#need to make a poll on what to rewatch hold on
livvyofthelake · 2 years
i’m sooo overdo to watch cole and phoebe….. i miss them :(
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calsvoid · 2 months
for the character ask 002 Bobby Nash
(I love how you're fighting with polls, I also hate that you can't delete them)
character ask game
reply threads are so great tumblr can you make a fucking x button for polls
version two — give me a character and i will tell you:
how I feel about this character:
i need to fuck that old man
and then also hold him tight and keep him safe because he needs stability and love in his life and let him know that he never needed to be perfect or even great and the pain he suffered wasn’t a punishment it was just life and it’s not his time yet
all the people I ship romantically with this character:
it’s athena it’s just athena who else no one could beat THE athena grant they’re soulmates i love them they’re so perfect each other THE married couple of all time even if i wanted to ship anyone else i couldn’t because she’s literally right there and nobody else matters
my non-romantic OTP for this character:
will never not hate rockmond for taking away bobby and michael bestieism from me they were perfect together husbands in law besties god brought them together because god can be kind sometimes and by god i mean tim there was always support between the two of them and they were so good at communicating their issues and urghhh just every scene between the two of them is amazing
also him and the kids like the firehouse field trip and all his moments with may and always caring about them ugh i love this family if they don’t give me more moments next season ill fight someone
my unpopular opinion about this character:
i think the only one i have remotely is that i don’t want him to retire yet, i think they absolutely could do well with it (especially if that one food truck idea gets followed through ppeawepleaseoleasepleawepleaseeapsleapslewapslw) but ill just miss him as captain even though i know his attitude towards his job isn’t like athena’s so it might happen but ill be sad because change is hard
one thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
um his fucking house didn’t burn down
also my previous answer before season seven probably would’ve been more details on his childhood but guess what tim hates me and he wants to make both me and my husband suffer through the horrors
my OTP:
me and bobby
lol no it’s bathena of course it is, they are such a beautiful couple and i’m on my rewatch and “thanks for coming to get me” “always” never fails to make me a believer in true love like it is insane how much love you can pack into one word they’ve always got each other’s backs and they are just soooo in love they’re everything to me
my crossover ship:
once again no one because i’m not big into crossovers unless real life counts then it’s me and bathena
a headcanon fact:
i like to think after he retires he’ll be a lot more involved in charity work and whatnot, like he’d probably still help a lot with the 118 fundraisers and then do more with his local church. he and buck would probably make homemade meals and donate them to a shelter idk i just think it’s cute. and the firefam kids help too because kindness and volunteer hours
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Can you talk a little more about Kira and Two is Company? I really like how you’re giving an outsider’s perspective of mystery things while also diving into dynamics we don’t get to see on the show. (Also I think Eddie being a little brother is adorable)
Oh my god I’m so glad you asked! Thank you so much by the way! I really think the non-mystery side of HOA is rarely explored in longer fic, and while I do plan to focus on the mystery as we eventually move into Season 3, getting to rewatch Season 2 and play with the dynamics there is fun, especially when the OC being used is one that many other people in the fandom got to help me create through Instagram polls! Kira is just as much the fandom’s as she is mine, and that to me makes her special.
Two is Company started out as just writing practice, because I personally don’t really like OC fics, but I ended up having fun! I’m pleased you, Anon, and other people give it a chance along with my other fics as well! Exploring a sibling dynamic is a lot of fun, and delving deeper into Eddie’s backstory and motivations alongside writing Kira is a lot of fun! I’m hoping to get more into Mr. Sweet soon as well.
As for Kira herself, here’s the character profile I have on her that helps me keep all her info straight in my head:
Character Chart
Character’s full name: Kira Miller
Reason or meaning of name: “Mistress, ruler”, "leader of the people", "one the people look to", "beloved"
Character’s nickname: “Kir”, “Chicken Nugget” (by Eddie)
Birth date: November 19, 1994
Physical appearance
Age: 16-17 (S2) ; 17-18 (S3)
Weight: 110 lbs
Height: 5’5”
Eye color: Brown/Hazel
Skin tone: Pale
Hair color: Light brown
Hairstyle: Mostly in a low ponytail, but she wears it many different ways
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(commissioned art of Kira Miller by enchi-ladas)
Past & Present
Home: New Jersey
Current location: Anubis House
Currently living with: The residents of Anubis House
Mother: Cathy Miller
Relationship with her: Good, but Cathy works very hard to keep their family financially stable, even with the money that Eric send, so she’s not home a lot. When she is home, though, things are nice between them.
Father: Eric Sweet
Relationship with him: Estranged, but slowly getting better. She’d always wanted to reconnect with her father, and is more than willing to put in that effort.
Siblings: Eddie Miller
Relationship with him: Tight knit, but there are several chasms between them that will take a lot of figuring out to solve. They helped raise each other, but they both hold a certain amount of resentment towards each other for not being quite what the other needed. They really do love each other, though.
Good personality traits: Witty, good listener, intelligent, observant, independent
Bad personality traits: Reserved, simp, passive, uninterested in intervening in other people’s problems that do not affect her or those she cares about
Mood character is most often in: Bemused
Character’s greatest joy in life: The people she loves all together, happy, and healthy
Character’s greatest fear: Being unable to keep her family from crumbling.
Why? - Kira has spent as long as she can recall trying to hold everything together, trying to reconnect with her estranged father, trying to keep Eddie from getting himself into trouble; if she were to fail, it would be a childhood wasted.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? - An unexpected loss of someone she has invested her time and love into.
Character is most at ease when: Curled up in bed with a classic Russian novel
Most ill at ease when: Caught in between a fight between friends, or when Eddie does something that reflects badly on not only himself but her as well.
Enraged when: She is told to back down from something that actually is her business
Depressed or sad when: She finds out her faith in a person or herself was misplaced.
Priorities: Her family and friends
Life philosophy: “If it doesn’t involve you, it shouldn’t concern you.”
If granted one wish, it would be: A family unit that’s fully whole.
Character’s soft spot: Her loved ones, particularly the object of her affections.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? - Yes
Greatest strength: Her observation skills and ability to get a good read on people.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: People she finds attractive, and anyone threatening her family/loved ones
Regrets: Not trusting her gut about certain things, falling for the wrong people, getting involved in things bigger than her
(There’s more, but you get the gist. If you want more info, lmk! Or just keep reading to find out 😘)
Thank you so much for your ask, Anon! Much love to you!
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godkilller · 4 years
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I wanna hear you rant about the Gin vs Hitsugaya anime fight bc I love seeing your pov and you clearly write better than whoever extended that scene :) pretty please
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          out of character.  DON’T ENABLE ME SO MUCH !!  No but I cackled when I first saw this ask because oh my god, clearly you saw a taste of my annoyance about the anime adaptation -- no, adaptation implies it was accurate, I’ll say the anime’s take was “inspired by” the manga’s quick run-in. I’ll start by saying this moment is supposed to be a bit important considering, via the audience’s point of view, THIS IS THE FIRST WE SEE OF TWO CAPTAIN-RANKED SHINIGAMI CLASHING. The only other captain-involved fight we’ve seen thus far in the manga is Kenpachi  ( who is an outlier and should not be counted... no, I joke... but, still, Ichigo was not an equal to him, his sword was sliced through like butter. )  The whole reason I enjoyed this encounter between Toshiro and Gin was simply this; it wasn’t some fancy multi-chaptered fight. IN THE MANGA, THERE ARE ONLY TWO BLOWS MADE. One, by Toshiro, to begin the fight. The second, to end it, is Gin’s strike.
          I want you to know that I’ve rewatched this specifically to answer this ask, and only due to this, as I wouldn’t have ever sought it out otherwise. HONOR MY SACRIFICE.
          Read more for length. I’m merciful.
          In the anime, they monologue at each other, and it’s mostly a combination of Toshiro making three separate death threats  ( he starts this off by saying “I’ll kill you before Hinamori arrives” and then goes on rewording it each time, and then also repeats the death-threat he gave Gin prior to this conflict about “I’ll kill you if Hinamori bleeds” )  and then also Gin and Izuru talking about how truly powerful and amazing Toshiro is -- no, this isn’t me being bitter or petty, I literally shit you not, Gin has a line that is legit “AS EXPECTED FROM HITSUGAYA TOSHIRO, CAPTAIN OF THE TENTH DIVISION, A CHILD PRODIGY OF TH' SORT THAT ONLY COMES ALONG ONLY ONCE EVERY FEW CENTURIES. HOW VEEEERY DANGEROUS. YOU’RE SERIOUS, AIN’T YA?” like don’t get me wrong, love a good sarcastic little shit comment like that, but the amount of times the anime pumps Toshiro up like he’s their shinest new cash cow ( and he is, at this point, it is not even 50 episodes into the series and they’ve realized everyone likes him and he’s jumped to high ranks in popularity polls... earning him filler spotlights, and eventually his very own non-canon movie )  so everything coming out of Gin’s mouth feels like more bullshit than necessary. Izuru’s already literally monologued, internally, how powerful and amazing Toshiro is anyways. Why this ?
          Not to mention that, prior to saying that long-winded shit, Gin’s haori changed length three times  ( and once it was longer than his entire body by several feet, and no not in a ‘to show motion’ way )  and most importantly Shinso was drawn, consistently, at katana-length for the duration of their little spat where the following, too, happened: Gin frog-leaps after doing a backflip, Toshiro gives Gin two (2) haircuts, Gin ruins some floorboards and gives Toshiro at least one splinter in his arm, Toshiro whilst wearing socks lands on Shinso’s blunt edge and pushes the sword down with his footsie because that’s how that works, there’s another backflip somewhere in there that Gin doesn’t need to be doing, twirl, twirl, and ballet, Gin’s face elongates until his chin is bigger than his face, Gin spends ten+ seconds purely dodging very close strikes to his face as Toshiro is the only one making breathy growly and ‘tsuuaaah’ sounds, there is a brief moment of no gravity as Toshiro keeps hacking at Gin midair and Gin blocks it over and over again but they still stay in the air but they’re not standing or jumping or using reiatsu they’re just like, momentum-locked I don’t fucking know, Gin frowny faces as he blocks because like somehow this kid who doesn’t even have more reiatsu than him, whose arm strength should not be an issue, is like. making him nervous?? as sword sparks fly. if you know me at all you know I hate when they fuckin’ firework sparkler-ify swords clashing.
          Anyways, all of this happens whilst Shinso is the wrong length and Gin’s hair is getting purpler by the second and this entire thing is somehow a big jack-off to Toshiro’s immense strength even though he’s screaming and wailing at Gin like a child and Gin’s just a vessel at this point to Enhance Toshiro, which, fine, okay, but at least be more accurate with it god damn. ANYWAYS,
          THEY JOUST. They literally run at each other, swords centered, and run past / to the side of one another. Jousting. “Cause that’s how that works. No slashes, no cutting motion. Just swords centered, because the animators were like “no worries guys I know swordfighting basics that’s a legit pose” yeah it is WHEN STATIONARY. Not rUNNING IT DOWN.
          And then Gin’s sleeve is cut, somehow, from the Jousting, because wow Toshiro wow wow wowowowow, and then Toshiro comes back and starts wailing at Gin again and Gin blocks it, again, and it’s all very annoyingly repetitive, and Gin’s frowning and sparks are flying and Gin’s using Shinso, the katana-length wakizashi I guess, with two hands because like I said, the animators knew basics and basics are “katana are used two-handed” like. Okay, you’re not wrong, but I cannot stress this enough: SHINSO IS NOT A KATANA. It’s shorter and meant to be used single-handed!!!! sTop!!! So then Gin rips off the tattered part of his sleeve and throws it at Toshiro, who swipes it away from his face using his Zanpakuto because that’s intelligent and a piece of cloth was definitely threatening enough to use your sword to bat it away  ( btw, Hitsugaya wasn’t holding his sword with two hands at this precise moment, so he could have just... used his other hand )  and then Gin goes in for the classic “stabby stabby rapidly at you while the animation gets a little breather because we repeat this cycle a few times with flashy bgs and phew money made” ... WE ARE FOUR MINUTES AND THIRTY SECONDS INTO THIS FIGHT BY THE WAY. Gin does this for seventeen (17) agonizing seconds straight. Yes, I counted. That was sixteen and a half too many seconds for me, personally.
          Toshiro somehow lassos Shinso whilst Gin is stabby stabby-ing with Hyourinmaru’s chain component. I say component like it’s somehow some type of beauty guru’s lipstick holder, but really am I that wrong ? When else has he ever used this feature ? Anyways, he lassos Shinso because yeehaw I guess, god I’m falling apart at this point can y’all tell????? I need a drink.
          and so, because now Toshiro has Gin’s sword somehow trapped with chain even though it’s just looped around it, he backflips over Gin for a cool trickshot, no blow issued, just vibes, and Gin uses a big brain moment to tug Shinso and the chains slide off. okay now what. We’re past five minutes into this fight, nonstop.
          SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD TIME FOR GIN TO PAUSE AND APPRECIATE TOSHIRO AGAIN! “I see, I shouldn’t have underestimated you, HItsugaya Toshiro” I’m starting to have a feeling Gin’s VA was told to just wing these lines because the amount of times he fills silences / Gin’s mouth movements with Toshiro’s long-ass name is astounding, he’s definitely drawing blanks here but he sure as hell knows one thing: that damn ice-boy’s name. He continues by saying “I suppose I’ll end up regretting it afterwards.”
          Toshiro says that’s not enough, and it’s really dramatic and cool. His eyes even glow all icy and blue and pretty, like his flowy reiatsu. Aesthetic points were gifted entirely to Toshiro’s animations in this scene. Gin was finished in MS Paint and each new scene they had to draw Shinso from memory and try to remember what hue of purple his hair was at gunpoint. Toshiro lets off a big wave of reiatsu and then it vanishes, and he jumps up reaaaally high. like this guy’s flying. his eyes arent glowing anymore that’s sad. Bring Back Glowing Eyes For Strong Shinigami 2k21.
          Toshiro releases his Shikai, and it’s badass, the sky darkens, Izuru looks distinctly more worried than usual, and Gin’s frowning with his teeth out like Bugs Bunny’s having a bad day, all is right in the world. Toshiro and his released Shikai have a nice moment for the Pics, and a big epic freeze frame blur moment happens with it all coiled and swirling around him. Wrow!  ( click the ‘wrow’ it’s a link to my exact reaction )  Izuru narrates for the third time about how powerful Toshiro is, his reiatsu, his Zanpakuto being a deity who is only unlocked every few centuries. The strongest ice-type sword. Pardon the pun, but that’s... you could say, so cool.
          It can even control the weather. So hey, next time it’s rainy, cold, icy, or snowing and you’re unhappy, it’s time to direct a big fuck you at Toshiro.
          Gin dodges the first dragon, and blocks the second with Shinso because blocking water and ice with a sword makes sense right? This actually takes a solid amount of seconds as Gin cuts through the entire length of this ice dragon noodle. Things dissipate, and pause, too, to really drag this out. Surprisingly, this reveals that Gin’s made a boo-boo, his left arm’s frozen, which doesn’t even mean anything because Gin is right-handed, and Toshiro teleports himself behind Gin in true fighty fashion.
          We have arrived at seven minutes and just under twenty seconds of this fight, and Gin turns, DOES THE UNTHINKABLE, gasp! He opens his eyes. His red, dull, evil, gray-eyebrowed with purple hair eyes, and shoots Shinso through its hideout spot behind his haori. This nearly takes off Toshiro’s eye and upwards of his head, but the little guy dives down fast. The rest happens in slow motion, supposedly, because it takes an eternity and people talk entire full sentences in its span of time.
          Gin asks Toshiro if he’s sure he’d like to dodge that  ( it’s a little late for that ) and says that Momo’ll die if he does. SHINSO SCRAPING ALONG AGAINST HYOURINMARU STRANGELY MAKES NOT A SINGLE SOUND. Mute. Even though before they had no problem animating and adding sounds to them smacking blades earlier. There are soundless sparks though, so there’s that. Yay. Can you tell how exhausted this’s made me? I need a nap.
          Shinso is already more than halfway towards Momo, still unconscious, she most definitely has a serious concussion via Toshiro backhanding her midair consider she’s been unconscious for longer than ten minutes. Toshiro has time to get up off the floor where he dropped to dodge, realize with a shocked gasp, turn, shout her name, and watch as Rangiku arrives in a random glow of gold which never happens ever again and blocks the attack with Haineko. Haineko almost cracks on the impact, and continues growing in damage as Rangiku holds Shinso there, implying that she’s stopped it from reaching one-hundred sword’s lengths to pierce Momo. Yes I’m including that implication / note in here because we love to see Rangiku succeeding in life and being Not-Helpless, all while potentially damaging Haineko severely if it wasn’t able to hold him off. Yikes, Gin!
          Rangiku threatens to join the fight if he doesn’t withdraw his sword. Gin smiles, withdraws it, and then Shunpos away.
          Whatta mess. Oh, and the anime fight was pretty fucked up, too.
          This is a long post, but here’s the manga version:
Toshiro leaps into the air,
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This is where the fight actually starts between them:
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And end. 
Five pages. Two blows. Does not equate to ten minutes of non-stop fighting and monologues. Sometimes, and I mean this in the most unbiased way possible, less is more.
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harveyhyig091 · 4 years
Take 10 Minutes To  Get Going With Betting Tips
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1971 Cowboys. The 1971 Cowboys boasted a fast, multifaceted offense that scored 40-plus points five times during the 14-game regular season.
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Similarly, Gaelic football is one of the most popular sport in Ireland in regards to suit participation, and the All-Ireland Football Final is one of the most enjoyed event of that country's showing off year. The laws of rugby union additionally altered during the 20th century, although much less considerably than those of rugby organization. By the 1870s, Rugby and also Organization football had actually begun to come to be preferred in Ireland. The regulations of the English FA were being distributed extensively. Standard types of caid had actually begun to give way to a "rough-and-tumble game" which enabled tripping.
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The man most responsible for the transition from this rugby-like game to the sport of football we know today was Walter Camp, known as the “Father of American Football.” As a Yale undergraduate and medical student from 1876 to 1881, he played halfback and served as team captain, equivalent to head coach at the time.
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Anyone else feeling like this?
So it’s been almost a week since the rise of skywalker and I’ve been a mess. Also, anti’s do not come at me. All of this is just my opinion. I’m allowed to have one.
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Like don’t get me wrong, I thought the movie was okay but it didn’t really satisfy me. During half of the movie, I was literally asking myself if I was satisfied that this was going to be the last of the sequel trilogy and the ending for the skywalker saga. I really wasn’t and tbh. I actually felt more satisfied when I watched the last Jedi then when I was watching this movie. I even tried to avoid leaks about this movie, I even bought my tickets in advance to see it in theaters because I thought the theater would be packed, paid more to watch it in a bigger theater with surround sound. I avoided the reviews in case it would be negative. I basically wanted to judge the movie for myself before I hear anyone's opinion on it.
Which I why I saw it the Monday after the came out, so I can be able to fully avoid all social media in case if spoilers and because I was too excited to see it.
Boy I had my hopes up too high XD
Well for one there was barely anyone in the theater there was at least 20-25 people in a big theater, My friend I and were the only ones in our row. I was surprised cause usually for Star Wars, the movies are packed or have more than what I saw.
I came out of the theater kinda dazed. Both my friend and I were talking about the movie and how we were sad about Ben’s death but we were kinda happy that he at least got to save Rey in the end, but we were both confused and sad that we didn’t see him as a Force ghost in the end. We both understood the meaning of why Rey called herself a Skywalker was in honor of the people that cared for her regardless if she was a Palpatine and was in a way honoring Ben a little bit. At the time my only problem with the movie was the fact that Leia’s Cgi weirded me out XD. The rest was either meh, okay or  YESSSSSS. 
I was not expecting a Reylo kiss at all.
I heard about it before the movie came out but, it was confirmed that there wasn’t going to be a kiss. So I accepted it and kinda was okay with it cause I kinda like how subtle their interactions were but in a way it meant more. Also, they’ve been cannon through the novelizations, so I felt like I didn’t need a kissing scene. ( btw anti’s don’t come at me, this is just my opinion from what I know) I was happy for the kiss though, so much to where I didn't notice Ben smiling (i was happy dancing XD). I had a weird feeling though that he did so I asked my friend and she said yeah he did.
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Then as the days went I realized I had some problems with this movie  The more I looked into this movie, read some opinions on Twitter, Instagram and on here, the more I realized that I agree with most of the negatives and that wasn’t really as good as I expected
Well for one the scene when Ben dies always felt like something was off about that scene but I couldn’t figure out what it was. After doing some digging I was happy I wasn’t the only one and was surprised by the explanation that people had about the scene was most likely done the last minute. It actually really made sense to me cause the editing to me looked a little off. It’s like one minute you see her with her hand around his face and her other hand somewhere on his upper body and then as he starts to drop to the floor, placement of one of her hands is already holding one of his. There’s even a theory that they reversed the scene to make it look like he died after reviving Rey and wasn’t revived by Leia.
 Leia disappearing right after he dies looked off. And Rey’s reaction to his death didn’t make any sense to me either, it felt as if she didn’t just watch her other half die before her eyes. I kinda understand that she might've been in shock or was trying to hold back tears, but it just felt off.
I didn't even know about them being dyads until I found out on twitter. When I did I ended up with more questions with answers.
Why build Rey and Ben’s bond as if they are stronger together and that their bond can go “through space and time”, basically make it seem like their bond as “powerful like life itself” and then kill off one half of the bond, in the end? 
Where is Ben?  cause he wasn’t a force ghost in the end and he became one with the force so that just somehow makes me wanna believe we're not done seeing him just yet story wise
What was the other ending for the movie? cause I am curious what the other endings were and what made them pick the one that’s in the movie
If Palpatine created Snoke, was he also controlling him? and if it was him this whole time does that mean he basically lied about creating the bond because he didn’t know about Ben and Rey being a dyad?
Anyone got Endgame vibes watching the battle with Palpatine?
I am all of the Jedi XD idk maybe since I grew up with Marvel and started watching star wars when I was 15, made me feel kinda off when I heard that and I didn't feel that the line was epic.
Also the more I think of it, the more I realize that I didn’t really like the fact that they killed Ben off
The dude’s redemption arc was a little too quick. I really think he should’ve lived to make amends, right the wrongs or better yet lived in exile or something. At first, I was okay with him dying like this cause it seemed okay to me. But after finding out that there was more to his backstory and read it, I realized that the whole entire Skywalker bloodline has been through pain and death. In a way, I kinda wished Ben was the one to put an end to that. I understand the counter-argument for Anakin’s death but the difference there from my understanding:
1) He knew was gonna die anyway. I rewatched the original scene and from my understanding, he said that nothing was going to stop him from dying regardless if Luke took his mask off.
2) At least Anakin got to say something. Ben had no lines
Not every redemption arc has to end up with the person dying.
The one agreement,  I can kinda get behind on is that at least he died saving the woman he loves, unlike his grandfather who tried but failed.
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From a marketing standpoint though I don't understand why they would kill him off when they would’ve made a lot of money off of him with this movie. The fact alone that people are upset that he died and made a GoFundMe and petitions just for him to come back says something. Even on the Star Wars website for the poll, he’s #1 at 88%. I understand not everything is about money, but it’s like they sacrificed a chance to get a lot of money.
More importantly, I feel like they did Rey dirty
We first see her start her journey in a desert planet alone with a droid and it ends with her in a desert with a droid. Her other half is dead. Her parents are dead, Her grandfather is Palpatine. I honestly feel like she deserved better. The fact that they didn’t even give her a moment to mourn and how she's been through so much and for her to not really get a happy ending kinda sucked. Like I felt like I was mourning for her. That alone made me depressed.       
This whole movie just ended up making me feel like I didn’t really found any closer. Like I can’t So I’m just gonna wait till the novelization so I can understand it better and get answers about Ben’s death. 
Is he really dead?
 Is it true that if one dies the bond will still be there and the person that is living will feel empty like something is missing?
 Is it true that one person can’t fully die without the other in a dyad and they stay in the world between worlds until the other half dies?
 Are we going to have a comic or novel where Rey comes to get him back if that's the case? 
but for the time being, I’m going to just have hope and rely on fanfiction I know this the end for movie Ben and Rey unless Adam and Daisy say otherwise. But I will say this their scenes together and Ben Solo’s were the highlight of this movie for me.  
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Overall I still think the movie was okay. I just think some things could've been explained more But that's how I feel.
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK S3E18 Poll Results (Anime Only Viewer Version)
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The poll closed with 128 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note this is the anime only viewer version of the poll. Manga readers, please click here for the results of the manga reader poll!
RATE THE EPISODE 110 Responses
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As has been the trend for most of this half of the season, the episode is ranking high among respondents, with 82.7% giving it a 5/5 rating.
Best. Episode. Ever. Hands down.
Crippling depression
Great episode - I usually rewatch new episodes within a day, but I haven't with this episode because it's so good and I know I'll end up going through a roller coaster of emotions again
10/10 again. Probably the best anime in terms of character development
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There were many emotional and impactful moments throughout this episode, leaving a relatively close call across the board on what stood out as a favorite moment for respondents. 12.4% were most touched with Levi and Hange’s farewell to Erwin, 11.5% were impacted by Bertolt’s death, while another 11.5% simply couldn’t pick a favorite moment at all. 10.6% enjoyed watching as the 104th held onto a newly revived Armin.
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Credit is given where credit is due, and 34.5% of respondents felt that all of the cast deserve kudos for their amazing performances in this episode! Yuki Kaji (Eren) and Yui Ishikawa (Mikasa) both tied at 18.6% on their individual performances, while Hiroshi Kamiya (Levi) came out with 13.3% of the vote. 8% were most pleased with Romi Park (Hange).
The seiyuu made the episode what it is. If they weren't so powerful in their performances then I don't think I would have been as upset as I was. Though I understand the creation of the episode was a lot of people's hard work.
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A whopping 64.3% of respondents were thrilled with the omission of music from this episode, which allowed the raw voice acting to really shine through. 25% were content and felt that it enhanced the episode overall. 8% either didn’t care or notice. A small amount didn’t feel it was the best choice.
I loved Armin's OST
I was too anxious to notice!
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39.1% of respondents were most affected by the flashback to Moblit’s death during Hange’s speech, 31.3% were moved by everything she had to say, and 20.9% felt most touched by Hange embracing Mikasa as she was grieving.
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More than half of respondents agreed with Eren in this debate and feel that Armin was objectively the better choice to revive for the sake of humanity. 39.1% feel that Erwin was the better option. A small amount didn’t feel either were a good choice.
I didn't really like how the story backpedaled away from Armin's death. The way he sacrificed himself would've been the perfect end to his character arc, I feel.
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We asked you guys who you would have chosen based on a more emotional attachment, rather than an objective one. 63.5% of respondents felt that they would have chosen to revive Armin in this situation, while 31.3% would have preferred Erwin survive.
It was really hard choosing between Armin and Erwin
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Nearly half of respondents agree that Erwin would have felt guilty had he been chosen over Armin. 25.2% think that he simply would have been understanding, and 20% believe he would have been disappointed in the decision to revive him over Armin. A small amount feel he would have been relieved.
Crushed by survivors guilt
I think Erwin was ready and relieved to die and would not have been a very functional person or leader after that point.
Sad because he lost a good element, but determined to fulfill his dream
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56.6% of viewers believe that Levi’s reasoning for letting Erwin go was so that he wouldn’t have to live through any more hell. 33.6% believe it was a mixture of any or all of the given options.
After Erwin asked a question to his “teacher” Levi realized how long Erwin’s mind had been corrupted. Seeing him pure again for the first time made Levi realize it would be unjust to bring him back to this world.
I believe Erwin would have come back a changed man. He already has a huge amount of survivors guilt, so if he was revived after leading dozens of men to their deaths i don't think he could have lived with himself. I feel this change would make him a worse leader and strategist, and it would just be difficult for him to move on. I think Levi ultimately saw this and understood that this was the correct move for both Erwin and humanity. I also believe armins dream is larger in scope, so he has more motivation to push humanity farther beyond the wall, where erwin would have been satisfied after reaching the basement.
I felt sorry for Levi. He just wanted Erwin to live but knew that they already had had their final speech. He had already come to terms in a way that Erwin would die on that day. No need to prolong his suffering
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Overall the fandom is most affected by Erwin’s death, with 69.3% mourning him more than the others. 14.9% feel themselves feeling the saddest for Bertolt. 10.5% are sad to see Moblit go.
RIP Erwin
Rest In Peace Erwin you can rest easy now :(
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Mikasa’s panicked crying as Levi started to ready the serum for Erwin is the moment that started getting the largest amount of viewers emotional, with 15% picking that moment. To the pollsters’ shock, 14.2% of respondents didn’t feel an emotional twinge at all. 11.5% started getting emotional when Eren made a final desperate plea to save his friend.
Why can we only choose one moment that got me choked up? I cried like 4 times
Perhaps I'm still crying while answering this poll
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When it comes to the likeness between Zeke and Grisha that Eren detected, 53.2% of respondents believe it’s likely that the two of them are brothers. 27% are more inclined to believe that Grisha and Zeke are father/son, while 9.9% think it’s not a close relation if there is one. A small amount think there’s no actual relation at all.
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41.6% of respondents are confident that Eren didn’t undergo any brainwashing from his father, while 38.9% simply just don’t know. 19.5% are considering Zeke’s claim that Eren is a victim of his dad (well, aside from being injected with titan serum against his will or knowledge).
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A vague statement with many possibilities. 34.2% believe that Zeke intends to save Eren from his father’s brainwashing (regardless if Eren is actually brainwashed or not). 28.1% believe that he wants to save Eren from the walls. 15.8% aren’t really sure what he could have meant.
A mixture of a lot of the above. I.E. he wants to save him from the evils humanity which includes the brainwashing, himself, etc.
He’s lying and probably just gonna get someone to eat Eren
I feel that Eren is somewhat being influenced by his father because he ate him, similar to how the Reiss family is controlled by the founding titan if they obtain its power but to a lesser extent. Also it seems clear that zeke thinks he's doing the right thing and humanity in the walls is evil
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Ymir’s fate has still been a mystery for anime watchers. 43% have gotten the sinking feeling that she may already be dead. 21.1% are a little more hopeful, feeling that she may just be imprisoned in the warrior hometown. 13.2% don’t wanna say either way.
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Nearly half of respondents are certain that Jean’s feelings are a complicated combination of both of the given options. 36.8% are more confident that it’s based on his personal feelings about Reiner, rather than the strategic objective of taking his armor.
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With the majority vote at 71.1%, most respondents feel that Eren and Mikasa’s sorrow and opposition to Levi were completely understandable and aren’t holding their actions against them. 16.7% are a bit more appalled by their behavior, believing they should have stepped down and let their superior make the final call without interference. 8.8% feel there’s a little more grey area and don’t want to say either way.
Both option one and two, it's understandable but not justified going against both the commander and the captain's orders.
Yes and no. They just witness their childhood friend almost die with a way to revive him. There’s no way they’d do anything different than what they did, so it was right in the sense that they’re trying to save their friend. Defying Levi’s orders is never a good idea though even if it did end up saving Armin.
Yes, Armin would indeed be a good bet because of his strategies
yes but not literally not pin him to the ground with a sword to his throat
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64.4% of viewers feel that Floch likening Erwin to a devil was due to his ability to make the hard decisions that most normal people would be unable to make due to their ruthlessness. 17.7% feel that he’s clinging onto a sense of purpose after surviving the suicide charge. 8% think that he’s simply just gone off the deep end.
Combination of all options
Combination of thinking Erwin was able to make "tough choices" and looking for a sense of purpose.
His mind, while tactical and smart, was corrupted to the point where almost all his thoughts were about killing the titans like a Devil.
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44.7% of viewers feel that they can’t look past Bertolt’s actions and think that his death was a long time coming. 33.3% felt very unnerved by his death and found his cries for help to be tragic. 8.8% are genuinely distressed about Bertolt dying.
I wish we got to know more about the dude... he'll be missed
Never felt this good
Bertholdt is such a tragic villain. Sad to see him go crying for his best friend and girl he loves
Berthold’s death was the worst thing and I’m still very sad about it
Finally Bertolt his dead. Reiner and Annie next please
Poor Bertholdt, treated as a sack of meat for the winner of the serum lottery…
I got choked up the most for Bertholdt's death. Like full on crying
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41.6% felt sorry for Bertolt when he saw his former comrades and hoped they would help him. 20.4% feel that his smile heightened the tragedy of his death and felt it made it more painful. 16.8% felt angry that Bertolt had any hope that the people he tried to kill would try to help him live.
He Deserved the Marco treatment
Honestly this made me so happy to see. After all  Bertolt has done to his friends and all the people he’s killed, this scene made his death so much better since he could taste a small sample of the pain he’s caused.
It felt ironic
It fucking ended my sad ass
The first watch made his death feel satisfying, but after going back to it i feel bad for the guy
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Many characters got a huge boost this episode with Hange getting the highest boost of all. Levi gained a lot of favorability just behind them, followed by Mikasa, Eren and then Jean. Opinions on Reiner, Bertolt and Zeke mostly remain unchanged, with a little more favorability toward Zeke and Bertolt. Floch is the character who moved most into the negative direction, although many appreciated the few moments of screen time he got in this episode.
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While we definitely asked a serious question, we couldn’t help but add in some joke answers. We’re glad to see you guys had enough sense of humor to play along with our silly whims.
But in all seriousness, 58.7% of viewers believe that in the basement will be information about the outside world. 39.4% feel there will be a lot of books, 36.7% believe it will be information about the warriors, or perhaps many believe it will be a combination of all three (and more).
For the fun answers, 20.2% believe it will be “the friends we made along the way,” 16.5% voted for the series’ creator, Isayama Hajime, and 11.9% think the pollsters will be waiting down there to surprise them! We’d love to be partying it up with Isayama down there! :P
I really hope they find a lot of useful info in the basement cuz this would’ve been all for nothing
Pretty sure cart titan has the contents of the basement on its back
The voice actors are inside the basement lol
I'm sad
Why do people keep taking the time out to think or speak to their enemy?? Levi literally had the beast Titan in his hands, Hange had Reiner, and now look at them. Upsetting
It's unlikely, but I still think there's a chance that the colossal titan is a modification and not an inheritable ability, meaning Armin will just become a regular shifter. Nobody knows for sure that the power is inherited the same way as the coordinate
Still though, the whole ""Serumbowl"" thing was an interesting moral conundrum, even though it was obvious as to who would be getting the injection (Doesn't help that the OP to this season spoiled it too)
The weird titan with a backpack sneaking up and saving both Zeke and Reiner felt a bit forced for the story, it doesn't make sense to me that no one spots him coming in and saving the day for them
Waiting for Shikishima to show Eren his AppleTV next episode!
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Thank you again to everyone who participated. We’ll see you again in a few days!
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sunnydaleherald · 5 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, November 9-Sunday, November 10
Cordy with a brilliant smile: "Hi, Doyle. Are you going to become loser-pining guy, like, full-time now? Because you know, we already have one of those around the office." Angel: "Hey!" Doyle: "Hey!" Cordy: "He can get away with it. He's tall and - and look at the way clothes hang on him. But you.." Angel: "Okay, I think you've cheered us up enough." Cordy: "You can't live in the past. You got to move on. Let it go. Forget it. Tomorrow is another day. (Doyle sits up on the couch) Did I mention letting it go?" Doyle: "Twice." Cordy sits down next to him with a sigh: "You'll get through this, Doyle. Nice guys don't always finish last." Doyle: "You think I'm a nice guy?" Cordy: "I think it, I say it. That's my way."
~~The Bachelor Party~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Immortality's Bitch (Spike, crossover with Torchwood, E) by Unfeathered
Decorate It (Willow/Oz, G) by Emmatheslayer
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Bloody (Spike & Reader, not rated) by Aaron
chrysalis (Buffy, Angel, not rated) by ifeveristoday
"We need to talk about what happened last night" (Buffy, Willow, not rated) by daisys-quake
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Episode 94 – The Body (not rated) by The Slayer Verses
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Slayer's Pack, Chapter 1 (Buffy, Angel, crossover with Teen Wolf, T) by OneManArmy91
Lineage (crossover with My Babysitter's A Vampire, T) by Mirrorswars
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Of Exes and Allies, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by EllieRose101
Ashes to Ashes, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Loup Noir
Holding Out for a Hero, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Kittenshift17
Encore, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by sweetprincipale
A Matter Of Taste, Chapter 19 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Twinkles
LA Is the Hell You Make It, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Touchstoneaf
The Key is Donnie Summers, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Girlytek
As You Are, Chapter 18 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Serenitey
Stranger, Take My Helping Hand, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Cosmic Tuesdays
Bring It On Home, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by MaggieLaFey
La Bella Famiglia, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Ginger
The Darkling, Chapter 60 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by OffYourBird
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Buffy poster by TheGreatEscape1996
Artwork: Buffy/Spike sketch by heatherwindle
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Artwork: BTVS Fashion pt30Xx (Buffy) by whatshisfaceblogs
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Artwork: Dia de Muertos (Buffy/Spike) by NMCIL
[Reviews & Recaps]
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A Buffy rewatch 6x20 Villains by ettadunham
[Community Announcements]
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Which Witch Ficathon (Willow-focused): Are you interested? by dragonydreams
Which Witch Ficathon: Prompt suggestions? by dragonydreams
Banner Poll Results by Seasonal Spuffy
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Judges needed for Headline Awards season (Anthony Stewart Head-focused) by headlineawards
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Big Bads Challenge Wrap-up by Elysian Fields
Angelus Banner Contest: Voting Thread by Buffy-Boards
IT'S BACK! The Annual Whedonverse Ornament Swap! by Buffyfest
[Fandom Discussions]
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More Links Than A Bag Of Sausages by petzipellepingo
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Buffy and Adora's respective relationships with destiny and being the chosen one by mybitca
my ongoing list of buried ledes by impalementation
Racism, feminism and Joss by bidet-of-evil and definitelydoomed
buffy the vampire slayer season six visual language masterlist by impalementation
buffy’s season six emotional arc by impalementation
Re:Since you mentioned the topic of Buffy's outfits, which ones did you like the most? by nonasuch
Spike and Star Wars headcanons Part 1 and Part 2 by penny-anna
Re: top 10 faith lewks by elizadusku
Willow and Tara’s first kiss by pvoberstein
one of the greatest love declarations in television history by runawaymarbles
the fire thing is in season six by impalementation
Re: Wes went into Vail’s home as a suicide mission by caritaskaraokebar
Giles in Buffy #9 by towerofpisa
my favorite boomverse character is Xander by palizinhas
when the show chooses to use or reference angel in the seasons after he leaves by impalementation
boom! comics crossover by the-comic-slayer
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Telepathy? by nightshade
Who Killed More Humans: AI or the Scoobies? by nightshade
Discussion of 2.15 "Phases" by RDHWesley
Discussion of 2.16 "Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered" by RDHWesley
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"Lilah" in Angel S4E13 "Salvage" by Dom-CCE
Buffy is a fantastic little odd ball of a show by murdered800times
Angel and Cordelia by lamar2016
does anyone notice the production values get MUCH better from season 2 to 3? by EveryPrior
kendra's bad accent almost sounds irish by EveryPrior
What happened to Owusu-Breen’s Buffy spinoff? by thenicemailman
In celebration of the miracle that is Buffy the Vampire Slayer by maedocc
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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BUZZFEED: Sarah Michelle Gellar Revealed Her Favorite "Buffy" Episodes And Who Would Play Her In A Biopic by Terry Carter
WEEKEND NOTES: The Best Spike Episodes From Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Marisa Quinn-Haisu
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MTVS Epic Rewatch #208
Don’t forget to vote on the season 7 polls!!
BTVS 7x21 End of Days
Stray thoughts
1) So this is how Faith is doing as the leader…
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…and this is how Buffy is doing as the outcast Slayer…
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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder who’s the boss… (maybe we should ask Abed.)
2) I don’t like seeing Faith hurt, but I do get a very sick (I admit it) satisfaction at seeing all these girls hurt and scared because they kicked Buffy out and they screwed everything up in the worst possible fashion. I know that by having Faith lead them into yet another trap the writers were trying to prove the point that what happened at the vineyard could’ve happened to anyone and that it wasn’t Buffy’s fault (Buffy will make this same point herself later on the episode.) Both Buffy and Faith were trying to do what they thought was best, yet it backfired. Shit happens yada yada yada. Yet I just can’t help but feel personally vindicated when I see Faith and the potentials fuck everything up so spectacularly.
On the other hand, not only was Buffy able to pull herself together after the group (and her friends! Her family!) kicked her out and made her feel like the worst piece of shit in the whole world, but she also managed to A) get the scythe and B) make Caleb nervous, which was a first. So yeah. #teamBuffy
3) So why exactly were the Scoobies looking for Buffy? I mean, didn’t they kick her out literally the day before? And now they’re suddenly worried about her or something? The only person who followed Buffy after they all kicked her out was Faith. Faith! Do you see how wrong/ironic that this? Do you see how painful it must’ve been for Buffy not to have NONE OF HER FRIENDS – not Xander, not Willow, not Giles, not even her own sister! – go after her to see if she was okay? To ask her where she was going or what she was going to do? The only person who showed any concern whatsoever about her was probably the only person she would’ve labeled a potential enemy. 
Damn you all, I’m still pissed off. I hate this. I hate having to feel this way about the characters I’ve loved for seven seasons in the FINAL EPISODES OF THE SHOW. It just feels so wrong, but I can’t help but HATE THEM. What the hell was this fucking writing choice? I hate it. I hate everything about it.
4) If I have to say something in favor of Kennedy is this, when shit hit the fan, she was the only one who wasn’t screaming like a moron and who was actually trying to fight off the Turok-Han. So yeah. The girl got spunk.
5) But she’s nothing compared to our designated BAMF.
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6) No one is kicking Buffy out now, HUH? HUH???????????????????
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Yes. Yes, you did.
8) And this is exactly why they shouldn’t have kicked her out or “rebelled” against her or whatever the fuck they thought they were doing.
BUFFY You guys, it was a trap. It's not her fault. That could've just as easily happened to me.
9) While I do appreciate the pun and the side glances between Buffy and Willow…
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I still feel it’s very wrong they’re all just talking and Giles is playing around with the scythe as if the last time they’d been together they HADN’T HUMILIATED BUFFY AND KICKED HER OUT OF HER OWN FUCKING HOUSE???? LIKE SERIOUSLY??? In Willow’s own words, you're not gonna jokey-rhyme your way out of this one.
Like, I know the apocalypse takes precedence, but maybe say “sorry for kicking you out” and “thank you for saving us AGAIN”.
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11) Again, I get the same feeling with Xander. Like, did they all suddenly forget they had left Buffy alone and kicked her out of her own house? Xander is all like, “I don’t need you to protect me just because I lost an eye” but literally a day before he was telling her it was HER fault he’d lost it, and using that as a justification not only for removing her from her role as a leader but also TO KICK HER OUT OF HER OWN HOUSE. And now it’s just like nothing ever happened? How is that possible? How is literally no one apologizing to Buffy? And not only is he not apologizing, but Buffy is telling him that he’s her heart and the reason she’s still alive, which okay, it’s all kind of true, but he’s also the guy WHO BLAMED YOU FOR LOSING HIS EYE AND WHO KICKED YOU OUT OF YOUR OWN HOUSE THE DAY BEFORE?!
I didn’t know that End of Days could make me as angry as Empty Places but here I am.
We’re 14 minutes into the episode and still, no one has apologized to Buffy and they’re all pretending like they didn’t turn their backs on her and it’s pissing me off. I hate feeling this way in the episode prior to the series finale. This is not how a fan should be feeling right before the show ends!
12) Not only do I know what a glottal stop is but I’ve also learned how to pronounce it. Or at least I was able to pronounce it a few years ago. 
13) And hence the fate of Miss Kitty Fantastico was finally revealed…
DAWN Xander, my crossbow is not out here. I told you, I don't leave crossbows around all willy-nilly. Not since that time with Miss Kitty Fantastico.
If you must hate Dawn, it should only be for this.
14) Did anyone really believe Xander would hurt Dawn?
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15) What was the point of this scene…?
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…I mean, other than to give us Nathan Fillion’s orgasm face?
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16) And this is the difference between Buffy and the rest… just remember how everyone reacted and treated Buffy after the vineyard, and see how she acts here after literally the same happened with Faith in charge…
FAITH What do you want me to say? I blew it.
BUFFY You didn't blow it.
FAITH Tell that to—
BUFFY People die. You lead them into battle, they're gonna die. It doesn't matter how ready you are or how smart you are. War is about death. Needless, stupid death.
She’s understanding and reassuring, she’s not pointing fingers or kicking people out. And that’s why she’s a hero and the rest are a fucking bunch of morons. I’m sorry, I’m still so angry about Empty Places and this episode is not making things any better.
17) But I do love when my two slayers see eye to eye…
FAITH So, here's the laugh riot. My whole life I've been a loner.(…) No ties, no buddies, no relationships that lasted longer than... (…) Me, by myself all the time. I'm looking at you, everything you have, and, I don't know, jealous. Then there I am. Everybody's looking to me, trusting me to lead them, and I've never felt so alone in my entire life.
FAITH And that's you every day, isn't it?
BUFFY I love my friends. I'm very grateful for them. But that's the price. Being a slayer.
FAITH There's only supposed to be one. Maybe that's why you and I can never get along. We're not supposed to exist together.
BUFFY Also, you went evil and were killing people.
FAITH Good point. Also a factor.
BUFFY But you're right. I mean, I... I guess everyone's alone. But being a slayer? There's a burden we can't share.
FAITH And no one else can feel it. Thank God we're hot chicks with superpowers.
BUFFY Takes the edge off.
FAITH Comforting.
BUFFY Mm-hmm.
This is something that had been a long time coming. Since day one, Faith had envied Buffy. Just like Buffy saw in Faith her road not taken, Faith saw in Buffy the life she could’ve had but didn’t. She envied it and she wanted it for herself. She literally tried to steal it away several times. So if she couldn’t have it, if it wasn’t meant for her, then she could take Buffy away from it, drive her to the dark side, where she lived. Every attempt was futile, even stealing Buffy’s body and literally taking her life. It only made her feel more undeserving, more inadequate, more unworthy. But every time she’d taken a shot at being the leader, it was by playing tricks, by taking what it wasn’t rightfully hers. This time around, she had somehow earned it. There was no foul play on her part. Others made the decision for her and gave her the role she’d craved for so long. And she finally understood that it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Yes, Buffy did have friends and people who looked up to her and cared about her. But when push comes to shove, when tough calls must be made, the Slayer is always alone. The weight of the world is only on her shoulders, and she can’t share the burden. It took four seasons but Faith finally got it. And she could finally let go of all the envy and jealousy.
18) I just love the fact that for the first time Buffy is the one who opens up to Spike. She’s always been the one who pretends there’s nothing between them and who skirts around her feelings and dismisses his. But not this time. And for me, it was enough that she acknowledged that it meant something, even if they – and we – don’t know exactly what that was.
BUFFY You're a dope.
SPIKE I'm a what?
BUFFY You're a dope. And a bonehead. And you're shirty.
SPIKE Have you gone completely carrot-top?
BUFFY Do you see this? This may actually help me fight my war. This might be the key to everything. And the reason I'm holding it is because of you. Because of the strength that you gave me last night. Look, I am tired of defensiveness and weird, mixed signals. You know, I have Faith for that. Let's just get to the truth here, OK? I don't know how you felt about last night, but I will not—
SPIKE Terrified.
BUFFY Of what?
SPIKE Last night was... God, I'm such a jerk. I can't do this.
BUFFY Spike...
SPIKE It was the best night of my life. If you poke fun at me, you bloody well better use that, 'cause I couldn't bear it. It may not mean that much to you, but—
BUFFY I just told you it did.
SPIKE Yeah... I hear you say it, but... I've lived for soddin' ever, Buffy. I've done everything. Done things with you I can't spell, but... I've never... been close... to anyone. Least of all, you. 'Til last night. All I did was... hold you, watch you sleep. And it was the best night of my life. So, yeah... I'm... terrified.
BUFFY You don't have to be.
SPIKE Were you there with me?
BUFFY I was.
SPIKE What does that mean?
BUFFY I don't know. Does it have to mean something?
SPIKE No. Not right now.
19) Update: 29 minutes in and I’m still waiting for someone to apologize to Buffy.
20) Am I the only who thinks this speech is okay but like, the writers were trying too hard to give Anya her “Anya Speech Moment” of the season and it kind of feels a bit, I don’t know, forced?
ANYA Well...I guess I was...kinda new to bein' around humans before. But now I've... seen a lot more, gotten to know people... seen what they're capable of, and... I guess I just realized...how amazingly screwed-up they all are. I mean really, really screwed-up in a monumental fashion. And they have no purpose that unites them, so they just drift around, blundering through life until they die...which they...they know is coming, yet every single one of them is surprised when it happens to them. They're incapable of thinking about what they want beyond the moment. They kill each other, which is clearly insane. And yet, here's the thing. When it's something that really matters, they fight. I mean, they're lame morons for fighting, but they do. They never... never quit. So I guess I will keep fighting, too.
21) #priorities
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22) And in another episode of Plots Totally Pulled Out of the Writer’s Ass… (a.k.a. Joss Whedon Tries to Rectify the Fact that He Wrote a Bunch of Men Violating the Original Slayer by Putting a Demon Inside of Her and Thus Utterly Destroyed the Whole Slayerness Equals Feminism Theme)
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WOMAN We forged it in secrecy and kept it hidden from the Shadow Men, who...
BUFFY Yeah. Met those guys. Didn't really care too much for 'em.
WOMAN Ahh, yes. Then you know. And they became the watchers. And the watchers watched the slayers. But we were watching them.
BUFFY Oh! So you're like... what are you?
WOMAN Guardians. Women who want to help and protect you. We forged this centuries ago, halfway around the world.
Okay, I get it, I get what you were trying to do, but it was so fucking obvious, it was so transparent. Like, I know most of the so-called metaphors in this show were not so subtle (think the fucking monster-penis in Doublemeat Palace, for instance.) But the feminist struggle in the slayer vs the council struggle was always something that I personally enjoyed. And this is how Joss’s brand of “feminism” began to crumble down, in my opinion. This is what a white dude who is a self-proclaimed feminist believes to be a Good feminist storyline, but it’s so clichéd and self-evident it's almost cringe-worthy. Like, you get a bunch of Evil Men quite literally raping a Poor Woman, who is faked Empowered (her powers were lent to her by the Evil Men and the source of her powers is Evil, Demonic in nature because  duh! she is a Woman)  so that they can Manipulate her and Use her for the benefit of the Patriarchy. But oh wait! This is a Feminist Show! So in spite of what the Evil Men who were supposedly the Powerful ones did, there always were These Great and Powerful Women behind it all, the True Guardians of the Slayer, This has been a Matriarchy all along, you see?! PLOT TWIST!
The worst part? I can imagine all the writers patting themselves on the back for writing such a groundbreaking and Feminist storyline and for sticking it to the Men.
23) And btw, just to show you how big a Feminist Show this is, we get this…
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I guess since this is a Feminist Show and Angel is the hero here and Buffy the damsel in distress, that makes Angel a woman, right?
But hey, at least he (or she?) literally let Buffy deliver the lethal blow…
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24) And yes, this totally makes sense!
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because Angel has not claimed to be in love with Cordelia and Buffy has not just had her more honest heart-toheart with Spike. Let’s just disregard whatever arcs have been developed in both shows in order to deliver a Ship Moment for the Bangel fans, right? Who cares about character development, right? Because I’m positive this is what former lovers do after not seeing each other in over a year, being currently emotionally unavailable, and facing the greatest evil of all. Suck face.
25) Update: minute 42 and I’m STILL waiting for someone to apologize to Buffy.
26) Sorry for the bitter rant! 
27)  If you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi. Thanks!
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You know, I desperately want Destiel to be end game as much as anybody, but somedays I think I would just be content if the show just textually acknowledged that Dean's bi. Something as simple as a dude at a bar asking Dean to come home w/ him while they're on a case and Dean saying something like "any other day I'd take you up on that but I can't tonight." IDK the subtext that Dean is bi is strong enough that I can't say the GA would be shocked by it and it would just be a nice textual nugget.
Hey, sorry it took so long to answer this, I’ve not been at my best for ages… Been thinking about this all week though :P 
I think it feels to me like the general audience can discard or mentally discredit an AWFUL lot of implication and direct hints - there have been comments and moments in many bits of media which imply directly or with heavy innuendo that a character may be interested in a non-hetero way to someone - especially things like teasy moments… 
Thinking of things like in HIMYM there’s an ongoing joke about Lily having a crush on Robin, but since she’s with Marshall the entire show, it doesn’t really go anywhere, and when they do kiss the dynamic swaps and Robin is left with kind of a crush on her and Lily’s over it and it’s all a joke, and even though they kissed it was a lol girls kissing is hot joke for the whole show, and it never turned into a discussion of sexuality, even if they would both happily stay married in their heterosexual marriages. (And… Uh. Robin stays married okay, I’m pretty sure that was the alternate ending in the DVD unless I hallucinated it out of sheer frustration >.>) Anyway to me it seems pretty natural to read both of them a little queer to full on bi, and if it had gone even a little bit differently Lily especially could be good representation for a bi woman in a relationship with a man who just happens to have ended up falling in love with him and that’s normal and doesn’t invalidate her sexuality? But yeah. No such nuance, so this whole thing barely registers for people and in general people would think it’s all a joke. 
I mean, even Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, which is where that Getting Bi song comes from, has an episode where the main character has a huge rival-crush on the girlfriend of the guy she’s into, and gets so into her she even kisses her, but there’s no exploration of what that means to her and when her boss comes out as bi with that number, no exploration of if she might be as well, even if all these characters eventually might feel more comfortable defining themselves as straight it’s just weird to me there’s all these jokes about it which can go as far as kisses, use overly romantic language or a long-running joke of Lily heavily coming onto Robin or something, and yet unless you’re like a magpie collecting all this stuff it’s all still just noise. 
I bet a ton of people would not even have considered the characters were not-straight, even when directly pointing their eyes at this moment, consider it all as a joke or that it’s just something straight people do sometimes because of the cultural massive repression of bisexuality and the indications in more liberal times and places that when polled people will be majority queer to straight with at least some bi leanings… There’s all these headlines about gen Z being the gayest generation yet, but it’s not something in the water, it’s that previous generations have never dared be as open or consider that they’re non-straight, especially if they are easily attracted to people heterosexually… 
I think the Aaron scene was 90% of the way to what you are describing, minus Dean giving him a raincheck overtly, and Aaron admits it was a ruse before any further tension can follow. I think, having snooped a lot of blog archives in my time, that really was a turning point that got a lot of people convinced of the textual possibilities, especially with the director/writer commentary basically confirming it. And obviously it didn’t work to make EVERYONE see it, although fandom swelled that season and it was a very dramatic moment in the history of bi!Dean and Destiel within fandom. 
To give another example from outside the show, I’ve been watching Black Sails with my friend, who is very straight in mindset, and - major spoilers for that show ahead - the main character is confirmed to be overtly queer in the  middle of the second season. I think I know exactly the point I would have picked up this was a queer narrative in the first season, and what would have made me suspicious about the mysteriously un-revealed backstory. The build up to the reveal was amazing in the second season and I think if you didn’t get it you really need to do a rewatch, because my friend was utterly blindsided by the revelation, only catching on a scene before it happened (she does like guessing and is smart at TV if she knows all the cues to start with). But she’s - sorry - at sea with the character’s motivations and reasons, and understands his earlier actions almost completely backwards to me as she took him on face value for far too long without suspecting there was more than treasure and restoring his name on order, and not understanding his motives to be so political or to want to burn the entire system down or his utter alienation from the system; even after the reveal she didn’t understand the degree to which things were on the line or the forces pressuring him one way or the other. 
(I find it really interesting and I’m not really disagreeing with her, I’m curious how the surface layer all reads tbh :P) 
In any case, I don’t really have much confidence in a wider general audience taking throwaway moments to be full canon, and generally would need declarations and inescapable discussion or plot arcs for it. I think in some ways the trail is being blazed now - when Rosa came out as bi in b99 it had a sort of special episode educating you on it as much as being very sympathetic for bi people to watch and see literally a bulletpoint list of their issues and weird things people say about it acted out on screen. The subplot is basically the masterclass in addressing it. 
(So is the Getting Bi song :P although it covers less of the issues overall, it does make it fun and normalises the idea into a dance routine and deals with someone discovering the label for themselves and being thrilled it makes their life make sense.) 
I don’t think spn should do anything quite so specific or hilarious, but I love @bluestar86‘s concept of an episode which uses flashbacks to reveal Dean’s bisexuality - basically like with Robin in 9x07, but I think even just showing it was a childhood crush and he never figured it all out at the time but meeting the guy later in life makes things make a lot of sense or something… And we already have a template for that without going all the way into it with his reaction to meeting Gunnar Lawless, a childhood celebrity crush. So there’s paths to take which could do it.
But ultimately I think the issue is so messed up and tangled into the main arc that it would be next to impossible to confirm Dean is bi without having an utter drama about why not Destiel, as the two concepts are not, at this point, really separate or that you could have one without the other, though it would be easier to not address Dean’s sexuality in any way of assigning labels or having more than the immediately necessary self-reflection to deal with feelings for Cas without exploring deeper… (Not that I like that idea, it’s just, they could, you know? Not even in a “i don’t like labels” way but just something like Dean going “huh” and then getting together with Cas and literally no one ever makes a fuss or starts up a dialogue about why they’re now holding hands :P) 
But it’s been such a ridiculous, epic, drawn out relationship on screen that making Dean bi independent of Cas would seem bizarre and off-balance without addressing his relationship to Cas. Just because they have such an intense relationship, and within the text of the show are many many references to their relationship on many different levels, from snide comments to enormous declarations. None of this happens in isolation to other storylines or character depth. With the momentum and depth it has in the story, making Dean bi would be seen as a precursor to Destiel, and at this point cruel and strange not to address it and would beg the question of why they ever confirmed him bi in the first place, if not to leave the ship unresolved to the end but to be open for us to imagine it might happen one day when the story is over - or not, if we don’t ship it, and it’s the way to thread a needle to try and keep everyone happy. Which I’m not sure would work except for the people who very specifically would advocate for bi Dean but don’t think a ship is necessary. I mean, I know that’s a chunk of the Dean fandom, and it’s a valid way to read the text, and of course a lot of Destiel shippers are fully aware Dean is bi without any special interference from Cas about that :P 
And, I mean, in the same way, Cas’s story isn’t ALL about Dean and he has a lot of personal growth that doesn’t have to do with him or happens in spite of him in some cases. But it’s still inextricable from Cas’s character how much he loves Dean and how much Dean has meant to him, and they crossed the line of Cas loving Dean, unrequited or not, a long time ago, and Cas has been existing in a subtextual agony of being in love with Dean but seemingly unrequited for a very long time now, as that line was crossed before several season renewals made it  a painful wait for him. This doesn’t exist in a void to Dean’s sexuality either. 
So, I mean, I don’t know. I disagree with you about the general audience thing entirely, and I think this exchange you imagine could easily be absorbed by the GA to not really credit it as a full part of Dean’s character, laugh it off as a joke from him no matter how seriously he delivers it, and generally not remember him as a bisexual character. Because to straight viewers, they aren’t seeking out sexuality hints and confirmations, and such things don’t really affect their view of a character unless it becomes a textual romance. It has all the meaning sucked from it by their lack of interest and inability to sympathetically mould the character’s inner life based on their own experiences that match. If they’re not making a study of the character, these things can be dismissed as white noise, and in a few years time, a Buzzfeed article of “10 Pop Culture Characters You Never Knew Were Gay!” or something.
And it’s like, yes. We knew. We knew all along. We knew before it happened. But that doesn’t affect how people think of it.
So it feels to me like the only way if they wanted to make a real point of Dean being bi is to have the frank discussion, and devote a proper subplot amount of time to Dean’s sexuality, enough that it is clear and inescapably affecting him, or to confirm it via a relationship which would in this case conveniently by answered by the angel he’s been subtextually pining for for years, and who has his own arc of being pretty overtly in love with Dean to answer… should the show decide to go with addressing Dean’s sexuality, they have put a LOT of work into having this relationship ready and waiting, I’m just saying :P And if they only had an Aaron but x10 scene, it would STILL not really affect anything except layers below GA  - there’ll be more queer viewers who see it for the first time, and within these four walls it will obviously never be forgotten and will be a huge part of how Dean is celebrated by fandom, but I just can’t see it making an impact unless it’s more than a passing moment, because those get swallowed by a heteronormative void…
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dickbaggins · 7 years
my fave everything @marrieddorks tagged me ♥♥
Nicknames: Jan, snorts
Gender: Female
Star Sign: capricorn on the cusp of aquarius
Height: 5′7′’
Time: 4:10 PM
Birthday: January 20
Favorite Bands: Rasputina, the Smiths, chvrches, BTS, NCT127, the Tragically Hip, Loona, Modest Mouse, the Cure, oh just stop me here ok
Favorite Solo Artists: Amanda Palmer, Ben Nichols
Song stuck in my head: Up the Wolves - Mountain Goats
Last movie I watched: I just watched the Tom Hardy Wuthering Heights which was a mini series but it counts, right? I just DVR’d it from a late night PBS airing and omg Andrew Lincoln was so lovely I had no idea! Otherwise it was pretty lacking, idk.
Last show I watched: I am watching season 3 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmitt
When did I create my blog: a long fucking time ago? Like 2010 or something even longer ago.
What do I post?: Mostly Supernatural crap, side of porn and lesbians and other attractive human beings.
Last thing I googled?: How to cure hiccups bc I had terrible hiccups last night
Do you have other blogs?: I have a personal blog ( @turtlemushroombicep ) and a porn blog ( @peachbottompie ) and I used to have an RP blog but no one wanted to do it haha.
Do you get asks?: Occasionally. I have a few unanswered in my box but I don’t get that many, really. Like once or twice a week now. I was very popular a few months ago until everyone realized how lame I actually am.
Why did you choose your URL?: I had a poll and this won over a few other wet Sam based URLs. I really want to change it to ‘sammysbutthole’ one day.
Favorite colors?: All of them?
Average hours of sleep?: About seven or eight hours, depending. 
Lucky numbers: I have none?
Instruments: Mediocre piano skills, very long ago clarinet skills, and I can play the guitar and mandolin. 
What am I wearing?: Grey tweed aerie harem lounge pants, a t-shirt from woot that says ‘living on the edge, scissor run 5k’ and my favourite gross oversized green cardigan.
How many blankets I sleep with?: Winter is upon us, so there is a sheet, a fleece Rick Grimes blanket that my husband got when someone donated it to his work (this is how we get most blankets and honestly that thing is like $20 at Target, I saw it) and then a larger faux fur blanket on top of that. And there is also usually a cat on me. 
Dream Job: I would like to get paid for writing professional and also own a yarn store and run knitting and crochet classes.
Dream Trip: Rhode Island, going to Lovecraftian places.
Ethnicity: White Canadian with obligatory indigenous mixed in somewhere, as per an old diary my grandmother found. Further back, we were polish jews on one side, and the generic white UK mix otherwise.
Favorite song right now: I honestly have no idea, I’m really kpop trash right now, we don’t need to talk about it.
Put your music library on shuffle. What are the first 6 songs that popped up?:
Flipside - Lana Del Rey
Don’t U Wait No More - Red Velvet
Neverending Circles - Chvrches
Satisfied - Hamilton soundtrack obv
U-Turn - Tegan & Sara
All the Pretty Girls - Kaleo
Grab a book nearest to you and turn to page 23. What is line 17?: Oh my god I’m so fucking lazy rn, you’re making me get up? The only thing I have nearby is the IKEA catalog. 
Who is your celebrity crush?: I just rewatched the beginning of Fear the Walking Dead, so I’m real back into Alycia Debnam-Carey. Punisher got me going on Ben Barnes, the little shitfuck. Otherwise, the usual suspects.
Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?: I do not know how to drive, I am far too gay, but I am required to learn to get around at all in suburban New Jersey, where public transport is terribly limited. So we’re working on it. 
The last book you read?: I re-read Annemor Sundbo’s book about traditional Norwegian mittens. That’s right.
Worst injury you’ve had?: I am sooo lucky that as clumsy as I am, I haven’t had any terrible injuries. I’ve broken both little toes so many times, and a few fingers. Otherwise that’s it, somehow.
Do you have any obsessions right now?: As always with this time of year, I’m frantically knitting and crocheting so I don’t have to be alone with my thoughts. I’ve made a lot of stuff. Really into Korean cooking too, which is time consuming but delicious and healthy.
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?: I wish I could say that I don’t but I’m a pretty black and white person when it comes to people doing me wrong or treating me poorly or anything like that. I wouldn’t say I hold grudges but I do cut people out of my life when I have to.
aaah who to tag, just everyone do it
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mizukixtsukiyomi · 7 years
Poll Questions/Comments:
I will be putting all questions and comments from polls here with my replies! :)
[More under the cut]
Hope you had a great time on your trip! 
I did! I already miss Japan! It is a second home to me now since my study abroad, and it is a lovely country. Of course it has its flaws, too like all other countries, but Osaka/Kyoto are by far my favorite cities. They are beautiful, and their people are so nice. Not to mention, my Japanese apparently has gotten better? I didn’t even realize it I had been speaking it so normally in there. A cute grandpa in the train to Kyoto has asked in English where we were from, and I guess he heard the way I said ‘America’ because in Japan it is pronounced ‘Amerika’ and he got excited. He asked if I knew Japanese, and I said a little bit, so we began to communicate, and would smile brightly each time. This old man made the long ride to Kyoto so worth it and go by so quickly <3 At the end he said ‘Welcome to Japan!’ and I thanked him with a bow, and he said my Japanese was well spoken.
After that, I bought a few things in a Kyoto store for my mother, and when paying, I replied in Japanese for what I was looking for, and the employee also got excited. I don’t know, but it makes me feel good knowing I am learning another language, and people are understanding me because I remember back in my study abroad a friend of mine said “I like how you pretend to know Japanese and nod your head to make them believe it.” But in reality...I know what they are saying. My listening is good, my speaking and writing is what needs work. Well the employee said my Japanese was beautiful.
Lastly, I decided to rent a kimono to walk around Kyoto, and the employees at the store were amazed that I knew Japanese. The manager (a man) continued to speak to me casually, and helped me put colors together for a kimono. At the end when we came to return it, all the employees flocked to hear me speak ha-ha. I got nervous a bit and blanked, but he asked where I learned Japanese to know so much, and I said self-taught but that I had also study abroad last year in Kwansei Gakuin which he said he was surprised. They all said I was doing a good job, and they hoped I would come back (I hope so!). All of this happened in one day so it really made my day <3 Sorry I rambled...
This question has nothing to do with this but I want to ask anyway. Uhm...please tell me when you're going to update your IYxShokugeki no Soma crossover in fanfiction.net! (I really love that series!) Thanks. 😊 
Ah~ Sweet and Spice, huh? Heehee...and I have an urge to write more of it with the third season going on, and Azami finally making his debut (along with one of my favorite characters *cough* a certain silver haired boy). Pure Rukh will be updated first, and I am unsure if to update Dimensional Lovers next as that one has waited to be updated. If you check my blog, it is a crossover with Barakamon I have had stuck in my head and finally got done to write an outline for it, which I am nervous about. So maybe during writing Dimensional Lovers I will hold another poll (but Cruel Ties also needs to get updated because people don’t really vote for it, and I can understand why due to the slow beginning).
Will Sesshomaru and the others really be in Pure Rukh? Will be there be a sequel to the Love Hoop story? And... *cue drum rolls* I LOVE YOUR WRITING. You are actually one of the many people that inspired me to consider creative writing to be one of my careers. I love the way you write and it's so descriptive I can picture in my head because mind you, I only know what the characters look like; I did not watch Kuroko no Basuke, so kudos to you since I am also a picky reader.
Well, to be honest, I haven’t decided whether to have Sesshomaru and the others in Pure Rukh. It is a risk to take with the plotline I have in mind. *whisper* a little secret on how I write...I never have a concrete plot and just go along with what occurs in my head with details I want to specifically cover hehehe...Now the Love Hoop sequel. I will be rewatching the movie maybe tomorrow and think about it. I will start my new job in Monday (which I am nervous over and I am already thinking I’m gonna fail. Hate my anxiety). I wish I could find some kind of job that allows me to write a story or something, but I always think my ideas are not enough...but I am happy to hear you are pursuing it! It makes me happy to hear you enjoy my writing and it influences people to try it themselves. Really, nothing makes me happier than hearing my readers go for their dreams.
Hmm... random suggestion here but I'd like to see a little more Nougami Neuro. Give it some thought?? 
You know I am a big fan of it, and other underrated anime. I would have to rewatch it to see if I can at least get some kind of one-shot idea? Other anime I want to write for is Kekkai Sensen, One Piece, Gintama, Get Backers, and many others on my list hehehe.
Hey Mizu-chan, Bishonen'sFoxyMiko here. Saw the first ep of Ancient Magus' Bride earlier in October and LOVED it!😻 I truly look forward to a xover with the series 😍😘
Oh I am in love with this series! I immediately thought of a crossover, so...I know it will be good. Well, the music is beautiful, and the art is amazing. I am going to start reading it!
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK S3E2 Poll Results (Manga Reader Version)
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The poll closed with 590 responses! Thank you to everyone who participated. 
Please note that this is the results of the manga reader poll. Anime only watchers are suggested not to read if you do not wish to be spoiled about certain events! Anime only viewers, click here to view your poll results! 
Rate the Episode
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The vast majority gave the episode their approval, with the largest percentage rating it a five.
Levi vs MP chase blew me away and I didn't remember rest of the show except Linked Horizon.
Animation blew me away and Kenny is better than I had imagined him in the manga.
They made Levi more bishy and badass at the same time. As expected of WIT. I find myself surprised at some of the changes and the new pacing, but I’m just here to enjoy this wild ride, so I’m open to anything. I can’t wait for Frieda to finally appear and confuse the fuck out of anime-onlies.
ep2 has already become my fav episode
It feels rushed. But I can only hope they make up for it later on.
I enjoyed it, especially the fight scene! A lot of things were missing from the manga, but I'm thinking they will be included in a different context. The ED was absolutely perfect! I'm looking forward to the rest of the season.
It was super enjoyable in its own right even if I'm a bit skeptical of the changed pacing.
The animation in this episode was amazing!
Rate the Ending
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Respondents have agreed that the ending is a bop, with votes heavily favoring the positive. Feelings were much more mixed for the opening. We’re happy to see that most were at least satisfied with the ending!
I think it's the perfect mood for an ED. I'm really glad Historia got such a great focus; the OP focuses more on several characters an the ED on her.. I like it that way.
It's great! I love Red Swan so much and I'm happy with both songs!
Loved it a lot. You could immediately tell the signature Sounds Horizon influence, which is great. The song’s been stuck in my head for days. I also love the fact that the visuals are Historia-centric.
I don't think it should've been the opening per say......maybe with different visuals but I absolutely loved it. I'm glad that unlike the opening it didn't disappoint.
The Sasageyo in the middle caught me off guard lol
but like why did they have to make me feel so many emotions over that ending tho???
i'm literally in love with the ED it sounds like a fairy tale and i need the full version stat
the ed took me to nirvana
The ending was really beautiful. The animation with little Historia was beautiful because we will see more of Historia. Heck, this is her time to shine. This is her spotlight.
How do you feel about Linked Horizon performing the ending this time?
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The majority of respondents are happy that Linked Horizon is back this season, even if it’s the ending instead of the opening. A smaller percentage still wished they had done the opening instead, however.
Who Linked Horizon is?
I hope they perform the opening for the next arc
Ending or opening I wouldn't care. As long as we have Link Horizon.
I'm glad they are still sticking around but I'm still so upset the OP/ED were 100% from some romance high school anime.
Which one is your favorite ED?
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Do we as a fandom have a bias toward Linked Horizon? Quite possibly, as the new ending has already captured the hearts of the largest group. Great escape came in second, and Yuuguri no Tori remains the least liked ending of the series.
The new ending is beautiful. The scenario, music, how sad it is considering the recent events in the manga. Beautiful. I've to admit that I prefer by far the ending to the opening.
Which scene(s) did you like best?
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It goes without saying that the Levi vs. Kenny/MP chase is what blew away the fandom this week. It was the favorite scene by a huge margin. The runner up was Armin taking aim and shooting in order to save Jean’s life.
I've been waiting five years to see the bar scene, BANG! BANG!
not ashamed to admit I rewatched the Levi vs Kenny chase dozens of times
Favorite anime-only scene: Sasha saved Armin this time, i couldn't be happier for my girl. She ain't useless and definitely not a comic relief, i hope Isayama will do something in the future so that people appreciate &miss her more when 105 is animated.
Also, something I'm loving this season and doesn't receive enough credit is to hear Traute's voice. Her voice sounds so badass. Love it
The animation is so gorgeous and literally jaw dropping. I enjoy absorbing every single second of action. And seeing and hearing the scene of Jean almost being shot and Armin killing somehow has made me officially ship Jearmin.
On a scale of 1-5 how much did the animation during the Levi vs. MP chase blow you away?
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As expected, the animation left the majority of respondents in awe. It took one month for the animators to get in that 30 second sequence and it was so worth the efforts of the animation staff!
The Levi fight scene was breathtaking. Genius.
Best animation. Ever. Levi you awesome badass.
On a scale of 1-5, how daddy is Kenny?
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While a fair amount of voters wouldn’t let Kenny touch them with a 50 foot poll, a larger portion of voters agree that Kenny is daddy material.
I want Kenny to be my daddy :P
The only thing so far that is completely good is KENNY BANG BANG ACKERMAN! They're making a wonderful job with him and I hope the dudes from Wit studio won't turn him upside-down or change some important scenes. In the end... KENNY IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND COOL UNCLE/COWBOY ON EARTH. I'll always follow him
Kenny is even colder bastard than he was in the manga. I like him!
How did Erwin light the match with one hand?
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Will the mystery ever be solved? We don’t know, but the majority of voters are quite certain that Erwin’s chiseled jawline may have something to do with it!
How excited are you to see kidwin’s eyebrow game next week?
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61% of respondents are ready to see Kidwin moving and talking. Possibly also the heartbreak that will follow as we watch his backstory unfold. We’re pretty excited for small Erwin too!
Is your heart ready for Historia’s childhood flashback?
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The majority of voters are ready for Historia’s “not very happy” backstory to unfold in episode 40. Some are eager, some just think she’s cute as a button and others are ready for their hearts to hurt. About 12% of voters aren’t as enthused, however.
I hope we will finally see Frieda in the next one !
On a scale of 1 - 5, how much do you relate to Bartender-kun?
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I think we can almost all agree with the bartender when he says “EEEK!” It’s quite relatable really.
It took 4 years to finally see Bartender-kun in his moe glory and it was beautiful. 10 outta 10 would EEEEKK again.
Would you want Levi as your motivational counselor?
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68% of you would appreciate Levi’s straightforward and blunt was of saying things in order to help you cope and sort things out. 32%, however, would prefer a more gentler approach.
Does Erwin have a gambling problem?
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68% of respondents agree that Erwin’s gambles are a positive thing! The thrill of it all is quite a ride for both the Survey Corps and the audience. We look forward to watching his gambles pan out in animated form soon!
How are you guys holding up?
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The largest group of voters are unsure about the changes and feel pretty sketchy toward WIT and Isayama for making and agreeing to the changes. However, a combined 50% of respondents overall are enjoying the anime so far, with 31% of those voters having a great time watching the events unfold in a new way. 8% of voters have already lost all hope at enjoying the adaptation.
Jokes aside, the pacing's still left me reeling a little. But I can see how this might make sense from the studio's perspective. If I was an anime-only, I think this episode would have THRILLED me. So yes, I am still invested in the anime and am looking forward to the rest of the season!
Thoughts withheld until we see how the rest of the arc is adapted
i thought it was really good! most manga readers disagree, but i have hope that important scenes will be included later, and we shouldn’t be so quick to judge only 2 eps. i think we should be grateful that the scenes they DID include followed the manga pretty well. i have faith in the changes isayama wanted to make, he is the creator after all. have hope yall!
How do you feel about the restructuring so far?
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We were quite surprised to find that 57% of respondents are still open to  the changes, looking to see what happens next before ultimately deciding if the anime is in good hands or not. A small 15% are excited for the changes, while another 15% are not feeling them at all. A very small percentage aren’t enjoying anything about the restructuring so far.
I'm really trying to enjoy the season and not judge too fast before seeing all of the arc, but damn WIT, Isayama, you guys are making it so hard, I'm hella confuse by the changes you're making
In my opinion, the change of pace is for the worse. I'm sad Isayama hates the arc this much, and that he agreed to many crucial character scenes being cut. I think the arc in the manga only felt slow because of waiting for the next monthly chapter.
I'm confused by all the changes but it's only episode 2 so I'm waiting for what's coming next. The animation is beautiful, Levi is beautiful (even with his shirt on) so I like it so far!
Still generally hyped about the season, but wary of the changes. A little bit disappointed about the cutting of the minor characters' (dimo, nifa) screentime/character moments. But I'm gonna wait with my judgement 'till the arc's over.
Character development will not be the same. Hopefully they can build up Armin’s and Erwin’s characters in time for RTS or nobody will care.
What best describes what you think about the missing scenes so far?
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While we’re all a bit sad to see some of our favorite scenes lost, the largest group of respondents have accepted that as a fact and are ready to just move forward. 26% are holding out hope that everything will be implemented one way or another. 13% of respondents are finding that the missing scenes are making it very difficult to enjoy anything about the season so far.
I literally want to fly to WIT Studio, go in banging a cowbell in everyone's ears until they put the cute scenes of titan eren and his dorky yet fine ass back in the anime.
I'm afraid that loosing some scenes now will take away more important ones later on. No Dimo telling Historia to give Levi a good punch. No Levi basically threatening Historia to take up the mantle of Queen. These interactions added depth to the characters. There's still time for them to include a few other things in flashbacks, but the changes have me a little on edge. Maybe it's just cognitive dissonance - I'll not write off WIT's and Isayama's restructuring efforts yet. But I will sit on my hands and bite my tongue when I ask my Anime-only friends about their thoughts on the pacing thus far.
the only thing I’m really upset they cut is the scene where Armin talks about how to manipulate the mass and everyone stares at him horrified, everyone’s bitching about the abs but the true loss is not seeing the horrifying expression Armin makes
Dimo's the real victim of the cuts here ;_;
My hype for this season died seeing how they are dealing with this arc
I think that people  complain too much about snk anime. Yes, some things are different and even some favourite scenes of mine where removed but overall this is still the best anime of the season, maybe even the year.
How do you feel about the scenes they did keep?
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A combined 63% of voters were satisfied with the scenes that we did still get and many of those believe WIT excelled at executing them. 29% thought the scenes were still alright, but lost some of the impact they had in the original work.
The animation of all of it is phenomenal, but all the scenes/events are jumbled in comparison to the manga. It has me like ?????
The whole bit with Jean being "shot" was better in the manga IMO
Again, as before I am not the Uprising Arc's biggest fan, but one thing I did enjoy was whenever the focus was on the 104th kids coming to terms with fighting humans, struggling with their own morality and the orders Levi was giving them. In the manga, this takes place over a longer period of them, so you really get to see Sasha, Jean and Connie question things and come to their own decision not to kill. By reordering things now, I feel that has completely lost its impact.
The scene at the end where the SC crew learns about rod reminds me a bit of the AT & CT reveal when the way in which the SC reacted to Reiner and Bertholdt possibly being titans was withheld from the viewer so I think that maybe thats what they might be going for this season in the sense that they will find a way to cram a lot of moments in flashbacks later.
Rushed. Scenes have less impact. I’m just thankful I’ve read the manga so I have the context of how bamf these things really are.
They removed way too many Dimo scenes which makes him a very different character to the anime canon. In the manga he was a good-hearted opportunist trying to avoid the deaths of himself and his comrades whereas in the anime this was watered down significantly. Also, #BringBackGesumin2018
I like the pacing but many scenes lost their impact, e.g. Reeves death, Armin's kill.
Where do you think Rod, Historia and Eren are right now?
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We definitely know they aren’t in the cave, but the largest group of voters aren’t even sure where to theorize they could be right now. Although there is a near tie between people who believe they are either at the ranch or the chapel. One commenter on the poll pointed out an area we hadn’t even considered, however: 
Because this option didn't show up in where Eren and Historia are: The Central MP Headquarters! The torture of Sannes was used as a way to find where Eren and Historia are, which is the original point of that mission. So there'd be a different, less redundant reason to go to the HQ in the first place! You can even add some missing scenes there.
How did you feel about the way the torture scene was handled?
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Most of us did believe that WIT would censor the torture sequence a bit, but the largest group are shocked at just how much of it wasn’t shown at all. Nearly one quarter of voters are disheartened that they didn’t show it all. Commenters are mourning Hange’s memorable line about which testicle Sannes wants to keep the most.
They cut out Hange's best line
Even though i expected it would be a little bit censored, but wasn't thinking it would that much, they turned it into a joke, a humouristic torture...like seriously wit?
I'm upset because they removed Hange's best line.
Where was Levi punching?
It may've not been directly shown, but sometimes there's more horror in what you can’t see than in what you can
I expected it to be censored but it's ok, they managed to transmit the grotesque and black humorous feeling that the manga gave.
im sad about hange’s line not being included, but other than that, i thought it was really good, and i didnt expect them to be as brutal as the manga anyways. :/
Armin contemplates how they are torturing and killing people because they have different views. How does this relate to the current manga events?
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The majority of voters believe that this was a good foreshadowing for the events that have taken place much later in the manga. 17% of voters don’t feel that the situations are comparable, however.
Both sides are fighthing for their own good
Eh, that’s how human history has always been since time immemorial. It’s always people killing other people because of a difference in views and ideologies. Not saying that it should be tolerated, but everything is a case-by-case basis. Sometimes, you need to extinguish the enemy because the enemy alive is a far bigger threat to the world. That’s just how it is.
Everyone else is stuck in the mid-Uprising chapters while Armin is 57D pathsmancing his way to mid-Marley chapters
The uprising and ao Liberio aren’t comparable, but Armin is consistent through each
We didn’t get shirtless Levi, how are you feeling about it?
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39% of voters are sad about not getting treated to some eye candy this week, while 34% just don’t care about it at all. 15% were happy just to see Levi’s nice bara tiddies outlining his shirt, while 12% of you are still holding out hope for rock-hard abs.
I was robbed of the abs I was promised and am like... really pissed off? Sad? Bemusedly confused? I know in the grand scheme of things it shouldn't really matter that much but dang, it hurts.
It might just be the lesbian in me talking but I don’t care they didn’t show abswin and Levi shirtless lol
Levi is daddy af. Thanks for exploding my ovaries bc I didn't want children. Super convenient.
But Levi still looked badass tho
What about abswin?
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Similar to Levi, the largest groups of respondents either feel betrayed by WIT or don’t care about it. A larger portion than with Levi were completely satisfied simply by Erwin’s presence.
Apparently this world doesn’t deserve Levi and Erwin’s abs... Looks like we’re not worthy of such a blessing.
I AM FEELING ABSOLUTELY BETRAYED BY THE LACK OF ABS I mean c'mon, WIT, you can't give me, a grown adult, just an angsty adolescent's steaming abs (from the Titan tyvm) and expect me to be satisfied with that.
The Ackerman reveal was handled a bit differently, with Kenny telling Traute about how he raised Levi instead of telling Dimo he is his pride. How do you feel about the change?
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The majority of voters believe that the small change in the Ackerman reveal wasn’t a big deal. However, a pretty sizable portion do believe that the weight of the reveal was lost, with many commenters lamenting the loss of Kenny saying that Levi is his pride.
I think we'll have more impactful Acerkreveal to come when Levi and Mikasa talk. *nervous chucking*
Levi being an Ackerman is the less secret thing anyway, the way it's reveals hardly matter
Most of the fandom read some good ol fanfic, i'd be surprised if like 95% of the people watching it didn't know he was an Ackerman (or just log in to tumblr)
Lol so many anime-only reactors didn’t even notice the Ackerman name-drop so WIT pretty much failed at that. And it’s okay for fans to feel disappointed with the anime. We’re not **obligated** to think it’s amazing especially if we think there are parts of it that weren’t adapted well.
I expect another encounter between Kenny and Levi that leads to the talk about Levi being Kenny's pride, probably directed to Rod instead. This scene, on the other hand, worked as a wonderful namedrop and setup for a second encounter.
I love how he called Levi his pride in the manga so i’m very sad they changed it, it made Kenny’s death even more emotional.
It flew right past me oops
Levi threatening Historia didn't happen, breaking the chain of events that builds up to her punching him later. What best describes your thoughts?
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It’s probably safe to say that many of us are raising questions about the loss of this scene and how WIT will make up for it or whether it was truly needed in the first place. 39% believe that WIT will still work it in somehow, while the majority believe that the scene is lost forever, with split opinions about whether WIT will make up for it in another way or whether their faith in Historia and Levi’s arcs is shattered forever.
The only thing I'm keeping my eyes on is anything related to Historia and her future step up as queen.  I'm sure she'll learn that she is royal next episode via her father, so I wonder if eventually deciding to take rule in place of her hidden relatives and corrupt government, will actually end up being her idea, which could explain why Levi's altercation with her was removed.  That would be really interesting and I think it could work out just as well!  I always thought his anger toward her was a little too sudden and misplaced in the manga, anyway, and if it's removed for good, I'm glad we don't have to live through that controversy again.
I’m kinda disappointed that they didn’t include Dimo Reeves’s redemption arc. It was very essential to Historia & Levi’s character. Maybe I’m worrying over nothing & instead Fligel will replace Dimo in that role, but Eren & Historia were already captured so I’m not sure how they intend to go about rewriting Historia & Levi’s character progression. However, the production team & Isayama do seem to understand how important character development is for this arc, so maybe they’re finding different ways to make it better in ways we didn’t even realize were possible. Maybe by the end we’ll all say “Wow! This was handled a million times better than in the manga!” But right now, it just seems like Isayama had a negative bias towards this arc & was only so accepting of the changes cause he just thought of the Uprising Arc as his worst piece of work to date despite it being the most important for character development & plot progression. I hope I am wrong though.
Which group of characters are your favorite?
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Where do you primarily discuss the series?
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I discuss the series in Facebook, dunno why you don't have that option :/
Additional thoughts on the episode?
Isayama reacting to S3 complaints: “Am I out of touch? No, it's the manga readers who are wrong.”
BUT NO FLEGEL QUESTION IN THE POLL!!!?!?!?!? THAT'S IT!!(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ I'm actually not going to do anything about it though. but still. Flegel is best boy.
I’m blown away by the animation!  I’m kind of enjoying guessing what might happen next and what other changes they’re going to make.  I still have faith that WIT and Isayama will deliver an amazing season three - holding out for more episodes until I lose my mind about changes.  It’s super entertaining so far.
I am aware that a 100% adaptation of the manga is impossible and I'm usually not bothered by it. However, I'm slowly getting nervous that too much could get lost and that those fans who want an accurate adaptation will get too frustrated with it to continue. I really hope WIT has a plan here and listens to the fans.
I really, really, really wanted Kenny to say that he was proud of Levi. It was really bittersweet. I hope WIT puts it later on when Kenny is about to die and hopefully he tells it to Levi straight up. But I’m not gonna lie, Levi never knowing that his “father figure” was proud of him all this time puts a tragic and beautiful twist to their relationship. There’s always been something sublime about unexpressed emotions that will forever be hidden because death claimed it first.
I feel like they're sacrificing character interactions and developments for the sake of pacing and action.  
I know lots of people are saying that everyone should chill before jumping to conclusions, but as far as I’m concerned all our opinions - mine included, as well as the opinions of those who are dissatisfied with the episode - are valid. And in my opinion, there was so much that the anime skipped. Sure, they were just small details. But it were these details that enriched the story. I trust Isayama, but at the end of the day, he too errs. He too commits mistakes. I don’t know, but if I feel overly dissatisfied with the adaptation even after the season is over, and in my defense am able to bring up valid reasons why I didn’t like it, then so be it.
It's a shame Dimo got reduced to such a minor character.
I felt a bit sorry for the girl who was killed by Armin. I didn't pay attention on her in the manga but in Armin's flashbacks she was more human. It was the proof that even such cold monsters like anti-human squad members have some heart.
I love it so far but Levi and Erwin need more love and they'll get it if they are shirtless and have moar scenes
Traute made me gay.
Ackerman bastards! How they can violate chairs like that?! Right now I can trust only Mikasa with my poor chair babies <3
everyone is like 'where are the abs' while my lesbian ass is sad about no gesumin smh
Thanks to everyone who participated! We’ll see you again on Monday! 
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