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nayvi · 1 year ago
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Maybe the last week? this cover of the book 'I Prefer Girls' by Jessie Dumont it went viral in the artist comunity and a lot of people made a parody (as me) with their saffics ships and I could do that too... but my brain did an insane amount of backflips and ended with this idea.
I KNOW, SHANKS HAVE TWO ARMS HERE, but is only for the parody. And I mix a little bit the anime and the live action, not sorry •3•!
Idk, my passion is make parodies like this one 🤷🏻‍♀️
Even if is a parody and I painted on the original, was a lot of work 💀
Now is time to desapears again a little bit, but u can see my shit in my cosplay accaunt @/missnofacecos (on IG) 🤙🏻 When I finnish I'll post everything here 😈✨
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nayvi · 1 year ago
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Here the study that I made yesterday and all the parodies of memes that I made this months, as always 👍🏻✨
No one, even me, tought that this will happen. I'm just as shooked as you 🧍🏻
Jeff Ward made an incredible work in OPLA, so much that I just started the anime (in One Pace, I'm not that crazy) 🤡
But u need thanks to @mirtadraws 'casuse she is the person that shinking me into this madness and proposed me to be her ex malewife for Halloween 💅🏻✨
(I still have brainrot with Trigun, JJK and Golden Kamuy, don't worry I'm a person of multibrainroot and sufer everyday choosing for what I'm going to cry)
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nayvi · 2 years ago
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These two weeks have been very busy and I've come home exhausted but happy! Now, I'm back to the routine by uploading more sketches from Howl's Moving Castle Book ✨
I love to see Sophie happy, so I drew her picking flowers after the first book 💙 And I needed to draw Howl with a mullet catching a star , before the book started 🌚
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nayvi · 2 years ago
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Few months ago, @neddea send me this post by @villainslut and welp I did the sketch so quickly, but until a few days, I hadn't coloured them, so well, here I am hehe 🥴✨
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nayvi · 2 years ago
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Hey folks!
It’s time for another HMC Book version sketch ✨
Today I bring you this early concept of the Hatter’s Family that I made few month ago!
I tried to make it look like an old photo, but I was too lazy do it properly🥴
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nayvi · 2 years ago
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Sophie Hatter (2019)
Of course, I'm going to start posting my first fanart here with this drawing of Sophie Hatter from Howl's Moving Castle Book ✨
I'm freaking in love with this drawing 🥹💙
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nayvi · 1 year ago
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Old!Sophie Hatter - Howl's Moving Castle ver. Book I always forget that I have a tons of sketches that I never finish and I like them so much to show them to the world (even when I really hate that people love the sketch more than the finished illustration 🤡)
So appreciate this new (well... it's super old, but I think is the first time that I post it properly) sketch of Sophie, the fist time that she saw her face when the Witch of the Waste put the spell™  on her ✨
I need to focus in try to start this project properly
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nayvi · 1 month ago
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It's been more than a month since my gf @mirtadraws ' bday and now that I'm in the airport back home after spending a week with her to celebrate our 1st anniversary, I'm FINALLY having time to posting her birthday's drawing present here!!!
(I already posted it on IG on his birthday. I like Tumblr but idk why always take me so long to post whatever here 😬)
But well in any case, I love this woman SO MUCH, and I'm very glad to be part in her hyperfixations, like this past months: prehistoric animals ✨🦕🦖✨
PS: Bb, put the video with the magnet trick 😈✨
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nayvi · 2 years ago
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Well, yeah my brainwormies of Trigun are still with me in the most sweet form haha 🥹💙 I don't know how many time I'm gonna say this, but I love them so much and they deserved the best...
I like all the designs and versions of Vash, but Wolfwood in the manga and '98 anime is GORGEOUS!!!!! (That's why I ended "mixing" both versions) I like so much that I started this drawing with the concept of the manga that Nightow makes with Wolfwood as a big black ink stain in the page and I tried to made that too at first.
"Wolfwood emerging from the shadows huging Vash who is the light that illuminates his life."
You can thank @neddea for this drawing because she was who decided which of the many sketches I did, was the first I start painting! And for all the help she offered to me when I was give up this drawing because, I didn’t like it at all the first time that I tried to paint it 🥴
And I think I’ve found again, the way to paint my sketches without having to render too much and hate the whole process of painting and spoiling the sketches 🎉🎉🎉🎉
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nayvi · 2 years ago
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Huntlow (The Owl House)
I'm not okey. The series is over. No more The Owl House. No more these kids and their adventures.
Thanks to Dana and all the crew for this incredible serie and this final season. We know we deserves more, but it's okey, we fight a lot for this opportunity 💪🏻💙
I'm stuck in their happiness, sorry. In a few weeks I will star to draw a lot of things of this last episode 🥴
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nayvi · 7 months ago
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I see death...
She said she would tell our fortunes from the lines in our palms, if we had coins to cross her palm. [...] She said, 'I see death in your past, and death in your future'. ' Death waits in all our futures', I said. 'The Truth Is a Cave in the Black Mountains' by Neil Gaiman - Page 7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
This was my submission for the Folio Book Illustration Award 2024 by The Folio Society Publisher. Thanks to @neil-gaiman (who apparently was on the jury), this contest was free fee and a lot of people, like me, could participate. Was pleasant to read this short story and try to illustrate a significant part of it.
I didn't win, not even to be in the 20 best list, but at least I learned a lot of things :)
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nayvi · 2 years ago
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Super sketchy meme doodles. One day I'll redraw all this decently, meanwhile, I post them to not forget them ✨
This is for my spanish folks:
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Tengo el headcanon de que Wolfwood, a parte de llamar a Vash "pelo pincho" en la versión española, le llama Espinete y bueno... 🤷🏻‍♀️
And the silliest edit I've ever done in my life. It's a famous Holy Week Procession in my town (Which I went to see it with a friend) and I couldn't resist to take a photo to edit Christ with Wolfwood, because the first time I saw him in the anime I said it was Jesus Christ with the cross and well.... 🥴🤣
Please, don't punch me, I'm stupid 🫣
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nayvi · 2 years ago
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Trigun '98 + Trigun Maximum
What I can say when I'm obsessed with them?
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nayvi · 2 years ago
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Golgotha! Crowley - Good Omens (2020)
Heeey folks!
I'm not dead! Well... only a little bit, but it's for a good cause: in less than two weeks I'm moving to another country to be aupair ✨
And what better way to announce it than by uploading a Crowley's drawing who is the best nanny in the world?????
I really love Crowley in all their versions, the Golgotha ones it's extremely good, but I definitely need drawing Crowley as a nanny before the second season start and I disappear again 🥴 haha
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nayvi · 21 days ago
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Ysabell - Mort (Discoworld by Terry Pratchett)
Last year, @mirtadraws and I, we started to read together, to each other, because I'm really bad for reading for my own, but reading for her is so nice and funny 💕
For a long time I wanted to read something by Terry Pratchett and fortunally Mirta is a huge fan than wanted to read again the books with me and we started with Mort!
I didn't spect how fucking funny it is and all the horrors at the same time that a moderm reference appears with a gigant note. That has caught me a lot, i didn't spect that I will love so much Terry's writtings!! I'm really glad that to now enjoy everything at the same time that I'm sad to not read all his books before 😩
I want to draw more of this funny and silly characters!
Please NO SPOILERS , I just read Mort , Maurice and now I'm with The Colour of Magic , thanks so much :'-)
Special thanks to @albaharu to lend me all the books!!!
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nayvi · 2 years ago
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I love that headcanon in wich Vash try to cure people the same way that he cure plants and I don't know, I nedded something extremely soft between them 🫣
I'm the worst animator, so I'm sorry for this gif, but I needed to do it.
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