#needed antibiotics and everything
tenspontaneite · 7 months
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Before and after pictures of my biohazard bathroom. So y'all can see this particular Horror I've been dealing with lately.
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vent moment but my health is a bit worse than i let on, which is weird ik since it seems like complain about it all the time here, and apparently i also look sick, because two separate people in their 40s or 50s asked me, 24, if i needed their seat on the bus. kind of them. but humiliating nonetheless.
#medical stuff cw#i sat on the steps instead of taking their seat#vent cw#i have to take five different pills a day excluding birth control which i also take for health reasons but okay#i have to thank italy for its healthcare system because at least i dont have to pay a fuckton for all that stuff. except birthcontrol.#as i may have mentioned they found quite a bit of blood in my piss so im getting tested for ✨️cancer✨️#also because i've been having health issues which might be rated#my blood work is all off but i didnt get tested for tumoral cells specifically because i may have 'just' an autoimmune condition#so im on heavy duty antibiotics too now bc i also developed antibiotic resistance last year. anyway.#i need to take those and then they'll test my peepee again but this time they will also test explicitly for tumoral cells#because something is off and my previous blood work didnt point out what exactly#terrible anemia and other slightly-off numbers that however shouldnt be off considering my lifestyle#i eat almost everything. drink plenty of water. exercise. barely smoke. not even drinking anymore. i'm not too fat nor too skinny.#so. some of the numbers that are off dont really have a reason to be off which is why they are testing my blood and piss for cancer#but like. in 3 weeks because i have to take antibiotics and iron meds (not supplements. meds.) first#so my mind's trying to convince itself that i dont have a tumor. but what if i do? i know i dont. but not knowing makes me go insane#also i have to get tested for heart disease because that motherfucker is not working properly. doesnt pump enough blood to my brain.#i took an ekg and it came back pretty normal except for tachycardia#now i have to go get an holter ekg - but was told to wait until uni starts again bc i need that exam to be done when i have a daily routine#so basically they slap electrodes and shit on me for 24 hrs while i go do my shit around the city and then see how my heart behaved#because i cant stand without struggling to breathe and sometimes it happens when in laying down to.#sometimes i cant fall asleep because i cant breathe#at first the doc thought it might be a reflux issue but not. all good on that front.#so. we'll see. and i mean. i KNOW it's not cancer. like. i'd be dead by now bc i've been having these symptoms for five months#however. i dont know if it's not an autoimmune disease. and if it is? what am i gonna do?
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hairtusk · 7 months
spent the last 9ish hours deep cleaning my room and i feel like an actual person for the first time since. probably early january.
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Relationship: The Bell Keeper & Meiri (OC) Category: Gen Word count: 2.9k Chapters: 1/? Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Found Family
🌲Read it on AO3♾️
A thing about Ed, one that Meiri could have never foreseen wouldn’t get on her nerves until she wanted to bite another hole into his decrepit overcoat, was that every time she thought she had him completely figured out, he’d go and surprise her.
Which was exactly what happened shortly after they arrived at the cabin the very afternoon he had signed the papers declaring that he, of fully informed and free will, was taking Meiri to be his problem for the rest of his life.
(That, by itself, should have already hinted to her that the guy was very strange, if she were being honest.)
Meiri had been setting the dishes on the table, organising them the best she could. It was hard to do much when the material she had to work with were two plain white plates – one of them with a barely noticeable chip, which she placed before her usual chair – and mismatched cutlery, but at least she was trying. Maybe too much, in fact, considering her vision was beginning to play tricks on her with how obsessive she got about placing the fork and knife perfectly parallel.
Luckily, Edmund leaving the small bathroom after his shower saved her from escalating to frustration, then anger, then most likely throwing the cutlery across the cabin to hang from the opposite wall.
That would not be a very good show to put on on her first official day at the cabin.
The steam that accompanied the man’s entrance smelled of cardamom from his soap and sandalwood from his deodorant (she had read every single label in the cabin one day when she was bored), and it was strangely soothing. Meiri sat back on Ed’s chair, huffing, when the fork’s placement still looked off to her
Maybe it was a secret cutlery rebellion. Or they just hated her in particular.
She felt a hand on her head, and scrunched her nose when Edmund ruffled her hair, feigning an undignified “hey!” before he walked by her to sit on the opposite chair.
This was wrong. They were in the wrong places. She’d even put out the cutlery they were each used to using already. She was about to point this out when he said it.
“Want to go out for dinner tonight?”
Meiri blinked.
“Yes. It’s the meal we have in the evenings.”
She glared, but it seemed to amuse him so whatever effect she used to get out of that was apparently ruined.
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mars-ipan · 2 months
omggggg my tummy hurtsssss. i wanna cry a little bit
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gracejones · 5 months
feeling stressed because my cat scratched up my neighbors arm and she is nervous he will give her an infection (even though I assured he he is up to date on all his shots) and this was AFTER I asked her to help me bring him inside
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twistedappletree · 6 months
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hatake · 1 year
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safyresky · 1 year
Me: I'm gonna do so much after I shower!
Me one shower later: (gets sad, falls asleep on couch, wakes up three hours later like WHAT)
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evilkitten3 · 1 year
What would you think, if, after getting advice from Iroh, Zuko and the gang travel to the spirit world in order to find Aang’s people so that Aang can teach the air acolytes more about the air nomads? But Zuko gets attacked by a poisonous spirit and reverts back to pre Season 2 Zuko after losing some of his memories due to the poison fogging his mind. Zuko is confused and doesn’t know why he’s firelord. The gang try to explain things to him, but it only causes him to become even more confused. Aang and the gang then leave Zuko behind to spend more time with the air acolytes. While they’re gone, Zuko is very uncertain about what to do, but soon corrupt advisors convince him to restart the war. Zuko doesn’t remember his friendship with Aang, but he hears that he once joined Aang, so Zuko assumes that Aang once brainwashed him into joining team Avatar and turning against his Father. Zuko intends to be a much greater firelord than his father, and he and his army raid the air acolyte settlement in their airships in order to hunt down Aang once again, and end up burning down the settlement. Aang and the gang wonder why Zuko chose to hunt them down again. Aang eventually comes to the conclusion that Zuko backslid due to bad advice from his advisors and because he lost some of his memories. Aang then travels the nations looking for a cure to help restore Zuko’s memories.  
Azula escapes from the mental institute and Zuko sends bounty hunters after her to capture her. Soon, Azula gets bitten by a snake, so she finds help in the village of Jang Hui where she is healed by two waterbenders, who are taking refuge there. Jang Hui is the village Katara helped in The Painted Lady. And the villagers aren’t on good terms with the firelord. The villagers accept her and assume that she’s on their side because she’s made an enemy of the Firelord. The villagers teach Azula how to heal people using firebending techniques inspired by water bending, and she ends up becoming a fisherwoman because it’s a fishing town. She starts to warm up to the town, but one day she overhears the waterbenders talking about sneaking out to sabotage the smelting factory(which is currently undergoing reconstruction) in order to help the villagers. Azula offers to join their mission, and the three sneak out to destroy the factory, but she betrays the waterbenders over to the fire nation in hopes that she might bring glory to the fire nation. But now that the waterbenders are captured and eliminated, the town is defenseless. Zuko’s army burns the town down leaving few survivors. Zuko didn’t exactly authorize the attack, but he did give his generals permission to do whatever it takes to stop the villagers from trying to halt the rebuilding of the factory used for the war effort. A few survive and declare revenge on Azula for what she did.  
Azula starts to feel terrible about betraying the people who saved her life and indirectly causing the village to be destroyed, since she didn’t know it would be destroyed. And she holds Zuko partially responsible for destroying the village. After wandering around, Azula looks through a telescope and sees Aang try to save a fire nation village from a volcano, and she also sees Zuko. Zuko does nothing after his corrupt advisors tell him to leave the village, saying that Aang will probably die, so Zuko runs away. But Aang manages to save the village from the erupting volcano. Azula gets accepted into the gang when she uses her new healing abilities to heal Aang, who is wounded by the volcano. They reluctantly team up to stop Zuko.
After wandering around the Earth Kingdom to look for a cure for Zuko's memory loss, the gang sees a massive stream of fire pour down from a few fire nation airships hovering above a village. The stream of fire burns the village to the ground, leaving few survivors. It turns out that fire nation scientists developed a highly addictive serum that can increase the fire power of any fire Bender. The downside is that prolonged use of the serum results in loss of the senses, and eventually death. Senses such as taste, smell, sight, touch, and hearing. Zuko intends take the serum and lead a fleet of airships to finish what his Dad started by burning the Earth Kingdom to the ground. After learning what Zuko intends to do, even Aang feels tempted to give up on him.
it's an interesting concept, but i have a few critiques.
first, if the gaang knows zuko lost his memory, why would they leave him in the first place? and even if they did that, surely there'd be somebody in the palace who could say "hey firelord zuko maybe don't restart the war dude wtf" or at least alert the gaang or something.
second, i've seen a lot of people try to have azula's redemption involve learning some kind of healing, and i gotta say, it very very rarely does anything for me. for starters, it (probably unintentionally) reinforces the northern water tribe's ideology that healing is inherently for women (the show admittedly also did this bc the only named male waterbender who uses any kind of healing in any canon that i'm aware of is unalaq). moreover, it's not something i think azula would be particularly good at or have much interest in.
also, why are there waterbenders in jang hui? it's a fire nation village. you said they were taking refuge, but from what, and why there? on top of that, azula knows zuko is firelord and doesn't know he's lost his memories, so why would she assume betraying the waterbenders to the fire nation would bring it glory? if she just broke out of the asylum, then the last time she saw zuko was when he and katara fought her during the agni kai.
third, if zuko lost his memory to a "poisonous" (???) spirit in the spirit world, why are they searching the earth kingdom for a cure? shouldn't they be looking in the spirit world? aang's the avatar, and iroh's gotten in before, so it shouldn't be the hardest thing in the world.
fourth, if zuko lost all his memories of books 2 and 3, he shouldn't know about ozai's plan to burn everything to the ground, since that wasn't established until after he returned to the fire nation with azula, mai, and ty lee.
finally, even before book 1 began, zuko was deeply loyal to his people, balking at the mere idea of sacrificing newbie soldiers for the sake of a win, so i can't fathom a world where zuko is ok with burning down jang hui (a fire nation village) just cuz.
i'm not trying to say there's no potential here, you have some very interesting ideas, but there's a lot that doesn't really work for me.
(to be fair tho i'm not a huge fan of anything involving much of the air acolytes bc i frankly could not give less of a fuck about them. i don't hate them or anything they just don't mean anything to me)
#atla#it's an interesting concept#but honestly as described here it's more confusing than anything else#also the whole premise relies on the idea that zuko blindly listens to what people tell him to do#which is something he's never once managed ever in his life#also the whole ''let's burn everything to the ground'' was something zuko wasn't remotely ok with#bc unlike azula he hasn't been raised to believe that the right thing to say is whatever makes dad proud of you#he HAS been raised to believe that paternal love has to be earned through blood sweat and tears#but if he knew ozai was in prison then obviously the best way to get his favor would be to let him out and reinstate him as firelord#which would be. very confusing to ozai#imagine just sitting in prison and then your son storms in and tells you he's freed himself of brainwashing and you can be in charge again#then imagine having to explain that the avatar can take away bending now but you'd be happy to help him rule from the shadows#since clearly your daughter wasn't of any use#...actually i think you have the start of a really good toxic father-son bonding experience that absolutely nobody wanted#having said that my biggest piece of advice is to cut the serum idea entirely#it makes no sense in the established atla world#they haven't even got antibiotics over there yet#it'll be awhile before they're inventing super soldier serums to create captain fire nation or whatever#also i'm curious what advice iroh gave that prompted all of this#aang doesn't need to go into the spirit world he has all the previous air avatars on psychic speed dial#oh and why would jang hui hate zuko?#katara definitely would've pushed him to send them help#also they apparently became famous for their seafood after the war#so zuko would probably be pretty well liked by them#again it isn't a bad idea it just needs a lot of workshopping#bc right now it raises way more questions than it seems intent on answering
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I fucking hate being long-term temporarily disabled in such a way that you *know* what the treatment is, you are hypothetically able to access the treatment, but you just aren't well enough to have the fucking treatment done.
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eqan · 2 years
people in my life questioning me about whether or not egan should be euthanized knowing that i take him to a specialist who researched megae at a university people would spend thousands taking their megae dogs to make me wanna spoon out my own eyeballs. do you think i like spending $4k on ER bills. do you think i’d be doing that if it wasn’t the best thing for egan. euthanasia is only a couple hundred dollars. if that’s what was best for him versus the hospitalization, don’t you think i woulda done it 🤪 cmon now.
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mosspapi · 3 months
I'm so done with everything
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angededesespoir · 4 months
On another note, though, very proud of myself.
Last month, for the first time in my life, I managed to get head lice from a friend, and all the scratching I did wound up causing me to develop multiple abscesses. 😔 Wound up having to go to the er for one and it was lanced and drained twice. (I will say, if you have to have them drained, opt to get numbed first. The shots hurt, but after that, all I felt was pressure when they were squeezing. [They did warn though that sometimes when they try to numb the area, you could wind up feeling pain due to the area sometimes not absorbing the medication well enough. Or something like that.]
In comparison, I had my partner drain one of my abscesses at home (which is not advised) and it was some of the worst pain I’ve experienced in my life and I nearly passed out after. 🥹)
Also wound up having MRSA in that wound. 😔 Fortunately the antibiotics worked, but they gave me pills, so I had to endure 10 days of crushing them up and struggling to take them. 🥹
And I also have had to do multiple check-ups. Still need to go for more and also schedule other appointments, but oh God, all of this is absolute hell for me. Hospitals make me so anxious and I have severe agoraphobia. This is the first time in like 7 years I’ve been to the doctor. So I’m proud of myself for going, but each time I go, I’m fighting off an anxiety attack and I have to endure a 20 minute ride each way (and we don’t have a car rn, so we have to Uber, which makes me more anxious) and then however long I have to wait in the waiting area.
I really need to set up more appointments, but I’m so full of dread. And I can’t predict how my body is going to feel any given day, so it makes it so hard to schedule things. I’m so stressed about it ahhh (I tried scheduling a cervical cancer screening that I’ve been holding off on and I wound up canceling both due to the anxiety and the lack of money to get down there. 🥹 I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to get myself to go down to my eye exam.)
But, yeah….. I don’t know how I’m gonna be able to do what needs to get done. Yay for me for taking care of some of it, but God, I wish I didn’t have to fight myself so hard to. 😔
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chaos-mybeloved · 8 months
I have a piercing bump on my nose piercing and it is the bane of my existence I have never been more frustrated with anything in my life. I thought I might be allergic to the piercing so I switched it out and it started getting better then boom now it’s big as hell again I don’t understand I am in tears it has been 5 months of this what do I do
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normiewizard · 8 months
the fuckingg lymph nodes......
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