#nationwide cycling event
townpostin · 1 month
Jamshedpur Gears Up for Nationwide Cyclothon 4.0 on August 25
Marwari Yuva Manch to celebrate National Sports Day with 851-branch bicycle race All India Marwari Yuva Manch prepares for Cyclothon 4.0, promoting healthy lifestyle across India. JAMSHEDPUR – The All India Marwari Yuva Manch is set to host Cyclothon 4.0 on Sunday, August 25, in celebration of National Sports Day. The nationwide bicycle race will take place simultaneously across more than 851…
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
I just read an article on The Conversation that states: "Today, most data has Trump narrowly beating Biden in the national popular vote, albeit within the statistical margin of error." (Source for that data: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/)
In your opinion, is that true? How can that be possible after everything Trump has done? After the Insurrection? I'm terrified 😕
(For reference, the original article can be found at https://theconversation.com/five-reasons-why-trumps-republican-opponents-were-never-going-to-beat-him-223288?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The%20Weekend%20Conversation%20-%202888329325&utm_content=The%20Weekend%20Conversation%20-%202888329325+CID_fceedfd21410eb8a7b6fd6e1124d9d54&utm_source=campaign_monitor_uk&utm_term=five%20reasons)
Short answer: no, I don't think it's true.
Long answer: no, I really don't think it's true. Here's why.
Broader context. A Republican has won the popular presidential vote only twice in the 21st century, and in the first of those occasions -- 2000 -- I use "won" very advisedly. We all know, or at least we should, about all the fuckery that went down in Florida with Bush vs. Gore and SCOTUS stepping in to stop the recount (which almost surely would have gone to Gore) and handing Florida, and thus the presidency, to George Dubya Bush by a mere 537 votes. Dubya then did win re-election and the popular vote/EC in 2004, in the throes of patriotic war fervor and the GOP's Swiftboating of John Kerry (who was a pretty terrible candidate to start with). Other than that? None. Zip. Nada. None. Even in 2016 when Trump squeaked out a win (and thus the presidency) in the Electoral College, he lost nationwide to HRC by over 3 million votes. He lost to Biden by 7 million votes nationwide last time. Also, the reason the GOP loves the antidemocratic Electoral College is that it always works in their favor, and because red states with relatively scant population are given the same power in the Senate. That's why California, with 40+ million people, gets two (Democratic) senators, and Wyoming, with 400,000 people, gets two (Republican) senators. There is just no way that red states can get the actual raw numbers to win the popular vote against heavily blue urban population centers. The only one that comes close is Texas, and while it's something of a white whale for Democrats who think fondly that it'll surely turn blue this election cycle (and then it doesn't), it's not giving all its votes popular-vote-wise to Republicans. So yeah. The numbers aren't there. Biden is about 99% certain to win the popular vote, but because this is America, the question is whether the EC will follow.
(Although, I gotta say. In the deeply unlikely event that Biden loses the popular vote but wins the Electoral College -- i.e. the exact same thing Trump did in 2016 -- the right wing would lose their fucking minds and it would be incredibly hilarious. Also, we might finally get some red states willing to sign up to the National Popular Vote Compact, which is just a few ratifications away from going into effect. As noted, the Republicans will cling onto the Electoral College with their last dying breath because it's the only thing that makes them competitive in nationwide elections. If it fucked Trump, they might finally listen to ideas about changing it.)
The media are incredibly biased, and so is Nate Silver. Silver first rose to prominence as an independent geeky Data Guy elections whiz-kid, and was relatively good at being unbiased. That is not the case anymore. He's now affiliated with the New York Times and has started echoing the smugly anti-Biden framework of both that paper and the mainstream media in general. I'm not necessarily saying his data is total bunk, but he's extremely eager to frame, narrate, and explain it in ways that artificially disadvantage Biden (in the same way the NYT itself is all in on "BUT HIS AGEEEEE," just as they were with "BUT HER EEEEEEMAILS" in 2016) And that's a problem, because:
The polls are shit. Like, really, really shit. Didn't we just go through this in 2022, where everyone howled about how All The Data pointed to a Red Wave and then were /shocked pikachu face when this was nothing more than a Red Dribble of Piss (and frankly, the best midterm election result for the ruling party since like, the 1930s?) We've also had major, real-time proof that the polls are showing a consistent pro-Trump bias of 10 or more points, which is a huge error and keeps getting corrected whenever people actually vote, but the media will never admit that, because TRUMP IS WINNING WE ARE ALL DOOMZED!! We heard about how Biden might lose New Hampshire because he wasn't even on the ballot and that would be a critical embarrassment for him. He cruised easily with 68% (all write-in votes and FAR more than any other Democratic "candidate.") Meanwhile, Trump won New Hampshire by about 15% under what the polls had predicted for him (after doing the same and barely squeaking over 50% in Iowa, one of the whitest, most rural, most Trump-loving states in the nation). The number ballparked for Biden in the NV Democratic primary was something like 75%; he got over 90% (and twice as many votes as any candidate in the Republican Primary/Caucus/Whatever That Mess Was). The number for what he was supposed to get in the SC primary was in the high 60% (driven by the media's other favorite "Black voters are abandoning Biden" canard); he absolutely crushed it at 97% statewide. When Biden is winning by whopping margins and Trump is underperforming badly, in both cases by gaps of ten percent or more, it means the polls are simply not showing us an accurate state of the race. This could be because of media bias, bad data, selective polling, inability to actually connect with voters (especially young voters, who are about as likely to eat a live scorpion as to pick up an unsolicited phone call from an unknown number). This also shows up in:
Special elections. We've heard tons of Very Smart Punditry (derogatory) about how Democrats kicking ass in pretty much every competitive election since Roe was overturned in 2022 totally means nothing for the general election. (Of course, if the situation was reversed and Republicans were cleaning up at the same rate, we would be hearing nothing except how we're all destined for Eternal Trumpocracy... wait. no... we're still only hearing this. Weird.) In the last special election in early February, Democrat Tom Suozzi won back his old U.S House seat (NY-03) by over eight points, after polls had given him at most a two- or three-point edge. (Funnily, once again a Democrat did far better than the media is determined to insist, so Politico hilariously called a thumping eight-point win "edging it out.") This represents almost a 16-point blue swing from even just 2022, when The Congressman Possibly Known as George Santos won it by 7 points. On that same night, a Democratic candidate in a Trump +26 district in deep, deep red Oklahoma only lost by 5 points, marking another massive pro-blue swing. This has been the case in every special election since Roe went down. Apparently blah blah This Won't Translate to the General Election, because the media is very smart. Even when Democrats (historically hard to motivate and muster in off-year election cycles, or you know in general) are turning up in elections that don't involve Trump to punish terrible Trumpist policies, we're supposed to think they won't be motivated to actually vote against the guy himself? And not just them, because:
Trump is a terrible candidate. Which we know, and have always known, but now it's really true. We've had up to half of Haley voters stating they will vote for Biden over Trump if that is the November matchup (which it will be). Haley, amusingly, actually outraised Trump in January, because it turns out that the Trump Crime Family's open promise to send every single donor or RNC dollar to pay El Trumpo's legal fees hasn't been a terribly effective message. We had Republicans in NY-03 telling CNN that they voted for the Democrat Suozzi because they're so fed up with the GOP clown show in the House and don't think Republicans can govern (which uh. Yeah. Welcome to reality, we all knew that ages ago too). We have had up to a third of Republican voters saying they won't vote for Trump if he's convicted of a felony before the election (and technically he already has been, but we're still hoping for the January 6 trial to go ahead). Now, yes, Republicans are a notoriously cliquey bunch and might change their minds, but for all the endless bullshit BIDEN SHOULD STEP DOWN BECAUSE DEMOCRATS ARE DISUNITED narrative the media has been pushing like their kidnapped grandmothers' lives depend on it, Democrats aren't actually disunited at all. Instead, Trump is in chaos, the GOP is in chaos, sizeable chunks of Republican voters are ready to vote for someone else and in some cases have already done so, and yet, do we hear a peep about how Trump should step down? Nah. In related news, did you hear that Biden is old?!?! Why isn't anyone writing about this?!?!
Now, I want to make it clear: Trump's chances of winning are not zero, and they are not inconsiderable. We need to face that fact and deal with it accordingly. Large chunks of the country are still willing to vote for white Christian nationalist fascism. Trump still has plenty of diehard cultists and the entire establishment Republican party in his pocket, and it's been made very clear that Putin is bringing the full force of his malevolent Russian fascist machine to bear on this election as well. Case in point: we spent four years hearing about HUNTER BIDEN HUNTER BIDEN SECRET CORRUPTION GIANT SECRET BUSINESS SCANDAL, and it turns out that the GOP's "star informant" has been actively working with Russian spies the whole time and fed them complete bullshit disinformation, which they were eager to repeat so long as it might hurt Joe Biden. (And it would hurt Ukraine, so, twofer! I cannot emphasize enough how much it was all a deliberate collaboration by some of the worst people on earth.)
In 2016, people naively assumed that Trump could never win, and so they were especially willing to throw away, spoil, or otherwise not exercise their vote, or throw purity hissy fits over HRC (likewise fed at the toxic teat of Russian disinformation). That was exactly what allowed Trump to squeak out a win in the EC and put us in the mess we are currently in. If people act in the same way in 2024 that they did in 2016, Trump's chances of winning are drastically increased. So once again, as I keep saying, it's up to us. If we all vote blue, and we get our networks to vote blue, Biden is very likely to win. If we don't, he won't, and Trump will win. It's that simple. We had better decide what we're doing. The end.
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Equality Ain't Pie
Posting September 6, 2024
Fic by RavenFuchs
Art by hectatess
Banner by envydean
Rating: Mature
Summary: Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak have each been recruited to co-lead an elite team, Sexual Minorities Intelligence Tactical Endeavor (SMITE), created in reaction to the rise in attacks on alphas and omegas (called AOs), by Beta Rights Activists within the majority beta population. Prior to the team’s formation a plot to bomb an AO fundraising event was thwarted but the threat was serious enough to call for a law enforcement unit that had national reach and powers that superseded those of local and other federal agencies. Shortly after the team is assembled they are tasked with looking into AO youth living on the streets who are now missing as well as cases of product tampering where suppressants were replaced with a previously unknown super enhancer causing two unrelated college students to go into a dangerous heat cycle. Meanwhile, they face an enemy from within as well as mounting political pressure by some in government that do not want to see AOs have full rights in society and will do anything to see that they are removed from mainstream life. The stakes get higher when an attack on the team coincides with the kidnapping of the teen children of a pro-AO candidate with the rare occurrence of two AO children in one family. As the team continues to investigate they uncover a plot that could lead to making the public see AOs as unstable and needing to be removed from society.
Tags: Alpha Cas, Omega Dean, Kidnapping, murder, government plots, talk of conversion camps, talk of medical experiments on AOs, threats of sexual assault, mention of human sex trafficking, non-consensual drug exposure, panic attacks, past child abuse, alphas and omegas are commonly referred to as AOs
Excerpt below the cut
"Bobby, I'm gonna give it to you straight, the fact that you're even allowed to form this team is nothing short of remarkable. There's still a hell of a lot of pushback and prejudice against alphas and omegas and the LGBTQ+ communities that it's a miracle that it's happening at all. Your special task force will be able to do a lot of good and prevent a lot of harm. What's the extent of your operation?"
"Unlimited. We've been given unilateral scope to work nationwide and across all levels of law enforcement both military and civilian. We are authorized to be the lead agency in any jurisdiction. Surprisingly, they didn't fight me when I said that the team would be inclusive of AOs, as there is no sound reason not to hire alphas and omegas."
"That is a bit of a shock. Considering the ban on AOs serving openly in the military has only recently been lifted."
"Yeah, the LEOs were ahead of the curve on that one. Though I guess in a way it would make sense that law enforcement officers on the local, state, and federal levels would need to have some AOs to help deal with crimes against their community. AO crime vics seem to open up better to one of their own."
"Well, can you blame 'em? Betas still make up the majority of the population and hold all the cards when it comes to education, employment, and positions of power. They still place the blame on AOs for being victims. I hope to all that's holy that what you're doing will change things for the better."
"That's the plan."
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travelingthief · 2 years
Zeus Devotions and Offerings
Learn About:
Clouds (what’s their part in the water cycle? How do you tell the difference between types of clouds?)
Weather (predominantly rain, wind, & thunder and lightning) (What causes these phenomena scientifically?)
The justice system
Eagles, hawks, and other birds
His myths and genealogy (there’s a lot there!)
His Roman counterpart, Jupiter
Political history in your country (or any country of interest)
Climate change and how you can help reduce it
Collect rainwater as an offering or for use in spells
(Safely) Watch a storm (I like to do so in my car)
If you can, safely offer shelter to those during storms (travelers, unhoused folks, or even stray cats/dogs!)
Participate in storm clean-ups
Splash in puddles/Dance in the rain
Thank Him for the rain and acknowledge how helpful it is for providing life to all of us
Take proper storm precautions, like buying enough food, having flashlights/candles on hand, and having non-electric ways to keep warm
Keep a rainy day fund
Spend rainy days with your [chosen] family
Meditate/fall asleep to rain sounds
Learn how to respond in the event someone is struck by lightning
Go cloud-gazing (try making up stories for the shapes you find!)
Go parasailing
Travel on planes
Hot air balloon rides
Ask Him to bless your flights and travels
Go birdwatching
Ride a zipline
Fly kites
Learn cloud divination
Order and Justice
Keep up-to-date with local political happenings
Participate in your city/school council
Attend protests and advocate for equality  
Vote in local, state, and nationwide elections
Take breaks for yourself when learning about politics! That shit can be overwhelming!
Learn de-escalation methods
Join a debate team
Keep your schedule in order
Maintain a clean and orderly environment
Advocate for a greener future
Visit your state house
Leadership and Protection
Trust yourself to take on leadership roles
Build your self-confidence 
Be assertive in your boundaries 
(If you're able to) Work out and build muscle
Take proper measures to protect your home (locking the door and windows or a protection spell/jar!)
Take self-defense classes/martial arts/wrestling etc.
Make your own self-love affirmations 
Do things that make you feel powerful!
Understand your power. So many people are afraid of power because of negative connotations, but power can be used for good as well
Carry yourself with pride
Speak with conviction
Support small businesses
Check the weather and dress appropriately (or pack emergency backup clothes if the fit is too good)
Carry an umbrella on you! And a spare if you can, to pass out to someone in need!
Wear grays and sky blues
Travel and see the world!
(Safely and sanitarily) collect bird feathers. Make sure you’re aware of which bird feathers are restricted from being collected
Show Him things you’re proud of!
Set attainable goals and make a plan to achieve them
Offer hospitality to every guest, even if you’re not thrilled to see them
Be a pleasant guest, even if you’re not thrilled to be there
Bull/swan/eagle imagery
Rainwater/snow water
Representation of lightning/storms (Paintings, trinkets, drawings, etc.)
Imagery of Scales of Justice
Voting stickers/Absentee ballot envelopes
Political mail for causes you support
Homework you put a good effort into and are proud of
Pictures of the sky/clouds
Bird figurines
Crown imagery/figurines
Lastly, it’s undeniable that Zeus has a long history of assaulting and mistreating women. Everyone has their beliefs on the matter and I think it is entirely possible to worship/work with a god while fully acknowledging the messy past. Furthermore, as I dive deeper into the history surrounding the myths I gain a better understanding of the factors surrounding Zeus’s philandering, like the synchronization of Gods and Goddesses across religions and how Zeus likely assimilated past male deities and the people of the time created the stories of his many affairs to explain this merging.
There’s no way to justify the raping by our human standards. That being said, I don’t think it’s cause to completely shut Him out. He is the King of the Gods, the Bringer of Life! Surely that is something to celebrate. 
With all that, some final acts that support women:
Believing victims
Donating/volunteering at women's shelters
Learning the signs of domestic abuse
Learning and acknowledging red flags in a partner
Talking to friends about any major red flags you’re concerned about with their partner
Advocating for women’s rights 
Learning about domestic abuse/rape/abortion services in your area
Hoping this is helpful to someone! I see very few posts for Zeus on here.
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The ineffable Charles P. Pierce on truth and presidential health.
From the CPP Weekend newsletter:
The First President To Tell The Truth About His Health
On July 1, 1893, a certain Commodore Elias Benedict prepared his yacht, the Oneida, for an unusual mission out on Chesapeake Bay. The yacht’s saloon was repurposed as a surgical suite. A team of six was recruited to perform the surgery, including a dentist named Ferdinand Hasbrouk, who would serve as the anesthesiologist. The patient, a rather obese man, 56 years of age, was suffering from a carcinoma of the mouth.
The patient was named Steven Grover Cleveland, and he was the 24th president of the United States, having already been the 22nd president of the United States, guaranteeing him a place in every trivia contest until the end of time. The operation was performed under maximum security. From the Health Sciences Library of the University of Arizona.
However, there were political considerations. A nationwide depression had just gotten underway and in the name of strengthening the economy, the president was leading a movement to repeal the Sherman Silver Purchase Act and uphold the gold standard. In August, the president had to address Congress and thus, he had to be able to recover from the surgery’s effects by that time. It was already late June. Furthermore, the president was concerned that reports of his condition could prove even more unsettling, so the surgery would have to be done in secret.
The economy was sinking into the bust cycle of the boom and bust financial system of the age. (Today, we know it as Project 2025, section 4.) The Panic of 1893 had struck in February, and it would last for the next four years. In addition, it was gradually coming to light that Chester Arthur, Cleveland’s predecessor the first time around, had been debilitated by Bright’s disease throughout his term of office. Arthur, in fact, was already dead. Cleveland’s political concerns were well-taken, but he never was the same after the surgery.
Twenty-six years later, in the middle of a barnstorming railroad trip aimed at raising support for the new world he wanted to build, President Woodrow Wilson collapsed in Pueblo, Colorado, and then collapsed entirely six weeks later with a stroke that permanently disabled him. The rudimentary political spin system of the time went into action almost immediately. Wilson was said to have suffered an attack of medical gobbledegook–“a nervous reaction in his digestive organs.” Upon returning to Washington, Wilson went into seclusion, and his wife, Edith, pretty much ran the country. From PBS:
Everything changed on the morning of Oct. 2, 1919. According to some accounts, the president awoke to find his left hand numb to sensation before falling into unconsciousness. In other versions, Wilson had his stroke on the way to the bathroom and fell to the floor with Edith dragging him back into bed. However those events transpired, immediately after the president’s collapse, Mrs. Wilson discretely phoned down to the White House chief usher, Ike Hoover and told him to “please get Dr. Grayson, the president is very sick.” Grayson quickly arrived. Ten minutes later, he emerged from the presidential bedroom and the doctor’s diagnosis was terrible: “My God, the president is paralyzed,” Grayson declared.
Protective of both her husband’s reputation and power, Edith shielded Woodrow from interlopers and embarked on a bedside government that essentially excluded Wilson’s staff, the Cabinet and the Congress. During a perfunctory meeting the president held with Sen. Gilbert Hitchcock (D-Neb.) and Albert Fall (R-N.M.) on Dec. 5, he and Edith even tried to hide the extent of his paralysis by keeping his left side covered with a blanket. Sen. Fall, who was one of the president’s most formidable political foes told Wilson, “I hope you will consider me sincere. I have been praying for you, Sir.” Edith later recalled that Woodrow was, at least, well enough to jest, “Which way, Senator?” A great story, perhaps, but Wilson’s biographer, John Milton Cooper, Jr. doubts its veracity and notes that neither Edith nor Dr. Grayson recorded such a clever rejoinder in their written memoranda from that day.
Edith Wilson insisted to her dying day that her role in the last two years of the Wilson administration was nominal. This is almost assuredly a barefaced non-fact, as the work of subsequent historians has shown.
Everyone knows about how FDR’s people, aided by an acquiescent press, kept a lid on the president’s inability to walk. What they were less able to conceal was how truly sick the president was during his last years in office. From the University of Arizona:
On March 28, 1944, Roosevelt received a complete physical including a cardiac examination. Dr. Howard G. Bruenn handled this. Bruenn’s diagnosis was that the President was suffering from “hypertension, hypertensive heart disease, cardiac failure (left ventricle), and acute bronchitis. (Bruenn, p. 580). Bruenn recommended a week or two of rest, the use of digitalis, a lighter, salt-free diet, and codeine for the cough and a moderate loss of weight. However, given the president’s schedule, this was not carried out right away. McIntire thought the use of digitalis was going too far. In Ferrell’s account, Bruenn found himself against the Surgeon General and a team of leading doctors at Bethesda, including Officer in Command John Harper, Executive Officer Robert Duncan, radiology head Charles Behrens, and Paul Dickens, a professor of medicine at George Washington University. Also involved were two honorary medical consultants, James Paullin and Frank Lacey. These latter two conducted another examination of the president on March 31st. Bruenn held firm on the need for digitalization and after three meetings and a threat to remove himself from the case, he was authorized to begin. Within ten days, Roosevelt showed remarkable improvement. Bruenn found himself making frequent visits to the White House.
Since then, we’ve had Eisenhower, whose doctors were relatively upfront about his major heart attack, in 1955, but buried the news of his stroke two years later. John Kennedy’s myriad concealed medical conditions would fill a book, and indeed has filled several. What’s less well known is the fact that Kennedy’s successor, Lyndon Johnson, felt so ill that he had to be talked into running for his own full term in 1964. From The Political Effects of Presidential Illness: The Case of Lyndon B. Johnson:
More serious, Johnson was rushed to the hospital at 2:26 a.m. suffering from chest pains and a cough. Vice President Humphrey was telephoned at 3:30 a.m. in Minnesota with the news that the president had been hospitalized with chest pains. Humphrey was not alone in his fears that Johnson had suffered another heart attack, a prospect he found "particularly frightening because Lyndon had suffered a serious one ten years before." Many years later, Humphrey complained that Johnson “for some bizarre reason, refused to let any medical facts be given to me immediately. Instead. The orders came to me that he wanted me to fulfill my scheduled weekly commitments so that no one would think his illness was serious." When Humphrey left home later that morning, he still did not know whether Johnson had suffered another heart attack, how critical his condition might be, or whether he would soon be succeeding Johnson as president. He later wrote that "it was an awesome prospect, a terrible shock, compounded by not knowing what precisely was happening" (Humphrey, 1976, p. 314). Perhaps the shock was further compounded by the fact that although Johnson had intended to enter in arrangement with his vice-president, he had not, at that time, done so.
More recently, it was an open secret in Washington that President Ronald Reagan was probably a symptomatic Alzheimer’s patient throughout his second term. Interestingly, given our current state of affairs, the first real public manifestation of it came in his first debate against Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale in 1984. From the AP (via the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette):
For Reagan, the age issue faded in his first term as any health questions focused on his recovery from a nearly fatal assassination attempt in 1981. He seemed headed for an easy reelection. And debates seemed natural settings for the smooth-talking former Hollywood actor. But his performance in the first showdown with Mondale in the 1984 campaign brought the age issue roaring back. The president, then 73, rambled and hesitated. He seemed to lose his train of thought at one point, and appeared tired at others. No one had seen him perform publicly in such a way, recalled Jaroslovsky, who co-authored a story headlined: “New Question in Race: Is Oldest U.S. President Now Showing His Age?”…
…Then, as now, Mr. Jaroslovsky said, the embattled president’s supporters provided vigorous spin. Reagan’s operation said he had been tired. There was sniping about the staff overpreparing him, Mr. Jaroslovsky said. Mr. Biden’s team cited fatigue from two overseas trips that had exhausted even younger staffers. It was a bad night, they said. Blame flew at the president’s aides. Democrats on Capitol Hill griped that Mr. Biden's performance had damaged their chances at the polls. And press critics asserted that reporters had failed to hold the president and his staff to account.
Reagan managed to deliver a spoon-fed wisecrack at the beginning of the second debate, and everybody loved good ol’ Dutch again. But, in Washington, there were real concerns. In their book Landslide, an account of his second term, authors Jane Mayer and Doyle McManus revealed that an aide to then incoming White House chief of staff Howard Baker named James Cannon had been dispatched to discreetly investigate whether or not the provisions of the 25th amendment regarding forcible presidential abdication might be in order and, more spectacularly, Cannon believed that it should be considered.
I bring all of this up to prove a point–namely, that the next White House that is completely honest about the president’s health will be the first. (Do people really believe the big ship of fools that was Donald Trump’s medical team?) The concocted melodrama around the president’s dismal showing in the campaign’s first debate–Hi, Dutch!–has served nothing but to obscure the clarity necessary to make what is a terribly difficult call. If I seem to wax overly historical, it’s because I find it more edifying than the hysterical.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Not only JP-7: the SR-71 could use JP-4 and JP-5 as emergency fuels but they both limited the Blackbird top speed to Mach 1.5
JP-7, the fuel that powered the SR-71 Blackbird caused a nationwide shortage of bug spray. Here’s why.
The SR-71 Blackbird was the first aircraft to use its own fuel for hydraulic fluid. It was called the fuel hydraulic system.
The legendary SR-71 Blackbird Mach 3+ spy plane was powered by two 34,000 lbf (151,240 N) thrust-class J58 afterburning turbojet engines. Each engine contained a nine-stage compressor driven by a two-stage turbine. The main burner used an eight-can combustor and the afterburner is fully modulating. The primary nozzle area was variable. Above Mach 2.2, some of the airflow was bled from the fourth stage of the compressor and dumped into the augmentor inlet through six bleed-bypass tubes, circumventing the core of the engine and transitioning the propulsive cycle from a pure turbojet to a turbo-ramjet.
The SR-71 was the first aircraft to use its own fuel for hydraulic fluid. It was called the fuel hydraulic system.
An engine-driven pump provided 1800 psi of recirculating fuel to accurate various engine components and then returned it back to the aircraft fuel system to be burned. Fuel was used in the actuators to control the afterburner nozzles, which maintain the proper exhaust gas temperature and control the thrust output. The fuel was also used in the engine actuators to shift the two-position inlet guide veins from their axial position to the cambered position and back again. This was just another of the many first-ever inventions of the-SR-71.
The J58 engine was hydromechanically controlled and burned a special low volatility jet fuel mixture known as JP-7.
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SR-71 print
This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. SR-71A Blackbird 61-7972 “Skunkworks”
Emergency fuels could be used in the SR-71 if the crew was low on fuel and had to use ANY tanker (as already explained the Blackbird relied on KC-135Q tankers [that could simultaneously carry a maximum of 74,490lb of JP-7 and 110,000lb of JP-4 for their own engines] but the SR-71 could also be refueled by standard Stratotankers in the event KC-135Qs were not available or if the Blackbird crew had to deal with an emergency situation) they could find to avoid the loss of the aircraft. The emergency fuels were JP-4 or JP-5 but they limited the Blackbird top speed to Mach 1.5. There were six main fuselage tanks. All 80,285 pounds of JP-7 fuel were carried in six main fuselage tanks. The tanks numbered one through six moved forward to aft (back) tank 6B It could hold 7,020 pounds of gravity-fed fuel and two tanks sumps. This was also called the “doghouse” and was located in the extreme back portion of the fuselage.
These are just a few interesting facts that I found by reading Rich Graham’s “SR 71 Revealed the inside story.” This book was published in 1996 before some of the facts about the SR-71 became unclassified. Last year when I was visiting SR-71 #972 one of my Grandson’s friends asked me “Why is this airplane so big? My immediate answer was… they needed the room to hold as much fuel as possible.
Fuel was the lifeblood of this fastest-manned airplane in the world.
Be sure to check out Linda Sheffield Miller (Col Richard (Butch) Sheffield’s daughter, Col. Sheffield was an SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer) Facebook Pages Habubrats SR-71 and Born into the Wilde Blue Yonder for awesome Blackbird’s photos and stories.
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nihilisticlinguistics · 4 months
ever since i learned that we're a handful of simultaneous power grid failures from a nationwide grid collapse, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it
like. i first heard about this in 2021 after the Texas winter storm blackouts. it turns out that when you have an aging power system and a rapidly increasing dependency on the electrical grid, the system gets really strained. and if there's a major outage caused by, say, a geomagnetic storm/coronal mass ejection in a handful of places, that can cause a cascade grid collapse.
but that's not all! while solar flares screw with radio waves and cell phone connections as they're happening, they can also damage satellites. you know. the things that help us transmit our phone signals, and GPS, and a ton of internet...
Coronal mass ejections, aka CMEs, that strike the Earth are relatively rare, but they occur more frequently at the height of the solar cycle. which we're just entering now, and will be through the end of 2025. It's even more rare for them to be of a severity level that causes major power outages. and power stations are able to prepare somewhat for these geomagnetic storms, but that can involve deliberate blackouts to reduce strain on the system IIRC.
the storm that's arriving this weekend is labeled 'severe' but it's not the Most severe category -- it's not currently on the level of, say, the Carrington event. it's unlikely to cause long-term damage to the US power grid. we have plenty of advance notice. we can just enjoy a view of the northern lights, probably.
so it's fine. we're all good here.
but obviously the premise of my WIP is, "what if we weren't?" If the grid were too overloaded with demand, if the Big Storm arrived in the midst of a massive heat wave or ice storm and everyone was running max power? If someone failed to enact safety protocols correctly? If one tripped fuse led to another...?
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aditisposts · 9 months
Data Science Career Prospects for International Graduates in Canada
With the Toronto-Waterloo innovation corridor branded as Canada’s Silicon Valley and Montreal rising as an AI hub - data science graduates find unmatched career mobility given the specialized talent crunch amidst booming tech ecosystems nationwide seeking analytics, machine learning and business intelligence experts across sectors.
Whether it is global networks like Deloitte, CISCO, IBM, Aviva,SAP, Thomson Reuters looking to drive data-informed decisions or emerging startups tackling complex business challenges using predictive models - Canadian employers offer exciting learning opportunities for international students transitioning into full-time high-skilled roles.
Lucrative data science salaries averaging over CAD $80,000 for entry roles also make Canada appealing for applicants focused on immigration pathways. Generous 3-year post graduate work permits enable valuable Canadian work experience for express entry eligibility. PR also facilitates global mobility to the USA given NAFTA relationships. 
While successfully securing full-time employment necessitates preparing for rigorous recruitment cycles - leveraging university career center supports around CV guides, networking events and interview preps can make landing aspirational data science jobs after graduation achievable given Canada’s expanding analytics market.
Posted By:
Aditi Borade, 4th year Barch,
Ls Raheja School of architecture
Disclaimer: The perspectives shared in this blog are not intended to be prescriptive. They should act merely as viewpoints to aid overseas aspirants with helpful guidance. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research before availing the services of a consultant. 
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mariacallous · 2 years
Students and members of the public have taken to the streets in major cities across China, with protesters in Shanghai calling for Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to step down—a rare sight in China, where protest is strictly curtailed. Coming shortly after the 20th Party Congress, which marked the beginning of Xi’s third term as CCP general secretary, these protests bear closer examination and consideration for their potential to affect China’s political situation and Xi’s grip on power—and even to usher in a “new era” of social movements akin to the wave of protests that swept the country in 1989.
Commentators calling these the largest protests since 1989 are mistaken. The Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao years saw mass protests that drew tens of thousands of participants or more, destroyed local government offices, and had to be put down by armed police. The crowds in videos emerging from protests in Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, Chengdu, and other cities are generally small, ranging from several hundred to over a thousand. Rather, it is Xi’s heavy-handed suppression of social dissent over his time in office and his concomitant expansion of public expenditures and targeted poverty alleviation, buying the affections of the underclasses and all but eliminating open public protest, that makes the current wave of protests significant.
A common thread in these protests is people reaching the limits of their tolerance for the government’s zero-COVID policies. The “dynamic zero-COVID” approach the government has adopted capriciously deprives the public of their freedom and rights and has led to countless humanitarian disasters. One such disaster, a fire in a locked-down Urumqi apartment building, was the spark for students and members of the public to protest, as people around the country gather to mourn the lives lost in the fire.
The first Chinese city to be locked down was Wuhan, where the epidemic first broke out. The people of Wuhan silently endured lockdown for more than two months. Tianjin, Xi’an, Shenzhen, and other cities followed suit with lockdowns of varying degrees; these, too, were silently borne. When the entire city of Shanghai was locked down for two months starting this April, the public once again suffered in silence. What changed between then and the end of November?
One key event was the promulgation of the new “20 Articles” policy on pandemic control measures in early November. The policy promised a gradual loosening of restrictions, a welcome ray of hope for a public that had been trapped in place for three years, but when this resulted in a nationwide resurgence of outbreaks, authorities quickly reinstated tighter controls, dashing any hope of lockdowns being lifted. The repeated cycles of easing and tightening, caging people like lab rats, finally wore through the last of people’s patience. Under the government’s zero-COVID policies, everyone knows that they could be the next to suffer—including people inside the system, particularly officials and workers on the front lines of pandemic response, many of whom have long since burned out from exhaustion and overwork. Everybody wants a change—but as long as Xi does not, they will have no choice but to endure.
Sudden as these protests may seem, their broader context—particularly Xi’s actions over his decade in power—made them a virtual inevitability. Despite widespread fears that Xi would return China to the days of the Cultural Revolution, this isn’t something he can pull off alone. China isn’t North Korea, after all: The liberal reforms that followed the Cultural Revolution afforded the majority of Chinese people a basis to make comparisons with other ways of life, giving rise to interests that not even Xi can shake. Closing China off from the world would pose no benefit to the CCP or Xi himself, moreover, except insofar as it might be used to eliminate the system of private ownership.
Rather, fears of a return to the Cultural Revolution indicate widespread dissatisfaction with Xi’s line, policies, and ideals among members of the public, who have consistently opposed Xi’s attempts to shift the engine of history into reverse gear. Xi may have wanted to redirect the course of historical development, but the last 10 years have seen China generally continuing forward in its century-long transition to modernity. Historical precedent shows that during such transitions, growing awareness of civil rights eventually gives rise to public movements and public resistance, primarily in the form of collective action.
China is no exception. One of the ideological effects of the reform years was a resurgence of civic consciousness. This produced the 1989 student protest movement and subsequent waves of human rights actions and mass incidents. Xi has ensured that citizens’ rights activists and other oppositional forces will be sentenced harshly, but he hardly has the power to erase this civic consciousness from the brains of the public. The public simply hid it away for a while under pressure from the authorities; given a suitable chance and fertile soil, their demands for freedom and civil rights will flower again.
The rapid deterioration of China’s external environment, Xi forcing his way into a third term, and above all the government’s zero-COVID policy present a rare opportunity for public protest—and will nurture a movement for societal transformation.
U.S.-China tensions have imposed unprecedentedly severe strictures on China’s development environment, and the country’s economic woes are to a great extent the product of the U.S. geopolitical and technological containment of China, exacerbated by lockdowns in response to the pandemic. The economy continued its steep decline this year, triggering a wave of bankruptcies and unemployment and causing the public’s living standards and quality of life to decline dramatically.
The majority of China’s population was born in the 1970s or afterward: These people lack earlier generations’ firsthand experience of—and ability to cope with—poverty. Protracted personal and family hardships due to the pandemic and economic downturn are not, as time goes on, something they can adapt to—and this will drive them into the streets in protest. From the government’s perspective, this state of affairs is a ticking time bomb. It must be prevented from going off.
But the government’s approach to “defusing” the situation has been to further solidify the monolithic leadership of the CCP and build up its violent control over society, while at the same time partially satisfying popular demands for a more equitable distribution of wealth. Though this has weakened the basis for civic resistance in the short term, in the long term it will both fail to suppress dissatisfaction and resistance and, as state control weakens, actually promote the emergence of a popular political consciousness that will spur a sense of resistance and inspire action. The state’s total loss of the ability to sense and respond to public discontent makes this possibility all the more likely.
The reason lies in the fact that Xi’s focus on addressing wealth inequalities and funding poverty alleviation efforts after taking office forced the government to strengthen its extractive taxation capacity, exacerbating conflicts between the state and the industrial and commercial class. Entrepreneurs are laying low en masse, causing the economy to decline further. A regime that develops its extractive capacity (primarily in the form of taxation) and its coercive capacity (primarily in the form of violent control) while neglecting to develop its distributive and regulatory capacities and its ability to protect the public will produce an imbalance of state capacity, leading to widespread protest. Economic growth predicated on this basis will not only fail to bring general prosperity and social development but systematically create polarizing economic and social disparities, leading in turn to general social discontent and resentment and ultimately severely weakening the basic legitimacy of the regime.
This schema describes China before Xi: The Jiang and the Hu eras saw many instances of protest and mass incidents, but the fat years are over, and the improvements in wealth distribution are insufficient to remedy the public’s worsening losses from unemployment and will ultimately be unable to reduce conflicts between the people and the government.
We might say that even before the pandemic, political and economic winter had already come for China—but as 40 years of economic reforms had left individuals and the government with enough provisions set aside to weather the storm, the public’s sense of crisis was merely something on people’s minds and had not yet translated into collective acts of resistance. Three years into the pandemic, the Chinese economy is at a new low point. The cold is getting worse, supplies are running low, and the impact of the government’s zero-COVID policies has fallen hardest on the public’s fundamental rights and interests. The adversarial consciousness and acts of resistance so long suppressed by the government inevitably broke out: People tolerated it for as long as they could, and finally they couldn’t stand it anymore. The protests now going on in cities around China, led mostly by young people and university students, reflect a reawakening of civic consciousness under the ideological oppression of the state.
The government’s response to protesters’ demands will decide whether these protests will turn into nationwide social protests of Xi and the CCP. Despite some protesters shouting radical slogans, the protests have on the whole remained peaceful and free of violence. Demands from students and the public mainly focus on ending the government’s zero-COVID policy. If the government accedes to these demands—which are shared by a majority of the public—by relaxing pandemic restrictions and agreeing not to take reprisals against protesters, it should be able to quickly quell the protests.
If, however, the government determines that “hostile foreign forces” or domestic class enemies have infiltrated and instigated protests in hopes of bringing about regime change by fomenting a color revolution in China, the only possible next step will be violent suppression. Any bloodshed will intensify conflicts, awakening a long-standing sense of oppression among the public—and protests, which thus far have been limited to large cities (particularly university campuses), will spread across the country and form a surging, nationwide wave of resistance. In such an event, the public will increase its demands to include the end of the CCP’s one-party dictatorship.
It is unclear whether Xi envisioned this as a result of his zero-COVID policy, but clearly he has a sense of crisis: He has emphasized the need for a “spirit of struggle” and called on cadres to “dare to struggle and excel at struggling.” Perhaps, then, he has also made preparations and plans for social crisis and protests. Xi’s umwelt makes it unlikely that he will see the protests as merely an expression of dissatisfaction with zero-COVID, rather than a stalking horse for hostile forces—and if he acts on that understanding in ordering regional officials to handle the wave of protests, it will do nothing but escalate the situation.
However the government eventually handles the protests, their emergence so soon after the 20th Party Congress is a major blow to Xi’s authority and a message that his response to the pandemic over the last three years has been a failure—and by extension that he is not qualified to lead a great nation, which will shake the confidence of the CCP and embolden internal dissatisfaction with Xi, especially at the upper echelons. In embarking on a third term at the 20th Party Congress, Xi showed that there were no restraining forces on him within the party following his successful suppression of opposing factions. Discontent at high levels of the CCP has not vanished, however—it merely hid away, perhaps to be revivified by the present wave of protests. Even so, Xi and his trusted associates are in control of the party and the military, and open intraparty disputes are unlikely. The central government in Beijing will not split—not unless bloodshed escalates to nationwide protest.
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pashterlengkap · 19 days
Aetna to start covering IUI after a lawsuit, providers and families rejoice
Medical insurance company Aetna just announced that it’s going to be providing additional fertility coverage, specifically offering intrauterine insemination (IUI), to all policyholders regardless of sexual orientation or whether they’re partnered. “Expanding IUI coverage is yet another demonstration of Aetna’s commitment to women’s health across all communities, including LGBTQ+ and unpartnered people,” Cathy Moffitt, MD, senior vice president and Aetna chief medical officer, CVS Health, said in a press release. “This industry-leading policy change is a stake in the ground, reflecting Aetna’s support of all who need to use this benefit as a preliminary step in building their family.” Related Aetna agrees to provide equal fertility coverage for LGBTQ+ people in landmark settlement Until now, LGBTQ+ people faced a “queer tax” that heterosexual couples experiencing infertility did not. This comes after a settlement agreement from a lawsuit earlier this year which stated that Aetna has to provide such care for LGBTQ+ people. The case, Goidel et al. v. Aetna, was filed in September 2021 and only came to a resolution in May after years of waiting and legal battles. Stay connected to your community Connect with the issues and events that impact your community at home and beyond by subscribing to our newsletter. Subscribe to our Newsletter today It was argued that the previous policy, which only gave such coverage to straight people who were unable to conceive after six to 12 months of attempts and only gave coverage to LGBTQ+ people after they paid out of pocket for 12 cycles, was discriminatory. The plaintiffs in the case, Emma Goidel and her partner Illana Caplan, filed it after becoming aware of the disparities in the policy. They had the assistance of the National Women’s Law Center and local law firms. “How is it OK to say if you’re straight and your partner can’t get you pregnant, you come into the doctor and we’ll cover your treatment, but if you’re a queer and your partner can’t get you pregnant, too bad you’re going to pay?” said Goidel in a 2023 interview with ABC News. Aetna’s new policy begins September 1, and in addition to the new policy, they’re going to begin reimbursing claims and will be giving $2 million in funds to the plaintiffs. “We know firsthand the barriers people face in accessing needed medical care to start or grow their families,” said Chief Clinical Officer Kate Steinle of a nationwide health care provider for the LGBTQ+ community, FOLX, in the press release. “As an in-network provider focused on the LGBTQ+ community, we applaud Aetna’s efforts to reduce out-of-pocket costs, so that more people can have the families they dream of – and deserve.” http://dlvr.it/TCkXJT
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allthenewsworld · 21 days
The night before their youngest sister's wedding, Johnny Gaudreau, 31, and Matthew Gaudreau, 29, two brothers and soon-to-be groomsmen from a tight-knit hockey family rode their bikes down a county road not far from their southern New Jersey hometown.
Instead of celebrating this weekend, their family, now has two funerals to plan as the sports world mourns.
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On Thursday night, a Jeep driver with the smell of alcohol later detected on his breath, police said, traveled northbound on the same road as the cycling Gaudreau brothers.
The driver's next move transformed the Thursday night bike ride of brothers into tragedy as he attempted to pass an SUV on the right lane and struck Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau. They would not live to see their sister say, "I do."
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Condolences poured in throughout the weekend for the brothers at sporting events and makeshift memorials across the country.
Seven-time NHL All-Star Johnny Gaudreau, who spent 11 seasons in the league, was drafted to Canada's Calgary Flames in 2011 out of college and later signed with the Columbus Blue Jackets ahead of the 2022-2023 season. The enthusiastic athlete had 243 career goals and 743 points.
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Even the 98-degree sweltering heat recorded in Columbus, Ohio, on Friday could not prevent heartbroken yet devoted fans from gathering as they held lit candles and placed flowers, teddy bears, hockey sticks and signed cards outside Nationwide Arena, home of the Columbus Blue Jackets, video from CNN affiliate WBNS showed. #allthenews
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📸: Reuters/Getty Images/Joe Maiorana/AP/Drew Hallowell/Getty Images
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andrews-sykes · 23 days
Industrial Chiller Hire: Solutions for Large-Scale Cooling Needs
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Maintaining optimal temperatures is essential for industrial operations' efficiency, safety, and product quality. Industrial chiller hire is vital for businesses seeking reliable and flexible cooling systems. Adequate cooling is paramount whether managing a manufacturing facility, hosting a significant event, or running a data centre. This article delves into why hiring industrial chillers can be beneficial, the range of options available, and how Andrews Sykes stands out as a leader in the sector.
Understanding Industrial Chillers and Their Applications
Industrial chillers are sophisticated cooling systems designed to regulate temperature in large-scale settings. They are crucial in various sectors, including manufacturing, construction, healthcare, and hospitality. These machines remove heat from a liquid via a vapour-compression or absorption refrigeration cycle. The chilled liquid can then be circulated through equipment or processes that require cooling.
For instance, in manufacturing plants, chillers are excellent machinery and maintain the integrity of products during production. In the hospitality industry, they provide comfort cooling for large venues, ensuring guests enjoy a pleasant atmosphere. Similarly, data centres rely on chillers to maintain optimal operating temperatures for servers, preventing overheating and potential data loss. The versatility of industrial chillers makes them indispensable across multiple industries.
Why Choose Industrial Chiller Hire?
Opting for industrial chiller hire instead of purchasing equipment can offer significant advantages. First and foremost, hiring allows businesses to access the latest technology without the substantial upfront capital investment associated with buying chillers outright. With rapid advancements in cooling technology, hiring provides flexibility to upgrade to newer, more efficient models as needed.
Furthermore, hiring chillers can be a more strategic choice for short-term projects or seasonal demands. For example, a construction site may require additional cooling solutions during peak summer months. Companies can scale their cooling capacity efficiently by utilising industrial chiller hire, ensuring they only pay for what they need when needed.
Another vital aspect is maintenance and support. Businesses gain access to the equipment and professional support when hiring from a reputable provider like Andrews Sykes. This includes installation, maintenance, and 24/7 emergency service, ensuring that potential issues are swiftly resolved to minimise downtime.
The Andrews Sykes Advantage
Andrews Sykes has established itself as a leader in the industrial chiller hire market, boasting a comprehensive fleet that caters to a wide range of cooling requirements. With over six decades of experience, the company has honed its expertise in providing bespoke HVAC solutions tailored to each client's unique needs.
One of Andrews Sykes's standout features is its extensive range of chillers available for short-term and long-term hire. Clients can choose from compact units for smaller applications to high-capacity chillers for large-scale operations. This versatility ensures that businesses can find the perfect solution to meet their specific cooling demands.
Moreover, Andrews Sykes prides itself on its nationwide coverage and rapid response capabilities. With a network of depots strategically located across the UK, the company guarantees prompt delivery and installation of chillers, often on the same or the next day. This level of service is particularly crucial for industries where cooling needs can arise unexpectedly, such as during equipment failures or unplanned maintenance.
Case Studies: Real-World Applications
To illustrate the effectiveness of industrial chiller hire, consider the case of a significant film and television production. Andrews Sykes provided a tailored solution when a large-scale production required temporary cooling for set equipment during filming. By deploying high-capacity chillers, the production maintained optimal temperatures, ensuring the comfort of the cast and crew while protecting expensive equipment from overheating.
In another instance, a healthcare facility faced a sudden demand for additional cooling due to a surge in patient admissions during a heatwave. Andrews Sykes delivered and installed chillers promptly, allowing the hospital to maintain a comfortable environment for staff and patients. These examples highlight the importance of having a reliable partner for industrial chiller hire, capable of responding swiftly to the dynamic needs of various sectors.
Conclusion: The Future of Cooling Solutions
As industries evolve, the demand for efficient cooling solutions will only grow. Industrial chiller hire presents a flexible, cost-effective alternative to traditional cooling methods, allowing businesses to adapt to changing conditions seamlessly. With Andrews Sykes at the helm, clients can expect unparalleled expertise, a diverse range of equipment, and exceptional service.
In a world where temperature control can significantly impact productivity and safety, choosing the right partner for industrial chiller hire is crucial. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, Andrews Sykes stands out as the top choice for businesses seeking reliable, effective cooling solutions. Whether you need a temporary setup for a construction project or a long-term solution for a manufacturing plant, Andrews Sykes is prepared to deliver the cooling support you need to keep your operations running smoothly.
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atcuality · 2 months
Case Studies: Successful Implementation of Cash Collection Solutions in Various Industries
Effective cash collection management is crucial for businesses to maintain healthy cash flow and ensure financial stability. Various industries have successfully implemented cash collection solutions to streamline their processes, reduce operational costs, and improve customer relationships. This blog explores several case studies demonstrating the benefits of adopting advanced cash collection software and systems.
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Retail Industry: Enhancing Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction
A large retail chain with hundreds of outlets nationwide faced challenges in managing cash collections from multiple locations. The manual processes were time-consuming, error-prone, and resulted in delayed deposits and reconciliation issues.
The retail chain implemented a comprehensive cash collection software that integrated with their existing point-of-sale (POS) systems. The software automated cash collection, reconciliation, and reporting processes, providing real-time visibility into cash flow.
Efficiency: The automated system reduced the time spent on cash collection and reconciliation by 50%.
Accuracy: The error rate in cash handling decreased significantly, leading to more accurate financial records.
Customer Satisfaction: Faster and more reliable transactions enhanced the overall customer experience.
Healthcare Industry: Streamlining Revenue Cycle Management
A network of private clinics struggled with delayed payments and inefficient cash collection processes, affecting their revenue cycle management. The reliance on manual invoicing and payment tracking led to discrepancies and financial losses.
The healthcare network adopted an advanced cash collection system tailored for the healthcare industry. The system included features such as automated invoicing, electronic payment processing, and integrated patient billing management.
Timely Payments: Automated invoicing and payment reminders reduced the average payment collection time by 30%.
Improved Cash Flow: Enhanced cash collection management led to a more stable and predictable cash flow.
Patient Satisfaction: Transparent billing and convenient payment options improved patient satisfaction and loyalty.
Manufacturing Industry: Reducing Operational Costs
A mid-sized manufacturing company experienced inefficiencies in managing cash collections from multiple distributors and suppliers. The manual processes were labor-intensive and led to high operational costs.
The company implemented a cloud-based cash collection software that centralized all cash collection activities. The system provided real-time tracking, automated reminders, and integrated reporting tools.
Cost Reduction: The streamlined processes reduced operational costs by 20%.
Real-Time Insights: Real-time tracking and reporting provided better visibility into cash flow and outstanding payments.
Efficiency: The automation of reminders and follow-ups improved the overall efficiency of the cash collection process.
Hospitality Industry: Enhancing Financial Control
A chain of luxury hotels faced challenges in managing cash collections from various revenue streams, including room bookings, restaurant sales, and event hosting. The fragmented cash collection processes led to financial control issues.
The hotel chain implemented an integrated cash collection system that consolidated all revenue streams into a single platform. The system offered features such as automated reconciliation, real-time reporting, and secure payment processing.
Financial Control: The integrated system improved financial control and accountability.
Streamlined Operations: Consolidating revenue streams into a single platform streamlined cash collection and reconciliation processes.
Enhanced Security: Secure payment processing reduced the risk of fraud and financial discrepancies.
These case studies highlight the significant benefits of implementing advanced cash collection solutions across various industries. From enhancing efficiency and reducing operational costs to improving customer satisfaction and financial control, cash collection software and systems play a crucial role in modern business operations. By adopting these solutions, businesses can achieve more predictable cash flow, better financial management, and a competitive edge in their respective markets.
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libraryofcirclaria · 2 months
January 1311
Library of Circlaria
Remikra Timeline
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Under Finzi, official darkfire initiation and collection facilities were established, opening their doors in October 1309. With the discovery in 1299 that Mount Carris discharges could be regulated, the darkfire industry scheduled a seven-week cycle, as part of the Great Compromise, which would succeed in its agenda to enhance the quality of darkfire.
Meanwhile, the new Commonwealth government, during this time, existed as a slightly unstructured democracy that echoed the Federal Estates model. Its currency, the Commonwealth Qors, had its value based on the production of darkfire. The Commonwealth Council consisted of a combination of the body that used to be the Federal Estates Public Assembly and House of Representatives, with the former consisting of approximately 1000 seats. Representatives would then be chosen by the lower body. Holz Finzi, the unofficial Prime Minister, appointed five overarching Cabinet members to manage the territory bordering the Basin District until a Governor-General was selected. Meanwhile, the Governor-Generals of the former Federal Estates territories in Ancondria and the Galapolgis regions submitted proposals to the Commonwealth Council to join the new nation. Such measures were immediately approved by majority votes. On 12 October 1309, the Commonwealth Council voted to have its first general election on 24 February 1310.
On that day, the election was carried out, determining the appointments of candidates for local offices, the Council, and the Prime Minister, all of which were selected by a direct popular vote. As part of the measure passed on 12 October, the Electoral Court, which carried out all elections by indirect hierarchical voting under the Federal Estates, was abolished. Holz Finzi, along with his colleagues comprising of a majority of the 1238 Council seats, won the election.
On 4 June 1310, the new Council voted to officially name the nation the Independent Commonwealth State of Retun. In the weeks and months that followed, as the newly emerging darkfire industry began generating wealth for property owners, Finzi enacted policies to create a system of nationwide welfare redistribution, and established a Federal Reserve System, which authorized a Mint to generate Commonwealth Qors based on darkfire produced in the seven-week cycles, and helped to carry out measures to float banks and domestic tradestone exchanges in the event of the passing of a certain threshold of economic downturn. By the end of 1310, the economy achieved prosperity, as those with access to darkfire on their properties continued to see profits and the welfare redistribution created a robust middle class.
The Reformed Federal Estates 
During the early establishment days of the Commonwealth, those loyal to the Knights of the Common Good, and even centrists loyal to Waltmann, crossed over the Commonwealth border to the North into the province of Gymia, which had gained autonomy from the Republic. Administration here was survival-based, as resources were rationed as needed to civilians and military personnel, while law and order was prescribed in a military-like fashion similar to the ancient Totians. In Gymia, military service was compulsory.
About ten years before the fall of the Federal Estates, Jefferson Davis, a Supreme Court Justice nominated by Prime Minister Waltmann, was initially seen as a Progressivist. However, as the years went on, Davis began adhering more and more to Diplomatic and traditionalist values, siding more with Mason and the KCG. In the wake of the disbandment of the Federal Estates Council. Davis joined the ranks of the KCG and fought against Finzi's forces; and after Finzi's victory, he fled North to Gymia. In November 1310, Davis became the Head General of the territory.
The War of 1311-12 
As Head General of Gymia, Davis had the territory re-established as the Reformed Federal Estates of Retun. And very soon, Davis organized the nation's armed forces in preparation for a mission to defeat Finzi's regime in Retun proper, and, in its place, re-establish the Federal Estates of Retun with a government wielding more authoritarian power. Intelligence informed Finzi of this; and soon, the Commonwealth initiated a massive build-up of its defenses along the borders of former Gymia. Expecting a direct assault, the Basin District was fitted with exceptional lines of defense.
However, on 9 March 1311, Davis surprised Finzi by dispatching war planes which attempted to drop bombs on Jestopole. This, Davis had hoped, would knock out the Commonwealth's main supply of energy and materials for the war effort. But the attack was thwarted as Finzi's forces responded with surprising speed. Nevertheless, the War was begun.
<- September 1309 <- || -> 1312 to 1319 ->
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bbrfi · 4 months
A Hidden Pandemic Within the Pandemic
The novel COVID-19 outbreak has created an enormous global health challenge. The pandemic, however, is the red herring for humanity, training its eye to ignore the simmering ‘second pandemic’ of the mental health crisis amongst the world population. Globally, there have been millions of COVID-19 cases and thousands of deaths, particularly among vulnerable populations (WHO, 2020b).
As the pandemic rapidly engulfs the world, it is inducing a significant degree of fear, worry and concern in the population at large and among certain groups in particular, such as the elderly, care providers and people with underlying health conditions. Fearfulness about community spread of COVID-19 has led governments and communities across the world to implement radical social distancing measures ranging from cycles of nationwide lockdowns, imposed isolation, closing down of schools and universities, cancellation of major events, et cetera….READ MORE
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centelliltd · 5 months
Why You Need a Scalable Accounting Process [with Examples]
Business is a dynamic field full of opportunities, challenges, and uncertainties. With a scalable infrastructure, technology, or operation, it’s easier to navigate the change. So, you can also build a scalable accounting process for the same reason!  
Before we delve into the reasons for scaling your accounting operations, let’s define the concept first. 
Well, “scalability” is not a function or a feature by itself. It represents a fundamental characteristic that empowers an organization, system, or process to effectively manage heightened workloads, increased demand, or expansion.  
Scaling Your Accounting Process Doesn’t Imply a Scale Up Always
A business’s full cycle accounting needs can evolve due to both external and internal factors.External triggers could be changing market conditions or evolving regulations. Whereas your shifting business goals and priorities signify the internal triggers. 
Therefore, it becomes imperative that you are able to adjust accounting tasks and workflow to align with any unexpected events or planned strategic initiatives.   
Markedly, scaling doesn’t always mean upsizing or increasing your capacity. You may also need or choose to hold back sometimes.  
Let’s look at some scenarios for clarity! 
There are times when a company needs to downsize its accounting process. The reasons could be:
Growth: A rapidly growing business might need to add more staff and resources to its accounting department. To keep up with the increased workload! 
Expanding into New Markets: When a business expands into new markets, it may need to modify its accounting process to comply with different tax and accounting regulations. 
Mergers & Acquisitions: When a business acquires another company, it may need to integrate the two companies’ accounting systems. 
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Following reasons could compel a business to scale down its accounting process: 
Economic Downturn: During an economic downturn, a business may need to reduce costs by cutting staff or outsourcing certain functions. 
Changes in Industry: Changes in regulations or technology may require a business to modify its accounting process. 
Declining Sales: When a business is experiencing declining sales, cost cutting becomes inevitable to remain profitable.
How the Scaling of an Accounting Process Might Look Like 
Let’s look at three examples of when and why a business needs to scale up or scale down its accounting process.  
Case 1: Restaurant Business Scaling its Accounting Process 
A small restaurant chain with 10 locations plans to add five new locations in the next 12 months. It will be hiring new staff, expanding its menu, adding more suppliers, and investing in accounting software and technology upgrades.    
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Case 2: Fashion Retail Business Scaling its Accounting Operation
A fashion retailer operates 50 offline stores and an e-commerce shop nationwide.   It may need to scale up its accounting process if it is launching a new product line, expanding into new markets, or raising funds for expansion. 
On the contrary, the fashion chain may be forced to scale down its accounting activity if it is discontinuing a product line, seasonal demand loss, or closing stores. 
Case 3: Accounting or CPA Firm Scaling its Client Accounting  
An accounting/CPA firm (size regardless) may need to scale up its client accounting process if it is taking on new clients or expanding its service offerings.
The firm might also require additional resources to handle the high workload of the busy tax season and specific projects.    
However, the firm may need to scale down its client accounting process if it is losing clients or experiencing a decrease in demand for its services due to economic downturn or other reasons.  
Challanges of Scaling In-house Accounting  
A scalable accounting process is designed to be flexible enough to meet the changing business needs. Being scalable, it’s easier to sustain or enhance its performance, efficiency, and capacity as required.  
However, building an in-house scalable accounting process can be challenging due to the following reasons: 
Upfront Costs: Setting up an in-house team requires significant initial investments in infrastructure and employee hiring and training. 
Expertise: Finding and retaining qualified accountants can be difficult. In-house teams may lack specialized skills for complex financial tasks. 
Management Overhead: In-house operation requires management oversight.  It can be time-consuming and distracts from core business activities.  
Technology: Ensuring the latest accounting software and data security systems can be complex and costly in-house. 
Adapting to Growth: A business may need to recruit additional staff and invest in infrastructure and technology upgrades in its growth phase. It can be cumbersome and expensive. 
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Scaling up your in-house accounting often requires significant capital investment and additional resources. Conversely, scaling down can lead to underutilized staff and wasted efforts. Thankfully, accounting outsourcing provides a flexible and cost-efficient solution in both scenarios.
Outsource Your Way to Scalable Accounting 
Hiring a third-party accounting service brings in so many advantages:   
Resources: Your accounting outsourcing services partner will bring in its expertise, staff, technology and infrastructure. They’ll not be your responsibility anymore.   
Reduced Costs: You don’t have to invest upfront, nor do you need to worry about the ongoing operational expenses. So, you get to save massively.     
Freedom from Daily Supervision:  Your outsourced accounting services provider will perform all the delegated accounting tasks on your behalf. So, you are free from the everyday management burden, while they keep you updated with regular reports and communication.    
Custom Solutions & Flexible Payment Options: You can tie up with a service provider that offers customized solutions and flexible payment packages.   
Quick Scale up or Scale Down: Scalable accounting services maintain a vast stream of resources they can add as per your need. Also, you do not need to sign a binding contract if your business needs are evolving or prone to seasonal and cyclic changes. This allows you to scale up or down quickly when needed, saving you the hassle and financial damages. 
Need a flexible accounting process that adapts to your changing business needs? You can easily achieve a scalable accounting process by outsourcing with Centelli, saving you the hassle and high costs of in-house operation. Get your free consultation today! 
The Bottom Line 
All organizational systems and should be able to adapt to the changing business needs. A scalable accounting function ensures efficiency and supports strategic decision-making, all while managing costs and risks effectively.
So, whether you have an in-house function or choose to outsource your accounting, you may need to scale it at some point.
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