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wyrdkraft · 4 months ago
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An eighth do I hold, tis granted to all And most Needful to use, if one’s timely: If the heart of a Knyght, on the Way ever falls I woot well how, to quicken the flame.
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memoiredunefolle1984 · 6 months ago
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breelandwalker · 8 days ago
The Web of Light - A Community Ritual
In late January of 2025, I joined a group of witches online to conduct a ritual for the protection and healing of our communities and for hope to sustain us though the weeks and months to come. Many wonderfully talented people contributed to this working, and I was honored to present an invocation of Brighid and to lead the portion of the ritual where we created the Web of Light.
With the permission of the rest of the circle from that evening, I want to share my portion of the ritual with all of you. (I'm not looking for notes or feedback - this was purpose-built and it exists as it was written.) The more strands in the web, the more lights in the dark, the more love and energy we can give this spell and others like it, the better.
If you feel comfortable doing so, I'd like to invite anyone who is willing to help to join in this working, either by yourself or with your circle. You can do the full blessing, invocation, and casting if you feel comfortable doing so, or just the casting alone. Feel free to invite any helpful spirits, ancestors, deities (especially fire-related), and so forth that you work with to lend their aid.
All you need for this spell is a quiet place to sit and a candle. (Live flame or LED, either is fine, and if you can't find either one, a flashlight will do.)
Perform whatever opening steps you usually do to begin a ritual (preparing the space, casting a circle, grounding and centering, etc) and when you're ready, begin.
Suggested Music for the warmup:
"Brighid's Flame" and/or "Brighid" by Kellianna "Imbolc" by Lisa Thiel
Into this sacred space, I call the light of creation, the light of inspiration, the light of healing, the light of the forge, the light of the hearthfire, the light of hope, which neither wanes nor falters, but burns bright and perpetual within and around us all. Bless those who are gathered here and may the spirits, deities, ancestors, and powers almighty that we invoke here strengthen our resolve, shield us from harm, and guide us in our workings, as we gather to do what is RIGHT, not what is easy.
With the consent of those assembled, I invoke the name of Brighid and invite her presence in this place. Holy Lady of Cill Dara (pron. Kill Dahrah), protector of hearth and home, teacher, poet, healer, forgemaiden, flamekeeper, living link between the old ways and the new, be with us and lend us your aid.
Brigid of brightness, I bid thee welcome, Brigid of blessing, come thou in. Brigid of strength, I bid thee welcome, This night and every night, this day and every day.
Brigid of the threshold, come thou in, Brigid of the hearthfire, take your ease, Brigid of the cook-pot, sup with us, Brigid of all comforts, live in our hearts.
Ancestors all, I embody your legacy, Ancestors all, I ask for your blessing, Ancestors all, I offer Brigid’s flame To light the needfires of deep memory.
Brigid of the timeless flame, bless your [children]: Those who keep the circle bright, Those whose faith has never failed, Those who keep your name ablaze.
Brigid, lend your righteous sword To those who work for justice, To those who speak the truth, To those who seek a better world.
In the name of Brigid, who empowers the oppressed, In the name of Brigid, who released the enslaved, In the name of Brigid, who lifts up the downtrodden, May all our people be honored and free.
Tonight, we come together with courage. Tonight, we come together with hope. Tonight, we come together in common purpose, to turn our combined strength to save what can be saved, to shield what can be shielded, to heal what can be healed, to burn away what must be cleansed, and to keep the darkness of despair and hatred at bay.
Tonight, each of us is a point of light. We are the tenders of the hearth. We are the bearers of the flame which lights the way. We are the workers at the forge. We are the spark before the fire, the dancing light upon the snow, the seekers of snowdrops, the keepers of the healer’s tent, the knowers of the promise of spring.
For even as summer fades into fall, and fall into winter, so the cold and dark must one day yield to warmth and renewal. Even the longest night must end and we will see the sun rise again.
(Light your candle.)
Hold the light within you. Warm, bright, everlasting, a fire which burns bright but does not consume or diminish. This is a fire which shields the helpless, which offers illumination to the lost, which gives hope to those in sorrow. Each of us alone is but a candle, but together, we are a conflagration. 
Picture the array of us, spread out across the sleeping world, a scattering of earthbound stars twinkling in the night. Physically, we are apart, but in our hearts and in our magic, we are all a part of each other and of this world. We are the weavers and keepers of this spell, a web that spans mighty distances and connects us all. We are the beacons which will hold the darkness at bay.
Let the light of your magic spread out from you like the lines of a spider’s web, like the roots of a tree, like the paths of a river, like the crackle of lightning. Picture it spreading across the distances between us, each strand connecting one working to another, and another, and another, strengthening with each bond, growing until the space is covered. Each of us holds a line and weaves a portion of the web, and we are blessed to know that none of us walks alone. 
Like the roots of the trees, like the mycelium of the mushrooms, this web of light is not visible to all. Those that seek to harm, to disrupt, to oppress, and diminish, let them be blind, let them be powerless, let them find nothing. We give them NOTHING. But those who have need of us, those who need healing or shelter or knowledge or hope, we give them eyes to see. And those that see, let them light beacons of their own, until the night is bright as day and the sun comes up again.
(Extinguish your candle. If you ever feel that you need strength or hope or the time feels right to further empower the spell, light it up again.)
Suggested Music for the cooldown:
“Star Maps” by S.J. Tucker
(If you choose to share this ritual elsewhere, please credit me. Thanks!)
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apiswitchcraft · 2 months ago
understanding norse runes: a historical and modern perspective pt. 2
Here's part two! If you need clarification on anything please lmk! <3
For part 1 click here, and part 3 here.
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ᚺ hagalaz
"Hail is the whitest of grain;
it is whirled from heaven's loft
tossed about by wind gusts,
then melts into water."
"Hail is the coldest of grains:
Christ created the primaeval world."
(not the Christian Christ, just an epithet for Odin)
"Hail is cold grain
and driving sleet
and sickness of serpents."
INTERPRETATION: Starting out strong, hagalaz thankfully only has one meaning, and that's "hail." Unrelatedly, this rune is also one of the first overtly negative runes (of course, the meaning truly depends on the surrounding staves you pull, but nevertheless), representing uncomfortable change, possibly a crisis. Associated with the goddess Hel, it represents both her aspects: the cold goddess of death, and the plentiful goddess of life. Hagalaz shows us that change is on the horizon, but that it will be a time of learning, of becoming evermore wiser. Similar to The Moon card in tarot, this stave also represents the secrets of the runes, the dark side. A side we nevertheless have to confront in order to overcome great stressors. Doubtlessly, this transformation will cause us some pain, but hail is considered the seed of possibilities. Though in solid form it may hurt or harm us, when melted it may nourish the struggling sapling. It has great potential, especially considering this is the ninth rune, a number that appears repeatedly in Norse Mythology. This stave has us confronting our worst fears and suffering, and telling us to learn from them, to become a better person. We have to create our own inner harmony, despite whatever may get in our way.
KEY WORDS: Disruption, upheaval, catalyst, potential
ASSOCIATIONS: Hel, the Norns (specifically Urdh, the past), Heimdall
ᚾ nauthiz
"Need is nearest to the breast,
yet often proves to children of men
a source of help and healing
if they heed it betimes."
"Need leaves little choice;
the naked man is chilled by frost."
"Need is distress of thrall-woman
and state of oppression
and hard work."
INTERPRETATION: A rune often associated with the Norns, especially Skuld (the future), nauthiz is all about "necessity" and inevitability. The future is inescapable, but it can be used to our advantage. To understand this rune, we have to understand our own needs and purpose(s) as well. Usually, these are outside of our control. A lack of food caused by war creates a necessity for food. It is outside of the individual sufferer's hands. However, it can spur a person to act in whatever way they can, it's the spark of what is called the "needfire," vital to cause and effect. Need defines action defines life. Yes, this rune can be interpreted as a negative one, no doubt. But, again, runes are not as simple and straightforward as Tarot. If you pulled kenaz with nauthiz, you might look more closely at the "needfire" aspect of this reading, or if you pulled wunjo you might see this as more of a needs to an end. Which, really, that's all this rune represents: the needs to an end. You are not stuck in this state of lack, rather it is the lack that will turn the Norns' bow-drill to usher in a new era. Whereas hagalaz is more of a rigid, set in stone, nauthiz is about moving on from that suffering.
KEY WORDS: Necessity, inevitability, the future, constraint, hardship
ASSOCIATIONS: The Norns (specifically Skuld)
ᛁ isa
"Ice be overcold, unmeasurably slippery,
glisteneth clear as glass, to gems likest;
a floor by frost wrought, fair to be seen."
"Ice we call the broad bridge;
The blind man must be led."
"Ice is bark of rivers
and roof of the wave
and destruction for doomed men."
INTERPRETATION: Isa, true to its similar pronunciation, just means "ice." In this way, it has two divinatory meanings: one as an unmoving, unwavering shield, and one as a static, frozen object/individual. It can help to lessen disturbances and chaos, to soothe the fires of the earlier runes. This stave can mean stasis, but it can also mean clarity, a deep concentration. Stuck in the ice, you would have an awful long time to think, no? Rest is important for all things, but especially so in times of chaos. When the fires of kenaz or thurisaz get too hot, isa is there to cool things down. Furthermore, though, this rune can represent an unwilling stagnation, a frustrating situation or relationship. Stuck quarreling with a lover, this rune would be emblematic of how the reader would be feeling in that moment. Similarly, we can take this rune to represent the present, the Norn Verdandi. As a rune of advice, the reader is being told to watch and wait, to get a lay of the land before continuing onward. As much as a swirling blizzard can freeze you out, an igloo can keep you safe from the perils of frostbite, so it all depends on the adjacent runes in the reading. What do you need before you can continue? What is the crux of what's holding you back? All of these are things you need to consider.
KEY WORDS: Stagnation, pause, waiting, patience, preservation
ASSOCIATIONS: The Norns (especially Verdandi)
ᛃ jera
"Summer is called joyful, when God lets,
holy heaven's king--shining fruits
be born from earth for rich and poor."
"Harvest is a blessing to men;
I say that Frodhi was liberal."
"Harvest is a blessing to men
and good summer
and fully ripe crops."
INTERPRETATION: An often encouraging stave to pull in a reading, jera's literal translation is "year." In the harsher climates of the North, it is easy to lose track of the four seasons, and have the warmer and colder months blend together. In this way, jera represents not only summer, but also a good harvest. Every year, as the wheel of the year makes its rounds, crops must be yet again sown, cared for, and yielded. The old is reborn and the young turns to old. A symbol of dance, play, and marriage, this rune can also be associated with Freyja and Freyr, two deities strongly associated with the summertime. In divination, jera advises us to see everything as a constantly moving cycle. As soon as bad things come, they will leave, and good things replace them. Nothing is permanent, not even our most cherished. If blocked or neglected, a poor harvest is almost assured, and suffering is indicated. But when nurtured the right way, it can heal the deepest wounds and give rebirth to the greatest joys. An emphasis is also placed on creating new relationships and strengthening existing ones. Cherish your friends and family whenever possible.
KEY WORDS: Harvest, cycle, repetition, plenty
ASSOCIATIONS: Freyja and Freyr
ᛇ eihwaz
"The yew outside is a rough-barked tree,
but strong and firm, guard of fires,
by deep roots upheld, joy to the home."
"Yew is the greenest of trees in winter;
when it burns, it sputters."
"Yew is bent bow
and brittle iron
and Farbauti of the arrow."
INTERPRETATION: Eihwaz is known as the "yew," and often represents Yggdrasil, the World Tree that Odin hung himself from over nine days and nine nights for the knowledge of the runes. Because of this, this stave often represents spiritual enlightenment, and connection between the physical and metaphysical realms. As the yew was consistently used for bow-making, this is a rune also associated with hunting and the wild (and furthermore masculinity, but I find that to be a bit sexist). A bridge between life and death, sky and earth, the heavens and the Underworld, eihwaz is a great rune for communing, divination, or necromancy. It is a connection between paradoxes, between opposites, and is also associated with graveyards. But no matter what, these connections have to be made thoughtfully, and with great trepidation. Carelessness has no place in this space, as it could just as easily turn from good to bad. -==32
KEY WORDS: Enlightenment, transformation, connection, paradox
ASSOCIATIONS: Odin, Yggdrasil
ᛈ perthro
"The chess piece means play and laughter
where in the middle, the warriors sit
in beerhall blithely together."
INTERPRETATION: Considering it was a letter commonly used, perthro has a fairly ambiguous meaning of "lot cup" or "game piece." Either way, the literal interpretation involves the drawing of lots, and chance. Divination wise, perthro is said to represent both the dice and the mode of throwing the dice, simultaneously mysterious and all-knowing. Considering this wealth of knowledge that perthro is said to contain, it is no wonder that it is heavily associated with Mimir, who is renowned for his wisdom. Furthermore, because of it's association with vessels (odd, I know), this stave also represents with the female womb and childbirth. For this reason, it is also associated with Frigg, a seeress and goddess of childbirth. Frigg, though she is said to know all, she also tells nothing. This doubles down on the mysterious, hidden powers of perthro, being both the runes themselves and their meanings. Additionally, being a rune of fate, it represents the Norns as a whole, and their powers.
KEY WORDS: Fate, luck, mystery, secrets, feminine energy
ASSOCIATIONS: Mimir, Frigg, Norns
ᛉ algiz
"Elk-sedge is found most often in fens,
waxes in water, wounds grimly,
with blood burns whatever warrior
that goes to grasp it."
INTERPRETATION: Aha! My favorite rune, how exciting. A rune meaning "elk," algiz is a powerful protective symbol. Considering the imagery of an elk, we can draw connections to god of the hunt, Freyr, who is often depicted with antlers. From Freyr we can then discern meanings of sexual awakening, the fighting spirit, and divine communication. With it's three pronged appearance we can create a number of different interpretations: the elements, a sacred forest grove, masculinity/femininity, the Yggdrasil, and even the Bifrost. I've also seen people consider it as a double-edged sword of a stave, a protective symbol but only as long as you have enough power and discipline to wield it. This is especially pertinent if we consider this as a rune of divine protection, as it would be doubtlessly foolhardy to demand protection from the gods while giving nothing in return. A weapon that can be wielded by you or against you.
KEY WORDS: Protection, guardian, sanctuary, the hunt
ᛊ sowilo
"Sun to seamen is a hope on high
when they ferry over the fishes' bath
until the sea-horse brings them to land."
"Sun is the light of the lands;
I bow to heaven's doom."
"Sun is shield of the sky
and shining ray
and destroyer of the ice."
INTERPRETATION: Alright! Last one for this aett, sowilo means "sun." Not only the literal sun, this stave represents the force of the heavens, the wealth that it provides and the harm that it can cause. It brings illumination and clarification, as it also shows us where our path lays--what our goals may be. If we consider a connection between the sun god Apollo (a bright, beautiful youth) and Baldr (also a bright, beautiful youth), then new aspects can be revealed to us such as victory, strength, life force, and energy. It encourages us to have hope in our future, and to look towards the horizon. Just like the wheel of the sun whirls around the cosmos, so too does sowilo encourage us to break our stagnation and act. What we desire is within our grasp, all we have to do it reach out and grab it! This rune is one of great positivity and encouragement, and is a pleasure to see in a reading.
KEY WORDS: Success, illumination, achievement, energy
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broomsick · 1 year ago
Building a fragrant needfire as an offering
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Or, how to combine witchcraft and paganism in a beautiful little craft. (As detailed in Arin Murphy-Hiscock’s The House Witch)
You will need:
A cauldron or fireproof dish strong enough to withstand intense heat. Nothing ceramic or glass!
A heatproof trivet, pad, or flat stone on which to place the cauldron securely.
Rubbing alcohol or any high-percentage alcohol available in liquor stores, such as vodka or brandy.
Epsom salts
Your choice of herbs and resins blend
A long-handled match
A large bag of sand or earth to pour over the fire of you need to douse it immediately
A heavy lid, to smother the flame if it goes out of control
A fire extinguisher as a backup
The steps!
1. Measure out equal parts of Epsom salts and alcohol. Place the salts in the bottom of the cauldron and pour the alcohol over them.
2. Pour the herbal mixture into the cauldron. Place the cauldron on the heatproof trivet or stone
3. Light the long-handled match and touch it to the mixture. It will burst into silent flame, the tops of the flames leaping above the cauldron. The fire will burn until the alcohol has been consumed. Throughout the fire, but more so when the flames begin to die away, you will hear tiny pops and sizzles as the salt cracks in the heat and the herbs and resins are consumed by the flames.
4. Do not even think about adding more alcohol into the cauldron while the flames are burning! Keep the alcohol/salt proportion equal until you are confident about handling the resulting fire; then and only then may you tweak the proportions. Never pour a large amount of alcohol over the salts; the resulting flames can be several feet high and can cause major damage to you or your house. Be safe and use common sense.
5. The fire will die away within a few minutes, but keep your sand, lid, and fire extinguisher handy in case you need them to put out the fire.
Watch your sleeves and hair, and keep the cauldron away from anything flammable, such as curtains.
- The Epsom salts serve to soak up some of the alcohol and keep the fire burning in a more stable fashion!
- Instead of adding herbs directly into the salt, you can steep your selected herbs or flowers in the alcohol you plan to use. Steep them for at least 2 weeks, then strain and bottle the alcohol. Label it clearly and do not use it for any other purpose.
- Apart from making a lovely and fragrant offering, this sort of needfire is a wonderful way to scry, to cleanse a room or simply to meditate!
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lokabrenna13 · 2 years ago
Good morning! This week's rune is Nauthiz!
Nauthiz means "need fire" and is the rune of need/necessity, resistance, friction, and innovation. Necessity, as the old cliche reminds us, is often the mother of invention. The next seven days could prove difficult. Some of you may experience more resistance than usual to what you want to do, and some may be experiencing greater hardship. However, opportunities to find creative solutions to problems you are facing will surface as well. Now would also be good time reflect on what you need and what is truly important to you right now.
#runepull #runeart #runes #runedivination #divination #northerntraditionpagan #pagan #northerntradition #nauthiz #needfire #resistance #necessity #friction #runeoftheweek #norsepagan #futhark #elderfuthark #runevideo
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chalkrevelations · 3 months ago
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(needs, blessings)
Libertas: isa, elhaz (stillness/calm, protection)
Justitia: mannaz, berkano (the individual interwoven within the network, new growth)
Columbia: fehu, naudhiz (prosperity, the needfire/what's needful)
Fortuna America: ehwaz, hagalaz (partnership, the ice-seed/stasis and destruction -> transformation)
Shadow (the ground we stand on, where we are now): wunjo (joy)
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brookepricer · 2 years ago
Daily Spell: October 28th
A Needfire Spell
You’ll Need:
A large bonfire
An offering
In some parts of the ancient Celtic world, people believed that a special fire called the Needfire could bring about magical results. Only to be used in times of great need, the Needfire helped to protect families from the plague and pestilence, starvation and exposure, or even marauding tribes. Sometimes it was a place to make offerings - seeds to ensure abundant crop, or a bit of bone from livestock to make sure your herds were saved through the winter period your needs may not be quite this drastic, but you can still use the Needfire to request the things you require most. Whatever offering you should you make should be something that holds value to you, not just plucked at random. Home-cooked food or produce you grew yourself is always a good choice. Do this spell after the sun sets.
Stand before the fire, holding your offering, and say “My family needs [ITEM] to help us through this season. My family requires [ITEM] and no more and no less. I present this offering, consigning to it's to this fire, in hopes that our needs will be met.”
Drop your offering into the flames, and let the fire go out on its own. Repeat as needed for the next seven nights.
“Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington 
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sarcasticstoner29 · 3 years ago
She needs a Bic😂
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hazelwest1980 · 6 years ago
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#longday #needfire #needwine #mustache #einsteinbaglescup #keepsbugsout #gonnaroasthotdogs #omnom #memorialdayweekend https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx6D6hZpbzq/?igshid=1xuh66kzswm52
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lokahjarta · 4 years ago
how did it happen, that the god fell in love?
when the earth was all raw and new,
he saw His smile.
And that was it.
His world lit up
at Him, this hiccup in the cosmic infrastructure
and He had him sleeping on the blacktop
and crying in the rain, lonesome old cowboy.
The one man He couldn't see beyond,
Wouldn't look past
His future, his destiny, his desire
Could he believe the sound of His laughter
could grip him at his Eldritch roots?
Could lay him flat with just one look?
They say to keep your enemies close
but that's not what the god was doing
when he drew in his adversary,
held him close,
kissed him
and became Each Other.
They say you keep your enemies close,
but that's not what the god was doing
when he huddled with his lover,
needfire at the bare bones
held him, knowing it was his ending,
and mixed their blood
and became Him.
how the god fell in love was this; easily
he yielded like it would break him not to
how could he do anything else? he saw his smile.
and that was it.
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the-ethereal-serpent · 5 years ago
Litha Correspondences
☽⦁──────── ��☀️⦁ ────────⦁☾
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☽⦁──────── ⦁☀️⦁ ────────⦁☾
Food & Drink
Fresh vegetables
Summer fruits
Summer squash
Pumpernickel bread
Carrot drinks
Honey cakes
Whipped cream
Red wine
Cheese dishes
Rose ice cream
☽⦁──────── ⦁☀️⦁ ────────⦁☾
☽⦁──────── ⦁☀️⦁ ────────⦁☾
Lapis lazuli
Tiger’s eye
☽⦁──────── ⦁☀️⦁ ────────⦁☾
Plants & Herbs
Oak blossoms
St. John’s wort
Honey suckle
Holly trees
☽⦁──────── ⦁☀️⦁ ────────⦁☾
Incense & Oils
Saint John's Wort
Sun flower
☽⦁──────── ⦁☀️⦁ ────────⦁☾
Animals & Mythical Beings
☽⦁──────── ⦁☀️⦁ ────────⦁☾
Mother Earth
Mother Nature
Green Forest Mother
Great One of the Stars
Goddess of the Wells
All Goddesses of love, passion, beauty and the Sea
Pregnant and lusty Goddesses
☽⦁──────── ⦁☀️⦁ ────────⦁☾
Father Sun/Sky
Oak King
Holly King
Gods at peak power and strength
☽⦁──────── ⦁☀️⦁ ────────⦁☾
Rituals & Magicks
Nature spirit/fey communion
Planet healing
Love & protection magicks
The battle between Oak King, God of the waxing year & Holly King, God of the waning year (can be a ritual play)
☽⦁──────── ⦁☀️⦁ ────────⦁☾
Tools, Symbols & Decorations
The Sun
Oak, birch & fir branches
Sun flowers
Red/maize/yellow or gold flower
Love amulets
Summer fruits & flowers
Feather/flower door wreath
Sun wheel
Circles of stone
Sun dials and swords/blades
Vird feathers
Witches’ ladder
Swords and spears
☽⦁──────── ⦁☀️⦁ ────────⦁☾
All night vigil
Celebrating with others
Cutting divining rods, dowsing rods & wands
Herb gathering
Gathering of mistletoe in oak groves
Leaping between two fires
Mistletoe (without berries, use as a protection amulet)
Women walking naked through gardens
to ensure continued fertility
Enjoying the seasonal fruits & vegetables
Honor the Mother’s fullness, richness and abundance
Put garlands of St. John’s Wort placed over doors/ windows & a sprig in the car for protection.
☽⦁──────── ⦁☀️⦁ ────────⦁☾
Article Sources :
http://www.flyingthehedge.com/2016/06/litha-correspondences.html?m=1 https://paganpages.org/emagazine/2014/06/01/litha-correspondences-4/ https://sacredwicca.com/litha https://thecommongrackleblog.wordpress.com/2016/07/30/litha-correspondences/ https://exemplore.com/paganism/Seven-Crystals-for-Litha
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breelandwalker · 3 years ago
as a closet witch, how can i celebrate yule without being caught or snitched on? at decemember i would have to go to my relative's house and none of them are witches and are hard catholics, Its very important that I dont get caught but I would love to celebrate
This is my first yule too! (i started this month!! very new baby witch) I managed to persuade one of them to buy some scented candles (because that's what all i could manage to get them to buy it for me since i'm a broke student) but that's all I could manage if im being honest
i could eat breakfast with them, would that count as a feast? while i light the sun candle, should I shorten the things I should say while lighting it?
I genuinely want to welcome the sun and celebrate because I feel very safe while it's present and I want to thank it for the warmth it generously gives! And i thought yule would be a good time to get to know the sun more and repay it's kindness! (also, if i am referring to the sun incorrectly, please correct me!! I wanna be as resectful as i can)
[Also I'm very sorry if this isn't the types of asks you would like to recieve!! please delete if you wish not to answer ^^]
Oh, we're about to get REAL sneaky on this answer.
Before reading, please note - I do not recommend mixing religious practices willy-nilly or appropriating Christian rites for non-Christian witchcraft. But sometimes a witch has to be stealthy and here's how I managed a similar situation in my younger days.
I became a witch in my early twenties, while I was still living at room with progressive-but-highly-religious family members. There were occasions when I was expected to go to church. I was expected to say grace at family meals, celebrate religious holidays, pray about my problems, accept faith-based advice, and not be averse to Christian-themed gifts or the Christian radio station constantly playing in the house. For all my moms knew, I was still a Good Christian Girl.
I was NOT.
I hid books about witchcraft in with my fantasy novels. I decorated the top of a short bookcase with knickknacks for an altar. I used cheap candles and craft supplies for magical purposes. I bought herbs from a natural food store, started a potted garden, and talked (a lot) about my interest in herbal medicine. I took notes about witchcraft in the back of the notebook I used for notes about botany. And I did all my pagan stuff offsite or when I was home alone.
Keep in mind, this was purely to keep the peace in my home. I couldn't move out and I knew my mother would have a full-sized bird with all the trimmings if she found out I was doing pagan stuff under her roof. (As it turned out, it was a series of medium-sized birds. But that's another story.) I was lying, yes, but I was doing so out of self-preservation.
And that's exactly what I recommend you do.
Go along with what you're expected to do, to the extent that you are comfortable with. Use the mundane objects available to you to practice your craft silently and in secret. There's no need for fancy accoutrements, elaborate rituals, or spoken prayer. All of that takes a backseat to your physical safety and mental and emotional wellbeing.
Make the plans you already have and the things you're already doing into celebrations and devotional acts. Caroling is singing up the sun. Putting up lights is keeping the needfires burning through the solstice. Christmas breakfast with family absolutely counts as a feast. When everyone bows their heads for silent prayer, no one will know whether you're praying to the same god they are.
Honor the sun by scattering seeds for the birds and small animals to eat. Make dried-orange garlands - they're traditional for this time of year. Use that scented candle for color or scent magic, or for devotional purposes. (And you don't need to say anything out loud when lighting it. You can just think it to yourself.) Watch the sunrise on the winter solstice and wave. Make plans for how you too will rise and shine in the new year.
The nice thing about being pagan is that the gods meet us where we are. The world is our church and while there are sacred places that are worth visiting, we also carry our temples inside ourselves. Our hearts, our hands, our minds, and our voices are our altars, and on these tables, we offer the best of ourselves in honor of those we venerate.
Whatever you offer to your chosen gods, offer it sincerely, and whatever deeds you do in their honor, do them well and with all of your heart. It doesn't matter how small that might seem to you, because right now, that is everything you can give. In the future, maybe you can do more, be more open, celebrate in new ways. But for now, your task is to learn and grow, quietly, until that time comes.
I hope this helps and I hope you have a merry and meaningful Yule! Good luck, witchling, and welcome!
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north-of-annwn · 5 years ago
Hey what does it mean when a rune you pull is cracked or broken? The rune sack was sitting in the same place for 2 weeks straight and the Nauthiz I pull broke in half?
What does it mean to you? How would you assess your needfire lately? What do you think it’s trying to tell you? 
💙 Fynn
Website || Venmo || Ko-Fi
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the-earthen-one · 6 years ago
<Naudir> #needfire #einarselvik #wardruna @wardruna @einar_selvik @lindyfayhella #lindyfayhella #protonorse #music #art #concerts #norse #scandinavia (at The Vogue Theatre) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn-Ae3IHWRu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11hqbmv3y3s54
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lokabrenna13 · 11 months ago
Good morning! This week's rune is Nauthiz!
Nauthiz literally means "need fire" and is the rune of need/necessity, resistance, friction, and innovation. Hardship can become an opportunity for growth, depending on the situation, and your approach. You may find yourself in situations that require patience and endurance. This can include major difficulties and obstacles, or you may just be feeling stuck. Some of you will face delays moving forward or resistance to what you are hoping to achieve. Prioritizing will be key here. Nauthiz can also indicate you are facing a difficulty where you need to focus on an innovative, creative solution. So rather than focusing on the problem, look for ways to meet the need.
#runepull #runeart #runes #runedivination #divination #northerntraditionpagan #pagan #northerntradition #nauthiz #needfire #resistance #necessity #friction #runeoftheweek #norsepagan #futhark #elderfuthark #runevideo
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