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babyboywilson · 2 years ago
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I PASSED THE NAVLE!!!!! YA GIRL IS OFFICIALLY GONNA A VETERINARIAN!!!!! I PASSED I PASSED I PASSED!!!! No more studying!! Graduation is in 9 days and then I’ll officially get to say I’m a veterinarian!!!! I DID IT!!!!
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orcinus-veterinarius · 1 year ago
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Dr. Mando, licensed veterinarian, coming to you in May 2024 😊
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rodanseys · 1 month ago
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slutforsilverfoxes · 1 year ago
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This one goes out to my fellow med/vet/grad school homies ( @criminalskies I’m looking at u babe )
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radmista · 1 year ago
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singlethread · 2 years ago
Vet med is weird bc I’ll get asked a question and not know it and doubt my entire education and then I’ll get one of my navle prep questions right and feel like a genius
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great-and-small · 1 year ago
aquarium fish when their husbandry or water condition is poor
why does everything give me the ick lol
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australianveterinaryschools · 9 months ago
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What is the NAVLE?
The veterinary medicine programs featured by OzTREKK are AVMA accredited, which means graduates of these programs are eligible to sit the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE) along with graduates from AVMA-accredited veterinary colleges in the United States and Canada.
But what's on the NAVLE, and what do you need to know?
Read on!
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dilatorywriting · 3 months ago
hi my sweet dilly, i was wondering where the fic that ships you and me it🤭😘
anyways i just wanted to check back up on you and say hi!♥️♥️♥️
My brain is still fried from my exam and I was like... genuinely staring at my computer like
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Trying to suss it out. And then was like OH! IS COMPLIMENT! Makes sense! Lol. God I need to like, flush the rest of my melted brain down the toilet and just start again from the ground up.
But thank you! I'm doing well! Or, well, more well lol. I had my NAVLE on Friday, and that shit was like almost 9 hours and I am STILL reeling from it lol. But fingers crossed! At least I'm not spending every spare minute in a study coma anymore
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babyboywilson · 2 years ago
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officially have now earned my national license (by passing the NAVLE) AND my state license (I found out this morning I passed the state boards exam)!!! I can now practice veterinary medicine!! I am now officially recognized as Dr G, DVM by the state of Arizona!! T-minus 33 days until my first day working as a veterinarian at an absolutely amazing hospital!!
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orcinus-veterinarius · 1 year ago
I am so excited about working with cetas again I can’t even describe
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retrieve-the-kraken · 9 months ago
(This is the third time I try posting this, Tumblr’s been weird on me lately…)
More Omar from Furuvik (I’m sorry for the staggered posting, I’m so jetlagged…)
Sorry if it’s a long start, but I started recording from the moment something started happening.
Now that I have seen him up close, I stand by my assessment: Omar is the most beautiful man ever. It’s not the cameras, it’s not the lighting, no editing, no photoshop. He is just unbearably beautiful, dare I say even perfect.
And that outfit. My god. The most perfect navle peeking out from under the hem of that tight little top. As he said recently reading from thirst tweets, “a tiny waist for men to grab”. No truer statement has ever been spoken.
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kiyashire · 3 months ago
Long time no update?? Sorry for vanishing for TWO YEARS. Better late than never I guess LMAO. So uhh things that have been going on:
Spent most 2023 on clinics and had varying levels of bad time with it. Lots of 14-16 hour days at the vet school hospital. Made lots of friends and got lots of great experience tho! Lots of long nights and emotional rollercoaster and tears but still came out on the other side.
Did a LOT of traveling this year! Went to Japan with my gf in May. Got engaged! Traveled and lived on my own for the first time in my life in Virginia and Colorado for externships. Got to live and work at the clinic run by the vet who got me into the vet field in the first place cause I started watching his show in high school (thank you Dr. Jeff Rocky Mountain Vet). Fell in love with both VA and CO. Did over 230 solo surgeries, worked with amazing mentors, grew my confidence. I’ve really found who I am as a vet, I think.
Met some amazing new friends who have become like family to me.
I took my NAVLE board exams yesterday and have one more semester of clinics left before I graduate. Currently job hunting and deciding if I’m leaving the state for it. Got approached by my dream clinic offering my dream job - but it would require I move across the country. Figuring all that out rn.
Idk when the next time I’ll post an update will be, but I’m riding life as it comes right now and taking it one step at a time. Thank you little people in my phone for staying in touch with me for almost half of my life ❤️
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singlethread · 1 year ago
Just spent five hundred dollars 😳😳😳
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doodlehorseafternoon · 2 years ago
Might seem like a weird question but do you think it's wrong for a vet to specialize in a single species? I told a friend I wanted to specialize in cats and they called me rude for "not thinking about all the other small animals" :/
Not at all! This is a hot topic for me, so prepare for a long reply ;)
For context: A veterinarian can work on multiple species (everything, mixed small & exotics, mixed small & large, mixed equine & livestock, etc.), single species (equine only, dairy cow only, feline only etc.), industry (FDA, research, agriculture, department of health, etc.), a single specialty (neurology, soft tissue surgery, emergency medicine, cardiology, internal medicine, radiology, etc.), or they can do some blend over their life time. There's a million ways to work with a DVM. Some people specialize in one species or field and some don't.
The reason people specialize is because they are more comfortable or confident in one species versus another, or they have a strong interest in that species or field. That makes them better at the job they want to do in our field. They have decided to fill a particular need and be the best they can in that aspect of veterinary medicine.
I wouldn't see a small animal GP for my horses and vice versa. In the same way, cats are complicated. If you can become an excellent doctor working on cats and really developing your knowledge in that area? You are an asset to cat owners everywhere.
Along those lines: What about doctors who go on to specialize in neurology or surgery? What about the doctor who decides to specialize in large animal medicine instead of totally mixed practice?
Personally, I'm planning on working almost exclusively on horses with some small ruminant. I like cats, but dogs scare me. What good does it do for me to work on a species that declines my health to be with everyday? I have the potential to be an excellent equine doctor, but if someone told me I was required to work on dogs because I had to think of all of the species? I wouldn't enjoy my work and I wouldn't be as effective as a doctor. I'm better at equine medicine than I am at canine medicine. I know this, so I'm planning to work where I excel and can do best by people and their animals.
We learn a lot about diversifying our interests and keeping our options open in school, and I would recommend doing that. You never know if your mind will change, and having the basics to go off of for the major species is good to have. It will especially help for taking the NAVLE in fourth year. A broad basis will make you a better doctor in the long run outside of school just because it gives you more knowledge to work with.
But that being said, play to your strengths. If you love cats and want to work on them? Do that. If I love horses and want to be an equine practioner? Then that's what I should do. This profession is full of options and directions and niches. You will serve animals just as well in one place as another so long as you do work that fulfills you. There's a need for veterinarians everywhere, there's aspects of every species that are hard, and there's nothing wrong with picking one and getting really good at it.
Only you can decide what it is about veterinary medicine that fulfills your calling. We're all made different for a reason. Pigeon holing ourselves into someone else's idea of what it means to be a veterinarian will only ever make us upset and uncomfortable in our own lives. I'd rather be in this profession for 40 years than burn-out after 4, you know?
If you want to be a feline only vet and strive for excellence in that area? Go for it! You will not be any less of a doctor, I promise.
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amarveloustune · 1 month ago
also the fact that NAVLE results could be released at any time. this week is Not It.
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