#natalia fatale
femboycloudstrife · 1 year
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classyinfur · 3 months
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 7 months
TW: Knives, references to violence, restraints, bruises/wounds, flirty? 
I am literally sauurrr sorry for being so inactive but college is destroying me. It's been so long since I've written too, so I do hope the quality of this piece isn't affected. Missed u guys 💙
"Do I scare you?" the hero asked, her voice devoid of any emotion, all while her eyes stared straight through the villain like he was transparent, searching for something in his expression. 
Except his face remained defiantly blank, looking up at her, fire in his honey brown eyes, surprisingly not sparing any effort to attempt escaping his restraints. 
When the hero stuck one of her nails into a small, open cut on his neck, the villain bit back a wince, an irritated frown tugging at the corner of his lip. "Yes," he supplied, his tone even and calm, not even hostile, trying to render himself as passive as possible. 
Except he'd licked his lip in that quick, almost imperceptible manner, something he only ever did when he lied, something the hero wasn't supposed to know. 
But she did. 
"Stop lying," she snarled, sticking her nail again in the cut.
"The hell do you want, Hero?" he snapped, hissing as her finger left his cut. 
The breaking point. The point where the villain was done placating and playing along and already back to his normal, wild state, where he could care less about whatever earned the hero's ire. 
She'd spent the last three hours mostly in silence, only ever talking to ask the villain a question she knew would irritate him. He held up surprisingly well, even though his self-preservation instincts were usually nowhere to be found. So she wondered why he'd act so placidly in the beginning.
The villain liked to talk. He did most of the talking during their fights. The quiet drove him insane, and now he had his teeth bared like an animal, murder in his eyes and tension in his jaw.
This was the part where the hero should've laughed or slapped him across the face, or done anything just as cruel.
The truth was that they'd both been nothing but cruel to each other, enemies by virtue. The villain had beat the hero black and blue, had called her a myriad of flithy names, had screamed at her because of how much he hated that she was quiet. In turn, the hero made sure that every nick with a knife and every punch against skin had left a mark on the villain. She fought to scar, not just to incapacitate. She knew the scars were more a wound to his ego than his body, proof she'd hurt him.
And yet, the villain had pulled her out of a ditch and bandaged up her nearly destroyed leg, effectively saving her life when he had no business being there. In turn, she'd pulled him up when he almost slipped off a roof during one of their fights. 
And situations like that would only keep happening more and more often, almost a staple of their atypical relationship. The villain would laugh, would crack a joke, would be so careful with her wounds, would be anything but his usual abrasive self. 
And the very next fight, they would be even more horrible to each other, as though whatever had happened the day before had never been, as though cruelty was the only language they could speak. 
The hero didn't have friends. They were another luxury she couldn't afford. Her teammates weren't actively cruel or anything of the like, but the agency left no room for any semblance of friendship or love or all the things the hero wanted but could never really have. And the villain wasn't her friend. He wasn't supposed to be anyone. But he was genuine, almost the only person in her life who didn't sound and act like a robot. He'd had actual conversations with the hero. And maybe she was not stupid enough to think that made him any good, but maybe she was stupid enough to think that made him mean something to her.
"Answer me, Hero," he snarled coldly, tearing her chain of thought in half. 
The hero didn't consider spending any time on thinking of an intelligible response. People weren't logical when they were desperate.  Desperate was the hero's hand cupping the villain's jaw so gently that the shiver up his spine was still awfully intense, even with his numb body. Desperate was staring into the villain's eyes, watching the way his lashes fluttered, as his eyes told a completely different story from the harsh frown on his lips. Desperate was the hero's lips on his cheekbone, warm against his skin, shy, terrified, staying there for a fleeting moment that still felt like too long and retracting away with shame written all over her features. 
"I'm sorry."
Villain's eyes had widened, even though it seemed impossible they could grow any bigger. "I- come closer again," he half-whispered, all the roughness from his voice gone. "Lean down a little." 
And the hero obliged, even though it went against every single thing she'd been taught, and in turn the villain's lips were pressed to her jaw, careful but in no way timid. They weren't supposed to be velvet-soft, and hints of the villain's spicy cologne shouldn't have still managed to be distinguishable through the blood and the sweat. But of course the seemingly impossible was happening. 
"Yes," he answered, "you do scare me, but not in the way that you asked, so I was lying," he continued against the hero's jaw.
And she hated how palpable the relief was when he hadn't licked his lips. 
"This is how you actually kiss someone." The smirk on the villain's face may have been merciless as he pulled away, but it was clear he was trying to break the tension that they could have sliced through with a blade. 
God, the hero could barely breathe. She never knew something that felt almost forbidden could feel so right. She was scared the villain's response had been a trick and more scared that it hadn't. She wanted to scream at him and slam her fists into his body, to split his rose-petal-like lips with a jagged streak of crimson. But more than anything, she wanted him close enough to her that they were breathing each other's air, she wanted to kiss his face again, properly this time, so that it truly felt like something, something that set the hero's nerves on fire.
The hero had pulled out her twin knives, cutting through his ropes with one, while the other remained pressed against his carotid artery, as he still remained sitting on the chair. 
Except the villain had pulled the knife out of her hand, slightly scratching himself, and he got up, twirling the knife with his hand and pressing its cold, flat edge to the hero's jaw, his breath warm on her face. "Don't fight it. That's all you've done, all I've done, and I'm sick of it." 
And in all honesty, so was she. Sick of having no one, sick of wanting someone who was right there and yet so far away, sick of pushing a knife into the skin of the same boy who had bandaged her bleeding knuckles and made fun of the stupid kids' designs etched on them, the only thing he had, the next day after it happened.
The hero nodded, slowly putting her knives away when the villain handed her the other blade back, slinging an arm around the villain's waist, surprisingly small for someone so athletically built, but not any less attractive. 
"Let's go home. I mean, my place," the villain suggested, utterly exhausted, but a hint of a smile was still there in his words as he wrapped his arm around the hero's shoulder, his fingers gripping onto the fabric of her suit a little playfully. 
And the hero simply nodded, mirroring the villain's own soft smile.
Emotions are hard to understand, no rules or logic existent that could ever explain the power they hold over a person; the power that the heart exercises so ruthlessly over the mind. And yet nearly nothing could ever leave one feeling so certain, so absolutely euphoric to the point that not even the entire world would seem to matter compared to the one person love tethers you to. 
✨️Le Taglist: @larinzz @syberianjade @lateuplight @altu-interactions @enbious-prince @astr0-mj @thelazywitchphotographer @a-fucking-simp-00 @addictedsandwhichaki @justalittlecorrupted @quaggasus @adamswrongchild @vernilliom @mothmancommitsarson @starssabove @kurai-hono-blog @talkingsperm @muffinrebel44 @sunnynwanda @annablogsposts @cardboardarsonist @itsmyworld23 @onlywhump @m3rakii @crotchgoblin69 @wtfevenisausername @pendarling @avloki-pal @kaiwewi @those-damn-snippets @genuinelythioehat-is-whump @ghostofnorth
Wanna be on the taglist? This'll take you there!
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Sasha Pivovarova
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buddierecs · 2 months
angst buddie fics
all mature rating!!! make sure to kudos/comment on these amazing works :)
leave the light on (i'll be coming home) by: hmslusitania "an accident on a call leaves buck with custody of chris after eddie is... missing presumed. while they navigate their new family circumstances -- and fight to stay together, despite eddie's parents' best efforts -- a john doe wakes up in a coma ward with no memory of his own life beyond the knowledge he has a son named christopher and, somehow, he needs to get home." word count: 44k important tags: amnesia, mourning, grief, hurt/comfort, getting together, happy ending tomorrow will always and forever now be today (tomorrow is our always and forever) by: withmeornotatall "eddie gets trapped in a time loop on the day buck marries natalia" word count: 43k important tags: time loop, minor buck/natalia, weddings, love confessions five minutes by: onelonely_tortillachip "after the lawsuit, buck decides to take a small vacation to take a break from the stress of coming to work each day to a group of people who can't forgive him. he decides to fly back to wyoming to the ranch he worked on as a younger man. but the flight he is scheduled to take doesn't make it to its destination" word count: 71k important tags: post-lawsuit, emotional hurt/comfort, airplane crashes, found family, depression, oblivious!evan buckley, grief, survivors guilt i'll feel you forget me like i used to feel you breathe by: turningthepages "a car accident leaves eddie without ten years of memories. he forgets meeting buck, falling in love, getting married, and bringing two more kids into their life. as eddie struggles to adjust to this new life, buck struggles with being in love with someone who doesn't want to remember him. oh, and they have really cute kids." word count: 128k important tags: amnesia, car accidents, hurt/comfort, married!buddie, hurt!eddie diaz, insecure!evan buckley, slice of life, future fic when it comes back to you by: gisellelash "the one where eddie and buck meet when they work together on eddie’s uncle’s ranch, and again when eddie walks into the 118 eight years later." word count: 21k important tags: different first meetings au, first love, internalised homophobia, second chance, emotional hurt/comfort, mental health, soft!buddie, boys in love both blade and branch by: daisies_and_briars "the chances of being struck by lightning twice are incredibly minute, but buck still manages to pull it off. during a double date with marisol and natalia, nonetheless. eddie manages to resuscitate him, but as buck recovers from yet another trauma, eddie can’t help but notice there’s something very different about him. he’s not quite sure what version of buck he got back." word count: 62k important tags: paranormal elements, slow burn, hurt!evan buckley, eventful comfort, emotionally hurt!eddie diaz like when the sun came out by: spaceprincessem "buck can see ghosts au" word count: 39k important tags: ghost au, hurt/comfort, mentions of suicide, happy ending, boys in love, getting together the light's been out through, baby by: hattalove "six months after the near-fatal shooting of a member of the lafd, footage of the incident surfaces on social media." word count: 15k important tags: shooting, minor buck/taylor, getting together alone again tonight with you by: woodchoc_magnum "in which eddie and ana are dating, buck is secretly in love with him, and christopher isn't handling it well." word count: 37k important tags: pre-relationship, pining, team as family, jealousy, season 4 standing on the brink of emptiness by: woodchoc_magnum "in which eddie is struggling in the aftermath of being shot, learning how to take care of himself and realising he's in love with buck; and buck is dating taylor, taking care of eddie and christopher and trying to figure out why he's so goddamn confused about everything." word count: 70k important tags: season 4, injury recovery, ptsd, slow burn, minor buck/taylor, pre-relationship, getting together
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lottokinn · 3 months
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                        𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐊 𝟎𝟎𝟑: ──── DEFEITO FATAL + MAIOR MEDO ;
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❝ SILÊNCIO! O julgamento de Kinn Mayurin Narinrak irá começar. ❞
tw: assassinato e sangue.
Love estava acordada quando o alarme soou, pois raramente conseguia dormir naquelas circunstâncias. A insônia se tornou uma amiga em seu chalé. Antes dividindo o quarto com alguém, mas depois de se tornar conselheira, passou a ficar sozinha e era até mesmo um pouco solitário. Não gostava de ficar sozinha. Sua mente a punia incessantemente, revivendo cada erro, cada falha, cada momento sombrio de seu passado. Cada vez mais triste, ela mal se reconhecia. Quando o alarme soou, Love se levantou rapidamente, saiu com os leques pronta para mais uma batalha. Seu foco era ajudar, principalmente, aqueles que não conseguiam se defender sozinhos. Mas então, de repente, Love caiu de joelhos. Seus olhos esbranquiçaram, veias surgiram em sua face, e ela foi levada para uma visão.
Kinn se viu no acampamento, mas ele não era mais o ambiente familiar que conhecia. Os chalés e estruturas que outrora estavam bem cuidadas agora estavam em ruínas, tomadas pelo tempo e pela decadência. No chão tinha pilhas de entulho, a casa grande tomada pelo tempo, partes do telhado desabadas e vegetação selvagem crescendo por toda parte. Love estava acorrentada a uma parede próxima do anfiteatro, até que um semideus, filho de Nêmesis, apareceu e a soltou, arrastando-a para o centro do anfiteatro. Ao ser levada, ela notou como havia poucos semideuses ao redor. A maioria das figuras que avistava eram rostos familiares, mas distorcidos pela selvageria e desespero. Os olhos de seus amigos carregavam uma fúria primal, quase animalesca. Suas roupas estavam rasgadas e sujas, e a postura deles era agressiva, como se estivessem prontos para atacar a qualquer momento. Ela se sentiu apavorada.
Kinn observou as expressões endurecidas de cada rosto. A inocência haviam sido substituídas por desconfiança e ódio. Ela viu companheiros de batalha, agora com olhares vazios, como se a luta constante contra monstros e inimigos tivesse drenado o que restava de sua humanidade. Pode avistar Veronica, Kaito, Josh e até mesmo Sawyer e Natalia. E então começaram... Os gritos de seus amigos se iniciaram no momento em que ela foi levada para o centro do anfiteatro, interrompendo o silêncio com uma cacofonia de acusações. O que mais ouviu é que ela era um monstro. Kinn foi forçada a se sentar em um tronco de árvore, improvisado como um banco de réus. No centro, Quíron estava presente, também com uma aparência selvagem, como se tivesse se rendido completamente a parte animalesca. De longe, ela avistou uma figura encapuzada com um machado – um algoz. O coração começou a se acelerar no mesmo momento. Cercada, Love compreendeu que aquilo era um julgamento.
Ela olhou ao redor, seus olhos arregalados, vendo os rostos daqueles que considerava família contorcidos em expressões de ódio. "Você nunca foi uma de nós!", gritou uma voz familiar. "Traidora!", berrou outra, com a voz trêmula de indignação. Love sentiu as palavras como punhaladas. Cada acusação, cada insulto intensificava a sensação de culpa e inadequação. Ela queria gritar, queria se defender, explicar suas ações, mas a dor e a vergonha a mantinham calada. A filha de Tique sentia a garganta se apertando, como se uma mão invisível a estivesse sufocando, impedindo qualquer palavra de sair. A dor parecia justa, como se ela realmente fosse tudo aquilo que diziam.
Love se lembrou dos momentos de fraqueza, das decisões impulsivas, das noites em claro assombrada pelos rostos das pessoas que havia ferido. A voz de Quíron, límpida e severa, ecoava na mente dela, misturando-se com os gritos dos amigos. Você não merece o perdão e você merece cada pedaço dessa dor, disse para si mesma. Love baixou a cabeça, lágrimas silenciosas escorrendo por seu rosto. Ela não podia negar seus erros, não podia apagar o passado. A angústia e o desespero estavam consumindo sua energia e Love sentia como se estivesse se afogando. Um lembrete cruel de suas falhas e de como havia desapontado aqueles que mais importavam para ela. Sentada, se sentiu pequena e indefesa do que jamais imaginara ser. Ela aceitou as palavras, a dor, como se fossem um castigo merecido, uma penitência pelo o que carregava dentro de si.
Quíron ergueu um pergaminho antigo e seus olhos, cheios de desapontamento, fixaram-se em Kinn enquanto ele começava a ler a lista de crimes. Cada palavra parecia pesar mais do que a anterior, carregada com o fardo de anos de decisões questionáveis e ações condenáveis.
— Caçar humanos. — Usar conhecimentos do acampamento para punição de mortais. — Homicídio de mortais. — Uso indevido dos poderes. — Envolvimento em lutas clandestinas. — Uso de drogas. — E o pior de todos: abandonar seus amigos quando mais precisaram dela.
O conhecimento que ela havia adquirido no acampamento, destinado a proteger e salvar, havia sido distorcido para infligir dor e medo. Ela havia quebrado a confiança sagrada usando seus dons para se tornar uma juíza, juri e carrasca. A lembrança das vidas que ela tirou emergiu em sua mente, cada rosto e cada momento gravados em sua memória. A culpa pesava em seus ombros como uma pedra, esmagando qualquer tentativa de defesa. Ela tinha sangue nas mãos, sangue que nunca poderia ser lavado. Kinn sabia que havia usado suas habilidades de maneira irresponsável, deixando-se consumir pela vingança e as origens de seu pai. Ela buscava uma maneira de escapar da dor e da confusão interna, mas acabou se afundando mais nas sombras. A violência se tornara um escape, um vício que a afastava ainda mais do caminho de redenção. E então um dia fugiu disso tudo e se enfiou no acampamento como se nada daquilo tivesse acontecido em sua vida. Tudo que Kinn havia feito foi enterrar bem fundo, colocando uma pedra em cima e evitando voltar naquele cemitério de memórias fingindo ter uma vida que nunca aconteceu.
Kinn sentia as lágrimas escorrendo pelo rosto, a dor e a culpa se misturando em um turbilhão de emoções que sequer sabia nomear. Ela olhou ao redor, vendo os olhares de seus amigos e companheiros, cheios de desapontamento e desgosto. As palavras de Quíron ecoavam em sua cabeça, e ela sentia cada acusação como uma sentença merecida. Mas então, Quíron parou, olhando para ela com uma expressão de pesar.
❝ ― No entanto, o seu pior pecado... ❞ — Ele disse, aquela pausa que pareceu durar uma eternidade. ❝ ― É o assassinato de toda a sua família. ❞
A revelação a atingiu como um soco no estômago. Kinn se lembrou na mesma hora. A cabeça doeu como se tivesse sido preenchida com uma avalanche de memórias. Ela lembrou das asas, das cicatrizes e feridas, da dor física e emocional que suportava. Em um momento de raiva, usou seus poderes para acabar com aquele tormento. As memórias começaram a emergir, quebrando as barreiras que sua mente havia erguido para protegê-la. Ela gritou enquanto a memória do que havia feito se desdobrava em sua mente.
Era uma noite de festa na fazenda da família Narinrak. O cheiro da comida caseira enchia o ar, misturando-se com o aroma das flores que adornavam as mesas. Risos e conversas alegres ressoavam ao redor. A memória se desdobrava como um pesadelo vívido. Os gritos começaram primeiro, altos e angustiados. O cheiro metálico do sangue enchia o ar, substituindo o aroma doce das flores. Kinn se viu coberta de sangue, suas mãos tremendo enquanto segurava os leques de batalha sujos do liquido escarlate. Ela se lembrava de olhar para si mesma no espelho, seus olhos arregalados de choque e horror. O reflexo mostrava uma figura irreconhecível. O cheiro do sangue era nauseante, enchia suas narinas e grudava em sua pele. Ela podia sentir o gosto de cobre na boca, sua respiração estava pesada e desesperada.
A memória era tão traumática que sua mente, em um esforço desesperado para protegê-la, havia reescrito os eventos. Por anos, Kinn acreditou fielmente que um ataque de monstros havia ceifado a vida de sua família. Mas agora a verdade irrefutável se desdobrava diante dela. Ela havia feito aquilo. Em um surto de raiva e desespero, ela havia tirado a vida de seus próprios familiares. As imagens de sangue, os gritos, o cheiro — tudo era obra sua. A realidade esmagadora a fazia sentir como se estivesse sufocando. O peso da realização a esmagava, e ela sentiu o mundo escurecer ao seu redor.
A tailandesa acordou com um grito estrangulado, os olhos arregalados e cheios de lágrimas. Alguém a segurava caída no chão, estava tremendo e desorientada. Suas palavras eram incoerentes, mas tentava murmurar pedidos de desculpa. Foi erguida com cuidado, mas sentiu as pernas falharem e Love Kinn se viu indo para a escuridão novamente enquanto seu corpo desacordado era levado para a enfermaria.
semideuses citados: @deathpoiscn, @mcronnie, @kaitoflames, @magicwithaxes e @windynwild.
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anqelsweep · 1 month
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                     CAN I DREAM A FEW MONTHS MORE? 
The members of the Song family have always held an air of sadness around them;  not having a sense of belonging or being able to feel love towards others. All members carry the weight of the others.
warnings. death, death via shooting, neglect, bullying, isolation, alludes to poor mental health & divorce. if i missed anything please let me know!!
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                                          DANIEL SONG.
Given Name. Daniel Melnik-Song 
Birth Name. Song Sungsoo 송성수
Date of Birth. April 21, 1959
Zodiac Signs. Taurus & Pig
Date of Death. September 8, 1992 ( 33 )
Place of Birth. Seoul, South Korea
Home Town. Flushing, Queens, New York, New York
Ethnicity. South Korean
Nationality. Korean-American 
Height. 180cm ( 5’11” )
Face Claim. none
Birthed and abandoned in Seoul, South Korea, Daniel was born Song Sangsoo to an unknown couple on April 21, 1959. He was adopted in October 1961 and became the youngest and only boy to Aleksie Melnik and Diana Melnik-Martins. Daniel had three older sisters, Sonya, Aaliyah and Josie. 
 He grew up in Flushing, New York, and had a relatively good life. He graduated from Flushing High School in 1977 and immediately joined the US Marine Corps, and was stationed at Camp Henry, located in Daegu, South Korea in 1978. While at Camp Henry, he met and married Yoon Shinae, a newly graduated college student. The couple married in January 1980. The newly married couple moved from Seoul to California in June of 1980. After the birth of their second daughter, Daniel and Shinae moved them back to South Korea; taking up residence in Dobong-gu.
 In 1992, Daniel was fatally shot outside a bar in Seoul, South Korea. The suspect fled and was later arrested for the shooting. 
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                                          YOON SHINAE.
Given Name. Yoon Shinae 윤신애
Date of Birth. October 3, 1960
Zodiac Signs. Libra & Rat
Place of Birth. Daegu, South Korea
Home Town. Daegu, South Korea
Ethnicity. South Korean
Nationality. South Korean
Height. 168 cm ( 5’6” )
Face Claim. bae doona 
Yoon Shinae was born and raised to Farmers in Daegu, South Korea, as their second child and only daughter. Shinae has one older brother named Si-hyuk.  Growing up, and into early adulthood, Shinae was put aside in favor of her brother; Si-hyuk being labeled a chess and janggi prodigy. While Shinae in her own right had prodigy-like talents in the art of painting, her talent was not as impressive to her parents. 
Despite the lack of support from her parents and older brother, Shinae went on to thrive academically, graduating at the top of her class and being accepted into one of Korea’s top universities, Korea University; however, she would attend Ewha Women’s University. She graduated from said college with a Bachelor's in Literature. In 1979, she met US Marine Daniel Melnik-Song. They only dated for about a year when they married. 
  In 1992, Daniel was fatally shot outside a bar in Seoul, South Korea. After his death, Shinae was left alone to take care of an eleven-year-old girl and a barely one-year-old baby. The woman would be forced to take up several jobs to keep them afloat; having both her education job and working part-time at a restaurant. In the Winter of ‘94, Shinae married again, this time to a therapist named Lee Gi-ung. The couple welcomed a baby boy in March of 1995, naming him Lee Namil. Sadly, they would file for divorce before the child’s baegil.
Two decades after receiving her degree, Shinae finally began working as a full-time teacher at a high school in Suwon, thirty minutes outside Seoul.
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                                         SONG EUNJOO.
Given Name. Natalia Song
Korean Name. Song Eunjoo 송은주
Date of Birth. August 28, 1981
Zodiac Signs. Virgo & Rooster
Place of Birth. Sacramento, California 
Home Town. Seoul, South Korea 
Ethnicity. South Korean
Nationality. Korean-American
Height. 161cm ( 5’3” )
Face Claim. Song Hye Kyo
Song Eunjoo, born Natalia Eunjoo Song, came into the world on August 29, 1981, becoming the oldest child of Shinae and Daniel. She was born in Sacramento, California in Mercy General Hospital.
Eunjoo spent much of her childhood either playing in the streets of her hometown or at after-school clubs and cram schools, taking a special interest in science in her elementary school years.
Along with her family - which now included her baby sister Judith, Eunjoo moved from Sacramento to Seoul, South Korea when she was 10. The move was hard on Eunjoo, moving so far away from her friends took a toll on her. In addition, she barely knew Korean and had trouble assimilating into her new school. She’d barely talk to anyone in school — out of school too, she focused on her science research. 
According to Eunjoo, she was bullied up until high school;
 “I had things spilled on me, I would buy kids snacks so they wouldn’t hit me. Sometimes, I’d spend my day in the nurse's office. I wasn't good at Korean and my family problems were well-known around our neighborhood. I don’t know what changed but in high school, it all stopped.”
 Her struggles with adjusting to her new environment were made even more difficult after the sudden death of her father in 1992. She isolated herself even more from her teachers and classmates; which she admitted made the bullying worse. After her dad’s death, Eunjoo was forced to take a parental role to her sister, she spent her time taking care of Judy or studying.
Eunjoo graduated early from high school in her Sophomore year. Despite having scholarships from several universities she rejected them all in favor of helping her mother support the family; which now had one more member (her half-brother Namil). However, she didn’t have to worry about her little brother, his father having primary custody of him.
At 25, Eunjoo began her college career. She attended the University of Kragujevac in Serbia, graduating in 2011, at the age of 30. Eunjoo worked at an undisclosed law firm in Serbia from 2012 to 2016 before moving back to Seoul in 2017 and becoming a professor at Dongguk University.
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                                          LEE NAMIL.
Given Name. Lee Namil 이남일
Date of Birth. March 28, 1995
Zodiac Signs. Aries & Pig
Place of Birth. Seoul, South Korea
Home Town. Busan, South Korea
Ethnicity. South Korean
Nationality. South Korean
Height. 182 cm ( 6’0″ )
Face Claim. yang sejong
Lee Namil was born the only son and youngest child to Yoon Shinae and the third son to Lee Gi-ung. Outside of his sister, Namil has three older siblings; two brothers one sister, and two younger siblings; a set of twin girls. In contrast to Eunjoo and Namjoo, he had a fairly peaceful life. He grew up in Busan. From a young age, he had a keen interest in sports, influenced by his oldest brother’s passion for track and field. His interest was in Tennis.
Much of Namil’s early years were spent playing tennis or working part-time at his step-mother’s restaurant. Academically, Namil did the bare minimum; only doing so much so he could stay a part of his high school’s tennis team. At graduation, he nearly flunked.
After high school, Namil spent a year working for his stepmother before enlisting and completing his mandatory military service. 
After his military service ended, Namil began to focus on his professional tennis career; competing in any tournament he could. He made his official debut at the French Open in 2019, losing in the 3rd round. He later competed in the Wimbledon Championships, making it to the quarterfinals before withdrawing out. Namil has had an extremely successful tennis career. He nearly qualified to represent South Korea in the 2024 Olympics. 
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toulouseesblog · 2 months
Carta para mi ex
No se ni por dónde empezar ni por dónde acabar, contigo todo era una explosión de emociones y sentimientos, lo mejor es que todo era positivo y bonito. Tanto tú como yo sabemos que nos amábamos, que nos teníamos el uno al otro y que nos apoyabamos mutuamente. Yo desde que te vi sabía que tenías un toque y no se si era por tu sonrisa perfecta, por tu forma de ser o por lo enamorada que estaba de ti desde un principio.
Se que las épocas esas del 22/23 no las queremos recordar ni tú ni yo ya que lo pasamos mal y son ‘’etapas oscuras’’. Estoy llena de recuerdos, uno de ellos es cuando en los recreos te perseguía para que no te fueras solo porque me sentaba mal, aparte de que quería estar contigo. También recuerdo lo tanto que lloré ese día porque sentía que no te importaba lo que hacía por ti, que no te importaba que diera más por ti que por mi misma y no te dabas cuenta que estabas en mi cabeza las 24 horas del día. 
En diciembre del 2023 empezaste con mi mejor amiga, Sandra, sabía que estabas enamorado de ella desde octubre y si te soy sincera a mi esto no me sentó muy bien, estaba enamorada tuya y ya tenía muchas ilusiones contigo. En mi cabeza sonaba esta frase cada vez que os veía juntos:
–¿Por qué ella y no yo, que me falta para ser lo que él quiere? —
Otro de mis recuerdos un poco más positivos es cuando me decías lo mucho que me querías aunque no fuéramos nada, me decías que yo demostraba más que ninguna otra persona y que sabias que yo era la indicada. Me ilusioné tanto cuando me dijiste eso que ni me lo creía, ¿sabes la típica sonrisa que te sale cuando te mandan un mensaje bonito?, pues esa era mi sonrisa pero multiplicada por 3 millones. 
Llegó el día de mi cumpleaños e invité a Alba, a Sandra y a ti ya que erais lo único que tenía. Me acuerdo justo del momento que te vi bajar del autobús en la parada, tenias el regalo que me ibas a dar en las manos y eso me puso muy feliz. Te abrace cuando bajaste, y cuando vi el regalo algo de mi explotó, creo que fue una parte del corazón de tanto amor que te tenía. Siempre tiene que haber algo negativo en los cumpleaños, y en este fue cuando os vi a Sandra y a ti juntos en una parte del parque en el que estábamos y yo estaba con Alba llorando en otra parte del parque, diciendo lo mismo de siempre:
–¿Por qué ella y no yo, que me falta para ser lo que él quiere? —
Llegué a mi casa fatal, y a los pocos días decidí bloquearte de todos lados. No podía aguantar los cambios, unos días me sentía lo mejor del mundo y sentía que tocaba la luna contigo de la mano y otros días sentía que me estabas pisando la cara. 
Me enteré por Sandra que en Abril terminasteis, y a los pocos días de terminar Sandra me dijo que tú seguías escribiendome. Me contabas cómo te iba en los partidos de baloncesto, también me contabas tus problemas aunque yo no estuviera ahí para contestarte. Lamento no haber estado ahí cuando lo necesitabas. 
A finales de Abril te empecé a escribir de vuelta, con la excusa de que felicites a tu amiga Natalia de mi parte ya que era su cumpleaños. Empezamos a hablar más y más, me contaste lo que hiciste este tiempo y vimos que nuestro brillo no se había apagado del todo, que aún había una llamita encendida que podíamos intentar evitar que se apagara.
Y así fue, el 9 de Mayo del 2023 empezamos a salir, por fin podía decir oficialmente que el chico al que quería locamente era mi novio y te juro que te amaba a más no poder. Te juro que quería verte a todas horas, ojala haberme ido al viaje que hiciste a Londres en Julio del 2023, no soportaba que estuvieras lejos de mi. Amaba verte en el instituto, cuando me esperabas a la entrada para darme un abrazo e ir de la mano hasta clase, cuando mutuamente nos dolía cuando cada uno tenía que ir a su clase… Te admito una cosa, amaba los días de 1ro de la ESO cuando tocaba ingles a primera hora, porque era la hora en la que en el intercambio de clase me tocaba a tu lado. 
Cuando acabó el verano siento que las cosas empeoraron un poco, en septiembre yo me encontraba algo mal conmigo misma y siento que desde ahí puede que lo haya pagado contigo. En noviembre decidí terminar contigo ya que sentía que te hacía cada vez más daño y lo que menos quería era ver al niño que me sacaba una sonrisa todos los días estar triste por mi culpa. Bueno, esto no duró ni un día ya que entre la charla que tuve con mi madre sobre ti, mi hermano escribiendote si tu sabias lo que me pasaba, porque se me escuchaba llorar desde su habitación… Quede contigo el día siguiente de terminar,  nada más te vi me lancé a ti, me puse a llorar y lo primero que dije es:
– Te echaba de menos amor –
Justo en noviembre también fue nuestro primer beso, éramos muy vergonzosos y no sabíamos cuándo dar ese paso pero los dos queríamos hacerlo. Al final lo di yo, y cuando te lo di no entendí nada ya que me salió solo, fue como un impulso y de tener tantas ganas que al final me descontrole. Igualmente fue precioso, recuerdo incluso la hora y el lugar, el atardecer que había, recuerdo lo que sentía y la emoción que tenía. Los días siguientes después de nuestro primer beso te escapaste de casa para verme y me parecía muy tierno el hecho de que alguien quisiera pasar tanto tiempo conmigo y de ser capaz de escaparse de casa únicamente para estar a mi lado aunque sea poco tiempo y con consecuencias. 
En enero me dijiste que tenías dudas sobre lo nuestro, que estás confuso y no sabías lo que querías, no sabías si de verdad querías pareja o si estabas listo para tenerla. Yo estaba asustada, no quería perderte, pero al final siempre quedabamos en un ‘’da igual, ignora todo lo que te acabo de decir, te amo’’. Desde ahí, vivía nerviosa y pensando que me ibas a dejar sola, tuve pesadillas con el hecho de que me dejaras. 
Y llegó marzo, maldito mes de marzo, sobretodo el 14 de marzo a las 00:20 de la noche. Ese día a esa hora me dejaste con el corazón roto en las manos ya que me dejaste con un
–Te quiero pero no quiero nada –
Recuerdo aquella noche como si fuera hace 5 minutos, recuerdo cada lágrima y cada sollozo, recuerdo las veces que re lei nuestro chat, recuerdo cuando mire los mensajes tuyos de WhatsApp del día anterior diciendo:
–Te amo mi princesa –
Al día siguiente me levanté pensando que todo era una pesadilla, pero llegué al instituto y no me estabas esperando en la entrada, y tampoco recibí un mensaje tuyo diciéndome los buenos días y que tenias ganas de verme. En mayo volvimos a hablarnos, y resulta que le convencí para que quedáramos y un rato con la excusa de ‘’quiero verte’’, aunque en realidad quería verle a los ojos y decirle por última vez las siguientes frases:
– Te amo –
– ¿Te digo un secreto?  Me encanta tu sonrisa –
Quería darle de la mano por última vez, acariciarle el pelo donde a él le gusta, mirarle a los ojos, poner mis piernas encima de las suyas, reírme con él y ver por última vez su sonrisa. 
Los mejores momentos de mi vida los pasé con él, y los volvería a repetir un millón de veces más. Con él me sentía especial, sentía que éramos inseparables y con el de verdad veía mi futuro. Me imaginaba a mis hijos llamándole papá, a nosotros en nuestra propia casa, nosotros casandonos o yendo de viaje a donde queramos. 
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arktoib · 2 months
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ও⠀⠀⠀TASK #03⠀⠀⠀:⠀⠀⠀defeito fatal⠀⠀⠀!
⠀⠀⠀⸻⠀⠀⠀and i can go anywhere i want. anywhere i want, just not home.
é como estar à deriva, o tempo todo, buscando por um oásis nunca encontrado. o fatídico destino de vagar sem um lugar que verdadeiramente lhe pertença para poder voltar.
não que seus fossem sonos fossem tranquilos, já que morfeu se encarregava prazerosamente daquela maldição, mas nas poucas vezes que tinha sorte em não sonhar, antonia tinha um bom sono. mas não naquela noite.
o som da sirene rompeu contra a calmaria da noite, fazendo a filha de atena pôr-se de pé e ir em busca dos irmãos mais novos, que estavam assustados em suas camas. era uma batalha ir contra seu instinto protetor, mas enquanto finalizava de vestir a armadura, a voz de quiron indicou para onde deveria seguir. os pés logo encontraram a mata da floresta, o terreno macio devido a umidade condicionava seus passos mais firmes.
encontrou sua equipe de patrulha logo em seguida, todos pareciam atentos as ordens e seguiram o caminho indicado. antonia, por instinto, ficou na retaguarda, olhando da onde eles vinham - não correria o azar de ser atacada por trás. mas como podia saber da onde viria o ataque? e se estivesse vindo do chão, da névoa? piscou algumas vezes, sucumbindo a uma dor nunca sentida antes. a sua cabeça recebeu uma pressão tão forte, que a fez cair de joelhos. o ímpeto de gritar subiu sua garganta, ela não conseguiu controlar.
os pássaros voaram assustados. antonia abriu os olhos, com dificuldade. estava claro, mais do que estava acostumada no acampamento. uma brisa suave tocava a pele de seu braço, subindo arrepios. pela intensidade da luz, demorou para que seus olhos se acostumassem, sendo necessário que ela piscasse algumas vezes. em passos trôpegos, sentiu alguns galhos roçarem em seu braço direito, lhe assustando. onde ela estava? não era a floresta, não podia ter apagado por tanto tempo. ao menos, era o que considerava. será que todos tinham caído em meio a floresta? poucos segundos depois, a visão recuperada, pode ver que não se tratava da floresta.
em ambos os lados, paredes enormes de mato cobriam sua visão. ela estava em um labirinto. sua cabeça estava pesando... por que estava em labirinto e como havia ido parar ali?⠀⠀"⠀⠀antonia!⠀⠀"⠀⠀aquela voz... ela reconhecia aquela voz, reconheceria em qualquer lugar. era maeve! ela a chamou mais duas vezes. pelos deuses, como aquilo tinha acontecido? a quarta chamada, agora com a voz chorosa, atravessou os ouvidos da morena como uma explosão.⠀⠀"⠀⠀eu já estou indo, maeve! aguenta firme.⠀⠀"⠀⠀por mais que soubesse que não tinha como, tentou subir pela parede arborizada para ver.
"⠀⠀cariño!⠀⠀"⠀⠀o espanhol carregado pousou em seus ouvidos. não, santiago não podia estar ali também. como os dois puderam parar no mesmo lugar? ele a chamou novamente, mas sua voz era baixinha, quase falha, e ecoava dentro da cabeça de antonia. onde ele estava? por que ele parecia mais perto que maeve? seus pés começaram a se mover rapidamente, sempre ponderando com cautela quando chegava em dois pontos de entrada. os gritos agora não eram apenas duas pessoas, haviam mais, todas suplicando pela filha de atena e por socorro.
colocou as mãos nos ouvidos e seguiu correndo, como se correr fosse a única solução. correr em direção aos amigos, ou na direção oposta, não sabia. correr, ela apenas tinha que correr para conseguir achar uma saída. e quanto mais corria, mais desespero havia na voz daqueles que ela chamava de casa. que a faziam sentir-se em casa, como se a presença deles fosse a única coisa que antonia conhecia como lar. estava tão agoniada em suprimir aquele sentimento que nem sequer percebeu que entrou na câmera central do labirinto.
seus joelhos fraquejaram e ouviu a voz de natalia, agora com clareza. ela estava ali. estavam todos ali. até mesmo maya. sabia o que aquilo significava. não, não poderia ser. como seria, afinal, se ela nunca havia mencionado sequer aquela comparação à nenhum deles? não, era um segredo seu. seu, protegido a sete chaves, imaculado pela certeza de que nunca daria a chance de ser usado contra ela.
como estava sendo feito naquele exato momento.
"⠀⠀escolha somente um, filha de atena! você só pode ter uma casa.⠀⠀"⠀⠀uma voz ao fundo disse. sentiu o conhecido desprezo na fala do desconhecido. não sabia porque ele sentia alguma coisa ruim em relação à ela. havia feito algo de ruim? qual pecado estava sendo posto em jogo, naquele momento, sobre todos os outros? se precisava escolher entre aquelas pessoas, alguma punição estava sendo imposta.
não, ela não escolheria entre eles. precisava apenas analisar com cautela que salvaria a todos, inclusive a si mesma. maya agora quem chamou seu nome, com os olhos marejados e seu coração se apertou. será que estavam sofrendo? será que antonia os teria feito esperar por muito tempo? será que conseguiria salvá-los? sua cabeça era apenas perguntas e mais perguntas sobre aquilo. o seu foco perdia-se com muita facilidade.
"⠀⠀eu... eu quero fazer um acordo. me pergunte qualquer coisa, se eu souber a resposta, você os libera. se eu não souber, você me leva junto.⠀⠀"⠀⠀desafiou. a negação era um sentimento tão ávido que até mesmo se negava de enxergar o óbvio a sua frente. pobre filha da deusa da sabedoria, tão inteligente para algumas coisas e tão estúpida para outras. ouviu-se uma risada ensaiada, quase com um toque teatral. o que antes era apenas uma voz começou a tomar forma, por assim dizer, quando uma sombra pairou no ar, revelando um deus. antonia não o reconhecia, mas reconhecia seu cajado. e suas cobras.
"⠀⠀você é tão astuta, garota. acha mesmo que conhece todas as respostas para me ganhar nesse jogo?⠀⠀"⠀⠀pelo visto, ele esperava uma resposta, pois a ficou encarando. antonia apenas balançou a cabeça, concordando, com seus olhos fixados nos amigos.⠀⠀"⠀⠀pois bem, aqui vai: no cruzamento de dois caminhos, cada escolha leva a um destino. às vezes, a estrada menos percorrida é a que salva, mas a verdade está escondida entre as bifurcações. se a escolha errada pode levar ao fim, como encontrar a estrada correta sem saber onde ela começa?⠀⠀"⠀⠀e sentou-se, em uma cadeira que surgiu do nada. aquilo era uma charada, só podia ser. mas a resposta não seria algo óbvio. o deus das pegadinhas não facilitaria para ela.
ela não fazia ideia da resposta. aquilo era um jogo fadado ao fracasso, havia perdido antes mesmo de começar. se soubesse a resposta, ela ainda podia sair perdendo. não era garantia que sairiam todos vivos dali. sentou-se no chão, abraçando os joelhos e balançando a cabeça. estava focada na pergunta, que a repetia constantemente. como ela sabia que algo era certo quando estava sozinha? seus pensamentos e sinapses foram rápidas o suficiente que não conteve a vontade de gritar a resposta.⠀⠀"⠀⠀é a intuição!⠀⠀"⠀⠀e o deus sorriu. olhou na direção dos amigos e todos agora estavam livres. correu na direção deles para lhes dar um abraço.
e nada. ninguém. nenhum deles mais estava ali, nem mesmo hermes. para onde haviam ido? o que ela tinha respondido de errado? não, não, não! ela tinha respondido certo, somente através da intuição a gente sabe qual é o caminho, se não existe um certo ou errado, é o que escolhermos.⠀⠀"⠀⠀você não pode querer salvar todos. vai acabar sem nenhum.⠀⠀"⠀⠀ecoou no fundo de sua mente.
antes de cair na mata densa da floresta do acampamento. seu peito movia-se rapidamente para recobrar todo o ar que havia fugido. percebeu que os outros também pareciam atônitos. será que todos tinham presenciado as mesmas coisas? outro grito a tirou de seus devaneios, dessa vez vindo do acampamento. juntou a sua arma e saiu em disparada.
enquanto seus pés faziam o trabalho de levá-la de volta, seus olhos percorriam o céu, em busca de qualquer estrela para suplicar, que o que quer que ela tenha visto, não passasse de um pesadelo e não uma profecia.
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mencionados: @magicwithaxes , @aguillar , @ghcstlly , @mayafitzg
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starlightrunesgang · 5 months
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How did the 6 human souls from Subtertale die?:
1. **Fatima (Bravery)**:
Fátima's trip through the underground was extremely short.
When she left the Ruins, her encounter with Sans proved fatal.
Fatima faltered under Sans attacks and died.
2. **Edward (Kindness)**:
Edward helped a monster in Hotland, that monster was about to fall into the lava, after saving the monster, the ground beneath him gave way, sending him plummeting into the lava and die.
3. **Natalia (Perseverance)**:
Natalia succumbed to exhaustion while she attempted to escape from the royal guard in Waterfall.
Her body could no longer resist and collapsed, leading to her death.
4. **Brice (Justice)**:
Brice died after a confrontation he had against Mettaton.
5. **Rocío (Integrity)**:
In her clash with Undyne, her firm integrity was tested.
Undyne, unwavering in her duty to protect the underground, pushed Rocío to the limit.
Despite her unwavering integrity, Rocío faltered, a fatal blow that felled and killed her.
6. **Marta (Patience)**:
Marta's patience knew no bounds as she waited for Toriel's guidance in the Ruins.
The days she spent alone waiting for Toriel in the Ruins became hell, but despite that Marta remained strong and her faith in Toriel was unwavering but as those days passed her patience became her downfall.
Alone and completely sad and sorrow her soul slowly faded away and die.
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The Human Souls and their Order in which they fell into the Underground:
Chara (Determination) - She was the first human to fall into the Underground.
Marta (Patience) - She was the second human to fall into the Underground after Chara.
Fatima (Bravery) - She was the third human to fall into the Underground after Marta.
Daughter of Kamydley/Rocio (Integrity) - She was the fourth human to fall into the Underground after Fatima.
Natalia (Perseverance) - She was the fifth human to fall into the Underground after Rocio.
Edward (Kindness) - He was the sixth human to fall into the Underground after Natalia.
Brice (Justice) - He was the seventh human to fall into the Underground after Edward.
Lyra (Determination) - She was the eight human to fall into the Underground after Brice.
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femboycloudstrife · 1 year
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classyinfur · 3 months
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themculibrary · 2 months
Young Natasha Romanoff Masterlist
All It Takes Is Everything (ao3) - thetbone T, 5k
Summary: Natasha protects Yelena from a bully at recess — and worries her methods may mean the end of her time in Ohio.
Ballet Could Be Scary (But Natalia, She Really Did Like Listening To The Music) (ao3) - Wrds_R_WpnsM, 5k
Summary: Before she was an Avenger, before she was anything, Natalia Alianova Romanova was a girl.
And then, and then... She was a monster.
Twenty years. A Red Room. The birth of a Widow.
And yes, they do ballet.
Christmas in July (ao3) - thetbone G, 1k
Summary: It’s photo album day, and Natasha assumes all of the boxes under the Christmas tree will be empty.
She assumes wrong.
dreaming with her feet (ao3) - Catstycam G, 1k
Summary: in swan lake, the cursed girls' doom is lifted. natasha romanov is not so lucky.
dancing is just dreaming with your feet. a cursed girl and ballet, through the years.
Everything is Blue (ao3) - frizz22 alexei/melina G, 1k
Summary: Her reflection wasn’t one she recognized immediately. And after the initial flutter of delight, Natasha bit her lip.
Melina would be furious with her.
Her stand-in father, Alexei, would chuckle and ruffle her new hair affectionately as something about a fierce Russian spirit residing inside her rumbled through him…. But Melina wouldn’t find it humorous.
Because this was hardly considered ‘blending in’; what her sole purpose to do here was.
Innocence Lost (ao3) - The_Procrastinator T, 1k
Summary: Natasha had been trained to never fear. Fear was weakness, and weakness wasn't accepted at the Red Room. Now, though, she was terrified.
in spite of everything, i shall rise (ao3) - Blackwidow1984 N/R, 826
Summary: she was dropped into a world that knew no fear, pain or love.
i will look for you as the sun rises higher (ao3) - strawberriesinmoominvalley G, 1k
Summary: She hadn’t meant to do it. She really really hadn’t.
The breath was knocked out of her lungs as the gun fired again, her finger accidentally pressing the trigger. She screamed, throwing the gun away as fast as she could.
She didn’t mean to. She really didn’t, and she didn’t know what to do-
OR children make mistakes and accidents happen. when your children are widows, accidents tend to be more fatal
Keep Listening, Are You Listening? (ao3) - herrealname clint/natasha, bucky/natasha T, 9k
Summary: A run-through of Natasha's entire childhood leading up to the strong, beautiful, important woman she is now in the MCU. This is a critical journey of trauma, abuse, mental health, and recovery.
Like a Bear With Her Cubs (ao3) - Sibir alexei/melina T, 6k
Summary: Alexei is the muscle, not Melina. But without him around, pumped up on adrenaline, and fearing for the girls' lives, she takes matters into her own hands.
Plain Vanilla (ao3) - StopIWantToTalkAboutCheese G, 1k
Summary: Natasha Romanoff's first night with her new family.
(adjective: plain vanilla: having no special or extra features; ordinary or standard.)
Shadows and Reflections (ao3) - abovethesmokestacks T, 1k
Summary: They are taught to be fearless, but each night they lie as still as they can, breaths shuddering in terror at each pass of heavy boots against concrete floor.
The Monsters in the Dark (ao3) - Rubick T, 1k
Summary: It was 1994. Natasha was ten years old. Yelena was five. It was a different time back then, when kids were allowed to bike or run around their neighborhood and no one would worry about someone stealing them away.
But Natasha knew better. And why would Melina and Alexei worry, anyway? They didn’t have to worry about the monsters that crept through the night. They were the monsters.
there’s no use in keeping track of love, it’s just instinct (ao3) - happen_endingG, 2k
Summary: Natasha likes to daydream. More often than not. More than she should allow herself to, if she’s being honest.
“I dream that we escape.”
“The world of the free is not for us, child.” Melina sighs, resigned.
or: Natasha once tries to fool herself with the idea that love is all they need.
The Spy Who Came in From Recess (ao3) - ThePlaceByTheRiver G, 3k
Summary: Being a Soviet child soldier wasn't great.
Third grade isn't much better.
(Natasha Romanov in the early days of the Ohio op.)
Three Halloweens (ao3) - flipflop_diva T, 1k
Summary: Natasha and Yelena and the three Halloweens they spent in Ohio.
to begin again (ao3) - xeretein T, 2k
Summary: where melina makes a choice and gives her girls the life they deserve.
or what could've been if melina took natasha and yelena away from the red room with s.h.i.e.l.d.s help
we shall find a pleasure (in the dimness of the stars) (ao3) - andibeth82 T, 8k
Summary: “I don’t have a home,” he says when he finally speaks. He doesn’t sound sad, just defeated, as if he’s accepted that there’s nothing he can do about his position. “Just that.” He points to a pile of blankets next to a black bag hidden in the corner, and Natasha raises an eyebrow.
“You live on the street?”
“So what?” he asks defensively, without bothering to cull his inflection. Natasha shrugs.
“So. I do, too.”
OR: the one where Clint and Natasha meet as kids, and find that you don't have to go through everything alone.
yes, i know you’re ten years old (but you’re still old enough to die) (ao3) - Charlie_Balle N/R, 3k
Summary: Melina had been very clear to Natasha that she was never to be around Alexei when he was drunk. There was something about the way that alcohol interacted with the super solder serum that made him foolish and rash.
Natasha never needed to protect herself from her pseudo-father. But one evening when Melina was out picking up an ingredient she forgot for dinner, Alexei got angry.
Natasha just wanted to do her homework. She hadn’t planned on being accused of giving away information to the enemy.
You Told Me I'd Be Iron (ao3) - awwcoffeenooooo minor natasha/bucky T, 5k
Summary: Natalia had come far. Gone was the girl scared of the dark whom needed her doll. Now, in her place was a fearless monster. Never would she use that word. No, she had a better term. She was iron.
The story of Natalia Romanova, subject of the Red Room.
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housewifebuck · 10 months
same, except I do have something against natalia lol how can a death doula be so insensitive it drives me crazy the way she talks to him and about what happened to him
Okay yeah that was weird as hell I legit always forget she said that cause it was so out of pocket 😭😭😭 like how r u a death doula going around telling people it’s soooo slay of them to have had a freak fatal accident….that would be weird to say even if u weren’t supposed to be trained to help people cope with dying
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jeeyuns · 1 year
Hello! I’m really excited about your parallel universes WIP and need to watch everything everywhere. It’s been on my list for over a year. I was just wondering if you have fic recs for a related topic: time travel and time loops? For Buddie. Thank you. x
omg thank youuuu parallel universes are my JAM. i hate that i even put up that poll. now everyone chose laundry and taxes and i have to commit to writing this epic alongside bethlehem arghughg hghg ghhh. yes pleaseeee watch eeaao. i'm gonna try to make it make sense without having watched it but it's SUCH a good movie. watch it when you can and in the mood for a mind fuck
i LOVEEEE time loops and time travel! for buddie? ohhhh i GOT you:
burn the straw house down by @hoediaz
(buck gets stuck in time, has a break down and then, relatedly, a break through)
this might have been the second one i read ever with a time loop theme in the 911 fandom and oh boyyyy the emotions! you feel like you're going THROUGH it with buck, you're right there with him. and the breathless payoff at the end. YUMMM. love love LOVEEEE the reason given on how to break the time loop
Evan Buckley & The Coma-Verse of Madness by @cal-daisies-and-briars
(After being struck by lightning on a call, Buck experiences a plethora of alternate realities showing him different directions his life could have taken.)
soooo i also have to sneak in another parallel universes rec because this one is GOLD. it's more along the lines of Marvel's Dr. Strange and the book 'The Midnight Library by Matt Haig.' and it was just STUNNING. buck pov with moments ranging from confusion to bittersweet happiness to utter despair. the ending was mwah, mwah, chef's KISS. ughhh i love cal. wish they had a tumblr. i'll just scream in their ao3 comments it's ok. i'm ok i'm ok (THEY NOW HAVE A TUMBLR LET'S GOOOOOOO)
tomorrow will always and forever now be today (tomorrow is our always and forever) by @anxieteandbiscuits
(eddie gets trapped in a time loop on the day buck marries natalia)
sami is a MASTER at making you scream into your pillow at these two lovable idiots. and boyyyy did i want to just smash their faces together and make them work it out (sorry natalia babe) loosely inspired by the 'Palm Springs' time loop movie. it was just sooooo you HAVE TO have a box of tissues with you. she will eviscerate your heart with her words and MAKE you feel what eddie is going through UGHHHHHH
Benign Fatality by @ardenetoile
(Buck repeats days until he doesn't die in them, has an underdeveloped sense of self worth, and Eddie is the one who wants to step in with him.)
what a fantastic take on time loops! buck only repeats days when he's died. so there could be strings of days/weeks/months where he lives life like normal. and eddie gets brought into it at some point, or more like he shoulders his way in because it's EDDIE and he cares. ending was amazing too, author made it truly make sense! i am so intrigued about the background on buck's ability!
Being Eddie by @cal-daisies-and-briars
(When Eddie starts seeing a new therapist, he’s presented with the opportunity to revisit several days from his past and right regrets that still bother him.)
so this is my one time travel rec in this fandom. eddie goes through the time travel therapy process of the show 'Being Erica' and BOYYYYY does he. it's currently a WIP and i'm about to read ch16 of 20. Cal is fabulous with making you feel for every aspect of a character. they moved from the prior story of buck pov to this eddie pov with flawless precision and godddd i don't know what it is about their words. they are IMPACTFUL. i read a chapter and have to lean back and think through my feelings, like I'M getting therapized. what the fuck??????????????
the persistence of memory by @anxieteandbiscuits
(Buck gets shot, Eddie has to keep reliving the day until he can figure out what the universe is trying to tell him)
last but DEFINITELY not least is this one, my love. if i can imprint this on my heart, blood and papercuts and ripped out ribs and all, i WOULD. i will never have enough time or breath to speak on this fic. it was one of the first 3 fics i read in this fandom. and FUCKKKK did sami pull me in. i think i wasn't even caught up with the show but it DOESN'T matter. she set it after s4 and eddie goes throughhhh it on time loops. the beautiful prose, the sweeping emotions from eddie to buck. the 118 firefam ensemble comedy. the LOVE CONFESSIONS???? multiple????? each one made me teary and one made me outright cry. they were all different and they were all perfect on every iteration of the worst day of eddie's life. i sometimes turn over my pillow at 3 am and get a visceral flash of buck's shocked and bloody face when REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED and have to take a deep breath and rub my chest because sami did it AGAIN and my brain just likes me to remember these moments i've read and scanned into my brain apparently to play on loop
ANYWAY i got really excited. happy reading anon! thank you for letting me rant about the top 6 fics with these themes off the top of my head. <333
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