#neha name meaning
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Neha means 'love' or 'affection' in Sanskrit. Neha represents a person who embodies love or affection. For Neha name significance, popularity, lucky things, nakshatra, rashifal please visit the official page.
https://mychildname.com/neha-name-meaning Don't miss out!

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thought i'd keep a TDP body count for named characters, * means it was an on screen death
annika / neha *
king harrow
queen sarai *
viren (x3) *
ibis *
sir sparklepuff
finnegrin *
king florian
queen fareeda
prince kasef *
leola *
lain *
tiadrin *
sol regem *
pharos *
khessa *
queen aditi
luna tenebris
avizandum *
aithne solaire
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OCT 19 - SHIVERS Raise the hair on your neck. Tune in to the city.
shivers my beloved!!! I love her so much!
Here is my favourite shivers quote since I didn't include it in the image this time:
weeps... <333 not only is it such a gorgeous quote but it was also my first time hearing from la revacholiere... You need shivers of 5 to get it but luckily my first playthrough I had FYS of 4 and I got the patrol cloak the first day so I guess that's 5.. so when I was messing with the electronic doorbell on the first day and eventually got this line!!!!! I had NO IDEA what was happening but I was immediately fascinated by this skill.
also if Kim isn't with you, you can ask yourself what just happened and not a soul answers. your skills *never* just leave you in silence like that...
afterwards she also says:
which, like. what does that mean. the last ball? the last dance maybe? and then when you do the shivers check in the church there's a modifier that just says "+2 FIND ME ON THE BEACH"
anyway... no it's not oct 19 but that's the naming convention I set when I started so that's how it's going to stay. tbh I had no idea what to do with shivers which is why this isn't anything like my other skilltober posts but hopefully it still does her justice
lots of quotes under the cut as always
what's this? actual screenshots from the game??
this scene was just. so amazing. the worst part is how easy it is to miss! if your inland empire is too low you don't get the dialogue that lets you even try the shivers check (found that out the hard way in my second playthrough >:( and you only need 2 IE to get it) and then the shivers check is quite difficult too... the two people I know who played it, neither got to talk to the city! but that also made it feel very special
I remember screenshotting my game when I got this dialogue so I could go look for it! and then finding the body on the boardwalk and looking all around there and going ah, guess I can't get under the boardwalk and it was just flavour text. and forgetting about it.
and then finding it down there!!! it's my favourite I wore it the rest of the playthrough. also the modifier on it!! +1 Shivers: Gift from La Revacholiere 😭 shivers... shivers ily...
shivers memories of your mom?
she's so helpful
this one kills me every time I read it
also I've been angry with shivers about the humiliation of the shivers fail in front of neha the dicemaker where you take your pants of... and I went to grab a screenshot and it... was Harry all along? all shivers says is that you don't feel anything and it's a bit too warm, and Harry does the rest... sigh. of course he does.
this is a dialogue you can get after talking to Plaisance about the curse after you investigated the doomed commercial area... I know you can come to the conclusion that the curse of the doomed commercial area is caused by being so close to the pale, but that fact that Shivers can pick it up so early on...
I love when she humours you...
this damages your endurance! shivers scolding you can make you *die*
this one damages endurance too... but inland recognizing that shivers isn't one of your skills...!!!
there are a bunch of these (unsure if they're implemented in the game or not, I've never encountered them at least) of your patrol cloak talking to you through shivers!
Kim trying to convince you not to leave in the airship is heart-wrenching on its own, but La Revacholiere begging you not to forsake her...? sobs
this one has to be in here... the three skill checks are godly difficulty. urgh it hurts my heart
the miracle!! she protects the phasmid too, watches over it. observes it skating across the water, opening the buoy to retrieve the passport...
my two supranatural skills bringing you to the precinct! this dialogue has their names, even (usually EdC just relays it to you)
harry and the city are inseparable...
this one hurts me. the church sidequest is my favourite in the game, but there's always this underlying sadness to it that things cannot exist in that church...
shivers is so poetic... In my first playthrough, all of their information on the surrounding area was overwhelming. And I didn't have high enough shivers my second playthrough to get the dialogue... but looking through it again now, it makes so much more sense after playing once.
Revachol forever.
this brings me great comfort... the city with pocket it for you. and you can finally move forward.
I don't know what this means... but I wish my city loved me the way revachol loves harry. you also need to pass a godly logic passive to deduce that the world is the thought reader...
that's only 27 screenshots but I don't have any others to add right now... so here is shivers from the spring storm WIP since I havent shared one of these in a bit
dont mind empathy and pain thresh photo bombing it...
and here is my personal shivers skill portrait, which conceptualization drew...
i'm not sure if it's weird to add this but screenshot from our shared discord, but it's kind of cool. they're often silly or rude to eachother but they have their moments. re: shivers suggesting moving to toronto (there is a bit more before this that I was contributing to).
I can count on one hand the number of times I've heard from my shivers... the first time was actually *in* toronto when I was there for a concert. the way Harry loves his city isn't the way I love my city, but it does make me wonder if I could feel that way about somewhere else...
anyway weird note to end this post on but. that's okay. half light next... hopefully tomorrow
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Feral Female Noah part 3!!!
Part 1
The girls night!
Heather's still suspicious of what 'Noah' is up to and tells 'him' that. Cause she thought 'he' was going to be eliminated so why is 'he' still here? Courtney is also incredibly curious about it so 'Noah' tells them about the team swap with Cody. Their attention is then drawn to the rom com where they basically trash talk the main couple and then it turns out that the fl's ex boyfriend had cheated on her which sparks Heather to start ranting about it (she didn't actually kiss Trent you know, she's not stupid, it's like how fights in movies aren't real, it all comes down to camera angles).
Courtney tells Neha to tell Heather what Neha told her. So she explains what happened in the cargo, including the threats. "So he had a knife to my throat and told me he'd kill me if I told Courtney" "ohh, that's what the cut was about, I thought it was a shaving accident or something" "on this plane, honey please, I would never willingly let anything sharp near my neck" " honestly though, threatening you like that, what does he think this is, some sort of mob flick" Courtney just starts laughing at this. "I never thought of that, he really is cringey isn't he" "too right courts, I have no idea what you saw in that wannabe highlighter" " well, then I told him that if he tried that I would crush his dick and balls" "no way" "wait! you didn't tell me about that part!?"
They eventually end up talking about the rest of the guys when Courtney brings up potential crushes~ (cough cough heather cough cough). Heather immediately denies liking Alejandro which both Courtney and Neha comment on. "Why not, I mean he's fit and a gentleman!" "Yeah, the guy's hot and he's like perfect husband material" "...... didn't you call him a slippery eel Noah?" "I thought you were smart! You're like the only other person who knows he is evil and now you're calling him hot!!" "I stand by what I said, he's manipulative, slippery, hot, competitive, petty, a little diabolical at times and a total and complete eel: he's clearly husband material!" "If I didn't know any better I'd assume you'd have a thing for the guy" "that sounded pretty confession-like Noah, I'm actually kind of worried about you if that's what you find attractive" "Oh yeah, I definitely do, but don't worry I'm not going to fight you for him Heather, we can be each others totally lame wingmen instead" " so you ARE gay then!" "No" "don't be stupid Courtney, people can be bisexual" "Nah, I'm 100% heterosexual" ".....didn't you just admit to liking Alejandro" "were you dropped on your head as a kid or something nerd?"
Neha just looks at the two with a Cheshire grin before telling them that she'll let them in on a little secret. The other two are obviously very curious and lean in to presumably hear what 'he' is going to say. They weren't sure what they were expecting but it definitely wasn't for the new 'guy' on the team to grab 'his' hair- wait wig?! Staring back at them is a recognisable girl (woah, Courtney notes that her forehead is actually smaller than she thought- it must have been because of the wig- and now that she actually thinks about it, 'Noah' had always looked very feminine) with long messy hair and a smug grin that utters only one word "surprise~" . Heather's response to this after her moment of shock was to immediately start cackling (across the world, every total drama viewer and other contestants felt an intense shudder down their spine..... It was probably cause of climate change or something) and says "you really are straight, you fooled us all nerd, I'm impressed" "wait-- you'rE A GIRL?!?!!?"
She ends up telling them her name and the reasoning behind the whole pretending to be a boy thing cause what are they gonna do about it, tell on her to Chris? The other two girls agree to keep it a secret cause for once, it'd have no impact on the game. They also discuss slight game strategy (mainly how Gwen is totally the next eliminated on their team and how to handle Sierra after she finds out about the team switch), Neha tells them that after Gwen is gone, if they really need to vote someone else on the team off then they can vote for her (she's in the competition for reasons other than money rn so she doesn't mind getting eliminated so the other two who actually want to win the money can- as long as she gets what she wants out of it at least) which lessens Heather's distrust in her even more. "Wait, I just realised, it really is girls Vs boys now, I'm sure Chris is loving that" "not like any of the other idiots know that though" "yeah, and good luck getting them to believe either of you about it"
They even get to change into the spare pyjamas for the interns cause there's no cameras rolling in the staff quarters. Actual mildly comfortable pyjamas! And Neha doesn't have to wear multiple layers of constrictive clothing to hide her boobs, at last she can breathe, freedom!
The night ends with the three girls passed out and Neha clinging to them (no one can escape her koala grip, no matter the universe)
They're not immediately besties or anything (though they do look like it to everybody else) but all three of them feel like the night is the start of a genuine friendship (the first on the show for Heather and Courtney)
Heather wakes up first in the morning cause she feels someone tapping her. She then immediately wakes up the other two girls by screaming because she was NOT expecting to wake up to Chef leaning over them doing the 'I'm not mad, I'm disappointed' mum stance. Turns out they slept in... Whoops.
#td noah#tdi#alenoah#female noah#td alejandro#td owen#chef#chris mclean#td heather#team chris is really really really really hot#team amazon#td alenoah#td sierra#td courtney#td cody#td duncan#td gwen#feral female noah!
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Fern's Nehalennia Deep Dive: pt 1
Stuurvrouw (Steerswoman), Vrouwe van de Noordzee (Lady of the North Sea), Wildmother
Meaning name Nehalennia
We're not really sure what the name Nehalennia means. She was honoured in an area that covers Roman, Briton, and Germanic tribes and peoples, so even her origin is unknown. Several theories of meaning are:
"recently caught" or "recently salted" - from "Net hael inne". (Huygens)
"new market" - from "ne halle" (Claude de Saumaise)
"new moon" - from "Nea Selene" (Olivier Vredius)
"Neel brings in" - from "Neel (personal name) hael inne" (Jacobus Lydius)
"to give food", "to provide" - from "Naera-Laena" (Laurens Pieter van de Spiegel)
"Goddess of the sea" - from "Neach Lenn" "exalted sea" (Marquis Du Chasteler)
"Virgin of sorrow/sadness" - from "Neh al Léan" (Eloi Johanneau)
"night, friendly moon-Goddess" - from "Neha-Lennia" (D. Buddingh)
"spinning Goddess" - from "Nera" or "Nere" meaning spinning (Grimm)
"pouring, gifting" - from "Neihen" or "Neehan" (H. Kern)
"Lady/Mother who envelopes/enrobes" - from "Neha Lenn" (H. Hardenberg)
"mist/fog" - from Proto Indo-European (PIE) *nebʰ- (wikipedia)
"spirits of the dead" - from Greek "nekués" and the PIE "nek-e/o" "to bring death" (wikipedia)
"leader", "steerswoman", or "She who leads a ship safely over sea" (Gijsseling) This interpretation is considered most likely, new information and spellings literally surfaced, helping Gijsseling come to this conclusion.
The Surfacing of Nehalennia
In 1647 in Domburg, Zeeland, the remains of a temple were found. Inside it, they discovered votive stones dedicated to a local Goddess: Nehalennia. Back then there wasn't really a historical society, and preserving the cultus of a pagan Goddess was not a priority. Some of the stones were moved to a church, where they were displayed underneath the stairs, with a leaky roof. Other stones were used as lawn ornaments for a rich proprietor. After a lightning strike the church burnt down, and the stones were lost. Many of the stones who had been on the lawn were irrevocably damaged.
But Nehalennia was not ready to be forgotten. On the 14th of April 1970 fisherman K.J. Bout found some strange stones in his fishing nets. He could have tossed them back, but instead he realized the value of these stones. He contacted the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden who sent a representative. While waiting, Bout fished up more stones, and part of what looked like a temple. Bout made his ship available for several diving trips, and over 240 votive stones surfaced.
Many of the stones depict a woman, sitting on a throne, or standing with one foot on the bow of a ship. She wears a very distinct pereline (a short shoulder cape), and holds a basket filled with apples, pears, and breads. Standing next to her sits her loyal dog companion. Most of the stones also hold an inscription, thanking Deae Nehalleniae for safe travel over sea. From the inscriptions we also learn that many of the people who made an offering were traders, hailing from Italy, Cologne, Brittain, Trier, and southern France. Through this magnificent find, we have learned a lot more about our "local" Goddess Nehalennia.
Over the years, more votive stones surfaced. Found in Trier, Cologne, Tongeren, and even some that might be Nehalennia in Brittain. All stones and remains have been dated to be between 150-250CE, and worshipers all come from a large area that encompasses Gallia Belgica, Germania Inferior, Germania Superior en Britannia. Even though Nehalennia is clearly also found outside the Netherlands, us Dutch people have laid a claim on her. Especially since two of her temples have both been found in Zeeland, she is seen as a local Goddess, and one we are very proud of. [Link to the Masterpost]
#deity#paganism#pagan#paganblr#dutch pagan#dutch#myth#mythology#goddess#north sea#nehalennia#fern's practice
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Hey after seeing this, I just read ur posts that basically nailed some things s6 and im curious
What were your thoughts on s6 ? Especially how Viren’s arc was handled and maybe how it connects with the narrative and love of strength?
“Just think how Runaan would have reacted if someone had come to break him out of his cell--or how he will react if someone frees him from the coin. Big moment.” From this post— what does this mean and what did you expect?
On that note the Runaan /moonshadow sequence felt off to me and a little disconnected and the reasons didn’t make sense to me tbh, but tbf I wasn’t looking into it that much? So im curious what your thoughts were on that too
How do you think Aaravos fits into it all? I’m thinking back to “those who fail tests of love deserve to be motivated by fear” the way I take it, that’s 1. his whole vendetta agains the Cosmic Order after Leola was killed. also 2. him saying if you can’t be swayed by the narrative of love you have to use the narrative of strength. (personally, I’m split because while he does do things like destroy katolis castle, racist queen, and fight the cosmic order, he’s also spurring on Claudia‘s hate of dragons and steps in right when she was about to choose a different path away from dark magic.🤔) So overall, how do you now think Aaravos fits into the narrative of love? And possible redemption?
Alrighty, there's a lot to this ask so let's take it in bits!
Thoughts on S6 with regard to how Viren's arc was handled and how it connects to the Narratives of Love and Strength:
I feel Viren has gotten a good ending at this point. Though it wasn't always clear to us at the time, Viren spent a lot of his previous seasons under the influence of various forces, whether dark magic corruption, dark magic timey wimey nightmares, or Aaravos' manipulation/puppetry.
This season, he finally got to make his own choices free and clear, with full regard for who he had been and what he had done - and who he has hurt. And he chose well. Viren is indeed a good man, once again.
And with his final choices, he chooses to acknowledge the pain he caused his son and the break in their relationship. He chooses not to seek glory in confessing, and finds a way to quietly accept the damage he has done. In a way, it lands with me like he is finally acknowledging that Soren is not only a good person who deserves to make his own choices in life, but a better person than Viren despite Viren's influence. Which is huge for Viren, with his struggles with praise and attention and self worth.
In arc 1 and in flashbacks, Viren was a man who took advantage when others sacrificed, and chose to sacrifice others instead of himself, so he survived tragedies while others perished. Kpp'Ar, Annika, Neha, Sarai, Lain, Tiadrin, Harrow, Runaan, Kasef. There's a downward slope with that list of names, from more coincidental to more deliberate. Viren didn't value himself, and so he didn't value others. But once he stepped away from dark magic, he chose to value others even at the cost of his own life. It felt like a neatly drawn full circle from where he had begun.
Viren and sacrifice have always gone hand in hand. But at the end, he knew his own worth and his own power, and so he sought no glory for his deeds. He just acted, from the heart, and he saved hundreds if not thousands of lives.
I like to think that it's the exact number of lives he endangered with all his scheming, but we'll never know for sure.
As for the Narratives, I love love love that Viren returned to surrender himself to the Narrative of Strength (the castle), and his last act was to save people from it while it was falling down around him. He got to see it crumble, and he didn't try to save it. He let it die, and every cruel thing it had encompassed fell with it. Viren's last act was an act of Love. He switched Narratives! He got out! He chose Good, for himself, even when no one would forgive or welcome him for it, even when no one would ever trust him again. Even when he suffered the injustice of being locked up without due process, just like he did to Runaan.
He chose Good and Love in the end, even at great and even fatal cost to himself, because that's who he wanted to be.
On Runaan reacting to being freed
I'm so happy to see my boy, oh my god I missed his face so much. I'll try to keep on topic, and hopefully you can't actually hear me squeeing back here. Ahem.
So in the post you linked, I talked about Runaan being trapped in the Narrative of Strength (the castle, but later also the coin). He cannot free himself, and no one else inside the Narrative of Strength will lift a hand to free him either, because he has shown himself to be weak by getting captured. Tldr, the Narrative of Strength says he deserves what he gets.
The only way out is for someone else to free him, but they'll have to come from a different Narrative. They have to come from Love, where they care about things like helping and freedom, even for enemy combatants. And that's where Rayla and Callum did come from. Rayla loves Runaan as a father, and Callum respects that enough to help her free him despite Runaan's earlier murderous actions.
It is not what Runaan expects to happen. His job takes him into the Narrative of Strength, where it's literally kill or be killed. He expected to perish eventually, and at Viren's hands specifically. When it got even worse than that, whyever would he dare hope for release? According to the rules he was playing by, he didn't deserve to live, and therefore he deserved all the suffering he got. Which, horribly, is exactly what we got to see him struggling with when Rayla found him again. He expected no mercy from Viren, and so he gave himself none either.
But Rayla did find him. And she talked to him long enough that he heard her, and believed her, that she loved him and wanted to end his pain by rescuing him. It took a while! He was pretty stuck in his own head there, and his suffering had long since begin to twist his soul. But she did untwist it, at least enough to get him to accept help.
And did you notice his first words! "I'm alive." He could barely believe it. It'll probably take a while to truly sink in for him. He was trying to be hard in the dungeon and prepare for death because it was the only fate he could conceive of. But he had a husband and a daughter. He didn't want to die! He just thought his fate was set.
Luckily, Rayla and the Narrative of Love had other options for him, and he accepted them.
With Viren and Runaan - my favorite characters to parallel - they both had other choices all along. But those choices were really hard to see, and even harder than reach for. Viren was used to wresting control from circumstances, and Runaan was used to being the weapon those circumstances pointed at other people.
Thoughts on the Runaan/Moonshadow sequence
My take on this sequence is that it all took place in a space that's sort of like dark magic nightmares. But only sort of - time only moves one way in the hellcoins, even if it feels like it isn't moving at all.
Those souls were trapped between life and death. Rayla had been to the world beyond life and death once before, in TTM, and reality was very malleable down in that magic water portal. I think the experience of surviving it once before helped her adapt and keep up better with Runaan, who had been existing in his own little hellbubble for over two years by then.
Runaan jumped from place to place because those were all places that tormented him. He had guilt and regrets about the Silvergrove, so Rayla found him there. He flashed to the castle battlements too, because he had guilt and regrets about fighting Rayla there - and he could remember how to talk by then, so he said those out loud.
But he couldn't follow when Rayla fled toward the pull of the other coins and found her parents. This hurts so much! Laindrin were happy together, but Runaan couldn't enter that space with them. He couldn't engage with their shared imprisonment. His guilt and regret about them centered around condemning and ghosting them, so part of his punishment inside the coin probably involved that he literally couldn't see his best friends, and couldn't benefit from their shared joy.
He was truly, truly alone in there.
Meanwhile, Laindrin were in a world of their own too, and the vibes changed around Rayla when she approached them. Each of the coined people were giving off a radius of their specific flavor of reality, and to get close to them was to engage with that reality. Rayla had no choice but to endure Runaan's suffering, and her parents' blissful dancing, if she wanted to reach them.
My headcanon is that Laindrin probably had other places they visited, and so did Runaan, as they flipped through their memories and got caught up in them. But where Laindrin had each other to see and hold onto, and remember who they were, Runaan had no one due to his own choices, so he began to struggle and erode under his guilts.
How does Aaravos fit into the Narrative of Love?
I think he started there! It looks to me that he did the Startouch vacation thing of living among mortals for a time, and tried having a family as a way to understand love better. And he was doing good with it! He seemed to be making that cool magic book as a... gift for humans maybe? But it seems he never got to hand it over because of what happened to Leola.
I have really enjoyed seeing the ways this godlike elf is actually just like everyone else. He feels, he cries, he gets angry, he wants to share, he wants revenge for those he loves. He has things in common with most every major character in the show. And I think that's what could save him, if he chooses to be saved.
He came down from the heavens to learn about empathy. And he got interrupted. He still has more to learn, and if he can calm tf down for one hot second, maybe he'll learn more empathy from the people around him. It would do him good as a person, but just like Viren, he has caused a lot of hurt with his schemes, and that's not something even he can handwave away completely.
But we've seen Viren make a personal choice to give instead of take, even after a lifetime bad decisions. There is hope for Aaravos too.
After all, the Key of Aaravos was kept in the Banther Lodge when Rayla found it. And the Banther Lodge represents the Narrative of Love.
#asks#thanks for the ask!#sorry this has no screenshots to break up the wall of text im on vacation#tdp#tdp spoilers#aaravos#runaan#viren#tdp s6
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NEVAEH : [NEH]+[VAY]+[EH] "the word heaven spelled backwards"
NEVE : [NEE]+[EVE] "Coming from the Latin word nivis, this name means “snow.”"
NEHA : [NEY]+[HA] "It means "love" / "affection", "rain" / "downpour", and is sometimes translated as "beautiful eyes.""
NERI : [NEH]+[RIY] "linked to the Hebrew Neriya and means “my candle or lamp” or “my light,”"
NEDDY : [NED]+[EE] "From the Old English name Eadweard, meaning rich or happy, and guardian."
NEMALI : [NAY]+[MALL]+[EE] "Name meaning peacock"
ADIRA : [A]+[DEER]+[UH] "means a powerful woman full of vigor."
YARA : [YAR]+[UH] "Name meaning small Butterfly; Water lady, lady of the lake; Friend; Strong."
ZARA : [ZAR]+[UH] "Name meaning Princess; Shining, bright, radiance; Flower, blossom."
ZORA : [ZOR]+[UH] "Name of Slavic origin meaning Dawn"
MISHIKA : [MISH]+[KAH] "considered a modern and unique name without a traditional background"
MINHA : [MIN]+[HA] " Gift, A gift or a blessing from the Almighty."
MISKA : [MISS]+[KA] "A blessing of God, A gift from the God"
MIST : [MM]+[IST] "name of Scandinavian origin that means Mist, Cloud."
MISAKI : [MEE]+[SAH]+[KEE] "MI meaning 'beauty', and SAKI meaning "bloom/blossom'."
KANIKA : [KAN]+[EK]+[HAH] "It means "atom", "seed" or "gold"."
KARNIKA : [KAR]+[NEK]+[UH] " Lotus; Heart Of A Lotus; Earring; An Apsara Or Celestial Nymph"
KANI : [KAN]+[EE] "definition, it means strength, energy & power."
AIFE : [AYE]+[FFF] "Celtic - Beauty, A great warrior woman of myth,"
AUDELIA : [ODD]+[ELI]+[UH] "Meaning "noble strength,""
#fictive care#fictive request#NAME#NAMES#feminine names#NAME IDEA#NAME IDEAS#mitsuri kanroji#nezuko kamado#NEZUKO FICTIVE#NEZUKO KAMADO FICTIVE#MITSURI KANROJI FICTIVE#@b3lph1es-p1ll0w#my stuff
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NAME?: rute
PRONOUNS?: she/they
MOST ACTIVE MUSES?: it changes so quickly, but the character that's been nagging me the most is definitely lestat (come entertain him, please).
EXPERIENCE/HOW MANY YEARS?: 13 years — wow. only on tumblr; at this point, no one is getting rid of me.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: omg, angst 24/7. 10/10. i don’t write smut (uncomfortable), and fluff is good, but if you take a look at my muselist, you’ll notice 99% of my characters are assholes, so you see my problem..
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: when i first started on tumblr, i used to write one-liners only, like dialogue only, which now is mind-blowing. now i can’t do less than one paragraph, but if i don’t have a good feel for our characters, it’ll be a short one. if we’ve plotted and i have lots of feelings for our characters, then i’ll be throwing multiple-paragraph, novel-style replies your way.
PET PEEVES?: ic or ooc? because ic, i think it’s the good old godmode will remove my character from the scene immediately, which i really try to steer clear of. ooc, the top pet peeve is talking to someone because you’d like to plot something and.. the other person’s energy just isn’t there? i don’t expect anyone to be jumping with happiness, but when it feels like it’s a one-sided interest in plotting, that’s it for me. i can’t.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE?: ah! i love this question because, looking at my character list, i am the opposite of most of my characters. wow. think of me as a mix of stiles, s1 jughead, wednesday and maeve wiley, and then you’ll see what i mean.
TIME TO WRITE?: not sure what this one means but, at night? when the house is quiet and i can sit down and relax (if my attention isn't consumed by books, games or dramas that is)
TAGGED BY: lovely neha @edenhuskTAGGING: @siphvnr @doesoft @feylived @moondevoured @reignsinhell @malka-lisitsa @burninq and you !
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This tray is full of dice -- colourful polyhedral dice. Hundreds of them.
The candy dispenser has been repurposed to contain thousands of dice.
🎵 Polyhedrons
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Hello, I'm Neha." A bird-like woman sits on a throne of tools, with emerald light shining through her hair.
"Did you try knocking on my window? I must have missed you, I've been listening to my *milieus*." She taps on her headphones.
"So, what kind of die are you looking for?"
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - Could this be the malicious Entity? Perhaps it's wise to go along with this *masquerade* for now...
VISUAL CALCULUS [Easy: Success] - She's got a direct view to the backyard. You should interrogate her about the lynching.
"Hold on, what do you mean by *milieus*?"
"You must have me confused with someone else -- I haven't knocked on your window."
"Why are you asking me about *dice*?" (Move on.)
"Never mind, I'll be back later." [Leave.]
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Yes, a milieu is like a call-in station. You need a two-way radio to access one. That's why I have these." She pats the headphones on the table.
"Mostly they just teach you to swear in different languages, but some of the stations can be quite interesting. I was so absorbed, I must have missed you knocking."
2. "You must have me confused with someone else -- I haven't knocked on your window."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Then how did you get inside? By the south entrance?" She blinks. "You know what, it doesn't even matter. What matters is that you're finally here. Let's talk dice -- did you have something specific in mind?"
3. "Why are you asking me about *dice*?" (Move on.)
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "I'm a novelty dicemaker," she says. "Tell me the name of your role-playing system and I'll make the die you need. That's why you're here, yes?"
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT [Medium: Success] - As she speaks her bone-like fingers fiddle with a ring. Her bones light, but her hands strong.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Easy: Success] - Role-playing games? You know the one made by Fortress Accident. Does that count?
"Sure, I like role-playing games and I need some dice."
"Maybe. I'm not really sure why I'm here, honestly."
"No, I was looking for something else..." (Squint your eyes mysteriously.) "*Answers*."
"I'm not interested in buying dice right now. I'm a police officer and I need to ask some questions."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "How strange," she says. "Well, if you're interested, my rate is 10 reál per set, unless you want something really unusual..."
"Take a look around and see if there's any particular stone you want to use." The walls around her are covered with rows of precious stones and minerals.
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - It almost looks as if the stones and dice are a natural part of the room, growing out of the shelves like stalagmites.
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - This person means you -- or no one else -- absolutely no harm. She will answer freely and honestly.
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - No falsehoods are present. She's a novelty dicemaker and doesn't have anything to hide. Ask what you need.
"How did you become a dicemaker?"
"Okay. I'd like to order a die from you."
"What do you know about the man who was lynched behind the Whirling-in-Rags?"
"Hey, where are we anyway? What is this place?" (Look around the room.)
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "How did I *become* one? It was a business decision. I was a regular jeweller at first, but that's an unfocused field -- with too much competition."
"Some of my friends were role-players. They asked me to make some polyhedral dice out of cobalt. That was my first order. I grew it from there."
"Do you like role-playing games yourself?"
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Not especially. I like working with rare materials and a steady pay. And role-players as customers -- they're nice people."
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - Some of those nice people have big bucks to spend on novelty items.
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - She's thankful for the security they provide her.
3. "What do you know about the man who was lynched behind the Whirling-in-Rags?"
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Nothing, really. I didn't know him."
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - Who cares about the dead body? We might be dealing with a *malignant entity* here!
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant looks at his notebook, then the woman under the large window...
"Your window looks directly onto the courtyard. You're saying you didn't see or hear *anything* unusual last Sunday evening?"
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "I'm sorry, detective, but -- as you know -- I usually have my headphones on when I'm working. It shuts out most of the daily ruckus behind my window."
"What do you mean by the 'daily ruckus'?"
"And you never took your eyes off the work to look out of the window?"
"Do you often work Sunday nights?"
"I see. Thank you for your answers." (Conclude.)
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Well, there's always something going on in the Whirling's backyard..." She stops to try and come up with an example.
"During daytime there are usually those kids… And lately I've been seeing a lot of drunk workers hanging about. Must be because of the strike."
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - She's heard of the murder, but did not see it, sire.
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - She's not sorry to disappoint you. Informing on someone in a murder investigation would intrude upon her focused existence.
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - She looks up at the window... Pale light comes in. "But I never saw anyone during that fateful Sunday night, I'm afraid."
2. "And you never took your eyes off the work to look out of the window?"
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "I might have," she admits, "but in this case all I would have seen is my own reflection staring back from the darkness."
VISUAL CALCULUS [Challenging: Success] - It's light here -- but dark in the yard at night.
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "It's really hard to make anything out in the yard when it's dark outside. Besides... I rarely get up to look out the window when I'm in the zone."
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Challenging: Success] - This person values focus above all -- she keeps her sharp sight on the instruments before her.
3. "Do you often work Sunday nights?"
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "It's an odd profession -- making dice for people -- but I like it. And I *prefer* doing this to sitting at home."
4. "I see. Thank you for your answers." (Conclude.)
"Anything else, officer?"
4. "Hey, where are we anyway? What is this place?" (Look around the room.)
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "We're inside the chimney of an old central furnace. It's strange, I know." She looks at the ruddy bricks that make up the walls -- even though they've been repainted there are still signs of coal-black soot here and there.
"But when I arrived here, all the other rooms were taken, so I had to build myself a makeshift home. Besides, I don't really have to pay any rent here, so that's a plus."
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - Plaisance was right... There's an entity living in the chimney! You should ask her about the curse.
AUTHORITY [Medium: Success] - Does it mean she's *unlawfully* occupying a part of the house? Shameful!
KIM KITSURAGI - "Creative." The lieutenant looks around the spacious room, its ceiling fading into shadows above.
REACTION SPEED [Medium: Success] - When she arrived here, there was no room anywhere else... She must've known the other businesses.
5. "I've heard this place is cursed. Did you know that people call it the Doomed Commercial Area?"
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "I've heard the stories," she nods, as the wind howls in from the furnace shaft above. "But I don't think those stories are true."
"Wait… how do you explain what happened to all those companies then?"
"Plaisance is the one who sent me. She's convinced that the place is swarming with malicious energies."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "It's just capitalism." She shrugs. "We only hear about tales of success, so it's often surprising to realize how many ventures actually fail."
"Plaisance is the one who sent me. She's convinced that the place is swarming with malicious energies."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Plaisance, the bookshop lady?" She raises her brows. "I've heard that her business is doing rather well. Have the *energies* spared her somehow?"
"Actually, the bookstore isn't doing that well. There are hardly any customers and she has to exploit her own daughter to keep the company going."
"The curse is just biding its time before it strikes again. Sooner or later everyone will fail -- even her."
"I don't know why the bookstore hasn't gone bankrupt yet -- that's what I'm here to investigate."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Alright. But it's not just the bookstore that's still up and running. What about the Whirling-in-Rags? Some people say it's part of the building complex."
"Hold on, the Whirling is part of the Doomed Commercial Area?!"
"Yes, but it's still a separate building. The malicious energies can't reach there."
"No, the Whirling isn't doing well either: its waitress just took off and customers have trouble paying bills."
"You're right, the Whirling doesn't really look like it's cursed."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "You could say so. Both houses were built at the same time and under the East Delta Commerce Centre project."
3. "You're right, the Whirling doesn't really look like it's cursed."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "And then there's me..." She sighs, looking at her messy work table. All kinds of tools lie there scattered, from knives to carving files to wire cutters.
"I've been here for 14 years, selling novelty dice to role-playing enthusiasts. Not exactly a million reál business idea, yet somehow I've survived despite the talk of malicious energies. Strange, isn't it?"
HALF LIGHT [Medium: Success] - It's because she's in cahoots with the demons!
DRAMA [Medium: Success]- Maybe it's just because she's so talented that she's been able to woo the curse?
"Plaisance thinks it's because you're the *source* of it. A malignant entity."
"It's because you're competent, and dedicated to your craft. The curse doesn't affect people like you."
"The curse will get to you, have no doubt about it. It just doesn't care about earthly time frames."
"I'll be the first to admit there are many inconsistencies in this so-called 'curse'."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Malignant *entity*, what does that even mean?" The dicemaker laughs. "Some kind of sorceress? What about you, officer? Do you think I'm the *malignant entity*?"
HALF LIGHT [Medium: Success] - The jig is up! The she-demon knows you've uncovered her true identity.
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - Time has come to face the Source. Fear not, for the forces of the universe are supporting you in this psychic quest.
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Hii! Welcome to my blog! Im Nidhi Mistry and I work at the airport, where every day brings something new and exciting. I get to help passengers navigate their journeys and work behind the scenes to keep everything running smoothly. From the thrill of seeing planes take off to the satisfaction of solving last-minute problems, my job is never dull. Follow along as I share the real-life adventures and challenges of working in the world of aviation!

Fasten your seat belts as I take you along my exciting journey and learning experience.
To reach horizons
20th SEPTEMBER 2024,
Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.-Anthony D'Angelo

Hey it's me again !
Do you see how beautiful the weather is ?it makes you want to stay at home l,light a candle and cozy up . Something about being up and out before the sun really does something to you
There's a discipline that comes with it , waking up and getting ready PERFECTLY to be able to help people have an easier journey does feel good. As much as I'm not a morning person , working hard in the morning makes u want to get up and be a morning person.
Today I learnt alot about how a team works
Putting out totems as a team, setting up counters as a team , morning briefings as a team , kiosk and SSBD as a team. Everything is better when you have people willing to help you and teach you along the way.
25th DECEMBER 2024,
Everybody Needs a Partner.

Hey there Partner!
Today, I want to introduce you to an unexpected friend I made when my placement journey started. Meet moose tracks. Now you may be wondering why I named him moose tracks, and there's actually quite a funny story to it. The evening I took this cute stuffed animal home , I accidentally spilt some moose track flavoured ice cream on him, and so j took this as a sign and named him moose tracks. I love this because it adds a little bit of humour to my life and also because life shouldn't be that serious. I also realised the name fits perfectly because of'mouse' and 'moose'.
30th DECEMBER 2024,
"It is always an honor to put on a uniform" -Manny Machado

Hi there!
So here's a little something,
Based on these photos, I clearly was one of the only students who unfortunately did not receive a Cathay Pacific uniform, because they ran out of the last one and had to order some for me, which funnily enough I didn't even receive until half of the placement period was over. But to be honest it taught me a little something, it taught me that your appearance doesn't define who you are, i was seen differently but treated equally because I was just like everybody else in this picture, I did kiosk as well as SSBD sometimes also Queue. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my seneca uniform, but I did feel a little sad sometimes because the Cathay uniform is SO CUTE, and I am also just a girl.
To find a sister in a stranger
I want to dedicated one of my blogs to someone who always felt like home outside of the house to me. Introducing Neha,
When I tell you we have been told we look alike a lot , I MEAN IT , there hasn't been a day that passed without someone either confusing us or asking if we were twins or sisters, I'm going to take you along a little photo memory session into our lives, take a look!

Funnily enough , once during the flight briefing, they wrote her name twice because they confused us. Another time, someone on the GO bus thought I was her and was continuing their conversation from another day with me. I played along because it was so funny.
During our progress check, Miss Ava also mentioned that the only thing we needed to work on was to 'talk to other people' and not just each other.
This course has taught me a lot , and I am grateful I met you.
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“Cahors…” I reach out, set my hand on their elbow. Squeeze. “Are you okay?”
Their tail lies flat on the ground. Defeated. “I’m… I’m the last one, Neha.” Their voice breaks on my name. “These sights, our stories, our cultures… the only things that survived are what I carry in my memory. And when I die, it will all die with me.”
They turn to me again, voice dripping with rain. "If there is no one to witness this, if there is no one to remember it. Isn't it as if it had never existed?"
… No. No, that can’t be right.
"It doesn't mean it didn't matter.” I deny. “It doesn't mean it cannot matter.” I slide my hand down, my fingers between theirs. “You and me, together.” I struggle with words. Thoughts pile up in my head, too many, too fast, for me to process. I need them to understand. I need them to understand. “You said we were witnesses. Carcosa is as much a part of Cahors as Cahors is a part of Carcosa. Even if it’s only just a little, what you pass on to me, I pass it to my world. Stories or sayings and whatever- even if it’s just a little.”
I look up to the sky. “These stars have a longer reach than this world.”
The one from Carcosa, from Horny Tales of Horned People, Verse Atoui
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Seven Sentence Sunday babeyy
bc i have these wips im rotating on constant loop and i need to scream while im finishing them. None of them are even named yet ill cross that bridge when i get to it and yea theyre BOTH splatoon. Omg no way who would have guessed
thank u @theghostofashton for technically tagging me and also giving me inspo to do this <3 (and also, in true inspired-by-neha fashion, neither of these are 7 sentences LMFAO)
Fic 1; agent 8 angst (eighngst if you will) with a side of agent24
A gust blows into her face, spraying salt onto her tentacles and the call of night-time seagulls into her ears. A cool feeling washes over her, as she closes her eyes and tucks her knees to her chest. It's a sense of calm. The kind that loosens the vice grip around her ribcage and makes her relax into the weight of gravity. The waves make a nice sound, too. A gentle shushing in her ears, as if it's the ocean telling her don't cry, you're alright. Everything is okay now. Shh, shh… The sand is crunchy under her hands, and the dry grains sift through her fingers and leave a cool sensation between them. If the earth was a little softer, Eight could imagine sleeping here. The sand crunches behind her. Someone else's footsteps. "Figured you'd be here." Eight bit her cheek, curling in on herself. A pang of guilt jabbed at her chest; she didn't tell anyone where she went before she left. Three took another crunchy step closer, flip flops slapping against their feet. "Are you alright?" They asked. "Sorry," Eight blurted, crossing her arms over her knees. "Someone got worried, didn't they?" Three snuffed, something of a laugh. "Eh, Four just gets worried easily. He figured you went somewhere, but you don't really have a phone he could call." Right. She still hadn't gotten a phone. That should probably happen soon. She could only rely on her laptop for so much. "...Yeah. I, um… I will be going home soon, I just… needed some of the time alone." "Oh, you're good." She could feel the smile in their voice. "Don't rush, I can just tell 'im where you been." Their feet crunched on the sand. "Should I, um… d'you want me to leave?" Eight's hearts thumped in her chest. They're asking to stay? She kind of wanted them to. The ocean was a fine friend, but Three was also a comforting presence. "You… can stay. If you want to."
Fic 2: agent 8 and 4 being goofy roommates in honor of pride month
"Hey, Callum?" Eight called over her shoulder. "Yo!" Callum answered from the kitchen. "Quickest of questions." She turned in her seat, looking back to find him coming into the living room with a bendy straw stuck into a glass soda bottle. "Is today special somehow?" Callum's eyemask scrunched in thought. He tugged at the sleeve of his T-shirt, blowing bubbles into his straw. "Hmmm… I don't think so. What do you mean?" Eight tapped her fingers on the edge of the couch. "Well, Pearl has been going… the nuts on Splitter. More than usual." She squinted at her Splitter feed again, and refreshing the page found a new post. PEARLOTH: happy girlcock wednesday to all who celebrate ❤️❤️ and sis im ALL about the confetti
"And… she keeps using words I do not know yet."
#splatoon#agent24#agent 8#agent 4#agent 3#yea my agent 4 is a he/him <3 and so is my neo3#the 2nd one is actually just gonna be me exploring my sexuality hcs for everyone because i love having fun
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*Domain Relational Calculus: A Declarative Query Language*
Domain Relational Calculus (DRC) is a formal query language used in relational databases. It provides a declarative way to specify queries, focusing on what to retrieve rather than how to retrieve it.
*Key Features:*
- Declarative syntax
- Based on predicate calculus
- Domain-oriented
*Example Query:*
Retrieve names of students majoring in Computer Science and over 20 years old:
∃x (Students(x) ∧ Major(x) = "Computer Science" ∧ Age(x) > 20)
- Easy to specify complex queries
- Formal semantics for clear and unambiguous meaning
- Optimizable queries
DRC provides a powerful and flexible way to query relational databases. Its declarative syntax and formal semantics make it an attractive choice for database querying.
Name of students
Kirtika Nagose
Anushka Raut
Harshada khonde
Neha Bhoyar
Mohini Bijekar
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Icons of Music: Bridging Cultures and Creating Timeless Art
Music has the unique power to unite people across cultures, evoking emotions and memories that transcend time. From the vibrant energy of Punjabi performers to the dynamic world of rap and the towering legends in global music, these artists inspire, innovate, and connect. This article dives into the stories of remarkable musicians and singers who continue to influence our lives.
Famous Punjabi People: Cultural Ambassadors
Punjab is a region synonymous with rich traditions and joyous rhythms. Famous Punjabi people have made their mark on the global stage, blending traditional folk music with contemporary beats.
Legends like Babu Singh Maan and modern-day stars like Neha Kakkar epitomize the versatility and resilience of Punjabi culture. Through their art, they remind the world of Punjab’s timeless charm while ensuring its legacy endures.
Explore the lives of these cultural ambassadors here, and discover how they bridge the past and present with their work.
Best Rapper: Masters of Rhythm and Poetry
Rap, with its roots in storytelling, has evolved into a powerful platform for social commentary and self-expression. The debate over the best rapper is ever-ongoing, but certain names remain unshakable in their impact.
Kanye West, with his groundbreaking productions, and Lauryn Hill, whose poetic brilliance transcends genres, are examples of how rap continues to evolve. These artists combine lyrical mastery with innovative beats to create music that resonates globally.
Who Is the Best Singer in the World Right Now?
In a world overflowing with talent, identifying who is the best singer in the world right now isn’t just about technical ability—it’s about the ability to move hearts.
Singers like Ed Sheeran, with his emotional storytelling, and Rihanna, with her genre-defying hits, showcase why they’re household names. Their success is rooted in their versatility, as they experiment with sounds while staying true to their artistic identity.
World’s Biggest Singer: A Title Beyond Music
Becoming the world’s biggest singer is no small feat. It requires not just unmatched talent but also the ability to influence culture and inspire millions.
Artists such as Elton John, known for his theatrical performances, and Shakira, a global sensation with her unique fusion of styles, embody what it means to achieve greatness. These stars continue to captivate with their creativity, pushing boundaries in music and beyond.
Ab to Forever: The Song That Stays With You
Every great song has the power to transport us, and Ab to Forever does exactly that. Its heartfelt lyrics and soulful tune make it a track that listeners return to time and again.
Perfect for moments of reflection or celebration, this song blends universal themes with a melody that touches the heart. Download it today to experience its timeless beauty and let it become a part of your cherished playlist.
Artists as Catalysts of Change
Music is more than entertainment—it’s a vehicle for change. Artists challenge norms, celebrate diversity, and advocate for causes through their art. Punjabi musicians, for instance, highlight cultural pride, while rappers address issues of race and identity.
Global icons like Beyoncé and BTS use their platforms to promote social justice and mental health awareness, proving that artists are not only entertainers but also leaders and innovators. Their influence extends far beyond the music charts.
From Punjabi legends to international superstars, music’s icons continue to inspire us with their talent and vision. They remind us of the power of music to heal, connect, and drive change. Whether through the beats of rap, the harmony of a ballad, or the cultural pride of regional music, these artists show us what’s possible.
What about you? Who do you think is redefining music today? Share your thoughts in the comments and celebrate the artistry that shapes our world.
0 notes
Another female Noah au!
Bio dad chris au
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Neha's mother had just split with her husband and her sister was watching her 8 sons for the weekend while she was away for a festival in America where they invited different performers (she was still working as an opera singer at the time) from across the world to get together, perform and act as a mixer.
When she's there she meets a charming man and after a couple drinks they have a one night stand. She doesn't remember his name or what he looks like.
Then weeks later she finds out she's pregnant and still for the life of her can't remember who it was (the only person she slept with after her divorce) so she decides to just raise the child on her own alongside her sons.
Turns out she was blessed with a beautiful baby girl who takes after her more than her sons do.
Sixteen years later Chris and Chef (who are married, they just keep it private) are hosting a new reality TV show.
Chef knows about all of Chris' past 'encounters' because the man is a crazy-magnet and he needs to be prepared in case any of his ex's decide to go crazy on them. Yes, Chris remembers every person he's been with.
At the beginning of the first season, before Neha was eliminated, Chef jokingly asks Chris if he has a secret love child that he didn't tell him about and Chris just rolls his eyes.
I mean, the kid is snarky and full of quips, lazy, has a bit of a superiority complex, tricks people into doing the work for 'him' and finds the torture of 'his' cast mates hilarious ('he' didn't out right laugh at all of it but Chef has seen that manic glee in husband's eyes at the suffering of others many times).
Then Neha gets eliminated and the hosts are informed that they have an assistant for the rest of the show as one of the contestants were caught breaking the no self elimination clause. Lo and behold, the contestant turns out to be 'Noah' and for someone who's currently being penalised for breaking the contract, the kid doesn't look ashamed or scared (like the rest of the interns), 'he' just looks bored out of 'his' mind.
They tell 'him' that he should try to avoid the other contestants and cameras as well as wear something different so that they don't recognise 'him' when working (mainly cause Chris wanted to see how many contestants he can con into working for him, he was very disappointed by the results).
Neha thinks that's too much effort so in front of the two hosts she takes off the sweater vest and her wig and just stares at them deadpan. "this unrecognisable enough? they're not exactly the brightest bunch you know"
Chris starts cackling and says that they're going to get on well.
Chef (who is kinda going through a crisis cause that teal shirt has an awfully familiar design) is the only one sane enough to ask the important questions like what her actual name is? why did she dress up as a guy on national television? Does she know what her job entails? And why isn't she more bothered that she now works for someone who is well known for being a bit of a deranged tyrant in the work place?
He finds out that she took advantage of the penalty clause so she could work for them and he seriously questions the teens sanity.
Cue the three bonding over making the contestants suffer and Chef starts making a list of how the girl is uncannily like his husband as a joke (to poke fun at him).
She does get hit on by the other contestants when she's not in her 'Noah' costume. Cody is the worst offender (he does not know the meaning of no when it comes to flirting) and Duncan had flirted a couple of times to try to get information on the challenges.
It gets worse in action cause then even Justin started to do it and was starting to try and 'woo' her.
The challenges just so happen to be more difficult for those who flirted with her and more often than not they get injured.
At first Chef thought it might have been Chris because his husband has a mile long sadistic streak and has started to care (eww) for the kid. But Chris isn't the most subtle of people.
Then he notices how smug their assistant gets whenever it happens and honestly? He's kinda proud of her for getting her frustrations out in a healthy way! (Yeah, Chef may think of himself as the sanest person out of the trio but that really isn't saying much)
The snark ends up being befriended by Izzy and Eva, the resident crazies (proving she's also a crazy-magnet), Chef just adds it to his list.
#td noah#tdi#alenoah#female noah#td alejandro#chef#chris mclean#td izzy#td eva#fem noah#bio dad chris au#chref
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Tony Kakkar's Top Songs That Redefined Indian Pop
Tony Kakkar is a name synonymous with catchy tunes and blockbuster hits in the Indian music industry. His journey to stardom is nothing short of inspirational, as it speaks to the power of perseverance and talent. Born on April 9, 1984, in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, Tony came from a modest family where making ends meet was a daily challenge. Despite the hardships, his love for music never wavered, and today, he stands as a successful singer, composer, and lyricist, winning hearts across the globe. This article delves into Tony Kakkar’s journey from his struggles to his well-deserved fame.
The Early Struggles: A Life Rooted in Devotion and Determination
Tony Kakkar, along with his sisters, Neha and Sonu Kakkar, grew up in a family that valued music as both an art form and a means of survival. The siblings sang devotional songs at local jagratas (religious gatherings) to support their family financially. This early exposure to music not only developed Tony’s vocal abilities but also instilled in him a deep understanding of rhythm and melody. Singing bhajans night after night, often without adequate rest or resources, Tony learned the value of hard work and resilience.
In the early 1990s, Tony’s family relocated to Delhi in search of better opportunities. While life in Delhi offered new possibilities, it also presented its own set of challenges. With limited resources and opportunities, Tony and his siblings worked tirelessly to establish themselves in the competitive music industry. For Tony, these struggles were the foundation of a career that would later soar to unimaginable heights.
The Turning Point: Mumbai and the World of Music
In 2004, Tony moved to Mumbai with his sister Neha Kakkar, who was beginning to make a name for herself in the Indian music industry. Inspired by Neha’s determination and success, Tony began exploring the technical side of music composition. He worked as a lyricist for the renowned composer Sandeep Chowta, which helped him understand the intricacies of music production.
During this phase, Tony learned to compose music on digital platforms, an expertise that would later become a cornerstone of his career. He also honed his skills as a lyricist, contributing to various Bollywood projects. These early experiences in Mumbai were critical in shaping Tony’s musical style and understanding of the industry.
Breakthrough in Bollywood: Recognition at Last
Tony Kakkar’s big break came in 2012 when he composed the song “Good Boys Bad Boys” for the film Mr. Bhatti on Chutti. While the song did not achieve massive popularity, it marked Tony’s official entry into Bollywood as a composer. However, his real breakthrough came with the song “Sawan Aaya Hai” from the 2014 film Creature 3D. Sung by Arijit Singh, the song became an instant hit, establishing Tony as a composer to watch out for.
This success paved the way for Tony to collaborate with top artists and work on more Bollywood projects. He soon carved a niche for himself with his unique style, characterized by catchy beats, relatable lyrics, and a deep understanding of what resonates with audiences.
The Era of Chartbusters: Rising to Stardom
Tony Kakkar’s career reached new heights with songs like “Coca Cola Tu,” “Dheeme Dheeme,” and “Car Mein Music Baja.” These tracks became party anthems, dominating music charts and garnering millions of views on YouTube. His song “Mile Ho Tum,” sung by his sister Neha Kakkar, became one of the most-viewed Indian songs on YouTube, showcasing Tony’s ability to create melodies that touch hearts.
Tony’s collaboration with his siblings, especially Neha, further boosted his popularity. Together, they created music that appealed to both traditional and contemporary audiences. Tony’s ability to blend modern beats with emotional lyrics made him a favorite among young listeners.
The Role of Digital Platforms in Tony’s Success
One of the defining factors in Tony Kakkar’s rise to fame was his ability to leverage digital platforms. With the advent of YouTube and Spotify, Tony found a direct channel to reach his audience. His music videos, often featuring vibrant visuals and relatable themes, resonated with viewers, leading to millions of streams and downloads.
Tony also co-founded the record label Desi Music Factory with Anshul Garg, providing a platform for independent artists and expanding his creative reach. This move demonstrated his entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to nurturing talent in the Indian music industry.
Overcoming Challenges and Criticism
Despite his success, Tony Kakkar’s career has not been without challenges. He has faced criticism for his simple lyrics and repetitive beats, with some accusing him of focusing more on commercial success than artistic depth. However, Tony has always remained unfazed, emphasizing that his primary goal is to create music that brings joy to his audience.
His ability to stay grounded and focused amid criticism is a testament to his resilience. Tony’s journey is a reminder that success in any field requires the courage to face challenges and the wisdom to learn from them.
Conclusion: An Inspiration for Aspiring Artists
Tony Kakkar story is a remarkable tale of grit, talent, and determination. From singing devotional songs to becoming one of the most recognizable names in Indian pop music, Tony’s journey inspires countless aspiring artists. His ability to turn struggles into stepping stones and embrace opportunities with open arms sets him apart in the competitive world of music.
As Tony continues to create music that resonates with millions, his journey serves as a reminder that dreams can indeed become reality with perseverance and passion.
Are you a fan of Tony Kakkar’s music? Dive deeper into his journey by exploring his most popular tracks on Spotify and YouTube. Share your favorite Tony Kakkar song in the comments and let his music brighten your day!
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