#nearest plant nursery
frisellasnursery · 1 year
Frisella Nursery - Tranquil Plant Nursery Haven
Frisella Nursery is your Tranquil Plant Nursery Haven, offering a serene escape to explore and cultivate nature's beauty.
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frisellanursery · 1 year
Local Greenery Delivered: Explore the Nearest Plant Nursery - Frisella Nursery
Discover lush greenery at your doorstep with Frisella Nursery, your nearest plant nursery for local greenery delivery.
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hedgehog-moss · 4 months
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I finally planted my garden last week! We had a couple of days of sun which gave me hope, but it's once again raining every day. Thoughts and prayers for my tomato plants, but I couldn't keep everyone in the greenhouse forever, I had to make room for other plants.
(In the fourth picture above you can see what's inside the hügelkultur mound—it's a pile of branches + llama manure + compost + potting soil. One thing I find great about it is how well it retains moisture! Well it's not a problem this year so far but during heat waves I water these plants a lot less than non-mound plants.)
In the greenhouse my seedlings have been struggling due to lack of sun. Impossible to get courgette plants so I had to buy a few from the young couple in town who recently started a plant nursery—they didn't have many either, and I had to share with the mayor who also came looking for courgette plants because slugs devoured all of his.
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He must have seen on my face that I thought my plants didn't stand a chance if slugs don't even respect municipal authority, because he kindly advised me to place crowns of bedstraw (see above) around my plants to protect them. I didn't dare to ask "If it works so well why do you have no courgette plants left?" I just said thank you, and then spent an entire evening last week weaving this sticky weed into crowns and whatsapping photos of my art to the mayor, who always replied "More! More! It needs to be thicker! Like a doughnut!"
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Meanwhile 1 leek in the greenhouse suddenly grew a lot thicker while the other 3 remained skinny and fearful-looking and I'm not sure why. They share a pot, so maybe it's like vanishing twin syndrome. My bell pepper seeds had the same asynchronous development issue—one pot is just now starting to have timid seedlings while the other (right next to it) already contains a grown-up plant with baby peppers:
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By far my happiest greenhouse plants are the potatoes and lettuce. They shot up so fast! I've been eating a lot of lettuce lately but I can't keep up with how quickly they grow in this cold, rainy spring. And I haven't had any slug raids in the greenhouse so that's great.
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My greenhouse squash, onions and pickles are still tiny and not worth a photo (harsh, but this post already has too many photos). My strawberries in the aquaponic towers are beautiful despite the lack of sun and I've been getting mini-harvests of 2-3 strawberries a day for two weeks! They're done now, but I started more seeds so maybe I can get a second round at the end of the month.
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Three more things:
1. Morille helped a lot as I was planting the garden. She kept an eye on my gardening tools so no one would steal them, and sometimes used them as cheek-scratchers. At one point I put one of my beautiful bedstraw crowns around her neck so she looked like Philip III of Spain in that painting where he wears a big ruff, but tragically she ran away in outrage before I could take a picture, and when she returned she'd got rid of her collar.
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2. At the cow parade the other day there was a lady at the market who sold jars of homemade pesto sauce made from all kinds of different plants, and it opened up my mind to entirely new pesto horizons!! I always make the traditional kind with basil, but I have plants that grow much faster than basil, like my rocket, so I tried making pesto with 1/3 basil 2/3 rocket (plus garlic, olive oil, parmesan, cashews) and it was so good! I have to explore all of her recipes now, like plantain or nettle or sage pesto...
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3. There's a monster in the greenhouse. It appeared practically overnight and is quickly claiming more and more territory. Unlike last year it's not a parsley monster—it's my lemon balm. One day it was growing in its vertical tower, luxuriant but tidy, like a normal plant, and the next it had quintupled in volume and was threatening to swallow the nearest planter. Look at the tiny tomato plants, they look terrified of it!
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I urgently need to fight back against this giant mélisse (as we call lemon balm) but I've been really busy and I keep putting it off, and then remembering anxiously at 11pm that I still have this creature to take care of, which is ironic seeing as lemon balm is supposed to relieve stress and anxiety. This is the exact opposite of why I planted you. Anyway if you never hear from me again after this post it's because I finally engaged in battle against this year's vegetal menace, and lost.
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apologies if you’ve been asked this before, but do you know a good way to find local native plant nurseries?
@swmngpools So there are a few things I do if I'm trying to find native plant nurseries in a specific place.
First, I'll search online for "[location] native plant nursery". Here in the US I usually search by state, though sometimes I'll add in the nearest major city, too. If my search is only coming up with general native plant sites and not nurseries in particular, then I'll put the location in one set of quotes, and "native plant nursery" in another--for example, "Seattle, WA" "native plant nursery".
I also try Google Maps. I navigate to the general area where I want to look--not TOO specific, especially if it's an area that is less likely to have native plant nurseries; I have more options where I live now in the Pacific Northwest than where I grew up in the Ozarks. I'll search for "native plant nurseries" or "native plants". Unfortunately, this doesn't always work as well as a general search engine because if there isn't an abundance of native plant sellers in an area, Google Maps tends to be more likely to show me general plant vendors. Searching in the PNW I get several hits on Google Maps, but searching around my old hometown in Missouri I get....Lowe's.
To be fair, Google Maps did also show me the well-established general plant nursery that my mom used to take me to when I was a wee kiddo in the 80's, and which is still around today. So if all you're getting is places like these, email, call, or visit them if it's convenient, and ask whether they carry or can order native plants. Or if they don't, see if they know of a place that does. You might also try landscaping companies; most of them stick to whatever non-native plants are popular, but there are some landscapers who do use native plants as well and may be able to help with sourcing.
While we're on the topic of going directly to people, if you're in the US most states have a Native Plant Society that can help you find sources for native plants. Other conservation entities, both here and elsewhere, may be able to help as well. This includes any private businesses, nonprofit organizations, or governmental entities that may be involved in things like environmental protections, habitat restoration and preservation, outdoor education and other activities, etc. Even if they themselves aren't directly involved in native plants there might be someone on staff who knows more about it.
Another thing I might try if I'm feeling a bit stuck is to ask in a relevant online group. For example, on Facebook there are groups like Pollinator Friendly Yards, that aren't region-specific, but that have people from all over who may be able to help you with resources local to you. And, of course, this is another good place to look for groups with native plant enthusiasts local to you--use the same search terms in Facebook's search feature that you did for your general search engine search.
One last option--if you know of a few native plants you might want to try planting, search for "[plant name] seeds" or "[plant name] starts", or even "buy [plant name]". You may have to search through the results to find someone actually selling what you're looking for. It's also possible that the plant is difficult to cultivate--or no one has even thought to try cultivating it--and therefore can't be purchased. Make sure that the specific species/variety is the one found in your area; a lot of people trying to help monarch butterflies in North America, for example, end up buying non-native tropical milkweed instead of whatever their native regional milkweed species is.
On that note, there's a lot of debate over "nativars", cultivars of native species that may be bred to exaggerate certain traits or make them more suitable for a vastly changed landscape. On the one hand it may seem like a great idea to have a plant that is easier to grow. However, nativars may actually be less beneficial to insects and other wildlife. For example, some nativars are cultivated with altered flowers, such as a double flower that has more petals than the original type. Pollinators are often unable to reach the nectar or pollen of these altered flowers. Nativars of a plant that normally has green leaves but that has been bred for more red in the foliage will be less likely to be eaten by herbivorous insects because the anthocyanins that cause the red coloration give the leaves a bad taste to deter insect predation. All of which, of course, defeats the purpose of planting native plants, since you WANT your native plants to be eaten by insects and other wildlife. So get the "wild type" native plant rather than nativars.
So those are my suggestions for seeking out native plant nurseries. Again, I want to emphasize that some places will be more likely to have them than others; the Pacific Northwest US has a great abundance, whereas a few cursory searches didn't turn up any in the Czech Republic. If you're trying to find native plants in an area where English is not the most common language, search in whatever the common language(s) is and you'll be more likely to get results if there are native plant nurseries or vendors in the area.
I hope this helps! Let me know if I can help with anything else.
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warriors-fallen · 10 months
Tiny paws silently crept along the ground as a tiny black kit eased forward in a crouch, her kinked tail twitching eagerly behind her. Her green eyes narrowed, glinting in the soft light beaming down from above. Her target’s pale grey fur was in sight, the little kit rolling around in the soft moss of a warm nest, oblivious to the eyes closely watching him.
Flexing her paws, the black kit narrowed her eyes, focusing as she stalked as close as she could get, whiskers twitching as she watched the other kit roll onto his back and wiggle around as if he were antsy. Bracing her haunches, she pushed off and leapt towards him, her front paws slamming right into his belly.
Squealing, the grey kit’s paws wrapped around her in a tight grip, and the two began to roll around and tussle, dust beginning to stir as they tumbled out of the nest.
“Nightkit!” The grey kit squeaked in protest as the black kit finally pinned him down, a pout growing on his face. “Unfair! You’re bigger than me!”
“Only by a little!” Nightkit puffed, beaming triumphantly as she stepped off of Quickkit, giggling as he sat up with his fur all messy. He giggled with her, reaching out a paw and swatting at her muzzle.
“I snuck up on you good, didn’t I?” Nightkit leaned away from Quickkit’s paw. “I’ve been practicing my stalking! My momma showed me some tricks the other day.”
“I didn’t see you!” Quickkit confirmed, tail beginning to thump behind him. Nightkit always swore instead of blood he had only energy inside him. He was always moving!
“I-“ Nightkit began.
“Please be quiet!” An irritated, hoarse groan cut her off, and Nightkit turned to look at the black and brown she-cat half-hidden in shadow at the far end of the nursery. Her swollen belly heaved as the she-cat turned in her nest, eyes narrowed at the two kits. “I can’t get any sleep!”
“Sorry, Ravenhaze!” Nightkit squeaked, snapping her mouth shut when the further noise earned her a harsher glare. She hung her head and shuffled her front paws, glancing at Quickkit who was looking similarly crestfallen at the scolding.
Ravenhaze is always so grumpy! Nightkit thought with annoyance. We weren’t even being that loud!
Nightkit got to her paws and opted to slink into the shadows toward where her and her mother’s nest was. The moss was a little cold by now since her mother had left with Quickkit’s mother and sister to stretch their legs, but she happily sank down into it, purring softly at the strong, comforting scent of her mother. She looked out into the nursery, glancing over the smooth, dug out walls and up above at the hole that let light shine in through a cover of all kinds of plants. Nightkit remembered her father telling her that it would let light in that way while also blocking out most of the rain.
The nursery had been dug out wide to leave plenty of room for queens and kits. Nightkit knew, from what she had seen, that it was almost as big as the warriors’ burrow! It never felt cramped to her, even with four queens currently staying in it. If Nightkit focused, she could see where Wildrunner’s nest was close to Ravenhaze’s. Wildrunner had only recently started to plump up, so she didn’t stay in the nursery very much.
Nightkit turned her gaze to the nearest wall where her and her mom’s nest was. While the nest was in the shadows, a little bit of light pierced through and shone faintly on the wall. Dark, little pawprints were clustered all along it. Nightkit peered a little bit away from the wall, even closer to the nest, where one little pawprint was. That one was hers! All the queens had their kits leave a muddy, clay paw mark on the wall, from what her mother had told her. She had wanted to better tell where hers was, though, so her mother let her put it away from the other marks. Her mother had proclaimed it as ‘Night’s Corner’. Nightkit felt warm thinking about it. She had made her mark when she was three moons old, and now she was four moons old! Her paws had grown a bit since then. If she lifted her paw up, she could tell the difference better.
One day my paws will be so big, you won’t even see my mark next to them!
Nightkit purred quietly at the thought. She was going to be a burrower just like her dad and uncle, with big strong paws! She couldn’t wait! She would dig the best tunnels ever!
Quiet voices snapped Nightkit to attention, and she craned her ears towards the entrance tunnel to the nursery. Quickkit, who had been rolling around in his mother’s nest again, also perked up, jumping to his paws and excitedly lashing his tail. As the voices grew, Nightkit recognized them.
Swallowing back an excited squeal when she remembered Ravenhaze’s scolding, Nightkit jumped out of her and her mother’s nest and bounded over to Quickkit, standing beside him. After a few moments, a golden brown tabby she-cat appeared in the tunnel, chatting eagerly with a pale grey tabby she-cat with a folded ear. A little brown tabby kit with ginger points followed, her tail raised high in the air.
“That’s what I was saying! It was so silly-“
“Momma!” Nightkit purred happily, crashing into her mother’s golden tabby fur, nuzzling her chest eagerly. Her mother’s voice was cut off as she laughed lightly, bending her head to lick Nightkit between the ears.
“Hi, sweet thing!” Her mother purred, the soothing rumble making Nightkit feel warm.
“Mom! You were gone so long!” Quickkit was squeaking as he circled his mother, tail still waving behind him. His sister Foxkit had taken his spot in their nest, sitting and smoothing her chest fur with her tongue.
“It was only a little while,” Rabbitear sighed in exasperation, though Nightkit could tell she was playing around by the smile on her face. She watched her son circle around her fondly for a few more moments, before she carefully stepped over him to plop down into her nest beside Foxkit.
“I snuck up on Quickkit, momma!” Nightkit beamed, lowering into a crouch. “I crouched just like this, like you showed me! He didn’t know I was there until I got him!”
“Impressive!” Warrenstalk praised, gaze warm as she watched her daughter creep forward to demonstrate. “You’re already a little warrior!”
“Yeah!” Nightkit squeaked, getting back to her paws. “You think Tunnelstar will make me an apprentice early?!”
Warrenstalk laughed affectionately. “You’re still a little too young. But I’m sure you’ll already be an amazing apprentice when you get there.”
Nightkit huffed, though she enjoyed her mother’s praise.
“Great StarClan, can’t I get any sleep?!” Ravenhaze’s sharp voice made Nightkit flinch. The plump she-cat was glaring from her nest at the gathering of cats, her teeth glinting in the low light as her lip curled.
Nightkit saw Warrenstalk shoot the other queen a harsh look, though Ravenhaze seemed to not be bothered as she puffed and settled further into her nest, tail-tip twitching irritably.
Rabbitear was staring at Ravenhaze herself, pausing in her grooming of Quickkit’s ruffled fur as he had settled in next to her, Foxkit having scooched to make room for him. She cast a glance at Warrenstalk, and the two she-cats seemed to share something silent. Nightkit wasn’t sure what it was.
“Why don’t you three go play in the camp?” Rabbitear offered after a few more moments of silence. “Let Ravenhaze get some peace and quiet for a while.”
“That sounds fun!” Warrenstalk agreed, leaning down to give Nightkit another lick between the ears. “Your father was in camp when we left. He might still be there, if you hurry!”
Nightkit perked up immediately. She nodded eagerly, and Quickkit was by her side in an instant, bouncing on his paws. Foxkit joined them a moment later, quietly looking back at her mother.
“Let’s go, let’s go!” Quickkit squealed, pelting into the tunnel at the entrance to the nursery.
“Bye mom!” Nightkit called as she hurried after Quickkit, bursting into the darkness of the tunnel. She heard her mother softly call her own goodbye, and felt the breath of Foxkit on the tip of her kinked tail.
Foxkit’s always so quiet! Is she even excited to come play?
Nightkit slowed down as the darkness in the tunnel grew, navigating the familiar path. The warm walls of the surrounding earth thrummed softly at her sides, relaxing muscles she didn’t even know she had tensed. She always felt so relaxed and safe in the familiar tunnels and burrows of BurrowClan’s territory; she couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. When she had first learned the other Clans didn’t live underground, she had been so shocked! The outside was fine, she had been up there with her parents a few times, but it felt so open and exposed, and was so noisy with so many smells! She didn’t know how other cats were happy without the comforting darkness and hugging tunnels of the underground. She didn’t even have to look where she was going to get around! Her paws knew where she was, and she was hidden from anything that might want to hurt her.
After a few more pawsteps, light began to show ahead, lighting up the pale grey tips of Quickkit’s ears. He hurried forward, and Nightkit picked up the pace as well. Soft sounds were beginning to fill her ears, and the earth below her paws was gently thumping with the pawsteps of other cats.
The kits soon burst free of the tunnel, out into a large dug out space with a massive hole above, covered with many plants just like the nursery. The warm sunlight shone through the plant cover, casting a dappled pattern on the ground below. Dark entrances of tunnels were everywhere along the smooth walls, leading to burrows and tunnels of all kinds. At the far end, across from the kits, was a cracked boulder the size of two warriors.
Nightkit felt Foxkit brush past her as she excitedly looked around. The camp was so cool! Quite a few of her Clanmates were milling about, chatting with each other or basking in the sunlight. She saw a few cats clustered around the fresh-kill pile near the big boulder, and from what she could tell it was super full! Hunting must have been great!
Hm, now where’s dad…
Looking around for him, Nightkit-
“Oh! Oh!” Quickkit gasped, nudging Nightkit in the shoulder and interrupting her thoughts. He raised a paw and pointed, and she followed his paw. She could see he was pointing at a brown tom with darker brown spots along his pelt; he was currently stretching and yawning with his tail rose high. She recognized him as Peatpaw.
“Peatpaw!” Nightkit immediately squealed, forgetting what she had been doing and wasting no time in rushing towards the apprentice. He always played with them! He was the best at moss ball and Clan Invasion!
The apprentice looked at the kits running towards him, and he gave them a smile, sitting up and yawning again. “Hey, kiddos! Out on your own, hm? Causing trouble?”
“We’re not causing trouble!” Quickkit protested, hopping around Peatpaw. “Ravenhaze was being grumpy!”
Peatpaw winced. “Sounds like her.”
Nightkit nodded seriously. “So we have a duty to do!”
Peatpaw tilted his head, tail flicking out of the way of Quickkit’s paws as the tom kept bouncing around him. “Hm?”
“We left our mommas unprotected! So now we must defend them!” Nightkit announced, eagerly looking up at the apprentice. She hoped he would take the invitation to play! He was so fun! Her paws itched to pounce!
An expression of realization dawned on Peatpaw’s face, before he grinned and narrowed his eyes mischievously. “So, it would be the perfect time to invade, huh?”
“Never!” Quickkit growled, jumping away from him to stand at Nightkit’s side. His tail lashed fiercely, and his pelt bristled. Nightkit matched his fierce stance, seeing Foxkit slowly pad up to join them. She looked a little less fierce, but a soft snarl rumbled from her throat.
“Are you three the only thing stopping my invasion?” Peatpaw laughed, getting to his paws and lifting his head. “BurrowClan must be the weakest Clan ever! I’ll invade, and take all your prey and burrows!”
“Never!” Nightkit yowled, leaping at Peatpaw with her paws outstretched. His soft fur tickled her paw pads, and he yowled as she clung to his shoulder, her claws carefully digging only into his fur and not his skin. He tried to shake her off, but Quickkit nipped gently at his hind leg, making him tumble and flop to his side.
Foxkit growled and rushed over, her paws firmly landing on Peatpaw’s haunches as she tried to pin him down. Peatpaw gasped and flailed, making Foxkit let out a rare squeal as she lost her balance and tumbled on her back.
“We got you, intruder! Surrender!” Nightkit hissed, still holding tight onto his shoulder.
“I will never surrender!” Peatpaw yowled, struggling and wiggling until Nightkit and Quickkit lost their grips. Nightkit yowled as if she were struck, dramatically envisioning scratches all along her pelt. Quickkit panted beside her, quickly getting to his paws as Peatpaw began to rise.
But before he could, Foxkit had launched herself at him again, managing to squirm onto his back and hang on tight. The apprentice screeched, stumbling, and Nightkit and Quickkit quickly recovered to help Foxkit.
Unable to take the onslaught yet again, Peatpaw fell onto his side.
“Oh, no!” He cried dramatically, an anguished look in his eyes. “I underestimated you! I’ve been defeated!”
“Do you surrender?” Quickkit squeaked, his fierce façade quickly turning excited. Peatpaw sighed, looking warily at the kits pinning him down, before nodding sadly.
“Yay!” Nightkit happily detached herself from the apprentice, watching as he shook Quickkit and Foxkit off, both giggling as they slid off him.
“Having fun?” An amused meow sounded behind them, and Nightkit looked behind her to see Rockpatch’s grey tabby coat. He was eyeing his apprentice fondly, and Peatpaw laughed.
“Yeah! Crazy kits.” Peatpaw whacked Foxkit with his tail, making her sneeze as his fur tickled her nose. The sound made Peatpaw chuckle.
“He was an intruder! We defeated him!” Nightkit happily informed the large tom. Rockpatch smiled.
“You did a good job!” He reached out a large paw to gently pat Nightkit on the head. When Quickkit scurried up, he patted him too. Foxkit just stayed where she was, grooming her ruffled tabby and ginger pointed pelt. “You’ll be great warriors.”
Nightkit beamed at the praise.
“Now, Peatpaw,” Rockpatch looked back at his apprentice. “Poolfang and I are going to investigate a faint badger scent we got near one of the breeze tunnels. Would you like to come?”
“Yeah, sure!” Peatpaw perked up.
“Alright,” Rockpatch nodded approvingly, a twinkle in his eyes. “Give yourself a good grooming, and join us by the warriors’ burrow tunnel.”
Peatpaw blinked, looking over his pelt which was severely ruffled from the playing. Looking a little embarrassed, Peatpaw nodded.
Rockpatch chuckled, before turning and padding away to join Poolfang by the tunnel that led to the warriors’ burrow. The black she-cat was sitting patiently.
“Well, I best do that.” Peatpaw nodded at the kits, fondly nudging Nightkit with one paw. “Have fun protecting us from invaders!”
“We will!” Nightkit promised, watching as he stalked a bit away to find a spot to groom.
“What now?” Quickkit was already back to pacing, as if the play fighting hadn’t worn him out at all.
“We could go see the elders,” Foxkit’s soft voice surprised Nightkit, and she turned to her. “They like it when we visit.”
“Good idea!” Nightkit agreed, and Quickkit seemed to agree as well by the way he was already running towards the tunnel that led to the elders’ burrow.
It’ll be nice to visit my grandpas!
“He’s so wild,” Foxkit murmured, and Nightkit fell in beside her as they followed Quickkit more slowly. “I can never keep up. Mom says he’s just like dad.”
Nightkit frowned, reaching out her kinked tail to drape it over Foxkit’s shoulder. Her mother had told her Quickkit’s and Foxkit’s dad had died before they were even born. Before she was even born. She couldn’t imagine not having a dad! “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Foxkit gave her an appreciative look. “I didn’t mean to be sad. I was just saying.”
Nightkit nodded.
“Mom says when she was pregnant with us, her stomach hurt all the time,” Foxkit went on, and Nightkit withdrew her tail. “She thinks it’s ‘cause Quickkit was running circles in her belly.”
“Ha!” Nightkit giggled; she could certainly imagine that! That was such a funny image! “He probably was!”
Before Foxkit could say anything else, Nightkit heard her name being called. Pausing, she peered behind her shoulder, perking up excitedly when she saw a familiar black pelt adorned with white ears.
Nightkit glanced over at Foxkit, who waved her paw.
“You can meet us there.” She simply said, padding on her way. “I’ll tell the elders to wait if they want to tell stories.”
“Thanks, Foxkit!” Nightkit called after her, before grinning and running towards the tom waiting for her.
“Dad!” Nightkit squealed, launching herself at the tom. He smelled strongly of clay and dirt, and judging by his muddy paws and crusty pelt, he had probably just returned from working on a tunnel. He laughed as she collided with him, and she felt his big strong paws wrap around her as he sat down, pulling her into his chest and belly.
“Hi, little miracle!” Darkfrost purred, nuzzling her cheek and making her giggle as his whiskers tickled her face. He cooed at her laughter, his tail coming to wrap around her to join his paws. Nightkit sank into his warmth and hold, feeling like her chest was going to burst with how hard and loud she was purring.
“Hi, dad,” Nightkit smiled, craning her head to look up at her father’s face. “I couldn’t see you earlier! Momma said you were in camp.”
“I was,” he nodded, wiping excess mud off one paw on the ground so he could run it through Nightkit’s fur. “I had to leave for a little while to finish up some work. I’m done for the day, though!”
“Yay!” Nightkit cheered, excitedly shifting on her paws. Now she and her dad could hang out!
Wait! The elders!
She couldn’t hang out with him yet! She had to join Quickkit and Foxkit!
“What have you been up to?” Darkfrost prompted, swiping away a stray loose piece of fur on Nightkit’s shoulder.
“A lot! But can I tell you later? I’m supposed to go see the elders with Foxkit and Quickkit!” Nightkit flicked her head at the dark tunnel that her friends had disappeared into.
“You have no time for your dad?” Darkfrost gasped, a look of anguish and hurt in his eyes. He let go of Nightkit to place a paw on his chest, his ears flattening against his head. “B-but…”
“Daaaad!” Nightkit giggled. He looked so silly! Her father’s expression lightened, and he leaned down to touch his nose to her cheek.
“Playing! Go have fun. We can catch up later. Say hi to your grandpas for me!” Darkfrost nudged her, and Nightkit nodded, eagerly racing off with a quick goodbye.
She wasted no time in darting into the short tunnel that led to the elders’ burrow. It only took a few strides to pop out into the dug out burrow; all of the burrows except the nursery were really quick to get into.
Pale light shone from above through the leaf covering, lighting up the pelts of Foxkit and Quickkit, who were clustered around the three elders chattering away in their soft, feather-lined nests.
“Hi, grandpas!” Nightkit greeted, making two toms look up at her.
“Nightkit!” Gravelheave rasped, his dark grey pelt a little unkempt. His white tail-tip flicked in greeting, and Nightkit trotted up to him to touch noses with her mother’s dad.
She moved on to touch noses with Badgerclaw, her dad’s dad. His white nose stripe and back stripe stood out starkly against his black pelt, making him really look like a badger! Nightkit had never seen one, but she had heard tales of them.
“Nice to see you,” Badgerclaw murmured fondly, and Nightkit settled between her grandpas. “Siltdrop was just telling Foxkit and Quickkit a story.”
Nightkit peered at her friends, paying full attention to a silver tabby she-cat with a dark grey chest.
“…And then, Blazepelt leapt at the hawk! It let go of Rootkit, and Rabbitear caught her!”
Quickkit and Foxkit both gasped aloud, and Nightkit puffed.
“Aw, they were supposed to wait for me for the stories…” Nightkit grumbled, though she didn’t actually mind all that much. It was a story about their dad. “But I guess it’s okay.”
Gravelheave chuckled, tucking his front paws under him. “There’s plenty of stories to hear. You have all the time to hear all kinds of stories.”
Nightkit meowed a soft agreement, half-listening to Siltdrop’s story for a moment, before she sniffed at Gravelheave’s slightly messy pelt. “Do you want help grooming a little, grandpa?”
“That would be sweet of you,” Gravelheave looked at her appreciatively. “You can help with my back. It’s hard to twist back there, and Badgerclaw and Siltdrop are always too sleepy to help.”
“I helped the other day!” Badgerclaw retorted, with no harshness behind his words. “You just have so much fur, it tangles up just sitting there.”
Gravelheave huffed, and Nightkit couldn’t suppress a smile at the elders and their remarks. She sat up and leaned over her grandpa, softly lapping at his dark grey pelt, focusing on smoothing the fur along his back. She didn’t mind helping at all in general, but she could also see it as early training! Apprentices had to look after the elders and help them out, after all. She was just getting a head start!
It didn’t take long to smooth Gravelheave’s ruffled back. It really wasn’t that messy, just a little ruffled. By the time she was done, Siltdrop had finished her story, and Foxkit and Quickkit were chatting amongst themselves about the story. “Dad was so cool!” Quickkit thwacked his tail against the earth, stirring up a bit of dust. “I can’t believe he fought so many hawks! They’re so big!”
“He was the Clan’s best hunter when it came to birds,” Siltdrop rasped. “You have to be careful aboveground. Big birds like to look for anything out in the open. Blazepelt was brave, and didn’t let the birds get near anyone if he could help it.”
Nightkit shivered. No thanks! I’m happy underground!
Luckily for her, when she did go out, she had her parents watching the sky. She couldn’t imagine going outside alone!
Badgerclaw curled his tail close, drawing his tongue across his lips. “Hawk tastes really good. Maybe one of you will grow up to be a hawk hunter.”
Foxkit’s eyes gleamed at that idea, and Quickkit gasped enthusiastically.
“I’d bring ‘em down with one swipe!” Quickkit squealed. “They’d be no match for me!”
“Very brave of you,” Siltdrop purred, though her tone quickly became serious. “But it’s important to remember a hawk can drag away even a full-grown cat. You must not do anything reckless if you see one.”
Foxkit and Quickkit nodded obediently. Nightkit knew that Quickkit could occasionally be a little serious…at least, when it came to situations where he could get seriously hurt.
No way I’d try to get a hawk!
“Oh! Looks like I missed you, Nightkit,” Siltdrop rumbled. “Hello! Would you like a story? I’m sorry you missed out, Foxkit really wanted to hear a story about Blazepelt.”
Nightkit got to her paws, carefully stepping around her grandpas to make her way over to the other elder and her friends. “Oh, yes please!”
“Hm…” the silver tabby she-cat hummed thoughtfully as the three kits quieted down and settled around her, eyes wide and expectant. “How about…a story about the curse?”
“The curse?” Nightkit tilted her head.
“Isn’t that a bit scary for kits?” Gravelheave piped up. “Don’t give them nightmares! I think their mothers would have our pelts.”
“Relax,” Siltdrop dismissively flicked her tail. “It’s not that bad.”
“What’s a curse?” Quickkit asked, fidgeting with his paws.
“It’s something that haunted BurrowClan for many seasons,” Siltdrop began, flicking her ear at Badgerclaw and Gravelheave who looked at her warily. “It brought great destruction. The Clan almost perished completely.”
The kits all gasped, and Nightkit’s eyes widened. That sounded bad! Why hadn’t she heard about something so serious and dangerous before?
“The curse came as cats,” the tabby elder went on. “It happened so randomly, it was impossible to predict and prepare for. Some kits would be born cursed, and bring destruction with them. Cats would mysteriously die all around the Clan, and StarClan would send a warning to try to help us. The curse was beyond them.”
“StarClan…” Foxkit breathed. Nightkit shared her awe. StarClan, their warrior ancestors…they were so elusive!
“Wow!” Quickkit squeaked, eyes wide in horror. “Cats would just…die?! Because of the cursed cat?”
Siltdrop nodded grimly. “So many would.”
“What happened when StarClan sent the signs?” Nightkit leaned closer, her pelt itching with curiosity.
“The signs would tell who was causing the destruction,” the elderly she-cat went on, dipping her head. “Then, the leader would exile the cat. But it wasn’t always simple. Once, almost the entirety of the Clan was wiped out by a curse, before my time. StarClan’s sign was a little too late. But, as you can tell, we’re still standing.”
“StarClan couldn’t take the curse away?” Foxkit tilted her head curiously.
“No, it was beyond them. But they helped however they could.”
“But…what if there’s another one?!” Quickkit gasped, suddenly looking terrified. “What if one of us is cursed, and we don’t know yet?! Is everyone gonna die?!”
Foxkit leaned to comfort her brother, but all it did was make him wail.
“Told you you’d scare them!” Gravelheave scolded, and Siltdrop rolled her eyes. Her gaze softened, and she gently reached out a paw to Quickkit. Nightkit understood his fear. Dread was pooling in her belly. Why hadn’t anyone warned her about curses? She didn’t realize her Clan could be in so much danger!
“It’s okay,” Siltdrop soothed, and Quickkit sniffled. “I wasn’t finished. I was going to tell you about how BurrowClan got rid of the curse once and for all.”
“We…got rid of it? For real?” Quickkit quickly started to calm down, Foxkit letting out a little relieved noise. Nightkit felt herself relax, too.
Thank StarClan! It’s not around anymore!
“For real,” Siltdrop confirmed softly. “Our leader, before Tunnelstar, was Duskstar. I was around when she was alive. She gave a great sacrifice to save the Clan from cursed cats. I witnessed many of my Clanmates die when I was young. But Duskstar saved us.”
“How?” Nightkit whispered. She sounded like a hero!
“She gave up the rest of her lives,” Siltdrop murmured, looking wistful and in awe herself. “She had seven left. But when she lost so many of our Clan, she took action. She went to the Moonfalls with the medicine cat, Eagleflake, to commune with StarClan, and desperately pleaded to ask what she could do. StarClan told her they discovered the power of a leader’s lives could defeat the evil source of the curse. So, she readily gave them all up.”
“Wow!” Nightkit breathed, awestruck.
“That’s so brave!” Quickkit sounded just as breathless.
“That’s so sad,” Foxkit murmured. “I wish it could have been defeated by something else.”
“It is sad,” Siltdrop agreed. “But it saved our Clan. Eagleflake brought back Duskstar’s body, and Tunnelshadow became Tunnelstar. We’ve had no curses for moons and moons. Duskstar truly saved us all.”
“I’m so sad nobody talks about her!” Nightkit frowned. “She was a hero!”
“We do talk about her,” Badgerclaw gruffly pointed out. “We just don’t usually tell kits. It can be a scary story for a cat so young.”
“It wasn’t scary!” Quickkit insisted. “I mean, it was…but we know the curse is gone, so it’s not scary anymore!”
Siltdrop gave a pointed, smug look to the other elders, who both huffed.
“I’m getting hungry,” Foxkit quietly meowed to Quickkit after a moment of silence. “I’m gonna go get some food and go back to mom.”
“Oh! Me too!” Quickkit got to his paws. “Thanks for the stories, Siltdrop! Bye!”
Nightkit giggled as Quickkit wasted no time living up to his namesake, racing out of the elders’ burrow. Foxkit shared an amused look with Nightkit, before slowly padding off after her brother.
“Goodbye!” The elders all called after the kits.
Nightkit got to her own paws. Now that she wasn’t focused on an intense story, she could feel hunger biting at the edges of her belly. “I’m getting hungry, too. Thanks for the story.”
“Of course, dear,” Siltdrop purred.
Nightkit padded over to her grandpas, touching noses with them again. “Oh! Dad says hi, by the way.”
“Tell him hi back,” Gravelheave purred, the sound rough and raspy.
“And that he needs to visit more!” Badgerclaw added. “Him and his brother must think they’re too cool for their ol’ dad.”
His tone was teasing and light, and Nightkit laughed. “I will!”
Bounding off after her friends, Nightkit emerged back into the camp clearing. Most of the cats she had seen out and about were gone now, likely doing their own thing. As she glanced up at the hole above, she saw the light was fading just a little. It was getting close to evening, so most cats were probably finishing patrols or duties for the night.
Some cats were sprawled around camp, sharing prey and chatting. Nightkit saw Foxkit and Quickkit in the middle of the clearing with their mother. Nightkit spotted Warrenstalk next to her, and ran over.
“Hi, mom!” Nightkit squeaked, reaching up to touch their noses together.
“Hi!” Warrenstalk purred, sitting down and patting the spot beside her with one paw. Nightkit obediently sat down. “From what Foxkit and Quickkit are saying, you had an exciting day!”
“Yeah!” Nightkit nodded eagerly.
Before she could go on about her day, Darkfrost came into view with a plump rabbit hanging heavily from his jaws. He was walking over from the fresh-kill pile, and flicked his head. Warrenstalk got up, and guided Nightkit over to a quiet spot where they all huddled down in front of the rabbit.
“Picked just for you guys,” Darkfrost murmured, nuzzling Warrenstalk. She purred, licking his cheek. “The plumpest rabbit on the pile.”
“Thank you, hon,” Warrenstalk looked over at Nightkit. “Wanna tell me and your dad about your exciting day, sweet thing?”
“Yes!” Nightkit eagerly purred, sinking her teeth into a small, soft part of the rabbit’s belly. She ate it quickly, swallowing as her parents dug in themselves. “So, first me and Foxkit and Quickkit defeated Peatpaw…”
After a filling meal and rambling on about her day to her parents, as well as a game of moss ball and some evening sunbathing, all three cats headed to the nursery. From the faint moonlight cascading into the nursery, Nightkit could see Rabbitear and her kits were soundly snuggled in their nest, so she carefully stepped around her. Ravenhaze was sprawled out as much as she could be with her huge belly, thankfully asleep. Even Wildrunner, with her mud stained white and grey splotched coat, was in her own nest near Ravenhaze, a rare occurrence.
Warrenstalk laid down in her nest, and Nightkit snuggled into her belly, sighing as her eyes fluttered shut. She was so sleepy and worn out from her exciting day. She felt Darkfrost curl around her and her mother, and she happily fell asleep, feeling loved and safe between her parents.
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aurborsau · 11 months
Got a favorite silverusso omegaverse headcanon? :D
Oh well I’m glad you asked.
I’ve been thinking about a handmaides tale au for this paring for a little awhile. I briefly touched on it on the Silverusso discord channel.
Daniel as a handmaid (made by me)
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(For anyone unfamiliar with the Handmade’s Tale^^)
Warning/s: angst, attempted assault,
Paring/s: Daniel LaRusso/Terry silver, Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence
Daniel was the youngest of the handmaids. The only one who hasn’t previously been with child, a virgin won omega. That’s why he was sent to bear children for only the highest-ranking commander in Gilead, Terry Silver. He was surprisingly welcoming to Daniel upon his arrival, always finding ways to spend time with the omega, sneaking him gifts here and there. He’s a very attentive listener, surprising Daniel with his very own garden to do with as he pleases. Even planting roses because he remembered Daniel telling him that those were his mother’s favorite.
However, the wife did not share the same sentiment towards Daniel. She mostly stayed in her room or busied herself with preparing the nursery, making it clear that she was displeased with the omega's presence.
Daniel quickly became became acquainted with Johnny, the guardian that’s been appointed to commander Silver’s home. While Terry was away on “important business for the sake of the future of Gilead.” he’d spend his free time getting to know the beta. Johnny would help Daniel with the garden, getting the supplies, doing all the heavy lifting. He enjoyed his company, it was nice to have a friend in this fucked up world, someone he could trust.
Daniel had just finished preparing for bed, luxuriating in the expensive bath salts gifted to him by Terry. Slipping into a delicate lace nightgown also given to him by the man himself, he emerged from the bathroom only to be greeted by an unexpected visitor. Johnny sat on the edge of the bed, waiting. His eyes widening at the sight of Daniel without his customary robes, his body now on full display.
Locking the door, Johnny pressed the frightened Omega against the nearest wall with considerable force, “Johnny what are you doing?” He stuttered. Without warning, Johnny leaned in for a forceful kiss, evoking a whimper from Daniel. Desperate to escape, Daniel struggled, but Johnny's strong grip held him firmly in place. “You know you want this Danny. I see the way you look at me.” He panics now. Terry was the only one who would call him Danny, a right reserved for his Alpha. “Get… get off me!” He uses all the strength he could muster to push Johnny off of him. He sought refuge in the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Tears streamed down his face as he slid down the door, haunted by the primal desire he had seen in Johnny's eyes. The same look in Terry eyes during his first ceremony. It scared him, made him feel completely and utterly helpless at his mercy.
‘Oh god, what is Terry going to say?’ He panicked. The scent of the beta would surely be detected by Terry, and although he’s mad at Johnny right now he can’t let his death be on his conscience. He’d surely be punished. Hell, Terry would kill the beta himself with his bare hands. Fortunately, there were no visible marks or bruises left by Johnny, and with another careful wash and a spritz of the flowery perfume Terry had given him, Daniel hoped to erase any lingering traces of the beta's presence.
He’d been ignoring Johnny the next week, he couldn’t risk being in the same vicinity as the beta, no matter how lonely he got. When Terry returned from his ventures, He’d invited Daniel into his study like he did every night. “Baby I want to take you somewhere. Somewhere where we can finally be alone.” He pulls the boy onto his lap. Daniel only prays the man can’t sense his apprehension. “What do you have in mind… sir?” He looks up at the Alpha with those huge brown eyes that made the man weak in the knees. “It’s a surprise.” He leans in to brush his lips against the shell of his ear. “Why don’t you just go put on the outfit I have picked out for you and meet me by the car.” Following Terry's instructions, Daniel slipped into a little black number laying on his bed. As he descended the stairs, Terry stood there, smirking at the sight. “It’s a shame your always covered in those robes. A beauty this rare should be celebrated, not hidden.” Terry admires the boy, placing his hand on the small of his back to guide him to the car. There, Johnny stands, opening the door for the pair before getting into the drivers seat. “Something wrong?” Terry questions when he sees the apprehension in Daniel’s eyes, and the blush that creeps onto his face. “What? Yeah no I’m fine. I’m just a little nervous is all.” Which is half the truth. He can’t keep his eyes off Johnny, thinking back to that night in his room and cringing at the memory. “Come here.” Terry pulls the boy onto his lap. “I’ve missed this. You look so gorgeous tonight, I wish I could take you right here.” Terry leans in to whisper in his ear. “Cum in that pretty little ass.” Daniel's eyes met Johnny's through the rearview mirror, his jealousy apparent. Daniel couldn't resist pushing further. “Why can’t you.” He could see Johnny’s fist tighten on the steering wheel, that only encouraging Daniel to go on. "I've been so lonely without you. I miss the way you claimed me, made me yours," Daniel whispered, biting his lip as he hoped to sound seductive enough. Shamelessly, he palmed
Terry through his pants, eliciting a deep groan from the older man. In response, a firm hand pulled Daniel's head into a sloppy, passionate kiss. The wet sound resonating in the confined space as Terry's tongue explored his mouth, asserting his dominance. Breaking away from the kiss, Daniel climbed onto his knees between Terry's spread legs, determined to please him. "I want to make you feel good. You deserve it," he cooed, playing on the man’s ego as he skillfully unzipped Terry's pants without breaking eye contact. With a stroke of his heavy shaft, Daniel placed the head between his wet lips.
"Fuck, baby, work those pretty lips for me.
Good boy," Terry praised, lost in the moment.
Suddenly, the car swerved, causing Daniel to accidentally graze his teeth along Terry's shaft. "Will you keep your eyes on the road, Mr. Lawrence?" Terry angrily ordered.
Johnny's knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel, desperately attempting to shift his attention back to the road and away from the scene unfolding in the backseat.
Sighing, “it’s ok, keep going baby.” Terry guides Daniel’s head back onto his cock by his hair. Soon busting a load deep in his throat. He pulled the boy back onto his lap, wiping away the tears that stained his cheeks. “You did so good, sweetheart.” He tucks Daniel’s loose bangs behind his ear. Hiccuping weakly, Terry caresses his trembling tummy. “Your going to look so beautiful when your big and plump with my child.” , looking over at the front seat to see the beta practically fuming. “Your body was made for me Danny.” He places a kiss on each of his tear stained cheeks. “And I intend to ravish it.”
(The end was kinda rushed but lmk if y’all want more of this au.)
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Because of the most recent rb:
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An apocalyptic world I made up. Mc up there is listening to music late at night, when suddenly cir family wakes up and starts shambling to the front door–But Something's Wrong oooooooo. Their eyes are glowing a whitish-blue, and they don't seem to notice cim when ci puts cir hand on their shoulders. Ci hides in a doorway to see what's happening. When cir little brother opens the door, a giant obsidian Creature is waiting, and promptly devours mc's numb, unresponsive family. How shocking! Ci quickly creeps to a hiding spot, but in cir panic, one of cir earbuds falls out. Ci can hear in the exposed ear a soft whirring, so soft, so gentle, so calming and friendly. It's only the music still playing in cir other ear that saves cim from being completely carried away. Recognizing this, ci sluggishly replaces the earbud, and immediately cir mind is clear again- just in time to see that the Creature has entered the room, and begun to make its way towards cim. As soon as the earbud is fully in, however, the Creature lifts its satellite-dish-like head and turns it around, looking confused. It circles the room, its head swiveling frantically like some dog or cat trying to find a smell, and as it passes mc, it's all ci can do to keep quiet, but it finds nothing and leaves.
After a millenium, or perhaps a millisecond, of waiting, mc leaves cir hiding spot and starts to pack a backpack. A flashlight, some batteries, some food. Ci also seeks out cir cat, and finds her hiding beneath the couch, ears flattened against her skull, pupils and fur blown all the way up. She calms a bit at mc's soft, feathery soft murmuring, recognizing her name and the voice who spoke it, but refuses to leave her spot until mc opens up a can of tuna. After she's swallowed all of the can's contents, eyes and ears darting here and there, she's calm enough that mc can gently lower her into the backpack.
Ci creeps out the open door and makes cir way to the nearby shopping district, ducking between shadows with cir hands plastered to cir ears, desperately keeping the earbuds. Through them, ci occasionally hears loud metal or rap playing, sometimes from cars with huddled and shaking people, sometimes from other wanderers who clutch little bluetooth speakers in their white-knuckled hands. From cir place in the shadows, ci notices that the Creatures–there are so many Creatures–tend to take a wide berth around those beacons of presumably earsplitting melodies. After ci passes the empty street and enters the nearest electronics store, ci's grateful to find that, even though all of the speakers have been looted, there are still noise-cancelling headphones left. Ci takes three pairs, hanging two around cir neck and putting one over cir ears before swiftly switching the plugs in cir phone's jack. Feeling safer, ci flits as smoothly as ci can to the convenience store, opens a can of wet food for the cat, and formulates a plan over a bottle of water and some donuts.
Ci makes cir way back home, grabs cir little brother's acoustic guitar and tuner, and loads everything securely into a wagon, which ci attaches behind cir bike. Ci raids the nearest plant nursery for as many crops and medicinal herbs as ci can fit, then the bookstore for guidebooks for how to grow and use them, and follows the river out of town, away from the Creatures.
Out in the country, ci builds a little house out of materials ci finds. Ci spends cir nights awake, slamming away at the guitar's strings and singing at the top of cir lungs until ci's hoarse, and spends the rest of it with cir headphones on, humming to cirself. During the mornings and evenings, ci plants cir crops and maps out the area. Daytime, now marked by a sun which hangs like a pendant of onyx in the white sky, is the only time it's safe to sleep.
And that's it. Mc lives alone on a little sanctuary with cir cat, offering asylum to those who come across cim.
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breakfastteatime · 2 years
Comfortember Day 11 - Holding Hands
Greez and BD-1 stick with Cal. He can't be left alone... Okay, fine, maybe he could, but there's no way he will be unless all hell's breaking loose, the Empire’s on them, and the Mantis needs her pilot and a droid ready to work. Until that exact scenario occurs, Greez and BD are staying right where they are. Cal needs them. And no, they aren’t swapping out with Cere or Merrin because they both need rest as well.
They need to keep Cal calm, quiet and still. The kid still has a hole in his side that bacta and magick can only do so much with. Plus his lungs had a bit too much water in them not so long ago. Cere insists he'll be fine now with rest, but Greez has upgrading that to rest and constant monitoring. Cal's feverish and restless. Not dramatically restless; he isn't tossing and turning like he might take off running, he’s not shouting nonsense or throwing stuff around with the Force. He hasn’t even managed to kick off his blanket that Greez tucked around him a while ago. He's just... twitchy. Frowning. Mumbling. Kinda sweaty. Flushed. And it turns out redheaded Humans don’t look great when their skin’s trying to match their hair. Especially when all the red is across his cheeks and the rest of him is horribly pale.
Greez has to fix this. Or manage it at the very least. The kid’s worked so damn hard, hasn’t had a moment to catch his breath until now. It shouldn’t have taken stabbing and drowning to give him a chance to finally slow down. He needs rest. Good, quiet, peaceful rest. Except he’s not going to get it when his hands are scrabbling at the sheets, reaching for something that isn’t there.
Standing at Cal’s side, BD-1 droops and mewls. Greez reaches over, gives BD a solid pat on the head. “Yeah, I know,” he says. “I wish I could use some of that Force stuff and help him feel better too. We’re just gonna have to do it our way instead.”
Antennae wiggling, BD pauses for thought. Then, as an idea passes over his circuits, he worms his way under one of Cal’s hands. Greez chuckles and follows suit, taking hold of Cal's nearest hand. It’s still too cold for Greez’s liking. Humans don’t run as hot as Lateros (hair really doesn’t compare to fur after all), but Cal’s temperature is too high for another blanket. He’s still moving too much for the blanket to stay put too. Greez squeezes Cal’s hand gently, willing healthy warmth into him. Another of Greez’s hands brushes Cal’s sweat-and-sea-salt-drenched hair back from his forehead. Cal leans into the touch, his fretful stirring settling.
“There you go,” Greez says. “You just needed to know you weren’t alone, huh?”
Cal’s fingers twitch in Greez’s grip, slowly curling around Greez’s hand. BD-1 whistles gently, practically purring. His antennae twitch on either side of his head, brushing Cal’s fingers gently. He beeps again and Greez figures he knows what’s being said.
“Yeah, I think it’s a good sign.” Heart lifting, Greez keeps hold of Cal’s hand and plants himself more comfortably on the bed. “Alright kiddo, I don’t know for sure if you can hear me. I figure you probably can on some level, what with all your Jedi superpowers. So, listen up. You’re safe. Everyone’s safe. We got you back out of that nightmare, and now all you need to do is rest. No more of your worrying or fighting or any of that stuff. Just sleep and good dreams. You deserve it. And if you don’t start sleeping soundly, I am gonna have to bust out an old nursery rhyme or two.”
BD-1 seconds this with a cheery (if muted) series of beeps.
Greez keeps talking. “What are you gonna do when you wake up? Nothing that involves a lightsaber, let me tell ya. A quiet day with your music and the terrarium is more like it. Yeah, don’t think I haven’t noticed you looking at those plants. I promise I’ll teach you how to take care of them when you’re up to it. Guess I owe it to you, seeing as how you found all the seeds.” Greez chuckles. “Or maybe it’s time I finally teach you how to cook. You worked your way through my jogan pie pretty well. And I notice you’re a man who appreciates a good rice dish. Ever had kublag curry? That stuff is spicy in the right way – full of flavour and just the right amount of heat. I know, I know, it’s a traditional Life Day meal, but who says we can’t do what we want aboard my ship. Soon as you’re up for it, I’m gonna make you all your favourite meals. I’ll even let you have lie ins. I’m definitely not gonna wake you up right now until you’re up to it.”
BD-1 adds a comment here. It sounds like an insult.
“Hush, you,” Greez says. “Oversleeping’s as bad as lack of sleep. Usually. This is a special case. Cal is officially off the hook for the foreseeable.”
Disgruntled, BD-1 mutters quietly. Greez gets the feeling if Cal was awake, he’d be laughing right now.
Greez lets it go and returns to his monologuing. “Please don’t ever scare me like this again. Don’t scare any of us.” BD-1 punctuates this with such a loud beep Cal does stir and frown. Greez hushes him sharply and takes care to brush a thumb over the back of Cal’s hand. As Cal settles, BD apologises quietly. Shaking his head, Greez picks up where he left off. “We care about you, Cal, a lot. Place wouldn’t be the same without you. Or your ponchos. Actually, y’know what, that’s the first thing we’re gonna do when you’re healed up. Clothes shopping. Other outfits exist, and it probably wouldn’t hurt for you to change your style. The Empire’s gonna be looking for a redheaded scrapper after all. Besides, there’s no need to be so frugal now. Cere suggested Humans your age still potentially grow so that’s something we need to think about. Like I need you to shoot up a few more inches, make me feel really small. Anyway, clothes. Not everyone can pull off the old ankle-swinger look, alright? And I’m not saying you need a haircut, but you should probably know Merrin’s making comments about tying it back for you. I don’t have an opinion on hairstyles, honestly, I’m just making you aware. Personally, I think you should grow your hair out, rival Merrin, see who can pull off the nicer bun.”
The longer Greez talks, the more Cal settles and stills. BD-1 reports that his temperature, though still too high, has stabilised, and his readings suggest deep, restful sleep.
“There you go,” Greez says. “Just needed some company. I get it. Ol’ Greezy gets it.”
BD squawks.
“Yeah, yeah, I know, you get it too, BD.” Greez places another hand around Cal’s, holding tight. A third hand reaches for the blanket, tucking it into place. “We’ve got you, kid. We’ve got you.”
(FAO @sauntering-down (✿◡‿◡))
(Also, this is an extension of this headcanon)
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renee-writer · 9 months
Hilarious with more than a hint of truth
🚨😂 Public service announcement
If you are new to Georgia, we are about to experience a “ Georgia Winter”. This is 6 or 7 days of cold, maybe some ice ❄️☃️and snow🌨. Meteorologist will threaten snow, And It may snow and it may not, but if they say 2 inches it could be 10 or it could be 1/2”. It doesn’t matter how much ❄️ Snow it is, we’ll all freak out 🤦‍♀️ because we don’t see snow often.
The threat of snow (or ice) is your prompt to head to the grocery store and buy milk 🥛, eggs 🥚and bread 🍞. It doesn’t matter if you need these items or not you will just buy them 🤷‍♀️ (milk sandwiches🥪 anyone 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣). It’s just what we do. Rest assured that everyone in town will be there.
You’ll also need to make a mad dash for faucet covers and finding them and getting out of the store will be like an episode of the hunger games 😂 You’re in the redneck district. 🤷‍♀️😂🤣🤪
Don’t look for a sled. You won’t find one. In the rare chance we get enough ice or snow to sled grab some cardboard 📦 or a trash 🗑 can lid and go find the nearest hill.
Just go with it.
You’ll be fine. 😳
We don’t have equipment to handle the winter and weather. The roads will be a mess and even though the state has been telling you for a week they’re ready, they’re not and it won’t work. Just stay home if you can and if you can’t just come to terms with the fact that nobody here knows how to drive in snow and ice.
Whatever you do, DO NOT⚠️🚫 talk about snow tires.
If you happen to slide off the road or get stuck, turn your flashers on, take a deep breath and wait. Two Dudes 🧔‍♂️👨‍🦰 in a four wheel drive truck will be along in no time to offer assistance. Don’t try to help them, they live for this stuff 😂🤪, and will do what they can to get you back on the road. If either one of them screams “hey y’all watch this " just get back and get your phone out and start recording, you’ll probably have a viral video for TicTok later 🤷‍♀️😂
No matter what you do, don’t talk about how they did it back home in any of these scenarios.
Nobody cares.
You live in Georgia now.
Georgians know they live in the greatest state in the country and it’s our way or the highway.
When we act like we’re going to die and start to complain about the 7 days of winter just shut up, we’re serious and we don’t care how much you love it.
You’ll be back in flip flops 🩴 within a week to ten days and it’ll be nice until right around Easter 🐰.
Georgia’s “second winter” will be 2 or 3 days and will hit right around Easter🐰, usually the week before or the week after. This will hit right around the time you plant flowers and a garden🍅🌽🫑🥒🫛
We know you’re not from around here when we see you’ve planted flowers before Easter and before the “second winter” has hit.
This is why all the people at the nursery don’t sound like us when you’re shopping for plants.
We know better.
During second winter it’ll go from 70 to 25 and you’ll experience all four seasons in one day.
This too shall pass, get used to it and when second winter is over you can enjoy the 3-4 Days🤪 of “spring”🌈☔️⚘️🪻 before summer gets here and it’ll be melt your face off 🥵hot until sometime around Halloween 👻🎃.
All 💯 Facts.
Enjoy 😉 🤷‍♀️😂
Copied & Shared!
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acertainmoshke · 1 year
Late Happy WBW!
Tell me about plants in your world. Anything about them!
Hi, Aki! Have I mentioned how obsessed I am with your icon? The little ghosties are so adorable.
I think I've already talked enough about the Halara flower, so today I'm going to go into some detail on trees. Most of the trees in the mountain forests of Halara are thick and sturdy with big leaves that change color as you would expect. But there used to be one particular type of tree, a form of aspen except the leaves were reddish instead of yellowish and they grew best on the valley side of the mountain.
There was a unique symbiotic relationship between these trees and slimes. Slimes reproduce by leaving little buds, part of their bodies, behind. These trees were the only things that the buds could grow on safeley--they were the perfect texture for them to cling to, they were rich in exactly the right nutrients for them to grow well, they were the right shape to protect them from the elements, etc.
The problem is that several hundred years before the start of the story, these trees started going extinct. There was some deforestation, but that wasn't the main problem. The problem was that the trees were getting sick and it spread between them quickly, killing off any slime buds growing on them. Within 2 slime generations, they no longer had a way to reproduce. Not with any degree of certainty, at least; other trees could be used but buds were more likely to die and almost certain to be weak as an adult.
Prior to this the slimes had been fairly isolated from the other mountain beings, but they were desperate and sought help from the beings nearest to them geographically, the elms. Who, it turned out, happen to have a similar blend of nutrients in their skin and can protect any buds growing on them because they can think and plan. So they agreed to act as nurseries for (not yet sentient) slime buds. It also turned out the slime buds are good for healing wounds, so they kind of use them as tiny cute bandaids.
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cricketnationrise · 2 years
Fragment Friday (actually on a friday!)
So @indomitable-love tagged me last week and I was insanely busy and then @cha-melodius tagged me this week and I am less busy so here we go! The first three are from active wips, and the last two are eventually going to get worked on, so get pumped to see some of these relatively soon!
i'm tagging @weneedtotalkaboutfic @parvuls @the-lincyclopedia @clottedcreamfudge and @everwitch-magiks because i'm nosy 💜
RWRB Mummy AU:
“Face it old bean, if we don’t find someone in the next ten minutes, I’m going back to the hotel. There was an angel masquerading as a bartender and I’ll be damned if I miss my shot because you were skulking around looking for a guide to Hamunaptra.”
“Would you keep your voice down? We don’t need everyone in the nearest square kilometer to know what we’re up to.”
“Absolutely not. My voice is the perfect volume for every situation!” Pez booms, ignoring the dirty looks of the market vendors he had drowned out. 
“I’m deadly serious, Percy,”
“—oooh, full name—”
“—we need to find a guide to the City of the Dead, today, or this whole expedition—”
“You’re looking for the City of the Dead? Why on earth would you want a guide to a fucking myth?”
2. OMGCP March/April snowed in prompt:
She reads the email canceling classes and makes the decision to ignore her inbox for the day, and goes back to sleep for another hour.
Well, she tries to.
“APRIL WE HAVE A SNOW DAY APRIL SNOW DAY!” March’s yells are loud enough to wake the dead, not to mention the rest of the volleyball house. Giving up on the extra sleep, April heaves herself out of bed and yanks the door open.
“Oh good you’re up!” chirps March. “Get dressed, I have a whole plan for us today.”
“It couldn’t have waited an hour?”
March just grins. “Absolutely not, I’ve been planning this since the season ended.”
3. RWRB sentient brownstone AU:
It’s a very odd sensation, having half of It’s occupants not present half the time. Sometimes it’s like part of The Brownstone is missing – original flooring pulled up during a renovation. Sometimes it’s like part of It is numb – a nursery closed up before witnessing new life.
When Alex is here, The Brownstone feels like It’s foundations have just been poured, like the bricks just got repointed, like a fresh coat of paint in every room. Henry and Alex fill It’s rooms with laughter and kisses and piano music and Mexican aromas and sex and comfortable bickering and celebrations and comfort and books and just – love.
But inevitably, Alex has to leave and It and Henry are left alone again. When Alex is gone, The Brownstone feels every one of It’s one hundred and fifty-two years pressing down. His absence feels like warped floorboards, like crumbling grout, like peeling wallpaper.
4. Tortall/Emelan Kel/Daja Tattoo AU:
As she pushed open the door, Kel was greeted by a welcome rush of cool air and soft tones from a wind chime just inside the door frame. The lobby was vastly different from what she had expected from a tattoo parlor. It had honey-colored wood floors, seating covered with cozy looking blankets, a huge tapestry of a thunderstorm behind the counter, and plants on every available surface. The counter itself was a piece of art: at least two different kinds of metal that had been painstakingly worked and twisted to look like the roots of a giant tree, and a dark walnut wood top, polish gleaming under the lights. In any other space it would dominate the room, but somehow everything seemed in harmony. Kel instantly felt at home, lingering nerves about getting a tattoo leaving her as she moved further into the space. 
“Hi there! Welcome to Winding Circle Tattoos, how can I help you?” asked the blonde girl behind the counter. 
“I’ve got a consult with Daja Kisubo? I’m Keladry Mindelan.”
5. OMGCP offseason 🍑 🍆 series zimbits (Explicit):
“Crisse, Bits,” Jack pants, “I think I’m dead now.”
Bitty giggles helplessly and hides his face in the crook of Jack’s neck. “That would be a shame, sweetheart, we haven’t even started on your wish list yet.”
Jack groans and Bitty can feel Jack’s dick twitch in interest, still inside him. “If I hadn’t just come, that would have done it.”
Bitty snickers and carefully lifts himself off Jack’s cock, cringing a bit at the empty feeling. He grabs a few wipes from the nightstand and starts cleaning both of them up. He knows he’s the one who brought it up, but Bitty’s definitely going to need something to do with his hands to get through this conversation.
“Lord knows you gave me that list and I sort of just pounced on you once I got to the end, but we should probably have a real conversation about it.”
“And you picked now?” Jack asks, incredulous.
“Well, I guess we can at least shower and get dressed before gettin’ into the gritty details of the highly kinky off-season sex you want to have.”
“That’s the least you can do.”
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frisellasnursery · 9 months
Designing an Edible Landscape: The Perfect Blend of Functionality and Aesthetics
In the realm of gardening, creating an edible landscape is a unique endeavor that combines the practicality of homegrown produce with the visual appeal of a well-designed garden. This approach not only provides a sustainable source of fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs but also enhances the overall beauty of your property. Shared by Frisella Nursery, here’s how to design an edible landscape that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
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onesaltysir · 2 years
It's spring! Time to say hello to our pollinator friends!
Give back to bees! You can: - Fill a dish with marbles, add some water, and then set it outside to make sure our little friends get plenty of water. - Use natural pesticides if using them at all! - Plant a bee garden! You don't even have to grow it from seeds, if you don't want to. Just go to your nearest nursery and grab some flowers! - While you're at that nursery, go ahead and get a baby tree too! Just for fun and also bees like trees. - Make a bumble box! For mine, I just strapped a bunch of bamboo pieces together. It took a while for them to find, of course, but it was a hit with independent species last year, so time for me to make more and just place them around. - Be sure to support your local bee keepers! They sell several things from honey, to beeswax, and even soap! Some even sell raw honeycomb, which is backed by theories in that it may help with seasonal allergies. Happy conservation!
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frankenshane · 2 years
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i found a california wild rose at the nearest native plant nursery and i’m so excited to go back there for more plants!
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ispravahomes · 11 days
Power of Indoor Plants
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All our lives we have been told that greens have a ton of benefits. In terms of design, plants are as important accessories in the space as any other home decor proves to be. Whether you place the plant pots in a corner, or hang them or display it on a wall shelf, they will help give you a green thumb and build your skills. 
If the visual appeal of plants is not enough to convince you of their capabilities then we have listed the biggest reasons why you need to go buy numerous plants from your nearest nursery. 
Low maintenance 
The first and most significant reason that you should get an indoor plant is that they do not require any gardening skills and hard work that goes behind nurturing it. Got a long weekend plan or going on a romantic weekend getaway but worried whether your plant will survive without your attention? Do not stress, all your plant needs is a source of indirect light and a drainage hole in its pot and you are good to go! Most indoor plants only need to be watered when the soil turns dry which is usually twice or less in a week. 
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Visit Isprava to read more.
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greenwoodnursery1 · 20 days
Bulk Plant Orders Made Easy: Wholesale Nursery Near Me
Need an immense supply of plants for your next landscaping project? Look no further than a wholesale nursery near me. We specialize in providing bulk plants at cheap pricing to contractors, garden stores, and enterprises. With our easy ordering procedure and quick shipping options, you can be confident that your plants will arrive in excellent shape and ready to be planted. Choose our nearest wholesale nursery today and enjoy the convenience and savings!
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