#natewantstobattle ego
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southerndragontamer · 1 year ago
Fall Musings
You hummed to yourself as you mixed together sugar cookie dough, it was chilly so you had a sweater and comfy pants on today. You were making up a giant batch to split hen take over to the Ego homes. You knew they wouldn’t all be there at the same time, at least right now with the month being so busy for multiple reasons, you’d been told ahead of time who was there and who wasn’t, but you’d make enough hopefully for the rest when they did get home again.
As you started to cut the cookies into pumpkins, leaves, or ghosts, you couldn’t help but think of the upcoming holiday. You loved Halloween but sometimes you didn’t like to be scared, sometimes you did. Sometimes you just liked being spooky, the in between of soft and scary. But you were lucky that the Egos understood and they all helped in their own way to try to make you comfortable.
Dark always enjoyed sitting with you by the fire, the cold made his body ache and that made him more cold than usual, sometimes he’d read to you or you’d both read while you cuddled. You’d managed to talk him out of coffee and into drinking more apple cider or hot chocolate, even tea more this time of year.
Wilford, bless his chaotic heart, was always up to something. Mostly pranks. And mostly the kind that ended up with silly string webbing everywhere. Though after a talk with you when they didn’t make you laugh one time, he’d started to put his energy into decorating the Iplier manor with your help when you were over there long enough and it did look amazing honestly.
Yancy was always humming or singing a Halloween based tune as he had taken to getting the supplies on runs. He liked to get out now that he could, sometimes it would be less scary and sometimes it’d be more creepy. His voice was very good at getting you to feel what he wanted and he’d accidentally scared you once. After that he often stuck to less creepy music, but he always brought you in a treat when you were over.
The Host was the one that told the best stories, whether creepy, outright scary or something softer. You could and had listened to him talk for hours in a nook in his library, always with a cup of tea or something else between you both. He often made you fall asleep that way, you’d always wake up with a blanket thrown over you.
You were smiling as you put the first few trays into the oven and giggled a little as you thought of the Septics next. Oh they truly adored Halloween, more visibly than the Ipliers anyway which was fitting considering most of them were ‘born’ in or around October.
Jackie was usually the one you went to when you wanted to watch scary movies with someone, so he could help you feel less afraid. He also made you laugh because he sometimes got more scared than you did depending on the movie and you’d end up cuddling him instead.
Chase was the one in charge of baking or cooking this time, and you two often bonded over recipes and when he’d attempted pecan pie with you it had gone so bad that you couldn’t help but giggle at the memory of his shocked face when he’d pulled the charred top of the pie off the rest of it. You’d both fixed the recipe afterwards though.
Henrik was taking a bit of a break off before Halloween, and he was the one that liked to take the ‘scary’ out of things and make it softer. He was very good at using his snark and deadpan to make you feel less scared and relax you. He was also the one in charge of decorating with James’ help.
James was a bit like you, he sometimes adored the scary/creepy aspect of Halloween and October bur sometimes he didn’t and preferred just the spooky/fall part of it. You had actually figured out you felt the same from hanging out with Jamie and seeing him look a little worried at a certain decoration Henrik put up. You often went to him to cuddle and enjoy listening to lofi while you did something with your hands.
Anti wasn’t one you’d think would be soft, and he wasn’t….at least all the time. If you two interacted with everyone else in the room he was his usual teasing, kind of mean nature. It was just how he was, but when it was just you two…he was still gruff, but he wasn’t as outwardly mean. He’d often use his static to calm you down, it was a constant background when he had an arm around you.
You took out the pans and let the cookies cool on a rack as you filled another batch into the cookie trays and started to make up icing to decorate the cookies. Orange was a must, with green, black and white being close seconds. Your smile got a little bit wider as you thought about the Sharp Egos. They weren’t as well known as the Ipliers and Septics but just the same they were exited for the month.
Mare, as he went by most of the time, was a bit like Yancy in that he liked to sing while he worked. He was the one in charge of decorating the small home the ‘brothers’ shared and you helped, though with occasional nudges to him when his voice started to shift too much.
Phantom was the one you’d had to kind of pull into helping to relax, as he was a little like Dark in that he took too much work on his plate for his own good. He often helped you bake when you were over there by handing you ingredients or asking about the recipe.
You smiled to yourself as you iced the cooled baked goods. You weren’t sure if you’d be in a spooky or a scary mood come Halloween but you knew regardless you had the Egos all there with you. And that was all you needed for a happy holiday.
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thewrecked-andthewriting · 1 year ago
Callie Morningstar.
Full Name: Calliope Lillith Morningstar.
Title: Princess of the Underworld.
Birthday: July 2, 1224. Almost at her sweet 800.
Parents: Phantom Morningstar. Unknown Mother.
Heir to the throne of the underworld -- but who is she kidding? Her dad's never dying.
Caused the black plague in the 1300s. Her father ticked her off, she ran off to the surface and essentially killed a bajillion people because she had a hissy fit.
Not allowed to the surface anymore without at least two handlers.
Essentially works as a promoter for her father. She runs one of his many clubs -- recruiting people and works as an in between for people who want to sell their souls for their desires.
Is not to be left alone with her Uncle Mare. Why? Chaos will ensue. They share the same braincell when in the same room together.
She is fiercely protective of her loved ones. Has literally snapped necks of people who've even breathed the wrong way in someone's direction.
But she is a total sweetheart, I swear.
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the-matpat-ever · 3 months ago
This is so silly I love it
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doc-ocktism · 8 months ago
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day 6 of drawing fnaftm everyday until shadows of agony is out
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beenpxshedaside · 2 months ago
Like/reblog this post if you post/reblog anything from the youtuber egos fandom
Including but not limited to:
Markiplier egos
Septic ego
Battle Egos
Pat Egos
Sanders Sides
-And I will follow you. I'm coming back to this blog and I need new people to follow (1/3 of those I follow haven't posted in 4 years or more).
If you like these please also consider following me (not required) as I love all these and am currently working on my Egos AU known as Counter Verse
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th3w00ds · 3 months ago
Nathan “Nate” Schmidt Headcanons
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Ah yes, Mr. Nathan “Where does he live” Schmidt himself
He’s a human, not really anything special about him (or his new best friend, Marcus “Mark” Vincent for that matter)
Likes to tell people that he met the animatronics while he had a bazooka to make himself seem cool, but the truth of it is far sadder (and canon compliant!)
Cares VERY much for them ever since they hijacked his car to get back to Freddy’s
If Freddy says anything about “raisins” he knows it’s serious, it’s like their own little code word
Been around them for long enough for him to be able to understand Foxy fluently
Loves cartoons and anime, his favorites being Steven Universe, Tokyo Ghoul and Demon Slayer
Actually does have a collection of weapons- just no bazooka
He won’t admit it, but Mark admires it
Nate learned how to fight after practically adopted the Freddy’s gang, he’s gotta protect his “kids”
He met Mad when he had accidentally found his “house” (see: abandoned home that Mad had just lived in and did experiments in)
Mad was going to kill Nate at first, but he made the decision that this guy could be useful to him in the future
Nate is an incredible stalker and hacker
How else do you think he found out where Mark lived and was able to control BB?
Speaking of BB, Nate was heartbroken when BB was destroyed
That little guy was the best he was demolished
Nate may be a great hacker, but a fixer he is not
Mad always made Nate feel uneasy in a way, like the man wasn’t human
He wanted to become a musician for the longest time, but his music never made it off the ground sadly, so to Mad’s job offer he turned
The first time he met Mark, he was a little wary of the guy. He was holding a knife to Freddy’s throat, who wouldn’t be on guard?
Really tries his hardest for everyone he knows
Due to working the night shift for a long time, Nate’s sleep schedule is permanently messed up- he feels the most awake and active at night now
Wears contacts to see now as his glasses started giving him frequent headaches
Suffers from insomnia, migraines, and anxiety
@bondoes-art @themoonisrotting @colourfulmes @nwtbobsessedemo
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littledeathlittleghost · 2 months ago
My big Natemare headcanon EXPLAINED
(Real Not Fake!)
Okay so I have been talking a Lot about Mare recently but I haven’t really explained what exactly I think his backstory and motives are? So this is just gonna be a big post of me explaining my headcanon because I NEED to get it out of my head.
So for starters, I believe Natemare is actually Nate from FNAF the Musical. It makes sense to me; his relationship with Matt— or Henry— being the prime example.
Natemare is the product of Nate getting extreme anxiety and paranoia after the whole Freddy’s thing. Henry had put him through so much. He saw someone’s face get eaten off, watched a guy die, almost died multiple times, got chased down and threatened by the Evil Dirtbag With A Chainsaw™️, and that’s only the stuff we KNOW ABOUT. I’m sure going through something like that would be absolutely horrifying, even though he did handle it really well in the actual series.
After Henry got jailed and threatened to come find and kill Nate, even though he looked super chill about it I’m sure some anxiety would creep over into his mind. In the musical he was shown to be really easily scared or creeped out by things even though he keeps a cool head.
My headcanon is that Nate started absolutely falling apart after a while as Henry’s sentence got closer and closer to ending (of which wasn’t very long in the first place, a few years at most). People who don’t realize they’re this paranoid and this much of a danger to themselves don’t really think about getting help, on top of the fact that Nate’s character seems like the kind of guy to not worry about his own problems as much as everyone else’s. This would eventually lead into a deteriorating mental state caused by this paranoia of something like Freddy’s happening again at the hands of the same man.
This is also what I believe to be the origins of his “tear marks.” I like to think they’re actually scars, caused by scratching of the face and neck or pulling at the eyes, which are both signs of extreme anxiety (that I personally suffer from, just not as seriously). Them being so prominent are probably just them covered up with purple makeup because LOOK at him. He wears so much eyeshadow. Look.
So after years of Nate slowly devolving like this, Henry’s sentence would either be over or he’d get out on good behavior (because he’s a manipulative dickbag). Obviously his first thought would be to go kill Nate and most likely steal his identity, but Nate wouldn’t let that happen. He’d think that it would be better to capture Henry before he could do anything and TORTURE him, just as he used to torture Nate by making him work at that (literal) hellscape of a restaurant and getting him caught in that whole situation. Also hence the whole FNAF themed kidnapping-set.
But he became exactly what Henry was/is, a lunatic hellbent on sadism to make himself feel better.
That’s my whole HC for Natemare :P I hope it’s cool and fun and I’m cool and fun. Thanks for reading 🔥
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mayorundertheplumtree · 3 months ago
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through the looking glass?Which is the color that gives me life?
gift for @namelessmunster ,hope you'll like it
@nwtbgiftexchange event
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nightshade-error · 7 months ago
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I made this instead of sleeping. I've had this idea in my head for months, though.
I couldn't decide on shoes, so pick your poison ig
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colourfulmes · 3 months ago
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Whats this? A present just for @phant0mh34rt !! :D
My NWTB gift exchange event entry :) !! <3
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sadder-piano · 19 days ago
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A ringmaster and his favorite little freak of a trapeze artist
Got far too obsessed with this idea but!! I’m getting Maremat out of it so everyone say thank you possum.
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bondoes-art · 2 months ago
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Painting done! Yippie! Not the best, not the worse, but I like it :) Is for school. (adjusted the picture so he looked less pale, also weird red lighting)
If I had a nickel for everytime I've disguised an art project as ego fan art I'd have two nickels-
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phant0mh34rt · 8 months ago
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Collab I did with husband for daily fnaf musical! @doc-ocktism <33
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the-matpat-ever · 2 months ago
I did a lil something inspired by @littledeathlittleghost from their little headcanon of fnaftm Nate being Natemare‼️
I turn it into an animation >:)
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doc-ocktism · 8 months ago
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day 8 of drawing fnaftm everyday until shadows of agony is out
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aro-luigi · 7 months ago
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