#fez imagines
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debt that’s owed : Fezco (3)
Summary: Laurie needs someone to pay her the debt that’s owed to her, Rue ran from her, which gives her the perfect opportunity to use Fezco’s words against him. But, is she worth you?
Warning(s): Angst, talk of overdose, Fear, Drugs, mentions of sex trafficking, Laurie’s crazy ass once again, etc.
(PART 1) (PART 2)
Author’s Note: What a beautiful man we lost, in every sense of the word. Rest in Peace Angus. Gone too soon. We all love and appreciate the works you’ve done, the lives you’ve changed and the love you give, rest well in beautiful peace.
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You had woken up disoriented and drugged, a needle still sticking out of your arm, a few too many holes made that made your skin splotchy and purple. Laurie had been standing over you, hushing you as she took the needle from your skin, kissing your wrist as a mother would have her only child before she stood. “Laurie...” you sighed out, trying to make sense of what was happening. “Laurie. Please...”
The older woman rubbed your cheek, “Shhh...” the touch running through your system all the way down to your toes, you took a breath, shivering at the discomfort. “They don’t like it when you girlies talk too much, hush now, sweetie.” You’d never felt like this before. You felt terrible.
She left the door open when she left the room, a man you didn’t recognize peeking through the crack of the doorway to look at you, he gave a pleased laugh, whistling.
You turned on the floor, the blanket beneath you did nothing to shelter you from the cold floor below. The lights were dim from the tiny lamp in the corner, nothing else in the room, but it wasn’t very big anyway.
It took a while to realize you were naked, only from recalling what you had been wearing earlier, and the cold air that you could feel everywhere but nowhere all at once, cause you were sweating terribly. Feeling incredibly hot all of a sudden. You rolled around, pulling the blanket with you as you broke out into a fever, the discomfort you felt was enough to distract you from the horrifying situation you were in currently.
“Laurie...” you drawled, whimpering as the drugs took you once again. It didn’t feel right at all, you felt sick and you felt fucking amazing all at the same time, but you were scared most of all. You had no idea what she had been pumping you with for the last few hours. “Fez...” you called for your boyfriend, sobbing as your eyes rolled back as you quickly succumbed to the feeling. “Fezziee...” you hiccupped.
“I like this one,” you heard the stranger say.
The man at the doorway pulled out a scrunched up wad of cash from his pocket, beginning to slide off his jacket, before Laurie stopped him with a shake of her head. “Just watching for now. She’s not ready yet, still under prep. But, if you wanted to purchase her, that’s different...”
You shivered as you followed your high, wondering what would happen next and if Fezco would ever find you before something horrible happened to you.
- - -
Fezco looks around as he rushes over to Rue, checking for anyone that was around the house that may be unwanted, clearly on edge. “What the hell are you doin’ here, Rue?” he questioned the girl, she follows the two of them into the house. “Imma need you to leave, I ain’t askin’.”
Her gaze lingering on the broken screen door, unable to even close it as it had no knob now, the whole piece completely gone as if it’d been blown to pieces, “I wanted to hang out...but obviously you’ve got some shit goin’ on,” her eye’s going wide at the state of the house. “What the--what the fuck happened here?” the glass on the floor, the broken deck doorway, the flipped table, the broken lamp on the floor, the scuffled carpet.
Rue steps into the house, slowly, Ash getting on the computer, looking for something, Fezco making a call, his shoulders low as if something heavy sat upon them. The girl’s eye’s narrowing as she followed the scuffs over to the room hallway, the bedroom down the hall had its door broken down, wooden pieces still on the floor.
Concerned was not the word to describe how she felt right. Scared wasn’t either. Worried, maybe. But, she was also pretty terrified. Terrified of the answer to her next question.
“Fez,” she hadn’t torn her eyes away from the hallway when she spoke, her voice small, reluctant. “Where’s (Y/n)?” she turns then, her brows knitted together in complete worry, stumbling forwards and away from the hall. She makes her way over to Fezco, taking a handful of his shirt as she pulls him, “Fez!” her voice breaks, her fists shaking, “Where is she?!” she sucks in a breath as she sees his face and the way he doesn’t look her in the eye. “No...” she shook her head. “What so she’s...she’s what? She’s gone?” her voice raising. “Is (y/n) gone, Fez? Come on, gimme something!”
“She’s not gone,” Fezco turned to her with a hardened look, pulling her hands from his shirt, the material stretching out as her grip hadn’t loosened. “Imma find her. Imma find her and kill the motha’fucker that did this,” he seethed to himself, stepping away from her. “Ash, go over the tapes. Try yesterday and this morning, find a camera that isn’t fucked with.”
Ash doesn’t say anything but nod, rushing to the room down the hall as Fezco took the laptop from him, sitting down on the couch, Rue following Fezco, still confused with what was going on.
“Who...wait, who did this?” Rue asked, loudly. “Stop ignoring me, man.”
“I told you to fuckin’ go home, Rue,” Fezco’s eyes flickered up to the girl before back down at the screen, rewatching this morning’s tapes, trying to find someone he recognized. “I ain’t need this right now.”
“Need what? I’m tryin’ to help you,” Rue frowned, offended. “I wanna help! My best friend’s fucking missing, well...kidnapped, by some fucking jackass and even trashed your crib,” she gestured around the house at the damage. “Lemme do something, I can help! I can help find her!”
Fezco looked up toward her, agitated. “You wanna do somethin’ helpful?”
“Yeah, dude!” She nodded before making a face. “Wait, you aren’t gonna just tell me to leave--”
“Go home, Rue.”
“Oh, come on!” she yelled out. “I can help you! I be doin’ mad detective shit. Besides you need all the help you can get, it’s not like you can ask the guys in blue.”
Fezco ignored her for now, trying to stay focused. “Just go sit down somewhere, man. I don’t got time for this.”
And so, reluctantly, Rue went towards the other side of the couch, around towards Ashtray, she sticks her head out of the sliding panel doorway, which was now gone, broken through. Alarmed, she looks down at the glass at her feet, it crunches, burying itself further into the carpet.
Behind her, Ashtray took a note from his pocket, letting it sit on the coffee table, sliding it over to his brother. “This gotta mean something. Wanna run this through some contacts?”
Fezco thinks on it, before nodding at the idea. “Yeah, man. Let’s try it.”
As they head back to work, Rue perks up at the new source of info, “Wait, ya’ll got a clue?” coming over to the coffee table, picking up the note, Fezco fumes and Ashtray gaps at the girl’s unwanted involvement.
“Rue!” Fezco grits. “What I just tell you, man!” He usually saw her presence as quite endearing
Rue brushes him off. “I’m good at riddles, just--” then she really looks at the note. 10k.
Oh my fucking god, 10k.
As Fezco snatches the note from her grip, Rue stands there, horrified. Her expression morphing completely, shoulders stiffening and hands tensing up, she turns quickly so Fezco can’t see the mortified look on her face. The guilt that quickly begins to eat at her.
She had thought about it, of course. Of the money she owed Laurie, the drug dealer that she had made a fake deal with in a pathetic effort to get the pills that her regular plug, Fez, had been refusing her. In some way, she blamed Fezco, if he had just given her the damn pills and let her deal with whatever happened to her later, maybe she would’ve never went to Laurie, maybe you wouldn’t have gotten kidnapped...
No, it was her fault, oh my god it her fault. She went to Laurie cause she was fucking desperate and then she ran when Laurie had gotten her the first time, but now you were taken in her place.
She recalled being drugged out of her mind, just as she wanted, but locked in a room and awaiting to be sold for a fuck.
Rue feels so goddamn sick all of a sudden. She wanted to vomit.
God, that’s what you could be dealing with right now.
She did this. Oh god, she did this to you.
But, Fezco does notice.
“Rue...” he says, slowly.
Ashtray looks up, stopping in his typing. He glances between the two of them silently, before looking at Rue a bit more seriously, taking note of the way her entire demeanor’s changed. He closed the laptop.
Rue didn’t answer Fezco, didn’t even turn to face him, trying to think of something to say, anything that could defend why. But what could she possibly say besides the fact it was supposed to be her.
Fezco forcefully turned the girl around, “Rue!” to which she stumbled back away from him, her face made his stomach drop, knowing now that she knew exactly why this was happening. “You...”
“I didn’t know, I swear, ok?” Rue started, hyperventilating, sniffling as she wiped a panicked tear from her face. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking, I felt like I was fucking dying, Fez! I was dying! And I--I just--Fez!” she cried as he turned from her, running his hands over his hair, down his face, trying to gather himself, trying to keep himself together. “Fez, I’m sorry! I’m sorry, please, I didn’t think she’d come after anyone, I didn’t think any of it would go this far, please--”
Ashtray’s eyes widened, lost for words.
“RUE!” Fezco roared, his body snapping towards her, pinched fingers silencing her, “Motherf--FUCK! Are you fucking--!” he shoved at the side wall, hitting anything that wasn’t her as anger overwhelmed him. “Are you out of your fucking mind, Rue?!” he couldn’t believe this. How far the girl had really fell to really get herself, to get you, into this kind of situation.
“I know! I know! I know!” Rue sobbed, covering her face as Fez screamed at her. “Fucking god, I know! I messed up!”
“DO YOU?! Cause (y/n)’s paying for your bullshit, your fucking dumb ass, fuck shit! You mother--get the fuck out,” he fumed, running a hand over his mouth, gesturing to the door. He turned from her, he couldn’t even stand to look at her right now.
Rue sniffled, shaking. “Fez...Fez, I’m sorry. I can fix it, I can--”
“GET. THE FUCK,” Fezco explodes. “OUT!”
And Rue has no other choice but to leave, casting a guilty glance to Ashtray as well, who stares her down as if he were ready to pull the trigger on her with the glock he currently suddenly had in his hand.
She quickly left the house, sobbing to herself, hardly able to breathe as she stumbled away from the steps. “I’m sorry...” she hiccupped, turning to the house. “I’m sorry, please...” she whispered. “I can fix this...please, I can...I can fix this.”
Rue made her way away from the house though. Making up her mind to fix this. She can fix this...
- - -
Fezco and Ashtray took their guns, a few mags full of bullets and as much cash they had stashed up, just over 8k, not enough to cover, given the raid that cut their stash short for a while. But, if Laurie wouldn’t take the bribe than getting violent was the next best thing. And Fezco didn’t mind the latter.
So when they arrived at Laurie’s home, weapons tucked into their waist bands, into the inner pockets of their jackets, Fezco parked up, Ashtray loading up his shotgun and snapping the end back into place. “Blow the bitch’s head off if this don’t work out, ight man.”
“That’s the plan, bruh,” Ash said, his young face hardened with his hatred for the sadistic dealer that had stolen his mother from him..
Fezco leaves the car, walking up to the house, fighting the urge to kick the door in and unload every bullet into someone’s fucking skull...”What’chu want, man?” Bruce, Laurie’s partner, large and intimidating in his size, glared down at Fezco.
The young man wasn’t swayed, unblinking eyes peering up at him. “Laurie.”
Bruce frowned at the tone. “You got yo’ shit this month, ain’t you? Unless you got payment already?”
“Laurie, man,” Fezco fought to keep his cool. “Where is she?”
Bruce put his hand on the gun he kept at the waistband of his trunks, “What you gotta say ta her, you can say to me.”
Fezco stood there a while, the two men exchanging violent glares, eyes boring into the other and Fezco itched to grab the gun at his side and let loose. But, he didn’t even know if you were even at this house, he needed to know first. “Ma girl...(y/n), where she at, bruh?”
Bruce smirked, straightening. “Shoulda started with that,” Fezco’s nostrils flared at his words. “You got the money to buy her back, huh?”
“She ain’t belong to nobody, man. And ya’ll fucked wit us with some shit that ain’t got nothin’ to do with her,” Fezco gritted his teeth. “Thought we was cool on this bullshit, bruh.”
“You said she was family,” came Laurie’s soft-spoken voice. She came around the corner, behind Bruce, patting her husband’s arm to back him up, “Didn’t you?”
“She’s a fuckin’ child. And got her ass into some shit. But, if you had a problem wit us, come to me,” Fezco sneered. “You came up and took ma girl--” his nails bite into the palms of his hand, he itched to kill this fucking bitch and her demented ass husband. “Where the fuck is she?”
Laurie calmly stepped in front of Fezco. “Don’t worry, Fez. She’s ok,” she assured him, with dead eyes and a quiet voice. “But, remember, I still need 10 thousand, and another few hundred more for a few packs of morphine, a bit of fentanyl...” as Laurie spoke, Fezco’s heart clenched.
Fezco tosses the bag at her feet, “A lil’ over $8500 in there,” he said. “I don’t give a fuck if it ain’t enough for you, you took my girl, all your fucked bullshit, trashed ma crib, my fucking family--” he huffed harshly to contain himself. “This all you fucking gettin’ from me, and it’s more than you’ll ever get from us again. Where. Is. She. You fucking bitch.”
Bruce took a step towards him at his words, stopped by Laurie, who held a hand up to keep him where he was, entranced by the rage on the young man’s face. “That’s fair, I suppose.”
“Laurie--” Bruce began.
“Come on in, she’s right in here, Fez,” she welcomed him inside.
Fezco followed her inside, Bruce sneering at him, to which Fezco didn’t bother to acknowledge, all he was focused on now was finally getting his hands back on you, rescuing you from this dreaded place.
Laurie stopped in front of a locked room, pulling out a key from her pocket, the lock clicks open. She takes the lock off and opens the heavy door with a light grunt, the dim lighting offering nothing much, but it was light enough to see you in the middle of the room.
Breathing harshly, turned on your side, skin drenched with sweat, “Fez...” you drawl out, constantly. “Fez...Fez...” you cried, silently, delirious as you tossed and turned.
Fezco races into the room, “Ma!” he cries, sliding to his knees at your side, quickly sitting you up, wrapping the thin blanket around your naked frame. “Hey, hey, baby, hey,” he gently slaps your cheek, stroking your flushed face as you shiver in his arms, your eyes unfocused, rolling in the back of your head.
He didn’t like that, taking your face in his hand. “(y/n), (y/n) look at me, look at me, come on, ma. Look at me,” he turned your head to look him in the eye, “Please, baby, can you look at me, you can, you got it, ya see,” you slowly began to regain consciousness, eye sight clearing. “That’s my girl. Look, you’re ok, you’re alright,” he rubs your arms, you’re freezing but you’re sweating terribly.
“Fez...” you whispered.
“I’m right here, ma,” he assured you. Picking you up off the ground, blanket wrapped tight. “I’m right here. I gotchu, come on, we’re going home, baby,” he stands, heading to the door. Casting a long glare to a calmly smiling Laurie, before exiting the room, he couldn’t afford to do any damage, not when you were in this condition.
“I don’t feel...” you spoke, loosely. Head limp against his shoulder, eyes hardly open. “I don’t feel that great, fez...”
“You’re alright, you’re alright, ok?” Fezco went down the hall as fast as he could, keeping the fear out of his voice, the panic from his tone.
Coming up to the front door, where he found Rue standing at the steps. Bruce had a short stack of cash in hand that he didn’t have before, less than 10k clearly, but enough to make him happy enough to move out of the way when Fezco made his way past.
The young girl was crying hard, relief clear in her face as she saw Fezco come around the corner with you in his arms, but the state of you made her heart drop. “(Y/n)...hey, is she alright?” she asked, worriedly. “Fez...” To which Fezco brushed her off, moving past her without as much as a word of acknowledgement.
Ashtray opens passenger door for Fez to place you in, buckling you up as you slump, quickly beginning to pass out once again. “Hey, don’t sleep. Wake up. Mom!” Ashtray startles you awake, leaning over towards you in the backseat as Fezco runs around to the other side to the driver seat. Rue enters the backseat, hesitantly, and stays quiet to not be noticed. She looks at your tired, uncomfortable face in the side mirror, and she cries a bit harder.
Fezco drives off with a final glance to Laurie and her husband waving them off at the step, as if they had just passed by for tea and cookies. The psychopaths'. They waved, knowing he’d be back for blood.
“You’re ok,” he says as he drives. Squeezing your thigh as you shift and turn, “You’re ok, hey, ma. Ma, baby,” he draws your attention. “Hey, there you are, baby.”
You’re lucid and high off whatever the hell must be in your system when you smile at him, “Hi, baby...” you smile at him, before slumping once again.
Terrified what may happen if you fall asleep, he yells. “(Y/n)!” he startles you awake again.
“I’m sorry,” you cry.
“You’re ok, it’s ok, just keep awake for a little alright?”
“Can we go home now...” you wondered, quietly.
“On our way,” Ashtray says. Fezco glances at his little brother in the mirror.
But, they don’t go home. They stop by a friend’s spot, who had offered to let them crash for the next few days, since he was out of town and they were in some shit.
Entering the home, Fezco carries you to the tub, Rue following behind, as Ash locks the door behind him. Filling up the tub as you lean against the porcelain edge, the warm water clearly calming you, the sound of the running pipe...
But before anything, Fezco sticks his fingers down your throat, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he repeats as he forces you to gag up anything you might have ingested, emptying out your stomach contents, which wasn’t much. You sniffle and cry, hacking up whatever you could get out, leaning against your lover as your stomach churns in discomfort.
He then helps you into the tub, the water climbing to your chest. Cleaning the dirt from the floor you had been laying on, the dried blood and the horrors of the day...
Fezco takes off his sweater and his jeans, left only in his underwear, he steps into the tub behind you, holding you close, “There you go, baby,” he soothingly speaks to you, kissing your forehead as he squeezes you. “You’re alright now. I’ve gotchu, I got you...”
He glances down at the holes in your arm, bruised and crusted with blood, your hands were cut from the glass earlier. He raised one of your hands to his lips as you turned to lean your cheek to his chest, and he began to cry, closing his eyes tightly.
You slept as he wept.
But he was grateful he had gotten you back.
At least god had given him that much today.
He kissed your hands, your knuckles, your cut skin, the tips of your fingers.
Then, he just held you to him as the faucet dripped to a stop.
- - -
Awakening in a strange bed, in an unfamiliar place, you stood fast and out of the bed, your back slamming against the wall in surprise. You reached for a light switch, but you couldn’t see anything around you, nothing felt familiar at all, you shook in terror as the man you laid next to stirred and sat up in your mad scramble for light.
“No, no, please!” you collapsed in the corner, covering your mouth before the stranger could even say a thing, he had stood too fast for you to think nothing else but soon violence brought against you.
“Ma! It’s me! It’s me,” Fezco found a light switch, the dark, unfamiliar room illuminating, to reveal himself to you. “It’s just me.”
You released a heavy sigh of relief, that visible took a weight off your chest. But, it also made your tears run fast, the days having been too much for you, the thought alone had brought you down to your knees and crushed you before you even knew it wasn’t true.
Fezco quickly went around the bed, coming to sit in front of you, to which you fell into his arms, quickly wrapping your arms around him. “I’m sorry,” you sobbed. “I thought someone--I didn’t know if I--” Fezco interrupts you with a simple stroke of her cheeks, running his thumbs across your cheekbones to soothe your thoughts and wipe your tears.
“I know, I know,” he whispered to her, his voice cracks as his control leaves him. It pains him too much to see you break like this. “But, what happened, huh? You’re here with me. They didn’t get you, baby. They didn’t. You’re here with me.”
“You saved me,” you hiccupped, holding him desperately, just wishing to be close enough to feel nothing but him. “I thought I’d never see you again. That I’d never see Ash.”
“Impossible, ma,” he said, pressing his lips to your forehead. “Can neva get rid of me, you know that. And Ash on his own lil’ demon time, he ain’t goin’ nowhere.”
You release a watery laugh at his joke, sniffling harshly as Fezco rocks you in his arms, safely keeping you wrapped up in his embrace.
There’s a knock at the door, they raise their heads, Ashtray entering the room, silently. He stands there for a second as he shuts the door behind him, he shifts from one foot to the other, eyes glancing around, a frown on his face.
“Ash?” you whispered, looking to the boy. Fez knew though, what was wrong.
As Ashtray looked at you finally, his frown deepened, but it wasn’t a frown, just a miserable look he couldn’t hide anymore, a joy that trailed to sadness and brought tears to his usually hardened eyes. And then suddenly, Ash looked like the little boy that you had always allowed him to be, and that he would’ve never been again if you had gone.
“Ash...” you spoke, softly. Reaching out to him, you pulled him by the wrist, into your arms this time. And he broke like glass.
Like a dam, his tears flow like a downpour. An unwilling sob escapes him as he sniffles and cries into your shoulder, embracing you as he hoped he’d be able to every time he prayed to God for your safe return.
You kissed Ashtray’s forehead, stroking his face, his hair, and you squeezed him like no one ever had. You breathe deeply, a shiver leaves you as you fight your own tears, “Oh, my sweet boy,” you hold him close, as he buries himself to you. “I love you, I love you.” You say it fast, and you say it with all the love you have, like it could be your last time.
Complete. Is how their family felt again. Fezco engulfed himself in the feeling. The thought of losing you, the absence of you, it would’ve destroyed them.
Fezco leans his forehead to his brother’s, knocking heads gently, the boy peering up to him as he sniffles into your neck. The big brother tenderly rubs his little brother’s head, he kisses his soon wife and let them both fall into his chest, into the side of the bed.
And like the family they were, they collapsed against one another, holding each other tight.
Everything’s ok.
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#fezco#fezco x reader#fezco imagine#fezco supremacy#fezco euphoria#euphoria#euphoria fanfiction#euphoria x reader#fezco angst#fez#fezco euphoria x reader#angus cloud#rip angus cloud
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We lost a real one, today. He was one of my favorite characters on Euphoria. It’s sad that we lost a bright light on this earth, but he shall forever remain in our hearts.
#angus cloud#rip angus cloud#fezco imagine#fezco#fezco euphoria#rip#REST IN PEACE 🕊️#rest in peace#fezco fic#fezco smut#fez x lexi#fezco x lexi#fez x reader#fezco x reader
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Doll Face 2 | Fezco Euphoria

part 1 part 2
Pairing: Fezco x Latina!Mouse sister! reader
Summary: Mouse's sister was an excellent girl, a good student even, until life happened and she had to leave every dream behind. A particular friend was left behind too in the process. Years later, they meet again, but they aren't the kids they once used to be.
Warnings: 3k+ words, mouse sister, drug life, language, non-desired-sexual situations, sexual assault, forced sexual labor, exploitation of young girl, abuse, abusive household, vulnerable situations.
A/N: So happy to keep going with this story! Thank you for those who ask or wanted a part 2! Hope you enjoy it! If anyone thinks any other warning should be included please let me know, thank you!

Your body went cold. You had stopped moving and just stared at him, eyes locked. He kept an unfazed look, just looking up at you with his drowsy eyes. He wanted to know, he needed to know if you were his doll face. The little girl he had befriended all those years ago.
You regained your autonomy over your body and resumed your movements, praying that no one had heard or gotten suspicious.
“Doll face? You know sweetcheeks, carrot boy?”
You looked up at him with pleading eyes.
Please don’t, please don’t, please don’t.
“Nah, just confused her face.”
“She is a good one, isn't she?" You heard him say again. The redhead nodded slowly.
“Yeh, she is.”
Mouse’s laughter reverb over the place, making you feel the pressure of not stopping. Not looking at him.
“Yeah, she is a sweet one,” he took a sip of beer, “I promise, you can’t even imagine the number of guys that have cum in that same seat, my man…little sweetcheeks here making them cum with just a dance!”
Your jaw clenched, wanting him to stop talking about you like that. It was already an unpleasant enough experience to live as for to relieve it by word. Although the man beneath you seemed to not care at all.
He looked past your face and opened a beer from the many near. Raising his brows, making him seem like he couldn’t believe Mouse’s words.
“Really?” lacing his tone with fake astonishment.
“Yeah! Word is, little sissy here gives the best head around the neighborhood,” he comes near you, slapping one of your ass cheeks.
You had to grip the redhead's shoulders to prevent you from shuddering.
Please stop talking. You kept repeating in your head, with your eyes closed. Desiring to disappear from the embarrassment and just not having to face the look on the man’s face beneath you.
It wasn’t like you liked to do that. You just had to. A job is a job. Those words kept you going and stopped you from falling apart.
At first, you had managed to keep up with your weekly quotas by just dancing, but when word got around, Mouse decided to higher his commission. Forcing you to look for more ways to make money.
And any time you tried to get a job that didn’t involve this word, your brother was back at you with threats and violence. You had tried so many times before, you ever gave your first blow job and had some bills thrown at your face.
You had felt disgusted with yourself and scrubbed your tongue. After that, you brushed your teeth for eternity. It took you long enough to insert in your head that it was part of your job. That it was just a job.
But word got around. Again. And as always, Mouse found a way to benefit himself. And now he had you dancing for his people and sucking them off. You didn’t even get privacy having to do everything in that same chair.
It was disgusting. It made you cry a lot. And it was something you definitely didn’t want him to know about.
Your Fezco
Only God knows how hard you prayed for so long for this day. Day, noon, night.
Your imagination had been the only thing that had kept you happy all this time. In the middle of dancing, upstage or private, between jobs, the only thing that kept you going and smiling was thinking about the different scenarios in which you could meet again.
Your favorite one was where you find yourselves at the university. You are walking around, maybe at the start of your first semester there. You are still a little lost and getting used to the installations that it takes you a while to get around.
You had your math class next and were absolutely lost with the indications that the office gave you. So, you asked a group of people sitting at an outside table.
They were friendly, and one of the girls even offered to take you. You thanked them all and left with the girl. And then, she would say something like, “Oh my GOD, you are going to love this class. The teacher assistant is so cute. Everyone loves it just because of him.”
And you wouldn’t believe her, oblivious to what was coming next. But when she left you at the door, and you had chosen your seat, it was going to be his voice that would have made you look up. And there he would have been, being a math teacher assistant. A great one.
Then, you would approach him, he would remember you, of course, and your encounters would increase following that day.
That was your favorite scenario because it just seemed right. It felt right. That was how life should have been for both of you.
But it never occurred, and you were stuck here. Being pulled by your hair by your brother’s hand brings you back to your reality.
The force that he pulled you with made you moan from the pain.
“Yeah, right," he laughed. “She loves it when you pull her like this, just like the slut she is, right little sissy,” he shoveled your head to the side with force and left the room, probably going to look for someone to deal with him.
Any female who would have been forced to have him couldn't help but make you feel bad.
You felt a soft hand go behind your head, taking it softly and caressing your skull. Fez, oh Fez. Still looking at you with those same eyes. And the same look he always had on for you when you were just kids.
He looked around discreetly, and when he was sure no one was around, he grabbed your hips and stopped you from moving.
You suddenly became shy under his sight and smiled nervously.
“Hi,” you muttered, failing to contain your nervousness and focusing your eyes anywhere else than his face.
Yet, he cradled your face softly. Inciting you to rest your cheeks in his hold, making you feel warm, safe, and delicate.
“My pretty doll face,” he couldn’t believe his eyes, “You were here? All this time? How did I never see you?”
“I keep to myself mostly. When not working or with…Mouse,” you doubt a little at the end. You see his eyes harden at the name.
“What’s he of you?”
You clench your jaw, embarrassed at the situation. At first, you were a little doubtful, but you finally told him, “My brother.”
“No brother should be treating his little sister like that,” his eyes soften at your sight. For him, you seemed fragile due to all the abuse and violence surrounding you, and it was wrong. You had always been full of confidence in yourself. You never seemed scared and always smiled at the world. That was you, he remembered, the little girl that had been the focal source of inspiration all this time.
He wanted you to become her again, your true self. Not what these people wanted and were forcing you to be; scared and oppressed, abused.
“Women should be protected, adored. No matter their job choice or anything,” he murmured against your forehead, leaving his lips pressed, trying to comfort you without being too excessive with his touch.
But you wanted a hug, you caved touch from him. After all these years without any glimpse of gentleness, you had forgotten what it felt to be warm.
Slowly, your arms went around his middle, and he secured you between his arms, eyes closed by both parts. Just two people savoring the moment.
“Why have you not you left,”
“I can’t. I’ve tried so many times,” you felt the tears starting to form.
He strokes your hair and kisses your head crown.
"Whenever you pack your things and leave, one day. Find milk," he sighs. It's a convenience store. Ask for me if I'm not in there. Tell them that I sent you.
“Fezco, you don’t have to,”
“Too bad, I want to,” he smiled at you.
“Fezco,” you said softly.
“I want to, doll face. Okay?”
“Okay,” you rested your head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
Now this has "Whenever you pack your things and depart, one day. Find milk," he sighs. It's a convenience store. Ask for me if I'm not in there. Tell them that I sent you.
Now this has effortlessly turned into your favorite memory.
Sadly, all good things have to end, and this moment too.
“I have to go, little girl,” he murmured against your hair.
“Just…5 minutes more, please?”
“I wish, but not wanna risk getting someone mad at you,” he said as his arms prepared to let you go, but you snuggled closer into his chest.
“I don’t want to let you go,” you tighten your grip on him.
He laughs softly while exhaling. You are not letting me go, ma." He kisses the crown of your head, saying, "We'll be together again. Where're you working at, pretty girl?"
You press your lips together in a tight line before you let out a sigh, “At the neighborhood’s strip club.”
“Alright, now I know where to find you,”
“We’re not losing contact anymore?”
He exaggerates his hold on you while kissing your crown, saying, "No more, pretty one," which causes you to chuckle. "You won't be free of me, you hear me? I have to give this gorgeous one a lot of visits.
You nod, euphoric by his words. But wasn't enough for him. He wanted to hear you say yes and laugh. For you, let yourself be carefree for a second.
He moves his lips down to your ear and repeats his question with a funny tone, “You hear me, ma? You hear me!?”
“Yes! Yes, I do!” you laugh, looking up at him, just for him to be already staring back at you with his hooded eyes and a cute smile. He kissed your forehead one last time before getting up with you still in his arms and letting you down in the chair gently.
He strokes your face, taking some strands off and tucking them behind your ears. You smiled at him, and he had never stopped doing so. He walked backward for most of the footpath until he closed that door, and you were back.
Aware of your surroundings, feeling the disgust coming back and curling up on the chair, starting to count to 10, trying to control your breaths.
Nights and days went by, and you had to keep up with your life. Your work and your dancing. But you couldn’t help feeling some sort of hope filling you. You felt motivated for a better future. That there might be a future out there after all.
You felt yourself changing and even started dancing in between your dances. It felt unbelievable how powerful a moment can become, no matter how short.
Your shift had ended, and you were putting away your things in your bag when one of the security guys entered the room. You side-eye him, “You want to head? If you do, the price went up.”
“Your brother’s guy is here. They are waiting for you. Outside.” he gruffed, leaving just as he entered.
You froze. The only time this happens is when your payment is due. And you were not due until the end of the week. You walk through the people until going through the back door and waving goodbye to the early morning shift guys.
You kept your head down, walking silently and with an iron grip over your bag. You recognize the man standing out of the vehicle, one of your brother's buddies.
He opens the door without making a sound, giving each other a nod, closing it after you. You stare at him through the tinted glass. The car was empty beside your brother’s presence beside you.
“I’m not due,” you muttered.
“Well, little sissy. You know what happens to people who earn more than they deserve?” He pulls out a blunt and inhales a long puff before filling the car with smoke. You shook your head.
“Their payment goes up,” he releases smoke. Right to your face, making you hold your breath by reflex.
“I don’t have more money, Mouse.” you try to reason, “Between you and my employer, I barely have any more money left.”
He chuckles breathlessly, "Heard your blowie price went up. Who knows? 'Might be the time you start using your pussy. I know a few who would pay big grand for a taste."
“I’m not doing that,” your hand grips the seat.
“Well, I tried. Now pay, or you’ll be working with a bruised eye.”
“I don’t have any money, Mouse.”
“What about tips?”
In my locker, safe from any trash like you.
“Boss keeps them,”
He sits still for a few seconds with the blunt between his lips.
“Liar, liar, pants on fire,” he grabs a fist of your hair, pulling from it, making you look at the car’s ceiling, hurting your neck by the sudden movement.
You moan in pain, and he grabs you in a chokehold, “Careful there, honey. My buddies here might think you like that and wanna try doing it themselves.”
“You wouldn’t”
He yells out a name and yanks down your strapless top with a questioning, "You sure?" Someone unlocks a door. "Miralas. A que no son bonitas? Tocalas, she likes it." Mouse plays with and massages your boobs while encouraging his buddy to do the same. The hands then shift shortly after. (Look at them. Aren't they lovely? Touch them)
The guy starts by playing with your nipples, pinching and twisting them. Your brother pulls your hair, making you moan in pain again.
“You hear that, bro? Told you she likes it,” he laughs.
You feel the tears forming in your eyes. This had never happened before. You had never felt so vulnerable. Feeling unable to move or even react to any slight movement. Your grip is stuck on the leather seat. And your breathing turned erratic.
You notice the guy taking his finger into his mouth and then back at your nipples, wetting them. Your body shakes in fear and disgust. You pray for everything to stop or for you to just black out and not remember anything.
“They feel nice, bossman.”
His hand moves down, rubbing your genitalia, and says, "Let me tell you what, in a few days, this pussy could be all yours." He licks your neck, "Think of it as a present from me, a sneak peek before it goes on sale, huh? What do you think, little sissy?"
You were going to vomit. You could feel it coming. Your body was sweating cold, the ringing in your ears overpowering his words. You felt as if you were out of your body, being able to see everything happening to your body as if you were a viewer.
It was as if your mind and body had separated from one another. Your insides were shrinking by the feeling of their wandering hands.
Please stop.
Jesus Christ, you are my brother.
Please stop.
Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.
Help, please, someone.
God, please listen. Please.
The man had taken over your brother's hand, placing it down on you, palming you, tracing your lips with his middle finger.
The tears started to drop. You hadn’t even noticed until they started laughing loudly about it.
“Mouse, that you, my man?”
Your eyes move, looking for the voice owner. Locating a shadow hovering over your brother's side, opening the door.
“Carrot boy! What you doing ‘ere?” Fez looked past him, focusing on you and your position. His heart dropped. Having to see you like that was not pleasant. It took every ounce of his willpower to not take you right there and run away and leave everything behind.
He had to take you out of that situation and fast.
“Sweetcheeks here left me desiring for more, came ‘round looking to test if her sucking skills are good as they say,” he faked a smile. “But with that view. I’ll pay anything for a titty fuck, giving me a hard-on,” he chuckles, grabbing his crotch area
Mouse palms his shoulder laughing. “I like this boy! He just understands,” he looks over at the dude over you, “Take your hands off. She’s about to get real busy.”
Mouse grabs you from the back of your neck and throws you at Fez, who immediately cradles your body, trying to give you safety.
“Take her to my crib when you finish with her, money in hand, carrot boy.”
“Don’t be up waiting for ‘er! Gotta make that money worth it. If you know what I mean,” Mouse nods at his words smiley. And looks for something in his pocket, giving it to him.
“Just give her some if she fights. You know how it is.”
“As long as she’s not a spitter,” he takes the bag from him and waves them goodbye. Waiting for them to be out of sight before he could hug you properly.
“Fuck, fuck. Fuck that motherfucker,” he curses against your hair, kissing it between words, “I’ve got to get you out of there, ma.”
You felt something in you click with those words, making you return from the trance you had entered.
You started crying almost immediately, sobbing -hard- a river flowing down your cheeks. You didn’t even care about being half naked in a parking lot; if Fez could feel you up, you just cared about the warmth that hugged you.
Your hands held on tight to his shirt, taking the fabric in a fist, unable to stay still in that hug. Grabbing him by the shoulders and neck, pulling his cloth. You wanted comfort.
Fezco could feel the tears trespassing his shirt, the buggers coming out onto his shirt. You're sobbing, making him feel tears forming in his own eyes.
He made a promise to himself that night, a vow. He would become your protector and do whatever it took to take you out of there and ensure you never return.
“Just wait a little more, and we’ll be together before you know it,” he kisses your tears, and you nod wanting to believe his words.

@myamamahdi @starzsworldsblog @billyhargrovesprincess @itzlochnessie @ethereallocs <3
#fezco x y/n#fez#fez imagine#fezco fanfic#fezco x reader#euphoria fanfic#euphoria#euphoria imagine#euphoria series#fezco euphoria#fez x reader#fezco imagine#fez x y/n#fezco fic#fezco#fezco o'neill#fezco supremacy#fezco fics#fezco fanfiction#maddy perez
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Two Pink Lines
Title: Two Pink Lines
Alt Title: I’ve Heard Worse News
Warnings: swearing, unplanned pregnancy, mentions of bad childhood
Pairing: Fezco x Reader x Platonic!Ash (lil bro ash and big sis reader ftw)
Disclaimer: I don’t own you or the euphoria franchise. I own the writing.
Rating: PG I reckon
Word count: 2k
A/N: I haven’t written anything in three months! I hope this doesn’t suck! I’ve had so much going on lately! I’ve gotten into my own place w my bf, I had a car crash, a major pregnancy scare, and a job promotion lol. I’m doing alright rn, so I figured I’d take the chance and finally get something out again! Thank you all for being so so kind and patient w my inconsistent ass 😂 I genuinely love all of y’all!!
You sighed, placing the test face down on the counter. Music playing from your phone to try and ease your nerves. Snooze by SZA playing low as you slipped down the wall. You pulled your knees to your chest as you allowed the song to play through, your brain running the entire time.
The jokes you made to your boyfriend, Fez, were just that. Jokes. In no way did you actually think you were ready for children. You had just graduated from East Highland less than a week ago.
Your childhood wasn’t the most pleasant. You had been living with your boyfriend since you two were 13 and 14. Fez was all you knew, and you were all he knew. You knew everything about him and his life. His grandma, his job, his brother. And you fit like a glove in all of it. His grandmother took you in with open arms and loved you as her own.
You didn’t know what you’d do with a baby, you didn’t know where it would fit into your current life. You worked at the local breakfast place, it was like a Waffle House, but called MeeMaw Judy’s Home.
Your mind drifted to Fez. He didn’t want kids. You knew for a fact because he always told you “keep it movin’ ma”, everytime you passed baby aisles. Hell, the two of you even had talked about it last night. As far as Fezco was concerned, he didn’t see a baby in y’all’s plans for at least another 4 years.
The song ended and you took a deep breath. You couldn’t begin to explain how long those 3 minutes were. “Alright.” You whispered to yourself as you stood up, turning over the test you stared at them. Two pink lines. You’re not even sure you’ve ever seen pink lines so dark.
“Fuck.” You whispered as you placed the test on the counter. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” you said, voice cracking at the last fuck, tears welling in your eyes. You had false positives before, only for the next test to have been negative. But this time you knew you were pregnant. Nausea, fatigue, as well as paired with your period being late not one, but two weeks? Oh yea, your eggo is preggo.
Your thoughts ran to a complete halt as the door opened. “(Y/N)! Can you make waffles… what the fuck is all of this?” Ash asked, looking at the test on the counter. Your heart sank as you tried to explain. “Look, I just… just please get out. Please.” You pleaded, trying to push him out. “Hey, it’s ok. Stop stressin’. Y’a’int in trouble. Just… y’know. Take a deep breath.”
Ash grabbed your hand, thumb rubbing over your knuckles, a trait he picked up from Fez after he noticed it helped you calm down. “Ash, please. I need to think of how to tell Fez.” Ash shook his head before leading you to sit on the couch. “Worry about calmin’ your ass down first. You’re acting like your life is over. It’s just a baby.” Ash let go of your hand.
You felt yourself relax a little. How was he so calm? How is your life not over? Taking another look at the test, you grabbed it. “This wasn’t supposed to happen this way.” You walked out of the bathroom to the living room.
You sat on the couch and let go of the breath you were holding. “Why’re you so freaked out?” Ash asked, taking a seat next to you.
“Ash, you’re 14. I really don’t think any of this is your business. You’re too young.” You said, placing the test face down on the table.
“(Name).” Ash said plainly, looking at you.
“Okay. Fair.” You nodded, before taking a deep breath. You’re really about to vent to your boyfriend’s 14 year old brother? Well, it wouldn't be the first time. Ash looked at you as a mother figure, seeing as his only real one was incapacitated.
“Fez doesn’t want kids. Not now at least.” You
“Well, ya should’ve been safer, huh?” He crossed his arms. “What’s the plan (Y/N)?” Ash asked you, leaning back into the couch.
“I don’t know. Haven’t thought that far ahead. A minute ago I found out I’m…” The words got caught in your throat as you leaned onto the couch as well. “You think MeeMaw’ll let me bring a kid to work?” You half joked.
“I’ve seen what she allows, it wouldn’t surprise me.” Ash said, a small smile finding itself on his rather stoic face.
Mrs. Judy, or MeeMaw as you and everyone called her, was a kinder old lady. Standing at a firm 4’10 inches, she’s seen a thing or two. She was always kind to you, making sure you had food to bring home to the boys. She knew your upbringing and the conditions that landed you to who you became.
“When’s Fez supposed to come home anyways?” You asked Ash. “Not sure. He’s sellin’ at some kid’s party tonight. What’s her name, Kat, I think?” He shrugged. “He probably won’t be home until midnight then,” you sighed, rubbing your face, “gives me at least 2 hours to think about what I’m gonna do.”
“I got somethin’ you can do then.”
“Waffles?” You half-laughed, looking at Ash through your fingers. “I think we need to buy eggs and milk for it actually.”
“Damn.” He placed his arms next to his sides. “We can watch a movie?” You suggested. “I got Maddy’s Netflix.” You shrugged.
“Better than waitin’ around for nothin’.” Ash grabbed the remote and handed it to you.
Turning on a movie on Netflix, some random movie by Adam Sandler, who’s movies were yours and Ash’s favorite way to pass time.
He quickly tuned into it, but your eyes glued onto the white slender test. Millions of thoughts ran through your mind.
Was Fez gonna be mad?
Was he gonna leave? Or more so, make you leave?
Was he gonna tell you it’s ok?
Was he gonna marry you? God, what a thought. Marriage wasn’t a bad thing, by no means. When it works.
By 12, your mother had been married 6 times, and two of them were remarriages to your father. Screaming, crashing and crying was no stranger to you.
You remember the argument your parents had that led them to that final divorce and you into Fez’s home.
“(Mother Name)! What’s this shit? You’re pregnant? Again?!”
“I was gonna tell you! You went snooping through the trash? Are you fucking insane?!” CRASH, you heard as the test that was thrown at the picture frame that had a picture of you holding your half-brother. You sniffed the tears back as you packed your bag faster.
“You should’ve wrapped it if you didn’t want this shit!” She screamed at him. “Fuck that! You’re just as much to blame! Is it even mine, whore?!”
“Oh fuck you, you bastard!”
“No thank you! That’s how we landed here! Just go! Go and fucking take your goddamn mistakes with you!”
Mistake? That’s all your father thought of you?
“You act like I wanted to get pregnant again, or any time beforehand! I didn’t want these fucking kids anymore than you or Jerald and Will did! Besides, (Name) is the only one here!”
Nevermind, there was your mother being the way she was. You looked at the broken glass on the floor as you stood in the doorframe.
“I’m not going with her.” You stated, in your broken little voice. “You’re not fucking staying with me.”
“I wasn’t fucking planning on it.” You walked past your father. “The fuck are you going?” Your mother asked.
“Why do you care?” You grabbed the doorknob, the rest of your body turning to look at your parents. “I’m a mistake to both of you, so why is it such a big fucking deal if I just grant you both your wish of getting out of your hair?” You asked them, tears free-flowing down your cheeks.
“Why the hell did you have kids if you hate them?” You asked them. “Why do I have to be an adult when I’m 13?”
Your parents stared at you, expression unrecognizable. “Well, just so you know, I hate you guys. So don’t worry, the feelings aren’t one sided.” You opened the door and walked out, closing it behind you.
You used your finger to wipe the tear that began to slip down your cheek. You haven’t seen your parents since that day, hell, you don’t even know if they’re alive or dead. You sent a graduation invitation to the house your mother lived at, but received the initiation back with RETURN TO SENDER in red letters over your face.
You looked over at Ash, who was fast asleep with his head on your lap. You smiled a little at him, and your gaze returned to the test.
Your phone began ringing from the bathroom and you gently placed Ash’s head on the couch. He curled up in a ball as he got re-comfortable. You walked to the bathroom and grabbed your phone.
Answering the call, you placed the phone to your ear. “Hey ma.” Fez’s voice sounded like honey over the phone. “Hey baby.” You said, holding the phone to your ear with your shoulder as you threw the box in the trash. “Ash ‘sleep?” He asked.
“Mhm.” You answered, walking back to the living room to grab the test.
“You good?” He asked into the phone as you heard his blinker. “Yea… no. I just… we gotta talk when you get home.” You answered, walking to the front door. “I’ll just meet you at the car so we can talk without waking up Ash.” You told him, hanging the phone up.
You walked to the front of the house and leaned against the gate. You put the test in your bra as you waited.
Your breath got caught in your throat as you watched the bright lights pull in front of you. Putting your head down you walked over to the passenger seat and got in.
“What’s wrong?” He looked at you, his hand moving to hold your face. His hand rested on your cheek as he made you look at him. “Whatever it is, ma, it’s gonna be aight.” He said, thumb stroking the soft flesh of your cheek.
Your lip quivered as you let go of the breath you were holding. “I’m pregnant, Fez.” You said straight out, taking the test out of your bra to hand to him, eyes drifting to the floor.
“Oh.” His hand leaves your cheek to grab the test, turning on an overhead light, he looks at it. “I’m sorry.” You sniffed, eyes welling with tears as you stared at your feet on the floorboard.
“Whatchu sorry for? This ain’t bad news. I thought you was finna tell me someone died.” He looked at you. “It ain’t like we knew it was gonna happen. Shit happens, ma. We’ll figure it out, somehow. Hell, grandma did.”
“You’re not mad?” You asked him. “I’m not thrilled. But that part ain’t important no more.” He took your face in his hands, test between his fingers. “You’re what’s important to me, ma. Without you, I don’t know where I’d be.” He kissed you softly. “We’re gonna have a baby. I’ve heard of worse news from you.” He said against your lips.
“I was scared you’d yell at me.” You confessed.
“Yell?” He pulled away from you. “Not about somethin’ like this.” He shook his head. “We got other shit to worry about rather than yellin’. Yellin’ ain’t gon’ get anything done other than stress my babies out.” He said simply.
“I got milk and eggs. Ash texted me.” He said.
“I guess I ain’t getting out of making them waffles, huh?”
“You figured you know better about that.” Fez half joked, grabbing the milk and eggs bag from the backseat.
“Now come on, I’m tired. It’s been a long night. We can talk more in the morning.” You patted his thigh and kissed his cheek.
He laughed a little and nodded his head. “Alright ma.”
#des’ writing#euphoria x reader#desi’s oneshot#desi’s writing#fezco x reader#euphoria fez#euphoria fezco x reader#euphoria imagine#fezco imagine
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A-R-T 🌙
Pairings: Jake Sim x Reader, Jay Park x Reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 778
Song: ART by Tyla
Part 1| Part 2|
His eyes travelled your body as you laid still on the bed, he has studied your body. Every curve and peeled back every layer, hoping to see more. You were his muse, he painted you in 50 shades and hues. He used every medium he could find to showcase you. You were his A-R-T.
“That’ll be all today”, Jay spoke softly; as he put down his paint brush, “Just 2 more sessions and we’ll be done”. His art studio was huge, very spacious. One could hear their own echo even when whispering. There were paintbrushes and art supplies everywhere. It was messy but you believed that was the way the mind of an artist worked.
You were a portrait model that caught his eye just from looking at one picture from your portfolio. For his painting, he wants to crave your sensuality on the canvas. You’ve posed for him 3 times already.
“Thank God”, you giggled, “laying on that mattress was starting to get uncomfortable”. You wrapped yourself in the slik sheet that was originally draped over your body for the painting. You made sure to expose nothing while remaining sensual. “Where did you get that thing?”, you questioned as you fixed your afro. It had flattened due to laying on it for so long.
“I found it on the sidewalk”, he smiled as he dropped his paintbrushes into the cleaning solution. Your eyebrows shot up as you gasped at the information. “Jay! You could’ve told me that’, you yelled, jokingly.
A knock was heard as you both turned to face the direction of the sound. There stood a tall male with a warm small on his face. Jay watched the way your eye lit up as they met Jake’s. He studied your face, all he wanted was to make you his A-R-T.
You waddled over to him, making sure not to drop the sheet, you didn’t want people seeing you undies. “Babe!”, you squealed as he pulled you into his arms. Jake was here to pick you from your gig, as he always was. Never late and always on time. “How was it love?”, he asked.
“It’s nothing new babe”, you stated, “I just lay there for hours”. He thought it was cute how much you loved what you do. Jake’s eyes remained on you but he couldn’t help but feel the other male’s stare on him. “I know babe; I just wanna make sure you had a lovely day”.
“It’s okay, I’m gonna get changed and I’ll be back”, you smiled; leaning in to put a small kiss on his cheek before waddling away. They both watched you go around the corner to the bathrooms. The atmosphere slightly thickened as Jay turned his portrait away from Jake.
This caused Jake to raise an eyebrow, he always thought Jay was little off. Only you and Jay had seen the portraits of you, Jake never saw them. He never doubted you but he never trusted Jay.
“So when are the portraits going to be showcased?”, Jake asked. Keeping his distance from the other gentleman, He was just holding friendly conversation. Jay answered; completely unbothered by Jake awkwardness. “When I decide to showcase them”.
“Isn’t 4 enough?”, Jake continued. Jay turned to face him as he listened to him talk, “It’s kinda getting weird at this point”.
“I mean you’ve been painting her for the last couple years for an exhibit but not one of her portraits have been in a gallery”. It burned Jay hearing someone else speak on his art especially when they knew not what they spoke of.
“Don’t insert yourself into something that doesn’t involve you”, Jay responded softly. He scoffed as he stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets, “My art has nothing to do with you”.
“This is between y/n and I”, he finished as you walked in. You looked between the two; it looked they were having some exchanges. Everytime you left these two alone by the time you come back the atmosphere is just thick and suffocating.
“Are you ready love?”, Jake asked. You nodded taking his hand you both headed towards the exit. However, Jay’s words were stuck in Jakes head.
“This is between Y/n and I”
It was 4:43am; Jay sat in art studio. There was only one light and it easy very dim. He sat on the floor of his chilly studio; surrounded by every portrait of you that he has painted. They brought peace to him, you were his piece. With his hands he would be able to paint the most beautiful Portrait. You were his A-R-T.
“He has no idea”, he mumbled; picking up his wine glass, “His mind is too small to grasp the gem he has”.
#enhypen imagines#sunghoon#enhypen x reader#enhypen fic#jake#sim jaeyun#fez x reader#enhypen scenarios#enhypen jongseong#park jongseong#enhypen jungwon#enhypen fanfiction#enhypen fake texts#enha#enha x reader#jake sim x y/n#jake sim x you#sim jake#enhypen#enhypen fluff#enhypen jake#enhypen x black reader#enhypen reactions#enhypen smau#enhypen headcanons#enhypen soft hours#jake enhypen#jay enhypen#jay enha
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Just read about Angus Cloud’s passing, all prayers to his family🥺

#fezco euphoria#fezco fanfic#euphoria#fez x lexi#euphoric#fezco imagine#fezco x y/n#hbo euphoria#rue bennett#jules vaughn#rue euphoria#fezco#fezco fluff#angus cloud#angus cloud x reader#fez euphoria#maddy perez#news#rip#sydney sweeney#breaking news
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my oc, kaya! I have no idea how his glasses stay on his nose
#my art#he is turkish! from my fantasy ottoman empire#you cannot see it but he wears a fez on top of his turban LOL#for some reason i imagine his voice to be much like morrissey's. maybe because he looks smug and like he would have bad opinions#absolutely awful but what pipes!#he's one of my ocs who has gone through the least changes. this is the first design i whipped up for him and i still use it#ALTHOUGH he's had the most iterations as my story for these characters have changed#there are many many many proto-kayas
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Call this a corn-on-plate moment but i abso-freaking-lutely love how poor Fez is just CLUELESS in the cutscene when the L3 first emerge from their graves...
Sweet birdie you gotta turn around.... you're looking the wrong way...
#quikyu2banter#pokemon#teal mask#loyal three#fezandipiti#okidogi#munkidori#I imagine when they all start posing Fez is like “.. Oh- Oh shit” and he makes a remarkable comeback in .2 seconds lol#his ass does NOT KNOW WHERE HE IS
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it's a bit sad to me when folks cram relativity falls!dipper into an exact ford role of being a genius scientist who becomes a sci fi hero character
#in my rf hc post i've been procrastinating on for the past. like. half year. he's basically an ex x files character lol#and was in town laying low after leaving the department of coverups#and he left behind tapes and conspiracy boards that the kids find#i also imagine the portal being more magic based vs canon's tech based#(also in my version of the au mabel is doing double duty by pretending to be both of them and giving the kids a complete wrong idea of him)#(something something that they gradually drifted apart after dipper taking the agent offer vs the stan twins having a giant fight)#like it's important to me that dipper is seen as 'smart' from studying pretty hard for it cos he uses it to get validation#(mostly cos i grew up having the biggest ego at school and it all came crashing down later on when i simply couldnt understand anymore lol)#(also i had a complex about looking ignorant so i lied about knowing stuff i had absolutely no clue about)#there's also the difference of ford falling into the 'don't trust anyone' mindset after being betrayed after blindly trusting bill#and (to him) being betrayed by stan twice#while dipper is kinda skeptical and cautious of other by default#but then again that's why he took nwhs so badly cos he ended up trusting stan despite knowing he's a lying con artist#folks cramming mabel into stan's role 1 to 1 is also meh#....the shooting star fez bugs me the most tho adkhsadkjha#let her keep her own sense of style!!#tldr the rf stan twins start vlogging and using conspiracy boards to do cons and heists i guess
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Good evening, tumblr. I'm trying to do some drawings of that white haired character I mentioned previously to figure out her personality and I decided that she likes rage comics.
#doodle#coloured doodle#original art#original character#oc#joca#I'm trying to draw her in actual situations so I can figure out her personality before art fight starts#I kept imagining her like a trollface and like that one yellow :D face so I decided she likes 2011 era memes#also I've been drawing her with a dark grey shirt as a default but I might start drawing her with corny 2011 millenial humour t-shirts#oh crap I didn't realise it was 1am already woops momento açores#este desenho fez-me perceber que ela parece bué o Kaworu lmao mas se o gajo do barra Hack pode ser clone do Kaworu ela tbm pode
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r.i.p angus cloud oh my god. i am distraught right now
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This series was absolute perfection. Such a good read. It gets dark and there are some potential triggers, but it is sooooo good.
debt that’s owed : Fezco
Summary: Laurie needs someone to pay her the debt that’s owed to her, Rue ran from her, which gives her the perfect opportunity to use Fezco’s words against him. But, is she worth you?
Warning(s): Angst, Fear, Drugs, mentions of sex traffick, Laurie’s crazy ass, etc.
Author Note: Always wondered what Laurie would’ve done given that Rue got away, so I wrote a piece after the finale.
p.s. I’m having a lot of trouble with college tuition right now, rent for my apartment, I’d really appreciate it if you guys could help me, I love you guys Buy me a Coffee? Ko-Fi please spread the word, if you can’t donate! Bless your hearts, my loves! Now, enjoy!
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#euphoria#euphoria fanfiction#fez x reader#fezco x reader#fezco fanfiction#fezco imagine#fezco angst#euphoria fezco#fezco x female reader#fezco fanfic#fez x female reader#fez euphoria#fezco euphoria#fezco#fez x fem!reader
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Doll Face | Fezco Euphoria

part 1 part 2
Pairing: Fezco x Latina!Mouse sister! reader
Summary: Mouse's sister was an excellent girl, a good student even, until life happened and she had to leave every dream behind. A particular friend was left behind too in the process. Years later, they meet again, but they aren't the kids they once used to be.
Warnings: 1.8+ words, mouse sister, drug life, language, non-desired-sexual situations, forced sexual labor, exploitation of teenage girl, abuse, abusive household
a/n: Ok, Spanish is my first language and English second, so I apologize for any grammar mistakes. Second, I tried to research if Mouse was of any latin american origin, but I couldn't find any information. The actor is referred to as Lating King, so I'll use that as a reference. Thank you for reading! Hope you like it. Any suggestions will be highly appreciated <3

It had always seemed funny to you. The reaction on people’s faces when they came to know whose sister you were. At first, you were proud, sort of. You knew your family didn’t dedicate themselves to an average 9-5 job pretty early. But that never stopped you from feeling happy by having them around you most of the time.
It was like a dream at first. You would come from school, and your mama would always be beside your papá, talking about something you were too young to understand thereupon. Your big brother was known to be in his room with his friends, and you weren't allowed inside.
That didn’t bother you. It never did because at the end of the day, you would all sit down to dinner together and it felt amazing having to see people gather random things to use as chairs because there were just too many people.
It all just seemed like a big diverse family. You loved it.
You were a straight-A little girl type, and papá always made sure to share with you that you would be the first of the family to ever go to college. You were going to become the pride of your family.
Teachers loved you and never had any problem when you asked for extra help. Even your classmates were always helpful and nice towards you, especially one guy that you had math class with.
He was one of the nice weird kids. He didn’t talk with anyone much, but you like to believe you were his exception.
It all started due to you not noticing the exercises at the back of the page at that time, you were sitting in front of him, and he noticed this.
“Uhm, hey, sorry, but I think your page is kinda…blank” he drew your attention by tapping your shoulder softly.
“What do you mean?” you stared at him, confused.
“Well, yeah. The back side is blank.” he furrowed his eyebrows, trying to make you understand
“There was a backside!”
“There’s always a back part in math, little girl.”
“Shit- Sorry!” you covered your mouth, embarrassed.
“What are you sorry for?” he looked at you confused.
“I- well… I cursed. Ladies aren’t supposed to curse.”
“It’s unethical.”
“Huh,” he inhaled, “Well, the teacher is about to collect the homework, so if you want to copy from mine, go ahead.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Ok, thank you so much, Fezco.”
“Call me Fez.”
After that, it seemed like he had chosen you to be his partner in any class you had together. From that moment on, he would always whisper the answers in your ear, making sure you always had the same as his.
He would even grab your homework and correct your mistakes. It seemed so easy for him that you started to believe he was a genius.
“You are one smart mathematician,” you murmured once as you lay beside him on one of the school’s rooftops.
“A what?” he moved his head to the side, trying to get a glimpse of you.
“Mathematician, you will be a great one day.’
“Oh, what’s that?”
“Oh, you know…a person who likes and is good at math.”
“Hell yeah. I'll be one, doll face.”
“Fezco! No cursing.” you giggled.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry.”
You smiled, looking at each other barely, holding in your giggles.
And then everything went to shit.
“Mami! Papi! I’m home!” you entered your home with your cheeks painted and a big smile, hoping to see your parents in the living room, but only your brother was to be found with a bottle in hand.
“Hey, have you seen-”
“They ain't coming back home, little one.” he took one sip.
“What do you mean? They went on a field trip and didn’t take me?”
“Yeah. But more like they went to heaven.”
“Heaven? But that's a few hours away,” you tried, you really tried to be oblivious. Act stupid, “I read it on a map!”
“You can’t be that dumb,” he chuckled sourly, “Mom and pops are dead, and you know that.”
You stayed quiet. Looking at him and trying to keep your tears inside, hoping to be a cruel joke from your big brother.
“Now, I need you to understand something else,” he stood up, walking towards you, completely towering over you, “No more school for you.”
“What?” you whispered.
“I don’t need some governmental shit to be put inside your brain when you could be doing something more beneficial for me, us.”
“But I don’t wanna leave school,” you whined sweetly, “Papi said I would go to college!”
“Pops said it, not me,” he grabbed you from your low ponytail without pulling, twisting it around his fingers. “You’r ‘bout to learn about the family business, little sissy.”
And just like that, your life went spiraling into a deep pile of shit and more shit.
It started simple, nothing too hardcore. You prepared his pre-rolled, and he said your petite fingers were perfect for the job. Then, you started addressing him as “Mouse” since he has some respect to show or something along the lines.
And you did that for quite a long time, being grateful to keep some sort of young teen childhood innocence. Until one of his friends mentioned something about your changing body.
“Yo! Mouse! Your sister si que tiene unas lindas tetas eh! ¿A cuanto por una sobada?” they all laughed, but you knew your brother had a realization. (Your sister has a nice pair of tits, how much for a touch?)
His little sissy wasn't so little anymore. And lucky you, the neighborhood home strip club was taking applications, and they loved young girls.
“Pero mira que lindo lugar te conseguí hermanita, ¿a que no?" he laughed, licking his lips at the sight of the bare chest and intimate parts by the women dancing or waitress. (Look what a nice place I got you lil’ sissy, pretty isn't it?)
“I don’t want to be here, Mouse,” you said with a scared tone, “I don’t feel comfortable.”
“What you mean!?”
“I want to leave now, Mouse,” you said, trying to sound stern and covering your eyes to bring the different color neon lights.
If you had not, you would have seen him before he pulled you by your hair.
“Shut your fucking mouth and listen!” he spoke in your ear, spitting saliva, “You ain't eating nor coming home hasta que me traigas minimo mil, got it?” you nodded. (until you bring me at least a thousand)
“But how am I going to get you that?”
“Well, why else would I bring you here!? You got the place and a job start dancing!”
You looked at all sides, looking for some type of explanation or help, but all you could notice were a few pity looks from the women already working there.
“But…I am just fifteen, and I do not have any clothes like those,” you tried hard to convince him to take you away from there.
“C’mon I was thirteen when I banged my first chick, besides you got underwear underneath that, right?”
You nodded, unsure.
“Then don’t come back until you have that money in hand we clear.”
“Como el agua,” you murmured (like the water)
It took you some time to gather the money. It took you long enough to gather the courage to walk out of the dressing room in your underwear. Thankfully, some women there pitied you and gave you some money so you didn't have to socialize too much with the customers.
That day you became aware of how disgusting looks from men and women could be. But you became happy when at the end of the third day, the money had been collected. Until you were about to leave, the place and the owner took half of your money.
That’s when you knew that they take half of the tips, more if you get opinionated about it.
You had to work for it, they said. To start showing some more for some extra bills. To hide it somewhere, they won't see it.
Took you some time, but you felt elated when you knocked on that worn-down door you loved.
“Here’s the money,” you placed it in his hand with a smile, and he threw 100 back at you.
“Go get some work clothes and your food for a month.”
“How old are you?”
“At seventeen, you start paying rent.”
Then, you were his investment. His friends and co-workers wanted to see you dance. They wanted to see you shake your chest and back for them. They wanted to touch you. And if you objected? A dislocated shoulder, 3 broken ribs, and black-eyed followed you for a month, and you objected…a lot.
But you learned how to handle it. You had to and became a pro. The favorite one in the club, and the best one of Mouse’s girls, even if you had to do some things you despised.
At least you were treated better.
And then, you saw him.
You were at home, doing some dances for Mouse’s people along with two other girls.
You had numbed yourself and your emotions. You had created an alter ego and a safe place in your mind where you could wander off whenever you were working. Funny enough, you had come to like dancing with a pole. You found it artistic, just not the other things it came with.
You were concentrated on grinding on top of the man beneath you, concentrated in your safe place. Ignoring his wandering hands beneath your work clothes, his groping. But some voices distracted you. You switched positions so you could stare at the men coming in.
It was a redhead, and he seemed…cute.
You could hear them going and on about quantities and deadlines, and you better pay me up before blah, blah, and more blah.
“You know what, I liked you, carrot boy,” Mouse smiled, rubbing his palms against each other, “Let me gift you with one of my best girls. Sweetcheecks, com’ere!”
“She’s busy, my man,” said the man underneath, simulating pounding into you while you kept grinding him with him groping your chest.
“Not‘nymore, fuck off,” he grabbed him by the arm and pulled the redhead to your seat, “Treat him good, will ya?”
You nodded and started doing your job. It was actually easy to please a man. Just some elaborate touching and grinding, especially grinding, and to let them touch whenever and wherever.
You could feel him looking at you, his eyes locked. Almost making you feel embarrassed by what you were doing. He seemed like the gentle type. He even kept his hands to himself. You could be wrong, and when you felt his hand grabbing you by your neck and taking you near his lips. You knew you were wrong. He needed some time before he felt full of himself and started groping you like the others.
“Doll face, is that you?”
part 2? Let me know...
#fezco x reader#fezco#euphoria#fezco euphoria#fez x reader#fezco fanfic#fezco x y/n#fezco imagine#fezco supremacy#fezco fic#fezco fanfiction#fezco fluff#fez euphoria#euphoria fanfic#fez x y/n#fez x female reader#fez x you#euphoria imagine#euphoria hbo#maddy perez
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The life of Stanford Pines must be so bizarre from the perspective of a random townsperson who doesn’t know him. Imagine you live in a sleepy lumber town, where the most interesting thing you’ve heard this week is that a plot of land on the outskirts of the woods was sold and someone has started constructing a cabin on there.
You later learn by word of mouth that he’s a phd student doing some kind of long-term research project. You don’t see his face until one night he comes blasting down the street on a trail of destruction, eyes yellow and glazed over, trashing public property, inflicting gruesome injuries on himself, and laughing like he’s on an erratic, drug-fuelled bender. He then goes home and locks himself in his cabin again. This becomes a cycle; he stays isolated for weeks, then comes out once in a blue moon to wreak havoc and be a nuisance to the authorities.
Then one day it stops. He doesn’t come back out. The next time you see him he’s at a grocery store looking completely different to how you remember; his hair is grown out, he’s put on weight, his clothes are completely different and he’s stopped wearing glasses. Some townsfolk finally work up the nerve to talk to him and you learn that he invited them to his cabin on a tour. His home is apparently FULL of dangerous research equipment and the scientist, who had allegedly been very quiet and level-headed on the days he wasn’t having his “episodes,” has had a complete personality change, he’s loud and confident and less than honest and a little sleazy but a damn good salesman and entertainer.
He hosts tours out of his home for the next 30 years. Over time he’d changed it into a museum of sorts that sells overpriced knickknacks to unsuspecting tourists, but aside from his shady business practices he’s a well known member of his community. He changes up the exhibits every few months, brings his niece and nephew to stay one summer and they become town darlings, and even exposes a beloved public figure for running a spyware scheme.
One day you hear he got visited by the FBI. They start going round town asking about him. A week or so later he gets arrested. The town goes CRAZY theorising why but then there’s a massive earthquake and in the chaos of that you forget what happened to him. One minute you hear that the feds were surrounding his house and the next they’re all leaving like they forgot what they came for. Another week later he resurfaces and announces he’s going to run for Mayor, dominated the polls, wins the popular vote, but loses his position immediately due to an extensive criminal record.
Then there’s gossip that he completely changed his appearance again. He’s lost his fez and is walking around in a coat and cable knit turtleneck in the middle of the July heat. Then you hear from someone else that he looks the exact same and didn’t change anything. Then you see two identical men walking down the street, one matching the description you saw. People are BUZZING to know what happened and you eventually learn that the “new guy” was actually the same Scientist and the guy that had been running the museum was his twin brother who stole his identity after he went missing. Then the apocalypse happens
#his life would be like a soap opera#stanford pines#stanley pines#ford pines#stan pines#grunkle stan#grunkle ford#gravity falls#mystery shack
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A Long Overdue Tag Dump ! Characters Pt. 2!
#✧ seatbelts everyone! ( frizzle )#✧ with the frizz? no way! ( frizzle likes )#✧ i like the beats and shouting! ( jaylah )#✧ i know what is engineering! ( jaylah likes )#✧ still not ginger! ( 11th doctor )#✧ fez's are cool! ( 11 likes )#✧ my world is beginning today. ( jessica )#✧ fresh cookies! ( jessica likes )#✧ can you imagine rog? ( anita )#✧ a dalmatian plantation? ( anita likes )#✧ where am i? ( eabha )#✧ ooo shiny! ( eabha likes )#✧ there's coffee in that nebula! ( janeway )#✧ go back to hell; coward. ( janeway likes )#✧ the room began to switch! ( dorothy )#✧ ruby slippers ( dorothy likes )#✧ pink robin hood ( andromeda )#✧ dagger goblin ( andromeda likes )#✧ laughter is timeless. ( clarion )#✧ pixie dust. ( clarion likes )#✧ you're a wonder! wonder woman! ( diana )#✧ stars and stripes! ( diana likes )#✧ being up on our feet! ( stephanie )#✧ soccer! ( stephanie likes )#✧ let me be your right hand man! ( bea )#✧ don't be so literal! ( bea likes )#✧ hello angel~! ( crowley )#✧ alpha centauri! ( crowley likes )#✧ dream of life. ( jane doe )#✧ the greenest eyes! ( jane likes )
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This was soooo good!!! I’m not used to Fez having a mean streak, but I love it. This whole story felt so authentic and real. Definitely one of my favorite Fez imagines!
Hiii Isaw that you need ideas for fics 🥺 what about jealous Fez?🥺
Hiii thank you sm for ur request! <3 i didn’t like how the other one turned out so i decided to post this one first! lmk what you guys think!!
warnings: haven’t proof read/kinda a slow burn? just kinda/ swearing / mentions of drugs and alcohol/teens getting fucked up/sorta bratty!reader (srry) aaaand nate.
“Do i look pretty?” y/n asked her boyfriend as she was looking at herself through her tiny compact mirror, fluttering her eyelashes and puckering her lips. She was sat at the couch with her legs crossed.
Fez sat at the table with Ash, counting the thousands of dollars they’d made that week off weed alone. Ash rolled his eyes at the girl’s question, thinking to himself how annoying she was and what Fez even saw in her.
He glanced over to her then back at the stack of cash he was organizing. “What kinda question is that?”
“One that requires reassurance. So do i or not?” She turns around to look back at him to make sure he answered.
He huffed and put his head back in annoyance. “You always doin’ this shit, man. You look fucking beautiful as always, y/n.”
His colorful vocabulary made y/n flinch. Why’d he have to be so mean?
She begins to pout as she puts her mirror away and sinks into the couch. Fez noticed.
“Hey, y/n, look- I’m sorry, okay, baby? I just really don’t wanna think about anything other than work right now- and you-“ He points to her. “Be distracting me like a motherfucker.”
Hearing that alone made y/n smirk, but just a little. She still pouted as she waited for them to be done, finally heading off to the party she’s been waiting all day to go to.
For Fez and Ash, it was just another day at work.
Whenever the three of them would go to parties, Ash would be making all of the business while Fez hung around, making sure no one pulls anything with Ash or y/n. y/n wasn’t one for parties but she did like getting fucked up. Especially with her friends, making sure to avoid her ex, Nate. But it wasn’t going to be like that this time.
They’d arrive to the mansion where the party was being held when Fez stopped the car, put it in parking and looked at Ash through the rear mirror. They locked eyes, Ash nodded and took off, without Fez even turning off the car. y/n was confused.
“Are you coming with? Where did Ash go?” she asked concerned, not wanting to be away from him.
“Yeah, i’m just gonna be making it a lil later. That cool?” His hand is rested on her thigh, squeezing it a little when he asks.
“No- No it’s not ‘cool!’ Where are you going?”
“Shit, don’t start spazzing out on me, y/n. it’s just business, i’ll be back in half an hour, no problem.” He sighs, hoping she won’t give him too much trouble.
“Are you meeting with a girl?” Insecurities getting the best of her.
Before she could finish her question, he interrupts.
“No! y/n, Why are you asking all these dumb ass questions for? You really fuckin’ pissing me off. Just do what i’m telling you to, please?” He’s upset but he looks back at her and it seems like he’s pleading with his eyes.
“I’m not even your girlfriend yet, and this is how you’re treating me?” y/n scoffs. “Fine- leave, and you know what? i’ll catch a ride with someone else. I don’t need this- God, you’re worst than Nate!” She huffs as she unbuckles her seat belt and starts to get out of the car.
“Ayo, don’t ever put me and that bitch ass motherfucker in the same sentence again! Do you hear me, y/n?” She slams the door in the middle of him shouting. “And if i find out you try pulling some shit with Nate, it’s over with for that little bitch!” He puts the window down after she slammed the door, to make sure she could hear him.
She flipped him off as she walked away, indicating that she definitely heard him. As soon as he saw her walk inside, he speeds off with the smell of burnt rubber staying behind.
She knew what she was doing when she mentioned Nate. She didn’t wanna piss him off as much as she did, she just wanted to see if he actually cared or if he was just another Nate in disguise.
People stared at her while she walked inside. Did he really have to cause a scene? It’s not like everybody knows about the two of them dating. Although, y/n wouldn’t say they were dating because Fezco hadn’t even asked her to be his girlfriend yet. Maybe that’s why she was so upset to begin with?
She groans, her thoughts becoming too much to bare when she runs into Kat and Jules taking a shot. She smiles at them as she approaches them while Jules and Kat squeal and jump towards y/n to hug her.
“You came!! Yes, my life is now complete!!” Kat hollers as she hangs off of y/n. It’s clear that the pair is tipsy.
They laugh while y/n grimaces at the loud noises all around her.
“i’m glad you guys are having fun at least.. let me get on your level!” y/n shouts over the music and the two girls whoop while they pour themselves and y/n some shots.
y/n figured if her love life wasn’t going to perfect, she should try so hard to make it that way.
So she got super fucked up. She was taking drinks left and right, from anybody and everybody. Once all of her friends arrived, they began dancing like nobody was watching. She’d also drink every time one of her friends would kiss their significant other. Which was a lot.
So there she was, regretting all of it while she threw up behind a bush while Ashtray held her hair back. He was disgusted and aggravated but Fez would never let him hear the end of it if he just left her alone.
“Jesus fucking christ- what did you eat?” Ash groans as he turns away when he realizes you’re not done throwing up.
“Didn’t-“ y/n managed to slur out before she blew up chunks again. “God- I’m gonna die-“
Ash rolls his eyes. “We’ve only been here an hour, and this is how fucked up you decided to get?”
“Right, Ash!” She whimpers. Oh no, she’s gonna start crying again. “It’s been a whole fucking hour- and he’s still not here!” She cries while she sits on the grass, next to her vomit. Ash is gonna chew Fez out for this one later.
“y/n, come on- don’t fucking start again- he said he would be here soon! he got caught up. you know what he’s doing- he’s just picking shit up and moving it around. That’s all that we fuckin’ do.” He snarled, getting more fed up as the seconds go by.
“Liars.. you’re all fucking liars..” She mumbles while pulling her legs against her chest, completely ignoring the fact that she’s wearing a tiny skirt. She was drunk, she didn’t care.
“What? What are you talkin’ about? Man- Fuck your drunk ass. I’m outta here.” He storms off with his suitcase, pissed as fuck.
She stops crying and realizes he left her. Well, fuck you too.
She pulls out her phone and begins to text Fezco for the hundredth time. When he doesn’t reply, she tosses her phone to the next lot, not thinking of the consequences. She goes to stand up but is taken by surprised when Nate unexpectedly walks up to her and helps her get up.
“y/n, are you okay?” Nate asked, surprisingly sounding concerned.
When y/n realized who it was and what was happening, she drunkenly tries to pull away. She’s unsuccessful because Nate holds her in place. He knows if he lets her go, she’ll face plant.
“Fuck off me, Nate- what do you care anyway?“ She huffs while she straightens her skirt out and goes to walk off. Nate holds her back.
“Hey- Can we go somewhere to talk? I’ve been wanting to talk to you-“
“No, i’m waiting for Fez.” She lied as she crossed her arms. Nate didn’t buy it, he knew her well enough.
“Come on, it’ll just take a few minutes-“
“Nate. You cheated on me. Abused me, mentally and physically.. Now you wanna talk?” She slurs and struggles to stand straight from how drunk she is. Nate is still holding her.
“Come on..” He grabs her by the arm and drags her inside against her will. She lets him because she’s scared of what he might do if doesn’t. And he knew that.
While being dragged inside a room by Nate, she saw people looking at them, and whispering to each other. She hoped to god that it didn’t spark up any rumors and if they did, she hoped they would get back to Fez. But this was Nate. Nate loved to cause trouble, but she was too drunk to notice it was all intentional.
He sits her down on the bed, trying to take her clothes off for a shower. She resisted.
“W-what are you doing?” She carefully asked.
“Getting you ready for a bath,” He continues to go for her skirt. She smacks his hand away and stands up wobbly.
“You said you wanted to talk- Not bathe me!” She huffs and tries to walk out. Nate blocks her path and holds her shoulders firmly.
“I do, but you’re drunk out of your mind, y/n and i don’t see anyone else giving a shit. So will you sit down and let me wash you up so you can go back to your boyfriend clean and pristine?” He looks down at her and she looked back at him with her bambi eyes.
She backs up to the bed to sit on it again and let Nate strip her. This wasn’t a dumb ploy to get her naked, right? She thought to herself. Nate cheated with a bunch of guys, so he was gay, right?
At some point, she was just too drunk to care and cleaning up did always help her sober up. So she let him wash her up, keeping her undergarments on as he did.
She had never been more confused than she was at this moment. But this is just what Nate did. He’d be as sweet as possible to try and win her back but when he got her back, he’d go right back to being the sociopath he always was.
“You know.. i do actually care about you.” Nate suddenly said, snapping her out of her drunken thoughts.
“..you’ve got a funny way of showing it.” She hummed while he finished up.
He patted her dry, leaving her to get dressed. She felt somewhat better in a really weird way. Before she got out of the room, Nate still tried talking to her but she wasn’t having it. Fezco had her heart, even if he didn’t really want her. Or so she thought.
She walked out of the room, drying her hair with a towel. The party was still going on, although she’d seen some of her friends passed out on the floor or dancing their rocks off.
She tossed the towel and thought it’d be best to start saying goodbye. She had a really bad night and all she wanted was to go home. Until he showed up.
“y/n, where the fuck you been at? why haven’t you been answering your phone?” He seems mad but he still approaches her.
“Oh, looks like someone’s been looking for me.” She brushes it off and walks right past him. He follows.
“Yo, you think this is some kinda game? what the fuck is wrong witchu- Ash said you was taking drinks from left to right- and then i hear you’re sneaking off with Nate to fuck around? I’m not fuckin’ messin’ around, y/n- i told you the kid was gonna get hurt if i caught y’all doin’ some stupid shit-“
“Fez!” She finally snaps. “Please.. just stop. i have a killer headache and yeah, i’m aware it’s my fault- but what about you? i asked you a simple question and you got all fucking weird about it- how do you expect me to react?!”
He stops and puts his anger aside to hear her out.
“Look, i know that what happened with Nate and i wasn’t your fault.. but if you’re gonna make a commitment to me.. i’m gonna need tons of reassurance. Lots and lots of it. And that requires a ton of annoying questions. So yeah, i know i’m annoying.” she sighs and looks down. “I know you don’t really like me- If you did, you’d ask me to be your girlfriend already-“
“Bro- stop with that bullshit already. You’re mine. My girlfriend. Do i really gotta ask you to be mine? You already know wassup. Shit, i mean, if it means that much to you, y/n, will you be my fucking girlfriend?”
The question took y/n aback. “W-what?”
He sighs, frustrated. “y/n, i just wanna make you happy. And if doing dumb lil formal shit like ask you to be my girlfriend, then i’m gon’ do it.” He looks at her, and he’s scared. Scared he’s going to lose her.
“Fez.. i’d love to be your girlfriend.” She smiles and forgets about all of her insecurities with just that simple question. He wraps his arms around her firmly and puts his face in her neck.
“Stop doing dumb shit just to get me where you want.. i’m crazy about you, y/n.. i’ll do anythin’.” He mumbles into the crook of her neck, ever so softly, loud enough for only her to hear.
“i don’t do dumb shit because of that! i just make dumb decisions sometimes..” He chuckles at her response and pulls away to look at her.
She looks back at him and blushes. They’d only ever kissed once, and it was everything. Everything and more.
But here she is, blushing like it’s the first time again. He smiles softly, because he thinks it’s cute before he leans in to kiss her deeply. She kisses him back, with both of her hands on his face. He pulls back only to pull her closer and kiss her again.
“Hey- hold on- You didn’t do anything with Nate, did you?” He pulls back suddenly to look at her face and ask.
She flutters her eyes open and gulps. “Well- I- No?” She stammered.
Fez’s face falls and he pulls away even further. Not much but for y/n it felt personal. “Was that a question or an answer?” y/n looks down at his hands and they’re balled into fists.
“Fez.. No, nothing happened.. i mean, he showered me- but only to sober me up-“ She tried to explain but Fez’s anger took control. He grabbed an empty bottle of Hennessy and threw it at Nate’s head before he got on top of him and started beating him.
It all happened so fast. Fast enough that it ended as soon as it started. He only hit him a couple of times, not enough for him to end up in the hospital again. Maybe for some stitches from the glass.
“Stay the fuck away from y/n.” He snarled in his face before he stood up and walked out of the house, taking y/n by her hand.
She was flabbergasted and embarrassingly turned on.
The walk to the car was silent. Hell, even the ride to his house was. She wanted to break the ice. She didn’t know what to say though.
She was still drunk when they got to his house, and before they went inside all she could say was,
“Jealous much?” While she smirked.
#euphoria#euphoria fanfic#fezco#fezco x reader#fez#fezco euphoria#fez euphoria#fez x reader#fez x fem!reader#fez x female reader#fezco x fem!reader#fezco x female reader#fezco imagine#fezco fanfic
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