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sunnyanddumb98 · 7 months ago
Don't mind me just quoting myself "In my dream, when turning, the bus tilts so much that I see directly at the sea. I love watching the sunset from that road: the ships full of containers, the sun shining over the sea like fireworks or champagne, the sea lions diving from the ruins of an ancient port, the teenagers on skates, teenagers with beer, teenagers on weed, everyone sitting on the rocks among seagulls, staring at the sea, like meerkats or sunflowers. Toddlers and shiny things "
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frnwhcom · 1 year ago
John Muir’s contributions to conservation and national parks are significant, yet his legacy is marred by his era’s racist views toward Native Americans and other ethnic groups. Notably, Muir was instrumental in the creation of the National Park system and co-founded the Sierra Club. His writings inspired many to value and protect nature, infusing the environmental movement with respect and stewardship philosophies. However, critical examination of his life reveals a complex figure with profound achievements alongside reflective prejudices of his time.
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Source: Unknown
“We need the tonic of wildness...At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.”
― Henry David Thoreau, Walden: Or, Life in the Woods
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fernycreek · 2 years ago
Garden Meditations
Out the window there are about 3 or 4 cute little Superb Fairy-wrens fluttering about and chirping away in the rain soaked vibrant-green garden. Such chipper little birds. The old beautiful pin oak watches over us, cooling the surroundings - nature’s airconditioner you could say. The setting sun to the north-west glows a warm yellow on the trunks of the mature eucalyptus across the road which have absorbed the wisdom of time. The window is open after the cool change has come through so I can hear the sounds of the wrens drinking and bathing in the bird bath. I like the delicate sound of them flapping and hopping in the water. It would be nice to record for a music piece. I love the calm sounds of nature. 
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mumbled-tea · 2 years ago
Take a glance at
Day night up downs are required in life, but can you also lift your head up sometimes? Take time out of your work you workaholic, and give it to mother nature time to time.
Just get up early one day and watch the sunrise, the birds will sing a good morning song for you. Stand in your terrace instead of staying in bed, you'll know what cuddles by the nature feels like.
A flock riding the blue and white sky, in different patterns that always amaze children. If you see a healthy plant with blooming flowers, the plant is greeting you a good day ahead.
Have you ever seen a swaying tree and rumbling leaves in a windy evening? As if floating in air, dancing every beat off, in contrast with the enchanting sound of wind.
See it with the view of a nature photographer, and feel the surroundings like a writer. Nature is the therapist you're looking for, it always have a cure to your stressful routine.
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thomasottio · 4 months ago
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sgcruz21-blog · 4 months ago
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rogerrcoyle · 11 months ago
nature writes
when nature speaks… a cross, the light, the spirit!
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capecodartandnature · 2 years ago
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Finding joy in ordinary everyday things may be a good antidote for depression caused by our increasingly overwhelming world. My latest column is in the link in my bio. #greenheron #birdpainting #capecodchronicle #naturewriting https://www.instagram.com/p/CrGFztJu4jU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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finishinglinepress · 7 months ago
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NEW FROM FINISHING LINE PRESS: Resting Place by Theresa Hickey
On SALE now! Pre-order Price Guarantee: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/resting-place-by-theresa-hickey/
Theresa Hickey is an award-winning poet, free-lance writer and lifelong learner. Prior books include Raising the Child, Sighs of a Gracious Nature and Shy, published by Finishing Line Press (2020). Shy was awarded a 2021 Poetry Book Award by the Catholic Media Association of the U.S. and Canada. Boston Globe Book Reviewer, Nina MacLaughlin, has praised her work and compared it to Mary Oliver’s: “The author focuses on life devoted to an ongoing search and questions of spirituality and faith . . . . ‘life lived in union with Spirit.’” Her work has appeared in Still Point Arts Quarterly, New England Memories, Halcyon Days, FaithND (Notre Dame), NatureWriting, Lifespan and other anthologies. You may contact Theresa at [email protected] if interested in ordering books for fundraising projects, faith-education programs or gifts. Proceeds from sales will be donated to food banks or other nonprofits. #poetry #spirituality #Catholic
PRAISE FOR Resting Place by Theresa Hickey
” A sense of wonder in both the awe and questioning sense satiates many of these poems, reminding us of possibilities for change, for something new to crack everything wide open.”
–Nina MacLaughlin, The Boston Globe Book Reviewer
Please share/repost #flpauthor #preorder #AwesomeCoverArt #read #poems #literature #poetry
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moonlitfirefly · 7 hours ago
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"From Lab to Bestseller: How Rachel Carson Revolutionized Science Writing"
Rachel Carson was a trailblazer in both science and literature. As a marine biologist, she had a deep understanding of ocean ecosystems and marine life. However, what set her apart was her ability to translate complex scientific ideas into engaging, accessible prose for the general public. Her writing was not only informative but also poetic, capturing the beauty and wonder of nature. This unique combination of scientific expertise and literary talent allowed her to reach a wide audience, inspiring people to care about the natural world and the environmental issues she highlighted.
For example, in her book The Sea Around Us, she didn’t just describe the ocean’s ecosystems; she painted vivid pictures of the sea’s mysteries and rhythms, making readers feel connected to the vast, underwater world. This approach helped bridge the gap between science and the public, making her a pioneer in science communication.
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sunnyanddumb98 · 5 months ago
he first time I hiked Carbon Hill, I realized my favourite cousin and I were drifting apart for the stupidest reason. It had always been there, and despite it, we became close. But I think the recession made it harder to ignore—our tax brackets seem farther apart, not just in what we can afford but in how we speak, in our hopes and dreams. Before, it wasn’t something we really thought about, but now, what I feel is an integral part of myself isn't something she even considers in her world. blissfully.
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norfolknaturalist · 4 years ago
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A New Post is up on my blog at norfolknaturalist.ca (link in profile). It's about my recent hike and the nature sightings and observations along the way! . . . . . . . #nature #ontario #muteswan #swanphotography #naturephotography #nature_photo #canadianwildlife #longpointtrail #longpointontario #norfolknaturalist #norfolkwild #blognorfolk #gonorfolk #scienceblogging #natureblogger #wildlifephotographs #natureobsession #natureobservation #naturewriter (at Long Point National Biosphere) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQdSnpCAVZw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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megbits · 2 years ago
It’s been years since I’ve been on Tumblr, and in the meantime, I began a Substack focused on our relationship to land and place in a time of climate chaos, with a focus on land return, reparations, and questions of belonging. Hoping I can do some sharing and thinking here that fits into these themes but doesn’t quite make it into the longer Substack pieces. Here’s the lead-in essay to the 2022 recap, to give you a taste of what’s been going on over there:
“The two-year anniversary of Unsettling has come and gone with the recent holidays. Like many others who observe the winter solstice, I took that day to reflect upon what I might leave behind in the dark and what I hope to grow with the light. My own ritual tries to make the practice material, sitting in the actual dark until I am sure of what I am releasing in the old year and only then lighting a candle as I speak aloud what I wish to grow as the sun returns.
This year I sat in the dark a long, long time, trying to sense and see the themes of the year, assess personal challenges that were ready at this particular moment to be looked squarely in the face and then let go of. Only I came up empty.
Ritual can accomplish many goals. One of them is a sense of agency, the performance of intent. This gets extra play in a culture centered on individualism, with all its related focus on self-help or self-actualization. That this is the focus in my own solstice ritual may be why it took a very long time for me to accept that there were no personal demons to lay to rest just at this moment—that what would be staying in the dark had been chosen for me, and that “laying to rest” was, this year, quite literal. It felt too obvious, but the truth of it was bare and real, the memory of gathering with all of my siblings to bid farewell to one of our parents not yet a week old.
At the beginning of this year, I wrote a lot here about rivers—the harm that human industry has wrought on them, our attempts to control them, the resulting consequences on ways for living in common. On the solstice, the image of a river kept appearing to me once again. Rivers, those vast and shifting beings that channel and carry so much.
One of a river’s powers is its ability to carry the earth along with it—be it boulders moved by rapid glacial melt or the tiniest grains of sand—and then, just as importantly, to leave that earth behind. Neither the carrying nor the leaving perhaps quite fits with our sometimes narrow notions of agency. But the growth of so much life—including our own—depends on rivers as major agents of change: all those centuries of delta deposits have made much of human civilization possible. The mountains cut down and the oceans swell and all the world is fed along the way as rivers pick up and let go, pick up and let go.
No wonder rivers are classic metaphors for both change and life. There in the dark, though, I began to wonder if we aren’t overly stuck in one particular riverine analogy. I’m thinking of the classic “you never step in the same river twice,” which places us humans on the banks, separate from the water, choosing when to step in and out of the flow of change. This emphasis may not have been intentional, coming from Heraclitus, famous for thinking about flow and impermanence. Still, we end up some place quite different if we conceive of ourselves not as spectators on the shore but as rivers ourselves, receiving and carrying unexpected gifts and weights from the world, all of which we must leave behind, thereby transforming both the channel in which we flow and the objects we have borne as surely as they transform us. That we may not actively choose what we carry or when we must bid it farewell in no way diminishes neither the importance of our action nor or power as actors.
So what have we channeled this year at Unsettling? Where all did we go and where do we find ourselves now at year’s end, and what got polished or broken apart on our way? Here are some of 2022’s major themes, some planned and some pleasantly unexpected:”
Read the rest at unsettling.substack.com.
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fernycreek · 2 years ago
Western Port Bay Musings
There are many things I love about Victoria’s Western Port Bay. What first comes to mind is the interactions with this unique coastline through the practice of surfing. When the larger swells of Autumn and Winter make their way up into the bay, it’s not unusual to find yourself parked along a back street of Shoreham a couple hours before high-tide, pulling on a wetsuit with the ground damp beneath your feet. The stroll through the campground and down the little single track amongst the wet eucalyptus and out onto the beach strewn with seaweed, is always enjoyable. It’s a settling moment before paddling out into the liquid walls peeling along the reef with the aid of a grooming offshore NW wind. 
In a lull between sets at Honeysuckle Reef, I like to look up and down the immediate coast with the hilly farmlands rising above to the west and Point Leo to the east. The silhouettes of surfers at the various breaks bob up and down as they stare out to sea in a meditative state. This habit orientates or places oneself within this coastal landscape. 
There is a certain charm and character to this stretch of coastline - a comforting and familiar feeling which is always present. This favourite and regenerative spot continues to draw me back ever since I first surfed here many moons ago.
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mumbled-tea · 2 years ago
What comes to every mind when they hear green? Something that enhances nature called greenery, but something with many variations and twist. This color "Green" alone can touch every keen. We call it the color of peace, freshness and renewal, and feeling of fur-like grass around, soft and serene. New leaf covered with droplet, as it always be, no one can deny the comfort and vibrant it gives.
But It can also be something no one heard or seen. As it goes darker, nature can also turn spine-chilling. What holds in darkness behind lushness and mist? A feeling of something creepy and unforeseen. Shades from light to dark hold different meaning. Sounds of creatures growling from the midst. Green have everything from calmness to thrill.
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