#natasha romanoff x male! reader
teaaagan · 11 months
Y/N: Do you need a hug?
Natasha, upset: WHAT DO YOU THINK??
Natasha: *Storms off*
Natasha, coming back: Yes please, I’m sorry
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fandomnerd9602 · 4 months
Natasha exits her room with a smile…
Tony; Romanoff where’s your hubby, my little bro? I need his help with a project.
Natasha: umm…tired
Tony: at 10am? Really?
Natasha: I screwed his brains out last night and into this morning! There! You happy?!
Tony: no…but I bet Y/N is very happy
Natasha huffs and walks off to the kitchen…
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amphibiahawks321 · 2 months
[VillainM!Reader tied up on a chair]
VillainM!Reader : Oh no miss superhero please don't hurt me~✨
Natasha : Don't worry I'm not gonna touch you
VillainM!Reader : .......WHY NOT!!
Natasha : Chuckles later sweetheart~
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skylarinfinity · 8 months
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[natasha going out with the girls]
wanda : so natasha, how are you and your new boyfriend?
natasha : well couple years ago i loss my ex at a party and found him making out with two woman-
carol : [scoffed] fucking arsehole.
natasha : but last night i lost male reader at tony party and find him eating a tacos while patting the animals at the corner of the living room.
maria : [chuckles] the upgrade!
tags lists @sonicqaulan @graysonfriggason @thebettermaximofftwins @sloanalistair @acienthazard @starlinggoldeneyes @ortegaolsen @wednesdaywanda @sandwichmarvel @gardenofmarvel @wanda-cabin-natasha-jacket @panandinpain0 @badblondebisexualboy
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cece693 · 1 month
We Belong Together (DARK! Steve Rogers x M! Reader)
Just something that came to mind and couldn't help but write it. Please tell me if you like this style of writing more or prefer my original one. Thanx for reading!
Summary: Dating Steve Rogers was more difficult than you'd imagined. He was a man riddled with insecurities and, unfortunately, this affected your relationship.
tags: dark Steve Rogers, manipulation, the Avengers are no help, toxic relationship, not Steve friendly, gaslighting, no happy ending and ambiguous ending
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Your relationship with Steve was rocky, to say the least. And you know it sounded stupid because you're dating Captain America, the epitope of male perfection and respect, but you weren't dating him. You were dating Steve Rogers, the man who was always beaten to a pulp behind alleyways before the serum took over. The man who did everything to fit in, but was neglected due to his health problems and scrawny appearance. And in a way, you sympathized with Steve—he was still the boy seeking acceptance from everyone, and you, who he'd let into his heart after the whole Peggy fiasco, couldn't desert him. But there was a line between what you would label as love and obsession.
It would be fine if Steve wanted to spend each weekend lazing about in bed, arms wrapped around you, not wanting to let you even use the bathroom, but it was another story if he had your location turned on and was texting you hurtful messages implying infidelity. You'd let it pass one time, but when it became a routine, and Steve became more suffocating to be around, you realized you'd fucked up. No breakup was easy, but when you're doing it to Steve Rogers, a man who was known for his determination and unwillingness to change his mind, it would be near impossible.
With his job as a full-time Avenger, there was never a good time for you to sit down and talk to Steve. He was either tired or stressed, with the latter making you squeamish to even interact with. No Steve was pleasant to deal with, as of late, but a stressed Steve was walking into enemy ground. If the damage to the punching bags was any indication. However, it seems whatever God above favored you when your boyfriend announced he'd asked for a week off to spend it with you. His smile was genuine, but you noted the strange twinkle in his eyes when he casually noted that it would be your anniversary.
"Who knows what surprise I have in store for you." He said, but those words, said with so much innocence had you fretting. You hated to do it, but it seemed you'd be breaking up with him before his plan could come to fruition.
"Steve, about that..." You trailed off, looking away from him to gain courage, but found none. "I don't think we're working out. I want to break up." There, you said internally, just like ripping off a bandaid. You risked looking up at Steve and instantly regretted it. He had a look of silent fury and violence??? but then it washed over with indifference. You expected yelling, even begging, but silence stung more. "I'm sorry, but I..." How would you broach the topic of his toxicity without sounding like a total asshole?
"Is there someone else?" Steve interrupted, quite rudely. He tilted his head, mind racing with every person who'd ever interacted with you. Who had convoluted your mind into breaking up with him? If there was another man, Steve would make them regret their existence. Taking what wasn't theirs to begin with. "Is it Thomas? I knew he wasn't just a friend."
"No!" You shouted, hurt by the implication. Thomas was a co-worker who you befriended—he was like a brother to you, nothing more, nothing less. "This is part of the problem, Steve. You think I always cheat, making me feel stupid for overreacting to your jealousy when it's unhealthy as hell."
"But you always seem so close to everyone else." Your ex replied, his voice wavering between anger and insecurity. "How am I supposed to feel when I see you laughing and talking with Thomas like that?"
You shook your head, frustration boiling over. "How are you supposed to feel?! You're supposed to trust me, Steve! You're supposed to know that if I'm with you, it's because I chose you. But you keep pushing me away with all this suspicion. It's exhausting."
Steve clenched his fists, struggling to find the words. "I only act this way because I care about you, because I don't want to lose you. You know how much I love you. If I didn't care so much, I wouldn't be jealous." He knew it was a stupid reason, but Steve was desperate. He wouldn't lose you over something he had no control over. Didn't you know how handsome, pretty, and unique you truly were? Didn't you see the hungry stares people throw your way? It was Steve's duty as a boyfriend to show them you were taken; his completely.
"That's another thing, Steve! You alienating me from my friends and co-workers."
Steve's face twisted in frustration. "So, what? I should just sit back and let whomever get close to you?"
"I can't control everyone's actions, Steve! Don't try to guilt trip me into thinking your behavior is normal...it isn't. Your reaction just reaffirms my decision." Not wanting to face your ex any longer, you stood up from the table and headed to the door. After all, this was Steve's apartment, and as much as he tried to encourage you to move in, right now you were grateful you stood your ground. But not even before your hand touched the doorknob, Steve's whimpers sounded behind you.
Steve panicked seeing you near the door. You had to understand—he never meant to make you angry, he just loves you so much that perhaps his behavior did come off as overbearing. But this was for your own good, Steve thought, you were too naive, too trusting of people who would only take advantage of you. With tears in his eyes, Steve began to whimper and make himself look half his size. "I'm sorry. I'll change, I promise, but please don't leave me. I love you."
It irked Steve that you didn't face him, but when he saw you pause, his heart rejoiced. Just for it to quickly fall again when you did open the door and told him you couldn't do this anymore. Unable to do anything as you finally closed the door, leaving him alone, Steve's anger made an appearance. Grabbing the closest thing to him, he flung it to the wall and continued to do so until every single item in his living room lay in thousands of tiny little pieces.
You're acting irrationally, Steve told himself. You'll soon come to realize the grave mistake you are making. I'm the only one who could protect and love you. I'll give you space to calm down, and then, perhaps you can understand me.
A week had passed since you'd broken up with Steve, and the man wasn't taking the news well. He believed you would've crumbled and ran back into his arms once the day ended, but when you hadn't called, much less answered his messages, the man grew furious. How dare you block his number and change the locks on your door? Did you have a visitor over, taking advantage of his absence to fuck whomever you desired? Didn't he mean anything to you? The week's absence had made Steve spiral out of control.
The reasonable part of him told him to move on, respect your wishes, and cease contact, but this was you. You weren't replaceable to Steve, oh no, he would make you stand by his side until death do part. Didn't you see you guys were meant to be? It also probably didn't help that the Avengers took his side and began feeding into Steve's delusions.
"I don't get it, man. You treat him right and love him unconditionally. How could he break your heart?" Was Tony's response once he heard of your relationship status. "He's dumb to break things off. I can only hope my relationship with Pepper is as strong as yours." Yeah, Tony wasn't really a help in calming Steve down.
Meanwhile, you were picking up the pieces of your life. Reconnecting with friends Steve had frightened off and taking a much-needed vacation from New York. You couldn't escape Steve when he was a public image—Captain America basically ruled over New York and had a place in people's hearts.
Sitting down at the little cabin you rented for the month, you sipped on your coffee and rethought your plans. Initially, you wanted to just start anew in New York, forget about Steve, and continue living your life, but that was thrown out the window. You could sense eyes wherever you went after breaking things off with Steve, and you might be crazy for saying such a thing, but you knew Steve. Knew he would pull strings to keep in contact and have an eye on you.
It also wasn't unreasonable to make such a connection when Steve was the leader of the Avengers—a team of superheroes with varying skills and resources. So your original plan of staying turned into you seeking residence as far away from the U.S. as possible. Yet, when you believe you've found the perfect place, something gets in the way—your bank is unable to transfer funds, the listing immediately reads as sold, the realtor not answering your calls. Every hindrance only makes you come to the same conclusion—Steve.
Yelling when the mug shattered in your hand, hot coffee burning your skin, you realized you weren’t alone. The front door of the cabin was closed, but standing next to it was Steve. The nearby lamp cast a dim, flickering light over his figure, highlighting his state of disarray. His once clean-cut appearance was gone, replaced by stubble, messy hair, and a simple t-shirt with jeans that looked like they’d been slept in. "Get out." You hissed, but the man only stepped closer, frightening you. "Get out! I don't want anything to do with you."
"I tried to be nice, and give you space, but nothing works." Steve said, ignoring your wishes as he advanced toward you. For every step he took, you stepped back twice. You couldn't help but fear for your safety when Steve disregarded your wishes and had this glint of madness in his eyes. "I need you. Can't you see that?"
Your back hit the wall, trapping you as Steve loomed closer. You never took your eyes off him, every nerve in your body screaming for you to escape, but there was nowhere left to go. "Steve, please." you begged, your voice trembling with a mix of fear and desperation. "You're scaring me. This isn't love."
Steve’s hand reached out, brushing against your cheek in a gesture that once might have been tender, but now only filled you with dread. "You’ll see, in time. You’ll remember how good we were together. You just need to stop fighting it."
Before you could react, Steve's hand shot out, gripping your chin with a force that made you wince. In a flash, he pulled you closer and crushed his lips against yours, his kiss bruising and possessive. You struggled against him, trying to push him away, but his arms were too strong, locking you in place as he held you tightly.
Your mind raced, panic surging through you as you fought to break free. This was not the man you once cared for; this was someone consumed by a twisted obsession, willing to do anything to keep you. Tears welled in your eyes as you clawed at his arms, desperate for air, desperate to escape.
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Mr. Mailman | Natasha Romanoff
Summary: Natasha has a crush on the mailman :)
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Male Reader
Warnings: Mild language
Word Count: 1.7K
A/N: This was an anon request. Enjoy!
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“What’s wrong with her?” Sam asked as he watched Natasha forlornly stir her coffee while staring out the window.  
“She’s upset Y/N won’t notice her,” Yelena explained.
“Shut up,” Nat snapped, shaking her head and snapping herself out of her fantasy.
“I’m not wrong.  You’ve had his eye on him ever since he first showed up!”
“I said shut up!” While her tone was harsh, the blush creeping across her face told a different story.  It was true.  Natasha Romanoff, normally the stoic, unattached assassin, had a crush.  
From the first day Y/N L/N stepped foot on the Avengers’ compound as the new Stark Industries delivery driver, Natasha was absolutely smitten.  She didn’t know what it was.  Maybe it was the way his biceps bulged as he pulled the truck full of packages through the loading dock.  Or maybe it was the flourish he used flipping the clipboard back to the dock manager after signing the package transfer.  But truth be told it was the way he glanced up from the clipboard and smiled at Natasha the first day he saw her.  Ever since then she used every excuse in the book to be at the loading dock or mailroom whenever he was there.
You never anticipated that your first job after college would be a delivery driver for Stark Industries, but here you were.  While it wasn’t the office job you anticipated, driving the delivery truck was actually pretty cool.  Getting to step foot on the Avengers compound every day was cool.  Having Tony Stark as your boss was cool.  Sneaking a glance at Natasha Romanoff whenever you could?  Cool isn’t the exact word you’d use for that.
The first time you laid eyes on Nat was your first day of work.  You were signing for some packages that were being transferred from the compound to the main site when she walked by.  She was passing through, on her way to some other location.  All you did was look at her and smile.  She flashed a quick grin in your general direction before speeding off.  That was the last time she actually made eye contact with you, but it wasn’t the last time you saw her.  Most days she was either in the mailroom or the loading dock whenever you got there.  No words were exchanged between the two of you, but she was always there.  Sometimes you sensed her looking at you, but she quickly glanced away when you looked over at her.
Natasha was gorgeous, there was no doubt about that.  You never missed an opportunity to steal a quick glance whenever she passed by.  But you were always too scared to actually strike up a conversation with her.  She was the Black Widow: something about asking one of the world’s fiercest assassins out for coffee intimidated you.  There was always the slight risk that an unwanted advance would end in your assassination.  So you kept your distance for reasons of personal safety…or that’s what you told yourself.
“As the resident expert on waiting too long, don’t.”
“Drop it, Steve,” Nat chided.  “I don’t even like him.”
“Oh, that’s a lie if I’ve ever heard one,” Steve chuckled, dodging the coffee cup that came flying at his head.  “It’s okay if you like him!  I’ve talked to him a few times and he’s a nice guy.”
“No.  No, it’s not okay.  I wouldn’t know what to do if he liked me back…” she trailed off.
“You go out for coffee.  You talk, you get to know each other.”
“Steve I…I’ve never actually dated anyone before!” Natasha blurted.  Red crept up her cheeks as she finally admitted the one truth she never spoke aloud.  The only other person who knew the truth was Yelena and even she was sworn to secrecy.
“I know how to seduce people.  That’s part of the job and I do it well.  But it’s just the job.  I’ve never done it for real.”
“Come on, you’re kidding.  What about Connor?” Steve was shocked at the revelation.  He set his coffee cup down on the counter and rubbed his beard as he stared at Natasha.  
“That was a cover for the joint mission with MI6.”
“SHIELD mission.”
“David from Accounting?”
“Daniel.  Just sex.”
Steve didn’t say anything: he just stared.  Natasha glanced at her feet, kicking the ground in front of her as an awkward tension spread over the room.  She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole just to get her out of such an uncomfortable situation.
“No one’s going to want to go out with a woman who’s never been on a date before,” Natasha replied tersely.  She gulped the lump that was slowly creeping up her throat as she once again swallowed her pride.  
It’s not that she didn’t want to eventually partner up with someone, in fact it was quite the opposite.  After so many years of excuses, she just figured it would never happen to her.  The possibility of something finally working out scared her.  Natasha worried she wouldn’t know what to do.  Sex was one thing.  That was transactional, something both parties rendered knowing there weren’t any strings attached.  Intimacy?  That involved being vulnerable and saying how you felt.  After so many years living so many lies Natasha wasn’t sure she was capable of such openness.  
“You’ll never know unless you try,” Steve encouraged, placing a hand on her shoulder.  
“Cut the bullshit, Steve,” Natasha snapped as she shook his hand from her body.  “We both know it’s not that simple.”
“It is with the right guy.”
Should be good after this last trip, you thought to yourself as you pushed the overflowing mail cart down the winding hallway toward the mailroom.  It was cold and rainy, a miserable day to be on the road, and all you wanted was to get out of there, drive the truck back to the city, and head to your apartment in Queens.  All that was left was sorting the mail and putting it in the right mailboxes.
The mailroom was a convoluted maze of boxes, bins, tubes, and chutes.  Everything had a specific spot and it was easy to mess up at first.  Once you got the hang of it, sorting everything out wasn’t too bad.  What once took over an hour only took you twenty or so minutes now.  Plopping the cart down in front of the mailboxes, you got to work stuffing envelopes, packages, and postcards where they belonged.  The work was mindless, meditative almost.  Once you got into the rhythm of it your brain shut off and muscle memory took over.  Today you were so in the zone that you didn’t notice the redhead walk into the room behind you, so when you turned around the shock of realizing you weren’t alone made you drop your armful of envelopes.
“Oh great,” you muttered, stooping down to pick up the papers.
“Here, let me-”
“No, it’s fine-”
“No, it’s my fault.  Let me help you.”  
You watched as the redhead knelt down in front of you, raking papers toward herself.  It was the first time you were ever that close to Natasha Romanoff.  A more looming, intimidating figure in your mind, she was surprisingly smaller and less threatening up close and in sweatpants.  If you didn’t know any better, you wouldn’t even know that she’s a trained assassin.  She was so unobtrusive, so inconspicuous.  She was also so, so incredibly beautiful. 
“Sorry, I didn’t realize that you were in here,” you sheepishly apologized as you stared down at the red ponytail that was flopping back and forth.  
“I have a bad habit of sneaking up on people,” Natasha admitted.
“Understandable,” you chuckled.  Natasha gave a slight smile as she handed you some envelopes.  God her eyes were the brightest green you’d ever seen.  You grabbed the envelopes from her, holding onto them and locking eyes with her for far too long.  Suddenly realizing you were actually a human being on earth currently existing in the moment, you cleared your throat abruptly and looked down at the letters.
“A lot of mail today,” Natasha mumbled.  She snapped her head toward the mailbox, trying to hide the redness spreading over her cheeks.  “Are you always this busy?”
“Uhhh, no.  Not always.  Normally it’s not this bad.  Did y’all collectively decide that today was the best day to order from Amazon?”
“That’s either Bucky or Yelena.  My sister’s always buying stuff she doesn’t need and Bucky loves the novelty of next-day delivery.  I think it’s that whole ‘born over a hundred years ago’ thing.”
“Funny.  Most of these packages are for you,” you teased, thrusting a stack of envelopes in her direction.  
“What on earth?” Natasha fumbled the packages, completely confused as to why she had so many packages when she didn’t remember ordering anything.  You watched as her eyes furrowed in utter confusion.  Her bewilderment was equally amusing and adorable.  “This has to be some sort of mistake.”
“I just deliver the mail, ma’am,” you replied.
“And make me feel old, Mr. Mailman.  You can call me Natasha.”
“It’s Y/N, but you can call me Mr. Mailman if that makes you feel better.”
“How about I just call you instead?” Natasha blurted without realizing what she was saying.
The second she realized what she just said, Natasha became totally overwhelmed with embarrassment. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that,” she mumbled, brushing a strand of hair out of her face.  “I’ll just-thanks for the packages.  Have a good weekend.”  She scrambled to pick up what she could before making a beeline for the door.
“Natasha, wait!” you heard yourself calling.  “Please just wait, please, ummm…”  She paused, still looking down at her packages as she faced away from you.  “Umm, coffee?  I mean, d’you want to get coffee?  Not right now, I’ve still gotta get the truck back to the city.  But maybe tomorrow?  Or I can do Sunday if tomorrow doesn’t work.  Basically whenever you’re free I can clear my schedule.  If you want.  No pressure.”
“Sooooo tomorrow then?”
“Yeah.  Tomorrow.”  She glanced behind herself, shooting you a half grin that she was failing to stop from becoming a full on smile.
“Cool.  Great.  Awesome.  Yeah, see you tomorrow,” you replied, totally breathless and in shock at the situation.  A coffee date with Natasha Romanoff…what could go wrong?
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ornii · 8 months
She Likes to Flirt (A Lot)
Natasha Romanoff X Male Reader (Short & Sweet) (Yup, Like Nat)
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You obviously have a thing for Nat, and Almost everyone sees it.
Being the Spirit of Vengeance you held within yourself the devils bounty hunter, making you one of the most powerful begins on earth and a potential Level 10 Threat. Obviously you were scouted by S.H.I.E.L.D and joined their marry band of heroes, the Avengers. And after the little stunt in New York, the rest was history. Mission after mission you slowly grew closer to Natasha. Seasoned Assassin and Spy, she was the first you met due to her doing recon for Nick Fury. Naturally you two grew to be good friends, perhaps, even more.
It was nearing Night, after another mission at Sokovia you headed back to Stark Tower to celebrate, the massive parking garage opens up and you park your chopper there. Following behind was Natasha as usuals, somehow the Jeep didn’t get demolished in the fight. You chucked as you walked to the elevator. Natasha follows, looking at the bike.
“Aren’t gonna take your keys?” She asked, “Trust me, that bike isn’t going anywhere without me.” You reassured her, tapping the upper floors you both stood there as it began to rise. She dusts herself off as you try to put the flames off on your coat.
“Good mission overall.” She said, “Yup, Bruce and Tony are in their nerd lab brooding or something. With them together I’m a bit worried.”
“Don’t be. We can handle them, well I can.” She said, “What’s that supposed to mean?” You respond and she keeps her eyes forward, smiling. She ignores your question.
“You stink.” She said.
“I Tore through hydra guards like butter with a hot knife, I’m gonna stink. I’m pretty proud of that.” You said, “You do have a lot of. Good assets.” Nat said.
“Well damn that’s a first. A compliment.” You said.
“Now you know Steve doesn’t like that kind of language.” She said jokingly, you bite your lip and look forward trying not to laugh.
“He’s never gonna live that down.” You said
“Ever.” Natasha comments.
“You know you stink too right? Gonna need to shower.”
“Obviously, we have a party tonight, plus I have to put my face on, or whatever normal women say.” Natasha looks at her reflection.
“You’re Normal Nat.” You said to cheer her up. She turns to you, smiling. “I’m an assassin and you’re a bounty hunter for the devil, we’re not normal.”
“Well obviously but, looks wise, you don’t need to put on your face, looks good as is.” You point out, poking her forehead. Before she can open her mouth for some cheeky response, the Elevator opens and you step out.
“See you tonight Red.” You give her a send off before heading to the one room you somewhat own in the Tower.
The Party Finally arrives and you’re mingling with Thor and Rhody, who’s giving an, interesting story.
“Well, you know, the suit can take the weight, right? So I take the tank, fly it right up to the General's palace, drop it at his feet, I'm like, "Boom! You looking for this?" He explains, (Y/n) and Thor exchange glances and then back to Rhody. "Boom! Are you looking..." Why do I even talk to you guys? Everywhere else that story kills.
“That's the whole story?” Thor asks.
“Yeah, it's a War Machine story.”
“Well, it's very good then. It's impressive.”
“Yeah the Tank Part was really cool.” You said, Rhody sighs. “Okay fine, what did you do that was cool?”
“Uh, recently? By myself? A meteor was gonna hit Sweden so, I flew into the air and used my chain to pull the meteor back and hurl it into the atmosphere.” You casually explain, Rhody looks flabbergasted. “It was a Tuesday, I think.” You said, Rhody walks off as Thor Pats you on the shoulder. “That’s, very impressive.” And walks off, maybe you were going a little too high, you finished your beer and looked to the bar for more, what caught your eye was the redhead in a perfectly fitting white dress, you mosey over and casually slide down on a seat. Your eyes and Nat’s lock, and she smiles.
“Come here often, handsome?” She was the first to lay the foundation for the chat and you went right along with it.
“No, first time, but I saw this beautiful bombshell working the Bar and I had to see her.” You reply, Nat couldn’t hide her smile.
“Now what kind of man would leave a woman like you all by your lonesome, must have a bad taste in them.” You added on.
“He's not so bad. Well, he has a temper. Deep down he's all fluff. Fact is, he's not like anybody I've ever known. All my friends are fighters. And here comes this guy, trying to actually do the right thing. Even if he screws if up sometimes.”
“He…Sounds amazing.”
“He's also a huge dork.” She adds in, (Y/n) looks blindsided, Nat shrugs, “Chicks dig that. So what do you think should I fight this, or run with it?”
“Well, the guy really likes you.. I say give a chance, see where it goes? Is that, wrong to ask?” He asks, so hopeful. Nat smiles and sits up from the bar.
“Not at all, but, I think she likes you too, it may not look like it now... But never say never.” Natasha walks away, and Steve approaches (Y/n,) who sat there really considering her words.
“It's nice.” Steve said.
“What?” You reply confused.
“You and Romanoff.”
“No, me and her aren’t uh.. you know.” You mutter, Steven shakes your resolve.
“It's okay. Nobody's breaking any by-laws. It's just, she's not the most... open person in the world. But with you she seems very relaxed.”
“Yeah, Nat she... she likes to flirt. So do I.” You admit, now daydreaming of her slowly taking that dress off. But Steve ruins your daydreaming.
“I've seen her flirt, up close. This ain't that. Look, as maybe the world's leading authority on "waiting too long;" don't. You both deserve a win.” Steve gives you some damn good advice, and went off to his lonesome. You really thought about what he said.
“You know Steve, you got a point.. we do deserve a happy ending and— Wait, what the hell do you mean, "up close"?!
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darkdemeter · 8 months
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—- not my gif, credit to original poster! -—
Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader (x slight Natasha Romanoff)
A/N — Here's a little bedtime story for ya'll. Old draft concept for an upcoming and looong oneshot for Wanda in a mafia au setting. Bits and pieces may be recognised in the published column plot wise but overall, we're taking an alternate route, my babbies.
READER DISCRETION — Alcohol consumption — mafia business and semi dark themes — profanity — mention of death and murder — mention of black market and auction — reader and Nat have some history — player reader Tony is so proud — Alexander Pierce is of course an arsehole, what else is new? — Rumlow is a bad guy (duh) — I think that's it?
An expensive investment. A broad term to use for a werewolf broken in by the system at a young age. But it’s true. 
Alexander Pierce, the finance manager and ringleader as a whole, did all he could to break you in, and to say he did is an understatement. He exceeded the limits you once believed you had and once you were ready, he put you out in the field to garner your reputation. 
You had no limits. Ruthless in your endeavour to complete whatever task was required of you, prepared to do whatever it took, your peers could only look at you with both fear and admiration. 
When all was said and done, you were given your collar, then sold through the underground hub for criminals: the black market. 
That’s when you learnt in the span of the few minutes that the auction lasted for, that you were either a trophy to those of the higher class of crime, or a very wanted source of security and war. From black funding operators that had their hand in the military’s pit on the hunt for a war hound, to the gangster overlords who controlled territories in the differing states and countries, requiring some form of high end security, there was a very rapid increase in the price they were each willing to pay. 
At a total of twenty-five million, your collar and services were sold to Mr. Tony Stark. From the sleek fit of a light grey, three piece suit and bright pink tie, Stark had a brighter outlook on the window of his underhand activities. He was the type that lounged back in the severity of his criminal dealings.
Unlike his fellow company who each wore darker palette suits of either navy blue or jet black. He stood out for sure as his auburn tinted glasses did little to hide the one question on his mind: Was his money well spent?
Well, to say at the very least, you wouldn’t be here tonight if you weren’t every single cent he spent on you three years ago. 
Thinking about the memory now, this is a different tone entirely. Dark and neon is how you remember the black market scene, stalls and cube stores with an assortment of supplies anyone in the business would need, whether that be for the amateurs - which were the usual target customers - or the smaller businesses which belonged to small cluster gangs. 
The big time runners had designated storehouses to spare where they obtained their supplies, and ran other dealings and hand-offs in and out of private rooms in the clubs. 
Here, the scene is warm, lavish and made for those who seek the comfort in living in marble halls and pristine white pillars, short cut grass and elaborate parties such as this one. 
“Shit, this party is awfully chipper for someone who died last week,” you huff, eyes scanning the crowd from the smooth, darkly polished bar, which you incidentally found very comfortable to lean back on when told for the hundredth time, “Just sit tight, just a little bit longer.” 
You didn’t have the time nor patience to sit around getting older by the damn minute. Thankfully, Tony put his card behind the bar so that meant an endless river of drinks. Because you needed the alcohol. A lot. 
Not a moment too late is your glass refilled with your refreshment.
“Please, Y/N,” sighs Steve from your right side, arms folded over his chest, navy blue suit straining just a bit too tightly against his body, “have some respect for the Maximoff family. They lost their only male heir to a deal gone wrong. They need our support.”
Your shoulders rise with a particular deep inhale before falling lax, you swirl the sliver of whiskey left in your glass and with a jerk of your wrist you finish it. Ice rattles in your glass as you shimmy it, indicating you need a refill and pronto. 
“People live, people die. You cross someone and you get shot in the back. It happens.” 
“He was gunned down in the streets with a fucking machine gun, Y/N. You consider that a mere oopsie?”
You shrug in response to Sam’s question with a pout of your bottom lip. “Pietro thought he was the shit. That’s what got him killed by Rumlow.” 
Sam runs a hand over his face, now distressed by the lack of sincerity you show for the grieving family. “For fuck sake…”
In the three years of your loyal work to the Stark family and those of his brotherhood - his allies - your colours shone through immensely to reveal a shining personality. Excluding the fact you’d become something of a playful rogue with the women. 
You simply chalk it up to your animal magnetism. Something that leaves them wanting more whenever in the presence of your company.
In fact, that was how Tony came to own unclaimed establishments and clubs in the boroughs, ones he wasn’t able to get his hands on before, but after he had you as a playable card in his fold, you provided club goers the relief of being harassed and drinks being spiked. Territorial take over schemes from rival gangs were second guessed when they saw you watching over the joint.
The after hour visits for your libido were just the perks. But you left a lot of lustful and broken little hearts in the wake of your work. 
For a werewolf, you were always assumed to be a means of security, and that much was true. Didn’t mean it excluded you from taking on other odd jobs for the families from time to time. Debt collection, assassinations, tailing and blackmail ops, the list is endless. 
When Steve casts a hardened stare your way and you mockingly raise your hands up in surrender. “Alright, I’ll offer my condolences to the heiress, but I ain’t weeping at her feet for her brother who got himself into that mess because he thought he was too big for his own shoes.”
“Just behave yourself, alright? The last thing we need is the entirety of Europe at war with us.” You roll your eyes and salute the captain. “Yessir.”
You bring the glass rim to your lips and draw a small gulpful of your refurbished liquor, the fiery taste rolls over your tongue, you savour it to keep your sanity intact lest you go insane from the waiting. Where was the heiress? 
“Well, well, I thought I wouldn’t see any of you again. Especially you.” Your head, as well as those of your group, direct their gaze to the new voice. The corners of your lips twitch up and you flash her a wolfish grin, chin tilting up slightly in your relaxed position against the bar. You looked like a cat happily laying in the sun. 
“Miss Romanoff,” each of the men greeted with a nod of their heads. You, however, pat your thigh as an invitation for her to sit. “I had work to do the next morning.”
“Mm, that’s what you tell the other girls, I’m sure.” You clap a hand to your chest with a wince. “You wound me, Sweetheart. If I had the chance, I would have stayed.” 
She hums but it’s obvious she doesn’t believe you by the rise in her brow. 
Natasha Romamoff is a hard fish to catch. One of the more established families that control practically the entirety of Europe, alongside the Maximoff family, the two were partners and crafting an empire strong enough to stand on their own without any dire need for support. 
Yes, her family had prior dealings with the brotherhood. The Starks, Wilsons, Barnes and Rogers and more, whether to collaborate on a bigger criminal project to the smaller portioned deals. Smuggled goods and weapons, blackmail intel deliverance, international bribery to keep the feds off your backs. But she never committed to joining forces. 
You suppose it’s a good power move on her part. She doesn’t have to abide by any of the family creeds, in the end, you’re all loose ends that may potentially be severed if need be. She had the ball in her court and the mysterious Maximoff heiress. 
Even your animal magnetism wasn’t enough to charm her into joining forces with Stark and his powerhouse of families, but they were surely enough to charm her into a wild one night stand. 
But as you told her. You had work to do. And now she appears to spurn you with her eyes and cruel words, but still entertains your flirtatious advances and indulges the empty space of your thigh.
For a well respected mob boss such as herself, she definitely liked to play it risky; dressing included. 
Last you saw her, she was dressed in a more professional manner. But here at this funeral party, whatever the fuck it was, she chose to wear a black, spaghetti strap cocktail dress that’s short enough to be skimming the mid of her thigh. The slit riding the dress up higher is just plain dangerous. 
She’s facing you, back arched and ass resting on the cliff of your knee. Your clawed hand supports her at the small of her back. Her perfume is strong and complimenting, the sweet bouquet of lavender rolls over the exposed tops of her breasts from her even more exposed neck. Her plump, red lips move in a way that’s hypnotic. “So I hear you’re going to be a bargaining chip for Wanda Maximoff.”
“Where’d you hear that?” you scoff with a flick of your chin. 
“I have spies who whisper to me,” she answers with a swift quirk of her brow. 
Of course she overheard the news. She then chuckles softly, and all eyes watch her with a level of suspicion. “She won’t take any deal you offer her. She’s determined to steer clear of your little gang wars over in the states.”
“Rumlow killed her brother and he has bases around our territories. Wouldn’t she appreciate the extra hands in catching the rat?” Bucky poses the question with a dark brow angled high and clenched jaw, the muscles in his cheeks flex harder when Natasha offers no affirmative response; a mark to hopefully land you in the door and good graces with the heiress. 
“You really think she wants a guard dog?” 
“Hey,” you growl with a wrinkle of your nose, fangs on the precipice of baring at her. How she used the term in a condescending manner made the fur beneath your skin bristle. Sam claps a hand to your shoulder, somehow able to sense the seething anger within you. 
“We just want to help. Offer support for her loss and bring Rumlow down.”
“No. You want a foothold in Europe. And I’m sorry but…” She looks you up and down, drinking in the sight of you and you know she can see you without your clothes on. “You’re not going to cut it, babe.”
She turns her body to make her getaway but you don’t let her slip away just like that. She gasps and looks to you with a furrowed glare when your arm circles her waist and tugs her back until she’s flush against you, the men in your company watch with trepidation of your next course of action.
“I will cut it because whether she wants to admit it or not, she needs us.”
Natasha’s eyes, true to her fashion, darken with a challenge. “You’re wasting your time. She’ll get Rumlow herself.”
“And if Rumlow plans to get her first?” For a moment you see the doubt cross her face. “That’s where she needs me.”
“Tony Stark.” Each of the men turn to the voice behind them and their once cool and collected selves turn rigid, nervous under the power one woman can hold so absolute, her green eyes scan each of their faces before they land on you. 
You finally look and meet her stare, still holding Natasha against you even as she tries to push away from you. 
“Unhand her,” the woman commands with an accented tongue. 
At first, you wanted nothing more than to play this out a little, see what makes this woman tick. But both Tony and Steve look at you, silent in their order, you sigh heavily and release Natasha. Once you do, she wastes no time in joining Wanda’s side with a bow of her head. 
“I hear that you wished to have an audience with me.” 
Wanda is the sole survivor of this ordeal. Her parents were assassinated two years ago and now her brother was killed. This is the stressed matter at hand, her empire could crumble to the ground, all that hard work put into the grave, because she’s being so fucking stubborn with this deal.
“I will not sign my family, nor any of my shares, to Stark Industries. Enough have I done to keep you out of the hands of law enforcement. I will handle Rumlow myself.”
This isn’t how any of you hoped this would go. The grief has made her stronger than before. It wasn’t exactly you were waiting for the chance for her to have a weak spot and try your luck, but you all had thought she might even be at least a little desperate for extra help. 
Natasha’s face says it all: I told you so. You can only roll your eyes and resume with what you’re doing. 
“Miss Maximoff, we only wish to help you. All we ask in return is that you grant us some territory to work with for our trade deals as payment for support lent to you to catch Rumlow.”
Thank you for Reading! (◕ ᴥ x)
TREEHOUSE TAGLIST — (Even though I doubt this is worth putting the taglist on, here it is anyway)
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supercap2319 · 1 year
"I can't believe this. Look at the lies the Daily Bugle is printing about me!" Y/N said as he threw the morning paper at Tony, as he, Natasha, and Steve were drinking their morning coffee.
"Good morning to you too, Y/N." Steve said.
"Sorry, morning, but look! Page 12." Y/N said as Tony turned the pages of the newspaper.
"Y/N Maximoff has been suspected of having sexual relations with wall crawling menace Spiderman." Tony read out loud.
"Can you believe this? They think I'm fucking with Peter."
"Language, Y/N."
"Aren't you fucking with Peter?" Natasha asked with a sip of her coffee as Steve gives her a pointed look.
"Yes, but that's besides the point. The point is, the Daily Bugle is branding me a slut for things that they are completely right about, but they don't need to know that."
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teaaagan · 1 year
Y/N: *laying on a pool chair unconscious*
Carol, panicking: They're not breathing!
Wanda: I'll give them mouth to mouth!
Y/N: *opens one eye* Ew no! Let Natasha do it! *closes eye*
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fandomnerd9602 · 4 months
Three’s Comfort
WandaNat x Male Reader (Modern AU)
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Wanda’s mood took an ultimate rollercoaster ride over the last few days. She was on top of the world and now she feels at her lowest. You, her and Natasha had been so busy with the toddlers: Billy, Tommy, and little Maria.
And then Wanda noticed that her monthly schedule was off. She took a pregnancy test: it was positive. Wanda felt like she was on cloud nine. She couldn’t help but loudly exclaim and celebrate it with her two loves. She took another a few days later: negative. She did another: negative.
It crushed her to her very core. You saw your favorite witch shrink in. She began to wear her favorite luxury suit with the bunny ears, it was one of the gifts you gave her that provided her comfort.
Natasha also took notice and tried to be there for her as best she could.
“What’s wrong with Momma?” little Tommy asked you, his little voice dripping with concern.
“Momma’s just going thru a little sad time, bud” you tried to explain to your son.
“Can we make her better?” Billy inquired.
Natasha smiled at the twins, their little spirits, their little drive was such a reflection of their mother’s soul. You and Natasha formed a little idea in your heads in that moment.
That evening Wanda came downstairs to the familiar scent of paprekesh. The whiff of it lifted her soul ever so slightly. She walked into the kitchen to find the kids working in tandem. Little Maria was setting down napkins and the twins putting down the silverware. Natasha was readying the drinks. And you were working to finish off the dish at the stove.
“Hello our little witch” you smile and give Wanda a little wink.
Natasha hugged her second love, “evening detka.”
“What’s all this?” Wanda asked with a little smile.
“For you, momma” Maria chimed in.
“We want you to feel better” Billy added.
“We all love you, Mommy” Tommy added as he encircled his mother in a hug.
You and your entire brood enveloped Wanda in a hug, just trying to make her feel all the love in the world. Wanda couldn’t help but cry tears of joy.
“You all make me feel so much better” Wanda giggled. She kissed the heads of each of her three babies. And then she turned to you and Natasha. She kissed you both and just held to you.
Comfort. We all need some. Wanda found herself lucky that she had five sources of it: a family with two detkas and three wonderful children to call her own.
Tags: @lifespectator @aloneodi @ma1egamer @konstantin609 @family-house-of-m @holiday-house-of-m @deafeningsharkslimeempath @russianredassassin @revanshand @iamnicodemus @onyxblackwinchester @pinklawyerwinnerzonk
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 8 months
Fate's Plans (Wanda Maximoff X Male!Reader)
Characters: Wanda Maximoff X Male!Reader
Universe: Marvel, Avengers (Takes place sometime after AOU)
Warnings: Pregnancy, vague mentions of birth, bit of swearing
Could you write Wanda x male!reader, it’s just fluff really if that’s ok. Wanda and the reader find out they’re pregnant and the fic’s about their time throughout the pregnancy and after their child is born. Maybe the reader kinda freaks out a bit and Wanda finds it really funny/cute.
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There were a lot of people who believed that finding true love was an act of fate. If it happened to you, you’d know immediately, and it would become a story to tell your kids and grandkids beside the person you were destined to grow old with. Wanda was one of those people. She believed with all her whole heart that her parents' meeting was fate, even if it meant that they would die young, leaving behind her and Pietro. However, she also believed that this fate wasn’t ever going to happen to her. Life was too cruel- why would life beat her down so hard so far just to throw her a bone now? And she was okay with that. She believed this so hard, that it actually took her a while to realise that she was wrong. Fate did have other plans for her, and the love of her life was already with her.
Wanda only realised it was you, was when she watched you excitedly calling her name repeatedly, getting a little quieter as you got close and closer, beaming as you proceeded to hand her a cloth bag that fit in her hand, and watched excitedly as she opened it, finding several stones, shells and even sea glass, and you went on to explain that on your PTO (Because you’d gotten injured on a mission and should have been resting) you’d gone to the coast with some family and gathered some trinkets because you thought she’d like it. She didn’t like it. She loved it, and she loved that you had thought of her and did this. That’s why immediately after, she asked you to dinner, and your eyes widened, not expecting that, before stuttering out an acceptance.
She was surprised it took her so long for herself to realise how special you were. You were an agent of SHIELD, and had been for two years, starting just a year after Wanda became an Avenger. Being young, and a rookie, you got a lot of teasing, especially from people like Clint and Tony, but you took it all in your stride and with a smile. You were always kind, eager to help, which on first appearance made you appear a bit of an airhead or gullible, but oh boy, was that wrong- Tony learnt that the hard way, when he tried to prank you by putting you in charge of checking over his security software for any faults, bugs, or cyber attacks, him already having it planned out for you to be overwhelmed and for FRIDAY to mimic an actual attack to scare you, only for you to handle it, and actually catch a bug in the system. All of which you announced to Tony in front of several other Avengers, including Wanda. Not long after, you ended up being assigned on a mission with Natasha, Clint and Steve, and come back with the three gobsmacked, and then tell a story of you being the most competent and well trained agent any of them had actually worked with. That kind of complimentary talk really boosts you up the ranks, it turns out, and soon Wanda was able to see it first hand. 
But out of missions, you were that kind, slightly silly person. You always asked about her day, complimented her on her recent mission, and eventually, you began giving gifts- getting her coffee in the morning, then also a bit of breakfast, then snacks, and eventually your gifts moved from food and drinks to finding DVDs of obscure movies she mentioned wanting to watch again, or fixing things for her in your down time. Your sewing skills on her cardigans and skirts were far from professional, but they worked as intended, and it was a lovely gesture. Wanda practically slapped herself when she realised these were your ways of trying to show you liked her.
As soon as you two actually started dating, everything just clicked. Your acts of love and affection didn’t slow down at all, except now the coffee and breakfast was something you grabbed together, you kept her favourite snacks at yours for when she came over, and she did the same for you, and dates between you was basically anytime you two got to be alone together- which was whenever you two had time after work, or after a mission, where you two just cuddled and relaxed after it all. The only real problem was the part where you two would be at work and be teased by your team for being kids in love, but it was all in good fun. The team was fully supportive. They saw how happy you made Wanda, and how well you two clicked. It was worth the aww’s and teasing whenever you told each other you loved each other or shared a look across a room. This did get a little better though when you two actually moved in together a year and half into your relationship, though now the team would regularly question when you two were gonna get married already.
Imagine the team's surprise when Wanda announced that she was going on desk work for the next few months- because you two were having a baby. 
“You know, there’s still time for a shotgun wedding.” Tony commented, walking past Wanda as she was sitting reading a mission report, also enjoying some baby carrots, the bowl balanced on her belly that had grown a lot the last few months. 
“Not happening Tony. Knowing my luck, I’ll go into labour while saying my vows.” She commented, not looking up. 
“You don’t even have to walk down an aisle or anything- we get you a white dress, get Y/N in a suit- can’t Captains officiate weddings? I own boats, that counts, right?” Tony questioned.
“Tony, we know you just want another party. I have no clue how you’re still functioning after what you pulled at the baby shower.” Natasha commented, coming in the room to give Wanda new forms, before taking the ones from her. “Now leave her alone, before I tell Clint.” She warned. Tony raised his hands in surrender, before leaving the room. “Now you.” 
“I haven’t done anything.” Wanda defended. 
“Other than you’re supposed to be working from home? You’re due any day now.” Natasha pointed out. 
“Exactly- Y/N got dragged off to that mission the other day and isn’t back yet- if I go into labour at home, I’m by myself.” She pointed out. 
“And if Y/N finds out you’re not following doctor’s orders, he’s gonna be irate.” She pointed out. Wanda knew she was right. Ever since Wanda had shown you the test results, you somehow became even more affectionate, even more loving, but also now protective. You always tried to not be overbearing on her and get on her nerves- she was the one actually going through it after all. You made sure her snack stash, which adjusted to her cravings, was always well stocked. As the pregnancy progressed, you switched chores- her doing any that she could do with minimal moving or while sat on a stool, and you did anything that would cause her any back pain. You set the nursery up together, you doing the painting, and Wanda put together most of the furniture, not having to do any heavy lifting thanks to her powers, though every few weeks you could come home to the nursery reorganised because she wasn’t happy about some aspects of it- the cot too far away from the door, the chair too far away from the cot, the cot and chair are too close together. Eventually she settled on a layout.
When Wanda entered her 3rd Trimester, was when you became a true worrier. If she showed any discomfort, you were by her side to try and help, and with every day closer to the due date, Wanda could tell you were getting more anxious- she blamed all the books and research you did pretty early on in her pregnancy, which led you down a rabbit hole about risks and worst case scenarios, though you didn’t want to talk about it with her- as to not worry her. That stress really showed when you found out about your current mission, and Wanda saw you actually raise your voice at Fury for sending you on it, knowing the situation. In the end, Fury could not reassign who was on the mission, but he did extend your leave after the baby’s birth by 2 months. Wanda promised to keep the baby in till you came back, and Natasha, Clint and Bruce promised to look after Wanda and also to keep Tony on a leash.
“Have you heard anything from them on how the mission’s going?” Wanda inquired, trying to change the subject. 
“Got a vague text from Steve saying ‘nearly done’ early this morning, but other than that, nothing, but knowing how effective Steve, Thor and Y/N work together, I’m expecting them back tonight.” She told Wanda. “In other words, you have until tonight to get home, or I'm telling.” 
“I can handle Y/N being a little annoyed at me being here- I want to see him as soon as he gets back, not a second longer.” Wanda decided, resting her head back in her chair. Natasha felt a buzz in her pocket, pulling her phone out, before grinning and putting it away. 
“Well better get moving- they’re already landing.” 
You were exhausted from the mission, but eager to get off the jet and get to Wanda. You didn’t like the idea on her being alone, both in the day and at night while due any moment- you heard a lot of labours start at night, and you’d had a nightmare while on your mission of Wanda waking up in the middle of the night with contractions, no one answering her calls because they were asleep, and an ambulance not getting to her for hours. You didn’t want that, so the best spot for you was by her side.
As soon as Steve landed the plane, you were off it, stripping off harnesses, belts and gear as you walked, rushing inside the building for the quicked debrief which you planned to mostly consist of ‘I’ll do the paperwork later’ talk, only to spot Wanda shuffling towards you, right beside Natasha, who sent an apologetic smile. You dumped your gear on the spot and ran to her. “You okay? What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be resting.” You fussed, taking Wanda in your arms, seeing her face for any discomfort- any sign she was having contractions or in labour- but she just smiled back at you. 
“Figured me being here meant having people around, so even if I went into labour, I wouldn’t be alone.” She pointed out. You sighed, your shoulders relaxing, the comment actually soothing that horrible thought that had been haunting your dreams. It was almost like-
“Have you been reading my mind again?” You asked her. 
“Only when your thoughts are so loud, I can hear them without telepathy. You worry too much, my love.” She told you, resting her hand on your cheek. 
“And now that you’re home- go take her home before we have to have Bruce deliver your kid- I’m not sure if Bruce could handle that stress. I’ll handle the debrief and Fury. Enjoy your last few days of peace for the next few years.” Steve commented as he walked past you both. You jokingly saluted him, and did as told. 
As soon as you got home, got Wanda settled and got the chores done that needed to be done, you joined your girlfriend in your bed, putting on one of the old DvDs of an old sitcom Wanda loved that she got you addicted to as well. “Tony giving you any trouble?” You asked. 
“Other than wanting us to have a shotgun wedding so he can get as wasted as he did at our baby shower? No… how did he even get that drunk?” Wanda asked. 
“If I had to guess… Thor and his flask of Asguardian alcohol. But then again I wouldn’t put it past him to figure out where we ordered our chocolates and got alcohol laced ones and ate them all to himself… can you imagine him getting drunk at our daughter’s Christmas Nativity? Or her toddler ballet classes?” You humoured, making Wanda laugh. 
“Oh, I think you mean our son’s Christmas Nativity and his toddler ballet classes. This, is a boy.” She said, tapping her stomach. 
“Hmmm, I still think for a girl, little Wanda Jr.” You told her, leaning over to kiss her bump. 
“If it is a girl, we are not calling her Wanda Jr.” She grinned, and you hummed. “You sure you’re okay with Pietro for a boy?” She asked. 
“Of course I am. Has been since we talked about it 6 months ago. Hell if it is a girl, we can have Petra, or something.” You suggested, wrapping an arm around her. “I wish I could have met him. I bet he would have been the best uncle… and also he’d join Tony in the shotgun wedding idea.” You commented, making her chuckle. 
“Yeah, he would… I think he’d love you though, he’d want us to marry just to gain you as a brother.” She added. “Anyway, one episode, then bed, I’m tired from looking at paper all day, and don’t lie to me about being tired yourself.” She told you. You agreed to that, but ended up falling asleep not even half way through. 
However, you did wake up to Wanda shaking your arm. “Hmm? Yeah? Need water? The bathroom?” You asked on autopilot, before you became more aware of your surroundings, realising Wanda was already out of bed… a bed, that was wet.
“Get dressed and take me to the hospital- my water broke.” She told you, keeping her voice low as she brushed her hair out before clipping it back. You stared at her, processing her words, before it clicked. Hospital. Water. Broke. Labour. Baby. Now. 
“Oh fuck we’re doing this!” You announced, jumping out of bed, rushing to grab clothes from your drawers to get dressed, while Wanda watched you, happy in her pyjamas, slippers and dressing gown as you hurried to get half decent, before grabbing her to-go bag from the chair in the corner, taking her by the arm and escorting outside to drive her to the hospital. “Let me know when you feel a contraction- have you felt any yet? Have you timed them? Your water breaking means it’s gonna speed up.” You requested as you drove. 
“Had a few in bed- thought they were braxton hicks, but then my water broke, so I woke you up. I wasn’t timing them, but I will now- hold on.” She said, her voice becoming strained as she grabbed the door and your arm, and you pulled over and looked at her. “No, drive! Contraction!” She ordered. 
“Oh! Right, sorry!” You apologised, taking off again. Wanda already knew this was going to be an experience, and a story to tell later with you right there. 
Boy was she right. From getting there, to getting her checked into the maternity ward, all attempts to hold back on being dramatically worried was forgotten. At all times, you had some sort of contact with Wanda, whether that was holding her as she walked around, letting her squeeze your hand through contractions, rubbing her back to help with pains, or hugging her and telling her she was doing amazing, you were there. You were there every step of the way, all attention on her, checking in on her, making sure she was as comfortable as she could be, and being a rock. You made the whole thing go as smoothly as they could, and Wanda was thankful for that. She wasn’t sure she could do it without you. But eventually, it was over, and she had her baby in her arms. She looked over at you, sat beside her, arms leant on the siderails, looking at your daughter, mesmerized, before looking up at Wanda. “She’s so small.” You whispered, making her smile. 
“Get over here and hold her, you dork.” She told you, shuffling over as much as she could so you could partially lay with her, taking your daughter in your arms, and looking down at her, before once again turning to Wanda, this time kissing her head.
“My girls. My beautiful girls, my whole world.” You told her, and she smiled, resting her head on you as you got comfortable with your baby, who was sound asleep in your arms, like she’d been the one doing all the hard work. “I knew you were a girl. Dreamt about it all the time- my little girl who looks just like her beautiful mom.” You told the baby in your arms. 
“So, what are we naming her? And don’t say Wanda Jr.” She questioned. 
“Thought we already agreed? Petra, right? Unless you want that as a first name, in which case, we could do what Clint did for you and name her after him. What’s the female version of Clint? Clinton?... Cli-”
“Don’t finish that thought, you’re too sleep deprived. Petra’s fine.” She told you, already seeing where exactly you were going, even if you didn’t. “Anyway, you should probably go tell the others- let Tony know a shotgun wedding is no longer an option but he can throw a party anyway.” She told you.
“Alright, I can do that. Want me to put our baby down to sleep so you can get some rest? I’ll make sure they don’t come around till late morning.” You told her, kissing her head as she nodded, and you put Petra in her cot beside Wanda. 
“And as soon as you’re done, get back here, I want more hugs, even if it’s cramped.” She told you, getting a playful salute like how you had done to Steve earlier, before you grabbed your phone to step out and share the good news. Wanda rolled onto her side to look at her daughter, reaching out to put her arm into her cot, running a finger across her cheek. 
Hope you like it! I wrote this in about 2-3 hours in one sitting so if there's mistakes please let me know. If you have any questions, please send them in!
*Not my gif
TAGS: @klanceiscannon14 @marvelhoeingismyhobby @bellamyblakemorley @dummiesshort  @freyathehuntress @abbybills22-blog @mutantjediavenger @theoraekensnotsosecretlover @alicedanganh @sleutherclaw @sleepy-coffee-bean @stawwpp @rebellionofthecattle @hello-love-youre-pretty @werosemagic @courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero@originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan @esoltis280 @lady-of-lies @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980 @cdwmtjb8 @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines @huntheimpossible @automaticbakeryfreakshoe
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amphibiahawks321 · 4 months
M!Reader blushing : I can't believe I got bit by black widow....
Steve : Wait what!? Y/N you need a doctor–
[Natasha walked through the hallways with a smirk]
Steve : ......
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skylarinfinity · 10 months
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kate : [staring at natasha while drinking her coffee] did every russian call people with their full name?
natasha : [looking up from her breakfast] what? of course not, what make you think that?
kate : it's yelena-
natasha : that's yelena, she... she just different-
[yelena and male reader walk into the kitchen side by side]
yelena and male reader : hello kate bishop, good morning!
[kate looking at natasha with raised eyebrow]
natasha : [sigh] listen here kate bishop- oh lord it's is russian thing...
tags lists @sonicqaulan @graysonfriggason @thebettermaximofftwins @sloanalistair @acienthazard @starlinggoldeneyes @ortegaolsen @wednesdaywanda @sandwichmarvel @gardenofmarvel @wanda-cabin-natasha-jacket @panandinpain0 @badblondebisexualboy
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gummydummy19 · 1 year
Not now (male reader version)
Summary: You and Natasha are major enemies with benefits. You can hardly be in the same room together, let alone an elevator...
Content Warnings: smut (blowjob), angst, fluffy ending (you know me), LANGUAGE!
A/N: This fic is one of my favorites out of everything i've ever written, so I decided to make a male reader version :)) hope you like it! feedback is always welcomed
Word Count: 3.4K+
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It had been a long, exhausting day. You weren't even supposed to go on any more missions until next week, but Fury decided to wreck your Friday and send you on your hardest mission yet. Your body ached and you just wanted to crawl into your bed as soon as possible. So when you saw Nat approaching the elevator, you silently prayed the doors would close before she got in. You just couldn't deal with her right now. Not now.
Of course, luck wasn't on your side today. Natasha slipped her slender body in between the doors just as they were about to close, joining you in the space that suddenly felt too small.
She smirked widely when you noticeably rolled your eyes.
"In a hurry?" she asked.
"Just tired." You dryly stated.
"Yeah, I can tell. You look like shit" She teased.
To be quite honest, you were fairly sure Nat hated you way more than you actually hated her, but you weren't about to let her know that.
You and Natasha started this whole enemies-with-benefits thing a while ago, and somewhere along the way, you started finding it harder and harder to keep up the hating game.
Sometimes you just wanted someone to talk to, to watch a movie with, to hold you after you'd a long day like this.
Admittedly, hating each other's guts resulted in some mind-blowing sex. Nat might be an arrogant bitch most of the time, but she was still the best fuck you've ever had, and you didn't wanna throw that away just because you were getting a little needy. So you decided to just suck it up and stick with what you did best, annoying her until she let you fuck her stupid.
And it had been working out just fine, but today you were so exhausted and she looked so good in her big comfy sweater and her tight black yoga pants. She had been growing out her hair lately and it was currently tied up in a messy bun.
You could barely look her in the eye, desperately trying to come up with a snarky response, but your brain failed you as the only thing you could think of was how good it would feel her nails rake through your hair right now.
She frowned, clearly confused and quite frankly annoyed at your lack of attitude.
She let out an annoyed huff and in one quick movement, her hand hit the emergency button, making the elevator halt.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" You snapped
"ME? What the hell is wrong with YOU? Did I fuck you stupid last time? What's going on?" She yelled.
Natasha had noticed the change in your behavior lately, and she didn't like it. Not one bit.
Her words made a blush creep up your neck and you silently cursed your body for betraying you.
You knew Nat thrived off your attitude. You were the only one who ever questioned her authority, it kept her on her toes.
She took a step closer to you and you immediately took a step back, not knowing if you could do this much longer.
Desperately trying to match her stern energy, you snapped back at her.
"Why the fuck do you even care?? Talk about being fucking cock drunk, Romanoff."
"That's what you'd like, huh, big boy? To get me cock drunk on that big dick of yours?" Natasha inched closer to you as you tried your best to ignore how hard you were getting from her voice alone.
"In your dreams, you fucking bitch" You turned around and hit the button again, making the elevator restart.
You felt her boobs push against your back and all you could do was stare at your shoes and pray to whatever was good and holy that this stupid elevator would just hurry the fuck up already.
Soft hands with perfectly manicured nails crept up the sides of your arms, while her plush lips left teasing kisses on your clothed back. The body heat radiating off her made it hard to think straight.
Gathering all your willpower, you softly shoved your elbow against her side, shaky arm pushing against her torso, trying to get her to move.
"Get off me, Natasha." Your tone almost had her believing you actually didn't want this.
"Not until you tell me who shoved a stick up your ass." her voice was soft and teasing, tingling against the shell of your ear as she stood on her tippy toes.
She stopped the elevator for a second time.
"Natasha, I'm serious, cut it out!" You groaned, before pushing the button again.
"So am I?" she continued and her hand moved towards the button yet again.
"Would you stop?! You're acting like a child!" you yelled, trying to get the upper hand as the small metal cage rumbled.
The poor emergency stop must have been hit damn near a dozen times as you and Nat continued your pointless bickering.
Suddenly, the entire elevator shook and came to an abrupt stop, making her cling to your side for balance.
The lights flickered out and the buzzing noise that usually lingered around was gone.
You pushed Natasha off you and desperately tried hitting a couple buttons.
"Look what you fucking did!" you screamed at her.
"Me?" she yelled.
If looks could kill, Natasha Romanoff would be dead on the floor of that elevator right now.
A thick, deafening silence settled in between the two of you, and you let out a breath you didn't know you had been holding. Dropping your gaze to the floor, you let your shoulders hang, rubbing your hands over your face in exhaustion.
You turned around, staring at the buttons.
Fed up and extremely done with this stupid situation, tears started welling in your eyes. Fuck.
The emergency lights had gone on. You checked your phone. Of course there was no reception and it was late already, everyone else had gone to bed on their own floor and there was no way they'd hear you all the way from here.
"Perfect. Just perfect." You muttered.
Fresh out of fucks to give, you finally let the numb feeling you had been trying to push away all day take over your body. You slid down the wall, sitting with your knees drawn up and your fingers tangled in your hair as Nat just stood there and watched.
"Should have taken the fucking stairs," she mumbled.
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath.
You were utterly exhausted, every muscle in your body ached. All you wanted was a hot shower and some sleep, and now you were trapped in this stupid elevator and you had to look at Natasha's stupid cranky face all night. Any other day you would have given her her crap right back, but not today. Not now.
Simply lacking the energy to be your usual witty and confident self, you let out an annoyed sigh.
"I'm so fucking tired." You finally muttered. If it wasn't for the deafening silence surrounding you, she probably wouldn't even have heard it.
Making eye contact with her was impossible at this point. And even if you had it in you to look her in the eye right now, the thick tears that started welling blurred your sight.
"Oh great, now he's fucking crying." Nat groaned, more to herself than to you.
You rolled your teary eyes at her typical arrogance. But when she took an awkward step closer, you pointed your finger at her.
"Don't even think about coming near me right now, Romanoff." You warned.
She smirked at the remark, finally catching a glimpse of the snarky man she was secretly so crazy about.
To your surprise, she moved closer and sat down beside you.
You glared down at her.
"You don't have to prete-"
"Oh, shut up." she cut you off as she cuddled closer to your side, dropping her head on your arm.
The smell of her hair brought you a weird sense of peace, which you welcomed nonetheless. There was something about her, about being this close to her. You couldn't put your finger on it, but it melted away your anxiety like snow in the sun.
A comfortable silence settled in between the two of you as you sniffled quietly, wiping away a couple of stray tears that had escaped your eyes.
She sat back up to look at you. You felt her eyes burning against your face but you couldn't bring yourself to return her stare. In all honestly, this was probably the most embarrassing moment of your life.
Clearing your throat, you pulled away from her.
"Alright, thanks," you said, before scooting a few inches to the other side.
As much as you hated to acknowledge it, being away from her even a few inches filled you with a slight cold, empty feeling. And you had to go against every fiber in your body not to scoot closer and ask her to snuggle up against you again.
"You don't always need to be such a tough guy," she spoke, making you scoff
"Oh, that's rich, coming from you."
To your surprise, she didn't say anything after that. She just cuddled closer to you again, clinging to your arm and she nuzzled her face comfortably against your shoulder.
A weird sense of comfort took over your body. That urge you had to be held and taken care of bubbled up again and you let Natasha fill that void. You knew it wasn't real. She didn't want to be here. But she was. And you were going to enjoy her warmth for as long as you could.
The intoxicating smell of his perfume and her body wash mixed with her natural sweet scent invaded your nostrils and made a heat run through you, warming you from the inside out.
You must have dosed off after that, because the next thing you know you felt your body being shoved aside, abruptly waking you from your slumber.
"Finally you guys got here! Her was starting to drool on my shirt." Natasha's arrogant voice spoke to Sam and Bucky, who had apparently found you in the elevator.
You knew it was too good to last. At least now you could go to your room and get some rest. Alone.
You slowly sat up, blinking the sleep from your eyes as you gaped at the three men in front of you. The smell of Nat was still heavy on you. Before any of them could say anything you scrambled out of the elevator. Running through the hallway to your room, wanting nothing more than for this day to just be over with already.
"Hey, wait!" Nat's voice sounded through the hallway as you looked for your keys, rolling your eyes.
"Oh for fucks sake, does she ever take a break?" you mumbled to yourself.
"Looking for these?" she asked, dangling your keys in front of you with a smug look on her face.
You groaned, reaching for the keys only to have them pulled away at the last second. It was quiet between the two of you for a beat, before you lunged for the keys again, failing miserably.
Okay. now you were pissed.
Natasha looked at you with a shit-eating grin.
"Come on, pretty boy." she teased, "come and get them"
Okay. Now you were pissed.
There was no way in hell you were faster than her. You knew it. She knew it. She just wanted to see you try. See you emberrass yourself even further.
And you actually debated it. For a split second, you debated it.
Not today, Romanoff.
You were done. Done with this day. Done with these games. Done with her.
You scraped together every ounce of dignity you had left and turned around, walking away from her.
You got halfway through the hall before you heard her chuckle.
"And where are you going now, huh?" she questioned, obviously very amused.
"To sleep in Wanda's room." you simply said, not even bothering to turn around. You didn't need to see her face to know the grin had fallen.
"The hell you are." you heard her say, suddenly way closer to you as you heard her footsteps approach.
Before you could even comprehend what was happening Natasha yanked your arm back and walked you back down the hallway.
“What the-…HEY STOP” you tried to wriggle your arm out of her grasp but your already exhausted body just wouldn’t work with you. And perhaps your needy brain didn’t mind being held by Natasha...
Before you knew it you were being pushed into a room as she slammed the door behind her. You quickly realized you had entered a bedroom, but it wasn’t yours…oh no this was Natasha's room. You could recognize it from the scent alone…
She walked over to the bed and sat down at the foot of it, looking you straight in the eyes.
You stared at her from across the room, arms crossed, trying your best to appear stern despite the fact that the entire room smelled of her and it was making you want to crawl up in a ball on the floor, like a cat waiting to be cuddled.
"come here," she said, voice calm yet commanding.
"Bite me "
"I said come here."
"And I said bite me."
"If you come here then maybe I will."
You rolled your eyes but did as she said.
"Now what?" You asked in the most pissed-off voice you could muster.
Natasha saw right passed your macho behavior, knowing exactly what you needed from her. She grabbed your wrist and pulled you down onto her bed next to her before getting on your lap and wrapping her arms around your neck
"Now you let me make you feel good, sweetheart." her warm breath caressed the shell of your ear, making the hair at the back of your neck stand up as goosebumps started to spread all the way down to your spine.
She slowly pulled off her sweater and you groaned when you realized she wasn't wearing anything underneath, immediately sitting up to suck on her nipples.
A groan tumbled over your lips when her nails raked through your hair, gently scratching your scalp. Your hands touched every inch of flesh they could find, trailing up and down over her back, making her whimper.
Thoroughly enjoying each other's embrace, her impatient fingers moved down your torso and tugged at your shirt. Your lips curled into a smile against her to let her know he got the message. Within the blink of an eye, your shirt was gone and her lips were back on yours, devouring you as if you were her very last meal.
Your hands played with her tits as she started pressing kisses against your neck and down to your chest, pushing you back down on the bed.
"Stay down for me, handsome," she whispered in that low, sultry voice of hers.
She peppered your entire chest with soft, warm kisses, not leaving an inch of your body untouched. You laid back comfortably in her fluffy pillows and you felt your entire body relax. You enjoyed the view of her crawling down your body and unbuckling your belt. Natasha's plump lips moved down to your stomach and started kissing along the trail of hair growing down to your pubic bone as she pulled down your pants and boxers, revealing your growing cock. Her nails trailed over your skin sporadically, leaving goosebumps wherever they touched. Just as you noticed you had begun to smile to yourself, you got pulled from the cloud you were happily floating on by a sharp pain on your hip.
"AH!! Did you just bite me?!"
"'I'm a lady of my word."
Before you could scramble away from her, she licked a ferm stripe up your cock, all the way from your balls to your tip. You let out a low groan that quickly turned into a steam of moans as Natasha started bobbing her head up and down. She wasted no time, hollowing out her cheeks and swirling his soft tongue over your leaking cockhead, absolutely devouring you with all she had.
One of her hands reached down to play with your balls. Gently squeezing the soft flesh blindly while her eyes stayed focused on yours. She moved her hand to yours, guiding it to her head and throwing a wink at you. Your fingers quickly tangled in her hair as you pushed her down a little to take your cock deeper.
"Oh fucckkk...." you moaned, feeling your balls draw up as you got closer and closet to your peak.
Natasha kept sucking you off like her life depended on it as she moved her free hand down between her legs to play with her sopping pussy, messily rubbing her clit she started moaning on your cock. God she loved the taste of you, she simply couldn't get enough, it was making drip.
Both of your moans got louder and your hips started bucking up in her throat. Every square inch of your body was on fire.
Nat took her mouth off you for a second and stroked your spit-covered dick as fast as she could.
"Please, cum for me...m'so close..." she whined, making you realize she's been touching herself while sucking your cock.
"shit....please...gonna cum..." you moaned desperately
"Yeah? Cum down my throat while I cum on my fingers....shit..." she whined before taking you back in her mouth, immediately letting your cock slide deep down her throat as she choked on it.
"Fuck Nat I'm gonna cum!" you yelled, "You're gonna make me cum! You're gonna...I'm gonna...Oh fuck..fuck, please! Don't fucking stop...ah!"
And she didn't, she kept sucking your cock as she touched herself, and when her body started trembling from her own orgasm you finally couldn't take it anymore.
You came down her throat while she came all over her own fingers. You trembled and whined as she gently suckled on your cock, swallowing every last drop of your cum.
You tried to blink away your tears until they finally rolled down your cheeks, you tried to calm down your breathing as you layed there, trembling on her bed.
"What do you need, baby?" Natasha finally spoke, sitting up between your legs and softly stroking your thighs.
It took a while for your breathing to calm down, you didn't even know why you were crying to be honest. You just felt like you were experiencing a lot of emotions at once, and it was pretty intense.
"A fucking hug." you finally spoke.
Nat giggled at your reply before scooting over to sit next to you, leaning against the headboard.
"Come here."
Slowly, you crawled into her open arms, curling up against her into a ball with your head right against her bare tits.
Surprisingly, Natasha was very soft and sweet, not at all what she was usually like with you.
She rubbed your back and just laid there with you, enjoying each other's warmth and the comfortable silence that had settled in the room.
You couldn't help but let out more tears, softly sniffling into her chest as you clung to her.
"shhh" he whispered comfortingly, pressing a few kisses to the top of your head. "It's okay, l'm here. And you did so so good."
For the next few minutes, Natasha just held you, until you were ready to talk to him about what exactly it was that got you so overwhelmed.
After some time, you sat up and just looked at Nat. At her eyes, her nose, her mouth.
You leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against her lips.
"Thanks," you said.
"For letting you cum down my throat?" she joked, trying to get rid of some of the tension.
"For the care," you replied, meaning what you said.
She just smiled at you.
You didn't even know what to say. Never in your life have you expected Natasha to be so caring, especially not for you.
"Wanna shower together?" she suggested, leaving you even more stunned.
"Okay, who are you and what have you done with Natasha Romanoff?"
At first, she giggled at your reaction, but then her face grew a little more serious.
"I wanna be here for you for more than just fucking. The whole cat and mouse game was fun while it lasted, but seeing you the way I saw you today, so exhausted you could barely stand up straight. I never wanna see you like that again, baby. Unless of course, it's my doing." she added smugly before pressing another kiss to your lips.
"There she is again." you chuckled against her lips.
After some more kisses and giggles, you decided to accept Nat's offer and you took a long hot shower together, followed by some much-deserved cuddles and a movie you never saw the end of because you drifted off, with Natasha happily snuggled against your chest.
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To Be Loved | Natasha Romanoff
Summary: You help Natasha open up in your relationship
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Male Reader
Warnings: Smut (MINORS DNI), mild language
Word Count: 2.5K
Author's Note: This was a prompt from @wandashoeforlife because I needed Nat prompts and I don't write for her enough so that's gonna change here before too long. Enjoy!
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“I still don’t understand why you think the blindfold is necessary,” Natasha pouted as you led her down the hallway.
“Because I don’t want to spoil the surprise for you.”
“Isn’t dinner enough?”
“No,” you replied, pressing a kiss to the palm of her hand, still leading her carefully down the winding hallway of the compound.  Dinner was only the first part of your plan: the second part was yet to be revealed.  Your girlfriend had no idea what was coming, but you knew she’d be thoroughly surprised.
You hadn’t been dating all that long.  Really a majority of your relationship consisted of post-training hookups.  It was mainly physical, the two of you running off to some odd room or one of your apartments in order to relieve whatever stress you were dealing with.  Soon enough the physical turned into something a little more.  She was the one who caught feelings first.  Natasha, not knowing how to tell you how she really felt, pulled away.  It took Clint and Wanda practically dragging the two of you into a room and making you two talk things out before she reluctantly admitted that she really liked you.  
The first time you really kissed her, it was everything everywhere all at once while simultaneously being the most intimate moment you ever experienced.  Intimacy didn’t come naturally to Nat.  She seemed almost uncomfortable with any sort of romantic display especially when it came to sex.  There was strikingly little difference between your post-mission trysts and evenings spent alone.  She wanted it the way she always wanted it: hard, fast, and rough.  Loud, passionate sex with Natasha was great, but any time you tried to slow it down she pulled you out of it.  Tonight, however, you wanted to give her the quintessential romantic lovemaking session.
“Is it a puppy?” she asked, stumbling over her feet as she blindly followed you.
“Nope,” you chuckled.
“Is it a kitten?”
“Guess again.”
“A parrot?”
“Nat, why on earth would I get you a parrot?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugged.  “I have no idea what you got me.”
“Well yeah, that’s kinda the point of a surprise, babe.”  You reached for Natasha’s other hand, carefully guiding her around the corner and down the hall.  
“So why the surprise?  It’s not like it’s my birthday or anything,” she remarked.
“What, am I not allowed to surprise you?”
“Y/N, you don’t have to.”
“Of course I do.  You’re my girlfriend and I’m supposed to spoil you.  It’s in the official boyfriend handbook.”  You watched as Nat’s face blushed a bright pink, accentuated by the black eye mask you pulled over her eyes.  “Alright, and we’re here.”
“Where are we?” she asked.
“You’ll see in a second,” you smirked as you unlocked the door and gently coaxed her inside.  Outstretched arms stopped her before she could wander in too far.  “Okay, you can take off the mask now.”
Pulling down the mask, Natasha took in her surroundings for the first time: it was your room.  Dozens of tiny tea lights illuminated the space, casting dancing shadows on the wall.  Fake rose petals were strewn all over the bed in the most organized fashion you could muster.  Your music playlist was stacked with the most romantic jazz music you could get your hands on.  Her eyes widened in confusion as she saw all the work you’d done for her.
“What’s all this?” she asked, thoroughly confused at the scene in front of her.
“It’s the other part of your surprise.  A romantic evening in, just the two of us,” you explained.  
“I don’t deserve all this.”  Her words were barely audible as her voice dropped to a whisper.  They made your heart break a little as her face sank.
“Of course you do.”
“No I don’t.”  She shook her head as she pulled the mask off her forehead.  
“Nat, come on.  Why would you ever say that?”  You stepped forward to grab her, but she pulled away.
“I’ve never done anything to deserve this.”  Her stalwart facade cracked as she wrapped her arms around herself, shrinking down so much as she tried to disappear from the discomfort of the situation.  “I don’t even think I deserve you.”
“Natasha.  Will you, will you look at me?  Please?”  You coaxed her head up gently with your hand.  She refused to make eye contact with you even as her face tilted up towards you.  It was absolutely heartbreaking to see her like that.  You loved Natasha more than anything in the world.  Why couldn’t she accept that?  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“I’m not a good person, Y/N.  I’ve done things and I’ve hurt people and…I don’t deserve to be treated like this.”
“I don’t even know how to do this, whatever this is,” she admitted, motioning toward the rose-covered bed.
“You do realize none of that matters to me, right?  I don’t care what you’ve done.  I don’t care who you used to be.  For cryin’ out loud I literally just blew up a ship with dozens of people still inside on our last mission.  We’ve both done awful things, but that doesn’t mean we don’t deserve to be loved.  Let me love you tonight, Nat.”
“It’s hard,” she whispered as her eyes glistened in the candlelight.
“I know,” you whispered back, running your hands through her luscious red hair.  “It’s not your fault you’ve been hurt, but if we’re going to make this work then I need you to let me in, Natty.  Can you at least try to let me in?”
Natasha looked up at the ceiling, blinking back the tears that were forming in the corners of her eyes.  “God, why does this have to be so hard?” she asked.
“Beats me,” you chuckled.  “This shit was hard enough before I became a superhero.  But I wanna make us work, so can you let me in just for tonight?  I can get rid of all this if you want, turn the lights back on if you want...”
“No.  Keep them off.  I like candlelight.  But that music has to go.”
“I spent three hours putting that playlist together,” you pouted.  Nat giggled, her hand trailing up to grasp yours that was on her neck.  
“This is why I control the radio in the car.”  You sighed, shaking your head as she teased you.  You brought your free hand up to the other side of her neck, taking a step toward her as you held her.
“Let me love you tonight, Nat.  Please?” you whispered against her lips.  She gulped, swallowing down the lump in her throat as you stared deeply into her emerald eyes.  
“Okay,” she whispered.  
Taking all the care in the world, you gently leaned down and pressed your lips to hers.  She practically melted into you, a deep blush spreading across her entire body.  A certain tenderness bound the two of you together in that moment.  It was like you were the only ones on earth.
Natasha had never allowed herself to feel such softness or tenderness before.  Deep insecurity stemmed from a childhood of abuse and a lifetime of trauma.  How could someone who had done such horrible things be worthy of something so beautiful?  You kissing her with all the love and care in the world was new and different and wonderful.  As your lips brushed against hers, she smiled at the new sensation of being adored.  It made you smile, too.  
Strong hands snaked down Natasha’s toned body, trailing over the curve of her toned ass and giving it a slight squeeze.  She giggled as your noses touched, the subtle taste of peppermint leaving your mouth tingling.  You pulled her close to you.  Her body sat flush against yours as her hands rested on your chest.  Natasha gazed up into your eyes while she nestled herself in your embrace.  As you gazed back down at her, there was a glimmer in her eye.  You couldn’t tell if it was fear or excitement or desire.  Whatever it was, it hadn't been there before you kissed her.
“Can I carry you to bed?” you asked.  Natasha nodded, giggling as you bent down slightly to give yourself enough leverage to lift her up.  
“Don’t fall.” 
“I’ve got you, baby,” you reassured as you gently placed her on the bed.  The weight of her body in the middle of the bed completely messed up your meticulously arranged flower petals.  Neither of you seemed to care all that much as you crawled on top of her.  
A sense of nervous giddiness washed over you as your lips met tentatively.  The improvised dance between your mouth and hers was one that had been done a thousand times before.  This one was different.  This one was a first meeting, the first dance between two souls destined for something much bigger than the two of them could imagine in the present moment.  This slow, hesitant dance soon turned into a familiar exploration of each other’s mouths with your tongues.  Hands soon followed, tugging and pulling at clothes until all of your garments were in a jumbled pile on the floor along with half of the rose petals. 
Natasha’s arms were wrapped around your back, pulling you down into her as you ground your pelvis into hers.  Your erection was throbbing from the stimulation.  She rolled her hips up at the contact, whimpering as wetness pooled between her legs.  You could feel your heart pounding in your throat at the anticipation of pushing yourself inside her.  
“You ready?” you asked.  Natasha nodded, her lower lip in her teeth as her face flushed with arousal.  “Here.”  You reached for her hand, guiding it down to where your cock was nestled between your bodies.  Placing your hand over hers, you gently closed her hand around your length and pushed it down to the heat between her legs.  She stifled a moan as you drew your tip up and down her slit, thoroughly coating it in her juices.  
The two of you let out a simultaneous groan as you slid your penis inside her.  Her hole stretched to accommodate your girth, a tight fit as you filled her to the brim.
“Fuck,” Natasha whimpered as she adjusted to the fullness inside her.  You watched her face contort in pleasure through the candlelight.  The sight of her so overcome with pleasure ignited a carnal desire inside you, but you consciously reminded yourself that this was about more than just sex.  This was about showing your girlfriend how much you loved her.  
As Natasha relaxed around you, you slowly began to rock your hips in and out of her.  Her walls coated you in a sheen of slick with each thrust.  The pace you set was slow and deliberate, pulling your cock almost all the way out before burying yourself to the hilt.  She wrapped her arms and legs around you and pulled you flush against her body.  The two of you were coated in a glistening layer of sweat as you rocked your hips in tandem.  You buried your head in her neck, kissing the exposed skin in a futile effort to stifle your moans.
The room around you was quiet as you continued your lovemaking.  Natasha held you close, whimpering and gasping as her wetness echoed throughout the room.  Her fingers tangled in your hair as you left love bites up and down her neck.  The purple bruises that peppered her sensitive skin were barely visible against the faint glow of the candlelight that flickered against the walls.  You found it harder to stay quiet the longer you pumped yourself inside her.  Nat’s walls fluttered and squeezed around your cock, the tightness keeping you buried in her cunt.  Gripping the sheets with white knuckles, your lips hovered over hers as you slowed your thrusts further, relishing in the feeling of her soft, warm walls squeezing your length.
You watched as the veins in your girlfriend’s neck strained as she arched her head back against the pillow.  Your ungodly slow pace was driving her absolutely insane.  Every subtle movement inside of her sent throbbing waves of pleasure throughout her entire body.  As your head hovered over hers, lips a whisper apart, her face contorted in pleasure as you pulled out and pushed back in.  Natasha’s eyes screwed shut and her mouth gaped open as she gasped.  It took all your determination to not buck your hips wildly into her.  The heat spreading under your skin so quickly meant you didn’t have much time left.  
Resting your forehead against hers, your breath coming in shaky pants, you slowed your pace even further and increased your force, slowly pulling your penis out of her tight grip before forcing it back in.  The sound of slapping flesh joined the quiet gasps and moans echoing off the walls, your hips smacking together while your balls swung wildly behind you, stopping only when they hit Natasha’s red, swollen cunt.  
As the pressure built inside you, Natasha unwrapped one of her arms from your back and reached up over her head in search of your hand that was white knuckling the sheets.  Her fingers interlaced with yours.  The two of you squeezed each other’s hand as your pace quickened ever so slightly, your cock pounding in and out of her tortured hole.  She stared up at you with wide eyes, her mouth agape as her own orgasm grew within her core.  
The coil in your stomach tightened to a precipice.  There was no stopping it.  Your nose bumped hers as short, airy gasps escaped your mouth.  Bearing down with one final hard thrust, you emptied yourself inside of her as your entire body convulsed with overwhelming ecstasy.  The feeling of your seed inside her aching core and the pulsing of your length against her walls drove Natasha to her own orgasm.  She moaned against your lips as her walls clenched rhythmically around you.  You groaned, collapsing into her shoulder as she milked your already sensitive member.  
Your thrusts came to a gentle stop as you finished filling her to the brim.  It was all you could do to lie there and not crush her while you struggled to return your breathing to its normal state.  You felt a hand come up and rest in your hair.
“Are you okay?” Natasha whispered as she gently tugged at your sweaty, matted locks.  
“Yeah,” you mumbled into the crook of her neck.  You turned your head to look at her.  Her lips were swollen and her face was flushed, her long red hair tousled from being flattened against the pillow.  “You?”
“Mmhmm,” she nodded, biting her lower lip.  
“I love you,” you whispered, tilting your head to kiss her softly.  “I love you so much, Nat.  I don’t want you to ever think that I don’t.  Because I do.”  She smiled at your words, fully melting into the sense of safety and love you provided.  For the first time in her life, Natasha felt safe and loved.  It was all you could do but hope that this would be the start of something new, something special, between the two of you.
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