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calmrelaxingspot · 2 years ago
Finding Peace in Nature: The Benefits of Surrounding Yourself with Greenery
Nature has always been a sanctuary for people looking to unwind and escape the stresses of daily life. Whether it's taking a walk in the park, hiking a nearby trail, or simply sitting in your backyard, being surrounded by greenery can have a profound effect on your mental and physical health.
Research has shown that spending time in nature can reduce stress and anxiety levels, lower blood pressure and heart rate, improve mood and cognitive function, and even boost immune system function. It's no wonder that people have turned to nature for centuries as a way to find calm and relaxation.
But why exactly does nature have such a powerful impact on our well-being? For one, the color green has been shown to have a calming effect on the mind and body. Green is associated with growth, renewal, and balance, all of which can help us feel more centered and at peace.
Furthermore, spending time in nature allows us to disconnect from the constant stimuli of modern life. In nature, we can be more present and mindful, focusing on the sounds, smells, and sensations around us. This can help us recharge and refocus our energy, leaving us feeling more refreshed and rejuvenated.
So if you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, consider taking a break and spending some time in nature. Whether it's a walk in the woods or a simple stroll through your local park, surround yourself with greenery and give yourself the gift of peace and tranquility.
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sraczysko · 3 months ago
In the misty breath of autumn’s gloom,
Stone crosses stand as guardians of time,
Whispering prayers in a tongue of doom,
Where leaves still dance in silence sublime.
The quiet hangs heavy, a mourning song,
Voices of past in the trees concealed.
The earth beats softly, where memories throng,
And shadows of hope in the fog are revealed.
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mimikinyuu · 4 months ago
waow .
experiencung the wondersof nature
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kaiyves-backup · 3 months ago
Volcanoes were erupting on the mysterious far side of the moon billions of years ago, US and Chinese researchers have found.
Analysis of samples collected by a Chinese mission found basalt (volcanic rock formed after an eruption) fragments dating back more than 4.2 billion years. 
The findings were published in the Natureand Science journals on Friday.
While scientists already knew of volcanic activity on the near side of the moon, which we can see from Earth, the "dark side" is very different in its geology, and remains largely unexplored.
The rock and dust samples - the first to be retrieved from the far side of the Moon - were collected by the Chang’e-6 spacecraft, following a nearly two-month long mission which was fraught with risks.
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mistressmirabella3757 · 5 months ago
(Because) of how sexy you are Goddess worshipping you will be 2nd natureand serving you a true pleasure and did you know that your pretty little feet have more nerve endings in them than your hot little pussy have my queen so can you please reply Goddess gorgeous Goddess
Yeah,you wanna be my sissy
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spinallyspiraling · 2 years ago
Light Bearers in All Belief Systems
All religions and Myths are the same, using different names for same symbols and different allegories for the same teachings
The teachings of Gnosticism, usually reveres Lucifer not as the devil, but as a savior, a guardian or instructing spirit or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah.
Léo Taxil (1854–1907) claimed that Freemasonry is associated with worshipping Lucifer. In what is known as the Taxil hoax, he alleged that leading Freemason Albert Pike had addressed "The 23 Supreme Confederated Councils of the world" (an invention of Taxil), instructing them that Lucifer was God, and was in opposition to the evil god Adonai.
Cultures around the globe assign the Morning Star a central role in Creation. Yet despite its prominence in ancient myth and ritual, the cosmogonical traditions surrounding the
star-god have remained virtually unexamined to date. In the following essay, we will investigate the sacred terminology associated with the Morning Star and argue that itsorigins and theoretical rationale are likely to be found in that star’s unique and cataclysmic recent history.It is notable that the Morning Star is known by similar names virtually everywhere. In numerous cultures the Morning Star was celebrated as the bringer of light. Such is the original meaning of the Latin epithet Lucifer, for example, applied to the Morning Star (Helel ben Shahar) by exegetes of the Old Testament.An early Greek name for the
Morning Star—Phosphoros—has the same meaning.
It is equally common to find the Morning Star described by an epithet denoting “Lord of
the Dawn.” To the Aztec skywatchers in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, for example, the
Morning Star was known as Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, Lord of the Dawn. For the Skidi Pawnee of the North American Plains, the Morning Star was conceptualized as being intimately associated with the dawn, the celestial domain of departed souls:
“The Morning Star stands upon the dawn. The dawn is represented as a bed of flint
stones, the souls of the dead. As the Morning Star walks, coming up, it makes a blaze of fire so that the red streaks of dawn are seen.” For Homer and Hesiod alike the Morning Star was conceptualized as masculine in natureand known as Heosphoros, “Dawn-bringer.”Thus Homer writes: “At that time when the dawn star passes across earth, harbinger of light, and after him dawn of the saffron mantle is scattered across the sea.”
Hesiod described the mythological genealogy of
Morning Star as follows: “And after these Erigeneia [Eos] bare the star Eosphorus (Dawn-Bringer), and the gleaming stars with which heaven is crowned.” Countless cultures referred to the Morning Star by a name that identified it as the “day bringer” or day-star. For the Polynesian astronomers who charted that culture’s countless long-distance voyages, the Morning Star was known as Fetia ao, “Star of Day.” So, too, among the Slavic peoples of ancient Europe, the Morning Star was known as Denica, “star of day.” Analogous names were commonplace among Amerindians of the New World. For the indigenous cultures along the Northwest coastal region of North America, recurringnames for the Morning Star include “Bringing the Daybreak,” “Bringing the Day,” “Star of Daylight,” and “Daylight has come.”In the Quiché Maya account of Creation, similarly, the Morning Star was described as the first star to appear in heaven: “This one came first before the sun when the sun was born, the new day bringer.”
All of the aforementioned names are commonly thought to have reference to the planet Venus in its familiar role as the Morning Star, during which it appears as the brightest star in the pre-dawn sky and, so the story goes, seems to announce the forthcoming “light of the Sun and day." Upon reflection, however, it seems most unlikely that any ancient skywatcher worth his salt would have chosen the relatively diminutive Venus to denote
the “day-bringer” or the “bringer of light.” Such names would appear to be much more
suitable for the Sun.
The light bearer is also known as Horus Duat, Athtar, Cinteotl, Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, Itztlacoliuhqui, papa pachapacari ch’aska, Raven, Nanauatzin, Tecuciztecatl, Quetzalcoatl, Viejito, Nanahuatl, abogado de las bubas y del mal de los ojos y del romadico y tosse, u-pirikucu, Icoquih, is raxa, Venus, Mars, Christ, Tlahuizcalpanteuctl.
Every single faith has a light bearer just as every faith worships the same God whether it be the God of the Bible or Allah; as is also a Shiva and Shakti.
There is no other belief set that vilifies a day star except for Christianity. In fact you'll see worship of both the Daystar and the morning Star all at the same time, as they saw the importance of both. However the Bible demonizes A Day star and proceeds to call it Satan. as if it's not a star. It proceeds then further to say that the day star being Lucifer or satan waged a war against God, etc, instead of seeing or realizing that for it to even exist God still gave life to it. I just don't see why anything that is celestial or of any importance would ever wage a war against something much greater. We must remember both Lucifer and Christ called themselves The morning Star I'm not saying they're both the same character or the same morning Star because one eventually begins to become the Daystar however here in this must mean they both share importance for the spiritual teachings of mankind.
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poetyca · 18 days ago
Muri a secco - Dry stone walls
🌸Muri a secco🌸Non è fugace l’occhioche nella Natura s’immerge e lentamente cattura tuttocome impalpabile carezzaMuri a secco sono contenitoredi prorompente e vitale abbraccio tra incanalati sentieri e foglie in perenne promessa di vita20.12.2024 Poetyca 🌸🌿🌸#Poetycamente🌸Dry stone wallsThe eye is not fleetingthat immerses itself in Natureand slowly captures everythinglike an impalpable caressDry…
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qubixo1 · 1 month ago
Stargate's Favorite Character Is Here Thanks to Another Iconic Sci-Fi Team
Author Jonathan Klotz | | Published 29 seconds ago Stargate has its share of favorite characters from various movies and series, from Photos of SG-1 Samantha Carter and Jack O’Neil, Rodney McKay in Atlantis, Ronald Greer in Natureand honestly, countless others, but none quite like the titular Richard Woolsey, who went from being an annoying one-part character, to being a hero as a team leader.…
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brucedinsman · 8 months ago
Extra Song: Above All
Artist: Michael W Smith live album: “Worship” (2001) “Above All” Above all powersAbove all kingsAbove all natureAnd all created thingsAbove all wisdomAnd all the ways of manYou were hereBefore the world began Above all kingdomsAbove all thronesAbove all wondersThe world has ever knownAbove all wealthAnd treasures of the earthThere’s no way to measureWhat You’re worth CrucifiedLaid behind a…
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mygbelle · 10 months ago
get free
one of The Four Agreements –as I comprehendnow:get freetake nothing personally.all is only as perceivedsubjectiveseen through a particularlensmolded by Natureand experience.
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philgennuso · 11 months ago
April The Month For Taurus #GraphicArts #Poem
By Phil Gennuso Arts Green,the color of Spring and Summerin full bloom,Earth sign,stubborn, committed, steadfast,lover of Natureand all that life might offer. *************************************April is my birth month, under the Earth sign of Taurus! Happy Birthday to all my fellow Taureans out there in WP land!
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marketgrowthstrategy · 1 year ago
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thediscoveredwriter · 1 year ago
A Naive Friend
It was not an ordinary dayAs we enjoyed a team lunchThe first one in yearsAnd I had some hunch! I had a great timeWith my office matesSome were newWith diverse dialects Among them wasA short personWith a jolly natureAnd an act of assertion! In a very short timeWe became acquaintedShe started sharing thingsThat left her fainted Soon I realisedShe was naiveBut not alwaysAs sometimes she’d…
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ralph-with-coffee · 1 year ago
Is life truly a marathon?or is it bouts of sprints?between a need for joyand austerity,between a wish to be understoodand to understand,between the beauty of natureand its mercilessnesswhat choice did we make? 12.11.2023 quiz
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gun-roswell · 1 year ago
Red Bikes 1
“Come on, let’s ride!” Gun Roswell Red Bikes 1 A scooterGoing harderWell,As fast as it canIt has a limited spanThe motorQuite minimalYou can count,The two decimalsBut it doesn’t matterBecause the natureAnd the colourOf this tiny rideIs as brightYou want to hollerBright redPainted with careThis rideYou really don’tWant to share
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rhianna · 1 year ago
Symbols, Tarot, & Nature of Man
There are many methodsfor developing the « senseof symbols >> in those whoare striving to understandthe hidden forces of Natureand Man , and for teachingthe fundamental principlesas well as the elements ofthe esoteric language . The-most synthetic and one of-the most interesting of these methods , is the TarotIn its exterior form the Tarot is a pack of cards.
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