#ned barret
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Note fra torsdag d.14/4
Teenhood i solen
Det er torsdag aften, en hverdagsaften er det virkelig. Jeg sidder og oversætter. Bogen handler om en ung pige, der på samme aften som hun dimittere fra folkeskolen, inviteres til fest hos Tina, klassens danserinde. Hovedkarakteren, Aimee, danser med en ældre mand og tager med ham hjem. Han bor på et bjerg i en fransk by, hvor bogen foregår. I virkeligheden er hun forelsket i Tina, og forsøgte at nærme sig hende, ved at tage med manden hjem, fordi Aimee tror at Tina er mere erfaren med mænd, og at hun igennem denne erfaring, kan nå Tina. Aimee bruger resten af sommeren på at vente på at Tina skal ringe, men de ses aldrig igen efter den aften. Det er en voldsom skildring af at opleve sig selv som et seksuelt væsen, men også om ensomhed og om at male det samme blå felt på et papir igen og igen, fordi der ikke er andet at lave. Jeg kan genkende den sommer fra da jeg var teenager i folkeskolen, hvor de få fester der lå, kom til at spøge gennem resten af ferien. At ligge dag ud og dag ind i græsset og læse, skrive, kede sig, gå ned til åen, vente på at en af mine få veninder kom hjem fra ferier og havde huller i deres pakkede sommerplaner. Mine somre var altid åbne, der skete ikke så meget, og når der endelig skete noget festligt, ville jeg tilbage til min bog så snart jeg var ankommet til festen, eller jeg gik ud på toilettet og stod, til jeg kunne få luft til at gå ud til de andre. Det var som om drømmen om de vilde fester, ungdomslivet, var bedre i det tænkte og i forventningen. Husker en sommerdag hvor jeg skulle til fest om aftenen, i 9.klasse. Jeg måtte kun spise lidt, lige inden festen, og havde bundet hele overkroppen ind i madpapir, fordi det skulle få huden til at svede så meget, at man så tyndere ud. Jeg troede min utilpassethed i det sociale kunne kompenseres for, ved at være lækker i stedet. At det var en persona jeg godt kunne udfylde for en aften. Jeg endte med at blive hentet af min far efter et par timer. Madpapiret havde været et dagsprojekt og festen et flop. Jeg følte mig som en skygge der lige kunne stå på tæer og se ind af vinduer til de andre. Det var de somre jeg læste jeg de store russiske mastordanter og Herman Hesse, hørte alt Pink Floyd fra ende til anden og forfra i solen, mens jeg tog noter. Heltene var Eik Skaløe, Cyd Barret og John Lennon. En indiehule af røgelse og ambitioner; jeg følte at det løftede mig væk og ud over andres fester og at det gav mig en agens i verden. Tænkte jeg ville flytte til Indien og blive buddhist og senere, være digter og bo på et lille landsted for mig selv. Jeg kan godt skamme mig over at være så højpandet et barn, men det var også en kappe der var god at bo under, en hemmelighed de andre ikke kunne se eller forstå. At nørde noget, insistere på, at det man sidder med er vigtigt og skal føre til noget, også selvom det ikke altid gør det.
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Fictional Characters from kid shows that deserve to cuss part 4:
(This is in no specific order at all)
1. Rocky Blue from Shake it Up
2. Bertram from Jessie
3. Boomer from Pair of Kings
4. Zeke Falcone from Zeke and Luther
5. Michael Barret from Zoey 101
6. Amy Duncan from Good Luck Charlie
7. Moze from Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide
8. Amanda Cantwell from True Jackson VP
9. Casey McDonald from Life with Derek
10. Emma Tutweiller from Suite Life on Deck
#shake it up#rocky blue#Jessie#Bertram winkle#Bertram#disney#pair of kings#king boomer#zeke and luther#Zeke falcone#zoey 101#Michael barret#glc#good luck charlie#amy duncan#neds declasified school survival guide#moze#Jennifer Mosley#true jackson vp#Amanda cantwell#casey mcdonald#life with derek#old nickelodeon#nickelodeon#Emma tutweiller#ms tutweiller#the suite life on deck#the suite life#suite life on deck
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The Lion, the Dragon, & the Helm: Aragoth Divided
( written by Kate AA! Thanks Kate! :D)
Aragoth has been a nation at war with itself for centuries. Many of their wars have been largely ideological conflicts, but they’ve hit all the old familiar bases: reason vs emotion, north vs south, old vs new, winter vs summer…Largely, the conflicts have been waged as battles between the Northern Old Ways, led by the lions of House Arrington, and the new Southern ideals, led by the dragons (of the non-literal variety) of House Godiva.
~The Old Ways~
Once upon a time, House Arrington ruled Aragoth with an iron fist. They were tall and fair and passionate. They were also given to caprice and bouts of high temper, which didn’t always make them the best rulers, though it made for great legends and exciting histories, afterwards. Notwithstanding, House Arrington brought Aragoth out of the primordial ooze and set it up as a true, powerful, and legitimate kingdom in its own right, their lineage so ancient its origins are forgotten to time. They passed the laws of succession - supported what are now called ‘The Old Ways.’ Right to inherit (including rule) passed from father to son. When the gods demanded sacrifice, they gave it. The world was a harsher place and survival was not guaranteed and House Arrington rose during these ferocious times.
House Arrington proudly declares ‘We Are the First,’ but in the eyes of the South they may as well say ‘We Are the Outdated.’ Both North and South bring up survivors. The North is a bleak wasteland of ice and snow. If the cold doesn’t kill you, starvation will. The only chance you have is to stand tall and proud and stalwart. The South is lush and beautiful but that brings with it the fury of the seas and skies: storms rake the coast and wash whole towns into the ocean. Raiders live on their borders and those not killed by the storms are savaged by the heat of the Southern Isles whose people carry off to slavery the Southerners they do not kill. North or South, you’re screwed, but the challenges you face are utterly different and bring with them very different mindsets. Where the South is faced with a shifting current and swords, demanding the ability to rapidly change; the North demands endurance.
The Old Ways are bloody and brutal, born out of savage times just like House Arrington. They involve ritualistic human sacrifice to the gods in exchange for favor; brutal disregard for the sick and needy (’if you don’t have what it takes to survive, don’t’ is basically the idea), etc.
But their rules also have the quality of being distinct and clear-cut. Centuries will do that. Every conceivable pattern has been worked out, every kink in the plan accounted for. For example, House Arrington upholds male primogeniture (ironic in that those left to fight for House Arrington’s rights are primarily women), the upside of which being it’s clear to see who the heir to any given thing might be. The new ways leave lots of room for ambiguity - and therefore for the crisis of conflict. The times they are a-changin’ and that comes with terrifying possibility, possibilities that don’t sit well in the far North.
~House Godiva & Civil War~
House Godiva held the South and House Arrington the North. House Godiva was valorous and principled and just. Coming from a more rational time, they were rooted in more merciful belief systems, more open minded - not to mention they were excessively wealthy and at least one of their kings was a Dragon Rider, himself. House Godiva maintained most of the order that House Arrington had set up, keeping the rules of succession, though they abolished human sacrifice and other such harsh methods.
Aragoth was plagued by centuries of war and what it needed was union. In the past, occasionally one side would win and rule the whole of Aragoth for awhile, only to be cast down and have it start over again. Oftentimes, there would be an Arrington king in the North ruling at the same time as a Godiva king ruled in the South, meeting in center to fight (and thus laying waste to the East and West). The only real certainty was that the North was the kingdom of Arrington and the South was the kingdom of Godiva.
Finally, when the Godivas had more or less won, once and for all, they saw the writing on the wall and made overtures of peace to satisfy both sides of the conflict. King Droyn Godiva married Elianora Arrington, so that their heirs (Theodoric, Rowena, and Helena) would be both Godiva and Arrington. This was meant to end the wars, forever.
However, the right to rule still followed the male line, that law never having been amended. So, Theodoric would have inherited from Droyn, but Rowena killed both father and son at the same time, meaning the crown, legally, should have passed to Droyn’s surviving brother, Alexandir. Rowena supplanted, however, taking the scepter and commanding that all accept her right to rule, ruling that women could inherit, though she didn’t technically have the power to pass any laws, since Alexandir was, legally, king, according to all the laws that had always governed Aragoth. Rowena was powerful, though, so none dared gainsay her, and Alexandir’s the last Godiva male, anyway: unmarried and without any children.
All of this might have still stood, however, had Rowena proved to be a good ruler. She did not. She murdered the protectorates of Aragoth - the Dragon Riders - and used the last one as a threat against all those who might not bend the knee. She squeezed the populace for every last cent, leaving families to starve; she ignored the cries of the South, overrun with enemies; put those who might have been her allies to the test in cruel ways…etc.
~The Northern & Eastern Resistances~
The East is the home of the capitol, known as the Imperial City. There, the Resistance is led by Alaric de Montfort, a noble who once sat Droyn’s High Council. Alaric was imprisoned and sentenced to death for objecting to Rowena, but was broken out just in time. The East and the West have been trapped between the North and the South during their many wars, disputed territories. They knew better than the others the many ravages of war and so are very interested in maintaining order, having been brutalized by both sides before. Their general idea is to maintain the line of succession as set out by Droyn. They mean to overthrow Rowena in favor of her younger sister, Helena Godiva.
The Northern Resistance hasn’t really gotten kicked off yet, seeing as its founding member hasn’t even gotten to the North, yet, but they are essentially a junior branch of the Eastern Resistance. One of the members of the Eastern Resistance, Guinevere Fontaine, moves up North and starts gathering people to the cause. There is every chance the two will splinter as time moves forward, but at the moment their goals are married (especially as Helena is both Godiva - through her father - and Arrington - through her mother - thus satisfying honor all around).
~The Southern Resistance~
The South is freaking fed up. Unlike the Eastern Resistance, they have no interest in keeping things more or less as they ‘should’ be. They’ve been ruled as essentially their own state, before, and they want that independence back. The Southern Resistance wants to kick out Rowena - whatever that might take - but then they don’t want to replace her with some little sister who may be just as bad or even worse for all they know. They want the South to break off and be it’s own nation. And they want a Southern ruler. Specifically, they intend to make Ned Barret their king.
Some background on this. Now, as I alluded, House Godiva arose from the South. It was their headquarters, their strength, their kingdom. When House Godiva finally conquered all of Aragoth, the South naturally expected to be congratulated on their victory, at least. They most likely did anticipate a reward of some nature for their centuries of loyalty in the most dire of circumstances - what they most definitely did not anticipate was utter neglect.
As soon as Rowena was crowned, she turned all her attentions to strengthening her claim but not to strengthening her borders. Abutting the shores of the South are the Southern Isles, a nation of roving warriors (think: Vikings). The South and the Isles were perpetually at war and between the ferocious hurricanes and the onslaught of the Isles, the South was in dire straights. They sent plea after plea to the Imperial City, begging for Rowena’s aid but she did nothing.
Fortunately, the Warden of the South (Harrion Mortain/James Garin’s father) was a strong and decisive ruler with an equally strong and decisive right arm, Ned Barret. The two of them were able to safeguard the South as a unified front, until tragedy struck. The Warden’s eldest son died; his second son (Harrion/James) mysteriously disappeared promptly thereafter. The Warden had two nephews who would also have done the job creditably, but each in turn died, leaving it to their weak younger brother, Loys, when the old Warden died.
Loys should never have been Warden. Or a lord. Or anyone ever in charge of a single other person, ever. As a leader, he is weak and leaves ruling to his grasping mother, Margery, preferring to tend to his collection of keys. Margery’s ambitions had little to do with warfare and much more to do with climbing to power. As a result, though the Mortains were once a family owing of reverence in the South, it has become quite clear to the populace that the person working to protect them and guide them, now, is the old Warden’s trusted Ned Barret.
He’s basically been doing the job, this long, and he’s done it creditably. Why not make it official? House Godiva abandoned ship as soon as it got a whiff of something better; all the useful Mortains died off. They feel that breaking off and being their own country under Ned Barret is their best bet.
Now, it should be noted that the queen did, ultimately, dispatch her uncle, Alexandir Godiva, to fight for the South. He worked with Ned for fifteen years and ultimately they crushed the Southern Isles, conquering them at last, and making Alexandir an Aragothi national hero. There are absolutely Southerners who would love to see Alexandir rule (and many regard him as the rightful king of Aragoth, in his own right anyway), but this specific Resistance wants Ned to rule. Afterall, Alexandir up and left them again when the Isles surrendered. Ned stayed put. And, besides, it wasn’t Alexandir Godiva who stood beside their husbands and sons and brothers when the only defenders they had were boys wearing pots for helmets and boiling their shoes for food. Alexandir rode in just as he rode back out: at the head of a shining army with provisions and funds enough to last them a life time. While the aid was greatly appreciated, Alexandir would make a better ruler, in their eyes, of the North, East, and West, if he likes, while Ned rules the South. They want a new order, anyway, not to fall back into the old wars, etc. Been there, done that. The best option for the South is Lord Eddard of House Barret.
#history#what is going on#house arrington#house godiva#aragoth#droyn godiva#elianora arrington#theodoric godiva#helena godiva#rowena godiva#alexandir godiva#alaric de montfort#guinevere fontaine#ned barret#james garin#loys mortain#margery mortain
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Outsiders - WGN America - January 26, 2016 - April 25, 2017
Drama (26 episodes)
Running Time: 60 minutes
David Morse as "Big Foster" Farrell VI
Joe Anderson as Asa Farrell
Gillian Alexy as G'Winveer "G'Win" Farrell
Ryan Hurst as "Lil Foster" Farrell VIII
Kyle Gallner as Hasil Farrell
Christina Jackson as Sally-Ann
Thomas M. Wright as Deputy Sheriff Wade Houghton, Jr.
Phyllis Somerville as Lady Ray Farrell
Jason McCune as Ned Osborn
Francie Swift as Haylie Grimes
Mark Jeffrey Miller as Craigan "Krake" O'Farrell
Eddie Beveridge as Phil'up Farrell
Keith Michael Gregory as Jake Murphy
Johanna McGinley as Annalivia Farrell
Barret Hackney as Butch
Kendall Yeaman as Phelia Farrell
#Outsiders#TV#WGN America#Drama#2000's#David Morse#Joe Anderson#Gillian Alexy#Ryan Hurst#Kyle Gallner#Christina Jackson#Thomas M. Wright
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ELEANOR GUTHRIE, or her whole journey shown with her outfits :
*Note: This is a personal analysis and nothing is official. You are free to disagree with what I see, it’s just a personal opinion that I want to share.
It’s fascinating how we can see the whole evolution of the character of Eleanor just through her clothes over the seasons. I had fun watching very carefully everything she wore in each episode of each season and we can really see an evolution of mentality with each new wardrobe.
SEASON 1 : Businesswoman and spirit of rebellion.
Eleanor’s outfits in season 1 perfectly reflect her state of mind at the start of the show. The education that her father gave her via Mr. Scott was certainly rich, destined her for civilization, and marked her. At the same time, Eleanor grew up on an island where she finished her education among pirates. She is, at the start of the show, determined - like Flint - to create a semi-civilized Nassau, which would be somewhere between the security of civilization and the freedom that piracy offers. Her outfits reflect this state of mind divided between two worlds that she would like to see united.
She wears outfits that are both too elegant for pirates but too inappropriate for civilization. Her outfits also reflect the position of power she has over Nassau. She wears a lot of atypical and masculine things, like belts or ties. The fact that she wears her outfits also shows a certain spirit of rebellion towards the patriarchy of her time. She shows with her outfits that she considers herself the equal of men in terms of business because, with the power and the affairs that she conducts, she is indeed their equal.
In spite of that, it must have been difficult to earn their respect and even more to maintain it. We see in a scene of 1x02 with a merchant who refuses trade with her because she is not her father and who only agrees to sell his cargo to her after Vane threatens him. It is easy to think that she wears outfits with masculine touches to remind them that she is in power, that it is she who manages the trade within Nassau and also by simple rebellion against the oppression of men on her.
Despite this, Eleanor manages to retain some elegance and femininity to her clothing. She wears her hair rolled up in very elegant and tight buns, always accompanied by barrets or other hair accessories. This way of keeping her hair tied always had to be very practical given the heat that must reign on an island in the Caribbean. She wears a lot of jewelry, fine gold necklaces, small earrings, bracelets that sometimes look a little tribal (I like to imagine that these ones are gifts from Scott or Max, but she could surely acquire these by trading throughout the Caribbean), as well as some old pendants and rings typical of this era.
She also happens to wear stockings, although these stockings are special for this time. The only time we see them is when she sleeps with Vane, and they are black, very fine and sexy, which is not at all typical of the stockings of this era. I like to think that the black of these stockings is linked to the black of piracy and that attractive nature of these stockings is still linked to a rebellious spirit since it would be inappropriate for a woman of civilization to wear stockings like that but in Nassau? Nobody cares.
Her boots are generally elegant and refined too, although they remain practical boots. She wears many tight waistcoats, sometimes leather, sometimes fabric, always accompanied by light blouses. She only wears skirts, generally wide, which does not bother her to move quickly. She wears relatively pale colors, ranging from gray to brown, passing through light purple, or beige, except for her final outfit, which is of a dark burgundy and which is her most colorful outfit of all the season. Her most notable accessory is also, of course, the bunch of keys that she always wears attached to her belt. This set of keys from Nassau, which alone represents all the power she has on this island in this season. We can see a little of this outfit being some kind of victory outfit. At the end of the season, Eleanor finally has everything she always wanted, independence from her father and Nassau belonging entirely to her, with a new business that is entirely controlled by her and only by her.
SEASON 2 : Piracy and the beginning of the problems.
Eleanor’s outfits in Season 2 say something quite different. She keeps some things similar to what she wears in season 1, her large white or beige shirts, belts and the keys that are still so representative. But there is a lot of noticeable change and the biggest change we can see is that her outfits are much closer to pirate outfits. She already has a lot less color than before. Knowing that black is the absence of color and refers to piracy (I am thinking here of the absence of color on pirate flags), it’s surely is not a coincidence that her outfits are suddenly darker. She almost wears only brown, beige, gray, black, and sometimes a rare dark green, and this applies as much to her skirts as to her shirts. The most notable element is that she no longer wears any of her waistcoats that looked elegant, instead, she has replaced them with a brown pirate-like leather jacket and reminds us of the jackets that we can see on Flint, Vane or Anne.
She also wears coarser, larger and less elegant boots. Her jewelry has also changed a lot, she only wears a necklace for the entire season, and it’s a gold medallion, which once again is very reminiscent of piracy, and only two types of earrings, one of which also recalls pirate coins (and her old rings). She still wears elegant buns a few times, especially for certain meetings at the tavern, but in the vast majority of the season, her hair is much more neglected. We see that she ties it quickly most of the time instead of spending time styling them and for good reason: she no longer has this free time for it. Taking full independence implies more responsibilities and we can see through the difficulties she has in running the consortium that she no longer has time for this kind of thing. She is too busy between the problems that Flint and Vane cause her in the season, as well as the danger that Ned Low represents for her.
It’s a season which brings her, on the aesthetic level, much more to piracy than her outfits in season 1. She favors more the practical side than elegance, it saves time and conveys that this is the season where Eleanor is the closest to piracy (aesthetically) that she’ll ever be. Her final outfit is also completely black, of course, it’s a mourning outfit for the death of her father but it may also represent Eleanor’s farewell to piracy, making her wear an entirely black outfit, the key color of piracy, for her last scenes in season 2.
SEASON 3 : Colors of England and prisoner.
Season 3 is, of course, the big visual and aesthetic change for Eleanor. She is on the other side now, on the side of civilization… but not yet entirely and we can feel it in her outfits. She starts the season with an outfit very similar to her last one of the end of season 2, a dark brown/black shirt and skirt, perhaps the same as the one she wore at this moment, and it’s her prisoner outfit. It’s perhaps a visual way of representing that right now, colors of piracy are a danger for Eleanor, since she is now on the lands of civilization, in the hands of the English.
Once onboard for Nassau, we can note one point: Eleanor lost everything after her arrest, her clothes are therefore provided by Rogers and by the English. We can thus note that her dresses are all the same, without accessories, jewels or flourishes. They are elegant and suitable for an English lady while remaining very simple because Eleanor remains a prisoner in this season.
The symbol in this season is more represented by the colors, which are much more vivid than the old outfits of Eleanor. It is quite interesting that Eleanor have three outfits which together form the colors of the English flag: a red dress, a blue dress and a light gray dress, almost white. I think almost all of her dresses have special meaning. The dark outfit of the beginning represents the new danger that piracy represents for Eleanor (knowing also that she have now many enemies among the pirates, much more than before since she has no more power over them). The light gray outfit from episode 3x03 can also represent a kind of transition outfit, it’s the outfit she wears arriving at Nassau, not a colorful outfit. Therefore recalling her past with piracy, we can further emphasize this link with one of the dresses she wears the most: the dark green dress.
This dress represents what remains of piracy in Eleanor. She always wears this dress at times reminiscent of her past with piracy. She wears it first when she tells Rogers that he does not know Nassau, unlike her, then again when she talks to him about her past with Vane and how she conquered Nassau. It is also an outfit that can be linked to Vane, because she wears it when he sees her on the deck, again when she learns of his return to Nassau, when she will face him in the fort and finally when she decides his fate with a discussion with Max. She also wears it when she faces Hornigold, which is also a part of her past. It is her dress which, with the two outfits of the beginning, has the least color, and which is therefore the most connected to piracy and to her past.
The blue dress may be related to Rogers. Blue is the color of purity, of hope, and Eleanor begins to be hopeful about civilization and Rogers towards the middle of the show when she decides to become Rogers’ mistress (since he is married, this is what she is in this season). It is also the moment when she wants to wash away the sins of her past concerning betrayal, and thus perhaps wanting to adopt a “pure” color, to show perhaps also, consciously or not, a false image of her to Rogers.
The red dress is, of course, the most linked to civilization. It’s simply the color of the English, the color of the soldiers, and she fits perfectly in the mass of English when she wears it, moreover, she wears it in the scene where she makes her comeback on the island and in the tavern, which is very significant. She arrives surrounded by English soldiers in red with herself in red in the middle of them, perfectly matched, a symbol that she is now part of civilization. She wears this outfit every time she appears outside with Rogers on Nassau (except when she picks him up after he fought with Vane), and above all, she wears it when she hangs Vane, symbol that she just definitely killed the pirate part in her (or trying, at least).
For details, we can note that she wears boots similar to what she wore in season 1, smaller and elegant. Her hair is almost always worn down, which we have never seen from her before, and she styles them in a more elegant and appropriate way for a woman. Although she can sometimes tie them quickly (she may be with the English, but it’s probably always as hot in Nassau). We notice that she wears stockings again in the sex scene with Rogers, but very different from the ones she wore with Vane. Here they are red or dark pink in color, thicker, in cotton. These are much more classic stockings for women of this era. And of course, she wears corsets.
The last thing you can notice is her final outfit: a new blue dress, which only increases my opinion that the blue dress is linked to Rogers and to this new, more “pure” image that Eleanor is trying to adopt. The dress is thicker and heavier than the others, with detailed patterns, which is very symbolic for season 4: this indicates the place that Eleanor will now adopt in the next season, the place of governor’s wife.
SEASON 4 : Governor’s wife and civilization.
Season 4 is the natural continuation of season 3 for the aesthetics and clothing of Eleanor. However, she is now the governor’s wife, which changes a few details. She always wears very civilized dresses, similar to what we see in season 3, but at the same time very different. We feel in her way of moving that the dresses are much heavier, that the fabric is somehow of better quality. We can see that the patterns are much richer and more varied, which indicates more expensive dresses. Her position as governor’s wife means that she must wear outfits that indicate this position, as well that she is now a wife devoted to her husband.
She wears her hair tied in a way much more complicated than before, with very precise curls and even tighter styles. It’s probably the most complicated hairstyles that Eleanor has ever worn and which must be what takes up the most of her time. But as the governor’s wife, she must be well-dressed, and she certainly has a lot more time than she did before. Not to mention that she now has more or less a maid in the person of Mrs. Hudson.
Her outfits are very beautiful and rich, but nevertheless very impractical. We can notice in the scene of combat with the Spanish soldier that she still wears very traditional, pale stockings in cotton. She wears very few jewels, except two: her wedding ring, of course, but especially a pearl necklace with a bee pendant. No official explanation has been given about the bee pendant, but I see two possible interpretations, and one does not necessarily exclude the other. The first is that this pendant is connected to Vane, and by extension, to piracy, in reference to the nickname that Vane gave to Eleanor in the past and that we hear Jack pronounce once: “Lady Honeypot”.
It would be a nice gesture on the part of the costumers to show that, despite what she did to Vane and what she did to herself at this moment. (‘She doesn’t have a chance to really reflect on what she did to Vane, and what she was doing to herself, in that moment. I think she killed part of herself, in that act. Perhaps, in a way, that’s what killed her ability to achieve her end’ - Hannah New). By keeping something of him, she so keeps something pirate in her always (this whole theory was appreciated and approved by the actress on Twitter by the way).
The second interpretation is simply related to the popular term (especially in high school) of “queen bee”, which would be a symbol of her past power, recalling that she was once the “queen of thieves”. I visualize, in one way or another, this bee pendant as the last symbol of her past, of the power she had, the loves she lost.
We can also note an interesting detail: Eleanor only wears green in season 4. Metallic green for the first dress, water green for the second and more classic green for her final dress, another color reminiscent of the only dress which linked her to piracy in season 3. This could be the last link to her past, but I opt more so that this color actually connects her to Nassau, to the land that Nassau represents, this island for which she has fought all her life, and with which she died.
#blacksailsedit#black sails#eleanor guthrie#bsladies#ladiesofnassau#bseguthrie#bseleanor#hannah new#black sails meta#eleanorguthrieedit#coloring made by barbalas#made by me
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ooc | Ned & Avina
JENN!!!!! Okay, so Ned loves the Moysaunt girls a lot, haha. He was also (I’m like 99% sure??) the one who found them when they were hiding and brought them back to civilization -- so I do think he def feels responsible for them and is definitely their Dad Friend. Also, Ned’s son, Ric, also has ~magical abilities~ and he’s super protective over him b/c he’s afraid of what might happen if the wrong people find out about what he can do??? And I think that will probably also extend to Avina, tbh, especially since she’s also gonna be family once Ned’s bro marries Avina’s sister!!!! Yeah, all of this is to say that Ned loves her a lot and just wants the best for her!!!! <33
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Kate AA | Of Dragon Riders
LAST UPDATED: 05/08/18 @ 10:30AM EST
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if everyone in aragoth was paired up according to age (b/c this isn’t pointless at all???)
sysley du fey x dezod
margery mortain x lucian moran
marsilla carnet x clarence vymont
lavina moran x renfry moran
osyth braund x osmund urry
avelina beaumont x maculmus stafford
alivia vipont x ned barret
rochidla thaon x jesper dalmas
gresilda wystan x godwin caulmont
esa vitalis x jon valles
rowena godiva x normand vipont
jacquetta osmunt x romayne vitalis
grecia vaughn x warin torel
safira talbot x dmitrei massard
adelaide castillon x remon vipont
mary marsel x alexandir godiva
joanette stafford x radulfus osmund
isolde martel x arthur arrington
melisdenda wystan x loys mortain
adela vipont x elyas benoist
garla bostel x alaric de montfort
isabella quincy x isac tulles
beatrix stafford x azemar murdac
elyzabeth fontaine x cassius montagu
wilmetta vymont x cris barret
rosemund bordel x persivyl rience
linet masson x tom reston
lia carnet x joseph vipont
ophelia fontaine x godfrey lefey
lynessa beaumont x ancle vymont
sybil grancourt x vincent alainon
emylyna vipont x amyon vaux
eliaria vastel x james garin
kate miller x cyon asselin
ana moysaunt x tristan lanquetot
guin fontaine x charles degrey
ivette bryant x guy de lacy
andrya rience x lysander stafford
britta mortain x danyl reston
jyne villon x roman benoist
helena godiva x arnald nesdon
amia wystan x rob barret
orella carnet x heward peveril
elyne drest x cedric boleyn
evie beaumont x petyr alainon
eloisa vipont x symon stafford
gisella vymont x roderik fray
aurora hastings x diccon martel
alia stafford x will caldwell
celia beaumont x dominick fletcher
lena castillon x edmund browne
rose l’archer x joffrey vymont
imanie castillon x adam marsel
cordelia arrington x leon darcy
annie thorel x ric barret
avina moysaunt x roran degrey
lila godart x rowlin stafford
aalis vymont x gawyn stafford
claramund vipont x baldwin thorel
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#JFRS Daily Podcast: February 10, 2022
The John Fredericks Radio Show: Carter Barret, Ned Ryun, Yesil Vega, Doug Collins, and J. Christian Adams, + your calls at 1-888-480-JOHN (5646) @jfradioshow #GodzillaOfTruth #TruckingTheTruth #OracleOfDeplorables
Check out this episode!
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ooc | Ned & Lia
okay, so i think that ned def makes a point to know pretty much everyone in swystone as possible + listens to them/their problems, etc. etc. so he can do what he can to help. his power is kinda limited atm but he still does whatever he can. anyway, i feel like he would def know lia! i can see him going down to the twisted river now & again. also he would def apologize for rob tbh. (i feel like rob talks about lia a lot actually and his bros def know that he frequents her) ned definitely knows that his bro is a problem but tbh he does not realize just how much of a problem he is & if he knew how rob treated her, he’d def do something about it ... but unfortunately, he’s kinda blind when it comes to rob ...
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ooc | Ned & Loys
I think that for like YEARS Ned kept trying to get Loys to think for his own/try to convince him to see things differently than his mom but he can’t. I do think that there are some aspects of ruling the south that Margery doesn’t care about and she just leaves up to Ned and like he’s happy that he can do what he can, but he needs more support from Loys to do any real change and since he’s not exactly helpful in that area, he started the resistance #yay.
I also feel like Ned is just 10000000% done with Loys. Like, there was a time when he was more patient with him and though that he’d come around, but now he’s just like YOU ARE A GROWN ASS MAN AND YOUR PEOPLE NEED YOU ARE YOU SERIOUSLY HAVING A CONVERSATION WITH THAT KEY!?!??!? Not that he’s ever said these things to his face. I feel like Ned is always the “obedient” (lol) servant to the Mortains and he actually has their trust?? (at least with margery is as much trust as she’d put in anyone but 1/2 of it is also that she def underestimates him haha)
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ooc | Ned & Britta
i feel like ned is constantly like “i’m so sorry about him” ~points to rob~
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ooc | Ned & James
so ned was 32 when james left, which means that he was def already working for the mortains (altho things were wayyy better back then b/c that was before rowena and loys ahHAHAHA). anyway, so ned was also a happier person back then tbh, b/c he had about to have a kid and i think he would have been amused by harry and just like smh about him.
but when he shows up out of the blue, he’s probs not gonna be so happy tbh like sO much crap has happened and you’ve been out doinG whaT exACTLY?!?!?!? And i THINK He def respects Alexandir but I think he’s gonna get the feeling that there’s more to the harrion story than he’s being told. and i think he’s gonna have a lot of conflicting emotions tbh b/c his son is probs kidnapped and his sister in law is dead and his loser brother is a dragon rider and his other brother is having a v hard time and now there’s this new ruler in town who doesn’t know the first thing about what he’s doinG and NED DOESN’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS.
And like if he can back at any other time, I think that Ned might be able to take a deep breathe and see that he’s trying to do the right thing here, but there’s so much crap going on that he might just see james as a pain and idk there’s probs a lot of fighting going on but i also think that ned might be in a very bad place and thinking more ~emotionally than logically b/c i think he’s lived through loosing his wife but idk that he can survive loosing his kid and it sounds like cris is gonna have some problems dealing with ana’s death and he doesn’t wanna loose his bro too and tbh the south probs needs celia/james/alexandir to step in at this point haha.
i’m not 100% sure this all makes sense but hERe have a thing
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ooc | Dezód & Ned
okay but please don’t eat my kid
#dezod destriksyon#dezoddestriksyon#ooc#ned barret#i love that i can say that and it is basically canon
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ooc | Ned & Ivette
ned: damn this sucks that life in aragoth is legit an improvement allow me to apologize on behalf of everyone
But no, Ned is legit fighting for a better tomorrow for everyone and he’s not sure that he’s gonna see it (he’s almost 50 he’s basically ancient in aragoth) but he’s determined that ric will and he really hopes that ivette will, too, b/c they so deserve it, you know?? Anyway, i think he really likes Ivette and while yes, Cris is def his right hand and Ned is the lead and at the end of the day, what he says goes, I do think that he listens to everyone’s opinions and takes them all into consideration (ew except you rob).
aLSO, I feel like he has more on his plate than like Alaric (or even Warin) but Ned is also the ~resident dad and when he gets a chance he looks out for everyone and he def worries about the moysaunts/ivette living alone tbh especially since a) it wouldn’t be fun if the moysaunts were discovered and b) i don’t feel like all of aragothi are happy with slave immigrants coming in and taking their food/jobs etc. when it’s all so scarce to begin with, you know? And like he knows that they can all fend for themselves but he still probs comes by like ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!?!? OKAY GOOD
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