#neeeemoooos bday
nad-zeta · 2 years
MOTONARI- Serendipity
Fandom- ikesen
EEEEEEP🍾🍾🍾🙈🎼happppy birthday to you🍾🍹happpy birthday to you🎼🎼🥁🥁 happy birthday dear neeeemooo🎼🎼🔥🔥🥁 happy birthday to you🍹🎼🍾🥁😍😳😳 hehehe@readerinsertfanfiction annd the bday bash continues 🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️🤩🤩😍😍☺️☺️🎂 letsssss goooooooo❤️❤️🎂🤩🤩🎂🎵🎵
"If i add perfume to my ankle maybe that damn mutt will stop mauling them as if they are the last bit of food on earth," you pondered rushing through the park gate to take a familiar shortcut to work. You were already beyond late, no thanks to your lack of self control on this particularly biting morning.
On your usual route through the markets you honest to god couldn't help yourself, not when that all too divine, all too chocolatey aroma tickled your senses. Nor when the shop owner announced that she had just taken a full tray of freshly baked croissants from the oven. Curse your weak will and curse croissants for adding to the waistline.
Neither the less you were rushing and dreading the pipsqueak pain in your ass, who you knew would be waiting at the office doors. "Perhaps tiger balm would be strong enough to deter-" the train came to a screeching halt all at once when your once clean crisp white silk shirt now seeped with the hot liquid.
"Foda-se! Watch where yer going!" The tall stranger barked out at you.
"You were the one that slammed into me'" you met the strangers tone head one, talking over him as you frantically searched your blazer pockets for a napkin, tissue, will to live, anything honestly that would get the stain out before your meeting.
"Better check those head flowers of yours. Yer sprouting such nonsense." He stood tall, with folded arms and domineering posture, completely and utterly unimpressed. But neither were you! Afterall he was the one that appeared like Hoodini
Despite the clear height imbalances you met the man's gaze head on. Fueled only by the morning's empty carbs and irritation you were ready to throw hands, when your colleague-
— bless her soul for having the best and worst timing— spotted you from across the park and pretty much sprinted to intervene. How she moved so quickly in those heels without breaking an ankle was completely beyond you, but she moved like a velociraptor across the terrain screeching at you with a gentle tugg. "Hey come on, you can chat with your handsome friend later, the meeting's about to start."
Handsome. HANDSOME. No man that refuses to acknowledge their wrong doings was handsome, no matter how smooth or attractive their voice.
"He is no friend of mine!" you announced loud enough so he could hear, sparing the silver haired stranger one more daggered glance before rushing into your morning meeting.
The next morning was as much of a whirlwind as the first. Curse your favourite coffee place for being so busy. With eyes glued to the phone screen while you endeavoured to type up a quick mail before stepping foot into the office. Some people truly had no boundaries, being bold enough to ruin your day before the sun was even fully above the horizon.
You didn't even know how it happened but all you know was, one moment your tea was balancing between chest and forearm and the next you were drenched, again, pulling the heated fabric from your skin and muttering an endless sea of swear words behind gritted teeth.
"Merda, look where-" the stranger's gruff words caught in his throat when eyes locked with yours and flashed with recognition, completely stilling in his movements. "Flower girl? If yer wanted an excuse to talk a man up yer just had to say so." You had not missed the way his grumpy scowl turned to smirk in an instant.
"As if! Don't go around flattering yourself." and before he could even dare to respond you trotted off to your first meeting of the day nose sharply in the air with no intentionof looking back. No doubt your colleague would take a jab at you for yet again entering the office with a stained shirt.
By the third run in you started to consider the possibility that you might have been cursed, although at least this run in was without spillage. So maybe only half curse?
Leaned up against the park railing— the tall dark brawny man stood, two paper cups beside him as he took a long drag from his cigarette. When your eyes met an unmistakable smirk befell his lips, much like the one you had caught a glimpse of the previous day. It spelled danger, mischief and warned not to get too close. But you were but a cat at heart and as the saying goes, curiosity saved the cat?, or was it killed? Either way you moved closer especially after he picked up one of the paper cups gesturing for you to take it. You didn't even have time to decide whether to accept the drink or not as Motonari simply pushed it into your hands.
You froze, mind silenced from tasks and to-do lists as you stared down at the cup in your hands.
It was littered with flower doodles and flower girl written in bold black ink, while his was littered in a school of nemo fish with Motonari written in bold and black.
"What's wrong m'lady, why yer standing there all slacked jawed? Cat got your tongue," he winked putting a small distance between the two of you before taking a sip of his own drink.
Soft whispers of the delicate osmanthus met your nose, bringing back memories of summer afternoons, pages slipping between fingertips and soft sounds of a distant wind chime.
"What is this?" your gaze finally shifted upwards to meet his. Despite the warmth filling your chest your words came out biting.
"I'd thought you would have pieced it together by now, but maybe you aren't quite as clever as I thought you were," he responded with a shit eating grin and tip of the chin.
You wanted to bite back with a scowl but no matter how hard you tried to school your features a wide smile broke free when you took your first sip, perhaps fate had a guiding hand in his drink selection because he had absolutely nailed it.
However the sweet and delicate drink did nothing to mask his rough brash demeanour," what ya grinning at? Creep," he leaned in closer, eyes shining with a childlike curiosity.
"The only creepy one here is you!" You responded with a pointed finger, smile fading away into irritation once more.
"Says the one who looked like she was about to gobble me up whole mere moments ago," the short burst of laughter left him as he turned on his heel.
Raising a nonchalant hand up in a single wave he shot you a final parting grin over his shoulder, "until next time flower girl."
And you wondered if fated hands would intervene again tomorrow.
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