#neck massager amazon
kbkherbals · 2 years
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mirror sex
Kinktober Day 1 —> masterlist
pairing: jake seresin x reader
wc: 1k
warnings: smut, minors DNI, 18+, p in v sex, oral (male and female receiving), doggy (i think?), reader has grab-able hair?, cock
a/n: i am quite literally a virgin so idk how sex works
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The two of you have just settled into your new home just outside of Jake’s permanent stationing in San Diego.
When you bought the house it came with minimal furnishing, so you decided to make it your own.
You and Jake had pretty much filled the rest of the house with things to make your house feel like a home. The only thing left was your bedroom.
As much as you loved everything you’d gotten for it, there was something missing. And you decided it was a mirror.
So as you scrolled on Amazon and countless furniture stores, you had finally found a good one. A large, full length mirror that was absolutely gorgeous and would fit perfectly in your room.
You had been asleep when they delivered the mirror, so when Jake came back from work and saw a 7 foot package outside the door he was quite confused.
He unlocked the front door and called inside to you, “Baby, what is this?”
“What is what?”
“This thing on our porch?”
“My mirror!!”
Jake looked the package up and down, “Yes, of course, because a seven foot mirror on our porch makes sense.”
You laughed softly as you met him at the door, kissing him gently on the mouth, “It’s for our bedroom. Help me bring it in.”
By “help me bring it in”, you really meant, carry it to the bedroom for me. Through a little bit of teamwork, (but mostly Jake’s brute strength), you were able to bring it to the bedroom and set it up at the foot of your bed.
“It’s perfect,”
“Yes, it is,” Jake smiled at the two of you in the mirror, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing down your neck.
You shivered at the touch and melted into him. You pushed your backside into his, subtly rubbing against his cock. You could tell he was having trouble containing himself at the sudden hitch in his breath.
You turned yourself around to face him and kissed him on the jaw. You worked your hand down to the crotch of his training uniform, rubbing and squeezing softly at his hardening length.
“Baby, fuck,” he could barely speak through his aching erection.
You got down on your knees, tugging at his belt and the buttons on his pants. He turned so that you were now perpendicular to the mirror. You let his pants and boxers pool at his ankles.
You pumped his cock a couple of times, wiping the pre-cum away. You feathered kisses on his red tip, teasing him, before he got too impatient. He gently pushed your head, letting you take in his length. You bobbed your head on his cock, the tip of it hitting the back of your throat.
You massaged his balls as you sucked him off, and to say Jake was close was an understatement. He moved his head around through pleasure, catching a glimpse of the mirror in the corner of his eye. He looked directly at it, seeing you on your knees, hair ruffled and you looking absolutely fucking gorgeous. That’s what sent him over the edge.
Seeing his beautiful wife suck him off was the best thing he’s probably ever seen. He reached his climax and shot his cum into your mouth, you swallowed and he pulled out of your mouth. As you stood up, he wrapped one hand around your waist, and one hand behind your head, kissing you roughly.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, baby. Fuck, I need you right now,” he flopped the two of you on the bed. Clawing at your shorts and practically ripping off your underwear.
He spread your legs, dipping down to kiss the sensitive part of your body. He kissed around your entrance forcing you to let out a breathy moan.
Sucking on your clit, you writhed under his touch. God, you loved the way he looked between your thighs.
As you reached your climax, he stopped sucking. You looked down at him, “Jake? Is there something wrong,”
“I want you to watch me—”
“I am watching you,”
“-In the mirror,”
In the mirror?
He dipped back down as you looked to your side at the mirror, watching as he lapped at your clit. Holy fuck.
Watching him eat you out in the mirror sent you over the edge, you shivered with your orgasm and screamed out, gripping his hair.
He came up to your lips kissing you slowly. Turning you to face the mirror, he flipped you to your stomach, and thrusted his hard cock into you.
The room was filled with the noises of his hips slamming into your ass and the smell of arousal.
He grabbed your hair, pulling you up vertically, “Look at yourself.” Jake held his left hand around the front of your neck - just below your chin - keeping you up against his front, making you watch him fuck you in the mirror.
You watched as your tits bounced up and down as he thrusted into you, he grabbed at them, gently squeezing, causing you to moan out incoherent words, “Listen to you all speechless,” he whispered in your ear.
In the mirror, you could see his cock pulling in and out of your core; and you watched as he traveled his free hand down to your clit, “Please, Jake,” you begged him.
He rubbed at your clit slowly, gradually getting quicker and more rough, his thrusts started to decelerate, you knew he was close. All of a sudden he picked up his pace on his thrusts and handwork, and were you a goner.
Your legs shook as you came, Jake breathing hard behind you, you knew he had cum too.
He pulled out of you, but still grasping your neck, he came down to your ear, “We need about 12 more of those mirrors.”
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geeses · 2 years
Chronic Illness Tools Master post
Hi! I'm Laura. I am disabled with Ehlers Danlos, MCAS, and POTS. Here are a few mobility aids, physical therapy tools, braces, comfort items, and other things that I have acquired over the years that significantly increased my quality of life. I hope it helps someone.
Mobility aids:
Folding cane
Instant seat
Shower stool (nice quality)
Shower stool (cheap but works)
Physical therapy tools:
Exercise ball (small)
Exercise ball (large)
Exercise bands (with handles)
Yoga wheel
Cervical traction
Resistance bands
Theraband (get that GRIP)
Foam roller
Grip strength resistance bands
Adjustable ankle weights
Neck brace
Wrist widget
Thumb splint
SI Joint Belt
Knee brace
Wrist braces
K-tape (non-bulk)
Back brace
Elbow brace
Comfort items:
Heating pad
Neck and shoulders heating pad
Massage gun
Hand fan
Acupressure mat
Large Icepack
Leg pillow
Neck pillow
Bulk epsom salts (guess this could also go in the next category)
Saltstick fastchews (orange and watermelon are my favorites)
Salt pills (that don't upset my tummy)
Cell Salts (these help my migraines)
Quercetin (for allergies)
Neti pot
Bug bite thing
Hand warmer
Bed tray table
Toilet seat cushion
Yoga swing (yeehaw cowboy)
Cooling towels
Huge Mason jar pitcher thing (revolutionized my access to water)
Pulse oximeter
*Notice* All of the above WERE Amazon Affiliate links. They no longer bring me money because Amazon decided that Tumblr is not an authorized site to use links on. Fuck amazon. I worked hella hard on this list.
I am a disabled queer artist. As I'm sure you know, it is very expensive to be disabled. These links won't bring me anything other than the joy of helping someone else. Please enjoy and share! Knowledge is power.
if you are feeling generous, here is my venmo for tips.
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charnelhouse · 2 years
Do you think Soap has ever thought about joining Red and Ghost? In your universe, is Soap attracted to her?
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A/N: Soap x F!Reader x Ghost. Threesome. This happens before Ghost and her are ever serious....also this is a crack drabble I was discussing with @yeyinde after watching this vid. I wrote this in the wee hours so it's chaos.
It’s almost silly how it happens. It begins before she realizes it.
Red is on a mission with Ghost and Soap down in Ecuador. It’s a swathe of screaming green jungle. The leaves are fat and waxy as rubber. It’s a mosaic of color. Unparalleled biodiversity. The hoot and call of birds swimming through the air and Red feels like she is perpetually damp. Humidity is syrup-thick. She slips in the mud, her boots heavy as cement. The air scalds like a fever.
Ghost and Soap take turns holding her up, giant arms firm around her waist as they carry her over perilous holes and thin brown streams. She doesn’t fight them on this. She doesn’t whine or snap that she can take care of herself. She trusts them. She knows they respect her, and rather than point out that her legs are shorter and her strength blunted, they silently step in to erase the differences.
The mission is fairly simple: just an extraction of data. Minimal blood-loss. Not guaranteed, of course.
The facility with the files is a giant cement building at the center of the Amazon. Vines cling to the corners. The sun bounds off metal sheeting. 
“That’s an eye sore,” Soap remarks as he wipes the sweat from his brow. “What do you think, L.T.? Me and Foxy on the inside while you hang on the perimeter?” 
Ghost grunts. 
Their voices are like smoke. Gruff. Velvet. Somehow full of gravel but also like melted chocolate. Dark. Bittersweet. 
“I’m already countin’ down the minutes until we’re back at the safehouse,” Soap groans.
“Because that single mattress is so inviting,” Ghost replies flatly. 
“Only our bonnie lass gets the mattress, L.T. You and I will be curled up together on the hard ground.”
“As long as you don’t rub up against me like you did last night.”
“I was cold!”
They continue to bicker back and forth, teasing and taunting each other while she attempts to drown them out. Ghost’s sentences scrape the floor, they’re so damn rough and rich as whiskey. 
Do they know how they sound? 
Like they’re licking between her legs, tugging her panties down with their teeth. It’s distracting.
“Foxy,” Soap purrs. 
“What?” she snaps a little too violently.
“Ooh, someone’s carnaptious.”
“Is that your word of the day?”
“It might just be, hen.”
She swallows, massaging the cramped muscle in the nape of her neck. The computer in front of her is too bright. She can’t break through their security wall to access the data they’re here for. She’s good with guns, not with keyboards.
Ghost clears his throat. “You alright, Red?”
“Fine,” she says tightly. “But if you guys keep distracting me, we’re never getting out of here.”
“Distracting you, hmm?” Soap croons before lowering his voice to something dark, sensual, and heavy like a mudslide. “You like listen’ to us talk?”
How’d he get her right on the fucking money? She scowls even if neither of them can see it. 
“Let her work, Soap,” Ghost warns, but it lacks all of the threat he usually utilizes. 
“You’re too tense, lass,” Soap murmurs, and it feels like blunt nails skimming her scalp. “You need to relax.”
She sighs, squeezing her thighs together. “How?” It’s out of her mouth before she can stop it. Her curiosity tapping at the door. Her desire. 
“How?” Soap echoes like he’s slightly surprised she took his bait. “Well -”
“After,” Ghost interjects. “Not here. When we’re back.”
She returns her fingers to the keyboard to work faster.
She didn’t expect it to go down like this. When they return to the safe house and that small room with a single mattress, they say nothing. It’s just instinct. It’s Ghost who removes her clothes, tugs gently at her shirt, and undoes her tac gear. 
Soap presses her against the shower wall, his hand locked on the nape of her neck, fingertips digging into the knots. “God, Red,” he taunts. “You’re so tight.”
She laughs, and he smashes his mouth against hers to muffle it. His tongue plunges behind her teeth, his cock hard against her inner thigh. She grasps him, thumb nudging over the head until he jerks against her. 
“Fuck,” he rasps. “Fuckin’ hell.”
Ghost keeps his mask on. She doesn’t say anything, and neither does Soap. It’s fine in their secret room. It’s normal because it’s part of Simon. They hold her between them as Soap forces her knee over Ghost’s enormous thigh. 
“Take it easy on her, L.T.,” Soap hums as he traces the seam of her cunt. He pinches her clit as he rocks against her ass, and she can feel the bulbous head of his cock smear against her entrance, nudge and prod until, finally, he sinks to the hilt. She yelps due to the shock of his size and Soap’s hand flies to her mouth, muffling the noise.
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare, Johnny,” Ghost growls. “I want to hear her.”
“Aye,” Soap husks as he kisses her shoulder, sucking the skin until it bruises. "C'mon, bonnie...we know you can take it."
She should be embarrassed, flushed with shame that Ghost forced such a noise from her. She doesn’t care. Not really. They respect her. She trusts them. It’s easy.
Ghost continues. He doesn't fuck fast, but opts for slow, agonizing strokes that deliberately push into the center of her nerves. He breathes heavy, grunting when she clenches around him. The room is unbearably hot. There's sweat beneath her arms and under her tits and she's sandwiched between them. Worshipped. Treasured.
Good girl. Fuck. You're so fucking pretty.
“Shit,” she gasps when Ghost drives further, clamping his hand down on her waist to hold her steady. “Simon…”
He pauses, and the punishing drag of his cock halts only to pulse and throb in the clutch of her womb. She buries her fingers into his muscular shoulders. She needs the movement. She needs him to keep going because he’s just getting bigger, stretching her to her limit. Growing in place.
“Red,” Ghost murmurs as he palms her cheek. She lifts her gaze to his, and something shudders in her chest. Ghost’s eyes are clearer than they’ve ever been. A bright, velvet sky. Evening-dark. She can tell how blue they are against his black make-up.
Soap is still tasting her skin, he’s still grinding against her.
But, Ghost? 
He’s looking at her like…like….
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sugarstainzz · 23 days
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HEADCANONS - KIM NAMJUN // warnings beneath break 
genre. smut, drabble
word count. 806
tags. mentions of: groping, desperation, switch!namjoon, cowgirl position, one mention of squirting, ass play, pegging, marking, virtual voyeurism (taking pics w/o consent), overstimulation, ddlg, a touch of aftercare (scandalous, i know)
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namjun who couldn’t even think of keeping his hands off you. it doesn’t even has to be sexual, he just has to be touching you. thigh-to-thigh in a restaurant, hand on your leg in the movie theater, arm around your shoulders while you’re waiting in line. fingers down your spine while you lie against him, a slap on the ass when he passes you in the kitchen. especially the ass slapping. slapping, grabbing, squeezing, groping. he’s obsessed with the way it feels in his hands, the way you pout and swat his hand away. a little part of him hopes you’ll do it back, but he’s not just gonna ask.
namjun who’s desperate for you to ride him no matter what. you know he’s a switch, it’s obvious. but no matter what the dynamic, he’s desperate to have you on top of him. force his hands above his head, use his body like a sex toy and use his overstimulated cock to cum over and over again. blindly follow his orders and make him cum without having to do anything himself. rub messy circles around your clit until you squirt all over his stomach. he doesn’t care. getting to lean back and watch you cum is enough for him. 
namjun who practically melts at the slightest hint of ass play. eat him out when you blow him, massage his glutes while he rolls his hips into you, slap his ass when you walk past him. you could finger four orgasms out of him before his erection starts to go down. you joked about pegging him one time and he practically ran to amazon to find a strap for you. the good subby boy in him goes haywire when you actually fuck into him. the humiliation of being shoved down when he’s so big and strong paired with not having to think at all? you don’t even need to jerk him off- he’ll cum on his stomach from humping the air. tell him he’s a good boy, he’ll need it.
namjun who needs you to mark him up. hickeys on his neck and chest, long scratches down his back. he wants to be painted in the image of your lust for him. he wants anyone who looks at him to long to know he’s taken, anyone who sees you together to know he’d mad about you. make him bleed, stamp your teeth into his trap for a day and a half. write “cockslut” or “mine <3” or just your name all over his thighs in sharpie. he wants to take a bath after and see that you’re still with him, that you’re as crazy about him as he is about you
namjun who has an entire album of your pics on his phone and laptop. he’d never admit to it and may kill himself if you found out. but since you started dating he’s been absolutely obsessed with taking and saving dirty photos of you. an upskirt shot from a concert, you changing into a date-night outfit, lying in bed in panties and his hoodie while you read, videos of you riding him or sucking him off when you’re too deep in subspace to know or care. he literally can’t get off to anyone or anything but you you you you you. he just wants photo after photo after video of you existing around him and being so damn gorgeous. he can’t contain himself.
namjun who can’t ever shake off the ddlg kink. it’s not super extreme, this man is not a full-on caretaker. but lord, the idea of you sinking into subspace so hard you can barely speak and you become so soft and innocent and obedient and all you can say is “daddy” or “sir” or “oppa.” the trust and the love that goes into that drives him crazy. the way you cling to him and his cock will suddenly feel too big and the way you cry from the overstimulation of it all… he can’t think about it in public. just a second of memory makes his cock stand up straight in his pants.
namjun who would rather castrate himself than let you go a single session without aftercare. at this point, sex is just an excuse to baby you after. let him swaddle you in a blanket, hold you in his lap. let him make you tea and clean you up and shower you in kisses and praise. (and make sure you do it back. can’t let him go into sub or dom drop himself, now can you?) this definitely ties into his flirting with ddlg- all he wants to do is take care of you and be taken care of. playing with each other’s hair, turning on your favorite tv show, humming against your body so you can relax and fall asleep.
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a/n. first of many. i may stockpile a ton of these because i'm gonna have a ton of free time for the next couple weeks. if you're down with that lmk, and feel free to request ur bias or something. i stan bts, skz, and ateez, so only those'll be super accurate. ALSO THANKS FOR ALL THE LOVE ON THE LAST POST??? I saw that @/hyunsvngs reposted it and I just- ugh that's so cool. thanks sm all y'all, i'm hope i'm making you happy. mwah mwah mwah -sugar🤍
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boozenboze · 1 year
Hello it me again ^^ i would like à smutty fic about dom price x sub M reader were like the reader have a collar and a leash and price use it as à choking "tool", and can you put praise kink, gentle degradation kink like *your a good little whore* type of things, sir/captain kink, and knife kink. If you dont feel comfortable with anything feel free to remove it (and dont forgot the color code and the consent it important <3) (the color code is in general "green=evrything is okay, orange=slow down and red= stop evrything. In casse you dont know) english isn't my first language so if you don't understand anything you can ask<33 have a Nice day/night
John Price x Male reader
Summary: Price bought a collar and leash and wanted to test it on his husband.
Warnings- Smut,gentle degrading, sir kink, praise, choking kink
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Females She/Her and She/They DNI
Remember the colors darling?” Price asked as he hovered over his husband that was fully naked. His eyes couldn’t peel off of is husband who blushing underneath him with the collar he had ordered off of Amazon.(They got everything)
“Aye aye Captain~” He responded as he felt the captains hand travel across his thigh. The collar on M/n’s neck was connected to a leash, and the male moaned when he felt the other man tug the leash. John chuckled as he flipped the male over, propping him on all fours. He had a good grip on the leash and tugged it which made M/n let out a chocked moan. Price ran his calloused hand across the males s/c skin before moving to his hole. He grabbed the small bottle of lubed and pored some onto the males hole, before guiding one of his fingers in.
“Ah~....-shit that hurts.” M/n moaned out in pain as Price moved his hand that was holding the leash and began to massage his scalp. M/n let out a noise of satisfaction as another finger was added to his tight hole. The pleasure finally seeped in as M/n began rock his hips back into Prices fingers.
“You like that eh, you want me to stuff this hole with my cock?” Price asked in a teasing tone as M/n whined, nodding his head. After a few more moments of preparation Price pushed himself inside the h/c haired male. M/n moaned out into the sheets, clenching on to them as he tried to adjust to his size.
“What color darling?” Price asked as M/n turned his head to look back at him.
“Green sir!Nngh~....can you move now, i’m r-AhH~.” M/n was cut off as Price began thrusting in and out of him. Price managed to hit his G-spot without fail, but stopped abruptly when he saw M/n slowly inching away from him. He gave the leash a firm tug which slightly enabled the males breathing. M/n whimpered under the pressure that was put around his neck.
“Don’t run from it muppet, you can take it.” Price spoke as he ran his free hand across the males ass. He pulled out his cock just enough so that he could see the males rim clasp onto his cock head.
“Well ain’t this a sight, just can’t get enough of me eh? Such a good little whore for me hm?” Price said in question as he tugged the leash a bit harder which made M/n moan. Without warning the blue eyed man thrusted back into him at a brutal pace that made the bed rock.
“Orange sir-Ngh~!” M/n whined as Prices pace slowed down drastically. Price admired the beauty beneath him that he found himself lucky enough to call his husband.
M/n’s moans and pleads were so loud that anybody could’ve heard them,though niether of them cares enough. The sound of skin slapping was the highlight in the room as Price pulled the male up by the shoulders.
“You wanna cum, hm? You want me to fill this tight hole with my cum?” Price spoke in a husky tone, the same tone he’d use if he himself was getting close.He nuzzled his face into the males neck, beard tickling the e/c haired males neck as he pleaded.
“Yes sir! Please fill me up.....augh~!” M/n moaned as Price thrusted into him one last time before they came together. M/n let put a string of moans as Price kissed his neck, occasionally sucking on it which was sure to keave hickeys. Price gave the leash in hand one more tug as M/n giggled in response which led to Price letting out a chuckle of his own. He gave the h/c haired males ass a firm squeeze before pulling out.
M/n fiddled with the collar around his neck as Price unlocked it with the small key he was given.
“We should do this again some time eh?” Price asked as he pulled off and tied up the condom he was wearing.
“Yeah we should, maybe I should make you wear this thing next time.” M/n said as Price gave him an amused glance.
“Very funny seargent.”
“Who said I was trying to be funny?”
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koostarcandy · 2 years
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summary: a slight malfunction in your brain led to one of your greatest life choices.
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: fluff, friends to lovers, college au, mentions of sex (cause what are the couples i write w/o abit of physical love <3)
wc: 600 or so
a/n: so spontaneous but im letting the ideas flow before there's radio silence here again :] oktybye ily <3
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this was supposed to be a one night stand, a supposed situationship.
long nights with your hands tangled in his hair and him buried in you became an almost everyday affair. you converted from, "nah, relationships are not for me." to, "yeah, that's my man." with pink hearts instead of irises.
you had met jungkook through mutual friends, his best friend taehyung and your classmate claimed that you both would hit it off and that the vibes would be immaculate. you were initially reluctant to go meet anyone, having watched your peers. he wasn't exactly wrong, you both hit it off in a way no one saw it coming. there were stars in the sky and in your head that night, vowing to never settle for less if you were hook up with someone else, if that would ever happen again.
he had somehow snuck his number in your phone after that night giving himself a missed call and saving his contact as "koo <3" because you wouldn't stop calling him that when you were tipsy and giggly and all over him. this is a one time thing, you keep reminding yourself, this will either end very well or very badly.
but how could you stop yourself? night after night, you found yourself throwing away the strict rules you had put up to let in a certain doe eyed man in. jungkook was at your doorstep at 8.35 on the dot almost everyday, a random board game he found in his dorm's extensive attic or you were on his couch at 7.45, scrolling through his amazon prime recommendations. he even helped with your gardening hobby, eagerly learning about new buddies and frequently touching the touch-me-not leaves just to see them close up and giggle like a child who was handed candy.
you admired his innocence in a way, adopting his ways of always looking for a silver lining. somewhere, along the way, one of you caved in. threw all cares away, all your lingering doubts of, "will this stand a chance?"
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"you know, i remember taehyung telling me you were off limits, that you were too precious for me."
"and hyungie's right. am i not too precious for you?"
jungkook looks up at you from lying on your chest, warm hands rubbing up and down your back. "finally awake, hmm?" he says, chuckling when you snuggle further into his chest, pressing your ear to hear his steady heartbeat. "wanna stay here forever, you know that," you yawn, stretching your hands so you can try your best to hug him. he slips his hand under your his oversized tshirt, tracing hearts on your shoulder.
he presses kisses to your neck, groaning in delight when your hand massages his head just how he likes it, occasionally playing with his hair and saying you would braid it if he let you.
"get up, my love, we have a whole day ahead of us!"
"just say you want strawberry cheesecake for breakfast, koo."
"how dare you accuse me-"
while jungkook tickles you out of sleep's tight hold, trying to defend himself and saying that he thought it was very obvious he didn't want anything to do with your very yummy cheesecake, you take the chance to grip his wiggling hands knowing he can slip out of it easily. he immediately falls on you, careful enough to not lean his entire weight on you. while he kisses your neck and tries to get you out of bed, you can't help but think how glad you are that you let your guard down, letting him in, like a perfect glitch.
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pt time: @armys-dna ; @junsai-tree ; @soobhyun ; @shatzkrinslinzki ; @astronaut-jin-moon ; @cherishoshi ; @fragmentof-indifference ; @userhobis
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thedisablednaturalist · 8 months
A TON of chronic pain/disability aids are on sale right now on amazon.
This shower chair that is usually $58 is now $32. It has padding and armrests.
Lotion applicator, usually $22 now $13
Arthritis gloves, usually $30 now $8
Ergonomic mouse, usually $40 now $20
Back and neck massager was $70 now $36
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crippledcryptidd · 10 months
Disability product recommendations part one
This is a massaging neck pillow that can be used for various reasons but i use it mainly for migraine and Tourette’s.
The massage part helps the neck pain i get from migraine and the pillow helps my tic where my head flys back not be so harsh and the massage part also helps with the pain from that tic.
I’m not sure where this exact one is from but there is similar stuff on amazon and Walmart and targets websites
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ID: a neck pillow that looks like a long u shaped orange cat sits on a bed with a black and white striped blanket and multiple stuffed animals on it. End ID
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cocksucker6000 · 2 years
May I request a Sub Crossdresser Diluc X Male Reader in Smut, please?
writing this with my 25 dollar amazon diluc plush within 2 feet of me for reference
sub crossdresser diluc + dom m reader
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he did look gorgeous like this, really.
perhaps even if diluc begged to differ—standing in front of his own mirror, brushing off his skirt with flat palms. it was black and laced with white frills near the bottom, stopping midway through his thighs.
his shirt exposed his exposed his stomach, plush and somewhat toned. it was a take on a white, loose and formal undershirt, buttoning down the front and sleeves bunching near the wrists. the opening on the top of the shirt exposed his collarbone, littered with fading marks from previous endeavors. the sight of them in the mirror made him blush. the cherry on top of the ordeal was the garter that sat on his thighs—they were a bit tighter than needed, the plush muscle squeezing out a bit.
he wasn’t sure why you had him dress in such illustrious clothing if it was only going to get ruined or torn off at the end of the day, though something about the thought fluttered in his stomach. he knew that sex wasn’t just a means to an end, you taught him that. his thoughts were interrupted by a gentle knock on the door, speak of the devil, or think, rather.
diluc ushered you inside the room, archons only knowing what he would do if a maid caught him in uniform similar to their own, though much more exposing, that is. you sat yourself down on his bed, admiring the attire with a familiar smirk. “hehe, you really did it.”
he could only cross his arms, looking away to hide his flushing face.
“and you made sure to wear everything?”
ah, he’d almost forgotten. a pair of skimpy panties were included in the outfit. they laced and red, matching the crimson shade of his hair, and now, his face. diluc gave a small nod and you patted your lap, motioning for him to sit. he climbed onto your thighs, still turning his face away from your’s. you traced a hand up his neck to softly grip his jaw. “look at me, baby.”
you pressed your lips onto his before he could speak. he relaxed, melting into the feel of your body. he could feel you strain in your pants as he snakes a hand around your back. he pulled away, his breathing already growing labored. “can we please…mm…get on with it…” he pressed his own clothed cock against your’s.
you knew exactly what that look meant—the ‘i need your dick in my mouth immediately’ eyes. “mm-mm, babe.” you shook your head. he whined.
“do you really think i’d dress you up all pretty like this just to speed through everything? you look so beautiful, let me worship you, first. lay back, mkay?” he nodded, the two of your positions now switched, straddling his hips.
you kissed up his neck, sucking small marks into his collarbone. he squirmed as he felt your hand slip up his skirt, rubbing and massaging the skin spilling out of the garter. you grazed a finger over his strained cock, coaxing a whimper out from his lips. “i—mmg…i can’t take it, (name)…”
“since you’ve been so good for me…” you chuckled, leaving his upper body with a quick kiss to his lips. positioning yourself between his legs, you pulled the lace to the side, easing his dick out of the fabric. he was painfully hard and practically leaking already, you kissed his tip, causing him to squirm. “you’re so needy already, luc, and just from me dressing you up all pretty? it’s adorable.”
he covered his face in shame. gods, you were lucky to have him trust you this much. pulling more of the fabric to the side, you licked a stripe from his rim his balls, grabbing his dick and feeling him twitch in your hand. you giggled against him, pushing your tongue past the ring of muscles without warning. his walls clenched around nothing but your tongue as you reached a hand up to jerk his cock.
“h-haah…” he threw his head back. “need more—i…hhng—can’t take it…”
diluc whined as you pulled away. “me neither, babe.” you positoned your hips in between his legs, it wasn’t long until your cock prodded at his hole. his breath heavy and disorganized, he nearly came right there as soon as you pushed into him. you groaned, feeling him further tighten.
“feel good?” you caressed his exposed skin under his top.
“mmg-mhm-!” he choked out, you resting directly against his prostate. it was nearly impossible to hold back the urge to completely ravage him with how pretty he looked like this.
it was sure to be a long night for the both of you.
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diy-angel777 · 1 year
Father’s Day is right around the corner, and let’s admit it, Dad’s are the HARDEST people in the family to shop for. This sucks because they do so much for us and it’s important to show them the love too. Additionally, if your real dad isn’t in your life, you could still show your appreciation and love to other figures in your life who have taken on the courageous role!🕺🏽
If you’re struggling to find the perfect affordable gift, worry not! I’ve curated a list of 10 items your dad would love to receive on Father’s Day. (Nothing mainstream)
Check it out 👇
1. Snailax Heated Neck & Shoulder Massager
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2. Electronic Control Temp Humidor
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3. DEWALT Tool & Socket Set
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4. Bulldog Ceramic Ashtray
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5. Dad Candle of Endearment
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6. Dr. Squatch Men’s Natural Bar Soap
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7. The Motli Light Electric Lighter
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8. Whiskey Glass Set of 4
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9. Book of Exceptionally Bad Dad Jokes
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10. Star Wars Socks
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Need more ideas?
- The Ridge RFID Blocking Wallet
- Yeti 30oz Tumbler
- Amazon Echo Dot
- Smokeless Firepit Stove for Backyard
- Electric Wine Opener
- Apple Air Tag
- Hand-Stamped Fishing Lure
- Glass Jar For Dad’s Stash
I hope this list helps you find the perfect gift for dad. Personally, I’m buying my dad the candle of endearment!🙌 What are you buying your dad?
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nukenai · 1 year
This is kinda out of nowhere but. I hold a ton of tension in my neck and shoulders because of how I sit, I struggle to sit in "proper" positions for a long time due to the weakness in my back (and also pain)
I bought this massager that my sister has and got for our dad and I just 100% recommend it. If you have trouble with stiffness/soreness/etc in your neck and/or shoulders, this thing is a seriously great investment. And no Amazon is not paying me to say this. I wish lol.
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steppedoffaflight · 2 years
six sentence sunday
Damn it’s been a long time!! Anyway.... enjoy this lil bit of Jack Hughes/Nico Hischier/Nolan Patrick sickfic-slash-love triangle thing? 
“Found it,” Nolan mumbles from behind the couch, and Jack turns his head to see what he’s talking about before he remembers the stiffness in his neck, hissing in pain. 
Jack is massaging the pain away as he watches Nolan aim one of those fancy infrared thermometers at Nico’s forehead. It beeps, the two of them curiously observing the reading before Nolan approaches Jack with it. 
“Where’d you get that?” Nico asks, and Nolan rolls his eyes. 
“Amazon,” He replies, and his fingers are cold where he brushes the hair away from Jack’s forehead. “You’re warm,” He tells Jack before he’s aiming his fancy Amazon thermometer at him, a beep quickly following it. “Fever for sure.” He shows Jack the digital display: 101.1
“Yikes.” Jack croaks.
Nico is surveying the scene, biting the inside of his cheek, so Jack knows he’s problem-solving. Nolan must also be able to read him, because he dumps the rest of the contents of the testing kit out on the coffee table. “One more?” He suggests.
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blacksword85 · 4 months
Jade Roller and Gua Sha Set Face Roller Facial Beauty Massager for Eyes Face Neck and Body.
Jade Roller and Gua Sha Set Face Roller Facial Beauty Massager for Eyes Face Neck and Body Treatment Facial Roller and Guasha Tools for Skin Care Routine Amazon ca Beauty Personal Care .
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getfreedeals-co-in · 4 months
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tatyanab66 · 5 months
Wanted to share with you guys this useful tips 😊 I was given two massage balls as a 🎁 and I have to say they are super useful tools.
You may find different brands @amazon shapes and colors.
You can work it easily on particular muscle groups,neck or back,calf (I do walk and stand a lot),and I find that Hempseed oil works the best for tired and sore muscles 💪 and I use it as well in my Soap making 🧼and as a Face oil @naturalbulksupplies
Rejuvenating benefits of Hemp Seed oil 🍃 prevents dry skin,heals acne, itches and pain,treats fine lines and wrinkles,and wonderful massage oil,which conditions the skin making it supple and soft 😌
#hempseedoil #massageoil
#massageball #rejuvenation #simplyherbaldelight #artisanmaker #naturalproduct #treatyourself #usefultips #healthybody #happyskincare #amazon
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