fanstuffrantings · 5 months
What about the rest of the Lamia Scale Group to go alongside Sherria ( Sherry, Lyon, Jura etc.)
These ones took me longer than expected because I was really fighting over what to do.
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A few notes on them: Lyon was styled more off of Kpop stage outfits since I feel like that fits the idea of someone trying to be super cool and fashionable but it being so obvious that it knocks the cool down slightly. I wanted to bring back the punk/Lolita vibe a bit with Sherry.
I don't know why everyone in fairy tail is so young but I refuse to not make Jura middle aged when he's a wizard Saint. Saints should be older. I tried to stick close to Yuka's canon post time skip but altered it because personally it wasn't for me.
And if you've seen my Toby rant you'll know this was coming.
Hope it was worth the wait!
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xpolivebatzxc · 5 months
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Neeky fucking prick [I'm joking I love him TAT] WAHHHHHHHYYHHHHHH !!!!! >:0
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fairydares · 5 months
Makarov when Laxus is about to square off against Jura: ...so where will we hold his funeral? Thunder Legion: MASTER!! How could you say that?! Where's your faith?! Makarov: Nope, that boy's a goner. Chances are nada. Zip. Zilch. I'd say 'six feet under' but there will be nothing left to bury. RIP 😔.
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thepersonalwords · 21 days
Eyes can't speak ...but some people can understand what eyes want to speak!!!
Neeky Albert
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fairytail-redraw · 7 months
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Did you know that this month is the 3rd anniversary of this blog? Happy three years to Fairytail Redraw!!!
The fairy tail redraw event is open to all artists (whether you are traditional or digital) and editors!
The rules are simple:
Pick a prompt to redraw or edit (or 2, or all of em if you feel like it!)
You're free to interpret and change the drawing however you see fit! Wanna change some colours? Wanna tweak things here and there? Go ahead! Nothing's off the table! The prompts are here to inspire you!
When you're done, @ this blog in your post and use the tag #fairytailredraw for it to be reblogged here and that's it! All there is to it!
Also an important note: though the redraw prompts change every month there is no such thing as a late drawing! You could draw any prompt any time and it wouldn't matter.
So no pressure on being late!
Have any questions? Look here or shoot the blog a question!
(Reblog to help get the prompts around!)
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Jellal Headcanons cause he's my baby girl
He's super likable. Everyone who sits down and has a convo with him absolutely adores him. He does not understand why
Jura has a lot of respect for him and has argued for Jellal to get added back to the wizard saints after he was pardoned.
He has so many bromances. That man has like 15 boyfriends
Kids really like Jellal. He feels very awkward around them but they all gravitate to him anyway. He's the type of person to talk to a three month old like their 30. Catch him in the corner explaining politics to Asuka
He doesn't like sweets. Erza nearly died when he told her
He still knows a good amount of passwords to get into magic council stuff. No one knows why they didn’t change it when he escaped but it’s been very helpful for keeping the council off their tail
He's not into the idea of fighting for no reason. He doesn't participate in guild brawls or random challenges.
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wlwsakura · 4 months
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rare pair: RockIron Jura x Richard
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mashimaarts · 1 year
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2013.08.13: マガジン出なくてさみしい人に贈る四コマ漫画。
A four-panel comic strip for those who miss[ed] the magazine [version?]. (DeepL Translate + 4koma translation by variationa)
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Please can you make some headcanons for Laxus / Jura ? Romantic / platonic / nsfw / sfw, your choices !
Woke up this morning thinking about this, so here it is!
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Laxus actually pursued Jura. And when I say that, I mean he walked up to the guy's doorstep with flowers and everything.
My personal version of this is that it happened less because Laxus had been harboring any affection for Jura specifically than because he'd been recently cheated on, and decided to rebound with the safest possible option, a literal monk.
Shockingly, not only did Jura say yes, they actually get a pretty decent relationship going, although it's not without its hurdles.
Jura has a surprisingly romantic side, so things go over well when Laxus compels himself to swallow his pride and do things he typically deems sappy or gesturous.
Jura grew up in a temple. He is extremely professional and polite and well-mannered even if he can beat the brakes off a fool. So a romantic relationship is something he has to put work towards, too.
He tries to "study" romance by finding the best examples of it in places he grew up. There's some surprisingly good love stories around temples--every old geezer with a cane and a fu manchu beard has at least two scrolls or codexes containing what scholars will often say is the literal peak of recorded romance.
Does it often land perfectly when trying to replicate it with Laxus? No, but Laxus thinks it's both adorable and funny as shit, so he responds well all the same.
There are a lot of points where they think the relationship won't work out. Laxus is worldly and blunt and practical and horny, while Jura is sentimental, spiritual, polite, and refined. It's less a case of opposites attract than that their liking for each other develops faster than any clashes they have can bring them down.
They usually kiss each other more in greeting than in actual romance. But every once in a while, Jura will stop Laxus in place and hold him for a minute just to kiss him.
That flowers thing Laxus did got returned tenfold and now Laxus has to deal with his boyfriend who knows where to get super-rare and fragrant flowers bringing them to him so he can have nice plants around the house oh my fucking god just kill him now
Jura has had relationships before but he has never, once, been able to get over the shock of anyone calling him their boyfriend btw. He's also never had a relationship with a man before, although he's very amenable to it.
Jura also has a thing with self-consciousness in a way other men his age don't; he's only older than Laxus by a few years, but Laxus' wild style and youthful aggression make him feel like he's been selected as an "older" lover. You wouldn't catch Gildarts hesitating if a younger man wanted to play dirty with him, but Jura always worries he's going to get left for someone younger and hotter.
NS/FW section:
Some general headcanons before we get into the good stuff:
Jura, save for his beard, is completely smooth everywhere. It's a genetic thing, and even the beard was something he had to take supplements for.
His d/ck is very big, and also very smooth. No veins anywhere, just big big girth. Same with his balls.
Laxus gives him a lot of blΩwjobs. He's very fond of making Jura stand up or lay on his back while he either kneels or curls next to his waist and just sucks him off at his leisure.
Laxus likes to fuck, Jura likes to make love. It causes some clashes, and it's not always obvious for Laxus how to get Jura off. For example, Jura doesn't like being joined in the shower or shower stuff in general. He does love being joined in a tub full of hot water and suds, though, and it's one of his favorite places to get down whether he's on the top or the bottom. Add rose petals and candles and you've got a man who will move heaven and earth for you.
Jura gets very much into the same body/muscle worship Laxus is fond of seeking with other lovers, but not in the same way. Other men would be trying to touch out of lust, but for Jura it's just as much curiosity. Like I said, he's never been with a man before Laxus. So he spends a lot of time trying to learn Laxus, learn his body, learn where he likes to be touched, their first few times.
Imagine, if you will, the opposite of PT/SD. Like, an event that is burned into your brain so thoroughly that you freeze in the middle of the day at random thinking about it, wake up in the middle of the night with it on your brain, and are sometimes h a u n t e d by it. Except that instead of terrible trauma it's the height of happiness, or in this case, debauched bliss.
Recorded below are three examples of such times that Jura, an esteemed Wizard Saint and monastery monk, must now live with.
Jura's modesty is so ever-present it can be hard to really get him the way Laxus wants him sometimes. The exception is after a fight, which they usually do just for fun, but which almost always ends with the both of them beat to hell and back, bruised, and on the ground out of breath. Laxus usually has a slight bit more stamina left in him and takes advantage, getting their clothes off and pulling Jura to him. One time, Jura was treated to Laxus straddling him and fucking himself on his cock while he recovered from the battle. Another time, Laxus rolled him on his side, lifted his leg over his shoulder, and started spearing him in the ass. Both times Jura's eyes were rolling back in his head and he had no idea what his own name was.
He and Laxus had a rather strenuous period after a big fight that ended with them barely speaking for two weeks and certainly not touching each other. They had a scheduled visit to a sacred temple for a vacation it was too late to really back out on, and both of them considered dropping out or going on different trains. The day proceeded as normal, they were shown around, and they were dismissed from the grounds right at sunset as the temple was closing... Then Laxus found Jura sneaking back in. Laxus ended up fucking Jura on every freakin' surface in that place over the course of the night, and Jura had about five or six of the most intense orga$ms he's ever had in about as many hours. When they were finally done, cleaned up, and left, they had an understanding that everything was forgiven.
One thing about Jura is that he's secretive about his k/nks, given his modesty, but that those k/nks will turn him into a completely different man if they're tapped. It took forever, given how Laxus expected exclusivity from him, for him to figure out that far and away Jura's biggest turn-on is watching. Yep, nothing gets his freak on more than watching Laxus with another man or woman. And even then it took some convincing. But that's how they ended up in Jura's home naked, featuring Orga Nanagear present and bent double, getting his back blown out hardcore by Laxus and Jura beating himself (both in the masturbatory sense and in self-flagellation that would better suit a Catholic). Laxus absolutely refuses to engage in flat c/ckoldry , though, so after Jura got one off, he demanded his boyfriend join in. Which is how you got Jura with his face buried in Laxus' ass while the latter was pounding Orga's ass like it owed him money.
And now for something cute...?
I didn't have a better place to put this but. Yes, Jura would ask Laxus to marry him. Laxus would say no....the first time.
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nxbuas · 2 years
Jura is probably the only one brave enough to pick Lyon up like a misbehaving kitten whenever he’s threatening murder on some poor sucker. 
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lisablack000 · 2 months
Kuroneko the have a chat cat 🐈
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sorry for the spam of requests 🙏
do you have any headcanons for Jura x Richard(Hoteyes)? Their interactions in the Nirvana arc were so good and adorable lol. They have good chemistry with each other
Sure 👍 ⬇️
old man yaoi good 👌
okay, so more like, middle-aged man yaoi
still good
definitely a couple that never gets married, but they are definitely an old married couple
is jura risking his title as a wizard saint because he’s with a massive criminal?
yes, but he literally never takes risks, so just let him be
perfect date night for them is reading in silence on the couch cuddling
neither of them know how to cook, this is canon bc i said so
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vaelynez · 3 months
A Light to Call Home - Epilogue
It's done!!
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bryanfeelz305 · 3 months
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Good, Stuffs.
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headcanons about the other allied guilds perhaps?
I overthink like crazy but I'm gonna assume you mean the ones from the oracion seis arc? If not please let me know and I will do another one!
Blue Pegasus
Hibiki is the smartest member of their guild. (yes he hangs out with the Triad)
The guildhall smells so good. It's the cleanest of all the guilds and Ichiya always has the place smelling amazing
Ichiya changes the scent of the hall based on what is going on. So Holiday party will smell like hot cocoa and minty, first day of spring is fresh flowers, etc
Ichiya, himself, doesn't actually smell good. He has too many perfumes on him and it can get overwhelming to be close to him
Jenny is treated like royalty. Pretty sure she is carried from room to room at this point
Eve views Hibiki as his big brother. They are super close
Ren is the most observant of his team. He picks up on a lot of little details that others easily miss
Lamia Scale
Jura is rarely in the guild hall anymore so every time he shows up there's a party (kinda like how hype fairy tail gets to see Gildarts)
Chelia and Lyon have huge sibling energy. To the point that people forget Sherry is her actual blood relative
Lyon is the stray that Sherry, Yuka and Toby brought home. They are responsible for all the trouble he gets in
Ooba has a favorite and is very open about it. It's Lyon. Unless Jura is in town, then Lyon is pushed aside and Jura is fawned over
Yuka is the most utilized mage in the guild. His magic is super good for defense so he's always on the front lines
Ooba tries to convince Sherry to use her 'feminine wiles' to get Ren to lose fights during the grand magic games. Sherry refuses and Ooba interprets that as her not knowing how and then gives Sherry the most traumatizing lesson on seducing men
Toby is literally always accidentally paralyzing people. Man forgets his claws at least once a day. Chelia runs away from him every time he gets close
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ultrasopp · 2 years
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this medieval peasant wants u carnally (will reblog with uncensored version under a cut!)
[ID: illustration of a pale, skinny man wearing nothing but a white coif. He's sitting with spread legs, his hands are behind his back and he is looking straight ahead with lidded eyes. A red rag covers his stool and a blue fabric his draped over his stomach. A bright golden halo surrounds his head and a similar, smaller burst covers what's between his legs. The background is streaked in different shades of blue. Second pic is a closeup of his face and shoulders.]
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