#nature was history was covenant was family
eesirachs · 2 months
I’m listening to the Old Testament Yale courses and the professor, Christine Hayes, said that God is not one of nature but of History. She was referencing the passage of 1 Kings 19: 11-14. I thought that was fascinating. Because he was not in the earthquake or the fire or the wind. He was a whisper. “What are you doing here, Elijah?” And he tells him to go back.
this (history/nature) is not a binary the biblical authors would have wielded, yet it is true that the deuteronomistic historian unattaches hashem from the natural tether the earlier authors (call them elohist and jahwist if you'd like) hold tightly onto. i think walton has it most right when he names hashem as "a cosmic deity, a covenant deity, a national deity and a family deity." though in the ancient world, none of this could be parsed out
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ileftmysoulinnorway · 4 months
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The Vampire Laws (according to the Children of Darkness).
Total of one hundred.
Written in Latin. The main coven was based in Rome, and Armand was sent from there to Paris. Is Latin his third language? ("French my fourth and poorest language").
They largely use the term "lamiae" for vampires (which makes sense given the part of the world), but not always.
The Five Great Laws
1. Quisque suum thalamum debet habere ducem e ... ponat ... doli.
(my translation) Each coven (literally „inner room“) must have its leader ... order ... Trick.
(used in the show) Each coven must have its leader and only he might order the working of the Dark Trick upon a mortal.
2. Dona tenebrosa numquam debilesdebile.. ... er.. aut iis qui necum potestatibus quidem obscuris suis vivere possunt debent.
The Dark Gifts must never be given to the weak ... or to those who cannot (in fact) live with their dark powers.
The Dark Gifts must never be given to the crippled, the maimed or to children.
3. Nullus lamia vampiris debet scribere historiam lamiae vel quamlibet veram cognitionem lamiorum netalis historia inveniatura mortalibus et credatur.
No vampire should commit to writing the history of the vampires, or any true knowledge of vampires, lest such a story be discovered and believed by mortals.
No vampire must commit to writing the history of the vampires.
4. Nemo lamia suamveram naturammortalibus unquam patefaciet et mortale vivat.
No vampire will ever reveal his true nature to mortals and lives as a mortal.
No vampire shall ever reveal his or her true nature to a mortal and let the mortal live.
5. Nullus lamia potestalium lamia destruere nisi quod dominus copuluspotestatemhabetvitae et necis super totum gregem suum.
No vampire can destroy another vampire except for the coven master who holds the power of life and death over his whole flock.
No vampire may ever destroy another vampire except that the coven master has the power of life and death over all his flock.
Other laws that are at least a little bit readable:
51. Lamia semper ad sep... re...bit vel uni simillimum.
A vampire is always ... or very similar to one.
52. Lamia non cognoscet gaudium.
A vampire will not know joy.
53. Non cognoscet lamia felicitatem.
A vampire will not know happiness.
54. Leges magnae lamiae ...olasse iudicatus exs... ... morte punietur.
The laws of the great vampire* ... judged ... will be punished by death.
*or more likely the great laws of the vampires.
55. Lamia(e) exilia punienda ...buntur in terra tumulanda.
Exiled vampires to be punished ... buried in the ground.
56. Lamia non ambulabit in locis lucis.
A vampire will not walk in places of light.
57. Vampires praedam e consortio rapient ...s profuxis[?] et vagi.
Vampires will snatch prey from the group  ... runaways and vagrants.
58. Lamia nunquam cognoscet delicias vitae vanitates saeculi.
A vampire will never know the pleasures of life and the vanities of the world/age.
59. Lamia non requiret solatium foci[?].
A vampire will not require the comfort of a family.
60. Vampires nunquam carnalem delectationem cum mortalibus requirent.
Vampires will never seek carnal pleasure with mortals.
61. Vampires nunquam mortalium consortia quaerunt.
Vampires never seek the company of mortals.
62. Vivere inter homines ....nt labentibus annis lamia ad insaniam.
To live among humans .... the passing years ... a vampire to madness.
63. Vivere inter homines alios videre senescere ac mori sicut lamia nunquam sequila[?] lamia ad insaniam impellet.
To live among humans and see others grow old and die, like vampires would never, will drive vampires to insanity.
64. Lamia non ....patem quaerunt.
A vampire not ... seek.
65. Vampires in choro[?] delectationem non reg...rent.
Vampires do not ... delight in dance.
66. Vampires in musica non quaerunt ....tem.
Vampires do not seek .... in music.
67. Lamia(e) non[?] actibus[?] delectationem quaerunt,
Vampires do not seek pleasure in perfomances.
68. Vampires litterae** voluptatem non requirent.
Vampires do not seek pleasure in books.
**thank you lilium-in-blue
69. Vampires magicae non ....ionem requirent.
Vampires do not seek .... magic.
81. Factor amittit fac....diendi f.lli sui cogitationes ..c ...tium est donum obscurae largi...
The maker loses .... his thoughts ... is Dark Gift ...
82. Lamia in alias formas inc..sa europaea mutare poterit sed numquam in ...rundom africanum vertere poteris.
A vampire in other forms ... European ... will be able to change but never in ... African ... will be able to turn.***
*** I have no idea what this means. Words are missing and the whole sentence can have a completely different meaning than what it looks like now. My first thought was that it was some kind of reference to Akasha and Enkil. Please don't jump to conclusions.
83. Veri filii dei potestatibus eam ...per fidem resistere possunt s.... ....e sunt creaturae infidelis damnatorum.
True children of God .... powers ... can resist faith ... are the creatures ... damned unfaithful.
84. Lamia corpora aquae salsae in aestus maximo et infimo .a.tum transibunt.
A vampire will cross bodies of salt water ... at high and low tides.
85. Ut tempus mortale depopulatur corpus lamia depopulabitur tempus ut anni decennia vertuntur in saecula millennii corpus petrificat et lamia volvitur in saxum.
As time destroys the mortal body, so the vampire will be destroyed over time, as the decades turn into the centuries of the millennium, the body petrifies and the vampire turns to stone.
86. Vampires victimas non relinquent ubi a mortalibus cognosci possint nisi tales dolores fuerint ut mors non sit causa praeternaturalia.
Vampires will not leave their victims where they can be recognized by mortals unless they are wounded in such a way that their death does not seem supernatural.
87. Lamia vera loquetur scobe[?] domino.
The vampire will speak the truth ... to the master.
88. Lamia domino suo asse obediet eique exhibebit quantum tale officium postulat.
A vampire will obey his master and will give him as much as such a duty demands.
89. Lamia ad omnes casus paretur.
A vampire is prepared for everything.
90. Lamia paratus ad immolandum se ad bonum testudinis.
A vampire is willing to sacrifice himself/herself for the good of the coven.
91. Paratus lamia paratus erit suum testudinum et dominum suum ab omnibusiminis externis et domesticis defendere.
A prepared vampire will be ready to defend his/her coven and his/her master from external and internal threats.
92. Super omnia custodiatte.
Above all, be vigilant.
93. Nullam lamia eg... posuere eget t.n.idunt quam.
No vampire ... needs to put ...
94. Si lamia in...niret socium lamia fractam testudinis regulas tali de..sta domino cousco referentur.
If a vampire ... vampire breaks the rules of the coven, such ... they will be reported to the coven master.
95. Defectum de .ae...is membris certi... facere faciet ..os criminum facitos[?] lamia ac s ... .a... miserit.
The failure of ... members ... will make ... crimes ... vampire ... will be killed/released.
96. Ignorantia testament.. regulae non erit acceptabile defensionem contra regulas praevaricationis.
Ignorance ... of the rules will not be an acceptable defense against breaking the rules.
97. Admissa in cr..am un ... via exeundi ...
Admitted ... way ... avoid ...
98. Pactum lamia s... et pacem[?] praesedit.
A vampire pact ... and presides over peace.
TL;DR: Very cult-like rules, calling for restraint, moderation, obedience. Lots of little callbacks.
Let me know if you spot any mistakes or can add anything. I'm used to translating from Latin, but not into English. Latin is a bit tricky, mainly because of the crazy word order.
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Highlights from the Owl House reunion panel!
Dana headcanons that the Collector, when traveling between dimensions, came across Bill Cipher a dorito, shrugged, and continued on his way
Zeno said that If Hunter and “his big brother” (Caleb? I assume?) could spend the day together, they would go to the zoo, eat junk food, stay up late, and sleep in
Mela thinks that if Kikimora went to therapy, she would write letters (using her hair claws) of apology to the people she’s wronged
Elizabeth said Camila’s palisman would be a chancleta
Avi thinks that Raine loves making collages and going on nature walks in their spare time
Dana added that King would enjoy helping out with the collages and the consensus became that Raine just hosts collage nights
Alex was adamant that Eda would not be afraid of the IRS (*in the Grunkle Stan voice* “SHE WOULD BE THE ONE TO TAKE THEM DOWN! THE PERFECT WOMAN!”)
Zeno said Hunter's favorite Kingdom Hearts character would be Roxas
Dana can't say whether or not she's working on any new projects
Sarah-Nicole thinks that Hooty would be Luz's chambelan at her quinceañera
Dana said that Lilith's palisman is the one holding the camera for the final shot of the show
According to Dana, the Healing Coven Head would have been "silent, stoic, and scary" if the show had gotten to explore her personality more. Apparently she would have been the only Coven Head Belos wasn't sure he could manipulate
Dana also said that the Oracle Coven Head might have known Kikimora's family (and possibly been the one who got her her job)
Cissy and Sarah-Nicole said that Luz would be the illustrator of Lilith's books on the history of the Isles
Avi thinks that Eda and Raine gromposed to each other silmultaneously
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storiesbyrhi · 1 year
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Complete series Total word count: 92,965 words Witch!reader x bat/vampire!Eddie Munson
No witch has stepped foot in Hawkins since 1845, but when Vecna opens the ground and poisons the town, a voice begins to call to you. Have you been brought back to this cursed place to heal the townspeople's wounds, to save a hexed bat that always finds its way to you, or to redefine your history with a reunion 150 years in the making?
Warnings: canon typical violence, swearing, horror genre typical violence/infrequent gore, death/dying, animal death, suicide, abusive parents, death in childbirth (mentioned - not described), spiders/bug, no beta, grief/mourning; light smut; blood; murder
Extras: From 1586 to 1986 - our story's timeline The Grimoire - all the magical references Book cover art Eddie art
one: Eptesicus fuscus 2809 words A voice calls to you.
two: From sickness a reprieve 3443 words There are many different ways to heal.
three: A drop of witch's blood 2755 words When is a man, not a man?
four: Deserving of hex or death 3371 words An ye harm none, do what ye will.
five: A gateway to the woods 2562 words In honour and love.
six: To symbolise atonement and reconciliation 2714 words Death and transformation, or: how to unhex.
seven: I wasn't your burden to bear 2740 words Bury a candle and give allegiance.
eight: Lux solis urere hic malum 3051 words Death is here.
nine: That's the real monster 2962 words What is expected of us?
ten: This is holy work 2909 words Violence comes twofold.
eleven: A carnal fight of bodies 3046 words A witch will not fight alone.
twelve: I remember destruction 2777 words The timeline narrows and questions begin to find answers. 
thirteen: A question of morality 2882 words Warning... answers may lead to endings.
fourteen: The natural laws of magic and earth 3294 words We are our memories.
fifteen: Fade to black 3170 words Before death.
sixteen: Everything all at once 3515 words Liminal spaces.
seventeen: Where there is death 3668 words We speak to those beyond.
eighteen: A ghost in the memory 2552 words Magic for magic.
nineteen: Love and be loved 2292 words It's time to wake up.
twenty: Slit the throat of fear 3635 words A non-linear and incomplete series of vignettes.
twenty one: Your defense is me 2590 words Looming doom.
twenty two: I will not survive you 2918 words It's time for a family reunion.
twenty three: Our mutineer fate 3390 words In coven we trust.
twenty four: Come pleading for absolution 3124 words Pulling strings and aura reading. 
twenty five: Continue to delight me 2738 words Homeward bound.
twenty six: No new monsters 2994 words Life goes on.
twenty seven: Deep, dark catacombs of my soul 2888 words To build a home. (bonus: Little Witch's Moody Midnight Mix Tape)
twenty eight: A monument to witchcraft and love 2340 words You are wide awake. (bonus: Little Witch and Eddie's Home inspo board)
twenty nine: Seven witches and a vampire 3676 words Seven witches and a vampire walk into a human Halloween party in Hawkins, Indiana.
thirty: Echo through time forever more 2172 words The promise of snow in the shadow of a falling curtain.
thirty one: Night Bloom 4047 words The end.
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sepublic · 10 months
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            I’ve already brought up how the loss of glyphs is deeply tragic for Luz on an interpersonal level, given her relationship with the Titan as being kinda found family in a spiritual successor to Manny sorta way…
            But on a larger, cultural level? It’s straight-up genocide. Because glyphs were an ancient practice; They were a tradition at one point, as Eda explains. The earliest witches used to learn glyphs from the Titan on her knee, and eventually stopped when that became redundant with the more convenient source of their bile sacs.
            But it was still an important part of their history; It was how witches and demons first communicated and interacted with the land and nature, and their ‘god’ in a mutualistic way. It was how they respected their world.
            So even if glyphs were evidently forgotten by the Deadwardian Era, they were still available for those who needed them… And in comes fucking Philip, the racist colonizer, and because of his possession of the Titan’s heart, she finally dies and glyphs can no longer work. They’re obsolete now.
            They still happened, but now that part of magic, of history and this world, is gone forever. It’s cultural erasure, it’s what Luz alludes to when she mentions how scars from Belos’ reign still remain, like the left arm being permanently shifted upwards; Who knows how many were displaced, how much the local flora and fauna and ecosystems were devastated, with the desert of Palm Stings now colder than even the knee itself?!?
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            It’s just so deeply painful because Luz really helped to bring back an ancient, lost tradition and unlike Philip, breathed new life into it; Glyphs could be used to help people without bile sacs, who didn’t utilize spell circles as well. We actually saw Luz experiment with using individual glyphs, and figure out the combos; Things she did on her own. She shared knowledge of glyphs with her loved ones, like Eda, King, Lilith, Gus, Amity, etc.
            There really was going to be a return of something lost, but now it’s gone forever because of a bigoted old white man who was too bitter about things that are different and needed to feel big and important by standing on the shoulders of others. It’s cultural genocide. That memory where Belos' destructive lies about wild magic drive witches away from the knee that they still had the potential to learn from, leaving behind only ruins in the present-day? With some murdered via the coven sigils that cut them even further off from their own magic they forgot glyphs for? It's truly symbolic of the final nails in the coffin.
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            And it’s also desecration of the dead, too; Caleb is not the only one to have had his corpse bastardized by Belos, misused against everything he stood for. Belos also misused that corpse, first by stealing the Titan’s name, then misusing her magic, her resources such as Palistrom wood… And finally possessing that body literally, which is what murders the Titan. It’s like colonizers bastardizing and salting the land that locals carefully maintained a proper relationship with, and keep in mind this fucker is a literal Puritan colonist. There’s no respect, not for the dead and/or past. Compare that to Luz, who lives on in Manny’s memory and makes him proud.
            I’m just imagining Caleb and the Titan watching, in agony, as their bodies are used to create a vicious mockery towards their actual kin, who remain totally unaware, and in the case of the Grimwalkers, it’s another lineage that is also abused. Meanwhile the Clawthornes remain unknowing of their past because colonialism erases history, hence Belos hiring Flora, and hell even getting Lilith to participate in her own historical erasure, as both Clawthorne and witch!
            Meanwhile, King remains oblivious and unconnected to his own heritage. And most of that can also be attributed to the Titan Trappers and Archivists, themselves perpretrators of genocide. So King and Eda go without knowing their heritage for so long, in Eda’s case she may never find out entirely, because it’s part of the many voices who are lost and silenced due to genocide, buried in the past to be forgotten.
            And you know one thing more that fucks me up? It’s that I genuinely suspect that Philip initially had it easier with glyphs than Luz, and that he made them more difficult for her. Because based on his dialogue by finding the Ice glyph in a snowflake, and his diary and memory portraits showing him arriving in the isles via Eclipse Lake, at the Knee…
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            Philip was probably shown his first spell on his first day in the Demon Realm. And it makes sense; The first human, the precedent that the Titan would’ve known by this point, was Caleb; Himself Philip’s brother, who was also raised to be a witch hunter, yet learned better. We know people can view both worlds from that in-between realm, but the Titan still isn’t omnipotent and can only watch through a limited number of cubes at a time, while having to know what and who to look for.
            But even so; With Caleb’s precedent, there could’ve been hope that Philip would follow in his footsteps, that he would learn and be more, and actually choose to be better instead of defaulting to Puritan predestination and the like as an excuse to stay the same and absolve him of responsiability. But we know what happened; Philip started off easy, but then made things difficult by rejecting the Titan’s compassion, by misusing her magic for evil and murder and genocide. The Titan showed Philip compassion first and this was how he responded.
            I really feel as if there’s an implicit reluctance with how Luz is taught glyphs, one at a time, in separate scenarios, usually as a result of character development and/or engaging with the world around her, which are things the Titan would really need to see to start trusting another human again (and if he knew Luz gave Philip the last glyph, that would also add to the wariness that Belos caused by manipulating her). Luz didn’t learn her first spell until a few days into her journey, and Luz had already had a few perilous encounters by that point! But she continued to brave her way through everything, continued to accept the isles and its messier side.
            And so the Titan showed Luz her first spell, and only that, in response to Luz needing it, wanting to learn magic, and most of all humbling herself to be kind to the Titan’s own son, and listen to him; Because neglecting King was what low-key led to Eda’s transformation placing everyone in danger, since he only told Luz about the elixir and agreed to steal it for the sake of getting her attention.
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            So that makes Luz listening to the Titan for the first time, intentionally, with her second spell –Ice, Philip’s first- so much more hard-hitting. The way she wanted to live out her dream so she went for the wand behind people’s backs, but then recognized and owned up to her mistakes. And she really was just a lonely kid in need of guidance, and not a stubborn adult committed to his cruelty; Luz always had an open mind! She always wanted to learn!
            And she got to! She learned each glyph at a time… And that’s all the Titan could do for her, something the Titan had already done for so many others, long ago, before they realized they had bile sacs and didn’t need to rely on the land around them as much. Luz still experimented even when she just had one glyph; She understood how intent mattered. She and Lilith built off of each other’s knowledge to collaborate and create combos. Meanwhile Belos, he agonized because he made things pointlessly difficult by refusing to adapt to the ways of another land, and only got his first and last glyphs by taking the compassion of someone who knew them and betraying it.
            Plus there’s what I said about Lilith, her whole thing as Caleb’s descendant, directly abused by Belos and belittled by him, made to participate in her own erasure loss of past, separated from that… Really, one could argue the Clawthornes are like the Boiling Isles equivalent to the Irish; Yeah they're white but that doesn't mean they aren't victims of British colonialism that sought to 'conquer the land' and all that.
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The Clawthornes are generally known for big orange hair, with Lilith's curly hair being straightened and dyed dark-blue in an attempt to assimilate within the Emperor's Coven's (AKA Philip's) standards of conformity. They worked with the land via the Palistrom carving and began to lose that because of the trees being endangered by Belos' gluttony, as well as the curse disabling Dell; The very curse created by the Archivists, who also invaded this world, the very curse cast by Lilith because the coven system influenced her to feel shame over wild magic and embrace hierarchy instead.
The curse leads to Eda's loss of bile magic, something very important to her and witches in general, and Lilith loses her own trying to mitigate her own mistakes. So not just glyphs are taken from witches, but even their own bile magic they initially replaced them with, and the other resources of the land. And Lilith is cut off from her family, her real family, as she's taken in by an ancestor who has deliberately distanced himself and loathes her on multiple levels as something to be 'fixed'.
But Lilith gets her hair back and re-embraces it, she gets her family back. She still manages to somewhat retain her past; After all, Lilith gets to go to the Deadwardian Era herself! And she meets, as much as it loathes anyone to acknowledge it, an ancestor, and influences history in a subtle yet personally meaningful way. And Lilith helps re-establish contact with the lost practice of glyphs by figuring out how to combine them, which goes hand in hand with her passion of being a historian, and her additional function as both parallel and especially foil to Philip.
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             Just… Luz and the Titan. And Caleb. And Lilith. There’s dead people and there’s history and there’s land, there’s bodies and respect. There’s compassion and actually working with people and finding no shame in that, instead of stealing and taking credit. And in the end, even though they manage to regain some things, a lot was still inevitably lost to genocide, and possibly gone forever.
            But the effects and legacy still linger, Luz still remembers and holds dear what the glyphs did; And she honors not just Manny’s legacy, but Caleb’s, by bridging the gap between humanity and witches, and showing both can co-exist in harmony. She helped his descendants, and even the last Grimwalker, find happiness and reconnect with their heritage, even if they don’t know just how close it is to them in particular. Luz honored the Titan by clearing his name, finding his son, and ensuring the last of the Titans is no longer alone and in understanding of his heritage. Luz even made amends with the Titan’s other greatest regret, harming the Collector, by making peace; And she proved glyphs were still useful, they were still kind, and that compassion wasn’t wasted.
            So even if the Titan’s glyphs are gone now, Luz still honored their memory by sharing them freely and helping, teaching, cultivating. The Clawthornes are rebuilding the Palistrom forests, among them is Hunter who as a Grimwalker was one of the purposes for which Belos devastated those natural resources for. And King… King is beginning to develop his own glyphs! And Luz is learning her first one, Light, from a Titan all over again, because she showed King kindness.
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            That honors the Titan’s memory by keeping it alive through her son; Who keeps the memory of glyphs alive through the ones he’ll sustain and share with everyone else, and those glyphs will spread to those without and even with bile sacs. And a lost art is brought back, irreversibly different but still intact in the important ways. People are relearning old practices to apply to a new world, because the past is gone but it still lingers and is simply… reborn. Despite the scars and changes it survives and is still itself.
            And with how all of this loops back to Luz’s relationship with her father Manny, who passed away, and how all that was based on Dana’s own relationship with her deceased father, who left her a final gift in Pokemon Red that she chose to cherish to this day, and embrace her own creativity and keep it alive. It’s a story about things dying but still managing to live anyway.
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bloodhxney · 7 months
A flutter of wings through the open window signal the return of her companion. Perching easily on a chair and opening it's beak to release what it had been holding. 'Welcome home. What have you brought me, darling.’ Alice cooed softly as she turned away from her work table. A stroke of her finger over the raven's head before reaching over to pick up the piece of paper that had been dropped on the small kitchen table. An invitation of sorts. Cursive script, soft colored flowers, followed by a date and a time. A grand gathering was happening tonight. A celebration of an engagement that was open to the entire town. But what stuck out to the blonde instantly was the name.
A family she'd kept an eye on for nearly all of her four hundred years of life. The family of her love who'd been snatched away from her. Memories flood her mind, visceral and like they happened just yesterday. Alice took a deep breath, shaking her head to push them away. ‘So, another Wynter is getting married is that right?’ Glancing to the familiar as it shook out its feathers, cawing softly as if to tell her to keep reading. Catching the other name is what gave the witch pause.
That name haunted her even to this day. Reverend o’Brien had taken everything from her. Alice could feel her blood start to boil just from seeing the name alone. That man condemned her love, a one Tiberius Wynter to a painful, agonizing death all because he could not see that all Alice had been doing was helping people. Tiberius's death was one of many during those years. History books taught all about it to this day. But there was a partial truth to her story. The blonde was a witch, that much was true, born and raised in a coven that believed in the power of nature and healing.
She never hurt anyone, even helped so many of those towns folk heal over her time there. Yet with a simple word from the reverend, they'd all turned against her. Turned against Tiberius and used him as a warning. Burnt her tiny little home to the ground and killed him publicly while she was away. Left him hanging in the town square for all to see. How could a Wynter be marrying an o'Brien? Absolutely absurd. Did they not know the history? Or had they all just simply buried the tragedy over the centuries. No longer wishing to be associated with such a sad and morbid tale.
Alice had stayed away from the Wynter estate ever since Tiberius was murdered, focusing instead on her anger and revenge to the people of Cypress Falls. A dreary and odd town it had become. Superstitions abound, strange happenings. And a new person every year finding home in the sanitorium at the edge of town. Driven mad from hallucinations of an old hag. The occasional sighting of the elusive one eyed raven who now became synonymous with bad luck and death. That same bird stared at Alice from across the table. In the home that she had to rebuild from scratch. Tossing the invitation back on to the table the witch squared her shoulders. 'Well, I haven't been to a ball in sometime. Shall we dress up and pay the manor a visit Narcissus?' There would be no such wedding. Not while she was alive and could prevent it. No Wynter would mingle with the people who caused her so much pain. // @wynterhxney
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
I want to know if you can do a Garrett-x-male reader. Where the reader is a Naiad (freshwater nymph) that was founded and adopted by the Cullens as their adopted son/brother. People say that he is the kindest and most beautiful/attractive out of his siblings, and people are always surprised that he does not have a spouse or a lover, yet even his family says the same thing, to which he just replies that it's just not the right time. But in reality, he is afraid of falling in love because his last relationships either ended with the guy he loved dying or breaking his heart. So he tries to keep his distance from love. One day, when Garrett and his covenant came to the Cullen's residence, the vampire immediately set his eyes on the reader, knowing that he was his mate and falling head over heels for him. But each time he gets close to him, the reader always pushes back. After a long while, the reader breaks down, asking Garrett why he keeps pursuing him. The vampire replies about how he fell in love with him. The reader tells him that he's just going to go away like the others, but Garrett holds him, telling him he promised to stay with him to leave his side, making the reader fall in love with him. (Sorry for it being long)
❝afraid of love❞
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✭ pairing : garrett x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (M/n) is the recent adopted member of the Olympic Clan, he isn’t a vampire like the other members but instead a Naiad - or in other words a fresh water nymph. He was rescued by Doctor Carlilsle when he was found injured by some fisher men and the rest is history.
✭ twilight masterlist
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In the quiet town of Forks, nestled amid the lush forests of Washington, there lived a rather unique family. Carlisle Cullen, a compassionate and knowledgeable doctor, had taken it upon himself to care for those in need. This included not only humans but also some rather extraordinary individuals. Among them was (M/n), a young male naiad, a freshwater nymph.
Years ago, when (M/n) was but a vulnerable and injured young boy, he had been discovered by Carlisle after a group of reckless fishermen had harmed him. Carlisle, with his unwavering commitment to helping those in pain, took (M/n) under his wing and raised him alongside the other remarkable children he had adopted.
The Cullen family was unlike any other in Forks, a small town where people knew each other's names and secrets. Alongside (M/n), Carlisle had adopted Edward, Jasper, Alice, Emmett, and Rosalie, each unique in their own way.
However, (M/n) stood out among his siblings, not because of his origins as a naiad, but because of his incredible kindness and willingness to engage with the humans of Forks. When he first started attending Forks High School, his fellow students were immediately struck by his gentle and sweet nature. The nickname "Forks Sweet Boy" quickly spread through the school, a testament to his reputation.
(M/n) didn't mind the nickname at all. In fact, he embraced it with a warm smile. He would often be seen chatting with classmates, offering a helping hand, or simply listening to their concerns. He had a way of making everyone feel heard and valued, a true gift that endeared him to the hearts of the townspeople.
His siblings admired (M/n)'s ability to connect with humans so effortlessly. Edward, with his telepathic abilities, often marveled at the pure intentions he sensed in his brother. Jasper, an empath, felt a sense of calm and contentment whenever he was near (M/n). Alice considered him a genuine friend and confidant. Emmett and Rosalie, though initially skeptical of having a naiad in the family, had come to love (M/n) as their own.
As the Cullen family lived their peaceful and quiet life in Forks, (M/n) continued to be the embodiment of kindness and compassion. His presence, like a cool stream in a tranquil forest, brought solace and harmony to those who had the privilege of knowing him.
Forks High School buzzed with the typical energy of a school day. In the bustling cafeteria, (M/n) found himself sitting at a table surrounded by a group of students, including the new girl, Bella Swan. He was known for his friendly and welcoming nature, always eager to make newcomers feel at ease.
As he chatted with Bella, he offered her a warm smile. "So, Bella, if you ever need help navigating this place or have any questions, just let me know. I'm here to make your transition smoother."
Bella looked genuinely grateful for his offer, appreciating the kindness radiating from the boy with bright eyes and a warm demeanor. "Thank you, (M/n). That's really sweet of you."
The other students at the table couldn't believe their eyes. (M/n) was a Cullen, part of the mysterious and enigmatic family that had captured the town's curiosity for years. They had expected him to be sitting with his siblings, not mingling with regular students.
Jessica, who had been trying to catch (M/n)'s attention, decided to take her shot. She leaned in closer, batting her eyelashes flirtatiously. "You know, (M/n), you're even more attractive than your siblings. I bet your partner is very lucky."
(M/n), however, seemed oblivious to her advances. He chuckled politely. "Oh, I don't have a partner."
The revelation raised eyebrows and sparked whispers among the students, all curious about (M/n)'s relationship status. They couldn't fathom why someone so kind and attractive would be unattached.
With a serene smile, (M/n) deflected the curiosity. "It's just not the right time for me."
Just as the atmosphere at the table was growing more curious and perplexed, Edward, with his usual air of authority, approached the group. His expression was stern, his eyes locking onto (M/n).
"(M/n)," he said stiffly, "Carlisle called. We're leaving school early. He needs us all at home."
(M/n) nodded, his friendly demeanor momentarily replaced by seriousness. "Of course, Edward. Let's go."
As (M/n) rose from the table, Bella, the only one who didn't question his actions, offered him a supportive smile. She could sense there was more to (M/n) than met the eye, and she was intrigued.
The rest of the students watched in bewilderment as (M/n) and Edward along with the rest of the siblings left the cafeteria together, leaving behind a sense of mystery and a flurry of unanswered questions.
The Cullen family arrived home, their footsteps echoing through the spacious house. The atmosphere was tinged with curiosity as they all caught a whiff of a foreign vampire's scent in their home.
Carlisle and Esme were waiting in the grand living room, engaged in conversation with a tall, dark-haired vampire named Garrett. The Cullens entered the room, their eyes immediately drawn to the mysterious guest.
Carlisle, ever the gracious host, stepped forward and began introductions. "Everyone, this is Garrett. He's an old friend of mine. I'm sorry I pulled you all out of classes early, but I didn't want you to be alarmed by his scent and mistake him for a foreign vampire coming into Forks."
The Cullens nodded in understanding, their expressions relaxing as they realized the situation. However, (M/n) remained in the background, observing the newcomer with keen interest.
As Garrett and Carlisle continued their conversation with the rest of the family, (M/n) watched from afar. There was something about Garrett that piqued (M/n)'s curiosity. Their eyes met across the room, and in that instant, Garrett felt a powerful, inexplicable pull.
Unable to resist the magnetic force drawing him, Garrett excused himself from the group and approached (M/n) with a charming smile. "I know we've been introduced, but I wanted to say hello personally. My name is Garrett."
(M/n) smiled back, the corners of their eyes crinkling with warmth. "Nice to meet you, Garrett."
In a gesture of old-world chivalry, Garrett bent gracefully and kissed the back of (M/n)'s hand. The contact sent a shiver down (M/n)'s spine, and they couldn't deny the sudden connection that had formed between them.
The rest of the Cullen family watched with curiosity as the two exchanged pleasantries, unaware of the deeper connection that had instantly sparked between (M/n) and Garrett.
Garrett had been persistent in his efforts to spend more time with (M/n). He invited him on walks through the lush forest, took him to scenic spots, and even suggested romantic dinners. Yet, no matter how much effort Garrett put into pursuing (M/n), there remained an emotional distance between them.
One day, after another attempt to engage in conversation with (M/n) ended with (M/n) excusing himself, Garrett decided it was time to confront the issue. He cornered (M/n) in the garden, his expression a mix of concern and determination.
"(M/n)," Garrett began gently, "I've noticed that you've been keeping your distance from me, and I can't help but wonder why."
(M/n) hesitated for a moment before finally opening up, their voice laced with vulnerability. "Garrett, I've seen your efforts, and I want you to know that it's not because I don't appreciate them. It's just that... I can't return your feelings."
Garrett's brow furrowed in confusion. "Why not? What's holding you back?"
(M/n) took a deep breath, bracing themselves to share a painful part of their past. "Before I came to live with Carlisle, I was a naiad, a freshwater nymph, living out in the open sea. I met someone, another of my kind, and we fell in love. But one day, I had to watch as he was killed by fishermen. It was a brutal and heart-wrenching experience, and ever since then, I've been afraid to fall in love again, afraid of losing someone I care about."
Garrett's heart ached as he listened to (M/n)'s story, understanding the deep pain and fear that lingered within them. Without hesitation, he pulled (M/n) into a comforting embrace. "(M/n), I can't promise to be there forever, but I can promise that I'll cherish every moment we have together. I'll make every moment special, and I'll do my best to show you that love can also bring joy and happiness."
Tears welled up in (M/n)'s eyes as Garrett's words washed over them. They buried their face in his chest, allowing themselves to release the pent-up emotions they had been holding back for so long. Garrett held them close, offering silent support and understanding.
As (M/n) finally looked up at Garrett, their eyes met, and in that moment, all the unspoken feelings they had kept at bay surged forward. Garrett leaned in, capturing (M/n)'s lips in a tender and passionate kiss. It was a promise of love, a vow to cherish each other, and a declaration that, despite the pain of the past, their hearts were ready to embrace a new beginning.
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panlight · 3 months
hi! i’ve been really enjoying hearing your thoughts on the whole “olympic coven” thing (tbh it wasn’t something i had really thought about a lot before — i always just thought of them as “the cullens” lmao so i’m learning lots of new things)
but omg let me just say re: your possible alternative names post — “st. carlisle and his disciples” is canon!!!!!!! to me!!!!!!!!
i feel like to a lot of the other vamps the cullens do seem kinda cult-y, and even to the ones who know/like carlisle, it does kinda feel like there’s a little bit of an eyeroll and a “yeah my weird friend carlisle who likes helping humans — strange but charming i suppose”
i guess maybe it wouldn’t be like an “official name” but i absolutely 10000000% can see other vamps calling them that casually, or maybe it’s one of those things that was a joke one time and then it stuck
anyway, i just wanted to say that reading “st. carlisle and his disciples” sent me into absolute hysterics and then i was like “oh shit that’s so good tho like that’s literally them”
i hope you have a lovely day!! 🥰🥰
I'm sure I'm not the first person who has used some variant of that, but I find it so funny too and it seems like human nature--or, well, vampire nature--that Carlisle's whole deal would rub some vampires the wrong way, or they'd be inclined to tease him.
I sort of imagine it really started in Volterra, with its proximity to Rome/the Vatican and the seat of the Catholic power. Carlisle's not Catholic, but I'm sure to ancient vampires who pre-date Christianity, that distinction is hardly important. "The Vatican's that way, Your Holiness," etc.
I also suspect that early on Carlisle was probably a bit more "preachy" in the sense that he was 'young' and native and idealistic and the first few times he met another vampire he had probably assumed they'd be THRILLED to learn the Good News that animal blood was enough and they didn't have to kill people. And he'd give them this pitch that probably sounded like the vampire equivalent of someone knocking on your door and trying to convert you to their religion.
There's also this thing people do where they get kind of . . . defensive, in a weird way, when they meet someone who opts out of doing something that 'everyone' else does. For example, I don't drink alcohol. Not for religious or moral reasons, but more about family history, mental health and a genuine lack of interest. But some people get SO WEIRD when this comes up, like they think I am judging them for drinking or think I think I'm better than them for not drinking. And I imagine Carlisle gets this from other vampires, too that even if he's not proselytizing, other vampires still get this defensive reaction and respond with "okay St. Carlisle we get it, you're pure and holy and we're soulless demons."
But yeah, pre-BD I wouldn't have guessed he has as many friends as he does; I had kind of gotten the impression that only the Denali coven and Aro liked him and everyone else found him kind of annoying, the Ned Flanders of vampires. BD paints a different picture of vampires who like him, would risk dying for him, but I imagine there's still an element of teasing there, especially with the likes of Siobhan and Garrett. Maybe less the off-putting religious zealot who tries to convert you and more like the weird hippie vegan friend who lives on a commune. Nice guy, means well, but super weird.
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captainmera · 9 months
Hellu!! In the latest chapter of tgb you spoke about hunters political power as the golden guard, and I would love to hear more about that if you would like to share !!
Sure! :)
This is super long, though. Because context of why I conclude these things are important to know!
This is just me being a history buff, though. And if you've read my webcomic In Blood we Rise, you know I like playing with the social-culture of a society.
So from the bits and pieces I've picked up from the show, either via how characters treat one another (Ex. Boscha, Amity, Willow, Gus) and the use of titles (coven heads, Emperor, "prince" - aka Golden Guard) I expand upon those clues and apply what I know of those titles, or the human equivalents of them.
The Golden Guard is, although mockingly, referred as similar to a prince title. Whatever it actually is or not is up to anyone's guess. But given that the GG is the Emperor's right-hand man, and the Emperor is a sort of religious leader/dictator.. I concluded that the GG is somewhat similar in nature.
If "Emperor" is a leader, with religious implication (as Hunter himself used the words such as "sacrilege" when invading Belos' mind) and is commonly known to know the will of the Titan (their god and nature).
Then, I think it is fair to say, that the GG most likely has similar roles but on a smaller scale.
Hunter was raised into this role, not unlike how a prince is raised to become king one day.
- If Emperor = Pope. - Then GG is = King, a military general, priesthood. - The Coven heads = Gentry (Earls, Barons, Marquesses, etc) - People like the Blights are = Gentry (Lords, Ladies, etc) - Maybe people like the Clawthornes are = Middle class? (Merchants?) - And people like the Parks or Porters are = Peasants (lower classes up to lower middle class). - And people like... *shrug* ..? ... Steve? = Peasants (Lower working class to upper working class)
This hierarchy is similar to the English one, Philip Wittebane was English. I am going on a limb here that Philip conjuncted his own application of the hierarchy he knew of onto an already existing system.
So we got the previous hierarchy system (shown and told by Boscha, mostly, and Amity in season 1). With whatever Philip could layer ontop. So it's not accurate-accurate, but a bit to the left.
We know power is important. And we know they talk about important FAMILIES. The Blight's "Dont associate" with weaker witches. Implying that some families with better magic and power have a higher status, and it is even encouraged to impose your status on those beneath you.
The teachers don't intervene when Boscha bullies Willow, they even celebrate her for her superiority. However, they do allow Willow to show her worth through POWER too.
So you can raise in social ranks by being better than others. Hence why other witches were so eager to take advantage of Gus, too. Gus is from a lower or middle class, but his illusionist powers are superior. He could easily rise to become a coven head one day. If recognised for this, others might want to hitch a ride for as long as he can carry them.
We know nothing of the Boiling Isles culture before Belos took over.
We do know a bit of traditional cultural things; like Palismen and the bed-nests. You could even say that Eda is a traditionalist in that sense, as she wants to use Wild Magic like they used to do on the isles.
We also know that The Titan's children used to be running around plentiful, that there was a subgroup of Witches that were Hunters too! (Hunter's name being Hunter has so many layers, man.. Not just Witch-Hunter-General but, like, hunters hunting Titans - the literal, kind of, devil imagery of this realm. Maybe Belos knew? Maybe he met the titan hunters? Maybe that's how he knew how to find the not-broken-mirror of the collector? What else did he know? WHO KNOWS.)
But the Titans has been dead for a very long time. But in that time in-between, we know people did exist. And where there is people, there is structure and culture. And back then, in the Deadwardian times, we know they knew they lived upon the Titan. It would not be so farfetched if they had some sort of priesthood similar to.... The greek temples?
The illusionist graveyard statues are... Coming to mind. I struggle to believe that illusionists were supposedly always considered the lowest and most useless group of magic users. It is heavely implied that Gus talents were meant for greatness. Especially in regards to the human realm.
I think, with the stone portal being as Hellenistic and temple-looking, that there might've been once-upon-a-time where witches frequented into the human realm more often. Perhaps with the use of illusion magic. Perhaps, back then, being an illusionist was a great thing to be.
But time changes things. What used to be a useful skill falls out of style. And whatever else (like Abomination slime) becomes more useful to the contemporary culture, that's what will be on the rise.
Speaking of abomination, I think it's meant to represent a sort-of industrial revolution ordeal. And that's where the Blights took a big shine in power.
You had to read my thoughtprocess on that before I can go into your actual question.
SO..! The Golden Guard!
First, let's figure out what the heck a prince does and typical life could look like. Let's look at the real life prince of England at the time! Charles the first.
Charles was born on 29 May 1630. In August 1642 (twelve years old), the long-running dispute between Charles I and Parliament culminated in the outbreak of the First English Civil War. In October the same year (still twelve years old), Prince Charles and his younger brother James were present at the Battle of Edgehill. And spent the next two years (so fourteen years old at the end of that) based in the Royalist capital of Oxford. In January 1645 (so now fifteen), Charles was given his own Council and was made titular head of Royalist forces in the West Country. By spring 1646 (so now ca sixteen years old, like Hunter), most of the region had been occupied by Parliamentarian forces and Charles went into exile to avoid capture. Charles I surrendered into captivity in May 1646. (sixteen)
Right! So uhh... Surprisingly similar to Hunter's current situation with Wild Witches and rebellion brewing.
The thing about royals, yeah, is that they are given this birthright to lead the people "by god". Being king, queen, whatever, is a deeply Christian religious occupation.
We are talking about a time when people who were rich were just inherently deemed more morally superior. Because god let them be born into privilege. Of course, humans are humans and we are critical beings. There's a reason why the French chopped the head off their royals: People don't always agree to the status quo, no matter how religiously influential it is.
Philip Wittebane would have this bias too, though. At least somewhere in his consciousness.
Back in the days, being a "Gentleman" actually meant something. It was not just a title given by birth, it was something you had to live up to. That is why it was such a dramatic offence if a gentleman did not behave like one. When you are born into a leading position, you are expected to lead with the people in mind. Corruption, of course, happens anyway and people don't do what they're supposed to. Either because they don't want to, never asked for it, or simply take advantage of it.
Either case, a title had purpose. Just like a prince. It doesn't matter if you're twelve years old. If you're a prince you are taught, raised and told to behave a certain way to impose both courage and confidence in the people.
If you say shit like "I THINK I know what to do" nobody will trust you. You're twelve, but you're supposed to be a better breed than everyone else, after all, God appointed you into being a royal. You must be special. If you're not, then God made a mistake. If God makes mistakes.. Well, then God is flawed.
God cannot be flawed. Everything rides on the belief that God knows all, is all mighty, etc. God is absolute. You were supposed to trust God. So a twelve-year-old prince is expected to just... Pretty much be the same as a 30-year-old man, intellectually. They could speak four languages, they were already reading military tragedies, and so on.
But they're just twelve and, will, in secrecy (as we know) enjoy things that twelve year-olds enjoy. Like fairytales.
Back to the Golden Guard.
We know that Hunter has no respect from the Coven heads (parliament of sort), lol. They don't think he has the knowledge 'nor wisdom to lead. He haven't even raised the ranks in such a visible way, presumably the way they have.
Darius, whom we know nothing of, could either be like Gus and be an extremely talented abominationist regardless of his class. Or he's like the Blights; from a rich background and worked hard with the good cards life handed to him, and was expected to rise high (like Amity) and did so.
Meaning, the coven heads are peers out of respect. They aren't competition to one another, they are experts in their fields of magic. It is people trying to rise to their position that they need to put a foot onto to keep them beneath their own rank.
Supposedly, Raine outshone the previous Bard Coven head. Either the old one died, or Raine was just better.
All of this, though, means that the Coven heads resent Hunter. He's above them, but haven't "fought" through the classes like the others. He was born above them, and now rose above them. There's no reason to believe he is better. Especially without having any magic.
Hunter has a lot to prove as the Golden Guard.
The way Darius speaks of his mentor, the previous GG, we can assume that that GG had proven himself even without magic. He had respect. Darius is comparing them both.
Hunter might've been raised sheltered because the previous one might've NOT been raised sheltered and that went horribly wrong.
Priesthood slash general, in a royal sense!
So basically he's a pirate captain, yar harr. Or at least in the fictional sense, Captains weren't actually capable of wedding or divorcing people.
because Belos is implying he's got a religious connection with the Titan. So pressumably, Hunter can do cermonious things like.. Weddings and divorce, knighting someone into Covens with a glove or in other means, spiritual guidence like taking confessions/forgiving-or-offering consolance on the behalf of the Titan.
We don't really know much about the B.I. culture before Belos, other than wild magic and the previlent use of Palismen and Titan Blood.
We also know portals were a thing, and supposedly that there are forgotten portals where Human Garbage slips in now and then.
Presumably, on my part anyhow, I think there were priests not too unsimilar to the Coven heads, but rather so they were experts in their fields (like Illusionists) but weren't hindered from using other magic too.
Perhaps the highest priest(ess), were someone who was fluent in all magics (like eda). True wild magic. The Golden Guard, being at the top of the ladder, most likely is supposedly an equevalence of this.
So, the ironic symbolism here then; is that Hunter has no magic. It is a false system.
because the Golden Guard went through scout training and is the highest rank. He would be expected to know battle stragedy, history, how to fight and be leading in battle. As well as take the risk of losing his head if captured.
He would speak to others like his words are definite and absolute. Like he is above others, whatever he believes himself to be so or not.
He can't say shit like "I think we should do this" it doesn't make an army trust him with their lives. He has to be more confident than them, that he is willing to die with this move, too, with them. "This is how we win." <- no matter how insane the plan is, if he sounds confident they trust him. The same way I would trust my teacher during a fire alarm. I know where the fire exit is! I still turn to my teacher, incase they know something I dont and want me to take the window instead.
You trust authority who has gained your trust in their ability to lead you in a crisis. The Golden Guard, supposedly being the title that describes THE BEST OF THE BEST witch on the isle... You may not know how they got there, but you know they did. You may trust it, you may not. But the average citizen might.
Hunter can't show that he doesnt know what to do. He cannot surrender. Because if HE don't know what to do, they're all fucked.
He has to make decissions based on logic and stragedy alone. And sound confident about his decissions, regardless of his true feelings. He can be terrified, and stand with his head high and order the palismen around to ensure the house is secure.
His fear comes out as a general taking charge. Because that's hat he knows. The same way a K-Pop dancer 's muscle memory kicks in on certain songs, Hunter's muscle memory is to step into his GG mask and hand out orders.
Until his friends call him out and he drops the "mask" and reveals that he's just a teen like any of them, wanting to roll under a bed and hide.
he is Belos' nephew and Belos has the title Emperor, not pope. Although the GG is a title you can rise to, Hunter's specific situation of having been born and raised in the castle gives him a bit of a royal edge.
This means, most likely, that most if not all of the citizen would assume that.. Once Belos dies of old age, the one to take "temporary" seat as emperor is the right-hand man. And, possibly, just take the seat all together as a succession.
No wonder Belos made his nephew the GG, it secured his only remaining family a good position after his soon-passing and.. Politically, it would assure that the power of the throne remains within the family. Furthering the suspicion that Hunter hasn't earned his role. it is all a game of political chess.
He's the highest rank after all, why not just take the seat and be in charge once Belos passes away from age or illness? (I believe this is why Kikimora wants to be the GG and sucks up to him even if she knows he's cruel, by the way. Belos is old, it's just a waiting game.)
He could also make supreme court decissions. Forgive a crime, decide something is a crime when presented a case, and sentence people.
We see him threathen Luz with this when he steals palismen.
He is quite entitled, and I don't really blame him for it. He's been isolated and brought up to believe it is his right to be entitled. He has also proven it to himself, through hard work, that he has earned the right to be absolute and the final word.
It also makes him a political target.
Kikimora wants him dead, to take his place. Perhaps so she could become empress once Belos dies off.
Had the show been allowed several more seasons, I'm confident we might've had a longer arc for Hunter to change sides. Maybe even be kidnapped by Darius-or-Raine before or after Hollow Mind happens.
Raine might know Belos wants him back, Darius might want to keep Hunter hidden and away. Both cases makes Hunter a chess piece. He still represents things for the people of the B.I. for better or worse.
For Darius - People who believe in the GG might, after Belos being overthrown, want Hunter to take his place as a "kind prince". With Darius as right-hand and mentor. As, perhaps, Darius would consider that a suden change in culture and power might be too shocking and difficult to adjust for the people. Something similar, like a pinnce, might be easier than a sudden NO MORE ANYTHING AT ALL. That would lead to civil divide and maybe even war.
For Raine - Hunter could be used to exchange a prisoner (maybe Eda?) and, or, be kept until after the rebellion to serve for his own crimes. (of course, this is only before they would discover Hunter's just as much a victim as everyone else, if not more). They could also consider that Hunter knows A LOT about Belos and secrets he might've kept. Perhaps even discovering that Hunter is a grimwalker and things develop from there.
The people - Hate him or love him. No plan is really a good one of what to do with him post-war. All ideas have conflict of interest or consequences. Honestly, putting Hunter in any position post-war might just stirr up unnecesary opinions. But leaving him totally be might make people upset and discontent as well.
There is also the question of HIS CRIMES. Because yes, he did "just do his job", and that might bode less on other coven heads, but Hunter? Hunter wasn't doing just his job, it was his life. The context of him being a grimwalker and manipulated, abuse and brought up with a sole purpose.... Does put some different lights on his after-thought crimes in Belos' name.
Because AT THE TIME, they were not crimes. Harvesting the palistrom forest, imprisoning wild witches, forcing conversion into covens, sentencing people to prison or petrification is... You know. Things he was supposed to do as the GG. He also had no choice but to become the GG. He didn't chose it. Belos did.
So debate would undoubtfully come up on whatever he deserves punishment or not.
I think, to satisfy everyone. He might get a very low sentence, slap on the wrist. Forbidden to participate in politics, perhaps? Who knows.
I'M JUST PUTTING FROSTING ON THE CAKE HERE, I DON'T KNOW. I'm just a storyteller with an oh-la-la~ for drama and the clashes of people of different backgrounds and lives. I personally enjoy bringing people together in crisis from all spectrums of a society, and boil them down to what makes them human and connect with one another.
So... Take all of this with a grain of salt from someone just... Enjoys convoluted mayhem like this. Where a straight-forward answer is never quite that simple.
But there is always a way. :)
Just gotta turn on the light, and finding one another wont be as difficult as running in the dark fighting demons.
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space-blue · 2 months
Some final thoughts on the Acolyte.
I still think the show is flawed in its craft, but not in its core story!
I found it enjoyable, but some weeks had episodes that were weak and felt paded towards a fabricated cliff-hanger instead of a proper advancement of the story.
And in my opinion, it's most likely Disney's fault for not trusting them with more time and more budget. This show should have been longer and have more consistant, character driven story. Maybe an extra episode, definitely closer to 45-1h episodes instead of the 30min rush that some where.
In particular, the Witches and the nature of their relationships with the Jedi was left so undercooked, it was hard for me to get invested in the development of their story. It's hard to sit through scenes where kids "say stuff" that's basically lore dumps unsupported by the world. Then I have to write my own fanfiction in my head to explain away what the witches were doing and why the Jedi disapprove.
It's especially criminal because they have the PERFECT set up for this, in the form of this little buddy :
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He's a *padawan* who finds his mission BORING. The discovery of a local coven should be an exciting development. And it's the perfect opportunity for his master to educate him, and through him us, about witches and why they are just a concern.
If the show had time, we would get to build up on Torbin, instead of him needing to speak out his own exposition minutes before having them exploited. This should have been a show's *ARC* not a single episode with hectic jumpcuts.
We could spend time learning WHY the Jedi dislike the witches. Spend time talking about Force Philosophy! Exploring alien lifestyles that the Jedi disprove of! Instead of the vague tone of "god forbid women do anything". Do the Witches have precendent? Bad history with the Jedi? Were they persecuted? Why don't we see, maybe a scene of an elder witch teaching them, and Osha loses attention in class while Mae listens, and we still hear the witch's voice, fainter and fainter, in the background, telling of those acts commited against them.
It would also serve to show Osha's disinterest for their heritage and why she's rather uncritical of the Jedi, so it's a scene of lore info AND character development!
Likewise, there's a critical lore discrepency that makes Osha ring so false in her backstory for me :
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When on Brendook has Osha heard about the Jedi?? Where has she heard GOOD stuff about them? They seemingly live in a village radically opposed to them. She's 8 years old and born into a cult. What do you MEAN she wants to be a Jedi or even knows what they are???
I think she should either be completely clueless and be (again, over the course of an entire episode or more) exposed to them for the first time and come to get very hype, or there should be more people around the coven.
Case 1 : She's a kid getting a burst of sudden passion. Here's a new thing that she can throw all of herself into, and seems to offer her with more opportunities to be free than she has at home. The sacrifice of her family could be chalked up to her not really believing in it (she knows her planet's name and she could always come back) or she's just that sort of kid-like clueless and in a young rebellious phase.
Case 2 : The twins are isolated and treated as royalty-like. They are separate from the *other kids* in the Coven (or in the small town around the Coven). These kids are part of Osha's runaway regimen. She's a kid. If she can love going to sit under a tree just to escape her family, she'd go to other kids for sure. This could instill some jealousy or confusion in Mae. More importantly, those kids have heard there are Jedi on the planet, and they know about the Jedi. Their parents don't gatekeep info that much, and so Osha has learned about them and finds them cool, partially because they're forbidden.
This could still work with her and Mae being treated as appart/different and superior, and Osha could crave being equal with other kids and playing and not having to always share with Mae. It also makes the wipeout a bigger tragedy assuming we're not killing just witches but also 5 to 10 kids of all ages.
And that's another thing!! Having more time would mean making the whole last moments of the Coven less... nonsensical. Perhaps we'd have more time to spend into Indara's mind. Maybe we get some freedom to be fucky with it (think of the effects in Dune!)
Maybe we have time to give a shit about Kelnacca and everyone. Also maybe we have time to see Jecki and Sol interacting a little more on Coruscant, a bit of their routine? Maybe Sol's padawan gets more than a single throwaway scene?? Maybe her grief would be a great highlight of how the Jedi are expected to process the death of a master, and contrast with how Osha isn't even trying to process Jecki's death?
I don't think it's a good sign when you establish a coven of all women and a single line by the Sith guy makes everyone think he was present in the all-women coven because why else?? It's not a great misdirection, it's simply the audience having no understanding of the Coven and what it stood for.
Basically I don't think that exploring the lore of the world more in depth would have been detrimental to this show, despite its core of mystery. There are plenty of shows that hinge on twists and mystery that take their time diving down into their characters in greater depth.
The Acolyte is cool and the fights are amazing. The lore is great too, but it's too shallow to drown a squirrel in. It's "please write fanfic about it if you care" levels of shallow, even in the characters. It would have benefited from time to breath. 9 episodes of 40min to 1h is what Severance got, and that's a hell of a mystery based show!
I'm very happy though, in that I have hope that Headland may be given more freedom to do the second season as she pleases, if she gets it greenlit. If only she could be trusted more, and had the freedom to.. take her time... (and perhaps a better editor?) then we could have simply some of the best SW TV on our hands.
That's, of course, my humble opinion. This remains some of the best SW TV I've seen, but IMO besides Andor the bar is in fucking hell so it's not saying as much as I wish it did.
This is of course not a critique of the plot. I think it's sound and the mystery well thought out and the ending satisfying. This, however, makes my other criticism that much more heartfelt. If this same story had been done the way I describe above, (imo) it would be straight up great TV.
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Fic: Something to Sink Your Teeth Into 3/?
Read on AO3
Pairing: Buck/Tommy
CW: I'll throw a dubcon warning for the inherently erotic nature of vampire bites. And a general warning for the kind of night where getting bitten and kidnapped by a vampire is actually the better of the potential outcomes.
Note: Not important, but I need everyone to know I am the physical embodiment of that gif of Captain Holt going Oh....oh n-no whilst looking at the rapidly growing outline for this in my notes app.
In his human life, Tommy had been a soldier. He thought. He didn’t know exactly where—he knew he’d been born somewhere in England. Probably in the early 1200’s just based on a few major events and people he could remember hearing about when he could still walk in the sun. Honestly, his earliest memories seemed to grow a little dimmer with each passing decade. The faces were blurrier, the places more shadowy and indistinct, buried under centuries and centuries of other faces, other events, other places. His mother was the only person from his human life, his human family, that he had any recollection of whatsoever, and the whole of her memory was the feel of her arm around him when they sat together in church. Her face, her voice, the color of her hair or eyes…all the details were lost to him.
But he remembered the weight of the weapon he carried in service of a lord that history had forgotten. He remembered the misery of endless marches. He remembered the way men screamed when they died on a battlefield.
He’d always thought it was unfair that he could recall the whistle of an arrow past his cheek, but not the way his mother sounded when she sang him to sleep. Or even if she’d done something like that.
In his human life, he’d been a soldier. It had been what drew his maker to him. The bastard—always just ‘the bastard’ in Tommy’s head…he refused to recall his name when Tommy had no idea if he’d ever had brothers or sisters—had wanted foot soldiers for his coven. Cannon fodder for some coven conflict, vampires who already knew how to fight and follow orders. Tommy had managed to both stay ‘alive’ during the conflict and impress the bastard with his ability to strategize, and the rest was history.
He didn’t know the particulars of Gerrard’s human life and had never cared to. He’d been turned shortly before Tommy had been, for the same reason, and until Tommy had shown up, he’d been the strongest vampire in the bastard’s coven apart from the bastard himself. Tommy had never overtaken Gerrard’s status in the coven…but he’d always been just that much stronger. Gerrard had never forgiven him for it, taking a special delight in tormenting Tommy as much as he was allowed to.
The bastard had found it amusing, and his only intervention had been to forbid them from killing each other.
For nearly three hundred years, Gerrard had made it his mission to make Tommy as miserable as possible. He’d undercut him at every turn, taken every opportunity to try and sabotage him in the eyes of the bastard and the rest of their coven, openly mocked him in front of other covens. To say nothing of the physical tortures he’d inflicted whenever the bastard left him in charge. If Tommy’s skin had still been able to scar, he’d be covered from head to toe. He was honestly surprised Gerrard had never had the balls to permanently maim him.
The day the bastard had finally angered someone more powerful than him was the best day of Tommy’s immortal life. It had been worth the chaos, worth the pain of the bond that kept him bound to his maker’s coven severing. There had never been even an instant in which he considered trying to stay with the remains of the coven. He’d vanished into the night practically before his maker’s head stopped rolling in the dust, and never looked back.
For the longest time, Gerrard had been just a bad dream. Another example of the sheer unfairness of what he had forgotten versus what was seared into his mind.
And then Tommy had gone and made friends with a vampire named Sal…and stayed good enough friends that when Sal invited him to join Alonzo’s coven, he’d accepted. He’d never regretted the decision. Even when it brought him back into Gerrard’s orbit.
He turned now, blanking his face of every emotion, tucking his hatred of this main into the corners of a carefully neutral smile. Evan wavered drunkenly at the motion, slumping further against his side and he saw Gerrard’s eyes flick over him briefly, his lips curling into a nasty smirk as he noted the uniform Evan was wearing.
“Enjoying the party favors?” he asked, the gleam in his eyes setting Tommy on edge. He knew this game. Had been forced to thread this needle more times than he cared to count. If he let on that he had even a shred of real interest in Evan, for food or sex or anything in between, Gerrard would demand Tommy hand him over, just to take something Tommy wanted. And as his guest, Tommy would have no excuse not to. If he acted too bored, like Evan was nothing but a takeout bag, Gerrard might demand him anyway, just so he could make a big deal about Tommy not appreciating his hospitality in front of some of the major covens in the area.
“I’ve got no complaints,” he said. He tightened his grip on Evan, pushing him deeper into the thrall, willing him to stay still and silent, to not do anything to draw Gerrard’s attention. He tilted his head, regarding his “brother” calmly, letting just the right amount of boredom trickle into his expression. It wasn’t fun for Gerrard if he didn’t get some kind of reaction out of Tommy…and though Tommy didn’t have his political power, he had enough respect among the covens that it wouldn’t be worth it to Gerrard to needlessly torment him. Not anymore.
“You sure? Seems like you’re just playing with your food.” Gerrard’s eyes narrowed slightly as he looked Evan up and down again, a bit of calculation entering his gaze now.
Gerrard had always been an observant motherfucker. And Tommy had always had a type.
He saw Gerrard’s smirk start to turn knowing, saw the vicious amusement start to glimmer in his eyes, and knew he had seconds to keep exactly what he’d been afraid of from happening. He acted on instinct, the experience of three centuries trapped in a coven with this man informing his actions. He made himself roll his eyes in pretended irritation, silently apologized to Evan, and grabbed a fistful of the witch’s hair, yanking his head backward to expose the column of his throat.
He took a brief second to brace himself for what he knew was coming, and then plunged his fangs into Evan’s neck.
Tommy had tasted witch blood a few times in his long life. It was not something one could ever get used to.
From the instant it touched his tongue, Evan’s blood was like liquid fire pouring down his throat. It didn’t burn, didn’t hurt—but dear God, the power in it. The life. If Tommy closed his eyes, he could have convinced himself he was basking under the light of the sun. Warmth raced through him, flooding his limbs with strength. As iron-clad as his control was, and had been for centuries, it took everything in him not to tear into the witch’s vulnerable throat, to open the wound wider, to drink deeper, to take more, more, more.
Dimly, he heard Evan let out a whimper of pain, and without thinking too hard about it, he reached through the thrall that bound them, altering the witch’s perceptions of what was happening. Turning the burning pain of the bite to dizzying pleasure, the pull of mouthful after mouthful of blood from his body into an aching caress. Evan shuddered in his arms, pushing closer to him, his breath coming in pants as Tommy drank. And drank. And drank.
He forced himself to go slow, though everything in him strained against the impulse. He wanted more. More of the consuming fire, more of the power, more of the pure goddamn light that was the witch’s blood. He clutched Evan to him, clawed at the bonds of the thrall, every part of him wanting every part of this man closer, closer, closer.
He did close his eyes now, struggling not to lose himself in the liquid fire, struggling not to lose control and drain Evan dry right here, right now. He wanted more.
When he opened his eyes again, he was…somewhere else.
He was still in Gerrard’s mansion, still standing in a blood-soaked living room with the man he hated more than anyone else except the bastard himself. Still surrounded by dozens of his kind in various states of a blood frenzy, still standing in the middle of an absolute slaughter.
But he was also in an echoing room, lit by harsh fluorescent lights and bare of any furniture except a massive, ornately carved wooden table. Seven people—utter strangers—were seated at the table, all staring at him with varying degrees of disinterest, disappointment, or disgust. His stomach swirled sickly with dread, the empty space behind him feeling cavernous. They hadn’t come. He might be sentenced to death today, and they hadn’t come. Couldn’t even be bothered to stand behind him in support while the high coven decided his fate.
He clenched his fists so tightly his nails bit half-moons into his palms, refusing to give into the urge to cry. He could do this. He’d known this was a possibility when he made the decision, and he wasn’t going to regret it now. He could do this. For Maddie, he could do this.
He didn’t know anyone named Maddie.
He loved her more than he loved anything—more than he loved himself.
He had no idea who she was.
He knew he’d do anything, give anything to keep her safe. He hadn’t been able to protect her then, but he could protect her now.
“Do you understand the charges leveled against you, Mr. Buckley?” one of the figures said, a woman with iron-gray hair and a severe expression. She was the one who had been arguing the hardest that they should look on him as an adult. He had committed a heinous crime, and he would be eighteen in less than three months. He should face the consequences as an adult.
He licked his dry, dry lips and forced himself to look the high coven in the eye. “Yes ma’am, I do.”
“State them.” A man this time. He hadn’t been as vocal, but his eyes were like two chips of ice every time he looked at him.
“F-false witness. Evading capture. M…murder.”
“Of your coven and your kin.” Another woman. He couldn’t get a read on her, but he thought he saw her scoff in disbelief a few times during the testimony against him. “Your guilt is declared. According to your accusers you used your magic in the foulest way. All that’s left is to decide what to do with you. If you have anything else to say in your defense, now is the time.”
He bit his lip, the only words that might change any of their minds knocking at his teeth. He swallowed them back. For Maddie.
For Maddie.
“I…I can o-only submit my, uh myself to the chance of your, your, your mercy,” he said, stumbling over the formal words. He focused on a spot on the wall above all their heads. The empty, empty space behind him seemed to grow colder.
The same woman spoke again. “In light of your youth, the lack of any abuses of your power before this, and the…unsubstantiated rumors of your motive, we reject the sentence of death.”
His knees nearly gave out, and he sucked in a great gasp of air. The woman plunged on ruthlessly, though, her dark eyes boring into his. “Evan Buckley, you are hereby banished from this territory. Your coven bond is severed. Your rights and responsibilities as a coven-bound are voided, and your magic shall fade as to nothing. You shall fade as to nothing. No other coven shall accept you. None shall know you, none shall aid you, none shall give you comfort or shelter. If you step foot in our borders again, you will be executed. You have seven days and seven nights to vacate yourself of our territory. Do you understand?”
Each word was like a hammer blow against his chest, stealing his breath, leaving him dizzy and reeling. Banished. He’d known, he’d known…hell, he’d hoped and prayed that all they would do was banish him. But now that it was happening…he thought he might throw up.
For Maddie, he reminded himself. For the only person who had ever loved him, the only person he loved. For Maddie.
“I understand,” he said, his voice barely a whisper.
“You are dismissed.”
Tommy came back to himself with a start, his mouth filled with the glorious taste of Evan’s blood, his body practically singing with the strength of it. The witch was clinging to him desperately, his eyes fluttering as he panted, open-mouthed, through the false pleasure of the bite. Gerrard was still watching them, and only three centuries of dealing with the man’s torments gave him the ability to keep the complete and utter shock and confusion coursing through him off his face.
What the fuck had just happened?
Slowly, he pulled his fangs from Evan’s neck, resisting the urge to dive in and start licking at the rivulets of blood running down his throat from the puncture wounds. Beside him, Gerrard scoffed, his lip curling in irritation as Evan moaned softly. Tommy would never understand how in eight-hundred-odd years, he’d never managed to even slightly enlighten his attitudes about certain things. But—thank fuck—boredom had started to fill his expression. “Always good to see you, little brother,” he muttered, somehow managing to make every word sound like an insult. “I’m sure you remember where the door is.”
It was a clear dismissal, meant to be a slight, ordering a vampire of Tommy’s age and power around like a fresh turn. Fuck it, Tommy couldn’t be anything but grateful for the excuse to leave. He swung around, taking most of Evan’s weight as the witch stumbled weakly, shaking his head in a daze as the false feelings of heat and desire started to fade now that Tommy was no longer drinking from him. His face was ghost-pale, the streaks of drying red on his throat standing out in stark relief…damn it, Tommy had taken more than he intended. Not enough to be dangerous…but the kid had had a rough night.
He all but carried Evan through the house, nearly wilting in relief when he made it into the foyer and finally laid eyes on the massive door. In the first goddamn bit of good luck he’d experienced all night, Sal and Lucy were just exiting one of the rooms on the other side of the foyer, Lucy dabbing delicately at her lips with a few tissues. They practically did a double-take as they saw him rushing towards them, zeroing in on Evan as the kid finally made a soft, distressed sound and went limp, his sudden deadweight nearly slipping out of Tommy’s hold just because he wasn’t expecting it.
He cursed, and scooped the witch up into his arms, barely breaking stride. “We’re leaving,” he snapped.
To their credit, they didn’t question him. Lucy scrambled for the door, opening it just as he reached them, and the three of them spilled out into the night. Sal fumbled in his pockets for the car keys as Tommy stalked down the driveway, thanking his lucky stars that Gerrard hadn’t bothered to set up a valet station like he had at the last party like this he’d hosted. The fewer witnesses to their exit, the better.
“Okay, when I said you need to participate more when we go to these things, this isn’t quite what I had in mind,” Lucy said as they hurried along. “What the fuck, Kinard? Did you turn this kid?”
Tommy sighed and shook his head. Automatically, he shifted Evan’s weight so his head was resting more comfortably against his shoulder. The power of the witch’s blood sang through him. He felt like he could fucking fly right now, and if what he’d…seen? Dreamed? Fucking hallucinated? Whatever, if what had just happened when he drank from Evan was even slightly based in reality, that should not be the case.
“Not here, Luce,” he sighed. “Just get us the fuck home.”
What the hell had he gotten himself into?
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lexa-griffins · 11 months
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Clextober23 | Day 4 - Magical Nights | Flower Shop x Tattoo Shop AU Blooming Sunlight
The Witches' Coalition is formed by 13 covens, the oldest of which is Trikru, the nature coven. A rivalry between Trikru and the newest coven, Skaikru, the light coven, has extended itself throughout the past few centuries and although many have forgotten about it, Lexa is a the type of witch who holds on to her coven's history and keeps the rivalry alive, set on not fraternizing with anyone who can perform solar magic in her life. Proud owner of Trikru Flowers, a quaint flower shop that servers both the magic and non magic folk, flowers and bouquets made for spells and intentions, Lexa lives in the peace of her routine. That is, until the vacant store across from her magical flower shop is suddenly occupied by a tattoo shop, the sun catchers and warm yellows accompanied by shinny blonde hair and bright blue eyes telling her her new business neighbor belongs to the rival clan and no amount of pretty smiles or the wonderful warmth of sunlight that blooms her entire shop will make Lexa change her mind about Clarke or her coven. Quickly a rivalry grows between the two witches, Lexa still so attached to a hatred grown inside of her family for the newer coven she is unable to let go, urging Clarke's dislike for Lexa and her refusal to let go of a centuries old dispute, feeding it to a degree that could put the secrecy of the witches' coalition and the blooming of a small bud that Lexa as been dearly entrusted with at risk.
Coming to an AO3 soon(ish)!
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storiesbyrhi · 4 months
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Witch!Reader x Bat/Vampire!Eddie Munson Series Masterlist The Grimoire The Timeline
Warnings: canon typical violence, horror genre typical violence/some infrequent gore, swearing, animal death, no beta, death in childbirth (mentioned, not described), abusive parents, suicide, spiders/bugs, grief/mourning; light smut; warnings updated each chapter.
Synopsis: No witch has stepped foot in Hawkins since 1845, but when Vecna opens the ground and poisons the town, a voice begins to call to you. Have you been brought back to this cursed place to heal the townspeople’s wounds, to save a hexed bat that always finds its way to you, or to redefine your history with a reunion 150 years in the making?
Chapter Summary: Seven witches and a vampire walk into a human Halloween party in Hawkins, Indiana. 3676 words.
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When the witches came to Hawkins, only the animals sensed a change. Squirrels and cottontail rabbits played in the fields. Foxes and deer lined the horizon. Bats swooped, each of them enamored with Eddie – a bat, from what they could tell, but different.
“They think I’m a God,” Eddie had told you once he realised the influence he had on them.
You’d laughed at him. “Well, I think they think you’re a fun toy.”
The flatlands that sprouted homes were surrounded by a fauna-filled welcoming party that would have given any mortal driving by a heart attack. Naturally, you’d been building wards and glamours to keep the coven safe.
When you felt your sisters close, you walked by each of their homes. Eddie had made good on his promise to give them something. Beside the front door to each of the houses was a potted plant that he had grown. The plants he chose were, to him, symbolic of the witch who would take over care of it.
Asphodel for Ev, carolina for Meg, globe thistle for Mel, bluebell for Ash, lycoris for Hailey, and though a little cheesy, a black bat plant for Kelsey.
The fall sun was out, so Eddie would see the witches’ arrival in his small and fluffy form. He settled on your shoulder as you stood and watched the cars go from pinpricks on the horizon to loud and finally, finally, here.
Meg came screaming out of her car. “Does he want pats?!” She bypassed you entirely, holding her hands out for Eddie. If he felt demeaned, he didn’t let on. Eddie let Meg scoop him up and cradle him in her hands. She wandered off with no further greetings.
“How’s he gonna feel about that?” Kelsey asked, pulling you into a hug immediately.
“He is very preoccupied with making a good impression. It’s sweet actually. So… he will probably let her baby him for hours.”
She laughed then looked at you seriously. “Hi,”
“I’ve missed you,”
“Stop, you’ll make me cry,” you said, holding in your feelings. “So, uh, where…” Turning around, you saw Meg and Mel’s empty cars. “Where are the others?”
“Uh… There’s Ev,” Kelsey pointed.
Ev was already on the edge of the woods, befriending the fox family you’d come to love. A little further in, Mel was taking photos of the old trees.
Suddenly, Hailey’s voice cut through the air. “Every room has bookshelves!”
As you and Kelsey walked to Hailey’s house, you noticed Ash, suspiciously whispering into her garden of dahlias, pointing to the bluebell Eddie left on her porch.
“Guess the fae boyfriend’s moving in too,”
“She told you?!” you screeched.
“And you told Eddie, guessing by that bluebell,”
“Oh, if you think that’s on the nose, wait till you see what he picked for you.”
By the last week of October, your coven was well on its way to establishment. Each witch had a list of things they felt were required to feel at home. Mostly, they worked on their houses and gardens. More wards were put in place not only around the valley but around all of Hawkins. The witches embedded themselves in the fabric of the town, starting the long process of helping it flourish again.
Your sisters were excited at the extended invitation to the Byers Halloween party by Dustin. Costumes were the topic of conversation over forest walks and shared dinners. Eddie continued to charm everyone with his mysteriousness when asked what he would be going as. Bets were being placed. He’d pick something cool or clever. He’d be beautiful.
You could not have been more different if you tried.
Eddie wore his hair in a low bun. The blue long-sleeved polo shirt and dark bootcut jeans were so normal it made you feel uncomfortable. As requested, you’d performed a simple illusion spell to make his black boots appear brown. It was only when he held the round, orange, plush toy cat did it make any sense.
“Jon Arbuckle,” he announced.
“No, yeah, I figured when you got the toy at Walmart… It’s just… You look…”
Eddie grinned. He saw how unsettled you were.
“I… Um. I think you need something else,” you told him. Reaching out for his ginger cat, he let you take it. Closing your eyes and expanding the illusion spell, you charmed the toy into looking like the actual Garfield. “Here… This helps.”
Eddie took the cat with a shrug. “And you?” He looked you up and down with a predatory gaze. It made your spine arch involuntarily. “I’m afraid I do not recognise this character.”
There was no magic in your costume – just good old fashion arts and crafts. You wore a very, very long yellow-blonde wig and a golden headpiece with a red jewel at its center. Your white dress was also adorned with golden armour. The knee-high boots were painted gold too. More painted plastic armour on your arms and a plastic sword held high.
“Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” you proclaimed. “Princess of Power!”
Eddie cackled.
“She’s from Masters of the Universe. She’s very, very cool,”
“I believe you,” Eddie replied. “You look every part the Princess of Power.”
 When you joined the coven by the cars, each looked more confused than the last. Kelsey was the first to break the silence.
“Uh… Nice costumes,” she said.
“This is Garfield,” Eddie replied, holding the cat out.
“It sure is, buddy. This isn’t going to weird the humans out at all.”
Kelsey and Mel sat in the back of your car as you drove.
“The makeup suits you,” Eddie told Mel.
“Yeah, I know this is a costume, but this look is like… It’s working for you,” you added.
Mel, in her Siouxie-best black just shrugged. “Stole a lot of the clothes from Ev.”
In Meg’s car, Ash was giving the other three witches a stern talking to about what she believed were ‘cop out’ costumes.
“Dude, I’m not in costume,” Meg argued. “These are just my clothes!”
“Every year you do this, Ash…”
“What’s the point in being a witch if you don’t do Halloween?” she frowned.
“What’s the point in going as Sandy if you don’t have someone going as Danny?” Hailey asked.
“Maybe she does,” Meg mumbled.
All the girls whispered out little ohhhhhhhhs at Ash’s expense. They wondered, pointedly and out loud, if fae do Halloween. What does a fairy dressed like Danny Zuko look like anyway?
“I left the Catskills for this?” Ash whined, secretly amused, and very much comforted by the fact the coven seemed to be accepting of her fae friend.
“You came!” Robin was very drunk, therefore unable to hide her true emotions, which were a combination of surprise, fear, excitement, and grief.
“I’m Jon and this is Garfield,” Eddie introduced before you could say anything.
Robin looked at him carefully. “I kinda thought you’d, you know, come as Dracula or something,”
“He’s aiming for soft and harmless,” you explained. “But if you want stereotypical vampire, Ev’s got you covered.”
Ev waved and bared her plastic fangs.
“Riiiight…” Robin said slowly.
“YOU CAME!” Dustin yelled, pushing Robin out of the way, and beaming with pure excitement. “Oh, hey, cool costume!” he complimented Eddie. “I like your Garfield. Nice touch,”
“Thank you,”
“So, do you have to be, like, invited in formally?” he asked, voice lowering, though the music was so loud nobody would be able to hear him anyway.
“Only because I’m house trained,” Eddie whispered back.
Dustin laughed, pointing to him. “Funny. I like a… funny… vampire, I guess… Come in!”
It was only a little before 10:00 pm but the party was already raging. The Byers’ house was filled with people, some of whom you knew, some not. Everybody needed an excuse to let loose and pretend to be okay for a little while, and you felt they were owed at least that.
The backyard was lit with party lights and whatever else could be hooked up to the power. The moon was waning, with barely 4% illumination. The night was dark and cool, and fires burned in emptied-out oil kegs.
It did not take long for your coven to splinter off and enjoy the night. You sipped at the purple coloured punch Robin offered you, surprised that it had much of an effect on you at all.
“Russian recipe,” Hopper grunted as his eyes followed Eddie around the party.
Eddie, who could not drink the punch, was designated driver one of two. Sobriety would not impede his fun though. As it were, nobody would let anything impede their fun.
Seven witches and a vampire walk into a human Halloween party in Hawkins, Indiana.
10:14 pm
Hailey introduced herself to Nancy in the kitchen. Nancy was distracting herself from all the things brewing in her unconscious by opening bags of chips and unnecessarily pouring them into bowls.
“Is Pride and Prejudice your favourite of Jane’s work?” Hailey asked.
Nancy looked at her. “Nobody’s recognised me.” The Elizabeth Bennet costume was accurate, albeit not exactly iconic.
Hailey smiled. “You look great.”
Nancy blushed, shook her head a little. “It’s hard to pick a favourite,”
“Tell me about it. Lizzy’s got to be one of her best characters though.” She left out the part about how she’d helped Jane Austen shape Lizzy into something more than what society expected of a woman, let alone a woman in story.
Nancy nodded. “You… Sorry, what are you?”
“I’m a witch.”
Nancy hesitated. “Oh… Yes, but… What are you dressed as?”
“I’m a witch,” Hailey repeated.
“You’re a real witch who dressed up as a-”
“A witch, yeah.”
Nancy still looked confused.
“See, I have a broom.”
10:28 pm
One was in a lab coat, the other in a red puffy vest. One held a huge remote made of cardboard and glue, the other a video camera.
“You really committed,” you praised them.
“We tried to get Jonathan to come as the DeLorean but he’s trying to look cool for Nancy,” Will explained.
“I think the DeLorean is very impressive,” El added. “It would be a cool costume.”
You nodded. “He could have made it a Transformer situation… So, what did he end up coming as? I couldn’t work it out,”
 “Joe Strummer,” Will replied.
“Ah, right.”
Honestly, Jonathan looked like he could have been Joe Strummer or James Dean or a young Lou Reed. Maybe one of the Beat Generation guys. All those white poet musician types ended up looking the same to you.
10:43 pm
Dustin followed Meg through the house, entirely unconvinced. “That’s gotta be a costume,”
“No, Dustin, these are just my clothes,”
“But you look like a pilgrim!”
Meg looked down at her floor length skirt. The billowing cotton. The soft corset cinching her waist. “I mean… I am hundreds of years old… and I take really good care of my clothes.”
Dustin’s mouth was agape. “But you’re magic! You have real magic and you don’t even use it to make a badass costume? And you’re a witch! Aren’t you contractually obliged to celebrate Halloween?”
“No,” Meg replied with a casual shrug. “Why are you interrogating me? There are much more worthy victims in this coven then me,”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, apparently your friend Steve Harrington is haunting Mel. And Ev is dating a werewolf, so…” And with that Meg walked away from Dustin, smirking at the chaos she’d caused.
11:02 pm
You sat in a plastic chair that was probably too close to the open flames in front of it. As you pulled it back and lined it next to Joyce, she smiled at you.
“How’s your night?” she asked politely.
“Uh… Interesting… Yours?”
She nodded and you knew what she meant. “You seem different,” she told you.
You sighed, nodded as she had. “I am. We all are, I think,”
“I think so too.”
Together you sat in comfortable silence and watched the happiness of the party.
“I was glad, you know, when I heard you were staying. Hawkins needs…”
“Help?” you guessed.
Joyce nodded. “And hope. You and your friends… It’s good.”
11:36 pm
“Why didn’t he come? It’s not like it’s a full moon,” Mike Wheeler asked Ev.
“He wasn’t invited,” she answered, looking over the top of him, searching for someone to save her from the teenage conversation.
“Ohhhhh, is it like… Like how vampires can only come in when invited? Did the stories get it wrong and that’s actually werewol-” Lucas Sinclair tried.
“No! Not like that,”
“Is it like when we all thought Dustin’s girlfriend wasn’t real because we never saw her,” Mike asked Lucas then.
“He’s real,” Ev assured them.
“Suzie’s real too,” Lucas began to explain. “They met at camp and-”
“Yeah, yeah. That’s great. Um, who told you about him? My boyfriend, I mean. Who told you?”
Mike and Lucas looked at each other, neither wanting to be the rat.
12:01 am
“You have somewhere to be?” Mel asked Eddie when she saw him watching the clock above the fireplace.
He smiled. “No. It’s… Midnight… Always feels like something is going to happen when the clock strikes twelve,”
“Sometimes it does,”
“Sometimes it does,” he agreed.
12:23 am
The juxtaposition of Erica’s soft face next to all the faux leather, duct tape, and corn syrup blood was both amusing and disconcerting.
“I thought Mad Max was Lucas’ girlfriend’s thing?” you asked her.
Erica was in the kitchen, mixing a feral concoction she was probably going to offer to her brother and all his friends. Not you though. You got a genuine Erica Sinclair smile.
“She’s still in the hospital,”
“What? Why’d nobody tell me? I’ll go and-”
“We don’t know where. Her mum took her. Wouldn’t tell Lucas anything.”
It would be easy for you to find Max. To find her and heal her. It felt a lot like meddling in human affairs though. But what were you now if not a witch that meddled? What was the worth of a rule if it prevented you from helping a teenage girl get out of pain sooner?
Erica saw it on your face. She knew scheming when she saw it. “Oh, you gonna go do some witchy stuff?”
“Maybe… So… the costume,”
“Lucas already gave me shit about it, okay?”
“Oh, no, I was gonna say it’s a cool thing to do. An ode to Max.”
Erica poured some Pabst into a red plastic cup. “To Max,”
“To Max,” you cheered. “Wait… How old are you? Gimme that.”
12.46 am 
Nancy and Jonathan danced together in a bubble of their own. It didn’t matter the tempo of the song or if anyone else was on the lounge room dancefloor. They danced.
1:14 am
“Are you kidding me?! Of course you should!”
“I think there are more than enough books and films to satisfy the human curiosity for the undead,”
“Yeah, but none written by an actual undead,” Dustin continued to argue. He’d been going at it for ten minutes straight. “If you won’t write your own story, Interview with the Vampire style, then you should write about all the others… About what they get right. What they get wrong,”
“And what point would that serve?” Eddie asked.
“Well, I would want to read a book by a real vampire,”
“It may not be in the best interests of anyone to discover that vampires were indeed real. Nor that witches are. Nor the horrors that have befallen your town, Dustin,”
“No! No, man. We gotta get the truth out there!”
1:32 am
Robin and Mel found a quiet patch of grass to lie back on.
“So… He just showed up?”
“And you’ve never met him?”
“And he doesn’t want anything?”
Mel shrugged. “I don’t know… I don’t think he really knows what he’s doing here. He could move on if he wanted.”
Robin thought about it. “What’s the afterlife like? For us, I mean?”
“For humans? We don’t know exactly. It’s almost like there is an infinite number of possibilities…”
“But Steve – Steve Harrington – has decided to haunt a witch he’s never met?”
Mel shrugged again. “I don’t think it says anything about you or the others that he’s not haunted you instead… I think he probably wants to let you all move on.”
Robin sighed deeply. “You got some sort of potion to help with that?”
“There’s no cure to grief, magical or otherwise…” Mel said softly.
“I was afraid you’d say that,” Robin replied, her fists twisting into the grass and pulling the blades free from the soil.
2:07 am
“I guess that’s what a fae Danny Zuko looks like,” Ev deadpanned.
She stood next to Kels, watching as Ash and the tiny winged creature danced around one of the drum fires. The fairy was dressed from head to toe in leather. He had glittering tanned skin and dirty blonde curls cut into a typical 80s mullet.
“She looks happy,” Kels said.
“Mmm,” Ev hummed. “Did you hear his name? Cyprian,”
“Yeah, you’re right, a fae named Cyprian is a lot better than a werewolf named Randy.”
Before Ev could respond, Lucas appeared next to the witches. “What is that?”
“That, my mortal friend, is a witch dancing with one of the fae,” Kelsey explained, wrapping an arm around Lucas’ shoulder.
“Why does it look like Billy Hargrove?”
“He, not it, and I don’t know who Billy Hargrove is, but if he’s half as hot as that fairy is, then cheers to Billy Hargrove.”
2:39 am
The night was burning away fast, you couldn’t slow it down. There was something so beautifully human about it that you wanted to keep safe. Wanted to hold it in your hands. Be in it forever.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Eddie’s voice whispered in your ear and his arms wrapped around your waist. He caught you leaning against the back door frame, watching the world go by. His head came to rest on your shoulder.
“It has all been worth it,” you told him. “Everything we did. For them. To get them here. Everything that happened had to happen, the exact way it did.”
They were not without their scars and their grief. They were changed and could never go back. But they were alive and hopeful and strong. Your strange little humans. You’d watch over them for generations to come.
3:13 am
“Magic begins when our bodies come right to the edge of their sensory and linguistic abilities and… something… keeps going anyway…”
The party had begun to wind down. Most of the witches were getting ready to leave, and the human population had thinned out to a handful of people.
Eddie was towards the back of the assembled crowd, watching you intently.
“And now, in the witching hour when the veil is so thin… The air is thick with witchcraft.”
You were using your most dramatic voice as you strutted around a drum of fire, the entire party’s attention on you. The humans were wide-eyed and hushed.
“In this place and in this hour, we may manifest what was not there into existence…”
Your sisters were trying not to laugh.
“Who will be brave and make their wish?” you posed to the crowd.
For a moment it was silent, only the crackling of the flames audible. Even the music had been turned off. Then, someone cleared their throat and stepped forward.
“Yeah, I wanna make a wish,” Erica declared, looking entirely unbothered by the mystique. If anything, she looked like this wish was her birthright.
You conjured a candle in your hand and held it out to her. “Courage, dear heart,” you told her.
3:52 am
“The first train out of town is leaving. Come on!” Meg yelled.
Mel, Ash, Ev, and Hailey said their goodbyes and followed Meg out of the Byers’ house.
“Family breakfast tomorrow?” Ash asked you as she hugged you goodnight.
“I’ll make pancakes. Better make it a brunch though,”
“Cool. Good luck with that one,” she laughed, nodding over to where Kels had Hopper cornered and ten points deep in an argument about whether hotdogs constitute sandwiches.
“Hot dogs are a sandwich. A sandwich consists of two pieces of a type of bread plus fillings contained within the two slices. A hotdog bun is a bun sliced in two, making it two slices of bread. The only difference being that one side of the two halves are still joined. It still however, is two halves that are obviously independent of each other with a filling separating them, therefore a sandwich. One might ask, ‘well in that case, is a calzone a sandwich?’ No. A calzone is enclosed entirely in bread. The two halves are entirely connected. This makes it fit into the pie category. Not the same as a sandwich, but parallel. One might also say, ‘well what if I don't have a bun, so I use a piece of bread as a substitute.’ Yes, using only one slice of bread no longer puts it into the sandwich category. This now aligns us into the toast category. Toast being a single slice of bread being used as a vehicle for a topping.”
4:20 am
“Five! Four! Three! Two! One!” Jonathan counted down.
The clock above the fireplace struck twenty minutes past four and the room of teenagers and young adults cheered.
4:37 am
The drive home was peaceful; you kept the radio low and listened to the first rumbles of a storm that was brewing way over beyond Indianapolis. It would arrive tomorrow afternoon. You could smell it in the air.
“They’re special,” Kelsey said from the passenger seat next to you. “Your humans,”
“Even if some of them think a hotdog is not a sandwich?”
“Even if some of them think a hotdog is not a sandwich.”
After seeing Kels into her house, you and Eddie finally retired to your home.
“Happy Halloween, my beautiful little witch,” Eddie cooed when you crawled into bed with him.
“Happy Halloween, my lovely, lovely, vampire.”
End Note: Sorry for going a little M.I.A. I had writers' block (still do) and have felt a weird sort of disconnect from my online world. I'm slowly getting back into it though.
Accurate: the moon phase for October 31, 1986. Not accurate: 420 being associated with weed in 1986, I think that happened sometime in the 90s.
Also, I took a quote from A Spell in the Wild by Alice Tarbuck and paraphrased it a bit ( “Witchcraft starts when our bodies come right up to the edge of their sensory and linguistic abilities and life keeps going anyway.”).
Finally, the hotdog/sandwich argument is a direct quote from the irl Kelso, my inspo for Kelsey.
Fic Taglist:  @paranoidmunson  @idkidknemore @paprikaquinn @stardustworlds @loz-brooke @wyverntatty @vintagehellfire @dark-academia-slut @scarletwitchwhore @becks1002 @mrsdollardog @heyndrix @luceneraium @rosaline-black @devilinthepalemoonlite @goldencherriess @iamwhisperingstars @wiltedwonderland @blueywrites @breezybeesposts @jadehowlettthewolf @spikesvamp79 @foreveranexpatsposts @tortoiseshellspells @wingedpeachjudgegiant @stardustmunson @live-love-be-unique @fangirling-4-ever @reanimated-alice @b-irock @gh0stlybunnie @myown-worstenemy-2003 @woozzz @cyberxlust @hiscrimsonangel @buckysbarne @m00nlight101 @word-wytch @spicysix @briasnow-blog @goth-cowgirl-03 @moviefreak1205 @pastel-pillows
All Eddie Taglist: @solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @sweetpeapod @thorfemmes  @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob  @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair @mel-the-fangirl @eddies-hid3out @siren-lungs @aheadfullofsteverogers @hiscrimsonangel @dashingdeb16 @cultish-corner
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sepublic · 10 months
Expanding on my Irish Clawthorne reading; That just adds to the whole story and the colonialism aspect and how the Wittebanes are of British descent, and the British colonized the Irish while declaring them 'savages' and the like, sound familiar?
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Big orange hair is such a thing for the family; Eda's hair can store objects in it, Lilith's was curly. And I dunno just; It's not just the angle of white folk colonizing America, it's also the Irish and we have Caleb learning to love Evelyn, whom people like to portray with orange hair. The consensus is that Dell, a ginger, is their direct descendant.
So there's also something to be said about Lilith as someone who was made to assimilate; In the Emperor's Coven, she was deliberately cut off from her family. She was 'taken in' by an older relative ashamed of his brother's fraternizing, who resented Lilith on multiple levels for her identity and for eventually scarring his face (in retaliation to manipulation and attempted murder).
Lilith was so blatantly abused in the Emperor's Coven, and there's a sick joke in how she wanted to be a historian, yet was made subordinate to Flora, who bastardized history on Belos' order, and also belittled Lilith. Lilith was constantly made to feel inferior and with how she was always more of a desk job than a field agent, unlike the coven heads, and it really feels like she was elected as a stunt, a prop to show off with; Look, see! Even a common wild witch like Lilith can rise to the top!
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But Lilith still had to assimilate, she had to conform; People like her can still fit under the coven banner, so long as they fit the mold and cut away those 'ugly' bits. So she straightens and dyes her hair a dark blue, cuts it down. Lilith hides herself, even her own Palisman is forced to constantly stay in staff form; A reminder that nature can only be allowed to exist as a tool, nothing else!!! And that's also dark because the Clawthornes are palismen carvers.
So yeah, we have Lilith trying to engage with her past and heritage, yet being deliberately blinded from it, made to participate in her own ignorance and erasure. Forced to hide physical aspects of herself to blend in, mistreated as more of a prop to show how any wild witch can be 'tamed', to prove a point to Belos himself. His own sick victory against Evelyn; A trophy seized from the locals, separated from her family and trying to pull them in with her because that's the best Lilith can have, even as she belittles them and thinks she was improved herself.
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Lilith obviously has personal agency and thus blame regarding the curse, and the finale's themes do assert that, as does Lilith’s effort to atone; But it was Belos' coven system that helped pit Lilith against her fellow witches and even family members, and estrange herself from them. Lilith WAS legitimately interested in magic, too... But because of the system, she cursed Eda.
And Lilith didn't use any old curse, she used one created by the Archivists, who came from another world to 'tame', that itself had reduced another wild, native creature to just a prop. That curse was used to dehumanize and delegitimize Eda's stance against the system. It reduced her connection to her bile magic, something also important to witches and Clawthornes, and especially Eda who loved and was great at it; And to mitigate the curse and take responsibility, Lilith also lost her bile magic.
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But at the same time, she and Eda re-established contact with glyphs, thanks to Luz; And Lilith made the breakthrough of rediscovering glyph combos! So there's an ancient practice, older than even the Deadwardian Era she obsessed over, that Lilith found and brought back, for a time at least; But that will still apply once King's glyphs so in full-swing. And Lilith even got to visit the Deadwardian Era, scar her abuser after he scarred her and so many others, and come to a better understanding about her own ancestral past, something that continues with Lilith’s self-actualization as the historian she always wanted to be; So now she’s helping everyone better understand their past and origins!
Lilith and the Clawthornes as a whole are still cut off from knowing about Evelyn and Caleb, and they may never know; But at least they got back Hunter, whom Lilith was also pitted against in the Emperor's Coven, which really divided Caleb and Evelyn's descendants. And what tops it all off is Lilith having parallels to Philip, what with the Wittebanes and Clawthorne sisters; One more open-minded and outdoorsy, going against society, while the other is bookish and bitterly insecure and absorbs prejudice to feel better about themselves. Even their names are structured similarly!
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They both wear blue coats and hurt a sibling they cared for but also resented... But Lilith grew beyond all that. She went above the hatred and jealousy. The system was more prevalent in her life, yet Lilith still chose to go against it, taking the chance to stop when it came and work for real happiness. She stopped needing to put down others to feel better about herself, Lilith made a friend with someone as strange as Hooty, who was once connected to the Titan and also forgot his past, but is now connected to Dell's old tower; Abandoned but given new life by Lilith's sister Eda. So the past is still lost to some extent and unrecognizable even, but it still lives on anyway.
Anyhow, Irish Lilith Clawthorne who is a victim of assimilation by British colonialism and that tried to erase her Irish features and make Lilith conform by cutting her off from her heritage and feeding her a bastardized, demonized version of her own past, while turning against her own people and culture and thinking herself superior for climbing up the ladder she left others at the base of; A promised justification of imperialism. But then Lilith breaks free from all of it and reconnects and re-embraces everything she lost, including her family and heritage, and just gets to be weird with other weirdoes like herself, so there's both blood and the covenant (not THAT type of coven tho).
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rinzydings · 2 months
Hey hey!
Do you like fantasy, intricately twined stories, and magic? My friend over at Bisset House Press is looking for ARC readers! If you have the time and like the premise (pasted below), please don't hesitate to sign up! I'm posting on tumblr for them because they currently don't have one haha.
Two teenagers on the secretive Island of Faodail have finally joined the ranks of their predecessors: they’ve begun to have dreams of their past life. This is a natural cycle on the Isle that Katiyana has been waiting for ever since she turned sixteen the previous April. Having been raised in the Coven, she knows exactly what’s happening. Vincent, however, does not. He was raised outside of the circle of magic users, and is bewildered by every new piece of information these sequential dreams drop on him. As the month passes, they slowly put together that they’re dreaming of each other. With the help of their mutual friends, and Coven members who have already been through the process, the teens work through revelations both comforting and terrifying. Everything does happen for a reason, especially on Faodail, they just never expected it to be like this. Coven Chronicles: Magickal is an introduction to the Island of Faodail, through the lens of someone steeped in its history and magic, and someone learning everything for the first time. This dual-POV story will lead you through each dream and everything surrounding it, unfolding the past Katiyana and Vincent shared together, and the future they could build with each other.
>> ARC sign up form here!! <<
Sign ups are open July 22nd (now!) - August 2nd!
Video ID/Desc under read more
[Video ID: This video contains three slides. The first slide is of table filled with weathered paper, bound scrolls, and burning candles of various sizes in a hazy atmosphere. The text reads, "If you love…"
The second slide is three smaller videos stacked and overlaying a lavender field as a background. The first video on the top is one of a small, purple crystal ball surrounded by beads and candles. It reads: "Magical Realism." The second video is a group of pre-teens/teenagers of various heights and hairstyles, smiling and laughing at the camera. It reads: "Found Family." The third video is the back/side shot of a girl sitting in the foreground, brunette waves obscuring her face as she writes in a notebook. The backdrop is green and blue, heavily blurred, implying a lake view. The text reads: "Info Through Dreams."
The third slide is of a set of hands holding a tablet featuring the cover concept of the book (which is pale pink, featuring a side profile silhouette of a woman within a floral border around her head and another around the edge of the cover itself.) Sparkles flash on and off screen around the tablet and hands for emphasis. The text at the top of the slide reads: Join our ARC team!" and the text at the bottom reads: "Coven Chronicles: Magickal. ARC Signups July 22 - Aug 2." End ID]
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Fo4 Companions Favorite Settlements To Stay At
➼ Word Count » 0.7k ➼ Warnings » Slight spoilers in MacCready's
MacCready really likes the Finch Farm. It has always been a place of comfort for him. There's something about the family that lives there that almost reminds MacCready of the family he and his son are never likely to get. He hopes that one day when his son makes it to the Commonwealth that they could hang around the place for a little while longer, maybe even live there with them permanently.
Nick's always been fond of the Starlight Drive-In. Human Nick spent a lot of time in these types of theatres, so he's always felt weirdly connected to them. Nick also likes to stand behind the counter and serve drinks while all the other settlers gather around on the stools. It's just a naturally nostalgic place for him.
Cait has never been particularly excited to visit the settlements, they're all too open and the settlers are wayyy too in her face for her to have fun. That's why Hangman's Ally is the only one she ever agrees to go to. Not many settlers like living there, and it's almost invisible to the rest of the world.
Danse's favorite settlement to be at will always be the Boston Airport. There's nowhere he'd rather be than near his fellow soldiers—they're like his family.
Preston loves all the settlements you work on, but The Castle always wins. In his opinion, there's nothing better than the space, people, and artillery that the Castle holds. It's a natural place for any Minuteman to want to be in. He especially loves the history of it all. Looking back at old pre-war artifacts that have been scattered across the castle makes him feel so intrigued.
Codsworth loves sanctuary for sentimental reasons, but greygarden is a place he really feels at home. It's just him and all the other Mr. Handys, cleaning and gardening, his favorite things to do <3 (and sometimes they have really good gossip)
Piper spent a good while trying to solve the mystery in Jamaica Plain, and in doing so, set up her own little shack to call a temporary home. She made pretty good friends with the settlers who currently resided there and likes to visit every now and then to see the home she lived in for a week serve a different purpose.
Curie's very interested in all the ghost stories that surround the Croup Manor. She can't help but get excited at the thought of spending the night there or starting a little campfire just outside the place and going back and forth telling each other myths and legends.
Strong likes a lot of the settlements, but Sunshine Tidings Co-Op always makes him satisfied due to all the raider camps that are scattered nearby. Even Nuka-World's close. He can eat as many people as he wants down there, what more could he ask for?
Hancock loves supporting his fellow ghouls, so the Slog is a personal favorite of his. He always tries to help the group down there out as often as he can, especially security-wise. He wants to see this group prosper. It's refreshing to see others working toward the same goals as him.
Deacon, against Desdemona's wishes, turned the Taffington Boathouse into a frat house of sorts. He's always trying to recruit people but he's only managed to convince Tinker Tom to get on board. He's also the only one who knows what a frat house actually is so everyone just ignores him.
X6-88 hates them all. They're all too grimy for him to ever willingly be near. Although, if he had to pick, it'd be Covenant, only after he's killed everyone else in it. He'd much rather it be just the two of you in that semi-secure township. 
Dogmeat likes all of them, although Sanctuary and the Red Rocket Station are his favorites. Both settlements always hold such friendly people and tons of junk for him to play with!
Naturally, Old Longfellow prefers his cabin. He has the most detailed mental map of his little island—knows where all the traps are set and everything. Besides all his weapons and alcohol being stored there, why wouldn't it be his favorite?
Gage doesn't have much of an opinion on any of them, although, he thinks Hangman's Ally has the best cover. It doesn't matter to him though, everywhere's home if you can take it from the original residents.
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