#naruto 700
boybolt · 1 year
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instructionsonback · 1 year
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pinkypastal · 2 months
Started watching naruto for the first time
I know I was warned but nothing could have prepared me for this
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...they whare't kidding, that sas sure can gay
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cloudabserk · 6 months
i can’t believe this they literally don’t even like hinata and sakura at all. hinata and naruto’s big moment was literally 50% about neji, naruto has never shown interest in her, has never acknowledged her feelings, and he grabs her hand in order to share his power with the army… naruto is extremely expressive and open about his feelings and yet even we the reader don’t see a hint of emotion towards hinata. also his last words to his dad were him stuttering to his mom about being sorry for not being able to marry a woman like her!
and sasuke just straight up loudly and openly dislikes sakura up until the very end. their “big moment” is the quick shot of him leaving the village, telling her she can’t come cuz “this has nothing to do with you” and then flicking her on the forehead. aka what his brother used to do to him to annoy him. before he goes and has an emotional moment with naruto.
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konoha elders: we aren’t going to send all of you on missions together, we have a standard of using the three man squad
full team seven clinging tightly to each other: if you try to separate us again we WILL start a revolt
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everysai · 3 months
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perpetually-confused2 · 2 months
I definitly did not just spend the last 2 hours imagining a sasunaru wedding, nope not something I would ever do
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tamelee · 2 years
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🍥🍅 sketching~
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general--winter · 1 year
uchiha shisui x reader - forever
author's note: this is my first time writing a reader insert that is a full length one-shot, so i'm still getting the hang of it. i went through thoroughly to make sure i edited any accidental references to the reader's gender out, as there were a couple in the first draft, so if i missed any at all let me know so i can edit them out immediately!
rating: teen
fandom: naruto
pairing: shisui x gender neutral reader
warnings: suggestive content, existential musings
word count: 2340
summary: you spend a stormy evening on the beach with your beloved
From the heathery gray clouds raging above in the wind, a freezing drop of rain dribbled into your scalp. Your eyes turned up to admire the rolling landscape of the storm brewing above the raging monotone sea. Occasionally in the distance, a coil of thunder would snake through the clouds, its rumble reaching you within seconds and vibrating the very air. When a particularly strong gust struck you, your toes curled into the icy sand and your bare arms mimicked the motion of reaching for a hug; you wanted the essence of nature surrounding you to encapsulate and invade your entire being. This moment would be etched into your memory for all of your time alive. Sometimes, when the temperature of the air froze against your exposed skin in just the right way, when the scent of a stormy summer night tingled in your nose, when every single atom in your body vibrated with the excitement and purpose of being in the moment, you felt alive. Not in the sense of existential dread, no, that was way too typical in your life. You were pretty sure everyone always felt the constant pressure of that void in the back of their skull. This feeling was rare, though. It built you back up. If only for a moment, you captured the glory of existence, saw the meaning of life, whatever the hell was going to pull you out of that deep hole. And as tragic as watching a movie you know has a bleak ending, it slips through your fingers. Fleeting. Just like life itself.
At the bottom of your peak in emotion, a soft hand slipped into yours outstretched, grounding you in the shifting sands. Without Shisui there to hold you together, you thought you might fall apart, slip right in-between the grains of sand.
"I guess you were right… it is beautiful, huh?" he gently asked against your ear, muting the wind.
"It's always one of the most beautiful sights in the world," you confirmed to your boyfriend beside you, a smug hint to your tone. Hair whipping in the gusts, you turned to face him. "But it doesn't compare to you."
A tinge of rose crept up onto his cheeks, although you couldn't tell if it had been there before from the chill. His almost-black eyes met your own from behind his shaggy hair of the same color. It's a saying, that the eyes are the window to the soul. It sounded like bullshit for so long, but Shisui's, conveying pure love and adoration for you, convinced you that you'd just not been looking hard enough at everyone else.
And his smile. God, his smile. If you didn’t know any better, then from your perspective the storm had ended before it ran its course, and the sun was radiating its kind and warm light right in front of you, chasing away every chill in your bones. You couldn’t help but raise your free hand, stroking his slightly rough cheek with a whisper of your fingertips. His own grasping for the back of your neck, Shisui latched on and pulled you in for a deep, gentle kiss, his hands and lips pulsating warmth into your wind-ravaged body. The kiss was over all too soon for your liking. 
"Come on. I think we've spent enough time out here. Let's go and warm back up," he suggested kindly, swiping a thumb over your icy knuckles and gently tugging you up the slope of the dune.
“I’m going to need more of where that came from, as well,” you teased while following Shisui. Your eyes turned back to face the main road of the shore town you two were staying in for the next two weeks.
The vacation from your full-time jobs — your guys' first since graduating from university a year ago — was a blissful one. You and Shisui had already spent many days on the beach while it was crowded and sunny, flying kites, splashing around in the deep waters, or building sandcastles. But on the drive here, your hand resting feather-light on his thigh as you kept the car steady, you’d lamented that the best beach days were the ones when chaos and storms roiled over the ocean.
“What? But then you can’t really do anything but stand there and look if everything there will kill you,” he’d replied with an audible pout, glancing at your focused gaze. “And how am I supposed to dunk you under the water if we’re not in it?”
You stole a glare at him in the passenger’s seat, your neck going pink at how cute his scrunched nose was, before once again focusing your gaze on the road ahead. “Yeah, yeah, idiot. That’s the whole point, though. There’s just something so captivating about seeing a storm over the sea from the shore. Like, beauty and peace in something that should be ugly and sorrowful. I like it.”
You both made it back up to the house, clothes wrinkled and hair knotted through. Using the hose at the entrance, you and Shisui took turns washing off your bare feet of sand. He offered for you to go first, and you happily obliged, wishing to change into something comfortable, order dinner, and get snuggling as soon as possible, but that was an incredibly rookie mistake. As you turned around, an unseen smirk played on your trickster boyfriend’s lips, and he pointed the hose at your swimsuit-clad back. Before you were able to go in, he landed a direct shot on you.
“Ah! Shisui! Are you kidding me?” you shrieked, jumping into the house. Through the thin wooden wall, you could hear his deep laughter at your reaction. Your face flush, you stomped to the bathroom with your outfit in hand, an oversized t-shirt, comfy pants, and fuzzy socks. As fast as you possibly could, you rinsed yourself off in the shower, washing and combing your hair, getting every bit of sweat and grime off of you and emerging feeling clean and refreshed.
When you traded places in the bathroom, you and Shisui each had the same idea, and smacked each others’ asses in unison.
“Damn it!” he gritted while peeking out from behind the bathroom door, ready to slam it. “You couldn’t let me have that one?”
“You always get me when I least expect it, ‘cause I always trust you. Case in point, the fucking water hose. Couldn’t you let me have one? Or maybe I’ll catch you off guard one day, you little shit,” you jaunted from over your shoulder, rounding the corner to the living room while you heard the shower thrum.
“My partner, they call me nothing but terrible, terrible names! How horrific!” Shisui yelled, sounding farther away than he actually was.
You just shook your head and settled down on the plush couch, flicking the television on to a streaming service, so when he came out of the shower, you two could continue watching your show. Before long, he had made his way out, wearing a comfortable-looking cotton t-shirt and sweatpants. Despite what looked like some sort of effort to dry off, his hair was still extremely damp, and clung to his forehead in strands. You couldn’t help but gawk at him a little bit, knowing his skin would be extra soft and warm to lay against when he sat down next to you. With no hesitation, that is exactly what he did, settling into the corner of the couch and opening his arms wide.
In a flash, you hooked your legs over his lap, wrapped your arms around his waist, and plopped your head right onto his chest. Ever since this morning in bed, when you had to pry yourself off of him like a bandaid off of skin, this was the only thing you could think about.
“Someone’s impatient, yeah?” he asked through a gentle laugh, bringing one arm around your shoulders and another to rest on your thighs.
Now this, this was your safe space. You closed your eyes, the only thing registering to you being Shisui’s scent and breathing. His soap, that cute sugar vanilla one that he always begged you to buy from the mall, wafted into your nose and intoxicated you. Behind that, his faint and musky natural odor mixed with the saltiness of the ocean came through. His body also radiated heat, his skin especially hot from the shower.
“It’s not often that I can lay claim to you for an entire day,” you admitted, turning so your cheek now rested on Shisui. “So I’m taking advantage of this entire vacation.”
“Hey, I know. I feel the same way. Life’s just been so busy lately. Work and all, for both of us.” He buried his nose into your own damp hair.
“Yeah. Sometimes it just feels like it doesn’t stop, and my head keeps spinning and churning out thoughts. The only place where it stops is right here.” You uncurled a hand from around him, and poked him in the chest.
“My chest is a pillow for you and you alone,” Shisui brought a hand to press your head more firmly onto him. The sound of his heartbeat became faintly audible. “Anytime you need me to protect you like this, I will be there. Don't you forget that.”
You felt like your heart could burst right out of your chest. Shisui’s declarations always stirred your emotions, even after the four years you’ve spent together. You didn’t know what it was about today, though. Perhaps you had borne your emotions to the world back on the beach and you needed a release, or maybe finally relaxing after the brutal work schedule you had for months coaxed something out of you. Your eyes began to water, a familiar tingling sensation creeping up your throat muscles to your face, making you scrunch up.
“Hey, what’s up?” Shisui asked gently, feeling the change in your expression on him. He gently grabbed your chin and turned your face to meet his own, noting how your eyes darted around. “Look at me. Are you happy-crying or sad-crying?”
You willed your eyes to still and meet his own, a grin creeping across your face. In the light of the house, you could see more of the brown within them, but Shisui’s pure feelings of love still radiated out of his irises.
“Happy-crying. I just love you so much, dumbass.”
“Okay, that’s good. I love you too, my queen. I’m gonna have to kill two birds with one stone, though,” Shisui contemplated, his eyebrows furrowing and an expression of deep thought crossing the rest of his face.
“Well, I have to cheer you up. Can’t have ya crying like this,” he said, with a stroke to your cheek where a tear fell. “But you can’t keep calling me an idiot all of the time either, so I’ve gotta convince you to call me something else for once.”
“And how do you plan to do that?” you challenged, using the shoulder of your shirt to wipe your eyes.
“Like this.”
The little bastard tugged you in for a kiss and stuck his hands up your shirt, gliding his fingers gently down your sides and back. You kicked your legs, clinging onto Shisui even tighter than before.
“Mmpfh!” you shrieked against his lips. You felt Shisui smirk against your lips, running his calloused fingers back up for more of your sensitive skin while you tried to wiggle out of his grasp to no avail. You were able to break away from the kiss and shove your head back into his chest, your giggles muffled by his shirt. He was laughing right along with you at your reaction, the vibration of it in his chest comforting you.
“Okay, okay fine!” Shisui let up his teasing touch as you conceded and instead placed his palms flat on your bare back, unmoving. Breathy laughter was still interspersed with your words as you surrendered, “You’re my pretty man.”
While you were disheveled from Shisui’s attack, your stomach quivering, it was now his turn to look embarrassed. His gaze flickered around the room while you sat up straighter to get a good look at his face at an equal level. You grasped his face in your hands and planted a kiss on his lips.
“You really are. You’ve got such a nice nose, especially,” you said to him, while his gaze meandered in embarrassment. “Look at me, now.”
His gaze snapped to your eyes immediately, his mouth open just slightly. You continued complimenting Shisui, saying: “And you have these, like, beautiful eyelashes that make you look like you’re always wearing mascara. The way your hair frames your face is perfect, it gives you such a nice silhouette.”
You kept going, stroking each part of his face you spoke of, knowing you would work him up until steam was coming out of his ears and his entire face was tomato red. When you achieved your goal (quickly, mind you), you admired your work for a second and then sat back, instead opting to sit shoulder-to-shoulder with your boyfriend. Wordlessly, you clicked on the show that you’d intended on starting before, and settled in next to Shisui, wrapping your arm around his waist and settling into him with a satisfied hum. He did the same, leaning his head on your shoulder and evading eye contact.
If you could choose, you would opt to spend the rest of your days curled up like this with Shisui, chatting about anything at all, or silently drinking in the presence of each other. It was your personal haven, one of the only places in the world where you were able to relax fully and completely. You shifted further into him, relaxing every muscle in your body against his radiating heat, and you allowed your eyes to droop closed.
“So, what did you want for dinner?” he ended up asking out of nowhere as soon as your stomach violently growled.
What timing Shisui Uchiha had.
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rkivees · 1 year
I think it's so funny when a person is a Naruto fan and it's a Naruto (character) anti lol
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boybolt · 1 year
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Naruto 700- Anime Boruto 🍥🔩💛🧡
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avbocetos · 2 years
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Oh, my darling~
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kobayashisoul · 9 months
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》 Raziela Kobayashi: Boruto Naruto Next Generations - Reference Sheet 《
I'm back with a brandnew Reference Sheet of my Main Oc during Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Series! It's one of her normal Outfits in Sunagakure in that Period. The first time she wore that is in Chapter 700 of Naruto Shippuden.
Here some Informations about Reeze during that Period:
❄ Her Hair is still very long there and she takes deep care of it
❄ Since Shiina is here just around 3-6 years old, she's at home, taking care of her youngest
❄ The Twins are here around 9 years old and go to the Academy
❄ She helps Gaara with the Paperwork a bit from home
❄ The Villagers of Sunagakure, especially the Children, look up to Reeze as Sunagakure's first Lady. She still isn't used to this Status and the Attention it brings
❄ The Marriage with Gaara is still full of care, love and warmth. They still go on Dates when Gaara's life as Kazekage allows it
❄ She stopped working as Kunoichi when the Twins were born, so her work is in that time about taking care of the Kids. Being Houswife and Mother
❄ She and Ryuusei are kind of Friends now, but it's still a bit strange after his bad behaviour
I hope you like it! 💙
Art (c) _ravennia_
Raziela Kobayashi (c) @xkobayashisoulx
Sabaku No Gaara (c) Masashi Kishimoto
Naruto & Boruto (c) Masashi Kishimoto and Mikio Ikemoto
This Picture was a Comission for me from _ravennia_. I am NOT the Artist of this Artwork. I have the Artists written permission to upload this drawing to my Social Media. ⚠️
Without my written permission you have no right to recolor/repost/trace/edit/use this in any way. Also please don't ask me to roleplay with my Ocs because I don't allow that. ⚠️
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yugiohz · 1 year
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sakura: welcome back to team seven sasuke here’s the quick update - we’re all gay now including you. also naruto is going to ask you out tomorrow and if you say no im going to use my new super strength to beat you to a pulp
sasuke: ……can i have the long update
sakura: no.
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