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lifeinbooks · 5 months ago
koeficijent samoće se mjeri nedjeljom uvečer
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gtaradi · 3 months ago
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rokenrol · 11 months ago
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Cvjetna nedjelja
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zvoneradikalni · 1 year ago
Ivana Brkljačić, impresivno glupa tuka 🙄
A što reći? 😂 Nek je tebe HDZ fino uhljebio do kraja života .. a jebi ga, triba štogod dugova i vratiti.
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spectatorzg · 2 years ago
Bijeli kruh Eurosuper 95
Igra skrivača stranih turista Nedjelja je, dućani na moru rade. Jučer radili nisu. Pa su se turisti igrali skrivača, tumarajući mjestima i gradovima tražeći kruh, salamu, uloške, sok od jabuke i kaj ja znam sve ne. Zabavno je jutros gledati strane turiste kako hodaju od dućana do dućana, od pekare dobpekare, ne bi li što kupili. Ali a-a…#razvijamoturizam — Spectator (@SpectatorHR) August 5,…
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casioandglitter · 2 years ago
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Nedijon ne smiš
ništa činit
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cgvijesti · 2 years ago
Uspješno isprobana četvorodnevna radna nedjelja
Foto: Reuters Proba četvorodnevne radne nedjelje u Velikoj Britaniji, najveća na svijetu, pokazala je da će ogromna većina od 61 preduzeća koja su od juna do decembra učestvovale u tome, nastaviti s kraćom radnom nedjeljom, jer je većina zaposlenih manje pod stresom i bolje se oseća pošto su im rad i život uravnoteženiji. Preduzeća su, po nalazima objavljenim ove nedjelje, prijavila da im je…
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indimlights · 2 months ago
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Nedjelja 17:15 + Details ✨
Ep8, Clip 1, "You Ruined Everything"
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luciawithoutj · 7 months ago
Danas je... Nedjelja. 😌
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soulrestinginstpetersburg · 4 months ago
Why do you worship your god YHWH as the only one? This is a legitimate question? What good does it do for you? Everything your god has done for you shouldn't have anything to do with his status, or uniqueness. I've seen the power of gods alien to your own, from Hel (the goddess I'm closest to, though I do worship others), I've seen her stop animals from moving, protect the sick and wounded, and cause a blind preacher to see her and flee. And I've felt her love, felt her comfort (I probably wouldn't even identify as agender if it wasn't for her help). But because she is not your god you would call this demonic? And say my soul is bound for damnation? Why not admit the existence of other gods, and keep to your own if you wish. How can your relationship with your god even be safe if you can't leave for another? How can it be called anything but bigotry to deny another god's divinity while you worship one yourself?
I actually used to believe that when I was younger, especially when I was an atheist. I did think that every god is real and that after death everyone will end up in a way they believe they will according to their religion. By every god I mean the christian one, the muslim one, the hindu ones, the pagan ones, the budha etc. But that simply cant be, and I only realised that as I got closer to Christianity around two years ago. If I did recognise other gods over Jesus Christ, I would be commiting a sin against Him. And I commited many sins throught my life, my weak, dirty and sinful soul has done many wrongs, said many wrongs and thought many wrongs. But I wont say that all gods are real. Because Jesus Christ is the only true living God that died on the cross for the mankind and then ressurected the third day. I will never ever recognise other gods over Jesus Christ. I will never choose anyone else over Him, and I will never so firmly believe in any god but Him. And yes, because she is not my god it is demonic. It is against my beliefs and morals to say that its not. And I wont do that. It is demonic.
What good does it do to me? Oh only if you knew. The depression, the social anxiety, the eating problems and overall self image problems (this used to be an @ n @ blog in 2021-2022 btw) were literally eating me alive. And that was a time when I was an atheist, drowning myself in lgbtq labels, crystals and shifting methods. All of my mental health problems were gone the second I saw the relycts of St. king Milutin Nemanjić in Saint Nedjelja church in Sofia in Bulgaria, July 2022. And nothing, nothing filled me with such love, happiness and content as the Holy Spirit. Bawling my eyes out in church, attending services and liturgy, underlining verses from the Bible, reading about stories of various saints, admiring the iconography... Social anxiety is still there but under good control, depression is nowhere to be found and its much easier to look at myself in the mirror and not have fantasies about starvation. So yeah He does to me so much. In words I cant describe.
How can my relationship with my God even be safe if I cant leave for another? Isnt that the point? That I worship, believe and love my God, Lord Jesus Christ so much that I recognise Him as the truth that I dont want to and dont plan on leaving Him for any other god? I tried to do that and it led me nowhere. Why would I want to leave my God for another?
Okay so I translated the word bigotry to my native language and it translated to нетрепељивост (netrepeljivost), and when I looked up the word it said "a human feeling whose perception is subjective and which the observer cannot understand in any case". I get why you wouldnt understand my point of view, considering that you are a polytheist, of course you wouldnt get why I would recognise only one god as the true one and reject the divinity of others. I think thats kind of a point of monotheism. You are a polytheist and I am a monotheist, alright, of course we cant understand each others perceptions.
I think I answered to all your points. Im sorry if some of my sentences are weirdly formed, english is not my first language and I literally just woke up. So yeah, God bless and have a good day.
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pre-luda · 4 months ago
nostalgična nedjelja
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lifeinbooks · 9 months ago
Nedjelja je prazan mobitel. Od poruka,poziva.Tu.Ispod jastuka, pojačan na najjače. Ona je mješavina sretnih i tužnih uspomena, zbog kojih iz minute u minutu mijenjaš raspoloženje.
Nedjeljom ne gasiš YouTube kucajući naslove pjesama čije priču znaju osim tebe, samo tvoji zidovi.
Nedjelja je dan kada jedeš Nutellu na kašiku. Ustaneš kasno, opereš zube i opet se vratiš u krevet.
Nedjelja je upaljen TV-e. Smanjen do kraja. Tupo gledanje fotografija u kojima vidiš svoj osmijeh. Od uha do uha. Zbog ostvarene želje ili zacrtanog cilja.
Nedjelja je neuredni ormar. Atomska bomba neodlučnosti pospremiti taj ormar nakon prvog ili drugog nedjeljenog ustajanja.
Nedjelja je dan stvoren za ljubav. Kada tvoj Facebook prepun bijelih vjenčanica i leptir mašni, sa svadbi prijatelja tvojih prijatelja. To je dan neispričanih ljubavi. Otkrivenih u objavama onih tekstualnih fotografija na Instagramu.
Jedini dan kad nije grijeh priznati neko nedostajanje. Jedini dan kad nije grijeh prokleti kilometre i derati se ispod jorgana.
Nedjeljom se sjećaš.
Nedjeljom sanjaš.
Nedjeljom putuješ kroz vrijeme.
I nedjeljom voliš.
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gtaradi · 2 years ago
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freepalestinesposts · 11 months ago
Sunday 7th of April Sarajevo
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nepoznati-poznanik · 2 years ago
Razgovor sa samim sobom - Unos broj 134
25.06.2023. nedjelja 00:10
Hvala Uzvišenom Gospodaru na svemu; na zdravlju i bolesti, na opskrbi i oskudici, na poteškoćama i blagostanju. Neka je salavat i selam na posljednjeg Božijeg poslanika, Njegovog miljenika, milost svim svjetovima, Muhammeda sallallahu alejhi vessellem. 
Nekako me iste stvari iznova iznenađuju pa se često čudim i razočaram. Vrijeme stvarno brzo prolazi i sve se odvija nevjerovatnom brzinom. Čovjek svojim manjkavim “znanjem” sebe često dovede u zabludu i samog sebe vara svojim mislima i osjećajima, s onim što misli da zna i onim što misli da osjeća. Stvari koje smo mislili da će se desiti svakog trenutka nikako da se dese a ono što smo mislili da nikad neće doći se pojavi na pragu naših života za tili čas. 
Hvala Allahu, položio sam arapski i hvala Allahu, počeo sam ponovo raditi. Pišem skripte jednom prijatelju za youtube i u životu nisam mislio da ću ovoliko i na ovaj način zarađivati. Iako sam veći dio svog života imao problem kad je u pitanju stjecanju prijatelja, u proteklih par godina sam bio blagoslovljen divnim ljudima. Hvala Allahu na daru iskrenih i pravovjernih prijatelja. Ljeto je napokon stiglo i hvala Allahu i na tome. 
Mislim da je ponovo došlo vrijeme da se zatvorim. Vjerujem da moram na sebi još intenzivnije i detaljnije raditi i vjerujem da tu nema mjesta i prostora bilo kakvim distrakcijama. 
Idem polako. Moram ispeglati neku odjeću i moram se obrijati. Sutra, tj. danas nakon sabaha krećem na put. Valjalo bi odspavati, šta misliš?
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spectatorzg · 2 years ago
Čudit ćemo se ko pura dreku
Počeo sam pisati o današnjem prazniku. U stvari, napisao sam članak. Ali ga neću objaviti. Nek stoji. Danas je državni praznik. Prvi kolovoški, drugi je za deset dana. Velika Gospa. Praznici koji su više-manje idealni za različita spajanja, pa se, kad sretno padnu, mogu spretnim spajanjem pretvoriti u mini godišnji odmor. Ove godine pada praznik u subotu. A subota je, to svaki klinac zna, u…
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