantor Daniel Boaventura em shows pelo Brasil. Também faz parte do Osmar Milito Trio e do quinteto liderado pelo pianista e cantor Nico Rezende no show em Tributo a Chet Baker trabalho esse que teve um DVD lançado em fevereiro de 2017 pelo selo Fina Flor.
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aormetalrock · 7 years ago
TOMI MALM - Walkin' On Air (2017)
TOMI MALM – Walkin’ On Air (2017)
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The highly-anticipated debut album by the producer of Fly Away: The Songs of David Foster, featuring an array of first-class singers and stellar performances by session legends Vinnie Colaiuta, Simon Phillips, John Robinson, Alex Al, Neil Stubenhaus, etc. (more…)
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jazzfunkdid · 8 years ago
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0wfoX-L-iM)
Warner Bros. Records ‎– WPCP 4092 - Recorded live 1st November 1978 at Yubinchokin Hall, Tokyo, Japan. Larry Carlton ‎– Mr. 335 - Live In Japan. Drums – John Ferraro. Electric Bass – Neil Stubenhaus. Electric Guitar, Vocals – Larry Carlton. Keyboards – Greg Mathieson. Percussion – Paulinho Da Costa.
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cratesofjr · 6 years ago
Pop-Soul Band 213 Couldn't Be Happier On Their Debut "Three Little Words"
From the award-winning minds of Guy Thomas, Bill Meyers, Vinnie Colaiuta, and Neil Stubenhaus deliver a vibe of love and happiness you're sure to remember. With a blissful 80's Pop-Soul approach, 213 share a reflective expression of the heart that is compelling, uplifting and groovy.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2LTX7Aj
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mitjalovse · 2 years ago
Cover songs can do favours to their musicians. They can make them successful like they did in the case of Juice Newton. Yes, I know, the fact her biggest hits are mostly the pieces by the other people shouldn't suggest anything, because her versions of them eventually became the most famous ones of them all. I mean, the tune in the link doesn't really differ from the original arrangement-wise, yet I think Mrs. Newton's voice fits the mood of the song much better. She has a certain swagger present in her vocals, which transforms the entire composition in a more ebbulient athmosphere. Whereas Dave Edmunds sounds like he's close towards the desperation, Juice Newton seems to be having a lot of fun during the whole enterprise.
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jazzworldquest-blog · 7 years ago
USA: Pianist-composer Jim Wilson embarks on an evocative journey of "Remembrance
Pianist-composer Jim Wilson embarks on an evocative journey of “Remembrance”
His tenth collection of soul-stirring cinematic portraits will be unveiled September 28
preceded by the radio single, “Thank You For Being A Friend.”
SHERMAN OAKS (14 August 2018): Along life’s journey, we may be lucky enough to meet someone who inspires us, has a lasting impact and transforms how we love and live our life. Pianist Jim Wilson said goodbye to his inspirational figure last year when his aunt passed away at age 97. He wrote “The Girl From Eastland County” for Aunt Billie Jo for his forthcoming tenth album, “Remembrance: A Collection of Cinematic Portraits,” but the presence of the woman who embodied unconditional love is felt throughout the redolent session of poignant piano poetry that drops September 28 from Willow Bay Music. Remembering another dear confidante, Andrew Gold, Wilson offers a sprightly instrumental remake of the late singer-songwriter’s worldwide hit “Thank You For Being A Friend,” which was remixed for radio airplay by the track’s guitarist Chris Standring.
On “Remembrance,” Wilson pours his seemingly endless fount of sweeping melodies and grandiose harmonies to craft vivid sonicscapes rendered with heart and emotion. Inherently expressive and sentimental, his exquisite piano strikes resonant notes that penetrate deep to the core. The color and scope applied to Wilson’s canvases vary, sometimes favoring a full palate of lavish orchestrations such as on opener “Shadow Falls,” the title track, “Under A Highlands Moon” and “Denouement”; other times choosing dreamlike ambient hues (“Tangerine Moon” and “Diogenes Lantern”); or opting to leave his reverential pencil sketches sparsely adorned (“In The Stillness” and “Home is Where the Heart Is”). Whether the accompaniment be minimal and atmospheric or illumined by noteworthy musicians including keyboardist Brad Cole (Phil Collins), drummer Charlie Morgan (Elton John), Irish flutist Eric Rigler (“Titanic” soundtrack) and noted session players Troy Dexter (guitar) and Neil Stubenhaus (bass), Wilson’s aim is to connect and lead his listeners on an affecting path of discovery.
“I’ve always been told that my music has a visual quality to it, but I wanted to take it to a new level with this record, creating a collection of ‘cinematic portraits’ that take the listener on an emotional journey. ‘Remembrance’ has a reverent, contemplative feel that serves as centerpiece for the rest of the album. What matters most is that this music enriches the lives of those who hear it,” said Wilson, who concluded by addressing the role his aunt still plays in his life. “I strive to be more like her in every aspect of my life.”
Wilson grew up in Amarillo, Texas, but he is a longtime Los Angeles-area resident. Three of his albums hit the Billboard Top 20 - “Northern Seascape,” “Cape of Good Hope” and “A Place In My Heart” - and two of his concerts have been made into PBS specials, including “A Place In My Heart.” His work as an innovator pioneered and revolutionized MIDI adaptors for piano by allowing it to interact with computers and synthesizers. He taught Paul McCartney, Elton John, Jackson Browne, Burt Bacharach, Carole King and many others how to use the MIDI-piano. As a television composer, Wilson wrote music for the CBS series “Frank’s Place” and has performed on ABC and QVC. His previous albums include appearances by David Sanborn, Stephen Bishop, J.D. Souther, Chris Botti and Dan Fogelberg. In addition to solo performances, Wilson has long served as keyboardist and music director for Bishop, for whom he is presently touring and opening.                
Wilson’s “Remembrance” contains the following songs:
“Shadow Falls”
“The Girl From Eastland County”
“In the Stillness”
“Tangerine Moon”
“Home is Where the Heart Is”
“Diogenes Lantern”
“Under a Highlands Moon”
“Thank You For Being A Friend”
Preorders for the album are available now at https://www.jimwilsonmusic.com.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2OOr4jN
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drivebymediamusic · 2 years ago
Dolly Parton - Dolly Dolly Dolly
1980 MCA Records
All the players are here; Jay Graydon, Buzz Felton, Jeff Baxter, Jeff Porcaro, Neil Stubenhaus. Arrangements by Michael Omartian and Nick Decaro.
#dollyparton, #dollydollydolly, #yachtcountry, #countrydisco
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rainingmusic · 7 years ago
Lionel Richie - Dancing On The Ceiling
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