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rkivees · 10 days ago
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“I want to take someone back to the cloud recesses… take him back and hide him.”
📖 Mdzs | Wangxian
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rkivees · 10 days ago
andrew saw jean throwing bryson to a car and almost breaking his neck for jeremy and said yeah that kid wants to kiss captain sunshine so bad. breaking someone’s neck for the boy you want is like the most romantic thing for him
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rkivees · 10 days ago
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chapter fifteen really has it all
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rkivees · 10 days ago
neil really said “get your twin (my enemy) to drive our injured asses to the court so i can start some shit with the press against everyone’s will”
and andrew said “ok my princess"
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rkivees · 10 days ago
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Two good boys
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rkivees · 10 days ago
pretty sure this is what happened in tgr right?
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rkivees · 27 days ago
My unpopular opinion of the day is: Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji do not owe the world of the jianghu to fix it's own classism when they are not it's world leaders and have done their part as well as continuing to follow their own moral compass regardless while trying to instill the youth with more tolerance and openness.
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rkivees · 1 month ago
Hi! I've seen a lot of antis saying that lwj using the silencing spell on jin ling (at the dafan mountain) is a form of 'abuse' because apparently it could really hurt him and he has no rights to do so as he is not his guardian. Would love to hear your thoughts on it. (They also made jc a victim here somehow?)
It's just bull shit. They try to use the point that "Lan Wangji is disciplining a child that is not his" and that is disrespectful. Said child had also just stated if the people that had been caught in his traps died by the monsters around Dafan Mountain, that was not his fault. He was willing to endanger strangers for potential profit, and does think this is okay because his Uncle has no respect for others and his helping him to cheat.
He made a child who was saying extremely rude things be quiet. Without doing anything physically cruel, and as stated by Lan Sizhui it would clear up without any extra harm to Jin Ling. And once more we get "Jiang Cheng is not respected". Which yes, that's exactly what it is because why should a privileged man be respected when he dismisses others is cruel and tells his own nephew to be cruel to get what he wants.
Lan Wangji sees no need to suck up to the gentry and has no interest in throwing aside his own morals. The shame of Jin Ling's introduction is that a child is raised with so little care he thinks he can treat others as lesser and bully them.
He gets better because he actually does not want to be anything like Jiang Cheng and does begin to see Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian as his ideal role models. You don't see him running away from anyone but Jiang Cheng and actively chooses to go on Night Hunts that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are a part of and actively is uplifted when he is praised instead of constantly insulted.
The disrespectful figure was never Lan Wangji, and Jin Ling comes to learn that.
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rkivees · 1 month ago
It's another type of heartbreak entirely when you realize that when Ashton said "I was there. I know what happened. I know the secrets you keep. What will happen when he finds out?” he was not talking about Addam finding out. The way he killed Ashton wasn't because of Addam, his visceral reaction came from something else, something worse. Rune would rather stain his hands with blood over and over again than ever let that reach him. It's a shame not even all the blood in the universe can keep them safe from this particular secret.
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rkivees · 1 month ago
It was not a failing on part of Wei Wuxian, to choose to protect the Wens, especially when they were being treated inhumanly. For Jiang Cheng to demand he put them back into labor camps. Jiang Cheng in no way was ever under any threat from the other clans to make Wei Wuxian turn tail. They implied the issue was Wei Wuxian didn't respect Jiang Cheng (and we can debate as to what this means later) which is unilaterally untrue. Jiang Cheng was not ever worried about his own clan, it was for his ego of being dismissed as Wei Wuxian's leader and master.
It was not on Wei Wuxian to explain WHY Jiang Cheng should care about people being tortured when he had already won and it was expounded hypocrisy to dismiss it. Jiang Cheng was a failure of sympathy and empathy and it had nothing to do with "an obligation to his family".
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rkivees · 1 month ago
Anyways. I know most of the fans prefer them romantically but QPR rune and brand is so real and so important to me. A book series where the main character has a love interest and yet the person who is most important to him, the person who is his soulmate and who he is sharing a love story with is unequivocally still his best friend is so. I don’t even know how to put it into words but it means everything to me
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rkivees · 1 month ago
Brand Saint John:
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rkivees · 2 months ago
Surprise! Tumblr just got turned into an epic fantasy RPG, just like [your favorite appropriate media franchise]. And the Tumblr RPG's plot needs to have all of its characters covered, in roles both large and small.
That means that you are assigned to a stereotypical RPG role inside our new fantasy world. Spin this wheel to find out what you are now doing for a living.
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rkivees · 2 months ago
no, i dont lose hyperfixations. theyre just moved to a different, slightly less used, shelf in my brain.
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rkivees · 2 months ago
Ava, @randomness-is-my-order, @dephoraowo and @optimisticmiraclefest!!! Thank you!!! I've been a bit offline lately so it makes me so happy to be remembered (⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠) I will extend the kindness and tag a few people too
💖 @guqin-and-flute @yibocrisis @mxtxfanatic @ayingdidi @fireandgrimstone @halenhusky309 @lancabbage @oneeyedoctogod
positivity train!
if you see this or are tagged in it, tag a couple of your favorite mutuals/blogs and let them know you appreciate seeing them on your dash!
@h0neysugarfree @blueberrylovv @bequiteanddriveeeeeee @cherri-bomb-bomb @eg0mechan1c @fatrexicisback
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rkivees · 2 months ago
Hello there, anon, I do not publish the asks I receive with links. Much less ones that I have blocked (and in this case for good reason lol.)
But I will answer some of the ideas from it:
Madam Yu was angered that Jiang Fengmian was ambivalent to her as a person and he did not ideologically agree with her, they could never have even an amicable partnership to sustain Lotus Pier. She also was never in Lotus Pier enough as she was always on Night Hunts, not training disciples. She didn't take the name of Jiang Furen out of disrespect to the Jiang name, she had no responsibilities other than her own hate (stop reading fanfic of bad ass gurl boss bitch Madam Yu).
Jiang Fengmian undermined Madam Yu's choices by choosing to dissolve Jiang Yanli's forced marriage arrangement: So was the actual well being of his daughter just... not as important as what Madam Yu wanted? To also force her into the Jiang parents same situation of a marriage filled without respect, love? Because Madam Yu's logic is so reasonable??? Or your point for that matter???
Supposed undermining Jiang Fengmian speaks upon her and Jiang Cheng... She said that, not Jiang Fengmian, she made up a situation that was not even existent to degrade Jiang Cheng, Wei Wuxian (two children) and her own husband (based on a situationship she made up because it can't be her fault or her own flaws, it's someone else to blame, for not liking her or her image she carved into Jiang Cheng). She is the one that says Jiang Cheng is not good enough, while stoic Jiang Fengmian never implies Jiang Cheng is lesser, but wrong, for viewing others as lesser. What he learned from Madam Yu is wrong and cruel.
Courage and arrogance are not the same. She at no point was courageous as everything she did on page was filled with hate aside from one moment of decency to her own child she never expressed any sort of affection before to, while condemning an orphan, hating him, and manipulating his gratitude for a horrendously broken promise and unfair expectations that Jiang Cheng clung to just as hatefully.
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rkivees · 3 months ago
Adding the democratic process to the games this season was not exactly a subtle metaphor, but it was an effective one. So many of us have felt the brutality of trying to make democracy work under a capitalist system that encourages those who have to oppress the have nots, to view politics as a zero sum game, and to wield their votes as a weapon to hoard wealth and resources for themselves. I can’t say this was a pleasant watch, but it definitely felt honest.
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