#nat has a shield and clint has a bow
gingiesworld · 11 months
Family Ties (4/?)
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Natasha Romanoff x Werewolf Fem Reader
Warnings: Angst. Fluff
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @natashasilverfox @the-ox-fan20 @upsidedowndanvers @purpleturtletragedy
Nat was nervous from the moment she had stepped in the car with Clint, deciding to use his truck since Tony never had any tech within the electricals. Not wanting to give him any means to stop their search.
"So, Y/N is settling in?" Clint asked as the two drove down the back roads.
"Yeah, she has Wanda, Steve and Vision with her." She told him.
"Why do we have to keep all of this hidden from Tony?" He asked her as she looked at him.
"Tony was the one who wanted her locked up again." She told him. "Saying that she is not to be trusted."
"You have seen what has happened to those agents Nat, those animals had ripped them to shreds." Clint reasoned.
"Y/N has been with us for over a week." Nat told him. "If she was going to turn on any of us, she would have done it already."
"I'm just being realistic, Nat." He told her as they approached the first stop on the search. "We don't know what could happen, even while you aren't there."
"I trust her." She told him firmly.
"You're being naive." He told her as she just moved forward, searching for any sign of the Selene clan. It felt like hours of walking in the woods, finding nothing until they saw a child, only around 12 years old, run away. "Put that away." She told Clint who had his bow ready to fire, before she followed the child. Soon stopping as she stood before a man, who towered over her.
"Who are you?" He boomed as Nat gave a small smile.
"I am Natasha Romanoff. I work with the Avengers." She told them. "We are searching for my friend, Y/N's family."
"Y/N?" The woman who stood beside him whispered.
"Who do you think we are?" He asked her as Nat sighed.
"I was hoping you were Y/N's family." She told them honestly. "We recently rescued her from a Hydra base, she had been there for over a decade and she wants to be reunited with her family."
"What is her family name?" He questioned.
"Her name is Y/N Selene." Nat told them confidently. His eyes softened as he heard her confirm the feeling he had, he felt that his daughter was still alive.
"She's alive. After all of this time." He whispered.
"She is, we can bring you to her." Nat told him as he shook his head no.
"We can't trust you." He told her. "Maybe you could bring her here to us."
"I can do that." She told him as he stepped towards her. "What's that?" She asked as he moved towards her with a bracelet.
"This is the family crest." He told her. "It warms up when it is in the presence of a Selene, because we have to move around a lot, it may help you locate us. It burns hotter when there is more than one of us."
"I don't think that's wise." Clint told Nat who shook her head.
"It's not painful." Aaron told him. "If it were, she would be in pain right now."
"He's right Clint." Nat told him. "It's kind of a pleasant feeling." He just nodded as Nat turned back to Aaron. "We will see you soon sir."
"Thank you." He told her with a smile before Nat and Clint walked the way they had come.
"How can you trust them?" Clint questioned.
"They are just trying to survive Clint. They have hope of seeing Y/N again and I want to make sure that she has her family." She told him. "But you haven't had to see what it is like to leave your family involuntarily, or not know if they are alive or dead." He just looked around, anywhere but her because he knew she had a point. He made sure that no one knew of their existence with the help of Fury, their existence even remained off of the SHIELD database.
"Come on Y/N." Steve begged her. "Just one match."
"No." Y/N told him as she took a break from the punching bag.
"I am a super soldier." He told her as she shook her head.
"Super soldier or not, I am a deadly being and." She started as he gave her an understanding nod. "I just can't lose control. Not here. Not now." She looked at her hands. "They made me do things. Agents who never followed orders, I was the punishment, the wolf me anyway. I would rip them to shreds, from the moment they would attack me and try to leave my cell. I just can't do that. Not any more."
"That's ok Y/N." He told her softly. "We can just stick to training with weights and jogging."
"Yeah." She nodded as he patted her shoulder.
"You're a good kid." He told her as they moved to the kitchen together. "After everything you have been through, you are still compassionate." Y/N nodded before she headed into Nat's room, getting ready to use the shower as Wanda burst in.
"Oh shit." Wanda squealed before she covered her eyes.
"What's up Wanda?" Y/N asked as she turned to Wanda.
"I was just going to ask if you wanted to help me cook dinner for everyone." She asked her shyly. "It's ok if you don't."
"It's not that, it's just I don't know how to cook." She told her honestly. "Being held captive for over a decade stops you from learning basic skills."
"I can teach you." Wanda told her excitedly. "I was going to cook chicken paprikash, it was a dish my mama always cooked when I was little."
"I'll be done soon." Y/N told her. "I can meet you in the kitchen." Wanda nodded with a smile before leaving the room, leaving Y/N to shower before joining her.
"So you're just going to tell Y/N." Clint asked Nat as she drove back to the compound.
"Yes." She told him.
"What if she leaves permanently?" He asked her. "What will you do?"
"I will be fine Clint." She told him. "I barely know her and she will be with her family where she belongs."
"Nat, I know there is more." He told her as she shook her head.
"Just drop it Clint." She snapped. "I know what you're insinuating, and I can't bring myself to be attached to her like that."
"It's ok to love her Nat." He told her. "I can see the way you look at her, how protective you are when you're around her."
"Just leave it." She snarled as he just nodded. She knew he was right but she just couldn't bring herself to think of the feelings she has right. She knows that Y/N wants to be with her family, regardless if it hurts her.
Wanda and Y/N stood side by side as she instructed Y/N on what she needed to do. Vision sat nearby listening to the two laugh together as they cooked.
"So now we just let it simmer." Wanda told her.
"That's it?" Y/N asked as Wanda nodded. "So what do we do now? Watch it?"
"No." Wanda laughed. "We can do whatever or clean up whatever mess we made. But we will have to stir it occasionally so it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan."
"Ok." Y/N moved to start cleaning as Tony walked into the kitchen, he scoffed as he saw Y/N at the sink.
"You have the mutt cleaning for us now?" He asked Wanda and Vision who soon stood up from his seat.
"I am not a mutt." Y/N murmured as she kept her eyes on the dishes in the sink.
"Sure you're not." He sneered as Wanda moved closer to Y/N.
"Leave now Tony." She told him.
"Wanda." Vision tried to calm Wanda down as she approached Tony.
"Leave now or I will throw you through the wall." She snarled as Tony just laughed.
"Do it, you will just end up in a cell next to her." He smirked as Wanda's eyes started to glow.
"Tony, go home." Steve ordered from behind him. "Go and see Pepper, have a break from the tower."
"Seriously?" He scoffed as he turned to Steve. "You're protecting the mutt?"
"Tony, I suggest you walk out of here before I break your legs myself." Steve told him as Tony just shook his head, mumbling under his breath as he soon disappeared.
Wanda turned to Y/N who was mumbling that she wasn't a mutt, repeating as her eyes were closed.
"It's ok Y/N." Wanda spoke softly. "You're safe Y/N."
"Take her to Nat's room Wanda." Vision told her. "I'll finish dinner." Wanda nodded as Steve and Vision finished with the dinner. Wanda helped Y/N to Nat's room, sitting her on the edge of the bed.
"You're safe Y/N." Wanda told her, taking her hand in hers as she made sure that Y/N knew she wasn't alone.
"I'm not a mutt." She spoke barely above a whisper with tears in her eyes.
"You're not a mutt Y/N." Wanda told her firmly. "You are a strong woman and Tony doesn't have a clue what he's talking about."
"Thank you." Y/N whispered as she wiped her tears. "Do you think that I could stay here if they can't find my family?"
"Of course." Wanda told her. "You will always have a home here, whenever you need it." Wanda shuffled to the pillows, grabbing the remote as Y/N followed suit. "Now, let's watch a movie and we can get Vision to bring dinner and snacks up to us." Y/N smiled as Wanda put on She's the Man, enjoying watching a teen comedy just to forget about her troubles. Not realising that Nat and Clint were on their way back with the news she wanted to hear so badly.
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haveihitanerve · 3 months
The avengers have a joined instagram/tiktok account and they all have control of it and here are some ideas I have of what they would post
Bucky is dedicated to documenting every ‘on your left’ interaction between Steve and Sam, in the first video Sam laughs and rolls his eyes, but the eighteenth video Sam drops what he’s holding and fucking decks captain America 
There’s a video of Peter going around the compound with Wanda asking her what everyone is thinking. Bucky and tony are glaring at each other in the kitchen and Bucky is thinking ‘where’s my fucking flying car tony?’ And tony is going through his grocery list
There’s an entire album of videos dedicated to the avengers falling. Sam’s wings fail. Clint’s arrow line snaps. Tony’s thrusters give out. Thor loses his balance while flying. Etc. 
Bucky created a montage of Sam practice flying where he just eats shit every time
Pepper released the footage of tony attempting to fly
Tony videoed Rhodes learning to fly
Peter posts candid pictures every chance he gets- Bucky mid sneeze, Sam tripping down the stairs, Steve laughing so hard milk is shooting out of his nose, Tony face planting, Clint falling out of a vent, Nat looking amazing
There’s so many pictures of the avengers asleep but in the weirdest places
A montage of videos showing tony climbing onto a counter during arguments to be taller than his opponent
A video without sound of the original six avengers sitting/laying in one persons room even though they all have their own, talking (it’s Tony’s because there’s a poster of every avenger on the wall except iron man)
Peter videoing Steve marching into the kitchen at five am holding an iron man action figure and snapping its neck in front of Tony because he ate his last donut
A video of Thor making toast and jumping when it’s ready with Wii music playing
Clint, Tony and Bucky in a broken elevator together, Tony’s trying to fix it while Bucky and Clint are singing elevator music
Thor and Steve and tony training
Tony helping Peter with his homework
A series of clips of Morgan running and jumping into every avengers arms
A video of Bucky and Sam holding Peter between them by his arms and legs, sprinting away from tony
Spiderman being frustrated and punching a hole in the concrete wall, a zoom in on Steve’s wide eyed face and then moved to Tony’s disappointed face
Wanda cooking 
Them doing TikTok trends
Dressing as each other for Halloween and having the glam bot music playing as they each show off their costumes and there’s one where they all actually wear the others costumes (Thor has the iron man helmet sitting awkwardly on top of his head, one foot wedged into the boot, Steve is standing in a too small shirt, holding a bow backwards, Clint has a cape that’s so heavy he’s falling backwards, Tony looks like a dwarf in captain americas suit, the shield balanced on his head, nat looks flawless in purple shorts and a large gray shirt, Bruce is wrapping himself in a blanket over his very tight black widow fit) and then there’s the one where they didn’t trade outfits (Tony in a off blue shirt with a badly painted star on it and a rectangle thats blue and red taped to his arm, Steve is wearing red underwear with two eye holes cut in on his head and just a red shirt and pants with lightbulbs in his hands, Thor is holding a stick, wearing a black crop top and tights, Clint has red curtains draped over his back and a hard hat on that’s badly spray painted silver, Natasha painted herself green, Bruce is holding a tiny toy bow, wearing swim goggles and a too tight vest)
A race between Bucky and Peter recorded by Sam that ends with at least three holes in the walls, two vases smashed, blood on the floor, an unconscious clint, Bucky screaming, Peter falling off the balcony laughing, and Tony’s depressed face. 
Sam and tony created a collection of Steve’s reaction to modern movies
Natasha and Clint filming the gangs reaction during horror movie night
A Clint documentary of him scaring his fellow avengers
Natasha recorded a time lapse of the boys creating a pillow fort and the greatest mind on earth yelling ‘no girls allowed in the fort they have cooties!’ Only for Bucky to nail him in the face with a pillow
Tony and Steve sneaking into Fury's office continually going ‘shhh!’ To each other as they press gemstones onto his eye patch
Fury wearing the bedazzled eye patch
Arm wrestling matches
Thor yeeting tony
Them playing football and tony tackling captain America to the ground only for Thor to lift him by his feet and spin and throw him into a tree but Peter catches him with a web, shoots Thor in the face and catches the ball and scores a touchdown
A compound wide game of water balloon fight
A city wide game of freeze tag
Tony and Thor giggling like children while drawing on Steve’s shield. 
Lifting mjolnir competition
Thors hair blowing majestically in the wind (recorded by peter) with ‘loreal paris, because you're worth it’ playing over top
Pictures taken perfectly just before people lean in to kiss each other, do they actually kiss? The fans will never know
A picture of the avengers that gets increasingly more concerning the longer you look at it- clint dangling from the ceiling, mouth duck taped shut, peter just floating mid air with a concerned look on his face, thor holding a decapitated captain america behind his back, a foot thats just barely in frame but at a height that is not possible for a foot to be at, tony’s head somehow poking through the floor, steve wearing a shirt inside out but in actuality hes shirtless and has stitches, sam is a blur in the background, bucky missing an arm, nat juggling eyeballs? etc
A video of captain america applying makeup and then it cuts to him looking like tony stark and walking around the city and is later revealed to actually have been loki pretending to be cap pretending to be tony
A comp of everyone mimicking each others languages
A ‘road trip’ to everyone's home countries- cut to everyone shivering in russia while bucky and nat grin
Peter throwing out modern slang and having snapshots of steve and buckys  faces every time
A video of Sam and Bucky having a sandcastle building competition with Peter
A handstand competition video between Sam Peter Bucky Steve and Clint(Peter wins)
A picture of the avengers eating ice cream
A collection of people’s faces after Spider-Man drops down behind them 
A collection of the avengers faces after tony/steve told an old/ dad joke
A picture of Thor passed out on the couch, seven phones on his stomach, face and thighs because he’s the god of thunder/lightning and works as a wireless charger
A video of Peter stealing Tony’s flip phone and being like ‘hehe I’m gonna prank call so many people’ only to discover it only has one singular contact
Peter recording a dark compound and creeping up the stairs going “🎶if you’re here to murder me clap your hands🎶” and then there’s clapping and a perfectly cut Peter scream
A picture of tony asleep, Morgan and Peter curled up on top of him, also asleep
A muted video of tony screaming at Steve and Sam and Bucky and the caption is ‘Morgan swore’
A picture of tony looking chastised while fury is looking down at him, completely done
A video, recorded by nat, of her sneaking into the kitchen at three am to find bukcy, peter, and sam sitting and standing on the counter, the fridge, and the table respectively, rapping hamilton
A picture of peter and sam placing magnets on an asleep buckys arm, followed by a picture of peter and sam sprinting away from a very angry looking bucky
A muted video of a fight going on between all avengers with ominous music playing and the caption ‘the next civil war’..... Except the ‘fight’ is a tickle fight
Anyway thats all i got, feel free to add more i would love to read ‘em.
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justsomeclintasha · 2 years
Clint sighs, sinking back into the leather seat of the Quinjet. He’s exceptionally glad for the automatic piloting system today. The mission had been rough. He reaches to his side and flicks on the heat.
Warmth radiates over his muscles. He can feel it even through his jacket. Natasha putters around the rear of the plane, putting away her knives, his bow, digging through their pack for some food. He closes his eyes.
Several minutes later, she joins him, pressing a bag of chips into his hand. He wasn’t falling asleep. He wasn’t. She smiles at him knowingly as he opens the snack.
“Do you think I’m old?” he blurts out.
“Seriously, Nat?”
“Yes. Downright ancient. In fact, is that another grey hair?” She reaches toward his temple and he brushes her hand away with a grunt. Maybe he shouldn’t let it him bother him. It was just one hair after all. “Hey.”
“It’s fine.”
“What’s the matter?”
“Back.” He shifts, wanting to take off his boots, but finding no energy to do so. Seeming to read his mind, she leans over and begins undoing the laces.
“You’re not old. I’m teasing.”
“You know Bucky loves these heated seats and he’s like a hundred years old.”
“Yeah, because they feel good. I use them, too.”
“I just don’t know if I have a lot to bring to this team anymore.”
The confession is out before he can take it back. She straightens, and he toes off his shoes, looking at a spot on the floor so he won’t have to meet her eyes.
“I’m already deaf. I’m sore. I’m tired. The past few weeks have been hard. What if I miss, Nat? What if I slip up and you get hurt?”
“Shield has been putting too much on us. You know we should have had a week off in there and they cut it back to a day. We both need a break.”
She curls her fingertips under his chin, tilting his gaze up. Her lips press to his in a soft kiss.
“There is no one else I would trust to have my six,” she murmurs, her voice and eyes serious. “If you want out for another reason, then I trust your judgement, but don’t you ever doubt your capabilities.”
He’s surprised at the lump in his throat, and he pulls her close into his arms, burying his face in her hair. It’s not often he gets emotional like this. Maybe he does need a break. Just a few days to relax and wind down. Dog Cops and pizza on the couch with her sounds perfect.
“I’m insisting on two weeks vacation,” she says quietly, a hand rubbing up and down his back. “We both need it.”
“That’s a good idea,” he manages. She draws away slowly. “I think we’re almost home. I bet Lucky missed us.”
“I’m sure he’s gained like twenty pounds with the way Kate feeds him.” He laughs, settling into the heat.
“You want to do anything particular tonight?”
“A bath sounds good. My hair feels disgusting.”
“Maybe I can help you wash it.”
“How about you relax and let me do the work this time, old man?” she teases, giving his thigh a squeeze. He flushes.
“You still want me? Grey hair and all?” She grins, leaning in for kiss that promises more.
“Every day of my life.”
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themculibrary · 6 months
Clint And Laura (Claura) Masterlist 2
part one
blow a kiss ; fire a gun (ao3) - daredoll M, 12k
Summary: First day on the job and she gets handed a train wreck; you could say that Laura Mitchell’s hard work hasn’t exactly paid off in the way she expected it to. Still, she’s read the SHIELD handbook at least eight times by now so she’s sure she can more than handle some upstart carnie with a bow kink who somehow managed to beat her training score without even going through the academy.
Spoiler Alert: she’s wrong.
Distraction (ao3) - woamx G, 875
Summary: Clint gets a phone call right before having to go out on the field with his teammates.
Five Years in a Blink (ao3) - Gnb_rules M, 3k
Summary: Laura knows the world has changed in the past five years, and in the days after she and the kids return from The Blip, she realizes that she needs to learn how much of her husband has changed as well. Clint/Laura, post Endgame. Mentions of a very loving and deep but platonic Clintasha friendship. Please see tags for more info/warnings.
here is my hand that will not harm you (ao3) - andibeth82 T, 18k
Summary: It starts the day they assign him to Laura Morse.
It starts as something he wants nothing to do with.
And then, it becomes something more.
I'm Not Going Anywhere (ao3) - aberrations_reality T, 3k
Summary: They swore they were going to take it slow. They did. They really did. But Clint has always been terrible at planning; has always had the worst timing. At this point it was probably a curse. So it only made sense that the second he pulled out the ring the window shattered in a spray of bullets and glass.
Never far from home (ao3) - RedBatons T, 112k
Summary: Clint is crazy. Laura already knew this. But this time, Clint was seriously out of his mind crazy. He had one job, to kill the deadliest assassin known to man. And then he decides to keep her like a lost puppy found on the streets. But Laura trusts Clint. The Black Widow, not so much. A story about Laura and Nat's friendship over the years.
One thing, and three people that Laura loves (a non exclusive list) (ao3) - Maia_saura G, 1k
Summary: Laura loved math. She had loved math since the second grade. Other than an intense but ill-advised fling with theoretical physics right before the start of her graduate program, she and math had shared a rewarding and monogamous relationship.
Reconnecting (The Reclamation Remix) (ao3) - Huntress79 M, 2k
Summary: Sometimes, Laura thinks she has two babies instead of just one - her husband’s lingering trauma from his latest mission makes life at the farm not exactly easier, for no one. Until one night, it does. Or: how Clint and Laura overcome trauma and reconnect with each other.
she sees better from a distance (ao3) - andibeth82 T, 8k
Summary: This is the story everyone knows: Clint Barton is SHIELD’s best sniper. Laura Barton is the simple girl who fell into his life and learned to deal with aliens and spies; with secrets and firearms and security.
In this story, Laura Martinelli is SHIELD’s best sniper. Clint Barton is the man she falls in love with, and he’s never even heard of SHIELD.
Sleep Number Rule (ao3) - RecessiveJean T, 7k
Summary: Farm or not, Clint always had a firm policy against bringing home strays.
Firm ish.
The Ghost of Christmas Past (ao3) - mitchpell T, 28k
Summary: Clint takes his children to New York City to see Rogers: The Musical.
The Girl at the Circus (ao3) - Hogwartswonderland N/R, 3k
Summary: At the beginning of their partnership, Clint told Natasha a story of a beautiful acrobat nicknamed Rapunzel and how he fell in love with her. Five years later Natasha still doesn't know how the story ends. Well, until now. Otherwise the story of how Natasha met Clint's family for the first time.
This little light (ao3) - Builder G, 1k
Summary: “Daaaad!”
The complaint has Clint turning on his heel.  “What now?”
He looks at the coffee pot still in his hand and wonders what the fuck he did with his mug.  And more urgently, how the fuck is he going to get the coffee into his body without it.
we belong to those who live (ao3) - daughterofrohan G, 2k
Summary: The absurdity of the fact that he’s crying in his kitchen with the assassin sister of his dead assassin best friend who was hired to kill him and has only just recently decided not to do it after all almost makes Clint laugh.
You're Here Where You Should Be (ao3) - paperairplanesopenwindows T, 1k
Summary: Summary/Prompt Used: Natasha’s first Christmas with the Bartons + Clint and Laura’s first Christmas with Cooper doesn’t go exactly as planned + (an itty bitty little bit of) If love is for children, then so is Christmas. Clint’s determined to convince Natasha otherwise.
you were more than just a short time (ao3) - mayadrinkswater G, 2k
Summary: laura barton is all-too-familiar with the antics of her husband and his best friend. they always, even in the most serious and near-fatal of missions, come back with a good story. they've perfected their ability to recall them, too, in a near perfect push-and-pull that almost seems rehearsed even though laura knows that it isn't. laura never expected to miss it so much.
three times clint and natasha bring a good story home and the one time clint brings a new stray home in the form of kate bishop
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peavhyshy · 2 years
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Avenger!Reader
Summary: in which you have nothing better to do so you agree to join a group of dysfunctional superhero's.
Warnings: death but it's aliens, violence, gore,
Words: 2,636
a/n: is this the last part for the avengers, idk when I'm going to start winter solider.
Series Masterlist
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act one, 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲
''I have unfinished business with him as well, so you both can get in line behind me.''
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𝗬𝗢𝗨, 𝗖𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗧, 𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗩𝗘, 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗔𝗦𝗛𝗔 𝗚𝗔𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗗 𝗧𝗢 𝗕𝗢𝗔𝗥𝗗 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗤𝗨𝗜𝗡𝗝𝗘𝗧. When you guys arrived at the jet, you noticed a pilot inside who stood up when he spotted all of them. ‘’Hey, you guys aren’t authorized to be in here.’’
‘’Son,’’ Steve said as he paused in his footsteps. ‘’Just don’t.’’
After the pilot was kicked out, Natasha and Clint walked up to the control panels and took a seat. As the ramp closed and the jet prepared to take off for New York City, you and Steve stood behind them.
‘’Stark, we’re on your three, headed northeast.’’ As Tony's face appeared on the screen, Natasha said.
‘’What? Did you stop for drive-thru?’’ Tony asked. ‘’Swing that park, I’m gonna lay them out for you.’’
As you watched Tony fly by with a swarm of aliens following him, Natasha pulled the machine gun from the jet. She aimed and fired numerous shots at them, one by one, as she watched them all fall.
‘’Nat?’’ Clint called out as they approached the tower, causing everyone to turn to the side.
‘’I see him.’’ Natasha replied.
As Natasha fired the machine gun at Loki, Clint spun the jet around to face him. Loki looked up from his fight with Thor and sent a beam of light from his scepter toward the jet's engine on one side.
The entire jet began to tremble, and. You and Steve grabbed a bar above you to keep from falling. As Clint attempted to land the jet in a safe location, the jet began to veer out of control, smashing into the street and wrecking the pavement.
Clint and Natasha swiftly unbuckled their seatbelts, and the ramp was soon opened as you all dashed to the street. When you peered up into the sky, you noticed more Chitauri flying everywhere.
‘’We gotta get back up there,’’ Steve said as you all ran into a four-way intersection. You all took a look around and assessed the damage, which included flipped cars, demolished buildings, and gravel all over the place.
When you noticed a giant shadow enveloping part of the buildings, you all came to a halt and froze. Looking above, you noticed a massive Chitauri leviathan emerge from the portal, roaring.
You stood there watching as Chitauri soldiers launched from the giant leviathan's back, some shattering windows and jumping into buildings, others attaching themselves to the building's edges and sliding down.
You conjured a watch on her hand and began walking backward. 
‘’Won't you look at the time? I have somewhere else to be.’’ You merely groaned as Steve gripped your arm and gave you a look.
‘’Stark, are you seeing this?’’ Steve asked. 
‘’Seeing. Still working on believing.’’ He replied before asking. ‘’Where’s Banner? Has he shown up yet?’’
‘’Banner?’’ Steve questioned, puzzled.
‘’Just keep me posted,'' Tony said.
You and the other three huddled beside a taxi. Steve had his shield raised, and Barton had drawn his bow. You all glanced up to see Loki leading a bunch of Chitauri down the street and attacking them with a series of explosions, overturning and demolishing cars, and further increasing fear.
''We’ve got civilians trapped up here,'' Clint announced.
Steve took a step forward and gave a faint glare at the individual who had started all of this turmoil. ''Loki.''
''They're fish in a barrel down there,'' Steve muttered to himself.
Laser beams blasted all of them from behind before anyone could respond.
As Clint took shelter behind another taxi to assess the situation, Natasha pulled out her pistol and fired back at them. Chitauri soldiers descended from the sky, landing on top of cars on the ground and peering at you.
''We got this. It’s good. Go'' Natasha said, turning to look at you and Steve. 
''You think you can hold them off?'' Steve asked as he turned to face Clint.
''Captain.'' Clint started as he turned to face Steve. ''It would be my genuine pleasure.''
Clint pulled out an arrow and shot one of the aliens in the head, distracting them. As Natasha stood up to begin shooting at the aliens, Steve glanced at you, and you nodded. You both dashed to the bridge's edge before leaping and landing on a bus.
You dashed off the bus and leaped from it. When you looked around, you saw Steve leaping atop an exploding car before immediately jumping off and landing alongside her as the aliens continued firing at him. You and Steve dashed forward, dodging alien attacks.
You and Steve began rushing to the plaza, where you knew the cops were stationed, to seek their help in evacuating people. As the Chitauri soldiers continued firing at the two of you, you both jumped from one car to the next.
When you looked forward, you noticed a large gathering of police officers shooting at the aliens flying by. Steve leaped and landed on top of the car in front of them, while you landed alongside him on the ground.
''You need men in these buildings.'' Steve turned around and gestured to the side before continuing. ''There are people inside, and they can be running right into the line of fire. You take them to the basements or through the subway. You keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th.''
''Why the hell should I take orders for you?'' One of the policemen asked, and your eyes began to glow pink and your hands started to glow as well. Both cops looked down and stepped back, their guns drawn and ready to kill you.
Before you could respond, an explosion exploded behind them, signaling the approach of Chitauri soldiers. You conjured a shield to deflect their lasers. Using your powers, you slammed one into the ground so violently that it obliterated the pavement, then you used your powers and made a gesture towards another, causing the alien's internal organs to rupture from within, splattering alien blood all over you.
You then performed a hand motion that caused all the alien blood on your body to vanish. When you looked up, you saw Steve grab a gun from a Chitauri soldier's hand, chopping off the alien's arm with his shield, and knocking the alien off the car.
The police officers were taken aback when you and Steve easily fought off the Chitauri, before turning around to tell the rest of the police team what Steve had told them. ''I need men in those buildings, lead the people down and away from the streets.''
He turned around and talked into his shoulder-worn walkie-talkie. ''We’re going to set up a perimeter all the way down to 39th street.''
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𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗕𝗢𝗧𝗛 𝗦𝗘𝗘𝗠𝗘𝗗 𝗧𝗢 𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗡 𝗨𝗣 𝗢𝗡 𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗘 𝗔𝗦 𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗩𝗘 𝗟𝗔𝗡𝗗𝗘𝗗 𝗜𝗡 𝗙𝗥𝗢𝗡𝗧 𝗢𝗙 𝗖𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗧, who was clearly outmatched; he shoved them all back with his shield, and you conjured a gun, killing a few aliens. Suddenly, lightning hit and killed all of the aliens. When you looked up, you saw Thor land right in front of all of you.
''What’s the story upstairs?'' Steve asked as he approached Thor.
''The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable,'' Thor explained. 
''Thor’s right.'' Tony chimed in, making you all look up. 'We've got to deal with these guys.''
''How do we do this?'' Natasha asked, looking at Steve.
''As a team.'' he replied.
''I have unfinished business with Loki,'' Thor uttered. 
''Yeah? Well, get in line,’’ Clint said from behind Thor, making everyone glance at him.
''I have unfinished business with him as well, so you both can get in line behind me.'' You said attracting everyone's focus from Clint to you.
''Save it,'' Steve spoke and walked away, you all exchanged glances before following him. ''Loki’s going to keep this fight focused on us, and that’s what we need. Without him, these things could run wild. We've got Stark up top. He’s going to meet us to''
Steve came to a halt as he heard an engine behind him, causing him to turn. When Banner got off the motorcycle, you all took a moment to gaze at him before approaching him.
''So, this all seems horrible,'' Bruce uttered as he gestured around. 
''I’ve seen worse,'' Natasha remarked, causing you to turn your gaze toward her.
''Sorry.'' Bruce apologized, looking at her. 
''No, we could use a little worse,'' Natasha said slowly. 
''Stark, we got him,'' Steve informed Tony through the comm.
''Banner?'' Tony asked.
''Just like you said.''
''Tell him to suit up. I’m bringing the party to you.'' Tony said.
When you all glanced up, you saw Tony soaring around the corner of a building, trailed by a leviathan.
''I-I don’t see how that’s a party.'' Natasha stuttered.
As he began going towards the Chitauri leviathan, Bruce let out a sigh.
''Dr. Banner,'' Steve called. ''Now might be a really good time for you to get angry.''
''That’s my secret, captain'' Banner responded, halting in his step to turn around and glance back. ''I’m always angry.''
You watched as Banner transformed into the Hulk and began pounding the creature to the ground. As the leviathan started to flip, he slipped back a little.
''Hold on.'' As he fired a tiny missile at the leviathan, Tony shouted.
As you all looked away from the bright explosion, you conjured a shield in front of you and Thor to protect them from the blast. Clint took cover behind a car as Steve covered himself and Natasha with his shield.
As the parts of the Leviathan were tossed down the bridge, Thor thanked you.  You all assembled in the middle and faced the enemy, who were dispersed in all directions. Hulk roared as you heard the Chitauri soldiers shrieking and wailing at all of them.
''Guys'' Natasha called, as all of you turned to face the portal and saw other leviathans emerge from it, indicating that more are on their way.
''Call it, Captain,'' Tony said.
''Alright, listen up.'' Steve started. ''Until we can close that portal, our priority is containment.''
''Barton, I want you on that roof. Eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays.'' As Cap gave the orders, you all stared at him. ''Stark, you've got the perimeter. Anything that gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or turn it to ash.''
''Wanna give me a lift?'' Clint asked Tony, looking at him.
''Right,'' Stark said, as he approached and grabbed Clint. ''Better clench up, Legolas.''
After both of them left, Steve turned back to the rest of them to continue giving orders. ''Thor, you've got to try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You got lighting. Light the bastards up.''
Thor nodded as he swung his hammer and flew away.
''For both of you and myself, we stay here on the ground. We keep fighting here'' Steve said looking at You and Natasha, who nodded. ''And Hulk''.
Hulk let out a huff and turned to look at Steve, who pointed at him, giving him the last order, ''Smash.''
Before leaping up and landing on the side of a building, Hulk flashed a huge smile.
Soldiers from the Chitauri raced over to where the three of them were. The three of them broke off and went their ways, each fighting their aliens.
You headed out to locate Steve and Natasha after you finished killing some of the aliens. Natasha was resting against a vehicle, panting profusely, while Steve stood alongside her. You jogged towards them.
''Captain, none of this is going to mean a damn thing if we don’t close that portal,'' Natasha said as you all glanced up.
''Our biggest guns couldn't touch it,'' Steve stated.
''Well, maybe it’s not about guns,'' You mumbled under your breath, staring at the portal.
Steve gazed at you before moving on to the aliens, who were steadily approaching you all. ''If you want to get up there, you’re going to need a ride.''
''I can fly.'' You said.
''Are you sure about this?'' Natasha asked as she stood up from where she was resting.
''Yeah… It's going to be fun, and I can't die anyway, so.'' You responded, looking up at Steve and Natasha with a grin.
''I’m going with you.'' Natasha grabbed her arm before she had a chance to resist.
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𝗔𝗦 𝗦𝗢𝗢𝗡 𝗔𝗦 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗧𝗪𝗢 𝗢𝗙 𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗩𝗘𝗗 𝗔𝗧 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗧𝗢𝗪𝗘𝗥, 𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗝𝗨𝗥𝗘𝗗 𝗔 𝗚𝗨𝗡, tumbling along the edge before rising and approaching the CMS machine gently.
''The scepter.'' A voice spoke out, causing you and Natasha to turn to the side.
Doctor Erik Selvig was lying on the floor, looking frail.
''Doctor,'' you said as you and Natasha walked towards him.
''Loki’s scepter. The energy.'' Selvig said. ''The Tesseract can’t fight, but you can’t protect against yourself.''
Natasha kneeled in front of him. ''It’s not your fault. You didn't know what you were doing.''
''Actually, I think I did,'' Selvig responded. ''I built in a safety to cut their power source.''
''Loki’s scepter.'' You said finally realizing. 
''It may be able to close the portal,'' Selvig said before glancing down at the level beneath him. ''And I’m looking right at It.''
You and Natasha waited as Dr. Selvig prepared everything after retrieving the scepter.
''Right at the crown!'' He shouted as he indicated where the scepter should be placed.
You nodded and pushed past the barrier with the specter in front of you. You felt a force pushing the specter away, but you kept forcing it back, pausing just before you were about to touch the Tesseract.
''She can close it. Can anybody copy that?'' Natasha asked through the comm. ''She can shut the portal down.''
''Tell her to do it!'' Steve responded almost instantly. Natasha was about to repeat what Steve had said to you, but Tony interrupted.
''No, wait.'' Tony called.
''Stark, these things are still coming,'' Steve shouted, confused about why Tony didn't want to close the portal yet.
''I got a nuke coming in, and it’s going to blow in less than a minute,'' Tony explained. ''And I know just where to put it.''
''Stark, you know that’s a one-way trip,'' Steve said, but Tony didn't respond.
You and Natasha stood there watching as Tony, who was holding the missile from behind, sent it into the portal. Soon after, you watched the whole Chitauri army collapse to the ground, lifeless.
''Close it,'' Steve commanded through the comm, Natasha nodded to you, indicating that you should close the portal.
You went back to face the Tesseract, gradually pressing the scepter on the cube, feeling the pressure intensify. Then, out of nowhere, a beam of light from the machine surged up through the portal, gently closing it.
You recognized Tony as a small figure who emerged from the portal. You let out a relieved sigh and grinned, and you and Natasha ran to the edge of the structure, when you saw he wasn't slowing down in his descent.
As he fell and tumbled down a building, the Hulk appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Tony. When he got to the ground, Hulk threw Tony off him, and Thor and Steve dashed over.
Cap checks for a heartbeat when Thor removes Tony's face plate, and he notices the arc reactor is not glowing. The Hulk roars and beats his chest at the same time. Tony gasps and opens his eyes, glancing around, startled. 
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𝗟𝗢𝗞𝗜 𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗣𝗧 𝗨𝗣 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗣𝗦 𝗖𝗔𝗥𝗘𝗙𝗨𝗟𝗟𝗬, 𝗜𝗡𝗛𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗗𝗘𝗘𝗣𝗟𝗬, 𝗕𝗨𝗧 𝗣𝗔𝗨𝗦𝗘𝗗 𝗪𝗛𝗘𝗡 𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗘𝗗 𝗔 𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗘 𝗕𝗘𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗗 𝗛𝗜𝗠. He cautiously turned around to see the entire team gazing at him, their expressions irritated and pissed. Clint aimed an arrow at his head, and Loki merely stared anxiously at all of you.
''If it’s all the same to you.'' He began, glancing at Tony. ''I’ll have that drink now.''
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My complete list of all fandom Agere HCs (very incomplete so far)
So essentially this is just a collection of every single character I HC as a little, caregiver or switch + a little summary about them :)
Fandoms Included: Marvel (and Agents of SHIELD), The hunger games, Friends, Descendants, New Girl, Marauders, Daisy Jones and the Six, Brooklyn Nine-nine, Barbie (2023), Possibly more to come…
Let me know which fandom you found this post whilst looking for and I’ll try to finish it as soon as I can!!
Natasha Romanoff: Nat regresses to around 3. Because of the red room she suppressed her regression for a long time and it was by accident that Clint found out - eventually Coulson, Maria and Fury found out too but it took years for her to be comfortable with her regression. Sweetest little ever though, super cheeky too. It’s kind of impossible for every caregiver in her life not to buy her every single toy they find, so she’s amassed a large collection. She really likes duplo, less the building more the smashing it down.
Wanda Maximoff: Caregiver… I think… honestly I’ve read both with her and haven’t minded either. I don’t particularly think of her as a switch though. At the end of the day I think caregiver just makes more sense for her. She likes to make sure the people she loves feel cared for. She cooks her littles all the best foods, her magic is very helpful for grabbing toys that drop under the couch and sometimes she projects pretty patterns on the roof for her little to watch.
Kate Bishop: Kate ‘Katie’ regresses to around 4. She’s quite comfortable with her regression but struggles letting other people know about it, especially Clint. She hid it from Clint at first because she thought he was so cool and was kinda embarrassed. However after one particularly bad mission she’s feeling super little and doesn’t know who to call so she calls Clint (I’ll do a whole other part on this if you guys want). She’s super fidgety and playful when she’s little, she thinks everything is funny and is almost always laughing. She has a toy bow and arrow (a present from Clint which Laura does not support).
Yelena Belova: Like Kate, Yelena regresses to around 4. Like Nat, she really struggles to be open about her regression but Kate helps her a lot with that. She’s a very talkative little, though a lot of it’s hard to make out. As far as caregivers for her go I’m on the fence, I think I’ll have a better idea after Thunderbolts comes out. I can only really see her being comfortable regressing around Nat (so that’s kind of out of the question…), Kate (they take it in turns to regress - I can’t explain how much their friendship means to me), or Melina and Alexei (but I struggle to believe she’d be comfortable being that vulnerable in-front of them after everything)
Maria Hill: Maria is a switch, Mia when she’s little (around 6). She hides her little side for AGES (most of my hcs for Mia are based off these fanfics I read a while ago, I don’t remember what they were called). She’s super independent, she loves playing with the other littles but sometimes gets a bit overwhelmed by how loud little Nat can get. She likes to build forts under Fury’s desk - he’s her primary caregiver. When she’s big she’s a great caregiver, she mainly watches Nat. She has a whole corner set up in her office for littles and a fridge filled with all the best snacks.
Bucky Barnes:
Steve Rogers:
Sam Wilson:
Agents of Shield:
Daisy Johnson: Daisy (Skye) is a little, she regresses to around 2-4. She’s a very cuddly little, always near her Mama and Dada (Coulson and May). When she first joined the team she tried to hide her regression but it lasted like a month before Coulson figured it out. She regresses most of the time after missions and it helps everyone wind down. She has this little worn old blanket that she can’t sleep without.
Jemma Simmons: Jemma regresses to around 4. She is the biggest rule follower you’ll ever meet - sometimes the others do things May and Coulson wouldn’t like and it scares her a lot, but sometimes she can be convinced to join in… She loves story time and refuses to go to sleep if she doesn’t get a story. She obviously loves all her siblings but thinks her big sister Bobbi is the coolest and most grown up girl in the world.
Leo Fitz: Fitz (though he goes by Leo when he’s little) regresses to 6, he’s the oldest of the three og bus kids and takes his role very seriously. Aka, he’s super bossy. He loves lego and has a million different sets, which all have to be completed properly, sometimes after the brain injury Coulson has to help him because his hands are too shaky and it upsets him. He also naturally has like a million stuffed monkey toys, his favourite is one with those Velcro hands (idk if you guys know what I’m talking about) he likes to stim by pulling the Velcro apart and putting it back together.
Bobbi Morse: Bobbi regresses to around 8-ish. She’s a very hyperactive little, she always wants to set up obstacle courses and play rough which would be fine except the other littles are all much younger than her and so not as interested in that kind of play, Daisy tries her best though. Mainly Mack plays with her. She’s a great big sister, always keeping an eye out for the little ones. She’s very emotional when she’s little, she also really loves dogs.
Phil Coulson: Coulson is the Caregiver equivalent of a Super Soldier. He just somehow always seems to know when they feel little and what they need. He’s always at the ready with some (captain America themed) little gear and a bottle of milk (if May asks it’s definitely not chocolate milk). As I’m writing this I’m watching AOS S2 EP5 34:28 and if you need any proof that Coulson is caregiver material just watch that scene.
Melinda May: May is as practiced and all knowing in being a caregiver as she is at everything else. She has this ability to make littles feel immediately at ease because she seems to always know what to do, they can just relax and fully let her take care of them. There is a gentler side of her which is only shown to her littles. She’s stricter than Coulson but always fair.
The Hunger Games:
Katniss Everdeen: You guys already know all about my little Katniss (I never shut up about her), but for the sake of this post you get more anyway: She regresses to around 5. She has a comfort pacifier, which she got from Madge Undersee and she keeps with her at all times. Haymitch is her primary caregiver but eventually she learns to let Effie take care of her too. She’s the biggest sucker for physical affection - always on someone’s lap, cuddling, holding their hand - anything tactile helps soothe her. She tends to gravitate towards Peeta if he’s not regressed for comfort, and if he is she’s very protective of him.
Peeta Mellark: Regresses to around 3, his caregivers are primarily Finnick, Annie and Effie. He loves his big sisters (Kat and Jo) so much and is always following them around. Very affectionate, always cuddled up to someone. He regresses more after the hijacking.
Finnick Odair: Finnick is like the coolest dad ever. He’s really strong so he can carry the littles (even Peeta) which they adore. He’s always down for one more bed time story, a spontaneous treehouse building project or the fanciest tea party the littles could ever imagine. He loves taking them out to the beach in the morning (in my head they all end up moving to district 4 to be together) and he teaches Peeta to swim.
Annie Cresta: Annie adores her babies more than anything else. She’s quiet, but observant and very caring. She always knows what they need. She can recognise the slightest shift in mood and knows what to do. Johanna’s upset? Annie knows she’ll be in the treehouse. Peeta’s upset? He’s probably been having nightmares and needs a bottle and a nap. She knows Johanna needs a nightlight on but will never admit it, Peeta’s still a little bit scared of the water, Katniss (whilst not Annie’s little, they are still very close) needs physical contact to calm down. She is always there for them no matter what.
Johanna Mason: Jo regresses to around 7, her cgs are Annie and Finnick. She’s very strong headed and likes to boss Katniss and Peeta around - this causes a few issues for Katniss. Finnick helped her build a treehouse and she goes up there whenever she’s upset. She loves wearing overalls and they look soo cute on her.
Haymitch Abernathy: Haymitch tries his damn best. He loves Katniss, he knows he needs and wants to take care of her, but he often feels out of his depth. Really all that matters to him is that his little girl is happy and my gosh does he make sure of it. No one understands Katniss and Haymitch as much as they do each other. They are inseparable. Little Katniss thinks all of Haymitch’s dad jokes are funny, he thinks she’s the smartest little kid ever. He acts all tough but he hangs all her drawing on the fridge and he learnt to braid hair just for her!!
Effie Trinket: Effie loves enabling the kids. Like they’ve been through so much why should she say no if Peeta and Katniss want to eat ice cream for breakfast?! She tries and fails to convince Katniss to let her out bows in her hair but very quickly learns that Peeta likes them much more. She buys pretty much every stuffie she thinks the littles will like (Johanna included though Jo swears she doesn’t need little kid toys) and eventually she learns to sew so she can make them little clothes and stuffies herself.
Rachel Green:
Chandler Bing:
Mal Bertha:
Evie Grimhilde:
Carlos De vil:
Ben Florian:
New girl:
Jessica Day:
Remus Lupin:
Sirius Black:
James Potter:
Lily Evans:
Marlene McKinnon:
Daisy Jones and the Six:
Daisy Jones: Daisy regresses anywhere from 3-5. Simone is the first to know about her regression, she figures it out shortly after they move in together. Karen is the first to find out in the band (when she gets Daisy out of jail), then Billy (while they are recording the album), then Rod (at the start of the tour) and everyone else finds out after Nicky leaves. Daisy LOVES colouring books and doodling and just pretty much anything creative. She hates wearing shoes and is very picky with her food. She’s amassed a gigantic collection of stuffies but her favourite by far is this little bunny that Simone got for her. She’s really shy at first but once she trusts someone she’s really clingy and talkative.
Karen Sirko: Karen never wanted kids but she is completely dedicated to taking care of Daisy. She loves that girl more than anything. Shes really good at understanding when Daisy needs quiet time with just her to process and calm down (a sippy cup, cartoons and a colouring book) and when she needs something stimulating to do to keep her mind occupied (usually this includes letting her go outside and just run because despite how little she sleeps that girl has so much energy). No matter how Daisy is feeling Karen is always there with exactly what she needs.
Billy Dunne: At first Billy didn’t fully understand Daisy’s regression. But once he got it he was completely understanding. No matter if he’s on good or bad terms with big Daisy he can always put it aside for the sake of baby Daisy. When she regresses in the studio he likes to write and play little lullabies and kid songs for her which she adores. More often than not the rest of the band will leave them to write for the album and return to Billy singing and playing a song he’s come up with on the spot while Daisy jumps around sings along with him.
Camila Dunne: Camilla is a natural born caregiver. She knows Daisy is a little from that first night they meet. She doesn’t say anything at first because she really doesn’t know Daisy that well at all but she does bring it up to Karen who later confirms her suspicions. She’s very gentle and understanding with Daisy. Talking to her calmly when she’s overwhelmed, taking her side when she’s upset because of a fight big Daisy had with Billy.
Simone Jackson: Simone is the first person to figure out about Daisy’s regression and she’s the first person to ever make her feel validated and understanding of herself. She does everything she can to help Daisy become more accepting of herself. She buys her colouring books and pyjamas with kids cartoons on them and every time they are shopping and she sees Daisy eyeing a stuffie it goes straight in the cart. She worries about Daisy all the time and is constantly on damage control to make sure she takes care of herself. When she moves away she makes sure to call Daisy consistently both when she is big and little because she’s worried Daisy will get lonely.
Brooklyn nine-nine:
Jake Peralta:
Amy Santiago:
Captain Holt:
Dance Academy:
Tara: Tara regresses to around 4. She’s very clingy but also just damn adorable. She has a little lamb stuffie which she brings everywhere like she even keeps it in her dance bag when she has class. And again, very clingy to both Kat and Sammy. But that also means she adores them. Yknow (you probably don’t I doubt anyone who’s seen the show will see this) the scene at the end of s1 where her Clara dress goes missing and they ask what she needs and she only wants cat? Literally the most regressor coded moment ever.
Kat: Kat never would’ve expected she’d be able to take care of a little. In fact most times she rarely knows what she’s doing at all. But then she reminds herself it’s just Tara, and she loves T, so really, it’s not that hard. And truthfully she’s amazing at it. She always knows what she needs and how to calm her down.
Sammy: Sammy is more of an older brother to Tara. He spoke her rotten. Tara’s always quite uptight when she’s big and struggles to relax, even when she’s little. It’s sort of Sammy’s life goal to help her actually have some fun from time to time.
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How I imagine an in-universe The Avengers musical
based on the comments from this pin
He starts the musical with the song "The Avengers Initiative" sung by the narrator Nick Fury featuring his speech
Loki has a ballad called "Kneel Before Me" during the scene where Tony and Steve catch him. This includes his theme from past movies (does he have one?) and his speech from the films, making this song one of the most dramatic solo songs from the musical. We get (hopefully) multiple reprises, each one getting more depressing and honest. (thanks @maddy_clough on Pinterest for the idea, I just expanded on it). Also, Loki dances quite gracefully and shows off a lot of his magic.
Nat is a mezzo and her solo/theme is the softest-sounding song (also @maddy_clough's idea). I honestly want it to be based on some sort of American children's rhyme (itsy bitsy spider?) to show how she is created by the red room since she was a child and was forced to watch many old (prob golden ages/wartime Walt Disney animation studios) Disney movies to learn American culture. Her fighting style is based on ballet and is the most graceful of them all. In her solo, she performs actual ballet, and fun fact, Nat is always played by an actor professionally trained in ballet.
The Chitauri has the most chaotic, hopefully unhinged dance ensemble, during the battle of new york. I just want it to be the craziest shit ever. But not disrespectful to the people lost in the battle of new york.
Steve actually doesn't have his own song/theme, it's the chorus girl song from the 40s. Fury did it to annoy tf out of Steve (and to please fanboy Coulson), but it is actually there to show you that since Steve became Captain America, Steve himself is just secondary. Most people don't want to know him because he's Steve but because he's Captain America. You'll think that Steve dances most with his shield but he's still Steve. He just punches every Chitauri he comes across using the shield as a surprise attack.
Look no one knows why the choreographer decided this but Clint never lets go of his bow & arrow when dancing. Like no one knows why, he just does. Hopefully, he does flips and cool moves, and he'll still be holding his fuckin bow & arrow. Oh and after the battle of new york, we get a bit where he lost his hearing aid so Nat & Clint sign to each other, and behind them, there's a little screen projection of each sign and what they mean. Considering how he isn't in any other MCU movies other than the avengers, I doubt that he has his own solo. like I wished he had a solo and confirmed that he does in fact spend most of his time in the vents but no one appreciates him in the mcu so...
Hulk has an actually good costume. Idk how they'll show the transformation but the Hulk costume is actually good. Bruce's solo is chaotic in a different sense cause Bruce and Hulk are fighting for the solo and their themes crash together. So the fight for control is also represented in the dance cause Bruce dances very small and it's controlled. Hulk is not as unhinged as the Chitauri but is out of control.
Thor's dance is based on Asgardian fighting techniques and how he fights in battle with his hammer. Unlike everyone else, he has an accent and in the script, the director used a whole different font like the comics to show that difference in accent and customs. I'm not sure how but I want Thor's solo and Loki's solo to be parallel in a sense, how you can see that they grew up together but there's a difference in outside respect that changes what they want.
Now Tony is very genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist throughout the musical but when he fights? He's the least graceful. Not only is he wearing his Iron Man costume (which is also very good and realistic) but he and Bruce are the only ones without actual training so he's very... chaotic. He has a solo where he introduces himself to the Avengers in "Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist" which shows Tony as what the in-universe during 2012 portrays him as but in the reprise, it's from Tony's actual perspective which is heartbreaking as always but the catch is the narrator changes from fury to Peggy for this reprise to shows the connection between him and S.H.I.E.L.D.
Does Coulson die, yes sadly. I'm sorry I can't change that even in the musical
Sadly Maria Hills was removed from the musical because according to Secret Invasion, Marvel and the MCU doesn't appreciate her enough to keep to alive.
The musical concludes with now the Avengers singing "The Avengers Initiative" with everyone doing their superhero pose cause why tf not.
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deafarcher · 2 years
ooc: clint's world
***Last updated: February 27, 2023***
General Things That Apply to all Verses in general:
-Clint has an auditory processing disorder then later becomes deaf in one or both ears
-Unknown to Clint, his father is actually Steve Rogers, who had a one night stand with Edith during some time travel shenanigans. *NOTE: this actually only applies if discussed. Otherwise, does not apply*
Childhood (Applies to all verses in general):
-Edith, Clint’s mother, died of cancer on Clint’s ninth birthday.
-He ran away from home about six months later when Clint’s brother, Barney, takes the blame for breaking one of her fairy figurines and Harold, Clint’s father, hits Barney so badly that Clint assumes Barney is dead and that he is going to be next. At least, that’s what Clint will claim. The truth is Barney ran away with Clint to the circus.
-They meet Myrddin (only actually Merlin in a specific verse), who has recently taken over a small traveling circus and the band of thieves who use the circus as a cover.
-Myrddin teaches the Barton boys archery, and becomes their guardian. But he delegates actual care of Clint and Barney to another member of the circus, the recently widowed Peony.
-Not everyone in the circus is a part of the band of thieves, which was originally formed to help supplement their income and make sure they could still make ends meet even in lean times.
-Under Myrddin the band of thieves expand their stealing to stealing more than they need.
-Eventually they attract SHIELD’s attention after stealing a cache of Stark Industries weapons, though SHIELD doesn’t at first realize that Clint is a member of the group of thieves they’re looking for.
-Clint gets nabbed by SHIELD for trying to pick an agent’s pocket. He’s given the chance to become an agent instead of getting sent to prison by that agent, one Phil Coulson. He decides to take Coulson up on that offer, but he won’t leave without his brother.
-Barney shoots him in the chest, almost killing him, instead of just saying no. Barney does so out of a mistaken belief that Clint turned on their people and snitched.
Main Verse:
-Events prior to the first Avengers movie are the same, as is most everything in the first Avengers movie itself.
-Laura Barton is Clint’s sister-in-law, she’s married to Barney Barton, whom she met thru Clint while she’s partnered with the archer at SHIELD, pre-Natasha (yes, Laura’s a SHIELD agent)
-Except Coulson. Coulson never actually died from his injuries, though Fury didn’t lie to the Avengers either. He just assumed that Coulson’s injuries were going to be fatal and it turned out not to be. But considering how serious Coulson’s injuries were and all, it is understandable that he made that mistake.
-Clint is one of the Shield hostages on the Lemurian Star. He is not upset about Natasha not being involved in the rescue because he knows how Shield works (he hates it though and blames fury)
-He goes on the run with Steve after the fight in the elevator (Clint doesn't have his bow with him so he rolls his ankle jumping after Steve)
-He quickly bonds with Sam about being unenhanced while fighting alongside supersoldiers
-Ends up getting so badly hurt trying to delay the Winter Soldier from reaching Steve on the helicarriers that he shares a hospital room with Steve afterwards
-he and nat retreat to his brother's farm while rebuilding their covers.
-Barton kids are therefore Clint’s niece and nephews.
-Clint and Natasha adopt a child shortly before Infinity War (child is possibly named Hope)
-Endgame and Infinity War are different, I haven't figured everything out yet. I do have a few things figured out.
-Clint is unable to go confront Thanos initially because of a concussion and other injuries from whatever goes in Civil War (serious injuries that prevent him from even being able to escape prematurely from his hospital bed)
-Barney, Laura, their children, as well as Clint and Natasha’s adopted child are all snapped, resulting in Clint going into a tailspin of depression and guilt as he blames himself for it and becomes Ronin
-Clint and Natasha don’t go to Vormir–it’s Steve and Bucky instead, with Steve making the sacrifice to get the Soul Stone (Bucky ends up with Steve’s shield, to give it to Sam once the Snap’s undone, at Steve’s request)
-Natasha is effectively in charge of the Avengers and keeps everyone on task as they continue on with the plan
-Coulson is the one who does the time traveling thing instead of Steve, and it turns out that future!Coulson is the one who gets past!Coulson to recruit Clint into SHIELD
Star Trek AOS AU:
-Clint is born deaf. He communicates primarily thru sign language.
-He’s a security officer onboard the Enterprise. He is armed with a bow and a phaser. The bow isn’t exactly regulation.
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lcstinthestars · 2 years
Introducing The Professional Mess Up  Clint Barton
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Tw : Abuse, Alcoholism mention 
NAME: Clint Barton 
ALIAS(ES): Hawkeye
AGE: Thirty-Six
BIRTHDAY & ZODIAC: June 18th, Gemini 
FACECLAIM: Peter Gadiot 
AESTHETICS: Mismatched Bandages covering his skin, the smell of alcohol and regret seems to trail in his wake.  calloused hands and broken eyes.   
BACKGROUND: Clint Barton never had anything handed to him.  Barney and Clint suffered at the hands of their Father’s alcoholism.  The more he drank, the more bruises they had to hide at school.  When he was nine his father’s drinking killed him and his mother Edith.  This left Barney and Clint bouncing from Foster Home to Foster Home.  Till eventually they found a Traveling Circus and signed themselves up. Clint used his time in the Circus to master Acrobatics and Archery.  Using these skills to develop his own Sideshow act in hopes of saving enough money to finally get him and Barney a home.    Clint’s journey as Hawkeye began as a petty thief before crossing paths with The Avengers one to many times.  He joined wanting to finally do some good with his life. One of his first missions with the Avengers left Clint deaf when he activated a sonic arrow head in his mouth to be able to avoid being mind controlled.  Since this incident he wears Stark Tech hearing aids, and primarily communicates through sign language with his closest friends.  He often turns them off when he’s done being annoyed and pretends the batteries died. This put him on the path to joining SHIELD.  This is where he met his future Ex-Wife Bobbi Morse.  Despite Clint genuinely loving her, their relationship was doomed from the start. Clint only knew himself as a dumpster fire and that lead to him sabotaging their relationship at every turn.   Black Widow was one of the few constants in his life, no matter what he tried Nat was always there for him and he for her.  The next woman who would weed themselves into his life would be Kate Bishop.  The only person Clint would want to inherit his title of Hawkeye.  She was a good kid, unlike Clint.  He knew she could be a hero the world needed.  
WEAPONS: Custom Bow and Trick Arrows 
POWERS/ABILITIES/SKILLS: Master Marksman, Keen Eyesight, Peek Olympic Human Condition, Expert Acrobat, Master Martial Artist 
GREATEST STRENGTH: His tactical skills.  Despite Clint not thinking highly of himself, Clint is a natural born leader. 
ONE FEAR: Losing the few remaining people he has in his life.
ONE HOPE: That his good would out weigh the bad he has done in his life. 
HEADCANON(S):  Clint has three people cares about above even himself.  Bobbi Morse (Ex-Wife), Natasha Romanoff (Work-Wife), Kate Bishop (Protégé).  They are his better halves.   Clint is grateful to Stark for building him custom hearing aides, though he’ll never say it out loud.  He doesn’t like giving Tony the satisfaction.   Clint lost contact with his brother after he became an Avenger and hasn’t heard from him in years.  He isn’t sure he’d want too at this point.  He’s been trying to bury his past for years.
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER FEEL ABOUT BEING DROPPED INTO THE CAMBRIA PROGRAM? ARE THEY EXCITED? SUSPICIOUS? CONFUSED? : Yet another fucked up situation he has found himself in, at least this one comes with luxury accommodations. 
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geekynightowl1997 · 3 years
💥🌎🌌 What if...Ultron Won?🌌🌎💥 Questions& Reviews (!!Spoilers!! Duh)
1. Let's appreciate a couple of things here:
1a. It's Nat and Clint that survived. Two of the non super people.
1b. Russia is the one place that houses hard documents.
1c. The Watcher
2. Ultron getting what he wants doesn't exactly make sense. Unless of course Pietro and Wanda were never there. Because it was Wanda that saw the destruction.
3. Your telling me. Captain Marvel- who got her powers from the space stone, couldn't take a robot? Yes, I know he had all of them, but Wanda took him and her powers came from the mind stone.
3a. Basically, I'm asking- is Captain Marvel really that strong?
4. Just for the record, I knew Clint's middle name before it was cool.
4a. Also- I don't believe that Nat hadn't already known that.
5. Desperate times, call for desperate measures.
6. Steve Rogers becomes president? Or Senate? Or House? No. No. NOPE.
6a. Like, Steve isn't a politician.
7. The Watcher doesn't do a good job at staying out of things. (See #5)
8. Okay- what I don't understand is- Ultron finally got peace. He succeeded. Just because he became self aware, doesn't mean he needs go all out.
9. Get up, come on. You're human. You keep hope against the worst of odds.
10. I told you, I don't want to fight anymore.
11. Was the scene of Clint sacrificing himself poetic justice? Absolutely. Was it necessary? Absolutely not.
12. I think I understand why they showed Dr.Strange destroying his own world now. Not only was it to prove a point about how you shouldn't change time, but also because it shows that there's still hope.
13. Lastly- if I'm right about the last episode, I get a soda. So, fingers crossed. 🤞
14. Okay, so episode two's end credits were the best hands down. But I really appreciate how at the end of this episode, it says; "Also starring Benedict Cumberbatch." Like we didn't know that was him at the end. 🤣🤣🤣
15. Oh! I almost forgot! Red Guardian's shield. If Nat takes it to another universe- where they meet up with Captain Carter and Captain America- its gonna be grand!
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buckyalpine · 2 years
I don’t wike it
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Yours + Bucky’s Babies x Aunty and Uncle avengers 
Warnings: FLUFFFFF
Word count: 395
This is so random, and I thought it was cute; I’ll probably have this exact scene at some point in a future actual fic. But for now, just imagine:
Steve’s babysitting his favourite God babies; your 6 month old twins and 3 year old son Steve jr. The team has been on babysitting duty while you and Bucky are taking a well needed break (they were happy to chase you away because now they get to play with your little ones all the time).
You’ve only been away for about a week and little Steve has already been spoiled beyond reason; Uncle Tony’s build him a custom metal arm he can slip on so he can be just like daddy. 
A mini vibranium shield is in the making so he can be just like his Uncle Steve. He’s a hide and seek expert now, thanks to his Aunty Nat. They no longer play hide and seek because he’s impossible to find.
He has a little bow and arrow set from Uncle Clint. He’s definitely flown in the sky (that stays a secret between Uncle Sam and Uncle Tony)
The twins have been spoiled with a thousand cuddles and kisses, being passed around like hot potatoes while everyone relaxes around the living room. They also now have about 50 new onesies.
Everyone is obsessed with your little super soldiers.
But no one like Steve.
Steve has been an absolute baby hog, carrying a baby in each arm along with your son on his shoulders. There isn’t a minute he’s away from them and because he’s with them so often, he’s picked up a few things.
“Alright, Rogers, you’re going to lead the mission with the new recruits”
Steve groaned; it’s not that he didn’t like to work with new recruits but it was daunting having to keep an eye on them the entire time.
“I don’t wike it”
“What did you just say?” Tony cocked an eyebrow while everyone else snickered waiting for him to answer.  
“I said I don’t like it” Steve shrugged, confused over why Clint was looking at him like he lost his mind.
“No, that’s not what you said”
“Yes it is”
“You said wike. Like tiny terminator does when Sam steals his animal crackers” Tony snorted, watching Steve blush.
“You see what happens when you hog the babies all the time? ” Nat smirked while Steve rolled his eyes, off to find his tiny playmate, he wouldn’t judge the way he says like.
“Yeah? Well I don’t wike this either”
Tag list:   Please let me know if you want to be added or removed! (also this is an 18+ blog, I can’t tag nameless/ageless blogs)  
Tags: @glxwingrxse @hungryyeyes @sebsgirl71479 @beabutterfly987 @teambarnes72 @witchy-whore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan @buggy14 @whimsyplaty92 @sergntbarnes @needybabygirlstuff @goldylions @inkedaztec @pono-pura-vida @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z​
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haveihitanerve · 4 months
Some things the avengers do because they’re little shits and live to torment each other-
Bucky and Sam are required by law to sing the itsy bitsy spider every time Peter walks in the room
Tony will at any opportunity push something in front of Steve, or place it strategically, because he will, without fail, not notice and stub his toe
Natasha steals everyone’s food from the fridge. Not to eat. Just to watch the chaos when they realize their food is gone
Clint will tape notes to peoples backs, especially right before missions and important formal meetings. It’s not even things like ‘punch me’ it’s more along the lines of ‘stop staring at his ass’ ‘have a great day at rehab babe!’ ‘He gave me aids’
Thor got about seven replicas of mjolnir made and placed them around the tower to see who would pick it up and then be awestruck (his plan backfired tho when he couldn’t figure out which one was the real one and then recruited Peter and Steve to help him which did absolutely nothing)
Peter will casually fling a web at his fellows, without them noticing until they try to take their hand out of their pocket, or with them noticing because suddenly the floor is really close and they’ve eaten shit because their feet are attached to the floor
Clint uses his bow and arrow powers for evil and will shoot food, phones, people, anything out of his friends hands
Peter does the same
Tony created a bunch of powerful magnets and placed them around the tower on the second floor and whenever Bucky pissed him off he turned it on and just watched as the super soldier flew up
Steve got Thor to place a similar “curse” onto the shield that was on Mjolnir (because as King of asgard he can do that) and then threw it at his friends yelling ‘catch!’ and then watched as they slammed into the ground because Steve had Thor change it to “anyone who has never said a rude word to Captain America is worthy to wield this shield.” and then naturally Peter was so proud when he was able to lift it and bragged around but then he also fell to the floor because he called Sam a pig and he was captain america. (sam and bucky laughed themselves hoarse. Peter pouted)
Bucky can and will detach his arm and use it to terrify the shit out of people at night, especially during movie night where he can reach around four people to poke Sams shoulder or when he can hide underneath the couch when Peter goes to the bathroom and grab his ankle. (both screamed like children and Peter started walking on the ceiling whenever he needed to use the bathroom late at night)
Long rounds of Hide and Seek are played where some members are unknowingly the seekers
Sometimes the newer avengers band together and play pranks on the original four which led to quite fun quotes such as “I have enough gray hairs without my own team stabbing me in the back!”-tony “I didn't dive into the ice seventy years ago for this!”- Steve “I will never forgive you!” (nat after kate opened her favorite and last yoghurt and ate it in front of her) “I swear one more fucking verse and I will green all over you!”-Bruce
Okay now some of them being nice to each other, or just some sweet stuff they do all living together-
Clint makes everyone breakfast in the morning on saturdays. Its sweet but hes also the only one who can cook decently
As an attempt to help him they will sometimes try to make him breakfast in bed but it always ends with egg on the ceiling and them sitting at a Dennys
Peter falls asleep anywhere and everywhere because when his energy runs out(he didn't eat enough) he just drops and sometimes he’ll be found on the ceiling, sometimes attached to a wall and they always wrap a blanket around him, maybe tuck a pillow under his head because he likes sleeping in random spots but that doesn't mean it cant be comfortable
Pepper and Nat have girl night at least once a month and at this point its just all the avengers huddled in the den Tony made specifically for the two of them, painting nails and doing hairstyles and complaining about everything
They each wear each others clothing. Tony and Peter do it the most often, Tony being too sleep deprived to notice that hes slipping on Steves shirt and Bruce’s pants and what are most definitely clints shoes, but Peter does it on purpose, sneaking into Buckys room to nab his sweatshirt, snatching Steves shirt off the bench while he changes, unwinding Nats scarf from around her neck as she walks past. Bucky and Sam honestly don't even have their own wardrobe anymore they exchange clothes so much, and Steve has to buy new shirts and hoodies and sweatpants almost every week because his clothes are one of the largest out of all of them and everyone takes his
Peter cannot cook while awake but sometimes he will sleepwalk and make an entire five star three course meal at three in the morning and whenever someone hears him (Bucky and Steve with their enhanced hearing or Clint and Tony who never sleep) they will sneak into the kitchen and watch him to make sure hes okay before carrying him to bed once hes finished and cleaning the kitchen and packing the food away to be eaten the next day
They have mandatory tower cleaning day and everyone pitches in
Even if they're all in different parts of the world (or galaxy) they all facetime on Saturdays and catch up with each other
Tony keeps the fridge stocked up constantly with everyone's favorite foods and has a list taped on it with a reminder of everyone's allergies
Every hero with a side kick/mentor child has a specially designed bag with all the things they might need from bandaids to noise canceling headphones to gogurts. 
feel very free to add any you think of
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elithemiar-blog · 2 years
Danny in ghost form is in the Zone for some reason and the portal opens and as he goes through it, he loses his powers. They're still there but he just can't reach them. He lands in a heap somewhere in the MCU with a thermos and an ectogun.
Surviving on the streets until he gets picked up by Nat and Clint. Danny being a little shit with answering questions.
The two find the unknown weapon and directly ask him, still unsure he just says that they're his parent’s weapons.
SHIELD reverse engineers the technology, Danny finds out that there are alternate versions of his Rouge Gallery attacking randomly.
Still pissed off that his powers aren't responding (it's been months at this point) he helps SHIELD with the weapons, kind of employed as an Ecto-Weapon and Entity Advisor. He gets brought into the field, but he's NOT allowed to fight. He promised Nat and Clint.
His own Rouge Gallery is concerned, they can’t find him. His friends and sister can’t find him and his parents keep believing in the excuses they're given.
On the side, Danny keeps catalogs of the ghosts he’s familiar with and brand new ones he's never seen before.
Skulker finds him first. His sensors picking his ecto-signature up right on the other side of a portal that appeared. He flies through to find Danny on a roof top looking out over a fight. So usual greeting. Danny tries to fight, but again still can't get his powers to work. Skulker notices and spouts something that hunting him isn't fair and starts asking questions. Nat shows up and now has evidence of him holding back information.
Skulker fights his imposter. Then flees to the Zone and spreads the word about the imposters.
Eventually Dani shows up and Danny has to dodge questions on why he was cloned. Dani also doesn't have access to her powers which is a little more concerning, she's not destabilizing...yet.
The known rouge gallery gets to Danny's location in the middle of an invasion where the Avengers and other SHEILD agents are struggling to hold their own. Danny is on a roof top to overlook everyone. Then, he gets pushed by someone over the edge. He transforms just in time to prevent himself from splatting on the ground. He gets all his powers back and fully functional and beats all the enemies to be caught.
Now, he’s got to explain everything. Working fully with SHIELD (Skulker, Technus. and Stark) to build a functional, safer portal so he can get home. Telling them to destroy it afterwards so they don't get an Amity Situation. Do they listen?
He and his Rouge Gallery +Dani arrive back to the Fenton Lab, kind of in shock. Dani grabs an arrow and bow (taught by Clint) from the massive quiver that Technus has and aims it. Danny turns cautiously to her, keeping his sight front and plucks both individually from her and places them back in the quiver. No idea what they saw.
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lokidokieokie · 2 years
Accidental Confessions
Summary: After a mission to collect a special vile, the team unwinds on the quinjet back to the Tower. What happens when Tony decides that it was a good idea to unleash whatever was inside?
Warnings: Language that Steve wouldn’t approve of :)
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It was meant to be a simple mission: go in, collect the vile, get out. 
But, of course, it wasn’t as simple as it was meant to be. You guys were the Avengers after all. 
Something that Nicky happened to forget to mention was that the abandoned Hydra based you were meant to collect this vile from...wasn’t as abandoned as everyone thought it was.
They were fucking everywhere. The Hydra agents were like cockroaches: no matter how many you killed, fifty other ones seemed to take their place. And they just wouldn’t fucking die!
Like what were they made out of? Titanium? You had to stab one at least five times before they even screamed. They’re some special breed of Hydra crazy. 
But thank whatever Gods are out there (cause there has got to be more than Horns and Golden Retriever), Clint somehow managed to bypass the killer cockroaches and grab the vile (let’s all be real here tho, he definitely used the vents).
So with a final ‘Sayonara Fuckers,’ you left the building with a bang...like a literal bang. You (hopefully) managed to kill that infestation with the amount of C4 that you guys placed in the building. 
If not, it seems more like a Nicky problem.
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Once everyone boarded the Quinjet, a symphony of groans and grunts filled the silence. Everyone seemed very happy to be on-route back to the Tower. 
“What did we even endure that torture for?” Pietro questioned, looking at Natasha and Clint. 
This seemed to spark some sort of curiosity from everyone, and everyone locked their eyes onto both the super-spies...well everyone beside Tony, who was too engrossed by something on his phone to care.  
“Don’t look at me! I’m just a dude with a bow and arrow.” 
“You’re still a super-spy!” You argued. 
“Potato, potahto.” You rolled your eyes. How was this guy one of the top agents at SHIELD?
“Triple Imposter, got anything to share?” Tony, everyone’s favourite billionaire, decided to discard his phone and join the conversation; must’ve been one worth having. 
“Even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you.” 
Everyone rolled their eyes at that. Of course she wouldn’t. 
“Take it from me, my friends, it is better to leave the unknown untouched.” 
Speaking of things that should be left untouched; your eyes drifted to the form separated from the rest. Loki: your secret crush. 
You had been crushing on the raven-haired god for a while now, and found him incredibly distracting during missions because of it. Like the way he moved so gracefully while slicing into the enemy was just...indescribable.
Okay, okay, you could describe it: it was hot. Like burning molten lava hot. 
But it wasn’t just his hotness; the longer you got to know him, the sweeter he became. It was subtle things: like how he remembered how you took your coffee, or how you could both talk for hours about the newest books you were reading. 
You could feel a smile forming on your face just thinking about it, and scowled. That was why you needed to quench these feelings, and fast. If anyone on the team (god forbid Nat) found out about these feelings, you would never hear the end of it. 
That was why you decided that it was better to wait for the feelings to pass; no matter how much you longed for your fantasies to become reality. It would take time--an obnoxious amount at that--but they would eventually fade. 
“What’s got you looking both happy and sad, N/n?” Nat asked. If there was one thing the assassin was great at, it was reading Y/n...and knowing if she was lying. 
So everyone could understand her utter disbelief when you answer, “A multitude of things really. Specifically, the fact that I’ll never be able to love without fear of having it jeopardised by a variety of factors.” 
You clamped your hand over your mouth as everyone shifted their eyes onto you. You did not intend to be truthful. Why would you be truthful? Inner turmoil isn’t meant to be shared. It’s inner for a reason!
��I-” Nat stumbled. “I did not expect you answer that truthfully.” 
“It’s not like I wanted to! I don’t like talking about feelings...like ew!” You shivered. Feelings are scary...
Suddenly, Thor’s laughter filled the room. “I don’t understand why my inner turmoil is so amusing, Poptarts!” 
“Forgive me, Y/n. I did not intend to mock your feelings. I am merely amused by Loki. He just admitted that he-” A hand was quickly placed over his mouth before he could continue. 
“It would be wise to keep your mouth shut, Brother.” Thor nodded his head and complied, but the smirk that lingered on his face spoke a thousand words. 
“What’s next? Bruce is going to suddenly declare his love for Nat?” Tony mumbled. 
The Scientist and Assassin were wide-eyed. “I-What?” Bruce spluttered. 
“Did not mean to say that.” Tony sheepishly smiled. 
“Something is clearly going on guys.” You spoke, a few murmured in agreement.
“It’s gotta be coming from that vile.” 
Tony smirked, “Let’s test that theory, shall we?” And with that, Tony proceeded to smash the vile on the ground. The glass shattering, and releasing whatever gas was in that vile. 
“Why would you do that?” Pietro screamed, “You might’ve killed us all!” 
“Relax, Speedy Gonzales, it’s gotta be some sort of truth serum...and I want to know all of your secrets.”
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Ever since Tony has unleashed whatever was inside that vile, everyone seemed to separate themselves from the others. Who would want to willingly reveal the multitude of secrets they had? You sure had a few to keep. 
You decided to head to the back of the ship, and continued to stare at the floor. You couldn’t fathom the possibility of accidentally slipping up and revealing your crush on the mischievous god. 
Only the universe knows what sort of shit show that would bring. 
You were brought out of your thoughts by the very man who occupied your mind, sitting next you. You shifted your gaze upwards to meet his, and instantly paled. This was not going to go well.
“I couldn’t stand being on my own for any longer. I hope you don’t mind...” He trailed off. 
You shook your head; too afraid to open your lips incase words just decided to spill out. He smiled, noticing her sheepishness. 
God you loved that smile...
“I love your smile too, Y/n.” Your cheeks turned crimson. 
“Stupid truth serum.” Loki laughed. 
Guess you could somewhat tolerate this truth serum if you got to hear that sound.
“Odin’s beard, you two should just confess that you fancy each other!” Thor shouted from the front of the ship. 
Tony smirked, “It would ease the sexual tension.” 
Wanda gasped and whacked the back of Tony’s head. “There is a child on board.” She proceeded to clamp her hands over Peter’s ears. 
He huffed, “I’m almost eighteen, Miss Wanda.” 
“But seriously, you guys just need to bump uglies. Get it out of the system.” Tony ignored Wanda’s threatening glare. 
Both you and Loki remained silent; still too scared that the serum will reveal your biggest secret: that you wouldn’t mind if you did. 
“It’s not that hard, guys. Just start by admitting that you like each other.” Nat smirked, catching onto why you were being so quiet. You glared at her. 
But, it seems like both you and Loki had a need to correct their words, as you both ended up simultaneously blurting out:
“But I don’t like him, I love him!”
“But I don’t like her, I love her!”
Everyone on the quinjet snickered. They knew this was coming. However, your eyes widened, as did Loki’s. This was not how you wanted this to go. 
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Hope you enjoyed some random shit my brain concocted :)
Find my masterlist here!
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
My Number Part 2
Part 1
Matt Murdock x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: spoilers for hawkeye but I go off script lol
Author’s Note: you guys really wanted a part 2 but it was not planned so here is this lmao enjoy?
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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You woke up with a start. There was something wrong, you could feel it the moment you woke up. It was like a staleness in the air, bitter. You could feel it on the back of your tongue as you sat up, looking around the lit room. Matt sometimes forgot to turn the lights off when he came to bed which never bothered you. But sitting up like this in your bright room startled you in the moment.
The time read 6 in the morning. You didn’t have to go into the office until 8. You turned to your side and was pleased to find Matt still there, sleeping soundly. Sometimes when you woke up he was gone. You knew what he was doing but it still bothered you. You slid out of bed and turned off the light, standing there for a moment, still shaken by the feeling of something being wrong.
Matt was fine. You looked at him, reassuring yourself of that fact. Matt was fine. You walked to the bedside table and hit the dial. The phone rang for a few moments before Karen picked up.
“Huh,” she said, obviously tired.
“Are you okay?” “Yeah,” was all she said. You nodded, shaking your head.
“I’m sorry. Go back to bed. I’ll see you at work.” You hung up the phone and called Foggy. He picked up on the third ring.
“What?” he asked, voice still clearly half asleep.
“Are you okay?” you whispered.
“Yeah. Are you okay? Is Matt okay?” You nodded, fiddling with your fingers.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m okay. Sorry to wake you, see you at work.” You hung up the phone. You were being paranoid and you were overworked. You just needed to go to sleep. You put the phone down and shook your head.
“Y/N?” Matt asked, voice scratchy. He reached out his hand. You grabbed it, holding it tightly.
“Somethings wrong,” you whispered.
“What?” You cursed under your breath. Damn Clint for bringing this to you. Damn him for causing you to wake up and know that Fisk was doing something. You grabbed the paper off the desk with his number and dialed it, though you still had it saved in your phone. He answered on the first ring.
“Y/N? What are you doing awake this early I-”
“Whats happened with Fisk?”
Matt was wearing the black mask over his eyes and standing far behind you so that Clint couldn’t get a good read on him. You weren’t all that worried about Kate. She probably wouldn’t figure it out.
“Why are we doing this again?” he asked.
“Because you were going to do it behind my back,” you whispered. “I could feel it.”
“I was not,” Matt said. You turned around to look at him. “Okay maybe I was thinking about it but I wasn’t a hundred percent sure,” he argued. You looked forward again, arms crossed.
“Yeah that’s why we’re here. We’re going to do this with me in the middle, so you’re forced to think about your actions.”
Down the street, Clint and Kate were in the car driving down the street.
“So what’s the deal with your friend again?” Kate asked, holding her bow across her lap. Clint shook his head a bit.
“She was Nat’s friend really. They used to work together in her early SHIELD days because they were new at the same time.”
“Is that why she called her Natalia?” Clint nodded.
“Force of habit I guess. What I mean to say is, she’s dangerous and has less of a temper than I do and yet Fisk was still able to almost kill her. That’s where we are right now. That’s what we’re dealing with.”
“And how does she know Daredevil?”
“I don’t know. If it were up to me, you would not be coming to this meeting right now. You’re too impulsive.” Kate rolled her eyes.
“You’re too impulsive,” she mocked. They pulled up to the alleyway you had texted. Clint got out of the car and saw you at the end of the alley, leaning against the wall. In your shadow was a man standing on a trashcan, looming over you.
“They’re here,” Matt whispered.
“Yeah I can see that.” You pushed yourself off the wall and they made their way down. You crossed your arms.
“So this is Daredevil?” Clint asked.
“Nice to meet you sir,” Kate said, chin raised with excitement. Matt nodded once.
“What do you want from us?”
“I need your help to make sure Fisk doesn’t kill my family.”
“I’ve barely been able to manage that myself,” Matt said, voice deeper than usual in an attempt to hide his identity.
“You have a family?” Kate asked. “Not the point,” you said. “Clint.”
“Right. Do you think you two can take him with our help?” No. You couldn’t. You hated that he even had to ask that. Fisk would have people all around him at all times and if he wasn’t heeding Matt’s previous warning then Matt was going to have to kill him. Even with two highly skilled agents and two vigilanties, there was no way this would work.
“No,” Matt said, before you got the chance. “Go far away. Hide your family. Separate them if you need to. I’ll handle this.”
“We,” you argued.
“Does we include us?” Kate asked. You shook your head.
“No. We’ve been handling this long before you came along Clint, we’ll be handling it long after,” you promised. “Leave Fisk to us.”
“I can’t do that. My family’s life is at risk, I told you.”
“Yeah and my mom is marrying this guy who’s insane and Maya Lopez is like trying to kill Clint cause she works for Fisk and-”
“Lopez is our problem,” you said.
“So is Fisk,” Matt echoed.
“You can’t expect us to just leave,” Kate said, hands down.
“I do,” you said. “You wanted our help, we’re taking the problem off your hands. You’ll just get in our way.”
“She’s not gonna budge,” Clint observed. “We’re going to be holding out at my apartment here in New York. When you need our help you go there, because you’re gonna need our help.” You nodded, though you didn’t believe it. “You have my number.”
He grabbed Kate’s arm.
“Wait seriously? Just like that?” she asked as she was being dragged away.
“You try arguing with an assassin and batshit devil guy.”
“I was going to!” Kate argued. “Just now!”
Their voices got quieter as they went away, leaving you and Matt alone. You shook your head, turning to him. He hopped down and stood beside you. You shook your head.
“I hate this Matt,” you whispered.
“Me too. But we can’t leave it be. We’ll do a better job then they will.” You nodded a bit, watching the car drive away. You turned to look at him. He was listening. You could tell. When his head was tilted like that, just to the slide a bit, he was listening for something.
“What?” “They’re going to try and go to Fisk right now.”
“Excuse me?”
“Let them. Then they’ll learn how bad of an idea that is.” You scoffed.
“Good luck to them I guess.” He was silent. “No. You’re not allowed to watch.”
“I wasn’t going to. It did cross my mind though.” You smiled. It had crossed your mind too.
“We have work tomorrow morning.”
“I’m going to do my thing for a couple more hours,” he said.
“Be safe. Be back by two.”
“Yes ma’am.” He started to climb up the fire escape, leaving you alone. You shook your head. How had you gotten here? And how would you get the hell out of this? Fisk seemed like a problem that would never be solved. You did hope Kate and Clint would be okay, though you had a sinking feeling in your stomach that Fisk was going to get the jump on them.
He always did.
Part 2 Tag List: @okaystqrks, @lostcause218, @em1ly-b, @moonlightmvrvel, @comedinewithmeyeh, @mischiefmanaged71
Marvel Tag List: @dpaccione, @demonchick1, @karasong, @elisaa-shelby, @lov3vivian, @russian-soft-bitch, @alexxavicry, @valentina-luvs-u, @demigirl-with-problems, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @caswinchester2000
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blackhiil · 2 years
blackhill headcanons: little red edition
fanart by @sup3r-s0ldi3r
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— It doesn’t take long for Ana to start calling them Mommy, but the problem is she started calling both of them Mommy, they had to sit her down and tell her to call Maria Mama, so there will be no more confusion
— Ana and Natasha really love peanut butter sandwiches, whenever Ana has nightmares, they eat peanut butter sandwiches together (they also have to stock up on peanut butter a lot)
— Ana likes being read to but only likes when Maria does it, so whenever Maria is reading, she’ll sit in her lap and Maria will read to her. Even if it’s not bedtime. Ana doesn’t really understand what’s being read but she enjoys it
— Maria and Nat love taking Ana to carnivals, amusement parks and aquariums/museums.
— Tony runs a DNA test on Ana to check if she’s Maria and Nat’s biological child because he thinks the resemblance is too uncanny and it’s rare for a redhead to have blue eyes (he’s disappointed to find out they’re not biologically related, it’s just a coincidence)
— When Nat and Maria take Ana to Clint’s farm, he turns on the movie Anastasia and says that it’s like her origin, Ana is confused but the movie becomes one of her favorites
— They don’t know Ana’s birthday, they only know she’s 3 because Melina (and Tony) were able to determine her age with tests. So, they let her choose a month and a day, she picks January 19th.
— Ana still has a bad relationship with baths so, Maria or Natasha have to get in with her (this lasts until she’s 6)
— Yelena and Clint teach Ana all their mischievous ways. Yelena teaches her stealth and how to hide in small places. Clint teaches Ana how to use bow and arrows, he even gets her a mini set as a present
— The Widows often get pictures of Ana and her progress. They’re also allowed to visit her whenever they want as long as they call first so Maria and Natasha can make sure they don’t have any plans
— Ana’s full name is Anastasia Irina Romanoff-Hill, when they put her in school they shorten it to Hill so no one figures out her connection to Nat
— When Ana is older, they do tell her about her biological mother Irina, and they find a picture in the files Nat took and let keep it. Some of the widows that knew Irina tell Ana stories about her.
— Introducing Ana to the pool was hard because of her fear of being held underwater, but once they reassured her that she could use floats and not go under, she loved it.
— Ana calls Nick Grandpa and he absolutely adores her. They play together a lot and he’ll never admit it, but he smiles more with her around. If they can’t find Ana, they check Nick’s home office and find her asleep on the couch (just like Natasha used to do at SHIELD)
— Carol, Maria R, Wanda, Pepper and Yelena all think they’re the favorite aunt and joke about it alot. (It’s really Maria because Ana is really interested in planes and Maria will teach her about them when Ana visits. Wanda is a close second because she uses her powers to make light shows to entertain Anastasia)
— Liho is very protective of Anastasia, she sleeps at the end of bed and will curl up on her when Ana is distressed. Maria even gets Anastasia a stuffed black cat to take with her when they travel because they can’t take Liho.
— Peter shows Anastasia his lego collection and she immediately wants some of her own. Since Maria and Natasha worry about her swallowing them, stepping on them, or not being able to put them up by herself, they get her building blocks. (The Christmas before she turns 7, they get her a huge lego set of Avengers tower. She’s very excited.)
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