#neighbors (1981)
doppelganger-mp4 · 6 months
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First ever real post… and it’s fucking Vic from Neighbors
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Hellooo!! 😳
New blonde aykroyd pic just dropped!
Dan in 1981.
Text with pic:
This great shot of Dan Ayroyd, fresh off shooting the movie Neighbors (hence the blond hair), was taken by Whitehorse Star photographer Vince Fedoroff on Sept. 10, 1981 on Main Street in Whitehorse. He was town to stake out the Yukon for a movie when we caught up with him. Vince dug up the old negative of this shot and sent the jpg it to Wines in Niagara for this post. (Photo © Vince Fedoroff, Whitehorse Star)
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Expanding on the Vic/Earl/Reader thing: as they’re leaving at the end of a movie for the city(or wherever they were going) they could pick up a hitchhiker or something along those lines. Possibly meet someone at one of the stops they make & rope them into joining them. The moving in next door trope would be difficult…
Idk if you do characterxcharacter BUT VicxEarl would be really interesting if you went from the scene where Earl goes to see Ramona & gets roped into having coffee with & talking to Vic
Hey, anon! So, I decided to do the latter on this because as I was thinking about it, the idea hit me like a freight train. I might still do a Vic/Earl/Reader fic, but right now, here's some Vic/Earl!
(I'm also SUPER pleased with how this turned out!)
Also here on Ao3
NSFW under the cut
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The Neighborly Thing To Do
“Grab a seat. I’ll fix us some coffee.”
Earl sat at the far end of the kitchen table so it was between him and Vic. The two men stared at each other like they were waiting to see what the other would do. The tension in the air between them was taut, like a rubber band waiting to snap. Earl didn’t trust Vic; that much was obvious. And yet here he was, in Vic’s house, about to have coffee with him.
When Vic removed his helmet — or whatever the hell it was — and goggles, Earl frowned a bit, seeing the bruise around his eye. 
“I feel terrible about your eye.” 
And he did. Granted, Vic deserved it in the moment, but Earl had lost control of himself. He didn’t like seeing the bruise, knowing he was responsible for it. Punching someone just wasn’t in Earl’s nature, but Vic… Vic made him act irrationally. Even in just this short amount of time knowing him, Vic drove him crazy.
Vic shrugged. “Couldn’t be helped.”
“What are you doing with all that stuff on?” Earl asked.
“I was gonna take a dive in the swamp, see if I could locate my truck and my airplane.”
Earl nodded. Fair enough. Earl then looked away, trying to look anywhere but at Vic, who was currently removing the rest of his scuba gear. It felt like he was witnessing something he shouldn’t be, like he was prying. Watching him undress… Why Vic even had the gear and suit to begin with, Earl didn't want to know. It was probably better that he didn't. He was wary, especially after Vic literally shot at him in the front yard — with the gun in question now sitting on the kitchen counter — and while he was fully expecting something bad to happen now, it didn’t. In fact, the tension in the room slowly changed from one of apprehension to… something else. Definitely aided by the fact that Vic was practically stripping in front of him…
Earl tried to ease the tension by talking about the lady who lived in the house before and who used to bake bread, but the small talk sounded fake, even to him. 
And he could feel Vic looking at him now, staring at him, daring him to look back. Earl only did when he heard a zipper being undone. Vic smirked faintly, smug that him unzipping the top of his wetsuit halfway down his chest had gotten Earl’s attention. Earl swallowed hard, not quite liking how Vic was looking at him. There was… something, some look in his blue eyes that Earl didn't want to put a name to, though it sent an unbidden thrill through him all the same. There was heat in Vic's gaze, something akin to… want, lust. It was enough to make Earl’s cock twitch with interest within the confines of his pants. What the hell?
Vic then walked around the counter. Or, perhaps swaggered would be the more appropriate term. He stopped when he was in full view of Earl, legs apart and his hands resting on what appeared to be snaps on the front of the wetsuit near his crotch. Earl felt like he was being seduced. What was it with these people?! First Ramona, now Vic?! Earl didn't exactly view himself as a catch, but this was ridiculous! Surely, he was reading too much into this. Surely, Vic wasn't trying to seduce him. Surely, he—
Earl watched the crotch guard fall from between Vic's legs and hang there almost lewdly. Earl swallowed again and looked away as he felt his cheeks heat. Now, Vic looked even more smug as he continued around the counter and walked up to the stove. He had Earl right where he wanted him.
“Instant okay?” Vic asked, startling him out of his thoughts. 
His voice was so calm, so conversational. Totally not like Vic was trying to get a reaction out of Earl. Vic was treating this as though it was a common, everyday occurrence between them.
“Yeah,” Earl answered.
Vic stepped up to the table and set two cups down. The one in front of Earl was discolored and had a lipstick stain on the side, so it obviously hadn’t been washed. Vic still stared as if daring Earl to comment on it. Earl didn’t, partly because he was trying to determine if Vic was trying to put him off or come on to him.
Earl tried to focus on his dirty cup and not follow with his eyes the long, lean body of Vic as he moved around the kitchen. Earl didn't even swing that way! And yet… His gaze was near Vic's waist when Vic turned. Earl unwittingly licked his lips. The wetsuit left very little to the imagination, and it was obvious Vic was aroused.
“See something you like, Earl?”
Vic's voice startled him again. “Huh?” Earl asked dumbly, lifting his eyes to Vic's face.
God, he looked so damn smug… Someone should kiss that smirk right off his— Earl quickly averted his gaze, mentally chastising himself. What the fuck are you doing, Keese?!
“I said, do you see something you like?” Vic repeated, holding his hands out to the side as he walked back up to the table with the jar of coffee in hand. “There's no need to be embarrassed, Earl. It's just the two of us here.”
Earl clenched his jaw, pointedly not looking at Vic. Now, he was getting a little angry. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
“My crotch, Earl!” Vic exclaimed with a laugh. “You were checking me out!”
“Was not!” Earl snapped. “And besides, you're the one who's been making eyes at me since we walked in here!”
Vic sat down adjacent to him at the table, coffee forgotten for the moment. “I've made you uncomfortable.”
Earl cut his eyes over at Vic, debating on how to answer. “Well…”
“Tell me what I can do to make you more comfortable.”
Earl looked at him and was startled to find Vic's face so close to his. “What?”
Vic shrugged. “What can I do to make you more comfortable? After all, you're in my home. You should feel welcome. So, let me make you more comfortable. It's the neighborly thing to do.”
Earl nearly shot out of his chair when he suddenly felt Vic's hand slide onto his thigh under the table. Vic was smiling innocently at him, his gaze wandering over Earl’s face. Well, as innocent as Vic could look. There was still that look in his eyes.
“Vic,” Earl said tersely, a warning tone in his voice.
Vic paid it no mind, though, his fingers now lightly stroking Earl’s inner thigh. Earl swallowed hard, willing his body to not react to the touch or how close Vic was to him and how he could feel the man's heat. Well, will his body to not react further. Earl was already half hard from everything Vic had done up to this point, but now that Vic was touching him?
“Surely there's something I can do, Earl,” Vic practically purred. He then squeezed Earl’s thigh, making Earl’s breath hitch. Fuck, he was enjoying this too much. If only Vic would move his hand a little further up… “You're too tense. Maybe that coffee will help—”
Earl immediately panicked, thinking Vic was about to remove his hand, get up, break the moment, and leave Earl wanting. “I don't want your damned coffee!”
Vic raised his eyebrows. “Then what do you want, Earl?”
Damn him, Earl thought, stubbornly staring at the wall ahead of him as his hips shifted on their own, trying to get Vic's hand where he wanted it. Earl gritted his teeth, his breath already labored, fighting with everything in him to not give in. Come on, Keese, you're stronger than this, aren't you?! 
“This is an offer not many people get,” Vic continued, his voice quiet. There was some sort of hypnotic quality to it, quelling some of Earl's anger. “So, what do you want? You want me on my knees? Would that make you feel better?”
Despite the rush of desire Earl felt at the mental image of Vic on his knees between Earl's legs, he turned his head sharply, ready to retort with a snide comment, but he suddenly found himself kissing Vic. Roughly. A kiss Earl himself initiated. Vic hummed in surprise but eagerly returned it. It was a kiss that was all teeth and tongue and wasn't meant to be anything pleasant, and yet it only made Earl want Vic more.
As Earl’s hand came up to grip the collar of Vic's wetsuit, Vic bit down on Earl's lip, sucking and tugging on it. Earl couldn't stop the moan that spilled past his lips. 
“What do you want, Earl?” Vic murmured, holding himself in place so Earl couldn't pull him back into another kiss just yet. “Tell me, and it's yours.”
Earl felt a bit frantic, unable to think through the haze of arousal and desperate need he was feeling. He hadn't ever felt this before, not with his wife or Ramona tempting him earlier that evening. He didn't know what he wanted. He'd never done this before! Not with a man.
Earl let go of Vic's collar and slowly sat back. “I… I don't…”
Vic smiled, understanding. “How about just this then?”
Before Earl could ask what, Vic had covered Earl’s crotch with his hand. Earl gasped, his hands now gripping the table. Finally. Vic teased him through the fabric of his pants, humming when he felt Earl was already hard.
“See? You need this. You're too tense. You need some relief.”
Vic's hand suddenly left him, and Earl very nearly protested, but all Vic did was move his chair next to Earl's so they were side by side and Vic had better access to him. Earl sighed in relief when Vic's hand was on him again.
“How long has it been, Earl?” Vic asked quietly, his nose just barely touching Earl’s cheek. “How long has it been since someone else took care of you?”
Earl was too distracted by Vic touching him to really think about the implication of his words. “Too long.”
Vic smiled and began to undo Earl’s belt and pants. “Well, then, let Captain Vic take care of that.”
Earl let his head fall back as Vic freed his cock and began to lightly stroke him. Earl groaned. God, it really had been a long time since someone else had touched him. Things between him and Enid had cooled significantly in the past few years, leaving him to take care of himself. So feeling another hand on him, maybe even especially because it was Vic's hand, felt amazing.
“It’s not so bad, huh?” Vic purred. “Feels good?”
Earl shakily moaned again as Vic’s thumb teased the head of his cock. “Y-yeah, feels good.”
Vic grinned and then let go of Earl long enough to spit in his hand before resuming stroking him, this time with the spit helping his hand glide easier over Earl’s cock. Earl sucked in a shaky breath and looked down at Vic’s hand moving over him, twisting around him just right. Vic tilted his head and began to lightly kiss Earl’s neck. Or, at least, that's what Earl thought he would do. He then felt Vic’s teeth just barely worrying the tender skin of his neck. It wasn’t enough to leave a mark, but it was as though Vic was letting Earl know he could leave one if he really wanted, let everyone know who he’d been with, who’d made him feel so good. And somehow, that made Earl even more desperate.
“Vic?” he breathed.
“Yeah, Earl?”
“More. Please?”
Vic hummed and stroked him faster. “You’re getting the hang of it now. I’m a very giving guy. You just gotta ask.”
Earl tried to hold back his moans, not really wanting to give Vic the satisfaction of hearing them, but he couldn’t help it. Vic knew just how to touch him. Between the twist of his hand, the way he’d alternate between long strokes and teasing the tip, smearing the precum beading there down over his shaft, Vic already had Earl a panting mess. 
Without really thinking, Earl reached out to grab hold of Vic’s thigh, more so just to find purchase somewhere, as repeated thrills of pleasure ran through him. But part of him also wanted Vic to share in this experience. Vic caught his wrist, though, before Earl’s hand could reach his crotch.
“Easy, Earl. What kind of host would I be if I put you to work? Let me handle this.”
Earl just moaned again and nodded, his hips beginning to just barely buck into Vic’s hand as he was pushed closer and closer to the edge.
“I’m close, Vic,” Earl whispered.
He nodded frantically. “Yeah.”
Vic hummed thoughtfully. “We don’t want to make a mess, do we?”
Before Earl could fully process the words, Vic suddenly pushed Earl’s chair back and was bent over his lap, Earl’s cock in his mouth. Earl gasped, his hands flying up to grip Vic’s blond hair.
“Jesus Christ,” Earl groaned, the feeling of Vic’s hot mouth around him, sucking on, making him feel totally out of his mind. “Fuck, Vic…”
Vic hummed around him and eagerly bobbed his head, taking him completely into his mouth before withdrawing again, over and over. Earl had to cover his mouth to stifle his moans. 
It was all enough to push Earl over the edge, his grip tightening on Vic's hair and his body tensing as he came hard, spilling down Vic's throat. Earl bit the hand over his mouth, moaning repeatedly. Vic swallowed everything Earl had to offer. And it felt like Earl just kept cumming until it got to be too much, and he had to push Vic away.
Earl sagged back into his chair, fighting for breath. God, he hadn’t cum that hard in a long time. He should have felt annoyed when Vic raised up, his smug smile still firmly in place as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and tucked Earl back into his underwear and pants, but Earl liked it. For some damn reason he couldn’t explain, he liked it, as if there was some twisted part of him that wanted to please Vic. And he did. If he didn't feel so boneless right now and wasn't so out of breath, he might have thrown himself at Vic's feet to suck him off, return the favor. And if he'd been thinking more clearly, he might have wondered what the hell he was thinking.
“Feeling more comfortable now, Earl?” Vic asked.
All Earl could do was nod, still panting. To his surprise — and delight, though he’d never admit it — Vic leaned back in to peck his lips.
“Good. Now, about that coffee… Strong?”
“Not too,” he managed to breathe. 
Earl stared after Vic, who stood and put his back to him, walking over to the stove to take the kettle off the burner. He took in Vic's form again, his mind wandering, wondering what Vic's body would feel like pressed against his, what his hands and lips would feel like all over his skin… 
Earl half expected to feel guilty or dirty or something after what just happened, but he didn't. He wanted Vic to come back, though. He wanted the man to hold him or let him return the favor, or something, anything. He wasn't satisfied yet, even though he was physically sated and relaxed, just as Vic had intended.
Earl swallowed. “Uh, Vic?”
Vic turned just a bit but didn't look at him yet. “Yeah?”
“Um… what… W-what about you?”
“What about me?”
Earl cleared his throat and gestured vaguely to Vic's crotch. “I mean, don't you… you know…”
Vic smirked and walked back over with a clean cup, setting it down in front of Earl, and moving the dirty one aside. “You're not ready for that, Earl.”
Earl frowned, though he knew Vic was probably right. This was all still a bit too new for him. “What does that mean?”
Vic sat again, his hand seeking out Earl’s, but he didn't hold it. Instead, he lightly ran his fingers over the back of it, even just that innocuous touch almost making Earl shiver.
“Baby steps, Earl. Baby steps. Besides, we got time,” Vic said, flashing him a wide grin, showing off his silver tooth, and winking at him, “neighbor.”
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belushiblues · 6 months
just watched neighbors (1981) for the first time…
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myveryownfanfiction · 3 months
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tags: @illiana-mystery, @coffee-n-bagels-comic-universe
warning: smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), swearing, edible underwear (vic eats them)
AN: bottom gif from @allgirlghostbusters-deactivated and found on @everybodyneedsbelushiaykroy-blog
I leaned against the doorframe and stared at vic. He was working on the truck, baby sitting happily in the bed. He emerged from under the hood and wiped his hands on a rag hanging from his back pocket. Vic’s white shirt had a few grease stains on it and his hair hung in his face.
“well hello hot stuff.” I said. Vic turned and smiled at me. “This is pretty hot.” I nodded at his state of dishevelment. Vic chuckled and walked over, cupping my chin and pulling me in for a kiss.
“I don’t know.” Vic said, running his free hand over my back before squeezing my ass. His eyebrow jumped when he didn’t feel anything through my jeans. “I can think of a few things that are hotter.” He went to slide his hand into my pants but I grabbed his hand. “Is this a surprise or something?” I shrugged.
“kinda. Come up to the bedroom and see.” I said, backing away as I interlaced our fingers. Vic followed willingly, turning off the garage light and shutting the door on the way. Vic smirked as he watched me discard my shirt over my shoulder. He pressed up against me when we got to the bedroom, pressing his chest to my back and running his hands up to cover my chest. I let my hand fall back on his shoulder, smiling up at him. “Want your surprise or do you want to keep feeling me up?” Vic pressed a kiss to my neck and chuckled.
“why can’t I have both?” He asked, licking over the tendons that stood out as I tilted my head further back. “Id really like both.” I laughed and threaded my fingers through his hair.
“Vic, let me give you your surprise. I think you’re gonna like it.” Vic huffed but helped me stand up anyway. He waved his hand as I turned around. I kissed him before pulling his shirt off, kissing up his chest and burying my nose in his chest hair. Vic groaned as I gently nipped his collarbone.
“if this is it then I have no complaints.” Vic sighed as he cupped my cheeks to bring me into a kiss. I smiled into it as I undid his pants. Vic let go of me to take his pants off. “And now I think you have entirely too many clothes on.” I chuckled and broke away from him, walking backwards until I was laying on the bed. I shimmied my jeans off and Vic’s jaw dropped. “Holy fuck.” His hand went to his hair and his eyes were glued to my crotch. I wiggled a little and Vic nearly pounced on me. “Shit. I couldn’t even tell you had these on. Jesus you’re going to be the death of me.” Vic’s eyes hadn’t left my crotch that was covered in edible underwear.
“earls daughter let me have the rest of that box.” I said, eyebrow raised. “Thought it would be fun to break em out when you least expected them.” Vic nodded along, gulping as he tore his eyes away.
“oh you bet.” He nodded, crawling up my body to kiss me. “We’re gonna have a lot of fun with this.” He breathed out before capturing my lips in a deep and passionate kiss. I hummed in agreement. Vic pulled back with a smile. “It ain’t our anniversary is it? Cuz I ain’t complaining about this but I know I didn’t forget something.”
“no vic.” I laughed. “I just wanna…” I shrugged. “Make you feel good I guess.” Vic kissed me again, soft and slow.
“Make you feel good too.” Vic said. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m gonna help myself.” I laughed again as he kissed down my body, licking the underwear as he reached the waistline. “Hmmm cherry.” My cheeks heated up at the look that Vic gave me. “Popped that a while ago.” I turned my head, an uneasy smile on my face as my face grew hotter.
“Vic.” I whined. He chuckled darkly, kissing my stomach before ducking down between my legs. His nose hit me as he ripped the underwear with his teeth. My breath hitched as he licked me before going back to eating the crotch out of the underwear. “Oh fuck.” I breathed out as I looked down at him. My hand flew to his head as he teased me with a piece of the underwear. “This is so much hotter than I thought it was going to be.” Vic laughed, licking me again as I broke into a moan.
“That’s on you then.” Vic teased as he popped back up. He smiled at me as he crawled back up my body. He cupped my cheeks as he kissed me. “Next time I’m eating you out after that. A little dessert.” He smirked at me as he swiped his thumb over my bottom lip. Vic bit back a moan as I licked the pad of his thumb, pulling it into my mouth. “Next time baby. Next time.” He pulled back and lined himself up. “This time…I’m going to fuck you senseless.” I moaned at the feeling of Vic filling me.
“if I had known how hot and bothered this would get you I’d have asked for them sooner.” I gasped out. Vic growled before biting my neck. A satisfied moan slipped out as Vic licked over the indentations. My nails dug into his back as he started to slowly thrust. “Vic.” I whined, trying to lift my hips faster. He chuckled darkly before speeding up. He set a rapid rhythm before kissing me again. Vic licked my lip, gently slipping his tongue into my mouth when I sighed. He hummed happily as his hands slipped down to my hips. He shifted, sitting back on his knees and pulled me with him. Vic tossed his head back, flipping his hair out of his face. He gave me a smile, gold tooth glinting in the light. “Fuck me you’re hot.” Vic chuckled as his hands kneaded my ass.
“you should see what I’m looking at.” Vic said. I whined as he angled his hips to thrust deeper. Vic pulled me up slightly while he bent over and kissed along the skin he could reach. Various marks adorned my body as he grunted before laying me back down.
“Fuck. Vic!” I moaned as I came. Vic snickered as he pulled back, watching me as I fell apart around him. Without warning, he pulled out of me. Vic closed his hand around his cock and thrust into his hand, coming in spurts along my stomach. Cum landed on the underwear as well and Vic moaned as he watched. “Jesus Vic. What was that about?” I laughed as I sat up. Vic gave me a smile, shrugging as he sat back on his heels.
“thought it would be hot.” He said. I rolled my eyes and ripped off a piece of underwear, popping it into my mouth. Vic gulped as he watched me.
“what?” I asked, licking his cum from my fingers. “Not like you’d eat it now that it’s covered in your cum.” Vic raised an eyebrow at me and ripped off a piece that was drenched in cum. Vic ate it without a second thought, holding his hand out for me to lick his fingers clean. I smirked at him as I sucked his fingers. Vic’s smile faltered as he watched me. His cock twitched at the sight of me covered in his cum and sucking his fingers. I let go of his fingers and ripped off the last cum covered piece. I held it up to his lips and Vic ate it, licking my fingers clean in the process. Vic leaned down over me, eyes blown wide with lust.
“now that that’s taken care of, why doesn’t captain Vic make you feel as good as you made me feel?” He whispered, rubbing his hard cock against my entrance.
“Oh hell yes.” I moaned as he thrust into me and pulled me into a bruising kiss.
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deepcreekvulture · 1 month
Spencer Reid's College Timeline
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So, I was chilling at my local Library and decided to use my very extensive free time to write out Spencer Reid’s College timeline (or at least how it makes the most sense to me).
There’s probably going to be a lot of inconsistencies and possible contradictions in this, but please give me a little grace. I don’t go to college, and I'm just silly. 
I did try to be as accurate as I could, but there’s only so much I can do with my little brain and 10 mgs of Adderall. 
I also tried to be as realistic as I could, especially with considering how Diana’s condition would affect his education. But, again, it's not going to be perfect. Feel free to share your thoughts.
What we know:
-Spencer Reid graduated from a Las Vegas public high school at the age of 12 (01.18 “Somebody’s Watching”)
-He went to Caltech. I personally like to think that he also went to MIT (Breen Frazier has admitted that Spencer saying he want to MIT in 07.04 “Painless” was a continuity error, but I think it is possible that he went to both, just not at the same time.)
-He has 3 PhDs in Mathematics, Chemistry, and Engineering (04.08 “Masterpiece”)
-He had 3 Bachelors degrees in Psychology, Sociology, and Philosophy  (04.08 “Masterpiece”)
-Joined the BAU around July of 2004 at the age of 22 (05.16 “Mosley Lane”)
Spencer is talking to Sarah Hillridge and mentions that he’s been with the BAU for “5 years, 7 months, and 19 days...” doing the math puts it around July of 2004.
-Spencer was born in October of 1981
There is some confusion about whether his birthday is October 12th or October 28th. I believe that his birthday is October 28th 1981, Emily Prentiss’s birthday is October 12th 1970 (04.14 “Cold Comfort” & her headstone)- and it is very unlikely that the two of them would share a birthday and it not be mentioned. (It also gives some more insight to why Spencer loves Halloween so much- it’s right after his birthday!)
So, assuming he started kindergarten at 5 years old, Spencer was in grade school from around 1986-1994. It is likely that he could have finished grade school faster, but a lot of the time public school systems want to keep students from jumping too many grades in order to not stunt their social development. 
I am taking the liberty of assuming that Spencer received all 3 PhDs before joining the FBI- so from age 12-22 (Over 30 years of schooling for three PhDs in the span of around 10 years, wowza).
Someone as smart as Spencer would’ve definitely gotten a 36 on the ACTs, so prestigious universities would be banging down his door to get their hands on his geniusness. BUT, Spencer loves his mom, and he wouldn’t want to stray too far from her. He also says he was drawn to Caltech because of certain professors in an article written about him.
We know that Spencer went to Caltech and would bike to classes and such. He was most likely able to stay at the dorms for free and given financial support from his scholarships. It is unclear how Spencer could’ve balanced having his mom in Nevada while he was in California, but there are buses and public transit to and from Las Vegas to Pasadena (ranging from 4-7 hours for a one way ride, so 8-14 hours round trip). William Reid, despite leaving Spencer and Diana, most likely maintained providing money to them due to paternal obligation and guilt.
There are, of course, ways for Spencer to care for his mom even all the way in Pasadena: Neighbors could’ve checked on Diana regularly/daily, Spencer could’ve called daily to remind her to take her medicine, etc.
To make Spencer going to both Caltech and MIT make sense, I figure Spencer would get his PhDs in Mathematics and Chemistry from Caltech then after Diana is institutionalized Spencer enrolls in MIT for engineering. 
The University term dates are loosely based on the academic calendar they provide on their websites.
(Rough) Caltech term dates:
Spring term: April to June
Summer term: June to August
Fall term: September to December
Winter term: January to March
(Rough) MIT term dates:
Spring term: February to May
Summer term:June to August
Fall term: September to December
I know that in the U.S. you don’t have to have a Masters degree to get into the PhD program, but Spencer likes to learn and I figured he might want to get the most out of his time in college- or it might be a little contingency from the University so he’s still pacing himself and they can still see his growth and all that good stuff.
At Caltech, Spencer would most likely have more freedom to complete his schooling faster and they would’ve worked with him to create a good plan for him to complete things at his own pace while also following whatever school protocols they have. 
Spencer stays in Pasadena from the Fall term (Begins around mid September), through the winter term, and until the end of the Spring term (Ends around end of June), he goes home to Las Vegas during the summer term and winter/spring breaks.
Beginning of Fall 1994- Starts college @ Caltech studying Mathematics– Age: 12 turning 13
End of Spring 1995- Finishes his Bachelors in Mathematics– Age: 13
Summer 1995- Home
Beginning of Fall 1995- Starts Masters in Mathematics– Age: 13 turning 14
End of Spring 1996- Finishes Masters in Mathematics– Age: 14
Summer 1996- Home
Beginning of Fall 1996- Starts PhD in Mathematics & starts Bachelors in Chemistry– Age:14 turning 15
End of Spring 1997- Finishes Bachelors in Chemistry– Age: 15
Summer 1997- Home
Beginning of Fall 1997- Starts Masters in Chemistry– Age: 15 turning 16
End of Spring 1998- Finishes PhD in Mathematics & finishes Masters in Chemistry– Age: 16
Summer 1998- Home, Diana suffers a bout of bad psychosis and Spencer cannot return full time at Caltech during the Fall term. Due to his mother’s condition, Spencer contacts the school board and they work out a plan where Spencer can work on his Chemistry PhD in Las Vegas with the use of public Library computers and occasional trips to the campus for exams if possible. 
Beginning of Fall 1998- Works on his PhD in Chemistry, living in Las Vegas– Age: 16 turning 17
Spring 1999- Works on his PhD in Chemistry, living in Las Vegas– Age: 17
End of Summer 1999- Finishes PhD in Chemistry, living in Las Vegas– Age: 17
Spencer starts making arrangements to move Diana into a facility when he turns 18. He also applies to MIT to start their engineering program, manages to work out a plan to enroll in their Fall term but only move to a dorm at MIT after he gets his mom institutionalized (around October/November 1999)
Beginning of Fall 1999- Enrolls in MIT’s fall term on scholarship, starts Bachelors in Engineering– Age: 18
End of Spring 2000- Finishes Bachelors in Engineering– Age: 18
Beginning of Summer 2000- Starts Masters in Engineering– Age: 18
End of Fall 2000- Finishes Masters in Engineering– Age: 18 turning 19
Beginning of Spring 2001- Starts PhD in Engineering– Age: 19
Summer 2001- Works on PhD in Engineering– Age: 19
Fall 2001- Works on PhD in Engineering– Age: 19 turning 20
Feeling immense guilt for having his mother institutionalized, Spencer splits his attention between his Engineering studies and studying Schizophrenia independently. At the end of the Fall term at MIT, Spencer starts corresponding with a professor at Harvard University and is invited to help with a study on understanding Schizophrenia and the effects of different medications. He takes off both the Spring and Summer terms of 2002 in order to do said study.
Beginning of Spring 2002- Independent study– Age: 20
End of Summer 2002- Independent study– Age: 20
Beginning of Fall 2002- Resumes working on PhD in Engineering– Age: 20 turning 21
End of Spring 2003- Finishes PhD in Engineering– Age: 21
Beginning of Fall 2003- Starts Bachelors in Psychology at MIT– Age: 21 turning 22
Spencer goes to a seminar hosted by the BAU (Most likely with Gideon and Hotch), he’s very engaged and vocal during the seminar and catches Gideon’s attention.
Spring 2004- Spencer starts at the FBI academy– Age: 22
FBI academy is 4 months.
Summer 2004- Spencer joins the BAU after graduating from the academy– Age: 22
After joining the BAU, Spencer transfers his credit hours from MIT to a University in Washington D.C. to continue going to school part time.
End of Fall 2004- Finishes Bachelors in Psychology– Age: 22 turning 23
Most of Spencer’s attention is on his work in the BAU, so he slows way down on getting his degrees, and gets a degree in sociology both because it interests him and also because it’ll help with work.
Beginning of Spring 2005- Starts Bachelors in Sociology– Age: 23
End of Fall 2005- Finishes Bachelors in Sociology– Age: 23 turning 24
Beginning of Spring 2008- Starts Bachelors in Philosophy– Age: 26
End of Fall 2008- FInishes Bachelors in Philosophy– Age: 26 turning 27
Again: Breen Frazier has said that the line in 07.04 “Painless” about Spencer going to MIT was an error. I actually think it might be another way to show Spencer’s guilt over putting his mom in the psychiatric hospital- being so close without visiting might’ve made him feel even worse so he wanted to run away to a school across the country. 
Also I feel like Spencer having all these degrees shows that he didn’t really know what he was supposed to do with his intellect so he was just doing whatever interested him at the time until he met Gideon.
We are shown two articles (that I can remember) about Spencer college time frame:
There's one from 1997/1998, we are shown an article written about Spencer getting a Bachelor's degree, this would make him ~16. I’m not sure if it lists that it’s his first Bachelor’s degree- but I’m going to say that it’s just about the one he got for Chemistry which was his second Bachelors based on my timeline.
I don’t think it makes sense for Spencer to have done ~3/4 years of college before getting his first bachelors and then the other 6 or so years cramming the rest of his schooling? Eh, I don’t like it.
And there’s one in 04.08 “Memoriam” we are shown an article about Spencer receiving his first PhD at the age of 17. In my timeline he finishes his first PhD at the age of 16- which isn’t too far off so I’m choosing to believe that it’s a typo in the article (I know it’s kinda cheating but whatever).  
I had his PhD programs take around 2 years to complete because research and dissertations take time, no matter how speedy Spencer is.
If Spencer wanted to make any extra cash on the side, he could help with tutoring, work at the campus library, help coach any collegiate sports teams at the college, etc.
A lot of the things I added in this are just things that I thought of and don’t have any sources from the show (ex: Spencer doing school from home to help his mom, and the independent study thing from Spring 2002 to Summer 2002).
Again: a lot of this may be inaccurate, if there is anything you want to add or correct, feel free to do so. I spent only around 5 or so hours on this, it’s not perfect.
I love Spencer Reid. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. 
(if anyone is curious about how I write Spencer, my writing blog is @deepcreekvultures-writing )
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s-u-g-a-r-rush1997 · 22 days
I told you I'd get revenge on Felix, for, uh...
Being taller than I assumed, I guess? Honestly, I'm not even sure. But I had a crush on this guy as a kid, and he's honestly adorable as hell.
I don't tend to ship Felix and Turbo, but I do like the dynamic. I feel like, if anything, they were at least familiar with each other. Felix was the first to recognize Turbo, after all.
And They Were Neighbors
Pairing: Felix x Turbo
Rating: Slightly suggestive
Warnings: None
It likely started out of courtesy. Polite small talk and a pie as a welcome to the arcade. It's something Felix might not have gotten when he was first plugged in.
My personal headcanon is that Fix-it Felix the arcade game was made in 1981, as it reminds me quite a lot of Donkey Kong, a game released in that year. Arcades were at their peak in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Felix might have been among the first to be plugged in, and as such, would have never gotten that warm welcome.
So it's significant to him. Especially if Turbo Time is either his first neighbor on that side, or possibly even a replacement for a game that had to get unplugged.
The Turbo Twins adore him. He's sweet, overall pleasant to talk to, and he brought them pie. They're just as loud and competitive as Turbo, just not nearly as aggressive about it, so I think they'd get along just fine.
Turbo, on the other hand, doesn't get along with Felix initially, at all.
Everything's a competition to him. It's baked into his code. So with Fix-it Felix Jr. being a particularly popular game, he can't help but see Felix as a rival.
Felix is a pretty passive man, though. I don't think he'd just sit there idly if Turbo decided to outright insult him, but he'd be the last person to pick a fight.
It pisses Turbo off. From his perspective, Felix isn't taking the whole rivalry thing seriously. In fact, he's actively brushing him aside.
The first time he curses in front of Felix, which likely wouldn't be too long into their first conversation, Felix scolds him for it. Tells him to watch his language.
Absolutely curses in front of Felix just to try and make him mad.
That's not to say Felix doesn't curse. I think he probably tries his hardest not too, but some of the Nicelanders - and Turbo of course - have some pretty foul mouths, and phrases and words tend to rub off on people if you hang around them long enough.
Turbo loses his shit laughing the first time Felix curses.
Teases Felix, of course. How could he not? Felix has likely censored and scolded him multiple times at this point for cursing.
This is likely the only time Turbo has actually managed to fluster the man so thoroughly.
Oh boy, once he learns Felix is susceptible to teasing, it's over.
Teasing turns to flirting real darn quick. Flirting turns to little touches. Red is very much Turbo's color, but he enjoys seeing it on Felix.
Felix will flirt back, once he gets a good enough hold on himself. It's probably something cheesy and sappy, but it's enough to take Turbo off guard.
The two of them kiss. Felix initiates, much to Turbo's - and his own - surprise.
Turbo absolutely bites during and/or after the kiss. He's absolutely a biter and I stand by that.
Regardless, this whirlwind romance - if you can even call it romance - likely doesn't last too long. It's 1982 when the two first meet, and 1987 at the time of the Roadblasters incident. It's only really five years that they have to get to know each other.
For video game characters who are essentially immortal barring any surprise power outages and unpluggings, who can spend years without any change in personality, doing the same thing every single day and still find joy in it, five years is pretty short.
Still, it hurts. He was starting to like Turbo.
To see him again after witnessing first hand what Turbo had done, to have believed him dead, would hurt like hell.
I think he'd be okay, though. He has Calhoun. She knows what its like to lose someone you love, and she knows how badly it hurts to have old wounds reopened.
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Their Ring , Their Rules: How The Kliq’s Influence Impacted Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestlers are like fans in a few ways. They also have lifelong friendships with other wrestlers as well do with people from our childhood whether it be neighbors, teammates , classmates, or colleagues at work. These relationships can be either positive or negative. In the world of professional wrestling, a group of five wrestlers with different personalities came together to create one of the most influential groups. This group is known as The Kliq.
The Kliq was a group consisting of Kevin Nash ( Diesel ) , Razor Ramon ( Scott Hall ) , Shawn Michaels , Hunter Hearst Helmsley ( Paul ‘Triple H ’ Levesque), and X-PAC/Syxx/123 Kid ( Sean Waltman). The group was mainly known backstage and forming in the WWF in the 90s. The Kliq would hold a little power by helping each other advance their careers and use it to influence their rivals’ careers in a negative light. The group caused some controversy in May of 1996 after a match at a house show at Madison Square Garden. This would be known as the ‘ Curtain Call ’. They would break kayfabe by embracing after the match and embracing each other before Scott Hall and Kevin Nash would leave for WCW. They would also be known for starting the most popular factions in wrestling , D-Generation X (DX), and the New World Order ( nWo). Sean Waltman would be among member of both factions. The group was formed in 1994 by Michaels , Waltman, Nash, and Hall. Levesque would join in 1995 after leaving WCW for WWF. Shawn Michaels would state that the name for their group came from Lex Luger due to them always hanging out backstage. They all had individual success during their careers as well.
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Scott Oliver Hall ( Razor Ramon ) was born on October 20,1958. He would become a four time WWF Intercontinental Champion, one time WCW World TV Champion, two time WCW United States Heavyweight Champion, seven time WCW World Tag Team Champion ( 6 with Kevin Nash and 1 with Giant/Big Show/Paul Wight). Hall would also be the winner of the 1997 WCW World War 3 Battle Royal. Hall would also have a run in TNA and win the World Tag Team Championship with Eric Young and Kevin Nash. He would be a two time WWE Hall of Fame inductee in 2014 as a solo inductee and 2020 as a part of the nWo. Hall passed away at the age of 63 on March 22, 2022. His nickname was The Bad Guy.
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Kevin Scott Nash ( Diesel ) was born on July 9,1959. He is a one time WWF World Heavyweight Champion, One time Intercontinental Champion, a two time WWF Tag Team Champion with Shawn Michaels ( Two Dudes with Attitudes), a five time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, World War 3 1998 Battle Royal Winner , Spring Break Cannonball Champion 1998, nine time WCW World Tag Team Champion (6 with Scott Hall , 2 with Diamond Dallas Page , and 1 with Sting). He would also have a run in TNA and become a two time TNA Legends Champion, 2009 Feast or Fired Winner ( Tag Team Championship opportunity) and a one time TNA World Tag Team Champion with Eric Young and Scott Hall. He has also appeared in a few movies such as ‘ Magic Mike ’ and ‘ Magic Mike : XXL ’. He would be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame as a solo inductee in 2015 and in 2020 as a member of the nWo. Nash is also the host of the podcast, ‘ Kliq This ’, which launched in 2022. He is known as Big Daddy Cool and Big Sexy. Nash also served in the US Army as a Specialist from 1981-1983.
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Michael Shawn Hickenbottom ( Shawn Michaels) was born on July 22,1965. He is a three time WWF Champion, one time WWF European Champion, One time WWE Tag Team Champion ( with Triple H ) , the winner of the 1995 and 1996 Royal Rumbles , three time Intercontinental Champion, one time World Heavyweight Champion, five time World Tag Team Champion ( 1 with Triple H , 1 with Stone Cold Steve Austin , 1 with John Cena , and 2 with Diesel), fourth Triple Crown Champion and the first WWE Grand Slam Champion. He is a two time WWE Hall of Fame Inductee, the first one as a solo inductee in 2011 and in 2019 as a member of DX. Michaels is now the Senior Vice President of Talent Relations and head of Creative for WWE NXT. He is known as The Heartbreak Kid , Mr.Wrestlemania, The Showstopper, and Chef Michaels ( shout out to the IWC). He is signed to a WWE Legends Contract.
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Sean Michael Waltman ( The Kid/123 Kid/Syxx/X-PAC) The was born on July 13,1972. He is a two time WWF European Champion, four time WWF Tag Team Champion ( 2 with Kane , 1 with Bob Holly/Hardcore Holly , and 1 with Marty Janetty ) , the winner of the 1995 WWF World Tag Team Championship Tournament ( with Bob Holly/Hardcore Holly as his partner), a one time WCW Cruiserweight Champion, a two time and final WWF Light Heavyweight Champion. Waltman would join Hall and Nash in TNA and become a one time X-Division Champion, the winner of the 2005 Chris Candido with Alex Shelley as his tag team partner. Waltman would be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2019 as a member of DX and in 2020 as a member of the nWo. In 2016, he would start a podcast called ‘X-PAC 1,2,360’. He is also a martial artist and is currently signed to a WWE Legends contract.
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Paul Michael Levesque ( Triple H ) was born July 27,1969. He is a nine time WWE Champion, a five time World Heavyweight Champion, two time WWF European Champion, one time WWE Tag Team Champion ( with Shawn Michaels) , five time Intercontinental Champion , 1997 King of The Ring , seventh Triple Crown Champion, winner of the 2002 and 2016 Royal Rumbles , winner of the 2006 Road To WrestleMania Tournament Winner , second Grand Slam Champion , two time WWF World Tag Team Champion ( 1 with Shawn Michaels and 1 with Stone Cold Steve Austin ) . Triple H would be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2019 as a member of DX. He is now the head of Creative and Chief Content Officer of WWE.
My Final Thoughts:
The Kliq is the , if not , one of the most influential factions in pro wrestling history. They changed the game. All of these wrestlers are legends in their own way. I also adore their friendship as well. I’ll be meeting Kevin Nash at WRESTLECADE this year and I’m hoping to meet X-PAC there too!
Love You All,
- Kay
@rrigamortis @84reedsy @kliqrulez @outsiderswolfpac
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whencyclopedia · 5 months
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The Iraq Museum & Three Wars: Three Steps from Hell
This article documents and elaborates on the many critical behind-the-scenes events, unknown to the public, before the history leaves us.
The author
The bulk of the “the land between the two rivers” lies in what we call today the Republic of Iraq. People have been living there, around and between the Euphrates-Tigris system for thousands of years. The earth of this land has been irrigated by these two rivers and throughout several millennia, a multitude of cultures, city-states, and empires flourished in Mesopotamia, resulting in a gradual development in each and every aspect of human life. However, the interaction between them was not always peaceful. Wars, military confrontations, and political coalitions, driven by the perspective of “the victors and the vanquished”, have made the land ever eager for blood instead of water. Throughout the history of the region, no one knows how many people have been killed in clashes between countless different rivals. The last actor in this continuous black comedy was the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, which has been irrigating Mesopotamia with different types of blood, from all around the world.
Wars and blood, instead of peace, doves, and flowers, dominated and shaped Mesopotamian history. Iraq, the legitimate heir of this legacy (by the order of destiny), the core of the Cradle of Civilizations, still bleeds. The Iraq Museum in Baghdad was officially opened on June 14, 1926 CE. The current building in Al-Salihiyyah District was completed in 1963 CE. Located within the heart of the Republic of Iraq’s capital city, Baghdad, this great Museum of the human being and humanity’s history has sustained several “life-threatening and function-threatening” events. The Iraq Museum’s existence and persistence have been punctuated by three devastating wars within a relatively short period of time.
The Iraq-Iran War, 1980-1988 CE
A military conflict erupted in September 1980 CE between Iraq and its neighbor, Iran, resulting in the longest war in the 20th century. The war lasted for 8 years and ended on August 8, 1988 CE. These 8 years left their thumbprint on Mesopotamian history and resulted in a negative impact on the Iraq Museum. According to Iraqi laws, museums should close in wartime. At the beginning of the 1981 CE, the contents of the galleries of the Iraq Museum were packed and stored inside the museum itself. The large Assyrian stone slabs and several statues were left in situ, protected by foam and sandbags. This had rendered the museum virtually inactive; however, it was not closed officially. People simply ceased visiting the museum, as the galleries were somewhat empty. In 1983 CE, the construction of a new wing had increased the number of the museum’s halls and galleries from 13 to 23; the Babylonian-Chaldean, Hatra, Islamic, Manuscripts, and Coins halls received the bulk of this expansion. Some of the stored contents were re-displayed again and the new galleries were filled in with many artifacts. However, this short period was terminated rapidly with the escalation of the war. Once again, the relics were packed and stored and the museum’s halls were lifeless. Luckily, the Museum escaped damage incurred by the so-called “War of the Cities” between 1984-1988 CE (where both Iraq and Iran bombarded different cities haphazardly, resulting in the deaths of thousands of non-combat civilians and wide-spread civilian infrastructure attrition. When the war ended in August 1988, the museum’s day-to-day operations were mainly administrative; the public was not here.
Continue reading...
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cartermagazine · 1 year
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Today We Honor Marla Gibbs
Marla Gibbs showed up on 1970s television with a bang, landing the feisty maid role on the popular ground-breaking CBS sitcom The Jeffersons (1975).
Daughter Angela Elayne Gibbs produced an award-winning play by Christine Houston entitled “227”, with Marla as the lead, at Marla’s own local Crossroads Theatre, which the actress founded in 1981. The award-winning play was a solid hit and Marla wisely purchased the television rights. Once “The Jeffersons” was over, she pushed for “227” as a sitcom vehicle. Producer Norman Lear gave it the green light and Marla settled right back in for another popular series ride (for NBC), this time as resident gossip Mary Jenkins, whose demeanor was warmer and more approachable than the feisty Florence Johnson.
This sitcom, which featured spitfire Jackée Harry as vampish neighbor Sandra Clark, and a young Regina King who was cast as the teenage daughter “Brenda Jenkins.” The sitcom aired for five years.
Over five decades Marla Gibbs has made guest appearance on shows such as, ER, Chappelle’s Show, Judging Amy, The King of Queens, Dawson’s Creek, and The Hughleys.
An eight-time NAACP Image Award winner, Marla has received several honors over the years, including Essence Woman of the Year. - via IMDB
She deserves her flowers now and forever as we recognize her greatness.
CARTER™️ Magazine carter-mag.com #wherehistoryandhiphopmeet #historyandhiphop365 #cartermagazine #carter #marlagibbs #blackhistorymonth #blackhistory #history #staywoke
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mrsdoodlesblog · 5 months
Happy spring time neighbor!🌼🌹💐
A small comic of Wally Bonnie and their children Joana and Barney celebrating Spring time along with Frank and Eddie including Barnaby at the end.
Fun fact this is Barney's first spring according to Bonnie.
Joana is 6 years old and Barney is turning 1 years old.
In this timeline it is now the year of 1981.
I have the family matching colors.
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Stats from Movies 1301-1400
Top 10 Movies - Highest Number of Votes
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964 Pinocchio (1991) had the most votes with 925 votes. Screamplay (1984) had the least votes with 269 votes.
The 10 Most Watched Films by Percentage
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Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) was the most watched film with 66% of voters out of 844 saying they had seen it. Discopathe (2013) had the least "Yes" votes with 0,3% of voters out of 352.
The 10 Least Watched Films by Percentage
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Pet Sematary II (1992) was the least watched film with 70.7% of voters out of 491 saying they hadn’t seen it. Bondage Ecstasy (1989) had the least "No" votes with 5,1% of voters out of 490.
The 10 Most Known Films by Percentage
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Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) was the best known film, 3,1% of voters out of 844 saying they’d never heard of it.
The 10 Least Known Films by Percentage
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Bondage Ecstasy (1989) was the least known film, 94% of voters out of 470 saying they’d never heard of it.
The movies part of the statistic count and their polls below the cut.
Needful Things (1993) The Ninth Gate (1999) Last Radio Call (2022) Mind Body Spirit (2023) Digging Up the Marrow (2014) Howard's Mill (2021) Cold Ground (2017) Wekufe (2016) They're Watching (2016) Archivo 253 (2015)
The Thin Man (2015) Bramayugam (2024) Exhibit A (2007) Z (2019) The City of the Dead (1960) Night of the Eagle (1962) Psycho Gothic Lolita (2010) Incident at Loch Ness (2004) Cannibal Holocaust (1980) The Ninth Configuration (1980)
Home Movie (2008) The Reflecting Skin (1990) Hatchet II (2010) Hatchet III (2013) Victor Crowley (2017) Door in the Woods (2019) The Evil Within (2017) In the Cold of the Night (1990) Alien: Covenant (2017) Dust Devil (1992)
It Came from Beneath the Sea (1955) 964 Pinocchio (1991) The Witches Mountain (1973) Screamplay (1984) Terror Eyes (1989) Maximum Overdrive (1986) Colossus: The Forbin Project Exte: Hair Extensions (2007) Bats (1999) Mirrors (2008)
Old People (2022) Sea Fever (2019) Interview with the Vampire (1994) Gothika (2003) Helter Skelter (2012) One Missed Call (2008) Truth or Dare (2018) The Unholy (2021) Children of the Corn (1984) Feral (2017)
Sweetheart (2019) The Invasion (2007) A.M.I. (2019) Look Away (2018) Fatal Frame (2014) It Lives Inside (2023) The Voices (2014) We Are the Night (2010) The Unborn (2009) Cold Prey (2006)
Cold Prey 2 (2008) Cold Prey III (2010) Death Spa (1988) Cat's Eye (1985) Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed (2004) The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957) The Omen (1976) Mondo Weirdo (1990) Bondage Ecstasy (1989) Pet Sematary II (1992)
Amityville 1992: It's About Time Freddy vs. Jason (2003) You'll Never Find Me (2023) The Ranger (2018) Virus (1999) Eternal Blood (2002) Hannibal (2001) Hannibal Rising (2007) God Told Me To (1976) Meet the Applegates (1990)
Discopathe (2013) Evil Ed (1995) Rasen (1998) The Brain That Wouldn't Die (1962) Saturday the 14th (1981) Carnosaur 3: Primal Species (1996) Anaconda (1997) Anacondas: The Hunt For The Blood Orchid (2004) The Video Dead (1987) Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood (1985)
Destroy All Neighbors (2024) Lady Frankenstein (1971) AM1200 (2008) Stigma (1980) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) Shutter (2008) The Whisperer in Darkness (2011) Gaia (2021) Lurking Fear (1994) Them! (1954)
3-Headed Shark Attack (2015)
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OKAYYY - hear me out:
A Vic & Earl (Neighbors 1981) x reader fic…
I don’t mind where it goes but if you need ideas lemme know
Now that I've finally seen the movie, I'll be more than happy to write this! (I REALLY need to write about Vic, omg)
But yeah, since it's still so new to me, some ideas would be great!
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scwheeler · 2 years
🏹 ˖ ࣪⊹ — past tense
pairing: mike wheeler x fem!reader
summary: you’ve had a crush on mike wheeler since birth, however he’s never been too fond of you. but high schools coming up and after a few events, you finally get over mike but how the tables turn…
warnings: asshole mike 🖕🖕🖕
age of pairing: 15-16
a/n: this was originally the flipped fic i made first but i changed it up a little and was just bored ALSO IT BARELY MAKES SENSE LOL
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june 24th, 1981
you had just finished your third lap around the neighborhood on your bike. it was summer yet the heat was bearable, at least to be outside before two p.m. or else you had to smother yourself with sunscreen to prevent getting burned. you thought it was a good idea to head home now as you biked around the corner to see your familiar washed down yellow house.
what was unfamiliar was the three white moving trucks pulling up the house next to yours. it was a large white house that had been empty for some time now. you expected some elderly couple or family of like eight kids to move in. but as you parked your bike on the driveway of your house, you walked towards one of the trucks that had people in it.
there was a little boy with dark hair and a navy jacket on. it was summer and he was wearing a jacket? who was this kid? he had his back turned to you, making you more curious. you started to jog to him and a man who was giving him brown cardboard boxes bigger than his torso. it was probably his dad. he had thick glasses and a come over like most guys you saw at the grocery market and shopping mall.
they were in the moving truck and moving around boxes so you jumped in, “hi! you need some help?” you reached for one of the boxes that had a red label ‘FRAGILE’ which you disregarded. “whoa there, that’s some heavy stuff, why don’t you head on home little girl,” he shooed you away and put a foot on the box you were reaching for, preventing you from carrying it.
you didn’t take it personally, lots of people probably don’t want a strange girl taking their belongings. “hey dad—” the boy peered into the moving truck where you and his dad stood. he stopped himself once his eyes laid on you. he seemed scared more than friendly. 
he had a band-aid on his chin and freckles on his cheeks. he wore a stripped collar shirt under his jacket and plain khaki pants, reaching all the way to his black sneakers. wow was he dressed for winter! you were paying too much attention to what he was wearing you didn’t even realize he was speaking.
you only looked at his face. once your eyes met his, you knew this boy was going to be yours. no matter what.
august 16th, 1981
“—and when we got there it was the beach, like everywhere!” your classmate carly kept talking about her trip to california as the rest of the girls listened in awe. living in hawkins had its perks sometimes but not having a beach was not one of them. however you didn’t really care about what she did or what she was saying.
it was the first day of fifth grade and the only thing you were excited for was the teacher to bring in the new student. your next door neighbor, mike wheeler. throughout the hot summer days, he was the only thing that made those days hotter. you felt your cheeks warm up whenever he would reluctantly knock on your door to drop off a pie or any treat his mom was baking that week.
those days were the days you waited all week for. every friday evening you would look your best, wearing your hair in the cutest ways and putting on the clean clothes fresh out of the laundry so you could smell the sweet flower scent. you would also prevent anymore else from approaching the door.
you stood next to the door, in front of the mirror adjusting your hair while waiting for him to arrive at about seven to knock on the front door. you would wait exactly six seconds so he wouldn’t realize that you were literally waiting on hand and foot for him.
what you didn’t know was he basically saw you through the small side window, standing there counting in your head until finally deciding to get the door. he thought it was weird. he thought you were weird. when his mom would nag him weekly to take a new baked treat over to your house, he thought he was getting punished.
he would have to go all the way down the stairs and get the plate or tin and walk over to your house next door. he complained that the walk felt like a whole marathon when in reality it was only about twenty steps maximum. then he would knock on the door not even bothering to press the doorbell because you had probably had touched it.
he would watch you wait like ten seconds until finally answering the door with a bright smile and thank him a million times. he would keep a straight face and just nod, not one word coming out of his mouth during the last six weeks he’s been doing this.
you would always take any chance to play with him. if he was outside about to get on his bike, you would rush outside without a care in the world if you stumbled down the stairs or hit your knee on a stair. but the instant you would get on your bike, you saw him peddling away like he was trying to get away from zombies. you thought he was going to go meet someone or had something to do, like being the newspaper boy? so you didn’t mind it.
sometimes when you felt like it (basically always) you would get on your bike and chase him, following where he was going. he was just going in laps like you did which meant technically he couldn’t say this following because you were just a fellow neighborhood kid riding their bike around.
you tried your hardest to catch up to him, so you could chat with him or even go somewhere with him but you didn’t know if it was if he had iron lungs and mechanical legs or because he always had a head start, his back would always be turned.
beginning school was the next dreaded thing mike was worried for. not because it’s a new school and he didn’t know anyone. he did know someone, you. mainly that was why he dreaded it. he would have to pass the halls and avoid you to the fullest. what if he ended up with the same teacher as you? then he knew he’d be screwed.
“everyone, this is michael wheeler. i’d like you guys to be nice and respectful to him, please sit down beside y/n. y/n raise your hand,” the teacher spoke carefully and guided him towards you who had a hand up as if there was a star to be reached. ‘how could the universe love you so much!’ you thought.
how could the universe hate him so much, mike thought.
he walked towards his seat that was sat to the right of you. you watched as he slowly sat down and pulled out a blue notebook, the same as yours. yours had a few peeled off sticker residue and markings from previous pens and pencils but it was the same alright.
mike didn’t spare you or your desk a glance to notice so you thought it’d be best to let him know. while the teachers back was turned and faced the blackboard to write down the agenda, you leaned to your right side. “mike—mike, look we’re matching!” he looked at you holding up your notebook like the nobel piece prize and groaned.
not the reaction you expected but it was mike wheeler after all. he would always find a way to avoid you but you were already there. he was hiding and you were next to him. almost attached! for the rest of the day, he looked away from you, facing his right side instead of his left where you sat.
he was talking to lucas and will, two boys who sat near him as well. you’ve never talked to them before even though you spent the last four years of school with them. they seemed weird, not like geeky weird, but like they couldn’t hold a conversation with you. maybe it was early puberty?
either way, you sat in silence. looking at the board but stealing a few glances to peek at mike from the corner of your eye. he was passing notes and laughing with the others boys. looks like he already got himself some new friends. friends that didn’t include you.
june 7th, 1984
tying your white shoelaces to your red sneakers, you entered the classroom for the last day of school. your hair was tied back into a ponytail and moved from side to side as you approached the library. you wanted to return all the books from this school year before you forgot and then finally get to enjoy the start of summer.
as you put it back onto the shelves, you overheard a familiar voice. mike. instead of walking away to spend your summer day, you leaned towards the bookshelf and waited for the boys to speak again. “people will think you’re doing charity mike!” one of the boys said. “yeah i’m not one to be mean but she’s so gross like she’s been obsessed with you forever and did you see her stupid yard?” “that piece of shit!” “shut up it’s a library shhhh,” one of them said. “mike come one be honest.”
you gripped onto the books in your arms and waited for mikes response. “yeah i would kill myself if i was seen with her,” he laughed. you immediately ran out, getting out of the school and getting on your bike. without another thought you rushed inside your house and to your room.
january 3rd, 1985
mike had made it clear he didn’t reciprocate your feelings and even though it was hard, you swallowed your emotions and decided to give up. other than the conversations you had practically forced him into, he never made the effort to talk to you. basically avoiding you for the last four years. so the last day of ninth grade you expected it to the same. and it was.
until you got home. you stood in disbelief in the middle of your kitchen as your mom spoke to you. the words “dinner at the wheelers,” sounded incorrect like you had a hearing problem. but when she repeated it, you realized it was true. “but they’ve never invited us over in like the four years they’ve lived here?” you asked and sat on at the table.
“what matters y/n, at least they’re noticing now,” your mom responded and before you could mutter ‘that’s ridiculous’ you walked out and into your room. sitting on at the desk, you stared down at your textbooks, “mike wheeler…what could he want now?” you’d eventually gotten over him, as you do with most crushes so you didn’t mind going over for dinner.
you weren’t going to be a stuttering, blushing mess and you would be polite and kind. especially to his parents and not mind him any extra attention. but why now? why after these three long years would be invite your family over?
the afternoon came sooner than you thought and you found yourself in a clean formal outfit with a homemade key-lime pie in your hand, waiting in front the mike wheeler’s door. it would be a lie if said you hadn’t been facing this door a million times. you used to come and knock on his door almost every weekend and everyday in summer, asking him to play or come over but his response was a quick decline.
at first he was nice about it, saying he had to help his mom or making up another lame excuse but than he stopped trying to even be somewhat kind about declining your offer. you could see him through the living room window, reading a book and gritting his teeth while you pressed his doorbell time after time. he would ignore you or make one of his other family members get the door, so he could avoid you at all costs.
it was disappointing to say the least but you still saw him at school. you waved to him every chance you got but after experiencing his unresponsiveness for about the seventieth time, you quit. he probably never even noticed your existence at this point!
but mike knew. he always knew, and he was different than you thought. once you stopped caring about him and knocking on his door or taking any chance to make him look at you, he realized something. he missed it, he missed you. it was now him searching for you in the class and him who stared out his bedroom window to see if you would walk over and ring the doorbell.
he didn’t like you. even if only as a friend, he would never admit it. but seeing you view him unlike before changed his mind. he liked your bright personality and your eagerness to try anything. sometimes he would sit in his room, staring at his math homework but thinking about you. how on the bus, you walked right passed him and sat next to timothee brown! crazy! everyone knew timothee was weird and no one ever would sit next to him. to seem unnoticeable, whenever someone boarded the bus, he would look at you who was looking at timothee. chatting, talking, laughing!
he would think to himself, “what was she laughing about? how could she sit there and laugh and look so beautiful!” however he could only turn around and stare out the window while his friend dustin continued to talk about dnd. why was this happening to him! he hated you. he hated you. always had and always will, so why was he dreaming about you every night and imagining what you were doing during class, outside of school, while with his friends, at dinner, during homework, and even when he was watching tv!
you were like a song he couldn’t get out of his head.
a bad song.
there was a knock at his front door and as much as he wanted it to be you, his face showed different emotions. you stood with a pie in your hand and in front of his door once again. wasn’t this want he wanted? but it wasn’t. you looked forced, annoyed. how he looked whenever you would come up to talk to him.
it wasn’t like before, no immediate hugs or jumps to conversations. you walked straight to the kitchen and helped mikes mom set the table. he only watched you walk right past him and ignore him. ignore him! he finally was going to speak to you and now his time was up? it was like a video game and he had used all this lives.
you tried to kept your composure, but to be honest when he opened the door with his shaggy dark brown hair, almost a shade of black and burgundy covering down to his eyebrow and straight freshly-ironed gray collared sweater, your heart slipped almost a beat. scratch that. make that three beats.
before he could look up, you turned your attention to nancy in the background who smiled and waved to you. quickly to divert his attention, you ran inside without a hello and entered the kitchen to help with dinner. brushing past mikes shoulder, deep inside you wished you paused and said hi whcih could possibly have sparked a conversation but he never did in the past three years so why would he start now!
sitting at a wooden dinner table could never have been more awkward. your parents and his had small conversations but mostly about work and school, meaning you and mike were out of the question. luckily you turned your head to nancy and instantly started to ask her stuff about high school. she gladly responded to your questions. she was so sweet, you kept your eyes away from in front of you and to the side where she was sitting. mike who was facing you was waiting for you to be done but you had no intention of stopping.
when nancy and you finished your conversation, you went up to use the restroom twice, forgot to turn off your record player in your room, and finally dinner ended. all of these were excuses to avoid talking to mike and he clearly noticed. at the end of dinner and everyone was settled in the living room, you excused yourself to your room so you could finish your homework.
surprisingly this was true, mr. dons just handed out an essay assignment due this week and you forgot to do it. you sat on your desk, opening your cabinets to get your notebooks and grabbing a few pencils. once you wrote the first word “the,” there was a knock at your door.
“come in!” you said and assumed it was your mom bringing you a snack or to tell you the wheeler’s were finally leaving. but it wasn’t. “sorry to disturb you,” he apologized softly and approached you. you sighed, “what do you want?” he was nervous, looking around your room. he saw a small red notebook on top of your dresser, he looked back to you with your eyes glued to your papers. he carefully reached for it, “don’t touch that.” you turned around and stared at him, “seriously mike what are you doing here?”
“i just wanted to talk to you,” mike said and sat on your bed. you turned back to your homework, “well i don’t want to talk to you.” “why?” he asked, further agitating you. “because—i just don’t,” you groaned and tried focusing on the words in textbooks but you couldn’t with the presence of mike wheeler.
“i thought you liked me,” mike mumbled which finally grasped your attention. “liked.” you replied, making mike finally leave your room.
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Thanks #Leoferbeno #OfficialInternationalQueenFanClub #clarin
Leloir Park, Buenos Aires 1981 - Freddie and Ricardo Petracca
Dinner of the band at Ricardo Petracca's house after the show.
Petracca : "I remember Freddie, he was a great, great guy"
Not everyone can take a picture with a glittering artist worldwide. Ricardo Petracca (67) did it some time ago, and today he can boast of having an image no less than with Freddie Mercury, when he was 29 years old. And as if this were not enough, it is not just any, because it takes the Queen vocalist on his shoulders.
It is known that the legendary British rock band took their music to the last corner of the planet. In 1981, for example, it was the first great band to include Latin America in its tours. Many Argentines treasure in their hearts the passage of "The Queen" by the Club Vélez Sarsfield, in Capital; by Rosario, Córdoba and Mar del Plata.
Ricardo Petracca, a neighbor of Pilar for 25 years and nephew of the then president of Vélez, was one of the few people who could enjoy the stay of Queen well up close. "I did not want a normal photo, so it got on my shoulders and the photographer of the band captured the moment," he laughs.
Account that Mercury had the custom to sing the subject "We Will Rock You" raised "to caballito" of a custodian disguised of a personage of science fiction. This is how the idea came about and the moment was reflected in a photograph that is currently framed in the house of Ricardo's younger son.
As good hosts, his family invited the British group to a barbecue in his villa in Parque Leloir, in Ituzaingó. But Petracca only wanted to have a picture with the singer.
"To be honest, I was never a faithful follower of 'Queen'. I did not know them as much, I preferred to listen more to the Rolling Stones and even Latin music, "he reveals against what anyone could imagine. And he says: "One day they offered to buy me the photo, but I did not want to. It's something I keep for myself, and it transpired from one day to the next. "
The photograph shows that original moment, but the reality is that the Pilaren was with the members of the band during the 20 days of his stay in the country. That 27 of February of 1981 had to go to look for them to the Airport of Ezeiza, where hundreds of fans waited for their arrival. "There were many people willing to do anything to get close to their idols. With custody we had to invent a kind of fence to protect Freddie and make him enter the hotel, "he recalls.
"The shows in Vélez I lived on the side of the stage. During the recital, Freddie was transformed and was carried away by the adrenaline ", recognizes. The 40 thousand people who crowded the stadium vibrated to the rhythm of rock and remember that it was so powerful "the blow of the sound of the speakers that ran to the people of their place".
"I remember him as a guy, we spent hours talking about life," he admits modestly. In the course of those days, they cultivated a friendship that kept her in time with the sending of letters. "At that time my family had the largest glass company in Argentina. In the barbecue we shared, he saw one of our vitraux and commissioned one for us by letter for his house in London, "he says. Although with a hand in his heart he confesses that he doubts that the piece has reached its destination.
The photo, his anecdotes with the emblematic band and his personal bond with Mercury, make Petracca the envy of the followers of Queen. "I lived very nice moments. If he were alive, I'd love to meet him again. He was a very special character, "he says with some nostalgia
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shenrickyz · 8 days
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setting 1 2 3 🪐 ─── WELCOME SPACE CADET to your new intergalactic journey! now i know it might all seem intimidating at first glance but i swear you'll get the hang of it! are you ready to save the neighboring galaxies from impending doom? .. okay.. maybe i overdid it, i'll take it easy on you, newbie things and all. you will be joining the intergalactic space team STARLIGHT CRUSH! cute name right? now don't worry about the members or if they look like they wanna kill you or if they try to punch each other in the face, it's their way of showing off their affection! woo.. okay, enough of my talking, you are now . . . CADET #094
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time to blast off 🚀 ! ─── STARLIGHT CRUSH! ( スターライトクラッシュ) is a currently inactive japanese girl group debuted in 2002 by KANNEZAWA NANAMI as apart of record label gekkō collective! consisted of four very dedicated space cadets, the group rose to prominence in the early to mid 2000s for their unique concept. fighting off alien invasions and saving neighboring galaxies with their catchy tunes. the quartet, consisting of: HIMENO EIMI, NOSAKA YUINA, ASAO RYŌKA, and MAEDA HIMIKO dominated their time as a group. they carried presences that completely destroyed everyone around them, they all might seem intimidating at first glance, but they can all be harmless, just don't steal their accessories or they'll make sure it turns physical.
the group made their formal debut on march 22 2002 with the mini album ‘THE FIRST LAUNCH!’ and the single ‘LOVE REVOLUTION!’, making quite the name for themselves the moment they stepped into that studio. the girls knew what they had to do, and they did it effortlessly. having no sign of a graduation system or even signs of a contract ending in the next decade, they continued their years long journey of success, saving the neighboring galaxies with their irresistible dance tunes, wielding the stars in their palms. over the course of almost two decades, the group held their spot on the oricon charts, just up until their announced hiatus in 2021, just a year before their 20th anniversary.
now let's meet your fellow space cadets! you're going to be stuck with them in the endless void of space either way!!! am i making this better? i definitely do think i am, this is how i introduce all the newbies! so anyway CADET 094! do you think you're ready to take the challenge? will you chicken out? i can only wish you the best of luck!
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IF you know EIMI in real life, you probably either hate her or can't even comprehend that someone with such a thought process can exist. it's a well known fact that she isn't exactly the easiest to get along with, there's no single strand of hair on her head unturned, no part of her face wrinkled, not one piece of cloth left unironed, but of course, not everyone is perfect.
It was a breezy evening in November 1981 when Himeno Eimi was born to your regular working class family in Morioka, Iwate Prefecture. Life wasn't exactly terrible, it wasn't bad. Dad and mom kept smiles up enough that everything seemed fine, her younger siblings were annoying and insanely nitpicky, but she didn't exactly mind. She focused on school, trying to find her calling, trying to be something more. It wasn't fame that immediately appealed to her, it was more of.. being something. Her mother was unhappy with her life, she'd always wanted to be something more, so maybe she could be that something for her.
The idol life was never meant to be it, but as said by one of her teachers, she seemed to ‘have a face for fame’. Eimi really had no idea what she was doing when she took the long train ride from her hometown to Tokyo in May 1998, but she was given an opportunity, one she couldn't waste. Did you think this was the idol audition? So soon? Oh no! She auditioned for this cute little show named LOVE+ that totally stayed a cute little show (it actually became a national sensation), and in the blink of an eye, she was a national superstar. Apparently, she indeed did ‘have the face for fame’ as she suddenly was plastered everywhere, billboards, magazine covers, lotion bottles, you really couldn't escape her face.
Eimi played the ‘innocent actress’ role terrifically, guess she did get the job done. She charmed everyone, her male costars, interviewers, the people of Japan, even people outside of Japan themselves. She was a cultural phenomenon, even if she felt a bit undeserving of the iconography. She didn't know how to talk to anyone after the persona shut off, when she went back home after a long days worth of plastic smiles, she had no idea what to do. She still felt as if something was missing, even with the added fame.
The fame would come in the form of idolatry. You see, after she starred in the musical A Summers Rain in 2000, people learned she could sing, but only the right people decided to take advantage of a certain fact. She would be reached out to by Gekkō collective! and asked to audition for their upcoming group. She decided that it would be better to change up the scenery a bit, so she turned down upcoming acting jobs to audition for this 'weird group'. Well, you know how the story goes, she passed with flying colors! She was then placed in a dormitory with three other strangers until her eventual debut in 2002.
Now if you were to ask Eimi, she doesn't prefer either idoling over acting and vice versa, but if you know Eimi, she's also a huge liar. It was clear that, between singing and dancing on stage, in comparison to acting in cheesy romantic comedies, there was one she was particularly passionate for. It isn't to say her time in the group was perfect, because.. well, what would we be talking about if it was? We're here to talk about these girls weird lives!
Having been chosen as leader, Eimi was pretty condescending towards her members for her time in the group. She was probably over confident, she fought with everyone over stupid things such as curling irons, misplaced clothes, and stolen accessories. She was hard to get to on an emotional level if it didn't include her being drunk, she wasn't exactly the biggest partier of the group, but it didn't mean she wasn't getting up to things with other people, even if she's only ever harbored feelings for one certain person.
Eimi never really liked her fellow male idols, she was once called out by an interviewer for her ‘strange friendships with her fellow female idols’ and it really made her overthink everything about herself. Under the idol spotlight, the only way she got to explore her sexuality was barely under the watchful eye of crazy people. She could play the part on screen, but in real life? Oh she really had no idea if she liked men at all. She only survived through her whole sexuality crisis was.. and you better believe me, having a borderline relationship full of hate sex with her groupmate. She swears she doesn't like Yuina like that, no, she never liked her that. They fought about literally everything, they only liked each other for sex, there was never anything more there.
..but you should probably take those words with a grain of salt, because she still believes her feelings are unrequited. She never talks about it, and don't ask her about it, she has fists, she'll throw a fucking punch. All that aside, Eimi is a boss, so maybe don't cross her, and remember, don't stare for too long! The beauty will cause for your brain to melt!
 。。the profile !
HEIGHT 165 CM ( 5'5 )
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YOU can easily describe YUINA as a partier, but she is also so much more than that. she's a listener, she remembers everyone, she's always there as a readily available shoulder, she'll be a voice for you if you can't find your own. though on most cases she's hard to get through, in times of vulnerability, she's always there.
With snow decorating the ground a pure, clean white, Nosaka Yuina was born in February 1982 in a broken home nestled in Utsunomiya. Luck was never really on her side it seemed, and it seems that luck never shows up when it's meant to. Dad and mom never liked each other enough to get married, they only liked each other because they both had something they wanted from the other, it was never meant to be children, but then they forgot to wear protection once.. hence, Yuina. Unfortunately this dynamic would come to foreshadow most of her future relationships, but we really aren't there yet.
Dad left and never looked back, so ultimately, her mom was all she had left, but it wasn't exactly the best thing in the world. Her mother was suffering with a terrible alcohol addiction, an addiction that shaped most of Yuina's childhood. Her mother wasn't around, not in a present sense anyway, she got used to the mundane days where she would be passed out on the couch, she got used to staying at school until five in the afternoon because her mother forgot she even had her. She got used to do doing things herself, she got used to making excuses for her mother when she knew all too well what was happening with her.
The desire to be an idol came from the desire to be seen. She had gotten into music after her music teacher had let her borrow a guitar, performing was the only thing she could think of which would make it all better. She found comfort in her many anime posters and Akina Nakamori songs, music was her coping mechanism when her mother stayed passed out on the couch late into the night. Yuina let the music comfort her until she would find herself old enough to cop a shot in the music industry.
Yuina would be the first member of the group to audition at Gekkō collective! in 1998. She hopped on the train with her mom knowing absolutely nothing of it, not that her mind was even in the right, she probably lost her memory at that point. She auditioned with one of her favorite songs ever “Haru No Arashi” by Taeko Onuki, and passed with flying colors. Out of her mother's house and all the way in Tokyo, her life got a little better. She spent her days in school, then her evenings endlessly in the studio. She mostly got along with her two other members, but then there was Eimi, they could just never find common ground.
The debut in 2002 brought the desire to be known, she easily outweighed her members in terms of popularity, and the whole time, her mother remained oblivious. There were times when, even with the added fame, she couldn't help but want her attention in comparison to everyone else's. Getting ignored by her own mother, the one person who shouldn't have been ignoring her at all, really put a stain on everything in her life that should've been perfect. Her mother still had a larger attachment to the alcohol than she did to her.
So Yuina began slowly picking up her habits. Spending nights endlessly drinking at parties with people who loved her. People loved her. It made up for her mother's lack of love or attention (it really didn't, she just pretended it did). She was the life of the party, everybody loved her. She could get through to anyone if there was enough drinking involved, the bonds she made while drunk seemed much more real than the ones she was forced to make when sober.
The consistent drinking didn't stay the norm for long, but the sex did.. well, with only one person anyway. Yuina could never describe what it was that caused for her and Eimi's relationship to become what it was, maybe she still feels something for her, but it'll all probably come to nothing anyway. They would either fight till one of them lost their voice, or one of them would shout so loud the other would cry. When they had their soft moments, they had their soft moments, but those were incredibly rare. They don't talk about what they are, Yuina definitely strays away when conversation comes up.
Yuina is one of the more understanding members. She can seem scary to approach, but she will genuinely try when it comes to anyone. The members (though Eimi is still a strange case) can always go to her for something, and even with their extended inactivity, she's around if they need her. She has questionable feelings about the idol industry, but for now, she's content in her place.
 。。the profile !
HEIGHT 169 CM ( 5'6 )
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IT'S pretty clear that the only reason the group has lasted so long is because RYŌKA kept their reputation from bursting into flames. she holds the moral high ground in comparison to the rest of the members, she could even be considered the actual leader of the group. she's clearly the easiest one to talk to, a rule follower through and through.
Born to clearly leave a mark on the world, Asao Ryōka was born in July 1983 in the busy Shibuya City. She was the heart of her family, at the center of it all, she was their golden child. From a young age she had a passion for dance, eager to pursue the types of dancing her older brothers found themselves interested in. She begged for her parents to let her get the same lessons, but she wasn't allowed to do hip hop like them.. it put her in a terrible place growing up, she thought she didn't have the potential to excel like they did.
But she could do something else with her time.. ballet! Yeah, not exactly the most exciting thing in the world. Ryōka wasn't as into ballet as her parents wanted her to be, but pressure has it's way of getting to people. She joined this crazy ballet academy that totally fucked her up for the rest of her life, though she found ballet enjoyable in certain aspects, she struggled.. a lot. She had terrible teachers, classmates, and developed an eating disorder barely four years into the dance.
Ryōka stayed in ballet for a good five years, but then she was pulled out of it by her older brothers when they noticed her deteriorating mental health. She thanks them for that every single day, she probably would've taken her own life if they didn't go against their parents wishes and take her out of ballet. Though she was out of ballet, she didn't stop with her love of dance. She still wouldn't be able to enroll into the dance lessons her brother was doing, but she could get into music. She mastered the piano, then when she was done with that she mastered the violin, then the guitar, then before she knew it, there were a ton of instruments up her sleeve.
She never thought being an idol was possible with the way her parents monitored her life, they didn't even let her practice dance styles they didn't seem "feminine", how was she going to convince them to let her sing and dance on a stage? They wouldn't even think she was worth such a thing, they never directly said it, but it's obvious they never expected for her to be the most successful of all three of their kids.
Despite having said to possess no potential, Ryōka wouldn't exactly give up so easily. She began taking vocal classes without her parents' knowledge, then she began taking dance classes without their knowledge, it's not like she was preparing for her future idol life, she simply just found herself interested in the whole thing. There was no way she was going to become an idol without her parents knowing, so she just let the dream fester at the back of her mind. She pretended she didn't dream of the big stages as her parents continued their utterances about her getting into medical school.
But of course, you know how the story goes. In 1999, without her parents knowing, Ryōka decided to enter a singing competition held by this company called Gekkō collective!, which was being held in Shinjuku City. With her parents assuming she was at one of her many extracurriculars, she placed second in the competition, right behind one of her future members. She was then offered the opportunity to join Gekkō collective!, and by proxy, the opportunity to debut in their upcoming group.
And again, she kept it all under wraps. Her parents knew absolutely nothing of her 'new' extracurricular activity. Considering she lived in Tokyo, it was easy to go to the label every day without suspicion. Life was barely steady, as having to keep up appearances with her parents, then also manage school, then also continuously training to become an idol, the stress almost completely got to her, but she managed. She managed for the next three years until her debut, still somehow able to keep it from his parents.
Her parents only found out in 2002.. the year of her debut, and they weren't exactly happy. They completely ridiculed her after her debut stage, embarrassing her in front of her fellow members and leaving her in tears. She would slowly cease communication with her parents over the years, but she pretended it all didn't matter, she simply put on smiles and went on.
Her debut with STARLIGHT CRUSH! brought her responsibility she didn't exactly expect, keeping all of the members out of trouble. You could call her the actual leader of the group, she was the one making sure the other three kept their hair out of the news. Eimi and Yuina would spend nights partying or were caught out at shitty motels, and Himiko was found smoking so many times there more concern for her lungs than there was outrage. Ryōka quite literally became the only member without scandal, she was their saving grace, the groups moral high ground, their real leader. She accepted the awards, remembered every one of their slogans, and gave all the important speeches.
But even with that, Ryōka still had her fair share of issues. She was just too nice, it was another dating rumor every week because she was simply magnetic. She could be friends with anyone, which got her a lot of flack because of her barrage of male idol friends. She pretended she didn't mind, but it all really got to her head. She worked hard as an idol, she got many endorsements because, in her managers words, her face was ‘to die for’. There wasn't a day before 2021 that she didn't work 24/7, it was simply idoling all day for Ryōka, she would have to be forced into breaks by her fellow members or her managers because she just couldn't stop herself, she felt she needed to prove she deserved the fame to everyone, if not her own parents.
She then sunk back into an unhealthy eating habits, her body image slowly becoming more and more distorted as time went on. Ryōka pretty much became a shadow of her former self as time went on, she didn't exactly like how she looked, and it all circled back into her feeling insecure over her weight. People always commented on her body, and it got to the point that she began skipping meals much more frequently, feigning ignorance to her members.
Again, she never gave herself a proper break until she was forced to. Up until the groups ‘long hiatus’, she was the most consistent member in terms of activity. She finally stopped her lifelong working obsession and sat back to do absolutely nothing. Ever since the group initially went inactive in 2021, Ryōka has been seen less and less by people of the public. She went from being the most active member, to being the member who people can barely even find. She's since gotten therapy, and she's considering leaving the idol industry altogether, but for now, it's all up in the air.
 。。the profile !
HEIGHT 171 CM ( 5'7 )
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THE lengths at which one has to go to get through to HIMIKO are a challenge, and it's even an enigma as to how she managed in the group when she could've easily gone solo as she desired. there's a lot she could say, but she keeps it in the recesses of her mind as to not cause conflict, the last time that happened.. well the group almost fell apart.
With fate practically carving a path out for her, Maeda Himiko was born in August 1983 in a small town named Inuyama. From the beginning it was difficult, there was no sight of a father figure, and though her mother tried her best, she could never just take care of her on her own income. She again moved in with her parents and had them raise her as she spent her days working several odd jobs to provide for her daughter. The first thing Himiko ever noted about her mother was that she was.. struggling, whether physical or mental, there was always something there making sure she didn't succeed.
Growing up alongside her grandparents in her mother’s childhood home, Himiko learned of her first real passion, music. Before she met that pathetic excuse of a man, before adulthood settled and responsibilities gripped her by the throat, she wanted to be a musician. Singing, singing brought her joy, singing brought her a sense of solace nothing else really could, and naturally, like mother like daughter. Himiko took up her passion as if it was passed down to her, busying herself rereading the song lyrics her mother had scribbled into her old middle school journals, then rewriting them and bringing them to life with her guitar.
She learned how to teach herself her own endeavors, beginning with covers of citypop songs, which then became her own voice over original instrumentals. She became infatuated with her mother's former passion, pretty much obsessed with the idea of becoming a singer, to be the one who would be able to live out her dream. She felt guilty in a way.. it was her fault her mother couldn't become a singer, so she felt she had to become one for her.
The efforts would be strained for a while, mostly because her mother was afraid of what she would face if she tried to enter the music industry. Himiko didn't want to be held back, though, she would persevere with her dream of becoming a musician and she would make her mother proud (she had already done that with her perseverance, she just had no idea). She had no idea how she was going to do it, she just knew she was going to do it. Maybe if music didn't work out, she would simply give it and get on with something else, but until she knew, she wouldn't give up.
The time would eventually come, when, in 1999, Himiko entered a singing competition being held by Gekkō collective!. In a feat that wasn't completely planned, she placed first, even if her sixteen year old jitteriness made her seem a bit off in comparison to the rest of her much more exuberant competitors. After winning a cash prize, she was offered an exclusive opportunity, one that would make all of her dreams come true. She could become a solo artist in the following year, she could make her mother proud.
..but for some reason, Himiko felt as if something else was up. She used the excuse of wanting to finish her studies as use to wait for a few more years, being an idol whilst also trying to manage high school would be hell, so she decided to wait until she finished to attempt her break in the music industry. Again, she wasn't exactly sure if she wanted to be alone in that break, even if it meant being stuck with three other strangers.
So when her debut finally rolled around in 2002, it also rolled around with some terrible news. Only two months prior her mother had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, which put her in a tough spot for beginning promotions, it also put her in a tough spot with her members. She was the least introverted of everyone, she preferred her alone time, Ryōka and Yuina tried to reach out, even Eimi tried to reach out on occasions! But she kept most of everything to herself. She spent her time with her headphones on, volume blasting, jotting down lyrics in her journal.
Her mother had passed away the following year, and it sent Himiko down a spiral she doesn't know if she'll ever truly recover from. The fast paced idol life paired with the complications of grief were a terrible mix, so smoking came into everything. Originally, it became a habit she developed during exam season, away from the prying eyes of her mother or her professors, but it became much more regular as late night partying became much more regular. She never liked alcohol, but she loved cigarettes. The over exaggerated caricature people made of her wasn't as fake as she pretended it was. She had no idea how to cope, so she destroyed her body, she slowly let her life slip away as she couldn't even go a day without smoking a pack.
She never got the whole 'love' thing, there was this girl once, she was apart of another group at the time, but she never worked up the courage to tell her anything, their friendship fell apart after their first kiss. She kept herself busy pouring her creativity into lyrics and production, her lungs suffering, but her façade particularly strong. She was one of the more popular members because of her ‘honesty’, but even then it was merely a front. She was there to tell jokes when the time was right, then retreat back into herself when the cameras shut off.
For at least three years, none of the members knew much about Himiko, it wasn't until she began participating more in outings that they realized she was so much more than the rude character she posed as. Though her honesty was usually needed, it was also a pretty deadly weapon, seeing as how some of her words worked up Eimi and Yuina so much that the two went without talking to each other for a whole month, their lack of cooperation putting promotions behind for a good few weeks. It only made her sink back into herself more, as she felt that she was to blame for everything going wrong.
She began getting close to Ryōka after a specific while, but it was more the other doing the talking whilst Himiko laughed at her off sounding jokes. It was easy to get through to Yuina too, she became the older sister she didn't know she needed in life. Her problems with smoking continued, but she was mostly able to keep it under wraps as she.. tried to form some kind of friendship with Eimi. Again, she was pretty difficult to find common ground with, but they had their moments, occasionally, it'd seem like they had been friends for years, but the eldest has always been a wild card. She knew to never push her buttons, remembering the whole fiasco that happened last time.
The life as a musician she envisioned turned out to be less of a dream than it was a nightmare. Sometimes, she cusses at herself for even making this decision, but then she would think back to her mother, and she'd simply continue, all of it to fulfill a dream she died much too early to fully witness. Himiko was never loud, but actions speak louder than words, she practically crafted the groups music from her own imagination, she's basically their musical genius. Maybe she wasn't exactly all about the idol life, but she cared deeply about her group and her members, even if she didn't really show it.
HEIGHT 174 CM ( 5'8 )
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THE success of STARLIGHT CRUSH! was the kind of success unseen in.. well, forever really. strange japanese pop groups aside, the group also had a knack for producing music videos that were pretty much feature length films in their own right. the concept of ‘saving the world from alien threats with catchy dance pop songs’ was one that wasn't exactly unique, but it didn't mean it wasn't a serve for interest. zooming past the galaxies in a spaceship aptly named ‘THE LUMINARY 76’, the imagery of their concept, paired with the members complete magnetism made for a great group that made a hefty amount of profit for their home label.
it was a pretty lucky case, ‘LOVE REVOLUTION!’ was an immediate hit the day of it's release in march of 2002. the storyline of the music video (which was watched on tv channels at the time), paired with the members irresistible acting, it was a smash success. the group stole the oricon singles chart, keeping the number one spot for seven consecutive weeks, they were practically taking over the world. to this day, their debut album, ‘THE FIRST LAUNCH!’, holds the spot for the fourth best selling album ever on the oricon album charts, selling 4,603,009 sales in total. even from the beginning they knew exactly what their goal was, to save the coming universes and snatch up all the awards there were to snatch up.
the quartet dominated their decades long journey across the many galaxies, and they captured the hearts of the public. they pretty much had everything. figurines, tshirts, blankets, sweaters, yeah.. they had a fashion line. hey! don't laugh! those exclusive blankets are rare! they sell for practically $7000 today! if you can even find it with how many people decide to gatekeep.. along with all of that, the group also had their manga series, which eventually became an anime series after a couple of years of backed up progress.
first it was the manga series ‘ACROSS THE UNIVERSE WITH SC!’ released in 2005 that spanned ten volumes. the series was put together by three fans who had heard of RYŌKA's love for old manga series, she once said herself that she hoped for the group to get their own one day, as she believed their concept was a good idea for one. the story sold exponentially, with characters that "briefly" imitated that of the members, it was a huge success, but you could honestly throw their name on anything and it would became a huge success, so this wasn't exactly a surprise.
then, the anime came around a few years later. though it was originally supposed to be released in 2008, there were a few production issues in the beginning. directly taken from the manga series, the members participated in voice acting the characters for the two seasons the show ran. it was, pretty unsurprisingly, a smash hit, taking from the stories in their music videos, you would shoot across the galaxy along with the intergalactic space team STARLIGHT CRUSH!, and maybe the anime got much too realistic at times (portraying EIMI and YUINA's real life arguments to a t). though only lasting for two seasons, it became one of the most watched anime's of the year, clearly, everything the group touched turned into gold.
STARLIGHT CRUSH! had a good nineteen year run, eventually going into inactivity right before they were able to celebrate their twentieth debut anniversary. the members haven't all disappeared, but being an idol for almost two decades straight with minimal breaks will do wonders to a person. currently, the group is inactive, not disbanded, simply inactive for the time being. EIMI has again been active in the acting industry, where she originally made her name, both YUINA and HIMIKO have participated in the production of their own solo music, making sure to keep up updates semi regularly. RYŌKA is the member whose been the most silent since their immediate inactivity, barely updating her social media and barely even seen anymore. she keeps in contact with her members, though, who all continue to stress that she's doing fine, she just needed a long break.
their group bond can definitely be described as.. strange. though there's only four of them, there is a lot we could say about all of their relationship dynamics. they all love each other some (YUINA & RYŌKA) more obvious than others (EIMI & HIMIKO). it'd be a lie to say that they all hate each other, but it would also be a lie to say that they always get along. though they know when to keep it civil, sometimes they can't help themselves. STARLIGHT CRUSH! have often been described as ‘a strange phenomenon’, but one thing we can all agree with, is that they won't ever lose.
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