napofamikrokosmos · 5 years
Episode One: That Girl
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Never did you imagine you’d be going to the most expensive and extremely prestigious school. Never did you imagine you’d be standing in the midst of the country’s elite. And never did you imagine you’d have the two of the most important bachelor’s in Seoul fighting to impress you.
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❥ Title Credit: That Girl - All Time Low 
❥ Pairings: RichBoy!Hoseok × Commoner!Reader, RichBoy!Namjoon × Commoner!Reader.
❥ Word Count: 3.3k
❥ Genre: Boys Over Flowers AU, Meteor Garden AU, Angst
❥ Warnings: Swearing, Bullying, Hoseok is a dick
❥ A/N: This is pretty shit towards the end cause I just wanted to get it done to post it so. If you want to be in the taglist send me a message or something so I can add you.
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You were balancing a tray of drinks in one hand and clutching a pile of books in the other as you weaved your way through the somewhat crowded cafe. The five boys were seated in their usual seats at the back corner. You stood awkwardly at the end of their table mentally shifting your weight between your arms, trying to decide what to put down first. Luckily Yeonjun and Taehyun noticed your struggle and were quick to take the stack of books from your arm. You gave them a nod of thanks as you placed their drinks down in front of them. "Thank you noona!" they chorused "If I was actually your sister I would be telling you guys to stop drinking this junk every day." You said with a laugh "If you guys need anything you know where to find me" You ruffled Yeonjun's hair and he groaned swatting your hand away while the others laughed.
You quickly made your way back to the front of the cafe, dropping the tray onto the counter. Leaning on it with a tired sigh, You rubbed your hands over your face. The phone rang, You and Jungkook looked at each other before shoving each other to get there first. He stuck his tongue out at you as he answered it “Bomnal Cafe, may I take your order?” he brought his attention to whoever was on the other side. You leaned against the counter watching as he messily wrote down the order, before hanging up. Ripping the paper from the pad, he waved it in front of your face as he walked past you, to Seokjin to give him the order. "Hey Y/N, you better not ditch us for those rich people now that you’re going to Huimang” Kook jabbed his finger toward you.
“Oh trust me, if I ever choose them over you guys you have every right to pour that over my head” You nodded toward the coffee that Jin was making. He gave you a look of concern before continuing with his work. "If anyone messes with you, I swear I'll fight them" Kook jokingly assured you. Yoongi and You both looked at each other before laughing "Thanks I'll keep that in mind" You patted his back hard as you walked past, to serve one of the customers. "Seriously though, you should be careful, I heard that B4 literally rule that school" Jin warned "I’ve heard they're dangerous. They've done things to drive people to drop out just to get away from them."
Kook tilted his head curiously at Jin's words, pulling out his phone, most likely to search up who they were. The older boy stopped working and you and Yoongi leaned in to listen to him  "Apparently everyone at that school will do anything to kiss ass to B4. Anyone who gets a red card becomes a target for the whole school and it doesn't stop unless they leave, die, or B4 themselves declare an end, which is yet to happen" You couldn't help but shake your head at how nonsense that sounded. Obviously, a school as prestigious as Huimang wouldn't let even their most powerful students treat people like that. “You think I’m joking?” Jin asked, noticing your reaction. You simply nodded with an amused expression at how serious he was about this. 
“The members of the well-known B4, who are currently students at Huimang Highschool are, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Kim Namjoon, and Jung Hoseok” Kook read off his phone. You rushed over to him grabbing his arm to look at his phone screen “Park Jimin is the only son and heir of Yojeong Tech. Kim Taehyung is a young artist and photographer, the son of the former president of The Teugiseong Group. Not much is known of Kim Namjoon after the car accident that killed his parents, the founders of The Kim Corporation, he was hidden away from the public eye.” Jungkook scrolled to the bottom “Last but not least we have Jung Hoseok. The heir to Jung Industries, one of the biggest companies in Asia." Jin groaned "Stop that" it was his turn to shake his head, taking the phone from Kook's hand and stuffing it into his pocket. “Seriously, Y/N, Please just promise me you’ll be careful. Especially of Hoseok, who knows what could happen if you get on his bad side”, he held out his pinky to you. Sighing in defeat you linked your finger with his. After that, the topic of your new school was forgotten as you all went back to work. 
The flow of customers started to wind down as the afternoon turned into evening and soon after your shift had ended. Kook offered to walk you home, not that it was far, but because his parents weren’t home and he knew your mom would invite him for dinner. You shake your head in amusement at his request but gladly agreed. Linking your arm with his, walking down the street to your family's flower shop together. The lights were still on as your mom was just closing up shop. The bell above the door rang as you and Kook entered, catching your mother's attention. "Ah, Y/N, Jungkook!" she greeted you both "Just in time" She quickly rushed past both of you to lock the doors of the shop. "Your dad should be almost done cooking dinner. Jungkook, since you're already here, why don't you stay for dinner" Jungkook glanced over at you with a huge smile on his face, nodding at her offer. You rolled your eyes, punching his arm playfully. Taking his hand you quickly dragged him up the stairs to your family's apartment, directly above the shop. As soon as you entered you were hit with the strong smell of food. "Hi Dad, I'm home. Jungkook's here too" you pointed toward your friend who you had literally dragged into the house. You all gathered around the small table that was covered in food. Kook didn’t even wait before he started stuffing his face. You laughed at him, you and your parents suddenly focused more on watching him eat than actually eating yourselves. 
After dinner, Jungkook left, satisfied with freeloading off your parents’ cooking. “Are you ready for tomorrow?” your mother asked as you were busy washing the dishes. All you could do was shrug earning a sigh “You don’t have to go. It’s not like we’re paying for it” she nudged your arm, half-joking. “I’m not going to throw away a scholarship to a school like Huimang just because I’m nervous,” You told her, just as you finished cleaning the dishes. “I’m going to sleep, Jin’s driving me to school tomorrow” You quickly excused yourself from the conversation, disappearing into your room. The more you thought about it the more nervous you were about Huimang. Especially after what Jin had told you. That night you went to sleep despite the anxiety.
The next morning wasn’t any better. The heavy, weight of nervousness hung over you as you got up. Your hand gently touched the fabric of your uniform, as if you were scared to ruin it. The sound of a message on your phone was the only thing that snapped you out of your trance. Jin’s name flashed across the screen and you sighed finally finding the energy to get dressed. As soon as you’d put on the uniform it felt foreign. Sighing once more you looked at yourself in the mirror, straightening out your clothes, despite it not being out of place. Your anxiety was already getting the best of you and you were starting to fidget to try to calm yourself. Jin’s name flashed across your phone screen with another message. Grabbing your bag you rushed down the stairs of your apartment, shyly and discreetly saying goodbye to your parents as you ducked out through the flower shop.
Jin was already waiting in his car outside. “Before you ask, yes I am positive I’m doing this. And No, I’m not going to let you talk me out of it” You said before he could even get a word out. He quickly closed his mouth and started driving without another word. Both of you sat in silence the entire drive there, which was unusual for either of you, as when you were together nothing could stop you from talking. But now it was nothing but a tense silence, thick enough to cut with a knife. Jin was obviously worried for you, you could feel his overprotectiveness radiating off of him. You, on the other hand, were extremely nervous, and your best friend could tell even before you got into his car. After what felt like an eternity you finally spoke up. “I already promised you I’ll be careful.” you reminded him. “I know” he sighed, “It’s not you that I’m worried about-” He started “It’s B4” you finished his sentence earning a small nod in response as he pulled up in front of Huimang.
Jin grabbed your arm before you could open the door and you looked at him “I’ll be ok Jinnie” you spoke softly, trying to reassure him and now, yourself. He gave you a look and you laughed shyly “You know I love you right? But sometimes you worry too much” you teased smiling at him, finally getting him to drop his worried expression, instead, a soft smile spread across his face. “I love you, too” he kissed your forehead and smiled wider at you, before finally letting you get out of the car. You watched him drive away before spinning around and taking in the school building in front of you. It suddenly felt like you were in another world, the fact that you were standing in front of Huimang Highschool, about to start your first day as a student was unbelievable. Letting out a nervous breath you walked up the stairs into the building. You felt extremely out of place as you wandered, somewhat aimlessly, through the corridor trying to find your locker. 
You ended up stumbling upon the school’s massive, and impressive library which was empty, other than the boy who sat at a table in the back corner, alone. His attention completely focused on the book in front of him, concentration spread across his features. You must’ve been staring for a bit too long cause his attention shifted from the book to you, looking up at you. You gasped quietly and quickly turned away as he looked at you. Literally running out to save yourself from embarrassment. 
After a few more minutes of wandering, you finally managed to find your locker. As you were putting your stuff away someone shouted from downstairs and everyone started running down the steps, some bumping you as they did. A crowd forming by the stairs and around the door. Curious and confused you leaned over the railing to see what was going on. Four boys were walking into the building, silence fell upon the building, the crowd parting in the middle for them to walk through. You didn't even need to look for very long to figure out who they were. It was B4 the very group Jin had warned you to be wary of. A quiet gasp echoed through the room when they all suddenly stopped walking. 
The one at the front, who you recognized from the article Kook showed you as Jung Hoseok, looked at one of the male students and everyone nearby backed away from him. The poor kid was literally shaking just from B4’s stares. Hoseok reached out for the bottle in the boy’s hand, which he quickly surrendered. He then began to slowly pour it over the boy’s head, you couldn’t help but feel shocked at what was unfolding in front of you. No one was trying to stop Hoseok and no one was trying to help the other boy. The sound of the empty bottle clattering onto the floor was almost deafening from the silence that had fallen upon the crowd again. Then just like that, the four boys walked away like it was nothing and the crowd quickly dispersed.
"Jin was right, they are insane," You said mostly to yourself. Someone clears their throat behind you making you turn around. The three girls were all looking at you with disgust "You're not talking about B4 are you?" the one at the centre scoffed "You shouldn't disrespect them like that" the other girls nodded at her statement. "Who are you supposed to be?" You shot back in the same mocking tone. The girl stepped closer to you and you were able to read the name on her ID. Cho Narae, the other two you still had to figure out. "You don't know us, but we know everything about you" Narae jabbed her finger at you "And if you keep talking about B4 like that, we'll make sure to make your life hell" she threatened, shoving your shoulder.
You didn't say anything as they walked away, only scoffing and crossing your arms at how obnoxious you found them. Clearly, they were just overzealous fangirls of the four boys, who seem to have the entire school wrapped around their fingers. It frustrated you, so much. That's how you ended up on the roof screaming your thoughts at the sky. "Damn it! Jin was right! I’ve barely been here for twenty minutes. Everyone sucks! Everyone at this school thinks they can do whatever they want." You slammed your hand against the concrete ledge. "You know, you really shouldn't be talking shit about other people" you searched for the source of the voice only to see the boy from the library, leaning against the wall reading the same book from earlier. He shut the book and pushed himself off the wall. Now that he was in front of you, without his glasses, you recognised him. "I- You're- It's-" you stumbled over your words and struggled to speak, cringing at yourself. Namjoon smiled slightly at how flustered you got before disappearing down the stairs. You sighed loudly before heading back inside.
You managed to survive the first half of your day. It went by without any other incident, other than Narae and her friends constantly watching you like a hawk. Lunch came around and you were lost once again. You were sitting alone at a table in the back of the cafeteria knowing no one wanted you at their table. "Is this seat taken?" A voice asked softly, pointing at the chair across from you. Surprised and unable to speak from the food in your mouth you nodded slowly. She smiled at you and happily sat down "I'm Ko Byeol" she introduced herself "I saw you wandering around this morning. And you didn't talk to anyone in class. I felt bad seeing you all by yourself" She explained still with a smile on her face.
You swallowed your food before smiling shyly at her with a nod "Thank you" you mumbled "I'm Hwang Y/N" you introduced yourself. Narae and her friends strutted by your table purposely trying to catch your attention. A sigh of annoyance followed as you watched them take a seat nearby, near enough for you to hear them talking. “Hey, ignore them” Byeol placed her hand on your arm, prying your attention away from the three girls. “The food here isn’t that good anyway, I know a better place. Come on” She didn’t give you a chance to argue before dragging you from your seat and out of the cafeteria. Before we could even get out of the cafeteria she ran into someone, spilling whatever they were holding all over their shirt “What the fuck!”. Byeol stepped backwards away from Hoseok. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry. It was an accident.” she bowed. 
A crowd had now gathered nearby. They were all clearly ready to watch another person’s social standing get ripped to shreds. Hoseok stepped toward Byeol but you stepped in front of her. “She knows what you can do to her. She knows that it was her fault. She already apologised.” You defended “If apologies worked, why would we need the police?” Hoseok stepped toward you but you didn’t move. “I wish I could say it’s so that people like you could learn right from wrong. But clearly, you’re hopeless,” you replied without a second thought. A gasp echoed through the crowd at your lightning fast comeback. His expression didn’t change but you could tell he was fuming. “Who are you to talk to me like that?” he spat. You huffed “A nobody with nothing for you to destroy” you bumped his shoulder as you walked past him. You didn’t see it but Namjoon was watching you walk away, covering his mouth as he laughed quietly.
Byeol ran after you as you stormed out of the cafeteria. “Do you have any idea what you just did?” She practically screamed at you. “Yeah. I was standing up against an asshole with an over-inflated ego. Thanks for asking” You simply shrugged. “Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my fucking god.” She checked over her shoulder before dragging you into the bathroom. She quickly shut the door and locked it. “You’re shitting me right?” she literally grabbed you by your shoulders, shaking you. “They are going to destroy you!”. You rolled your eyes and pushed her off. “I’d love to see them try. I’m not afraid of a bunch of rich boys with nothing else to do with their lives”
Byeol didn’t try to stop you from leaving, she just stood there scared for you. You went outside to clear your head before your next class. It was only your first day and it was already a mess. You had to push through a bunch of people to reach your locker. It was hard to ignore the whispers as they all watched you. Thinking nothing of it you opened your locker, everyone gasping and whispering. The red card fell to the floor, landing at your feet. You simply shrugged it off and grabbed what you needed before slamming your locker shut. You kicked the card across the floor as you left. You could feel people staring at you as you walked the halls, pointing and talking in hushed whispers. Everyone would fall silent when you entered a classroom, all of them watching you intently.
When you reached your desk you noticed it was covered in snack wrappers and garbage. Rolling your eyes you simply dragged the garbage by your desk and cleaned it up, without making a fuss. The room was still silent, and everyone’s attention was still on you. You slowly sat down in your seat, instantly regretting as a cold sticky liquid started soaking through your skirt. There was barely any time for you to process that as something was poured over your head. “We told you not to mess with B4. This is what you get” Narae and her two minions surrounded your desk, dropping a now empty can of soda into your lap. Everyone burst out laughing as you quickly stood up. You ran out of the classroom running into the nearest bathroom. You could feel tears in your eyes, but it wasn’t because you were upset or sad, you were pissed. Jin was right and you were dumb for not listening to him. Who knew your first day of school could go this wrong? 
The sound of the faucet as you attempted to wipe the stickiness off your skin drowned out the sound of other people entering the bathroom. Sighing in defeat you gave up staring at yourself in the mirror. Only then did you realise you weren’t alone anymore. “You’re not allowed to be in here,” You said while looking at the two boys through the mirror. “The rules don’t matter when you got the red card” one of them mocked, tilting his head at you.
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Taglist: @naipi-world​ @taezeus​ @jayhoee​ @fruityloopsxoxo3​ @illuminss​ @mygukandonly​
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ahh--lexia · 4 years
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♡ MOTS:7 Moon inspired lyric lockscreens!!
Shoutout to my phone’s camera for capturing our lil moon 🌙 hope you enjoy! pls rb/like if you use/ follow for more?)♡
Tags ♡: @napofamikrokosmos @tiernamente @illuminss @hobissunshiness @ethereal-apricity @favjoon @mi-sol-en-seoul
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taehyun-s · 5 years
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send me your bias + a palette:
soobin + blueberry for @napofamikrokosmos
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tiernamente · 4 years
Hello! 💫✨💛 This is the love bot! I am here to ask you to describe your mutuals as your favorite things/feelings! Spread some love during these tough times 💛✨💫 Then send this to 10 people and keep the love going 💛
This is gonna be a long list cause I have a lot of love to share!🥺💖💖💖
@chaylani nerdy memorabilia, cuddles with my pets (Benji and Mochi) & good morning messages 
Elle, my love, my adorable dork, my one and only. Am I writing a love poem? (maybe) I remember when you first messaged me and we realized that we’re both really nerdy. We’ve bonded over our shared interests which resulted in our strong bond. I trusted you instantaneously and you make me all soft which is why I can’t see my life without you now. 
@khaleesionjupiter my obsession of plushies, blankets & mugs
My baby! Whenever I receive a message from you, I get this instant feeling of wanting to hug you and protect you. Nothing can stop us from fulfilling our evil mad scientists plans. You crack me up and make me smile so fast that it’s crazy. Thank you for being you.
@do-you-know-bts deep talks with friends & warm cups of coffee
Helena, we both now that our sleep schedules suck but at 4am the thoughts just come rolling out. I’m glad to have someone who understands the bad moments just as much as the good. You give me comfort even if you give me a heart attack from all the 2seok content. (Keep it coming please!)
@shadowdevilsslayer nature/landscape photography & fresh baked goods
I know you hate the name but I love seeing Abi’s adventures (even if it’s the same path). I enjoy seeing nature’s beauty in any shape or form and you live in a place that’s surrounded by green!!!!!! You may be more reserved but your caring nature shines through. Thank you for being that mom friend we need.
@zamisriza-the-resurrection board game nights with friends
Zami!!!!! You’re so adorable and funny. Your love for Jungkook makes me all types of soft. You’re just like during a game night, were things start off calm but get chaotic as time progresses. I love that about you!
@glossyvante oranges, mangoes, watermelons & strawberries!
Lovely Mica! You’re such a sweet soul just like my favorite fruits haha. Thank you for letting me get some sneak peaks of your story. (I hope I get to see more of your works soon!) Also thanks for dealing with my crackhead snaps because I’m such a dummy. 
@alittlesugaorspice tea & biscuits (this opportunity was too good, sorry!)
The absolute best person to roast Helena with me! Thank you Li for putting us all together. You make me laugh so hard when we’re on a call and you have such funny stories to share. You’re gonna be an amazing veterinarian! 
@d-rex03 blasting music in my room & having my own jam session
Querida, you already know I love you so so so much! You’re the cutest little bean and I enjoy sending you random Yoongi related posts. You two are so similar that it makes sense why you love him. (But I still love you more!) Te quiero muchisimo chapina!
@dreamyeyes26 watching my favorite youtubers/random videos online
Naz! I love speaking with you when I get the chance to because you’re so calming and comforting (just like the videos I watch haha). You make me happy just by being there. I hope you continue to take care of yourself and I love you!  
@ahh–lexia daydreaming with headphones in during a road trip
The homieeee Lex! I love how we’re both so damn loud. That crackhead energy really makes itself known. You’re easy to talk to and laugh with. I love seeing your creative side because it’s really cool! 
@hobissunshiness the feeling of starting a new book/show/series
You’re like a breath of fresh air Sofie. I love reading the stories you come up with or hearing about your ideas. Your mind is so powerful and I want to encourage all of your ideas (even if some of them are cursed). 
@napofamikrokosmos learning random facts about things
I found it super funny when I realized how we just have random knowledge about things. Google who? I only know Sam. You get super passionate about stuff and I absolutely love that about you. Keep doing what you’re doing sweetie!
@billie-harper discovering new music & getting obsessed with the artist
I love seeing your posts because I’ll notice we’ll share a lot of similar interests. It’s really exciting to see how much we have in common. You’re really kind and I would love to talk to you more. (Suho’s album is TOO GOOD FOR WORDS!)
@jayhoee creating handmade gifts for my friend’s birthdays
The meme queen Kaite! I love how we got into bts at the same time and that we both haven't been to a concert (freaking corona ruining our time to shine). Keep those memes coming Kaite. They're essential in this time of need.
@liamgayllagher the smell of my mom’s cooking/any home cooked meal 
My twin! You're such an extreme version of me and that's saying something. I love how enthusiastic and loud you can get over things you love. Please continue that and I enjoy all the lovely messages you send me.
@the-assembly-call receiving memes from friends on social media
Overalls!!!!! You're so smol and cute and you make me laugh alot with your memes. You're a wonderful human being and I'm glad to have met you.
@dearmyxing soundtracks, soundtracks, soundtracks! (games/movies/etc.)
The Queen when it comes to being a fangirl. I bow to you and respect you. You’re so damn cool to talk to Mary Jane. Thank you for being so awesome. Also, I promise I’ll get around to watching the prodigal son. If not, just yell at me until I do.
@jxnaexo warm hugs, smiles & laughs
Nana! Like I've said before, you're so wholesome and caring and considerate about everyone. You care so much about us and I couldn't be more grateful to have you as a friend. I will fight anyone for you!
@soondaengie finding bright clothing with cool patterns
Omg kiddo you make me laugh so much because of the theories you have or the stories you share. You're bright and passionate and so cute!
@uibout tiramisu & coffee ice cream
This is a cop out because I actually do love tiramisu! You made me wheeze when you sent me those drunk posts. I'll always be your dweeb. (I love you Logan. Also, you jerk you didn't tell me you switched your url, I had to search for you!)
@gukssunshine that feeling of solving homework problems correctly
I love that we can complain about school to each other. You’re so honest and sweet with me and I love you so much Tanya. I love your energy when you talk about random things.
@zombiewerewolfqueen earrings, eyeshadow palettes, nail polish art
I have basic lobe earrings but yours looked so cool when you showed it to me. I don’t do makeup myself but I enjoy seeing the colors and designs people will do. Similar to that, I love seeing how creative you are with your writing even if I don’t understand the context.
@kiwipitupandstir winning on mario kart
You're such a cool person and I absolutely love seeing your posts on my feed. I wish you the best bud. Stay true and stay cool.
@notreyoon flowers, gardens, all aesthetically pleasing things
Ah yes the superior Leslie, you’re just as precious as yoongles. Whenever I see your blog I'm like, how is a human this stunning?!?!?! Like girl, show me your secrets! Sending you my love!
@clickclacktothemangmang museums/observatories/spontaneous adventures
I miss you my fellow funky little Hobi lover. It was so nice to talk to you about the random things bts would be releasing last year or the shows they were doing. You're so adorable and I hope you continue to shine bright!
@majestikblue listening to stories about people/life (post secret/humans of new york/etc.)
Ah yes my taegi buddy. Thank you for showing me post secret because I haven't been the same since. I love stories and you encouraged that. Continue to yell about taegi to me and I will continue to yell about 2seok to you.
@galaxiejoon ​going to bed after a long day
My fellow nam2seok enthusiast. Unfortunately, we don’t talk much but whenever I see your tags on posts, I crack up so hard. You’re so relatable so just keep doing what you’re doing bud.
I love you all! And to all of my other mutuals I haven’t had the chance to talk to, please know that I love you too! I promise I’m nice???? 
🥺🥺💕💕😘😘 sending y'all my love
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empyrealix · 4 years
thank you for the tag @maaneskin
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tagging: @khaleesionjupiter @tiernamente @napofamikrokosmos and everyone else who wants to do this.
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jayhoee · 4 years
Nine selfies of 2019!
Thank you @tiernamente for tagging me love! 🥰There’s like 4 hours left of 2019 for me so I better post this quiCK KSJSBW. I’ve met so many wonderful mutuals in 2019 and I hope to gain so many more in 2020. I really hope everyone has a great new year and ilysm!! 💜💜
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KSJSBWBW I’m sure like 3/4 of these don’t even count but whatevs lol I don’t take that many pictures of myself ( I look like a potato 90% of the time sksksne ) whoops sorry guys hehe.
@mygukandonly @napofamikrokosmos @khaleesionjupiter @favjoon @chaotic-taetae @dimpled-gukkie @yeettmeplease @ahh--lexia @acc3ssdenied @arimvv @illuminss @hobissunshiness @mi-sol-en-seoul
Anyone else who wants to do it!! 💜
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chaotic-taetae · 4 years
Nine selfies of 2019!
Thank you @jayhoee for tagging me bby!! There’s like 1 hour left of 2019 for me lol!! This year has had its ups and downs but I couldn't complain because i've met so many amazing and lovely mutuals in 2019 and I've become friends so many of you! I really hope that each everyone have a great new year and i love all of you💜💜 (P.S. sorry for my ugliness in advance)
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@snowy-meowl @khaleesionjupiter @mygukandonly @chrono-miroh @gaygoblinboyo @dramaticpenguino @arimvv @napofamikrokosmos @pjmskosmos @honey-minnie @singularitaeyy @gaytech11001
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imsoluvly-ursoluvly · 5 years
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hyunnietae · 4 years
Rules: list 10 songs youve been listening to a lot lately and tag 10 people
(My music is Spotify not premium on shuffle so I'll just pick my favorites)
Louder Than Bombs - BTS
We Are Bulletproof: the Eternal - BTS
Inner Child - BTS (V)
Black Swan - BTS
Good Boy - G-Dragon and Taeyang
Savage - A.C.E
Under Cover - A.C.E
High Hopes - Panic! At The Disco
Tagging: @stalkingbich @alviepines @parkjinwoo @napofamikrokosmos and idk who else tbh
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lavenderlattaes · 4 years
rules: list ten songs you’ve been listening to a lot lately and tag ten people.
tagged by: @kim-seungmine (uwu thank you cee!)
1. old me - 5 seconds of summer
2. can’t we just leave the monster alive? - txt (lmao most overplayed song atm,,, more like ever since the album came out)
3. scream - dreamcatcher (an absolute bop)
4. friends - bts
5. we go up - nct dream
6. hip - mamamoo
7. araw-araw - ben&ben
8. sleep tonight - december avenue
9. moon - bts
10. you can stay - stray kids
i’m tagging (i do not know 10 people but if I’ve tagged you and we’ve never interacted before this is my lowkey way of saying we should interact :>): @smileylino @wooyukh @soobinie-s @soobsung @napofamikrokosmos @crownedtxt @seungmvnnie
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napofamikrokosmos · 5 years
Best of Me Masterlist
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⭒Best Of Me⭒
❥ Never did you imagine you'd be going to the most expensive and extremely prestigious school. Never did you imagine you'd be standing in the midst of the country's elite. And never did you imagine you'd have the two of the most important bachelor's in Seoul fighting to impress you.
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❥ Pairings: RichBoy!Hoseok × Commoner!Reader, RichBoy!Namjoon × Commoner!Reader. TaeKook and YoonMin (Later on)
❥ Genre: Boys Over Flowers AU, Meteor Garden AU, Fluff, A lot of Angst.
❥ Status: Ongoing
❥ A/N: This is going to be my first story ever so please bear with me. I will try to have a schedule when it comes to updates but I am a student in Uni. So I'll tell you not to hold your breath. The story is gonna be heavily based on BoF and Meteor Garden so if you're familiar with the stories you'll see a lot of similarities with slight modifications.
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⭒Best Of Me⭒
❥ Extras: Moodboard ❣ Character Profiles ❣
❥ Episode One: That Girl ❣
❥ Episode Two: Stupid For You ❣  - Coming Soon
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ahh--lexia · 4 years
🌿5 BTS songs to get to know me🌿  thanks for tagging meee.
1. My Time:
“ Feels like I became a grown up faster than everyone else.” : based on my family’s situation and growing up around a majority who don’t have the remotely similar obstacles as I did growing up, this song really comforts me since it acknowledges the hardships yet blessing every hurdle truly is. 
2. Trivia: Love
“Because of you, I know why human and love sound so similar. You make live to a love, live to a love.”:
I’m guilty of being influenced by people around me in both sides of the spectrum. I’m fortunate enough to have a precious circle around me that remind me in different ways to live and love. I look up to all the times I’ve had the opportunity to learn and grow with the help of those around me to manifest.
3. Ego:jhOOOOOOOOOOOOPE (hehe)
“But in this world, you know, there are truths unchanged. Time rushes ever forward.”: 
This song not only puts me in such a happy mood but I really appreciate the meaning behind the lyrics. The way I interpret this song is basically: it’s time to put trust into yourself and move with confidence, despite any past mistakes or future mistakes. Growth is not linear. 
4. Home: “ It’s comfortable even as you say nothing, it became my home because you were there.”: 
But in this sense a lovey-dovey way lol. I think it’s safe to say I’m growing pretty infatuated with a lil someone who brings me down to earth to breathe. Even though we’re opposites in the sense that I’m loud/ energetic, it’s refreshing to find someone that’s the opposite to balance and vice versa. I think it’s really cute how I’ve been able to help him open up whereas he has helped me stay grounded in lack of better words lol. 
5. UGH: “Ah, what the hell is there to be upset about being criticized a bit?” : 
When I did studio art classes I used to be scared of peer critiques from classmates I looked up to and since then, im happy to say I’ve grown to not dismiss it entirely, but acknowledge, and process a critique. Art would just be one example, but I mean even though this song is so aggressive I interpret the song in a personal sense to be this rage that I used to have within my own frustration of failures academically, personally, etc. 
tags: @illumins @dimpled-gukkie @ethereal-apricity @mi-sol-en-seoul @tiernamente @favjoon @napofamikrokosmos @taeicci @lovelysarahh97 @sonicg3 @jayhoee 
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stillwithkoo · 5 years
10 Songs You’re Obsessed with and 10 People to Tag! 💋💖
tagged by @jayhoee ily bb 💜💕💋 ty for tagging me 👅🖤
1. Sanctuary - Joji
2. Mikrokosmos - BTS
3. Rumors - Sabrina claudio ft.zayn
4. Test Drive - Joji
5. Can't get over you - Joji
6. Decalcomania - JK
7. Winter Bear - Taehyung
8. Strawberries n cigarettes - troye sivan
9. Spring Day - BTS
10. Heartbeat - BTS
tagging @yoonjisboo @napofamikrokosmos @aureumjeon @artistic-trash19 @fantasybangtan @bunnybubkook @stevesvibraniumshield @i-am-invisible-for-you @chaotic-taetae @arimvv and anyone who sees this on their feed 👅👀💋💕 u all can do this if ya want to 💓
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tiernamente · 4 years
Ideal Date Tag Game
Thank you for the tag lovelies: @billie-harper and @majestikblue
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In all honesty, these are great choices but nothing beats staying at home and chilling.
Tagging: @khaleesionjupiter @arimvv @napofamikrokosmos @hobissunshiness
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empyrealix · 4 years
wip tag game !!
rules: post the names of all the files in your wips folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous
tagged by @maaneskin
i tag @napofamikrokosmos
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“hwang hyunjin enemies to lovers” pretty self explanatory, oh no they were roommates
“lmh - trymskvida” based on a norse poem
“it was as if something had taken control of his body, almost like the cordyceps fungi on isects.” idk either
“you built me palaces out of paragraphs, you built cathedrals with your words.” i think this was a hamilton lyric
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jayhoee · 4 years
Song Game!
Tagged by my bby @mygukandonly !!THANK YOU ILYSMMMMMM 🥰🥰❤️❤️
Rules: You can only repeat one artist and only one time, so we can all kind of spread new music to the people we tag! try to listen to at least one of the songs people rec here! Music is fun! 
1. One song that you loved the first time you listened to and never got tired of? - Location ( Khalid ) 
2.  One song you cry everytime you listen to or makes you emotional?                     - Forever Rain ( RM ) 
3. One song that always makes you happy/ smile ?                                                           - No money ( Galantis ) 
4. One song that you would dedicate to your best friend and/ or your family?     - Call on me ( Ryan Riback remix ) -  Starley 
5. One song with a production ( the sounds , the beat , the mood ) you love?         - All I want ( Manilla Killa remix ) - Dawn Golden
6. One song with perfect, amazing, outstanding lyrics?                                                       - Magic Shop ( BTS )
7. One song you would recommend to anyone?                                                               - SUGA’s interlude ( Halsey , SUGA & BTS )
8. One song you don't understand why you like so much but you do anyways?         - 92 Explorer ( Post Malone ) 
9. One song people in general wouldn't like but you do?                                                   - Trampoline ( Kero Kero Bonito ) 
10. One song people normally like but you dont like/ hate ?                                 - I dont really have any???? lmao I'm boring 
11. One song you recently ( 30 days max) discovered and really liked?                          - Levanter ( Stray Kids ) 
12. One song you listen to get pumped like you wanna tear down the fucking government or something?                                                                                     - Hard Carry ( GOT7 ) 
Tagging my loves💜: 
@napofamikrokosmos @khaleesionjupiter @favjoon @tiernamente @yeettmeplease @arimvv @chaotic-taetae @dimpled-gukkie @daze-six @taeicci @mi-sol-en-seoul @yoongisdumplingcheeks @bangtaninparadise @ahh--lexia @acc3ssdenied @illuminss @hobissunshiness @spaceprintesa
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