#need to get more comfortable with posting here again orz
josukespimphand · 3 months
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Old Gojo, Shoko, and Ijichi doodles from the summer ahh.
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hakucho-art · 2 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
question: what r three things you like about ur art? and what is ur current fav art piece of urs? <3
also bonus touken headcanon: they’re in their married era, but still new relationship, and while they’ve more comfortable — kaneki still seems hesitant sometimes when he reaches to her, in initiating any sort of skin ship, like he’s unsure of howwhen. Touka finds it endearing and kind of laughable considering they just had a blow ur mind sex like an hour ago, but here kaneki is looking so unsure of how to put his arms around her shoulders. This man is ridiculous. God she loves him.
But sometimes — he catches her completely off guard. They’re were doing smth… idk, making coffee??? And Kaneki makes this voice pitched with alarm and touka bends over to see him fumbling with this amateur thing she KNOWS he can do with his eyes closed and is like wow… Kaneki??? Did you get off the bed on the wrong side???? What is wrong with you. But it turns out it was all a plot for her to give him a cheek kiss without her knowing.
Touka blinks, as she just registers where her lips where and looks up at kaneki who has this big silly smile that says “gotcha” and gives her butterfly in stomach…
URGH I LOVE THEM… they’re so cute (also forgive me if this is out of character. I am out of touch)
You're out of touch... I'm out of tiiiime....
OKI OKI, first the questions sjdvjw
Three things I like about my art
Hmmmm lately I've been feeling more happy with my coloring! I feel like finally I've kind of understood what I'm doing and feel more experienced with it. I also like how my sketches look, sketching is always my favorite part and making some cleaned sketches with pencil again has been really nice uwu. And I like how I draw faces! Lately they have been more simplistic but generally, I do like them.
Your favorite art piece?
UHHH, actually a piece for a zine so I cant post it here yet but my current favorite touken piece of mine are these two (because im indecisive)
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The left one because for once I properly colored them (usually I get lazy with my touken pieces since theyre very indulgent wjvdjwhd) and the other because I adore the style there a lot, especially how kaneki looks🥺 definitely want to try using it more!
NOW TO YOUR SWEET HEADCANON AHHHH, you never disappoint with the touken fluff wjvdjwvdjwvdhwh♥️♥️😭
FIRST OF ALL, mischievous kaneki is ADORABLE and we need more of him. Here and there he can be a little tricksy, especially when he wants to get back to touka because she so often does little pranks and messes with him hehe
Kaneki not knowing how to approach casual intimacy while they fuck everyday is so funny and canon 😭💕 touka is just as ridiculous, kaneki calls her cute and she gets a massive blush as if they havent been dating for MONTHS.
Also, I didnt fully understand the last part. So kaneki tricked her into giving him a cheek kiss or did kaneki give her a cheek kiss 👀 either way, its adorable because kaneki making silly little pranks that are basically just kisses and snuggles orz. Kill me with the fluff, HELP. Touka feeling a little Bad because his pranks are so innocent and loving while he suffers a little when she pranks him JWVJDDVJD
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 9 months
to get right to the salt, do ya think P5 and the spinoffs lowkey ruined theorizing for ya? at least for atlus games?
Damn beat me to it! I was thinking of making a post bitching about how stupid it was to that we had to leave Sae's dungeon because of a "blockade" but like....that area is open to the public why is there a blockade???? TT0TT You just wanted a blockade for blockade's sake. Would've made more sense to have Mako do something at the house than the fucking court room you dinguses. orz*coughs* Moving on......
Anyway happy new year!
Yes and.....no. For both.
P5's made it hard to want to keep theorizing with P5 central games. P3R is in a spot of "why even bother, I'm setting myself up for more disappointment if I do." I had absolutely no want and desire to theorize P5T (even P5S I had SOME thoughts, but the Sophia char, you know being based off an aeon being, not getting the Aeon arcana.....kinda killed it for me. :'D PQ2 was a diff issue, tho it came out before P5S iirc so it was before P5 killed it, and P3/5D didn't have much to theorize over....P3D a bit more so but only by a bit, and P5R....well P5R gave me SOMETHING to work with at least). I think the most I wanted to do with P5T was figure out the place in the timeline exactly (which is something I love to do :3) and if it was going to have a memory wipe. Other than that nothing really.....stood out to me. TT0TT
I am interested in P5X and have a theory post buried somewhere (mostly it showing it's an alt reality, tho I subscribe to it REPLACING P5 rather than it being part of certain P5 endings). I'm just having a hard time keeping up with all the info atm so I don't talk about it.
Right now it's a waiting game for P5X to release and the announcements after P3R. (obvie excited for Refan but I'm talking about predictions and stuff and I'm not really doing that for Refan cause....I dunno what to expect TT0TT)
But as for P5(X) theories I have one now:
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Timelines of P5. P5 has the original vanilla, the Kasumi version, and (Cognition?) Wonder ganking him. I'm thinking it's Cognition bc the one "Joker" That fought Wonder evaporates and it might mean it's a cognition of some sort (god I hope it is, I want P5X to have it's own timeline). But that's all I've got, I need to catch up on older stuff cause I'm not sure if this contradicts other existing info (then again info keeps changing atm, such as the 109 building TT0TT).
C!Joker I believe says "resist" to Wonder at the end of the new trailer (going off the chinese char, I don't think I'm hearing the Japanese correctly tbh). It makes me wonder (hehe) if Silly's about to get her 3rd star crossed lovers-ish/trans dimensional timeline pairing/duo (first Tats and Maya, then Hams and Mints/Kita, and now Joke and Wond 8U)
As for in general, not really, I've just been busy/needing to consume/refresh more of certain media before I find myself more comfortable to talk about it. But here's some theories I have that fit this description but I know the fandoms will kill me for reasons. (spoilers for Bleach, Naruto/Boruto, Frozen, Netflix's Wednesday 2022, Far Cry 5, Ju-On/The Grudge):
Bleach 1: I'm subscribed that the "happy ending" they got at the end isn't actually happy (despite the surface level). Because unlike Kishi, I think Kubo is a mean troll. TT0TT I don't think anyone won with him. Anyway, my theory is Ich*ka isn't R*nji's daughter because the ONLY aspect she has of him atm is his hair color and that's something that can be dyed. 030 And that Kaz*ui is some weird clone of Ichigo rather than a real son (the only thing of Oreo he has that Ichi doesn't, bc they both have orange hair and brown eyes......BUT Ichi had the same eye shape as a child so......even that can't be ONLY tied to Oreo TT0TT). Kaz*ui is a little monster I don't trust him. Plus that ominous opening in the Hell chapter w/the gold fish, him sending a soul to hell, and then stomping out Ya-badaba (Yawach? Idc.....)....I just don't trust him, and Kubo's a troll so :'D Whatever hurts the fandom the most I guess.
Bleach 2: I don't think Kubo has positive feelings the Tanabata, or at least it's mythos. I mean it's about two star crossed lovers who fail to do their job and that's why they are separated. TT0TT Between I*H receiving L after L in the series (like confirming Ichi didn't have feelings for Oreo until after the series was over, White attacking her and so on), both do fail to do their job (fighting off Yawach-ababa, both get stomped before someone else has to come in and help iirc, anyway a very twisted parallel off of Tanabata), but her also wanting to BE THE RAIN to connect heaven and earth. You know. Rain. The representation of Ichi (and Ruki's) depression. Rain. The thing that keeps the lovers apart in Tanabata.......WHY???? TT0TT (also the fact they end up together even tho it's a star crossed lovers story, and when that couple WAS together they were doing a bad job with their jobs which meant they NEEDED to be separated and...I dunno man I don't trust Kubo he's mean kfljaskfljsdl)
Naruto/Boruto 1: Sarada is actually Karin's daughter, but Kishi is too scared to go that route/not as mean of a troll as Kubo is....atm. (At least Kishi had the guts to admit he wanted a love triangle/considered N*S for a brief second, but just didn't have the chops to make the love/triangle aspects more focused in the story. Aka I don't blame N*S for being tricked by his red herrings). I dunno he keeps giving the S*S couple L after L after L I'm wondering if he's trying to ease more people into the idea of SK. TT0TT
Naruto/Boruto 2: this is what I think the Kaguya line looks like (aka where the Gold/Silver bros and Kimimaro's Kaguya clan fall, cause I haven't seen a tree like this, and The G/S bros could totes be from Indra's side tho. But I firmly believe the Kaguya clan is from Indra, since I think the madness they went through could be similar to the Curse of Hatred)
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4. Naruto/Boruto 3 (I'm in the middle of a Naruto rewatch sue me TT0TT): What I think the eye evolution looks like (I don't think the Jogan's been explained yet? I still need to catch up, the byakugan doesn't evolve into a Rinnesharingan, it's that they obtain it later along with rinnegan's too in some of the designs, but I was mostly looking at Kaguya's since that's what most of these are derived from, Rinne can become Rinneshar aka you gotta activate it kinda like Sharingan to MS but it still requires you to evolve it):
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5. Frozen theory 1: Ahtohallan is not a good place. It's constantly putting Elsa into danger (either Ahto it'self, or it's ways of making her look into the past). It's almost killed her twice: Once in F2 by going too deep and almost freezing, and once in the dubious canon sequel novel Polar Nights where she falls into a raging river and Anna has to jump in to save her TT0TT It also seems so good at driving a wedge between the sisters >_> Cause that's totally what they need >_>
6. Frozen theory 2: Partially related to the above, because of Ahto's influence, I think Elsa will slowly evolve into the Snow Queen from the original fairy tale. Unless Anna can rescue her that is. TT0TT
7. Frozen Theory 3: Oldie but a goodie, Anna has powers. It's super strength. Be it yeeting a bust, punching a grown man in the face w/o recoil, full swinging a bat lute into a wolf's face w/o recoil, easily tanking hits from a horse/falling down the stairs/falling off a cliff/Elsa's Ice magic, literally pulling her sister out of a RAGING RIVER (Polar Nights only, I'm pretty sure it was raging I don't care to look it up again). They need to play into this more as a running gag tbh. "Oh she's the normal sister *lifts up a insanely heavy object with ease* Yup totally super normal, so sad. :(" jkldjsfkajf
8. Wednesday 1: In the original comic stripped canon of Addams' Family, her brother (then unnammed) was titled a "Hyde" in his character description. I feel like that's going to come into play in the later seasons (esp with how much mystery is around the "hydes")
9. FC5 (I think this is confirmed in other entries, but it was my theory as I was playing): Faith is also a victim via drugging and brainwashing. They physically and chemically fucked with her head. Like the other cult members that are brainwashed similar to her, if they detox they'd realized how much of a fucked situation they are in. TT0TT I also like to think she's out there, alive. In some bunker. TT0TT
10. Ju-On/The Grudge: I prefer to think Takeo killed Toshio. I know the US ver made it more explicit that he did. But I also mean the OG Jpn vers (I know one of the novels might contradict this theory). It just makes more sense for Toshio to die at the same time/the same way as his cat (and we see what's implied to be the cat in the movie). I mean their souls are merged for crying out loud! And IF Kayako was involved, it was maybe to deliver a mercy kill for her son, after Takeo left him for dead (similar to Kayako). And maybe she didn't want him to experience the same slow death she did. I know it kinda implies all the evil is on Takeo and less on Kayako (oh no shocker I hate the guy who started it all, at least Kayako wasn't a killer until the curse was made u_u) in this case, but I just want the soul merging to make sense is all. TT0TT
Annnnnnd yeah I think those are all/most of the eh theories I have going on. Again I need to rewatch most of this stuff (well except Frozen/Wednesday/Juon klsjfdkljafjsa I'm good on those). My issue with Naruto and Bleach is how much of/what of the supplementary content is canon. TT0TT And if Anime original, what about if the creator approves of it *glares at Kubo* I've seen your likes and comments you little stinker. Let alone if it's crafted by the creator (RTN/The Last/Boruto Movie, tho RTN I've heard contradicts some of the manga's events TT0TT) Like I'm trying to fine tooth comb this stuff but lkdjflksjfja orz
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Can i request Rei Sakuma, Leo Tsukinaga, and Izumi Sena (Separate) react to seeing their s/o run to the playground before they could walk past it after their date? I imagine the reader asking rei if he could push them in the swings. Thanks in advance!
Rei, Leo, Izumi - Seeing their S/O run to a playground 
Characters: Rei Sakuma, Leo Tsukinaga, Izumi Sena
Genres: Fluff
Small “tags”: Canon Universe, Mentioned dates, playground, comforting, swings, see-saw, playing tag, overthinking a lil’, Rei's old man mentality, everyone is just a big kid at heart, every scenario is a reader of diff personality I- /sobbing/
TW: None!
A/N: REI SAKUMA MY BELOVED orz (my cabbage may be staring daggers at me rn but omigoodness someone requested for the Rei of sunshine thank you)! 
Ooo a lot more requests too, I’ll probably be posting and clearing off the short scenarios and HCs first as the others will take a longer time! Sorry to the anons who submitted earlier but will be having their request fulfilled much later - I’m not ignoring them, there’s none that I think should be ignored or dropped yet! Just need some more time to make sure the story’s good enough, please bear with me!
I think I may have gone a little off topic here and there in this one… Head empty only multiple Enstars scenarios that I think too much about- I hope you still enjoy it, though! (You can clearly see my bias toward Rei I think I’m sorry I love this old man) 
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REI SAKUMA 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
— Naturally, being an idol and a unit leader, Rei had a lot on his plate. 
— But that wasn't going to stop him from spending time with you, his beloved! No, sir, when Rei Sakuma sets his mind on something, nothing can get in his way. And in this case, you were that something.
— You were pleasantly surprised with a date at the new dessert shop that opened nearby! The self-proclaimed vampire really knew how to take care of you and your sweet tooth. 
— Due to the male's whines about the bright, scorching summer sun, both of you stayed in the cool, air-conditioned shop till the sunlight started to wane, offering a cooler atmosphere to walk home in, which you took. 
— He holds your hand loosely, giving you the chance to pull away whenever you wanted, not that you normally would.
— Oh! What do we have there? You perk up when you spot the bright colours of the playground, and even more so at the empty swings swaying slightly in the wind. Swings! Your absolute favourite!
— You just couldn’t resist - you hadn’t been on a swing in so long, you were so deprived of the fun of playing one - and so you tighten your hand around Rei’s, dragging him along. Swings required 2 people to play, after all!
“Help push me? Please?” Oh, how could he not? There wasn’t even any need to act cute, though, in his eyes, you were so naturally adorable that it made everything you did seem cute. He loved you too much to deny anything of you, especially a simple request like this.
“Hold on tight then, sweet thing,” He nips at your earlobe as he speaks, enjoying how your ears turned red at the fleeting action and nickname. The brunette grips the sides of your seat, walking backwards to pull the swing back before letting go, relishing in your little “Wooo!” sounds as you swing forward. “You really enjoy this, don’t you? Perhaps we should come here more often.”
“Because it’s fun!” You said, stretching your legs out as the swing swung forward again, and tucking them in when it went backwards. “Have you never played on one before?” 
“Kuku, certainly not. Ah, but I do remember pushing Ritsu on a swing once, when we were much younger,” Rei reminisces, a wistful note in his voice. “The person behind has to be the stronger one, isn’t that right? To be able to push the other forward, to catch them when they fall backwards…” 
“Wait, wait,” You slow the swing to a stop with your feet against the playground floor, turning in your seat to meet his ruby-red eyes in a frown. “So you’ve never played on a swing because you’ve been going about some philosophy with how a swing works and you think you always have to be the stronger one?” 
“When you say it like that, it doesn’t sound too good, does it?” 
“Rei. Rei, my love, my sleepy vampire, my old man, this, a swing, is but a simple child’s play - there’s nothing deep behind it!” 
“If you say so, my beloved,” He shrugs, bending over to pull the swing back again. You sigh at how he dismisses your words, releasing your grip on the chains to cup his fair face. 
“And you, don’t think you always have to be strong. No one can be strong all the time, yeah?” Rei hums in agreement, or in satisfaction of having his face warmed by your hands, you didn’t know. “Rely on me too, alright? Love isn’t all about giving, giving, and giving.” 
“I didn’t exactly mean that - you know how this old man talks.” 
“Still, my statement stands.” 
You stare at him stubbornly, refusing to release his head from your hands, until he gives a small laugh. Pale hands reach up and hold your hands, pulling them away from his face a little to press kisses onto your palm, smiling against the skin. 
“... Thank you, my love.” Short, simple words, but it was more than enough to convey his feelings. “So, I assume you’ll be the one pushing me after you’ve had your fun on the swing?” 
“Hm hm! If you want me to!” You lean forward to bump foreheads with him, smiling. Rei releases your hands after one last kiss, allowing you to hold onto the chains of the swing once again. “So stop being a moody old man and let’s continue playing!” 
“Of course.”
He starts pushing you on the swing in a languid, rhythmic manner, your laughs and his chuckles filling the air in a joyful melody. 
“Haha… Even this old man feels young when he’s with you~”
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LEO TSUKINAGA 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
— With you two being morning people and somehow sharing a single braincell, you had both suggested meeting up at the nearby park for a morning stroll at the same time, laughing at the unanimous decision made between the both of you. 
— To spend the first few hours of this pleasant day in each other's company was like a dream, your boyfriend humming little tunes in the late dawn of winter, tiny fangs showing when his signature smile adorns his face, dragging you closer to him. 
— Leo's arm finds its place, draped over your shoulder to keep you right there, right next to him. You, obviously, had nothing against that. He was warm, and you loved him - there was no reason to escape from his grasp. 
— Except maybe one. Your eyes lit up when you saw a playground, conveniently devoid of children since they were all at school at this hour. Twisting your neck to look up at your boyfriend, you stare at him, wide-eyed, while he meets your gaze with a curious smile. 
— That was the only warning he got before you were gone from his side. He certainly wasn't expecting you to suddenly dash over the playground climber and nimbly climb up onto it. But he wasn't complaining! With someone like you by his side, his world was never devoid of surprises or happy laughter - the latter was now prompting Leo to run over and see just what you were up to.
“Haha! I claim this castle!” You proclaimed, waving your arms around at the structure you were on, leaning over the railings a little to look down at your boyfriend proudly. He only returns the smile, arms akimbo as he starts playing along with the little drama game that you initiated every so often. 
“If that is your castle, my monarch, then as your knight, I naturally have access to it!” 
“Uh oh - Then, out of here, I shall go!” Leo’s shoes made little “thunk” noises when he climbed up onto the playground climber, while you made your quick escape down a small slide that you couldn’t really slide that well on. It wasn’t meant for rowdy teenagers like the both of you, after all, but was that going to stop you two? No!
Your boyfriend made it down the slide with much difficulty too, immediately springing to his feet to chase you around in circles, snow crunching under your feet as you called out mocking comments.
Realizing this was going nowhere, with you expertly outrunning him all the time, Leo had a change of tactics. The sound of footsteps behind you slowed to a stop, followed by his bright voice. "Hey! Hey, look here, look what I found~!" 
Turning around, you see the orange-haired male crouched as if he was about to pounce, emerald eyes glinting with mischievousness. 
A small scream rings through the air as he tackles you into the snow, your voice accompanying him in laughter as Leo encases you in a tight hug and rolls all over the cold ground, leaving a trail of flattened snow. Thank goodness the two of you were wrapped up in heavy winter coats, or you’d be freezing by now!
Though, being with Leo, your music-loving ray of sunshine, you didn’t think you could ever feel cold. Even with your current position, lying on your side in the snow, you could feel his warmth from the arms around you and his breath mingling with yours as you both giggle from the activity. 
“Tah-dah, I've found the light of my life!” He boasts, squeezing you into an even tighter hug and snuggling his face into the crook of your neck. 
“Noooo! Let me go!” You wail in mock protest, struggling against his strong grip. Boy, for a baby-faced composer who hardly worked out other than idol practice, he was freakishly strong when it came to hugs.
“No can do! I- Gah??!” Anyway, a small surprise attack on his stomach with your fingers was all you needed to get the ticklish man to loosen his hold on you, hands pulling back to push your hands away. “Ha- Stop- Haha-!” 
“And I’m free, once again!” Your jubilant theatrics continued, rolling away before getting up and dashing to the other end of the playground as Leo let out weak laughs, recovering from your “brutal” attack. He rolls onto his back and flops his arms on either side, chest heaving up and down as he tries to catch his breath. “Hey hey, not coming to catch your runaway monarch anymore, my knight~?” 
The boy sits up at your provocation, jumping up to his feet with an energized grin yet again, chasing after your light as he always had.
“Run all you want, your majesty! Your knight will always be with you, one step behind!”
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IZUMI SENA 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
— Izumi, being the high-standard romantic that he is, arranges for a candlelight dinner at a fancy restaurant downtown, of all things. 
— As expected, you only stepped out of the restaurant - with your boyfriend linked to you by your hands - when the sky was pitch-black, with yellowish lights from lamposts and cars illuminating the roads. 
— Wanting to spend more time with him, you suggested walking home together! Your knight amicably agrees with his charming smile, squeezing your hand in a small show of affection. 
— Both of you share a conversation, chatting about what each of you had been doing in the time you’d been away from each other, resting your head on the other’s shoulder as you two strolled through the dimly lit streets.
— And then! Watching a deserted playground come into view, you were struck with one of your “silly thoughts” - as Izumi called them - shaking the male’s hand off to run over, knowing that he would follow your steps without questioning you. In the beginning, at least. 
“What are you doing?” The question comes out as he catches up to you, with no bite behind his voice but instead genuine confusion. He was a little more used to how you acted on your whims by now, but still-! 
“See-saw!” You stepped aside and flourished your hand at the fixture in the playground that had caught your eye. It was a favourite game of yours, the feeling of bouncing up and down into the air while someone else on the opposite side similarly went up and down in tandem with you, alternating between who was in the air and who had their feet on the ground. A game perfect for two! 
His eyebrows creased, eyelids fluttering at you as he blinked. “And…?” 
“Let’s play, let’s play!” 
“In these??” Izumi waved down at the clothes you were both decked out in. Formal, elegant, and restricting. Entirely unsuited for playing like kids, as you’d suggested. “There is no way-” 
You place a finger to his mouth, shushing the silver-haired male and earning a comical glare from him. 
“Don’t frown so much, you’ll get wrinkles on your face!” A laugh escapes from you, your hand finding his again to drag him to the awaiting see-saw. “Here you go,” You sat him down on one end of the seesaw, patting his shoulders in satisfaction before running over to the other side to sit down. 
“How does this work, anyway?” Izumi questions, folding his arms as you hike your leg over the seesaw, holding the handlebar but not sitting down just yet. 
“You’ll see!” 
“What do y- Ahh?!” He lets out a surprised and utterly undignified screech when you plop down on your side of the see-saw, pushing your weight down on the fixture and lifting his side into the air. The male scrambles to hold onto the handlebar like you were doing, looking down at you angrily. “Give me some warning before you do that, ugh!” 
“Aha, sorry…” You said sheepishly, looking down almost immediately after you barely glimpsed his glaring pale blue eyes, ashamed. Why did you do that? Because you thought it’d be funny to scare him? You bit at your lip worriedly, hunching your shoulders. Maybe it would be best to get off this silly see-saw and head home instead of wasting any more time here… “Ah-?” 
The ground suddenly moved away from you - no, you were moving away from the ground, the board beneath you lifting up. You looked up at the other side of the see-saw, where your boyfriend was, seeing him leaning back to apply more weight to hold you up while he watched you with concern. 
Your eyes met, and Izumi’s gaze hurriedly shifted to a nonchalant one, looking as though he wasn’t worried about your reaction just a second ago. “You wanted to play, didn’t you? Get on with it already then, it’s getting late.” 
A smile returns to your face. Truly, no matter how harsh or cold your lover was, underneath all those layers and facades held a warm and gentle love for you. 
“Mhm!” You hum in response, and the creaks of the see-saw filled the air, a rhythmic harmony to the melody of your joyful giggles and his fond huffs. 
“You’re really childish, you know?... Whatever, as long as you're happy.”
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Copper, and Azure? 👉👈 your art is so good, you are so talented!
Thanks for the ask! For the fanart artist ask meme
Copper- if you doodle, want to show us a sample?
Yeah! I doodle all the time actually, its part of why I don’t post much. I draw something, I need to color it. Inspiration strikes and I draw again. I need to color it. Inspir—
You get me. Im constantly drawing and I’m trying to get to a place where I’m comfortable posting really sketchy pieces. I also get worried that people will get annoyed of me flooding the tags with art (seriously I draw or paint practically every day) so I try to keep a cool down period of like a week before posting anything else to the tags. My own blog though… well, I’m trying to see this place as fair game. You followed me after all 🤣
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Some Dany and Jon doodles, my two favorite subjects currently. I’ve filled pages and pages of sketchbooks with them its a problem.
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I just rlly wanted to capture her smile and presence in these shots, I think they were photos of Emilia on set out of character (I know for sure the last one was). I always found it ironic that many of the shots of Emilia in costume but OOC seemed more true to book Dany than most late show scenes. I might do an actual piece based off the bottom one. She’s just so vibrant and so happy and just so Daenerys. That’s my queen right there.
Azure- Favorite ship to draw?
Honestly I don’t really have one, mostly because I’m more interested in drawing portraits. However I do love drawing jonerys/snowstorm, because they’re cute together and it gives me an excuse to draw my two faves.
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(God please give me the strength to finish this painting. The red stain in the middle is from a spread that seeped through the sketchbook seams orz)
More often than not though I tend to just kinda draw my otps not as full bodies together, but as portraits in the general vicinity of each other. This one is an unfinished Robb/Dany/Jon implied ot3 drawing
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Some additional stuff under the cut!
I’ve also really been into crackships, crossovers, and canonxOC lately, here’s an extremely sketchy thing I did of Dany x Sephiroth
I’ve also really been into crackships, crossovers, and canonxOC lately, here’s an extremely sketchy thing I did of Dany x Sephiroth
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Modern AU Robb and Cassie, one of my OCs
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Jon and Dio, another OC I’ve posted and tagged quite a bit about lately (its brainrot idc idc)
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Dany and my semicanon OC Allyria Dayne/Snow
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In my fanfic Aly is Jon’s twin who looks like a Targ and cannot be hidden away at Winterfell, so she’s raised at Starfall with the Daynes. She is the most Mary Sue of my Mary Sues and honestly I can’t even be bothered to care. You WILL be hearing more about her, that is a threat.
TW for horror applies here
More Jon Snow because I’m obsessed, this is for a demon AU fanfic that will likely never see the light of day
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Anyway thank you so much for the ask!! Sorry to have basically treated this ask as a sketchdump but I have a lot of art and I couldn’t choose what to post 🤣
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rainbowsky · 3 years
hi rbs! im the anon who asked for non explicit fic recs. thank you very much for the rec, and of course also the person who saw it and had a whole list of of recs! I've almost got through them all and they rly are lovely and so sweet! It helped keep my mind off things as well :' ) based on what i know about you, im certain your recs wouldn't be the uhhh tasteless (?) kind of rated E, it's just me orz. i remember reading one of the fics on your rec list, the one with yibo turning into a cat, and still being pretty embarrassed and skipping that part... tho the story was super cute on the whole! ty again, and i hope you're well ^_^
This is in reference to a previous post.
More than a lot of things, fan fiction really is a matter of personal taste. As such, fic recommendations from one person aren't always going to fit into another person's comfort zone.
What's considered 'tasteful' is incredibly subjective. Dominant social groups often try to impose their ideas of 'taste' on the general public, and I actually find that more offensive than stories that feature themes I dislike (ABO, mpreg, gender switch, etc.). Everyone should be free to set their own boundaries within a consensual, non-harming social framework, and people shouldn't be shamed for their kinks and interests unless they act on them in a harmful way.
I definitely have boundaries in terms of what I feel comfortable with, but they're more about characterization, framing and tone than they are about what's actually happening in a scene. And it's not always easy to quantify what exactly makes it possible for me to enjoy one story while another story makes me squirm and cringe.
I could say, for example, "I don't like when a story is focused around sex or seems written entirely as a lead-up to a sexual encounter" and that would be mostly true, but there are exceptions. For example, I really enjoyed Venus despite the fact that it's pretty much entirely about a sexual encounter.
The best way I could put it to you is to say that I don't read explicit stories for the sex, and so if a story is going to be explicit it better really sell me on what's happening. I need to feel like this is what would naturally happen between these people, and it better read like interesting, well-written action that stays within the characterization of the participants or I will lose interest.
It makes perfect sense to me that grown adults will often have sex, and in the context of a story I am perfectly happy to read about how those things take place, and it doesn't bother me in the least. In fact, in many cases it gives the story more depth and the relationship more intensity and realism. I suppose I prefer stories that don't over-emphasize it, but there are also many stories that feature a lot of sex that are among my favorites.
As long as a story is sweet, interesting and well-written, and takes me on a journey I enjoy, I'm not going to get to caught up in what the author does with the relationship. And that's not even just about sex, it's also about things like affairs or breakups or arguments. If it's a good story that has a happy ending, I'm happy to let the author take me on that journey.
I think the thing a lot of people struggle with is, they just don't like that there is sex written about real people. I have to admit, I have a hard time relating to that perspective. The stories are fiction, and aren't pretending otherwise. I would no more be offended by a story being written about them having sex than I would be by a story being written about them going waterskiing. It's fiction.
Some people are offended by the idea of stories being written about real people at all, regardless of whether they're sexual or not, and again - I don't have that problem. I think it's fun to read about interesting people being placed in unusual circumstances.
If someone wrote such a story about me I would be flattered, not offended. Even if the story was horrible and a total misinterpretation of my personality. The very fact that someone wrote the story shows that something about me captured their imagination, that they found me interesting enough to inspire creativity. How could that ever be a bad thing?
So the misgivings other people have aren't the same ones I have. I feel 100% comfortable with reading stories about GGDD, sexual or not. Some things offend me or even repulse me, and that's perfectly normal. To each their own.
And people's feelings on this are subject to change, believe me. There was a time when I really wasn't comfortable with any of it. Now I'm recommending stories to people. Anything's possible. 😊
Glad you were able to find some stories you enjoyed!
For more of my thoughts on this topic, see this post.
My GGDD fic recs can be found here.
My Wangxian fic recs can be found here.
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Can transliteration posts count for EAW? lol
I said I’d do “Everything I Ever Thought I Knew” breakdown, but “Next Stop Anywhere” adorable in jp and tempting. I’ll do “Next Stop Anywhere” after EIETIK.
Everything I Ever Thought I Knew -> 偽りの人生 itsuwari no jinsei
偽り itsuwari means fake, a lie, a falsehood and another reading that uses the character is 偽物 nisemono. That Nisemono in particular goes towards nonliving beings as there is 物* mono. 
*There is also 者 mono and モノ mono, but the second one isn’t needed here.
If you see this 者 mono that one goes towards living people/animals.  This can be seen a lot in Japanese, words having similar living and nonliving meanings, as well other things as in colors based on shades but is still the same word. 
And 人生 jinsei is life, lifestyle. Made up of two on readings. 
人 hito/ jin is person.
- Hito is pretty straight forward, also a person.
- The reading from jin is seen in words like 日本人 nihonjin, a japanese person.
生 nama / iki / sei is to be alive. 
- Nama is more on the scale of realtime as we see it in 生放送 namahousou, meaning live broadcast and 生クリーム nama curiimu, if you’re wondering why it has 生 nama it’s because it’s a reactive supplement to make whipped cream (or that’s my guess, jp namings are another day).  
- Iki* is for living, ex. 生きたい ikitai, I want to go live. 
- Sei is seen in words like 先生 sensei, teacher. 
*appears in song lyrics
Depending on tl, roughly the title can go as the following: 
- The false life I’ve led 
- The life that was fake
- The lie that was my life
Now onto the full song under the cut below!!
This is another good example where they had to combine/shorten parts orz jp in a nutshell. 
Lots to unpack here let’s take things slowly!
I thought I was an outcast -> たった1人で tatta hitori de
I thought I stood alone ->  生きてきたよ ikite kita yo
A rogue, a thief, a joker -> 居場所など ないさ ibashoo nado nai sa* 
No place to call my own ->どこにも ない doko ni mo nai
I thought no one could love me -> 誰にも愛して dare ni mo aishte 
And how could I have known? ->  もらえないと moraenaito
I was wrong, oh so wrong -> 思っていたけど omotte ita kedo 
We start with tatta hitori de which fits with I thought I was an outcast, and so does the following line I thought I stood alone -> ikite kita yo. Next line we see they omitted A rogue, a thief, a joker, in favour of ibashoo nado nai sa. Then we see the lyrics change back to a closer tl. 
- Merely living on my own, with nowhere to call home. Yet*, gaining the affection from someone (was what he wanted) would be the answer, or so I thought. 
- Out in the world, surviving on my own. Nowhere to live and with nowhere to belong, I didn’t think I was able to love (and be loved). Until I was proved wrong (Rapunzel).
*sa in this context is like, yet, well, supposedly, you see.  
Then I thought I'd found it -> あの/る時夢を ano (aru) toki yume wo 
A dream that I could share -> 見つけたんだ mitsuketanda 
I thought I was so lucky -> 怖くなるほど kowaku naru hodo
It almost wasn't fair -> 幸せだった shiawase datta
I thought I knew my purpose -> ついに明日を tsuni ashita* wo 
I thought that I knew where I belonged -> 手に入れたと teni ireta to
But I was wrong -> 思っていたけど omotteita kedo**
This next part is fairly close but there are differences once again in artistic liberties taken lol.
* like with igad and Big Nose’s line, it stands for a definitive future
- The dream I had once dreamed of, it was finally realized. At first quite scary, it turned out quite divine. Finally a future** in sight, something I could attain, or so I thought.
- That dream I once dreamed of, laid before my eyes. Securely in my hands, not without its ups and downs, rested a future safe and warm (context; as it shows LBEA and in the jp he doesn’t say the contempt and secure line, he just says we can live comfortably lol), but now I know**.
** Roughly is or so I thought, but kedo can also work as a soft ‘but...’, making “now I know” an unspoken phrase.
Everything I ever thought I knew -> 全てが崩れ去る subete ga kuzure saru
Where I've been, where I'm going -> 過去も 未来も kakko mo mirai mo
Everything I counted on turned out to be untrue -> 信じていたもの 望むもの shinjiteita mono nozomu mono
Could've guessed, should've known, now I do -> 全部 儚く 消え去る zenbu hakanaku kieru saru
The first significant difference in the chorus is Everything I ever thought I knew becoming subete ga kuzure saru. Where I've been (past -> kakko) where I'm going ( future -> mirai) is pretty self explanatory. And then we see a mirror with the last chorus line cycling back to the first. 
- Everything is falling apart. Everything I wished for and everything I believed in. The past and future, all fleeting away, gradually until they fade away.
- Past and Future, everything is breaking apart, everything I trusted and everything that I had wished for, every ounce fading away like a dream (context?). 
Everything I've yearned for -> これまで 作り kore made tsukuri 
everything I planned -> 続けたもの tsuzuketa mono
All my sweetest memories were castles made of sand  -> サラサラ吹き飛ぶ砂の城 sara sara fuki tobu suna no shiro
Now that it's all crumbling ->ちぎれた思いを chigireta omoi* wo
help me understand -> 集めても atsumete mo
If none of it was really me -> 分からなくなるだけ wakaranaku naru dake
then who am I supposed to be?  -> 俺は誰なんだ? ore ha dare nanda
The first two lines are similar but build more onto the castle, wall idea that Eugene had built over time. 
*omoi is an interesting word that can be liberally tl’d into feelings, memories, something, from the heart
- Everything I’ve made, everything I’ve built, that (sand)castle now being blow away by the wind. Even if I were to rebuild those memories, I’ve come to no longer know, who am I meant to be?
- Everything I’ve continuously built, like a sandcastle being blown away, torn from my heart, no matter how many times I rebuild, no longer seeing (context), just who the real me is meant to be? 
Everything I ever thought I knew -> 全てが薄れてく subete ga usureteku
Every hope, every feeling -> 愛も 希望も* ai mo kibou mo
Love and trust and happiness , they're done, they're gone, they're through -> 涙も笑いも幸せも namida mo warai mo shiawase mo 
And what's left, me alone -> 手から こぼれて te kara koborete
once again -> 俺は ore ha -> 
Should've known -> 今また ima mata 
now I do ->  ひとり hitori 
Finally a mention of the title. Yeah, sometimes they don’t even add in the title lol (points at “Buddy song”「オレたち親友」oretachi shinnyu)
They're done, they're gone, they're through is another omitted line. And in place we get the following line te kara koborete. They’re really emphasizing how much feelings matter to Eugene Q_Q 
- Everything turned out to be a lie, the love and hope, our tears, laughter, and happiness, slipping from my fingers. Now to realize*, I’m once again, am all alone.
- Everything turned out to be untrue, *the warmth and protection (bc of Rapunzel and Corona), emotions overflowing, my hands unable to contain (context). And at last I see*, that I truly am, all alone. 
*this is also taken from context as he battle with his complex emotions. 
I guess my life meant nothing -> 偽りの人生 itsuwari no jinsei
I guess it was a sham -> 生きてきたのか ikite kita no ka
I guess I'm someone else now ->もう分からないよ mou wakaranai yo 
I wonder who I am -> 俺は誰だ ore ha dare da
Nothing’s majorly changed here. 
- Having led a false life, no longer knowing what’s right, I’ve lost sight of myself, so just who am I?
- Living out a falsehood, what do I believe in (context), when I don’t even know who I (really) am.
Thanks for reading.
And remember to give Eugene lots of hugs q-q. 
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notdeadjack · 4 years
annual rec list 2020: part 2 electric boogaloo
Part 1, Multi-fandom rec list: 55 fics here
Part 2, Boku no Hero Academia: 223 fics
bc tumblr wouldnt let me link all of it in one post. also, my usual formatting broke when i copy pasted this to a new post and i cannot be arsed to fix it bc there’s just too many aaaaa
again, if the read more breaks and y’all have to scroll through this on your actual dash, i am sincerely sorry orz
Boku no Hero Academia
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12839862   Can't wait to see you by Mizaaistom   4k, Tamaki/Mirio,
“No light though..?”
Tamaki stiffens and Mirio instantly regrets his words.
“No light though! Sounds hot,” he tries. He also tries a quick peck to Tamaki’s forehead, hoping it communicates his apology and that he is very much ok with getting his first blowjob in the dark.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13625934   Blow Your Mind (Mwah) by MissPlacemat   2k, Kaminari/Kirishima, platonic sex, just dudes being bros,
For the kink meme prompt: Kamikiri, giggly sex
Just some thoroughly platonic and very, very goofy sex between two bros.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13115979   a fever you can't sweat out by Chewpid   7k, Kaminari/Kirishima/Bakugou,
Kaminari realizes he likes boys about a lifetime after everyone else does.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11927796   daydream by pvwork   2k, Tamak/Mirio, first kiss,
Third grade was scary for all of the two hours that he didn’t know Mirio.
After that first meeting, every memory Tamaki had of his childhood was filled with the summer sun, the melt-on-your-tongue sweetness of a shared anpan, the pinprick hurt of straining his limbs to manifest his quirk, Mirio’s megawatt smile, and Mirio’s big braying laugh.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13870977   Boy Problems by QuirklessWonder (SouthernSmartAss)   2k, Tamaki/Mirio, pining,
“Are you okay, Kirishima?” Amajiki was asking when Mirio tuned back into the conversation. He picked at his takoyaki, and Mirio could tell he was nervous. Well, Amajiki was always nervous, but right now he seemed to be extra nervous. Was it because of Kirishima being here? He usually didn’t mind the kid.
Speaking of, the kid looked up from where he was picking at his own lunch and he blushed so brilliantly that his face was hard to tell from his hair. It was kind of fascinating.
“I’m fine! Just - thinking,” He said, averting his gaze. Well, it wasn’t difficult for Mirio to tell when someone was being nervous and avoidant at this point. He ate some more of his lunch contemplatively before announcing cheerily -
“Boy problems.” He had been kind of joking - well, more like projecting - since he didn’t even know if Kirishima was attracted to men, but at the sharp, stunned look that the first-year sent him he realized that maybe he had also just started to realize what that looked like now.
“Mirio, what do you mean?” Amajiki asked at the same time that Kirishima asked, ”How did you know?”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12108360   five times mirio snuck into tamaki's room and one time he didn't by silvercistern   2k, Tamaki/Mirio, 5+1,
Tamaki and Mirio's young life together as a series of breaking and entering.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16201307   This Ain't a Fairy Tale by alpha_hydra   12k, Kirishima/Bakugou,sex pollen, kinda,
“No catch,” the doctor assures, but he hesitates a little before continuing. “However, it’s not your physical condition we have to be worried about. The victims of the quirk-”
“Victims?” Kirishima repeats weakly.
“The fucker’s quirk is called matchmaking,” Bakugou spits out before the doctor can continue. “He makes people infatuated with a person he chooses, and makes them fucking psychotic the longer they’re kept apart from them.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12193362   like you're running out of time, like you need it to survive by Slumber   4k, Kirishima/Bakugou,
Kirishima ravenous over omurice looks nothing like the any of the pictures in any of the articles of Red Riot's debut. Kirishima is a fifteen-year-old boy with a growing appetite, Red Riot a sturdy hero with already one apprehended criminal under his belt. And Katsuki--
Katsuki is only a boy playing at being a hero. He doesn't even have a fucking code name yet.
Or, Katsuki has a lot of thoughts about Kirishima that don't always fit together. (Takes place from after Kamino to the internship arc/ch 153.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13490769   living on your knees (you rise up) by Slumber   13k, Kirishima/multiple, friends with benefits, casual sex,
It starts with Kaminari.
It starts with Kaminari after their first mission together, the cops and villains long gone and the remnants of the fight nothing more than burnt fabric and deep cuts on their skin, a purpling bruise where tender flesh collided with concrete and metal and hard fists. There's a trembling in Kaminari's fingers and a desperation in his eyes, his knees giving out were it not for Kirishima's hands on his arms, holding his weight and pressing it to the dirty brick wall.
In which post-mission blowjobs become something of a habit. The feelings, an unexpected side effect.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12363684   arms by silvercistern   5k, Tamaki/Mirio, awkward first time tentacle sex,
Mirio runs his hands over the comforter where Tamaki’s shoulders and back are, gently petting. “Why don’t we just put on a movie and see what happens? I want to watch The Force Awakens again. Maybe we won’t watch all of it, who knows?”
“Aren’t you embarrassed?” Tamaki’s muffled voice filters through the blankets. He’s leaning into Mirio’s touches, and it’s really, really cute.
“Well, I mean, if it was somebody else, I’d probably be embarrassed but it’s real hard to be embarrassed with you.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13892967   breathless by silvercistern   16k, Tamaki/Mirio, soulmates, angst,
Mirio and Tamaki were caught in each other’s gravity. Inseparable friends, they brought out the best in each other, understood each other like no one else could. Together, they inspired each other to go above and beyond.
But they weren’t soulmates.
And Tamaki seemed to be the only person in the world who cared.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22497325   Sun by is_this_a_mistake   2k, Tamaki/Mirio, body insecurities, small penis,
Everyone always laughed when Togata ended up naked, and Tamaki was never sure why.  He knew nakedness was embarrassing… though the idea of people seeing Tamaki himself naked was not much more embarrassing than them seeing him at all.
But Togata… Mirio… was beautiful.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8337607   Yesterday Upon The Stair by PitViperOfDoom   424k, gen, canon-AU, BAMF!Midoriya, body horror,
Midoriya Izuku has always been written off as weird. As if it's not bad enough to be the quirkless weakling, he has to be the weird quirkless weakling on top of it.
But truthfully, the "weird" part is the only part that's accurate. He's determined not to be a weakling, and in spite of what it says on paper, he's not actually quirkless. Even before meeting All-Might and taking on the power of One For All, Izuku isn't quirkless.
Not that anyone would believe it if he told them.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11468634   We Are So (Not) Married by MikeWritesThings (orphan_account)   53k, Aizawa/Yamada, fake/pretend relationship, pining, friends to lovers, ace specturm, implied homophobia,
In which everyone thinks Hizashi and Shouta are married due to an incident and while the nation is struggling to decide if this is a good or bad thing, Hizashi's struggling with the urge to say out loud, "Damn, I wish we were actually married, though."
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22650859   i'm having a secret conversation about you with the tiny stars in the pitch-black sky by crossroadswrite   7k, gen, background relationships, kid fic, fluff, 5+1,  
“Is there anyone else you want us to call?” Ochako asks gently, and Eri chews on her lip and looks down and away. “Do you want me to call Deku?” Ochako pushes, and it’s worth it for the way Eri’s head snaps back up to her, eyes wide with hope, before she looks away again.
“I’ll send him a text!” Mina pipes up, already having her phone out and typing rapidly on it. “He’s just on the other side of the building, Eri-chan,” she waves the phone at her with a wide smile that squints her eyes shut. “All done, he should be here any min-“
The door to the room slams open, making them all jump and jerk their heads towards it. Ochako brings her fists up instinctively, heart hammering in her throat.
“What’s wrong with Eri?” Deku demands, standing in the doorway, green lightning sparking off his skin, eyes shifting around wildly as if looking for a threat, body braced in a battle stance.
(Or: 5 times Eri falls asleep on Izuku + 1 time Izuku falls asleep on her)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16409552   Kids (Are The Future) by the_crownless_queen   5k, gen, background relationships, fluff, dadzawa,
“Say, Shouta, you wouldn’t happen to have a secret son, would you?”
-- or 5 times somebody thought Shinsou was Shouta's son, and one time Hitoshi called him Dad.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14620713   Running to Stand Still by Kiyoko_Michi   42k, Aizawa/Yamada, de-aging,
Shouta never needed much. He had his dream—getting into the UA Heroes course—and he had Hizashi, who’d carved out his own spot in Shouta’s life. That was enough for him… until he wakes up in a dirty alleyway wearing clothes three sizes too big. Faced with an unreliable memory and a school full of strangers, Shouta struggles to unravel what happened to him.
(a de-aged!Aizawa fic)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12879186   Aizawa Definitely Doesn't Care by teaandtumblr     15k, Aizawa/Yamada, dadzawa, familty issues, fluff,
Aizawa doesn't care about his students. He really, really doesn't.
Except for the part were he very much does.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15046934   journey to the past by aloneintherain   44k, gen, time travel, protective!1A,
Izuku is five years old the first time he's saved by heroes. He's an instant fan of the woman in pink with her cheerful smile and the man with his ice powers and fine-boned features, even if they both refuse to tell him their names.
For most of his life, Izuku has been the centre of villain attacks, but he has never been injured. Every time, he's saved by bright, unknown heroes—heroes who smile at Izuku, and ruffle his hair or ply him with hugs, and seem mesmerised by how small he is.
Heroes that the rest of the world doesn't believe exists.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15189752   Looping Back to the Beginning by Feneris   10k, gen, time loop, crack,
Where Class 1-A finds itself in a time loop centered around their first year at UA. After getting over the usual angst, they decide that the best way to grow as heroes is by antagonizing dangerous villains for fun and amusement.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12558048   could i but teach the hundredth part by terra_incognita   5k, gen, dad!might,
Ito Matsu knows three things about her neighbor, Mr. Yagi: he's very skinny, he's very kind, and he has enough children to overthrow the Japanese government.
All Might is retired, but his former students keep coming up with reasons to visit.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11400303   little are the things we learn by newamsterdam   10k, Kirishima/Bakugou, 5+1, h/c,
Almost half an hour has passed, and Kirishima and Bakugou still haven’t come back. Bakugou may be fine running on fumes, and could probably blast his way through the second part of the exam on pure willpower and stubbornness. But Kirishima should probably eat, and relax for at least a bit.
Kaminari is such a good friend. He hopes Kirishima appreciates him properly. He gets to his feet and wanders out into the hall, looking for a glimpse of Bakugou or Kirishima.
He sees— well. It’s more than a glimpse. And at first, Kaminari doesn’t quite believe it.
Five people who are let in on Yuuei's worst-kept secret, and one person who always knew it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16226225   How Can You Smile With So Many Scars by Quirkyasfok   4k, Bakugou&Midoriya, scars, angst, power of words,
After taking on a villain who's quirk involves making the words that have hurt someone the most appear on the their skin Katsuki begins to learn the true power of how much effect words can have on someone.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15907110   Pick Me Up by ill go with that then (Linelenagain)   5k, Aizawa/Yamada, 5+1, friends to lovers,
“You’ll never make it. You’ll drop me before we get halfway there.”
“Bet you I won’t,” Yamada says. The look in his eye is bright and dangerous. It makes Shouta want to agree to things he shouldn’t.
“Bet me what?” he answers, against his better judgement.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13361256   cotton candy hands by chonideno   26k, Kirishima/Bakugou, mutual pining, touch-starved,
Studying to become a hero requires knowing how to take care of yourself. Sometimes you might need help on the way so if your crush offers to do your hair for you or to give you a well-deserved back rub, it'd be stupid to say no.
A series of soft vignettes in which a love-struck Kirishima and a touch-starved Bakugou care for each other and it's definitely not making their hearts jump through hoops, they’re never this close to kissing, no, they're totally best friends bro
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13668393   Surprises by MikeWritesThings   21k, gen, dadzawa, 5+1,
Moving into the dorms, the students get to witness a side of their teacher they didn’t even know had existed--a side much softer, and, dare they say, human, than any of them had ever expected to see.
(Or, 5 things class 1-A never expected from Aizawa, and 1 thing he never expected from them.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17905568   On Secret Relationships And The Importance Of Representation Among Pro Heroes by smol_bird   3k, Aizawa/Yamada, dadzawa,
“I guess,” Midoriya sighs. “But then – some of the pro heroes are our teachers, you know? And still, it’s not like any of them are... I mean, it’s certainly not a common occurrence for a hero to be... out.”
Out? Aizawa thinks. He begins to suspect that he knows what this conversation is about.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20405767   says the moon by chonideno   5k, Kirishima/Bakugou, rule 63, pining,
bakugou has read all the books, watched all the movies, heard all the stories, seeked out all possible advice, and none of it has ever made looking at kirishima easier. by the time they reach their third year at UA, bakugou might as well be begging for relief
or how girl loves girl
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17886320   The Best Medicine by chezka   13k, Kirishima/Bakugou,
He couldn't stop thinking about it.
The sound of it, breathy and wild, and the sight that accompanied it, warm and relaxed - Kirishima couldn't get it out of his head. It was stuck at the forefront of his mind, whenever he closed his eyes or let his thoughts wander, capturing him, cutting off his breaths.
He wanted to see it again.
Or, Kirishima sees Bakugou laughing, and his world shakes with it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6563575   The Beauty of a Beast by starofjems   101k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU, curses,
Once upon a time a lonely beast lived in a manor deep in the forest. He dreamed of the day his true love appeared to break his curse... When a beauty finally appears in his life, it is not quite as he imagined. For who could have thought a beauty would be more of a beast.
The beauty and the beast AU nobody asked for but here it is.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7267141   Bright as the Sun by starofjems   7k, Kaminari/Kirishima, AU,
For years Kaminari has kept his crush on one of his best friends hidden. It was never the right time, never the right place. They were all too busy trying to make their dreams come true, too busy becoming one of the best pod racer teams in the universe. But now that their dreams are finally becoming reality, it's hard to ignore Ashido's pestering to confess to Kirishima finally. Is it too much to wish for two dreams to come true?  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20729933   Schrödinger's cat by AyzuLK   31k, Midoriya/Todoroki, PTSD, non-con, amnesia,
The cat is in the closed box, with a 50% chance of being alive and a 50% chance of being dead. According to the principle of uncertainty in quantum physics, he is alive and dead until someone opens the box. Izuku doesn't want to open the box. OR Izuku didn’t return home after school. Two months later he was found roaming a deserted road with white hair, psychogenic amnesia and a quirk out of control. Nothing is the same after that.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19245922   Heartbeat Thunder by Shippeh   95k, Kirishima/Bakugou, A/B/O, knotting, heat,
Kirishima tries not to remember his first rut, and he's taking care to ensure it never happens again.
In which: Kirishima is an extremely aggressive Alpha by nature but insists on suppressing everything, and Bakugou is an Omega wildly confident in his secondary gender.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15980336   hold on tight by lunalou   33k, gen, h/c, touch-starved, 5+1,
"What are you doing?" Shouto asks.
"Hugging you." Midoriya returns in a patient voice. His arms tighten around Shouto's waist and he presses his forehead more firmly against his back. "You know it's a hug, Shouto-kun. Don't play dumb."
or, five times somebody from 1-a hugs todoroki and the one time he hugs them first
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13498050   First Time For Everything by kazzarole   4k, Midoriya/Todoroki, pining,
Midoriya is the catalyst of many of the 'firsts' in Shouto's life--it just makes sense that Shouto should share his first kiss with him, too.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11500860   Head vs. Heart by Ms_Chunks   10k, Midoriya/Todoroki,
Todoroki Shouto had never known anyone quite like Midoriya Izuku. The strength of Midoriya’s quirk paled in comparison to the power of his heart. And it, more than any superhuman power, was what defined him.
Midoriya didn’t think before he acted, he felt. Shouto had a lot to learn about that.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17289734   Kiss Me Through The Screen by Ischemia   70k, Shinsou/Kaminari, AU, cam-boy,
Shinsou remembers when he first saw the ad for Ch4rgeb0lt’s services. He was just messing around online when a pop-up appeared with his smiling face, one eye winking and the other brightly flashing with happiness.
“Lonely? Tired of coming home to an empty apartment? Can’t find anyone to listen to your problems? Say no more! For the low cost of $10 per stream, you can have all the company and love you ever wanted. Get a best friend for the best price!”
His first reaction was, “what kind of depressing loser needs to buy a boyfriend?” before he looked around at his empty home and realized he might be that depressing loser.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11227647   nothing has changed me quite like you by akhikosanada   10k, Midoriya/Todoroki, friends to lovers,
"Touching someone for the first time, Shouto found out, did not draw electricity or any other romanticized chemical reaction described in books and movies. It did, however, make his chest tighten harder than it ever had before, and as he drew the shape of lightning over Midoriya’s skin, his lips parted on an almost inaudible sigh. Midoriya’s breath caught in his throat, and Shouto wanted to catch it in his own mouth."
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18925678   Pickup Lines for the Soul by MustardSoup   3k, Shinsou/Kaminari, soulmates,
Denki is twelve when he is flicking through the TV channels and lands on an old RomCom movie about soulmate marks – specifically the same type that he has.
“I can’t believe I’ve had to walk around with a cheap pickup line written on my ankle my entire life because of you!” The leading lady yells at the leading man as he stares at her in awe.
Denki laughs.
“Oh no.” His mother says, watching him.
“Oh no, indeed.” His sister repeats quietly.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17843384   Hand to Heart (Right to Left) by Half_SubmergedinPurgatory   13k, Midoriya/Todoroki,
Shouto indulges Midoriya's curiousity about how his Quirk works. Just like everything he does with Midoriya, Quirk study sessions quickly become life-changing.
In other words: Shouto learns how to spite his dad, scare his friends, and how teenagers are supposed to act when they're in love.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13433601   Conventional Taste by WowBoring     44k, Midoriya/Todoroki, pining,
He didn’t think it would matter if Midoriya were taking him to a sewer convention; it was probably still going to be the highlight of his Golden Week.
In order to avoid a visit from his unpleasant grandparents Todoroki attends a hero convention with Midoriya, and learns a few things along the way.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21649615   no rest for the wicked by crossroadswrite   3k, gen,
“I’ll destroy a man for you,” he says breathlessly.
Todoroki looks vaguely amused. “Good to know.”
Midoriya passes the mug to Momo’s hands and then reaches up to put his hands on Todoroki’s cheeks so he can bring him down to eye-level.
“No, listen. I will destroy a man for you.”
Todoroki blinks at him, looking a little startled.
“I have a seven year plan,” Midoriya elaborates terrifyingly.
“O-kay?” he says throught his smushed cheeks.
“Fuck Endeavor,” Midoriya says empathically.
(Or: Midoriya has absolutely no filter when he's sleep deprived. That's it. That's the fic.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21245684   Rutting For You by FoolishFortuna   12k, Kirishima/Bakugou, A/B/O, rough sex, alpha/alpha,
Kirishima’s scent washed over him as the redhead moved to slide into bed and Katsuki found his mouth watering. For fuck sake, why was his body being such an asshole all of a sudden? He swallowed.
“Uh, Bakugou?” Eijirou's voice was quiet, almost rough, “You're putting out a pretty strong scent.” There was a tone to his best friend's voice that he'd never heard before, and it sent a shiver through Katsuki as he fisted the duvet in his hand tighter and ground his teeth.
His gums ached.
“Its nothing, shut up.” He focused on getting his pheromones under control quickly. Fuck, he really wanted to bite something. Something that smelled like Eijirou. He swallowed another mouthful of saliva.
“Do you-” Kiri swallowed as well, “d’you wanna just sleep up here?”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23176183   Impressionable by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion   5k, gen,
Aizawa spits out a mouthful of hair and says, “Give me coffee, and fuck off.”
There’s a tiny gasp from the doorway. Tensei is fast as a whip when he turns and stares, wide-eyed, at the very small figure of his younger brother outlined by the hallway light. He’s got pyjamas on, fancy silk things, and he’s holding, of all things, a clipboard. Aizawa squints. He’s pretty sure the kid isn’t even ten yet, although he can’t be sure, because the Iida’s seem naturally gangly, and he’s never been very good with kids. How do you measure them? They don't seem to come with a scale.
“You shouldn’t be saying words like that,” Iida says very sternly. “I’m impressionable.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23039944   From Fire and Ashes, Flourishing by Milligramme   21k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU,
It was starting to be insanely hot, Eijirou tripped so often that he was almost walking on all four at this point, his hands were all scratched from the rocks, his clothes dusty and in disarray, and to make things worse, the volcano was mocking him with an uneven slope that made him think the summit was close only to reveal another one further up.
Kirishima's peaceful life on his volcanic island is put to an end when the dormant Mount Bakugou comes back to life, each eruption getting closer to the village and the crops. As panic starts to spread, people remember the old god of the volcano and the ancient tradition to offer him a sacrifice.
Kirishima doesn't buy any of this, but the older villagers seem serious. So before they kill someone in the name of a god that might not even exist, he decides to climb the volcano himself, hoping to find out what causes the eruptions.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23056354   The Anger Translators by naggeluide   5k, Todoroki/Bakugou, quirk accident,
Todoroki considered, then sighed. "Do you think we'll ever be able to do this on our own?"
"Do what, express anger normally in a healthy-ass manner or some shit that's not either super repressed or extremely violent?" Bakugou glowered at him, arms crossed.
In which Bakugou becomes Todoroki's anger translator and vice versa
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22167295     Tiny Truths by Quirk Archivist (OneHitWondersAnonymous)   4k, Kirishima/Bakugou, de-aging, quirk accident, fluff, pining,
“The wedding,” Bakugou repeats, though it sounds like he’s annoyed. “Everybody knows you get married when you make a hero agency, stupid. Why else would you get married?”
Bakugou gets hit with a de-aging quirk which shrinks him down to a four year old. Class 1A panics, but Kirishima steps up to the plate to help his best friend (and secret crush) feel safe in a scary situation. Rated T only for language; this is pure fluff through and through!
https://archiveofourown.org/series/811476   F is for fire that burns down the whole town series by pepperfield   53k, gen, background relationships, shenanigans, quirk accidents,
“Karaoke, Kacchan.” Deku slams his palms on the table, fire in his eyes. “I need a rematch.”
“Abso-fucking-lutely not.”
With his boyfriend out of town and the crime rate up, Bakugou hasn't been having a great week. Deku does his best to make things worse.
(Friendship sure is beautiful.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20067997   Some Have Greatness Thrust Upon Them by AisforAmy71   230k, canon-divergence, injuries, character death, PTSD,
An AU what-if that explores what would happen if All Might lost his first big confrontation with All for One. When All Might is fatally injured after his battle with All For One, nine year old Midoriya Izuku forcibly receives One For All, unbeknownst to anyone...not even Izuku. It will be up to Inko and Gran Torino and as many favors as they can pull in to keep the boy safe from his new quirk until he can learn to use it, or until a suitable vessel can be found. With the Symbol of Peace out of the picture, the world just became a much more confusing place for everyone.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24192880   A New Starting Line by AisforAmy71   13k, gen, bullying, soul-searching,
This is kind of a What If? piece from Bakugo’s POV, where Izuku apparently takes Kacchan’s advice and jumps off the roof of the school. Things aren’t always what they seem, and Bakugo has some soul searching to do when he learns the truth.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18310007   manly man falls for manliest man by afuzzyowl   109k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU, celebrities, pining,
Kirishima brings up Bakugou one day as he and Kaminari are eating together in the campus cafeteria. Super casual, like yeah-I-saw-this-guy-on-TV-once, and not I’ve-watched-literally-every-single-interview-he’s-ever-even-been-in-the-background-of-and-wouldn’t-mind-having-his-babies.
“Oh, him,” Kaminari says. “Eh, he’s popular lately, I guess. Don’t see what all the hype's about.”
Kirishima feels lightheaded. “You—you don’t see the hype—” he splutters. “He’s incredible, dude.”
Kaminari just eyes him.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19349770   Not Waving But Drowning by sandelf   38k, Kirishima/Bakugou, child abuse, child neglect, found family,
"This is for the best." "I know." "It is. I promise. It'll all be okay now. Everything will be okay now."
When class 1-a move into the dormitories, Bakugou has a horrifying realisation about his home life, forcing the self-proclaimed Bakusquad to band together to prove that he has everything he needs in that packed, happy, loud building.
https://archiveofourown.org/series/1609612   the bomb squad series by rae_tnub     28k, gen,
Class 1A is their own personal bomb squad, or moments 1A shares with Bakugou.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23766268   president of the krbk club by hiuythn   10k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining,
Izuku watches, in a disbelieving and horrified sort of fascination, as Kirishima and Bakugou fall in love.
(Seriously? Right in front of his salad?)  
https://archiveofourown.org/series/1632100   every sign of love series by dino by might   25k, gen, platonic soulmates,
The first mark Izuku gets is a slight brush of green across his temple. It’s the soft touch of a mother holding her son for the first time. Inko has one to match, the same shade of green staining the tips of her fingers. Hers is more noticeable; Izuku’s tends to blend into his hairline. He loves it anyways. He has to. It’s the only soulmate mark he has. (Or: how Izuku goes from just green to a rainbow, UA-style.)  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22380874   What Rules Were Made For by Catastra_Fey   10k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining, masturbation,
Bakugou has a problem. Apparently he's had it forever, and despite being his best friend, Kirishima is only just learning about it. The fact that his friend's quirk prevents him from any kind of self satisfaction has Kiri's brain melting down with sympathy and shock. So he does what any friend would do and offers to help him. Right? That's...what any friend would do...
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22796851   copper on your tongue by lanestreets   3k, gen, epilepsy, h/c,
I’m really sorry, I’m about to have a seizure, it might be bad, Denki thinks.
“So,” is what he actually says, drawing out the vowel, “is bad.”
“What?’” the redhead hovering over him says, and Denki blacks out.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22857316   can i be undone? by lanestreets   7k, angst, h/c,
“Why can’t I do those things? What’s wrong with them?”
Hawks sighs, and pushes his hair back out of his face. “It’s not that they’re wrong, they’re just different, and that’s wrong. The more you’re different, the more reason people have to distrust you, yeah? And if people distrust you, how can you be a hero? I want you to be safe, and not have to deal with all that scrutiny.”
Hawks was really only trying to help Tokoyami. He never meant for it to go so far sideways.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23175157   like light through a window by achievingelysium   1k, gen, whump, dadzawa,
The first time Shouta sees what Hagakure looks like, it’s because she’s covered in blood.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23192434   Putting Infinity into Words by redrobin1989   8k, gen, platonic soulmates,
Soul Mates have evolved with quirks to become Soul Bonds in which one feels the entire emotional spectrum and a fact about their future relationship. Or so Izuku had heard, he'd only ever two Soul Bonds and they both caused him pain. Until All Might and Yuuei and he finally learned what it was like to have a loving, thriving Bond.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21997543   Worth a Thousand Words by awareoftheconcept   43k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining,
When a rare picture of Bakugou smiling leads Class 3A to believe he is in a relationship with Utsushimi Camie, a contest arises to see who can get the most pictures of the couple together. *** “Umm,” Midoriya said nervously. “I-it’s Kacchan. There is always a spark.”
With another round of boos from Kaminari and Jirou, Ashido took a page out of Mineta’s playbook and started shaking Midoriya violently. “I mean like a romantic spark!”
Midoriya blanched. “You think Kacchan is interested in Utsushimi?”
He seemed doubtful, so Ashido shoved Kirishima’s phone in his face. “Do you see this smile? That is the smile of boy who is head-over-heels smitten, am I right?”
Midoriya actually took the time to look at the picture critically, though he shot an uneasy look towards Kirishima before he answered. “Umm, y-yeah,” he said as he started to back away, hiding behind Uraraka like a shield. “It definitely looks like Kacchan is in love.”
How could Kirishima have been so stupid?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21787960   Bakugou and Todoroki's Foolproof 5-Step Plan to Fuck with Mineta Minoru by Anubis_2701   37k, gen, background relationships, memes,
It was a simple enough idea; screw around with the resident bastard of Class 1-A to let him know that his medieval ways and perverted behaviour weren't going to be tolerated by even the most career-focused of UA's students.
To say that things had snowballed was an understatement.
Todoroki had no idea how he had ended up sitting on Bakugou's floor at 1 am, holding a dossier of incriminating material that would make the FBI slobber, but he wasn't sure he wanted to know.
The long and short of it was, fuck Mineta.
https://archiveofourown.org/series/1540663   BNHA Pro-Hero Au series by surveycorpsjean 69k, Midoriya/Todoroki, Midoriya/Todoroki/Kirishima/Bakugou, pining, thirst, polyamory,
It's been four years since Izuku took an overseas villain case.
Now twenty-six, Izuku is one hundred percent, without a doubt, completely and utterly over his crush on Shouto. No problems, smooth sailing, Izuku is a new man ready to start the next chapter of his life.
(RN: i had to go lie down after reading this)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20492264   Liquid Nitrogen by surveycorpsjean   23k, Hawks/Endeavor, age difference, size difference, enemies to friends to lovers,
Enji can't figure out why the hell Hawks keeps sleeping in his office.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12025527   quote love unquote by newamsterdam   135k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU, celebrities, fake relationship, pining, slow burn,
Sero nods. “It’s the chance of a lifetime, really,” he says. “We want you to date Bakugou, for the sake of his reputation with the press. Some public appearances, a few ‘candid’ photos. For at least a couple of months.”
“Bakugou sent you to ask me to date him?” Kirishima asks, baffled.
“Of course not. We, his people, are asking you to date him. He’s going to have to get on board, if he wants his career to survive. And in the bargain, Riot will get all sorts of publicity, because their lyricist will be dating one of the industry’s hottest stars. A win for everyone.”
When Kirishima Eijirou's band hits the big time, he's not prepared for his newfound fame. He's even less prepared to meet the actor he's been crushing on for years, or to start dating him as a publicity stunt. The closer Kirishima gets to Bakugou Katsuki, the more he realizes he's in over his head. But it's hard to stop, once his heart is in it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11382708   Up the Wall by surveycorpsjean   8k, Midoriya/Todoroki, pining,
He was told love makes you weak.
Well, Todoroki would like to disagree.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18052598   Thanks for Saving Me by Esselle   46k, Midoriya/Todoroki, AU, age difference, celebrities,
"You saved my life," Todoroki says.
Izuku freezes. Then he looks up. Todoroki Shouto is staring at him, his eyes calm but wide, dust and soot all over his face. His perfect, handsome face. He's more beautiful in person than Izuku could have imagined.
"You just saved all of us," Todoroki says again. "What's your name?"
"M-Midoriya," Izuku chokes out. "Midoriya Izuku."
Todoroki nods. "Midoriya. Thank you."
Midoriya Izuku is a university sophomore, a fanboy, quirkless. On the list of things he is not: a hero.
That's why he's more surprised than anyone when he rescues Todoroki Shouto, his favorite pro hero, from a deadly villain attack. His actions fling him into the media spotlight, grabbing the attention of the entire country, including Todoroki himself. But Todoroki actually wants to get to know him past the headlines.
Izuku finds himself living a story straight out of a fairy tale, one where the mysterious, handsome prince is played by the real-life superhero he has always admired. But Izuku is convinced he's the ugly duckling, not the swan; could he ever be remarkable enough to get his happily ever after?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15651684   The Hot One by Esselle   1k, pre-Bakugou/Kaminari/Kirishima, fluff, accidental flirting,
"Oy," Katsuki warns. They ignore him.
"He's like," Denki continues, posing with his arms flexed, "grrrr, he's like a beast."
"Well, yeah," Eijirou agrees, "everyone knows he's super manly, but I don't know if that means he can't be pretty, too."
"Oy, idiots."
Even though they're complete opposites, both of Eijirou's best friends are really, really cute.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13902942   Biting the Bullet by orphan_account   4k, Uraraka/Bakugou, sexual tension,
In which a training exercise brings a whole other meaning to fighting dirty.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14831519   I'm Making You Sweat by karmaticinstitution   4k, Uraraka/Bakugou, sparring, femdom,
He wants to touch, touch, touch— but she stops him short of anything else.
“Katsuki, I’m going to fucking tear you apart,” and he changes his mind, this is definitely the hottest thing he’s ever heard. Nothing can beat it, and he’s instantly swelling in his shorts. He runs his eyes over her, and he thinks she could probably do whatever she wanted and he’d go along without any qualms.
Bakugou is weak for thick thighs and Uraraka is a queen.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14761845   There's Something About Bakugou by ohmytheon   19k, Uraraka/Kirishima/Bakugou, ust, quirk accidents,pining, dirty talk,
After Bakugou is hit by a villain's unknown quirk that produces some strange side effects, both Uraraka and Kirishima have a very interesting day trying to help him.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24254872   sparks fly (and not the flammable kind) by laurenshappenstobemyhusband   7k, Jirou/Shinsou/Kaminari, fluff,
He's cute, Jirou realizes with a bit of a start. Sure, he's about to set fire to the TV, but it's cute. When did that happen?
Shinsou elbows her in the side, and she turns to see he's looking at Kaminari too, with the same fond smile.
"I'm gonna date that," he whispers, not looking at her, but his smile curls at the edges. Like a cat.
"Oh yeah?" she says, suddenly on the defensive. "Not if I date that first." No challenge was named, but she'll damn well win it.
OR: Jirou and Shinsou both try to win Kaminari over, and Kaminari painfully likes both of them.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25055935   catch you when you fall by pixiegold   3k, Kirishima/Bakugou, truth spells, pining,
“I accidentally used my quirk on him, he’s gonna be super honest for like three hours now, and I haven’t worked out how to stop it early yet! I’m so useless, I’m sorry!” She blurts out, and Kirishima blinks at her for a second, before looking at Bakugou. The boy stood next to her rolls his eyes and starts walking over to the nearest teacher like he’s done this a hundred times before.
"Three hours?" Kirishima mutters.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25061890   Voices by SquirrelWriter   11k, gen, dadzawa,
Hitoshi has a thing about voices.
Part of it's because of his Quirk, probably. He's always listening for that reply. It's the opening, the chink in a person's armor that lets his own voice slip in and hijack their brain. But part of it is that most people are wary around him, so when someone does talk, particularly to him, it stands out.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17221628   rock'n'roll, buckaroo! by Origamidragons   6k, gen, social media,
Kaminari walks up to Todoroki in the hallway after class and says, “Dude, I need your help.”
Todoroki checks over his shoulder, twice, to verify that Kaminari is indeed talking to him. “Why?”
“Yesterday you asked Shinsou-kun if he was Aizawa-sensei’s son,” Kaminari says, as though that explains anything at all.
“Make a hero conspiracy YouTube channel with me.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11751861   slow down, start dancing by blessings   4k, Yaoyorozu/Jirou, mutual pining,
“We’re dead” is the first thing Momo says to her when she opens the door, and it’s somehow more beautiful than any lyric from Kyouka’s favorite song.
“Yeah, like, on the inside and stuff,” she replies.
Yaoyorozu Momo and Jirou Kyouka have to define what courage means to them or risk failing All Might’s class. Forgetting about their project until 10 hours before it’s due feels like the right answer.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17204222   Kaminari's Declassified Coming Out Survival Guide by MustardSoup   3k, Kaminari/Shinsou, coming out,
Local disaster bi, Kaminari Denki, is yanked right out of the questioning stage of his life and now has to navigate the process of coming out. He decides to do it step-by-step, with each step taking more courage than the last.
And if coming out equates to slaying the dragon, then perhaps by the end of this he'll get the guy, too.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23349292   the river walked me home by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion   28k, gen, referenced child abuse, dissociating, healing, dadzawa,
Shouto's life is a deck of precariously stacked cards, and one online article about Endeavour's approach to parenting sends the whole thing tumbling down. Not everyone believes it. Half the public denies it. But even if it turns out there's no truth in the article, the staff at U.A. are under enough fire as it is, and sending Shouto home for the upcoming week-long break is inexcuseable in the eyes of the press.
Not to mention, Aizawa wouldn't stand for it anyway.
Or: Shouto spends a week or two hiding from the world in his teacher's house, where he is introduced to Animal Crossing, the sweetest cat in the world, and the bizarre concept of feeling safe in his own home.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18507250   All-Night by ertiniest_hands_in_all_the_land   7k, gen, fluff, domestic, dadzawa,
Tonight doesn’t seem to be any different. Though Aizawa hasn’t moved since hitting the couch, Shinsō knows he’s still very much alive when he hears the muffled inquiry of, “Why are you two still awake…”
Shinsō takes another bite of his crepe before answering. “I couldn’t sleep and she had a nightmare.”
Shinsō Hitoshi comforts a small child, makes crepes at 2 in the morning, sutures a wound, and appears on late-night radio. The perfectly normal experience when he can't sleep.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13853580   Dis(associate) by BeyondTheClouds777   283k, gen, bullying, puns, injury, service dog, ghosts (kinda),
Izuku has a “dissociation” Quirk that lets his ghost leave his body, and it’s both convenient and inconvenient at the same time. Either way, he's going to do whatever it takes to become a hero.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19935958   and i'm nothing like you by aloneintherain   9k, gen, kidnapping, mind control, being forced to hurt your friend, h/c,
Of all the people to have been kidnapped alongside, it had to be this person, this hero, the one person who would never blame him for the things he was forced to do.
“Don’t cry,” Midoriya says.
“Fuck you,” Hitoshi chokes out.
(When Shinsou goes grocery shopping a few weeks after transferring to Class 2A, Midoriya tags along. Because he is, for some reason, determined to be Shinsou’s friend.
Shinsou remains cold and withdrawn in the face of Midoriya’s friendliness—until they’re kidnapped by a woman with a brainwashing quirk who believes Shinsou doesn’t belong in the hero course.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22035913   i was busy thinking 'bout... by crossroadswrite   3k, Midoriya/multi,
He wonders at times if this is divine retribution for something he did. Is it punishment? Is he being punished with pretty boys who can snap him in half? Is that it? Or is this a reward perhaps? Can you call being tormented by handsome boys a reward? Probably.
(or: local bi boy too gay for this, more at eleven.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21821275   a little pick me up by crossroadswrite   2k, Midoriya/Kirishima, fluff, 5+1,
Midoriya and him have been working out together for a while now. He’s a cool gym buddy, and he keeps up with Eijirou better than a lot of other people in class, which is fun.
There aren’t a lot of people who can spot for him when he does weights, just because of how much Eijirou can lift.
And despite all this, nothing prepares Eijirou for Midoriya coming up to him nervously, and bashfully asking, “Kirishima-kun, would you mind sitting on me?”
(Or: 5 Times Midoriya picks Kirishima up + 1 time he picks him up, or 5 times Midoriya picks Kirishima up + 1 time Kirishima picks him up)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24609802     A Letter to Me by kiapet   15k, gen, time travel, bullying, kidnapping,
Fourteen-year-old Bakugou Katsuki knows he’s destined to be a great hero someday. Midoriya Izuku dreams of the same, but struggles to get through each day in a world determined to push him down. But when the pair of middle schoolers are kidnapped by a villain with a time travel quirk, they are forced to confront a future neither of them could predict- and versions of themselves they never expected to become.
Pro!Midoriya to Kid!Midoriya: You matter so much, and everything is going to be okay! Pro!Bakugou to Kid!Bakugou: Now listen here you little shit-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24560458   third couch is the charm by laurenshappenstobemyhusband   6k, gen, friendship,
Shouto trained for years to control his ice. Encasing everything in ice whenever he sneezed, got angry or startled, or just whenever he wasn't paying attention always got him into trouble, and he's glad he finally has complete control over his right side.
Unfortunately, he can't say the same about his flames.
OR: Todoroki sets three couches on fire, which apparently is too many, so now he has to take quirk control classes with Kaminari and they bond over mutual destruction
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23241805   You Matter, Too by Baku_Babe   11k, gen, injury, recovery,
Bakugou was afraid.
He never thought he'd see the day where he would openly admit to himself that he was scared. Because he shouldn't be scared; he was Katsuki Bakugou, one of Class A's finest students, survivor of more horrific events in his young life than most adults had experienced in a lifetime.
But today was different. Today, as he stood on trembling legs with his hands clasped tightly against his stomach, blood gushing past his clenched fingers as his vision blurred...
Today, in his greatest moment of weakness, he was horrified.
And there was no one there to help him.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24425764   Of Supervillains and Paternity Tests by onelittlebirdiesittingonthesill   1k gen, dad for one,
Midoriya Izuku is just getting settled into life in the dorms, as a rising hero, comfortable in his knowledge of Eri-chan's safety.
Then someone collapses the roof of the dorms, and Aizawa-sensei shows them the newly-rewound identity of All For One.
And he has freckles.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22575034   the drip of melting ice by walking_through_autumn   19k, gen, dadzawa, h/c,
Aizawa found out within a day. It was quite likely due to the dish Todoroki had washed and left to dry in the shared kitchen after the kitten had been fed off it. Hitoshi was forced to reflect that it wasn’t any good hiding the litter and cat food in their wardrobes if Todoroki was going to make a fundamental mistake like that.
Aizawa stood in his door frame and raised an eyebrow. “Well? Where is the cat?”
Hitoshi gave his most disarming smile. “What cat?”
Todoroki chose that moment to exit his room, eyes on his phone, other hand holding a cat toy. He bumped into Aizawa and looked up slowly, like in a horror movie.
“...oh,” Todoroki said. Aizawa raised the other eyebrow. Hitoshi rubbed a hand down his face.
Herbal tea, weekly floor gatherings, spoiled surprises, movie marathons, shared custody over a cat, rain and ice and blankets and plushies, and the journey of falling into a friendship. (Or: Hitoshi moves into the 2A dormitory at the beginning of his second year, learns who his neighbour is, and makes the friends he had declared he isn't there to have within the space of a semester.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23019061   Doodling the Daydreams Away by loki_dokey   3k, Kirishima/Bakugou,
Aizawa had never had any qualms with Bakugou's attitude to his learning. In fact, the kid had taught the others a thing or two about diligence and productivity over the two and a half years he'd been in the class. Truth be told, Bakugou was on par with Yaoyarozu and Iida when it came to having a studious nature.
So when Aizawa carefully tilted the boy's paper in the light to discover what had clearly been erased with earnest, he blinked when he realised it was a dick. A firmly-drawn but desperately-erased dick. Unable to help the huff of laughter from escaping him, Aizawa sat back and ran a hand through his hair, eyes scouring the work in his hand. Well, he had not been expecting to find that on his Monday evening.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22223665   Renegade Quirk by threesipsmore   5k, Kirishima/Bakugou, quirk accident,
This is the second time Bakugo's been hit by a wayward quirk in a playground of snotty, wailing children. He's intent on ignoring the colors all around him until it wears off, no matter how violently apparent his classmates' inner emotions become.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23675587   Flying High, Diving Low by EonsofVictory   2k, gen, dadzawa, accidental drug use,
“Are they drugged?!”
During a temporary internship, Bakugou, Midoriya and Shinsou are accidentally exposed to an unknown substance, leaving them dazed with the drug's effects. Its a good thing their homeroom teacher is there to take care of them.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23167126   Eye of the Beholder by Heronfem   6k, Sero/Todoroki,
“I’m just saying,” Mina says, propping her chin in her hand and pouting, “it’s unfair. It’s totally unfair. We were all fools and our punishment is too extreme to be borne. The gods are making us pay.”
Bakugou cracks an eye open from where he’s sprawled out with his head in Kirishima’s lap. It’s a nice day, closing in on the end of summer during their third year of school, and the heat is fully upon them. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“That,” she huffs, and points.
“Oh,” Bakugou says wryly. “That.”
Or, Sero gets hot over summer break and Todoroki gets his man (though not without a few bumps along the way).
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23828215   (it's just that it's) Delicate by DarklingMoon   8k, Aizawa/Yamada, mutual pining, awkward sexual situations,
“With both of my arms broken…” Shouta trails off, breaking his glare to look away. “...Oh,” Hizashi says, after just a moment, when he gets it. Now he’s blushing, too. If he wasn’t before. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of that, you can’t...haven’t been able to...”
Hizashi gives his best friend a helping hand.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24429556   Security Blanket by ManaBanana   8k, Kirishima/Bakugou, fluff, h/c, 5+1,
Bakugou sleeps a lot already, but he tends to do it more when Kirishima is around.
(5 times Kirishima found Bakugou sleeping and one time he woke up next to him)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17635304   Wishful Thinking by Kiyoko_Michi   17k, Aizawa/Yamada, mutual pining,
Most professional Heroes keep their personal relationships quiet, for privacy and safety. Everyone who has ever seen Eraserhead and Present Mic together know they’re one such couple. If only someone would tell them so they’d stop pining over each other…
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24604015   stillness and sanctuary by wonhaebunny   3k, Iida/Bakugou, fluff,
“Is that… Hesse?” Tenya ventures slowly. Bakugou pauses, page suspended half-turn. “What the fuck is it to you?” he snarls, looking very defensive suddenly. Tenya is too busy staring at the book cover to reply. He’s not sure how to process the fact that Bakugou Katsuki is reading his favourite book. What does this mean? How does Tenya proceed from here?
or: katsuki can read and tenya loses his absolute shit over it
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24276730   Beyond The Stars (All The Way To You) by Ibelieveinahappilyeverafter   19k, gen,
Shinsou Hitoshi is finally home with his new family and ready for a long break of doing nothing before he starts his second year of U.A. in the heroics course. His break doesn’t quite go to plan, though, when his body starts going through changes. And not changes as in getting older, but changes as in he suddenly has pointed ears, sharp teeth, and wings and a tail growing out of his back.
It’s a scramble to figure out if what’s happening is a rare quirk mutation or if it’s something else much more serious. While the answer might lie with his birth family, it’s the family he has now that’s going to help him through it. One thing is for sure, though, and that’s the fact that Hitoshi is never going to have a normal life again.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24941116   if you see the boy i used to be by aloneintherain   5k, gen, temporary amnesia, past bullying,
“Where are we?” Izuku asks, throat tight.
Aizawa glances at him. “UA.”
Izuku stops. He looks back down at the forest-green suit and the cape fastened around his neck, and swallows, barely daring to believe it. “And I’m...”
“You’re a third-year student here,” Aizawa says without inflection, like he’s not completely shattering Izuku’s world-view. “In the hero course.”
Or: After a training accident, Izuku forgets everything that happened after his second year of middle school.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19887490   for you, anything by unreemarkable   41k, Midoriya/Todoroki, fluff, h/c, angst, 5+1,
“Hey, Shouto, we’re friends, right?” “Best friends." In which Todoroki and Midoriya try their best. (alternatively: five times Midoriya is there for Todoroki, and one time Todoroki is there for him.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18727342   Power Lift Into Your Heart by IceEckos12   30k, Modoriya/Todoroki, AU, personal trainer,
In a world where people cause minor miracles to happen daily, Izuku is unfortunate enough to be stuck with uncontrollable bad luck. Nevertheless, he tries to live his life as quietly as his mysterious (read: annoying) ability will allow.
But then Izuku is hired by UA Fitness, and things kind of snowball from there. The clients are strange, the staff is even stranger, and if his quirk doesn't break every bone in his body then he will be lucky.
At least the guy who threw coffee all over him is kind of cute.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17659223   What One Hides by Pinalinet   94k, Midoriya/Todoroki,
All Might gives class 1-A an unusual assignment that results in Midoriya Izuku and Todoroki Shouto attending a weekly acting class. But with a mysterious villain targeting individuals without Quirks, and a developing issue of Todoroki's own, an after-school assignment is the least of their worries.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20714669   Cry Me A River by carolinaa   7k, gen, quirk accident, dadzawa,
“This is nothing,” Shouta says to the class, trying to sound as flat as possible. “Please go back to studying.” “You’re crying,” Asui says into the heavy quiet.
Shouta gets hit with the worst quirk he could possibly think of. On the bright side, his family loves him. And his eyes haven’t been this hydrated in about fifteen years.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24067537   you live/you learn/you love/you're dead by carolinaa   13k, gen, injury, h/c,
Two minutes pass before Aizawa taps Midoriya’s face and Midoriya doesn’t respond in the slightest. They don’t have time to wait any longer.
Aizawa looks up at Todoroki, and tries to say with the least amount of callousness possible, “He won’t make it until the medical team gets here.”
Todoroki’s breath hitches, but his voice is still hard when he insists, “Yes he will.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21498238   bff (brother friend forever) by carolinaa   3k, gen,
Uraraka's an only child, and Iida's only ever been a younger brother. The two of them have no clue what an older-brother, younger-sister dynamic is supposed to look like.
At this point, they just seem determined to make everyone around them as confused as possible.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17612087   three fishes in a tank by atomicmuffin   30k, Midoriya/Ochako/Todoroki, fluff, polyamory negotiation, sharing a bed,
Due to the tragic and early demise of his flat, Todoroki has no other choice but to temporarily move in with Midoriya and Uraraka. And, one thing leading to another, never manages to leave.
Midoriya/Uraraka/Todoroki domestic fluff.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17571911   awake and (un)afraid, asleep or- by driedupwishes   54k, Midoriya/Todoroki, post-canon,
“You,” Shoto says, picking his head up from where his screen is filled with The Worst Photograph Ever, curtesy of Shinsou, Jiro, Kaminari, his brother, and nearly everyone they know. “You are so dead to me.”
Kirishima blinks, mouth half open while Izuku mutters oh god, it’s too late, isn’t it on the other end of the phone, before Kirishima is leaning into his space to see his screen.
“Oh,” he says, in response to the photo someone in the crowd of civilians watching the fight had taken of them. “Oh, that’s-” he cuts himself off for a minute, leaning back to eye Shoto’s face while on the other side of the phone Izuku smothers what is probably a laugh, and then changes tracks.
“It’s super manly to love and support your friends,” Kirishima tells Shoto haughtily, as if this whole thing isn't his fault in the first place.
or: Kirishima and Shoto accidentally start trending on Twitter and in retaliation Shoto decides to make an Instagram to showcase all his Hero Deku merchandise, so that everyone knows how much he loves his boyfriend Izuku, and no one expects how quickly it will all spiral out from there
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17409002   Romancing For Dummies: A Book Specifically Addressed To Todoroki Shouto by Julietwasanidiot   8k, Midoriya/Todoroki, 5+1,
If this is what Midoriya thinks, that these results come from a genuine effort on Shouto’s part to smooth over the romantic tribulations of his classmates, and not from the awkward fumbling of some hormone-ridden teenage homosexual disaster, Shouto’s going to defend that belief if it kills him.
Or: Five times Shouto intervenes in times of emotional crisis, and one time Class 1-A intervenes because Shouto is the crisis.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15019553   Never Let Me Go by Iamalsohere   7k, Todoroki/Yaoyorozu, light bondage, non-sexual intimacy,
"I like the idea that someone would ever trust me enough to let me tie them up. I know it sounds stupid…"
"No. It doesn't. It sounds nice."
Todoroki is intrigued when he finds a book in Yaoyorozu's room about bondage and shibari (though she insists she just owns it for reference). He finds himself lying awake at night, wondering what it would be like to trust someone enough to give his body to them. To let someone else take control for a change.
If it's Yaoyorozu taking control, he thinks he might enjoy it. In fact, Todoroki quickly realises that that's what he wants more than anything.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12002178   Just Say When by Bounemr   50k, Kaminari/Todoroki,
Denki is shocked to find himself tutored by Todoroki. Will he finally rise from last place, academically, in class? Will love shenanigans happen? Probably. They're not mutually exclusive.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18686197   The World Is Not Enough by mousapelli   25k, Midoriya/Todoroki, post-canon, pining,
In the four years after leaving UA, Midoriya and Todoroki live in lots of different places and try all sorts of different things on their way to becoming full pro heroes, but one of the things that never changes is staying best friends and always being just a phone call away even when they're on opposite sides of the world. Another thing that never changes is Midoriya's Plus Ultra-sized crush on Todoroki.
Slow burn friends to lovers for TodoDeku Big Bang 2019.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17396711   Dé à coudre by atomicmuffin   4k, Sero/Todoroki, fluff, pining,
Sero Hanta slides from the One-Sided Rivalry Zone and dives head first into the Pining Wasteland so fast he doesn’t even notice until he’s already half drowning under the feels.
A Sero/Todoroki One Shot, coming straight from the RarePair Hell.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19721299   Checks and Balances by indirectkissesiniceland   113k, Midoriya/Todoroki, AU, pining,
Izuku Midoriya was a competitive cheerleader up until an injury to his hand made tumbling and stunting an impossibility. It's devastating to think that cheer could be out of his life for good—until a pair of enthusiastic classmates show up at Izuku's dorm room with a signup sheet for a new club: hockey cheerleading. All that's left to do is learn how exactly hockey works...and try not to think too much about the prodigious freshman right wing, who's just about the most wonderful person Izuku's ever met.
Shouto Todoroki has eaten, slept, and breathed hockey his whole life. He's got a legacy to live up to with his pro-hockey old man, and he's no stranger to the scrutiny and expectations of his coaches and teammates. It's different now that he plays for UA, though. He's got a former pro coach who sees potential in him and teammates who might actually like him as a person. Then there's the cheerleading captain, who's kind and compassionate in a way Shouto's never known—and who won't rest until Shouto stops dismissing hockey as nothing more than his old man's game.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25533433   Sunflower by indirectkissesiniceland   10k, Sero/Todoroki, pining,
Sero has a soft spot for Todoroki, who has a soft spot for Sero. Bakusquad passes the popcorn.
Written for Sero Week 2020!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13962834   Late bloomer by NohaIjiachi   9k, Midoriya/Todoroki, porn with feelings, slight angst,
That’s why when they’ve found themselves face to face on the ring of the sport festival once more, for the third time ever since they’ve met each other, and Izuku smiled at him, eager and challenging, self-confident but never full of himself, Shouto blinked, dazed and shocked, in realizing just how blindingly beautiful his best friend was. The way Izuku’s white shirt clung on his muscles, the little peek of his collar bone and the hard lines of his pecs visible under it, the way his thighs curved and filled the school gym uniform.
‘Oh, fuck—‘ Shouto thought, his head spinning, feeling like he just got run over by a freight train. ‘Shit. He’s- hot?’
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15076253   You Need Some Ice for That Burn by theyalwayssay   10k, Midoriya/Todoroki,
After four months of Izuku being the ecstatic, bewildered, disbelieving boyfriend of Todoroki Shouto, their physical intimacy has plateaued. Both of them are burning up, and something’s got to give. Strap in; this is gonna get loud.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20737139   The Cave by TheRedDragon173   55k, Kirishima/Bakugou, child abuse, self-harm, PTSD, trans character,
Bakugou Katsuki is not weak. He's strong. Or at least, that's what he tells others. And himself.
He wears his aggression like armor, hiding the truth of how he feels. But even the strongest armor can start to chip away and warp, if enough pressure is applied. So when the facade begins to crack, how is Katsuki supposed to deal with it?
The answer is; badly.
But maybe he has more friends than he thinks, and they just might care a whole lot more than Katsuki realizes.
(heed the tags)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19888921   Up To Date by Pouler (poulerslashes)   19k, Midoriya/Todoroki, pro-heroes,
"It's just for fun. Heroes do this sort of thing all the time." "Do they?" Uraraka laughed. "Oh yeah," she said. "You should’ve seen some of the pictures I found in my mom's stash when I was a kid." "I see." Todoroki stumbles upon a collection of photographs he wasn't intended to see.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15088175   Always On My Mind by TheMomeRath   10k, Midoriya/Todoroki, no mpreg,
It's been a couple years since they started dating, and Midoriya and Todoroki have plans to lose their virginity to each other. Sometimes, however, sex can have unexpected effects.
Or; a lesson in the importance of wearing a condom.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21824905   Echo by CrzA   22k, Midoriya/Todoroki, AU, soulmates,
Not trusting his voice not to crack miserably, Izuku gives him a little nod that turns into a shake of his head about halfway through. How is he supposed to be okay? The literal man of his dreams is literally standing right in front of him, fussing over him while blushing like a maiden after the absolutely lecherous activities they have engaged in more than once in his head.
Or a fic where soulmates exist and Izuku thinks he doesn't have one... until he almost literally steps out of his dreams.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13345182   lantern by notallballs (notallbees)   3k, Midoriya/Todoroki, first time, h/c,
He turned his head. "Mm?"
Midoriya's voice quivered. "How many did we save?"
Shouto closed his eyes. "The police officer I spoke to said a conservative effort would be seventy-five, perhaps eighty."
After a difficult rescue mission, Midoriya and Todoroki find comfort in each other.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18538114   friday nights by gasmask   6k, Kirishima/Bakugou, mutual masturbation,
“You guys send each other porn? For the muscles?”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18550984   seeing sparks by gasmask   4k, Bakugou/Kaminari, pining, 5+1,
5 times having a crush on Denki really fucking sucks.
1 time having a crush on Denki isn't too bad.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22566070   𝙸 𝙺𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝙸'𝚖 𝙰𝚕𝚙𝚑𝚊 by cutiefemdom   7k, Kirishima/Bakugou, a/b/o, dominant omega,
Bakugou wants to be the class's pack leader but a strangely fearless and tough omega beats him to it. He's less upset about it than he thought he'd be and breaks about three hundred gender norms in the process of falling in love.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22598746   🔥 Comfortably Numb 🔥 by cutiefemdom   32k, Kirishima/Bakugou, a/b/o, dominant omega,
Due to the sheer amount of sweat his quirk produced, Bakugou was an omega heat magnet. In fact, his scent made omegas close to their heats go straight into it. They couldn't keep their hands off of him.
𝘖𝘙: 𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘥-𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘭𝘱𝘩𝘢 𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴. (𝘌𝘹𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵 𝘒𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘢'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘭𝘱𝘩𝘢.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15435156   nothing lingers passively by iimo   44k, Todoroki/Bakugou, a/b/o,
“Dehydration and dry skin were common side effects of suppressants - they dry up the glands that secrete the potent hormones that Alphas and Omegas experience during their monthly ruts and heats. Normally these reactions can be lessened by drinking more water and bulking up on body lotion and chapstick.
But the hormonal glands aren't the only ones to whither like raisins under the influence of suppressants - both the exocrine and endocrine systems were subject to its dehydrating effects. So as a future Pro Hero with a quirk that activates with sweat, the choice boiled down to a hard nope, fuck that. No suppressants.
The peace of his classmates be damned.”
Alpha Bakugou Katsuki is allergic to suppressants, and Todoroki Shouto is a Beta with a grudge. Together they strike a deal that swiftly exceeds anything they'd bargained for.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16794499   What Came First? by FoolishFortuna   5k, Kirishima/Bakugou,
“Right. So you’ve gotta know what a game of ‘chicken’ is right? Its when two people start at either end of a drag strip or road and drive their cars straight at each other until one of them gets scared and turns the wheel. Well, this is the gay kiss version. You both lean in and the first one to pull back loses. Simple, man.” Kaminari put his hands on his hips and grinned at his classmate.
Wherein Kirishima is the king of gay chicken. Until he's... not?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25189612   I think I wanna marry you by izlaria (mixthealphabet)   5k, Aizawa/Yamada, mutual pining, bed sharing,
At 22, at 25, at 31, the truth stays the same: Hizashi Yamada is in love with his best friend.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25342699   But Our Records Keep Skipping by Robbirdthe8th (FictionalFeather)   13k, Aizawa/Yamada, pining, gentle sex, past sexual abuse,
"It's not like any of my exes ever said 'let's fuck or I'm leaving you' but...yeah. It's a factor."
"You just didn't want to sleep with any of them?"
"I wanted to. Or wanted to want to, I guess."
The impact left by Hizashi's ex-boyfriend still looms, too big and too much, so he asks Shouta for a favor.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25339180   Do You Even Lift? by Plantzawa   1k, Kirishima/Bakugou, dumb boys,
Some girls think they're real clever getting Kirishima to bodily lift them, but one blond disagrees.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12733629   show me how to by Slumber   3k, Aizawa/Yamada, voyeurism, exhibitionism, asexual character,
"You have a power, learn to control it. Instead you'd rather ask me to erase it for you while you get off with another student-- have you thought about what you're asking?"
In which Yamada Hizashi just wants to have sex without injuring his classmates and Aizawa is the perfect solution.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12193845   Send Nudes Winky Face by thephilosophah   81k, polyamorous 1A, lots of sex, all the sex,
In which Kaminari is bad at sexting and the Bakusquad makes a bet over it. Then everyone starts betting on them and the stakes rise, and Bakugou's so certain he'll naturally win that he doesn't even notice how much money he's adding to the pool.
RC: incredibly smutty yet wholesome. an absolute delight to read. made me happy just to see the tab scroll past as i procrastinated on updating this list.
https://archiveofourown.org/series/1115469     I Am Here series by lalazee   9k, All Might/Endeavor, pre-canon, UST, angst, teenagers,
“Nothing about this life is like a comic book. One day, you’re going to realize it in the worst way possible. And I’ll be there, the Number One Hero, all along.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16795468   If I Win... by orphan_account   2k, All Might/Endeavor, pre-canon, internalized homophobia,
"If I win, let me kiss you."
Enji punched him in the face.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16266083   warm, sweet, slightly smoked by soltian   2k, Hawks/Endeavor, male lactation,
due to unknown factors, endeavor has a problem. hawks is happy to help.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18234113   Hold Him Down, Goddamit by Elixiers   2k, Bakugou/Kirishima/Kaminari, masturbation,
Denki should have known, he really should have. To his defense, he never really realized it until he paid attention.
Now, though, it’s glaringly obvious: Bakugou is putty in Kirishima’s hands.
Denki’s incredibly curious about how Kirishima does it, about what he tells Bakugou to calm him down… but each time he asks, Kirishima only gives a boisterous laugh and waves the question away.
It becomes Denki’s mission to find out– simply because of the fact that, well, it’s kind of hot, he guesses? He can’t help but hold that thought every time Bakugou shivers just slightly when Kirishima whispers into his ear, and Bakugou’s cheeks turn red, and he’s still scowling spectacularly but, uh… yeah, shit, it’s cute.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19116025   Messy by beebuzz   14k, Kaminari/Bakugou/Kirishima/Tetsutetsu,
Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Kaminari moved his eyes to the side. “I’m trying to talk about this. Because I feel guilty talking to him like that when I should be satisfied with you two- And I am- And I know there’s already a lot to deal with when there’s three of us, but I guess I was just wondering if maybe you two would be open to meeting him.”
“Meeting him.” Kirishima repeated, hands completely stilling on Bakugou’s shoulders. “As in-”
“A date.” Bakugou finished for him, sharp gaze catching bright gold as Kaminari shot up straight.
“Well- maybe.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24510598   Don't by Trenchcoatkitten   16k, Kirishima/Bakugou, post-canon, roommates,
Kirishima is out of a place to live - and Bakugou gives him a perfect solution
And they were roommates. (Oh my god they were roommates) Basically I just needed these babies being soft and sweet and domestic okay. Light angst cause I'm ~still a piece of garbage~ and I can't help it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25454512   When He Sees Me by Trenchcoatkitten   81k, Midoriya/Todoroki, AU, disability, past child abuse,
“Sorry,” Midoriya says. “I tend to get off in my own little world sometimes. Guess I just talk a lot. Hope that won't bother you.” “It's fine. I don't talk very much.” Midoriya grins again, lighting up the booth brighter than the light hanging over the table. “We're a perfect pair, then!”
Todoroki Shouto moves in with someone he's never met, just while he's in town for his show. He's never really known what home could mean, and, well, Izuku's the perfect ball of sunshine to show him. Basically, this is a Blind!Izuku and Dancer!Shouto AU :)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25647619   bells by arxaris   18k, Sero/Todoroki, A/B/O, pining,
It’s times like these that Hanta wishes he were… like his peers. Where they can rely on biological instincts and subtle changes in scent, he has to rely on his subpar skill at reading people, on the hope that he can tell when a friend – are they friends, though? – would rather not be alone.
Hanta looks down at his arm, curled tight around his offered comforts, and lets out a quiet sigh.
He has to rely on a shared interest in manga, on the sheer luck that he watches Todoroki enough to know which brand of chips he sometimes buys at lunch time, what drink he reaches for from their communal fridge after class.
-Third year brings Sero Hanta new manga, old insecurities, and Todoroki Shouto.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22403767   Overheard by catastrophicGallivant   7k, Sero/Kaminari/Todoroki, accidental voyeurism, masturbation, awkward sexual situations, first time,
Shouto is already in bed when the noises start. He glances at his clock—a quarter to midnight, about the usual time for them. Kaminari is always the louder of the two. Shouto can hear him moaning through the wall, faintly at first, then loud as if he can’t control himself anymore. Quieter but still present, running underneath Kaminari’s keening, Sero sighs, gasps, curses softly.
Shouto should really go back to sleep.
He should get up and knock on the wall; he’s done it before and they quieted right down after, and the next morning he got matching apologies at breakfast. He should text Sero, who would see his phone ping and do—something, and then the noises would stop and Shouto could sleep. He should really, really go back to sleep.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18419600   Kneel by deviance   7k, Kirishima/Bakugou, post-canon, pining, light dom/sub,
Bakugou shuffled on his feet, hovering over Kirishima and looking at the ground with stormy eyes. He glanced up to glare at Kirishima, a silent dare to call him out on his odd behavior no doubt. Kirishima forced himself not to tense. Whatever Bakugou wanted, he was about to show him and Kirishima had to get this right. Bakugou was all about showing and not telling.
Kirishima nearly bit his tongue to keep in a squawk of surprise when Bakugou suddenly dropped to his knees next to him, shuffling forward until he could press his forehead to his thigh and hide his face against Kirishima's leg. Kirishima opened his mouth, questions on the tip of his tongue, and he barely managed to catch them before they could be given voice. Bakugou was trembling minutely, his entire frame so tense his muscles were twitching under Kirishima's gaze.
“Just. Don't say anything,” Bakugou muttered, hands clenching in his lap tightly. “Please,” he whispered, a short choked sound.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23191777   I See Your Face So Vividly by kopycat_101   13k, Kaminari/Midoriya, pining,
"Midoriya looks electric, looks vibrant. His eyes light up, big and glimmering like neon signs. He jumps across Field Gamma, a place that’s all but a twisting maze of steel, a streak of bright green amongst the monotonous gray. Fearless, easy, like he’s flying through the skies.
Denki wishes he could take a picture of this, of Midoriya leaping through the air like a lightning strike personified. But a picture wouldn’t ever be able to live up to the real thing, wouldn’t do justice to how Midoriya looks."
Denki's been falling for a long time without knowing it. But then he's hit by the sudden realization that he has a crush on Izuku the day Izuku uses Full Cowl for the first time in front of class 1-A. What follows includes a sexuality crisis, compliments, smiles, extended eye contact, blushing, heartwarming friendships, and an insane amount of pining for the ages.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22396243   A Different Kind of Limelight by despitetheabundance (Lindra)   6k, Aizawa/All Might,body dysmorphia, scars, emotional porn, camboy,
Yagi Toshinori posts a drunken dick pic on self-deprecating whim and falls down a rabbit hole of tips, compliments, and learning to live in the body of a man he never wanted to be.
AKA Toshinori becomes a camboy and learns to love himself, feat. Aizawa's Thirst
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25812076   you have made me feel so sure by honeijirou   17k, Kirishima/Bakugou, soulmates, disability, pining, h/c,
Kirishima only saw him out of the corner of his eyes at first.
It’s a blur, a flash really – it’s a blossom of explosions whose after-flashes seemed to form a halo around the boy’s head, or perhaps it was how the boy’s blonde hair caught the sunlight: a combination of that specific angle in that specific moment. Either way, when Kirishima catches a hint of a smirk of a smile, even despite Kirishima’s own Quirk, the way it glints feels like it cuts.
alternatively, a soulmate au. first words are written on your body, and kirishima has always had clear skin: but the moment he sees bakugou, he has never been more sure of anything in his life.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24575374   We've got a good thing going by lehnsherry   3k, Hawks/Endeavor,
Enji is watching Shouto, so he notices the way his eyes snap to the kitchen doorway just before he hears the soft footsteps and the rustling of wings, and his heart jumps into his throat. He turns in his seat just in time to see Hawks walk in, eyes still closed and a hand scratching at his messy hair.
“Mornin’, babe, do you know where my -” Hawks breaks into a huge yawn, and then opens his sleepy eyes, and freezes in the doorway like Shouto used his power on him.
Enji’s mouth makes an involuntary sound of embarrassment, and Hawks flushes all the way down to his chest.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25509430   speak it free by aloneintherain   3k, gen, h/c,
“I didn’t have the same middle school experience as you,” Shinsou says. “I didn’t become rivals with my childhood friend.”
Shinsou doesn’t know who Kacchan really is to him. Izuku has spent so much time looking at Shinsou and relating to him, that he forgot that Shinsou wasn’t looking back at him with that same recognition.
Izuku takes a deep breath, and starts, “Kacchan and I aren’t really childhood friends. Not really.”
Or: Shinsou finds out that Bakugou used to bully Midoriya.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24799483   How To Get Adopted Without Letting Your Dad Know He's Adopting You, A Guide By Class 1-A by lesbianclerics   16k, gen, dadzawa, fluff, injury,
Mina waits until Aizawa’s well out of earshot before muttering a teasing, “Okay dad” under her breath. Kirishima’s eyes go wide. Midoriya chokes on air and the soap he’s spraying goes wide, hitting the wall as well as the stove. Kaminari freezes halfway through tiptoeing across the kitchen. They all stare at her, frightened for a moment that Aizawa heard her somehow. Then, when nothing happens after a moment, Kaminari cackles, loudly, and doubles over laughing.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25979236   Lightning Child by AmaranthineDream   3k, gen, BAMF!midoriya,
Izuku manages to consistently use One for All at 100%, without breaking himself, half way through his second year. He graduates with that power tightly regulated, completely under his control; his quirk is his, completely.
The graduated class 3A has a word for it when Izuku - Deku - goes 100%. It's a physical sensation, they learned early; a pressure in the air and on their lungs and down to their bones and blood. Everyone within his vicinity can feel it.
They call it going green.
And then, in a fight against the villain Jupiter, Deku goes green for the first time since UA.
One third of the people at the scene collapse to their knees.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25779088   Eggs With a Side of Crimson Feathers by kittenmittens   7k, Hawks/Endeavor, mpreg, oviposition,
“These your other kids?” All that gets him is a grunt in response. Keigo snorts, then goes on talking like Todoroki didn’t just give him a massive verbal red light. “I don’t think I ever got their names.”
“I never told you,” grumbles Todoroki, and when Keigo turns to look at him, he’s glaring worse than ever.
Keigo smiles. “My bad.”
Hawks just happens to lay eggs every once in a while, but it's fine, totally fine, and he's not gonna let it ruin this once-in-a-lifetime chance to nail his idol.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24726799   A Secret Admirer by KiriBakuHappiness   61k, Kirishima/Bakugou, fluff, pining, friends to lovers, the boys are dumb,
Bakugou Katsuki has a secret admirer and the class of 1-A is desperate to figure out who it could possibly be.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25659202   Why Is Everything So Weird With the Lights Off? by KiriBakuHappiness   12k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining,
Kirishima’s never really considered what Bakugou would be like when he was drunk and he’s kind of curious to find out but also a little apprehensive. This was still Lord Explosion Murder he was dealing with, after all.
Bakugou stops in the middle of the room, taking in all of the posters on the walls and eyeing suspiciously at the punching bag as if he’s never seen one before in his life. He sways a little before he frowns and squints dangerously. Kirishima tenses in preparation for some snarky remark about his inability to decorate, but all that comes out of Bakugou’s slurred mouth is, “This isn’t my fucking room.”
Wow, okay, maybe he’s a lot more drunk than Kirishima first thought.
OR - Kirishima can't imagine who would be trying to talk to him in the middle of the night on a school night, but when he opens the door and finds Bakugou Katsuki drunk, he can't just turn him away, right? What kind of a friend would he be if he did that?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26238265   He's Sexy And He Knows It. by FoolishFortuna   2k, Kirishima/Bakugou, grinidng, lapdance, exhibitionism, premature ejaculation,
"Bakugou couldn't do anything sexy if he tried!” Kaminari called out with a loud laugh that everyone in the common room joined in with.
Katsuki felt a vein in his temple throbbing as he bared his teeth and tried to count to ten in his head before he was tempted to cross the room and blast Dunce Face to hell for the insult.
They were in the common room, eating junk food and drinking light, crappy beers on their day off from hero training. But when the conversation turned to who had the most sex appeal in the class, it became clear that not one of these fucking idiots believed Katsuki was capable of being anything other than loud, angry or sulky. ‘And pulling horrible faces’ was added by Mina with another laugh that everyone echoed.
And okay, the fact that they had no faith in him made him want to shout and blast things and pull faces, but shut the fuck up. He could be goddamn sexy if he wanted to be.
Kirishima slapped a hand to his thigh and guffawed before wheezing in a breath and adding, “HA! Blasty asking someone out, I'd pay to see it! Or asking for a kiss like, ‘kiss me now, you shitty bitch’. I can't, that's too good.”
That's fucking it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20067655   In the Dark of the Night by arxaris   84k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU,
Bakugou woke to chants sounding through the Colosseum. “Red Riot! Red Riot! Red Riot!”
Red Riot?
“Sero,” he snapped at the Head of his Council, seated a few meters to his right in the Emperor’s box. “What the fuck is a Red Riot?”
Sero nodded his head to the pit and Bakugou followed his gaze, watching as another gladiator walked out of the gate and towards the center. “New gladiator prodigy. He’s only eighteen, but he hasn’t even come close to losing a fight since he started a couple months ago.” Then, Sero smirked. “I think you’re gonna like him.”
Or, all's fair in love and war.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24798505   Complicated Creation by Elemental   112k, gen, canon-AU, dadzawa,
Midoriya Izuku is medically quirkless, not technically homeless, perpetually exhausted and doing his damned best despite it all. He also sees spirits, which might be cool if not for the fact that a) no one else does, b) they really don't like him very much, and c) he's pretty sure the heroes now think he's a villain working for the League.
Aizawa Shota just wants to take down Overhaul, rescue Eri, keep his students alive, get some rest, and find out how this Deku kid knows things he absolutely should not know about his personal life and the Shie Hassaikai case.
Unless Nighteye's right, and the kid really is a villain.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25578874   He's Our Most Important Member by autumnconcept   5k, gen, BAMF!midoriya,
As a member of the quirkless side of society, Izuku has long given up his dream of being a hero.
Remind him how he ended up in charge of an entire agency?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12729852   I Would Understand by deafmic   45k, gen, dadzawa, foster care, child neglect, child abuse, adoption,
Shinsou Hitoshi had a bit of a problem, and that problem was that he’d gotten attached to Aizawa Shouta. And somewhere along the line had started seeing him as a parental figure, a replacement for all the foster home parents who’d passed him along and never quite done their job.
A kid who's been in foster care his entire life spends a normal, average day after training with the teacher who seems to care a little too much.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21216944   You know that thing where an orchestra swaps instruments, and like, some of them get it right away, but others have no clue what they're doing? This is that but with quirks, two unwilling participants, and also Emotions by Sif (Rosae)   13k, gen, quirk swap, PTSD, touch starved, h/c, quirk drawbacks,
Momo wasn't sure why it came as such a shock to her and her classmates that nitroglycerin was not, in fact, easy to control. The chemical was defined by it's instability, it's ability to go off under near any circumstances, it's powerful blows.
And yet, Katsuki had always made it look so simple. He soared through the air like it was nothing, switching between bullet-sized blasts and missile levels of firepower like most people switched channels on TV. Momo had found herself jealous of his quirk at times, unable to help wondering what it would be like to have such power at her fingertips.
Good news, she didn't have to wonder anymore. Bad news, it was absolutely terrible.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26218951   Where the Archangels go by surveycorpsjean   40k, Hawks/Endeavor, injury, chronic pain, angst, h/c, healing,
“I’m all aloooone, with nobody besiiide meee – can you turn that TV off? Thanks.”
“I’m told you refused multiple offers.”
“Rumi would take in a dead squirrel,” Hawks huffs, scratching his nose on the pillow, going wsh wsh wsh. “I’m not doing that to her, no way in hell. And the commission wanted to put me into the hero equivalent of a nursing home, so fuck that too.”
When Hawks is abandoned by everyone else, Enji offers to bring him home.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19153039   That's All You Ever Have to Say by arxaris   10k, Kirishima/Bakugou, light dom/sub, praise kink, sugar daddy,
Maybe a sane person wouldn’t put up with it. They’d probably call the whole thing unhealthy, say that Bakugou should learn to express his feelings. People have suggested to Kirishima in the past that he put his foot down and demand they talk about things. They’ve gritted their teeth as they told him Bakugou was playing games with him, looked at him with pity as if they were cluing him into something everyone knew but him, something truly awful. But of course Kirishima knew. How could he not? Katsuki wasn’t just playing games with him. They were playing games together.
And Kirishima was positively addicted to them.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26934046   disarm me by hiuythn   8k, Kirishima/Bakugou, touch-starved, hand fixation,
Bakugou’s hands are made for winning.
They’re made to reach for victory, to grab what they want and refuse to let go.
Bakugou’s hands are not made for holding. They’re not made to cradle, or to help. His hands are calloused and rough. They are not meant to cherish, to be gentle, to be safe.
When he’s not using them to blast his opponents to dust, he keeps them sheathed in his pockets like the weapons they are. A gesture of goodwill—a handshake, from him, would be deadly. His hands are deadly.
And that’s how he likes it.
That is, until Kirishima.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24912604   a twisted fate never alters destiny by Watsittoyou   138k, Aizazwa/Yamada, canon-AU, adoption, internalized homophobia, canon character death,
Kicked out and homeless as a hero student wasn't somewhere Aizawa Shouta intended to be, and yet those were the cards he was dealt. Kids like him don't just get second chances handed to them on silver platters, but when he spends his last few hundred yen at Midoriya's cafe, it seems like that's precisely what he gets. Along the way, he gains parents who love him, an idiot he might be sort of in love with, and a future promising trouble thanks to a problem child baby brother.
But the world of heroes is much larger than it seems on the surface, and somehow his green-haired nightmare manages to find his way to the centre of it, all while Shouta tries to navigate his own love life and hero work.
Or, the time Inko's determination to adopt a teenage Aizawa not-so-accidentally lays the groundwork for his future as Eraserhead: serial child adopter, all while uncovering the darker secrets of the villain underworld.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18205364   touch too much by h_lovely   9k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining, friends with benefits,
Kirishima had always been touchy. Bakugou has a hard time believing it's anything more than that.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19945867   i go where you go by favspacetwink   2k, Kirishima/Bakugou, first time, sharing clothes,
God, handjobs are the fucking best.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12753570   Sugar, Spice by Grimmseye   7k, Kirishima/Bakugou, canon-AU, incubus,
Red was the color of passion, of fury, of violence. And for that he offered red candles, red roses, red blood. His veins sang for a fight.
" — what kind of a shitty demon are you?”
It blinked up at him, raising its weight from its haunches. Its head cocked to the side. “Um,” it started. “I'm... an incubus? Master?”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12090270   take your time with me by Shadow_sensei   4k, Kirishima/Bakugou, first time, mutual masturbation,
And then Katsuki steps away, breaking away from Eijirou’s body, as if he’s been shocked, because it’s so much, all at once, and it’s overwhelming and his mind is drifting and it’s almost terrifying, to be so fast to lose his composure, just from a simple touch. Is it a sign of weakness, that he can be pulled into Eijirou’s control so quickly?
No, thinks Katsuki. It’s a sign of trust.
- As the water flows hot and steady over their backs, Katsuki learns that it's okay to let Eijirou take over his heart.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12145455   a long time coming by tusslee   1k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining,
There’s nothing soft about a boy like Bakugou, but Kirishima can’t help but wonder if his skin isn’t as smooth as it looks. If his hair isn’t a fluffy mess when he first wakes up in the morning. If his tongue is as sharp as he makes his words out to be. Everything about Kirishima is soft except for his Quirk. What a pair they seem to make.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26177596   i love you like the sun came out by unreemarkable   46k, Midoriya/Todoroki,
Todoroki Shouto is untouchable, until he isn't. What comes after goes a little like this.
[In which Todoroki falls, slowly, steadily, with his eyes wide open.]
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12706605   Acceptance by WereKoalaPL   46k, Ojiro/Shinsou, self-harm, denial, self acceptance,
There are many things Mashirao fears, some more so than others. He was always somehow able to deal with them though, through lies, denial, clenching his teeth, and biting his words back. But some things can't be changed or fixed, no matter how much of a fight he will put up.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27090436   (Un)Made by Ashynarr   4k, gen,  
In the aftermath of a slightly different Yakuza Hideout Raid, Izuku and Eri have to come to term with their new life, while Shouta and Toshinori figure out how to help them start on the path to recovery.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27094156   Mass Divided by Volume by The Feels Whale (miscellea)   37k, Ashido/Kirishima/Bakugou, canon-AU, polyamory, asexual character,
It comes as a surprise to a lot of people, finding out that Bakugo is part of a loving triad and has been for years; including Bakugo.
Especially Bakugo.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27051973   i just want somebody near me by theyaremycrocs   3k, Kirishima/Bakugou, bed sharing, hugging,
Kirishima likes the dorms.
He really does - they’re convenient, they’re safe and he’s in the room right next to his best friend’s. They have movie nights and game nights and there’s never a dull moment when he’s there, but- he misses his moms.
The Kirishimas are a very affectionate family. Kirishima’s no stranger to physical contact. He welcomes it, even; a hug when he leaves for school, a hug when he gets home from school. Before he goes to bed. It’s comforting, and it’s normal, and Kirishima… well, he misses it.
And that’s how Kirishima finds himself stood in front of Bakugo’s door at midnight on a Friday, worn down from the school week, desperate enough to go to his best friend’s room to ask him for a hug.
“You’ve been in front of my door for the past five minutes,” Bakugo tells him flatly, fingers tapping impatiently on his arms. “What.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27097288   hope that soul is changing by Sour_Idealist   3k, Hawks/Endeavor, past domestic violence,
“You’ve been working with Endeavor lately, isn’t that right?” she asks instead.
He laughs, trying for casual and missing it by at least a city block. “That what this is about, huh?” he asks. “The, uh, the missus and the side piece?”
Her own cup of tea is three-quarters full; she takes a sip and sets it down. “Well, is it?” she asks.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27176774   Sunshine & Lightning by splot   4k, Kaminari/Shinsou, scars,
Shinsou’s still staring, mouth agape, eyes wide when Kaminari finally frees himself from his shirt, eyes darting nervously from person to person. “What? Why are you all staring?”
“Dude… what is that?” Kirishima asks, blunt, but not rude – concerned. Kaminari follows everyone’s gaze to his midsection, blinks a moment, and then laughs, flapping his shirt at Kirishima.
“It’s nothing, bro. It’s just like a heat rash kinda thing I get sometimes ‘cause of my quirk. No biggie, it’ll be gone by tomorrow.”
There's a side-effect to Kaminari's quirk that he keeps hidden. Shinsou finds out.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26640583   From the Heavens Into Heaven by Epsilon110, Jade_Kitsune   25k, Midoriya/all the girls, BAMF!midoriya, blindfolds, truth or dare,
Izuku Midoriya has always considered himself lucky beyond belief, ever since All Might told him that he could be a hero. Time and time again, his luck paid off, allowing him to survive villain attacks and win competitions and exercises. When the hero students of Class A and B returned to the Wild, Wild Pussycats' forest for another training camp, Izuku had hoped his luck would hold out.
In a way, it did. Still, Izuku isn't sure how long he can last in the hot springs surrounded by every woman in both Hero classes.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13278729   One Step Closer by tusslee   50k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU, injury, angst, physical theraphy, recovery, disability,
Hope flickers pitifully beside the fire of determination inside of him. Whatever it takes, he decides, he’ll prove them all wrong.
- Injured in a car accident, Bakugou Katsuki has to learn a new way of life as he slowly, but surely recovers with the (unwanted) help from his physical therapist, Kirishima Eijirou.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15090842   Love So Soft by Fanficismything   11k, Kirishima/Bakugou, A/B/O,
Kirishima found out completely on accident.
He would never have guessed who had been taking his clothes to nest with.
He absolutely never would have guessed who but damn if it didn’t give him all sort of warm and fuzzy feelings to keep him warm at night or literally any time he thought about it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17348138   In your face, Endeavor! by caelestisxyz   2k, Yoarashi/Todoroki, semi-public sex,
This is hands down the most disrespectful thing Inasa has ever done in his life. Here he is, tailored suit and brand new tie, sitting amongst the city's elites while he's roughly face fucking the No.1 Hero's son.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19884178   Learn You (Bit by Bit) by deviance   5k, Kirishima/Bakugou, 5+1,
Five things Kirishima learns about Bakugou, and one thing Bakugou teaches Kirishima about himself.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17096087   Polish Me Up by deviance   2k, gen, touch-starved, platonic cuddling,
If Bakugou had known of his own weakness, perhaps things would've ended up differently, his pride dictating that he hide anything that might be a vulnerability. However, he hadn't know about this weakness, in fact the damn squad were the ones to cause him to discover it, so keeping it hidden was not even a possibility.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19244770   Thursday by CitrusVeins   7k, Kirishima/Bakugou, first time, panic attack,
Everything with Bakugou, at least when it came to intimacy, had to be slow and calculated. Once Kirishima barely skimmed a hand under the hem of his shirt and the contact of skin on skin startled Bakugou so much that he jumped back like he was burned. It was one of the few times Kirishima actually got an apology from him, as he admonished himself for ruining 'the moment.' Kirishima was, of course, fine with it. It just meant that they found a limit they could work on together or not at all depending on what Bakugou wanted.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16435358   Broken, but Still Good by deviance   75k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU, A/B/O, torture, PTSD, non-con, angst, recovery,
“He’s just too combative. I know he was recovered from an illegal Alpha fighting ring and we can’t do much for that, but he’s not receptive to any of our attempts to help. He instantly starts fights with any Alphas that try to reach out to him, even if they aren’t posturing, and if we try to send in an Omega to keep him calm he somehow manages to freak out even more.”
“All we can do it be patient and provide him a safe environment to heal. We don’t know how long he was held captive nor what sort of things he’s had to do to survive.”
“But if no one can get close to him, how are we supposed to help?”
“Have we tried sending in a Beta? If we have one that would be capable of withstanding his quirk, it may be the best middle ground.”
“Red Riot, one of my previous students might be able to. Kirishima’s quirk is hardening and should be strong enough to withstand the Alpha’s explosions. Plus his personality tends to let him make friends with just about everyone. He was on the infiltration team too, so he’s at least minimally aware of the situation. He’d have to be briefed on the specifications, of course.”
“He sounds like the best chance we’ve got."
“Can’t hurt to try, I guess."
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20660567   no door left unopened by sprx77   2k, Midoriya/everyone, kissing, polyamory,
Izuku passes One for All to all of his friends and they pass it back. The successor of peace is not a title worn lightly and they're all old enough to know that some things are more important than hero rankings, some contingencies more than worth it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19974307   No Secrets to Success by kingdoms   7k, Kirishima/Bakugou,
“Hey!” Kirishima says brightly, stepping sideways to be directly in the guy’s path. “I know you!”
“Fuck off,” the guy snarls, pushing past him and barely slowing down.
Kirishima is forced to start his first semester at UA two months late. Somehow he still meets Bakugou Katsuki, makes the most of those two months, and gains a tutor, a best friend, and an exciting way to scandalize his new peers. Canon AU where Kirishima and Bakugou become friends before Kirishima meets the rest of Class 1-A.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24036481   In the Lap of the Gods by theyalwayssay   10k, Shinsou/Kaminari, AU, top!kaminari,
“Don’t keep me waiting.” Denki swallowed away the saliva that had built up in his throat. Only a minute ago his mouth had been parched as leather; now, he was struggling not to drool. “I want an audience with the Oracle. I’d prefer that over just speaking into this fog.” “You already have it,” the voice said. Denki’s head lolled back on his neck, spine tingling at the feeling of someone murmuring deep into his ears. “God, I-” “Do not call for them. There are no gods here. There is only you and I.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16826065   A Short Sharp Shock by theyalwayssay   17k, Shinsou/Kaminari, first time, quirk kink,
In which Kaminari blows the whole dorm, but not in the way that you're thinking.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15195866   Catch Me Red-Handed by theyalwayssay   10k, Kirishima/Bakugou, first time,
When Bakugou gets hit with a color-change Quirk which reacts to his mood, it’s up to Kirishima to figure out a meaning behind the shifting colors speckled across his boyfriend’s face. The solution is, of course, to cross examine the colors to a mood ring color chart. Let’s see: orange is indignant, blue-green is flirtatious, and red is...oh.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14657547   Pass it On by theyalwayssay   14k, Kirishima/Bakugou, sexual frustration, truth or dare, crossdressing,
RED ALERT: Bakugou can't jerk off because he'll explode his own dick off. Pass it on.
Mina spreads a rumor around Class 1A about a certain Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima is tasked with taking his own life and dignity in his hands and finding out of it's true. Party hijinks ensue.
(Spoiler alert: dignity and his life aren't the only things Kirishima takes in his hands)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12090492   Stray Italian Greyhound by ArgetCross   5k, Jirou/Taoyorozu, pining,
That was the wretched start of it all.
Momo couldn't stop thinking about sex. At first, she thought it was just because she was mortified by the idea of anyone figuring out that she now could make condoms. She kept expecting someone, Kaminari or Sero, to come up to her and ask her. One night she even had a terrible dream where she was back in a practical exam with Todoroki and, instead of producing matryoshka dolls, she accidentally flung a bunch of condoms at Aizawa-sensei.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15726360   a secret quest for common sense by jurassicqueer (gaybirdkid)   23k, Sero/Todoroki, pining, touch-starved, self harm, clothes sharing,
One way or another, Hanta finds himself being drawn back to Todoroki again and again. The boys learn to lean on each other.
"Hanta gives himself five seconds to fully experience whatever warm emotion is swelling in his chest. It expands like hot air, pressing on his aching ribs and crawling up his throat; it worms between his heart and lungs and curls up like a contented cat. Hanta isn’t sure how he knows, but he’s sure the feeling’s name is Todoroki."
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15147833   Like Seaglass by IvoryCrow   10k, Inko/Yagi, AU, mythology, pirates,
The woman curls her lip, tightening her grip on her seal skin. “You will not steal my pelt, I will not be your bride.”
Toshinori can only promise, raising his hands in surrender. “I will not take it from you.”
His honesty must satisfy her because she moves closer, pressing her pelt against the gash on his side. The selkie blinks at him curiously, watching for his reactions. She’s familiar, like someone from a dream. When she pulls away, the wound is healed, leaving behind a scar shaped like a river of stars.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15124007   Lies in the guise of truth by Jeanemon   44k, Inko/Yagi, fluff,
All Might is the world's #1 hero, the symbol of peace, the pillar that the world knows they can stand on. He dominates every room he's in, from press conferences to his Hero Agency.
It's pretty easy for everyone to overlook Yagi Toshinori, All Might's 'quirkless secretary'. But he's still there.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14574993   call the fire department (i'm burning up with love) by Edgedancer   22k, Todoroki/Midoriya, families of choice,
An (abridged) list of things Todoroki Shouto did not have before U.A.: Loud neighbors. Fire alarms. Friends. Midoriya Izuku.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11808918   Conversations with a Cryptid by AMournfulHowlInTheNight   67k, gen, meta fic,
The man was over a century old. There had to be more to it. In hindsight, it hadn’t been one of Izuku’s better ideas.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16440632   what we deserve by bwyn   5k, gen, reconciliation,
“He said I needed to be faster changing the strength of my quirk output.”
“Like Midoriya?”
“That bar is so hiiigh,” Ashido groans, which, true, there’s no higher bar than the kid they’d taken to calling Small Might behind his back.
The scream of Mineta cartwheeling through the air serves as Kirishima’s cue to step up next. Kaminari rests a hand over his heart, mirrored by Ashido and Sero.
“May your soul find peace,” says Kaminari.
A few have noticed a change in Bakugou's attitude, and that maybe it's thanks to Midoriya.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25194799   skin by rae_tnub   4k, gen, angst, h/c, scars,
What was it All Might said once? ”A scar is proof you’ve survived!” or some bullshit like that.
Where’s the proof of Katsuki’s survival?
Where are the marks from when he was little and injured himself training to have as much control over his quirk as he does?
Where are the burns that prove Dabi’s fingertips burnt the back of his neck?
Where are the cuts that prove the muzzle forced on him at the Sports Festival was strapped on too tightly?
Katsuki digs his fingernails through the fabric of his pockets and into his thighs.
It doesn’t matter if he bleeds. 
There’s not going to be any proof of it anyway.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22245835   Mild-Mannered School Teacher/Adrenaline-Junkie Vigilante by JajaLala   136k, Fuyumi/Miruko, secret identity,
Fuyumi Todoroki was stressed. She was always the peacekeeper, the ice-quirk user who calms the hot-headed members of her family. What was she supposed to do when she was frustrated, and couldn't calm herself down?
Go onto the streets and become a vigilante, of course.
Follow this mild-mannered school teacher/adrenaline-junkie vigilante as she befriends the mysterious Dabi, tries not to get caught by the persistent Miruko, and through it all struggles to keep her family together.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22440598   White Lies Always Blow Up by Milligramme   93k, Bakugou & Todoroki, Kirishima/Bakugou, fake dating, slow burn, practise kissing, injury,
Ever since Endeavor was forced to retire, his new hobby seems to be nagging his son about his hero career and nonexistent love life. Worse, it seems that Todoroki's entire family is dead set on helping him find a girlfriend and give love a chance.
Desperate to make them stop, Todoroki lets his classmates convince him that the best solution is to fake date someone. And no one's better suited for the job than his dear friend Bakugou, right? If even Midoriya says it's a good idea, there's no way it could possibly go wrong!
Follow Todoroki and Bakugou on their journey to find out in how many ways it could possibly go wrong.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25663108   give me compliments (i said give me compliments) by wonhaebunny   3k, gen,
“It’s just cute,” Ashido is telling them as she walks into the classroom. “Like, when you compliment someone and they get flustered so easily, don’t you think it’s endearing?” Kaminari blinks. “Like Bakugou?” he asks slowly.
1-a realises that katsuki is really, really bad at receiving compliments. exposure therapy ensues.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18803488   Tell Me I'm Yours by arxaris   6k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining, praise kink, light dom/sub, friends to lovers,
Bakugou was going a little crazy. He could grudgingly admit that it was at least in part his own fault; moving in with his best friend maybe hadn’t been the best idea. At first, it sounded great. The rent would be cheaper, grocery shopping and cooking for two would be way more convenient, and it would be easier for the two of them to hang out. The only thing was, Bakugou forgot to consider how the joys of moving in with his aforementioned best friend might be dampened by the fact that he was madly in love with him.
Alternatively: Kirishima Eijirou is a goddamn tease and there's no way he doesn't know what he's doing.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13635312   Would you be my fucking boyfriend? by Claus_Lucas   3k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining, bed sharing,
Unsure what to do about his crush on Bakugou, Kirishima finally decides to ask him if he’s ever liked someone – that way. His answer turns out to be a confession in of itself.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24632389   By Dawn, Promise Me by chezka   9k, Kirshima/Bakugou, hanahaki, h/c,
Kirishima looked soft, right then, and warm and beautiful and inviting, open in his clear acceptance of anything Katsuki might have been there to lay on him, and Katsuki was in love with him.
He loved him.
And it was killing him.
The universe could be especially cruel, Katsuki had come to realize.
or, with flowers blooming in his chest and threatening his future, Katsuki decides a last conversation is long overdue
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25430923   Eyes Like Dragon-Fire by Dragonire   108k, Kirishima/Bakugou, au, dragon!irishima, curses, h/c,
The world beneath his palms was sharp and painful and unforgiving.
Kirishima didn’t even try to hold back the yell that broke out from between his lips, if only for some way to release the pain that was building inside; smoke billowing out of his lungs in guttural cries that didn’t sound like him at all.
“I’m sorry,” the mage cried before him, her brow drenched in sweat while her hands were drenched in thick crimson blood, just as Kirishima’s were where he dug his nails into the stone beneath him; blunted fingers giving away to the strength of the earth, over and over, searching for a reprieve from the volcano erupting in his chest.
Pain. Agony. Torture. There was no stopping this.
Or: Kirishima is cursed to become a dragon and is found by one Bakugo Katsuki, who doesn’t realise his dragon wasn’t always a dragon and needs his curse broken.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16146635   Moment of Truth by Fanficismything   104k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU, fake dating, pining,
Faced with deportation from Japan, high strung Bakugo Katsuki accepts a marriage of convenience with his partner and co-worker, Kirishima Eijirou. A suspicious immigration officer has him playing along on a trip to Kirishima's family home for his birthday, and is suddenly thrust into the middle of many, many eager friends and relatives, all delighted to know Kirishima's fiance. The longer he stays and sees Kirishima in his element, the more Bakugo unpacks his own feelings on the matter, and on Kirishima himself.
A fanfiction based on the 2009 movie The Proposal that turned into its own storyline and lovingly stuffed full of cliches.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12442488   5 + 1 by kazhan   24k, Kirishima/Bakugou, 5+1, first time,
The five times Kirishima made the first move + the one time Bakugou blew his mind.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25051885   Flinch by MermaidMayonnaise   17k Todoroki/Midoriya, touch-starved,
Shouto’s hatred of touching people and being touched could easily be traced back to his childhood. - A high school graduation fic detailing how one step in front of the other is the basis of a journey. Once you’ve taken hundreds and thousands and millions of steps, you can look back and marvel at how far you’ve come.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26313439   a slight omission by ValkyrieGail     4k, Hawks/Enji,  
Enji thought he would be another one of Hawks’ achievements; another firm notch on the bedpost of Hawks’ illicit affairs. Little did he know that he was the first and only notch after a terrible assumption gone wrong.
The one where Hawks and Enji hook-up, and Enji didn’t realize Hawks was a virgin until after the fact.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24434113   Simmer Down by ValkyrieGail    9k, Hawks/Enji, bottom!endeavour, 
Enji and Hawks have been hooking up for a while, and with a lazy day to themselves, they take time to explore a new facet of their physical relationship.
Hawks finds a fresh meaning to the term ‘hero worship’, while Enji indulges in enjoying his partner in new ways. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20606219    troquer by Shippeh   4k, Kaminari/Bakugou/Kirishima, bodyswap, threesome, 
Denki gets to top- unless it doesn't count because it's not his body? He's not really sure, but he's not going to look a gift-horse in the mouth, or whatever.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11881836    Your Hands Protect the Flames by Anonymous    74k, graphic rape, rape recovery, h/c, amputation, minor sellf-harm, 
For as long as Bakugou can remember people have been telling him to 'swallow his pride.' But no one's ever told him how he's supposed to sew his throat back up after the fact.
After an assault leaves Bakugou and his classmates reeling, they all have to figure out how to pick up the pieces and move on.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16304276    high and low by rronanllynch   4k, Iida/Zero, drug use, shotgunning, 
based off my own tweet because i'm the only one in this damn house that does anything:
"sero smoking w iida for the first time and it turns out iida knows exactly what he’s doing and sero falls in love immediately"
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27067372    Incompatible (But only in Theory) by cutiefemdom    5k, Kirishima/Bakugou, a/b/o, alpha/alpha, rutting, mutual pining, 
Kirishima tried to ignore the heat that rose up his neck as he felt the toy stretch beneath his fingers, the material torn far past its limits by Bakugou's growing knot.
"Dang, I guess it's a size too small, huh?"
Kirishima helps Bakugou through his first rut. You know, like any good best friend would.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27789139    this house of cards by justhavesex    23k, Hawks/Enji, AU, family fluff, 
In which Hawks, age 22, successfully becomes a home wrecking sugar baby.
Except, not really.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27746485    Northern Lights by quietfaun   11k, Hawks/Enji, 
There's someone in his apartment.
With one feather clutched in his hand, Keigo steps into his living room. “Who’s here?” He calls, voice knocked severe and low. “I saw you moving. Come out.”
A beat of silence.
And then a soft, “Hawks,” comes from the direction of his bedroom. Standing in the doorway, lit only by the moon and the ambient glow of the city, is Enji Todoroki.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23866006    Cotyledon by Sholosha    232k, Midoriya/Todoroki/Shinsou, slow burn, pining, UST, poly, 
It's his second year at UA, and Shinsou is finally, finally, transferring to the hero course. He's ready, he thinks, or hopes— either way, it doesn't matter, 'cause he's going to show everyone he's got what it takes. And it also doesn't matter that the longer he spends in the program, the more he can't stop thinking about a certain freckled wannabe-friend, and the more he's noticing that a certain stoic classmate is paying him a lot more attention than he'd like.
Whatever. Irrelevant. He's here to be a hero, not make friends. Even if they would be the first ones he's made in...ever. But it's his second year, and he's going to make it count by focusing on what's important.
His name is Shinsou Hitoshi, and he's going to be a goddamn hero.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27239734    keep it coming by bakunonist    35k, Hawks/Enji, friends with benefits, mutual pining, 
Hawks referenced what happened between them last night so casually, so offhandedly that Enji is filled with hope that maybe, just maybe, they’re actually on the same page:
They were drunk, and they made a mistake.
But most importantly, no matter how good it was—it’s not happening again.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27415918    after midnight by stereonightss    1k, Kirishima/Bakugou, first time, gentlest falling in love,
“Soap,” Katsuki says, holding out his hand, and just like reading minds Eijirou’s got the bottle ready, half-way reaching out. Katsuki’s hand catches his forearm instead of the bottle, hot and slick and steaming in the gap of the showers’ spray. A simple miscalculation, an innocent touch—but a lingering one, rough pale fingers dragging down the length of Eijirou’s arm, over his now trembling hand to pluck the bottle from his fingers.
Touches like that makes Eijirou wonder, did he know how I felt in high school? Does he know now?
Neither of them fell in love; it’s as though they always felt it deep inside. Or, the night it all came together. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27929647   red oleander by hupsoonheng    18k, Kirishima/Bakugou, hanahaki, pining, 
For his crimes of being selfish, mean, and with no love in his heart, Bakugou Katsuki is cursed by a mysterious old woman's hanahaki-like quirk. And because he is selfish, mean, and with more love in his heart than he knows what to do with, he lets it almost kill him.
my first bnha fic and the first writing i've done all year! (thanks, 2020.) it's also my first hanahaki fic, and i wanted to take more of a hans christian anderson take on the trope.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18092318   Wrapped Up by Mavericksy    21k, Sero/Todoroki, bondage, teenage crushes in adulthood, 
When Todoroki and Sero reunite as pro heroes for a friendly night of drinking, a confession is made that takes their paths in a direction neither of them were expecting.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27693374    hummingbird boy by gummyconcrete, what_a_loser    8k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining, 
Bakugou has dimples.
They’re not noticeable. Not by much, not with the way he scowls to hide them. But Kirishima still catches them, the first time he makes Bakugou crack a grin after he trips and fails a new stunt on his skateboard.
When Kirishima sees it—it’s a tiny dip in his cheeks, and one under his chin. They’re out in the sun, and small shadows tuck into his dimples charmingly. He’s grinning wide, boyish and rude and unhinged. He’s laughing, too, and the sound is brash.
Or; Kirishima learning what it really means to yearn.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27709468    marry me by shiggay    5k, Kirishima/Bakugou, 
“Marry me.”
“We’re fifteen, idiot.”
“C’mon, marry me.”
“Not right now,” Katsuki looks up from his notebook, leaning over to tap his pencil on the papers in front of Eijirou. “You have more equations to solve.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25274074    On Letting Go by meeokie    26k, Midoriya/Todoroki/Shinsou, quirk play, light BDSM, forced masturbation, 
Deku moved to shake Hitoshi’s waiting hand but paused, a dangerous calculating look flashing before he drew back an inch. “Well, couldn’t you just tell someone to come? Wouldn’t a body respond instantly to that command?”
Hitoshi grinned and shrugged his shoulders, knowing all too well how fast he could reduce someone with something like that. How fast he had already, with specific clients.
(Chapter 1: Deku/Shinsou, Chapter 2: Deku/Shinsou/Shouto)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27142273    Night Vision Binoculars by surveycorpsjean    45k, Hawks/Enji, friends with benefits, feral behaviour, light BDSM, birdy hawks, 
Hawks is acting strange, and Enji is going to find out why.
Oh, and something about ghosts, but not really. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14296956    Tender Violence by Leticheecopae   10k, Bakugou/Shinsou, accidental rivals to lovers, consesual mind control, 
Bakugo has an annoying habit of training well into the night, and for someone who gets as little sleep as Shinso, it is a pain in the ass; but third years have unlimited access, so what can he do? Fed up one night, he finally decides it's about time he figured out why the bombastic blonde is out destroying the training areas so late into the night; he doesn't expect to help him deal with the reason. 
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jooyeone · 4 years
omg i sent you three asks today? oh no, i'm sorry for spamming you, but i really do enjoy talking to you ☺ you're very velvety, i can't explain it i'm so sorry orz
yay, as long as you're happy, alice 🥰 i'm glad i made you smile 🥰
oh i miss winx club, they are adorable and the colors are very ":D" it's vivid and perky and very retro
yes, i have been warm and safe and hydrated~ thank you ☺
crazy because you once said that i made very playful and very strong butterflies appear and to sum it up, the first thing i thought of is crazy uwu 🦋 thank you for saying that i have calming vibe, that's very nice to hear, thank you 🥰
oh, it's kind of a new age thing? when i have certain worries or when i feel lonely, i usually see blue butterflies and it's a delight ☺ i consider them my spirit animal because i see them even when there are no flowers or gardens around~ it reminds me of my uncle who's already passed, because he always gave me things with blue butterflies! i like to think that the blue butterflies i see are him or from him 🦋
i shall try to answer everything in one ask uwu we can try the answer all asks in one post another time 😊
i do think he purrs back, have you seen him with cats, my heart bursts every single time 🥲 he is very good at making people (and animals apparently!!) feel at home and relaxed 🥰
yay thank you for the well wishes alice i will treasure them in my heart for when i feel discouraged 💕
i am happy that he's taking a break, and i wish he's actually spending time to rest because sometimes he doesn't understand that he is pushing himself too hard, so it's really nice but yes we do miss him, please come back home occasionally jimin 😔
i have yet to watch the spot, actually, but i feel like i did because it's all over my dash uwu
have a great day alice and look at more jimin photos when you're on a winx break ☺
you’re so cute 🥺🥺🥺 alright keeping the reply under wraps here to make it cleaner for the dash, here we go <3
also i can’t believe the timing because i caught your second message right now so i’m just gonna shoot two birds with one stone here
oh yay, that's great i was worried
and alice, remember that there's no rush okay, you can take all the time in the world to answer i will wait forever 🥰 it's just my nerves were getting to me, i'm sorry ☹
gosh i feel like high schooler with a crush 😢
please don't be pressured at all okay, that's the last thing i want 😔 oh and you don't need to reply to this one!!!
have fun with the winter package alice, i shall take my leave and get proper rest 🥰
oh i meant to say before but if you get criticism again it helps to meditate before getting to it! 🥰 just in case it happens again~ we don't want you feeling down 💕🦋
awww thank you for saying that! sometimes i do take some time before i can reply because of work, and i usually leave my messages either for early morning/late evening, and until then it’s mostly reblogs from me. so if i ever take some time to respond, this is why! 😊 and thank you, ah that’s a lovely idea!! it’s been a while since i’ve tried meditating so thank you for suggesting it!
“you’re very velvety” so cute 😭 i don’t mind it don’t worry omg, it’s lovely to talk to you too!
right?? i used to watch winx club a lot as a kid, even had some of the comics and i was so afraid of this adaptation because it looked so wrong, but i’m pleasantly surprised that it’s pretty fun so far. can recommend it if you ever need some mindless fun <3
awh i get it now 🥺 i’m so sorry to hear about your uncle, but i find it so pure and wholesome to hear about your connection with him and blue butterflies! i love that you can treasure that and find some comfort in such a lovely symbol!
he does have this gentle, calming aura around him! it definitely makes him feel like a very safe and warm presence to be around. and oh god how i agree with you on that one! really hoping he can pace himself and not put too much pressure on himself because he does have a tendency to do that. so whenever he feels comfortable to visit us again... we’re gonna be here 😔
aah i hope you’re having a great day as well and hopefully you can watch the teaser soon too!! it’s so comforting, you need to experience it 💖
1 note · View note
earthbovndmisfit · 5 years
Kiss me, Mister Joestar! (fanfic)
A Victorian gay man is madly in love with the sweetest gentleman. His love for him is so overwhelming that everyone around them seems to have noticed it already, including said gentleman's wife, who our sweet gay icon has become close friends with...
Is Jonathan really /that/ painfully oblivious to it all? Or could there be something more going on...? Whatever it might be, it's driving Robert insane, and things start getting even tougher on the matter for Speedwagon after the birthday party the Joestars threw for him.
A story written for Speedwagon's birthday, as you can tell by now.
Happy belated 156th birthday, you sweet dork!! <3 (posted it on the 16th on Ao3 but forgot to bring it here orz)
* * * * *
Pairings: Jonathan/Erina /&/ Jonathan/Speedwagon
* * * * *
More details and the whole fic under the cut... (if Read Mores don’t work for you and you don’t want to see this post, feel free to block the ;long post tag)
Notes: The story is set in 1889, a little less than a year after the events in PB. It’s also an AU where Jonathan lives. Everything went down the same as in canon, save for the fact that Dio died in Windknight's Lot (or at least he hasn't come back since). Jonathan's and Erina's honeymoon went as smoothly as it should have. Jonathan is also now an archaeologist, working on his many different researches on Aztec culture mainly. The rest more or less remains the same as in canon, including Speedwagon being helplessly in love with Jonathan.
In this story (and any other of my stories involving the Ogre Street gang), the Kenpo Master will be referred to as Li. That's the name I've given him: Li Jiang. I also have this headcanon that "Tattoo" is not the red-head's name, but a nickname he adopted after getting that trademark tattoo on his face (his name being Stephen O’Moore, but he's still addressed as Tattoo most of the time for his own personal reasons anyway).
Fun fact I just realized while writing this story: Just like this year's (2019) Oct 16th fell on a Wednesday, 1889's Oct 16th also fell on a Wednesday (cue a loud OH MY GOD).
Warnings: There’s a depiction of tobacco smoking. There are also a few mentions/depictions of pregnancy, and the usual cursing our dear Robert has us used to. Also “mentions” of period-typical homophobia.
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Soft chuckles and giggles could be heard coming from behind the closed doors of the tea room. A bit of a feat, considering how espacious the room was. Inside, two blondes comfortably sat in the large, cushioned, armchairs around the tea table, talking about all sorts of stuff over tea and pastries, filling each other in on the other’s news and sharing a laugh every now and then and just enjoying each other's company like they would normally do on evenings like this. It was getting late, and the time to say goodbye for the night was getting closer.
"I enjoyed spendin' this evenin' with you, Miss Joestar. As always, it was a wonderful one!"
"You don't have to keep up the formalities, Robert. We have been friends for how long now?" She made a brief pause. A rhetorical question that both knew didn't need an answer. "Just call me Erina." A kind smile graced her delicate features. He nodded, still feeling a bit inadequate to address any of the Joestars by their first names, but he couldn’t simply say no to them. "And, the feeling is mutual. It is always a pleasure to have you here. I just wish Jonathan could have been able to join us today."
"He's still workin' on that thesis, isn’t he?" A soft nod of her head was given in response.
"He says he is almost done with it. It is also due next week’s Monday, so he has had to work extra hours on it these past days." There's a sense of pride in her voice despite how much she wished she could have had more time to spend with him as of late.
"I'm completely sure 'is 'ard work 's gonna pay off." It always did. Jonathan was truly a hard working man, not only on the battlefield, but also in everything he did, always giving his all. Not to mention how passionate he was about his field.
"I have no doubts about it. Now, about that week’s Wednesday..."
"Oh. Please, don't burden yourself with that!" The man was quick to reply. "It 's nothin' special at all!"
"Come on. Don't be silly, Robert." The lady offered an even warmer smile and put her hand on top of Robert's as it rested on the table, giving it a soft and friendly squeeze. "It is all the opposite to 'nothing'. And it most certainly is special, too. And I'm completely sure Jonathan thinks so, too." Well, there was no arguing to that as Speedwagon could almost hear the brunet echoing his wife's words while giving Robert a pat to his shoulder. Still…
"But, Miss Joest–" Erina gave him a look and Robert tried again. "Ahh. Sorry... Erina. Blimey. It 's just, I... I wouldn't want t' impose and be a burden t’ any of you..."
"And you won't be. Never have been such, and I assure you that will not be the case either. Besides, this will be the first time we get to celebrate your birthday together, and I know Jonathan is just as excited as if this was his own birthday." She let out a soft chuckle, and she withdrew her hand, placing it this time on top of her pregnant belly. "And I can tell this little one is excited, too." Robert couldn't help a fond smile at all that. He certainly couldn't –and wouldn’t either– let any of the three down in any possible way. Not in this life or the next one (and every other lives that could come after that).
"Alrigh', but only if you're sure this 's not a hindrance t' you or Mister Jo–.... T' Jonathan."
"You have my word on that. Please, come visit us again for the date. And bring your friends, too. The maids will make sure everything is ready for the occasion. You don't have to worry about anything at all besides gracing us with your presence and having fun." She added with such a kind tone to her voice that it made it impossible for Speedwagon to add any "buts" to the conversation.
“I swear you two are too kind t’ me sometimes…”
“You deserve it.” She added with absolute honesty. “You have always done so much for us, and for Jonathan, mainly. It is the least we can do for you.”
“It’s nothin’ grand. I’m just doin’ my part on repayin’ Jojo for all ‘is kindness and everythin’ he’s done for me since we met.”
“You always make it sound like everything you do for us is insignificant, Robert, but I assure you it is not. We truly appreciate all of your actions. And I know you are so very special to Jonathan as much as he is to you.” Robert couldn’t help the blush that was now creeping up to his face, even though Erina voicing that sort of knowledge she had was not new by now. She had long ago found out about his true feelings for Jonathan, never having any issues with it at all.
Erina was fully aware of how easy it was to love Jonathan, and she also knew some of the story between Robert and him. She had also been perceptive enough to understand that there was something more to those apparent “codes” in Robert’s general appearance, which was far different from that of most gentlemen in England. That had been something Robert gladly explained for her as their friendship grew and both became more comfortable around each other, letting her know that, indeed, there was a meaning to them all, and that he had always had a liking for men. Whatever fear or worries he could have had until then about letting her know something as delicate as that faded away almost immediately after informing her of his situation as she never made any sorts of disgusting comments, nor gave him any weird looks nor treated him poorly, like many others would have probably done. All the opposite, all he ever got from her was sympathy without any kinds of judgement, and all her support.
And it never ceased, not even after he finally caved in, some time later, and admitted to her his undying feelings for Jonathan. It didn’t take her by surprise when he did, though. Then again, Robert had always had a tendency to be quite transparent about his feelings for the gentleman even when he tried not to. It had always been crystal clear that his admiration for him went far beyond a simple friendship, and that there was so much more that was still left unsaid. Something deeper. Something vastly more meaningful and everlasting. And she fully supported it.
“I will not take any attempts of refutals, Robert, and you know it.” She promptly added, not allowing him to downplay his own acts of love towards them but, mostly, towards Jonathan once more. The blond let out a soft whine, hoping the pink dusting his face would go away soon.
“You are mean, Erina…” He simply jested this time, leaning back into his chair.
“If that is what is going to take to make you understand just how special you are to us; how special you are to Jonathan, then I will be the meanest lady you will ever meet.” She said, her tone playful, but her words sincere. And Speedwagon could see that very well in her clear blue eyes.
“I truly do not deserve a friend like you.” A soft chuckle in the shape of a huff punctuated his words. He then picked up his cup of tea, sipping the last of it’s contents so he could take his leave.
“You are a wonderful man. You just haven’t realized it yet.”
“Wish I could believe that. I mean, it ‘s not that I doubt you or anythin’!! It ‘s just...” Robert averted his gaze, unconsciously letting his head hang a little. His tone sounded defeated, and Erina could tell the reason why.
“Jojo is fully aware of how wonderful you are, too. He just...” She sighed softly, unable to find the right words for it. “He can be a bit oblivious to the signs if you are not direct or clear enough with him sometimes. Especially at moments like this, when his mind is fully absorbed by something else.” Both remained in silence for a moment. Erina’s soft hand once more offering a reassuring touch to the back of Robert’s scarred one.
“I… know. I… I just wish I ‘ad the guts t’ finally be open with ‘im and just tell ‘im ‘ow I feel.” The man didn’t do much to lift his head, slipping his eyes closed for a moment instead. Erina could feel the muscles in Robert’s hand tensing up a little under her palm, right before he lifted his head. There was pain in his eyes. “I’m scared t’ death that he might find me disgustin’ and will not want t’ see me ever again.”
“Fear of rejection is the most normal thing to feel in this type of situations. The views most people have regarding people with ‘a different taste’ than the rest does not help much on that matter, but it does not mean everyone will turn against you, and I’m almost certain you know that very well after all the experiences you’ve had, and all the people you have met around the globe.” Her tone was soft, reassuring. Even with his lack of an interest in women, it was easy for Robert to see why Jojo loved her so much. “I’m afraid I don’t have the exact answer you are looking for, but I know in my heart that, no matter what, Jojo will never think any less of you.” The pain was still visible in his gaze, but he seemed to be a bit more at ease after hearing that.
“Thank you, Erina. You are an absolute saint.” The woman then shook her head, lightly.
“I beg to differ. I just want you two to be the happiest possible.”
“And you say you’re not a saint, eh…?” Both blondes shared a soft laugh and Erina withdrew her hand once more. “Well, looks like it ‘s time for me t’ go.” Speedwagon stood up from his seat. He straightened his waist coat and adjusted his frock coat before he picked his hat and put it on his head. Erina stood up as well.
“The carriage that will take you home is waiting for you.” To which Robert could only stare at her; his eyes widening a bit and his mouth slightly agape.
“What? Blimey, that won’t be necessary. I can just–”
“I told you before: I will not be taking any negative responses for an answer.” She cut him short with that gentle tone of hers and a matching smile.
“One day, I don’t know ‘ow, but one day I will repay you two for everythin’ you’ve done for me.”
“Until then, please, be kind and accept these small displays of gratitude of ours.” Truly, there was no way they could dislike each other.
It took Robert some effort to convince Erina not to walk him to the main entrance of the mansion, but he did it. He worried too much over her and her pregnancy sometimes. It was almost comical in an endearing way just how much Jonathan and him resembled each other on that matter. However, and all that aside, the truth was that Erina was in her 8th month of pregnancy, almost the 9th, so moving around freely and without getting easily tired was not as simple as before, so she had to take it easy, mostly for the baby’s sake.
Not long after saying their farewells for the night –and Robert saying farewell to little Jojo as well–, and after greeting the coachman that was going to take him home, Robert was finally on the carriage, leaving the Joestar state. As the place began to disappear behind them, one of Speedwagon's hands went up to the chest pocket of his coat. He could feel the squared shape of the envelope Erina had given him earlier that day, shortly after he’d arrived. It was a little letter Jonathan had left for him to make up for his absence that day. He hadn't read it yet, and he was completely sure nothing out of the ordinary was written in it, and yet…
"He really took some time outta 'is day t' write this for me, huh...?" He mused under his breath, and the sole thought made his heart flutter. He was so madly in love with that man it was almost unbelievable.
With that image of Jonathan, as busy as he was, taking some time for him and writing that letter with him in mind, still lingering in his head, Robert leaned back into the cushioned seat of the carriage. He wanted to read the contents of the letter, even if there was nothing more in it than Jojo’s heartfelt apologies for missing his visit and the promise of properly making up for it and seeing him next time, but he knew any attempts of actually reading it would be futile with the lack of proper lighting inside the carriage. He let out a sigh and took his hat off, placing it on the empty seat beside him. He made himself comfortable –as comfortable as a big, 5’11” tall man like him could get in a space like that– and tried to get some sleep.
About a week later, the same carriage was seen making it’s way back to Liverpool. This time, though, there were two more passengers travelling along. The trip, unlike last time, felt a lot shorter. Probably because this time Robert had his Ogre Street mates with him all along to kill some time. Or maybe because, this time, he knew what Jonathan had wanted to tell him in the letter.
Just as Robert had expected then, there had been nothing particularly grand in it. It had been full to the brim with sincere apologies and all as well filling him in on some of the news of his everyday and stuff about his most recent work. What had made him feel a bit too anxious in anticipation, though, had been a line that Jojo added near the end. Something about a big surprise. Of course, it was a bit too much of a stretch that that could mean… what Robert kind of thought (more like, wished) it could mean, and he knew it. But still, that didn’t make much to ease that feeling that was pooling in the pit of his stomach, and he felt kind of silly about it. Being so excited over something that was most likely not going to happen, was he even for real? He questioned himself over and over again since reading that letter the morning after he’d left the Joestar mansion days ago, and still did now as the three guests were led into the mansion by one of the butlers while another took their baggage to the designated rooms upstairs. The first butler then took them into the banquet hall, where their hosts were awaiting for them.
Even though this was not the first time Tattoo and Li visited the Joestar estate, that didn’t change much that feeling of inadequacy the three of them were always victims of whenever they visited. This place was so huge and imposing. Regardless of the kind nature of Jonathan and Erina, always making them feel welcome, it was near impossible for folks with much less fortunate backgrounds such as the three of them not to feel that way, like they were completely out of place. Never in their lives they would have imagined they would set foot into a majestic place like this unless they were raiding it...
The big double doors of the hall were pushed open by the butler guiding them through the mansion and he stepped aside, so the group could come in. The first thing Robert saw as he stepped into the room was Jonathan’s beautiful smile.
“Robert!” The younger man greeted, excited, waving his hand –manners and 100% proper and sober Victorian etiquette were still not his forte, huh– and rushed towards the newcomers. “You came! I was worried you wouldn’t!”
“There ‘s no way on Earth I’d ever let you down, Jonathan.” Robert took his hat off and offered a gentle smile of his own while secretly trying to hide the soft blush he felt was threatening to creep up to his cheeks at the sight of his favorite gentleman smiling so bright at him. The taller man then grabbed him by his shoulders in a gentle manner, showing just how excited he was to see him again after so long.
“I know, I know!! But still! I was just...worried, you know?” Jonathan rubbed his cheek a little before he loosened his grip and hugged the man instead. Something quite improper, especially between two men, but it was something that Speedwagon couldn't find any reasons to complain about. He returned the hug in a very similar manner, enjoying every second of it, unconsciously memorizing the smell of Jojo’s lotion mixed with his own flowery scent. A true delight to his sensitive nose. "I'm so happy that you're here." His voice was low as there was no need to raise it with how close they were from each other, Jonathan practically whispering those words into his ear. Robert felt his legs go a tad weak, but they didn't give in, mostly thanks to Jonathan’s strong but tender embrace. He knew Tattoo and Li were going to tease him on end about this later but, fuck it, he couldn't care less about that.
“And I am truly ‘appy t’ be ‘ere, you big sap.” He replied in a lighthearted way, adding that last bit in an attempt to play it cool and not completely give himself away, even though he was almost completely sure at this point that everyone in the room –save for the object of his affections, unfortunately– were well aware of the true nature of his feelings for Jonathan. The brunet finally pulled away from the hug and properly greeted Li and Tattoo as well, shaking hands with them and exchanging kind words and genuine smiles. Erina also came to greet them all, in a much more proper manner than her husband, but just as warm and kind as him. Those two were nothing at all like most other rich folks Speedwagon had ever met before.
“How’s little Jojo doin’ today?” Robert asked, his gaze falling down to Erina’s pregnant belly for a moment.
“Wonderfully!” She replied; her smile never fading away. “And quite excited, too. They have been kicking a lot today.”
“They are excited because they knew Uncle Speedwagon was coming today.” Jonathan added as he moved back to Erina’s side, draping an arm around her shoulders. That sweet smile of his in full display once more…
...And Robert couldn’t help the blush on his face. Not just at that beautiful sight, but at what Jonathan had just said.
“Uncle…?” He echoed, and the couple’s smiles grew wider and even warmer.
“That’s correct!” They both said almost in unison.
To think Erina and Jojo considered him good enough for such an important role in their child’s life… Lord, he felt so undeserving.
“I honestly don’t think I’m the most fit for the role, but I’ll ‘appily do my best t’ not disappoint any of you!” The smile gracing his features mirrored those on the couple’s faces in every possible way, showing just how touched he genuinely was. Having known Robert long before Jojo had come into his life, Li and Tattoo found it truly sweet to finally see him being this happy, and surrounded with so much love, even if not everything about it had been going the exact way their mate wished. They knew the kind of man he was underneath that tough and rough exterior he was very well known for in all of the slums, and knew how deserving he truly was of every single ounce of it. Both of them placed a hand on each of Speedwagon’s shoulders as a sign of that, smiling at him and at the Joestars as well, and the man returned the gesture with that genuine smile of his as well.
“We are so happy to hear you say that. Now, please, don’t stand there and come take a seat!” Erina added and walked over to the huge dining table. Jojo led them to it as well. Some of the maids had already come in and were already getting everything ready for the meal, bringing in the dishes for them all to enjoy.
“Hope you have a good appetite today!” Jojo exclaimed as he pulled the chairs out for their guests. “The staff worked hard on all this, so I hope the food is to your taste.” And he finally sat down as well once everyone was in their seats; the maids and butlers putting the many plates of hot food on the table before each one of them and getting everything ready for everyone to enjoy their meals. Once they all had finished their food, they all went outside and took a walk around the majestic gardens surrounding the mansion, enjoying the beautiful views and the still gentle breeze of the first month of Fall.
The reunion went down as smooth as expected so far: A shared high spirit, lots of fun and interesting stories about many different subjects shared by everyone, genuine laughter and smiles, incredibly tasty food (and many different dishes to sink their teeth into, too). A pleasant time they all deserved and had been looking forward to as well.
Low tea time then came, and they were all greeted in the tea room by a different part of the staff working at the mansion. Hot beverages, all sorts of delicious pastries, the perfect lighting. Everything was ready by the time they got there. Everyone took a seat and soon after, the tea was served.
“This ‘as been such a lovely day,” Robert finally said sometime later, visibly touched by the heartwarming gesture of the Joestar couple towards him and his old friends. It was hard to believe that, this exact day, one year ago, he had been spending the day in the streets, just wandering around aimlessly, killing time and causing trouble... “and I wanna thank you both for everythin’. I still don’t know what on Earth did I do so right t’ deserve you both in my life.”
“Just being yourself. That’s what you did.” Jonathan replied with that gentle smile of his aimed at the blond, who was sitting right beside him. Erina nodded. “I don’t think I’ve had the opportunity to say this before, but I think you already know it: You are one of the persons I admire the most. You are so very special, Robert. And I hope you haven't forgotten about the surprise I mentioned in the letter." Jonathan's words, as usual, didn't fail to paint the blond’s cheeks a sweet tone of pink that, hopefully, was not easy to notice. And, the reminder of the letter only served to make that blush last a little longer.
Jojo stood up and walked over to one of the cabinets in the room. From one of the drawers, he pulled something out, something he had previously put in there himself for this moment, and asked Robert to come over, which he did. Everyone's eyes followed them, curious as to what Jonathan had gotten him. Not even Erina knew, as Jonathan had insisted all the time that it was a surprise. Meanwhile, Robert was inwardly pleading for his heart to stop pounding so hard in his chest. Once he was before Jonathan, he was presented with a light-gray small box –though it could very well just be that anything looked small in Jonathan's hands–. It was a bit flat and there was a lavender ribbon on top of it. He nodded, encouraging Robert to open his present right away.
"I hope you like it." The nobleman added, expectant for the other's reaction, watching him open the box, revealing an elegant sterling silver pocket watch –a hunter-case one–, attached to a silver chain. The thing looked so expensive it felt so alien in Robert's hand.
"Jojo, you didn't–"
"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to." He finished his sentence with a kind smile. "You deserve so much more than this, but I hope you like it nevertheless!"
"Are you kiddin' me? I love it!" He beamed. And he wasn’t lying. He did love it, but not because of how fancy and nice it looked. It was because it was a present from the man he loved so dearly. He could have gotten some cheap trinket from him and his reaction would have been entirely the same.
"I'm so happy to hear that! And there's one more thing. Take a look inside." His index finger pointing at the watch. Robert did as requested and carefully opened it. On the back of the lid there was a set of numbers engraved, written in beautiful cursive. It was… a date?
"Jonathan. This ‘s...?" Jonathan nodded.
"The date of the day we met for the first time." And Robert froze on the spot. Of course, there was the ‘embarrassing’ part attached to the memory –that of Tattoo, Li and him trying to gut Jonathan alive while the young man had been doing nothing but seeking for an antidote to save his Father’s life, something that the three ruffians still felt terrible about–, but there was also a unique feeling to it, as that had also been the day that this man had come into his life, ready to change everything in it for good: His views, his wrecked and reckless ways, his life style and the way he perceived life and the world around him, the way he perceived himself, showing him that he was worth something, showing him that there was so much more to life than what that little underworld in the slums had to offer. The day he had so fiercely fallen for this ‘rich boy’ that was nothing like the rest, the one who was a true gentleman in every possible way. The one that had captivated his heart like no other had and that Robert was absolutely convinced was the one and only love of his life.
The blond couldn’t find any words to say. He was genuinely speechless, with his gaze fixed on the engraving for a little longer as the memories and the swirl of emotions engulfed him whole. It was such a ‘small’ detail, but one that meant the world to him, as it showed and left no doubts about Robert’s importance in Jonathan’s life. The moment he raised his gaze, meeting Jojo’s, his eyes were visibly glassy, and that was something that didn’t escape Jonathan. He didn’t make any comments on it, though, figuring it would make Speedwagon feel uncomfortable and exposed so, instead, he pulled him into a tight hug.
“Happy Birthday, Robert.” He said in a soft voice. Speedwagon leaned into the hug, wrapping his arms around Jojo’s larger frame.
“Thank you… Jojo…” He replied in a similar manner, trying his best to choke down his tears, and doing a fairly decent job at it. When the hug ended, they both went back to the table and enjoyed the rest of the evening along with the rest of their friends and family. Outside, the night had fallen over the vast Liverpool skies.
Ever since this celebration had been planned, it had been agreed by all of them that Robert, Li and Tattoo were staying over for a few days after that. There were plenty of guest rooms in the mansion, so having them over would definitely be no issue at all. Since they weren’t going back to London tonight, there was also no need to rush anything, and so conversations and all sorts of activities went on for a while longer than they usually would on a regular visit. Time went fast by, and it was getting really late. They were all tired after such a long and fun day, so everyone went to their respective bedrooms, ready to call it a day.
“Erina, dear.” Jojo called once they were alone in their room. Something seemed to be bothering him.
“…It might just be me but, did you notice anything different in Robert later today?”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know how to describe it, but it felt like…”
“Like something was off?” She looked at him; her soft hands rested on her belly as she remained sitting on the edge of their bed.
“Yes. Yes, something like that.” He said after a moment of pondering about it. “Do you know what it could possibly be? I don’t recall him mentioning any issues before or anything that could be bothering him.” He inquired, hoping she would know something he didn’t and could tell him about. Maybe the two of them had talked about something that could be troubling him during his previous visit?
Erina let out a soft sigh and lightly shook her head.
“Oh, Jojo.” She looked into her husband’s eyes. Even through the dim light from the oil lamp on the nightstand he could see that look she would always give him whenever he was missing something important that was a bit obvious. It wasn’t a condescending look at all. All the opposite, really. “You have not noticed it yet, have you?”
And her words threw him off. Completely.
“I could tell you, but I think it would be best for you, and for Robert, that you find that answer out for yourself, dear.”
Jonathan continued staring at her; his thick brows knitted together. He was infinitely puzzled still. She stood up and walked towards him. She cupped his face in her hands and gently pulled him closer, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
“Look. I won’t mind if you want to go and talk with him. Knowing him, I’m sure he is going to be up for a while longer, and I’m convinced he will appreciate your company through the night.” Which was something both knew for sure. It was no secret that Speedwagon was a night owl, and him staying over at someone’s place probably wouldn’t change that the slightest. Jonathan nodded. He then kissed Erina in return before he left.
Meanwhile, a few doors down the hall, in his room, Robert was leaning against the door frame that led to the balcony. He had already taken his coat and waistcoat off, both of which he had left on the footboard of the four poster bed. The turmoil inside his head (and heart) had gotten considerably worse as hours had ticked away, so he had opted for making himself comfortable –as comfortable as one could in that condition– and take a breath of fresh air while, a bit ironically, having a smoke, hoping that would soothe him enough so he could get some sleep later that night. He lit a cigarette and stared outside, softly humming to a tune he had heard some time ago, when he visited the Caribbean. His room had quite a nice view of the gardens their whole group had walked through earlier. They looked so different under the moonlight, but still as beautiful as before. It was a really nice change from the urban landscapes he was so used to back in London. He remained like that for a moment, enjoying the chilly but gentle wind of Fall. His tie was undone, and his shirt was open, allowing that chilly wind to gently brush against the exposed skin of his scarred chest. He put the cigarette between his lips and slipped a hand into the pocket of his trousers, producing the silver pocket watch Jonathan had given him earlier, idly fiddling with it and running his fingers over the smooth surface as he took a drag of his cigarette. His gaze was fixed on the timepiece now and he could see the way the moonlight shone so beautiful on it’s surface. His mind, suddenly, decided to go back to earlier that day, to that moment when Jonathan had hugged him for the second time, and he felt that rush of emotions strike him all over again.
“You’re such a bloody fool, Robert…” He whispered to himself. Being so madly in love with a nobleman. And not just that, but a married gentleman. His friend’s husband at that. And, while said friend was absolutely okay with those tender feelings he had for him, and even encouraged him to take the next step whenever he felt ready for it, if he ever did, he still felt so silly about it all. He had no leads that Jonathan was… well, like that. No leads or hints that he had somewhat of a taste for men, like an invert man such as Robert did. And not just that, but he was also scared to death of not only being rejected by the man he loved, but he was also scared of being seen by him as nothing but a disgusting pervert as well. The sole idea of Jonathan telling him that he didn’t want anything to do with him anymore was frightening and painful enough to make the former thug want to keep his mouth and heart shut as much as he could, as much as it hurt. He’d rather remain a close friend and be by his side always, until the very end, than risk losing him forever…
A soft knock on his room’s door echoed through the room, dragging him back to the present time.
“C’mon in.” Speedwagon raised his voice enough for the visitor to hear and slipped the watch back into his pocket. He looked over his shoulder when he heard the door open and then click shut a second later. Even in the darkness that was engulfing the room now that the oil lamps were off, he could still make out the huge silhouette of the Joestar heir walking towards him. The blond turned on his heels, failing to realize just how ‘improper’ he must have been looking at the time (etiquette wasn’t always his forte, especially with an upbringing like his and the fact that he was still a man from the worst part of the slums). “Oi, Jojo.” He greeted, raising his hand a little.
“H-Hey.” He said once he got to Speedwagon’s side, mirroring that gesture.
“I thought you were with Erina. ‘s somethin’ the matter?” He asked, genuinely curious, and even a tad worried.
“No, no. Everything is fine! I mean, not everything, but yes. Just...”
“Are you sure? ‘cause this ‘s definitely not like you.” His concern growing deeper. “Do you need t’ talk, perhaps?”
“Yeah, I guess...” His voice trailed off. He looked, and sounded, so lost for a moment. Robert had no clue what this was all about, but he was going to try his best to be of aid. “It’s about earlier…”
“Yeah…? What ‘bout it?”
“I couldn’t help but notice that something was kind of, well, off with you…”
“Erina noticed it, too. I tried to ask her about it. She seems to know something, but she wouldn’t tell me anything. She said it would be best for us to talk.”
Robert couldn’t help a soft chuckle, exhaling a bit of smoke in the process.
“Don’t get me wrong for what I’m ‘bout t’ say, please, but that woman ‘s an absolute angel. I can truly see why you love ‘er so much.” He admitted as he looked away into the horizon once more. Jonathan smiled in response, finding no fails or lies in that whole statement about his sweet Erina. His gaze followed Robert’s and, after a moment of silence and even a little of hesitation, he tried again.
“So…? Something’s been bothering you…?” He asked cautiously, not wishing to upset Speedwagon in any possible way. The blond hesitated to respond, taking a couple seconds to think, and re-think, his answer. He suddenly felt cold, as if his blood had been drained from his body, and a chill ran down his spine as realization fell down on him. There was no turning back now, was it?
“...It ‘s not like there’s somethin’ botherin’ me per se… It s just… somethin’ else. Somethin’ that’s been goin’ on for quite a long time now and that I, shamefully, ‘aven’t had the ballocks t’ be frank ‘bout it.” He admitted, unconsciously taking another drag of his cigarette before putting it off on the ashtray that was sitting on top of the bureau by the door. Jonathan’s face was colored in concern after hearing those words. It had to be something quite undesirable if it had lasted for so long while also making Speedwagon want to keep his mouth shut on the matter all this time, he figured.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner about it?” His voice reflecting that same concern that was plastered all over his face. “I would have helped you out as soon as you told me!” There was a tinge of pain in Robert’s features, and the moonlight made sure Jonathan didn’t miss that as the shorter man turned to look at him.
“Haven’t you noticed it yet, Jojo...?” The brunet remained silent, trying to piece it all together.
“I…” He stammered. Robert gulped hard and locked eyes with him. It was now or never, right? Right.
“I love you.”
“You ‘eard me right!” He nearly shouted. “I love you, Jonathan…! I love you so damn much! And I always ‘ave ever since you came into my life all that time ago...” He said, trying to keep himself collected as much as he could. His fists were clenched into tight balls at his sides while hot tears threatened him, stinging his eyes. Jojo stared at him, wide eyed, and at a complete loss for words. “I’d been keepin’ that t' myself all this time ‘cause… ‘cause I was scared t’ death of losin’ you. I still am!” He took a deep breathe. It was still hard for Robert to conceive that a ruthless gang leader such as himself could be this vulnerable before someone else, but here he was, exposing himself once more, though in a completely open manner this time for a change, confessing all those feelings he had tried so hard to keep to himself. “I don’t expect you t’ return my feelings. Bloody ‘ell, I will even understand if you don’t wanna see my disgustin’ arse ever again, and I promise I will never show m’self ‘round ‘ere anymore! I just… I just… really ‘ad t’ let all this out somehow before it ate me alive whole...” The pain was almost tangible in his voice as he uttered all those words.
And, suddenly, all those signs Jonathan had seen countless times coming from him before made so much sense. So much more that he couldn’t help but feel so inept, and like the biggest fool around for being so painfully oblivious to it all while even Erina had noticed it so long ago but, also, for having forced himself to keep his own feelings towards this man before him locked away…
“I’m...sorry for disappointin’ you and not bein’ who you thought I was, Mister Joestar…” He spoke again, even shaking a little, and he lowered his eyes, bringing back the formalities now that his chances of being on the list of undesirable people in this household had increased exponentially...
...Or so he thought.
“What on Earth are you talking about!?” The younger male grabbed him by the shoulders, making him raise his head and look back into Jojo’s face. There was a glint of something in his eyes. Something that Speedwagon could not quite read at first but that seemed like… pain? He had no time to ponder too much about it as Jonathan immediately pulled him into yet another tight hug, though, this time he was holding on to him like his very life depended on it, yet careful not to crush him in the process. “There is no way you could ever disappoint me!!” He sounded hurt, and he legitimately was. “The only one I am disappointed with is myself for being so blind and not being able to return your feelings sooner…” He paused, trying to find the right words to voice what was going on through his mind. “...I think I’d known about it all for a bit. I just… didn’t say anything for that same reason: I was afraid of being wrong in my assumptions and losing you forever! And, also, Erina… I… I didn’t know how she would react to the news that I had a special fondness for you, a special fondness as intense as that I have for her, and I didn’t want to make her feel like I didn’t love her anymore, much less now that she is carrying our baby.” The brunet tightened the hug a little; his fingers gently digging into the fabric of Robert’s shirt as he finally opened up, his hot tears rolling down and soaking Robert’s shirt. There was nothing but absolute honesty in his every word, and Robert could easily notice that. “I was so confused because I love her so much, and never have stopped loving her either. At first I was not aware that it was possible to love two different persons in the same manner, and so fiercely, at the same time. It… It took me a while to figure that out on my own and, still, I decided to keep quiet about it because I didn’t know how to bring it up to her, and how to bring it up to you as well. I tried to convince myself that… all of this, all those signs you gave off… as well as everything I was feeling… that it was all in my head. Guess I only made a fool out of myself in the end, didn’t I?”
Robert pulled Jojo away just enough so they could make eye contact once more. It broke his heart to see his gentleman break down like this.
“Jojo... dear. Lord…” He struggled to find the right words to say and could feel his own tears finally rolling down his face. There was so much in what Jonathan had just said that he could relate to in his own way... “You ‘aven’t done anythin’ wrong! Besides… It 's also my fault that you didn’t know for sure just ‘ow much I’ve always loved you until now! And I’m really sorry ‘bout that… I really wish I ‘ad the guts t’ be open with you ‘bout that sooner instead of tryin’ t’ hide it all and pretend nothin’ else was goin’ on...” Both men, remained in silence for a moment, still close to each other. It was then that Jonathan spoke once more.
“I guess… that makes both of us a pair of fools…”
“The biggest of ‘em all, I’m afraid…” Both of them shared a soft laugh despite those tears still wetting their faces; their foreheads pressed together as they did. One of Jojo’s hands went up to tenderly cup Speedwagon’s chin with his thumb and index finger.
“Robert… May I…?”
“Goddamnit, Jojo…” Robert let out a soft huff and cupped Jonathan’s face in his hands; his little smile not fading away the slightest. “Just fuckin’ kiss me…!”
Jonathan tilted Robert’s face slightly to the side, allowing himself a better access. His other hand went to rest on the small of the blond’s back, and he finally pressed their lips together in a long awaited kiss that Robert gladly returned in the same loving manner, both of them pouring into it all those feelings they had been holding back for so long.
They remained in each other’s arms for a little longer after the kiss ended, refusing to let go just like that.
“Would you… stay with me tonight? I mean, only if you think Erina will be alrigh’ with that. I wouldn’t wanna get on ‘er bad side ever.” Robert whispered as he rested his head on Jonathan’s chest. He could hear the soft rumble that was his chuckle. They both knew very well that Erina could be quite scary when she wished to.
“That will be completely alright.” He said with a full smile on his face. “We should go inside, though. It’s getting colder, and I don’t want you to catch a cold or worse!”
“This is nothin’ compared t’ what Ogre Street ‘as me used to, darlin’.”
“Yeah, I suppose so, but... About that, I know that you along with Tattoo and Li have turned down the offer of moving in with us countless times already, but I must insist once more.”
“I told you, dear, we don’t wanna be a nuisance t’ either of you.”
“But you wouldn’t be! Besides… I want. No, I need Erina and you, my two loves, by my side.” Speedwagon let out yet another soft chuckle.
“Blimey... You’re really the biggest daisy I’ve ever met, Jonathan.” He said fondly, “But I will gladly take you up on that this time. Little Jojo might need their Uncle ‘round when they arrive, and I’m sure Erina might appreciate some friendly company as well. And, much like yourself...” He stood on his tiptoes, gently bringing Jojo’s face down by his chin a little. “...I also need my one true love by my side.” His voice soft, sealing those words with yet another kiss under the pale moonlight.
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Final notes: This story took so long for me to get it done from start to end, but it's finally here!
This is, I think, the first time I actually write something for the lovely jonaeri/jonawagon ot3~ :'D I also loved writing those bits with Robert and Erina together. They were super fun, and I also loved the idea of Robert happily telling her about the gay codes from that time and just kind of getting her into that little secret world, not only because Erina is the ultimate ally, but also, because, given the taboos in Victorian England, it's pretty much a given that Robert usually had to keep a lot of things from most people, sometimes friends included, so he really appreciates those time whenever he's allowed to be himself and is able to share some of that with others. Needless to say how much I love writing jonawagon and putting them in sweet and cozy scenes~
I can honestly say I'm pleased with how this story turned out, but I would definitely love to hear your thoughts on it!
Feedback, likes, reblogs and everything else (shares outside of Tumblr and Ao3, too) are always encouraged and highly appreciated!!
Thanks for reading!
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voidpants · 5 years
“Wanna go out sometime?” convin, post-canon, pre-relationship?
heyyyyyyyyyy nonnie sorry this is so late i totally forgot about it orz
"I respect you, Gavin, which is why I'm going to tell you what's going to happen here, and just expect you to take the fucking order without whining."
"Wow, not even gonna let me in the fucking door before you lay some shit on me, huh."
"Shut the fuck up, kid."
"Fuck you too, Jeff."
"The RK800 is coming back. Passed his exams, and he starts here next week as a uniformed rookie."
"Yes. I'm making him your problem."
"Jeff, no."
"Gavin. Not to say anything that'll further inflate the fucking blimp you call a head, but you're my best guy. Any other uniform or detective I could put him with, he'd run circles around. It'd be fucking embarrassing for everyone involved, but honestly? Mostly for me. So. He's all yours. Try not to get your ass beat again."
"God, I fucking hate you."
"Noted, Detective."
The thing is, despite the... everything about the entire fucking situation, working with Connor is good.
In the past, Gavin's never remained partnered for very long.
According to his former partners, it's because Gavin is an arrogant, uncompromising sociopath, and that's... a fair assessment of his character, probably.
But the real problem has always been that they just couldn't keep up.
See, Gavin's good at his job. He's great at his job. Gavin is a goddamn fucking genius, and he's got the single minded dedication to apply that genius for as long and as hard as he needs to to see results.
Gavin doesn't have fucking time for people who either can't follow the way his mind works, or aren't committed enough to the job to do whatever it takes to see a case closed.
But Connor...
Connor keeps up. Gavin never has to explain his leaps in logic, because Connor just fucking sees. He's just right there, building off them as if they were his own, expecting Gavin to follow his own leaps like it's just a given.
And as far as dedication goes, he's as obsessively laser focused as Gavin could possibly ask for.
It's the most satisfying professional relationship Gavin's ever had in his life.
Now if they could just interact outside of the context of an active case without a repeat of the evidence locker looming in the distance, that would be great.
Gavin's hiding in the break room.
It's a pretty shit place to hide, admittedly, what with the full view from the bullpen, and no furniture big enough to give him any sort of cover.
But it has the coffeemaker, so it's still preferable to literally any other hiding place in the building.
Besides, it's not as if anyone is going to come look for him in here, even if everyone in the precinct is one hundred percent aware of where he is.
He really shouldn't have blown up. He can admit that, privately, to himself, in his own head, where the thought can stay and get quarantined and die a fiery death.
Connor had just been trying to be friendly. Probably. Talking about something that wasn't the latest stiff. He wouldn't even have needed to do any fucking scans to know about Gavin's cats, it's not as if Gavin doesn't have his moments of being an obnoxious pet owner. But Connor had just opened his mouth, with that... stupid fucking smile on his face, and asked about their breeds, and that itch that's always under Gavin's skin when the android looks at him had just fucking snapped into an almost painful buzzing, and then he'd started yelling.
At least he hadn't thrown any punches, thank fucking God. He'd been sorely fucking tempted once Connor had started replying to whatever dumb shit was spilling from Gavin's mouth, unflinchingly level and reasonable. But then he'd said some stupid shit about Connor deviating, factory settings, and police work, like a fucking jackass, and Connor's mouth had gone tight and he had leaned in, LED flickering from yellow to red, and told him: "Walk away, Gavin."
And it didn't calm the crawling in his skin, but at least it made him painfully aware of how he was one wrong move away from getting curb stomped in a reasonably well-trafficked corridor, in view of at least two security cameras.
So he'd stormed off to the break room to attempt to drown himself in a coffee cup and regret never learning how to fake being a functioning human adult for even five minutes.
He wishes he’d had his tablet on him so he could have done some paperwork while mainlining his coffee; he feels awkward sitting around wasting time when there are reports waiting to be meticulously filled out and filed. But fuck if he’s going out to the bullpen before he can be reasonably sure he won’t fucking meltdown as soon as someone looks at him.
Someone clears their throat behind him, and Gavin freezes, because there are a grand total of three people who’d dare, and since Anderson is retired, and Jeff left three hours ago, there’s only one option.
Connor looks… neutral, when Gavin finally manages to turn around. Which means he’s absolutely still pissed.
“Officers Wilkins and Morgan wanted coffee,” he says, not clipped, but definitely not anywhere close to friendly either. “They were both apparently too concerned with your mental state to come get some for themselves. Can I please use the machine?”
“Uh, sure,” Gavin says, eloquently, as he shuffles back to give Connor access.
“Thank you, Detective Reed,” he replies, smiling blandly, and ah shit. He only calls him Detective Reed when he’s angry and planning to be fucking unpleasant about it.
Fuck Gavin’s entire life.
He watches Connor grab two cups and beginning to fix them up with coffee, looking perfectly calm and comfortable, except  for the yellow LED at his temple. At least the silence seems to be awkward for both of them.
Gavin needs to fix this. It hurts him deep in his soul to admit it even to himself, but he fucked up, and he needs to actually fix it, instead of just enduring until hopefully Connor gets over it and they start pretending it never happened.
“Uh, about earlier...” he starts, and cringes at how fucking dumb and awkward he sounds.
Connor freezes mid-movement, LED flashing red. It lasts only for a split-second, then he’s calmly stirring sugar into one of the cups again. “Yes?”“I, uh. I… shouldn’t have said that.” God he’s so fucking bad at this. How did two people who talked at others for a living produce this?
This time, the pause in Connor’s movement looks deliberate. He doesn’t speak, and he doesn’t turn, and Gavin assumes that means he’s supposed to keep up his pathetic attempts at groveling.
“I was out of line,” he forces out, trying to remember if he ever learned how to sound genuine. “I’m the last person who should be judging someone for… literally any work related life choices. I just… I don’t know, I was an asshole for no fucking reason.” He thinks he’s going to throw up. “I’m sorry.”
There’s no reply. Connor doesn’t say anything, just keeps thoughtfully fixing up his friends’ coffees, and Gavin feels distantly angry about that, somewhere deep under the rising panic and feverish terror. He fucking hates feelings, who the fuck thought those were a good fucking idea?
He takes a sip of coffee, proud of how his hand isn’t shaking, to stop himself from marching out of the room and up the stairs to throw himself off the fucking roof.
“Do you want to go out sometime, Gavin?”
Gavin doesn’t choke on his coffee, but it’s fucking close. He can’t have heard that correctly. There’s no way. No fucking way. Nuh-uh. Nuh. Uh.
“I’m sorry?”
“Yes, I know, you said that already,” Connor says, turning to smile at him, warmer now, and oooooh, this fucking asshole.
“Don’t get fucking smart with me, you smarmy plastic fuck,” Gavin growls, stepping in to poke Connor in the chest. “What the fuck was that?”
He looks down at where Gavin’s finger is poking him, brushing it away with his hand, then back up to meet Gavin’s eyes, look on his face like he thinks he’s too stupid to live. “It’s a simple question, Gavin. Do you. Want. To go out. Sometime?”
And Gavin doesn’t know how to react, because this situation has just stopped making any sort of sense, so all he can think of to say is “What the fuck?”
And Connor.
This plastic motherfucker.
He smirks, running his eyes down Gavin’s body, tongue coming out to wet his lips, looking like a fucking predator and Gavin has never felt so objectified in his life.
“Well,” he says, shrugging, eyes running back up to Gavin’s face, and Gavin is suddenly painfully aware he’s blushing like a dumbass kid in the middle of the department break room. “That does seem like a more productive way to work out our interpersonal tension than antagonizing each other until it comes to blows, considering that I can, and would, snap you like a twig.”
Gavin swallows helplessly, too fucking loud, and Connor grins like a fucking shark.
“Unless that’s what you like, of course,” he says lightly, and Gavin can’t look away from his eyes, dark and warm, and full of promise. “I’d be willing to give it a try in a scenario where I wasn’t being provoked with personal attacks.”
He stays there, in Gavin’s space, for a few moments, waiting, before patting Gavin’s chest. “You can think about it,” he allows, before turning to pick up his coffees. “Come join me in the bullpen when you’re ready,” he throws over his shoulder as he leaves. “We have a case, and you’ve been slacking off for long enough.”
Oh, fuck.
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hyakunana · 6 years
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Day 7: Free Day!
Did I ever mention about a fic draft I had since October? Because about that... 8)
Summary: The first was an accident, the second an experiment, the third a challenge, and he kept track of all of them.
Words: 2345
Special thanks to @nemirutami for editing this fic! <3 
I wanted to post it on ao3 too, but I don’t have an account and my email is on queue to get an invitation, so I’ll be late there. orz
I hope you like it!
Their first kiss was an accident.
Tuesday was supposed to be just another afternoon exploring Mementos. It had become routine already, no big threats, a lot of bumps, a few treasure chests, some requests to fulfill, shadows blocking their way… just another day.
Until a badly executed curve abruptly threw everyone to one side of the car. And the two guys in the backseat just happened to be facing each other in that one instant.
It had almost gone by unnoticed, since the girls were too busy complaining about the driver and Mona to mind them. But for some cursed reason, their minds decided to register the very moment their lips clashed.
It was too fast to process any taste, too light because their masks were in the way - and it hurt -, but the mortified expression from the punk was printed in the painter’s memory, and that touch alone would disturb the both of them for the following nights to come.
Their second kiss was an experiment.
What happens in Hawaii stays in Hawaii. Or so they say.
It was with that thought that the blond invited his eccentric friend for a walk around the city. No one they knew was around. Everybody seemed too excited to make the last day on beach count, since it was unlikely for another chance like this one to appear.
Perhaps the fact that the boys were so different and distant, yet managed to become teammates and friends, was what allowed them to trust each other enough to conceal their doubts and curiosity. 
That wouldn’t be their first time together.
The kiss was chaste, but now, deliberated. Their moist lips pressed lightly against the other, chilly on their flushed skin and warm breaths. Gawky fingers mindlessly brushed against tender palms, looking for some small ounce of support. It only took a second, but the turmoil they had been feeling inside was dissolved, like butterflies fluttering away.
They promised to not talk about it again and forget what happened. But the smile the vulgar boy had on his lips proved impossible to ignore.
That promise was doomed to be broken.
Their third kiss was a challenge.
It was like a silent, secretive game the two teens were playing, and the reward was the jolts of satisfaction whenever they exchanged affection without anyone else noticing. Every glance was a calling for the other, each time the troublemaker bit his lower lip, he meant “wait a minute, I’m coming.”, and in reply, the taller brushed his dark hair behind the ear, “I am waiting.”.
They stood next to each other more frequently, and the closer they got, the more they teased. A hand hovered on the other, a leg leaned against another under the table, shoulders nudged for attention, wishing for some contact, and small murmurs were exchanged in whispers.
It happened in Mementos again - a moment of distraction when the group found a locked treasure chest - when Skull tugged Fox’s sleeve and took a chance. It was as fast as they expected it to be; more like a face clumsily pushing against another as quickly as possible, and it wasn’t enough to cease their desires.
But it was something Ryuji was proud of stealing.
* Their fourth kiss was an answer.
The two friends could keep pretending they didn’t know the meaning behind their caressing exchanges, feeding their needs with small hidden touches and excuses to stay close, fooling themselves that what they did was nothing more than curiosity and self-satisfaction. It was a fun game for them, and a somewhat comfortable one.
But they would never learn how it felt to have more than that.
Instead, Yusuke found himself holding Ryuji’s hand, leaning against the diner’s narrow corridor wall as they watched a sudden storm strike down right when they were about to leave.
They still agreed on keeping their exchanges a secret from others to avoid unnecessary attention, but when a cold wind blew into the corridor, the idea of being discreet escaped their minds. The athlete instinctively jumped in front of him, using his free arm to block the rain. Drops of water ran down Ryuji’s trembling chin as he laughed and looked up at his boyfriend to close the distance, humming.
“Not the ideal first date, huh?”
* Their seventh kiss was a step forward.
They hadn’t been alone like that since the diner, and the safety of Ryuji’s home gave them the freedom to experiment to their heart's content. It was just a matter of time until little teases and caresses became more intimate. They took it slow, letting lips meet again, relaxing as their touches became more familiar, and tasting the flavor of the beverages they both had just minutes ago. Warm tea coated lips brushed softly against cool coke coated ones, pecking them a few times while Yusuke’s slender fingers stroked the blond’s face, and then slipped behind his head to pull him closer and kiss him even deeper.
Soon, lips weren’t enough, and they pulled each other into embraces and new stirring touches. Naughty hands slid down their bodies, exploring the other’s skin and tracing muscles, provoking gasps and more kisses. Noses and teeth got in the way, and the teens laughed when it happened. But they kept going, and they got better.
Their kiss couldn’t go on forever though. At some point, both had to pull back to catch their breath. It was only then that Ryuji realized the current situation: He was lying on the couch, with Yusuke straddling on his lap. The mangas they were reading before were scattered on the floor, the sketchbook that was carefully placed on the couch’s arm got kicked away…
and he heard his mother arriving home.
“Ah! Sorry! I didn’t mean to stare.” Haru squeaked when she caught their twelfth kiss.
Maybe they really should stop trying their luck, now that the group got bigger. Just maybe.
At least she kept it secret from the rest.
As if the others had never noticed it.
Their twenty-sixth kiss was a lull.
Yusuke sensed distress in his partner. He was even louder than usual. He tapped his foot and shrugged more often, he leaned against his chair so much he almost fell down twice, he read the same manga page three times over before proceeding, he made up excuses to just touch his boyfriend even more even if his hands were sweating cold.
He kissed Ryuji to shut him up, caressing his cheek to calm him down, and held his hand to give him some reassurance. It took a while to feel the torment inside the other slowly subside, his tense lips finally relaxing and his face tilting against Yusuke’s soft palm. When their lips parted, he gently leaned on the shorter’s forehead to confess one thing.
“I’m scared as well.”
Their thirty-seventh kiss was eager.
Tomorrow was the big day. Their target had been called out publicly, thus there was no turning back - not that they’d ever do it. However, as much as they prepared for it, no confidence could calm down their anxiety.
They could feel it in every touch, how rough hands quivered, grabbing the other fiercely to steady them, how Yusuke wrapped tight his arms and legs around the toned body, seeking safety, how Ryuji swore more often and louder under his breath, and how he instantly relaxed after humming his lover’s name.
The smell of the rainy breeze mixed with their steamy puffs, and the drops hitting the window didn’t match the sound of hearts drumming in their chests. Desirous lips smacked ferociously, getting side tracked to trail smooches across the jaw and neck to recover some air.
Their presence gave them some peace of mind, but restlessness only became stronger.
At some point, Yusuke broke the kiss again for another breath, and took this moment to gaze at Ryuji, admiring the way the dim light from the city illuminated his partner - he wanted to memorize everything, his short messy hair, the glossy brown eyes, the red spots on his neck down to collarbone, his flushed smile, and how his lips moved to form the phrase the artist heard for the first time.
“I love you, Yusuke.”
Their thirty-ninth kiss tasted like salt and fear.
Yusuke could feel his teammates around, shouting worried and powerless. One voice called out Ryuji’s stupidity and recklessness. A quiet mumble regretted the decision of going this far, another yelled in frustration, blaming and cursing their target, while someone else called an emergency. He also could feel a hand stroking his back, an attempt to soothe his mind, in vain.
The painter couldn’t focus on anything except his lover’s unconscious body. Faltering arms enveloped and carefully pulled Ryuji closer, nesting the blond head on his chest, and hoping for this to be just some cognition or a bad taste prank. He pecked his forehead, cheeks, lips, ear, whispered comfort, love words, asking to wake up and not abandon him, that they all needed him, anything to get some reaction.
But there was nothing.
On the following days, their kisses tasted like paper and memories.
The last kiss was followed by a goodbye.
It was a simple, fast, but tender touch, enough to recall all the sensations that it brought back. The taste of his skin, the breath against his cheek, the smacking sound of their lips parting, the soft squeeze in his hand, the butterflies fluttering in his stomach…
Yusuke missed it. He missed it so much, he missed him too much. The thought of losing someone again was too dreadful, and no one could guess the kind of damage his mind had suffered, or if it left any brain damage.
But Ryuji was here, looking up with the most loving gaze and his always cheerful smile. A vision the painter wished to witness forever. “See you tomorrow, babe.”
And for now, that was all that mattered.
“Is this for me…?” Ryuji held his present with a care, something that was rare coming from him.
“Yes. I want you to have it.” Yusuke explained, gently. “It’s not much. Most of them are quick sketches, but I drew them thinking of you.”
“What do you mean ‘not much’!? You filled the whole notebook!!”
“Not entirely. I ripped out the pages I was unsatisfied with.”
“Oh, so there was MORE!?”
The punk flushed as he leafed through the sketchbook, noticing that all of them were indeed scribbled. He could see himself clearly in some pages, smiling, posing or fighting, and recognize places they’d visited together before. Leblanc, the Diner, Okiburo, his house, even Mementos appeared a couple of times. A few of them depicted only hands touching in different ways, others depicted… things, like a curious sketch of a cup of tea and a glass of coke.
As much as he loved Yusuke, understanding his artistic views was a challenge. Still, even in the most confusing sketches, he could sense some familiarity, as if they were tickling his memories and making him giggle. Perhaps it was just the fact the artist mentioned before that those sketches were all done thinking of him.
Another page made him stop and burst into laughter.
“Hahahaha!!! What!? Damn! Is this Haru!? Why is she here!? Did she see it!?”
“Yes, she did.” The companion chuckled, amused by his reaction. “I drew this on the day she caught us. You could say it’s a small token of appreciation for not calling us out.”
“Hahaha! Yeah, true. That’s a good one, thou-” a sudden realization crossed his mind. “Wait a minute. These sketches… did you draw all of these since we started dating…?”
“I believe even before that.” Yusuke rubbed his shoulder, averting his eyes. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you since our first incident in Mementos. It was bothersome.” He didn’t hear his boyfriend wowing, offended. “So I began to draw it to relieve my mind, and I found myself enjoying picturing you. You have an energy and passion that I wanted to replicate in my art, and a distinct beauty that is… hard to see at first glance. But once I opened my eyes and accepted it, I was captivated. In no time, I had fallen for you.”
The bedridden lost his words, cheeks flushing even redder than before, and soon he was laughing again. They had been dating for just a few months, but the way the painter’s thoughts were spoken was so charming and honest that it always struck him by surprise.
Ryuji flipped back to the first page again, this time, imagining a flustered Yusuke sketching it, probably fighting against his own heart rather than the shadows, and creating that chaotic first piece. Yes, that was definitely Mementos. Is that a skull silhouette?
“T-That’s effin’ cheesy, man!”
“You don’t like it…?”
“I loved it!! Hahahahahahaha!!”
In a certain way, the troublemaker related with those feelings. He remembered how disturbing those nights after the Mementos incident were, when his dreams only recalled that kiss and reimagined how it could be if they kept going. The more he tried to avoid thinking about it, the worse his dreams became. Little did his past self know how far they would go, and how happy they were because of it.
His laugh slowly fades, and brown eyes rest on his lover again, contemplating the present. His body didn’t have a notion of how long he slept, but it felt like an eternity. 
“You know… Thanks…” the blond offered his hand to Yusuke, who gently took it so he could place a kiss on his knuckles. “Anyway, I’m guessin’ you got a fresh new sketchbook, now that you’re givin’ me this?”
“You guessed right. I just bought it before coming here.”
Ryuji brushed Yusuke's hair back behind his ear, hands caressing his face on their way down his cheek. A cheeky grin was drawn on his pale, pink lips.
“So… Do you wanna start fillin’ it in now?”
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izzyizumi · 5 years
I need a webcomic or something of Izzy using internet slang in his own charmingly nerdy way. Saying "Yas, queen!" to one of the girls out of no where. "That's lit, fam." Someplace else where it would fit but be slightly out of place too. Talkin' about snatching weaves on occasion. I need this in my life so bad you dont understand.
@apple-brightaaaa hi !!! (I’ve been seeing you about in my notifs!) o/[ I’M GLAD TO SEE OTHER KOUSHIRO FANS AROUND AAA …….. ;;;;; ]
pffft I can see where this sentiment comes from definitely, but! ;; I have to admit I’m …much more comfortable/familiar nowadays with writing “ KOUSHIRO ” more than “Izzy”, a-aha…. and to me there’s kind of A LOT of differences there re: mannerisms, way of speaking, Japanese culture vs. for example American + AAVE, pop cultural references between the two in general etc. ?? ?
SO while I can see this eventually happening with “Izzy” (maybe just post-Tri ?? ?) I definitely CAN’T really see it happening with “Koushiro” very much ;;; (Because, even by the end of Tri, “Koushiro” imo was still struggling to communicate feelings in ways here too; etc…. he had VASTLY improved since Adventure/02 that was but still YEAH. /Kokuhaku, [the 3rd Tri film with him co-starring] in general/particularly comes to mind/)
AT THE SAME TIME THOUGH I do believe Koushiro too would eventually begin relaxing [ IF SLIGHTLY ] / opening up a bit more later in life, especially as an adult ??? ;A; ;A;/I guess you could say too I can see MAYBE something like . Miyako ?? ? teaching him some such phrases (since Miyako canonically studies/travels in Spain now, is a LOT more enthusiastic/prone to dropping her catchphrase,[“BINGO” - Japanese version Miyako] + she probably hears/learns things from people she interacts with there as well as Daisuke, Mimi, Wallace etc. when they visit the US [Mimi is canonically friends with the American Chosen too!!!]; etc. ??? ?)
SO LIKE maybe one day Koushiro will deadpan
“ That’s … ‘ lit ’ , … ‘ fam ’ ?? ? ”while responding to Taichi or Mimi OR BOTH or whoever, and they’ll look at him in a startled kind of surprise/total shock, and then
he’ll immediately flush BRIGHT RED and stammer in his own self-defense
(PFFT I should also mention I’m not super great at creating/writing things on the spot though ;A;/ I WROTE ONE TAISHIRO OTP FIC ….. /ONCE/ and scattered drabble-length oneshots with them/the Adventure Chosen in general and then immediately my creative drive has kind of . stalled . again /OTL I APOLOGIZE /I’m also very much NOT an artist AAA…. I CAN DO AMVS/VIDEO EDITS TO AN EXTENT /BUT/ I also need to have a clear idea there too orz)[ THERE’S A CHANCE KIZUNA MAY REVIVE MY CREATIVE DRIVE ESPECIALLY IF KOUSHIRO ACTUALLY GETS SCREENTIMES WHERE HE’S ACTIVELY INVOLVED AND NOT JUST BEHIND THE COMPUTER BUT/AAAAA SINCE WHEN DOES THAT HAPPEN L B R/WISHES  FOR IT ANYHOW ]
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yukipri · 6 years
hello. i read your goodbye message post and most of it feels like i wrote it myself. my account was terminated 3 days ago and i'm feeling exactly the same as you did. dead. spending a ridiculous amount of time and effort, pouring my heart and soul into it, only for all of that to be taken away. my blog kept me sane and it's the reason i stay alive. i truly hope i wouldn't have to wait for months to receive a reply because i don't know how much longer i can take this.
I’m so, SO incredibly sorry this happened to you, it’s not something I want anyone to experience (and JFC are terminations still happening orz). I understand how you feel. I’m so sorry. *HUGS*
I don’t know if I can offer much comfort because again, it DID take me two months to get my blog back, and 2 months of nonstop emailing and determination to keep emailing. I DID manage to get my blog back. I know tons of other people who didn’t. I don’t know if the difference is perseverance, or if it was something on my blog (or more specifically NOT on my blog) that made me a special exception, or anything else.
Still, here’s some advice on possible things you can try. I don’t know if any of these things contributed to getting my blog back, but if it feels better to be doing something rather than just waiting, here are some things that I tried.
-Send emails consistently, but not too much. I don’t know if they blacklist emails/blogs that contact support too much, but I was wary of it, and other than the first week, kept my emails to once a week.
-KEEP SENDING EMAILS. I don’t know if there’s something in their system sorta like the Tumblr inbox that doesn’t let some of their messages through, or if they simply skip/ignore some. The message they finally responded to was something like the 4th email I sent. They never responded to my earlier ones.
-In addition to sending new support requests, REPLY to the first email you sent. I didn’t notice this the first two times, but that automated “We’ve received your request!” email that doesn’t even have a copy of your message? Well, if you read carefully it tells you to reply to it to keep your place in the queue. Idk if it helps, but it was after my second reply to an older email that they finally got back to me (though not, ironically, on the email I replied to LOL).
-Make your case for why your blog shouldn’t have been terminated as clearly and politely as possible. It’s easy to get emotional, and I know I did a few times, but the vast majority of my emails were borderline groveling. It increased my bitterness, but I could swallow my pride if it meant getting my blog back. Quote their guidelines back at them. Be super, SUPER polite and always thanks staff for their time.
-Try sending a support request in a category other than “blog termination.” There’s a chance it’ll just get deleted/moved to the correct category, but if they take too long getting back to you, then whelp, politeness and trying to make things easy for them be damned. Fact is, they often respond in MINUTES to things like improperly flagged posts. THEY HAVE PEOPLE. Just maybe not people looking at your termination review request.
-Try adding an attachment. Follower sent me a post that gave advice, saying they have a bot scanning for messages with attachments and prioritize those. Idk if it did anything, since staff never responded to any of my emails with attachments, but better to cover all your bases. I made a simple jpg infographic on Tumblr, with my blog url, icon, date blog was created, approximate follower count, date of termination, and very simple bullets why my blog shouldn’t have been terminated.
-SAVE all of your messages before you hit send! Because when you get that automated email, they don’t give you a record of what you sent, which sucks and is stupid. I have a text file that I saved all my lengthy ass emails to, along with the date I sent them. Near the end, I sent staff a huge ass email compiled of all previous emails, saying “Hey, I sent all of these on these dates.”
-Maybe have friends/followers also send emails on your behalf? I don’t know if this did anything for me, and I know everyone who got a response got a copy-paste answer that I needed to be the one to contact them. But, people WERE sending emails for me (thank y’all so much ;A;), so that’s one more possibility.
I hope some of this information may be helpful to you or others in our situation >.
This is such a painful, unbearable situation. Blogs aren’t just disposable things to so many people, and it’s extremely irresponsible of staff and the entire company that this keeps on happening. And if it gets to be too much, there’s no shame in realizing you need to move on for yourself, and find alternatives.
Even I’m trying not to be too dependent anymore, and to make sure I have no regrets, even if I’m terminated again tomorrow. It could very well happen again. I’ll never be able to use Tumblr the same way again because now I always feel that blade against my neck.
Best of luck, and all the support and positive energy I can send you.
My goodbye post, explaining what I went through, in case people missed it.
Daily reminder that you can find me on Twitter, Patreon, and now AO3 in case my blog gets terminated again.
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soysaucevictim · 5 years
Busy, busy, busy... also this post is hella long.
Aug. 20
I woke up around 8AM today.
I was picked up by a new/different transport service than before. Got out there in a rush, because I didn’t get up at an ideal time.
Since I was earlier to the facility and bored before group, I decided to go into the TV Room and continue sorting the VHS cassettes. Felt productive, but worked up a little sweat going up and down.
Seeking Safety went alright. I did the DD afterwards, 30 raised leg push-ups with EC... twice. I mis-remembered it as 15/15, not alternating. Pffft. :P
Then I got a chance to replace my cell. Here’s to hoping it won’t be a giant headache. But it was a thing in the anxiety BG noise to deal with, and this was needed.
Got home, did some dishes, made dinner (a bit cranky, but I’m just tired), BS’D, and did the rest of my exercise.
First, Day 10 of the PO!C. 200 overhead punches, done in one go. I alternated sides with each rep. I started feeling it by the last ~50-100 reps.
Second, Day 10 of the CoSC. 2x40″ calf raise holds. Only rested ~10″. Doable, despite being overtired.
Last, Day 10 of the 30DoY. Nice upright/standing sequence. Love the tree pose, but I did get some awkward tension in my left ankle doing them. Might not’ve been as attentive of form for that, but still, good work!
Aug. 21
I got up a bit after noon.
Did a bit of the usual stuff, overate and was groggy for a few hours. Was roped into playing more rummy with the family. (I won twice and grandma won once... wasn’t Dad’s day, it would seem.)
I then did my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 20 pop-up tripods with EC. Very fatiguing, especially the last half, taking a bit of digging deep to get through that! Ooof. :P
Second, Day 11 of the PO!C. 240 punches, bounce-switching every 20, and done in one go. Fun and breezy.
Third, Day 11 of the CoSC. 110 calf raises, split into 2x55. I believe I had to rest ~20″ in between. Doable, but tougher than throwing those punches!
Last, Day 11 of the 30DoY. Okay. I liked MOST of this sequence. Except TWO of the exercises. One being that hollow hold, because I never much cared for ‘em (neck strain). The OTHER was that SHOULDER STAND. Okay. The BIGGEST issue was space negotiation during the transitions (and the position of my computer, in relation to my body).
I knew I would have to do those with wall assist (did it one foot on wall at full extension). I have never done a handstand/etc before.
See how MOST of the positions have the legs splayed out at or near full extension (like that hollow hold)? That meant my upperbody was pretty damn far away from the wall. So I had to waste like 5-10″ just getting up to one.
And then I had to scramble toward getting to the fullest expression I could in ~5 more seconds. Which is hairy because you have to also mind how much pressure your head/neck is getting, during the 5-10″ left of the interval. It’s something I honestly don’t feel comfortable rushing to get into and out of. (Hell - it’s the reason I kinda swore off doing plows anymore.) orz
Now you have to lose ~5″ to getting down and extending into corpse pose. Which as a resting pose really feels hard to appreciate for only 10-15″, before repeating the sequence. :I
Now, If I COULD drop into said shoulder stand anywhere - a lot of that wouldn’t be an issue. Well, I’m glad I’ll only a have to do that one one more time in this program. And I think it’ll be way easier to negotiate from/to that knee hug before/afterwards.
Aug. 22
I woke up a bit before 7:30AM, today.
Got to the facility and worked on a composition sketch for a new project, I’m working on. Also spent some time doodling some of that Kefka art I recently posted. That and I listened to music, leading up to my WRAP Group - which went well enough.
I then did the DD (and a bit of socialization), before leaving the facility. 40 raised leg circles, with EC. I did this one while I was out at the facility again. Glad I remembered correctly how many to do - because that was tough! :U
Had a minor confusion about home-bound transit - but that smoothed out pretty quick.
Got home, updated a transportation reservation for next week (tripping over my words because tired), made some business arrangements, gave the ears some TLC, before a small-ish break (with the usual stuff).
I also did the rest of my exercise, kinda late.
First, Day 12 of the PO!C. 240 overhead punches, done in one go. I decided to go for 120/120 today - and oof. Last 20-40 reps on each side did get pretty intense!
Second, Day 12 of the CoSC. 2x40″ calf raise holds. I basically paused 3-10″ between sets. Manageable.
Last, Day 12 of the 30DoY. 10′ meditation. Since I got a lot of things done today - I felt a bit less fidgety.
Aug. 23
I woke up a bit after 11AM.
Did some more arrangements, poked the usual stuff, and did today’s DD (since today’s an active rest day, it’s the only exercise stuff I’m doing). 40 bridges with EC. This was very doable, but it did get more challenging near the end!
I then did some dishes, made some dinner, watched some Devilman Crybaby, while running some maintenance on my computer.
I needed to fix an issue involving my tablet settings- cursor disappearing on me intermittently. Blew a gasket until I figured what happened. Short of it, I think it was problems with Windows Ink.
But given I was frazzled and it was getting late. I didn’t get much else done.
Aug. 24
I woke up a bit after 10AM.
One of the first things I got done was today’s exercises.
First, today’s DD. 40 plank rotations with EC. This was pretty intense, had a few moments where my center was a bit off. But I managed to keep it for the whole duration. :P
Second, Day 13 of the PO!C. 260 punches, done in one go. I hop-switched at every 20 punches. Very fun and doable.
Third, Day 13 of the CoSC. 120 calf raises, split into 2x60. Rested probably ~20” in between. A bit tough, but doable.
Last, Day 13 of the 30DoY. The sequence was alright, I just don’t think my head was properly in the game. Got my cues a bit mixed up and only managed to get in a few seconds for the dancer pose on right foot (non-dominant side) - struggled to get my center stable enough to hold the expression very long today. Ah well, that’s how it is sometimes.
Spent some time with the usual, afterwards, before getting a commission done. Will be posting that when I get the green light.
Aug. 25
I woke up a bit before noon.
First, today’s DD. 2′ leg extensions (donkey kicks) with EC. I counted 83 reps by the time was up, and this was a fun exercise to do! :D
Second, Day 14 of the PO!C. 260 overhead punches, done in one go. I alternated with each punch and it did get pretty tough!
Third, Day 14 of the CoSC. 2x50″ calf raise holds. I rested about 10″ and this was pretty breezy still.
Last, Day 14 of the 30DoY. Oof, I had to make a few mods here. I think tiring my arms out from those overheads probably made things more challenging. I did the first upward dog proper - but after that I changed them out for cobras. Both push-up planks were sloppy - had to do the latter on my knees. Might have to do my punches AFTER plank-ish days like this one.
I then spent some time making some final touches/revisions on that commission (which I also just posted.) I did one pass through editing down the footage of me drawing it, too.
Remainder of night was spent on the usual.
Aug. 26
I woke up a bit before 11AM.
Did a second and final pass through video editing, before posting that footage today.
I then did my exercises for the day.
First, today’s DD. 1′ bicep extensions with EC. I'm going to count 74 reps, may've done more but unsure if that was an over-count. Anyways - another fun exercise!
Second, Day 15 of the PO!C. 300 punches, done in one go, bounce-switching at every 20.
Third, Day 15 of the CoSC. 130 calf raises, split into 2x65. Was getting to feel that - but it wasn’t too bad.
(After a break and a shower...)
Last, Day 15 of the 30DoY. 10′ meditation. Not a lot to say about this other than I believe it was pretty calming.
I kinda went to bed a bit later than usual - I felt compelled to share with pops a few history/political things. Glad though, that he was receptive and curious about said subjects (even if we jumped from Iran, to China, to Helen Keller and Woodrow Wilson... of all things.)
Aug. 27
I woke up a bit before 7:30AM.
Got to the facility, did the DD right away. 2′ palm strikes with EC. I got in 93 reps in the duration. The only thing that really hampered my pace was using my mp3 player as a timer, but it was no less fun! :D
Group went well enough. And I spent the rest of my time there doing some sketches and socializing (though, I admit I just didn’t get enough sleep and might not have been as great in communicating some stuff).
Once I got home and after I was able to put an order in for a bokken. Katana Week, here I come! (Well, after I’m done with current arrangements and the excitement is real!)
I was also roped into playing some cards. Dad won both games, which fair, since he didn’t win any the last time we played. Pffft!
I then spent a few on the usual, before getting in the rest of my exercise.
First, Day 16 of the PO!C. 300 overhead punches, split into 3x100. Rested ~20″ in between and alternated with each rep. A bit challenging, given my energy levels, but doable!
Second, Day 16 of the CoSC. 2x50″ calf raise holds. Rested only about 10″ again. Still very manageable.
Last, Day 16 of the 30DoY. I liked a good chunk of today’s sequence and felt generally good about my flow between each exercise (I loved the O, boat, and half lord of the fishes poses)! I did however pull a hamstring doing that single leg bridge variation - mostly because I felt to  shift the planted foots position while up. But I took care with the remaining exercises, sneaking a few moments to massage it when I could. I think we’re good!
Aug. 28
I woke up around 11AM, today. I got my exercise in pretty early, too.
First, today’s DD. 40 modified scissors with EC. I rather like this version of scissors - feels better in the hips and generally more fun!
Second, Day 17 of the PO!C. 340 punches, in one go, bounce-switching kind of inconsistently due to lack of focus (20-40, I believe.) Nevertheless, a perennial favorite!
Third, Day 17 of the CoSC. 140 calf raises, split into 2x70. Still very manageable work!
Last, Day 17 of the 30DoY. I appreciated that this was a gentler practice, today. I did mod that upward dog into a cobra because I kinda wanted to keep it chill. But all in all - I enjoyed myself a lot! =w=
The only other particularly productive things I got done were cancelling a reservation), doing dishes, and making dinner for the family.
Other than that - yeah. Same old business.
Aug. 29
I woke up around the same time as yesterday..
I determined that I would not be able to get to the facility, but did reschedule that appointment. Going to have to figure out my transportation stuff while some forms get dealt with. :/
After much of the usual, I did my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 2′ elbow clicks with EC. I counted 142 reps for the duration, but after the ~100 mark, elbows stopped being able to consistently make contact. The willpower game was real, but it was still fun!
Second, Day 18 of the PO!C. 340 overhead punches, split into 160+180.
Third, Day 18 of the CoSC. 2x1′ calf raise holds. I only dropped for ~5″ to reset the timer today. Very manageable!
Last, Day 18 of the 30DoY. 10′ meditation. My mind wandered to commission-related stuff. But I did try to stay focused on sensation of breath throughout the session.
I think I’m going to draw today, barring further distractions.
(Okay... I need to actually post this damn thing already.)
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baka-tsumibito · 6 years
Couldn’t find it in the tags, so reposting! Let me know if you see it orz
Gift recipient: @foliefolio
This is for the wonderful Folie!! (Whose writing sustained me almost single-handedly since the end of the anime 😭) I can’t put into words how nerve-wracking writing this was, especially since I’ve had a ton of fic planned out that have gone unpublished for like...3-4 years?? Anyway, I guess this is finally my foray into ‘posting’ for VKC....and what better way to do it than to write for my idol ✨ !! I love you so much Folie, and I hope this suits your tastes. (And feel free to say if it doesn’t!!! I had a bunch of other ideas, and have another idea draft written out 😂) You’ve been such a big inspiration to me for the past ~16 months ❤️ I hope I can keep reading your writing for a long time to come!!! (Especially Vatican fics ehehe) And above all, I hope your holidays went wonderfully!!✨
(and if you didn’t see this yesterday, I’m sorry it’s late!!!!!!!)
The prompt was pretty open, and suggested some seasonal touches such as  Christmas in Rome, night, gold, bells, cold, etc. I think I used most of them to be honest! There is quite a bit of ahem, non-2019-tumbr-appropriate content, so be warned (I was rather careful with the vocabulary though *shrugs*). Actually, 3/4 of it is priests doing the do, with lots of gratuitous Hiraga family mentions (JIN IS CANNON AND I LOVE HIM). [I guess I’ve never really posted publicly above my love for VKC, but I am a die-hard HiraRobe (esp. bottom Roberto) lover. Roberto will eventually cry (before/during/after or all 3) when they consummate their relationship 100%. I don’t think I did my thoughts of them justice here, and if I ever manage to publish again, there will definitely be more angst ; __ ; (There also needs to be more weirdness/religion too.) My current biggest thing is Vatican politics, and the logistics of priests in relationships despite their vows, how they make moral justifications and types of penance etc.etc. which I did not go into almost at ALL, so yeah...] Tumblr formatting is not ideal, so this will probably go up on AO3 once I get a chance to edit. I have a ton of miscellaneous commentary too, so that’ll probably be there as well. Sorry for the long preface, onto the actual gift! [Couldn’t find the read more button, I’m sorry :’) ] *** The winter wind is cold and brisk, blowing across the balcony and permeating the thin blanket draped around Roberto’s shoulders, useless against the frigid air. He cannot hold back a shiver, then another, and he desperately wishes for some form of heat. The door slides open and shut behind him with a click, bringing no respite from the chill. Hiraga, then? Both his brother and his father are asleep in the room behind him. Roberto had been nodding off on the sofa himself, but despite the late hour, it’s time for him to go and give the family some privacy.
Hiraga would be against that; luckily, Roberto can try to convince him out here, in the relative privacy of the balcony. Only God will be their witness – and perhaps, the smoker in the hotel across the way if he stays out much longer. “Roberto,” Hiraga murmurs at his back, arms wrapping around his middle and firmly anchoring themselves around his torso.
Perhaps it is not time for this particular discussion then. Maybe, Roberto can allow himself to indulge for a few minutes. But alas, nothing with Hiraga ever seems to go according to plan. For Hiraga’s hands are already beginning to wander, and with them Roberto’s composure is already starting to break. “Hiraga,” Roberto begins, train of thought nearly derailing when a fingertip purposefully flicks against a hardened nub. He supresses a sigh. “Isn’t this a little…” Tasteless? Improper? Ryouta is on the other side of the balcony door, in their room; so is Hiraga Jin –
(kind, wonderful Hiraga Jin who had spoken with him about opera for hours at length, only pausing for a second when Roberto shuddered, expression falling, at the mention of Puccini who had followed Rossini, Verdi and before that,Weber, Wagner and Wetz and Jin had been delighted to find Roberto knew even obscure German composers “Ah, I suppose no Tosca for you then, Roberto-kun,”and when Roberto smiled back weakly, almost in apology,
 “That’s alright,” he murmured consolingly. “I can’t say I’m very fond of Madama Butterfly myself.”)
– Jin who has shown nothing but tremendous kindness to Roberto from the moment they met in the train terminal. Jin, who Roberto has only known personally for less than twenty hours and is desperately trying impress, and keep face in front of him at the very minimum. (Jin, who had smiled at Roberto with as much kindness as either of his sons after a single conversation; who had welcomed him into the family – immediately, as Roberto would find out from the paperwork he would receive a few weeks later – Jin, who had insisted Roberto call him by his given name, insisting that any other title would be too stuffy and that one “Hiraga” was more than enough.) (And Hiraga, his lovely partner Hiraga, had made an undecipherable expression upon realizing he was now the only one being referred to by surname.) Ryouta and Jin are only separated from them by a glass door; Hiraga’s delicate hands are currently worming their way through the layers of blanket and underclothes to Roberto’s skin and he can’t— “Hiraga…!” 
We can’t, Roberto needs to tell him, not here. No matter how much his body desires, blood thrumming through his veins at the proximity he has barely had enough days to get used to, if at all– since Hiraga kissed him on the stroke of midnight as the crowds on the television in front of them began screaming in celebration, soft mouth pressing against Roberto’s frozen smile, still with surprise and fear, buried underneath the building euphoria – since Hiraga took his bare hand a day later, telling him “My family is coming to Italy to celebrate with us; won’t you join me?” And Roberto hadn’t known what to do with the burst of adrenaline that sent his heart pounding loud enough to drown out Hiraga’s soft explanations of travel plans and cheap hotel rooms post-holiday season – since Hiraga had shown up at his door at 5:50 in the morning, dressed casually but smartly as he usually did on their days off together, taken one look at the circles under Roberto’s eyes and dragged him back to bed (where they had laid together and Roberto hadn’t managed much rest at all when they were forced to rise or be late to Rome) – since touching Hiraga to his heart’s desire became allowed, and now Roberto feels the precarious grip on his self-control he has clung to all this time begin to slip. “Roberto…” comes Hiraga’s voice, cutting quietly through the night air. Rome is much more crowded than the Vatican. Booking a room on an upper floor has its advantages, Roberto muses in an attempt to distract himself from the warmth and pressure at his back. The night view is rather enchanting, what with the colorful array of lights spreading out in the distance. “Roberto..!” Hiraga calls more insistently this time, startling Roberto out of his reverie. He is not accustomed to being ignored, and Roberto must apologize. A kiss to his spine signals that he is forgiven. Roberto lets out a sigh in response. “Bend down please,” Hiraga murmurs at his back, and Roberto reflexively complies. As he slowly hunches over the railing, Hiraga’s lips find the back of his neck. Roberto shivers, not out of cold alone. Each kiss leaves a trail of ice in its wake, as Hiraga makes his way down the slope of one shoulder, then the other. His fingers are occupied with Roberto’s buttons, and as they slowly come undone, more and more skin is revealed to the biting wind, immediately covered by Hiraga’s eager mouth. After some time, Hiraga begins to tire of this, and slips both arms under Roberto’s shirt. He cannot supress a whimper. Thus spurred on, Hiraga’s hands come to rest on his bare chest, caressing him lightly. Still, there is intent behind each stroke, and as one hand flits over his hardened nipple, the other slips lower, stroking the curves of Roberto’s torso and muscles as it descends down his stomach. “…ah… Hiraga, w-wait…” Roberto stifles a gasp as a fingertip brushes the skin along his waistband. Don’t stop, he contradicts himself internally. Please don’t let go of me. He wonders if Hiraga can hear him anyway, intuiting his desires, but reluctantly, Hiraga’s hands do come to a halt before pulling away entirely. “Nnn…!” Roberto lets out unintentionally. The movement of Hiraga’s arms has caused the blanket to shift, leaving his upper body uncovered, bare from the shoulders where Hiraga had worried at the skin with his lips. They are only apart for a few moments, though it is enough for a sudden draft to send him shivering. Hiraga struggles with something behind him. “It’s alright,” Hiraga soothes, “It’s alright. Roberto.” He returns with the blanket, fumbling to wrap it snuggly around the two of them together. Roberto begins to find this struggle endearing as his bare skin is covered once more, although Hiraga’s comfort takes priority. He twists around slightly intending to take over, but Hiraga’s palms come to rest on his shoulder blades, stopping him halfway. “Let me please,” he chastens. Who is Roberto to say no? “Alright,” he allows. He strains to keep still, as his instincts urge him to turn around, to take Hiraga into his arms and keep him there indefinitely. If only, if only… Hiraga’s fussing continues on, and Roberto’s left hand is captured by both of Hiraga’s during the struggle, right hand bracing them both against the railing. Their entwined limbs are somehow even colder – an uncomfortable cold Roberto cannot shake off when Hiraga’s fingers glide away to continue tucking the sheet elsewhere. He struggles to shake his hand free – an attempt to bring it up to his lips and warm it with his breath – but when his hand emerges from the tangle, Roberto’s eyes immediately zero in on the metal band settled snugly around his finger. Behind him, Hiraga has stilled; finished fiddling with the blanket then, or waiting for Roberto’s reaction? A quick glance tells him that the sheet is stretched taut around his chest, already beginning to slide down and bringing his unbuttoned shirt with it. Hiraga is a priest; he has, then, undoubtedly attended the same classes Roberto has, and Roberto aches, aches, to believe that not even Hiraga would mistake the significance of putting a ring. on someone’s. left.
(ring finger) He desperately wants to see what expression Hiraga is wearing at the moment, but his partner’s face is currently buried between Roberto’s shoulder blades, showing no signs of emerging. His own face must look something scary, for Roberto can feel himself start to tear up, wind attacking him mercilessly and deepening the ache. Roberto struggles to rotate his upper body, disturbing Hiraga’s careful wrapping and unsettling his hiding spot. With this new angle, his hip is digging into the metal bars of the railing. Roberto pays it no mind, cupping Hiraga’s cheeks and bringing their gazes level. Hiraga is flushed, eyes darting left and right before slowly looking up at Roberto through his long lashes. His chin is lowered, and he is biting his lip. Goodness, how many times must he be told not to, Roberto thinks with a level of fondness. He reaches out to free Hiraga’s poor lip with his left arm, and both of their eyes are drawn to the shining ring. Hiraga lets out a deep breath. “I,” Hiraga falters, looks away. “Is it… alright now? That is, to…” His voice is soft from embarrassment, but hope shines through in his gaze, drilling holes into Roberto’s breastbone. Roberto cannot tear his eyes away. He gently calls for Hiraga’s attention, and Hiraga jerks his head up, making eye contact. Roberto can spot the moment Hiraga begins to panic, eyes dilating in alarm – after all, Hiraga has always been weak to crying, and Roberto has felt the urge to bawl building since that precious celebratory kiss. “Yes,” Roberto breathes, somewhat tearfully. “I could never say no to you.” Hiraga makes to wipe Roberto’s eyes, but pauses halfway. Roberto can only hold still, anticipation rising with each passing second…… until Hiraga raises himself on his toes to kiss the corner of his mouth, fisting the fabric pooled at Roberto’s waist. *** Hiraga’s lips flutter around the shell of Roberto’s ear, and he whines, softly. He can feel Hiraga, pressing into his hip unashamedly. He craves it, has been craving it maybe since they began their partnership, when Roberto began to feel like the hole in his chest could possibly be filled by the presence of this wonderful man. But right now, they’re outside and clearly visible to anyone who might happen to be watching. The alternative is a room containing the two people he wishes to impress the most, Hiraga’s family. There is no escape. And what about preparation? He hasn’t, oh heavens, hasn’t cleaned, has nothing to ease the slide of Hiraga inside of him, and what if it chafes? Hiraga would hurt, and they’d never attempt it again out of fear, and maybe regret – And what of their respective positions? Caught up by the mood, Roberto has forgotten – or purposefully put aside, as he can never truly forget – what of their vows? Hiraga has told him, the moment reality and dread set in after the midnight kiss, that the Church and God are separate; that God will forgive them this, will grant them this much, that love is beautiful in all forms. He’d quoted scripture and philosophies en masse and while Roberto had been struggling to wrap his aching head and heart around them, daring to hope, he’d forgotten to consider why Hiraga had done so much research. Now, it was all coming back to bite him. Not yet, his heart whimpers. We can’t, not until – until what? Will discussing his deepest fears quell the clamour in his heart, the noise that has refused to subside through time and effort? Hiraga bites down, drawing Roberto out of his spiralling thoughts. His ear stings pleasantly, Hiraga soothing the bite with tiny licks. Not wanting his dismay to be noticed, Roberto turns fully away, grasping the rail with a quiet click from the ring. If Hiraga has noticed anything, he stays quiet, only pressing even closer, throbbing length nudging the backs of Roberto’s legs. Ah. What if he took me like this?
And Roberto imagines Hiraga, slick between his thighs, hidden from any prying eyes by the folds of the sheet carefully draped around their waists. He visualizes the slide, smooth and warm, and aches in empathy. He’d have to cover his face, hide his expression, his tears borne from enjoyment and desire. He keens softly, and Hiraga’s arms tighten around his torso. “Roberto,” Hiraga pants, breathing rather heavily. “Let me see your face please.” And Roberto’s plans go out the figurative window .“…Alright,” he swallows, grasping the blanket and desperately trying to compose his expression while Hiraga manoeuvres him eagerly until they are face-to-face. He ducks his head, and Hiraga takes the opportunity, pushing forward until their lips meet tenderly in their first proper kiss of the night. It does not last nearly long enough. Roberto is left to savour the taste of Hiraga on his lips as Hiraga’s mouth wanders, destination clearly in mind. Roberto’s body takes this moment to remind him that a certain areahas been lacking attention; with a cry, his lower body jerks forward when Hiraga’s teeth brush the spot where jaw meets neck. His front, bulging prominently, hits something – Hiraga’s leg? – and he rushes to apologize. “Ah..Hiraga! I’m sorry—ahh!” Unbothered, Hiraga continues to move lower, shifting his stance until they are touching, chest to groin to thigh. Roberto can’t help but moan at the pressure, their hardness aligned as much as possible with their differences in height. Hiraga rolls his hips forward, lips buried in the crook of Roberto’s neck. Roberto presses his face to Hiraga’s hair. He cannot stifle the outpouring of groans and embarrassing noises he is producing in the face of such intense pleasure. “Ngh, aah… Hiraga, Hiraga, Hiraga…” Hiraga’s name is a litany of pleas on Roberto’s lips. Hiraga shudders in euphoria, rubbing their hips together. Calling his name in return. “Roberto...!” Hiraga pulls away, and the feeling of loss on Roberto’s neck is palpable, but then Hiraga presses their foreheads together and the pang is instantly soothed. Hiraga’s hand scrabbles with the too-tight front of Roberto’s pants. “May I? Please, I, oh, please allow me this…” he pleads, and Roberto has hardly breathed his assent before Hiraga is reaching into his undergarments and pulling him out rather hastily. But it’s enough, more than, even. “….Ah!” Roberto exclaims, head falling back. It’s been a very, very long time since he has touched himself this way; as little faith as he held in his own lifestyle, something about living up to Hiraga’s ideals (or so he imagined) had prevented him from indulging in this particular pleasure, at least in his conscious moments. In his sleep, he might be graced with Hiraga’s warmth only to regret his weakness in the morning, then spend days repenting. Or, he would find himself absently wondering about the stretch of his jaw when contemplating food, imagining the sensation of something inside him when cleaning the bidet (or using it). He’d promptly banish these thoughts, face flushed and guilt building, but. It was impossible to repress his sinful desires for long before they would surface, often at the most inconvenient of times. However, now he is keenly feeling the aftermath of abstaining. The pleasure is all-consuming. His body is ready to give in, limbs wound up tense, focus narrowed in on the tightness and particular sensation of Hiraga’s fist. But he cannot give in, not without giving something in return, not without seeing the rapture he is experiencing reflected in Hiraga’s own self. “Let me,” he rasps, fumbling towards Hiraga’s own straining erection. Hiraga sighs in response, pushing up into Roberto’s palm the moment he is freed. His free arm searches out Roberto’s, and Roberto starts as Hiraga winds their fingers together, jostling the cool metal around his ring finger already warming up in response to Hiraga’s touch. Hands clasped, they tug on each other frantically, racing to completion yet not awaiting the finish. “Roberto…” Hiraga exhales, smiling up at him. The city lights aren’t bright enough for Roberto to make out his eyes with their usual clarity, but they shine nonetheless. Hiraga is beautiful no matter where he is, Roberto reflects, and he leans in to capture that beauty for a fleeting moment. Hiraga kisses enthusiastically, all lips and tongue, and Roberto is content to let himself be kissed, thoroughly. Were this the private fantasy of his dreams, or the corner of his mind he dares not allow his mind to wander, he would take Hiraga’s jaw in hand and show him delicacy. Gentle, slow, yet warm… except, crouching on this freezing balcony, Hiraga is his only source of warmth, and Roberto desires his heat from his toes to his mouth to the depths of his core. 
It is, he considers with what little sanity that remains, all too much. Hiraga has barely had his hands and lips on him, and Roberto is already at his limit, approaching climax at an alarming rate; he cannot spare anymore thoughts for the eyes that might be on them, whether it be the smoker from the hotel across the way, or even innocent Ryouta, who would surely come to resent him should he catch the two of them in such a compromising position. Roberto defiling his precious older brother – The sudden glare that blinds him even through his half-closed lids is regrettably not due to their climaxes. Roberto pulls away, however reluctantly, from Hiraga’s demanding kisses, letting go of Hiraga (to their mutual dismay) in order to lift the blanket even higher. He squeezes their entwined hands in apology; thankfully Hiraga does not respond by tightening his hand where it rests around Roberto.
The least he can do is shield Hiraga’s body from sight, as he scrambles for a way to do damage control, although the situation is not promising. Against him, Hiraga is pliant but confused as he tries to figure out where Roberto’s attention has gone. It takes a few, loaded moments before his attention is directed to the room behind him. By fault of pleasure or exhaustion, Roberto is not sure, his eyes take what feels like minutes to adjust. What had seemed blinding a few moments before is only a small lamp, mounted next to an empty armchair where Ryouta had curled up for the evening despite the inviting bed beside him. Jin takes up half of said bed now, spread out on top of the sheets and still in his day clothes. He doesn’t seem to have moved from where Roberto had last seen him before heading outside, unsure if pulling the blankets up around him would be too much, or. Well. All the more he should leave them be, before he intruded too much, Roberto had reasoned, then promptly fled to the balcony. Roberto stiffens as he spots Ryouta exit the bathroom, rubbing his eyes blearily and looking very much half-asleep. More or less relaxed, Hiraga leans against his chest, exuding more calm than Roberto feels as Ryouta climbs onto the bed and settles in next to his father. They observe silently for a little longer, perhaps bound by some mutual understanding built after years of partnership, watching him slip deeper into sleep. The lamp is left forgotten. Hiraga is the first to break the silence, laughing softly. He turns back to Roberto, looking pleased. “Roberto,” he begins. “Shall we head inside? So you don’t fall ill.” 
How he is so unruffled when they were nearly caught in the act, Roberto cannot fathom. Still, he would hate to ruin the moment, to burst the bubble with whys and what ifs. Steeling himself, he leans in to rest their heads together. Moving their coupling into the room where Hiraga’s family is sleeping is unthinkable, and the inevitable end to their encounter if they do go inside hurts just as much. Hiraga’s hand is hot and fidgeting around him, and a distant part of Roberto is ashamed that his erection has not flagged in the slightest. Not yet. I don’t want this to end yet. “Hiraga,” Roberto tells him. “Please…don’t stop.” And with that, Roberto gently grabs Hiraga’s length, bringing them together; the heat of them combined is electric. He can hardly keep his eyes open wide enough to take in the details of Hiraga’s beautiful face: eyelids fluttering, mouth gasping, bangs sticking to his face with what must be a cold sweat. “Roberto…hnngh…” Hiraga groans, letting go and allowing Roberto to take care of bringing them over the edge. Roberto is infinitely grateful that Hiraga, intentionally or not, takes the blanket in hand briefly before allowing his free hand to roam around Roberto’s bare chest once more. It’s much warmer without the slick from their pre-cum freezing in the breeze. Hiraga’s hand wanders up to Roberto’s right cheek, pulling him back in for another kiss. He licks into Roberto’s mouth, tongue wandering up and down teeth, along the roof of his mouth, and twining their tongues together. The intensity of it all brings Roberto right back to the precipice he had been teetering on the edge of not long before. It’s all he can do to keep stroking them, although admittedly Hiraga thrusting against him is doing much more than the periodic buckling of his own hips. “Hiraga, Hiraga…” he whispers into the kiss, and Hiraga sucks Roberto’s tongue into his mouth. “Nnn…” When Hiraga pulls away, Roberto follows. The next words he speaks are against Roberto’s lips. “Roberto,” Hiraga forces out. “Please.” His voice takes on a deeper timbre, lower than Roberto has ever hear from him. It’s incredibly attractive, just as much as the near-growl that comes out next. “Please,” “call my name.” Roberto’s heart lurches. (And oh, if this hasn’t been building all day, since he’d caught Hiraga staring at them wistfully) (“Here, Roberto-nii-san!” “Thank you Ryouta-kun.”) ( “Has Kou been giving you much trouble, Roberto-kun?” “Not too much, Jin-san. It’s nothing I can’t handle. Right, Hiraga?”) ( “Onii-san, your expression is scary…”) A swell of affection rises in him, and Roberto presses his lips to Hiraga’s ear before he whispers, “Kou.” The effect is instantaneous; Hiraga cries out, jerks his hips into Roberto’s hand, and squeezes Roberto’s other palm. The ring digs into his skin, and the reminder that Hiraga had gotten him a ring paired with the sudden, aggressive crash of lips on his is enough to knock enough awareness into him. Oh, Roberto thinks, feeling somewhat removed. This isn’t a dream.
He’s embracing (making love to?) Hiraga for the first time; the thought consumes him, sends his eyes watering, and his body chooses that moment to give in. *** Roberto is vaguely conscious of Hiraga calling his name during his release. When Hiraga captures his lips once more, softly this time, he feels himself returning to the present. Hiraga pulls away gradually. “Have you come back to me yet?” he murmurs, and the words are endearing enough that Roberto kisses him again, and again, until his cooling body interrupts, and he must pull away to stifle a sneeze. “Oh, Roberto,” Hiraga says dreamily. Roberto stares at him. “You were so beautiful when you came.” Roberto cannot help the flush that rises to his cheeks, his ears, and quite possibly his neck too. The tears he has been holding in all night decide to overflow, much to his embarrassment. “Aah, uuuu…” Roberto turns his head to the side, extricating his left hand from Hiraga’s grasp to cover his face. Surprisingly, Hiraga lets him, and does not startle at the sight of his tears. Instead, he wraps both arms around Roberto’s waist and holds him close.
It’s warm. What is also warm – and somehow still not deflating – is Hiraga’s member, still grasped in Roberto’s grip with his own, softening and growing oversensitive, length. Hiraga has not come yet. Staring at the crown of Hiraga’s head, Roberto’s muddled mind reaches this conclusion much too slowly. Mustn’t it be painful? Why hadn’t he said – this is Hiraga, selfless to a fault. Of course he hadn’t said anything. Roberto must take care of him. It’s partially a selfish desire: what face would Hiraga make, trembling in the arms of ecstasy? How would his limbs tense, back arch, expression contort? Would he come with Roberto’s name on his lips, begging for a kiss, or for release? Roberto needs to find out. “Hiraga,” he says, letting go of them at last. Hiraga whimpers, face still hidden in Roberto’s chest. “Hiraga,” he tries again, this time moving to release Hiraga’s tight grip around his back. Hiraga does not give. “Yes yes,” he wants to laugh, but settles for pressing a kiss to Hiraga’s hair part, then suddenly drops to his knees. Hiraga’s hands, now left grasping at empty air, immediately find purchase in Roberto’s curls. Roberto takes a second to look up at him, framed by several lights from surrounding buildings and the clear night sky. Hiraga has always looked lovely, but this view of him, hair and clothing disheveled, zip opened and framing his aching hardness, staring down at Roberto with eyes filled with something he desperately wishes is love, this view of him is nothing short of angelic. He commits the view to memory as he leans forward to nuzzle Hiraga’s shaft. “Roberto…” Hiraga sounds dazed. Roberto’s tongue darts out to lick along a protruding vein, and Hiraga’s hips buck forward. “Roberto!” But Roberto gives him no time to apologize. He takes the head – that had only nudged his cheek – into his mouth, and sucks. Hiraga hisses, fingers tightening in his hair. “R-Roberto…it’s aaah… so w-warm…” Hiraga stutters, hips moving erratically. Roberto’s hands reach up from where they grip Hiraga’s thighs to trace his protruding hipbones. Remembering himself, Roberto’s dominant hand dips down to cup, then gently tug on Hiraga’s balls. Hiraga sighs. They are already wound close to his body; is he close? More than likely, Roberto assumes. While Hiraga has been surprising him left and right recently, the idea of Hiraga getting himself off frequently enough to build up a decent amount of stamina is still improbable, at best. Roberto mulls this over while taking Hiraga further into his mouth, redirecting his line of sight low enough to ensure his lips stayed folded over his teeth. Hiraga is part of the science division, and Roberto would not be surprised at this point if their personal doctrine concerning abstinence is less strict than what is expected by the Church. For ah, health reasons, perhaps. After all, the human body is designed for periodic release and tension does build up. But Hiraga is not good at taking care of his own needs, Roberto muses as he bobs his head. Hiraga cries out his name above him. Occasionally perchance, but Hiraga touching himself with any degree of frequency is about as unbelievable as Hiraga having a wedding night… and Roberto’s pace falters as the band on his finger grows unbelievably heavy. Hiraga strokes through Roberto’s hair, and it serves as a reminder to concentrate on his task. Thoughts of how Hiraga gets himself off, and what Hiraga’s intentions are should be saved for later, in the privacy of his home. Or, ah, bed. Roberto makes a questioning sound, almost as if to say does it feel good? and Hiraga groans before telling him yes, of course--oh!.. yes, very much so--ahhh... If only he could take him all the way down, Roberto despairs, but his jaw is already nearing its limits. He swallows in an attempt to relieve some of the pressure – but this must feel incredibly good, as Hiraga’s hands clench in a vice grip. His hips pick up the pace and Roberto keeps himself still as to let Hiraga take his pleasure. Roberto, Roberto, Roberto….. Hiraga calls out his name over and over, and Roberto wishes for this to last just a little longer. Hiraga’s hips stutter, and Roberto takes over as best he can, until he can taste Hiraga’s release pouring down his throat. He comes rather silently, Roberto notices, staring up at the long line of Hiraga’s throat. His expression is hidden by his chin and his hair, Roberto observes regretfully. Either way, he is still the most beautiful sight Roberto has ever laid eyes upon. He keeps his lips fastened around Hiraga until he has emptied himself. Roberto gently licks him clean before pulling off and swallowing the load. He stays on his knees, staring up at Hiraga and gently stroking his legs until Hiraga comes back to himself, looks down at Roberto in awe and tugs on him lightly until Roberto gets to his feet. Hiraga leans against him as Roberto wipes first his hand, then Hiraga’s softening shaft with the dirtied blanket. Hiraga’s warmth is akin to a fire, and Roberto basks in it (being outside shirtless in January means it is most likely his sense of temperature that is off). He won’t regret anything if he gets sick, although maybe if either of them had had more presence of mind, they would have made better use of the now-sticky blanket. Hiraga takes hold of a corner to wipe up the small smear he made under Roberto’s eye. Roberto tries to tidy them up as best he can, tucking them carefully inside their underwear, closing buttons and zippers and hiding skin once more. And combing through hair (or at least Hiraga’s; with the way Hiraga had been tugging on his own, he’s not sure he can face the damage without a mirror or two). He leaves his shirt half-buttoned, only for the way Hiraga’s gaze lingers (dare he say, appreciatively). Thus groomed, Hiraga leans in to kiss him. Roberto quickly reaches up to place three fingers on Hiraga’s lips. “Nn?” Hiraga looks up at him in surprise, thrown off. “I, I just…” Roberto does not know how to put this into words without embarrassing himself even further. He settles for pointing at his throat. “Swallowed..” Expression determined, Hiraga reaches up with unexpected strength, pulling Roberto’s fingers away and sticking his tongue inside Roberto’s mouth. He licks him more thoroughly than before, and Roberto is helpless to stop him, mind blank. “It’s alright,” Hiraga tells him as he pulls away, wiping a suspicious wetness off his bottom lip with his thumb. (Roberto doesn’t want to know.) “Of course I don’t mind that. I love you.” In the silence, neither of them expect the second deluge of tears of the night. Ashamed, Roberto prays for the earth to swallow him up. Maybe then, he can spend eternity contemplating Hiraga’s revelation, or giving thanks for this encounter. And then plead for a second. Hiraga leads Roberto, sobbing silently, inside. If the constantly-changing temperatures don’t make him sick, maybe dehydration will. He decides to turn a blind-eye to the blanket dumped on the floor between the empty bed and the wall – he does not have the energy to deal with it now. It is only when Hiraga pulls Roberto into his lap on the unoccupied bed that Roberto remembers his resolve to leave the family their privacy. It quickly crumbles faced with the stream of uninterrupted tears. Roberto is quick to hide his face in Hiraga’s arms. Hiraga strokes his head for as long as it takes Roberto to reign himself in. When his shoulders cease their trembling, at last Hiraga speaks: “Roberto? Did I do something wrong?... Have you, come to hate me?” Roberto’s head snaps up immediately. “No!” He takes a deep breath, and reminds himself to speak quietly as to not wake up the rest of the room. Hiraga’s face is already showing signs of relief.
“Of course not,” he continues in a whisper. “How could you think that? I,” and here Roberto pauses. This is not the ideal place to confess. Hiraga deserves much, much more than a sobbing mess and a soiled sheet on a cold balcony in an unfamiliar room, but. But. 
Hiraga has given him so much today. (A confession, a ring, an experience of family. A hand, a mouth, and pleasure Roberto could never put into words.) It’s not fair to keep him waiting still.
“I love you more than anything,” Roberto confesses to him quietly. “I will never, ever come to hate you. I promise.” Hiraga smiles up at him, eyes glittering. “I know!” That throws Roberto off. “Eh?” Hiraga’s grin is infectious. “You told me earlier, when you, ah…” Hiraga’s eyes dart over to where his brother and father lie sleeping. He meets Roberto’s eyes, blushing slightly but with a playful smile. Roberto cannot believe his ears.
“I did?” Hiraga nods happily. “Ah. I see. How unfortunate,” Roberto continues. “I had hoped to remember at least that much.”
Hiraga nestles up to him, seemingly unphased. “It’s alright. I’d be happy to hear it again.”
And with that, every unsettled feeling in Roberto’s heart is swept away.
(I love you, he whispers, and will continue to all night, face hidden in Hiraga’s hair.)
Hiraga wipes away the wet streaks that adorn his face. They take a blanket from their own bed to cover Jin and Ryouta, lost in slumber. The lamp is switched off. The used blanket is adequately hidden, and Roberto washes his face while Hiraga dries his hands. Roberto runs his fingers through his hair, though it is likely a lost cause.
Once they’re done, Roberto allows Hiraga to tug him into their own bed with no complaints. He embraces him tightly.
“Hey,” Roberto whispers to him. “Let’s go buy your ring soon, alright?”
“Make,” Hiraga corrects sleepily, and Roberto is once again sent reeling. He holds Hiraga as he falls asleep, whispering promises of love, and tries to pray, to offer what thanks he can to God for this blessing. (The next day is truly just as exciting: Jin and Ryouta wake up disoriented but happy when they see the couple embracing in their sleep, Roberto discovers that his ring is gold – he won’t find the inscription within until they get home – and Hiraga gets flustered when Roberto calls him “Kou” in front of everyone. Hiraga gets teased about his new, form-fitting wardrobe much to Roberto’s delight, Jin tries to teach them all about adoption processes and family registries in Japan – to everyone but Hiraga’s confusion – and Roberto nearly damages something when he finds several red marks covering his nape, in plain view despite his shirt collar.)
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