#narcisse fanfiction
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Darken Rahl or Stephane Narcisse?
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thesilverlady · 8 months ago
saw a post about Ryan Condal's take on Aegon's relationship with his son and I want to vent because I really don't think the man has even bothered re-watching s1 to recall what he made.
This is the thing that Viserys never did for Aegon. And Aegon did not study at the feet of his father. His father had his male heir and then essentially said, “Well, that box is ticked,” he was ill. I think he enjoyed having a son but didn’t put in the work the way he did with Rhaenyra when he was a younger man. And I think Aegon resents that and feels that part of the reason that he’s not seen as being suited for the crown or the throne is because he didn’t get that training from his father. So now he’s going to make up for that tenfold with Jaehaerys.
Let's start with Viserys' parenting, shall we?
"Viserys never did for Aegon"
In ep2 we saw a then healthy Viserys parading baby Aegon with pride and joy. It has been the only "good" scene we had between them because it's also the only time we see Aegon as a child. It's safe to assume that he continued to dote on his son during his toddler years and only stopped when Viserys became too sick or when Aegon started developing a personality.
Viserys had no reason to bring Aegon to council meetings, had no reason to groom Aegon as heir because he wasn't. That's the entire point. We also never saw him putting any work on Rhaenyra besides her serving as a cupbearer in ep2.
"He enjoyed having a son but didn’t put in the work the way he did with Rhaenyra."
What kinda of work did he put exactly with Rhaenyra? Rhaenyra already felt inadequate in the first episode because her father desperately wanted a son, when he murdered his wife and his newborn died, he named her heir. In ep2 when Rhaenyra makes a suggestion about how to handle the situation with Daemon Viserys dismisses her and it's Corlys who supports and backs her up.
In ep3 when celebrating Aegon's birthday, it's established Rhaenyra has been once more isolated at court. Viserys never cared about the gap he created between her and alicent when he decided to take his daughter's friend for a bride and unlike Alicent, he didn't even reach out when she was lonely.
In fact, in the same episode we see he's in a hurry to marry Rhaenyra off and he publically berates, scolds and humiliates her in front of people at court. In private, he still doesn't understand her nor does he try to.
The only time viserys was "good" to Rhaenyra was a) in driftmark during the fight between the kids and b) when he spoke in favor for her against Vaemond.
And those scenes aren't even in character for show Viserys if we're gonna be honest. They only happen because they must. The plot couldn't move forward otherwise.
"He [....] didn’t put in the work the way he did with Rhaenyra [...] And I think Aegon resents that."
Except he doesn't.
Aegon doesn't resent that because the show has never established any feelings of rivalry or jealousy between Aegon & Rhaenyra and that's because we didn't have a single scene between the two.
In ep6, a very sick Viserys is seen watching fondly both Aemond & Aegon training with Jacaerys & Lucerys.
It's conveniently forgotten that in the context Viserys enjoys watching all boys together. And he takes their "fighting" as something boyish and playful. He visibly gets upset when Harwin and Criston throw punches at one another.
The only time Viserys is shown to be taking a side between his children is in the Driftmark episode when Aemond loses his eyes. And while in that context he's protecting his grandsons and to an extention Rhaenyra herself. There are more reasons to feel disdain towards Viserys; like how he particularly talks to alicent in that episode, how he's rough with Aegon himself etc. Viserys is incapable of handling the situation. Even when his daughter who is also his heir gets injured, his solution is for everyone to go to bed and for tomorrow to depart.
It makes sense that Aegon would become resentful of Viserys as he grew older but that resentment has to do more about how his father treated his side of the family rather than how he treated Rhaenyra (who he has history of treating like garbage as well btw)
"So now he’s going to make up for that tenfold with Jaehaerys."
Y'know... I gotta love how people rant about the show making both sides neutral in order to 'show depth' and then you get their interviews and you see that depth is merely fans headcanoning.
Let me explain. At first glance Aegon looks nice with Jaehaerys. it's the first time we (viewers) see the kid and it's the first time we see Aegon fully happy. it's nice. Out of context.
Now let's take the context, a joyful Aegon walks into the chamber, he asks where his son is, he goes to check the blond one that sits few feet apart from her mother because Aegon can't tell the twins apart. He quickly realizes that's his daughter so he asks again. Helaena informs him their son is at their library, doing his custom and gently reminds him Jaehaerys shouldn't be disturbed. Aegon ignores that. He tells her the reason he wants him is because he wants to take him in the council meeting and "start his training", Helaena poses a question; what if Jaehaerys doesn't even want to be king - like Aegon himself hadn't wanted to - Aegon acts as if he didn't hear and he still seeks the boy out, forcing his son to attend the meeting upon finding him.
In the council meeting, Aegon's attention is mostly on Jaehaerys who seems to be annoying Tyland. Aegon encourages that behavior and seems to take joy from it. To the point where he (rather stupidity) almost humiliates Lord Lannister by making him act as a pony for his son to ride.
This is not Aegon being affectionate to Jaehaerys. This is Aegon acting the way he probably wished Viserys had acted with him; encouraging of his rebellious/misbehaving attitude, dismissing his council and putting down important people in favor of his son.
He's not breaking the circle of neglect; he continued it in a similiar pattern. Jaehaerys is incredibly young and easy to entertain. The exactly way baby Aegon was in ep2. Aegon already ignored the possibility his heir might not be interested in his so called duties in the exact way his own mother had ignored and kept pressuring him to take a role she was molding him for.
So, similiar to Viserys, Aegon might have adopted a different attitude with his son as soon as he'd develop a persona of his own. The seeds were already there.
Saying that Aegon was simply trying to be a good dad because Viserys was shit and he was only good to Rhaenyra and Aegon felt jealous of that ignores every single time of Viserys was a walking human garbage to everyone.
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bachiras-toaster · 1 year ago
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teaching ranpo a lesson : ̗̀➛
RANPO EDOGAWA x f!reader
contents. nsfw dubcon, dom! reader, submissive!ranpo, tit sucking, bratty!ranpo, dry humping, panty fucking, ranpo tastes his own cum, pet names (reader calls ranpo “good boy” and “sweetheart”), reader jerks ranpo off, he eats reader out, praise
wc. 6.2k
a/n. okay but i wish tumblr didn’t remove my italics whenever i paste my fanfictions from another tab?? when is tumblr gonna start showing me the word count so i don’t have to write on other apps? so, just imagine the italics are there.
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"Come in!" Ranpo called out when he heard a knocking on his door, and a pleasant surprise came his way when he discovered that it was you peeping your head through the entrance. "Oh, what a nice surprise!"
You shot him a cold glare before making your way into his room, slamming a pile of documents onto his messy table. You disliked Ranpo, so you didn't want to attempt making conversation, but he seemed eager to chat. Ranpo couldn't help but notice the chill in the air, but he brushed it off- as he always did, his eyes glinting with curiosity as he leaned over the table, examining the documents you'd brought.
"This is it?"
"Yep. All twenty cases that Kunikida has assigned to you." You muttered, crossing your arms as you watched him lean against his desk. "You have half an hour to solve them all before we get to close the cases."
"Half an hour, you say?" Ranpo chuckled softly, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Very well then, let's see what we've got here." He began flipping through the papers, his mind already racing with potential theories and connections.
Watching as he eagerly dove into his responsibility, you turned to leave him to his work. However, before you could even face the door, he grabbed you by the wrist, a little dissapointed that you thought to go so soon.
"You're leaving already?" He frowned, pulling you back. "I was hoping you'd get to see my genius mind at work as I solve all of these mysteries."
"I don't have time to watch you solve these cases, Edogawa. And you know I'd much rather do anything else than stay anyway." You rolled your eyes, scoffing as you snatched your hand away. He scrunched his nose a little, irritated how you'd insist on calling him Edogawa instead of Ranpo.
"Still calling me Edogawa, huh? After we've known each other for so long." He pouted slightly, but his eyes twinkled with amusement. "Well, maybe I should try something else to catch your attention."
"Try all you want. I'm leaving." You let out a displeased snort.
"Alright, let me give this a shot." He interrupted your path towards the door, still holding your gaze. "I'll admit, you're one tough nut to crack... What exactly is it that you don't like about spending time with me?"
You arched a brow. "The master detective asking me a question?" You shrivelled your nose. "Now, I can't tell if that's rhetorical."
"It's not." He grinned, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "So, tell me, what's the matter with me?"
"God, you really are a piece of fucking work." You finally turned back to face him fully, pinching thr bridge of your nose as you prepared yourself for the rant of a lifetime- since he had been so kind as to ask you himself.
"Okay, first of all: You're a narcissist. You think the entire world revolves around you and that your ability is the best. You're lazy and irritating, you leach off of other people, and you refuse to do any work that doesn't interest you. And not only that, but you get kind people like Atsushi and Kenji to go out and run errands for you because you know they're too nice to say no."
His eyes widened at first, but his lips curved in amusement before he shrugged.
"Well, I'll admit to a little bit of narcissism. And maybe a touch of laziness. But I like to say that these kinds of things are what make me me!" He boasted, completely unaffected by your remarks.
Your eye twitched at his unfazement. "It's clear that nobody's ever taught you a lesson up until now, Edogawa. I would've thought that the boss would shape you up to be a decent person, but you're still the same, old egotist."
"Well, I'm sorry if I don't fit into your idea of a 'decent person.' But maybe there's something about me that you haven't quite figured out yet." He leaned closer, his voice lowering. "I don't need to be taught any lessons."
You saw how he attempted to take control of the situation, but you just lifted yourself up and walked over to him, backing him up slightly as you let out through gritted teeth:
"If it were up to me, I wouldn't let you walk around all high and mighty like the boss does" You had leaned so close to him that you were backing him into his bed.
"Oh really?" He challenged, his eyes glinting with mischief. "And what exactly would you do to make me stop, hmm? Torture me? The boss would have you kicked out in no time."
"You see, unlike you, I'm reliant on my strength outside of my ability." You pressed your palm against his chest and pushed him down onto his bed so you stood above him, your eyes glaring down at him. "And even if I wasn't, I wouldn't have the lip to talk back to people stronger than me."
"You're not stronger than me. You might have some physical strength, but your mind is weak. It's obvious that you've never encountered anyone like me before."
"Oh, I've encountered hundreds of narcissists like you in the past. The only issue with you is that I work with you." You flicked the button of his hoodie so it would fall off, leaving him in his button-up, tie, and vest. You pulled on his tie and leaned down so that his face was forced inches from yours. "What's a strong mind if you can't comprehend simple shit like shutting the fuck up?"
"I'm the one who decides what to shut up about." Ranpo grinned, his face inches from yours. His voice betrayed an unexpected level of arousal beneath his bravado. "And I'll never shut up, if that goes against what you want from me."
You loosened your grip around the end of his tie so your finger could hook around the top of it instead, pulling the tie off him.
"You're a brat, you know that?" You lifted your knee up to the side of his bed so that you started to straddle him- An action that caught Ranpo completely off guard because of how completely out-of-character it seemed for you to do, considering your rocky history with the cocky detective. His face flushed red as he glanced up at you, his pupils dilated and his jaw hung open just a little.
"What are you doing—?"
"It's obvious that no one's taught you how to behave before, and since everyone at the agency seems reluctant to, I guess I could fill that role." You glared down at him from the seat on his lap. "You're going to listen to me, and I'm going to turn you into a humble, hardworking, and kind detective."
"You're lying if you think that's possible," Ranpo snorted with a grin, his face flushed with excitement beneath your aggressive stare. Despite his protests, he couldn't help but be intrigued by the fact that you were actually willing to do something like this to the person you hated most.
"It is possible, Edogawa." You hummed. "And I know I can't hurt you physically, so I can torture you in some other ways." Your hands moved down to unzip the fly of his pants.
"Other ways?" Ranpo groaned, his face flushed red as he felt you unzip his pants and touch him through his underwear. "You... you're not actually planning to—?"
"Sh." You ordered. "If you want to ask me any questions, you need to say my name first. And be polite." You fished his erection out of his pants, which only grew harder by the second.
Ranpo's eyes widened, his heart racing in anticipation and fear, but he kept a fidgety smirk on his lips as he attempted to keep his composure.
"Oh, I have no questions. Just enjoying the show."
"Still quite the brat." You commented as you began to stroke the length of his cock, slowly sending shivers through his nervous system.
"Hah... well, aren't you just confident?" Ranpo teased, his breath hitching as he arched into your touch, his cock twitching eagerly. "If you wanted me this badly, you could've just asked. My door is always open."
Suddenly, your movements slowed down immensely, and your thumb swept over the tip of his cock, which caused a jolt. You glared at him with a deadpan stare, but kept stroking at a rate that was starting to get irritatingly slow. Ranpo couldn't help but growl in frustration as you teased him mercilessly, his hands clenching into fists beneath you, his breath hitching uncontrollably.
"Damn, stop it..."
"Stop what?" You asked innocently, swiping the collection of precum that emerged from his slit down to the base of his shaft, making it easier for you to stroke.
"God—" Ranpo's voice cracked as you swiped the precum, his body jerking slightly from the unexpected sensation. "You're not making this easy..."
"I wasn't planning to." You said coldly, leaning down to gather saliva in your mouth before spitting down at his cock to lubricate it more for your hands.
"Fuck..." Ranpo hissed out, his hips jerking upwards involuntarily into your hand, seeking more contact even as he tried to maintain his dominance. "Come on, let's stop playing games now. Stop teasing me..."
"Not with that attitude." You huffed, starting to speed up more at a steadier pace now.
"You... you have no idea what you're doing to me..."
"Oh, I feel like I know exactly what I'm doing... Does it feel good, Edogawa?" You asked in a babyish tone, like some sort of mockery. To that, his face contorted, a mix of humiliation and intense arousal. "Aww, what? Does little Edogawa like being the dominant one?"
"No— I mean... damn it, stop teasing me, already..." Ranpo groaned, his body trembling with the effort to maintain his composure as you teased him relentlessly.
"You're gonna have to ask a lot nicer than that if you want something. Have you no manners?" You went to grab him by the base of his chin by your left hand as your right hand slowly moved up and down his length again.
Ranpo gritted his teeth, his breath coming in quick, ragged moments through his nostrils.
"Stop teasing me... Please." He added, as if he were a a bratty toddler being asked to do something he really didn't want to do.
"That was a good start." You nodded approvingly. "Unfortunately, you can't undo bad manners with one good deed. I'm going to train politeness into your brain by fucking you until you can't take it."
"Don't be stupid. You can't train politeness" He spat back, a mix of fear and excitement coursing through him as you spoke; his hips arched up slightly, offering himself to you once more.
"Me? Stupid? But I can. Look at how you're arching for me right now." Your left hand began to travel down from his neck down to his shirt and vest so you could undo the buttons.
"Stop the attempts now... you're not getting me to submit like this." His heart raced as your hand continued to undo his clothes, revealing more skin.
"What do you mean? It's working." You hummed as you carelessly tossed his vest to the side, leaving him just in his unbuttoned shirt, which revealed his chest that panted uncontrollably.
"I'm not gonna give in so eas—ily." He gulped between his word as the pleasure hit him suddenly. His cock twitched in your hand, leaking pre-cum in anticipation.
"You will. And once we're done, I'm going to be the only member of the detective agency you'll listen to completely. You'll bend over backwards for me and you'll have the upmost respect for me." You stated as a matter of factly. "As for everyone else: You're going to treat them all with the respect and kindness they deserve and you're going to pick up your weight at the Detective Agency."
He seemed amused at your assertiveness, but his heart pounded relentlessly. "No one can control me like that. You're being dumb." He wanted desperately to pull away and give himself a moment to reassert his dominance to take control, but his body betrayed him, responding to your touch and words.
"You will." You pushed him back so his back laid completely on his bed, with you still sat comfortable on his lap. "And we'll start with tabletop manners. If you want something, you say 'please'. When you get it, you say 'thank you'."
"How do you expect me to apply that here?" Ranpo murmured, feeling both humiliated and aroused by your dominance, his body trembled slightly as fet your weight on his thighs.
"Easy. Like this:" You retracted your hand again, leaving him without touch for a moment. Once you had pulled your hand away, he felt a shaky breath leave his lips- Which was much less embarrassing than the whine he had suppressed. "You want me to continue?" You questioned coyly.
The man's jaw just ticked, and he looked back at you with the most unimpressed stare of the century. "Obviously..."
"Ah, ah, ah." You immediately tutted, shaking your head. "That's not what I just taught you. Try again."
You could see Ranpo'a eye twitch at your command, which made it all the more amusing for you when he finally let out a large sigh.
"Yes..." He whispered, hating himself for it but unable to resist. "...Please."
"Loud and clear. I didn't quite get that."
He felt like he was close to giving in, his cock throbbing in anticipation of your touch.
"Yes, I would like you to continue please." He said, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Good boy." You teased with a delicate smirk, but one that could barely be seen through your glare.
Upon hearing such a sentence, Ranpo's eyes immediately widened at your praise, and his cock throbbed even more before you even touched it again. He squirmed a bit, his body aching for you to touch him. He knew he was being pathetic, but he couldn't help it. He was hopelessly obsessed with you. His face blushed brightly when you had praised him like that, and it was like such a reward was enough for him.
"I'm no genius like you, but I can understand you love being praised." You hummed sweetly with a stone-cold expression as your hand met his cock again to stroke. "I'm no monster, so I'll praise you when you do something good. That's our deal."
Ranpo gasped softly, his eyes rolling back into his head as your touch sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't believe how much he craved this from you, even though he knew it was wrong. His mind was a mess of desire and submission.
"When you do something wrong, you apologise and say that it won't happen again." You continued reciting the rules.
Ranpo nodded slowly, his eyes still rolling back into his head. "I...I understand." He said, knowing that he was giving in to you entirely. His heart ached as he realized how much he wanted to be owned by you, his hands needing grasped onto your thighs as he yearned to touch you. However, when you felt him on your thighs, you paused again, making him whimper at the lack of sensation.
"I don't remember recall saying that you could touch me. And I also don't remember you asking."
His face turned red.
"S-sorry...I just...I can't help it...I needed to—" He sounded desperate and filthy, his need for you was becoming more and more obvious as time went on. He cleared his throat. "...I'm sorry. It won't happen again." His hands retreated.
"What did I say you should do when you want something?" You queried. Ranpo swallowed hard, his heart racing
"A-Ask...I'm supposed to ask." He trembled, his mind a jumbled mess of desire and submission. He wanted you to take control again, but he also knew that he shouldn't give in to these urges.
"Good. So ask nicely." You offered. You realised how easy it was to get him to listen when your hands were around his cock.
"P-please...can I touch you?" He asked, his voice trembling.
"Touch me where?" Your brown arched.
"Your thighs... Please." He was practically begging now, his submissive side completely exposed.
"Of course. I can even take my tights off if that would make it nicer for you. Do you want that?" Your unoccupied hand went to stroke his chin, his eyes filled with need and desire.
"Y-yes, please...I want you to take your tights off."
You leaned your palms against the bed and hovered over him for a moment so you could pull your tights off your legs. He bit his lower lip nervously, his heart racing in anticipation as he made eye contact with you above him. Having your chest so close to his causes Ranpo's eyes to widen, but he knew that this was all for a greater cause, so he didn't dare to move. Once your tights were discarded of to leave your thighs bare, you sat back on his lap.
"There. Now what do you say?"
Ranpo looked up at you, his eyes glued to your thighs, which were now bare and exposed. His breathing was ragged, and his heart was racing. He could feel himself getting harder, aching for you.
"...Thank you..."
"Well done." You felt Ranpo began to knead at the softness of your skin at the same time you stroked him.
He moaned softly into the touch, his hands moving up and down your thighs, feeling the warmth and softness of your skin beneath his fingertips.
"M-more... I need more." He panted, his voice filled with desire and submission.
"Need more what?"
"More... of this." He said between gasps, his hands moving higher up on your thighs, brushing against the sensitive skin just below your waistline. "I want to touch more of you... Please."
"Like what, Edogawa?" You seemed bored with his lack of clarification.
Ranpo swallowed hard, his heart pounding in anticipation. His gaze flickered down to your hand, still stroking him gently.
"Your... chest." He croaked, his voice barely audible above the sound of his heavy breathing.
"My chest?" Your eyebrows raised a little, amused by his plea. "But do you deserve it?"
"I..." He cleared his throat, his body shivering slightly from the anticipation and excitement. His eyes filled with determination and submission.
"Do you think you deserve my chest?" You asked him directly now, watching as he trembled.
"Yes, I do. Please... I need you. I crave it. Please—" He begged.
"You don't need it. You want it." You corrected him.
"I... Yes, I want it. Please, give me what I want." He groaned, his body arching towards you, seeking out the connection he desired so desperately.
Your lips teased into a smile. "How about this: We do a little exercise to show appreciation to all of your coworkers. If you can say one nice thing about all of them, I'll let you hold my tits."
"A-alright..." He gulped, knowing that this would be difficult for him, as he wasn't the most expressive person when it came to compliments. But the challenge seemed fair- for the reward, anyway. "Umm... I guess Junichiro has a cool ability..."
"Ah- Stop there." You shook your head. "You need to sound more confident about your compliments. None of that 'I guess' shit."
"Y-yes, sorry." He swallowed thickly, trying to find the right words. "...Junichiro's ability is really unique and serves as a perfect defence for our team..." He let out a long, shaky sigh as he could still feel your hands wrapped around his dick. "A-And Dazai's intellect is incredible... It's almost matches mine." The final comment made your movements stop, which caused him to wince.
"No snarky comments either."
"S-sorry... I couldn't help it. I just want to hold you—"
"Not until you give all of your coworkers compliments. Say them. Now." You demanded.
"—'M sorry...! Uh..." He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to think of something nice to say about each person. You listened as he continued to spew out more words of kindness, growing more whiny and helpless as he went on.
"...And Kunikida is great at handling the more technical aspects of investigations. He helps keep the whole team on track and ensures we don't miss anything. I really appreciate his contributions..." He could feel himself growing increasingly desperate as he spoke.
"Well done! Now was that so hard?" Your lips pulled into a kind smile as your palm ran down his cheek, which was flushed with a glowing pink colour.
His cheeks felt hot as he let out a shaky breath, feeling oddly relieved. "T-th-thank you... I-It's wasn't so hard..." he stammered, his heart racing as he anticipated what would happen next.
"Now. I'll hold my end of the bargain. Sit up." You pulled him over so you could read the other end of the bed. You rested your back against his pillows, allowing him to settle himself between your legs. "If you want to get a taste of my tits, you'll need to take off my shirt yourself."
His face was flushed and his hands were shaking, but he leaned over and gently pulled the hem of your shirt up over your chest, exposing your breasts to him. With a simple flick, he had unclasped your bra and discarded it carefully to the side as to not cast it too far away. His breathing was quick and shallow as he stared down at your bare chest, his hands trembling as he tentatively reached out towards your right tit, hesitating. He paused, not sure if he should go further. 
"M-May I touch?"
"You may."
With a mix of excitement and nervousness, he gently cupped your breast, his fingers trembling against your warm skin as his thumb swept over your nipple, his fingers exploring every inch of your soft skin. His eyes were locked onto the fat of your chest, and your eyes darkened at how eager he stared at your chest- the wat he fondles your breasts while licking his lips.
"M-May I taste now, please?" he asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
"You may."
With a small moan of delight, Ranpo finally gave in to his desires and lowered his head towards your chest. His warm breath fanned across your sensitive nipple as he took it between his lips, sucking softly at first before beginning to tease it with his tongue. The way he dragged his tongue across you made it seem like he was trying to make out with your breast- He was so desperate to have it in his mouth. The delicate touch of his tongue sent butterflies through your stomach, and the small moaning noises emanating from his throat only served to heighten the intense sexual tension in the air.
As he leaned in closer, you could feel how his cock pressed between your thighs and up against your clothed cunt. As he sucked on your tit, he was pushing his tip up aright against you- Almost involuntarily, like he didn't even realise. Feeling the warmth and wetness that spread across his tongue, Ranpo couldn't help but become more assertive. His hands roamed up your body, seeking out your breasts, pinching and rolling the nipples in time with his mouth's movements. His cock pressed against you even more as he leaned forward.
But you held your hand against Ranpo's chest to push him away, and he whimpered as he lost connection with your nipple.
"Are you getting too excited, Ranpo?" You questioned, gesturing down to his leaking cock. "It seems like you're pressing up against me way too much."
His eyes flickered up to meet yours, filled with a mix of desire and defiance. He swallowed hard, his cock twitching against your thigh as he pulled back slightly, but not entirely.
"I... I can't help it.” He said softly, in an almost apologetic tone.
"It's like you're using getting to taste me as an excuse to get yourself off down there too." You let out a deep breath. "I told you, if you want something, you need to ask."
Ranpo felt a blush spread across his cheeks and neck as you called him out, his heart racing as he stared down at his erection. His cock throbbed again, as if eager to fill the void between them.
"I... I want to be inside you, please…”
"Well, after that, I don't think you deserve it." You huffed, to which Ranpo's eyes widened in shock and disappointment; there was still an undeniable spark of determination within them.
"Please! Please, don't do this..."
"How about another exercise then?" You suggested, causing his eyes to light up at the opportunity.
"Yes, another exercise...!" Ranpo breathed out in relief, his mind already racing with potential scenarios. He could feel himself growing even harder against his will. "What would you like me to do?"
"I want you to tell me how smart Dazai is... Without complimenting yourself in the process." You offered, watching how his eye twitched.
He bit his lip, thinking for a moment. There was no way he could take the opportunity to praise someone he knew he was smarter than, but he had to find a way to prove his independence.
"Dazai is... extremely intelligent.”
"Is that it?" You scoffed
"I don't know what the stakes are! I don’t know what I'm getting in return..." He grumbled.
"Good boys don’t ask for something in return. But, if you can compliment Dazai. I'll let you dry hump me and fuck my panties. That's all you get." You offered, but that still seemed enough to satiate his neediness. He seemed to hesitate at first, frustrated at his inability to resist praising Dazai but determined to find a way out.
"He is incredibly intelligent and... cunning." He added, knowing that even with his compliment, it would still be clear who was smarter.
"You can be nicer than that." You told him with another shrivel of your nose.
Feeling the heat between you two intensify, Ranpo let out a small groan of desire. He took a deep breath and tried to ignore the intense throbbing he felt between his own legs. Contrary to popular belief, it probably would kill him to compliment someone else- but the reward was too sweet for him to care.
"Dazai is... Incredibly intelligent- An underrated source of intellect for the team. He may not show it often, but his strategic thinking is one that has saved our asses on numerous occasions.” He said it all with a grumble, not even looking you in the eye- But you were satisfied, nevertheless.
"Well said." You smirked. "Okay. Now you can take off everything you need, except for my panties."
With a mix of excitement and nervousness, Ranpo began to undress you, pulling your skirt off. He crawled further towards you, his eyes fixated on your panties as he reached out to touch them, his tongue wetting his lips as he realised his great achievement..
He steadily pressed his tip against your panties, the precum already leaving a wet patch on the cloth. He couldn't stand that the fact that he couldn't feel your pussy instead, but the panties would have to do. So, with a soft moan, Ranpo began to grind against your underwear, his cock begging for more as he felt your wetness against him, all while his other hand slid up your leg to trace soft circles around your inner thigh. He let out a low moan of pleasure as his hips moved back and forth against your panties with more force, feeling the head of his cock rub against your fabric, on the edge of what he desperately craved.
"F-Fuck..!" He almost instinctively whimpered out. Even you couldn't help but let out soft whines as Ranpo's tip just about bumped your clit through your panties- An action which only caused Ranpo more motivation. Feeling the warmth emanating from your body, Ranpo's determination only intensified. His hand gripped your thigh tighter, digging into your soft skin as he continued his relentless assault on your pant-clad sex.
"Does that feel good, huh?" You asked, panting heavily.
Heaving as he continued to pleasure himself through your panties, Ranpo nodded whilst gnawing on his bottom lip, his eyes narrowed down at the space below between you in concentration.
"I... I can't take it anymore... let me..." He pleaded, pushing against your panties with his cock. "Please-"
"Please what?" You glared at him, narrowing your eyes at his desperately blushing face, which had beads of sweat dripping down his cheeks.
He groaned in frustration, his cock poking at your panties as he panted heavily.
"Please let me have you... I need... I need... Ngh~!" Ranpo stammered swiftly. "Oh, god- Please! I'll do anything—"'
You seemed amused by his begging, all while he was still thrusting his cock against your panties.
"You ‘need me'? What do you mean by that?"
"I... I need you, okay? —Fuck! I want you!" He confessed- backtracking when he heard his own mistake, hips moving faster and harder as he pleaded for release. "I just... can't handle this anymore..."
"You want to cum, is that it?" She chuckled, brushing her finger against his chin.
"Yes, yes, please... I can't hold it much longer..." He whimpered as he continued to grind against your panties, his hips pistoning up and down in desperate need.
“God, please, let me cum… I don’t even care what I have to do this time…”
"My, my, aren't you desperate." You cackled at him, teeth sinking into your lip as you attempted to suppress your own moans at the tension. He hadn’t been bumping at your clit so much anymore, rather sloppily thrusted against your clothed hole instead, but the warmth in the action was enough to cause you to sweat.
"You cum when I say it's okay for you to cum."
Ranpo cried out, his eyes closed as he moved faster, tears threatening to fall from his lids as his hips slammed against your panties, need coiling inside him.
"Fuck, it's too much... I can't—"
"If I let you cum, will you be a good boy tomorrow at the agency?" You asked him simply, seeing how messed up and blushy his face became. "You're gonna be nice to your coworkers and you're not going to be lazy?"
Ranpo panted heavily, his eyes glossed over in lust as he nodded hurriedly.
“Yes, yes of course... just... just let me cum... please..." He pleaded.
"What did I say about speaking more clearly?" You demanded. He inhaled sharply with another thick swallow, gyrating his hips as he pleaded for you.
“I'll be a good boy tomorrow! No more laziness, I'll be so good! Please— I’ll be on my best behaviour, just for you— Fuck!”
You smirked.
"…Okay, you can cum then." You hummed, seeing how his tired eyes lit up with the permission.
With a loud, shuddering whine, Ranpo finally reaches his peak, his fingers digging into your thighs as he found release. With a shaky arch of his own back, his seed spurted between your legs, painting your panties with his essence.
"God, you're so messy." You sighed.
"I'm sorry... I can't help it... you're just too..." He gulped, his eyes roll back, revealing his submission even in his post-orgasmic state.
"Well, since I was so nice and let you cum." You grabbed a fistful of his hair and forced his head down a little so he was forced to look up into your eyes. "It's your turn to make me cum."
Ranpo couldn’t help but blush at your touch when your hand grabbed a bunch of is hairs, his body still trembling from the aftershocks of his orgasm- but finding a new source of pleasure all the same. He whimpered softly, unable to meet your gaze as he was so fixated on your panties and how his own seed coated the fabric.
"C-Can I..?"
"I expect you to." You said darkly. "Eat up. And get a taste of your own mess before you do.”
He was reluctant, but did as you commander him to, tentatively reaching out to lick at your panties, his face flushed with embarrassment and submission. As he tastes his own seed, his face contorted a little at the taste, but his body tingled with pleasure, an unavoidable moan escaping him.
As his tongue dragged across the cloth of your underwear, he latched his teeth onto the edge of your panties, pulling them down slowly. When he had torn them down completely, it revealed your swollen, wet folds to his greedy gaze. The man looked up at you guiltily, his face burning red as his cock twitches in anticipation, leaking more pre-cum as he sees your panties still clinging to your thighs.
"Don't be shy now." You said, assisting him to fully remove your panties as you kicked them off to the side to reveal your glistening cunt. "I thought you wanted to taste me."
He nodded silently, leaning forward to taste you properly. He took a large strip between your legs using his tongue, tasting your sweet nectar as he starts to lap at your folds, his mouth exploring every inch of your wetness.
"That's it..." You shuddered as you felt his tongue inside you, finally feeling your own sense of pleasure. Ranpo’s heart raced with excitement when he sensed your enjoyment and he continued his assault on your sensitive flesh, pushing his face deeper into your folds, seeking to please you even more.
"F-Fuck... God, you use your tongue so well." You chuckle softly through your gentle moans. "See what happens when you use that mouth for better things rather than pissing people off?"
He hummed in agreement, his tongue continuing to wedge itself between your folds. With a groan, he licked harder, drawing your walls upwards, seeking to reach your throbbing center.
"You're gonna eat me out until I cum, aren't you sweetheart?" You grin, hands finding his way to his hair to run your fingers through the strands before stopping to grab a handful of it again.
"Mhm..." He moaned, his fingers twitching with desire. His tongue darted out, swirling around your clit, making you shudder as he brought you closer and closer to the edge. You had treated him so well that night, and he fully intended to return the favour.
The next day at the agency, Ranpo kept his side of the promise. For the first time— Possibly ever, Ranpo wasn't glued to his office desk anymore shoving treats down his mouth, instead, he was walking around and offering his assistance to anybody who looked like they needed it. It amused you to see him frantically searching for work to do while you were working on your own thing at your desk, pretending not to see his efforts, but you were glad that your intimate act with him didn’t go to waste.
"Would you look at that! I've never seen Ranpo so diligent!" Dazai commented to Kunikida, who was as equally surprised by the sight of the rare happening.
During the mesmerising scene, Kenji had happened to pass by Ranpo, which made him feel like he had been granted a glorious opportunity by the gods above. His eyes lighting up, the taller, brunette stopped Kenji in his tracks- Whom of which had been two boxes of files, tapping him on his shoulder with an awkward smile.
"Hey, Kenji, do you need help carrying that?" Ranpo queried with a hopeful gaze, to which Kenji stared blankly, blinking a few times.
"...It's a little heavy." He said softly with gentle beamed smile, trying not to offend him.
"Don't worry about it!" Ranpo reassured him, holding out his arms. "Where do you need me to take it?"
Upon seeing his eagerness, Kenji's eyes sparkled exponentially and he went to drop the boxes in his grasp.
"To the boss's office!"
Ranpo immediately felt like the weight was going to crush his arms when the heavy boxes had been dropped onto them. He struggled for a moment to hold them up, but eventually found his method to keep himself standing without feeling like his arms were going to break. After the wave of accomplishment had washed over him, he frantically looked over to you to see if you had been watching him with a hopeful smile— Which you had, of course, but your head was tilted down as to not let him know that you had.
"Maybe he's finally learnt that he has responsibilities at this agency." Kunikida suggested, staring as Ranpo uncomfortably waddled out of the office, the boxes threatening to break his fingers.
"I wonder what could've made him suddenly realise that though, considering he had never lifted a finger to help before." Dazai's eyes narrowed.
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redacted-rainbows · 1 year ago
Hey y'all! So I saw this really ~entertaining~ post by @janitorhutcherson the other day and got inspired to write a little drabble based on it. Sorry if this isn't great, this is quite literally my first time ever writing any form of fanfiction much less smut so feel free to give constructive criticism. Hope you guys enjoy this!
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WARNING- 18+, consume this content at your own discretion (smut under the cut)
The original post~ peeta mellark the type of man to stick his hand between your thighs under the table at dinner while having the nerve to force you to make conversation
The plans had been set for days, but you still let out a deep sigh pulling on your favorite black dress and throwing your hair into a loose updo before flopping onto your bed. You and your long term boyfriend Peeta Mellark were scheduled to meet with Haymitch and Katniss for dinner and you were already going to be late. Peeta walks into your shared bedroom, his blonde hair slicked back and muscular frame emphasized by his white button up and half-done bowtie. "Babe, we've gotta be out the door in five minutes or else Katniss might literally shoot me" the older boy says while sitting down onto the bed next to you. "I know, I know, but you're the one whose made us this late already!" you retort, sitting up to run your hands through his gorgeous hair. You laugh as he makes an annoyed face and moves to fix his appearance, so you remind him "Peeta, you look good no matter how your hair is styled, now lemme get that bowtie so we can leave." He gives you a slight eye roll, but can't help but smile when you tug on the pathetic attempt of a knot your boyfriend tied on his neck. "You know if you wanted to choke me, all you had to do was ask" he teases, making your face go slightly red as you look away. "Oh shut up bread boy, in your dreams" was your only response as you gently fix his bowtie and straighten it on his neck. "Do I look perfectly handsome yet?" he jokes, cocky grin on his face, and you sigh. "Sure you do loverboy, just not as gorgeous as I do" you say with a wink.
You arrive at the resturaunt at 7:18, much to the dismay of Peeta who had promised a prompt 7:15 reservation for the quartet. You grab his hand and drag him into the building, where he sheepishly looks around for his companions. "Peeta! Y/N! We're over here!" you hear a familiar rough alto lilt. "Hey Katniss!" Peeta greets shyly as you two walk over to the corner of the restaurant. You feel your boyfriend lean his head into yours and hear him start to whisper "this place has a no bow and arrow policy, right?" You can't help but giggle aloud at his comment. Even though Katniss was a legend with her weapon of choice, you knew she would never hurt anyone unless necessary, even if they are wandering into dinner late. "Where's Haymitch off to this time?" you wonder aloud, glancing around the resturaunt for sight of the older man. Katniss rises from where she is seated to give you a warm embrace while sighing. "He ran off to the bathroom a few minutes ago, but knowing him he could be halfway to the Capitol at this point". Turning to Peeta, she opts for a gentle flick on the nose and an eye roll, "for almost certainly being the reason you're both late". You all get situated into the booth, you and Peeta next to each other and Katniss across, with room for Haymitch whenever he appears again.
You're deep into your second round of drinks, gossiping about Gale's newest act of narcissism when Haymitch stumbles up to the table with a lopsided grin on his face. You're not quite sure, but you think you hear him mutter something about "bread boy and his flower girl" under his breath, and you blush at the nickname. The first time Peeta had introduced you to his loved ones, Haymitch and Katniss included, you had prepared a fresh bouquet from the forest behind your cottage for each of them. While most found the gesture sweet, Haymitch laughed playfully at you and told Peeta he had found a keeper. You snap our of your memories when you hear Peeta ask "Y/N, do you know what you wanna order?". "Oh sorry, I'll just get some fried noodles if that works?" you reply, to which he nods.
"So anyways Y/N, how is your little kitten doing? Last I heard he was tearing up your bedsheets at night with those sharp claws" Katniss remarked. You're about to answer when Haymitch pipes in, "I think the bedsheets were torn by someone else we know", a smug smirk resting on his face. You can feel your face flush as Peeta nearly chokes on his drink next to you, sputtering in shock at his mentor's crass insinuation. After a moment of shocked silence, you reply "oh yeah he's a little troublemaker little Charlie, silly little guy". 'Real smooth, Y/N' you think as you internally groan. "Well then..." Katniss thankfully intervenes, "Buttercup has been a complete menace the last few days and we can't figure out why". You zone out a bit as she explains the older kitty's disasterous ways until you're snapped back to reality by the familiar feel of Peeta's hand on your thigh. This wasn't an uncommon occurances for the two of you; you know how much your boyfriend loves to tease you while you were out together, but doing so in the company of others was completely new. You cast him a questioning glance out of the corner of your eye, still stuck in the world inside your own head. "I just don't see why you let those furry rascals behave like that. They seem more trouble than they're worth" Haymitch grunted. 'Oh right, cats' you remember and quickly start "our little Charlie is just too cute to discipline too much, he should grow out of his kitten curiosity soon enough". From beside you, Peeta responds "I tried to yell at him for getting fur in my dough, but Y/N scolded me instead". All you could think about was his hand dancing up your inner thigh until he's so close to where you need him. 'Is he absolutely insane?!' you ponder as you kick his leg under the table. "Hmm, seems like there might be a little trouble in paradise over there" Haymitch declared, to Katniss' disapproval. "No, I'm sure they're too infatuated with each other to even consider arguing over parenting a cat" she chortles as you force yourself to laugh along.
The only thing on your mind is Peeta. Peeta's strong arms rubbing against your side as you talk. Peeta's smooth voice laughing alongside your own. Peeta's thick fingers sliding the hem of your dress up further and further to gain access to the one place he truly desires. Thankfully, Katniss and Haymitch seem to be unaware of the tension unfolding across the booth from them as they bicker over who knows what. You hear Peeta chime in "Well I guess that makes sense, but wouldn't the Capitol stop that from happening in the first place?". Asshole, how could he be so calm and collected while his fingers are rubbing circles into your upper thigh. "FUCK!". You can't help but yelp in surprise and unexpected pleasure as Peeta's fingers slide under your underwear and slip between your wet folds. Conversation at the table halts as your three companions look at you with concern, but you can see a taunting glimmer in your boyfriend's eyes as he remarks "babe, are you feeling alright?". Katniss quickly chimes in, "I can call Prim if you're ill, her healing abilities are getting better every day.". 'Goddammit Peeta' you think as you try to formulate a coherent response. "Oh no no no no I'm alright, I just got a little cramp in my leg is all, everything is alright now" you reassure the group, making extra care to glare at the blonde boy next to you.
He just hums in response, sliding his fingers up so they rest on your swollen clit. 'Oh what a jackass'. "Anyways, how is Effie doing these days? Haven't seen her in weeks." Peeta asks as he starts making slow circles over your clit. Your breathing quickens. Across from you, Haymitch starts explaining "her mother got ill, she's been staying with her parents while helping her mom recover". You're trying to listen, but your eyes slide shut as Peeta's gentle caresses turn more rough, gaining speed and pressure against your throbbing clit. You let out a sigh as you feel a finger prod at your sensitive entrance, slowly sliding in and exploring it's newfound territory. 'You're alright, Y/N. Breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out. Don't give him the reaction he's looking for and he should stop.'. Another finger enters, curling into your sweet spot. Katniss and Peeta have moved onto grilling Haymitch about just *how* he knows so much about Effie's life as the older man sputters trying to find an excuse. As Peeta's fingers keep moving inside you, you're grateful for the excuse to recluse yourself from the conversation. A few weeks before Effie departed for the Capitol, she had drunkenly confessed to you the extent of she and Haymitch's relationship. She proceeded to swear you to secrecy, a vow you refused to break.
All was going well in the conversation, or as well as it could be with your boyfriend steadily assaulting your core with his rough hand, until Peeta glances at you and asks "well Y/N, since Effie told you you can't say anything from that night how about instead you tell us about when Effie accidentally got high on her birthday flowers you gave her?". "I'm sorry, the time she WHAT?" Katniss gawked at the blonde's outrageous statement before turning to you. "Now this is a story we have to hear" Haymitch pitched in, a confused smile lurking on his lips. "Well babe? You've gotta share now" Peeta smirks, moving his fingers inside you at an increased rate. "W- w- well it was Effie's birthday like Peeta said" you began, all of your focus going into keeping your voice steady as your boyfriend continued his movements, "a- and I couldn't afford a r- real gift for her so I gathered a nice bouquet from the f- forest.". You couldn't find the words you needed, your brain instead resorting to a steady chant of 'Peeta, Peeta, Peeta, Peeta'. You take a deep breath in, more of a gasp, before trying to continue "basically Effie thought they would be edible so she put them on her slice of cake Peeta made her and I found her later in town trying to play catch with a stray cat". You heave a sigh of relief as Katniss and Haymitch start laughing, too enamored by your tale to notice your speedy finish and reddening face. Just as you think you're in the clear, Peeta slides a third finger into your entrance while challenging "yeah, and what happened after that babe?". At this point you can barely breathe, needing an escape from this booth and fast, so you say "sorry I need to go to the restroom" and try to close your thighs to stand up. Peeta, however, has other plans, telling you "you can go in just another minute, you've gotta finish your story for me first" with a wink. You feel his fingers moving in and out of you, curving perfectly into the spot that nearly makes you see stars, as you try to stammer "I got Peeta to h- help a- and the stray cat was C- Charlie who we rescued". "You feel the muscles in your stomach start to contract and you know if Peeta doesn't stop his ministrations right now you're going to cum at the table. Your hand flies down to grab his wrist and he instantly halts his movement, retracting his hand and subtly helping you resituate your garments before you stand and rush to the bathroom. The last thing you hear as you're leaving the booth is the blonde whisper "good girl" into your ear, making you weak in the knees.
'Get yourself together Y/N' you thought as you splashed cool water on your face. You had been so close to your orgasm you could almost taste it, and now you had to calm your mind and body before you return to the group and finish dinner. You took a few more deep breaths and thoroughly readjusted your clothing to hide any lingering evidence of your encounter before stepping back out into the resturaunt and rejoining the table.
In the time it took you to compose yourself and return, food had been served and your three companions had already began to dig into their meals. "Hey, you're back, are you sure you're feeling alright?" Katniss questions, genuine concern shining through her usually flat tone. "Yeah I'm alright, that leg cramp was acting up again so I just needed to stretch it out a little bit" you lie as you sit down to try your noodles. The rest of the meal goes smoothly, and attention is diverted from you when Haymitch finally decides to reveal some details about him and Effie. As the four of you laugh away the evening, you feel like you're at home, surrounded by the people you love most in life. "Well, it was a pleasure getting to see you guys tonight" Peeta sighs standing up and stretching. Your group ended up staying at the resturaunt until all of you are yawning trying to stay awake amidst your chaotic conversing. As all of you stand up and start grabbing your jackets, Haymitch asks "is anybody interested in catching dessert before we all depart? I'm personally stuffed but I guess I'll cover you guys for some cake, my treat". Katniss smiles, but replies "I'm good Haymitch, use that money to buy Effie something nice", then laughs. You catch Peeta's eye with an inquisitive glance, but notice his eyes darken as he turns to you with a smirk. He responds, "Thanks Haymitch, but I think Y/N has dessert covered for me tonight."
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sitepathos · 5 months ago
Hello. I know this might sound dramatic, but I want you to know that you probably save my life tonight.
I was having a really bad day. My family doesn't understand me enough to care, and maybe my issue with my family is the reason why I found comfort in Batfam fics. Today, everything just got worse. My father yelled at me for something he didn't even know, I don't know why he even had the audacity to speak when he doesn't even know the matter, and now I can't speak and yell at his face that he's wrong because I am a child and not a parent, I would be considered "disrespectful" if I wanted to speak what is right and true.
I was really begging any Gods at that point to take me. I was thinking of ways to execute myself tonight. I was planning to starve myself tomorrow and ignore today's dinner. I was planning on searching what's "Metoprolol" is because growing up as a kid, I always think that "concern" is a form of love, and maybe if they saw my dead body tonight, maybe they'll cry because they love me. I know this is bad. I know this is inappropriate to say, but when I tried to atleast make myself feel better and decided to read Batfam fics again, I saw your new chapter of From Gold to Mold and it genuinely makes everything better. I didn't want to read Chapter 3 because I saw the comments that you left it with a cliffhanger, and I hate that, and decided to wait for the next chapter instead. Ever since I saw the new chapter, I actually ate dinner, because atleast I know there's still things in this world that makes me happy. When I saw your new chapter, I asked God, "Is this your way of comforting me?", and I want you to know that your work is a form of blessing for me. I started thanking God at that moment, and told myself that I also want to thank you.
I actually don't read Batman comics, or watch Batman. I never read or watch any DC movies before, but Batfam fics is about a family that I will always desire yet never really grasp. I wish for all Batfam authors to live the life they wanted.
I am very sorry for saying this, and straight up said that I was actually considering doing it. I am very aware that this is inappropriate but I really, really, really want to tell you that you save me. I know saying that a "fanfiction" save my life sounds ridiculous, but that's where I found my comfort in, and I would be willing to be ridicule at if it means showing what genuinely makes me happy. I will always love your works even if it means showing my lack of redamancy for my family, or even hatred if I have to admit. This doesn't mean that you are a start of my rebellion. I am only stating that you are a light in my times of darkness.
Thank you.
Wow, ok, wasn’t expecting my work to have such an impact. Good to know.
First of all, I’m glad you’re enjoying the series! When this idea popped into my head, I wasn’t sure if there would be many who’d actually enjoy it. With people like you, I’m inspired to put all that I have into From Gold to Mold! I hope my future work meets and exceeds all your expectations!
Second of all, I’m so sorry that you’re going through such a rough time in your life right now. Since you were brave to share a part of you for all to see, I’ll share something, too. About five years ago, my mother was a major junkie. With that, plus her narcissism, led her to divorcing my stepdad (who brought me out of my shell and made me a better version of myself) and moved us to my grandmother’s house after my grandfather died after battling lung cancer. Living with her was a nightmare, constantly walking around eggshells for fear of pissing her off, her stealing money from my grandmother, and yelling at everyone. She was always riding my ass to get a job just so she could take money from me. Early 2020, she was finally evicted and it’s just my grandmother and I living together.
She’s actually cleaned herself up and we enjoy a decent relationship.
So, while things look horrible and it may take a while, things do get better. I’m rooting for you.
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overleftdown · 1 year ago
flaming coriolanus snow fanfiction writers for writing the things they are writing as if i’m any more normal than them. sitting in my super secret laboratory, cooking up a detailed character analysis of coryo’s narcissism, planning a detailed timeline of events that would just slightly shift the trajectory of his life in a different direction, DSM-5 open on one tab, psychotherapy techniques on another tab, DV survivor blog on another tab, a study regarding cluster B development on another tab, while eating biscof cookies and kettle popcorn.
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Round 3
Propaganda why Ross Geller is insufferable:
He blames everyone else for everything despite it often being his fault, so he never improves. Not even a little.
He’s Mental Geller
Many many reasons. I haven’t even watched that much of friends and I have a burning hatred of Ross. There is general stuff such as homophobia and misogyny (at one stage he stops his son playing with a Barbie because it’s a “girls toy”) but also other stuff such as anger issues, narcissism and other toxic behaviour. Why he is consider a quirky funny member of the group and not a dangerous guy who needs to be excommunicated is beyond me. I hate ross
Propaganda why Y/N is insufferable:
I WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY THAT. they're always so bland and passive, idk how anyone could pretend to be them in the stories. and on the rare occasion someone does give them a bit of personality ITS JUST AN OC. GIVE THEM A NAME. I'd rather read about a thought out oc than a bland y/n.
They clog up the tumblr tags
They exist and that’s really upsetting
I would not fucking say that
You, the reader, get to join the tournament!
More propaganda for Y/N
Anti propaganda
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Thranduil and Josie Pt. 116- Cruel Intentions
Summary: Narcisse has dinner with Catherine that leaves him quite sick to his stomach. Legolas and Josie share a sweet moment. Garrett receives an unexpected and unwanted visitor. The enchanted sorcerous Raven is up to her dirty old magic tricks again. Garrett makes a huge mistake that will soon cost him the one thing he holds most dear.
*Warnings* SUPER DARK...Angst, mentions of animal death, violence, language, smut, strong sexual content
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Narcisse reluctantly entered his private dining chamber to find Catherine already seated, drinking her wine awaiting his arrival.
"So what is the meaning of this private dinner invitation in my quarters and so late at that?"
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"I prefer to end the evening with a fine meal in my belly." she said with a smile and raised her glass to him as he sat down, unphased by her gesture and dug right into his steak that surprisingly tasted rather delicious compared to what his staff usually prepared.
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"I appreciate the gesture, but there are many things here that need my attention."
"It seems you have everything here under control."
"I have led armies. Surely those skills count for something. Something more than just occupying you." Narcisse barked in frustration of his time being wasted.
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"Perhaps your annoyance stems from not missing out on your duties but from missing your precious lady Josephine and being the grieving widow's hero, fighting her battles?"
Narcisse stopped chewing for a moment to look at her and then continued on.
"I thought we put that particular brand of jealousy to bed."
"I've been watching you Stephane." she said with a devious smile.
"Oh you mean you've been having me followed." he retorted.
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"My spies, they saw you and Josephine at your...sanctuary.'
"That was weeks ago and it was nothing more than just tea and conversation on a nice day."
"And just today, you were seen embracing her, near feet from your chambers that I used to occupy with you, but now she sleeps in your bed." she snarled.
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(Watch the short video clip of 2:19 below to see what happens or you'll miss out on some good stuff. I thought it was a great scene that should be seen and heard.)
Narcisse leaned on the table to take in what he just learned and encountered. This woman was of pure wickedness which is one of the reasons he was trying to rid of her, but it was no simple task to complete as no one leaves Catherine de Medici, and after the revelation of what Catherine had done to hurt him, he desperately worried for you. There was only one thing he could do to keep you safe from her jealous rage and it would hurt you deeply and possibly make you hate him, but that is the price he was willing to pay when it came to Catherine's wrath. For Narcisse, the fear was not to be hated by her, but to be loved by her.
You laid down on your bed, clutching your moonstone pendant in your hand and cried. To have it back meant everything to you for you now had another part of Thranduil, but what good would it do you without his ring. The two were connected as one, just as you and Thranduil, and each did not have the other. Although the stone had reacted to your touch, you still felt no powers inside of you. You should have been thrilled beyond measure for this gift, but instead, you felt hopeless, defeated.... and so hollow inside.
A knock came to the door.
"Josie...it is Legolas. May I...please come in?"
You looked at Lola and nodded.
As soon as he saw you, he knew something was wrong and came right to you, kneeling at your bedside.
"Josie...I...I had to see you...I do not have words for my behavior. I never meant to hurt you. Please tell me you believe that."
"I'm numb. I feel nothing right now, so it don't matter."
"Of course it matters. You matter to me and I am so sorry for..."
"Legolas, it's not you alright? It's...that."
You looked down at your hand the held the gem.
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Legolas eyes widened and then they darted to yours.
"Your moonstone...where did you get this? Was it not in Mirkwood?"
"It was, yes. The crow, that's where he went...and he brought it to me tonight after I had just asked Thranduil for a sign that he was still with me."
You pushed your face into the pillow and began to cry. Legolas laid his hand on your face as he felt his heart break.
"He will always be with you and will always be a part of you as well. I know my words offer you no comfort but I do not know what else to do."
"You don't need to do anything. You lost him too. You shouldn't be trying to comfort me when you're hurting just as much."
"Yes I should. We can comfort each other."
"I haven't been doing a very good job of that have I? I've been selfish as if I am the only one you bears his loss....and even Haldir. They were best friends at one time and when Thranduil had lost his memory, believing that Haldir and him were still that close, that really did a number on them both when his memory returned....where is he? Is he alright?"
"Yes, he is sleeping off the wicked ale." Legolas said with a soft grin.
You lightly chuckled. "Well, I cannot blame either of you for trying to find a temporary escape. I will have to spend some time with Haldir and maybe you two could try being a little nicer to each other. We're all family."
All you could think of in that moment is what your disgusting mother did to Haldir and felt guilty for not being there for him because he certainly wasn't going to talk about it with anyone else. No one knew what happened but you, although you believed Thranduil did.
"You are right Josie. I will try to do better....in fact, I will go check on him when I leave. Try to get some rest if you can and...I am only across the hall. Please...if you need me, come to me. Pinky promise?"
This time you belted out a laugh.
"You remember that huh?"
"I have forgotten nothing you have taught me of your human life."
You raised your hand. "Ok, promise."
Legolas wrapped his hand around your wrist and with his other hand, he curled his little finger around yours, then smiled so sweetly.
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"Goodnight Josie."
He stood up, then bent down and kissed your forehead as his palm laid upon your cheek. You stared at each other for a moment, then he smiled and left.
You sighed and kissed the moonstone, then closed your eyes wishing for a better day tomorrow.
Although Raven had told Thranduil she had people to visit, she only had one in mind as she landed on Devil's island. Garrett. She was taking one hell of a risk coming to see him when he hated her guts and could easily take her on with no effort in a battle, but he still had her heart, her one true love and King that she so desired... she had wished for a King like him with the spell she used but had went terribly wrong and delivered her Jareth instead. Definitely karma she supposed but now she planned on getting what she's always wanted, one way or another....and it would hurt you too. Killing two birds with one stone she figured and giggled.
She glided up to the roof and went in through a window that was ajar, then followed Garrett's scent to locate his chambers. It was the witching hour and she knew him and his clan would be out getting their dinner. Her plan was to surprise him when he returned, knowing he would be less grumpy on a full stomach which made him more manageable. She also knew he wasn't getting laid and that could also be a bonus for her if she played her cards right.
Raven found his bedroom and walked around studying his belongings. One thing that caught her eye were pictures pinned on the wall that appeared to be Garrett when he was a child. Garrett never spoke of that life to anyone, not even her. He didn't want to remember it so to see that he had photos and kept them out in the open blew her mind. The one with the guitar was interesting because he still played, so that was one thing he carried over with him in his rebirth. He tried to teach her when she was a child but she could never grasp it, nor was that of any interest to her. Back then, he cared about her and she believed he was trying to show her what it was like to be a child and not just a cold blooded killer. That was another thing Garrett took with him, his good heart, which is why he butted heads with her father, Craven, so much.
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She then moved on to a bookcase filled with old hardbacks. Garrett used to read to her all the time, which that part stuck with her as she got older, but what else did she have to do while being locked away in Lestat's mausoleum for nine years. She missed those days, when she actually meant something to her G....but that all changed when he met and fell in love with you.
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The next thing she saw left her frazzled. On the wall, over his bed was the painting Marius did of him that you asked him to do. She figured Marius must have brought it to Garrett way before the fire ever took place. She couldn't believe her eyes because she was there when Garrett first saw it and his reaction was none other than despair, which was what she had intended to happen. Garrett hated it, so why was it hanging in his bedroom?
As she moved on, boom! She was flung through the air and pinned up against the wall by her neck.
"Well well well, look what the cat dragged in. You are one useless dhampir. You should have smelled me coming. I picked up your foul stench at the bottom of the mountain." Garrett snarked as his eyes burned of fiery lava.
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"G...let...me...go..." Raven coughed out as she gasped for air.
"And if I don't? What are you going to do about it? Set me on fire? You wouldn't do that to your good buddy G now would you Clover?"
"Whh...why n..not? You..have no..p..problem choking..m..me all the...f...fucking...time."
Garrett grinned and threw her to the ground.
"Old habits die hard."
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"Now..you have three seconds to tell me what the fuck you are doing here before I finish what I started."
Raven cautiously stood up and regrouped herself.
"Jesus G, have you lost every bit of feelings you ever had for me? We used to be so tight."
"Every...single...ounce." he quipped.
"That's just cold."
"And that is what I am, am I not? Cold, dead and heartless....kinda like you." he said in a grizzly tone as he slowly walked towards her.
"No G, you're not! Remember?" she shouted as she became backed against a wall, then played on his human emotions. "This is not you. The real G is not a murderer."
Garrett bellowed in laughter. "Is this really how you are going to try to save your pathetic little life? You know damn well I don't care for you anymore and you also know damn well why. Remember??? I don't kill good people, only bad ones and everyone knows there isn't a good bone in your scrawny body. After what you have done to Josephine, I would snap your neck like a twig and feed you to the wargs piece by piece. or maybe just return you alive back to your ever so loving goblin King."
"NO!....Please...no. I...I can't go back there." Raven whimpered in fear.
Garrett tilted his head. "Well now, this is interesting. The fierce and heartless dhampir is truly scared. Now why would you ever fear Jareth? Tell me, what was your first clue Velma? I mean, you obviously must be blind as a bat to take up with a King who is deader than I'll ever be and by far, more evil than you. Can't get any worse than that."
"This is where Raven knew she had to do something to find Garrett's G spot, per se...his human side.
'Yes it can..." she snapped and ripped her shirt off, then turned her back to him.
Garrett's eyes widened...not from pity, but just plain shock at all the scars on her back.
"Please...please don't make me go back there. This is only one of the disgusting things he has done to me."
"Are you really attempting to make me feel sorry for you? You have brought all of this on yourself. Are you forgetting the disgusting things you do to others?? Karma is the only friend you have and even she hates your fucking guts...and why?? because you're just a shitty ass person with no soul."
Raven dropped to her knees and began to sob.
'Oh please...Get...up! You're making me sick and I just ate."
Raven jumped up and turned to him with her bare breasts in plain view.
"You know what it's like to be scarred! I have seen them! When I was a child...on your chest!" she shouted with a tear streaked face as she pointed at him. "So now who's a shitty person??"
"Don't play this game with me....and do not compare me to you....ever! You see, the difference between you and me on that aspect is that mine came from an accident. What's your excuse?? I'd like to hear how your scars were an accident too!"
"Wellll....um...because...because I conjured Jareth....by ACCIDENT...I...I was trying to stupidly find me a King like......like you."
Garrett stared at her for a few seconds and then burst into laughter. "Yep, karma most certainly and absolutely one hundred and fifty thousand percent hates you."
Raven began to huff through gritted teeth and her eyes glowed orange as she began to shake.
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"Stop laughing at me!!!!"
She whipped her arm up and hurled Garrett against the wall.
"Ohhh, you shouldn't have done that." he sneered as he whisked back up, glaring her down, his red eyes now bursting at the seems for her blood.
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He too whipped his arm out and sent her catapulting into his night stand, shattering the vase that you had thrown at him while practicing your magic.
Raven was stunned by the blow and Garrett was now beyond livid because he was saving that vase for sentimental reasons.
"Now look what you've gone and made me do!! This ends now!"
He began to grab a dagger to cut her heart out because he truly did not want to taste her wretched blood, when suddenly Raven spoke...but not in her voice....but yours.
"Garrett, it's me! please don't hurt me. You...love me, remember?"
His head spun to her so fast, his neck cracked.
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Raven stood up and as she did, she morphed into you.
Garrett stumbled backwards and gasped. "You stop this right now! I know who you are you evil sadistic witch!"
"Well, if you know so much, why are standing there frozen?" she said as she walked towards him seductively, her breasts full and her nipples hard. "It is I...Josephine. Are you blind as a bat?" she giggled. "Garrett....I love you. Don't you love me too?"
"Stop! Don't you say that!" he shouted as he began to tremble.
"Why not? Isn't it what you have longed to hear? I love you Garrett. You are my true King. Take me Garrett, make me your Queen....right now."
Raven now stood before him and took his hand. "Touch me...then you'll know the truth."
She brought his hand up and placed it over her breast. He gasped heavily and couldn't move as his eyes turned to his human blue and filled with tears.
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"Yes my love. It is me. Make love to me Garrett. I have waited so long for you. I need you. Please Garrett. Kiss me...." she said as she stretched her body up against him, begging for his lips.
He brought his shaking hand up to her cheek, almost afraid to touch her and desperately trying to focus.
"Here...let me help you."
She pulled his head down and planted a passionate kiss on his lips, then slowly slid her tongue into his mouth.
Garrett swiftly pushed her back with remembering eyes. "You....you taste like..."
"Like what baby?" she smiled with your smile.
That did it. He pushed her against the wall and kissed her hard and deep, grinding his full attention cock against her. She lifted her leg up his thigh and he grabbed it, then grabbed her other one and hoisted her up. She wrapped her legs around him and began thrusting against his cock.
"Now Garrett...I want you now!"
She tore at his belt buckle but couldn't get it undone.
"Move." he snapped as he jerked her hands away and aggressively unbuckled his belt. He put her down and yanked her pants to her ankles in which she quickly stepped out of. Garrett then lifted her back up and began slipping his pants down.
"That's it baby...fuck me G..."
Garrett halted as if he had been tased and stared at her, dead in the eyes.....then dropped her.
"You..." he snarled. "You repulsive parasite."
Both of his hands gripped her neck as he slowly lifted her off the ground.
"G...Garrett....n...no....d...don't." she sputtered as she kicked her legs. "It's me. Josephine!"
"Don't you speak her name! First and foremost, she is nothing, NOTHING like this, a bitch in heat....and second, I would never take her in such a manner. I would make LOVE to her."
Raven choked out a laugh. "Is that w...what you're c...calling it..n..now when the mm...manner you t...took her in b...before w..was against her w..will."
Garrett released her in shock of her statement and turned away.
"That...is not how it was!" he barked.
"Oh? Ohhhh, that's right. You poisoned her with your blood and made her want you, so that makes it legit?"
Garrett spun around so fast, Raven screamed and jumped back.
"You mean like you what you were just doing to me?! Poisoning me with your black magic, making me believe you were Josephine??"
"Oh stop being such a big baby G! She is never going to want you. The only way you would ever have her is to do the same thing to her all over again. She will always pine for that perfect King of hers which isn't you. You're nothing like him....but you're just like me. We are kindred spirits, don't you see that by now? I don't judge you like she and her entire little fucking elven clan do, even after what you do to me....I actually love you G!!....and I am here and I want you, no strings attached. Isn't that what you want? To be loved? You'll never be good enough for her and you know it. She will never get over Thranduil and if by any chance in the world, she ever did want you...you would always be second, never first in her heart, even with him dead and gone....she will NEVER love you..."
"Shut up!! Shut your mouth! I would rather live all of eternity than to ever be with you. You don't know a thing about love! In fact, you're not even capable of it. You killed children and have no remorse!! I am just an obsession of yours and you can't stand the fact that I do....not....want...you!!"
"Is that so? Then why is your cock still raging hard and what are you going to do about it? The usual? Rosy palm and her 5 sisters?" She quipped as she grabbed it over his pants. "God, G...just live a little and have some sex, nothing more. It will do you good because you're wound like a fucking top."
His nose was flaring as he breathed like he had ran a mile, then shoved her back against the wall, stripping his pants down.
"This means nothing." he reeled and spun her around so he didn't have to see her face. He spread her legs as she grinned from ear to ear, then thrusted into her.
"Ahhhh yes!!! Yes G....yes!!"
He slammed his hand on the wall and groaned as he slid into her fully, then began pumping her hard and deep, making her pant and scream with every inward stroke.
"That's it G, I...I'm almost there....keep...going..."
Garrett sped up with only the intention of his own release and he certainly wasn't going to do so inside of her. He began to unravel and withdrew before she could climax, expelling his fluid onto the floor as he grunted deeply through every vigorous pulse.
Raven spun around completely dumbfounded. "Garrett what the fuck?? I wasn't done...keep going! I need to finish too!"
"Finish by yourself." he smugly smirked.
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"You ASSHOLE!" Raven screamed and whipped him hard across the room into a pillar, knocking him out cold.
She stood over him, glowering down. "I suppose it's better this way because I am sure you would have tried to kill me afterwards anyways....and unfortunately, I do have to go back to hell on earth before Jareth knows I am gone. You'll pay for this G....soon."
She knelt down, kissed his lips, then dressed and took off, purposely leaving something behind.
One thing Garrett wasn't thinking of during his bout of pleasure was the fact of his blood that's in you, which he had reminded you of during his last visit with you. It was how he entered your dream and fended off Jadis....but it also meant you had access to his mind as well....and his thoughts of you had been loud and clear during his play time.
As the sun was rising, you awoke in a panic, calling out only one word.
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moraloreldeservedbetter · 1 year ago
important question for yall
do you think scripts like narcissism are real or do you think their fanfiction
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sivavakkiyar · 2 months ago
how do I explain this uh a Pakistani Muslim Lesbian living in India uhhh during that time uhhh probably uhhh would have had uhhh some other OBVIOUS POLITICAL FACTS they would have uhhh mentioned Jesus Christ especially if they were constantly identifying as an activist nah?
it would take an absurd amount of western narcissism to think ‘well maybe they just specifically cared about HIV and fanfiction while everything around them was crumbling in words I don’t know’
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multistanisms · 3 months ago
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So most of you know I have a commission series going to feature the Stray Kids boys in my story 'Legacy of Snow' - a Pretear inspired fanfiction. The series is being completed by the talented she.drawssss on Instagram, but you may also find her on Etsy as FDshedrawssss. I am so thrilled for this series, as it will show how the I envision the boys in this story. As these pieces come to life, I will be posting them for everyone to enjoy, as well as little snippets on their inspiration counterparts.
The next seven pieces in the series will feature the remaining members in their Knight clothing. These are the outfits they wear when battling the demon larvae. Each Knight has a special trinket, handed down from the Knight previous that enhances their ability to sense the energy of larvae. That being said, let's begin!
Second overall to join the series and first of our Knights is our other sunshine boy, Felix - the Leafe Knight of Light. His counterpart in the anime is Kei; who runs a gaming company. Felix is a fulltime live streamer who uses the tag LilSunSpot and is vastly popular for his face/voice contrast. Where Kei leans more towards a bit of narcissism, Felix is quite the opposite and is often the light in the dark for the other Knights [pun not intended]. He's the first of the Knights Han meets face to face, even though it's in passing, but he's one of the first to offer help when they discover Han is their Pretear.
Taglist: @no1likemybbgcharlie, @spookidema
If you'd like to follow Han's journey with the Knights, you may find the story by clicking on one of the links below.
Legacy of Snow - Ao3
Legacy of Snow - Tumblr Masterlist
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t-horn-n · 1 year ago
A Deposition of a Thousand Words RELEASE
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I'm very excited to announce that A Deposition of a Thousand Words, a Finnick Odair fanfiction that I have been working on for the last year, is out now on Wattpad. It updates every Saturday.
You can find it here!
I am excited to share it with you!
Before you go... an excerpt.
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lemons, the universal greeting . . . . .
The level of narcissism presently surrounding Saffron is laughable, but she is dressed to drip with arrogance herself.  Here, as in many aspects of her life, her preferences do not matter, only her compliance.  It is not her job to produce thoughts born from free will.
To the Capitol stylists, she is merely a doll who sits still while they pull at her hair and dress her in costumes that feel like straitjackets around her hope.  On her face they lather costly cosmetics that disguise her blemishes and her authenticity. 
When they are done, she is made up of lazy smiles and sultry drops of the eyelids. 
Languid slouches.
She adopts a façade so well crafted, she hopes, that if she cannot see the girl beneath, then neither will they.  And, perhaps, if she is smart enough, the monsters will not feast on the morsels of herself that she keeps most private and precious. 
She has been summoned to the Capitol, and now she steeps in its stifling pressure and crude atmosphere.  She seems to lose focus as she sits in the belly of a comically long car, watching the residence of President Snow draw ever closer.  It is a contemporary palace doused in light on the horizon. 
This is a promotion of the Games, a show of superiority.  She is here to honor the Games’ youngest victor as he comes of age.
“I hear Snow’s gotten himself a new prince,” the stylists across from her giggle.  Interestingly, they only talk when their gloved hands cover their face.
“What’s his name?”
“Finnick Odair.”
There is a murmur of appreciation.  “Everyone in the Capitol is already falling at his feet.”
One woman’s eyes cut to Saffron’s.  “Best be on our best behavior, then.”
Saffron directs her gaze to the window.
A Capitol stylist’s words do not matter, she knows.  She is perfectly aware that she is young and novel, and that makes her desirable. 
As soon as she exits the car, an avox leads her through the gravel pathways of Snow’s estate, guiding her to a raised platform where the president stands addressing his guests.  Other victors flank her.  All are less than thirty.  Some, she recognizes, others are new faces.  Vivid lights bear down heavily on her shoulders.  They are uncomfortably bright, and if not for the layers of setter caked on her skin, pins of sweat would have congealed on her nape.
The boy she is here to celebrate stands three feet to her left.  Though she is maybe only a year older, Saffron thinks that he is startlingly young, but while she feels lightheaded under the spotlight, he appears golden. 
Saffron smiles at him, tactful and coy.  She has done this too many times to be underconfident.  He winks.
At the front of the stage, Snow is still droning on.  His voice is like bees hovering around her shoulders, but it reminds her that she must not forfeit good posture for comfort.  She has never been good at being bored, though.  Her fingers twist at her rings and the boy smirks at her as if he has something to be smug about.
She concedes that he is infuriatingly tall.
Applause flutters from the audience once Snow completes his introduction.  He retreats to his balcony and Saffron breaks towards the refreshments table.  Her tongue feels dry and coated with chalk.  Quickly, she downs a pale-yellow drink.  The scent of citrus lingers around her.
Aristocrats smile at her as they prance past, so Saffron grins at them over the rim of her glass.  Another yellow drink is empty.  She is picking up yet another glass when someone drags their fingertips across her back, mapping the bumps, the raised skin. 
She has tensed and then forcefully relaxed in the span of a second. 
“Pretty,” a man, a stranger, hisses ambiguously.  His grin is full of barbs.
Saffron steps backwards, white knuckles around the stem of the glass.  It has been a year, but the same survival instincts that saved her will not be so quick to leave her.  So rapidly she became a machine, regaining humanity is more of a chore.
Her lips curl.  She hopes it passes as a smile.  “Thank you.”
Curtly, she spins away from the man and the golden boy is, of course, there.  He’s engaged in conversation with a victor Saffron has seen only in passing.  Closer, now, she recognizes the stiffness in his neck and the rehearsal in his stance.  Finnick Odair is seventeen years old, beautiful, and aureate, the first time he sees Saffron Creek. 
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— m. list
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chiyoso · 1 year ago
o em gee!? ♡゙ welcome to ghan high!
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l|l SOCIAL LINKS! - #insta #X #spotify | discord: kuniyo04 ✦ sideblogs: chiyoside. pareidoix. oc blog. editing blog. ✦
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⸻ I D E N T I F I C A T I O N : “CHIYOSO” Other Alias(es): kuniyo04, pareidoix, hiraethsdesires.
B i o g r a p h y :
Chiyo (ちよ) or Kuni (くに) is a young, filipina woman in her 20s, spending her time writing and translating imagery in her mind into words she can't express with her voice. A journey that started alongside the game Honkai Star Rail back in early to late April, opening a whole new world that got her hooked.
The game was fresh, and so were her interests that were piqued from reading good smut. While scrolling through AO3 for mystic messenger fiction, google had introduce her to the tumblr site, and there she found a vast amount of fanfiction related to Star Rail, which led to burning excitement and a happy heart, resulting in the creation of her first two fics; Cynosure's Ascendance and HIGANBANA, and another follow up fic that kickstarted her gradual fame and interest in a crossover between Star Rail and Honkai Impact 3rd; The Mara's Will. The rest is history.
Besides writing, university and extracurricular activities, stories in the form of media consume her time. Whether it would be from Anime, Games, Dungeons & Dragons, or TV Shows, she will present her interest and vigor when it comes to it.
⸻ L I K E S / I N T E R E S T S : Bold text means I'm super duper into it!
Angst. Lore. Sexual and sensual tension. Fluff. Hurt w/comfort or without. NSFW. Dark, rich and unsaturated colors. Classical music. Piano. Opera. Musicals and Broadways. Ballroom Dancing. Ballet. Vintage and Elegant Fashion. Makeup. Jewelry. Greek, Victorian and Japanese Architecture. Serene places. Italian and Korean cuisine. Fantasy. Anime. Games. Boxing. Martial Arts. DND. God. Psychology. Deep and Philosophical topics. Nighttime. Slutty grabbable waists. Dr. Veritas Ratio. Scaramouche/Wanderer. Suguru. Choso. Toji. Fictional men. Riddle Rosehearts. VTubers. Hibachi Mana! Koyanagi Rou. Offline TV ··· etc.
⸻ D I S L I K E S / H A T E : Same thing but red means it's hated really really badly.
Ignorance. Emotional Unintelligence. Entitlement. Moths. Bugs that disguise themselves as leaves. Horror Movies and Games. Pedophilia. Idiocy. Narcissism. Overstimulation (ADHD). Loud, blaring noises. The claustrophobia I have. Misogyny (It's amusing). Losing Progress. Forgetfulness. Andr*w Tate dick riders. Infantilism. AI. Art Theft.
⸻ F U N F A C T S :
Hentai Artist as a hobby. The 'so' in CHIYOSO comes from Kamo 'Choso'. Plays Violin and Piano (Washed). Started boxing this Jan 2025. Did figure skating for a few days then dipped. Did ballet and gymnastics in her childhood.
⸻ G U I L T Y P L E A S U R E S : Guilty for a reason and will probably write about it.
Priest. Non-consenting. Sex while pretending to sleep. Risk getting caught. Age Gap (21+ Reader). Manipulating men. Cheating. Gun and knife play.
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⸻ E X T R A :
anime fandoms: dandadan, jjk, magi, undead unluck, violet evergarden, kamikatsu, the apothecary diaries, akatsuki no yona, demon slayer, AoT, bucchigiri, windbreaker, tokyo revengers, haikyuu, mob psycho, one punch man, welcome to the ballroom, carole & tuesday, bocchi the rock, fate, howl's moving castle, wisteria: wand and sword, black clover, fairytail, sound euphonium n' more
game fandoms: class of '09, cookie run kingdom, wuthering waves, honkai impact 3rd, genshin impact, love & deepspace, honkai star rail, mystic messenger, obey me, twisted wonderland, bang dream, and much more.
3. ⸻ P L A Y W I T H M E : Catch me in SEA / Asia Servers.
Gacha/Open World Games:
Genshin: 852100538 Honkai Star Rail: 802195964 Zenless Zen Zero: ( - ) Wuthering Waves: 901385961 Infinity Nikki: 401827008 CRK: ( - )
Riot Games: Scaramouche#4ever Epic Seven: Llyria Roblox: Evaturiche Love & Deepspace: ( - )
POV: YOU GIVE WANDERER A HUG insta reel. hug wanderer why dont you.
tba··· (i got lazy. will add more if i get motivated again.)
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medusas-musings · 2 years ago
A Sticky Note (Tangerine x GN!Reader)
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Summary: After a year and a half of Tangerine disappearing from your life, he invites you out for dinner. Angsty overtones with a tiny hint of NSFW at the end.
(A/N: This is my first Tangerine fanfiction ever, which is special to me because he’s what inspired me after my 5 year writing hiatus.) Shoutout to our collective pookie bear 🍊🧡
Downing the rest of my first glass of wine, I opened my phone again. It was about 5 minutes since Tangerine said to meet him at our old favorite restaurant: a chain Mexican restaurant around town that had cheap booze and the best street tacos around. It was obviously crowded (as any other place to eat on a friday night would be) but that’s what he’d always preferred. Any way he could blend in with a crowd and not draw attention to himself he took it. Hell, I wouldn’t have been surprised if he was already here, spying on me. 
A figure approaches the table and I already knew from the pure energy of sarcasm and intimidation it created that it was him. “‘Hey Darlin, love the hair.” He said smoothly, motioning to my hair and sitting across from me. He picked up the menu nonchalantly and I could already feel my blood rising just how it used to with him around.
“You leave me a note to dump me, ghost me for a whole year and a half, and all you can say is…love the hair?” I question him, a  storm in my eyes and lightning striking in my voice. Tangerine remained unphased as he put his menu down, glancing at me as if I was the asshole.
“Love the way you looked when you practically chugged that wine?” he tries again, this time with a mocking smile on his face. God did he know every single button to push tonight, it’s as if he had never left me in the first place. While I usually wouldn’t enjoy some asshole saying this to me, there was something about Tange that made anything to say to me sound so much more slicker and polite from his lips. “I’m sorry, Love, you know I could never handle this sorta thing.” A smile forms on his face, but I can’t make it out if it was out of narcissism over his own charm or if he truly was in hell, finally having to confront the mess he made out of me.
“Why are you here anyway? Last time I checked you moved God knows where and wiped off the planet. Do you know how much I cried about you?” I bit my tongue to stop myself from causing a scene. I couldn’t help but feel old scars opening. I took in a deep breath to stop my eyes from watering; I’ve already confessed how much control he had over me, I can’t let him think he still has any. 
“Love, I’m sorry. But with a job like mine, it was always a possibility that I would have to vanish on ya.”
“I knew you would maybe have to eventually leave me because of all that, but Jesus, a sticky note? That’s fucked.” I hiss as I lean forward, trying to keep the argument between us. It felt painful to scold him here, it’s where we always went after we resolved a fight. There would be so much lust in his eyes from across the table back then. As I look at him, there’s more of a coldness to them towards me, but there’s moments where it slips and I can see that same look again. “You didn’t answer my question.” I add because I know he won’t say anything about it.
“I was in town, thought I’d take a visit down memory lane.” He says in a casual manner, as if we were simply classmates in college that shared notes and not someone who kept a toothbrush and fresh underwear at my apartment. The morning he left, even those weren’t there anymore. I had nothing in my life to tangibly show someone that Tangerine was my boyfriend at some point. 
I get up from the table and start digging cash out of my wallet. “If you’re gonna act like this I don’t want to see you.” Before I could put the five dollar bill onto the table, he grabbed my wrist with just enough force for me to not break away.
“Look, I’m sorry, Doll, I’m fucking flounderin’ here. I’ve been thinking forever on what I’d say to you, but I always drew a blank. Can you give me a break, for once?” I look into his eyes, an unfamiliar note of sincerity in them. It was so out of character that it caused me to stay and let him try again. “It was a shit thing to do, Love. I should’ve told you in person, I handled the situation like a boy and not a man.”
I raised an eyebrow and a small smile started to make its way onto my lips. “There’s no way you just thought of that little speech.”
Tangerine smiles at me, letting out a sn exhale of humor. “That's about all I had.” He says, using his hand to smooth out his mustache, something I knew was a rare tell of him being nervous. “How have you been?” He asks, his accent sounding like a song that used to be stuck in my head.
“It’s nothing new, Diesel’s doing good. She misses you.” I say before opening a picture of the gray cat Tangerine and I picked out together. Lemon had convinced me to name her Diesel because “she looks like one” and he ended up convincing me (after all, she is a bit of an asshole) Tangerine purses his lips as he hears the name of the cat who used to cuddle into his lap as he read. I was surprised he didn’t take her with him.
“I miss you…” He says as he looks into my eyes with a warm smile. Ironically it was at the same time my frozen strawberry margarita arrived at the table, the news making me immediately take a sip from the drink.
“Are…are you fucking with me?” I ask, even though I’ve made my mind up about his answer. “What are you? Is this like a thing you do?” I cross my arms and raise my shoulders in a defensive position. His stance was a lot less confident and he hurriedly sat up going into damage mode.
“Hey Hey, I’m sorry. I really am. The biggest thing I regret is that stupid fucking sticky note.” His tone gets more aggressive as he curses his actions. “But…I couldn’t face seeing you sad. And I couldn't face me getting sad.” There’s a pause, he resonates in the confession, as if it might be the first time he confessed it to himself. “I really really fucking liked you, doll. I never wanted to break your heart, honest.” 
I can’t help but just stare at him. The usual smoothing of  the mustache fidget is now paired with a bouncing leg. To an untrained eye, this might look like a man who is just waiting for his food, but to someone who knows Tangerine, this was his equivalent to a nervous breakdown. 
“…so did you decide what you’re getting?” I ask him, picking up the menu again and glancing over to him. His face is puzzled but I shoot him a look, one that signifies I’m allowing him to have a normal dinner with me. It was a lot for him to admit any sort of weakness so I figured I might as reward it.
“Well for now I just want some fuckin booze, it’s been so long since I had the shittiest vodka ever, I miss it.” He smiles at me and I laugh at his quip. It was probably a mistake to not grill him for longer. I could’ve made him beg at my feet or give me his wallet at that point if I wanted to. But the more I look at his flawless features, the more his charm works on me, as if it’s some intoxicating aura that takes all your strength to resist. 
It’s probably a shit idea, but I think I’ll let him explain it after dinner. I curse myself knowing that he’ll tell me about it all in between our sheets as we stay up all night with pillow talk, just like we used to.
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year ago
Okay I finally watched the episode and I have several feelings so here we go...
If you haven't watched the show, stop reading. (Though I hope you have blocked the spoilers tag, if not it's your own fault..don't come at me)
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Am I dying every second thinking about him being alone there for eternity? Obviously 😭
But am i stupid or delusional enough to think he won't make a comeback in the next Avengers movie? No.
I don't think those people can fight kang without loki, they would at some point need his help because he's literally the most powerful god out there now.
Coming back to the episode there's not much I cared about, I probably wouldn't have blinked if ob, b15 or Casey would have died..didn't care about them at all if I was being honest and it's not the character's fault.
As much I hated the ship (because god forbid two male characters are friends in any show these days because they have to be lovers otherwise it's homophobia.. remember when bromance existed? Good times)
Mobius had a good character development that began in season 5 and continued this season unlike Sylvie who started as such a badly written selfish character that the only way they could have fixed it this season was to completely sideline her, which thankfully they did. The smirk and smile at the end even knowing that she may never get to see Loki again? (Yeah just die already).
Hopefully I'll never have to see her again.
Coming back to Loki (my precious baby love) i know his arc ended on a bittersweet note (that smile at the end just warmed my heart like never before) and it's more bitter for me than sweet because I can't handle the thought of him being so lonely because this is not what he wanted or deserved but then I think about Loki who died via strangulation and I'm like fuck everything, this is definitely much better than that ending.
Personally I think with time he's going to grow and learn to control this new power (or he could just clone himself and use him in a way? Idk Marvel can do anything) but I can feel it in my bones that this is not the end of him (unless ofcourse Tom is done with him and won't return for future projects)
That being said, Loki is alive and sure he is alone at the moment but he's a hero now, he has more than redeemed himself and he can finally forgive himself for everything that he didn't do right, perhaps this is what he needed to find that sense of purpose he has been looking for all his life. Hopefully he'd see himself as the god that he always was.
A man that was always ridiculed for his selfishness and narcissism chose to save the multiverse by sacrificing his freedom, by giving up his own free will. He chose everything he didn't want, a throne and what seemed like eternal solitude (but hopefully not)..a man of actions indeed. His arc reminds me of Tony in a way and that's beautiful.
Wherever you go, it's just death, destruction, the literal ends of worlds!
Uhhhhhuh? Look what my boy just did for the whole fucking multiverse.
I'm just trying to see the silver lining here that he's alive and he's the moment..he's everything, he literally became the most powerful being to ever exist in mcu and that gives me hope for him…he'd come back. Kang's arc started with him and they'd need him when the time comes. If not I got my fanfiction powers 🤣 (He deserves to find the sort of love that would stay by his side even if he's all that person would ever get)
Thank God they changed the writers this season and fixed somewhat of the mess they had made of this majestic, ethereal god last time.
Overall yeah my heart is breaking for him but look at him..he's the moment, he's the king of the multiverse, he's everything.
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susansontag · 1 year ago
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things that I would appreciate if people weren’t batshit insane on this website:
- random anonymous harassers not sending bait to a man who accosted me on my post trying to ‘defend’ me or use me to give legitimacy to their vileness when they continue to hound him.
- that same man not continuing to write fanfiction about me about how I am somehow happy that he’s being targeted by anonymous losers. quite frankly his idea that he was personally victimised by my post about sexual abuse is bordering on narcissism at this point.
can people even hear themselves. ‘smug’? why the fuck would I want anything to do with this. I only checked back on your blog to see if you were still dragging me through the mud, which I guess you are.
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