#need to at least be behind the Feuerzone again
marimayscarlett · 1 year
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No Feuerzone, which doesn't surprise me sadly... They were sold in the blink of an eye! But we have standing tickets for both of the Dresden dates, so with queuing and some luck, we'll hopefully be able to secure a place in the front row directly behind the Feuerzone, which was quite nice this year 🥳🥳
No matter what: I'm going to see the guys at least 2 times (maybe trying my luck additionally on fansale) next year which makes me so incredibly happy ❤️
Plus I am so happy for everyone who got tickets as well!! 🤍
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Rammstein concert tips if you want to get to first row
Alright guys, so yesterday for the first time ever I managed to get to first row and let me tell you it was hard hard work!
WEATHER : I went to the first Düsseldorf concert and when I heard the weather forecast for that day I was already worried. It was over 30 degrees and I thought this was not a good day to wait for several hours but I did it anyway - and it was pure hell. There was almost no shade and the sun was brutal. People brought umbrellas with them and some of those silver blankets to keep the heat out. There were even some guys who put up an entire tent. So if your concert will be on a hot day take an umbrella with you, enough to drink and put on some sun lotion.
TIME : I thought that the long waiting time would be the hardest part but the weather was way harder to endure. I got there at 7 in the morning and to that time there were about 12 other people there. I even brought some sudoku sheets just in case so I could keep myself busy. But I did not need any of that. There were so many nice people and I just talked with them all the time. I even met one of the guys who is in one of Jens Kochs official pictures on the Rammstein page and I immediately recognized him. I asked him if it was him and he said yes. He helped me through the long waiting time and when we saw each other again after the concert I thanked him for getting me through it.
RUNNING : So after they finally let us in my body already felt so miserable. To that time I have already spent 8 hours in the heat and was so tired. They told us that they do not want us to run so they led us through the entrance behind a rope and people were already acting totally crazy. Of course after a while they still started to run so I had to run as well. They were all so fast and I just thought the waiting was all for nothing, there are simply too many people faster than me. With my last strength I tried to run as well but when I got to the Feuerzone everything in front of Till was completely full. BUT I still managed a first row place in front of Richard. That feeling was absolutely amazing. I thought at least all my suffering paid off in that moment.
So that's it - first row was hard work for me. The couple right next to me arrived only two hours before they opened the gates so it's also a lot of luck and definitely how fast you can run.
But it was so worth it! I already knew that the fire is hot but in the first row the fire almost hurts you. It was so amazing to see the boys that close and to have no one else in front of you except the security guys. I still have to say that I will probably never do that again because all in all it was really a nightmare with the heat and the waiting time. Still, seeing Rammstein from the first row is an experience that I will keep forever with me and I am happy that I was able to get there at least once!
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