#ncis preference
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aaronswifey · 1 year ago
How you sleep
Part 1
Criminal minds:
Aaron Hotchner:
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Spencer Reid:
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Derek Morgan:
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Luke Alvez:
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Matt Simmons:
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Jennifer Jareau:
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Emily Prentiss:
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Tara Lewis:
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Penelope Garcia:
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Jimmy Palmer:
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multifandomfix · 2 years ago
How They Ask You Out (NCIS Preference)
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Abby Sciuto: Abby approaches you about a hundred times in one day, usually not even getting a word out before turning around and walking off, but she finally manages to ask you out for pizza and a horror movie marathon by the end of the day.
Ducky Mallard: Though most people would definitely see it as the wrong time, Ducky asks you out over a body. It’s just a simple, casual request that you join him for coffee/tea/etc.
Jenny Shepard: Jenny leaves a nicely written sticky note on your desk, inviting you to dinner and also to her office to let her know whether or not you’ve accepted so she can either keep or cancel her reservation.
Jethro Gibbs: Gibbs is the most direct. And it almost skews a bit towards him telling you that you’re going out with him, rather than him asking. But it’s not as if you were going to refuse him anyway.
Tony DiNozzo: Tony asks you out about sixteen times a day, just to rile you up. But when he’s serious about getting you to say yes, he’ll promise you dinner, drinks and maybe a movie back at his place if you’re up for it.
For @baubeautyandthegeek
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NCIS: @esposamultifandom, @iciclesandsnow, @floresferae, @melliemat3416, @abitchnamedtia
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television-overload · 9 months ago
The Jeanne Benoit arc is so brutally painful to watch, like it tears me apart I get so conflicted emotionally
On one hand, I love seeing Tony growing up, opening his heart (foolishly and accidentally), getting an idea of what he's like in a romantic relationship (I keep saying "I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THIS BUT WITH ZIVA" every few minutes—he's SO sweet)
But on the other hand, it's like watching a train wreck. Can't look away, but you know disaster is imminent. Pain all around. Ziva is worried out of her mind. Flirting had been dialed up to 10. Tony is hiding secrets from everybody and his heart is stretched thin. Everyone is gonna get hurt, so every sweet moment is like a knife in the gut. You know Jeanne doesn't deserve this. And ultimately the woman Tony needs is right there worrying for his health and well being, but they're just babies and have no clue what's in store for them.
It makes me SICK
Excellent TV, 10/10, they don't make em like this anymore. Where's the Tylenol
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djkerr · 2 months ago
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Well, who can say no to that? 🥞
(part 1)
NCIS 20x01 A Family Matter
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glenncoco4 · 2 years ago
Okay but do we want Mama B to show up to the wedding with Arkady or do we want her to show up at the house to pick them up right when Kensi tells Deeks and she walks in on them crying or kissing or both?
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dodgebolts · 2 years ago
im sorry ncis anon again i have to come back and talk about how much i love ncis because like i was raised watching ncis basically like my prents would watch it after i went to sleep and soemtimes i would sneak out and watch it with them and so like it just holds a special place in my heart like regardless of all the....9/11 stuff and all that nonsense i just love all the characters and the little fwoomp between commercial breaks and the small character likes please i love them dearly (even tony he can be an asshat but yoi have to understand that hes my asshat ^•^)
ANON THAT’S SO CUTE ☹️🫶 I binge watched it all in one go on Netflix a couple of years ago so I never really got the experience of commercials but you’re so right about Tony he has extreme himboisms that endear him to me even if he’s an idiot a lot of the time
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blogger360ncislarules · 2 years ago
Weighing the pros and cons of a sequel movie on P+
I doubt any of us can deny that that ending is the perfect set up for a sequel movie on P+. Here is what I believe are the pros and cons of such a possibility:
1, Unlimited run time. Not restricted to 42 minutes with endless ads!
2, A whole movie focused on saving Hetty, all that time for important scenes like hugging, kisses, ‘I love yous’, O,M,G!! The gifs that could made and the fics that could be written would be awesome!!!
1, Streaming services have virtually no restrictions on content. While that may sound good to some, it makes me a little uneasy. A lot of mature content tends to dilute some shows.
2, I know certain words that can’t be said on network TV can be said on P+, but between you and me, I’m not interested in hearing everyone drop F bombs at any moment.
3, The possibility of hot sex scenes. Yeah, I’m sure I know some that would basically drool over the thought of hot sex scenes featuring their favorite couple. But me? I really don’t want to see HBO level sex between anyone, because it feels so unneeded.
And the 1 con that concerns me the most:
The more possibility of more graphic violence.
Yeah, I know this show had it’s dark moments. But at least they weren’t happening all the time! The no restrictions bit means that this movie could be more darker, more brutal, and more grisly then the Vietnam arc. And I absolutely shudder to think of how ugly it could get if a certain writer whose last name is Military wrote the movie! A long running torture fest may sound good for the angst lovers, but not to me.
Would it be awesome to get a sequel movie showing the rescue mission? Absolutely. I just hope the writers don’t go overboard with the mature content. Because this show did great without needing to be really explicit, and it’d be best to stay that way.
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tivajunkie · 2 years ago
Turns out family dinner is tonight, which means I got to see the LA series finale but I have to miss the NCIS season finale. 😞
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months ago
The Ice Queen: Leroy Jethro Gibbs x Reader (NCIS: Origins)
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Tagging: @kmc1989
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The first time Gibbs lays eyes on you, you’re standing there at the edge of the crime scene on the beach, staring into the sea. Despite the fact he’d lost Shannon and Kelly only months before he can still appreciate your beauty, even through the scope of the sniper rifle he’s using to emulate the shooter’s position.
“Whose she?” He asks Randy, who uses his hand to shield his eyes against the glare of the sun coming in through the open window.
“Medical Examiner.” Randy responds, his gaze falling back to the information he’s scribbling down on the notepad.  
“Her attention’s in the wrong direction.” Gibbs remarks, his finger tensing on the trigger out of habit.
Your hair blows in the wind, before you turn your attention back towards the tent that’s been set up to conceal the bodies out of view of the reporters. He tracks you with the rifle until you disappear inside before exhaling and releasing the trigger.
When he gets back down onto the sand, he’s almost forgotten about you. He’s too busy playing the angles, calculating the order of the victims when he steps into the tent and there you are arguing with task force agent Jacob Landsford. He wants you to release the bodies over to them instead of taking it back to NIS and you’re refusing until you hear from the director.
He hates the way that Landsford towers over you, how he uses his height to loom, to bully. His voice is loud and it echoes through the tent like an airhorn as he jabs his finger into your face.
“Sweetheart, you better sign that damn paperwork or so help me god-”
“Oh honey…” You drawl, spitting the word like it’s acid. Your eyes burn with a ferocity that is age old, one that every single woman who has been spoken down to by a man feels. “God ain’t gonna help you, not with this.”
He watches as the others man’s fist clenches, the skin turning white as it stretches across the knuckles.  
“You can’t speak to me that way…”
“When you start playing nice, I’ll start playing nice.” You tell Landsford, checking the watch on your wrist. “Now if you excuse me, I have to take these guys-” You gesture at the bagged bodies.  “-back to my morgue, where I can do my autopsies.”
The fist grows tighter and for a second Gibbs thinks Landsford is actually going to strike you. He wants to, he can feel it in the fibre of his being. His own body tenses, his muscles coiling but you tilt your head to one side, your gaze lowering to his fist.
“You wanna hit me, hit me.” You say jutting your chin up to meet his gaze. “I can guarantee I’ll punch back harder.”
He isn’t sure whether you mean physically or professionally but either way it makes Landsford pause. There’s silence for a moment, his gaze penetrating into yours and you don’t flinch, not for a single second.
“Everything they say about you is true.” Landsford snarls, jabbing his finger at you. “You’re a frigid fucking bitch.”
“I prefer the term ice queen.” You remark dryly. “Isn’t that what they call me up there in that office of yours while you’re measuring dicks?”
Landsford doesn’t speak, instead he turns his back on you, his eyes meeting Gibbs’s on the way out.
“Watch out for her.” He says, jerking his thumb at you. “She’ll tear your fucking cock off.”
“I’d be have to go looking for it first.” You snort, placing your hand on your hip. “Now fuck off so I can get some work done.”
Landsford does but not before giving you the middle finger.
“He always like that with you?” Gibbs asks, watching the other man disappear through the flap.
“Comes with the territory.” You say, shrugging your shoulders. “He’s not the first he won’t be the last.”
He wants to ask if you find it exhausting but he’s new here, barely finding his feet. He doesn’t feel competent enough to discuss the gender politics of NIS with you just yet.
“Sorry. I should have introduced myself.” He says holding out his hand to shake yours. “I’m Gibbs, Agent Gibbs.”
“Maeve.” You say, taking his hand. Your grasp is firm, stronger than most of the men whose hands he’s shaken recently.  “But like you heard, they call me the Ice Queen.”
Love Gibbs? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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aaronswifey · 1 year ago
How you hug: NCIS
Jimmy Palmer:
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Anthony DINozzo:
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Ziva David:
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Leroy Jethro Gibbs:
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Timothy McGee:
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storiesofsvu · 23 days ago
Yes Daddy
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Abigail Borin x fem!reader warnings: language, smut, fingering, dirty talk, daddy kink, minor derogatory dirty talk/praise, semi public sex? A couple of prompts/requests thrown together. This took way too long from the initial "daddy!borin must be written" to the actual writing LOL. 3.3k
You were no stranger to the CGIS office, often dropping Abi off in the morning or waiting in the parking lot to pick her up after a long haul day, occasionally swinging through to drop something off that the other woman had forgotten at home or to make sure she actually ate her lunch. You knew her team and most of the administration around the building, making it pretty easy for you to come and go as you pleased. Today, bored out of your mind at home, you figured there was no harm in paying your wife a visit, she’d been over stressed about this case after all. Besides, her lunch was still sitting on the counter where you’d placed it while she got ready that morning. What kind of wife would you be if you let her starve?
Abi’s preferred take out and a tray of actually good coffee in your hand, you breezed past the reception desk with a warm smile before heading down the hallways to her office. The door was open just a smidge, nudging open a tad further when you rapped on the wood.
“What?” The irritation in her voice was present as you shouldered the door the rest of the way open.
“Rough day?” You asked and the annoyance immediately fell from her face, replaced with a tired smile.
“Would be a hell of a lot better if we weren’t working this case with NCIS.” She grumbled, closing her laptop before pushing it to the side of her desk.
“That DiNozzo guy a thorn in your side again?”
“A thorn in everyone’s side and always.”
“Sucky.” You let out a small sigh, moving through the room to place the bag and drinks down on her desk, “hopefully lunch will help.”
“Believe me, this will.” She swiped a Styrofoam cup with one hand, taking a hefty swig as the other reached out to intertwine your fingers with hers, giving you a tender squeeze, “thank you.”
“Can’t let my favourite girl go hungry, now can I?” Your free hand braced on her shoulder as you leant over to kiss her, breathing her in as your lips moved against her.
“Now that definitely does help.” A smirk took over her lips as you let out a laugh, leaning against the side of her desk.
Rather than turn her attention to lunch or back to work, Abi’s eyes lingered on your body, flicking down to the pair of heels on your feet, slowly dragging up your bare legs to the hem of your dress before they roamed over your curves, lingering just a touch on your chest before finally catching your gaze again. You felt the fire pulsing through you, a tingle starting in your lower stomach as heat crept onto your cheeks at the way she was looking at you. Sure, you’d shown up under false pretenses but you hadn’t expected Abi to take the bait, especially without making you work for it first.
Her tongue darted out, wetting her lower lip and pulling your full attention as she leant back in her chair, “what’d you bring me?”
“Hmm?” You blinked rapidly, pulling yourself out of the daydream as your eyes darted away from her lips.
“What’s in the bag?” She asked with a small chuckle, finger pointing toward the takeout you’d placed down on her desk.
“Salmon bowls from that place on eighth you like so much.”
“A girl after my heart.” She smiled reaching for the bag.
“Pretty sure I already secured that.” You replied with a laugh of your own, circling around to settle in a chair on the opposite side of her desk as she started to empty the bag of its contents.
“Either way, thank you for this. As much as I need a break are you okay if I work through lunch? I need these signed off by the end of the day, I swear I’ll still listen to you ramble though.”
You laughed softly, passing her a fork before prying open your rice bowl, “you do what you’ve got to do. I’m just happy to be here.”
A comfortable silence took over her office as the two of you dug into lunch, the occasional sound of her pen scratching against paperwork or files flipping open and shut. You shared a story or two from your week between bites of food, a general warmth floating through the air as Abi worked.
There was a sudden knock on her door, if you could even call it that, before a man practically fell through the entrance,
“Hey! So I”—
“If you interrupt me one more time, so help me GOD, DiNozzo.” Abi snapped, her fingers tightening around her pen as she glared across the room at him.
“Sorry.” He let out an awkward chuckle, suddenly stalling as his eyes landed on you and they widened briefly before he shot you a devilish grin. “Didn’t realize you had company, hi, Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo.” Extending his hand he started to take a step towards you before Abi’s voice cut through the air like a knife and he froze.
“Don’t even think about it.” She nearly growled, her eyes darkening as they flicked between the two of you.
“Alright.” His hand swung back, running along the side of his hair before he cleared his throat, “no introductions. Got it.”
Abi let out a frustrated sigh, placing the lid back onto her lunch as she glowered at him, “what do you want DiNozzo?”
He paused for a moment, as if wondering whether his questions were actually worth it or not, rocking on his feet before he finally spoke, “just wondering if you’d heard back from the lab?”
“Did I not say I would call when I did?”
“Uh, yes. Yes you did.”
“Then why are you in my office breathing down my neck about it?” She rolled her eyes, “go annoy someone else!”
“Yes ma’am.” He nodded, shooting you another look that was too long for Abi’s liking before he finally left the office.
“Christ.” She muttered, running a hand over her face and you stifled a laugh.
Reading the room, you popped the lid back onto your bowl, sliding it back into the bag as you stood from your chair, “yeah that’s definitely a pain in the ass.”
“You only got the half of it.” She groaned, “lock the door so he doesn’t come back.” You laughed and she finally looked up to find you already on your feet with your bag over your shoulder, “hey… come sit down for a second, you’ve got time.”
“I thought you were busy.” You gestured between the pile of papers and the doorway.
“Baby…” her face softened, a gentle smile on her lips, “you know I’ll always make time for you.”
Returning her smile you quickly locked the door and headed back to your chair and Abi clicked her tongue, your eyes darting up to hers.
“Come sit…” She pushed back from her desk just enough, her legs spreading ever so much and you felt the tingling bursting through your body again, a shy smile on your cheeks as you scurried around her desk.
Abi’s hand closed around your hip, directing you so you were flush to her chest, nestling into her lap so her hand could reach around you to continue signing off on papers. You let out a happy hum, nuzzling into the embrace, getting comfortable on her lap as her free hand wrapped around your middle, holding you to her. Her hand splayed against your stomach through your dress, fingertips rubbing just enough to entice you to let out another sigh, your body relaxing deeper into hers. Her lips suddenly pressed against your neck, lingering for a second before her breath was hot against your skin.
“My sweet girl.” She murmured, “always so patient with me.” Her lips kissed your skin again, “so nice to me, spoiling me by bringing me lunch.”
“Just wanted to make sure you ate.” You murmured back, already lost swimming in the pool of lust that was hazing your brain.
“I’m sure that was all.” Abi nipped at the side of your neck as her hand trailed down your side, “because I don’t feel any panty lines.” Her fingers pinched the fabric of your dress where she should have been able to pluck at the waistband of your underwear, tsk’ing her tongue again.
“No idea what you’re talking about.” You turned your head just far enough to catch her gaze, your eyes dark, lips parted just enough for your tongue to dart out to wet them, “I dressed all nice for you.”
“Don’t look at me like that and then feign innocence.” Abi scolded, her hand slinking further south, toying with the hem of your dress before it disappeared underneath. Her nails scratched your inner thigh, pinching the supple skin as she tormented you, avoiding touching where she knew you wanted it the most. Your breath caught in your throat as her other hand slid up your body, daring to cup your chest and your back arched into her touch. She chuckled darkly, her fingertips finally tracing through your folds. “Just like I thought….” She husked, her breath hot on the shell of your ear, “no panties. You really are daddy’s dirty girl, aren’t you?”
“Mmhmm…” You managed a nod, teeth sinking into your lower lip as Abi’s fingers pinched at your nipple, rolling it between them as she watched your breathing pick up.
“Only dirty girls would show up pretending to bring me lunch when really all they wanted was to show off.” Her finger tips dipped into your pussy, slowly trailing through your wetness before her hands wrapped around your thighs. “But you know how much I love your pussy,” her hands shoved your legs wide open and you fell completely back onto her as your dress rode up over your hips. A gasp escaped your lips as the cool air of the office hit your cunt and your body shivered, “and just how much daddy loves a dirty girl.” Her lips pressed against the column of your neck, “love when you put yourself on display, know how much I love playing with this pretty pussy, don’t you?”
“Y-yes…” Your chest was nearly heaving as she continued to toy with you, fingers trailing through your pussy lips with barely any pressure. You couldn’t help but let out a needy whine, your hips pressing forward into the touch.
Abi chuckled, “poor girl,” the hand she had on your chest pinched again, “I’ve barely touched you and you’re already speechless.” Her teeth sunk into the crook of your neck and you whined, body grinding down onto hers, “words, baby.”
“Please…” you whined again, this one louder than the last.
“Please what?” Abi asked, her finger tapping your clit as it throbbed with need.
“Need you daddy.” You whimpered, your pussy was already pulsing around nothing, you could feel your juices smearing across your inner thighs as heat coursed through your entire body, pleasure clouding your brain. “Need your fingers.”
Abi chuckled softly at just how breathy your voice was, the way you were practically shivering in her arms, the heat she could feel wafting off your skin. She adored when you got like this, completely submitted to her, putty in her hands, willing to do whatever she wanted, wherever she wanted. She knew that in just one of your very rapid heart beats she could have you on your knees between her legs, pleasuring her, getting her off to help relax from her previously stressful day. But that wasn’t what she wanted, she wanted to toy with you, wanted to see the wetness drip down your thighs, wanted to feel the way you clenched down around her, hear the filthy noises coming from your pussy as your teeth sunk into your lip so the entire floor wouldn’t hear your moans.
“Shame I don’t have a strap here,” her fingers began lazily rubbing your clit, “you do always look so gorgeous stuffed with daddy’s cock.”
“Mmmm…” you whined, hips rocking in time with her hand, your back arching into the touch for more pressure, “please daddy…” You could feel tears nearly pricking in the corners of your eyes as your desire built up even higher and higher, your heart racing against your rib cage.
“What?” She taunted, nipping at your earlobe as her fingers pressed harder against your clit, rubbing it more intently, “you wanted my fingers, now you’ve got them.”
To emphasize her point, her free hand began groping at your chest again, yanking the neckline of your dress down to expose your tits, nipples hardening instantly in the cool air. She shifted you slightly in her lap, earning another whimper when her fingers briefly slid off your clit. Though the whimper was soon lost to a breathy gasp when she ducked down, her other hand cupping your chest upwards so she could wrap her mouth around a nipple.
“Fuck…” you muttered, body tingling at the way her tongue flicked across your body, her fingers pressing harder between your legs. Abi groaned against your skin, teeth scraping your chest before her tongue began matching the pace of her fingers, “oh god!” Your head fell back onto her shoulder, lips parted just enough to pant as sparks began flying under your skin, your thighs trembling as Abi brought you to your first peak. A smirk on her lips when her hand slipped deeper between your legs to catch the wetness dripping from your cunt.
“Such a good little slut.” She murmured, nuzzling her nose into your neck before she pressed a trail of kisses into it, watching as you panted, eyes fluttering between shut and open. “Now, go ahead and get daddy’s fingers nice and messy for me.”
The hand she had between your legs lifted up to your open mouth, eagerly slipping between your lips and you groaned around her fingers. Your tongue slid around them, tasting yourself, coating every millimetre with spit, sucking them further into your mouth, muffled moans getting louder with each pull. The cloud of your first orgasm was beginning to dissipate and all you could think about was the pulsing of your pussy and how badly you wanted it to be full.
Abi finally pulled her fingers from your mouth, satisfied with your work, “good girl.” Her other hand swiftly wrapped around your waist, lifting you from her lap and bending you over her desk, “now you’re gonna take it like the slut you are, right?”
“Yes!” You gasped, your nipples hardening against the wood, “yes, daddy.”
“That’s what I thought.” Her spit slicked fingers trailed up your inner thighs as she stood from her chair, stepping closer to you and you could feel the heat from her body right on your exposed skin. “My dirty girl.” She cooed, leaning over you to press a kiss between your shoulder blades as her fingers finally sunk into your pussy.
“Fuck…” the low swear came out in a very satisfied groan, your eyes fluttering shut as your cunt pulsed around her digits. Your hips rocked back toward her with each push of her hand until her own body was rocking against you, her hips bumping into your ass each time her fingers disappeared inside you.
“That’s it baby,” she purred, “doing so good for me.” Her hips crashed into yours, sending you jerking into the side of her desk, a small whine leaving your lips and you heard her chuckle again. “You can take it.” She murmured, gently biting at your shoulder before she picked up the pace.
“Oh god!” You bit down onto your knuckles in an attempt to muffle your noises, letting the ones squelching from your pussy fill the office instead. Abi let out a low groan at the sight of her fingers coated in your juices, her hips rocking faster against yours as her fingers swiftly moved in and out.
“Can’t wait to get you home baby.” She grunted, “get you completely naked, underneath me just like this while you squirt all over my thick cock.”
She could feel you squeezing around her already, a sheen of sweat shimmered across your body and your thighs were already starting to shake. Your juices were dripping down her wrist and it was becoming harder and harder to contain any noises as fire raced through your nerves. Her free hand moved around your waist, quickly finding your clit again and she began to rub it at the same pace she was fucking you. The fingers inside you curled, once, twice, and on the third time you gasped, your eyes shooting open when she found the spot.
“Oh fuck! Yes daddy….” Your mouth slammed shut again, whimpers daring to break free, “god. Don’t stop.” Your eyes scrunched shut again as your entire body began to tingle, “fuck, right—there!”
Your pussy pulsed again and again, clenching down harder around Abi’s fingers with each pass of her hand, her fingertips pressing into the sensitive spot harder each time. Her hips jerked into yours again, this time stilling, pinning you to the side of the desk, grinding against you while her hands reduced you to a whining mess. The hand she had wrapped around you spanked your clit, the first one brought a gasp from between your lips, the second had your pussy trembling, and the third brought a burst of juices soaking her other hand as you hit your peak again.
“Fuck!” You grunted, your body shaking against the desk as Abi’s hand slowed, gently fucking you through your orgasm.
“That’s it baby.” She leant over you again, pressing soft kisses down the exposed part of your spine, “so fucking hot when you come for me.” Her tongue swiped up your back before she nipped at the crook of your neck, “I just love it when you make a mess of yourself.”
You could only whimper in response, your body going slack, limbs nearly feeling like jello as the post sex haze began to sink into your brain. Abi kept a steady hand on your waist to keep you still while the other reached out for a couple of tissues, gently cleaning you up. She wiped your thighs dry, softly patting your puffy pussy, a small smirk on her cheeks at the noise you let out and the way you shuddered at the contact. Once she was satisfied with her work she dropped back into her chair, tugging you with her to fall into her lap.
“Feel good?” She asked, a tender kiss left on the side of your neck before readjusting the neckline of your dress, hand smoothing the fabric all the way down, making sure you were properly covered and composed.
“Mmhm.” You nodded, finally able to turn your head to kiss her properly.
“Good.”  She murmured against your lips, stealing another kiss while her hands trailed patterns up and down your sides. She waited until you had fully caught your breath and the life was coming back into your eyes before she pinched at your side, nudging your hips, “now, you better hurry up and get home.”
“Why?” You asked, nearly pouting as you turned to face her, finding a devilish grin on her lips.
“Don’t you remember? I have plans for you.” She stated, as if she had it penciled into your shared calendar on the fridge. She slid her laptop across her desk, opening it again to turn her attention back to it like she hadn’t just fucked you in the exact same spot.
“Oh?” You dared to raise a brow in question.
“Yes.” She glanced up at you, “I want you ready and waiting. Naked. With that pretty pussy on display for me. And I want it absolutely soaking, am I clear? You go home and play with yourself, come as many times as you want, just remember I’m going to make you come so hard the entire block will know who you belong to.” Her eyes flicked up and down your body and you felt a shiver travel through you, “now don’t make me tell you twice or I won’t just tie you to the bedframe, I’ll punish you too.”
“Yes daddy.” _______________ Love Abi and don't want to miss out? Join the taglist here! Liked what you read? Support your author. <3 _____________
@svulife-rl rl @giftedchildturns40 @mickey-gomez @clarawatson @hbkpop @momlifebehard @temilyrights @alexxavicry @ladysc @dextur @disneyfan624 @happenstnces @onmykneesformarvel @desperate-gay @daddy-heather-dunbar @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @wittygutsy @chimnlex @nilaues @maximoffcarter @i-lovefandom @chimnlex @ralla-ralla @chestnutninny @baubeautyandthegeek
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krispycreamcake · 8 months ago
Laito Sakamaki bf headcanons♤♤
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🃏- Ok so uhhhhh let's all just be honest with ourselves
🃏- I really really do enjoy his character and its development, but this man would not exactly be the best boyfriend
🃏- Obviously all diaboys have their extremely toxic flaws, so I'm gonna be as unbiased as I can and give him a worthy depiction
🃏- Depending on your personality and how you've acted towards him, I see him as someone who usually seeks out your comfort in trying times
🃏- It's moments like these where he's so unaccustomed to being vulnerable that he'll have a slight panic attack that you'll betray him
🃏- Luckily however, the more your relationship grows, the less that feeling will be there, but it will definitely take time
🃏- He's definitely asked you to shower with him multiple times, but for different reasons
🃏- Like sometimes he's genuinely so at peace to finally be naked and not hate himself after, or to share something so intimate with you that isn't sex
🃏- Let's be real, sex isn't something special for him, it's just a regular Saturday night
🃏- But knowing that he gets to share it for the first time in his life with someone who he feels safe around, is something he can get behind
🃏- Has you sit on his lap while you both do crossword puzzles together
🃏- Doesn't seem like the type who enjoys making big meals, so he prefers to take you out to eat if it's a special occasion
🃏- Honestly loves talking to you late at night(?) Or morning or whatever it is
🃏- He enjoys the honesty of the conversations and the fact that he doesn't need to see through you, you're just reading to him the pages of your mind
🃏- Watches shows like NCIS, Law and Order, Dexter, etc. He begssss you to watch it with him and catches you up to speed with the episodes
🃏- Realistically, he doesn't always want to cuddle and be in your space. Some nights he just needs time alone for whatever reason and teases you when you get lonely
🃏- Extremely clingy when he's having a hard time keeping his mask on so he tries to play it off as just his normal behaviour (if you know him well enough, you'd immediately catch on)
🃏- Give him well thought out gifts and he'll start planning your future together
🃏- Talks about growing old together and having kids
🃏- Speaking of, you're not dying to old human age on his watch. Whether you want to become a vampire or not, he will turn you into one, you are not leaving his side
🃏- Dry ass texts when he's fully awake and long ass convos when he's about to pass out
🃏- Helps you learn how to play sudoku but will purposely give you wrong tips the first time around so he can flaunt how good he is
🃏- Doesn't understand why you like it when he wears his glasses and insists he looks like an otaku
🃏- Late night walks away from the manor so you both can moon gaze and enjoy the serenity of nature
🃏- One time when Ayato bit you, you insisted that instead of causing drama, he try something more civil (He put laxatives in his Gatorade before a basketball match against another school)
🃏- Also on a related note, really enjoys pranking you and encourages you to prank him back
🃏- For some reason I can imagine him getting really into butterflies and their anatomy. I personally think he has his own sketchbook where he draws them and makes notes on the different species
🃏- Loves to fly kites, he does not care whether you're with him or not, will fly a kite because why not
🃏- Watches mukbangs with you and even chooses the next couple videos
🃏- Jokes about you starting an OF, but had a nightmare that your dream partner found you and whisked you away from him like a prince in shinning armour
🃏- He enjoys playing hand games with you. Yeah idk why I thought about this but it seems to fit
🃏- Enjoys seeing you wear modest clothes. Not because he's picturing the underneath, but he knows you're gorgeous because you can pull being modest AND being naked off
🃏- Wants a Shiba Inu as a pet someday
🃏- He really tries to love you even if he does hurt you from time to time
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jilyandbambi · 2 years ago
The drastic thing: digitizing his VHS collection and moving all the old tapes to storage.
I have this head canon where, after ending things with Ray, Ziva is like a lot of women who have the impulse to do something drastic to their hair to deal with a bad break-up. Tony gets wind of this somehow, maybe catches her looking at haircuts on her phone, and immediately starts talking her out of it. But she's adamant, tired of the upkeep to maintain it. He's adamant she reconsider, and when she pushes him for a reason, it comes out how much he loves her hair, especially when she allows it to be curly (which of course Ray didn't prefer). Ziva already suspected this, but that he was vulnerable and admitted it to her shows how much they are growing. So they make a deal, she will not cut her hair (and will wear it natural more often) if Tony does something drastic in her place...
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alisonsfics · 1 year ago
old college flame
pairing: tony dinozzo x ex-girlfriend!reader
summary: you and tony had dated in college. you were the only serious girlfriend he ever had. after going your separate ways, you got a job working at the FBI, which means you hadn’t seen tony since. until NCIS and the FBI have to collaborate on a case.
word count: 2.3k
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“Agent Fornell, is NCIS aware that we are assisting them on this case? You’ve told me how Agent Gibbs doesn’t like other agencies to step on his toes.” You asked your boss.
You both were currently in the elevator, riding up to the NCIS squad room. You had never worked with NCIS in all your years at the agency, and you wanted to know what to expect.
“Yes, Agent Gibbs invited us on to this case.” He informed you.
The elevator doors dinged, and you both stepped out. You followed after Fornell, since he knew his way around NCIS headquarters. “Agent Gibbs, pleasure to work with you again.” Your boss said, walking into a room with four desks.
Gibbs stood up and shook Fornell’s hand. “You must be Agent L/N. Tobias told be about you. You’ve been at the FBI for six years now?” He asked. You nodded, politely, and shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, sir.” You said, simply.
Gibbs gestured behind you. “That’s Special Agent McGee, and this is Ziva David.” He explained. They both came over and shook your hand.
“I read your paper about using satellite images during investigations. I thought it was really interesting.” You told McGee. He was flattered. “I’m actually working on that now trying to analyze images around our crime scene. I can show you, if you like. I could use a second opinion.” He offered.
You quickly nodded and agreed. “Here, let me borrow my colleague’s chair. He won’t mind, he has a thing for beautiful women.” McGee said, wheeling the chair from the empty desk over to his own desk.
You took a seat, and he showed you the screen. “I’ve been looking at this radius between the two crimes because we think the suspect lives in the area.” He explained, pointing at the circles on the map.
“We have an unsolved case from a few years ago that I think might be related.” You said, pulling the file out of your bag and showing it to him.
“It matches the other two crimes, and it took place right around here.” You said, gesturing towards the map.
McGee glanced over the file before typing in the third location. “That narrows our search area down by a lot.” He said, glancing over at Gibbs.
“Up on the screen, McGee,” Gibbs said, gesturing at the tv. From behind you, you heard the elevator doors ding.
“Probie, where’s my chair?” You heard a loud voice ask. The voice sounded familiar to you, but you weren’t sure why.
You turned around to see who was talking. “It’s being borrowed by Agent—” McGee started to say, as you turned around and made eye contact with Tony.
“Y/N,” Tony said, almost at a whisper. He was standing completely still, just staring. You were also frozen in your seat.
“You two know each other?” Gibbs asked, curious as to why you both were just staring at each other.
“College,” you both said at the same time.
You and Tony had dated for two years in college. He was your first real love, and you were his. You broke up because you were moving to different cities. You both preferred having a mutual breakup instead of your relationship deteriorating from doing long distance and ending with a messy breakup.
Gibbs and Fornell both snapped to get you both out of your trances.
“McGee, you and Agent L/N go work with Abby on this map. Tony and Ziva start looking into the cold case.” Gibbs delegated.
You stood up from your seat and walked over to Tony. “Hi,” you said, giving him a soft smile. You handed him the file, and he returned the smile. “It���s nice to see you,” he responded, left just as speechless as you were.
“Right this way,” McGee said, showing you to the elevator. You followed after him, looking back over your shoulder and making eye contact with Tony.
You and McGee stepped into the elevator. “So, you know Tony?” McGee asked you. You nodded your head. “Yeah, you could say that. Or at least I used to,” you told him.
“You two haven’t seen each other since college?” McGee asked, curiously. He had never seen Tony as shaken up as he was when he saw you.
“Yeah, I think so,” you said, as though you didn’t specifically remember the last time you saw Tony.
It was when you brought Tony to the airport. He was leaving for DC. You both knew it’d be the last time you saw each other. It was the only time you’d seen Tony cry. You had a Hallmark-movie emotional kiss.
And you hadn’t seen him since.
You and McGee stepped out of the elevator and walked down a hallway. You both walked into Abby’s lab. Then, you noticed Abby.
She was typing on her computer, facing away from you both. “Hi, Abby.” McGee said as you both entered the room.
“McGee, did you hear? Ziva called me. Something about Tony acting weird around some girl. I was thinking secret ex-girlfriend, but that doesn’t really feel like Tony—” Abby started rambling, before McGee interrupted.
“Abby,” McGee said, loudly. He gave you a look of sympathy. Abby turned around, and her eyes went wide.
“Abby, meet Agent L/N from the FBI,” McGee introduced you.
Abby had a terrified look in her eyes. “See, you might think I was talking about you, but I was actually talking about someone else.” She lied, trying to smooth things over.
“Hey, don’t worry about it. I get it,” you assured her. She looked relieved. The three of you discussed the map for a few minutes, and then McGee got a phone call.
“Boss wants me upstairs,” He said, leaving the lab.
“Hey, I’m sorry about earlier.” Abby apologized again. You gave her a polite smile. “You really don’t have to worry about it. Also, I thought you’d want to know that you were right.” You told her.
Her eyebrows furrowed, and you could tell from her expression that she was confused. “Wait, about what?” She asked you.
“Tony,” you said, simply.
She still looked confused for another minute, and then her eyes lit up. “You’re Tony’s ex-girlfriend? You two actually dated?” Abby asked, excitedly.
You could tell how shocked she was. She ran and grabbed two chairs for you both to sit on. You took a seat, giggling at her excitement.
“So, Tony actually had a girlfriend? Like a serious girlfriend?” She asked you. You nodded your head. “Two years serious,” you replied.
Abby was shocked. She’d never heard Tony talk about a girlfriend. There wasn’t even many girls that he took on second dates. He didn’t even try to seriously date anyone after you.
What you both had was special. Tony knew he’d never be able to replicate that, so he didn’t see a point in trying. That is what led to the long string of one night stands.
Abby’s expression shifted when she saw your disappointment. She was excited to learn Tony had a girlfriend, but reminiscing about your relationship just gave you regrets.
“When you said having a secret ex-girlfriend didn’t sound like Tony, what did you mean?” You asked Abby, curiously. She didn’t know what to say.
“Obviously, I didn’t know Tony in college, but now, I’ve haven’t seen him date anyone serious. It’s a lot of first dates that don’t go anywhere. What you both had must have been really special.” She said, giving you a soft smile.
You sighed, thinking back to your relationship. It was special. You both had the perfect fit, until you didn’t.
“I should probably get back upstairs. I wouldn’t say Fornell is the most patient boss.” You said, standing up from your seat. Abby giggled to herself. “Sounds like Gibbs,” she joked.
“What sounds like Gibbs?” You heard Gibbs as he walked into the room.
“I’m gonna head back upstairs.” You said, quickly walking out of the room. You waited for the elevator. When it dinged, you went to step inside.
You bumped straight into Tony, who was trying to get out of the elevator. You both froze. “Hi, again,” you said, softly.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” he said, scooting to the side to let you get in the elevator.
“I was just getting out.” He said, stepping into the hallway. You watched him as the doors started to close, when he quickly hopped inside the elevator.
He quickly flipped the off switch, turning the lights darker and bringing the elevator to a halt.
“Sorry, I just really needed to talk to you.” He said, turning to face you. You smiled at him, knowing exactly how he felt.
“So you’re working with the FBI now?” He asked, not knowing how to start this conversation. You nodded, giving him an awkward smile.
“Have you, y’know, been doing good?” You asked. Even after all these years, you still cared about him. “Yeah, I’m doing better. What about you? You ever get married?” He asked, remembering how you had talked about your perfect wedding.
You let out half of a laugh. “Nope, not married. Not even close,” you said, honestly. He nodded along, and you knew he felt the same way.
“Trouble finding the right guy?” He asked. He knew he sounded jealous, but you were his first love.
“Nope, I had the right guy. Just the wrong time,” you said, taking a step closer to him. He looked down at the floor. “I’m sorry if I ever hurt you. We tried to stop things from ending messily, but I don’t think it mattered. Having to say goodbye to the person you love the most is always messy.” He said, slowly grabbing one of your hands.
He was nervous, waiting for your permission. You gave him a smile and interlaced your fingers with his.
“You never did anything wrong, Tony. You were perfect. I know we both have regrets about everything, at least I do.” You told him, honestly.
He could hear your hurt in your voice. He wished there was a way to go back and undo all the pain you both had been through.
“Trust me, you are not the only one with regrets. I am always wondering what would have happened if I fought harder for us. Maybe we would have survived long distance, or maybe I should’ve just taken the jump and moved to be with you.” He rambled.
He had never told anyone any of this. He felt so relieved to get it off his chest. “I guess we’ll never know.” You said. You were realizing for the first time that you both were living in the same city now.
Tony went to say something, but stopped himself. “Actually, nevermind. That’s stupid,” he said, dropping your hand and backing up from you. He leaned against the elevator railing, worrying he’d just messed everything up.
He went to flip the on switch, but you grabbed his hand, stopping him. “It’s not stupid. What were you going to say?” You asked him.
He took a deep breath, knowing he could blow everything up with what he was about to say.
“I was just going to say that I never stopped loving you.” He confessed, looking into your eyes with a look that made you melt.
You cupped his face and kissed him. He quickly wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing you back. He spun you around, so your back was pressed up against the wall.
Your hands found their way back into his hair, like they had so many times before. It all still felt natural. He pulled you closer to him. He had missed you for years, and now he felt like he couldn’t breath without you.
He ran his tongue along your bottom lip, causing you to smirk. “God, I have missed you so much,” Tony whispered, pulling out of the kiss.
“Are we giving us a second chance?” You asked him. A giant smile spread on his face. “I have dreamed about having a second chance with you for years.” He said, giving you a quick peck on the cheek.
Suddenly, Tony’s phone started ringing.
“Yeah, Abby, what’s up?” He asked. You heard Abby cheering loudly on the other side. Tony flinched, pulling the phone away from his ear.
“You got the girl back! You both are so cute together.” You heard her say, causing Tony’s cheeks to turn pink.
“Wait a minute. Abby are you spying through the security camera?” He asked, turning to face the camera. You heard the phone beep as she hung up.
You giggled to yourself. “Sounds like Abby is a fan.” You joked. He nodded, knowing what you said was an understatement. “She didn’t know it was you but she always knew I was hung up on someone.” He said, pulling you into a hug.
“We should probably get back before Gibbs and Fornell get suspicious.” You mumbled, into his shirt. You both pulled out of the hug, and he flipped the on switch.
You walked back into the squad room. You both were anticipating that Abby would have told the rest of the team already, but no one seemed to react.
“Boss is on his way up, he wants to talk theories.” McGee informed you both. You both nodded.
Tony grabbed your hand, which caught McGee and Ziva’s attention. They gave each other a quick look from across the room. They were both wondering what was happening.
Tony pulled his chair out for you, letting you sit down. Then, he leaned against the side of his desk.
“So?” McGee asked, looking at Tony.
Tony chuckled at his colleagues’ intrigue and curiosity.
“You may be seeing much more of Agent L/N” Tony said, causing both McGee and Ziva to smile. “We’re happy for you both,” Ziva said, smiling.
McGee walked over to you. “You’ll be needing this. I’m going to need to hear all about how Tony was in college.” McGee said, handing you his card with his phone number.
“We should all get drinks tonight. I’m sure you have lots of stories about Tony.” Ziva suggested. Tony knew he was going to be in for a long night.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @azghedaheda @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @bookwormchick91 @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @multitargaryen @stephv213 @warriormirkwood @one-sweet-gubler @narliesstuff @bibissparkles @happygirl-0408
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
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thebeast-dennis-etcetera · 11 months ago
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Training Part 2
Prompt: Enemies to Lovers type. You and Gibbs never got along, and luckily you never really had to work with each other…until now.
Part 1
It was entirely too early in the morning when you walked through the NCIS squad room with Fornell in front of you.
"Woah. Rough night Agent L/N?" DiNozzo jabbed, instantly pressing all the wrong buttons. You decided to bite your tongue this time and ignore him before seeing an opportunity to get back at him. As he handed some papers to McGee, you swiftly stole his seat and leaned back in it exaggeratively, while sipping on your fresh cup of coffee.
"Ha ha Agent L/N. Now get out of my seat."
"Make me Agent DiNozzo." You stared him down as his colleagues and Fornell watched, wondering what was going to happen next. He chuckled to himself and turned around as Gibbs walked in.
"Gibbs. Tell her to get out of my seat," he practically whined, making you snicker.
"Daddy Gibbs isn't going to help you DiNozzo," you ridiculed, catching the eye of said Agent as he took a seat at his desk. Choosing to give up, DiNozzo went to sit on the edge of Agent Bishop's desk. She didn't look too thrilled about it but didn't say anything.
"So you two interrogated Ramos and got a name, right?" Fornell asked, bringing the conversation to work.
"He's not talking. As soon as we brought up our Petty Officer, he closed up tighter than a clam," McGee answered.
"Let me at him. I'll get him talking," you offered, causing DiNozzo to snort.
"Well if we need you to shoot him, you'll be the first to know," he quipped.
You were about to snap on him but Gibbs saved his ass again by inturrupting.
"Fine. Agent L/N, you're with me. Tobias, Abby will fill you in on evidence findings we collected from the crime scene."
You left DiNozzo's chair and waited as Gibbs grabbed his gun and badge from the desk drawer.
"What about us, boss?" DiNozzo bellyached.
"You keep doing what you were doing DiNozzo. We'll be back."
As you passed the tall Agent, you made sure to give him a small shoulder check, silently laughing to yourself as he made a face. Maybe working with NCIS wasn't so bad. It was definitely entertaining.
- - - -
The drive to the bar you knew Ramos to frequent was quiet as neither one of you had anything to say. You turned the radio on to a pop station but it was shut off by Gibbs, making you huff and send him a glare.
Both you and Gibbs walked into the musty smelling bar and you immediately spotted Ramos sitting at a booth, back to you, drinking a pint of beer.
"What is your plan?" Gibbs asked, stopping you.
"Too do the job that your agents failed to do."
He sighed in annoyance as you led the way, sliding in to take a seat right next to Ramos as Gibbs sat across from him. Before he had a chance to leave, you pulled out your badge and showed him discreetly.
"Hey Ramos. I'm with the FBI and I believe you already know Agent Gibbs."
"I don't know what you plan on asking me that you haven't already. I don't know anything, remember?" he spoke confidently while taking a sip of his drink.
You looked over at Gibbs who just sat there, stoic expression on his face. Scooting in closer to Ramos, you leaned in by his ear as he visibly became uncomfortable.
"Oh I haven't interrogated you yet Ramos. See, Gibbs and his lackeys do it all by the book. Bring you in, sit you down in a room and ask a bunch of questions, then let you go. I prefer the simpler way. You come to this bar every Friday around 5pm, after working at the gas station. You play in their little pool tournament every month, and even have your picture posted up on the wall as champion. No, I'm not going to interrogate you. I'm gonna ask one question and if you cant answer said question, I'm gonna let everyone in this bar know that you're an official informant for the FBI. I could probably bet that there are a few questionable individuals here that would hate to hear that information, don't you think?"
A couple second went by as you waited for him to break. He licked his lips nervously, confidence now completely gone and his eyes looked to Gibbs who just shrugged.
"She doesn't work for me. I can't tell her what to do."
Another few seconds went by and you moved to stand up, but Ramos' hand shot out to stop you.
"Alright, alright. What do you want to know?"
You smirked and gave Agent Gibbs an arrogant wink.
"Tell me everything you know about the death of Petty Officer Killbourne. And please, the more details the better."
- - - -
Once you left the bar and got into the car, Gibbs laid into you.
"That's not the way you should've handled it in there."
"Oh yeah? Because your way was getting us soo far."
"We don't threaten people for answers Agent L/N. You can't be so negligent."
If he thought that was being negligent, he was delusional. You didn't do anything wrong and you actually got a lead on your case, something Gibbs couldn't say the same for himself.
"Negligent?! First of all Gibbs, it wasn't a threat. Second of all, my "negligence" got us a very important lead that will now help us continue our investigation and bring down this asshole. You might not like the way I do things but you're just gonna have to suck it up because I'm here until this is done."
He didn't reply back, but just started the car and drove back to the Navy Yard, you practically jumping out of the car once he parked. In the squad room, you didn't bother waiting for him before debriefing the team on your findings and talking with Fornell about arranging a sting operation. The rest of the day, you stayed as far from the silver haired agent as you could, only giving him one worded answers, if any, when he asked you a question.
He seemed to have the same mindset, acting as if you weren't there, never looking you in the eye, just in your direction. The entire team, including Fornell were uneasy but you weren't backing down.
It wasn't until you found out that Gibbs had his team follow a lead without looping you in that you lost it. The next time you saw him, he was getting into the elevator and you made damn sure to get there before it closed.
He visibly made a face of annoyance once you joined him and the doors shut behind you.
"Why wasn't I or Fornell informed about your team finding another lead?"
"I told Fornell," he answered presumptuously, not looking at you.
"Yeah, after you had McGee and Torres meet with our suspects dealers. Listen, if this is some pissing match to you-
He leaned over, flicking the emergency stop switch, causing the elevator to abruptly stop and closed in on you.
"This is about a dead Marine, Agent L/N. I'm not here to impress anyone, especially the FBI. If you want in on our investigation and leads, than start acting like a Federal Agent and less like an immature probie."
As he had you cornered, you finally saw the look that everyone talked about. The stare that could get even the hardest of criminals spilling the beans. But in that moment, you weren't scared. No, you were turned on.
You glanced away from his burning blue eyes to his lips and back to his eyes.
"And stop doing that," he warned.
"Doing what?"
He took a step closer, successfully trapping you against the wall and leaned in to growl in your ear.
"You know what you're doing Agent. I could feel how needy you were for me in the training room just like how I can feel it now. Do you do this with every agency you work with?"
Your breath got caught in your throat at his words and couldn't help but egg it on. You looked up at him as you let your fingers trail along his beltline, dangerously close to where you really wanted to touch.
"No, just you, funny enough," you whispered.
He reached up and gently grabbed your chin, brushing his thumb across your slightly open bottom lip. Your heart was racing as the tension continued to build.
"This is completely unprofessional," he stated, making you smirk.
"Than do something about it, Agent Gibbs."
He leaned in closer as if to kiss you but stopped and dropped his hand, backing off and flipping the emergency switch back on. You stood up straighter and took a breath, trying not to look like you weren't about to just get fucked in the elevator as Gibbs shifted his stance.
It did nothing to hide the obvious bulge in his pants and you smiled to yourself. Once the elevator doors opened to the Lab floor, you watched as he made a hard left turn for the bathroom as you continued on to Abby.
"Hey Gibbs- Oh, you're not Gibbs," she said, surprised.
"No, but he's right behind me. A little too much coffee I think," you hinted, making her smile.
"Yeah, that makes sense. Well, until he joins us, I'll just go over the new information I gathered about the murder weapon."
You listened to Abby talk and Gibbs joined a few minutes later, standing a bit closer to you than usual.
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theoceanandthestars · 11 months ago
Friendly Lies
A/N: This is my first post/story, I’ve written before on Wattpad but never committed to writing but I feel like this is something I can actually commit too. Let me know any NCIS requests and I’m hoping to open up my writing to other fandoms soon too. This is definitely a testament to my ability to yap. Apologies for any mistakes :)
Also, I know the timelines probably don’t match up in terms of Gibbs knowing Tobias etc and Tobias having another daughter, or maybe they do, I don’t know but I thought it was a fun idea so belief will just have to be suspended. ;)
NCIS y/n fanfic, slight y/n x tony dinozzo, tony dinozzo x reader
Word count: 1969
Summary: Fornell’s daughter, Gibbs' Goddaughter, is an FBI agent working a case with her father and Godfather and decides to help get her dad to leave McGee alone after he found him asleep on the sofa with his ex-wife (I loved that episode so much) at Tony’s expense.
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You’d only known Tim, Tony and Ziva for a few weeks but already you knew you’d be great friends. After only knowing them for 5 minutes the day you ended up sharing a case with both your father and godfather, you were making plans to hang out with them. Your godfather, or your Uncle Gibbs as you preferred to call him, was of course more than happy to see you and be working with you, although the protective dad act from the NCIS and FBI agents had driven you slightly insane. Although you loved the rare times when you and your father shared an FBI case, that time had made you nearly want to quit, which had driven you straight to Gibbs’ team, who were more than welcoming and friendly to you.
Now, you sat on Ziva’s desk, chatting to her and McGee while your father and godfather interrogated a suspect and Tony watched.
‘And that’s why your dad hates me’, concluded McGee after explaining to you what he described as the ‘incident’ between your dad and his ex-wife Diane.  Both you and Ziva had been laughing the entire time he told the story.
‘I’m sure he doesn’t hate you, Tim’, you smiled at him ‘he’s only mentioned it a few times.’
‘A few?’ Tim asked in horror, causing Ziva to snort in laughter. This topic had taken up a good 20 minutes and it had clearly been playing on his mind for a long time before that.
‘Look if you want me to talk to him I can’ you offered, trying to ease Tim’s obvious panic, but your offer only seemed to send McGee into a further state of pure anxiety.
‘No, absolutely not, that would only add to it.’ He spoke moving his chair slightly as it was currently situated next to Ziva’s desk where you were congregated. As Tim moved you gaze shifted to DiNozzo’s desk and an idea popped into your head.
‘McGee, I’m sure y/n’s right, Fornell can’t be holding on to a grudge for that long.’
‘He brings it up every time we see him!’ Tim insisted.
‘Hang on’ you quickly said jumping up from Ziva’s desk and captivating both agent’s attention, ‘I think I know how to get my dad to forget about you and Diane.’
‘First of all there was no me and Diane’ Tim quickly insisted, causing the pair of female agents to roll their eyes as they failed to hold in their laughs ‘But what’s the idea because I will do anything to make him stop bringing it up?’. Both agents’ gazes were fixed on you as you moved from Ziva’s desk to sit on Tonys.
‘Oh you wouldn’t have to do anything McGee, it would be all me’, you smirked as the two agents watched eagerly, ‘this isn’t entirely selfless though, remember when Tony told Gibbs and my dad that I’d been sleeping with an NCIS agent to try and piss them off? And it took me weeks to convince them he was just trying to mess with me and them?’, the two NCIS agents nodded, smirks growing on their faces as they pieced together what you were planning to do, ‘well I think it’s time I get Tony back for that, don’t you?’.
Just as you said this your father and Gibbs reappeared into the room and as they did, you got up from Tony’s desk and made a beeline for them, meeting them just in front of Gibbs’ desk.
‘Dad, Uncle Gibbs I need to talk to you’ you said, grabbing their attention in the most serious and anxious voice you could muster, grabbing one of their hands in each of yours, ‘I know this is really important and I want to be honest with you both’ you took a deep breath to highlight your nervousness. At this point you had captured your father’s and Godfather’s attention, squeezing their hands as you raised your eyes to meet theirs you finally said, ‘I’m pregnant.’
Now Ziva and Tim were clearly shocked and impressed by your lies, hiding their laughter surprisingly well and instead adorning looks of shock and intrigue. Your father and godfather on the other hand, with hands still held by yours, were looking at you with such pure shock your father had turned slightly white. Before they could even utter a word, you quickly continued, ‘and its Tony’s’.
At this revelation, McGee and Ziva quickly turned so that Gibbs and Fornell couldn’t see the laughter that was daring to burst out. The silence was quickly broken by a synchronised ‘WHAT?’ from the two men who held your hands. Their gazes had turned harsher, but you knew that if you wanted this to have the best effect you had to really milk it.
‘I know we haven’t known each other long’ you stated looking them both in the eyes, but were quickly interrupted by your father half shouting, ‘How did this happen?’, quickly followed by Gibbs’ ‘I’m sorry what?!’
Before you could think of an answer though everyone’s attention was diverted in the sound of a voice, Tony’s voice, ‘hey boss. Fornell.  You look like you’ve seen a ghost, what did y/n do? Tell you she’s pregnant? I told you she was sleeping with an NCIS agent.’, as he Tony laughed at his own joke, Tony sauntered towards his desk, but only for a second before Fornell was on him, pinning him to the wall. Tony’s face quickly shifted to panic and confusion, his eyes scanning the room.
‘You got my daughter pregnant!’, Fornell shouted.
‘What? No’ DiNozzo squeaked out as Gibbs removed Fornell from him, freeing him from the wall. You quickly shifted your eyes to where Tim and Ziva were still at Ziva’s desk, attempting to contain their laughter. You knew you didn’t have long before the two of them blew the prank, but you also knew that the damage would be done soon enough and you would have got Tony back and your dad would definitely forget about finding McGee and Diane on the sofa asleep together.
Suddenly Tony rushed over to you seeking some sort of explanation or help but before he could squeak out another word, you grabbed his arm hugging it slightly and turning the pair of you to face Gibbs and Tobias.
‘Me and Tony are in love, dad, you can’t stop our love’ but as you got to the end of your sentence McGee and Ziva had burst into full belly laughter, causing you too to crack and lean on Tony as you couldn’t stop laughing. As the three of you continued to laugh, Gibbs only rolled his eyes at your antics, shaking his head slightly and letting out a slight chuckle. He knew that DiNozzo had told Tobias that you were sleeping with someone at the agency to piss him off and he also knew that your dad had practically become a helicopter parent for a week after he had done so.
As Gibbs moved back towards his desk, you patted tony on the chest before calming yourself enough to say, ‘you should have seen your face’. Quickly, McGee walked behind you both to return to his desk, slapping Tony on the back as he continued to laugh at Tony’s expense. He stopped by your side quickly whispering to you how he was now free from any comments about Diane. Your gaze then shifted to your father who still stood in front of you both, surprisingly quite but glaring at you both.
‘Gotta keep you young dad.’ You smiled at him, kissing his check and moving back to Ziva’s desk, the pair of you still giggling and smiling. Your dad however, kept his gaze on Tony, glowering at him, as Tony seemed to continue to shrink under his glare, still looking stunned and scared. Finally his gaze shifted as Gibbs called him telling him to go down to autopsy to see Abby with him.
At first he didn’t move, continuing to stare, before finally moving when he heard his name shouted by Gibbs. ‘I still don’t trust you DiNozzo.’ Tobias said, finally moving towards Gibbs’ desk, his gaze remaining on Tony until they were out of site.
At this point you, McGee and Ziva all began to laugh again with the same force you did when your dad had pinned Tony to the wall.
‘I did not think you would take it that far’ commented Ziva, ‘I admire your commitment’. You smiled at her amongst the laughter but couldn’t respond as tony too moved towards Ziva’s desk, where McGee had now joined you and began to stare at you all.
‘Not funny guys, I thought I was going to die!’, Tony’s statement only caused more laughter though, as his hand reached his neck, fiddling with his shirt collar even though your father had only grabbed his shoulders. Finally you spoke through the laughter, ‘I told you I was going to get you back Tony and McGee needed by dad to lay off him about the whole thing with my ex stepmother, so really I was just helping a friend’ you smiled a sickly sweet smile at him before the phone at his desk began to ring causing Tony to quickly scurry over to his desk, grabbing the phone before answering.
‘Yes boss?’ he questioned into the phone, as you high fived Tim and Ziva, ‘right away boss’, followed by him quickly grabbing his things after he put down the phone. ‘Gibbs says Abby’s matched the ballistics from the gun, wants me and Y/N to bring in the suspect.’ He stated as he continued to gather his stuff. As you listened, you quickly grabbed your bag that was sat next to Gibbs’ desk, but before you could leave Gibbs and your father returned, arguing as they walked.
‘I’ll go with DiNozzo Gibbs’ your dad argued, his gaze landing on Tony, at which point Tony swallowed.
‘No you’re not’, Gibbs deadpanned.
‘Then, I’ll go with them both’ he stated as he moved towards the pair now standing together with their bags, but not before Gibbs grabbed his shoulder directing him towards the director’s office and repeating ‘No you’re not’.
As you and Tony turned and began to walk towards the elevator, he quickly began to argue with you. ‘You know your dad is going to kill me, right?’ he questioned as you pressed the elevator button, your gaze shifting to him.
‘No he won’t’ you dismissed, ‘but he won’t trust you for a while, just like how he’s been hovering over me for weeks after you told him I was secretly sleeping with someone at your office, or like how he constantly brings up that time he found Diane and McGee together asleep. I guess it’s just time for you to get a taste of what we’ve been putting up with for years now.’ You smirked as the elevator reached your floor and you stepped inside, turning slightly as you watched Tony’s face change from looking like he was about to argue, to just giving up.
‘You know’, he turned to look at you, smirking, fully grasping your attention, ‘if you were to sleep with anyone in this office, I’d be the perfect guy. You’ve already told your dad and although he’ll keep glaring at me and probably wanting to kill me, he’d never suspect that we were actually sleeping together.’ He said, waggling his eyebrows at you as you chuckled, and he reciprocated your laughter.
As the elevator doors, reopened on the ground floor, you turned away from Tony, shaking your head slightly and rolling your eyes , before simply stating, ‘In your dreams DiNozzo’ before walking out of the elevator, not missing Tony’s whispered reply, ‘oh you bet’, before he followed you out to find your suspect.
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