#ned leeds fanfiction
iguana-eyanna · 1 year
In Another Universe Pt. 5
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Pairing: Ned Leeds x superhero! reader
Summary: Ned's world turns upside down when his new powers bring a stranger to his world. What's more strange is that she knows who he is.
"Can I ask you something?"
"If you didn't get bit by that spider, do you think we would have met?"
You ponder for a moment as you look up to the clear blue sky.
"Yeah." You said, turning to Ned as you were lying on picnic blanket.
"You really think so?" He asks as he turned around too.
"Of course! I mean, we met at my family's store for one. Spider or no spider, we could have found each other no matter where we are in life."
He smiles as he squeezes your hand as you cuddle closer as you two looked up at the same sky.
"I hope you're mine in every universe."
You gasp out loud, your mind filled with heightened anxiety.
You look down at your body and see that spider suit was ripped from the fight, but your torso was bandaged by someone.
Out of heightened senses, you accidentally flip some web fluid from your wrist and tried getting up, but it was no use.
"Hey! It's just us." Peter Parker yelled out as MJ helped you calm down. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, almost drooping your head.
"Try to stay up for us, okay? You got a pretty nasty concussion." Peter addressed.
"Where's... where is he?" you tried to speak.
"Well, our world's Ned is visiting yours in the prison." Strange walked up, trying to wipe away the web you shooted out.
"What?" You ask, trying to get on your feet.
"Don't worry, Wong is on standby. No one is going to get hurt." MJ said as she helped you lie down.
But deep down, you know that someone will.
Hobgoblin, or rather Edward, doesn’t look back at Ned since he came in.
Ned feels impatient as anger began to build in his chest.
“I’m not leaving till you answer my questions.” Ned replie- no, demanded.
Edward have a sleazy scoff, slightly looking over his shoulder.
“And what makes you think I’ll reply?” Edward asks.
“If you’ll answer my questions, I’ll answer yours. It’s only fair.” Ned stated flatly.
Edward slowly turns around, making Ned feel a bit unnerved seeing an evil version of himself.
“Okay. You have my attention.”
“Alright then… you followed us through the portal without us knowing. Why didn’t you attack then?” Ned asks.
“I admit, I was shocked when I saw you at a far gaze. I watched from a distance, wanted to know about this… version of me.” Edward said, his tone changing at the end of his sentence.
“Speaking of that night... You took her in without hesitation. Why did you save someone you barely knew?”
“It was the right thing to do.” Ned replied.
Edward tsks, walking in circles in his prison.
“That’s not a good answer.”
“What do you mean?” Ned asks, walking closer to him.
Edward rolls his eyes groaning.
“Oh please, it’s so obvious! You love her.”
“No I don’t!” Ned said in defensive tone
Edward stops in his tracks and inches closer to Ned.
“So you’re telling me that you risked your life at least 3 times, nursed her back to health, and all because it was the right thing to do?”
“I don’t know why you’re interrogating me about this? You’re the one who done those things before.”
“Why would I ever help her?” Edward asked, mentioning your name as if it gave a bad taste in his mouth.
“You loved her, Edward. You’re the one who gave her hope-”
“That’s insane.”
“-you snuck to her house and cuddled all night when she was feeling down after a hard mission-"
"Stop talking!" Edward gritted.
"and you hurt her! You hurt the only person that loved you!"
"I said STOP!" Edward screamed, punching his fist against the clear forcefield as it rippled from his strength.
Ned backed up a bit, seeing how Edward was heaving.
Edward's eyes appeared rageful, full of spite. But Ned can't shake the feeling that it was the only emotion that Edward has known.
"What do you remember when you woke up in the sewer... the day you died?"
Edward stays silent.
"All I could remember was her face as she gave me the serum. Every time I try to remember anything else, I just hear this laughing in my head. It keeps taunting me whenever I think of her."
He sat down and leaned by the wall, feeling empty inside.
"Is she... okay?" Edward asks.
"I haven't checked on her since we came here. But I think she'd be alright." Ned replied.
Edward nods his head in a small manner.
"How... how did you know about these things about me and her?"
Ned inhales and sits besides Edward from the outside.
"Since I found out I have powers, I've been getting these visions of her. I realized that these dreams were memories that came from you. I didn't think she was real. Thought it was just my conscious making myself a fake girlfriend to make me feel better."
Edward chuckles.
"That's funny, I don't think I laughed like that in a long time."
Edward looks down at his hands, the hands that hurt you.
"I didn't mean for any of this to happen."
"It doesn't have to be this way you know... You could get your memories back."
"How?" Edward asks.
Ned looks outward in the distance.
"It starts with me."
"I'm sorry, you want to do WHAT again?" Peter asks.
"I wanna free Edward." Ned said in front of his friends, Dr. Strange, and Master Wong.
"No, I forbid it." Wong said.
"Let's hear the kid out before you crumble his world." Strange stated.
"Look Ned, I know you probably had a heart to heart with him, but what makes you think that he's not going to go against his word?" MJ asks.
"All he wants to remember. It's not like he can escape here." Ned assured the group, but everyone seemed unsure.
Ned goes up to Strange who was deep in thought.
"Look, Mister Strange - you used to be a surgeon. Wouldn't it be possible to transfer the memories I've been getting and give it to Edward? Like a magical surgery or something?"
"It could be possible, but we've never done anything like this." He said.
Wong steps up and points out the problem.
"If one strand of your memory is gone or out of place, it could collapse your mind and you'll have no recollection of who you are." Wong said.
"But these aren’t my memories, they're his. Why can't we just give him some peace? The serum already corrupted him, I can't stand seeing him like that anymore."
Wong falls silent.
Ned really grew up these past few days. And he's willing to risk his life to save a version of himself that doesn't want to be saved.
But if he stopped these kids, who will be there for them?
Wong releases a breath that he's been holding onto.
"Alright, but in order to do this... it comes with a sacrifice."
"We're not losing anyone else." Peter stated.
"Pete... I got this." Ned said to his friend.
He looks back at Wong.
"What do I need to do?"
"In order to transfer these memories... both of you have to lose your powers."
Ned silently gulped.
"I know you've been working hard on your apprenticeship Ned. Although you must have an ancient power in your lineage... you may still be able to learn again, but we are unsure if you'll be able to harness the same capabilities as before."
"That's a sacrifice I'm willing to take." Ned stated
"But what about Edward? Is he willing to give up just like that?" MJ asks.
"Someone needs to go down and talk things through." Strange asked.
"I'll do it."
Everyone turns around and sees you holding a column to keep you up.
Ned runs to you before you slightly collapse.
"Are you sure? What if he gets triggered again?" Peter asks.
"I can handle myself. But if it's okay, I need to speak with you first." You said, looking at Ned.
Everyone made their way to prepare the spell and it was just you and Ned sitting down.
"This has been one crazy week." You said.
"Tell me about it." Ned chuckled as you join him.
You look over at Ned.
"I um... overheard what you guys were talking about. Are you sure about this? From what I'm hearing, there's no going back."
Ned purses his lips and looks down.
"I know these past few days were really rough. And I remind you of something you lost. But your Ned is downstairs, waiting to remember. Deep down, I know he still loves you because well... I felt like I was falling in love with you."
Your eyes soften as he said that.
He takes your hands and softly holds them.
"I know you don't feel the same. Especially since i'm an exact replica of your ex boyfriend. If I don't remember you after all of this, I just wanna say thank you. You had a lot of faith in me when I didn't have any faith for myself. And uh... I'm really glad I finally got to see the girl of my dreams."
You gave a tearful chuckle, squeezing his hand ever so slightly.
"Someone told me that I'd either had to save the entire world or just that one person. And when I couldn't even do that, I just focused on doing whatever it takes. But you, Ned, saved me. I'll never forget you."
You guys hugged each other tightly and parted, drying your eyes.
"Are you ready to talk to him?"
You nodded your head as he helped you stand up. Using his ring, he opens the portal to the prison and motions you to go inside.
"When you're ready, you can head up any time."
You nodded as you fully walked inside. You look around and see Edward sitting down. He lifts his head and looks to see you.
"Hi." You whispered, limping over.
"Are you - alright?" He asks.
"Yeah, just a bit bent out of shape." You assured him.
Edward nods his head and looks back at the ground.
"Didn't think you'd come down." He says, fiddling with a pebble he found on the ground.
"I wanted to. It's time we talk... instead of fighting for once."
He chuckles, looking over.
"That um... other version of me... he seems like a nice guy."
"Yeah, he really is."
Edward gets up, not looking at you.
"I told him after waking up in the rubble... I couldn't even muster a thought. All I could hear was this laughter. Not like it was funny, it was haunting. I couldn't get it to shut up. Found a wallet with me and it had my school ID. It read 'Edward Leeds' Then I got this horrible laugh again. But somehow I heard your voice. You were calling me Ned. You knew me. And I was left wondering why, why did you leave me there alone?"
"You died, Ned. You died in my arms. I tried-" You stopped, choking on your own words.
"I tried to save you."
He turns around, glaring at you.
"and you gave me THIS! No silence left in my head! No memories of family or things that were important to me. Powers that I didn't even asked to have! You call that saving me?"
"That's not fair." You said.
"Yeah, you're right. It isn't. You get to be this hero... you got to live on with your life. And I never got to live mine anymore." His voice croaked at the end of his sentence.
"You think I moved on after you? I felt like a part of me was gone that day. It took me weeks to just get out of my bed. I refused to wear my suit because it was still stained with your blood. I wasn't able to face your family because of the shame that I've been feeling. They knew... they knew I was with you and I didn't give them the clarity of how their only son and grandson died. And I lived with that ever since."
Silence filled the air as you two refused to make eye contact again.
"Ned is wanting to give back his memories to you. The sorcerers upstairs are fixing the spell as we speak."
"I feel like there's a catch."
"Yeah. Both of you have to give up your powers. I don't expect you to resume back to who you were when we were still together, but this is your chance to live your life the way you want it. Not me or anyone should choose for you."
Edward is deep in thought.
"I'll do it. But I'm not going to be imprisoned when you're doing the spell. I want full control."
You nod your head.
"I'll talk to them right now. You just hang on tight, okay?" You ask before walking up the stairs.
You look back at Ned and give him a small smile.
"All I wanted is for you to be happy, Ned." you said before slowly walking up the stairs as your wounds were healing.
'What a load of crap.' a voice rang in Edward's head.
"Where were you? You've been awfully quiet since we came here." Edward said out loud.
'There was nothing to do much in this magic cell. But your gears started turning when she started to talk... You're starting to feel things for her.'
Edward shakes his head.
"No, I'm not. That ended a long time ago."
'Good, we don't need any distractions. Right now... let's figure out a way to cause real mayhem. There's gotta be something in this magic building that can do real damage to them.' the voice plotted.
"Are you sure that'll work?
'Have I ever left you to dry, Edward? I helped you dig yourself up from the rubble. I lead you to Kingsley's secret lair so you could learn how to build a new glider. Trust me, kid, I'm the only one who has your best interest at heart.'
Edward's nose flares as his eyes become a dark shade.
"Okay, we gain their trust. Then we'll follow by your rules." Edward said as he looked at the reflection of himself in a nearby mirror that was facing him.
His reflection grew a wicked smile as he laughed maniacally.
'It's time for the real Hobgoblin to come out and play. The first one to go is your doppelganger, then the girl.'
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reidingandwriting · 3 months
darlin’ i’d wait for you > p.p.
Word Count: ~5,000
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Warnings: The author entirely makes up how the memory erasing spell would work, mild language throughout, mentions of an attempted mugging
Author’s Note: What watching NWH for the first time in two years does to a mf! Cross posted on my ao3 account. Peter deserves a happy ending and by god I’m giving him one!!
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It was a cold night that night. Peter swung through the city, happy things were relatively calm tonight. though he wouldn’t mind a little more action so he could fight and warm up a little. He was about to turn in for the night, anyway, so Peter could cope.
It was on his swing back home that he saw it. Three bulking men cornering one person in an alley. Peter perched on the rooftop, assessing the scene before he jumped in. Two appeared to be unarmed, but Peter froze when he saw the gun the third pulled out. Peter quickly shot a web at the gun, yanking it out of his hands and up towards the roof before he dove in. One direct kick to the face had the first guy out cold.
Peter dodged the punch from one of the others and he narrowly missed another punch from the other. Peter landed a punch of his own to one of the men and webbed him to the wall before doing the same to the remaining guy. Peter webbed the guy who had the gun against the side of the dumpster in case he woke up, and then he turned to face you.
“Holy shit. Thank you so much, Spider-Man.” Peter froze when he heard your voice and he was grateful to the mask for hiding his expression. You. Tony's child, his former partner… all before Doctor Strange’s spell erased all memories of peter parker from the world. Realization flashed in your eyes and Peter felt his heart skip a beat from your smile. Did you remember? “Spidey! I haven't seen you in forever it feels like. It’s been ages, hasn’t it?”
Of course you didn’t remember him. You knew Spider-Man from him working with the Avengers, but you didn’t know him. Most of the time he spent with your family was as Peter. Spider-Man had been a rare visitor to the Stark family; what was the point of hiding behind the Spider-Man persona when you all knew him? Why hide from someone who had been to his and May’s home countless times? From the same someone who had spent hours in the lab with him making improvements to the spider suit.
“Yeah. Yeah, it has been, hasn’t it?” Peter rubbed the back of his neck and you still smiled that bright, warm smile. Peter's eyes began to burn with the feeling of unshed tears; god he had missed you so much. “I'm, uh, surprised you’re out here this late.”
“Wasn’t supposed to be. Happy was running a little late picking me up, and I thought it would be quicker for me to just walk over to his, but then that happened,” you laughed and Peter couldn’t help but smile as well.
“Do- do you want an escort? Or I could wait with you until you’re picked up. My patrol is over anyways, and I don’t. I don't have anywhere else to be.” Peter offered and you nodded.
“Let me just,” your phone ringing cut you off and you smiled apologetically at him. “One second, sorry.” You dug your phone out of your pocket and answered it, holding it to your ear. “Hey, Hap!” Peter could faintly make out happy on the other line and his heart ached. Happy… Peter tuned out the majority of your conversation, not wanting to eavesdrop and violate your privacy, even if he kind of wanted to just to hear Happy’s voice some more. You hung up the phone a moment later and Peter turned to look at you.
“What's the plan?”
“Since I'm not too far from Happy, I think I'll walk over to where he’s waiting. Are you sure you don’t mind walking with me? I'm sure you’re ready to get home by now.” Home. Peter wanted to laugh- home didn’t exist to him anymore. Not one he could have, anyways.
“Wouldn’t be very friendly neighborhood Spider-Man of me to let you walk by yourself, especially after you’ve already been cornered once. At gunpoint,” Peter emphasized and you merely shrugged.
“Unfortunately something I've gotten somewhat immune to. The panic will hit later,” Your tone was joking but Peter knew the weight behind your words. You were like your dad. So good at bottling up emotions and being able to put them to good use. Until the bottle eventually filled and you cracked. You had gotten better about bottling up and your emotions hit faster now- even if you did have delayed reactions to trauma at this point. “I guess we should start walking then, huh?”
Peter followed just a step behind you as you walked to Happy’s. You made small talk with Peter, asking him how patrols were going and how he had been lately. Peter brushed over that question and turned it back on you, and you happily obliged. You had just left your friend Betty’s since it was her birthday, and you were about to go back home to celebrate the holidays with Happy, your mom, and sister. Pepper and Morgan…
It had taken a few visits for Morgan to warm up to Peter, but she had quickly worked her way into his heart and she rather quickly learned that she had Peter (and most everyone who knew her) wrapped around her finger. He had countless movie nights with you and the younger Stark and Peter remembered the first time Morgan chose to cuddle into his side during the movie like it was yesterday.
“What about you, Spidey? Any plans for the holidays?” Your question startled Peter and he shook his head. “Nothing?”
“I.. I don't really have anyone to celebrate with. Will probably just stay in, watch some movies. Maybe do an extra long patrol, gotta make sure everyone else gets to be safe during the holidays.” There goes that look Peter missed- you were thinking about something; your brows furrowed just slightly and your nose scrunched in contemplation.
“Well, if you get lonely. You should reach out to me.” You dug in your bag for a moment before you pulled out a sticky note and pen. You wrote quickly before you handed the note to him- your number. Of course he had it already, had long since memorized it, but you didn’t know that. “No pressure or anything at all but. It can get lonely this time of year, and my dad always spoke highly of you. So if you ever just need someone to talk to or anything,” you sounded a little uncertain. Anxious, even. “I unfortunately adopted my dad’s horrible sleeping patterns so I should just be a text away.”
“Thank you. So much,” When Peter said your name, you blinked in surprise that quickly smoothed out. Right, Spider-Man knew your name, why wouldn’t he? A familiar voice snapped you and Peter back to reality and you waved excitedly.
“Did something happen? Why is Spider-Man walking with you?” You hesitated briefly and Peter stepped in.
“We ran into each other while I was swinging around. My patrol was ending anyways, and it wasn’t out of my way to walk with them.” Peter lied smoothly. It was completely out of his way and he didn’t want to mention the fact that you had almost been mugged, potentially worse. Selfishly, he wanted another chance to see you and he knew he wouldn’t get that opportunity if Happy knew what happened.
“He was great company,” you flashed Peter a grateful smile before you turned back to Happy.
“Thanks, Spider-Man. I've got it from here.” Happy looked at him and Peter nodded.
“I hope I'll hear from you, Spidey.” You said and Peter smiled. Peter said his goodbyes before he swung away, leaving you and Happy outside his apartment complex.
Peter barely locked his door and tore off his mask before tears filled his eyes. God he missed you. Missed Happy, Pepper, Morgan, all his friends. You may not remember him, but he hoped this could be the start of starting over with you. He had to have you in his life again, even if he was just a stranger to you right now.
Two weeks had passed since you had run into Spider-Man and you were feeling odd. You had trouble sleeping the night you got home and you assumed it was the stress from having the gun pulled out on you. Every night since then, you’ve had dreams that felt strangely like memories? A few of them included your friends MJ and Ned, but they all had some guy with a blurry face in them. His voice in the memories was a little distorted, but vaguely familiar at the same time.
You were doing some cleaning when you found an old sketchbook and you took a moment to go through a few of the pages, and you tilted your head when again, you saw the faceless guy from your dreams. How could you not remember him? You stopped when you saw a polaroid in the middle of your sketchbook, a picture of you and your father with the faceless guy in the middle. You slammed the book shut and tried to focus on controlling your breathing. You slid down against the wall, hands trembling.
Who was this person? How was he such a prominent part of your life but you couldn’t remember him? You buried your face in your hands and you barely processed the click of your door opening.
“Since MJ is coming over, what do you think about- kid?” Pepper's voice sounded through the room and you looked up. “Hey, what happened?” Pepper rushed over and took a seat beside you. Her hands cupped your face as her thumbs wiped away the tears you hadn’t even noticed beginning to fall.
“Do you ever feel like there’s something you’re just missing?” You nodded towards the sketchbook and Pepper cautiously grabbed it, and she flipped through the pages. She stopped when she saw the polaroid and looked at you. “I feel like I'm going crazy, Mom. I know who this is, I have to know. But I can't remember him. Ever since I ran into Spider-Man, I've been having these dreams. I think they’re memories and they all have him in them. I thought I was just making him up and then I saw this. I don't know what’s wrong with me, why can’t I remember him?”
“I don’t remember this either.” Pepper said and you looked at her, confused. “I remember taking this picture but him?” Pepper tapped the person in the middle. “Not a clue who he is. I can ask Happy if you want? Maybe he remembers?” You nodded before you curled into Pepper’s side. Your mom’s arms wrapped around you, and she leaned her head against yours. “We'll figure it out, somehow.”
You tried to have a normal rest of your night. You helped your mom cook dinner for everyone, you all played a game with Morgan before tucking her into bed with a bedtime story, and you, MJ, and your mom watched some mindless reality show before she went to bed. The night ended the same way, with her kissing your head and telling you not to stay up too late, and you stayed on the couch for a while longer before returning to your room. You and MJ laid on your bed and MJ let out a loud sigh.
“Okay, what’s up?” MJ asked and you turned towards her. “You’ve been acting off all night and you’re guarding your phone. I’m all for some quiet body doubling time, but you seem a little checked out.”
“It’s gonna sound crazy,” you said and MJ shrugged.
“I’m no stranger to crazy.” And so you told her. You told her how you ran into Spider-Man and how you have felt odd ever since. You told her about the weird dreams and how you feel like your memories are incomplete and you’re missing something. You showed her the sketchbook, the photo, and you took a deep breath.
“I reached out to Happy and he doesn’t remember him either, but he says he’ll try to look into things. I, uh, have my own plan if he’ll ever answer me.”
“Who?” MJ asked.
“Have you ever seen that… really strange building in the city?”
“Thanks for letting me in,” You said to Doctor Strange, Stephen he insisted, as you took a seat in his… was lair the right term? Office felt too informal but lair felt too menacing. Whatever.
“I must admit I was curious as to why you wanted to see me. I don’t think we’ve spoken since the funeral.” Stephen said and you nodded.
“Never had much of a reason to. We didn’t know each other before, and I was,” you trailed off, “occupied after. Between my sister and helping my mom with the company, and this new thing that’s occurred.” Stephen hummed in response and made a gesture for you to continue speaking. “I think some kind of magic has interfered with my life and altered my memories.” Stephen paused, genuinely looking like he was blue screening, and you began to speak again when he raised his hand.
“What exactly do you think has been altered?” Stephen asked, words coming out slowly, like he was still processing what he had heard.
“I think a person has been removed from my memories. Not just mine. Mine, my family’s, my friends. I have a feeling it’s bigger than that, and.” You trailed off.
“I would be the only one- well, not the only one capable- but I would be the only one to risk a spell of that caliber.” Your lips twitched upwards into a smirk and Stephen rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of amusement on his face as well. “Is it just your memories that have changed?” You shook your head and pulled the photo from your bag and you held it out to him. Stephen took it carefully, studying it.
“I have drawings of him, but the faces are all blank. I can see him in my dreams, I can hear his voice.” Your voice cracked. “I don’t even know who this is, but with each day that passes, the pain of losing whoever he is gets worse.” Stephen’s eyes met yours and you continued. “I can’t sleep without him being involved. I keep getting these deja vu moments but they’re incomplete. Hell, even my camera roll on my phone is messed up. Every picture or video he’s in? His face is blurry and his voice is distorted. Every night it gets worse. Like my brain wants me to remember, but I can’t.” You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You can’t cry in front of the wizard, that would be so embarrassing.
“Did something specific trigger this? When did you notice your memories had been affected?” Stephen asked and you sighed.
“After I ran into Spider-Man two weeks ago. I was walking to meet Happy, and some guys had cornered me. Spider-Man saved me and from that night on, I feel like my brain has been scrambled.” Stephen’s eyes widened a fraction. “You’re missing something too, aren’t you?” Your question came out more as a statement and Stephen stood. You quickly stood and when Stephen saw you stand, he walked out of the room and down the hall to another room. This room was darker, much more lair-ish, filled with books and other mystical looking items. Stephen’s strangely sentient cape fluttered over, whipping around you in some oddly cute form of greeting? before it flew over to Stephen and settled on his shoulders.
“I’m fuzzy on the details, but I remember seeing Spider-Man recently. We were fighting over some containment box that had a powerful spell in it. Then suddenly I was in the city, near the Statue of Liberty. Something big was happening and I performed some spell to help Spider-Man and I don’t remember anything after. Suddenly I was home and I guess I never looked further into it.” Stephen pulled a book from a shelf and flipped it open, rapidly scanning the pages until he landed on it. “This was the spell I had to contain.” As Stephen told you about the basics of the spell, your heart ached. What could have happened to Spider-Man that made him need a memory erasing spell?
“Then Spider-Man must have asked you to do another memory erasing spell. Hiding his identity?”
“More like erasing it. The universe as we knew it was breaking, the multiverse is real. And it almost became a real threat to our universe. Whatever I did fixed it. The multiverse is safe, but-”
“Now no one remembers who our hero really is,” you said. “I’m guessing there’s no way to counteract the spell.”
“No safe way to do it, even if we discovered who Spider-Man is. If it even could be reversed, the threat would return. These people were after Spider-Man, whoever he is. If the spell was reversed, those same people could very well slip through and become a problem all over again. Likely worse than before.”
“Shit. There’s no winning, is there? He just has to exist for the rest of his life, alone.”
“He may be alone, but it is odd that your memories are seemingly trying to come back. Has anyone else you’ve told experienced anything similar?” You shook your head. “He has you, then.” Stephen made eye contact with you. “Memory altering spells like this are unpredictable at best. For whatever reason, your brain is trying to make the connections. And from what I know about your family, if you are anything like your father, you are the best person to figure this out. I’m happy to assist however I can, but you, kid? You’re Spider-Man’s best chance at having anyone remember him again.”
It had been a few days since Peter had last contacted you. He didn’t text you often, scared to bother you. You always responded whenever he did reach out, but Peter hesitated when it came to you. Selfishly, he wanted to be in your life again. But he was terrified he would only hurt you again. That’s what he seemed best at and he couldn’t put you through that pain again. It’s been about three weeks since your first run-in and Peter hadn’t seen you in person again. He was starting to think it was a sign that he didn’t deserve to be in your life anymore.
It was raining as he came home from patrol that night. His apartment complex was in sight and he fumbled when he saw you outside of his building. Peter perched on a lamp post near you and called your name, and you jumped when you heard him.
“Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me!” You held a hand to your chest when you saw him, and Peter winced.
“Sorry, sorry! What are you doing out here?” Peter hopped down to stand in front of you. God, you were drenched. Your hair laid flat, soaked from the storm and Peter looked around. “Actually, let’s not have this conversation outside. You’re gonna get sick and your mom would kill me.” Peter opened an arm for you. “I need you to hold onto me.”
“Hold onto you?”
“I can’t exactly walk through the front door,” Peter gestured to himself.
“Right. Sorry.” You walked over to him and Peter wrapped an arm around you, lifting you just enough to support you before he shot a web towards his fire escape. You yelped as you clung to him and Peter carefully set you down once he was steady on the fire escape. Peter slid his window open and carefully helped you in before he climbed through, shutting the window behind him. Peter felt self conscious as you looked around the minimally decorated apartment. Peter didn’t have the money for anything beyond the essentials, and he knew his apartment looked more like a crash pad than a home.
“Do you have, like, towels or anything? I don’t want to,” you trailed off, and Peter sprung into action.
“Right! Sorry. Towels are in the bathroom. I’ll grab you one real quick.” Peter rushed to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. “Here, let me grab you something dry to change into.” Peter left the bathroom and walked towards his closet in the hall. He grabbed a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants and handed them to you. You thanked Peter before you disappeared into the bathroom and Peter looked around. He could, shit. He could at least get you a glass of water, right? Peter walked to the kitchen and grabbed two cups, filling them both with ice and water. God, why did he feel so sick? It was you. He knows you, he loves you. You had never judged him before, why would you now?
Peter had just set up the glasses when you came out of the bathroom. He swore his heart skipped a few beats when he saw you in his sweatshirt, and you played with the end of the sleeve.
“I, uh, left my clothes in your shower. Thanks for these,” you said and Peter nodded. God Peter was so glad he had tidied up this morning.
“No problem. It’s not much but make yourself at home. Should’ve dropped by tomorrow, tomorrow is grocery day and I could’ve had more for you,” Peter said and you shook your head as you sat on the edge of his bed. Peter stood by the other edge of the bed and you tilted your head.
“Keeping the suit on? Isn’t it a little wet?” Peter’s eyes widened and he rushed to his closet to change, and he barely heard your faint huff of laughter. Peter stared at himself in the mirror, mask still on his face after he had changed. He didn’t know what to do. Not like revealing his identity would change anything, but he felt safer behind the mask. With a sigh, he left the bathroom and your smile fell to a frown when you saw the mask. “Can we talk, Spidey?” Peter took a seat beside you and you both turned to face each other. Your gaze was determined, hopeful, and anxious all at the same time and Peter couldn’t tell if he wanted to look into your eyes forever or look away from the emotion in them.
“The floor is yours,” Peter said and you let out a breath.
“I may sound batshit insane, so please. Just listen to me until I’m done.” You said and Peter nodded. After a moment, you began to speak. “I know who you are.” Peter swore his heart stopped for a beat or two. “Or I did at least. You knew me, my family, my friends. Our friends, I guess I should say. But something happened and now no one knows you. Doctor Strange did some kind of spell for whatever saving the multiverse reason, and everyone forgot about you. The man behind Spider-Man.” Your eyes began to water and Peter wanted to reach out, to hold you close. But he was frozen.
“Ever since we ran into each other those weeks ago, I’ve been having these dreams. Memories, more like, but there was something missing in them. You. I could see the memories, I could hear your voice and see you. But I couldn’t remember who the voice belonged to. I couldn’t see the face, it was all blurry and distorted. I have a picture of us with my dad, I have countless videos and pictures in my camera roll; all of them having a person with a blurry face and distorted voice. For three weeks, you’ve been on my mind, awake or not. I’ve spent the last five days trying to find you, trying to figure out anything about you. Every file I found, redacted. Eventually, I just tracked your usual patrol route and your response time to local crimes and hoped I would stumble across you. I’d been walking around for at least two hours to find you, because somehow. I just know you’re the person I’m missing.” Your hands reached out and settled on Peter’s shoulders, and it took all of Peter’s restraint not to melt into your touch as he whispered your name. “Can I…?” You tapped the side of Peter’s neck and he nodded.
You moved slowly, as if you’d hurt him, as your hands traveled. You stuck your thumbs under the mask and you looked at Peter. Only when he nodded did you start to pull the mask off. The seconds it took you to pull the mask off felt like hours to Peter, and you let the mask fall beside you as you studied Peter. You reached out towards him, motions careful as you moved, and you rested one of your hands on his cheek. Peter felt the first tear slip and then you blinked.
It was like Peter was seeing an entirely new person again. Your eyes flashed with a million different emotions until they settled on recognition. Your eyes were wide and your own eyes began to fill up with tears.
“Peter?” You whispered and the dam broke. Peter let out a choked sob as he nodded and you threw yourself into his arms, clinging to him just as quickly as he clung to you. “Oh my god, Peter.” One of your hands tangled in his hair, the other hand gripped the material of his shirt like a vice. You moved back just enough to look at him, and Peter let out a teary laugh as his forehead rested against your own.
“I missed you so much.” Tears were falling from Peter’s cheeks and you somehow did the impossible by pulling Peter even closer to you. “How, how do you?”
“I don’t know,” You laughed in between your cries. “I don’t know how but oh my god, Peter.” You pulled back, his brown eyes meeting your own, and you smiled at him. So happy, so familiar, so full of love. Peter cupped your cheeks and pressed a kiss to your lips, which you happily returned.
You remembered him. Peter wasn’t entirely alone anymore. He had you. The love of his life, one of his best friends. When you broke apart, you cupped Peter’s face in your hands and wiped his tears away with your thumbs. “I thought I’d be alone forever. That no one would ever remember me. And I couldn’t, I couldn’t make myself talk to anyone new because all I do is get people hurt and-”
“Shhh, that’s not true. Not true at all.” You raked your fingers through his hair and Peter slumped into you. “I told you, you’d have me forever. Just took a little while for me to find you again.” You kissed Peter’s head and ran one hand up and down his back, the other gently working out the tangles in his hair. Peter’s breathing began to steady and he closed his eyes. For the first time in what felt like ages, he was content.
“What’s gonna happen now?” Peter asked and you hummed.
“First, you’re gonna rest. Your dark circles could rival my own,” you teased and Peter huffed in response, but a smile still lit up his face. “I told my mom I would be out tonight, so tomorrow morning, we’ll decide what our next steps are. I know there’s a few people who would like to meet you again, but if you’re not ready, we’ll wait.”
“I want to see them again. I’ve missed everyone so much, but I don’t know if I’m ready.” Peter trailed off. “I’m really scared.” Peter admitted. “I’m scared when I see them again, they won’t want to get to know me again. I’m scared I’ll wake up and this will all be a fluke; you’ll have forgotten me and I’ll be alone all over again.” Peter’s grip on you tightened and you continued to comb through his hair, hoping to soothe him.
“They’re your best friends, Peter. They’ll love you.” Peter was fully laying against you at this point, and you shifted so you could lean back as well. “I know my mom will too, and Morgan will be so happy to have a big brother again. But you’re in control, okay? You get to choose when we meet, who we meet.” Peter let out a shaky breath as he buried his face in your neck, and you closed your eyes. “Just say the word and I’ll make it happen.”
“I love you.” Peter pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder. “So much.”
“I love you even more.” And for the first time in weeks, you both fell into a dreamless sleep. The next afternoon, you and Peter stood outside your family's cabin. Your hand held Peter's and he squeezed your hand.
You had told your mom you were bringing company over, but you had been vague about the details. Kind of hard to explain everything over a phone call, you rationalized to Peter. You had Peter's bag on your back, with enough clothes to last him a few days, and his suit just in case. Neither of you seemed fond of the idea of separating now that you finally had each other again and if your mom didn't understand, you were willing to stay with Peter at a hotel because 'I love you, Peter, but this apartment is not it. Maybe I can buy you out of your lease,' you had said with a laugh but you were half joking. Whatever your next move ended up being, you'd do it together.
With one final nod, you walked inside with Peter, ready to re-introduce him to your family; ready for him to be a part of your family again.
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indyanapolis898 · 8 months
Peter Parker x f!reader
Synopsis: Peter has a crush on you from afar. One day you ask him to tutor you and things go from there.
Note: This really doesn't follow any specific canon from the movies.
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"You know staring at Y/N won't make her like you."
Peter's head shot up at the sound of a voice behind him, that of MJ's. 
"W-what are you talking about?" Peter chuckled awkwardly, doing a horrible job of lying. 
"Me and Ned notice how much you watch Y/N. You always bring up any interaction you two have- and so much more! You like her. Just admit it, nerd," MJ explained amid the noisy school cafeteria. 
"So what if I do?" Peter shrugged as MJ sat next to him. 
"You should make a move- oh wait- you're too scared," MJ said with a sly smirk, begging him to fight back, which he did. 
"Nervous? I'm an Avenger! I don't get nervous!" Peter hissed.
"Then go talk to her, Avenger" MJ shrugged like it was the only obvious option.
"Well- I- I just don't want her to think I'm weird."
"Well, then you're out of luck in that regard," she joked dryly. "You two used to be close. Why can't you spark up a conversation about, like, the past?" 
"'Cause it's random, and also, we were friends in middle school! That was a while ago, MJ!"
"OK, Parker, I give up. Enjoy your futile people-watching."
Peter watched as MJ walked away to the lunch line. She wasn't wrong. He was too scared to even consider being near Y/N. 
The boy sighed, going back to eating his lunch after you left the room. 
"Alrighty!" Mr. Harrington clapped his hands together. "We have a new member for this semester's Academic Decathlon!"
The club whispered among themselves in anticipation of who it could be. Peter glanced up from his book when, of course, you entered the classroom with a new copy of the textbook. 
"I'm sure you all know Y/N, so welcome her into the club and help her get acquainted with the material for today's practice."
You smiled shyly at the group, waving and going to take a seat in the open chair next to Flash.
Peter silently groaned, letting his head fall onto the desk. Of course, it was you, and of course, you had to sit next to Flash. Flash had an obvious crush on you as well. 
"Peter. Wanna start off today's practice?" Mr. Harrington asked, staring directly at Peter as he lifted his head off his desk. Everyone was looking at him.
Peter sighed, standing up with his textbook to go to the podium to call the questions. 
The first round went by fast. You answered three times, getting all answers right. Peter could feel himself smile every time you rang the bell. 
Peter tried his best to compliment you when you answered during the second round. 
At one point, Peter asked a question the Flash rang in for. Peter watched as the boy mouthed to you: watch this. 
Flash got the question wrong, making you slightly giggle. Peter chucked, as did the rest of the class, at Flash's misplaced confidence. However, Peter wasn't laughing at Flash this time- he was laughing because you laughed. Peter wanted to cling on to any bit of you he could. He was glad Flash's terrible attempt to show off failed. 
After a few more rounds, Peter traded off with another student. Peter didn't want to be like Flash and do a flashy show-off of his skills, but he did want to impress you. 
Peter heard the first question- ringing in as soon as he could. He wasn't confident with his odds but gave a shaky answer, which was revealed to be correct. 
Peter smiled slightly. When he glanced to the left, you were smiling at him, presumably because he aced the question. He smiled back at you, hoping this was some sort of connection. You were noticing him!
If that was what it took, he could do it. Peter answered every question he could, getting almost all right. He got a thumbs-up from you once after a question!
After practice ended, he was packing his bag to leave when you approached him. Peter felt his heart speeding up dramatically.
"Hey, Peter. Love the jacket," you started things off, making Peter smile and examine his jacket, vowing to wear it more often. 
"Thank you. I... like your shirt. Um- you did good on your first day," Peter gave a tightlipped smile, trying to act normal. 
"Thanks, but you were on fire! Like seriously, some of those questions were insane," you gushed, grinning the whole time.
"Oh, wow, uh, thank you!" Peter stuttered out, causing you to giggle. "You gave great answers, too!" He rushed to follow up.
"Yeah, about that... those were the bare minimum. I joined this club to help raise my grades. Clearly you know your stuff, so... I have the biggest favor to ask."
Peter raised his brows. "Uh, yeah, what's that?"
"So, it's OK if you say no because it's so random, but could you tutor me in some of the subjects covered here? I could really use the help, but again it's OK if y-"
"I'll do it," Peter agreed quickly, blushing at how eager he sounded. You grinned largely. 
"Seriously? 'Cause I could pay you if that's necessary." 
"Y/N, you don't have to pay anything. Honestly, I mean, it's the least I can do for the girl who defended me from Jose in 8th grade," Peter recalled a memory from their past, mentally punching himself for saying something that most likely meant nothing to her.
"You still remember that? Wow, I didn't know I could even make an impact like that," you said, surprised in a good way.
Peter decided to roll with it. "Uh, yeah, I mean, Jose was a jerk, so I was just glad someone stood up for me. So, uh, yeah," Peter awkwardly chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. 
You shrugged nonchalantly. "Anytime. But yeah, thank you so much for agreeing. When are you free to go over the material?"
Peter supposed one evening without Spider-Man wouldn't hurt. "Tonight," he said right away. "Um, like five?"
"Can do. At the library?"
"See you then, Peter. Thanks again," you waved at him as you left the class to go to your next. 
"So, you're telling me that all you had to do was be nerdy, and she just came up to you?" MJ recounted Peter's story in a tone laced with disbelief.
"Yes! Seriously. If you didn't have to miss today's practice for your re-do test, you would've seen it! So, believe it or not, I've gotta get to the library soon and tutor Y/N," Peter said cockily, standing up from the barstool at the cafe MJ part-timed at. 
MJ just rolled her eyes but gave a genuine smile. "Good luck. Don't screw it up."
"Thanks? I'll try not to."
With that, Peter slung his bag onto his back and left the shop, library-bound. 
The library wasn't awfully busy that weekday, making it easy to find a table in a corner. Peter laid his books and notebooks out, realizing you wouldn't know where he was, nor did he have your number to text you. 
Everything worked out, however, when you wandered into the back section he was sitting, looking lost. Your eyes lit up at the sight of him, making Peter's stomach churn in a good way.
You walked with a purpose over to the table, sitting your stuff down. "I was looking all over for you," you grinned, not meaning it in a guilt-tripping way. 
Peter realized he actually had to reply instead of staying in a daydream. "Oh- yeah. I sat here and realized you might not be able to find me, but luckily you did."
"Yeah, it only took like, seven different aisles," you laughed before opening your notebook.
Peter couldn't tell if he was just nervous or if he just loved the sound of your laugh, but his heart raced. 
"So, I was thinking... we could piggyback off what we did in practice today?"
"Sounds good. I'm sure whatever I learn will be good when you're teaching it," you said, laying your chin on the palm of your hand. 
Peter could feel his face heat up. He ducked his head down to the textbook and chuckled. "Yeah... I- uh- just start in on page five right here."
For thirty minutes, Peter was able to impart some knowledge your way. After you two finished a chapter, you turned to Peter with a closed-mouth smile. "This has been really helpful, thank you."
Peter frowned. "You're done?"
You continued smiling. "Just for today, yeah. But I'm really hungry... do you wanna get something to eat?"
Peter perked up at the invitation to continue spending time together. "Yeah, I'd love to!" He said very excitedly, to which you just giggled. 
"OK, c'mon. I'll show you this really good Thai place I like down the block."
You and Peter collected your things, exiting the library together to walk down the sidewalk to the restaurant of choice.
"So, you had that Stark Internship, right?"
"Yeah- still do, actually. I'm still just the young guy, though."
"Hey, they'll realize what a dedicated worker you are, and when they do, they'll have to give you more opportunities."
"You think so?"
"You seem like you have a great work ethic, Peter, so yeah, I do think so."
Peter just grinned, looking down at the sidewalk. You were making him nervous.
The restaurant you two entered was moderately nice for a casual New York City restaurant. 
You both ordered at the counter and then sat at an empty table.
Peter wanted to try and flirt, but he knew he'd be super awkward and make things weird. Nevertheless, he still attempted to gain your favor.
"You caught on really fast with the Academic stuff. It was like you already knew it! So, I guess you're a natural."
You looked away and grinned. "Thank you. I- um- guess I just needed a few reminders, is all."
Peter cocked a brow, but their food was placed in front of them at that moment. The two ate, sharing conversation about middle school and how annoying some of their classes were now. 
Somehow, the topic got moved on to Flash. 
"You know Flash has a thing for you," Peter decided to throw bait into the water as the pair left the restaurant, being that they had finished their food.
You furrowed your brows. "Yeah, I know. We actually have two classes together- three counting Decathalon now. He hits on me every day. It gets tiring really fast."
"What?" Peter exclaimed in fake shock. "You don't appreciate all his futile attempts to be a womanizer?"
You laughed and shook your head. "Crazy, right? I might be the only one who doesn't. I just- I just already have my eyes on someone else."
"Oh," Peter mumbled aloud, regretting how disappointed he sounded. "Um... is it weird to ask-"
"Who it is?" you cut him off. "Yeah, I was hoping you would've guessed by now," you stopped walking, Peter doing the same, peering at you with confusion. 
"I-I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be invasive. I-"
"It's you, Peter. I've been trying to flirt with you and give you hints, hoping you'd make a move," you chuckled to fill the air.
"Oh... Oh!" Peter put a hand to his chest. "You," he pointed at you, then back at himself. "Like me?"
"Yes!" You desperately hoped he felt the same.
"I- woah. I really like you too, Y/N," Peter sputtered out.
"Really? Because I was starting to think my plan failed."
"You said it yourself in the restaurant... I already knew that stuff we were learning. I don't need tutoring. I just decided to ask you so... I dunno," you looked away embarrassed. "So we could do something outside of school."
When you looked back up, Peter was grinning widely. "You made a plan just to be with me?" 
You nodded. 
"That's- wow. I was trying to drop hints all day too, but I suck at anything flirting-wise. I was just excited you kept asking to do stuff, but you planned this all along. You made the dominoes fall until we were here."
"I didn't know this would be how I confessed, but yeah. I don't need tutoring when I'm the mastermind," you joked and shrugged.
"Maybe it's my turn to do something..." Peter looked into your eyes, searching your face. "Can I kiss you?"
You leaned in, letting that be your answer. His lips met yours as you two kissed in the darkening evening. The cool Queens air hit the side of your face as you pulled away, catching your breath. 
"Was that good? Because I'm definitely not an expert."
You just giggled. "Yes, it was great, Peter."
"Can I walk you home?" Peter pursed his lips, waiting for an answer.
You nodded and thanked him graciously with another kiss. With that, you two set off toward your apartment as the street lights flickered on in the chilled air.
"...And then we kissed. Boom! In your face!"
MJ rolled her eyes and laughed while Ned clapped Peter on the back.
"Dude! You got a girlfriend!"
Peter chuckled at Ned's enthusiasm. Peter's phone dinged at that moment. It was a text from you. 
"Gotta go, guys. Peter has a second date today with Y/N."
"Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?" 
"Yep, deal with it!" Peter called, already out the door of the cafe. 
You were waiting at the subway station. Peter jogged down the stairs, joining you to enter the train and go ice skating. 
You reached your hand out, Peter taking it as you two entered the train. 
It was only the second date, but you knew Peter was going to make you happy. You simply looked up at Peter, smiling, which he returned with his signature grin.
The train's doors shut, and you two were carried away down the tracks, ready for what was to come. 
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Finally finished my BABY the greatest thing we've lost and treated MYSELF by making fanart of my own fic lol I just find this part VERY SILLY
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@petrichorandarson thank you so much for beta-ing this and laughing just as hard at the concept of ned in a bright orange and blue suit
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agentianlegend · 2 months
Fire with Fire Ch. 13: FAHM
A DP x MCU Spider-Man Crossover
AO3 | FFn
"Well," Betty began, "I guess I'd better get used to wild stories if I'm going to have a future in journalism."
"You wanna become a reporter?" Danny asked.
Betty held up her phone and notepad. "What, you thought I just did this stuff for extra credits?"
"I dunno…maybe?"
She shook her head dismissively. "People are so interesting, Danny. What they show the world, what the world sees on accident, what's really going on inside their heads… It's such a complicated, tangled web that I just can't help but pluck at." The blonde turned her head to look straight into her date's eyes. "Like you."
Peter took a sip of his drink while Danny prepared portions for himself and Betty. He noticed when Danny stilled slightly at the site of a bucket of ice next to the neighboring drink options. "So how much longer are you gonna pretend you're not gonna be a superhero?" Peter prodded.
"Ssh!" Danny angrily hushed, checking for anyone nearby. "It's never gonna happen."
"C'mon Danny, you've got a gift." Peter shifted to a more playful smile. "Plus, I bet you'd beat Phantom in the hometown hero popularity vote pretty easily."
Danny glared.
Flames ballooned over the boy. The force of their rapid expansion blew out the surrounding windows next to where the laser had entered, further metastasizing the fire. A chandelier swung wildly in the air displacement until it snapped free of its mount and crashed to the floor. Now the entire ballroom had been engulfed once more, the lovingly crafted goods reduced to indiscriminate fuel as dislodged ceiling tiles rained down around them.
Well, y'all, we're finally back in business! It's been a heck of a year, but I am so stoked to publish chapter 13 of this fic. It was never officially on hiatus; I've just been Going Through ItTM nonstop for months. A HUGE shoutout to my fandom friends who helped make this possible through editorial and/or moral support, including @ghostiemouse, @weshney, @the-outcast-ed, @summerssixecho, @arken-99, @tytach, and more. I love and appreciate you all ❤️❤️❤️
Enjoy the fic! I can't wait to hear what you all think!
(Heads up @platoniclace the update's finally out!)
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tikiki05 · 6 days
Official SWAM promo post!
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I’ve previously mentioned this story in other posts of mine, but this is its own dedicated post! Spider-Woman and Mitzi; The Living Vampire is a Spider-Verse based story centering around Gwen Stacy, her Peter Parker, and my OC Mitzi Tamanna who’s their best friend. After a field trip goes sinister, she becomes the Morbius variant of Earth-73. In a series of Jennifers Body inspired events, Gwen has to figure out what happened to her friend and how to stop her with Peters help. It’s an angsty teenage action and drama story with a gripping love triangle, all unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Here’s the link!
Spider-Woman and Mitzi; The Living Vampire
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Above is my OC Mitzi! The first image is what she looks like at the beginning of the story, and the second is how her appearance changes during/after the story. Below is an image dump of the other characters featured in this story
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The art of my OCs and the SWAM cover art was done by the magnificent dee_from_webtoon on instagram and webtoon
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inneedofsupervision · 26 days
An Enemy? A Friend? No, just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
Chapter 5: The Genius controls the Chaos
"Come on, Parker, say something. But don't make it embarrassing," thinks Peter. "Those are your childhood heroes, and they want something from you. Just say hi like a normal person." "Good evening, Mr. Barton, Sir. Mr. Wilson, Sir." "How do you know our names," asks Clint, sounding genuinely curious. "You have a Wikipedia page!" blurts Peter out before wincing inwardly. There goes his plan for a non-embarrassing first impression. "You've read our Wikipedia pages?" asks Sam slowly, as if saying the words slowly would let them make more sense. "Twice, actually." ________________________________ Are the Avengers a Team? Yes. Are they on good terms? Not necessarily. Has the public caught up on that? Maybe a little. When Fury sends the team on the mission to investigate the identity of New York's favorite vigilante, they have to learn to work as a team and not damage their already battered image. Or, the story of how the Avengers have to earn the public's trust back with the help of a certain crime fighting Spider.
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4
Chapter Summary: Peter and Ned visit the Stark Expo where some surprises await them.
Read on Ao3
"I'm still struggling to convince my brain that this is real. We are seriously on our way to visit the Stark Expo. That's literally the coolest thing happening in forever. Wait, are you sleeping?"
Peter jumps up in his seat as a finger pokes him somewhat harshly into his side. He instinctively clamps an arm down to fend off further sneak attacks before he yawns. Blinking, he notices the lack of gigantic raccoons destroying NYC, demanding to speak to the people who have put locks on the lids of their garbage tons. What a dream to wake up to.
"Are we there yet?" asks Peter while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He glances around, scanning the area for anything remotely raccoon-like.
"Dude, we didn't even leave yet," answers his friend, but not without shaking his head, wearing an incredulous expression. "How can you be sleeping when we're on our way to the Expo? Aren't you excited?"
Ned looks at Peter as if struggling to comprehend that his best friend isn't vibrating in his seat from sheer pent-up energy.
"I just dozed off," defends Peter, slightly flustered that it didn't take two minutes sitting on the uncomfortable plastic seats for him to fall asleep. Who can fault him? The seats may not be the most comfy, but the inside of the bus is hot thanks to the summer sun and a defective AC, making him tired. It doesn't help that the bus guide has one of the most monotone voices Peter has ever heard in his life, and the combination of both puts him faster to sleep than any glass of milk and honey ever could. He does hide another gigantic yawn behind the palm of his hand, but that's going as well as blindly driving a bike on the highway.
"You're doing okay, though, right?" questions Ned. Peter could practically feel Ned's eyes scanning him as if staring hard enough would make any hidden injuries visible. Apart from some slight bags under his eyes, Peter thought he looked relatively alright this morning.
"Yeah, sure. I just stayed out a bit too long," appeases Peter quickly and crosses his arms in front of his chest. Not that he had to hide anything, but he couldn't help getting quite nervous under Ned's gaze. Ned's accusatory expression gives way to unlaminated curiosity at the mention of Peter's nighttime outings.
The bus slowly rolls off the parking lot.
Ned opens a package of chocolate chip cookies, holding it out for Peter.
"How was it? Anything cool happening?"
"About that..." Peter began to depict the events of yesterday's night while munching on his cookie. Most passengers fell victim to a light slumber or sat dozing with headphones covering their ears in their seats while the urban jungle passed by. Still cautious, Peter leans a little closer toward Ned to hinder anyone from eavesdropping, telling him what exactly had kept him awake last night.
"The police reacted quickly, and the robbery could get held off. No one got hurt," explains Peter with a low voice.
"But," digs Ned, who had been surprisingly quiet during his retelling, not interrupting him like usual.
"Nothing," replays Peter, whose eyes release the heads of the passengers in front of them to look at his friend questioningly.
"They were there again, right?"
Oh. That was what Ned meant.
The mention alone is enough for his face to contort as if biting into a sour apple. Ned seemed to think the same. "Oh man, sorry. I didn't mean to spoil your mood." He apologizes with a giggle, crumbles of his cookie drizzling onto his shirt. Peter's expression must have been very expressive, as it took his friend a few moments before he could look him in the eyes again without snickering. Ned's laugh is scarily contagious. Even with the unpleasant memories of last night, Peter couldn't help biting down a grin.
"Stop it, Ned, it wasn't that funny," he scolds, but his voice resembles a whine more than an order. Ned merely grins at him.
"To answer your question," he began, simultaneously digging into his backpack to fish out his beat-up smartphone. "They were there. Both of them." While talking, Peter unlocks his phone and opens his gallery. He scrolls down until a password-locked folder appears and types in his twenty-cipher-long, hopefully pretty secure password.
"Oh my gosh, Peter, that's The Black Widow! Holy guacamole, Black Widow, and Hawkeye followed you? That's so sick." Ned stares with large eyes down at the cracked display showcasing the image of a black jumpsuit-clothed red-head who seems to be talking to a blond man wearing a tank top, along with straps and pockets studded cargo pants.
"You had to have seriously outplayed them, man," comments Ned with a level of maybe a little too much admiration as he watches the woman pointing at the rooftops, at which the man throws his arms in the air and turns away to stomp out of the alley. The video ends rather abruptly as the woman's gaze wanders up the house until she catches the camera. Her eyes widen, and the angel changes rapidly as the owner gets caught off guard, showing the gravel on the roof and a pair of sprinting feet before the video shuts off completely.
"I cannot believe my best friend is on the Avengers Wanted List. Spider-Man managed to outpace two of the Avengers. That's so badass."
"You make it sound like Spider-Man is a criminal." Peter shoots his friend a betrayed look. Although, it does feel like he's on their personal Wanted List. They probably own a punching bag with an image of him tapped on it. He shudders at the thought.
Despite scrunching his nose at Ned's words, Peter couldn't help feeling proud. He might have sprinted like the devil on his heels over the rooftops, ejaculatory prayer passing his lips as he pressed himself from the housewalls to leap over the street. But he did outrun them. Not everyone can say that about themselves. The sense of pride evaporates to make way for irritation. The last eight nights have been exhausting. Swinging through the streets to jump into action at the call of help always holds a fair amount of risk. But despite the risk-taking, Peter had fun while doing so. If it's not the high of adrenaline kicking by nearly flying through the streets, it is the loud exclamations of the people who saw him passing by that leave him all giddy inside. He appreciates every greeting, smiles at every thank you, and kindly accepts the gifts the people thrust into his hands, an exhibition of their gratitude. He should have known the Avengers wouldn't sit still after his somewhat dramatic departure two weeks ago. As he first spotted a figure two roofs away with a bow strapped over their back, he knew this would turn out unpleasant.
And how right he was.
What annoys Peter the most is not that the Avengers consider it necessary to trail him. It didn't come as a surprise that they didn't try a second time to invite him for a talk after knowing what they thought of him. Why try talking it out when you could sic two super spies on him
Yeah, Peter is over it. Somewhat.
He could just as well go without meeting with his former childhood heroes, the emphasis laying on the former. What gets on his nerves the most is the consequences that the permanent need to outdistance the two spies brings along. It steals precious time he could spend on the important stuff, like being your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
He manages time and time again to locate the two and vanish before they can get close. But they are quick. They at least catch sight of him three to four times a night. Or manage barely missing him. Sometimes Hawkeye calls after him and orders him to wait, only to kick a wall in frustration when Peter absconds without glancing back. The constant evasion and running away steal precious time he could use to help someone in need. Apart from the fact that the additional exercise gets his appetite going. Peter has to use all his willpower to keep from pillaging the fridge after crawling through the window and diving straight for the kitchen.
"If this goes on, I'll spend all my time running. And eat May out of house and home," complains Peter, a little defeated.
"How about not patrolling alone for a while? Maybe they'll leave you alone if they see you have company?" asks Ned while handing him a granola bar. The heat left it soft and sticky, but Peter wasn't one to turn down free food.
"Oh no. No." Peter instantly quashes the thought. "They are both busy anyway. I don't want them involved in this. It's enough if the Avengers won't stop bothering me."
"But didn't they tell you you could always ask them for help?"
"They have jobs and a life too. I cannot expect them to drop everything to help me with something this trivial. That's not right."
"Having the Avengers stalk you is trivial?"
Peter sighs in frustration. "Trivial is the wrong word, but I don't want to bother them about this, okay? If it gets out of hand, I will ask for help, but for now, I have to suck it up."
Ned doesn't look pleased, but before he can argue further, the bus halts on the exhibition site. Peter quickly makes his way out, almost escaping the vehicle. Not because of Ned's suggestion. Nope, certainly not running from that. No, he's simply afraid he'll melt staying inside any longer. Before he can wipe his sticky hands on his pants, Ned hands him a wet wipe. "It's like your bag is endless. What else are you keeping there?" asks Peter with a laugh, gratefully accepting the tissue and cleaning his fingers.
"Don't ask, man. My mom wouldn't let me out of the house without double-checking if anything was missing. When I told her we aren't out on a survival trip and planning to wrestle with bears but only visit the Expo, she was throwing me the glare."
Peter grins at the thought. He could picture Mrs. Leeds standing in her kitchen, rattling down a list of stuff Ned should pack for their day out.
"John, we are about to get live. Can you please do your job?"
Near them, a dressed-up woman talks animatedly to a man, holding a microphone while the cameraman in front of her struggles in the heat. The man stumbles over a cord wrapping around his ankle and catches himself before falling, wiping the sweat off his face. The woman turns, her brows furrowing as she scowls at him. John gives her a resigned look before pulling the camera back into position. The man's shirt was wet around his chest and back, his balding head an unhealthy shade of red. Another man holds a folder up to shield his eyes from the sunlight shining on his face before counting down.
"Going live in 3. 2. 1."
Slipping the lipstick back into her pocket, the reporter straightens up with a cheerful stage smile.
"With one of the hottest days this August, I welcome you to this year's Stark Industries Future-Of-Energy Mess at a cozy temperature of 93,2 degrees. Let's hope despite the newest and hottest innovation waiting for us, we get to cool down a little as we show you around."
"I feel bad for the cameraman," whispers Ned, and Peter can only nod as they quickly walk past to get out of frame.
The exhibition side stretches over several buildings along a small patch of green where some chairs and tables stand under colorful parasols. A large group of visitors is already waiting in front of the main entrance, excitement filling the air. Behind the door, the entrance is split into four rows to make the handout of the visitor badges go faster, and the two friends find themselves shoved by the masses to the third row. Ned walks in front of him and is about to get handed his badge when a row next to Peter and Ned, voices begin to rise. Several heads turn towards the noise, and Peter, too, sneaks a glance.
"I am sorry, Sir, but I cannot let you through. This entrance is for visitors only, and without a ticket and searching your bag, I cannot let you through."
"You can't let me in? Who do you think you're telling that to? It was your people calling me for an urgent repair and telling me to step on it to come here from east of Manhatten, and now you're telling me I cannot go in and do my job? I could have taken two new customers by now if it weren't for your men not being able to run this event. I make minus just being here! I know people like you. As soon as I turn my back, I get a one-star critic online talking about refusal to work and shit like that, ruining my damn business!"
The man behind the desk grows paler with every word, visibly out of his place as the man keeps spitting insults in his direction, drawing the attention of more visitors.
"Michael, let him in," interferes the blond staff member who presses Ned's badge into his waiting hands. "I know who had called them. I already looked through their bags and checked the IDs."
Michael's face regains color as he throws a grateful glance at his co-worker before turning towards the still red-faced electrician while getting him past the starring visitors. The man pulls the gray-colored cap deeper into his face and hoists the sports bag on his shoulder as he strides towards the elevators. Peter looks after the man with a frown. Something about him had been weird. Before the teen can figure out why his sixth sense kicks in, the man in front of him tears him out of his thoughts.
"This is your visitor badge. When leaving the premises, it gets automatically scanned by the security systems. As long as you carry it on your body, you can go out and enter as often as you like. If you leave the building and re-enter, your bag will get searched again for security reasons."
Peter is about to thank the man behind the desk for the information and the badge but gets interrupted as something gets thrust in his face.
"Peter, have you seen this?"
Peter closes a hand around Ned's wrists and pushes the pamphlet from his face. "A little too close, Ned."
"Oh, sorry. But look at this!"
He takes the colorful paper out of Ned's hands, curious eyes skipping over the information.
"Is that really about to happen? Please tell me this isn't a dream. Here, pinch my arm. Or not. If this is a dream, I will not wake up."
While his friend gushes in never-ending excitement, Peter finally finds the part of the information on the paper that Ned freaks out over. At the bottom of the timetable, standing under various presentations of new items, ideas, and projects throughout SI project leaders, the highlight of today's program is written in bold letters.
"13:30. Presentation of the project series "Education = Future" through Co-Project Leader Dr. Robert Bruce Banner," reads Peter out loud. He glances up from the paper only to get grabbed by his shoulders.
"Peter, we will listen to Dr. Bruce Banner in person! That's incredible!"
"Can you two move already? You aren't the only people going to this event," blusters an angry voice from behind.
With a nervous and apologetic smile, the teens turn around.
"Oh god, it's her."
"What did you just say?" asks the news reporter from the parking lot, her eyebrows furrowing in anger at Ned, who quickly shuts his mouth and steps back a little. Glimpsing past her, Peter could see the rest of the camera team carry equally unnerved expressions. The cameraman who had the misfortune to get chosen as the collective burro for their tech goes as far as to send him a dirty glare. Peter swallows. Dealing with angry reporters and news outlets being Spider-Man is one thing, but pissing them off as high-schooler Peter Parker? No, thank you.
"Heyhey, no need to get upset. These boys are simply excited. It seems to be their first time being here," tries the blond behind the desk to appease the angered woman. Turning towards the two boys, the man gives them a wink. "Have fun at the Expo, guys. You can be excited for the speech, but the real deal, the highlight of the day starts at the end of today's program."
The man grins at them, but something doesn't feel right.
A shudder runs over Peter's back, causing the hairs on his neck to stand up straight.
"There will be something cooler than Dr. Banner?" asks Ned, but the people behind them push them forward. Peter glances back at the man, but the latter is already busy handing out information and badges to the filming crew behind them. The woman from earlier catches Peter's eyes and throws him a menacing glare.
"Okay, we should really go," the teen mutters, and together they quickly scatter away from the entrance. While they walk around, Peter's thoughts trail back to the staff from the register.
"What do you think he could mean?" Ned gives him a searching look. "That's why you've been so quiet, right? You're thinking about the guy who handed us the badges."
Peter nods, picking at a flint on his shirt. "Hasn't he been kinda strange to you?"
"Strange? Apart from trying to tell us that something better than a speech by Bruce Banner can exist?" Ned's eyes widen, and he leans closer. "Or is it your spidey sense tingling?"
Despite the unease creeping up on him, Peter couldn't help snorting at Ned's words. "It's not a tingle, Ned. Stop calling it that. You make it sound weird. It's probably nothing." He rubs at his neck as he tries to rid the ominous feeling.
"If you're sure," says Ned but glances at his friend from the side, unhappy at the frown he spots on Peter's face.
"There is a stand showing prototypes of deep-sea robots which should be able to dive further than 12000 meters, that's like double the amount than the newest robots from Hammer Tech. are currently able to, and they're leading the market right now."
That pulls the teen out of his thoughts. He raises an eyebrow. "12000 meters? That's wild. Imagine what else you could do with tech resistant to that much pressure."
"I know! Come on, we have to check that out. They have a pressure tank and stuff set up."
With every step they take, Peter feels a little less nervous, and after a few minutes, he has successfully pushed the spark of apprehension in the back of his mind. The mess is everything and more than Ned and Peter had hoped for. They walk all over the place, trying to absorb every tiny bit of information. Their eyes are sparkling with childlike joy as they listen to presentations and pull each other towards a new booth that grabs their attention.
"We got nearly everything covered," says Peter as he looks at their map. "Want to take a small break?" Before Ned could answer, the grumbling of Peter's stomach interrupts him.
"You're getting hungry, too?"
Peter rubs the back of his neck with a sheepish grin. "A little bit?"
"I get us something. Can you keep watch over my bag? My mom said I can bid farewell to my laptop for the next two months if I lose another one."
Peter knows he shouldn't laugh as he watches Ned shed off his jacket. Aunt May would destroy him if he misplaced one more bag this year. It would be number eight. That's a new record. "Yeah, that would be nice."
"You want a hotdog?"
"Make it two. I'll give you some money. Wait a second."
"Nah, keep it. My mom said to buy you something to eat too. You know how she gets. You can buy the drinks later."
"You sure?" asks Peter, arm halfway down his backpack, roaming for the ten-dollar bill he had thrown in there.
"Yeah, just wait here. I'll be right back."
"I want the chili ones!"
He grins when Ned turns around to throw him a thumb up. Being alone, Peter uses the chance to fish out his phone. On reflex, his finger taps on the news live broadcast. He turns the volume up. "Looks like I caught the prime time," mutters Peter under his breath as the man on the news takes his eyes from the large image of Spider-Man crouching in his signature pose on the side of a building to look sternly into the camera.
"The people of Queens noticed a lack of sight of their beloved web-slinger. The vigilante calling himself Spider-Man took his time in the last few days, and while some excuse the Spider's lack of involvement in fighting crime with him having a private life, it leaves us wondering, where are you, Spider-Man? "
With a sigh, the boy closes the app and pushes the device back into his backpack before dropping his head in his hands. He doesn't like where this is going. It's not like Peter does it on purpose. He wants to be there more, but what can he do? He starts looking back at the days when his biggest worry was he could give decent directions and make it through his Spanish oral exam.
"If that's not Puny Parker. How did you get in there? Took part in some charity event?"
"You've got to be kidding me," mutters Peter as he raises his head and almost wishes the light above them would magically loosen and hit him in the head.
"Good day to you, Eugene."
Designer shoes, designer jeans, a designer jacket, and would you look at that, a pair of glasses hanging down from Flash's collar that looks suspiciously like one that a model on the Gucci store poster would be presenting.
"Nice outfit."
Flash ignores him in favor of looking around, almost searchingly.
"Where's your loser friend?"
Peter rolls his eyes at that. And Aunt May tries telling him something like Parker Luck doesn't exist.
"Ned will be right back. I will tell him that you asked for him. I'm sure he will be pleased to know you miss him."
"I wouldn't miss any of you idiots even if you vanish from one moment to the next. Couldn't be happier to know you're gone."
"Really? I could swear that you like us a teeny tiny bit. Why else are you coming over to say hi and immediately asking for Ned?"
"You're delusional or dreaming, Parker. I'm only here to take part in the competition to earn first place and get the prize. What could I do about it when you happened to sit right next to the booth?"
"You should get your dusty nerd glasses back if you cannot see that large of a sign, idiot," taunts Flash while pointing at a shield standing a meter next to where Peter has been resting. Flash steps out of his way with a scowl as Peter stands up and rounds the display.
"Oh," Peter raises an eyebrow. Look at that. Flash did tell the truth. Peter hadn't paid attention to where they sat down. He eyes the display for the competition with little interest as the information tells him that the prize is a surprise. Flash seems to misinterpret Peter's disinterest as uncertainty, a complacent smirk taking over his features.
"You sure do better than trying to take part. You'll get crushed by me."
Peter hums to humor his classmate while squinting at the information at the bottom of the sign, saying only people between 16 and 24 years old are allowed to participate. It's a weirdly specific range of people.
"Does anyone know what the prize includes?"
"You do know what surprise means, do you?" asks Flash, looking at him as if he just asked what color the sky was. Peter takes a deep breath before turning towards the other teen. He couldn't wait for Ned to be back.
"There aren't any speculations?" he changes his question. If anyone is up-to-date about Stark Industries, it would be Flash. The guy had a strange obsession with the company.
"Most people I talked to are sure it will be a class trip to SI or taking part in a workshop that can up your credits for school or college as the ages for the participants is limited to students."
Peter nods in thought. That would make sense. God, a class trip to SI. All the more reason to take a wide berth around this competition. He doesn't even want to imagine what could happen if he steps foot into any of Tony Stark's buildings after what happened last time. He suppresses a shudder.
Peter perks up at the smell of spicy sauce and pickles.
"Hey Pete, here's your hotdog with extra chili."
A smile makes way on his face, feeling incredibly grateful as Ned hands him the snack and sits down next to him. They begin eating, earning a scowl from Flash, who stands a little lost in front of the two friends who decided to put all their attention on the food in their hands.
"Just so you know, Parker, I will win this competition and get our class that trip to SI. That will show the others that getting straight A's proves you're a teacher's pet but not smart."
"Alright. Have fun, Flash."
Peter reaches for the second hot dog, not breaking eye contact with Flash, who visibly grows angry at his lack of response.
"You probably wouldn't be able to answer any of their questions, and they will call you out for taking too long in there."
"You could be right about that." Peter takes a napkin and wipes his fingers before standing to throw it in the bin. He gets held up on his way by a hand grabbing his biceps. Flash glares at him.
"Don't cry if you lose, Parker."
"Oh, I won't," promises Peter as he smoothly winds out of the hold. Flash stomps away with an angry huff.
"What was that about?"
Ned glances over to him, having watched the whole exchange with a question mark dancing above his head.
"Pretty sure Flash wants me to participate in this competition to prove he's smarter than me."
"And will you accept his challenge?"
"I don't know. I'm not a fan of surprises."
"It would be cool, though. With you winning and showing Flash who's boss."
"Who's boss?" repeats Peter with a laugh. "I'm anything but that."
"Nah, you just don't know it yet. If Spider-Man is the most badass hero out there, then Peter Parker can be a boss."
Peter throws Ned an amused look. "If you say so. Maybe I should give it a try."
Stepping out of the booth after ten minutes, Peter asked himself if this had been a good idea. Some of the questions had thrown him off. Physics and math came to him without any problems, but the questions of where he sees himself in ten years and what his working values are caught him by surprise. He couldn't figure out what they needed these for in a competition, but what else could he do than answer and trust his gut feeling? He collects his phone, which he had to hand over to the staff member before, ensuring he doesn't cheat, and walks over to Ned, who had been waiting outside.
"How did it go?"
They walk towards the middle of the hall, where some staff members are already placing chairs in front of the stage.
"I'm not sure. How would you rate your problem-solving skills on a scale from one to ten?"
Ned throws him a confused look. "Did they ask that?"
Peter shrugs his shoulders. "Something along those lines," he answers, wondering what that had been about.
Ned hums in thought but doesn't seem able to make more sense of it than Peter could. Casting that aside, they decided to buy something to drink and wait the last fifteen minutes before the stage events were about to start. Sitting at one of the many benches lining up in front of the windows, Peter let his eyes wander off the people working in front of the stage. From head to toe, their uniform is the same. Even the shoes were all of the same brand and design. Watching two staff members stop pulling chairs to talk to each other, Peter observes them from a distance. The approach of a third person causes Peter to huff in surprise as he finally realizes what has been bothering him for so long.
"You're good?"
Peter watches the woman straightening the man's name tag before tearing his eyes away to look at his friend.
"It's the name tag. The man at the register didn't have one."
"Maybe he lost it?"
Peter shakes his head.
"All the staff members wear the same outfits, even the same shoes. I cannot imagine they would let someone who has to interact with so many visitors walk around without a name tag. I mean, this is an event held by Stark Industries. I doubt they would let something like this slip. Something feels really of, Ned."
Before Ned could respond, the speakers go off, announcing the beginning of the stage program to start soon. The two friends stand up and take place in one of the front rows. Peter feels Ned shift beside him, his friend opening his mouth but getting interrupted as a man in suit pants and a blue dress shirt walks up on stage, welcoming the visitors. Peter tries paying attention to what is happening on stage, but the sound of straining metal and a low buzzing noise make it hard to concentrate. The teen glances up at the giant globe forming the ceiling, watching with large eyes how the giant glass construction begins to part in the middle. He remembers having read something about a drone show on the pamphlet. The orator keeps going about the plans Stark Industries holds for the year, but Peter can't understand a word as suddenly, an earsplitting noise rings from the speakers. It's piercing sharply through his ears and right into his head, causing the boy to slump in his seat, body falling forward as he presses his hands over his ears, trying desperately to get it to stop.
Ned jumps in his seat as his friend falls forward, panic kicking at the pained groan leaving Peter's mouth.
"Peter? Peter! What's wrong?"
Peter vaguely registers Ned's hands are squeezing his shoulder, trying to pry him out of his curled-up position and get a look at his face. The noise stops as soon as it has started, but he needs a few seconds for the ringing inside his head to stop before he dares pull his hands away from where he had pressed them against his ears.
"He's going to be alright. It's his migraine," he hears Ned say to someone before the presence of another person is gone again.
"Peter? Please tell me what's wrong, man."
He slowly sits up, blinking. He looks down at his shaking hands, expecting blood, sighing in relief when he sees none.
"You didn't hear that?" he asks, still gasping a little. That had been quite a shock.
"Hear what?" asks Ned, panic and worry coloring his face.
"There had been this sound. I thought my head was about to split in two," mumbles the teen and rubs his temples. Ned hands him a bottle of water, a frown directed at his friend. Peter was about to reach for the water as his body froze in his seat. His head whips upwards.
"Pete? You're kinda scaring me."
He holds a hand up, signalizing Ned to keep quiet as he closes his eyes.
"Somethings wrong."
"Is it your head? Maybe we should go. Or we can call May."
Peter shakes his head. "There's someone on the roof."
"The roof?" Ned follows Peter's eyes upwards.
Peter nods, brows furrowed as he stares at the glass construction above them.
"No one should be there."
Ned follows Peter's gaze, glancing up at the large glass dome. The ceiling is standing open, gaining a view of a cloudless sky. He looks back at his friend, watching how Peter grimaces in concentration.
Resounding voices. Loud laughter. The smell of molten plastic.
"How do you know no one's supposed to be there? Maybe it's someone who has to check the tech?"
Peter doesn't answer. His head tilts as he listens closely to the sounds from above, giving in to what his spidey sense tries to tell him.
Squeaking footsteps. The whir of electricity. Heavy boots on metal. A zipper opening. The sound of a gun loading.
His eyes widen.
"We've got a problem, Ned."
Peter pulls a surprised Ned out of his seat, mumbling apologies as he hurries past people who throw the two teens confused or annoyed looks as they squeeze their way through the row of seats.
"Peter? What's going on?"
The teen in question pulls his friend into an empty hallway. Almost all visitors are at the main hall, and no one notices the two boys running down the corridor towards the toilets.
"No one can come in."
Ned can only nod as he positions himself before the door to keep anyone from entering. Tearing his backpack open, Peter digs around, quickly pulling out his suit. He changes with practiced movement and is about to pull his mask over his head when Ned grabs his wrist.
"Please tell me what's going on, man."
"Someone on the roof has a gun, but I cannot tell you more. You need to go outside and call the police, and don't come back in, okay?"
Ned looks troubled as Peter lays his hands on his shoulders. He gives his friend a hopefully reassuring look.
"Spider-Man will handle this, Ned. Please go out as quickly as possible and call the police. I don't know what's happening, but I can't ignore this."
"Be careful, Peter."
"I'll be back as quick as I can."
Ned sighs as he looks after his friend, who slips out of the tiny bathroom window.
Peter scales up the building as fast as he can. He straightens up and all but sprints up the face of the building as if he were running on the ground, defying the rules of gravity. Nearing the edge of the roof, he jolts his hand out. A string of webs shoot from his web-shooter, hitting a flagpole hanging over. Peter swings and lands in a crouch on the very top of the roof, eyes scanning the place. A thunder of applause reaches his ears, and he vaguely hears the host announcing Dr. Banner to come up on stage. His eyes fall onto a neatly set up row of drones, waiting for their entry. He jumps as the drones come to life and begin to fly down into the building, getting into formation while Dr. Banner continues his speech. Peter squints, noticing the lack of a logo on the flying objects. He shoots a web at one of the drones flying past and skilledly pulls it towards him. Eyeing the tech in his hands, he tears open the back and pulls out a string of wires alongside the part he broke off, examining the inner life of the machine.
"These aren't Stark Tech."
He throws the broken drone to the side as Dr. Banner's voice echoes through the speaker, beginning to explain the new project he and Tony Stark had been working on to the audience, but Peter can't pay him any mind as he spots a crouching pair of figures at the other end of the roof. Peter's heart skips a beat as he catches sight of a weapon directed at the people under them, eyes following the target line, and his body tenses as he realizes who the person is aiming at.
A scream from below makes him jump towards the edge, glancing down at the stage. Peter's eyes widen under the mask, breath hitching.
"This isn't just bad, this is catastrophically bad."
His eyes are pulled towards the sight of one of the most intelligent people on earth and one of his biggest idols, standing frozen on top of the stage, a red glowing light pointed at his forehead. A single drone strays out of the formation, flying towards the stage. Nobody dares to move as another drone joins, shooting a pair of hooks at the metal suitcase, most likely holding part of the project Dr. Banner was about to introduce.
"There are easier and less threatening ways to access Stark Tech. I'm also pretty sure there's a patent on whatever you're trying to steal there."
The man controlling the drone glances up, face covered behind a black mask. "Hello, Spider-Man. You are just on time. This show is about to reach its peak."
The eyes of Spider-Man's mask narrow, and he runs, nearly close enough to shoot a web and tear the gun out of the man's hands, but before he can use his web-shooter, it's already too late. The sound of a shoot echoes through the air, and the noise following causes Peter's blood to freeze. He watches the people in the building tripping over each other in a panic to escape the building as a growl as loud as thunder rumbles over them.
"You better hurry, Spider-Man. Or someone is going to get hurt."
Peter's fist clenched at the mocking words thrown his way. He either goes down and tries calming the Hulk and lets the men escape together with Mr. Stark's Tech, or he goes after them and risks people getting hurt while left with an out-of-control Dr. Banner. The cracking of stone and breaking of metal makes him tear his eyes from the men. The Hulk is ripping out a piece of the stage with ease as if it were polystyrene and is ready to throw it at the screaming crowd.
Peter didn't have to think twice.
The Hulk either doesn't notice or doesn't care about the sudden appearance of the vigilante as he throws the piece in his hands, causing several people to shout in horror. Before the part of the stage construct can hit its target, a wall of webs catches it in mid-air. With quick movements, the spandex-clad teen secures it and lands a few meters before the green rage monster.
"Get out, everyone! And call the Avengers," he shouts at the people before jumping out of the way as a chair gets flung at him. Peter looks over his shoulder, where the seat sticks in the wall, before turning back to an angrily panting Hulk. The mutate throws his head back, gigantic muscles bulging under the green skin. The roar of pure rage that follows causes shards of glass to rain down on them.
Peter swallows heavily.
"So, is this a code red turning green or a code green turning red?"
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Summary: When May and Peter fall into debt after Ben's death, Peter knows he has to do something. His intrusive thoughts and determination to help his aunt leads him to become Relic, one of Queens' street racing's biggest mysteries. He knows Ben would be disappointed in him, but he can't leave May to drown in the debt. Though his guilt eats at him and his friends and family are concerned for him, he has to keep going. Right?
my fast and furious au that I've been yammering about for the past month :)
Chapter Summary: Peter's life is fucked at the moment. The only thing he has is his love of cars and his aunt May. When he finds out a part time job won't be enough to keep the debt away, his intrusive thoughts start to creep a little closer.
19 notes · View notes
Lightning Bug - Chapter 7
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Previous Chapter // Master List 
Warning: religious trauma, mention of an exorcism, reader needs a hug 
Word Count: 2.5 
Kate groaned as America climbed over the couch and kicked her. “Sorry,” she said, getting comfortable under the throw blanket. 
“You could sit on the couch like a normal person,” America smiled at the archer. 
“I’m not a normal person.” The teen said. Kate rolled her eyes. 
“Don’t I know it.” Yelena sat down next to Kate with a bowl of caramel popcorn. The Black said it was the perfect movie snack, a little sweet and salty. It was movie night and all the Young Avengers as Tony called them gathered (the ones that were in the tower) on Peter’s floor. The Young Avengers plus Ned and Mj but they were at the tower so much no one batted an eye when they were walking the hall. 
“What are we feeling like?” Ned asked, flipping through the various streaming services. 
“Action,” MJ suggested, unwrapping a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup and threw it in that air, catching it in her mouth. The Black Widow groaned. 
“We see enough action as is.” It was true. Besides whenever they did watch an action movie, the Avengers found themself critiquing the fight scenes instead of watching it for the plot. 
“Musical?” Peter suggested. America shook her head. 
“We just watched Hairspray.” Kate sighed, throwing her head back. 
“Horror,” her friends looked at one another and no one objected. “Put on The Conjuring.” Ned nodded, queuing up the movie. 
“Wait!” America yelled. The sudden sound caused Ned to jump and drop the remote. It landed on the ground with a crash. The back opened and the batteries scattered to the ground. “Opps. Sorry Ned.”
“It’s no biggie. Just gave me a small heart attack.” He and Peter began to look for the batteries. 
“Why the sudden outburst, Lil Liberty,” America rolled her eyes at the nickname. 
“Should we invite Y/n?” She asked. The mention of the newest addition to the tower made everyone freeze. 
“Mr. Stark said she had a rough day.” Peter said. She had a bad day because of Stark, Kate thought. But she did seem in a better mood at dinner. “Do you think she’d want to join us?” The archer shrugged. 
“Can’t hurt to ask,” Kate stood up. “I’ll go ask.” She shoved some popcorn in her mouth before heading off to her floor. The worst that could happen was she said no. She felt horrible for the teen today. When Natasha came back telling everyone she ran away, Kate felt her stomach drop. It was like she was on a rollercoaster, going up and down and up and down. Even FRIDAY didn’t even know where she went so they were required to find her the old fashion way, search known places she would likely visit. In the end, Kate was glad she was home. 
You were placing the few books you owned on the bookshelf you and Tony built. To anyone that walked into your room, it looked like a normal bookshelf. But the bookshelf had FRIDAY’s interface built into it which was connected to an app on your phone. It could keep track of what books you had to prevent double buying and it kept the progress of each book you were reading. “Kate Bishop is at your door,” The AI said. 
“Thank you, FRIDAY.” You said, putting on your gloves and walking to the door. “Hi,” you greeted as you opened the door. 
“Hey, how are you?” She asked. 
“Pretty good actually.” You answered honestly. Kate smiled. 
“Good, a bunch of us are watching a movie and we are wondering if you want to join us?” Your eyes went wide. 
“You want me to join you guys,” she nodded. “Why?” The question seemed to startle the brunette in front of you. 
“Because you are our friend and friends invite friends to hang out.” Oh. That made sense. “So, do you want to hang out?” You nodded with a smile. 
“Yeah, I’d love to.” You stepped out of your room and closed the door behind you. “Who's going to be there?” You asked, following Kate to the elevator.
“It’s on Peter’s floor,” you haven’t seen the excited teen since that night you ran into him. “So it’s him, his girlfriend, MJ, and his friend, Ned.” You nodded, if they were anything like Peter it was going to be a long night. “Then me, Yelena, and America.”
“Cool.” You said, rubbing your hands on your shorts. You were a little nervous, a little excited. It was a weird feeling running through you. The metal doors opened and Kate stepped onto Peter’s floor. 
“MJ, Ned met Y/n, Y/n met the other people that aren’t Avengers but are here all the time.” You gave them a small wave. MJ rolled her eyes at Kate’s jab.
“Your life would be colorless without me in it.” You smiled, sitting down in the empty space between Kate and America. 
“Hi again Peter.” He seemed surprise that you remembered him. He waved. 
“Do you want some popcorn?” Yelena asked, passing a bowl to you. You looked into the bowl. 
“What is that?” You’ve had popcorn before. At special events at Lucia’s store, she had a popcorn machine. This wasn’t popcorn. 
“It’s caramel popcorn,” the Russian said. “Instead of butter, they use caramel.” Oh. You’ve had caramel, sometimes Annie would drizzle it on your hot chocolate. You picked up a piece and ate it. It was delicious. 
“That’s really good.” You said, taking a few more pieces. 
“Have you had a Reese’s?” MJ asked you. You shook your head. She tossed you an unopened candy. Chocolate and peanut butter. “You aren’t allergic, are you?”
“No..” You said slowly. 
“That did not sound convincing,” Ned laughed. You smiled, opening the candy. You weren’t allergic to peanut butter. A peanut butter sandwich was a staple in your childhood, it was a food you lived on. 
“This is my favorite,” MJ tossed you another one. 
“Try this.” Peter handed you a red candy. Licorice, it read. 
“If you like this I’ll be amazed.” America said. You opened the candy and smelt it. It was sweet. You took a tentative bite and your face scrunched up at your distaste of it. The group laughed. 
“That’s not good,” You swallowed the piece in your mouth and Yelena handed you a bottle of water. 
“Enough with the sweets or she’s going to be sick.” Yelena said. “Let’s start the movie.”
“We are watching a horror film,” America whispered to you. “Is that okay?” You nodded as Ned pressed play. Horror wasn’t a genre you gravitated towards but you’ve read your fair share of horror novels. Stephen King. Shirley Jackson. Your favorite was The Shining. 
The movie began to play. The ominous music filled the quiet floor. The couples around you began to cuddle up with each other. You didn’t miss the way Ned gagged. You could count the number of movies you’ve seen on one hand. Movies were available at Lucia’s bookstore and the shelters you visited but movies weren’t your thing. “See always trust a dog.” Yelena mumbled. You chuckled. It was different from watching a story play out on screen then in your head. You didn’t dislike it, it was just different. The movie was scary as it followed a married couple trying to help a big family with a paranormal problem. You enjoyed. You made a mental night to check the horror books the tower had. The genre was interesting. 
But it took a turn. Ed had to perform an exorcism on the mother to rid the demon that possessed her. You kept your eyes glued to the screen as the familiar Latin phrases were chanted in the room. You dug your fingers into your palm to keep you grounded, to stay in the room. It was so hard to keep your mind on the movie and not when your parents dragged you to the church. They forced you on your knees as the Latin phrases were screamed at you. Excorizamute, omnis immundus … omins legio diabolic  … Humilione sub potent…
“That was an actual scary horror movie.” Ned said once the credits started rolling. 
“That clapping bit was freaky!” Peter said. You agreed that part made you jump. 
“There are a few more movies we can watch the second one.” Kate said. “Did you like it?” She asked you. You nodded. 
“It was good. A little inaccurate.” You added. 
“Isn’t it based on a true story?” MJ questioned. You shrugged, playing with a string from the blanket America was using. 
“What was not accurate about it?” America asked. You didn’t answer right away. You should have just kept your mouth shut. 
“Exorcisms,” you said. “They usually happen at a holy place like a church not a house.” You sighed. “They are a last resort. Most people start with medication if no improvement is made then a priest is brought in.” You explained. The group was silent. 
“How do you know that?” Yelena asked slowly like she was afraid to know the answer. 
“My parents were really religious,” you kept the truth locked deep inside you. “Let’s start the second movie.” You said desperately trying to get the attention off of you. Ned looked around the group, no one said anything. He took the silence as confirmation to start the second film. You sat back with your arms crossed. You caught America sending you a smile. You forced a smile back. 
“That was weird, right?” Kate asked as she pulled back the covers of the bed. Yelena stepped out of the bathroom, brushing her hair. Kate tapped the spot in front of her and the Black Widow sat down in front of her girlfriend, her back to Kate’s front. The archer took the brush and began to brush the blonde hair. It was a red flag when the young girl began to talk about exorcisms like she’s had first hand experience on the matter. Yelena sighed, enjoying the feeling of Kate’s hands braiding her hair. 
“It was worrying,” Yelena finally said. “I’ll talk to Natasha about it tomorrow,” Yelena heard Kate sigh. “What is it, dorogoy?” The Russian asked, turning to face her. 
“I just worry about her. It seems everyday we learn something more heartbreaking.” Kate gently pushed on Yelena’s shoulder for her to look forward. 
“We’ll keep her safe,” Yelena said. “She’s not alone anymore.” The Russian felt Kate’s lips press a soft kiss on her shoulder. Yelena knew they couldn’t keep her safe from her mind. 
Yelena woke up early. She untangled herself from Kate and left her room. She found her sister on the couch, typing at her laptop. “Are you not going for a run?” Yelena asked, as she sat down next to her. Natasha shook her head. 
“I have to get this done for Maria.” She answered, not taking her eyes away from the screen. 
“So do you have time to talk?” Natasha immediately closed her laptop and gave Yelena her full attention. The blonde was grateful for this time with her sister. For years the two Russian sisters were separated but now they were back together. She knew her life could be incredibly different. 
“What’s going on?” Yelena looked toward Y/n’s door. 
“What do you know about her parents?” She asked. Natasha looked at her sister, trying to decode the real reason she asked. 
“Not much,” The redhead answered. “We found an article that may have been about her family.” Yelena raised her eyebrows. 
“May have?” She questioned. 
“FRIDAY found no record of her existing, not even a birth certificate. The article said a fire killed them and it appears that she may have been in the house but survived.” Natasha explained. “Her father was a priest, a popular one. What is this about?”
“It was movie night and we watched The Conjuring. At the end of the movie there was an exorcism. She said she enjoyed the movie but said the exorcism part was not accurate,” she watched the realization wash over her sister. It was haunting. Her voice was so clear and so unlike any other time she’s spoken. “Siestra, the way she talked about it made it seem like she’s been so close to one.” Natasha didn’t say anything as she let what Yelena said sit with her. 
“I’ll talk to her,” the older Black Widow stood up. “Her parents are dead, they can’t hurt her anymore.” Yelena wasn’t so sure about that. The blonde grabbed her sister’s arm, stopping her. 
“We all know that death doesn’t erase the pain.” Yelena was referring to the man behind the Red Room. He was dead. The Red Room fell from the sky. It was over, done, and young girls were safe. But the memories were still there. Natasha grabbed her hand. 
“You are right. But death is finite and the pain can begin to heal.”
You were startled to see Natasha when you opened your door. “Hi.” You said. She gave you a smile. 
“Where are you off to this morning?” She asked. 
“Oh I was going to go see Annie. I barely said two words to her yesterday.” You told the Black Widow. “Is that okay?” You added. You were going to tell someone just so they knew you didn’t run away. 
“Of course it is. Can we talk? It won’t take long.” You nodded, stepping out of the way so she could enter your room. You kept the door open and sat at the edge of the bed. “Are you okay?” Natasha asked, sitting down next to you. You looked at the red head. 
“I’m fine.” You said. She didn’t say anything waiting for you to continue. You were fine. It was the truth. Besides.. “Is this about last night?” You asked. You shouldn’t have said anything but your mind was scattered therefore you didn’t have time to process the consequences of what you were saying. You just spoke. 
“Yelena said you said something that worried her.” You sighed. “You can talk about your parents if you need to.” 
“They died in a fire,” you told her. “What more needs to be said?” You asked. 
“Just because someone that hurt you is dead doesn't erase the pain they caused.” Your heart began to pound. The organ was beating against your ribs. Thud. Thud. Thud. 
“I don’t think I’m ready to tell you about them,” you answered honestly. To tell them about your parents and your brother would mean you would need to tell them what you are, what you are capable of. You looked at Natasha and you weren’t surprised to see a smile. 
“When are you ready we’ll be here to listen,” she stood up. “Tell Annie we all say hi.” 
“I will.” She left your room. You fell on your back staring up at the ceiling. You let the beating of your heart settle down. You didn’t know how to talk about your parents. Wasn’t the point of a mom and dad to love their child? To keep them safe. To protect them. They didn’t do that for you. You wished they did, your life would be so different if they just loved you.
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andreafmn · 1 year
Swinging By | Peter Parker
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Word Count: 2.5K Pairing: Peter Parker [Earth 199999] x Female!Reader Requested: Yes [@spideysbaby: "Maybe a spiderman (tom) sneaking in your room thinking it's his sense your his neighbor"] A/N: Hope I did the request justice... even if I did post it really late 😬😬 My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts to support me and my love of writing or buy me a coffeeTikTok • Instagram • Business | MASTERLIST If you’d like to be tagged in any other story: click here Make sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post!
Swinging By | Peter Parker One Shot
Being Spiderman was hard work. 
Being Spiderman as a teenager that was still in high school was even harder. 
And Peter Parker was tired. More like exhausted. 
Of course, he enjoyed the role of superhero and getting to save people —he’d never take for granted having been bit by that radioactive spider. Still, he couldn’t help the fatigue that ransacked his body after every long day that passed. 
He wished it was easier. That he had an endless supply of energy he could distribute whichever way he saw fit. He would have enough for his friends, for Aunt May, the city of New York… maybe even for (Y/N), his downstairs neighbor, and the girl that filled his mind every hour of the day. 
He had seen her around the building. The very first time, she quickly caught his eye. It was the day her family had moved in. Peter had been too shy to say hi. He watched as the three of them walked in and out of the building with boxes in their hands, following the movers up and down the stairs.  
Peter had wanted to help them. But for some reason, his limbs had gone numb and he couldn’t bring himself to approach them. Any of them. He simply watched as they moved back and forth in the building until they disappeared into their new home. It was clear that he had missed his chance to introduce himself to the girl that was wearing a sweater from the New York Hall of Science. 
But May was always one step ahead and she had seen the longing stares her nephew would give to the girl every time she walked by. The boy had everything going for him. All he needed was a little push. And who better than his aunt to give it to him? 
May had made a batch of “homemade” cookies –which meant she had bought premade dough and followed the instructions– for the new neighbors. Conveniently, she had to run out to the office on a saturday morning and couldn’t drop them off, leaving Peter to take care of the task. 
“But, can’t you just leave it at their door with a note?” Peter whined as he felt anxiety bubbling in his body. “I’m sure they’ll appreciate it regardless.” 
“Oh, come on, Peter,” she chuckled as she struggled to put on her heels. “You swing from building to building and face aliens and magicians and criminals every day. I don’t think handing your neighbors a plate of cookies could compare.” 
“Peter, I just need you to do this one thing for me, please,” she smiled sweetly. “I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
“Alright, fine,” the boy finally resigned. “See you tonight.” 
“Thank you, sweetie,” May called as she left through the door. “See you tonight.” 
Peter had stared intently at the seran-wrapped plate in his hands, hoping he had developed teleportation powers in his sleep. He could already feel the knot of anxiety pushing against the walls of his throat, constricting sounds and air back. He couldn’t face her, not without making a fool of himself —something he could be sure of without his spidey senses. 
He had decided to take the stairs, walking slower than humanly possible. But he wanted the time to build his confidence. He had been the Spider-Man for a little over eight months but he had met his match in the form of a girl his own age. 
Before he had known, he had reached apartment 2F. The door was mocking him, teasing his cowardice and  nervousness. All he had to do was raise his fist and knock on the door. 
“Get it together, Parker,” he spoke to himself in a hushed tone. “Just knock. All you have to do is knock on the door, leave the cookies, and go, nothing more. Just get it together. She might not even be there. It could just be her parents. Why are you so scared? It could just be her…”
“Can I help you?” A honey-laced voice broke him out of his trance as the door in front of him swung open. Her smile was as sweet as her voice and seeing her in passing did not compare to perusing her face at that moment. “You’re our upstairs neighbor; right?” 
“Uh, uh,” he stammered as his train of thought broke. “Yes. Neighbor. Me.”
“Yes. Neighbor. You,” she chuckled. “I’ve seen you around. Sorry I haven’t had a chance to introduce myself. I’m (Y/N).”
“Pretty,” he sighed contentedly. But as soon as he noticed the words that had left his mouth, his whole face had gone red. “I mean, your name is pretty. Not that you’re not pretty, but I was talking about your name.”
“I figured,” she smiled warmly. “And yours is?”
“Oh, it’s Peter. Parker. Peter Parker.”
“Well, Peter Parker, may I ask why you were rambling in our Ring camera for a minute or two?” (Y/N) questions kindly. “Not that I’d mind seeing a cute guy talking to himself at my front door.”
If it had been possible for his face to grow redder, it had. He was sure he had turned the same shade as a tomato. “Yes, cookies,” he scrambled for his answer. His hand extended quickly, showing her that he wasn’t some creep at her door. He had brought a treat. “My aunt baked them to welcome you and your family to the building.”
“That’s so nice of you,” she beamed. “And normally I’d invite you in and share them with you, but we’re actually on our way out.”
“Oh, of course. I wouldn’t want to impose either way/”  
“You could never, Peter Parker,”  she had smiled brightly at him. “But you should definitely come over soon. Might be some cookies left. Or I could make some brownies and send them your way.”  
“I love brownies!” Peter answered enthusiastically. “And I might just take you up on your offer someday soon.”  
“You better,” she had responded teasingly. “I’ll see you around the building then, Peter.”  
“See you around, (Y/N).”  
Seeing her around had turned into almost every other afternoon. And the building had turned into seeing her almost everywhere, including Midtown School of Science and Technology. Any free time he could find all he wanted was to spend it with (Y/N) – even if everything in his life was against it. The more he wanted to see her, the more the universe seemed to throw obstacles his way. A spike in criminality, another school project, Tony Stark calling him to the Avengers tower, everything that kept him from spending more time with her. 
And everything had made him more and more tired. 
For almost a month straight of coming home late at night, almost blind from exhaustion. His body had gone into auto-pilot. He would sneak into his room through his window, slip off his mask, and crash onto his bed to get at least three to four hours of sleep before he had to be up once more to do it all again. Peter could have made it into his bedroom with his eyes closed.  
Something he shouldn’t have attempted to do even if he could.
It had been a rather debilitating night. He could feel the warmth of blood pooling on his forehead, his muscles were tight and sore, his leg was throbbing, and all he wanted to do was sink into his bed and pass out for a week. 
Peter climbed the fire escape slowly, his eyes closed as he counted in his head the three flights of stairs that would lead him to his bedroom. His window gave him more trouble than normal, getting stuck halfway, something it had never done before. And when he slipped into his bedroom, he found it was darker than usual. But, all he wanted to do was sleep. Just sleep. 
He slipped off his mask, wincing as the fabric stuck slightly to the cut on his face. Once the cover-up was off, he finally took in the room he was in. Quickly enough, he noted it was not his. Where his bunk beds would be, rested a full bed with black and gold bedding. The desk that would normally be covered with figurines and papers was replaced by a neatly organized surface. And he definitely would have remembered hanging vines and string lights on his wall.
“Uh, Peter?” His eyes went as big as saucers as he figured whose room he was actually standing in. “What the hell?”  
The boy turned around quickly, feeling a sense of deja vu from when his aunt had found out his secret identity. He did his best to shield his suit, putting his brain into overdrive to come up with a plausible excuse for standing in the middle of her room dressed like New York’s one and only Spiderman. 
“I, uh,” he stammered. “I can explain.” 
“Peter, you’re hurt,” she gasped as she turned on the lights in her room. “Sit. I’ll get the first aid kit.” 
Peter was dumbfounded. He was expecting her to freak out like Ned, or curse at him like aunt May. Instead, (Y/N) seemed far more worried about the cuts on his face than the fact that he was a secret superhero. 
He took a seat on her desk chair, placing a discarded towel he’d found in her laundry basket, too afraid of staining her furniture. As he waited for her to come back, his eyes studied her room. His gaze fell upon a bundle of pined pictures on her wall, specifically on a picture from the month before. 
They had spontaneously decided one afternoon to go to Central Park with Ned and MJ. They had walked, they had laughed, they had eaten ice cream, and, unbeknownst to him, MJ had snapped a picture of them as (Y/N) cleaned a drip of strawberry ice cream from his chin. But what stood out to him was the way her eyes shined as she looked at him. It was a gaze he had never noticed before on her. 
“Got it,” she breathed as she came back into the room. “I just hope it’s enough. It doesn’t look that deep.” 
(Y/N) settled before him, quickly going to work on cleaning his face. She poured alcohol onto a cotton pad, using the softest touch to not hurt him more than he already was. Her concentration zoned in on every cut, making sure not a single one was left behind. 
Peter couldn’t help but memorize her face. The way her tongue peaked out slightly from her lips, the small furrow of her brows, and the little scrunch of her nose. He could have stared at her for the rest of time and he would have been okay with that. 
“Alright,” she sighed. “All done. Is there any other wound concealed in this onesie?” 
“Oh, uh, I don’t think so,” he chuckled. “My body might just be insanely bruised.” 
“Do you need some ice?” (Y/N) worriedly asked. “Might not have enough for your whole body but I have enough for the most important areas.” 
“I’m okay,” he smiled. Peter stared curiously at her. They had spent over twenty minutes together and she had yet to mention the biggest elephant in the room –she didn’t give any indication that she would do so. “(Y/N), why, uh, why aren't you freaking out?” 
“I did. There was visible blood on your face but it’s gone now.” 
“No, (Y/N). I’m talking about the whole Spiderman thing,” he pointed. “You’ve barely reacted to the fact that I’m standing before you, dressed as Spiderman, with wounds on my face.” 
(Y/N) did something that he had not expected. She laughed. “I’ve known for a while now, Peter,” she said. “You might be quiet and sneaky when you’re out catching bad guys and saving the world, but you leave all your stealthiness in the street. Once you’re home, you tend to make a lot of noise. I saw you one time when I couldn’t sleep. I had been staring out my window trying to find anything to tire my eyes when I saw a flash of red and blue land on the fire escape. Don’t think Spiderman would have too much business with you, so I just assumed.” 
“So you saw me… as Spiderman?” Peter confirmed. “And you didn’t say anything.” 
“I didn't feel like it was my place,” she shrugged. “I wanted to wait until you trusted me enough to tell me.” 
“I do trust you,” he whispered, afraid that she would take his secrecy incorrectly. “I just… I just wanted to keep you separate from all of this. I don’t know what I would do if I put you in danger. I care about you, (Y/N).” 
“Oh,” she smiled before she noted the underlying sentiment behind Peter’s brown eyes. “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh,” he chuckled. Peter then tested the waters, standing from the chair and getting closer to her. “I’ve wanted to get closer to you whilst keeping you at arm’s length in order to protect you because I know just how dangerous it is to even be associated with me. All I’ve wanted is to keep you safe.”       
“Is it corny to say I can keep myself safe?” (Y/N) chuckled, taking his hands in hers. “I know it’s crazy but anything is worth it if I can… get closer to you.” 
“I would never let anything happen to you,” he whispered. “Even if I had to sleep outside your window every night.”
(Y/N) chuckled softly, releasing one of his hands to place a comforting palm on his cheek. “I don’t need your protection, Peter,” she said, her fingers tracing his features. “I need you safe. And well-rested. You look tired.” 
“I am,” he confessed with a sigh, closing his eyes at the warmth of her hand. “But, for you, I would never sleep again.” 
“I would rather you sleep, Peter,” the girl responded. “Why don’t you lay down for a bit? I’ll get you a shirt and some sweatpants. Wouldn’t want you stumbling around in a Spiderman suit and all exhausted like that.” 
“Honestly, I cannot deny that request,” Peter chuckled. “I don’t think I could make it up the fire escape tonight. But, I do want to do something before.” 
“What is it?”
“Can I kiss you?” he asked meekly. 
“Please,” she breathed.
With a smile, he closed all distance between them and placed his lips onto hers. He reveled in the warmth of her lips, enjoying the softness and plumpness of them. It was everything he had daydreamed of for months on end… except the suit… and the wounds… and the sluggishness. Other than for those things, it was perfect.  
“Want me to get those clothes now?” (Y/N) chuckled as they broke the kiss. “I think you should rest for a bit.”
“Only if we can kiss some more after.” 
“We can kiss any time you swing by,” she grinned. “I might just keep leaving my window unlocked for you.”
Taglist: @winter-soldier-101 @zheezs14 @clementinesjourney @dyslexiccatterpillar @cevans-winchester @sirenheadenby @sunsetcurvej @sapnapsbandana @skyesthebomb @esposadomd @this-is-a-bad-idea @nocturnalherb16 @blueshoelaces @then-worship-at-my-altar @six-call @yuki254 @nyenye @lunaOoO @avis15 @captainrogers-19 @honeylovemoon @wonieeee @supernaturalwriter @beckiej0073-blog @cecehensonn @krazyk99 @klf1999 @ilikepunsbeth @magimtz23 @adaydreamaway08 @hufflepuffobsessedwithmarvel @thatgirljayy @laylaskywalker @fandomonetwo @fruitylilfuck @a-slut-for-loki-bucky @monbrss @honeywxter @haroldpotterson @kaita11 @gangstalicious06 @uwunuggetchan @elijahssuit @multifandomreader73 @shara-ne @blackloveangel13 @euphoria1992 @saltedcoffeescotch @thecollectorofwords @gabi-princesada1d @zealouscookierebeltrash @sleepilysworld @aonungsfreak @treatiseofselena @brittany-appleyard24 @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @smolalien13 @jstarr86 @mzmarvel22 @itsmytimetodream @ivory-raptor @unstablekay @druigsluver29
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iguana-eyanna · 1 year
In Another Universe Pt. 4
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Pairing: Ned Leeds x superhero! reader
Summary: Ned's world turns upside down when his new powers bring a stranger to his world. What's more strange is that she knows who he is.
Ned was back in his apartment. Everyone was in the living room while his doppelganger was webbed in his bathroom. (You think there could be a stranger sentence than that, but he begged to differ)
All he was trying to do was make some ramen again for his friends and the girl that came from another dimension.
Peter looked uneasy, probably since he was thinking a million questions at a time.
MJ was more reserved, thinking it wasn't the time to whip out a smart remark.
And then there was you, who sat uncomfortably on the couch.
Ned returned with a tray of ramen, silently giving them to his friends. He sits a seat next to you, as you two haven't said a word to each other since Ned unmasked the Hobgoblin.
You inhaled sharply and looked around the room.
"Okay, all of us have a lot of questions. I think this world's masked hero should take the floor." You said.
Peter's worried state still hasn't changed, but he coughs a bit.
"How-How did you get here?" Peter asks.
"Ned saved me when I was battling Hobgoblin. When I got unconscious, he took me back to your world. We must have not noticed Hobgoblin following us too." You said.
Peter looks over to his friend.
"Dude, that was dangerous. I thought you shouldn't be doing magic outside of your training." Peter says.
Ned knits his eyebrows.
"How was I supposed to know I can open doors to dimensions? I thought I just opened on the other side of town and saw a spider suit. I kept on calling your name but turned out to be her. And don't lecture me on what I can or can't do, Pete. Don't forget how you got rebellious too when you got recognized by Mr. Stark."
Peter felt a bit defensive hearing his old father figure's name, and MJ placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Let's not get off topic here, we still need to clear things up."
Peter relaxes back in his chair as MJ looks over to you.
"i think we need to address the elephant in the bathroom. How did your Ne-"
"Hobgoblin" You corrected.
MJ acknowledged you.
"How did Hobgoblin originate?"
You waivered, scared of the past that still haunted you.
"I was looking for intel about the original Hobgoblin, Roderick Kingsley. He took over the green goblin's old lair and started terrorizing the city. We found him but...
Hobgoblin left his glider that was on self destruct as he took a run for it. You ran towards Ned who was leaning by the wall. You threw your mask away, as your vision was blurred by your tears.
"Ned..." you whispered, trying to control the bleeding.
All he could do was smile at you. Dear God, he was dying but he looked at you so lovingly.
He couldn't speak, he couldn't say his words to you. All he could do was smile and held your face in his hands. He closed his eyes and never opened them again.
"No, no, baby wake up. Please wake up!" You screamed, trying to shake him. You released a blood-curling scream, holding onto him as you mourned the death of your first love.
Suddenly, you brought your head up. You turn around frantically as you spot your bag in the water. You ran to it quickly, finding the serum that the original Green Goblin has used but Kingsley corrected it.
"I'm sorry, but I can't let you go." You said, hoping one day Ned would forgive you.
A tear rolled down your cheek as you held yourself.
"The serum didn't work, and I didn't have time to defuse the bomb. I had to go, the sewer closed in when I got out. No one could find anything there. He was just gone, and I was to blame."
Everyone was silent, as all was heard were your sniffles.
"Then how am I alive?" Ned asks.
You can't look at him, as it only brought more pain.
"A few months later, I turned in Kingsley. Then, there were more sightings of a glider on my patrols. I thought it was a copycat of a copycat, but he started to watch my every move. It wasn't until he caught me off guard and chose to fight. It was like he knew my every move, and the only thing he said to me was... that I left him for dead.
That's when I knew and... I never rested till I could save him one more time."
Peter understood, he can count the many times he wishes he could save the people that he couldn't.
You got up from your seat, trying not to break apart.
"Someone needs to watch over him, I'll take the first shift." You said, heading upstairs.
"Hey..." Ned said, making you whip your head to him.
"Be careful." Ned said, but failed to say what he really meant. You hesitate for a moment, but you still went up in silence.
Ned sat back in his seat, burying his hands in his head.
"My doppleganger is locked up in my bathroom. Can this day get any worse?" Ned said out loud.
As if a cruel joke was made towards Ned, there was a knock on the door.
MJ and Peter jumped upright as well as Ned.
Peter walks over carefully and saw who it was through the peep hole.
"It's Wong!" Peter whispers out loud.
"What?" Ned whisper yells.
"What is he doing here?" MJ asks.
"How should I know?"
"You're his apprentice!" MJ and Peter screamed back.
Peter goes up to Ned, placing his hands on his friend's shoulders.
"We need to tell him what's been happening."
"And risk getting into more trouble?"
"Well what do you think we should do?" Peter raises his voice.
Ned combs his hair with his fingers with frustration.
"Go upstairs and warn that Wong is here, I'll try to kick him out."
The two run upstairs as Ned takes a deep breath before opening the door.
"Master Wong! What brings you here?" Ned asks too enthusiastically.
Wong walks in Ned's apartment, hands behind his back.
"I would have used a portal to meet you but Strange said that's 'rude.' I wanted to check on you and see how you were."
"I am A-Okay! Peachy Keen even!" Ned said.
Wong looks at him seriously, making Ned sweat prefusebly.
"I felt I was too harsh on you the last time we spoke. You're still trying to understand your powers, and I felt my responsibilities as Sorcerer Supreme were affecting my judgements on you."
Ned was a bit shocked from Wong's words.
"Oh, um, thank you Master Wong. You didn't have to come all this way." Ned said, hoping he'd leave.
But instead, Wong sat down on the couch, sighing.
"You know Ned, I see so much of myself in you, and I want to see you in your full potential-"
Suddenly, there was a loud thump you could hear from upstairs.
"What is that?" Wong asks.
"That's my... turtle."
Wong raises an eyebrow.
"It sounds like you have a big turtle." Wong says, not convinced.
"Yeah, let me check on it. I'll be back." Ned said, running upstairs.
He goes at the end of the hall and sees MJ trying to hold down the door.
"What's going on?" Ned whispered screamed.
"Your doppelganger woke up in a rampage! I've been holding down the door while the two try to fight him."
The door almost pried open, but MJ and Ned was able to lean against it with force.
"Ned? What's wrong?" Wong calls from downstairs.
"Nothing! I'll make sure to visit the temple this week!" Ned screamed back.
They both tried to hold back the door but it was no use. The door flew back as well as both of them, where MJ was slammed by the wall and Ned at the end of the hall.
He looks up and see you and Peter trying to fight Hobgoblin off, but he was too strong. Peter turned around and saw MJ hurt, so Hobgoblin used the opportunity and threw both of you off of him.
You landed by Ned, groaning as he heard a crack and saw you holding your waist. Hobgoblin takes you by the collar and lifts you up in the air.
He looks down at Ned, grinning.
"You must have loved having her in your life, but let me tell you... you're better off without her." he said, closing his hand around your neck.
"N...Ned... I'm sorry..." You croaked, before fluttering your eyes as you couldn't stay conscious for long.
"Stop!" Ned yelled out, his hands glowing yellow. A string of light wrapped around Hobgoblin's arm. Ned pulled the rope down as Hobgoblin lost grip of you as you landed on the ground.
Hobgoblin tried to free himself from Ned's enchantment but he couldn't.
"Don't. Touch. Her." Ned gritted before moving his hands in a sphere like motion, using magic to bind Hobgoblin.
Ned catches his breath as he never used that much magic before. He bends down towards you and holds you up, trying to call you by your name.
He looks up and sees Wong standing by the staircase, looking at him and Hobgoblin who was still trying to break his binds. In the corner, Peter hugs MJ as she has a minor cut on her forehead. He repeatedly asks if she's alright, and looks over to Ned with an unsure look.
Wong carefully walks over to Ned who's tearing up as all he could do was hold you against his chest.
"She's- she's not breathing." Ned whispered, slightly sobbing.
"Let's bring them to the Sanctum, I'll call Strange to help." Wong said softly, as Ned's hands were still glowing a light shade of yellow.
Ned nodded slowly as he carefully lifted you. Wong used a portal to surround Hobgoblin as he disappeared from their sight.
Wong also opens a portal to the sanctum as Ned followed quickly.
"We need to follow them." MJ said, grabbing Peter's hand.
"But you're still hurt." Peter said, coming to a halt.
MJ looks back at him.
"For the hundredth time, I'm fine. Ned needs us there, Peter... more than ever."
Peter hesitantly nods his head and follows MJ until the portal closed. As they all arrived in the Sanctum, Wong cleared a table as Ned laid you softly there. He took off his varsity jacket, folding it as he placed it behind your head for comfort.
"Will she be alright?" Ned asks.
"I'm not sure, we need Strange here now." Wong said.
As if on cue, a portal opened and entered Strange looking alarmed.
"What happened?" He asks, nearing the table as you laid unconscious.
"I think she cracked her ribs and her larynx is bruised." Ned replied.
"Who did this?" Strange asked as he started to examine you.
"Um- my uh, me. Well- a different form of me-"
"A doppleganger came to our world, she's also not from here." Wong answered for Ned.
"They have some incredible strength to have done this damage. I need you all to leave so I can focus."
"No, I'm staying with her."
"Look kid, I don't need your youthful incompetence. You need to leave NOW." Strange demanded.
"Ned, let Dr. Strange help her." Peter said carefully, never seeing his friend so upset.
Ned takes one glance at you and stormed away, finding the terrace so he could find some air.
Now alone, he begins to cry, slightly sobbing. With his building rage, he created ball of light and threw it in the air, screaming his frustration.
"You took them here, didn't you?" Wong asks as he stood behind Ned.
The Leeds boy takes a deep breath and looks over to his teacher. He didn't look angry... just worried.
"I didn't mean to. I was trying to practice to open portals to show you that I'm committed to be your apprentice. Then I thought the best way to do it right was if I could focus on something. I was envisioning my dreams and thought of her, I didn't think she'd be real."
"You're dreams weren't fictional. You were able to access the memories of your doppelganger when you were unconscious. It's a rare gift because not everyone can remember different memories of themselves for long periods of time." Wong said.
"But out of all people, why her? Why did I have to come in her world and brought her here?" Ned asks, looking out.
Wong walks up to Ned and joins him.
"Our powers are deeply connected to our emotions. Perhaps when you were opening your portal, you were trying to find someone, because you were alone. And maybe... you knew that she felt alone too."
Ned fell silent. He never realized how his answers were right there in front of him.
"How can I make this right?" Ned asked with his head hanging low.
"To find what you're looking for, you must search the answer within you." Wong imparted before he left Ned.
As he left, he raised his head and clenched his fist.
Turning around, he closed his eyes and focused, creating a portal. He entered into a dark room, located at the bottom of the Sanctum. He walked down the steps and saw Hobgoblin imprisoned in the magic cell.
Ned stopped in his tracks as his eyes turned dark.
"We need to talk."
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itsybiggy · 1 year
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Stuck With Me: Peter Parker x OC
Cute Peter Parker slow burn, less spiderman action more just good ol awkward Parker.
Peter has been in a bad mood all month, but with soon to be divorced parents, trying to figure out what's wrong with him is the last thing Lani needs. Thankfully summer break is here. Lani, Ned, Peter, and MJ set off on the summer vacation road trip to California. Drama ensues
🕸️Chapter 2🕸️
Chapter 1
Master list
He left me on read. He never does that, like ever. My thoughts begin to wander to attempt to make evenly winged eyeliner.
So much for keeping it positive.
Intrusive thoughts pile up in my mind. I'm not dumb enough to really believe that Peter now hates the mere thought of me; but the little "read" under my text makes me anxious all the same.
I being wracking my brain. Thinking of everything I have said to him in the past weeks. I mean maybe I said something to make him upset or did something and just not realize it. But honestly, it only makes me smile as I recall the jokes we cracked and fun we all  have had. Nothing bad is really coming to mind.
My screen is still void of any text notifications.
I check my refection in the mirror, smiling. I usually try to stay positive when it comes to my appearance. And I definitely can't complain of how my butt looks my black maxi skirt. I adjusted my white crop top, making sure the tiny cross stitched spider was visible. After a quick click of my off brand Dock Martins I decided humidity was a virtue and mirror time was over.
It was already 5:15, I didn't feel quiet ready but Ned would be waiting.
~15 minutes later~
"GET IN LOSER WE ARE GOING SHOPPING!" I yell as Ned walks down the apartment stairs.
He gets in the car "Hey."
"Hey." My smile drops and I hope it's subtle. The tone of his voice worried me. Silence between us is uncommon. I squirm a bit in my seat.
Seeing as he isn't going to make conversation, I speak up.
"Did you get the texts from me and Michelle?" I say.
"Yeah, I have no idea what's wrong with him. Maybe we will figure out tonight" he says quickly, shrugs and looks out the window. Silence fills the car again.
I know you can't sound like anything over text, but Ned sounded a lot peppier when we were messaging. What was going on with my friends?
"We should go see a movie after."  I make a lame attempt to kindle a conversation.
Ned seems to perk up a bit at this.
"Yes! The Joker is out!"
I laugh at this, I'd never been much for DC superhero comics. Especially when they are made up. It didn't really make a lot of sense why someone would make up a superhero and a supervillain when there are plenty to choose from that are real. Movie production companies have tried to profit off of rising superhero stars. The movies are never as good as the up close and real action.
I shrug "I'll see whatever you want bubby."
He winces at 'bubby' and goes back to looking out the window.
I feel my face getting hot. Ok mental note, after being called bubby for 3 years Ned now doesn't like it.
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH MY FRIENDS! Blasts in my mind. My only hope now was that Michelle was normal.
To my relief she was. We got to the diner at 6:04, Michelle sitting down at our usual table in the back. We try to sit in the back as to not disturb other customers. Our laughs are usually boisterous and frequent not to mention the cheeky jokes. And all being on the decathlon team, heated arguments or "debates" on some old dudes theories or such tend to heated. But we are high tipping customers so we don't worry about it too much.
"Hey guys surprised to see you have made it here alive." She jokes.
"I don't know where you got that I was a bad driver!" I motion for Ned to take a seat before I slide in next to him.
"Oh I think you know." She winks.
"what?" I look at her, perplexed before she shakes her head.
"Speak of the devil" she said just as Peter walks through the door.
The little bell at the top of the door gives a joyful ring. Peter flinches but his body quickly moved back into its slightly hunched position with a frown on his face. Oh great.
"Hey Peter!" I say as he sits down next to Michelle.
He looks into my eyes and gives a slight smile. But says nothing.
A waiter soon comes around with menus "Can I get you started off with anything to drink?"
"I will have a coke." Michelle starts.
"Same." Peter mumbles.
"Sprite." Says Ned cheerfully.
"Tea for me please and thank you." I say brightly, I had to stay positive. I am with my friends to get away from negativity, not have more of it.
Once the waiter left we all began talking. Peter slowly starts engaging more, and it seems to feel right again. Something about him is definitely off; though that does make me very worried about him, I know now was not the time to ask. I will just do my best to cheer my moody friend up.
I smile, mentally stepping back from the conversation, contentment filled my heart. There is nowhere I would rather be and no group of people I would rather be with. I mean they are the only friends I have...
Good Eats has become a favorite of ours. We started eating here for dinner or after school almost every weekend, for about 3 years now. It was cheap for the quality of simple yet delicious diner food. But it's usually pretty quiet in the evenings— (we learned the hard way to avoid it during the mornings where the line is out the door.) —a steady stream of customers usually taking things to-go. Which I don't get, a big part of this place being great is the aesthetic. It reminds me of a 70s diner and most likely opened then. Yellow booths, a jute box always playing great oldies music, kinda ugly wallpaper, and warm lighting. And the store owner is a really nice guy. He usually brings his grandkids. It's always funny when you get rung up by a 10-year-old or have your water refilled by a 7-year-old. Since we have been coming for so long so often, the owner has a special discount for us "I've got to treat my best customers right!"  he always says I'm pretty sure it's just a %10 student discount. We usually tip as much much as we can.
I snapped back into reality when I heard my name. I didn't really know who it came from.
"What?" I said shacking my head out of the clouds.
"We were asking about the van. Summer break is almost here, when is Caroline gonna be ready?" Ned asks
"Oh right, I would say just in time for school to let out." I say.
We have been planning our summer break since school started this year. It will be our last summer vacation ever, so it had to be epic. I always get excited butterflies from it, but it is usually mixed with dread too. Dread because I know when I get home my parents will be officially divorced. Not that I haven't known this was coming or that it needs to happen. It definitely does, I have a cup bruise on the side of my head to prove it.
No, nope stop! I feel my eyes watering. Internally I let out a big sigh. This summer vacation has to be perfect. I don't know what I will do if it's not.
"Alright let's go over the plans one last time," Peter says.
I smile reaching into my purse, and pull out a small, light pink, piece of paper. 1-10 lists of things we need to do while we are in California. We had decided a beach trip is definitely what we need.
I clear my throat and begin to read.
1. start off at Stark Tower to go over things with Tony such as Hotels, food reservations, and tickets
Did I mention all of this was Peter's early birthday gift from TS himself. We are all pretty jazzed. And by that I mean we about shit our pants when Peter told us.
2. head out across the country stopping at the finest Tony Stark hotels (hotels with penthouse suites that Tony has frequent so much he just straight up bought the hotels.)
3  get to LA and check out our crib
4. beach
5. Disney Land
6. More beach
7. eat at a super fancy restaurant
8. ruins of Mr. Stark's Malibu mansion
9. Santa Monica Pier
10. hike to the Hollywood sign
It was a packed summer for sure, but it had to be the best, it just had to be. My last slice of happiness before I move away with my mom, before I move from Queens to which ever relative my mom decides to move close to. Away from all of my friends, who are more of a family then my real ones. Who have gotten me through so much, stuck by my side through it all. And even feeling upset makes me feel like I'm a monster. I want to support my mom, but I don't want this! I don't want to be away from them. Away...I hate that word.
"You ok La?" Ned asks  his hand rests on my back, lightly rubbing it.
My cheeks grow warm with embarrassment- I was crying. And of course Ned's kind questioning made more tears flow. I quickly wipe my eyes with my sleeve, and give a quick fake smile to my friends. They look concerned, except Peter. He looks almost angry, this made me cry more. Amazing.
"Yeah I'm fine. I-uh-i yawned." I stammer, I yawned wtf, who would believe that?!
"What the hell Lani?! No one's yawns make them cry that much." Michelle said, her voice rose she was almost laughing at the dumb lie that came out of my mouth. But I knew she was just concerned.
Ned quickly drops his hand from my back, my head instinctively turning towards him. He's looking at Peter.
"I'm fine I, I-just." I paused. I had told them about my parents getting a divorce, but not much. More importantly, I hadn't told them I was moving, and I wasn't planning on it till the trip is over. If they knew it would just ruin the whole trip for me. Not to mention I was so scared to even say it out loud, it would just make it seem more real. I tried my hardest to not think about it ever. Yea I know it's is unhealthy, but it's how I'm coping now. Might as well let future Lani deal with it.
"It's just my parents divorce, it's getting close to the last of all the court stuff. I just, can't stop thinking about it." My face continued the hot embarrassed sensation. I felt my under arms tingle and I could feel their eyes in me. My eyes stayed glued on my hands like my left depended on it.
There was a small pause. Oh gosh this is embarrassing.
"Lani, no madder what, you will always have us. We love you." Michelle finally said. Her tender words caught me off guard.
I looked back at her, giving a genuine smile "Thanks, that means a lot."
But the little voice in the back of my mind kept screaming Except they won't always be there for you.
"Are you guys ready to order?" We all jumped a bit as the waiter had finally returned to serve us. She placed each of our drinks in front of us.
After we ordered I had asked if we could just forget I said anything, what I needed was a fun night with my friends. They all agreed and once Ned had brought up The Joker, a new conversation sprung. I was just happy to not discuss anything family related.
Once we had all gotten and eaten our food, we decided to head to the movie theater to watch The Joker.
"Ok how about Peter pays for drink, Ned pays for Popcorn, and Lani pays for the tickets?" Michelle suggests as we walk into the theater.
"Um, that's convenient, seeing as you pay for nothing." Said Peter, slightly annoyed "and we should all pay for our own tickets, they are too expensive for Lani to pay for alone."
Michelle give a little snicker before we all decide it was every man for himself/herself.
I walk up to the counter, and smile brightly at the young man at the register. "Four tickets for The Joker, please and thank you."
"Sorry The Joker is sold out." He replies in a monotone voice.
"What?!" Ned exclaimed "but- I just checked online like 5 hours ago."
"Sorry The Joker is sold out" he repeats in the same voice. I don't blame him, he has probably had to say this so many people tonight.
"Hey, guys it's fine we can just pick another movie!" I say trying to lift their spirits.
"It 2 is out." Michelle offers.
Oh no
"Yeah I'm down" says Ned.
Oh no
"Yeah me too" says Peter.
Three pairs of eyes look at me. I give a sheepish smile. I get scared very easily, they know this, but I'm willing to take one for the team... even if it means I won't sleep for a few da-weeks. "Yes, let's go see It 2" I say in a fake enthusiastic tone.
I turn back to the man at the register "um, four for... It 2 please."
The theater is completely empty, which makes it about 1099999373783298xs more scary. It's a pretty popular movie so the rows of seats absent of people makes it feel like the twilight zone. We look around, deciding to sit in the far back.
I see Peter hanging back, walking slowly behind us. Strategically, I begin to slow my pace; slipping behind MJ to sit beside Peter. If there is anything that will distract me from the killer clown, it's Peter. We enter the row and settled in. And Peter grabs my hand.
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marionluth · 3 months
Chapter 3 is up!
Title: Words Left Unspoken
Fandom: MCU (spider-man no way home)
Summary: Five years have passed since Dr Strange cast the spell that wiped Peter Parker from everyone's memory. MJ, Ned, and Pepper are suddenly thrust into a mystery, when they start receiving enigmatic letters. Each one is signed by someone named Peter—a name familiar yet unknown.Who is Peter? And how can vague words of an unknown man shake them to their core? Old wounds reopen as they confront a past lost in oblivion.
Status: WIP
Rating: T
Pairings: Michelle Jones/Peter Parker
Warnings: some death/suicide ideation but nothing to graphic, intense and not the focus. Ideation only. Some violence (spider-man action scenes)
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aimmyarrowshigh · 4 months
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MLMay 2024: 100 Slash Drabbles
036. Intimate - Ned Leeds/Peter Parker (MCU)
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ravagedarkness · 2 months
Spider-Man: Home Under Fire, Chapter 20: Personal
For Peter and MJ, there is a road to reconciliation. Unfortunately, for them, it’s a long road littered with many an obstacle, ranging from old foes and a new enemy with a familiar face to personal issues that have gone unresolved for years. All the while, they'll have to contend with a conspiracy to undermine the vigilante community of New York.
Read Here:
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agentsofeverything · 7 months
The final chapter of 'Dancin' In The Intern Labs' is out now!! I can't believe this silly idea actually became the first fic I finished XD
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Read it here x
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