#nefera x reader
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maxinexstars · 9 months ago
Request by anon:Could you do a Nefera fem reader where the reader is a werewolf and her father doesn't approve of them (maybe set during boo york)
Nefera x fem reader
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“Y/N,your turn,how'd you meet your girlfriend?” You were sitting with your friends and somehow got into talking about how some of them met their partners.
“Well I was walking down the street when I bumped into someone”
"Get off of me! Eww, don't you know who I am?" That was the first time you met Nefera,which led to no one believing you when you told them that you were dating. You had been with her for 3 years after managing to get through her rough bitchy exterior,she was sweet but only towards you. As you were talking Nefera grabbed your face and started kissing you "I missed you, babe" in between kisses. She sat next to you,asking you "What are you talking about?" You laughed
"Just explaining how we met” She laughed
"I remember that day. I thought you were just some lowlife trying to talk to me" Putting her arm around your shoulders as she leaned her head on yours. You playfully punched her arm,yet her comment somehow hurt. You did feel insecure against her,she was practically royalty and you were just a werewolf. Plus there was the fact that her father hated you,and thought you weren't good enough for her. "Hey, hey" Nefera gave you a serious look "What's wrong?" she started stroking your hair lovingly, sensing your discomfort
"Nothing,just worried about the upcoming full moon" You lied there was a full moon coming but you weren't worried about that. Your friends who you were telling the story to,had slipped away at some point but you didn't care right now.
"You know, babe, I don't care that you're a werewolf. You're still the best person I have ever met" She started kissing your neck "You don't think you're not good enough for me, do you?"
"No,just the moon thing"
"Well, once you turn, I'll still love you. I'll be right by your side the next morning, just you see"
"Aren't you heading to Boo York with your sister and father tomorrow?" She had been talking about this trip for the last 3 days,about some fancy gallery event.
"Oh, boo york! I almost forgot. My flight leaves tomorrow and I still haven't packed" She pulled away and grabbed your cheeks "Promise me you'll be careful tonight, alright? I don't want my favorite wolf getting hurt"
"I'll be fine,I promise. I'm gonna miss you" Nefera kissed you
"I'll miss you, too. But I'll call you every night before I go to bed. And I'll be back before you even notice." She gave you one last kiss "I have to head back to my place and finish packing. You,be careful!" You watched her walk off before you left. The rest of the night was difficult. You tossed and turned, and by the time you finally fell asleep, the moon was already high in the sky. It's light shining through your window awoke you. You stood up, feeling disoriented and confused. As you stumbled around in the dark you suddenly realized what was happening. Your vision began to blur and you tried to cry out, but all that came out was a low growl,you woke up the next day with mud on your face and small sticks in your hair. you slowly sat up, and looked around at the forest you had run through in your wolf form. You stumbled to your feet and quickly began to make your way back to your house when your cell phone began to ring. Quickly grabbing it, you saw that it was Nefera. Answering the phone, you held the phone up to your ear
"Hey babe, how's your morning?" you heard Nefera's calming, familiar voice on the other line, and suddenly everything feels less overwhelming
"It's better now"
"Aww, you know just what to say, don't you?" she said with a small chuckle "What are you up to right now, wolfy?"
"I'm on my way back home,I kinda wolfed out last night" You explained and her answer made you stop in your tracks.
"Then hurry up,I'm waiting for you," Nefera said.
"You heard me" The phone cut off and you realized that, although her words sounded demanding, her voice was laced with excitement. What was going on? You felt like you were practically flying back to your apartment, trying to make it home as fast as possible. The second you reached your complex you sprinted up to your floor and fumbled with your keys as you tried to unlock the door to your apartment. You could already smell her from miles away. As you opened the door, the full force of her scent hit you. It was intoxicating. You shut the door behind you and slowly walked into your living room. There she was, sitting at your coffee table.
"What are you doing here,I thought you were supposed to be on a flight in like an hour?" You asked,she smirked before saying
"I'm here to help you pack,because you're coming with me"
"Wait, what?" You were in utter disbelief "What about your father? He'd kill both of us if he found out I'm going with you"
"Don't worry, I'll figure something else out. Now,get cleaned up. I'll pack your stuff for you"
"Nefera,I shouldn't go with you. I mean fancy parties,gallery openings and high society isn't my thing. Just look at me,I-" You were still covered in dirt and with sticks in your hair,meanwhile she looked perfect.
"Hey, hey, look at me wolfy" Nefera cupped your face in her hands "You're my favorite, alright? I love every single messy, wolfy bit about you, got it?" She leaned in to kiss you, but suddenly pulled back and made a disgusted face "Ew, you have a leaf on your face. Why am I kissing a dirty dog?"
"Hey" you said annoyed.
"Don't 'Hey' me! Go take a shower, you're a mess" She began shoving you toward the restroom, and you suddenly realized that she was blushing a tiny bit. You quickly washed your hair and showered. Walking out to see that Nefera had already packed for you and prepared you and outfit. Your dress laid out in front of you as Nefera was digging through your jewelry. "Alright" Nefera grabbed the dress, and handed it to you "Change into this." The dress was gorgeous, a shimmery teal that hugged your body in all the right ways.You had forgotten that you even had it. You quickly changed. "You look so hot, babe" She put a few accessories on you and stepped back "There, perfect. Now we just have to fix your hair" You sat down and she fixed your hair. After a few minutes, your hair finally looked presentable. You couldn't believe how quickly she was able to transform you into such a different person "We have to go now, the limo's out front" You followed her out and as you were on your way to the airport you asked.
"Isn't your father gonna be angry that you brought me with you,I mean he already doesn't like me?"
"Yeah he'll probably be mad, but I don't care. He'll get over it" She gave a small scoff as she waved her hand dismissively "Now, let's talk about something more interesting. Do you know how to dance, wolfy?"
"You mean like a waltz?" She grinned at you .
"Yes, precisely. You'll have to dance with me at the ball, so I'm curious if you know how. Do you?" You felt embarrassed to admit
"A bit,but I'm not good" She began to giggle.
"That's cute. Don't worry, I'll teach you so you don't mess up the steps. Then, you'll be dancing with me without even looking down at your feet. Don't worry, it's fairly simple, I'll have you ballroom dancing in no time" A few hours later and you landed in Boo York. As you walked out of the airport, the cool Autumn breeze hit your face, sending a chill down your spine "Boo York" Nefera smiled at you "You ready for the time of your life, babe?"
"As long as you don't leave me by myself I'll be happy" She grabbed your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"Don't you worry, I won't leave your side" You could see the city in the distance, lit up by a million colorful lights. You suddenly felt excitement mixed with nervousness.
"Before we get too far into the city there's something I want you to have" You gave her a whistle,one only werewolves could hear.
"What's this?" She eyed the whistle with curiosity, admiring its simplicity. You could see her mind running a million miles a minute, trying to figure out what it was for.
"It's a whistle only werewolves can hear,just in case we get separated" She looked at you, a mixture of surprise and appreciation in her eyes
"You know, most people wouldn't expect you to be this romantic." she gave you a soft smile and put the whistle around her necklace before throwing her arms around you "Thank you, wolfy"
"Now,what's first on the agenda?" You hugged her back briefly. She gently kissed your cheek and began walking, her arm still intertwined with yours
"First, we're checking into our hotel, then we're doing some shopping, and then finally we have the gallery event, which I am already completely ready for" She gave you a smirk before asking "Any objections?"
"None what's so ever"
"Perfect! Lets go" She grabbed your hand and began leading you towards her limo, talking about something or another, but you were too busy staring at the city with awe to understand what she was saying. You had never traveled before, let alone to a city so big. This was something that would stay with you forever and you wanted to enjoy every last bit of it. Although the lights and sounds were getting overwhelming. Your ears moved quickly to every sound,but it was starting to hurt slightly. Just as soon as things started to get too much, a soothing voice broke through the chaos in your head "Hey, babe, you alright?" Nefera was looking at you with slight concern lacing her sharp features "You seem a bit overwhelmed"
"There's just too much,but I'll be fine. How much longer until we get to our hotel?"
"Just a few minutes more" She gave a reassuring smile "You think you can hold out for that long?"
"Yeah,but we should move a bit faster"
"Alright, let's go" She increased her pace, and soon the hotel came into view. It was huge, easily one of the most extravagant hotels in the city. The valet took Nefera's keys and let the pair of you out, which you thanked him for. She grabbed your hand and pulled you into the lobby of the hotel, which was almost just as elegant as the outside. It was a bit quieter and you were able to relax a bit.
"Now, we should probably get to our room. We still have a lot to do." As you and Nefera waited at the elevator, you once again began to marvel at her features. Although you always thought she was gorgeous, there was something almost ethereal about the way she looked in the city lights. You wanted to kiss her then and there, but you managed to suppress the urge. You were still feeling as if your head would explode,you put your hand up to your forehead. She noticed that something was wrong and placed her hand on your forehead as well
"You're burning up. Are you sure you're alright?”
"I just need to lay down for a bit and I'll be fine"
"Why don't we skip the shopping? I'll stay with you in the room until you feel better" She gave you one last concerned look and pulled you into the elevator once the doors opened
"No,just give me a few minutes and I'll be fine. It can be a lot when your sense are heightened"
"Alright, if you say so" The elevator doors opened and the pair of you walked down to the hotel room, which was as lavish as the lobby. The second the door was closed, Nefera pushed you down on the couch and began placing her cold hands all over your forehead, attempting to break your fever with her ice-like skin
"This is the one time I'm grateful for your cold hands"
"Yeah, you better be grateful. It's the only reason your head isn't steaming right now" She kissed your forehead gently, her cold hand still pressed against your warm skin. "You need to be more thankful" She gave a small chuckle as her cold touch sent shivers down your spine. She began running her fingers through your hair, attempting to soothe you. She let out a chuckle and continued what she was doing, but soon her touch lingered and changed into kisses, which spread from your forehead and down to your collarbone. Suddenly there was the sound of knocking at the door which made her groan in disappointment before sighing "Wait here" She planted a kiss on your cheek before heading towards the door. You heard her talking to someone, but the sound of her voice was faint, and when you tried to listen harder your head began to spin. You heard the door shut, and you saw Nefera walking back, with a look of pure frustration on her face.
"Hey,what happened?" She let out a grunt, and sat down next to you before wrapping her arm around you
"That was my father, he wanted to call to see how the trip was going, and to see how I'm treating you" She gave a small scoff and then leaned her full weight on you. The two of you sat like that for a few seconds before she spoke again "My father really hates you, you know"
"Yeah,I figured that when he saw me the first time"
"It's stupid. He hates you for such ridiculous reasons. Like because you're a werewolf" She began tracing circles on your palm as she continued to talk "But I love that your a werewolf, and he just doesn't understand that"
"Well,you hated me when we first met" The two of you sat in silence for a few moments before she let out a small laugh.
"It's insane how much you've grown on me. It seems your wolfy charm is rubbing off on me"
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Could you do more nefero and F!Reader?
Hallo! yes ofc love these two
Male nefera x fem! Reader
Using [Name] as substitute for y/n
Fluff/Simp Nefero/sensual insinuations (hope that's alright it's not that strong but it implied they sleep together)
Headcanons! ( I liked the headcanon I made for clawdeen x reader requests so I'm making it for this couple. I hope you like it!!)
This is the present 18/19 pair (guess who's older hehe)
(If it's not what you wanted and you wanted just Fluff headcanon or short fluffy story,please request it again with a promt that can help me and I'll write the fluffy story for you, I don't like the thought that it's not what you wanted and I like to correct if the sensual insinuations made you uncomfortable )
(I'll only make changes if anyone just wanted Fluff and didnt seem to specify, only time I'll change something but you'll have to request again)
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-Nefero is the type of boyfriend to buy you anything you tell him you want but it's not In a "buy me this that i told you" it's a "i'm thinking about buying this book/eyeshadow palette"t and you want his opinion and a day later he's got it for you
"Nefie you really didn't have to-" you were interrupted "Nonese my jewel I wanted too plus I have to say that this pallet will look amazing with your makeup"
- he loves to be chest to chest with you hugging, seeing your gorgeous face/eyes and soft lip gloss covered lips makes him go crazy, so he'll end up kissing you and your neck while you giggle and put your hands through his hair sometimes tugging at the root cause that makes him melt.
- cuddling you is his hobby, you as the little spoon as he holds your waist his head in the crock of your neck inhaling your vanilla perfume, his hands will then go to your hip dips and he'll just have them there squeezing them at times while your busy playing a silly phone game.
"Yeah Nefie?" You ask "Nothing my jewel just wanted to squish you hehe" he giggles his voice vibrating at the back of your neck making you blush cause wow is he fine especially with his morning voice! Just thinking about it makes you melt
-speaking of squeezing your hip dips he'll squeeze them if your sitting on his lap facing him while you prep his face with kisses or when watching drama shows you turned around, he love your thighs looking at them, sitting on the floor in between them and if your wearing shorts he'll kiss the inner part of your thighs, he knows it's one of your favorite things you let him do.
-Nefero always goes with what you want and wants him to do with you. He's your personal sugar daddy but he's your actual boyfriend that NEEDS to spoil you rotten but you always stay humble.
-bless the undead soul of any manster that tries to flirt with you. He's towering over them like it's nobody's business. The same goes for you to any ghoul you are also tall so you can bring a ghoul down especially with your glare. It's not like they can steal him from you he's practically one step closer to tattooing your hickeys you give him
-he'll take you on dates every Saturday night to you guys favorite restaurants yes restaurants he'll tell his servants to make a wheel with all the options and you spin it, he loves how you light up and clap your hands in excitement
- when you and him go out on theses dates he'll wait outside sitting at the edge of your bed holding one of your plushies on his lap,as you get change you'll then model for him in three dresses and he decides which one goes well with his and you give your take,it's a nice conversation of just fashion coordination.
-Nefero can't deny the way you make him feel 24/7,365 so he's giving you mountains of gifts books,flowers, perfumes, clothes anything he thinks you'll like and they he just KNOWS you'll love
-Nefero loves your feminine style the skirts and dresses, jumpers with embroidery, bell bottoms with a cute top,he's on his knees
-His favorite thing you do is when you wear a red lipstick and kiss his face and neck letting every jealous ghoul know that he's yours.
-another last thing for now is that you lay on his body when sleeping over and just be calm as he strokes your hair happy to have you with him,he thinks great fully that you actually gave him a chance even after hearing all his dumb stuff he did he's just so thankful for having his jewel, his queen the goddess sent from heaven be his one and only love.
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laaffogato · 1 year ago
Hear me out... Genderbent Nefera de nile x Reader
Cause look at this art work by @artovbros
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anothersoulless · 1 year ago
Spotify Wrapped 2023 OneShots (discontinued)
Already done before
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Red Windows {Cloud Strife}
Go F*ck Myself (GFM) {Eustass Kid}
Love Like Mine - Stella Cole
Daylight {Reiner Braun}
The Scorpion and the Frog/Trust Me {Moira & Mercy}
An unhealthy Obsession - Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra
Atlantis {Jean Kirstein X Reader}
Ghosts & Monsters - Saint Chaos
Thanatos (End of Us) - Janani K. Jha
Black Fire - MegaGoneFree
Gladiator - Jann
Main Attraction - Jeremy Renner
Cigarettes & Feelings - The Haunt
That's All (The Villain's Lair) - PattyCake
Stuck Inside - Black Gryph0n, Baasik, The Living Tombstone, Kevin Foster
Friends - Sixlight
EVIL - Melanie Martinez
Jesus He Knows Me - Ghost
SUCKER4PAIN - Paycheck, Jxve
Eat Your Young - Hozier
Beautiful is Boring - BONES UK
ur a zombie - Jessie Paege
Sweet Talk - Saint Motel
Kill the Witch - Dave Melodicka, Melodicka Bros.
Return to Versailles - Joshua Kyan Aalampour
Bad End Theatre - True End Ver. - NomnomNami
Silver Screen - Jonny T., Foreign Figures
Play with Fire - Sam Thinnest, Yacht Money
Meddle About - Chase Atlantic
Gambling Man - Mike Hough
Empire - Nefera DeNile, Ramses DeNile, Monster High
Night Eyes - Orion Eypress
Everything Moves - Bronze Radio Return
Halo - Arcane Skye
Identity - Sarina
Smooth Operator - Single Ver. - Sade
Dance to Forget - Tryhardninja, Nina Zeitlin
Blood & Glitter - Lord of the Lost
Sometimes - Nick Lutsko
Unknown (Till the End...) - AKUGETSU
Losemyhead - littleDEATH
Take Me To Church - Annapantsu
Play Date - Melanie Martinez
Six Feet Under - Vane Lily
Looking Like This - Lyre Let Telmps
Who is she ? - I Monster
TUNNEL VISION - Melanie Martinez
Messed Up - Once Monsters, Chloe Adams
Egoist - Jenna Holiday
Pass The Knife - No/Me
VOID - Melanie Martinez
Autotheist - Baby Bugs
Tot Musica - Ado
She Keeps Me Up - Nickleback
THE CONTORTIONIST - Melanie Martinez
Babooshka - 2018 Remaster - Kate Bush
Punching Bag - Set it Off
BABY SAID - Måneskin
Don't Forget - Toby Fox, Laura Shigihara
Bones - anne october
Cellophane - Alice Goes to Motherland
Achilles - Pierce to Skkies
Below the Surface - Griddinilla
Love Me Dead - Ludo
Hands up! - Slowed - 6arelyhuman, kets4eki, Pixel Hood
You're in Love - Joe Hisaishi
La goire à mes genoux - Le rouge et let noir
DEATH - Melanie Martinez
Engel - Rammstein
The Red Means I Love You - Madds Buckley
Pomegranate Lips - Derivakat
Simping For The Villain - Boy jr.
Light of the Sun (Sun Wukong) - Rustage, Johnaid
Always Come Back - NateWantsToBattle
Intruder (Mandela Catalogue Song) - LongestSoloEver
Lady of the Dark - Sabaton
Happy Face - Jagwar Twin
Cross My Heart I Hope U Die - Meg Smith
Human Robot - Blitz Union
Crows - Olivia Olsen
You're so Creepy - Ghost Town
This Is Love - Air Traffic Controller
cult leader - KiNG MALA
505 - Arctic Monkeys
engravings - Ethan Bortnick
NYMPHOLOGY - Melanie Martinez
LOSER - Neoni
Crazy About You - Barbados (VA: Masayuki Harada
The Toybox - The Stupendium
Take the World by Storm - Bowen Yang
Old Money - Jonathan Young
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riversmonsterhighblog · 2 years ago
𝕹𝖊𝖜 𝕲𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖑 𝕴𝖓 𝕾𝖈𝖍𝖔𝖔𝖑 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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Description: Y/N Gorgon adopted sister of Deuce Gorgon is the new exchange student of Monster high. Since she's half Gorgon and half Werecat she never felt like she belonged anywhere until she went to monster high. She's a shy student and doesn't like to talk much but when the four most popular students at monster high show interest in her she starts coming out of her shell. Who will she pick?
Pairings: Toralei Stripe x Reader, Nefera de Nile x Reader, Clawdeen Wolf x Reader, Jinafire Long x Reader, Ghoul friends x Reader(Platonic), Deuce Gorgon x Sibling Reader & Cleo de Nile x Reader(Platonic)
Warnings ⚠️: Monsters, snakes, height difference, age difference, bullying, flirting, teasing, protectiveness & more
Pet Names/Nicknames: Each chapter will have them!!
A/N: This book series will have four different routes after the prologue since I couldn't figure out who the love interest should be and plus I love these four ghouls so much!! They're in my top favorites.
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Main Characters
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riveramorylunar · 2 years ago
This is for a monster high fic I'll be writing after the Jade West fic
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multifandomsimagine · 3 years ago
May I request a Cleo de Nile x female!Reader romantic headcanons?? I need more fanfic w the monster high ghouls Ty sm!!
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As the daughter of a pharaoh, Cleo loved being spoiled by you. It doesn't matter what your love languages are, she just wants to know that you love and treasure her
She can feel insecure at times due to her father pressuring her to be the best and being shadowed by Nefera and her achievements, so please show her some TLC!! Tell her how much you care for her and what an amazing ghoul she is. She's more than her family name and you can see how much she's accomplished despite their insistence for perfection. She has people who love her and who will always have her back with you first inline
Cleo's love languages are gifts and physical touch. The first seems kind of obvious because her family has money and she's not ashamed to use it to spoil you. Saw something you liked when you guys went to the mall, considered it yours! Cleo sees something that she thinks you would like, she already has it bagged up and ready to give it to you the next time she sees you. But she loves physical touch because it's an intimacy she craves. These physical signs of affection let her feel your warmth and comfort which she greatly appreciated and needs
Becoming popular adjacent due to your relationship with Cleo. There's no way that dating the most popular ghoul in school wouldn't put a spotlight on you
But this doesn't mean that this light is all positive. There's no way that Toralei wouldn't use your relationship to try and get under Cleo's skin. Either by insulting you or playing a prank on you but Cleo will get her back from doing anything to you. Giving you her earings to hold, she wastes no time getting in a catfight with the werecat to defend your honor
She loves bragging about you and your achievements. Even if someone already knows about it and congratulated you on it, she recounts the story as if this is new information. Of course, she needs to hype you up
You will have to be patient with her and have some thick skin because despite being in a relationship with her, she will still be a bit arrogant, sassy, and stubborn with you. Not as much as with others but that's still a core part of her. If she ever takes it too far and you need space, it's kind of a toss-up to see who makes the first move. Sometimes it can be Cleo. After venting with Ghoulia and having the zombie talk to sense to her, she will seek you out. It's kind of hard for her to apologize cause I'm pretty sure her dad was probably one of those 'saying sorry is a sign of weakness' type of people, but she will try! She doesn't want to lose you just cause her ego got the better of her. But probably many a lot of times it will be you. After getting your emotions in check, you go to her and explain calmly how what she said hurt you. She will listen and take that into account and try to change. But it won't be a fast process but those baby steps mean a lot.
Would try to convince you to join the fear squad so that you two could spend more time together. The sport takes up a lot of Cleo's time since she's the captain so your joining would mean that you get to hang out more but she totally understands if you don't. It's a demanding sport after all
But if you can't join then please come to her competitions/the school's games. Her seeing you in the stands cheering her on means the whole world to you.
Hissette loves you. Whenever you hang out at the De Nile place, the snake love slithering up your arm and hanging around your neck. She sees how happy you make Cleo which makes you a good person in her eyes plus the gifts you sometimes bring her aren't too bad either
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vampireimiko · 3 years ago
Hey I was wondering may I request a cleo de nile x fem!normie!Reader romantic oneshot?? I seriously need more wlw content in my life Ty sm!!
𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 ?
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, one cuss word other than that, none at all <33
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞, let's just pretend that deuce doesn't exist for a moment, because I literally did not know how to fit or mention him in this at all😭 but anyways enjoy !!
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"Ugh can you believe the nerve of her?!" Cleo said as she went on and on about Nefera being a pest as usual. At least that's what you thought she was saying. You hadn't really been paying attention to her talking at the moment, because she had you absolutely captivated with her beauty.
You felt like you were so lucky to have a girlfriend like her. Sweet, generous, and overall very caring, all in her own way of course. Cleo was ready to give you the whole world if you asked.
Another reason why you adored her and was so grateful to call her your girlfriend. Cleo was truly the best you could ask for
"Y/N are you listening? Hello?" Cleo said as she waved a perfectly manicured hand in your face. Shit. You were caught.
"Uh- I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. It's just.. your so gorgeous it's like I can't even focus on anything but your face right now." You admitted stammering with your words a bit.
There you were getting her all flustered and whatnot. Cleo loved when people called her beautiful or praised her, but it just felt better coming from you, the one she loved.
"You always know what to say too me to get me all flustered." Cleo swooned, eyes soft looking at you.
God this woman was going to ruin you. But you wouldn't have it any other way.
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𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ; I'm so so sorry this was short, I've been experiencing writers block during this and since this request has just been sitting in my drafts I wanted to get it done today <33
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swoftbambi · 3 years ago
(* >ω<)=3 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐲 🧸🍪
˳ ⊹ ݂pairing: levi ackerman x fem!reader (mostly levi and his daughter)
˳ ⊹ ݂warnings: fluff modern au/parent au!
˳ ⊹word count: 623
˳ ⊹ ݂authors note: happy halloween everybody!! i wrote this at 3am. this has one of my oc kids so feel free to change the name, i just hate writing d/c when i already have a name in mind i hope you can understand 🤍💗
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the night was chilly, the wind howling as red and yellow leaves, fell onto the sidewalk. levi and his daughter nefera were walking around their neighborhood looking for candy.
it was her first year trick or treating and she begged her dad to take her, saying that everybody was going trick or treating in kindergarten.
“do you have your bucket nefera?”, levi dressed up as jack skellington, he was carrying a small bucket of his own because you wanted some candy of your own.
nefera turned to look up at her father, nodding her head, “i have mine, see its a pumpkin!”, she exclaimed.
the excitement on her face made levi smile, he laughed to himself as nefera tripped on her oversized costume. this year she dressed up as a pumpkin, with a little stem headband.
“lets go to this house first”, nefera said her tiny body running up to the first house she could find. levi jogged up to her trying to catch up. she went to try to reach the doorbell, standing on her tip-toes straining to hit the button. levi gently picked her up so her tiny fingers could press it.
“thank you”, sharing her gummy-toothy smile, to her father. levi smiled back smoothing over her hair. the family gave out candy placing them into his and her buckets. nefera excitedly picked up a piece of candy and showed it to her dad.
“i know i see it, we gotta get more candy too for mom”, levi said his heart melted as he saw his daughters joyful face going to each door asking for candy and her awe-full expressions at the houses decorated with skeletons and tombstones. house after house her bucket of candy grew with her happiness.
nefera tugged onto her bucket, using both her tiny-sized hands. “you have a lot of candy there, kid”, levi grinned, “you need help carrying that”. he extended his hand out, but d/n shook her head.
“nuhuh i got it”, she huffed, pulling her pumpkin pail along. levi loved the strong nature of his daughter, it reminded him of his friend, Hange.
after about 2 hours you heard the front door click open. sitting on the couch you heard tiny footsteps from behind the couch, already knowing who it is.
“boo!”, nefera yelled, raising her arms up into the air. you screamed pulling your best scared face for her. she set down her pail of candy on the coffee table, which made a large thump when it was placed.
“how much candy did you get, pumpkin?”, you tried lifting up her bucket but it was heavy like a ton of bricks. your husband levi came behind you dropping his bucket next on the table. “where’d you guys go to get all of this?”.
levi sat next to you picking out some candy, “we went around the neighborhood, i didn’t know they gave out that much candy”. he passed you a reese’s cup, which you happily ate.
nefera was picking through her candy, before she pulled out a snickers mini bar, “here daddy it’s for you”. she went over to place it into his hands.
levi smiled at her, “did you have a nice halloween?”, he went to take her stem headband out.
“i had the best halloween ever!”, she jumped up and hugged her father. levi was surprised by the action but embraced it.
“i’m glad you both had fun, but let’s eat some candy!”, you shouted, dumping levi’s candy onto the table for you all to eat. nefera jumped in between you and your husband on the couch picking up mini chocolates and sweets.
“please make sure you brush your teeth tonight, nefera”, levi said taking a bite out of the candy.
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© 2021 all rights reserved flavoni do not copy, repost, edit, and/or plagiarize any of my works.
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un-living-perfection · 8 years ago
When I said 5/10 I in NO WAY meant to offend you. I'm sorry. I thought I was giving you constructive criticism (this is why I think X Y Z about her, or your portrayal of her.) I know you work really hard for this. I appreciate your efforts. I love that you apply yourself to this blog, and to Nefera. I just felt that you weren't showing enough of her other traits. Please, remember that these asks are just that, asks. sure they help the blog, but it doesn't dictate how you should run it.
OOC:I'm so sorry, too. 😔I didn't mean to snap at you that much. You are of course entitled to your opinion and we definitely agree that criticism is nice as long as it is constructive.Sadly, showing all of Nefera's qualities is really difficult to do. Like, I can only answer the things people ask and RPs are difficult to plan with Nefera as she is someone who is really hard to deal with. I currently do not have a RP partner or a story idea that brings out all of the qualities she has, like you mentioned in your ask. As you said, she is a villain, sly and extremely manipulative. To bring that out, I need an ideal story and an ideal person to do this with. The problem is that, on here, the opportunities are kind of limited. I can only RP with characters that are on here, most of them are people Nefera has never met before. Then I have to talk to the mun, get along with them, figure out a story we are both okay with and, most importantly, the fun has to be there as well. For both the reader and the writer.So, as you can see, it's difficult to do this. My biggest RP yet has been with @ask-cleo-and-deuce. They are currently offline and might not return, but there is a story called "Family Discussion" on fanfiction.net if you are interested. It was a long-term thing we did (sadly not even finished), but it does bring out Nefera's sly and manipulative nature in many occassions. Mind that the story is old, my portrayal of both Nefera and Ramses definitely worse, as well as my english. But you might be able to have a fun time anyway. 👍🏼
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Male!Nefera x fem! Reader
Prompt- Nefero and the reader go to the mall to splurge on outfits and makeup
She/her pronouns
Fluff/Established relationships
Nickname for the reader- my jewel or my queen
(F/c)- favorite color
(S/f/c)- second favorite color
Edit* it's still good but it needs an update soon*
Art is not mine found it on pinterest
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It was a scareus Saturday the time was 9:23
Withing the De Nile home where a couple getting ready, it was Nefero and his girlfriend [Name], the two where getting ready by the vanity applying their own makeup.
[Name] was applying her lip combo and Nefero was applying the last but of contour on his high cheekbones "Any ideas for today's shopping spree date jewel?" Nefero picked up his setting spray and sprits it over his face
"Hmmm well I was hoping to get a few things maybe a new book to read tonight and a new makeup pallet but get two so we can match, how about that hon?"turning to her boyfriend and smiled at his struggle to fix his hair, she got up and grabbed his brush and got behind him "*sigh* thank you jewel. And ofcourse we xan have matching pallets it's been a while since the last two"
[Name] went through his long hair gently from the bottom up to his scalp, Nefero let out a low hum of satisfaction feeling his girlfriends soft hands on his scalp "no problem hon~" She then started a small braid from the side front downwards and added some hair jewelry  "do you have any specific color pallet in mind?"  [Name] ended decorating one braid and started one more on the other side
Nefero looked at her from the vast mirror of the vanity he stared for a minute with a quizzed look "hmmm I think we should get one with green, blue and gold tones with some shimmer in them" he puffed up his chest proudly as if it wasn't the same type he would get for them since it had his signature colors
what can he say? he loved to see her wear them on a makeup look or for clothes...maybe for underwear too
He blushed at the thought 'I should buy her a set' he chuckled lowly, snapping back to reality as [Name] finish decorating the last braid he turned getting up and holding her by the waist pressing his chest onto her's
[Name] was confused for a moment but soon placed her hand on his waist, the two looked at eachother with loving eyes "ready to go now my jewel" Nefero let go of her and grabbed her hand and with the other got their matching bags
They walked out of the house and into the limo with the sphinx bodyguards in tow
                           At the mall
The two are seen walking hand in hand with the sphinx's on each side of the couple
Ghouls stared in envy of [Name] who walked with confidence,her head held high while turning to Nefero and pointing at the shops, after a few seconds the two decide to head to a popular clothing store
Inside [Name] was fascinated to see the new trends in fashion right before her eyes, it all looked so clawsome!
Nefero turned to [Name] "Meet in 20 minutes and reunite at the dressing room, you'll try out first" the ghoul nodded excitedly and went to the racks,Nefero called from behind "Remember I'm paying!" She snickered ofcourse he would classic Nefero
                  Time skip 20 minutes
[Name] headed to the back of the store to the dressing rooms, she has 3 dresses, 2 tops for bottoms just 2 skirts, plus 3 pairs of shoes to try out
She meets Nefero and she quickly notices that he has a ton more items of clothing than her, which was to be expected from her splurging money boyfriend, don't get her wrong she would do the same but today felt like a minimal day today
She closed the distance between and kissed his cheek "Hey hon~you ready for these amazing picks I got!!" Nefero cup her face with his hands "Show me what you got my jewel" he encouraged and so the ghoul went straight to the dressing room to change quickly, so excited to show him
                        The first dress
Walking out [Name] wore a heart shape knee above the knee dress that was (f/c)  with ribbons that tied around her neck and a ribbon bow at the back with the strings going down to her knee
Nefero looked in aww at the chair he sat across from the stall, " it looks STUNNING on you my jewel!" He clapped enthusiastically "that color looks so good on you" [Name] smiled wide "thank you babe, I can't wait to wear this dress with those heels I like" she turned around and went to put the other ones
[Name] wore the other dresses that where one (s/f/c) that was tight on her skin showing her curves that made Nefero nose bleed and help up a thumbs up making the ghoul laugh harder than she ever did
The third dress was a floor length dark green dress with a slit up her thigh on her right leg, which she intentionally got for Nefero and he coincidently showed she got a suit with the same shade, that ment the next party her father needed to bring the two sons the couple could match, supper voltageus!
Next she wore the other outfits she planed with the two tops that one was a soft yellow the other a autumn orange and 2 skirts one was pencil skirt brown for the orange top and the other was a frilly white skirt for the light yellow top
                      On to Nefero
(A.N. I'm a little lazy so I'm not gonna describe his outfits but rest assured that he looked hot in everything)
He had gotten a whole new wardrobe just for him..well that was a little exaggerated but hey you get what I mean
It was an hour after and he was done and he looked good with everything he even had his own shirts that match my own (totally didn't get the sphinx bodyguard that was with you to tell him what you got)
           Time skip at the bookstore
[Name] and Nefero spent 2 hours at the beauty store but eventually found all that they needed and two brand new same eyeshadow pallets to match their makeup look which Nefero excitedly told [Name] that everyone will have another reminder who you are with  and to not think of you as a ghoul below him oh NO
YOU ESPECIALLY  where not below him to him you were a goddess above all else in his eyes
"Hey hon! Look at this cover!" Speaking of the goddesses here she was coming towards him with her radiant smile he looked at her with loving eyes thay was the billion time with the 5 years they've been together
"Let's see" he took it from her, it was a thriller book just like the others in her collection at her room at her parents house "it looks spooktaculas my jewel seems no matter how long we've been together there are two things that don't change about you"
The ghoul looked at him and tilted her head "and those are??" He chuckled and grabbed onto her waist and getting close to her, so close he could smell the sweet vanilla perfume she had put on earlier that made his knees weak by her intoxicating smell, he would have taken her right there but he was a man of class
" your taste in books and you're everlasting beauty inside and out that radiates every day of our life together" he spoke to her in such a sweet tone that it made her fall in love with him once more like the day he confessed
Passing the book the the sphinx next to him He cup her face with one hand and kissed her passionately their lips finding rhythm like the many time before this one and the ones to come
He parted the two where breathless he hummed lowly "your lips taste as of they where the forbidden fruit that lord me in and I let it every single time~~" he wisper into her ear making the girl flustered "thank you, now can we go? I'd like to taste you're forbidden fruit but alone if you get what I mean love" she whispers back
Nefero laughed "why ofcourse~ Let's buy those books and get out of here my queen" he grabbed your hand and kissed it gently making his way up to your collarbone as the two walked
Later on the two had a wonderful time~
***Will be updating soon**
Still not that good with smut need to practice but I'm getting good with the intimate kissing and descriptions! I think
I'll make a smut ending later on again need practice haha
Hope you liked this one
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Male! Nefera x fem! Reader
How they meet/him asking her out
Using [Name] as substitute for (y/n)
She her pronouns for the reader
(H/c) hair color
(E/c) eye color
(S/n) skin color
(F/c) favorite color
(L/n) last names
These two are the same pair as for the last few fics but this one is when they met and how he asked you out.
And it starts in their junior year
(Both are 17 when they get together,18/19 in the senior year in the present one-shot stories I made prior, i only write kissing and cute fluff when making these underage one shots of their past)
(The sexual innuendos are only in the present story I've made prior when they are both 18/19)
(I'll make the first date later some other time)
Hope you enjoy it, I've had this on my drafts for i bit and just finished it, thought this be a treat while I work on a few other things.
Tittle: New beginnings
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In the halls of Monster High we see a ghoul with
(H/c) hair, she wears a forest green fitted short top with long flowy sleeves and a heart cut out at the front, at her hips wears jean bell bottoms with embroidered roses going up the side of the right leg, on her feet white gogo boots.
She walks down the hall with confidence strides and giving a sweet smile towards friends as she passes them, the smell of her vanilla perfume leaves a trail of its enticing sweet fragrance
At the lockers a few mansters swoon as she walks by "she so hot!" One exclaimed " I know dude she's one the pretties ghoul in our entire junior class" the other tells him "definitely"
[Name] chuckles hearing the conversation 'well that's a one way to flatter someone' she continues until she finally gets to her locker, she puts in the combination and starts switching books for her next class when she's done [Name] looks over at her mirror on the inside of the locker.
Taking out her lip oil she applies it on her lips in a swiping motion and then presses her lips together and moves them slowly so it coats evenly,the cherry lip oil adds to her very pretty face,it would make anyone have the urge to kiss her but they would never dare.
No one was bold enough to confess to her or even talk to her in a direct manner in pursuit of something romantic with the ghoul but little did she know that there was a certain manster who had interest in her.
Nefero DeNile a gorgeous and handsome manster who was infamous around the school for his cockiness and looking down at everyone he didn't find interesting but his devilish good looks made the ghouls swoon but he didnt feel anything for any of them, so when he saw you walking towards him and passing by with only a side glance that you gave him,it sent a chill down his spine and his nose caught a whiff of that sweet vanilla perfume that you adorned he instantly wanted it to stay a little longer but you where already gone.
Just out of his reach.
It was the first time he'd ever noticed you and thanks to that he finally recognized you in 3 of his classes. After that day in his room he'd almost pull out his hair for not seeing your beautiful goddess-like aura the moment he stepped foot into that classroom at the beginning of the year.
But from then on he was determined to make you his one and only love
The very next day Nefero had dressed in his finest velvet green suit with open v neck, hair slicked back and adorn a musky cologne; in his hands a bouquet of red snapping roses
He walked into the school with a surge of excitement in every step he took an electrifying feeling as he looked around for the specific ghoul that caught his eye.
When rounded the corner he finally spotted her, you were applying some lip gloss in front of your small mirror on the inside of the locker, very gently and quick not a mistake or excess gloss on your perfect lips
His chest got a little tighter as he approached you but he was determined to talk to you and get a date
"Hello there darling" he said, catching [Name]'s attention "hi can I help you?" Nefero slightly laughed, "I believe so, would you hear me out?" The ghoul nodded her head tilting to the side in curiosity "I have come here to give you these red snapping roses and to ask for a date with you darling" he extended the bouquet to you with a hopeful look in his purple eyes
"oh! Why thank you" you took the flowers gently your fingers brushing with his "I'd love too ummm.." Nefero took your hand and kissed it "Nefero DeNile,my jewel" [Name] blushed slightly hiding her face behind the bouquet "Well Nefero I'm [Name] [l/n] it's a pleasure to meet you" she said behind the flowers, that made him laugh by her adorable nature "the pleasure is all mine my jewel"
Nefero suggested walking to class together and you accepted, walking side by side with smiles on both your faces it truly seemed like a wonderful start to something beautiful.
(The transition between my darling to my jewel; to me after you have accepted you have made yourself his crown jewel, his one & only precious stone he'll cherish forever) hope that sounds okay and not weird
It's kinda short but the first date fanfic of these two will be longer promise!
I'm kinda alright with this one for now but I may change somethings later when I have a clearer mind.
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Hii! I just wanted to say I love your Nefero fics!! If you can, may I request where reader is hanging out with Cleon, (like you know platonically) and Nefero’s like, “what’s so great about him, I’m right here!” And he gets all pouty from lack of attention. (Also do you think you can make fem!reader a kitsune monster?)
Hi hi!
Thank you so much! I'm glad you love the fics of him so far :]
Sure I can make a different reader variation (it's funny I kinda don't describe the reader as any monster so this was interesting to try out)
Also possibly i will make a Cleon x fem! Reader soon
Male!Nefera DeNile x Kitsune! fem! Reader
Prompt- [Name] is hanging out with Cleon while she's at the brother's house just talking and laughing, then Nefero barges in being all pouty
She/her pronouns
Using [Name] as substitute for y/n
Nickname for reader- my love/my jewel/my queen
Fluff/Nefero being pouty/clingy bf/jealous Nefero
Art not mine found on pinterest
(Good excuse to use this fanart lol)
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We see Cleon and & [Name] on the couch laughing and giggling, they share funny stories of their respective friend groups and gossip about whatever drama Spector had posted on his Blog that was new to [Name] since now she had graduated a year ago with Nefero.
"Oh my rah! Can you believe that Frankie found a new ghoul just 3 weeks after the previous one? It's crazy how he finds them" he dramatically sighs "that boy is gonna get in trouble with how many ghouls he dates" [Name] laughs "he'll soon find an angry big brother at his doorstep" she takes a sip of her lemonade then placing it down "I wouldn't doubt it either, i mean he's a great guy but we tell him all the time to be careful who you chose to get with next" [Name] nods "that's good, keep trying to put sense into that boy" "Oh please like he'd have the brain cells for that" [Name] throws her head back in laughter "Hahaha stawpp that's mean" she slaps his arm.
"you laughed at it though!" He counters pushing her,causing her to fall "Haha- oof, alright fair" she adjusted herself to sit criss-cross on the lavish rug she holds one of her tail on her lap petting it softly and her ears twitching as she still giggled at the little jab Cleon took on his friend "okay so how's that ghoul you told me about-"
On the other side of the room at the entrance of the living room stood a jealous Nefero practically seething that his little brother had taken his lovely girlfriend when she went to get a glass of lemonade to now talking on the couch with his younger brother
'Why is he taking all her attention she's here for ME not him' Nefero stood their seething in anger "that's it I'm going over there" he walks into the room
[Name] looks over Cleon's shoulder and she realized that Nefero was coming and oh boy he looked pouty/angry 'well guess I overstayed my welcome with Cleon it seems' she gets up dusting the invisible dust from her green cargo pants that where matching with Nefero's
"Hey Nefie" she waves as he gets closer, he huffs through his nose and folds his arms to his chest as he stops in front of her "oh my,we're doing it like that now?" He looks at her with his pouty face, [Name] sighs "looks like I gotta go, see you some other time Cleon,good luck with that ghoul you're talking too" she takes Nefero's arm that is still crossed over his chest and she leads him out the room and to his bedroom
[Name] looks at him as she closes the door behind them, he's still pouty but refuses to speak about it which was fine she'd just had to make it up to him but first he'd have to stop this silly tantrum of jealous
"Do you want to cuddle" she asked him but in turn he only looked to the side in a huff "no" [Name] walked up to him her tails swishing from side to side as she did so "you sureee" she held out her arms and wrapped them around his torso snuggling closer chest to chest "very" she sighed "come on Nefie don't be like that, let's lay down and take a nap" [Name] puts a hand through his hair gently
He didn't budge only looking at her with his purple eyes his face stone cold "i don't think so" [Name] sighed and decided that the best option was to just lay in bed and hope he takes the bait
She walks over to the large king size bed takes of her slippers and gingerly opens the blankets lush velvet covers and gets under them, she wiggles her way in and after a few moments gets very comfortable in the sheets/blankets softness, resting her head in her signature pillow (she had claimed to be for only her when she was at his house) and swiftly went to sleep.
Nefero stood still looking at his ghoulfriend being all cute in his bed, her head was peaking pit revealing her soft (h/t) (h/t) hair and her ears that where now flat on her head in comfort, her breath was steady and calm, oh how hard it was for him to now go over there and cuddle..
"Oh whatever" he grumbles and goes over to the bed, tales of his own house slippers opens the blankets and gets in swiftly, he gets closer to her body and wraps his toned arms around her waist, he cuddles her into his chest and he lays his head on the pillow, looking at [Namd] he knew that staying grumpy wouldn't get him what he wanted, now he had what he wanted for letting go of his jealous, cuddling with her smelling her perfume made him filled with joy and contentment having her here was enough
He freed one of his hands and slowly stroked her hair as gently her fox ears wiggled in response causing him to chuckle softly,as he did not want to wake her, with a final deep breath in, to lavish in her sweet aroma he finally let his body sleep having her warmth was like he was alive once more but this time it was better with [Name] besides him.
Future author note here-
Apologies for the wait but here you go, hope it's up to you're standards!!
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maxinexstars · 9 months ago
Monster high-masterlist
💙=Male 💖=Female 💛=Neutral 🌈=Fluff 💦=Smut 💀=Angst💜=Mtf 🖤=Ftm
Clawdeen wolf
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Cleo de nile
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Deuce Gorgon
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Clawd wolf
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Frankie stein
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Abbey Bominable
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Seth/pharaoh Ptolemy
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Catty noir
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Nefera de nile
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Master list
Monster high and Ever after high x reader oneshots, all aged up in their senior year 18/19 others college years 20/25
(All of these are fluff some also have sensual innuendos by the ends but no smut)
(Gotta say we all like Male! Nefara a lot haha)
Madeline Hatter x Gn! Reader
Raven Queen x Gn! Reader
Male! Clawdeen Wolf x Gn! Reader
Male! Nefara x F! Reader
Male! Nerara x F! Reader *requeset*
Male! Nefara x F! Reader *requested*
Male! Nefara x F! Reader *How they met*
Lizzie Hearts x F! Reader *requested*
Clawdeen Wolf x F! Kitsune! Reader *requested*
Male! Nefara x F! Reader *requested*
Male! Nefara x F! Reader *requested*
Male! Apple white x F! Pond Siren! Reader
Raven Queen x F! Jack skellington daughter Reader *requested*
Male! Nefara x F! Kitsune! Reader *requested*
Update 1
Vil x Reader (fem presenting reader)
Briar Beauty x gn! Reader
Asmo x Reader (from my second blog)
Briar Beauty x gn! Reader
Male!Cleo DeNile x F! Gorgon!Readed
Nefera x f! Siren! Reader
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Ok but like what about trying a normal Nefera x reader? You don’t have to do it, just curious to see if you would
Happy to do so! Let's do it!
I'll be doing fem x fem if that's alright but you can always request again and I'll make it gender neutral
Nefera x F! Siren! Reader
Prompt-Nefera and the reader are in BooYork and Nefera wants to spoil her
(I added a backstory for the two, so that i can continue this story for future oneshots continuing this pairing)
She/her pronouns
Established relationship/fluff
Nickname for the reader= Doll and "my queen"
Nickname for Nefera= Rara, jade (like jade bracelets the green ones)
(H/c) hair color
(E/c)= Eye color
(Y/r/s)= you're ring size
Monster word definition
Maul= mall
Gore-geous =gorgeous
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Nefera was known to be quite mean and condescending to other monsters and ghouls, but there was one ghoul who had Nefera wrapped around her manicured finger.
That was [Name] her ghoulfriend since Monster high, the two were the absolutely contrats of the other Name] was cute and sweet with a dangerous vocal power that she had underwraps and Nefera was a primadona with connections that could ruin someone's life with a snap of her fingers.
In Monster high the two had met when they were partnered up together for a project "hi guess we'll be working together, I'm [Name] and you are?" The siren had smiled at her sweetly waiting for a response "I'm Nefera DeNile, I guess we are working together" Nefera looked at the Siren up and down, she wouldn't admit it out loud but she thought that [Name] was rather pretty so Nefera guessed it wouldn't be so bad having her as a partner.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Cut to now the two in BooYork as a couple since those faithful days back in school nothing could ever separate the high school sweethearts.
Walking in the sidewalk Nedera being at the right were the traffic was and [Name] on her left "where would you like to go my queen" Nefera leand into [Name]'s shoulder looking up at her with attentive eyes "mhhh well why don't we go to the mall? you did say you wanted to see that new jewelry shop, right?" [Name] looked at her with a smile "that sounds like a plan! Let's go spoil my queen!" Nefera called a cab "wait what no non no!? I just thought you wanted to get something for you" the (h/c)nette protested as she got into the cab. Nefera rolled her eyes "the jewelry shop thing is an excuse so I can see what YOU want doll"
In the cab Nefera stole a small kiss then ordered the taxi driver aggressively "Take us to the maul this instant!" Nefera sat back taking your arm and snuggled into you inhaling your perfume "You smell incredible doll" she softly whispers as the honks of the city blared in the background.
Getting out of the car the two quickly got inside the mall hand in hand with Nefera's sphinx bodyguards in tow
The two walk hand in hand through the maul [Name] points at shops she had never seen before at their own mail back home "oh! Look Rara" you point to a store with all swampy type outfits/ alternative "ooo good eye my queen" she kisses the back of your hand then leads the way for the both of you.
In the store she let's go of your hand "go wild doll" she winks at you "okay but only if i can also pick outfits for you too" she nods "along as we're buying with daddy's card it shouldn't matter doll" she flashes her father's black card to [Name] she rolls her eyes as you walk away swaying your hips "how did i get so lucky?" Nefera looks at her sphinx bodyguard and he just shrugged "you're right, I'm just too amazing"
Later you two walked out with 4 bags filled with many outfits and of course you two only carried the accessories and not the heavy bags.
"I can't wait to see you try thay skirt jade!" You shook her arm that you were holding "yes, yes I'll look so gore-geous for you my queen" Nefera looks around and sees the store she was wanting to go into "oh there's the jewelry store,doll let's get you something.. Dazzling!"
The two walk into the store that was pristine and displayed dozens of gold and silver jewelry "go on look around,my queen~"
You laughed a little but complied quickly and started to look all around the store for something that may catch your interest
After about half an hour you finally saw a ring that was perfect, it was a silver ring with a sapphire and an emerald embedded together in a small heart. The ring had carvings that made a swirl all around. It was perfect "found something you like my queen" Nefera had come up behind you and snake her left arm to wrap around your waist ever so gently
"Yeah, it's really like this one" you point to the ring "it's like us, put together in a ring for all eternity,embedded in the little heart" you looked down at her with a smile "then it's settled, Excuse me!! I want this ring in a size (y/r/s)"
The two walked out hand in hand, [Name] looked at the ring happily "it's beautiful, thank you Nefera" she looked at you "anything for you, my queen" she kissed your lips or at least tried "uhh doll can you bent down a little" you did and gave her a proper kiss "much better.. i love you" you looked at her in her beautiful purple eyes "I love you too"
Hope you like it!
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