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Hier ein bisschen fanart (?????) für die lokalen Zünfte weil ja

#morf's art#fasnet#fasnacht#narrenzunft tettnang#waldteufel kau#hopfennarr#rote spinne#gätterlet#hopfensau#meiner meinung nach sollten grad die dämonisch/teuflischen zünfte ein bisschen weirder gezeichnet werden dürfen#aber naja#german stuff#deutschblr#narri narro#etc etc
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i need a bit of help deciding something for a new AU
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#wikimedia commons#2010s#2014#Narrenzunft Elzach#CC-BY-SA-2.0#Flickr images reviewed by FlickreviewR#Files by Blu-News
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hypothetically if someone where to write a medieval royalty au where thaluke happened what would be somethings that would be interesting, and in this extremely hypothetical au they've only met like 3 times also how would one hypothetically incorporate swabian food and culture into the hypothetical fic?
Well to start off I'd like to say that I would enjoy it very much if you could send me a link to whatever work you will do in this hypothetical AU. Also I'd like to thank you for giving me an excuse to geek about my culture. ANYWAY ONTO IT ALL, so the easiest, most obvious way to bring in swabian culture would probably be the dialect. However that could only really work if the work was in German, which is props isn't, so the swabian dialect (which is a GERMAN dialect) props won't be able to get to use. After that you could definitely bring in traditional clothing! Now there are a few flavours of swabian based on where you are- I for my part am from the Black Forest, which is why I'll use that as a reference.
You could definitely use inspiration from our traditional clothing, the Schwarzwaldtracht! It's quite the old and traditional thing, the red cap you can see is called the Bollenhut, and women are allowed to wear it after their first holy communion. For men it's the bit stereotypical Lederhosen-ish look.

Ofcourse there's also things like food, in which we have quite the variety. A personal favorite of mine are Käsespätzle. You can imagine it kind of like a German Mac and Cheese but better.. It is made with the traditional Swabian noodles called Spätzle, it is mixed with stewed onions, cheese, bacon and then flavoured with salt and pepper. After that it's backed for about 20-30mins and voila! It's done and in my opinion a great meal! It's unironically one of my favorites and a childhood meal. Some also serve it with a mushroom sauce.

After that we can ofcourse to festivities, which I think this one called Fasnacht will be quite interesting for your AU in terms of romance. You can imagine it a bit like German Halloween, but longer and with a much longer tradition. Fasnacht traditionally is celebrated the week before lent, meaning six weeks before easter. It starts from Schmotziger /The Dirty/ (a Thursday) to the Aschenmittwoch /Ashen Wednesday/. During this week so-called Narrenumzüge happen (lit. translated to Fools Parade). Basically there are these huge parades of so-called Narren (fools), Narren are people dressed up in different costumes as different characters.

Here you have a few! Each village or community has their own kind of Narren, with their own unique costume and "character". They are organized in Narrenzünfte (Fools' Guild). They are basically just communities for everyone dressing up as them, with officials and all. Each Narrenzunft has their own sort of "motto", it is a phrase or word consisting of two parts. One will be said by a Narr (singular of Narren), the other by someone watching the parade. What happens will be that the different Narren will come up to people during the parade, they will then say part of the specific phrase of their village/community and the other person has to say the rest. If they manage to do it they then get either candy, in some cases alcohol and even things like brezels and other foods. They also have so called Narrenhymnen (Fools' Anthem) which, just like the name says, is a anthem for the specific Narrenzunft. Generally this time is considered to be a time to "let go of all rules" and "go crazy". People dress up in costumes to go visit these parades and also go to parties. Imagine just a week of drinking and partying all around. Now ngl this Fasnacht is HUGE with many other things, this kind of Fasnacht is also very much southern. While celebrated around all of Germany, the northern version is much different. I really advise doing your own research or sending me a DM or two if ya have more questions! You can easily have Luke and Thalia meet during this or something akin to Fasnacht in costume! If you want this to be set in swabia itself...well, don't. Genuinly I can only advise you DON'T. German history is an absolute mess even outside of the 20th century. Most our known history was spent fighting each other, Swabia being one of those areas which were conquered and given up and sold etc. genuinely it's a shitshow and if you do not want to get into German history just avoid historical swabia all together. Welp, I hope I was able to help you with this answer !
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it is Fasnet/Fasnacht time in Germany, which is the traditional alemannic carnival. there was a post on my dash mentioning 'the Fool's guild', which regulates the carnival characters. Jester bureaucracy? yes, baby! Ordnung muss sein. so, I HAD to look it up.
well, there indeed exist local Jester Guilds (Narrenzünfte), some of which are part of a sort of a jester union type organisation, VSAN (Vereinigung Schwäbisch-Alemannischer Narrenzünfte). it's a big deal, not every guild is accepted into VSAN. to be eligible, the jester guild must show a commitment to preserving cultural heritage, and not randomly invent Fasnet characters and/or modify their costume.
the VSAN wikipedia page has a full member list by town/village with the correct Narrenrufe: jester calls that you should shout back at them (like Narri! Narro!)
I also found scalding tea about a guild that got expelled, because they introduced some kind of witch costume, which I think did not have a historical prototype?
the guilds have Präsidenten and Zunftmeister and meet up regularly to discuss urgent jester matters, hold lectures, and check and approve costumes. (the Rottweil Narrenzunft president signs his announcements with 'Mit närrischen Grüßen')
anyone can become a guild member by filling in an official form and paying a yearly membership fee. members take part in the carneval itself (in full jester gear!), as well as jester meet-ups, and might have part-time volunteer duties, such as costume repairs. if you successfully climb jester career ladder and reach Narrenratsmitglied status, your photo in a delightful traditional hat will be featured on your local jester guild website.
Oberndorf jester guild also awards pretty enamel medals to committed jesters who took part in 10, 25 or 40 Narrensprünge.
okay, however endearingly German/Swabian this whole establishment is, it seems to have serious historical reasons other than a natural German penchant for tradition/bureaucracy. VSAN was originally formed as a form of political pushback against jester and Fastnacht bans and a collective attempt to save jester/carnival culture. cool!
I really recommend looking up local Narrenzunft websites and perusing the character galleries.
Entschuldigung, wenn ich was falsch verstanden habe! Ich weiß ziemlich wenig über die Fasnet, und außerdem ist Deutsch nicht meine Muttersprache. Also korriegiert mich bitte, falls etwas nicht stimmt! Danke

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Get to know me
Tagged by @ineadhyn , thank you<3
last song: Linkin Park - The Emptiness Machine
currently reading: Gaunt's Ghosts with @aylinvail and Horus Rising with @mortallyperfecttimemachine
currently watching: Black Sails
currently craving: something bitter..
coffee or tea: coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon. there is a time for everything.
a hobby you would like to try: conlangs ! But I'll be honest, i have too many hobbies as is.
an AU you're working on/thought of: Black Forest Murder Mystery of Rogue Trader where its just a bunch of villages beefing with each other. Heinrix is a village cop. Cassia is the only one with a car that fits more than five. Argenta is with the local church. Abelard is the deceased mayor's (Theodora) assistant and they have to find out who killed her. Nocturne is simply part of a Narrenzunft. I think it's funny don't @ me
no pressure tags: @jaal-ama-daravv & @systembug
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Tschore und Rätsch by Horst Hoch Via Flickr: Umzug am Gumpigen - Fat Thursday's parade 2009 Narrenzunft Aulendorf - Tschore und Rätsch fool guild Aulendorf. Characters of the Swabian-Alemannic carnival called Tschore und Rätsch with a wooden masks.
#Fasnet#Karneval#Aulendorf#Oberschwaben#Badenwuerttemberg#Umzug#parade#mardi Gras#carnival#mask#flickr
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Prinzenpaare waren im Rathaus zu Gast

Moers. (pst) Noch vor dem offiziellen Start der Session 2023/2024 gab es am Donnerstagabend, 9. November, ordentlich karnevalistischen Trubel im Rathaus. Bürgermeister Christoph Fleischhauer hatte die Prinzenpaare, den Vorstand des Kulturausschusses Grafschafter Karneval sowie Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Vereine eingeladen. Manuel Schubert und Melanie Gaidt sind als Manuel I. und Melanie I. das Prinzenpaar der Session 2023/2024. Sie tragen das Motto „Manuel und Melanie sind bereit. Wir rocken die 5. Jahreszeit!“ Beide sind Mitglied der Karnevalsgesellschaft Elfenrat Moers-Eick. Zusätzlich ist der Prinz in der Karnevalsgesellschaft Narrenzunft Homberg 1957 aktiv. Aus dem Amt mussten sich Prinz Manni I. (Manfred Oestreich) und Prinzessin Bea I. (Beate Timpen) verabschieden, die ihren Hofstaat zwei Sessionen führen durften. Ausgeschieden ist zudem das Kinderprinzenpaar Nizam I. und Cindy I., die im bürgerlichen Leben Nizam Yenal und Cindy-Cinderella Neumann heißen. Ein neues Kinderprinzenpaar konnte dieses Mal leider nicht gefunden werden. Das Stadtoberhaupt bedankte sich bei den scheidenden Tollitäten für den Einsatz und wünschte dem designiertem Prinzenpaar eine schöne Session. Offiziell inthronisiert werden Manuel I. und Melanie I. am Samstag, 11. November, bei der Prinzenproklamation. Bildzeile: Karnevalistische Stimmung gab es im Rathaus bereits am Donnerstag, 9. November. (Foto: pst) Read the full article
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Karneval der Kulturen 2023 by Pascal Volk Via Flickr: Narrenzunft
#Berlin#Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg#Carnival of Cultures#Europe#Germany#Gneisenaustraße#Karnavalo de la Kulturoj#Karneval der Kulturen#Kreuzberg#Street Photography#People#Menschen#Leute#Spring#Frühling#Primavera#Canon EOS R3#Canon RF 70-200mm F2.8L IS USM#200mm#DxO PhotoLab#flickr
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WeeklyPic - Wochenbild 08/2023

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#Adobe#Astoria#Bismarcker Funken#Canon#Erler Funken#feuerwehr#Gelsenkirchen#Jugendfeuerwehr#Karneval#KC Grün-Weiß Resse#KG Astoria#Kinderprinz#Kinderumzug#Lightroom#Narrenzunft#tamron#Tanzexpress#weeklypic
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I love the Faschingsumzüge (eng.: carnival parades) that I visited with my family when I was younger, so I put Dream, Bad and Sapnap in Narrenhäs from three different groups where I thought the costumes fit them (minus the masks).
A bit more info on each under the cut + link to a reference pic for the real Narrenhäs. Thank you, @suenitos for the event <3
Bad's costume references the Pauliner Kuckuck (eng.: pauline cuckoo). Each costume has 7 birds painted on it. For Bad i picked a common barn owl, a great grey owl and an unspecific eagle owl.
Dream's is a Hopfennarr (eng.: hops jester), specifically from an older design (ca. 2018 that i luckily found references to via a video of a parade).
Sapnap is a red Hafennarr (eng.: harbour jester).
The marching groups usually had a word/phrase they'd call out with the audience responding back. Pauliner Kuckuck and Hafennarr as part of the Narrenzunft Seegockel Friedrichshafen have "Gockelores" as their call and "Kikeriki" as the response. Hopfennarren as part of the Narrenzunft Tettnang have "Mantfort" as call and "Jehu" as response.
#dteamworldwide collab#dreamwastaken#dream fanart#dreamwastaken fanart#badboyhalo#badboyhalo fanart#sapnap#sapnap fanart#couldnt find an outfit that i thought fit gogy so i added Bad instead#inkphantom.art
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Närrischer Nachtrag: Neuenburger Zunftabend

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#Fasnacht#Fotografie#Markgräflerland#Narren#Narrenzunft#Neuenburg#Neuenburg am Rhein#Rhiischnooge#Stadthaus#Zunftabend
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#fasnet #fasnet2023 #party #partyoutfit #brauchtum #brauchtumspflege #schwäbischalemannischefasnet #nzrohrdorf #narrenzunft #eierknacker (hier: Blickfang Druck & Design) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnkbssfDSEu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#fasnet #narrinarro #narrenzunft #rottweiler #rottwei (hier: Seedorf, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B84F3D_ikNz/?igshid=qhe0uz96ikcr
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