#nate jacobs x younger brother reader
jjsmaybank20 · 11 months
Could you do a request with lexi howard x jacobs!reader, in which reader is nate's sister (who is passive-agressive and colder, has a hard time relating to nate, if u want) has to do a school thing with lexi and they start bonding, and they see each other more often (i'm over 18!! i forgot to mention sorry for asking again)
The Project
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Lexi Howard x Fem!Jacobs!reader
Summary: You're known as the cold and distant sister of Nate Jacobs, but Lexi's always been intrigued by you. What happens when the two of you are assigned as partners for a project?
Warnings: fluffy fluff, mentions of (ew) Nate
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: I hope you like this! So sorry it took so long.
navigation euphoria masterlist
Nate Jacobs. That was a name that instilled fear and slight admiration into the students and even some of the teachers at East Highland High School. He walked around as if he owned the place, and he practically did. There has been only one  person who had stood up to him publicly and taken him off of his high horse, even if it was for just a moment. His sister, Y/N Jacobs.
Y/N was an interesting person. She was intimidating and scary, but if you truly got to know her, you could tell that she was nothing like her father or her brother. I’d gotten to know her slightly through various school events, and Maddy becoming good friends with her and forcing her to interact with people. Most of the people in our friend group were wary of her, if for no other reason than what they already knew about Nate.
One thing that I did take notice of was how Lexi would act around her. She would get shy and nervous, and she was completely unable to talk to her. The two almost never spoke, except for exchanging polite words in the hallway or while hanging out with the rest of the group. 
Lexi was fine with this situation, and she never thought it would change. But one day, it did.
You shambled into class and took your seat towards the back of the room, sticking one of your earbuds into your ear. You never really paid attention to your classes, but you managed to listen enough to keep your grades consistent. 
The rest of the class filed in, a couple of them sending glances your way. You ignore their gazes, watching the front of the classroom, waiting for a familiar small brunette to walk through the door. As soon as the younger Howard sister walks in, you move your gaze to your phone quickly. You would never let yourself admit that you were searching for Lexi, but somewhere in yourself you knew it was true. 
When the teacher walks in, the chatter of the classroom settles down to a low hum, but not complete silence. She begins to talk, and you tune out until you hear ‘group project’. Your head shoots up, and a panicked look takes over your face. People glance around the room, making eye contact with friends who they want to pair up with, but the teacher shuts that down quickly.
“I will be assigning partners. You will not be allowed to switch partners after they have been assigned. This is final.” A groan goes around the room, but the teacher ignores it as she begins to call out pairs of names. You become more and more anxious as more names get read out, and you pray to any being up there that you wouldn’t be paired with an asshole. Finally, your name is called. 
“Y/N Jacobs and Lexi Howard.” You sit back in surprise, wondering if some otherworldly being had actually heard your prayers. Lexi turns around in her seat, shooting you a timid smile. You return it with a smirk making a light pink blush coat the Howard girl’s face. She turns back around to face the front, and as soon as she turns away, you let a small smile grace your lips.
After class, you intercept Lexi in the hallway. You ask her when you should be at her house, and she stutters out an answer, clearly caught off-guard by your assertiveness. “Um… r-right after school would work.” You nod your head and walk away, and when the shorter brunette calls out a nervous goodbye, you raise your hand in farewell.
You roll up to the Howard household on your skateboard, about to ring the doorbell when the door gets flung open. In front of you is Maddy Perez and Cassie Howard, clearly on their way out. Maddy gives you a confused look, asking, “Why are you here?” You know she isn’t being rude, so you mumble, “Working on a project with Lexi.”
Maddy can’t fully understand you, and she replies, “Y/N, I can’t hear you when you mumble.” You repeat your statement louder, hiding your laugh at the motherly tone Maddy’s voice had taken on. Maddy pats your shoulder, walking past you. She wishes you luck teasingly, and you roll your eyes in response.
Cassie sends you up the stairs and into her shared room with Lexi, and there you find the smaller brunette on her bed, getting things set up. You move towards her and sit down on the bed, scaring Lexi slightly. As she catches her breath, you laugh lightly. 
After the two of you settle down, you pull out your project and begin to work. You fall into an easy rhythm and you find yourself to be more relaxed and comfortable than you have in a very long time. Who knew that it would only take Lexi’s presence to bring you peace of mind? The two of you work and joke around, talking about anything and everything. You learn more about her in one afternoon than you had in your whole time of knowing her.
Some time later, you begin to get bored with the work. Deciding to take a break, you sit back on your crush’s bed, taking her side of the room in. You had been in this room before, but never for very long. Now you could see all of the things that Lexi had added to her side that made it fit her. 
As you continue to look around, your gaze falls on the girl in front of you. She is still hard at work, her lip between her teeth as she jots something down. As soon as you focus on her, you can’t look away. You can’t help but think about how gorgeous she is, with her hair falling in her eyes and the concentrated look on her face. 
Very quickly, Lexi feels your eyes on her. She tries to fight the blush that rises in her cheeks, but she can’t. Finally, she can’t take it anymore. She sits up suddenly and whips around, catching you off-guard. “What? Why are you staring at me?” 
She watches your face turn red, and she can’t help but feel surprised. Your body language isn’t displaying the normal cool confidence that it normally does. Instead, you look nervous and shy. “N-nothing. You just… you’re just very pretty.” Lexi isn’t expecting that, and she doesn’t know how to respond. She watches as you seem to steel yourself for something.
“You know what? I’m gonna do this right now, because otherwise I’m going to chicken out. Will you, um… will you go on a date with me?” When Lexi doesn’t respond to you right away, you begin to regret asking. “I’m sorry, I overstepped. Ignore what I just sai-”
You’re cut off by Lexi’s lips meeting your own. It catches you by surprise, but you quickly melt into the embrace. Lexi’s arms wrap around your neck as she moves onto your lap, and you place your hands on her waist. As you break the kiss, your foreheads lean against each other. “So is that a yes?”
Lexi shoves your shoulders, pushing you away and making you laugh. She then pulls you back in for a shorter kiss, replying, “Yes, that’s a yes you dummy.” You can’t retaliate, you can only grin at the beautiful girl in your lap. You knew then that she could be the one to break down your cold exterior for good. And maybe, just maybe, you would be okay with that. 
@lovelyy-moonlight @pnsteblnme @didyoubringauntienat
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infernalodie · 3 years
𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 || 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐬
“𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘰, 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘚𝘰 𝘐 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩“
Pairing: Nate Jacobs x youngerbrother!reader
Summary: Believe it or not, things hadn’t always been a shit show for Nate Jacobs. He was happy, even after seeing his dad’s tapes. All thanks to his sweet little brother, who supported him through everything. But paths can always diverge and with age, people will change. For your older brother, that had been the exact case as you couldn’t even recognize the boy who slept across the hallway from you. But there is always still hope. There will always be hope.
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Warnings 18+: Abusive relationship, drugs, Nate being a softy with his little brother
Words 2268
You stood in the front foyer, mop in hand and bucket by your feet. It was around 2 at night and you had headphones in your ears. Your dad was gone. For how long; you weren’t exactly sure. But it did worry you where he had went and if he was coming back. Despite all the shit he’s put on this family, you loved him no different. If he liked guys; you loved him. He was flesh and blood, that wouldn’t ever change.
But unlike you, everyone else in this household hated him. Despised him for the pain he’d caused. Everyone except you.
“Nathaniel, your whole fucking lifes a secret,” Cal said. “A mystery. Who knows about you?”
Standing at the bottom of the stairs, tears brimming in your eyes as your father walked through the puddle of piss he had created upon stepping inside. “I’ve lived with you,” Cal started. “I have raised you. I am your father. I know nothing about you. That’s not true. I know that you’re angry. I’m so sorry I fucked you up with my double life.”
Cal laughed. “Okay, I may have taken mine to the extreme, I’ll admit that,” he said. “But I have a problem. But the reason I have a problem is this family. That’s why. I’m not allowed to form an emotional connection and I’m an emotional guy.” He said, seeming to trail off, deep in thought.
“If I do try and make a connection, it’s with your younger brother who shouldn’t have to have that weight on his shoulders,” Cal explained. “Constantly worrying about me every time I step out of the fucking house. I expected the same from you two fucks, but he shows more compassion than anyone else in this household.”
The man sighed, looking at you with nothing but love and admiration. “I love you, kid,” he said. “I love you more than these two fucks, or your mother. You, are the one thing I don’t regret. Keep doing good in school. I know you’ll do better than me or the these two dickwads.”
Those were the last words Cal said to you and it broke your heart. It was true, you had been the emotional for Cal to lean on. He didn’t harp on your for much besides getting good grades and doing your best. Since he knew much of went on in your life, he felt that bond between you two.
You didn’t feel special as it didn’t amount to shit in the end. So, here you were. Cleaning up the piss that Nate and Aaron were supposed to. Not that you bothered, it gave you time to sit and rest in your thoughts.
Well, at least tried to because you suddenly were grabbed and shoved into a wall. Before you could respond, Nate sucker punched you in the nose. You cried out, holding your face as you crumbled to the ground in tears. “Still kissing his ass even after he left?”
A kick to the stomach had you crying out. “Fucking druggy piece of shit.” Another kick to the stomach before you curled up in a ball, trembling with tears. You stayed like that for a while, unsure if Nate had gone back to his bedroom. You were too afraid to even open your eyes to peek.
When you did, you shakily got your feet. Wiping your nose and picking up the mop again. Head throbbing as you cleaned up your blood and the piss.
There was a time when you two were kids that things had been so simple. Sneaking out past your bedtime, running around town like hooligans. Drinking in the park you two grew up playing in. But even after Nate saw Cal’s tapes, the both of you stayed close. Best friends.
But somewhere, sometime, something changed. It hadn’t been you because you always gave Nate a warm smile and was always there for him. Cheering him on each game and getting him food after a game. He just...changed. He started beating you. Showing his lack of love he had left for you. Only giving you the time of day with his daily beatings. It didn’t matter where, he would always find time to hurt you and break you down to your very last fiber.
And when he hurt Maddy, you stuck up to him. Threatening to take him to police and telling them everything if he hurt her again. You should’ve known better because he didn’t hesitate to screw with you every day. He knew you weren’t a fighter. He also knew how sensitive you could be to things, so he used everything in his arsenal to make sure you understood not to fuck with him.
It worked. You left him alone completely. Avoiding him like the plague, just what he wanted. You buried yourself in school work and focused on your job at the greenhouse. But just like Nate, you had changed.
You hated to admit it, but you loved Nate. Much like your father, he was flesh and blood. You two grew up together and knew one another like the back of your hands. So, to have him beat you, torture you, make everything feel worthless, you fell back on the things to make things seem just a bit better. It started off with weed, then drastically fell to fentanyl.
If anyone knew what happened in your household, they would understand. But they didn’t. You had to deal with this alone, so you found a substitute to help alleviate the anger and resentment you felt towards your brother. You had enough in life, but it might as well just be dust in your pocket.
“Hey, are you feeling okay?” Lexi held you softly in her arms. The both of you sat in the seat in the theatre, watching auditions for her play.
Half way through, she noticed your dazed expression. Constantly blinking tiredly with your arm slightly twitching. She was worried to say the least.
Everyone at school had an inkling of the pain you went through on the daily. From the bruises you used to show up to school with and your brother not giving a single fuck about your state. Even when you started using, people could drastically see the change in your attitude. Teachers had been growing concerned, but you reassured them with that beautifully sweet smile of yours.
Lexi could see it through it with so much ease. Becoming friends and seeing every part of you gave her the insight she had. She knew what went on at home just by aligning the pieces together. Sadly, if people caught on, they would have very little trouble as well. But no one had noticed the splotchy bruises on your legs, except your family. No one knew you were using, but Lexi was quickly catching on by your disheveled features.
You blinked, leaning your head against hers as you toyed with the end of your sweater sleeves. “I’ll be alright,” you sniffled. “Nothing I can’t handle.”
She should’ve pushed you further. Figure out exactly what was wrong, but she didn’t. Interlocking your hands and keeping them connected until the end of the auditions that she occasionally asked for your opinion.
Ever since 6th grade, you and Lexi had been friends. The only reason why you two did become friends was because of the assignment both of you were tasked to. The click was instant and besides doing the actual assignment at the time, both of you were talking about random stuff.
And as the months and years went on, the relationship grew bigger and bigger to where it is now. To the point that she could see through every lie you spoke or every thought appeared in your head. You were painfully obvious when you were bothered about something, but also downright stubborn where she couldn’t break through the walls you would set up.
It wasn’t hers or your fault. It was all Nate’s fault. He used to show so much care towards you when you got sick or hurt. But now that he didn’t care, you didn’t care about yourself enough either. Your mental health was in shambles and your physical health was destroyed from the constant injecting of fentanyl.
When the night of the play came around, you didn’t try and humor yourself with going. You got to see all the behind the scenes and that had been enough for you. No reason going to something when you would likely pass out half way through.
So, you sat in the old park you remember playing around in when you were younger. Empty needle only sitting a few feet away from you on the park bench. Able to hear the laughter of children playing in your ears. Your laughter. You don’t know how long you had actually smiled or laughed. Everything seemed to be fabricated to make everyone around you feel at ease with your problems.
Reaching into your pocket, you pulled out your phone. Opening it and scrolling through your photos. Stopping when finding only a 3-year-old photo of you and Nate. Smiling like fools with the family trip all of you went on to the Bahamas. Where did it go wrong? When did he become so hateful towards you?
If you had his number, you may have called him in the heat of the moment and asked. But you blocked it long ago and it would stay that way. Nothing you could say to him or any girls that were involved with him would change. So, you saved your breath for someone who might need it.
You loved him like a brother would and hoped things that would change. But deep down, you knew the harsh and bitter truth that it was over. You two may be brothers by blood, but were strangers at heart. It showed every odd time you went to a party with Lexi and had spotted him across the house. Seeing him staring at you before looking away and carrying on with his night. You couldn’t even fucking recognize someone you grew up with.
That was a lie. You knew that Nate used to be happy. He used to be so cheerful and passionate about whatever he pursued. He used to be a loving and caring brother to you and always willing to pick you up from the depths and bring you to the surface. But he changed like anyone else would and that was the reality of your situation.
“I don’t know why you hate me so much.” Nate watched onward from his seat, hands balled into fists as he watched the scene play out. A knot caught in his throat as there was a stinging sensation behind his eyes.
It was you. Not exactly you, an actor was playing you and Ethan was playing him. But he could tell what this scene was about and felt all eyes on him. “Because you annoy me,” Ethan shrugged, but his tone held so much venom and genuine hatred. “I hate you because you always involve yourself in my life and you’re so fucking draining. You just suck the life out me and I fucking hate it!”
Nate sat there, silently as a tear slipped out the corner of his eye. Nail digging into the arm rests as he glanced around cautiously. Seeing a few wandering gazes that flickered to him. The next scene only broke him more. The actor playing you acted like he was injecting something into his arm and breaking down into tears. Just in time for the lights to fade and close the scene.
You sat on the park bench, cross-legged with a cloud blossoming from your lips with each a deep sigh. When you felt a presence beside you, you didn’t acknowledge it. Slowly sipping from your hot chocolate in an attempt to occupy your hands.
But when your eyes quickly flickered to the person, you felt your heart drop at the sight of Nate. He didn’t say a word and neither did you. His eyes were bloodshot even with some fresh tears streaming down his cheeks. He looked so broken and destroyed that the worry that filled your senses came back naturally.
Wanting nothing more than to hold him close and let him spill out all his emotions. But you were also wondering if this was just an illusion, a dream. The fentanyl did give you these types of dreams all the damn time. But you also didn’t want to pass up on the chance to heal slightly and live in a fantasy where your brother actually cared about you.
So, you clenched your jaw, licking your lips as you cautiously placed a hand on his shoulder. When he leaned into it, you scooted closer and carefully wrapped your arms around him. Something in the warmth you gave him caused him to break down in your arms. Hands grabbing handfuls of your shoulder as he placed his face in your shoulder. A sob wracking his body and you didn’t dare let go.
The oceans of pain and sorrow had intermingled with one another, creating a riptide that had torn up everything in it’s path. It’d destroyed yours and Nate’s brotherhood long ago to where it was left in the depths to be found in the future and guessed upon what happened. It was a ruin for the ones who searched for answers.
But there was enough land in the world to reassembled what was forgotten. Create something brand new and utterly beautiful. Just like when you two were younger.
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Girls do it best | Maddy Perez x Reader
Summary: Nate is shit at something you're good at. Or, Maddy is tired of having to fake orgasms so you give her a real one
Pairing: Maddy Perez x Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: cheating (it's on Nate, though. who cares), sexual activities
Request: hii ! could i request a maddy x masc fem reader? maybe a friends to lovers or fwb to lovers
Note: I don’t know if that’s what you meant. I’m really sorry if I got your request wrong
Also, this is pure smut. You’ve been warned
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You and Maddy were opposites. She was very girly and loved to spend hours getting ready for the smallest occasions while your closet resembled your younger brother's. She was the type of girl who did beauty pageants when she was younger and you were the kind who climbed trees and learned to skateboard.
Given your differences, it was surprising you didn't grow apart.
''Everyone vents about how Nate is this god in bed, but he's honestly not that great,'' Maddy said, browsing through her closet to find something to wear to tonight's party. ''He's got a good dick, but when he goes down on me...there's place to improvement.''
You snickered, playing with the beads on one of her pink pillows.
Since getting with Nate, Maddy spilled a lot of tea to you about the popular jock. Especially sex tea. That was your favorite. Hearing that Nate Jacobs was bad at something was very satisfying.
She plucked a blue dress from the rod, wrinkled her nose and put it back. ''I bet it's easier with a girl. At least they know what feels good and how the female body is made.''
''Yes and no. They might know the anatomy better, but not everyone likes the same thing. I've had sex with girls who were no better than boys.''
Maddy cocked an eyebrow at you. ''You've had sex with boys?!''
It was shocking for the both of you.
You've known for a long time that you liked girls. While everyone was gawking at Ryan Gosling and the One Direction members, you were watching Jennifer's Body on repeat, wishing Jennifer Check would make out with you on your bed - or make you her next victim.
Why did you have sex with a guy, you may ask? Solely to see what the hype was about. It didn't live up to the expectation and confirmed that you were 100% gay.
You nodded, cringing at the memory. ''Once. Lasted a mind-blowing five seconds. Needless to say, I did not finish.''
Maddy laughed. ''Does this dress looks good on me?'' she asked, holding up a tight black dress with a cut-out shape at the front.
Everything looked good on her. Even sweatpants.
You hummed.
''Last night, Nate went all washing machine on me,'' Maddy continued, going to her en-suite bathroom and trying on the dress.
Hearing this gave you secondhand embarrassment. You didn't think he was that level of terrible.
''Oh my god... I'm sorry you had to go through this.''
''I think you should give Nate lessons on how to eat pussy better. I'm tired of having to fake orgasms.''
That had you bark out a laugh.
If Nate heard her, his whole body would be fuming with anger. Not only she was criticizing his sexual skills, but she was implying that he should get lessons from a lesbian. For an arrogant homophobic and misogynist like Nate Jacobs, none of that slid right.
Maddy came out of her bathroom with the dress on, looking like a fucking goddess. It was hugging her petite body in all the right places. You couldn't help yourself and bit down your bottom lip. Who gave her the right to look this hot?
''I think you looking smoking hot, Mads.''
She went to her foot-length mirror, checking herself in all angles. ''Right?''
''I've been thinking, perhaps I should give you an orgasm to make up for the ones you had to fake,'' you blurted out, raising an eyebrow suggestively. You held your Maddy's gaze intently and smirked.
You meant it as a joke. It wasn't a serious offer.
But Maddy didn't see it that way.
''I-I was kidding,'' you stammered.
The raven haired girl crossed the distance to her bed, climbing on the mattress to sit before you. ''Were you? Because I was not.'' She stared right at you with her big eyes and full lips.
Suddenly, your mouth was dry and you felt your core tightening, forcing you to close your legs shut. Fuck.
You watched as she crawled over to you, her legs settling on each side of your hips. She leaned over to you, her face a few centimeters from yours and kissed you gently.
One thing about Maddy was that she breathed self-confidence. She wasn't afraid to take what she wanted or make the first move. Even if it was only a kiss.
''Don't be shy. I'm not going to bite.''
She pressed her lips against yours again and you stumbled back a bit, falling against her soft pillows and pulling her down with you. Her lips tasted like chemical cherries, likely from one of her many lip products, and were very soft. Your hands slid up to her hips, guiding her closer.
You would never say it out loud, but you had thought about this moment for a long time. Kissing Maddy. There was no denying that she was beautiful and fucking sexy, but you would've never told her about your secret attraction to her at the risk of jeopardizing your friendship. Better keep your mouth shut than lose her.
You cleared your throat, a nervous feeling budding in your stomach. "Nate's gonna kill me," you mumbled, breaking the kiss.
Maddy shook her head slowly. ''He won't ever know.''
The moment her tongue slipped into your mouth, you forgot about the existence of Nate Jacobs. Nate who?
Her hands traveled up your chest, slipping under your shirt as she grinded down and rolled her hips, causing a moan to slip. She giggled at your reaction, the little noise turning you on times ten.
Two could play this game though. Your hands moved down and hoisted the bottom of her dress over her thighs, reaching between them. This might be your only chance at touching her, might as well make the most of it. Your fingers pushed her panties aside, finding her wet center and dragging the pad of your thumb over her swollen clit. She whimpers when you began to rub it in slow circles.
You switched position, rolling her over onto the mattress, kissing some more before pressing two fingers inside her without any warnings.
"Fuck," Maddy gasped out, throwing her head back, her mouth detaching from yours.
A smug smile spread on your face as she rolled her hips against your fingers, silently begging for more. Her nails dug into your back as you kept going. It was a blessing you still had your shirt on. The damage she'd do with those claws.
You propped yourself up on one elbow, watching her expression go hazier and hazier as you played with her pussy. This was a sight you never wanted to forget.
Feeling her clamp even tighter around you, you withdrew your fingers, making her frown. ''Why did you stop?'' she asked, her breath a little saccaded.
''I thought you wanted my mouth.''
''I do. Get to it.''
You laughed softly, shaking your head at how bossy she was even in the bedroom. You trailed your kisses down her neck, kissing down her chest and stomach until you reached her underwear - which quickly got discarded.
You placed wet kisses along her thigh sucking marks onto the skin without really thinking of the consequences. All that was on your mind was making Maddy feel on top of the fucking world.
When your tongue came out for a taste, she made a strangled noise. A loud one. You dragged your tongue through her folds, humming at her taste. Her hips jerked up as moans rippled from her, but you held her down.
You gave her clit a long, languid lick and her hips jerked up, moans rippling from her.
''Fuck, Y/N I'm gonna come," she warned.
On the vanity, right as she came, Maddy's phone buzzed with an incoming call. Nate.
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authenticmiya · 3 years
Stress and Secrets - Fezco x Reader
Summary - With everything playing around in Fezcos mind, he didn’t mean to take it out on you. You aren’t so innocent either as Ash makes a big discovery on what you’ve been hiding.
Words - 2k
Warnings - angst and a little bit of fluff
Part 2 here Part 3 here
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It’s funny how the world works. It’s funny how two people can fall in love at the most unexpected time. It’s like you pick your person and decide to let them in on your life. Love can make the weakest person strong and the strongest person weak. It just didn’t really make sense.
What did make sense was the love Fezco had for you. Yeah of course he loved Ash and his Grandma, but you. You were a whole different kind of love. Regardless of the time and situation, you were always on his mind.
After nearly 3 years of being with him, the love continued and there was no sign of it stopping. It was the typical ‘best friends since birth’ relationship at the start. Fez eventually sprouted enough confidence (and verbal abuse from his brother) to ask you out.
It was undoubtably going to happen. Everyone could see how your whole demeanour would change, the moment you and Fez were in the room together. Something that as kids, you two didn’t really understand the feeling of. But now the both of you had grown into young adults and were able to reciprocate your romantic feelings for one another.
The past few days had been rough. It was very rare that your relationship with Fez could be put on the line. However, with everything going on with his job and having to take care of all three people under his roof, his mood wasn’t exactly amazing. Neither was yours. You had been feeling sick and grumpy and the fact your boyfriend was low-key being an asshole, really wasn’t helping.
“It’s New Years Eve and you’re still sat there Ma? Come on, ion wanna keep Ash waiting.” Fez grumbled as you laid in your shared bed.
“I’m all ready to go, I just don’t feel good right now.” The washing machine affect going around in your stomach was in full swing.
“Yo I ain’t playin’, you was fine earlier, now let’s go.” Just like that he was out the room. You groaned, slowly sitting up. Grabbing your water from the side, you made your way to the living room.
Ash was setting all of the alarms on the house as nobody was gonna be home.
“You don’t look so good Y/N.” Ashtray’s eyes nearly fell out of his head when he saw how unwell you looked.
“Wouldn’t wanna keep your jackass brother waiting.” You muttered.
“The fuck is with yo attitude?” Fez snapped, not taking a second look before heading out towards the car.
“Ignore him, you good?” Ash pushed it further. You nodded your head, not wanting to turn the younger brother against his older brother. Now normally you and Fez would ride up front together, but today was obviously different. You said nothing as you sat in the back. You knew exactly what was going down tonight with your boyfriend and Nate Jacobs, but it wasn’t exactly something you hadn’t seen before.
The three of you arrived at the party and without giving Fez his usual kiss, you stormed away from him.
“What the fuck is up with you?” Ash turned to look at his brother.
“The fuck you mean?” Fez furrowed his eyebrows.
“That women right there is my fucking family to, you’ve been treating her like shit.” Ash muttered before heading into the party. Fez didn’t really understand what his brother was talking about. Had he really been an asshole to you? He had to quickly push those feelings back as he knew he had to prepare for what was to come this evening.
“Y/N the motherfucking party animal has arrived!” Maddy squealed, throwing her drunken arms around you.
“Hey girls.” You gently smiled, greeting them all with a hug each.
“You look like shit.” Rue said walking right past you.
“Thanks.” You said sarcastically as the other girls reassured you that you didn’t. Of course you felt like shit so you definitely looked like it.
“Y/N where’s your man? I need some shit to get me through tonight.” Cassie told you. Looking around you noticed he was on the sofa smoking a blunt.
“Over there.” You mumbled and the girls gave you an unconvinced look.
“Somethings happened between you two.” Maddy stated.
“Yeah but I couldn’t exactly tell you what. He’s just been off with me. I’ve been so sick for the past couple of days. No offence, I didn’t even wanna be here and he was just mad so I tagged along.” You opened up to her.
“You want some shots to get over it?” She smirked and you shook your head no.
“The fuck? Y/N what’s going on?” Kat asked, knowing you’d never turn down a good time.
“Honestly the thought of alcohol is making me wanna throw up.” Their jaws all dropped, but most of them were to drunk to drunk to really comprehend the conversation. The moment you turned your head, you noticed Lexi take a seat beside your boyfriend. Now you weren’t the jealous type of girlfriend but you sure as hell needed to keep a close eye on the situation.
After sober dancing with the girls, you noticed that Lexi was still sat over with Fez. They seemed very happy to be in each-others company. He seemed satisfied with what they were talking about.
“Whatever you do, don’t throw a hissy fit.” Kat told you.
“No fuck that, Y/N your man is down to talk to her but won’t talk to you? I’m sorry, but that’s a no in my books. Scratch her eyes out.” A drunken Maddy told you.
“She’s meant to be our friend, what could go wrong?” Kat said. Lexi left but was quickly back. You overheard Fez saying that she was the coolest person in the building and that’s when you had, had enough.
“She’s the coolest person you’ve talked to this whole year huh?” You questioned, arms crossed over your chest.
“No it’s nothing like that Y/N.” Lexi panicked, noticing the annoyance on your face.
“So if I turn my back right now and my boyfriend continued to flirt with you, you ain’t gonna give him yo number?” You snapped.
“Man fuck Y/N, calm yo ass down.” Fez snapped at you.
“And that’s why he’s talking to me right? Because you seem pretty aggravated and I sure as hell would not want to be in a relationship like that.” Lexi suddenly had a boost of confidence. Fez mentally cursed.
“Let me remind you who the fuck I am bitch. Don’t you ever disrespect me like that again. I can and will end you.” You got up close to her, despite her being sat awkwardly on the couch.
“Ayo Y/N, let it go, please.” Fez sternly begged. You scoffed at him.
“I’m so fucking done with how shit you’ve been treating me Fez.” You snapped.
“I give you a home, a bed, a place to eat and I’ve been treating you like shit? Lemme tell you Ma, I love you and only you, but you trippin. It’s just the alcohol talking.” Fez checked the time as if he didn’t care about what he was talking.
“Actually she hasn’t had one fucking drink tonight because your bitchass dragged her to a party knowing full well she was sick.” Kat appeared and then disappeared. Fezco’s whole demeanour changed as your face suddenly saddened.
“Be safe Fez, fuck knows what Lexi will do if you get hurt.” You frowned before walking away.
“Ma wait-“ But it was to late. You’d already headed out to the back-yard, where you were greeted with a bunch of drunken students, Ash selling drugs and a high as fuck Rue.
“Yo Y/N, we gotta go get the car started.” Ash called you over before you could even start a conversation with Rue. You walked to the side of him and took your seat in the car.
“Ion know if I’m trippin, but you look even worse now then what you did before we got here.” Ash admitted, looking at your through the rear-mirror.
“I can’t lie Ash, I’m starting to feel really light-headed right now.” Ash was majorly concerned.
“Don’t die on me please.” He said making you laugh slightly. The passenger side door soon opened and in came your bloody boyfriend. Ash was quick to hit the gas as you came away from the party.
“Ash please pull over.” You grumbled, knowing exactly what was about to come. Fez was about to complain but his brother did as you asked. You quickly exited the car and threw up all over the sidewalk.
“Jesus Y/N, fuck.” Fez was now more than concerned. Despite his bloody knuckles, he was quick to come around and rub your back.
“Don’t.” You groaned, feeling like this sickness wasn’t going to stop for a while. Your stubborn side was definitely visible now. After nearly 10 minutes, your sickness has managed to subdue and you got back in the car.
“Look baby-“ Fez began but you turned around so that you were facing out the window.
“Fucking asshole.” Ash muttered under his breath. Fez had a million things going around his mind and the last thing he’d be bothered about now was his brothers insults.
“You threw me under the bus back there Fezco.” You admitted. He turned slightly so he could see you.
“I give you a home, I give you a bed and a place to eat? Like for real, what the fuck?” You questioned. Ash was more than annoyed but chose not to get involved anymore.
“I was just angry Ma-“ He began.
“You don’t get to be angry at me Fezco, you don’t dare get to be angry at anything and take it out on me. You fucking promised me that 16 years ago.” Fez was at a loss for words. He remained silent for the rest of the journey. Calling him Fezco and not Fez or baby, really hit him hard.
“You hungry kid?” You asked Ash before he headed to bed.
“I think ima have the mac and cheese you cooked earlier.” He grabbed a bowl.
“I hope you’re okay.” He side hugged you like he usually does and headed to his bedroom, leaving just you and Fez.
“What’s really been on your mind huh? Because you also promised to tell me everything and lately you’ve told me jackshit.” You asked Fez whilst grabbing the first aid kit.
“I been under a lotta stress lately Ma.” Fez took a deep breath before continuing.
“What with Nate harassing everyone, mouse, grandma, keeping Ash in school, keeping you happy? I just been hella stressed.” He admitted whilst you wrapped his knuckles in bandages.
“You’ve been stressed but you’ve taken it out on me because?” You pushed it further.
“I ain’t arguing with you Y/N.” He started to walk away from you.
“Start talking to me then, because we get nowhere without communicating.” You followed him.
“I’ve had a stressful night, just drop it.”
“Fez just talk to me.” You demanded.
“I said fucking drop it Y/N.” Fez raised his voice and you were slightly taken back. You pursed your lips together and nodded your head. You’d had enough of it tonight. Fez immediately regretted it. He knew he should’ve just talked to you. He shouldn’t have taken it out on you.
“Y/N, baby wait.” The words you’d heard so often that night. You grabbed your keys and headed towards the door.
“I know we fighting but please don’t walk outta that door.” Fez watched your every move.
“I needed you, you know? These past few days, I’ve been feeling so sick and unwell, and you weren’t there. I tried talking to you. Fuck Fez, even when I was laying on the bed earlier. You were to busy thinking of knocking Nate Jacobs out to care about how I felt. I’m not a clingy girlfriend, but I just wanted some love.” Tears we’re forming in your eyes and Fez could’ve sworn his heart had broken.
“I’m here now Ma, I’m sorry.” He apologised honestly. Without either of you knowing, Ash had stayed awake. Noticing he was behind his brother, he looked you dead in the eye.
“Y/N are you pregnant?” Ash asked, and when you looked down, he had the three positive pregnancy tests in his hand.
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summary: she really didn't want to make it messy.
a/n: I'm thinking of doing the continuation of this fic being chapter 4 that premiered on Sunday (what a disaster that was).
TW: physical abuse but nothing very serious or explicit , nate and cal jacobs 🤢.
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Your family was known for their connections and for building half the town, they were people who lived surrounded by money and privilege.
Your older brother Aaron, the first born, He couldn't consider himself your dad's favorite since according to him, Aaron had neither balls nor brains.
Then came Nate and you, being born on the same day 90 seconds apart, you being born first but Nate always felt like the older brother. Both could assure that you were the favorites of both parents. You who followed every rule and order that your father laid down, fulfilling the role of the immaculate and pure daughter while Nate also behaved like a good son.
And then there was your younger brother, his name was almost never mentioned in the family for the sake of your mother.
Anyway, coming back to you, you were proud of the image that your parents had of you. Excellent grades, captain of your high school cheerleading team, drawn within the lines without exceeding them. You obeyed the rules, that pleased your father.
But you and nate knew what happened every time you left your home, the debauchery and rebellion of your adolescence took over your body at the parties that invited you, being popular due to the history of your last name it was normal that they invited you.
That was how you met Fezco,the one who dropped out of school to sell drugs, he was sitting on one of the sofas that were unoccupied in the patio.
He knew you were trouble from the moment he saw you, dressed head to toe in expensive brands, pretty hair and flashy makeup.
Fez committed the sin of giving in to the temptation to let his curiosity win.
" So what's a good girl like you doing buying drugs? " he asked as he passed you the joints after you handed him the money. He knew who you were, or rather, who your family was, but you never spoke.
You didn't think he was going to talk to you, your friends told you that he never made conversation with them, directly to his sale, "They are not for me, I don't do drugs, only alcohol, they are for my friends" you said looking at him through your eyelash extensions, Fez didn't know what clouded his good reasoning but you had an aura that invited him to get closer, and he did so by getting closer on the couch, you arched an eyebrow and smiled.
"I figured" he said, lighting a blunt, your eyes watched his lips, as they surrounded and exhaled the smoke.
"Oh, and may I ask why you assumed so?" this time it was you who came a little closer,  Fezco kept eye contact as he smoked for a few seconds before replying.
"You are known as the good girl in your family, away from all the sin and wickedness of the people from around here" you rolled your eyes at what he assumed, it was clear that everyone who didn't know you also believed that puritan image in front of you.
" Apart from being a drug dealer, you also listen to teenage gossip" Fezco laughed at your answer, it was obvious that your personality was not as soft as it seemed.
" So it's not true?"
" It's not true that?"
Fezco looked down at your lips for a few seconds, when your eyes met again they darkened.
"Aren't you a good girl?" the seductive tone of his voice made you fall into the temptation of knowing a new world.
Since that night at the party, you kept a relationship on the low side without anyone knowing or that you knew each other beyond talking at some parties.  You made sure you always had an alibi of where you were, with whom and where you slept. Fezco knew that for your sake and his own, no one in your family could know about their relationship.
Clouds of smoke surrounded fezco's room, they usually gathered at his house for obvious reasons, you tried not to do anything to bother Ash, who was still somewhat suspicious of having you in his work area.
"Sometimes I feel like stop hiding, send my father and his stupid ideas to hell. Nate too, he's getting more psycho all the time, I know the maddy marks on his neck were made by Nate."
you were lying on his bed, while an old cartoon was playing in the background on your laptop.
"I don't know about the shit that your father has in his head, but I know that your brother is also bothering Rue and Jewel" you rolled your eyes, your brother was getting more and more out of line, "Someone has to put him in his place."
That last sentence stuck in your mind,  you know that your brother called the police to search Fezco's house after your boyfriend threatened him. You felt so much anger towards Nate, more knowing that you couldn't do almost anything without exposing your relationship. Sometimes the idea of leaving your home and accepting Fez's offer to live with him It was tempting, but you knew your dad could do a lot worse to Fezco and Ash if he found out you were in on it.
You thought that fezco was not going to want to know more about you, and you were right, but you decided to be selfish but after a long speech about why you were not going to give up his love and that you were willing to protect him and his little brother from the clutches of your family, fezco reluctantly agreed. follow your relationship That night, for the first time Ash gave you a hug, murmuring a small thank you for keeping you close.
That night you also swore to do everything possible to end the conflict with your brother, what a fool you were.
" Why do I feel like you're not telling me something?" asked Nate as he took you to Kat's house, originally fezco was supposed to take you to the party but he told you that something had happened and that he would see you there.
"I already told you, it's a New Year's party, what else do you want me to tell you?"  you said pretending not to know what he was talking about, luckily kat's house was a couple of blocks away.
"I'm not talking about the stupid party, I'm talking in general, you've been weirder than usual lately" Nate, always having a way with his words, said as he scanned your face for any sign that you're lying.
" Fuck you Nate, I don't know what the hell you're talking about, you should worry more about your psychological problems than about my behavior" you said trying to get out of the truck, but Nate grabbed your forearm stopping you.
"Watch your tone, you are nobody, absolutely nobody to talk to me like that, understood? " he said squeezing his hand hard making you whimper in pain, you tried to get out of his grip but he squeezed his hand again, "I said, do you understand?"
For the first time in your life, you felt real fear of your brother and what he would do to you in a fit of rage. Your subconscious thought about Maddy, how that girl could let your brother get his hands on her without stepping on his balls with her stilettos.
"Yeah, sorry Nate, I'm sorry" you hated yourself so much at that moment, like always bowing your head, being the good girl who follows her brother's orders.
The night passed quickly, you downed shots of vodka and all kinds of alcohol you found. Every time you looked at the arm that Nate squeezed, you noticed how the mark of his hands formed a horrible purple color decorating your skin. You knew that if fezco saw it, it would only complicate the situation more.
You planned to avoid him all night, but then you saw him sitting there on a couch with Lexi Howard, Cassie's little sister. You knew she was a kind girl, pretty even, but you couldn't help the bitter taste of jealousy permeating your mouth.
BB approached you, following your gaze finding the same scene as you, "Go Lexi having her first boyfriend, and on top of that a bad boy."
You bit your lip to let the mean comment you wanted to say die in your throat that wanted to let her know that this bad body was already living that experience with you.
Apparently fezco could feel your gaze on him, he met your gaze in the crowd. Recognizing the cloud of sadness in your eyes, you saw how he murmured something to Lexi, who reluctantly nodded when she saw that their conversation was ending. You remembered the reason why you didn't see him all night, so you quickly turned around and decided to go into a bathroom praying that Fez hadn't seen you. A few seconds later you saw him walk into the bathroom casually.
" Hi baby, are you alright?" he asked coming closer to leave a kiss on your cheek. You hid your forearm behind you, which Fez didn't notice because he kept looking at your face.
"Yes I'm fine, a little dizzy because I've been taking every shot Kat offered me. And you? What happened to you today ? "
Fez sighed debating whether or not to tell you, "Shit, look, we'll talk about it later when we're at my house, but it's nothing you have to worry about"
Fez started to leave kisses on your neck but you knew that they were not with ulterior motives, it was fez's way of letting you know that he needed your support, you wrapped your arms around his neck but you couldn't help but groan when your forearm brushed against Fez's chain.
Fez took his head out of your neck and looked at your forearm, which under the bright lights of the bathroom looked more purple than before, "Yo what the fuck happened to you? Who the fuck did this to you?"
Fez gently grabbed your arm for a closer look, not saying anything you already knew he knew the answer, "It was your brother's bitchass, wasn't it? Goddamn I knew it wasn't going to take long for he to get his hands on you."
Fez turned around and you knew where he was going to go if you let him out the door, "Fezco, love, wait, please don't do anything. I'm fine, it was nothing, he just grabbed my arm, I swear, love don't complicate more this, leave it like that"
you tried to convince him, fezco sighed in frustration running a hand over his beard, he turned around again and hugged you, "Damn y/n, you're my woman, and I'm tired of your brother doing and undoing as he pleases. He can do whatever he wants with the rest, but not with you."
You knew he was right, that Nate was a piece of shit and he was abusive, you knew you shouldn't let Nate's actions go by. But the fear that your father might do worse terrified you.
" I know love, but you know I have some savings saved and I will leave my house, I will be able to help you in the store and be able to continue my studies"  you murmured, hiding your face on his chest, breathing in the very particular aroma of fez, a mixture of weed and its perfume.
Fez smiled one of the most sincere smiles you saw, "I would love that idea, I promise I will give you all your pleasures and make you the happiest woman in the world"
Fezco left a kiss on your hair, and moved away from you caressing your cheeks, "Look for Ash, he must be in the garden, look for him and wait for me in the car. You will stay at my house today baby, I'm going to look for Rue, but you go ahead and stay in the car."
You agreed since you noticed his calmer aura, you saw him leave the bathroom and go back to the area where the drinks were, stopping and grabbing a beer. It was obvious that he was talking to someone, you heard people counting the seconds for the clock to announce a new year, as you got closer you could see that your worst fear was coming true.
Someone has to put him in his place.
and apparently, that someone was going to be fezco.
" Happy new year, playboy" said fez before chaos reigned in the room, he shattered Nate's head who fell to the ground stunned by the blow, Fezco did not stop and began to punch him in the face one after another, at one point you could hear a crack coming from your brother's nose.
" y/n! Please help us, someone separate them! " You recognized Maddy's voice, but your feet remained frozen to the ground and your hands began to shake with fear. In a moment they were separated, and the room fell into sudden silence.
Fezco made eye contact with you, clenching his jaw, shivers running through your body as you watched him walk away knowing you couldn't go after him like you both wanted.
"We need to get him to a hospital" that comment from cassie brought you back to earth, you helped carry your brother to mcckay's car and called your parents to let them know about nate's condition.
And again your hands began to shake from fear, but it was never to see fez beat the shit out of nate, but you knew that now, your father would not stop until he finished fez.
You didn't know which god took pity on you and heard your prayers but your father still didn't find out who it was that hit your brother. You lied saying that when it happened you were in the bathroom because your period came early. For some strange reason, Nate also didn't tell your father that it was Fezco. You begged your father to let the matter die.
You and Fezco were going through a delicate situation, you weren't mad at him for hitting Nate, you even wanted to, but he was mad at you for staying with Nate.
You took advantage of the fact that your dad was out of the house, and your mom was taking care of Nate, so you decided to go to the store so you could talk to Fez. You managed to get there quickly on your bike, when you entered you noticed that Fez was surprised to see you arrive. He was sitting on top of the counter moving his legs.
"Hi fezzy" you said giving him a kiss on the cheek, Fezco blinked several times trying to suppress a small smile that wanted to escape, after so long of knowing each other you could still make him nervous, "Look, I'm sorry if I didn't come back to you after the incident, but you have to understand that if I left I didn't have a believable lie and my dad wasn't going to stop until he knew the truth."
Fezco sighed and circled your waist with his arms, "I understand ma, it was the anger of the moment and I know you did what you should"
Do what you should. Was that your only role in this life? Do what you're supposed to but never what you want.
You let the thoughts disappear, out of the corner of your eye you could see a blonde girl sitting on a refrigerator, she must be the girl that fezco told you about.
" Hello, I'm faye" she said as she exhaled smoke from a blunt.
" Hi, nice to meet you, y/n" you said smiling at him, you looked at fezco again but you noticed that his attention was on someone who entered the store.
You took a step back turning and dropping fez's arms, noticing Lexi Howard quite dressed up for a quick visit to the store, her brown eyes looking between you and fez. And you could tell some disappointment in them.
"Lexi Howard, hi" Fezco said politely, Lexi had the courage to blush and smile at him, you knew that kind of behavior.
Lexi had a crush on your boyfriend, and you couldn't allow it.
"Hi guys, um, are you...? like..." lexi asked leaving the question hanging in the air, you saw your chance to clip the wings of her little dream and you were going to take it.
Fezco looked at you, doubtful whether to answer the truth or not, he knew that Lexi was not going to tell anyone and was going to say yes honestly, but you had to ensure your relationship, "Yes, actually, it's been almost a year now, but you won't tell anyone, will you?" you said with a smile that made it clear that you were subtly letting her know that she couldn't tell anyone.
Lexi's smile faded a bit, subtly but obviously, "Yeah, don't worry."
Lexi began to look at the drinks in the refrigerators, you heard a car park and you saw in the rearview mirror that was near the door a truck that you couldn't mistake, your father's.
"Shit shit" you said quickly entering the false door of one of the refrigerators, where you knew Ash was, you heard them both mutter a "what the fuck?" until you heard footsteps enter the store. You motioned for Fez to be quiet with your mouth, while Ash watched everything out of caution.
You couldn't hear much of the conversation, the beating of your heart made you closer to a panic attack. Ash pushed you so that you were more hidden behind a shelf, you could see your dad wandering around the store grabbing random objects. It was noticeable that your father started asking questions, because Fezco tensed up, you let go of Ash's grip and moved closer to listen.
"Do you have any grape gum? my daughter loves it" you covered your mouth with your hand to keep from letting out a whimper, your dad wouldn't say a comment like that just because, It was likely that he was already aware that you were there.
"No idea man, the box of gum is over there" said fezco disinterested but keeping his eyes on your father, you knew that fez always kept a box of grape gum for you.
" She told you who am I? "
That question made your stomach turn but you calmed down a bit when you saw Lexi tense up, your father was probably referring to her but why you had no idea , your father reached into his jacket pocket. You knew your father kept guns in your house, and you could have sworn he was about to pull one out of his pocket. You heard Ash grab a cereal box and pull out a gun from inside, your whole body began to tremble and you wished you weren't caught in the crossfire.
" No men"
You could hear a comment from Faye in the distance but your attention was on your boyfriend's safety. Seconds seemed like hours, everyone was staring at your father, it was clear that the man was a threat. You heard Ash take the safety off his gun, ready to pull the trigger.
Finally your father took his hand out of his pocket, revealing a 20 dollar bill. You sighed closing your eyes, you heard footsteps and you opened them seeing Fezco follow your father out of the store.
The adrenaline of emotions clearly affected your body, like every roller coaster has a descent, your eyes closed and you felt your legs loosen.
You woke up in a room you knew, fezco's room, you were lying on his bed while he counted money next to you. Realizing that you were awake, he moved closer to you.
"Hello lil mama, how are you? " he asked placing a kiss on your forehead, that served to remind you why you passed out in the first place.
"My God, are you okay? where is ash? I swear I didn't know my father even knew about the store." you explained feeling the nerves return, fez silenced you with a soft kiss on your lips.
"Relax, you are not to blame for anything, he was not there for you. Lexi told me that Cassie opened her mouth and told your father who it was that reshaped your brother's face." You laughed at Fez's comment, but you couldn't help but feel a little bit of anger at Cassie for getting involved in this.
"Well, it's good to know that my dad doesn't want to kill you for fucking his daughter, but for beating up his son." this time it was fez who laughed, and you couldn't help but smile seeing him calm for a moment.
"Don't worry about it ma, sooner or later things will calm down on their own" you both knew that was a lie, but you chose to believe in fez for a second, to keep the bubble of fantasy they were in.
Where neither you nor fezco had a single problem, you were just a teenager having a good time with her boyfriend.
Without a last name that weighs your heart.
A few days passed and with the return to school you couldn't see Fez for so long, since you were in charge of the cheerleading practices and he had to prevent Ash from murdering Faye.
You heard from Fez again on Maddy's birthday, you and she were not the best of friends but you both appreciated the friendship you had. One where the love/hate towards your brother united them.
You were almost ready when an incoming call from fezco made you pause your makeup, "Hi baby,all good? " you asked applying your blush.
" Yo, your father came to my house, he was outside in his truck. We questioned him with Ash but apparently there was a misunderstanding. Did you know that he fucked Jewel and recorded everything without knowing? " you dropped your brush when you heard it, you couldn't believe that fezco was something like that.
" Fez what the fuck? Where did you hear that from, maybe it wasn't expressed well."
"No ma, he himself said that he was here looking for a cd where he and Jewel were, apparently your brother told him that I had it for some fucking reason, we let him go when he promised to keep your brother in line and stay away from our lives "
Your throat closed, you couldn't think of anything to answer. You always knew your dad was hiding something, yes, maybe an affair or maybe another family. But never that he fucked Jules, who by the way, you couldn't stand her since she was in high school.
"Shit, are you okay there?"
You blinked rapidly and tilted your head back, preventing the tears that formed in your eyes from falling and ruining your foundation.
"Yeah, just, I didn't expect it, you know? God fez, my whole family is insane" you sobbed, you knew it was cruel to talk to fez on the phone at that moment, knowing that he hated to hear you cry, "What if me too? "
"I can't lie to you, I was very confused when your dad told me that. But you've proven to me a million times that you're not like your family. "
You bit your lip to keep from crying, you had to stay intact for Maddy's party, then you could deal with your father's shit, "Yes, I'm sorry, it's just that I never expected something like this. We'll talk later, I need to get ready for Maddy's party, bye"
You hung up before you could hear Fezco's voice, you looked in the medicine cabinet in your room and took out two xanny's, maybe it wasn't the smartest choice but you really needed to calm down or you were going to have a nasty night.
You finished getting ready and went downstairs with your gift, in the kitchen Nate was writing a letter for his gift, you saw your father drink and when you wanted to wait outside it was already late, he had already seen you.
"There is the light of my life! The best daughter in the world"
Your dad hugged you, you rolled your eyes and patted his back. You could see that apparently Ash was really the one who did the interrogation by seeing bandages cover his head.
"Nate, let's go now or it will be late" you said crossing your arms, the smell of alcohol that emanated from your dear father made you nauseous.
" You two have fun, I'll go for a ride" he said grabbing his keys and leaving the house, you and nate looked at each other somewhat bewildered by your dad's behavior.
God, your subconscious wanted him to die in a car crash.
And you got to thinking, who will be the one to put your dad in his place?
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sublimecatgalaxy · 3 years
Truth or Dare- Part 2
Pairing: Elliot (Euphoria) x Jacobs!Reader
Summary: Reader wracks her brain over her past with Elliot, hurt by his actions. Reader and Nate have a heart to heart, both of them shocked by the pleasant interaction. Nate helps reader game plan her issues with Elliot.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of trauma, angst, friendly Nate Jacobs.
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: Idea from @apovanity87 love her to pieces. Also I have Elliot smut waiting to be posted. Super pumped.
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He’s gotten taller since the last time I saw him; the last day of seventh grade.
I could tell that he recognized me, his breath getting caught in his throat as he switched his gaze to look between Rue and Jules, completely ignoring my presence all together. Ignoring me, ignoring his feelings, that hasn’t changed. He was visibly uncomfortable by my presence and he should be. I never thought that I would ever see him again. That I’d be forced to deal with all the shit that he put me through, how bad of a friend he was at the end. But there I was, standing in the middle of the hallway, remembering everything that happened between us.
I was his best friend.
Like the soul crushing best friend that you worry about losing every day. The friend that you would rather die than live without. The friend that you go to the minute something good or bad happens, the friend that you share firsts with when you’re unable to with anyone else. He was my date to every dance, my partner in crime, the person I spent every waking hour with for almost five years of my life. Every holiday, every New Years, every birthday. He was the only friend that my mother liked, the rest of the girls in my class annoying the shit out of her with the constant screaming and yelling, running around the house in her clothes. But Elliot and I were simple. We didn’t need much supervision and my parents even trusted him enough to sleep over whenever we wanted. They trusted him because they could tell how close we were, how much we needed to spend time with each other. Even when we were sick, my mother would go and pick him up and she would take care of us. We were always sick at the same time because of how much time we spent with each other. If I had the flu, so would he. If I had food poisoning, he most likely did too because we shared all of our food. Our friendship was beyond easy. We would just go on walks, talk and play games; like truth or dare.
The game wasn’t always innocent between him and I. Our lips lingering on one another's as we giggled in my quiet bedroom. To him, I’m sure it was just funny, but to me it was my life's mission. We were best friends, who had entered puberty around the same time, and had a three year long game of truth or dare running. How could you expect us not to kiss? How could you expect u not dare one to kiss the other?
The irony in learning about Jules, Rue and Elliot’s ongoing truth or dare game hurt me was terrible. It hurt me beyond belief, my eyes tearing up the moment that Jules asked him that stupid question. It hurt to watch him light up, his answer being ‘dare’, he always answered dare. He always loved the thrill and he always loved what my mind would come up with. Whether it be kissing me, stealing something from my brothers room, telling my mom a deep dark secret; anything. But watching Jules come up with a dare, her eyes gleaming, it broke my heart.
What hurt me more was the fact that he introduced himself to me like he didn’t know me. He asked my name, shook my hand politely and moved on with his day. Like he didn’t want our friends to know that we knew each other. That we were each other's whole world for so many years. And maybe he was embarrassed of me. Maybe he was still mad at me for moving and he wanted me to pay for all the pain that I caused him. Maybe I deserved it.
When I told him that I was moving away a few months before we did, he was mad.
He didn’t have a good home life when we were younger and I could be mad at him, but I silently hope that it’s better now than what it was then. He immediately wanted to go with me, but in seventh grade, being three hours away from each other with no cell phones meant that our friendship was over. I knew that he had depended on me and my family during our whole friendship. We were inseparable and my family always managed to give him what he never had, even though my family members were slightly on the fucked up side.
I thought I had given him enough time, given us enough time, to come to terms with the fact that I was moving and that things would be different. That we wouldn’t be able to fall asleep in each other's arms, sneak out to go out to eat at midnight, hide in my closet where we’d steal occasional kisses as we hid from my older brothers. I told him I would visit him, that my mom had already offered to drive me all the way back there to see him just so we could see each other. Just so we could hug each other and not have to constantly miss one another. I thought that I had proven to him that I didn’t want to lose him, but it wasn’t good enough.
He was angry and bitter. About the move, that I was leaving him, that I kept coming up with excuses for us to be friends despite the miles between us. He had made it very clear that, to him, I was betraying him. He had been abandoned by so many people in his life, so why not tack me onto the list of people that he hated. I didn’t understand it then, but I can understand now that it was easier to hate me than to feel the loss that he would’ve felt by me leaving.
That doesn’t mean I forgive him even in the slightest.
Looking between him and my friends, the truths and dares leaving their lips as I stood and watched, I wanted to scream. I wanted to yell out all of my feelings, completely bare myself to the whole hallway. I just wanted him to look at me, to understand. I wanted him to miss me, to ask me questions, to hug me. Jules could tell I was off, my eyes locked on the boy as he spoke. I was trying to pick out everything that had changed about him. Obviously his height, his hair, his eyes now much softer, the two tattoos that he always talked about getting sat beautifully on his soft skin. He had better style now and he had little facial hair but it suited him.
But what stuck out the most was his smile. It hadn’t changed in the slightest. Neither had his lips. Lips that I thought about for at least two years straight, my preteen heart completely head over heels for him. I guess I wasn’t so different now.
I eventually ran away, tears streaming down my cheeks as I avoided Rue and Jules’ yells behind me. By the time I got to my car, I was in a complete breakdown, my chest heaving as I folded in on myself. It was as if looking into his eyes, watching him distance himself from me, pretending to not know me, brought up everything that I felt for him. All of the anger, the love, the disappointment. The fact that I missed him for so long and he never answered my emails whenever I would reach out to him.
I watched him force himself not to care once and now he was doing it again.
So I left, I decided to be done with it. I decided that if he was going to distance himself from me and become best friends with my friends, that I would do the same. I was already done thinking about him, dwelling over him and being sad over him. I ignored Jules’ and Rue’s calls and texts, my bedroom door slamming by the time I got home. My face was immediately shoved into a pillow, the screams that left my lips slowly turned to sobs as I fell apart.
So, I guess I wasn’t done dwelling or being sad.
I eventually got up, my body throwing itself into a shower to wash the sadness off. It worked, sort of. But the anxiety returned the minute I heard Nate’s bedroom door slam in the room next to me. He scared me, he always has, but a part of me always wanted to go over to ask him what was wrong. To find some way to connect with him, get him to open up to someone that wasn’t Maddy. He needed a therapist, sure, but I might be the closest thing he could get to one willingly.
My hand hovers in front of his door, my hello kitty pajamas and damp hair will hopefully remind him I’m still his kid sister and to not hit me. Setting my knuckles against the door a few times, I gently call out his name, my feet shifting my weight nervously back and forth. I wait patiently for a few moments, my stomach swirling with anxiety as I hear commotion inside the room. Soon after, the door flies open, my eyes widening at Nate’s angry state. I back up immediately, putting distance between us as he glares down at me.
“What do you want?” He asks with a sneer, my eyebrows pulling together as I shake my head quickly, the words getting stuck in my throat.
“Uh, you said you wanted to talk earlier and then we got cut off so…” I trail off, my eyes flickering between his and the floor, worried that he might snap at any moment. A few beats go by, my teeth biting at the inside of my cheek as he blinks at me. He doesn’t say anything, but he moves out of the way, leaving a space for me to enter his room. My heart rate decreases, relief filling me as I step under his arm and into his room; a place where he rarely lets me enter. I hesitantly make my way over to his bed, sitting down with a huff.
“You look rough.” Nate points out, closing the door as he leans against the wood. He analyzes me, my eyes briefly rolling at his ‘compliment’. “What happened?” He asks, my eyebrows pulling together as I frown up at him.
“You don’t care. So why ask?” I ask with a simple shrug, no attitude to be had, just the truth. Nate rolls his eyes, a frown tugging his lips down as he kicks off the door, making his way over to me.
“Jesus, Y/n, I’m asking my sister why she looks like she got hit by a bus. Lighten up. I’m not always out to get you.” He snaps with a scoff, my heart thumping as he flops next to me on the bed. I sigh, realizing he’s kind of right and that maybe he was just genuinely asking if I was okay. I don’t want to trust that thought. Laying back on the bed next to him, my eyes don’t leave the ceiling as I speak.
“If I tell you, can you not get mad or find a way to yell at me and make me feel bad?” I ask quietly, my hands messing with the edge of my shirt as I wait for his response. Similarly to Maddy, I never knew what I was getting from him.
“Yeah.” He replies simply with a small sigh, his head turning to look at me as my bottom lip wobbles. His eyebrows pull together at the sight, not typically used to seeing me in a vulnerable state. My guard was always up around him, not wanting him to get an ‘in’, but right now, after the day I had, I couldn’t keep up the barricades that separated me from my brother.
“Do you remember Elliot?” I ask quietly, my voice barely above a whisper as his eyes squint, trying his hardest to piece the puzzle pieces together in his brain. After a moment, realization passes through his gaze, his head bobbing in a nod. “He must’ve moved here because he’s now best friends with Rue and Jules.” I whisper bitterly, a tear falling from my eye and onto the comforter below me. “He pretended to not know me, Nate.” I pout, Nate’s face softening briefly. “And I know we don’t talk, I know you don’t get me or my feelings or any thought process that goes through my head. But it fucking hurt. And no one knows about him. I never told Rue and Jules about him, I didn’t even tell Maddy.” I sigh, reaching up to rub my eyes with my fists. Nate lets out an exasperated sigh, his hand reaching over to pat the top of my head.
“Do you want me to punch him?” He asks briefly, a loud teary laugh leaving my lips at his words. “Cuz I could really use someone to hit right now, especially if they fucking deserve it.” He chuckles, my head shaking as I roll my eyes playfully. “You act like I didn’t see how mopey and miserable you were after we left. I’m not that terrible of a brother.” He points out, bumping his elbow against my side as I snort.
“You threw a ceramic bowl at my head.” I add, deadpanning as I look over at him. His mouth opens to say something, but closes quickly after realizing I’m completely right.
“That’s valid, yeah.” He whispers with a small laugh. “You broke my nose, don’t think I haven’t forgotten about that.” He remembers with an offended gasp, a smirk on his lips as I roll my eyes, rolling over onto my stomach to look at him.
“You deserved it!” I giggle, shoving him as he huffs. “But seriously, you don’t need to punch him. I’m sure he’d be surprised to see you though. He was always afraid of you when we were kids.” I explain, his eyes widening at my words, obviously surprised. “Yeah, all of my other friends were too busy being in love with you while he was busy being utterly terrified of you.” I snicker, my face falling to rest in my hands.
“I think that’s like my job as an older brother, right? Scaring the punks who are in love with my sister?” He asks, my head shaking as I frown sadly at his false memory of Elliot's feelings towards me. “It’s probably why he was so mad at you when we moved, Y/n.” He adds, my eyes looking at him intently to make sure he’s not fucking with me. Now, Nate’s stupid but he does have a point. That would explain a lot.
“Whatever.” I deflect, my mind deciding to put that on the back burner for the moment. “I don’t know what to do. Right now I’m just going to ignore them all.” I huff, his head bobbing in an agreeable nod. “I’m a real Jacobs’ now, ignoring my problems, hoping and praying that they’ll go away.” I chuckle, Nate’s eyes rolling as he grins.
But the grin doesn’t last long, his eyebrows pulling together in frustration, his lips pulling down into a conflicted frown. I watch as a series of emotions pass over his face, worry filling my belly as I wait for him to speak. “Nate?” I whisper softly, catching his attention as his eyes flicker over to me, his chest rising in a deep, strenuous breath.
“I don’t know how to tell you this without you thinking I’m fucking crazy or something. I can’t tell you why I know this or how. I just need to tell someone and I can’t talk to Aaron.” He huffs, my head nodding slowly in a silent promise. I watch as he bites the inside of his cheek nervously, his eyes focusing on his ceiling as he continues. “I think dad might be gay. No, I know he’s gay.” He says calmly, my eyes blinking at him rapidly as I process his words. I’m sorry… say what? “I can’t tell you yet why I think that, I just-” He cuts himself off, dragging a hand over his face as he sighs. “I’ve been holding onto that for a fucking while and I needed to tell you. I know I give you a ton of shit but you’re smart, so.” He trails off, my jaw slack as I think over his words.
You know what? Now that he mentions that, I can kind of see it.
If it was true, it would mean that he’s like the most stereotypical closeted gay. The type that shoves that side of him down, fucks women, and has a family that he ends up hating. He was a fucking wrestler in high school. That says enough about his sexuality. He never kisses my mother, hugs her, anything. He was very tough, never hugging or spending time with me especially but he was different with Aaron. He didn’t like Nate or I but he resented Aaron and I’ve heard him say it with my own ears. He seems to almost resent my mom sometimes too but I know that he got her pregnant with Aaron when they were still teenagers. They were barely even together too. My mom would tell me the story about how she originally met my dad watching him wrestle with his best friend. How in love she immediately was and how much she wanted him. I always thought that was sweet, but now with Nate’s confession, how sure he seems, the proof that he’s unable to tell me, it makes it seem a whole lot less sweet. That would also mean that my dad never really had the time to branch out, explore, get to know himself. And in the day and age that he grew up, I wouldn’t put it past him.
That’s sad.
“Y/n?” Nate’s voice snaps me out of my thoughts, my body flopping back onto the bed as I sigh. “You think I’m right, don’t you?” He asks, sitting up straighter to look down at me, his eyes hopeful. The worry on his face, how distraught he looked at school, it made me wonder how long he had been holding onto this for. Was it months? Years?
It made my issues with Elliot almost seem microscopic.
“Yeah, I think you have a valid case.” I whisper, a relieved sigh leaving Nate’s lips as he rests his head in his hands. I sit up, my eyes watching him as he lets out a shuttered sigh. I gently raise my hand, patting his back as he groans. “I’m glad you told me. Better have both of us worried about it instead of one of us just panicking silently.” I snort, his head nodding as he sends me a sorry smile.
“You’re not that bad of a sister, you know that, right?” He asks softly, my shoulders shrugging as my heart drops. He gently reaches over, wrapping an arm around my shoulder to pull me into his side. “You don’t get enough credit for putting up with me.” He whispers, a snort leaving my lips.
“I’m well aware. I deserve a fucking award for putting up with your ass, Nathaniel.” I giggle, poking his arm as he shoves me onto the ground with a chuckle. My body hits the floor with a thump, his eyes squinting as he laughs, a fake frown appearing on my lips. I pout as I writhe around on the floor, a fake cry leaving my lips. “Mom! Nate pushed me!” I yell, Nate immediately swearing under his breath, knowing that our mom is going to take that statement seriously. She had separated us during fistfights, so maybe it was kind of mean to bring her into this joke. Nate bursts out in laughter as he looks towards the door, the sound of my mothers footsteps up the stairs making us both freeze. Giggles leave my lips as Nate rushes off the bed, tripping over me to open the door before my mom can. I watch as she looks between Nate and I, her hands on her hips as the two giggle. She sighs with a quiet scoff, shaking her head.
“If someone would’ve told me that my two youngest kids would get alone, I’d be shocked.” She says simply, Nate turning to grin at me as I sit up, looking at my mom with a shrug.
“This only means we’re gonna start ganging up on you.” I wink at my mother, her eyes rolling as she turns around, leaving as quickly as she came. Nate looks back at me with a tight lipped smile, his eyes wide as he shuts his door. “I think we scared her.” I whisper, watching as he throws his head back in laughter. He leans against the door again, my laughter quieting down as I recall my previous issues. Nate picks up on the attitude change in the room, a small, sad sigh leaving his lips at the sight of my pout.
“I know there’s nothing we can do about dad right now but. The thing with you and Elliot can be handled." He points out suddenly, my intrigued gaze looking up at him, waiting. "Just kill him with kindness. Hang out with Rue and Jules, flirt with douchebags in front of him. Make him come to you.” Nate shrugs, his advice making my head spin with new thoughts and ideas. “We Jacobs’ know how to fake it till we fucking make it.” He winks, my head nodding knowingly as I try my best to come up with a plan in my head for the following school day. He was completely right. Nothing would piss Elliot off more than if I treated him like his presence doesn't impact me. If I treated him how he's been treating me. My thoughts don’t get very far before Nate is clearing his throat, nodding to the door. “Okay, sibling bonding time is over. Get out of my fucking room.”
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june-babys-world · 3 years
calculated risks pt.1
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p.s Italics is rue narrating
Also I've never written a fic before so I feel like this is bad ahah  
part two - https://wanda-bucky-steve.tumblr.com/post/677085233269653504/calculated-risks-pt2
part three - https://wanda-bucky-steve.tumblr.com/post/677109601624276992/calculated-risks-pt3
part four- https://wanda-bucky-steve.tumblr.com/post/677121598719983617/calculated-risks-pt4
part five- https://wanda-bucky-steve.tumblr.com/post/677219365993742336/calculated-risks-pt5
fez x reader 
‘my dad and Nate had a fight last night’  
‘shit really?’ rue said as she exhales the pull of her joint  
‘yeah, I don’t even know what it was about I just heard screaming so I went to see what the noise was and my dad had pinned Nate to the ground and Nate was just, god I don’t even know he was just Crying hitting his head on the ground and my dad was just sat there staring in shock until he got up and walked over to me and just said close your door sweetheart don’t worry about it then went into his office’ as y/n said this she looked up at the dark sky filled with stars wishing she could stop existing or at least be a different person
‘what did you do’ asked rue
‘I closed my door, Nate was throwing shit and screaming, I don’t know it really scared me’
‘man, I don’t even know what to say, I’m way to high for this right now’ rue exhaled slowly sinking further into the grass and closing her glazed over eyes  
‘okay’ y/n whispered with tears falling from her eyes gazing to her side to see the only friend she had in this world oblivious to what was really happening behind closed doors.  
Looking back to that day I wish I had been sober, or at least less high so I could have comforted her or shit I don’t know I could have given her a hug and said that everything would be okay even if neither of us believed it… y/n was one of my best friends, she was always there for me no matter what and she never judged me for doing drugs, she said she kind of got it, she understood why I would do them at least, now that I think about it, she understood cause her life was so fucked up sometimes she wished that she could escape like I did, but her dad would go psycho if he found out and she was on the track team so she had like random drugs tests to make sure they weren’t using steroids or some shit, she told me once that she could never do drugs and forget for a little while like I could but she could control every little detail of her life, she said she had to be perfect. y/n didn’t have many friends and her family didn’t care as long as she did well on track and had good grades you know kept up the image of the perfect Jacobs family, so no one really noticed when she stopped being herself… I would have if I wasn’t high, I know I would have.  
‘lets go, get in the car’ Nate yelled from the front door as y/n was sat at the kitchen counter pushing around her breakfast  
‘what? Why? Dad always drives me to school’
‘yeah well he said I had to so get in the fucking car’  
y/n would never say this to anyone because of their families image but Nate scared her and not in the sense that younger sisters are scared of their older brother cause they think they’ll tease them or playfully hit them, no y/n was scared that Nate would really hurt her, there had been times where y/n though Nate was actually going to kill her, so she always did as he said and she avoided him but if she had to spend time with him like today she would sit in the car silently, speak only when spoken to and pray that today wouldn’t be the day he lost his temper.  
‘hey, can we hang out after school I don’t wanna be in my house right now’ I said while looking through my locker from my history text book
‘yeah, I need to go get some more pills though, you can come with’ rue had these sunglasses on today I guess cause she doesn’t want people to see that she’s high or maybe it’s because she’s not high and the light hurts her eyes I don’t know  
‘um, I don’t know if I wanna be around some sketchy dealer that gonna like hold me at gun point and force me to do heroin’  
‘bro, you watch way to many of those murder documentaries, he’s chill I promise, no guns and no heroin’ rue says while smiling at me amused  
‘okay if you promise I guess’ I say unsure while walking towards my class telling rue ill meet her by our bikes at the end of the day  
‘how do you ride your bike high? I feel like I already fall off and I’m sober’ I say laughing which makes my bike swerve  
‘I mean I have a rule now that I can bike high cause I kept crashing and shit’
‘really?’ I say trying to hold in my laughter as we park our bikes outside a random store
‘yeah, didn’t I tell you about that time I rode my bike straight into a garage door’  
‘rue that’s so stupid’ I say laughing while walking into the store looking at the drinks
‘I was high, that not stupid’
‘one could argue that getting on the bike in the first place was the stupid thing to do’
‘really? Getting on the bike not takin’ the drugs’ a new voice joins in smiling at us  
‘no she doesn’t do drugs! We were talking about a movie about a girl who rides bikes while high, its one of those indie ones you know, super weird storyline, really heart felt though’ I’m shitting myself thinking that some shop keeper has just heard us saying that rue does drugs, I mean a lot of people know that she does drugs, Nate knows but he’s never told my parents cause quite frankly he’s doesn’t care about my life, sometimes I think he hopes rue will get me hooked on some drug and ill OD and die then his life would be slightly better, its sad to think but I’m just thankful he doesn’t tell my dad or id never be able to see rue again and she like one of my only friends other than Lexi.  
‘yo, y/n chill that’s fez the guy I’m literally buying the drugs from’ rue says gasping for breath laughing.
‘oh, well’ the sentence dies from my mouth as I speak not knowing what to say or what to think, this guy doesn’t look like a drug dealer, I was imaging this massive old man with tattoos everywhere and like gold teeth, but this guys is young he can’t be that much older than us, in fact he looks sweet as he gives me a small smile while talking to rue, I give him a small smile back while blushing and looking down and my dirty air forces cursing myself for staring a second too long.  
‘y/n wait here I won’t be long then we can go do something okay?’
‘okay’ I whisper while nodding feeling nervous to be left alone with a new person, I’ve never been good at meeting new people that probably why my only friends are rue and Lexi who I’ve known since kindergarten so I’ve never really had to make friends  
‘hey you that girl on Rues phone, that picture of you with cake all over yo face’ he says smiling like he’s remembering the photo
‘oh yeah, that was my birthday cake’
‘word’ he says nodding slowly ‘so you got a name?’
‘you gonna tell me it?’
‘shit ma, this is a new level of hard to get for real’
‘oh no I wasn’t, I mean I, um, y/n, my name, that’s my name, my name is y/n’ I’m now bright red feeling like I want to cry, how am I such an idiot god why cant I speak  
‘sorry’ I whisper while hanging my head low
‘nah you good don’t worry, I’m fez’  
‘hi’ I again whisper, god y/n talk normally  
‘hi, you want a coke I just got a new case in’
‘oh I don’t do drugs’
‘shit you funny, nah like a can of coke the drink ma’
‘oh yeah obviously, sorry, um yeah okay thank you’
He turns around and gets two coke from behind the counter handing me one and jumping up to sit upon the counter in the shop  
‘I’m sorry, I don’t really meet new people or talk to people really, I only talk to rue and lexi and I’ve know both of them since I was like a baby so its easy’
‘its okay, I mean I’m kinda surprised we haven’t met sooner like I’ve never seen you at parties or anything’
‘yeah that’s not really my scene’  
‘shit, you one of them good girls aren’t you?’
‘no I’m not’ I say slightly offended, I’m not some stuck up prissy good girl I just follow the rules
‘you so are’ says rue as she emerges from behind one of the refrigerator doors  
‘no I’m not I’m just calculated in my risk taking’ I say defensively  
‘yeah name one risk you’ve ever taken’ challenges rue smugly  
‘I never wear a helmet on my bike, oh and I got a B on my history paper last week’ I say proudly thinking I’ve proven my point  
‘wow y/n you cute’ says fez chuckling making me blush profusely  
What y/n didn’t know was that even though she didn’t think she was a good girl from this point on that label became less and less accurate, her risks became less calculated and she finally started to let go of always trying to be perfect and there was only one person to blame, fez and maybe a little me as well cause lets be honest she’s best friends with a drug addict.  
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pixelated-pogues · 3 years
Undesired Vacancy (Fezco)
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Summary: There's a vacancy in his life where you'd typically sit after an argument over beating Nate Jacobs at the New Years Eve party. Pairing: Fezco x reader Inspired by: Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High by Arctic Monkeys Warnings: mentions of weed and alcohol, cursing, argument, mentions of Rue's overdose. Gif Creds: @euphoriabrasil
The mirror's image, it tells me it's home time But I'm not finished, 'cause you're not by my side And as I arrived I thought I saw you leavin', carryin' your shoes Decided that once again I was just dreamin' of bumpin' into you
Wiping his hands on the towel hanging from the wall, Fez meets his own gaze in the pristine mirror in front of him. His palms meet the cool granite of the counter, alleviating some of the pressure weighing on his shoulders with an exhausted sigh. He studies himself silently for a few moments, his cerulean eyes taking in all of the evident signs that he's worn out from the shitty week that had ensued, with a heavy mind. He's ready to tap out and ignore his responsibilities for the next three months to give himself time to recover.
"Shit man," he whispers to himself, dragging his phone out of his pocket long enough to shoot Ash a text.
To: Lil Tray Finish up whatever business you got goin on right now and let's get the hell outta here. Ima head to the car in a few.
With that, his phone is shoved back into his pocket and he's staring at the mirror again. It had been an off night, business was good as per usual, but the night felt like a dud without you lurking around, randomly popping in to keep him company. It's been days since he's seen you, yet the sting from the argument that lead to your vacancy still feels as strong as it did when your furied words pierced his heart a little too deeply just before you stormed out of the apartment and slammed the door. An exasperated sigh leave's Fez's lips as the moment of you shouting at him with tears rolling down your cheeks replays in his mind and he flinches as he remembers the sound of you slamming the door.
He'd gone into the party tonight worried and hoping that he'd see you, and he could've sworn he caught a glimpse of you sauntering out of the house with your shoes clutched tightly in your hands when he pulled up with Ashtray. Yet, just as quickly as he'd seen you, you were gone by the time he gave the front door a second glance, leaving him to believe that all the weed was finally getting to his head.
Now it's three in the mornin' and I'm tryin' to change your mind Left you multiple missed calls and to my message, you reply "Why'd you only call me when you're high?"
From: Lil Tray I’ve been in the car for 10 minutes, u good?
“Shit,” Fez mumbles again, shoving his phone in his back pocket, sparing one last glance at himself before pulling open the door, quickly making his way out of the house. Bidding people goodbye in passing, several familiar faces asking if he’s got anything they could snag before he heads out. They’re all waved off without a second glance as he beelines towards the door, ready to bask in the silence of the apartment, or numb himself with weed while Ash puts on his favorite show.
Fez doesn’t say anything in response to Ashtray’s questioning look when he climbs in the car. Instead, he greets him by dabbing him up before putting the car in drive and speeding down the road.
“Business was good. Pretty sure McKay’s friend group came to see me four times before the night was over,” Ash fills him in after several moments of silence, his eyes scanning over his brothers features to try to pinpoint the unspoken emotions that have Fezco white-knuckling the steering wheel in silence.
“That’s good Ash,” Fez shoots the younger boy a proud smile, sliding a leftover joint out from behind his ear, gladly accepting Ash’s offer to light it up. “You’re always kickin ass with the sales at these parties. You know ma would be proud.” Ash nods, clearly glad to accept the words Fez shared with him before shifting to look out the window to observe the familiar streets of their town.
Fezco’s thoughts inevitably trail back to you as the car whips past spots that hold memories with you, which is damn near every spot in town. It’s a rarity that you’re not curled up in the backseat tonight. You’ve spent more time with the boys than you have with your own family for as long as he remembers, which is why everywhere Fez looks poses as a reminder of you and makes him more aware that you aren’t around.
As tired as he is, he tosses and turns in his bed for hours after the party. The house felt too quiet and his bed felt too cold without you tucked into his side. With a disheartened sigh, he blindly reaches for his phone, squinting to make at the time while his eyes adjust to the brightness of the screen. 3 am, it read, adding the the annoyance eating at his chest.
To: My Girl Y/n, I know we’re both stubborn and are letting our pride get in the way of putting this shit behind us. We both said shit we didn’t mean, and I’m ready to let it go if you are. I miss you baby, please just…talk to me.
Fez huffs, letting his phone fall on the mattress next to him, silently praying that you’re awake and ready to talk. It doubtful, seeing as it’s a Friday night and you’re probably drunk with the girls, but he’s hopeful that he’ll be able to hear your voice before he falls asleep. He’s never left so many voicemails on someone’s phone, that’s the number one indicator that he’s down bad, but he chooses not to think about that too hard. The warning from his grandma about love wafts through his mind momentarily before wasting away, allowing room for other thoughts to take their place.
And I can't see you here, wonderin' where am I It sort of feels like I'm runnin' out of time I haven't found all I was hopin' to find
Fez isn't the type to spend his time hoping and waiting that things will look up in his favor, nor is he the typical type to spend his nights wondering if someone else is thinking about him too, but over the past few days, as soon as the lights are off and he's all alone, it's all he seems to be able to do.
As soon as the stars take over the sky, and his head hits the pillow, his mind starts wandering through endless fake scenarios and in which things are okay, in which the argument never happened, or he's dreaming about you knocking on his door crying and spilling a string of apologies into his chest.
He hates to admit it, but he's not even that upset about the way you're constantly running through his mind. It helps alleviate some of the hurt that he hasn't physically seen you because he's constantly meeting you in his thoughts, both of you saying all of the words needing to be said and everything in between.
Yet, the longer you remain silent, the more his hope depletes and the more your responses in his scenarios sound like his own voice trying to convince him that things are going to be oaky. Part of him thinks that you hit your breaking point with him and are refusing to reach out because you're finally done. Another part of him believes that the longer you stay silent, the more time is running out for the two of you to fix things. Yet, his typical thought process is consumed with believing that things are going to be okay, though his thoughts don't exactly do the best at convincing him that that's the truth.
You guys have fought plenty of times, but never like you did the other night. Neither of you are the type to lose control, but you both completely lost your cool and seemed to tear the other to shreds in the process.
"The problem is that you didn't think Fez, God I swear sometimes you just forget to think before you make rash decisions," you'd shouted trailing into the house behind him, haphazardly slamming the door behind you. Ashtray, who'd been tired of the tension and bantering on the way home from McKay's party, silently retreated to his room knowing Fez would appreciate the privacy.
"The hell is that supposed to mean," he'd grumbled, dumping the car keys on the kitchen table before facing you, eyebrows pulled together in a tight glare. "I didn't make any rash decisions, I did what I needed to do to take care of my family. I thought you, of all people, would understand that."
"How in the hell is beating Nate Jacobs to a pulp taking care of your family, Fez," you laughed in disbelief, "His dad owns half of the fucking town. What are we going to do when he comes after you? There's no way in hell Cal Jacobs is going to be sweet-talked out of trying to throw your ass in jail after this."
"Thank you so much for the vote of confidence, Y/n," Fez rolled his eyes, taking a swig from a beer you hadn't even realized he'd picked up. "I'm so glad to have your support."
"Don't you dare," you growled, eyes wide with a single finger pointed in his direction. "You know damn well I support you, you don't get to mock that now that you made a shitty choice. Not after all of the times I've went to bat for you."
"You make it sound like such a chore," he noted, putting his beer down on the counter. "If my lifestyle is such a burden to you, then why don't you just leave?" Fez silently cursed himself when his words registered in his head. Someone in their right mind doesn't just offer their girlfriend a ticket to walk out of their life. He's angry at her for not just being able to trust that what he'd done to Nate was for good reason, but he doesn't want her to leave.
"That isn't fair," you sighed, displaying a slightly betrayed expression. "You don't get to project how you think I feel onto me. I feel like I'm trying to be understanding here Fez, I'm just worried that you haven't thought about the repercussions this time." You'd silently tried de-escalating the conversation, wanting nothing more than to just climb to bed, but the dull ache in your chest told you that the conversation isn't close to being over.
"So what, I'm just supposed to watch Nate fuck with Rue and her friends without doin anything about it? Just because you're worried that his dad is going to talk?" Fez knew he was being unreasonable, but that didn't stop him from pushing the argument further. Maybe it was extra pent-up frustration that he'd walked out of the party while Jacobs still had a pulse or maybe it was the inkling in his mind telling him that you were right, but his pride wasn't willing to let you be right this time.
"Oh my god, why am I even trying," you laughed incredulously, pulling your hands through your hair in frustration. "It's always the same argument. It feels like we're just talking in circles here. Why is it that Rue is always the one you're willing to ruin your own safety and security for? Why does it always have to be your fight when it comes to her?"
"She's my family, Y/n. You know better than anyone else how I feel about taking care of my family," Fez tried reasoning, trying to get you to remember that he doesn't just beat people in cold blood without reason. "And I'm real tired of Jacobs feelin like he can stir shit up without any consequences."
"Okay but if you're all about taking care of your family, then why'd you keep feeding her addiction knowing fully well that she was barely treading water and losing control. You deal with enough addicts to know all of the warning signs, so if you're so concerned about her well-being, why do you keep fulfilling her need for drugs? Even after she nearly killed herself with the ones you sold her at the beginning of the summer," the rebuttal slipped out of your mouth before you could register what you were saying. The heat of the moment, the worry of impending repercussions of Fezco's actions, killing your ability to fully filter what was going to come out of your mouth. You faltered then, knowing you went too far, your entire demeanor shifting at the realization that you'd let the words you knew would hurt him slip.
Fez's jaw clenched, his beer discarded on the counter with a loud smack before his battered hands clenched into a fist. Rue's addiction was a touchy subject to Fez. A subject that you knew not to discuss unless it came up, fully aware of the weight Fez has carried ever since she overdosed at the beginning of the summer.
"I fucking knew you were holdin that over my head," he hissed, visibly growing more angry as the words fell off his tongue. "You really have the whole, sweet supportive girlfriend bullshit down to a T, ma. You've had us both so convinced that you're this sweet person that can never do anything wrong but it's bullshit. You're bullshit ma."
"Fez," you murmured, stepping towards him in hopes to fix the damage you'd done. You were just worried about him, you never intended for things to come here. "I don't hold it over your head. I swear I don't. It just slipped and-"
"You got to go, Y/n," he interrupted, crossing his arms over his chest without looking at you.
"What?" You breathed, tears welling up in your eyes at the clear hurt displayed on his face. "Fez please just-"
"Get the fuck out of my face and go," he shouted, sending you flinching into the counter behind you. The hurt transitioned into a furious glare, his cheeks tinted and angry pink as he pointed towards the door. "I don't want to look at you right now, ma. And I sure as hell don't want your lame ass excuses now that you know that you fucked up and aren't the perfectly pleasant little queen you crack yourself out to be. You clearly can't go a day without holding my lifestyle over my head, so go, cause things aren't changing any time soon."
You let those words sink in for a few moments before you said anything else, your heart heavy due to the weight and stresses the night had presented. "Okay," you sighed, wiping a single tear off of your flushed cheek. "But for the record, I don't hold anything over your head, I was just trying to understand because I'm worried about all of these seemingly rash decisions that don't seem like you. That don't seem like the guy I've grown to love." With that, you left without sparing him a second glance, slipping off the green sweater he'd let you borrow and dropping it by the door.
Fez remembers how that sweater had stayed where you left it since it had been carelessly dropped on the floor that day. He likes to keep the apartment tidy, but couldn't bare to move it, so it stayed there as a reminder of the words both of you dropped on each other that night. He inevitably cringes as he recounts the things he'd laid on you in anger, and he wishes you were there so he could flip them around. You are many things, but bullshit sure isn't one of them, lil ma.
He sinks further into the comfort of his bed, fully expecting for the rabbit trail of thoughts to continue unfolding, but his head shoots over in surprise at the sound of his text tone pinging through the silence.
Somewhere darker, talkin' the same shite I need a partner, well, are you out tonight? It's harder and harder to get you to listen More I get through the gears Incapable of makin' alright decisions, and havin' bad ideas
From: my girl My fingers have been itching to call you all night. Now it’s 3 am and I’m well past the point of making decisions I’m going to like in the morning. Seems like a good opportunity to talk while my heart is talking louder than my head. Wanna go for a drive?
A sigh of relief escapes his chest, his shoulders feeling three times lighter at the words displayed in the screen. His fingers immediately ghost over the keys as he drags himself out of bed, not bothering to change before he’s quietly exiting the house, shooting Ash a text in case he wakes up before he gets back. Fez drives down the open road with the windows down, holding his breath when your silhouette comes into view. You’re waiting for him at the stop sign down the road from your house like you always do. The car is in park long enough for you to climb in, neither of you bothering to say anything as he continues down the road in the direction of your usual late night spot.
He doesn’t have to look at you to know that you’re staring at him, fingers playing with the hem of the hoodie hanging off of your frame. Your eyes shoot to the window when he glances your way as if you’re embarrassed he caught you. The tension in the car is new for both of you, arguments being a rare occurrence in your dynamic. You open your mouth to speak, but close it when he puts the car in park, shifting so that you know you have his full attention.
“I meant what I said on the phone,” he begins, turning the radio down so he can hear you. The dim lamps in the abandoned parking lot cast a soft glow on your features, if things didn’t feel so awkward he would’ve pulled you into his chest and told you that you look beautiful. But he doesn’t. While you’re still his, your harsh words replay like symphonies in his head acting as a reminder that you guys have shit to work out.
“I know,” you hum, tugging your knees up to your chest with a sigh. “I’m sorry it took me so long to respond. It’s just, I know that what I said the other day was shitty and I’ve felt like I lost the right to apologize.”
“You haven’t lost your right to nothin, ma,” he replies sincerely, picking at a loose thread on his sweats. “Feelin like that ain’t no reason to lose us over. Least in my opinion. We both said things we knew would hurt in the heat of the moment, but I’m not gonna let that keep me from havin you.” Your lips curve into a sad smile at his words, reminding you of the hurtful things he’d said to you. You’ve spent the last several days ignoring his messages because you’d taken all of the blame for the argument on yourself. Opting to punish yourself by getting in the way of making things better in hopes that it’d keep you from hurting him again.
“Do you ever wonder if we’re not good for each other? Or maybe that I’m not good for you?” You’re surprised as the words slip off of your tongue, the alcohol in your system cancelling out your usual filter. A labored breath gets caught in your throat as you fear his answer to the question. Of course Fez hadn’t ever thought that exactly. His lifestyle made him question why you chose to associate with him, and he often reminded himself that he wasn’t good for you, but he never questioned if you were good for him. He knows damn well that you’re too good for him and that he’s lucky you give him the time of day.
“Nah,” he shakes his head, leaning forward just to be closer to you. “You must be on somethin if you’re thinkin like that. That’s crazy talk, Y/n.” You blink at him when he pauses again, the statement lightening the heaviness in your heart a little. “We may not be perfect, but we fit too well into each other’s lives for me to believe we’re bad for each other. A fight doesn’t just change that.” You nod in understanding, trying to find the right words to communicate how sorry you feel for saying what you did, but you keep drawing a blank. Fez studies you for a few seconds, watching a silent battle go on in your mind before he reaches out to touch you, feeling accomplished when his touch rips you away from your thoughts as his fingers graze the soft skin on your cheek.
“Are you going to keep acting like you’re afraid to look at me, or are you gonna let me kiss you so we can put all that behind us and move on,” he’s so close now that you can feel his breath faintly fan across your face. Your eyes flicker down to his lips, meeting his eyes once more, before you break the space between you and let your kiss say everything your words are failing to.
He hums at the feeling, gripping your jaw as everything else melts away.
“I really am sorry,” you tell him after pulling away, your foreheads resting against each other. “What I said was out of line. I hope you know I didn’t mean it.”
“I know,” he promises, lips grazing the curve of your lips. “I’m sorry for what I said too. Didn't mean any of it, just let the moment get in the way." You fingers dance over the soft skin on his chest, his cerulean eyes meeting yours in the dimly lit car as he leans further into your gentle touch. "I know there's more we gotta talk through, but what do you say we put a pin in it and go home?"
You nod in agreement, leaning in to kiss him once more before getting comfortable in your seat as he puts the car in drive and heads down the familiar streets to the apartment. His hand finds its home on your thigh, the simple gesture warming your heart in knowing that it's his simple way of promising you that he's there.
Things are far from perfect, but they'll be okay.
A/N: This one ran away from me a little, but I kinda like it...so I hope you guys do too <3 feedback is always welcome and appreciated. If you guys have any Fez concepts you'd like to see me write, feel free to shoot me a message. Also, if you want to be added to my Euphoria taglist, let me know <3 All the love.
Taglist: @milkiane @glodessa @goldenroutledge @curlyolly @styxiasstuff @soccerximagines
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mrvlbimbo · 3 years
it's complicated: chapter one
Fezco x reader
Masterlist here
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Fuck off, Nate Jacobs
Nate Jacobs was downright evil. Anyone who knew him knew this. His girlfriends and hookups, his friends, and random people he went to school with. Although rumors bounced around, Nate never got in trouble for anything he did. This only served to make him feel invincible and drive him to worse actions.
So yeah Nate Jacobs was evil, but evil doesn’t come from nowhere. For Nate you can point to his family. His father, Cal Jacobs, was a bad man and he was a powerful man too. His father’s father was the same heartless manipulator as his father. And Cal’s brother was the same way. Basically the entire family was fucked from day one.
Cal’s brother had one daughter. She was adopted because his wife found out she was infertile a while into their marriage. Nate and her grew up together. Her parent’s relationship was rocky and her home life wasn’t great, so many of her summers were spent in East Highland.
Her upbringing was strikingly similar to her cousin’s. The two of them were mirrors of each other. They had the same dark gaze and sharp features. There was a cold calculating intelligence to the way they both acted.
There was so much pain beneath the surface of their capable exteriors. But beneath her pain there was also a softness. An uncanny ability to care for others the way she was never cared for.
She wasn’t nice. That’s not at all what she was like. She was mean and rude and almost emotionless. But anger jumped out of her uncaring facade when the people she cared about were threatened.
Nate had that same anger but he didn’t think to control it. People who knew him knew that he hurt people too much for it to be an accident.
Hardship had thrown them together as children. Protecting her younger cousin from the cruel mess of their world was a burden on the young woman.
There was a feeling of failure when she saw what he had become. She saw his father and her father when she looked at him.
So when she heard he had been in trouble with the law for abusing his girlfriend, she wasn’t surprised. At first all she felt was anger.
This anger drove her to pack everything in her small LA apartment into a few suitcases and speed all the way to East Highland.
“I’m gonna fucking kill him,” repeated over and over in her head as she drove. She got to his house at 3:00 in the morning.
She picked up a rock from the ground and threw it at his window. No response. There’s no way he was asleep. There’s no way he could be asleep after this. So she picked up another rock and threw that one as well. Still no response. She threw another.
Anger filled her tired mind. She continued to shovel rocks from the ground and chuck them at the window rapid fire.
“You’re gonna break the window dumbass.” Nate stepped out of the darkness beside the house.
There was a grin on his face to pair with his ridicule. She stomped over to him, her anger increasing tenfold. “What the FUCK is wrong with you?!“ she screamed, slapping him hard across the face.
His hand came up to cradle his cheek. “Fuck. Ow.” He glared down at her and rolled his eyes.
She kicked him in the shin hard and groaned. “You choked your girlfriend? Like some kinky bdsm mother fucker. You literally just fucked everything up.” By the time she finished her voice had grown to a yell.
Nate looked down at his feet, speaking softly. “Cal will handle it, don’t worry about me.”
She landed another blow to his leg. Her eyes burned into his. “I’m not worried about you. What about that poor girl?” she interrogated.
“Maddy’s fine. She understands,” he said.
She had never met Maddy. Because of her parents, she had stayed in East Highland for her High School years. She mostly hung out with kids her own age and Nate hadn’t started dating Maddy until his sophomore year, after she graduated.
Despite not knowing her, she intimately understood what it was like to love someone like Nate.
She grabbed his face, her nails digging into his jaw harshly to tilt his eyes down to her. “She shouldn’t have to understand you abusing her. Deal with your own shit before you put it on other people,” she scolded.
He shook his head to get out of her grasp. “So why are you even back in town?” He had always been good at changing the subject, especially when someone was trying to hold him accountable.
She sighed and looked away. “I just needed to see you,” she explains. Despite his awful and cruel nature there was still a part of her that needed to protect him.
Before she tried to hit him again, she started to walk back to her car. Before she could get too far he grabbed her arm. “I know I fucked up,” he pleaded.
She ripped her arm away and fixed him with another glare. “Yeah, you did. Figure it out. Fix this shit. You need to leave her alone. You’re a fucking psychopath,” she spat.
“So where are you going now?” he questioned, realizing there was no way she was forgiving him anytime soon.
She kept walking but before she was out of earshot she turned back and said, “Fuck off Nate. Go to sleep.”
A/N hiiiiii guys, chapter 2 is already written and I’ll post that in a quick minute once I format it and everything. Dw there will be plenty of Fez in the next chapter <3333
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sluttyhusband · 2 years
Hey I love your writing and I want to know if you can do another Nate Jacobs x male reader. Maybe the male reader has two younger brothers who are 5 and 7 years old their parents neglect them so he takes care of his siblings a lot like he is the parent. Nate starts to realize how tired his boyfriend is and always worried if he's okay but the reader reassured him that he ok. But one day he found the reader crying in the bathroom to find out that he was taking care of his younger brothers and crying about he didn't have a place to stay. Who Nate holds him and comforting him telling that him and his brothers can stay that his house.
Sorry but I no longer write for Nate, cuz I was like, "lowkey my fics make him sound like a good guy when he's shit" so yeah, sorry.
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infernalodie · 3 years
𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐞 || 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐬
“𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘨𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘖𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘰 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦“
Inspo: Kaleo - Backbone
Pairing: Nate Jacobs x youngerbrother!reader x slight Maddy Perez
Summary: Loyalty had been ingrained into your bones by your fathers and brothers teachings. Willing to sacrifice everything for the ones you loved when it was right. But you didn’t realize that where that loyalty started with you and ended with you.
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Warning: Manipulation, Nate being a pussy, and beating.
Words 731
“Loyalty runs deeper than anything else, Y/n,” your father used to tell you. “That is where the love of family comes from. Never forget that.”
You didn’t. In fact, it had been so drilled into your mind that it drove every decision you made since you were just a child. Helping Nate with homework, you did it. Defend your brother from teachers, you did it. Jump into fights Nate was in, you were in the thick of it.
Everything you have ever done, was to defend your pack. Show your love by your willingness to throw yourself into situations where you may have not been needed. But it sure as hell did create an already unbreakable bond with Nate. So much so that he trusted you with information that you may have never needed to know.
For example, your fucking father fucked people and recorded it? Burning them onto disks and creating his own little creepy collection? After hearing that, you couldn’t look at your dad in the eye for weeks. Or the fact that Nate had assaulted Maddy, and you had defended him. It wasn’t even shock, it was purely just shame in yourself for letting something like that happen. Maddy was a friend of yours and you stood by and let it happen. You didn’t read into it or question your brother about it.
It just felt like the more you learned about your brother, the quicker you realized how deep you had dug yourself a hole. Placing you in a space that there wasn’t any way to clear your name as everything Nate did now hung over your head. But you continued either way. For loyalty in family.
But that was the thing, you could be easily manipulated. Everyone knew it. Just telling by the fact that you were always by Nate’s side during chaos. When he decided to call the police on Fez, you were helping report the crime. You hadn’t know at the time, but that may have been the biggest mistake you’ve ever made. Not only because Fez was your friend, but because of the repercussions.
Sitting with McKay, you two took shots back to back. Talking about school and all the normal shit you guys used to do when McKay attended East Highland. Just now, there was an unusual feeling in your stomach. Often causing you to look around the room and spot anything that may pop out as a red flag.
This constant feeling had been going on all night. A constant gnawing feeling at the pit of your stomach. Making your extremely nervous by everything that occurred around you and the shots of Vodka weren’t helping. They were still doing a decent job to numb the feeling for a little while.
But all it took for everything to spearhead downwards was the sound of yells grabbing your attention. Finding Fezco punching Nate after smashing a whole bottle over his head. And instinctively, you took off sprinting towards the fight.
“Fez!” You called, trying to pull him off. But you were fed an elbow to the jaw, sending you flying down to the ground. If that wasn’t bad enough, Fez had switched targets with you being his next victim.
Already pouncing on your and punching you ruthlessly. You cried out in agony as he had grabbed another bottle and hit you across the face with it. The size difference was very noticeable. You had never been the type of guy to lift weights and your height was a good two inches shorter than Fez. This was a losing battle and you could only hope Nate would come to the rescue.
But as your head snapped to the side, you caught sight of Nate walking away. Holding his head with blood tripping down from the many cuts on his temple. “Nate!” You cried out, only groaning when Fez punched you in the stomach.
You laid there, lifelessly, the pain coming to a very light pinch as your eyes grew heavier and heavier with each punch dealt by Fez. And all you could think about was your brother walking away. Walking away from you and the mess he had dragged you into. Only left to ensure the cries belonging to Maddy, pleading for Fez to stop and for you to stay awake for her.
Loyalty had a funny way of showing who truly cared.
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infernalodie · 2 years
𝐮𝐩 𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 || 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐳
“𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘌𝘢𝘴𝘺 𝘢𝘴 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦'𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘯𝘰 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥, 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺, 𝘐'𝘮 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳”
Inspo: Kehlani - up at night Kehlani - Feels
Paring: Maddy Perez x Fem!reader
Summary: Being the sister of Nate Jacobs, you were expected to be much like your heartless brother. But you were so much different and Maddy knew that she was hooked the first time she spoke to you.
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(gif used is not mine)
Warnings: Fluff, the tiniest bit of angst, size kink(?), praise kink, sexual tension, thigh riding, strap-on (r receiving), body praise, and very crazy smut.
Words 3753
Maddy knew she was in love with you when the first time she met you. This tiny, adorable, and fragile girl, who was a sister to the most popular guy in East Highland, Nate Jacobs.
Most had expected you to be as heartless as your brother, but you weren’t. There was a clear and blatant contrast between you and your older sibling. Perhaps it was the fact that you were just a year younger or it was the purity of your heart. Maybe it was the brightness in your eyes and the beaming smile you always wore.
Besides, Maddy didn’t question much of it or read into a lot of it. Especially when she was dating Nate. She would run into you around the house whenever she and Nate finished fucking. Sitting in an awkward atmosphere as you tried to make conversation that only made the issue more awkward than before.
It was clear a lot of it was forced. But Maddy could see that in the kind smiles given that all of it was fabricated. When she had asked Nate about it, he had told her that he told you to be nice and don’t be a bitch to her. So, in some way, Maddy felt guilty for making you have to listen to them fuck and have you act around her.
But it felt like the day after that conversation with Nate, she finally noticed you. If it was walking in the halls, eating in the cafeteria with Rue and Jules or just studying alone in quiet classrooms. Picking up on every little minor habit you had during and after school.
Like the way you sometimes had brain farts and accidentally put the milk inside the cabinet. To only lead to you cursing yourself and returning it to it’s respective place in the position. Or during school, your eyebrows would knit together in deep thought. Either in conversation or studying. Each respectively being cute in their own sense.
And it felt like right when Maddy truly saw you, she tried to have conversation with you. Instead of doing it after a night of you having to listen to her moan, she would take a few minutes to hangout with you. Talk about anything that came to mind. Just something to hear you talk and she gratefully given responses from you.
Other than that, the both of you slowly grew closer. Especially with how Nate’s outbursts seemed to get worse. Maddy hadn’t been the only victim of his anger, as you had been damn near tackled into a wall after you heard the news of Maddy having bruises around her neck after the carnival. The comment was around the lines of, “I hope the next girl doesn’t think twice and bites your dick off.” Apparently, Nate took that to heart and, although he didn’t tackle you into a wall, he did get a good shove in that cracked the dry wall.
Nonetheless, you ignored how your big brother would hurt you and focused on Maddy. Comforting her whenever you were called upon. Giving her a warm hug whenever she left your house after the incident until, finally, Nate and Maddy broke up. A relief to you as no girl should go through the things Nate put her through.
But there was a shift in the earth. Something changed and Maddy couldn’t figure it out. She continued through her days with you now in her life, hanging with her at parties and at her house. It may have been when the both of you dancing at McKay’s party that she finally realized what had been gnawing at her. Keeping her up at night and depriving her of a multitude of hours of rest.
There was something about you that made Maddy felt a gravitational pull whenever you were around. Perhaps it was the innocent look in your eyes. The fact that after a night with you, she could steal all of them away from you. Corrupt you and have her lips burned into your skin and tongue forever having forged your dripping pussy with her tongue.
Which had finally led to her asking you at Lexi’s play. Ambushing you with a kiss that you had melted into and wrapped your arms around her neck. Slightly standing up on her tippy toes to keep your lips connected.
Of course, as this wasn’t too long after the break up with Nate, you had been speculative of if this was just Maddy’s way of getting back at your brother. But the more you two spent time together, the more she showed her affection and genuine love in her eyes, you felt all your worries wash away. Especially when she practically showed you off to all her friends.
Today, was just like any other. The last few weeks of school were steadily approaching and you would surely have to figure out what to do for the summer. But right now, you were having a few awkward conversation with Jules who had been nagging at you for answers that you weren’t sure how to give.
“Have you two not had sex yet?” She practically gasped as you shushed her, glancing around anxiously as the both of you stood in the hallways where other kids were.
“Jules, you can’t tell anybody. If Maddy hears-”
“If I hear what?” You yelped when a pair of arms draped over your shoulders with someone’s chin resting on the top of your head.
As soon as that familiar strawberry essence filled your senses, you relaxed. Leaning slightly in your girlfriends chest as you tilted your head back as she looked down at you. Grinning widely as she scanned your faces, unable to ever comprehend your beauty.
From Maddy’s height being 5′6, you stood at a whopping 5 inches shorter. Allowing these little cute positions to occur more frequently. Out of the both of you, Maddy had seemed more excited and keen than even you. Perhaps it was because she hadn’t dated a girl or even been taller than any other of her past boyfriends. You were so small in comparison and Maddy fucking loved it. Able to pick you up with ease and carry you around like a baby. It invaded her mind especially nights when you fit perfectly against her chest when she could practically be a blanket for you.
“Oh, that you guys haven’t had sex.” The direct reply by Jules had Lexi and Kat, who stood behind Maddy nearly burst out into a fit of laughter. Only you able to blush as you stared up at your girlfriend with reddened cheeks as you subconsciously kicked Jules’ shin. “What? Honesty always gets you somewhere.”
But after that day, you had purposely dipped out on going to Maddy’s house. Deciding to sit and think about what you could to secure a chance to finally get laid. And it hadn’t taken much to devise a plan with the addition of Jules, who was more than excited for you.
The next day when you showed up at school, you walked with Rue and Jules, talking about some of the classes. Down the hall, Maddy noticed you and had to take a double take at your outfit with her lips parting with a shaky breath escaping her lips. A nice pair of tight black leggings that the faintest outline of a thong with one of the sweaters she had given you that was pulled up from the back to showcase the beautiful swells of your ass that she had kissed and nipped at for many nights.
When you passed her, you didn’t even glance in her direction. Letting her see the long braid you had done specifically for her. The one that she loved pulling whenever you two made out. Maddy couldn’t help the corner of her lips tilt up into a smile, with a quiet chuckle leaving her lips. Eyes never straying from your body and the tiniest sway of your hips. She could easily see what you were doing and she was more than willing to give you what you wanted.
Which had led to a very long day for the Perez girl. Keen on seeing you as soon as possible and that beautiful piece of ass. What hadn’t help was the fact that you being a year younger than her, your classes were on different floors of the school. Practically miles apart in Maddy’s mind.
So, when lunch came around, she was sitting in the cafeteria eagerly. Not even paying attention of the conversation the other girls tried to include her in on. Jules was the only one that seemed to know where you were and the smirk on her lips never wavered. Occasionally glancing at Maddy’s desperate feature’s contort.
And when the cafeteria doors opened, Maddy’s head snapped in that direction and let out an audible moan. One that the girl’s heard and stared at her in bewilderment. Turning to find you, no sweater, but instead a tank top that displayed the defined abs on your stomach and belly button piercing. With a cross necklace around you neck that rested in the valley of your breasts. That may have been the most dirty and sinful thing Maddy thought you had done so far today.
When your eyes caught Maddy’s hungry ones, you gave an innocent smile. “Hey, baby.” You sat in front of her with a warm smile. “Why haven’t you grabbed lunch yet?”
Maddy licked her lips as she swung her leg over the seat pulled you to be placed between her legs. Eyes roaming your outfit with darkened eyes. “Well, I have my lunch right in front of me.”
It was a comment meant to get back at you. Which had knocked you off balance and made you blush with eyes flickering to Jules who motioned eagerly to Maddy to reply.
All of yesterday, Jules and Rue had helped you through what to do. Every touch, every word, and every look. You knew how to flirt, but you hadn’t dated many girls and if you did, it lasted only a week or so. So, this was all new to you and you took their advice seriously. No matter how ridiculous it had been.
Your gaze flickered back to Maddy and you smiled widely. “Well, then…” Maddy inhaled sharply when feeling your hands rest on her knees. “If that’s what you want…”
They trailed up higher, rubbing softly as Maddy felt herself short of breath. Eyes fixated on your hand that steadily got higher and higher reach painfully long moment.
Trailing higher, you let your nails daringly nip into you jeans and tug slightly. Letting go and hearing the quiet snap of her underwear, Maddy’s eyes flickering shut with a groan.
Opening them and finding yours that were full of mischief. “Then I’m all yours, honey.”
For the remainder of the lunch, Maddy had you situated on her thigh. Hands tight on your hips and nails scratching at your thighs occasionally. A reminder of the fate you had set yourself up for and you couldn’t be any happier.
So, when school ended, Maddy held your thigh in a death grip from the driver seat. Pinky finger occasionally shocking you and brushing against your clit through the two layers of protection.
When you two eventually got back to her place, thankfully, her parents were home. So, that led to you being pinned to the front door the instant you two stepped inside.
“You’ve been such a naughty girl, Y/n. So goddamn sexy, baby.” She slotted her leg between the apex of your thighs. A moan slipping past your lips at the friction and the contrast of materials rubbing against your pussy.
Her lips attached to your neck, kissing, biting, licking. All of it was put into your neck. You panted, one hand falling to her ass and squeezing it tightly. Earning a moan in response with your other hand reached underneath her shirt and left crescent moons in her tanned skin.
“I’m going to fuck you dumb, sweetheart. That’s what you want, right, beautiful?” You could only whimper in response with your pussy pressing harder against her thigh. Thrusting and becoming drunk on the buzzing feeling shooting through your body.
The one thing Maddy loved about you was the fact that there wasn’t any pressure behind any of the thing she or you did. She knew that if you had felt pressure to finally have sex together, you might’ve said something and asked. Discuss the obviously lacking intimate feature of a relationship that Maddy was more than willing to give you.
But you hadn’t. Instead, you decided to play a game and it was hard to tell who was winning at this point.
Maddy pulled away, smirking when hearing you whine, hands desperately hooking your finger in her belt loops. “Get upstairs and we’ll continue, sweetie.” You quickly pressed another kiss to her lips before eagerly walking in the direction of the stairs and her bedroom.
As soon as you entered her bedroom, you were peeling off you clothes. Ripping your shirt off and unclamping your bra. As soon as you bent over to pull your leggings off, you felt Maddy pressed herself to your ass. A very noticeable groan escaping her lips as she ran her hands over the expanse of your ass.
With this sense of vulnerability, you pushed back and earned a moan. And before you could feel your ego inflate, you helped when you were shoved face first into the bed. Sitting up on your elbows and craning your head over your shoulder and watching Maddy tear the entire back of your leggings open.
“Maddy!” She only grinned at your scolding tone and pushed your thong to the side. Biting her bottom lip at the sight of your drenched slit.
There was barely any hesitation in her actions as she dove her face in and dragged her tongue through your fold. A moan ripped through your throat as your head fell forward against the sheets. Hands balling up a handful of said sheets.
She slurped and sucked, kneading your ass with her nails biting the delicate skin. “You taste so good, baby.” She slipped her tongue into your quivering hole that left you moaning loudly.
“Oh, baby.” You reached back, hand pressing to back of her head and pushing her further.
Her tongue fucked you out and you savored every feeling. But you had no idea that whilst Maddy fucked you with her tongue, she was slipping her harness on. The black silicone dildo standing at attention.
When she had enough, she pulled away licking her lips. Ignoring you whines for her to continue. They were silenced when she flipped you over. Grabbing you by the hips with your arms wrapping around her neck as she lift you to straddle her.
You glanced down when you felt something prod your entrance. Eyes widening when seeing the black dildo ready to push into your hole whenever Maddy wanted. Looking up at her, she held a smirk, delicately pressing a kiss to your lips. But as she did so, she lowered you onto the strap and swallowed each and every moan that escaped you.
Thankfully, she allowed you to adjust to the intrusion. Placing delicate kisses on your chest and throat. One hand gripping your right breast while the other tweaked your left nipple. A shaky exhale left your lips as you pressed a kiss to her forehead.
She didn’t have to wait for your confirmation to continue as you sank down onto the dick. The other end pushing into Maddy beautifully and leaving her moaning as well. When you were down to the base, you slowly lifted up and then back down. Leaning back slightly and finding stability with your hands gripping her shoulders.
Maddy watched your rock yourself onto her cock. Each movement mesmerizing and being forever burned into her memory. Especially when you let one hand go from her shoulder to her knee, bouncing on the silicone cock faster. “Oh, you feel so good inside me.”
Hearing that caused Maddy to grab your ass and increase your speed. Eliciting another string of moans that her dripping down onto her bed. Looking down at where the both of you connected, she moaned at the side of the black dildo drenched from your hole. She wanted another taste of you again already.
“You’re doing so good, Y/n. You look so beautiful for me right now.” Her praise made you work harder. You wanted her to be proud of you for taking her so easily and so eagerly. You needed her to say it.
Skin slapping filling the corners of the room with your moans bouncing off the walls. Your half lidded eyes finding hers that were dark and hungry. She wanted to see you finish up close and personal. Wanting to see every little expression your face made when she was the cause of it. She wanted it all.
But her attention shifted to a sound downstairs that made her halt your movements. Kissing the whines from your lips. “Maddy! Sweetheart, we’re home!”
That all but made you panic with your eyes widening at the sound of her mother’s call. When you tried to pull away, inches being pulled out of you, Maddy grabbed your waist and slammed you back down onto it. The tip of the dick having slammed perfectly against your g-spot. You immediately stuffed your face in her neck and let out a trembling that only egged Maddy on to continue. “We aren’t done and I sure as hell won’t let my parents stop us.”
About to protest, you were mewling at the different angle of the dildo inside of you as Maddy had wrapped her arms under your knees and lifted you up. Her hips perfectly lined up with your entrance as she walked towards the door and slammed it shut with your back. A gasping leaving your lips when her hips slammed into your pussy. Your clit brushing against the harness that caused you to moan aloud. In a fraction of a moment, Maddy brushed some strands of your hair that stuck to your sweaty forehead behind your ear. Smiling softly as she peck your lips. “You’re amazing, sweetheart.”
But as Maddy had promise, she didn’t stop with her hips snapping into yours. Fresh layers of sweat sticking to your bodies. Chasing release as much as you were. Grinning at the sound of your moans with your head lulling back against the door. But when you did, there was a knock causing your head to snap up and look at Maddy. “Maddy, sweetheart? Are you okay in there?”
Her movements didn’t falter as she tilted her head. Smirking as she reached down and pressed her thumb to your clit and began to flick it. You shook your head, eyes welling up with tears of pleasure. Pleading she didn’t make a fool out of you with her mother on the other side of the door.
“Yeah, I’m fine, mom.” Maddy’s hips slammed into yours, causing you cry out with your face shuffling into her neck.
“Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?” Her mother continued ask as Maddy felt your body tremble in her hold.
“Yeah, just my bodies sore. I’ve been trying this new workout and stretch routine. Trying to keep limber for cheer leading.” The innuendo was something you would’ve made fun of it wasn’t for the fact that Maddy was fucking you to the edge of your life.
“Well, alright then. We brought food home so Y/n could come over and spend the night if you’d like.”
With each hard and blissful thrust, each flick of your clit made by Maddy, you were quickly approaching your release. Biting down on Maddy’s shirt in hopes it may muffled your moans and keep your mouth shut. You were so close and you just wanted it to end as soon as possible so Mrs. Perez didn’t catch on.
“Well, actually-” The smirk in Maddy’s voice had you whimpering. Shaking your head in her shoulder. “-she’s here. She’s in the bathroom currently.”
“Oh, hi Y/n!” You wanted to strangle Maddy at this point as her onslaught on your clit increased. Her dildo pounding into your velvety walls nicely and leaving you drunk off her dick. Something in the way her thrusts began to get sloppy and needy gave you an indication that she was about to cum as well. You just hoped you wouldn’t be the only one being embarrassed.
But you cleared your throat, head lulling back against the door again. Whining when you felt the knot in your stomach tightening and tightening each second. “H-Hi, Mrs. Pe- Perez!”
As soon as you said her last name, Maddy angled herself perfectly and slammed into you. Causing you to finally climax, crying out with a shudder. When you felt Maddy’s bite down on your shoulder, her climax hitting your at the same time, she shuddered. Body trembling in her hold with your eyes rolling back. She could feel your cum dripping down the cock, then the harness, and onto her leg. Your walls clamping down on the dildo as her hips hiccupped forward. Each time causing a whimper to slip past your lips.
You were too fucked out to hear what Maddy said to her mother. All you could acknowledge was the cold air against your hot and sticky skin and the soft cushioning of Maddy’s bed when she laid down.
When she slipped out of you, you whined with your legs twitching. Battling to stay open or clamp shut from the after effects. But as you were about to decide, Maddy placed her hands on both the inside of your thighs and brought her lips to your slit.
“M-Maddy.” You whined, the painful pleasure of overstimulation causing you to trembled as she giggled in amusement. Dragging her tongue through your folds. Sucking up every last drop of your cum and softly prodding your stretched hole for anymore.
After a few more licks, Maddy pulled away and crawled over top of you. Finding you on the edge of passing out from exhaustion. But you managed to wrap your arms around her neck and pull her in for a sloppy kiss. Tongue instinctively clashing together as you tasted yourself and moaned.
Pulling away, Maddy looked down at your disheveled features and grinned. “I’m going to be up at night thinking about this.”
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infernalodie · 2 years
have you ever listened to that one lana del rey song with The Weeknd? it’s call star girl interlude. (this isn’t part of the imagine, just thought about sharing this song with someone 🤷)
anyways- i was wondering if you’d be up for an imagine with cassie howard x male!perez!reader where the reader and cassie have been dating after she ended things with mckay. the reader has been in love with cassie ever since first meeting her when he went to pick up maddy at cheer practice and offered her a ride home. since he’s maddy’s older brother, he’s close to the friend group and therefore is protective of the girls (especially rue, since he, lexi, and her have been friends since pre-school). he was also the one to help calm maddy when she didn’t want to cooperate with the detectives when they found out about her bruises, and the reader had been livid finding out that nate jacobs had laid his hands on his sister, which sent him a flurry of emotions and almost killing nate until maddy had to physically hold him back. its their graduation ceremony for their last year and they’re celebrating it together with a party at the Howard household. the reader is trying to convince cassie and the girls to tag along in his and maddy’s yearly trip to Vegas? (or wherever you prefer for a summer trip)
also- hope you’re doing alright, mate. moving around is hard. it’ll get better :)
I just listened to that and oh my god...horny vibes asf lol!
𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 || 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝
"𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘥𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦, 𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘔𝘺 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘥𝘰𝘮𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭𝘴 𝘣𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘕𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦"
Inspo: Daniel Caesar - Get You Justin Bieber - 2 Much
Pairing: Cassie Howard x Male!Perez!reader
Summary: You had always had a large influence in Cassie’s life and many others. Yet, you never expected a single thing in return besides her love.
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Warnings: Smut, fluff, and a bit of angst
Words 2673
The midnight air was filled with pure excitement from fellow kids seeking to further their night of bliss. After all, it was the graduation party and everyone was searching to enjoy this little break of time and space from all the drama that seemed to infest East Highland. This was everyone’s chance to truly let go and be free from everything, and that didn’t happen much in not just East Highland, but Highland as a whole.
You. You were all Cassie had on her mind the moment she stepped into the Perez household. Her sense was amplified by 10 with the most manageable thoughts of you that weren’t related to sex. And when she saw you sitting in the corner of the house, arms wrapped protectively around Rue and Lexi’s shoulders, who were laughing at the hushed whispers you spouted as you pointed at a few partygoers, likely making fun of the poor souls, she felt her excitement sprout from the dirt that had accumulated over the brief days of not seeing you.
That’s the type of effect you had on her. For small breaks in time and days, she feels lost without you, no way-finder to guide her to the lifeline you provided her every single day.
“Maddy, I don’t have time for this!” You whined. “I have to grab us food for tonight. I don’t want to have mom nagging me about being late for this shit.”
You were seated on the hood of your car, rubbing your eyes from the exhaustion and lack of sleep of studying. One of the biggest downfalls in your opinion when it came to school. Doing all the tedious tasks that were asked? Fine. But staying up past 3 AM to get ready for a test? Oh, you would rather have Maddy patronize you with all her make-up and outfits.
Your sister, who was standing beside you, rolled her eyes. “Relax, alright?” She said. “The food isn’t running. And we might need to grab more. My friend is staying over for the night.”
Her smart comment made you roll your eyes. She always had a tendency of being a smartass when it wasn’t exactly needed in a conversation. When you were about to question her on her last statement, Maddy lifted her head and her lips formed into a grin. “Cassie!”
Turning your head, your lips parted at the beautiful blonde making her way over. Cassie? You swear you have heard that name around school and from the multiple phone calls you have heard your sister have in the late hours of the night. At the time, there was no putting a name to a face as the school had been kicking your ass.
But now, Cassie, this beautiful blonde with the most beautiful smile had finally been given to you. Leaving you breathless as Maddy and she ran to one another and hugged.
There was no way for you to stop staring a bit longer than appropriate. Could anyone blame you when such a beautiful girl suddenly appeared? She something close to an angel coming down to earth to bless you and your fellow despicable race with the gifts she would give to the world. Her voice, her beautiful blue eyes, long luscious blonde hair that glowed under the sunset, and that smile that you had a suspicion was more than anything remotely close to innocent.
They made their way over with Cassie’s baby blues connected with yours. Lips twitched into a smile as you stood up from the hood of your car. Offering a smile as your sister and the blonde devil stopped short of a few feet from you.
“Y/n, this is Cassie.” Maddy’s greeting was replaced with you holding out your hand for the blonde.
“Pleasure to meet you, Cassie,” you said. “I’m Maddy’s brother. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Cassie took your hand, shaking it with that beaming smile of hers. “I know who you are,” she announced. “Lexi’s my sister. She talks a lot about you.”
“Your sister is Lexi?” You asked, lips forming a smile of disbelief. “You two don’t look at all similar. Still beautiful though.”
That had been the first time you ever saw Cassie. But it sure as hell wouldn’t be too long later that day when you would see her again.
Birds could be heard tweeting just beyond the walls of the Perez household. The faintest sound of a movie being played on the TV and casting light towards the shadows that invaded each corner of the living room to the kitchen.
Maddy sleeping soundlessly on the couch, unknown to the soft slapping of skin clapping together just beyond the couch and in the dark kitchen. Cassie was bent over the island, tears springing from her eyes, fingers interlocked with yours as your body shadowed over her. Her head craned to the side just enough to allow her lips to connect with yours. The kiss was heated, full of need.
In no way, had she expected to be bent over a counter with her best friend's hot brother fucking her senselessly. But she couldn’t find the tiniest bit to care about the complications of such. The way your tender hands rubbed her back as your hips slammed against her ass, creating ripples on her skin, she was lost in the bliss. Feeling each punch of your cock against her cervix causes her head to go lightheaded.
And the way your tongue tasted of her arousal, she was addicted. Needing even more than what she was already exposed to. The way you had gazed down at her with such lust had her folding to her knees, metaphorically and literally. She couldn’t get enough of everything you had to offer her.
You parted just a breath away, hips rolling into her ass and causing the girl’s eyes to flutter with a whimper falling from her lips. You watched with a smirk, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.
“I knew you weren’t innocent, angel.”
Since then, Cassie knew there had been something between you two. Maybe not at first, but as time went on, she showed up more, something had developed. A friendship most likely as she now called and texted you quite a bit during her free time with school. It’d been your last year and she was more than keen to spend every moment she could with you.
But as fate liked to play its little game, you had been pulled into the chaos that revolved around Maddy’s relationship with Nate. From the start, you had hated the kid the moment you met him, and you were sure the feelings had been mutual. And as much as you hated it, you didn’t step into it considering this was your sister’s relationship. It hadn’t been your place to speak on such a thing when it came to someone as snappy and rude as Maddy.
It was only after you and Cassie got together, that you found out how much bullshit Nate had done to your sister. Now, you had suspected something going on when Maddy showed up at home with bruises around her neck. You questioned her on it, and at the time, she denied it being anything. But when your parents called you to the police station to calm her down, she confessed it had been Nate.
Of course, you were insistent on saying something to the police and getting justice, but she begged you not to. So, her being your little sister, the girl you could never deny, you left it alone. Decided to instead, just be there for her with Cassie coming around to help take both of your minds off the piece of shit that didn’t live that far from your home. Maddy may not be weak or helpless, but you always protected your sister. You never let someone get away with treating her like shit or laying an unwarranted finger on her.
And in many cases, when you went to parties with Maddy and Cassie, both girls had to restrain you from doing anything. Practically dragging you to the other side of the party where the rest of the girls would come and keep you company. They all knew of your protectiveness over Maddy as it travelled to them as well. Having, in many situations, beat guys to a bloody mess when they hurt or said some douchebag comments towards any of them.
But Nate wasn’t just any other type of douchebag. He was a monster. A despicable excuse of what could be considered a human being. He shared the same oxygen as you and you wanted to change that.
The front door to McKay’s house opened, revealing Cassie with a ton of kids partying in the background. But the blonde was greeted by you and some of your other friends, who she had met before. They were all trouble, including you. Each of them had been some of your friends since grade school and they all had grown up in the slums of Highland. All of them had something in common with one another. So, the sight of them wearing tracksuits with their hands behind their backs, she could only guess that your presence came with chaos.
“Y/n, what’s up?” She asked as you cupped her cheek.
“Head home, Cass,” Was all you told her before moving past her and stepping further into the house. “All you little ass kids need to get the fuck home now!”
You pulled out a pistol with Joey and Clay pulling out their own. But the sight of the weapons had kids scrambling and quickly searching for the nearest escape. “Get your asses moving!” Clay barked at some kids that sprinted past him.
Rounding a corner, you came face to face with Rue, Jules, Lexi, and Kat. “I’m going to need you all to hand over any drugs or alcohol in your possession,” you quipped.
“What the hell are you doing here, Y/n?” Lexi asked and gasped at you waving your pistol.
“Gonna have a nice chat with our little friend, Nate,” you told her before turning to Joey. “Joey, get them out of here and into my car.”
The four yelled, protesting for you to reconsider, but you didn’t listen. Moving up the stairs where you could hear the faintest sound of moans and grunts. You knew Nate was here as it had been the reason Maddy decided not to show up tonight. So, you considered this moment to get some payback.
Turning down the hall, stepping closer towards the sounds of pleasure, you smirked. “The po-po’s is here!” You imitated in an extremely high tone, earning a quiet snicker from Clay. “Y’all better run, man! These white cops are crazy! They just shot Carl and they ain’t stoppin’, man!”
Once you arrived at the door, you kicked it open to reveal a frantic Nate Jacobs and a random blonde you didn’t care to know or get to know. When Nate saw you with a gun, he started rushing towards the window, which you were quick to start.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going, white boy?” You grabbed him by the back of the head and slammed his face into the window. Cracking it as you grabbed him and tossed him to the ground.
“Time for you to get dressed and get the fuck out, sweetheart.” Clay tossed the girl her clothes, which she took gladly and took off out of the room.
You grabbed Nate and tossed him into a nearby chair. “You know why I’m here?” You asked. “And I suggest you answer correctly or else I am going to shoot your tiny dick off, Nate.”
Nate winced, touching his forehead that had a fresh new cu. Blood dripped into his eyes, only furthering his deliriousness with him murmuring incoherent words. Having had enough, you smacked his cheek. “I’m not gonna ask again, Nate.”
“You’re here because I threatened her,” Nate groaned. “I put a gun to her head.”
“Correct,” you acknowledged. “Now, I’m giving you this one warning once. Stay the fuck away from my sister, my friend, and anyone else affiliated with me or else I will kill your parents and post all the videos of your daddy fucking guys, alright? I have no problem going to the police and telling them you’ve been blackmailing Jules and has child porn, ‘kay?”
He groaned but nodded nonetheless. Making you sigh and turn to Clay, which he understood and turned his back to you. Giving you direct access to the backpack that you unzipped. “Now, Nate,” you grumbled. “Knife, wrench, or blowtorch?”
The boy frowned, looking up at you in confusion. “What do you mean?”
Pulling out the items you had previously listed off, you grinned at the boy. “Choose the punishment or Clay and I will beat the living fuck out of you.”
No one has ever dared to say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing when it came to you, your friends, and Maddy. Especially when they found out Nate had severe burns across his chest and legs, hospitalizing him. But everyone knew Nate deserved it, even if you might’ve gone overboard with your message.
But as twisted as it may seem, Cassie loved you for it. Willing to put your life on the line for the ones you love. And all you ever asked for in return was their love and compassion to be in your life.
Maddy, who rose from her chair, snapped her fingers and slowly got everyone’s attention. You lifted your head to find Cassie having started to make her way over, but stopped short when Maddy sought everyone.
“Now, we’ve all graduated and we don’t have to deal with the bullshit of school,” Maddy started. “Y/n and I didn’t just invite all of you over for no reason.” Maddy motioned to you with an eager smile. “Would you like to tell them?”
With a sigh, you moved away from Rue and Lexi, quickly pulling Cassie into your arms with your front pressed against her back. The action caused Cassie to grin widely, tilting her head to look up at you, meeting your beautiful smile.
“Well, Maddy and I are going to Vegas and we were wondering if all of you would come along?”
The question had a few of them murmuring, some joyous with the idea and others hesitant. “I would be paying for all the tickets with Maddy paying for the food and transportation,” you reassured. “All you would have to do is just come and have fun.”
Hearing that was enough for everyone to quickly agree in extremes. Leaving you to look down at Cassie as she turned in your hold. “Do you think this is a good idea?” She asked. “You’re gonna be broke at the end of this.”
You shrugged dismissively. “As long as I get to be with you, I’ll be happy.”
Cassie smiled, leaning up to give you a short and delicate kiss. “As long as you fuck me in front of the view of the city, I’ll be glad.”
A mischievous grin formed on your lips as you felt the twitch in your pants. “Be careful of what you ask for, baby.”
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“Y/n!” Cassie’s face was pressed to the window, displaying the whole view of Vegas below. It was so fucking nice.
But she couldn’t think much about it, turning her head to watch you grip her hips and fuck the life out of her. Gasp’s tumbling between her bruised lips with your head resting against her shoulder. The warmth of your body with her cold one was the perfect mixture to haze over your thoughts. Her walls clamping around you repeatedly, how deep you were inside her, it was all too good to ignore.
An arm wrapped around Cassie’s stomach and pulled her to have her back pressed against your sweaty front. Hot pants fell from both your lips as chuckled. “How did I get you?”
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infernalodie · 2 years
I need another one where male reader dies i loved that story and i need ny heart absolutely broken lmao (w maddy perez btw)
𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬 || 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐳
"𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘰𝘯 𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘮𝘦 𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦"
Inspo: Murmur - To The Reeds
Pairing: Maddy Perez x Perez!Male!reader
Summary: Payback is all you ever wanted.
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Warnings: Bullying and murder.
Words 1225
No one understood why you had been so willing to take everyone’s shit. You were a Perez. The brother of Maddy Perez, the chick who never backed down to anyone. She was confident, but you weren’t. If anything, you were the exact opposite of your sister completely. When danger came, you turned your heel and ran. Never looking back at the chaos that went on with your departure.
But that may have also been why you were good at just being the punching bag of East Highland. Willing to take all the bullshit Nate or anyone else threw at you because you were then taking the attention off the little guys. The kids who couldn’t take what you dealt with on a daily basis.
Maddy tried her best to break you out of this lifestyle. She tried protecting you from Nate, but you always reassured her that you were fine. And she had to watch her own boyfriend beat on her younger brother. Truly, she dreaded each moment she saw you because she knew that she couldn’t do anything besides stand there and watch. Because even if she broke up with Nate in an attempt to protect you, she would always go walking back to Nate.
You never held it against her though. Sure, there were times when you wished to speak up and help her, but she wasn’t home half the time anymore. Out with her friends and leaving you at home to sit in your room, playing your guitar until the tips of your fingertips bled. Or laying on your bed, staring up at the ceiling and listening to music until sleep overcame you.
Tonight though, everything had drastically turned left as you had heard the sound of rustling across the hall. When you had peeked inside, you had spotted Nate with a gun to Maddy’s head. Now, you could’ve very much walked in and stopped it, but you had a different idea.
When Nate came walking out of the house, he found you dragging your house keys along the side of his truck. Eyes growing wide at the notorious punching bag finally swing back in your own terrible way. “What the fuck are you?”
“What the fuck are you doing in my house, Nate?” You barked back furiously. “I hope you know I got all that shit on tape. So, after we’re done here, I’m taking this down to the police station.”
Nate on the other hand did not look convinced by your bold claim. “Bullshit, Y/n,” he laughed. “You wouldn’t dare. Too much of a pussy to do shit.”
“Really?” You smiled. “I sent the video to a friend just in case you break my phone. Just so I have a backup, you know? They’re ready to post it on Instagram and send it to cops the moment I let them know. So, am I bluffing, Nate?”
For a moment, Nate seemed afraid. Genuinely afraid of the consequences of the lengths he had gone to get his father's disk back. But then he remembered…
His finger’s tightened around the handle of his revolver as he levelled it with you. Your eyes widened in shock by the sudden move by the rich kid. “Give me the phone, Y/n.”
“Or what?” You inquired. “You’re going to kill me, Jacobs? And ruin that precious reputation of yours?” A laugh fell from your lips as you shook your head. “Highly-fucking-unlikely, dude-”
Everything went black for a moment but returned. Your body was overwhelmed by the cold, sending shivers up and down your stomach. But then you felt the sharp pain in your stomach, reaching down and seeing your blood paint the palm of your hand. Looking back up at Nate, you saw his expression filled with shock.
A choked groan fell from your lips as your legs gave out beneath you, hitting the pavement on your side. Grey clouds of your warm breath fluttered past your lips as you whimpered, eyes flickering to everything in your view. Feeling Nate fish into your pocket and retrieve your phone and smash it under his foot. You choked on your words, a trembling hand reaching up, a sign to show forgiveness.
And he seemed to think about it for a moment. Staring down at you with rapid breaths as he watched wet pavement begin to take the colour of a dark crimson. But he stepped over your body and got inside his truck. “N-Nate,” you cried, tears stinging the back of your eyes as you felt blood begin to rise in your throat. “Nate, ple- please.”
He didn’t listen, he drove away, leaving you stranded on the road in front of your house. Blood began to slither out from the corner of your mouth as you choked and coughed up blood.
That painful scream from your sister sprinting out of the house filled your ears. You were numb, not enough strength to move as you heard her scream out your name. Only being able to choke on sobs and your own blood that filled your mouth.
She reached you, falling to her knees as your eyes flickered to her. “How bad is it?” You coughed, groaning as your sister shook her head.
“You’re okay. We just have to get you to my car and then to the hospital, okay?” She explained in panic breaths.
“Okay.” Something in the way your words was softer and quiet reminded her of when you were younger. When you were on her back as the two of you walked around Highland. Asking her questions about everything you saw. Back then, you were joyful, happy even. When things were simple and you weren’t afraid of anything. Because back then, you had no reason to be afraid.
When she tried lifting you, a sob was ripped from your lungs as you shook your head. “Wait! Wait, wait, wait! It hurts!” You cried, hands desperately grabbing ahold of her arms and holding on for dear life.
Maddy’s heart hammered against her chest as she looked down at your wound. Knowing that the longer the both of you were out in this street, the longer you bled out here, was another moment gone to save you. But when she met your gaze, she found you smiling forcefully, tears streaming down your temples as you choked on blood. “I stood up to him, right?”
Her face scrunched up, one of her hands grabbing ahold of yours and squeezing. “You did,” she said with a sob. “You really did.”
Groaning in pain, you let out a shaky exhale. “I think I’m finally going to get some payback. I think it’s my time, M.”
She sniffled, containing a sob as she watched you glance up at her. “I’m sorry I wasn’t the best little brother,” you cried. “I tried and I know I wasn’t good enough.”
“No. No, you are perfect,” she smiled forcefully. “I couldn’t imagine anyone taking your place. No one could take your place.”
You smiled, swallowing a lump in your throat as you sighed. Maddy watched as the weight in your body grew heavier than before. Eyes wide but focused on open space, igniting the true reality for her.
“Y/n?” She whispered. “Y/n- Hey-!” You laid in her arms unresponsive as she shook her head with a sob. “Y/n!”
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sublimecatgalaxy · 3 years
Politics and Violence- Part 1
Pairing: Elliot (Euphoria) x Reader
Summary: Fezco was protective brother, more so than most. But given the state of his job that him and their other brother, Ashtray, run, who could blame her. They had a rocky history as a family between their grandmother falling ill, childhood trauma and the world of drugs. This takes place right at New Years, the night of the inevitable fight between Nate Jacobs and the readers brother, Fezco. That night, she meets Elliot in the laundry room of the bustling house, the pair kicking it off and exchanging phone numbers.
Song: "Rich Girl" by Daryl Hall and John Oates
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: Heavy talk of drugs, violence, swearing, mentions of sex.
A/n: It's finally here! I'm so excited to share it with you guys and I hope you all know that I love you ENDLESSLY.
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My older brother would tell you that my biggest fault was the fact that I was ‘too trusting’ and that it would eventually be my downfall.
I had always tried to see the best in people. Like the bad people that would show up on the seven o’clock news and the villains in my favorite stories. They had something about me that excited me, a deepness, a story, a reason for their actions. Even the darkest of people had a reason, an explanation, for why they were the way that they were. Even mine and my brother's abusive, narcissistic father. He never wanted kids, he didn’t intend to get my mother pregnant, so his plan was to make our lives miserable for making his life miserable. Granted, I knew it wasn’t exactly our fault but I could still see that humanity in him. Even when he would go too far.
I would stretch myself too thin for those around me, going above and beyond to help the people who didn’t deserve it- deserve me. I never realized, until I was older, that I didn’t owe anyone anything. I just always wanted people to give me the benefit of the doubt if the time came about. So I gave the people around me the benefit of the doubt, even when they didn’t deserve it. Especially when they didn’t deserve it.
My younger brother would tell you that my trust is what makes me likable. It was always something that comforted him, that he knew, no matter what he did or how he acted, he could trust that I would always love him. I was painfully aware that my trusting nature could potentially get me in some trouble.
I would consider myself a nice person, maybe too nice of a person to those around me. I wasn’t gullible or innocent by any means, knowing my worth and that I had the ability to knock someone out if I wanted to. I was brought up with the knowledge that I needed to watch my back 24/7 and that I had to be careful when it came to any positive emotion that I could ever feel. I tried to be careful and maybe it was because of my upbringing, but I couldn’t not depend on people that showed me the slightest ounce of care. I’ve gotten my heart broken a few times because of it, lost a few friends along the way, even gotten into huge fights with my eldest brother because of my trusting behavior. But I wanted my little brother to know that, though we were taught one thing, it was okay to be different. That it was okay to let someone in, to open up and share things about yourself.
The two of them were very bad at that.
Fezco and I were always close.
We were only a year apart in age, our birthdays falling on the exact same day. He had protected me since we were young, never letting our father beat up on me but to choose him instead. He’s always been my rock, the light at the end of the tunnel, my best friend. He was a difficult person to deal with, especially when we were in middle school. He refused to talk, he was impossible to communicate your feelings to, but I couldn’t ask for a better friend and brother. He always took care of me, made sure I had anything and everything that I needed and he watched over me and our youngest brother when other people had let us down.
He’s saved my life on multiple occasions.
When we moved in with our grandmother, I was more than excited. She was spunky, had a massive ego and this attitude that would rock men to their core. She never really settled down after divorcing our grandfather, always referring to him as a ‘sick son of a bitch’. I was excited to be out of our old house, finally safe, sound and happy. We finally had someone to show us the ropes, though they were a bit rocky. She wasn’t the best role model I guess, the police banging on our doors and heavy drugs that were shared being normal things in her life- in our life. We just grew up with it. It wasn’t this taboo thing that we strayed away from and we both were damn good at learning. Fez went as far as dropping out of school to help her, deciding it was more for him than learning equations. Him and I differed in that sense, I planned on going all the way through high school to graduation. Fez and I were both very involved in her drug runs, being her little sidekicks. I loved when she would refer to us as that, the shocked looks that we would get would always make me giggle with pride. No one fucked with us while we were with her, their eyes nervous as Fez and I would dump the drugs out onto the table in front of them.
When Ashtray first came around, I was so stoked. He was this perfect, little baby that I could take with me wherever I went, dressing him up and taking care of him like he was my kid. It wasn’t that far off, he pretty much did whatever I said and he would just follow me aimlessly. I wanted him to feel loved and cared for, even though he probably didn’t even realize what his short life had become yet. But it was hard to not feel terrible, especially when my gram explained that his mom wouldn’t be coming back for him. It broke my preteen heart into pieces to see the infant cry, crying out for anyone to care or love him.
But I did. I loved him more than anything in the whole wide world and I knew that Fez was adamant on protecting the both of us from that day on.
We were both lucky to have Fez because one day, our gram just stopped. I know that Fez holds onto copious amounts of guilt regarding that day. I don’t remember much about her going to the hospital or her coming home. I don’t remember anything of what the doctors told my brother, just that she most likely wasn’t coming back and that we would just have to wait and see. All I knew was that one day she was this spit fire soul and the next day she was comatosed, silent, and none the wiser to my tears. I lost the only woman in my life, the only person who had ever taken care of me other than Fez. Ash wasn’t that old, but he was old enough to understand what was going on. After that, everything then fell on Fez and I; her work in the drug world, grocery shopping, bills, taking care of Ash- It was all on us.
We did good for ourselves, Fez and I taking care of gram as much as we could, getting her the things she needed to be okay. It seemed like we were just preventing the inevitable but I knew that Fez was the one who couldn’t give her up, hoping she would come back to it one day. Ash grew up to become a good kid, rough around the edges and kind of homicidal but, kids, am I right? He turned into a mini Fez, his hair, the tats, his violence and words. He slipped right into the world of drugs with no problem, him becoming even more fearsome than Fez was at his age. I was proud of him. With everything that happened to him, he had every reason to turn out a little fucked up. But instead he was loyal, strong, fierce, and fuck did he protect the hell out of Fez and I.
We were a family, even though we were a bit dysfunctional most of the time. We argued a lot over how we should handle our business so eventually I took a step back, letting the boys take over. I would help them with the behind the scenes stuff, counting bills and pills as they told me about their newest deal or business partner. Ash would always be so excited just to come home to tell me about all that he did, his cheeks red and eyes wide in excitement. It’s one of my favorite times with the boy, seeing him giddy and happy reminded me that he was still a kid. Fez was more of the reserved one, not really sharing much about his day to day life outside of our home and drug dealing life. He had changed over the years, more stoic and quiet now than he used to be and I would be dumb to say that I didn’t miss his old self. The self that would’ve stayed up all night eating candy with me while watching movies.
“Yo, sis, you comin’?” Fez asks, holding his hand out to help me out of the car. Snapping out of my thoughts, I slip out of the car, Fez’s hand pushing the door shut behind me. Ash hops his way into the booming house in front of us, a smile on my face at his excitement. He always liked big parties like this. Between the attention and the money he would bring in, he was like a kid in a candy shop. Fez and I on the other hand weren't the biggest fans of these types of parties. They were just too much and I truly felt like I was moving up in the world, that I had grown out of these types of parties. Fez just came for the money and the drugs, a blunt already hanging from his lips as he leads me through the crowds. He knew I got easily swarmed with anxiety in situations like this, needing to stay close to him out of fear that I would be swept away.
These high schoolers were a different fucking breed with the amount of drugs they did, sex they had, and liquor they sipped. My grandma would’ve liked what teens turned into, their chaotic energy would’ve made her proud.
“You wanna hit?” Fez asks, his nimble fingers handing me the blunt as I let out a brief sigh of relief, taking it gratefully. He just laughs sheepishly and knowing at my nerves, his eyes scanning over the crowd.
I knew from this morning, his angry huffs being heard as he sat at the table, that this party had him on edge. With the recent issues that he had been having with one of the jocks that attends the high school, I suspected that he would get into trouble tonight. He was loyal to his friends, especially Rue, taking care of the girl like he did me. He would rather die than let someone he loves be harassed and mocked by a punk.
But sometimes I wished he would just keep his head down and mouth shut.
My mind spins from the drug as I relax into the couch a bit, my eyes spotting some of Fez’s friends in the crowd. I didn’t have many people that I would consider friends, most of them being Fez’s friend like Rue. For as much shit Fez talks about my ability to trust too easily, you’d think that I would have way more friends than I really do. You’d think that I would be out there, handing my soul to anyone who would hear my sob story and that I would have millions of people swarmed around me. I’m the most introverted out of my family, keeping my head down and my nose out of other people's business. Fez, though quiet and stealthy, has always been the opposite.
The booming music makes me uneasy as my head spins, my stomach swirling uncomfortably. I turn my head to look at my brother, his eyes already on me as his eyebrows pull together. I know that he had contemplated leaving me at home, telling me to curl up in my pajamas and to stay safe. He didn’t like bringing me to gigs like this out of fear that he had to watch me the whole night. But he came to the conclusion that he didn’t want to leave me at home because he didn’t want me spending my New Years alone. The only reason I ever came in the first place was because the two of them wanted me to. Ash never stuck around long enough for me to hang out with him, his crazy-ass always outside with the younger kids, selling them shit and laughing up a storm. He was charming, I’ll give him that. Fez typically stayed by me out of pure courtesy but I know that he wished to mingle, to meet new people. I didn’t want him to feel like I was holding him back.
“I’m good, Fez.” I give him a reassuring smile, my mind spinning with thoughts that say otherwise. He looks unconvinced as he shakes his head, shrugging his shoulders. I adjust myself in my seat, handing him the blunt as I stand, brushing my anxiety off. “I’m gonna go walk around alright?” I offer, watching as he cringes, his eyes swimming with distaste for my idea. His blue eyes shimmer with worry as I roll my eyes, waving him off. “I’m gonna go hunker down in a bathroom or some shit. Play games on my phone- you know me, Fezco. You’ll find me.” I snort, watching as a laugh rumbles from his chest, his eyes rolling playfully as he sends me a stern nod. Making my way away from him and through the crowd of dancing teens, my feet carry me into a vacant hallway. The emptiness soothes my mind a bit as I make my way further into the house with a sigh.
Pushing open the first door that I see, my eyes lock with a boy, his eyes wide as he stares at me, dumbfounded. I hesitate for a moment, my lips parting but no words come out. He just sends me a nervous smile in return, his brown eyes searching through mine. I laugh nervously, my eyes looking back out to the crowd that seems the opposite of enticing.
“Are you trying to find a place to hide too?” He calls out, catching my attention as my gaze flickers back to him, my heart pounding at the sight of his soft smile. Sending him a small nod, my breath catches in my throat as I look over him. He’s handsome- which is a fucking understatment- his eyes are soft, brown and deep as they twinkle. I close the door as he leans against the washing machine behind him, the quietness of the room calming my mind a bit. “I’m Elliot.” He smiles, holding his hand out to shake. I glance bashfully between his hand and his eyes, reaching out timidly to shake it as he chuckles. “You’re quite the talker, aren’t you?” Rolling my eyes, I take a deep breath as I finally find the right words to say.
“I’m Y/n- sorry, I hate parties and I’m really fucking awkward apparently.” I giggle, rubbing a hand over my face as I lean against the wood door behind me. He watches me intently, his lip pulled in between his teeth to conceal his wicked grin.
“You wanna smoke, Y/n?” He asks, the sound of my name leaving his lips making my heart pound wildly against my ribs. Sending him an excited nod, I make my way over to him, hopping up to sit next to him on the appliance. I watch his thin fingers work at the joint in his fingers, my mind spinning to inappropriate places at the sight. He lights it, taking a small hit before handing it to me. He laughs hesitantly as I take a deep breath, holding the smoke in my lungs as my eyes flutter shut. “Fuck, that was a big hit, hot shot.” I giggle, blowing the smoke out into the air between us as he grins.
I’m not sure if it’s the weed or if it’s the pure sex that drips from him, but the way that his blonde curls sit atop his head makes me want to grab onto him and kiss him senselessly. Everything about him was so fitting; his jokes, his voice, his laugh, his hair, smile- fuck, everything. He was comforting but not in the way that typically comforted me, in a different but good way. Fez’s words of warning run through my head as I let myself converse with him more, the hours passing as we sit on top of the washer and dryer.
We’re facing each other now, our knees bumping as we pass the blunt back and forth. “So, tell me more about yourself, mystery girl. I’ve never seen you around here before.” He mutters, his lips wrapping around the joint as I laugh quietly, shaking my head.. “Trust me, I’d remember you if I saw you before.” He snickers, his eyes flickering over my body as my dress suddenly feels way too revealing. In a good way. I wanted him to look.
“Smooth.” I mock, my snickers making his eyebrows sky rocket in shock.
“I think I’m really charming- you don’t think I’m charming?” He gasps with a toothy grin, his lips parting in genuine wonder. I shrug playfully, taking the joint from him as he continues with a scoff. “Fine, what do you think I’m like? What’s your first impression of me?” He asks with a shrug, a laugh immediately leaving my lips as my feet sway back and forth beside him.
“You know that lamb that Mary had-”
“-okay, fuck you.” He cuts me off with a laugh, my head tossing back in loud giggles. I can feel his eyes on me as he shakes his head, clicking his tongue. “Fuck, you’re a brat, aren’t you?” My thighs clench at the nickname, my head nodding proudly as he smirks. A second goes by, our eye contact not breaking as my tongue slips out to wet my lips. He watches my every move, his eyes flickering back and forth between mine and my lips.
“Fine, I’m a brat and you’re way too forward.” I point out, his eyes rolling as he waves me off. I liked that he was forward, it took pressure off of me especially the way his mind appeared to be reading my own. Every word that left his lips was tuned into exactly what I wanted him to say and every move he made was calculated to fit mine.
“Oh, you want me to be less forward? Okay fine- sure.” I can tell that the task would be next to impossible as I watch him anxiously bite at his plump lips. He leans forward, his elbows resting on his knees as he inches closer to me, so close but not close enough. “Do you wanna, like, makeout?” He asks as a teasing smirk forms on my lips, my eyes rolling as I reach out to shove him.
“That’s pretty forward, Elliot.” I warn playfully, tilting my head at him as his jaw slacks, a quiet, but forced, moan leaving his lips.
“Fuck, say my name again-”
“Stop!” I giggle, cutting him off as his hands reach out, wrapping around my waist. He pulls me into his lap in one fluid motion, my hands hovering over his shoulders. He stares up at me with pure desire, my eyes flickering down between us as my hips hover nervously over his. His fingers gently knead at my waist, my whole body relaxing into him a bit as I sit myself down. “I’m not normally this forward but,” pausing, his eyebrows tick up as his chest rises and falls in quiet gasps, “I’m perfectly okay with where this is going.” I whisper, his head bobbing in a silent nod, agreeing with my statement.
“I’m not sure it’s a good thing we met.” He whispers, my hands wrapping around his shoulders as my brows pull together in confusion. “I see myself ruining you.” He chuckles, my head shaking at his misplaced anxiety. If anything, I’d ruin you.
“It’s funny that you think you have that much power over me.” I whisper with a laugh, my nose bumping against his as he gasps, his arms pulling me tighter against his chest. I feel his heart thump violently, my proximity making him nervous.
“I was trying to be charming.” He whispers, his breath getting caught in his throat as he looks up at me. “It’s hard to, uh, keep up with you when you’re sitting on my lap.” He confesses, my cheeks warming at his words as I shrug teasingly, not having a care in the world. He pinches my side with a laugh, a small squeal leaving my lips. “Brat.” He mutters, his lips gently pressing against my jaw as I gasp. He takes advantage of my shock, his hands traveling up my body to rest on my cheeks.
Smashing my lips against his, a moan leaves his lips as I pull myself impossibly closer to him. He gasps, his hips jumping beneath me as I giggle, my fingers tangling in his hair. His hands have no idea where to go, both of our minds swimming with pleasure as the taste of weed mingles between us. His fingers dance under my dress, resting atop my thighs as I tug gently on his hair, his head thumping against the wall behind him. I let out a small giggle at the noise, a hushed laugh leaving his lips as I trail my kisses down the column of his throat.
“Fuck, babe- stop.” He mutters, squeezing my hips gently as I pull back to look into his eyes. His pupils are blown, eyes wide as he catches his breath carefully. “Like, don’t stop, but stop or else I’m gonan fuck you so hard and I don’t wanna do that right now.” He chuckles as his eyes flutter shut, the threat making my heart skip a beat. “Fuck.” He reaches up, covering his face with his hands as I snicker, my cheeks flushing as my mind wracks over what I just did. I just kissed a random dude on New Years Eve for the hell of it. Go me. “So, here’s what’s gonna happen,” he pauses, my hands sliding down from his shoulders to rest on his chest, “I’m going to give you my number and I’m gonna get to know you better.” He whispers, a small smile stretching across my lips as I nod, biting at the inside of my cheek bashfully. “Then I’m going to fuck you so hard- shit.” He laughs, my head leaning forward to rest on his shoulder. He just rubs up and down my back as I huff, my eyes flickering over to the clock on the wall. Fuck, midnight already passed.
“I have to go.” I mutter, my hips rising off of him so I can slide off of him and onto the floor. He just sends me a pout, moving so his weight rests on his hands that grip the edge of the appliance. My thighs clench at the sight as he leans over, his eyes captivating me once again. Fishing my phone out of my pocket, I hand it to him, his grin proud and happy. “I’ll text you when I get home?” I offer, his head bobbing in a quiet nod as he types his number into the device. When he hands it back to me, I just motion towards the door almost silently asking him if he was coming with me.
“Uh,” he mutters, his eyes flickering to his lap as he clears his throat, “I’m rock hard, so…” He trails off, my hand flying up to cover my mouth as I giggle uncontrollably. He looks away sheepishly as he palms himself, a small groan leaving his lips as he sends me a nod. “I’ll find you later and if I don’t, I can promise you that you’ll see me soon.” I nod with a small sigh, sending him a quick wink before my hand pulls the door open.
Once it’s shut, I immediately go into my phone, trying to find the contact information that he added. My jaw drops as I stumble past an unknown name, my head spinning as I lean against the wall. Did this fucker really just name himself ‘brat tamer’ in my phone and not expect me to see it? Holding in a giggle, I hold my phone to my chest. My feet carry me down the hallway, my mind elsewhere as shouts and screams spin around me.
When my eyes connect with my brothers, his shirt is covered in blood, his feet marching towards me. My eyes widen in shock, the happy moment completely forgotten as he grabs my upper arm, pulling me with him as he looks for the nearest exit. People gawk and stare as we pass, watching as we finally make it out into the cool air as I struggle to keep up with him.
“Fezco, what the fuck?” I hiss as he opens the car door for me, Ash sharing a similar look as he turns the car on. We both look between each other and Fez, the man not answering any of our curious questions. He just shoves me down into the backseat with a huff, the door slamming brutally in my face. I look at Ash with worried eyes, his head shaking as he glares at Fez who throws himself into the passenger seat. My mind swims as Fez continues his vow of silence, Ash eventually pulling out of the driveway to make our way home..
A little while later, my finger hovers over the send button as I stare at Elliot’s contact. The whole way home, I fought the urge to text him until it was too strong to ignore. He had told me to call him or text him, he even seemed eager about it. So why not, right? What’s the worst that could happen?
To Brat Tamer: Really? Brat tamer?
I chuckle quietly as I slip under my covers, the silence of my room making me nervous as I wait for his reply. I only hoped that he shared the same excitement as me, his eyes trained on his phone as he waited for my message. I felt bad that I didn’t get to see him before I left, being brutally rushed outside and shoved into my car. I wasn’t sure how I was going to explain it to him but I would figure something out. My phone buzzes in my lap a few times, the messages that come through make my heart swell in my trembling chest.
From Brat Tamer: Well, well, if it isn’t my favorite bratty girl.
I’ve been waiting for you to text or call.
My fingers type back a quick reply at his teasing, my cheeks flaming with heat as I smirk.
To Brat Tamer: I see you haven’t lost your forwardness in the hour that I’ve been gone.
The little bubbles pop up at the bottom of the screen, my body falling back onto the bed as I squeal quietly, his response driving me insane.
From Brat Tamer: Shut up and call me, brat.
Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex--awesome--22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @popehaywardssecretgf
Euphoria Taglist: @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx@ssprayberrythings @username-lols @pessimisticbiitch @urmomsangel @rosepetalsparks@bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila
Elliot Taglist: @vintagebitc @kaitieskidmore1
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