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La Fondation ONA vise le financement de divers projets, la plupart au sein de la ville de Rabat, et a accomplir Ă©galement le programme de restructuration et d'acquisitions de l'Omnium
Que nous avions confié a Merrill Lynch, afin d'aller plus vite au sein de la région EMEA, et pour ce qui est du Maroc proprement dit, les entreprises qui intéressent l'ONA ont un fort potentiel au sein de cette région, et globalement
C'est d'ailleurs le critĂšre dĂ©terminant au cotĂ© de la volontĂ© de l'ONA dâĂȘtre prĂ©sent dans tous les secteurs de l'Ă©conomie
La Fondation ONA est centralement situĂ©e des dĂ©jeuners ou dĂźners y sont organisĂ©s assez frĂ©quemment, sans prĂ©tentions, le but est de pouvoir y rencontrer du monde, en lâoccurrence les entreprises qui intĂ©ressent l'ONA, ainsi que les parties prenantes des projets de la Fondation
Anciennement Villa des Arts, institution qui intéresse l'ONA, au sein de l'ancien palais de justice de Rabat, des mines ce serait bien pour commencer, donc MANAGEM, Alliances biensur le maßtre d'ouvrages du groupe puisqu'il s'agit de beaucoup de construction, ainsi que l'OCP pour former NAPEC
Pour ce qui est des projets de la Fondation proprement dite, le mécénat, de la ville en fait, ne veux pas dire investir a perte, la plus value du patrimoine immobilier de Rabat est importante pour l'ONA, qui est propriétaire avec la CDG de quasiment toute la partie de la ville située en aval de l'Avenue de la Victoire
L'ONA est extrĂȘmement impliquĂ© a Rabat, c'est sa place forte, dâoĂč le FNI, Fond National d'Investissements, avec le secteur banquier et autres, Paris ne s'est pas faite en un jour avec un seul ouvrier
La Fondation sert a lancer des projets, d'échelle nationale, qui dépasseraient toute la Fondation réunie, et le secret du succÚs d'un tel modus operandi est pourtant trÚs simple, des personnes compétentes aux postes clés de ces projets
MĂȘme en travaillant nuit et jour, dĂ©finir les choses et outsourcer, le head hunting est une activitĂ© majeure de cette fondation, y compris a l'international
Mon travail, modestement a Ă©tĂ© de dĂ©finir ce qui est attendu, et l'on pourra tout dire de Carlos Ghosn mais il savait ne pas sâempĂȘtrer dans les dĂ©tails, ceci ici comme cela combien, point.
Ce client qui reprochait a Microsoft dâĂȘtre ce qu'elle est, Ă©tait pourtant bien content d'acheter ses produits et d'avoir quelqu'un a qui parler
Merci pour votre attention
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Industrie pétroliÚre et gaziÚre : Technologies et transition énergétiques au programme du salon NAPEC 2018
Industrie pétroliÚre et gaziÚre : Technologies et transition énergétiques au programme du salon NAPEC 2018
La neuviĂšme Ă©dition de la confĂ©rence-exposition sur lâindustrie pĂ©troliĂšre et gaziĂšre dans la rĂ©gion de lâAfrique du Nord (NAPEC) se tiendra, du 10 au 13 mars Ă Oran. Carrefour incontournable des acteurs mondiaux dans le secteur de lâĂ©nergie et des hydrocarbures, le NAPEC sâimpose comme le plus grand Salon international en Afrique et en MĂ©diterranĂ©e.
Cet Ă©vĂ©nement, qui aura lieu au centre desâŠ
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Regrann from @argilando - #CarinhonoPote passando pela sua timeline pra lembrar que pode ser simples ajudar!đ Potinhos de vidro com tampa plĂĄstica sĂŁo essenciais para o banco de leite materno do Instituto Fernades Figueira. Essa Ă© uma campanha permanente do #BancodeDoaçÔes da ARGILANDO. Podem doar sempre aqui na sede!đ€ Todo mĂȘs fazemos o repasse para o Amigos do NAPEC que mandar para a esterilização no IFF. Uma doação simples, de um item que iria , muitas vezes, para o lixo, e que faz muita diferença para as famĂlias que contam com o banco de leite. Muito Carinho no Pote! đ đ đ đ đ #Argilando #Napec #doacao #bancodeleite #maternidade #amamentacao #SomosTodosArgilando - #regrann (em SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil)
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Operatrices et Operateurs de production (150 postes)
RĂ©fĂ©rence de lâoffre : TA081117491190 Agence Anapec : TANGER
Opératrices et Opérateurs de production (150 postes) sur TANGER-ASSILAH
Secteur dâactivitĂ© : Fabrication de machines et appareils Ă©lectriques Type de contrat : CI Lieu de travail : TANGER-ASSILAH Description du profil : DES OPERATEURS ET OPERATRICES DE PRODUCTION SUR MACHINES. BAC / CQP / TECHNICIEN / LICENCE. Formation :BaccalaurĂ©at,âŠ
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#Adresse Anapec Tanger#appareils electriques#CQP#Emploi anapec#Emploi Tanger#Fabrication de machines#napec tanger#Opérateur de Production#operatrice de production#PREMO Méditeraneé#Premo Méditerranée#premo tanger#premo tanger recrutement#recrutement ANAPEC#Technicien
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http://ift.tt/2Df6oQp Reports on Badger Daylighting, Stantec, Bird Construction, and NAPECpic.twitter.com/G2ZRTooKGg
http://ift.tt/2Df6oQp Reports on Badger Daylighting, Stantec, Bird Construction, and NAPEC pic.twitter.com/G2ZRTooKGg
from Twitter Search / Canadian_Money https://twitter.com/Canadian_Money/status/953268229157343233
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Q&A, Forbes Magazine
Thank you for receiving us aboard ONA 787-9, what more can you tell us about this business jet?
A game changer for ONA and its business partners, it really is, its size allows for welcoming delegations of staff from ONA and its business partners and conducting work on board, during business trips where we pick up different people along the legs of what is often a world tour, and more, the interior is by Lufthansa Technik and AMG, including a conference room and a sizeable business lounge
Featured in a number of aviation magazines already, we are quite proud of it
We've been told that is where you spend most of your time?
At work or in the jet? Well I guess that is the case for quite a few executives
But not all of them
True there's a breed of executives that basically are a by product of globalization, global executives, meaning they have business around the world, and around the clock
So ONA & Partners is the brand new thing?
We are thrilled about it, the plan is to meet every 6 months in Dubai to go over different business deals, and other initiatives that are the work of ONA & Partners proper, and its teams that coordinate all of it, we also get a worthwhile preview of what is in their projects pipeline for our next meeting
It is all very exciting, regrouping 30 of the world's largest holdings and consortiums and some of the most powerful executives of the planet
The range of ventures and initiatives is broad, and it is not all business, there's philanthropy and arts, there is also a drive within this business group to make change happen for the better in parts of the world that are impoverished for lack of investments, ie cash on hand to build up the economic tissue, and infrastructures to sustain growth not just locally but regionally and globally
The thing we are finding out is that poverty and economic disparities do not have everything to do with developed or underdeveloped nations
It might be more acute that is certain, but it is a global phenomenon, and so we are investing in countries rich or poor pursuing strong fundamentals to adress income disparities, investments and job creation and yes better pays
Explain to us how you are able to offer better pays?
The explanation is simple, if it's a plant we are buying the nearest supermarket chain, services in general, making that profit back, it's just one example of looking at corporate profit as a value chain, there are also strong incentives for the employees of these subsidiaries to invest in their companies such as shares programs
ONA has become an investment powerhouse in the MENA region, with acquisitions internationally, and quite some coverage in the press
Go ahead ask your question
The business and financial communities are wondering where does all that money come from, after all Morocco is not a rich country
Wrong, Morocco is one of the wealthiest countries of the planet when we factor that it disposes of 92% if the world's proven phosphates reserves, without which you cannot grow crops, transform oil derivatives or have a nuclear industry
These proven reserves are so valuable to the global economy that Morocco can leverage their net worth several times, basically it's no different than taking a mortgage on your home, now the crucial role of phosphates as a commodity, agriculture, industry and energy depend on it, make it so that the mortgage is sound
Earlier on you referenced to Morocco's phosphates reserves as the elephant sitting in the global economy room?
I thank you for bringing it up, there is no reason why the GCC's massive oil reserves would be the reason of their prosperity while Morocco's equally massive phosphates stock, accounting for almost all of worldwide reserves, should be treated any differently
We have been able to make that case to our financial backers, and even at credit rating agencies, as a result Morocco's credit rating has improved noticeably
Surely NAPEC has made its share of worldwide news as the world's largest phosphates consortium, it so happens that it is one of our major capital investors, so are others who are looking forward to the opportunity of sinking their oil and gas revenues in a volatile market, which should answer your initial question
Why is that?
Whether its phosphates, gas or black gold owning currency is tying the value of these commodities to the financial market, vs sinking them into tangible assets
That is how we brought SONATRACH an Algerian energy giant into our ownership, they had very large cash reserves, we looked them in the eye and told them well it's still currency that you are holding, that is tied to an economy, that depends of the global economy which in turns depends of the energy industry
And so it is a closed loop where the performance of these foreign currencies is risk averse to spikes in energy prices which erode their value thus the value of the cash reserves you are holding, increased production prices lower consumer spending and savings, putting a financial squeeze on available funding for individuals and corporations alike
You make it look as if though ONA is geared towards funneling phosphates, oil and gas revenues?
Precisely, into the MENA economy and following its capital recapping for up to 1.65TN USD and ownership diversification along regional lines, we are also in an advanced round of negotiations with Saudi ARAMCO for a total volume of shares which should be anywhere from 25 to 35%, roughly 500BN USD
Whether it's phosphates, oil or gas these reserves will not last forever, the role of ONA however is to invest regionally in MENA, it is our top priority, which implies buying other businesses internationally that have potential in the region
What do you expect from that ARAMCO potential deal?
Well behind ARAMCO there is people
And you expect these people to facilitate ONA's operations in the Middle East?
Indeed, in all of the GCC as a matter of fact, there's no such thing as a free meal in the globalized economy, we want to be present in the GCC we have to pay our ticket to sit at the table
What is your relationship with NAPEC?
I sit at their advisory board, I like to think that Morocco has talents while the globalized economy is a competitive scene, and so here we are
What is currently in your mind?
U.S regulators have it that a holding such as ours has to own 80% of a subsidiary not to be imposed on dividends, we think that is way too much, and it hampers our North American operations, nobody wants to own 80% of another company in the globalized economy which is made of flexibility and added value partnerships not of owning it all
Surely there has to be a way to make that threshold more reasonable
What would be reasonable?
60%, and we are working on that along several other U.S based holdings with U.S regulators, considering that in other parts of the world 50% of the stock plus 1 share does it
It puts more stocks in the market, and that has great value for the economy, conceding that not all of these subsidiaries are publicly traded but still
Taxation wise because you have to look at it from the perspective of regulators, your are not taxing dividends but you are taxing the revenues stemming from these shares sales, and so it is a valid proposition that makes it easier to do business in the U.S
Also the money that isn't tied to owning 80% if these subsidiaries can be invested or re invested locally, a firm commitment that we have made at ONA
Other corporations would be only too happy adding to their annual revenues?
You can look at it and say these are subsidiaries the wider picture is that they are part of communities, that's revenue growth and job creation, essentially creating more taxable wealth within these communities proper
So it's not just about doing business it's also how you do business, we are waiting to hear from them
That was our last question, you had promised us a scoop however
I thought that was it but true, ONA Omnium of North Africa combined with ONA Omnium of North America, now headquartered at Liberty Tower New York, and in Hangzhou China, is rebranding simply as ONA in order to fulfill our identity as a global corporation
And an investment tip
The Global South, buy African stocks, get in early and stay put as the the Global South emerges from poverty and transforms the globalized economy in the process
Thank you
Welcome gentlemen, appreciate your time onboard and thank you very much
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NAPEC - North Africa Petroleum Exhibition and Conference 2019 at Algeria(Oran) 2019-March
interior furnishing Exhibitions, home furnishing contact list, office furnishing business, living product Shows, living accessories companies contacts, office design service and home design service. Meetings, key decision makers Fairs, buyers B2C opportunities, suppliers B2B ideas, traders contacts list, distributors Exhibitions 2019, March, Algeria, Oran
NAPEC - North Africa Petroleum Exhibition and Conference 2019 at Algeria(Oran) 2019-March
NAPEC - North Africa Petroleum Exhibition and Conference 2019 trade show event mainly focuses on:
interior furnishing contact list, home furnishing Exhibitors, office furnishing Meetings, living product network, living accessories companies contacts, office design service and home design service. Exhibitors, key decision makers business, buyers contact list, suppliers Exhibitors, traders B2B ideas, distributors directory
related products/services/industry/business. This trade show opens top business opportunities to exhibit products and services from interior furnishing B2B ideas, home furnishing Exhibitors, office furnishing Trade Shows, living product companies, living accessories network, office design service and home design service. Exhibitors, key decision makers Trade Shows, buyers events, suppliers B2C opportunities, traders contacts list, distributors contacts list industry.
Find More Details about NAPEC - North Africa Petroleum Exhibition and Conference 2019 event...
We help you to grow your business by providing the required contact details of all companies participating in this event and you can download the same data in excel format using the above links. Location of the Event:Algeria(Oran) Year-Month:2019-March Official Website:Event Website source https://www.expomahal.com/2019/04/napec-north-africa-petroleum-exhibition.html
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Algérie : Adoption de la nouvelle loi sur les hydrocarbures en 2019
Algérie : Adoption de la nouvelle loi sur les hydrocarbures en 2019
A lâouverture des travaux du NAPEC Ă ORAN, le ministre de lâEnergie, Mustapha Guitouni a annoncĂ© que la finalisation de  la mouture du projet de rĂ©vision de la loi sur les hydrocarbures sera adoptĂ©e le deuxiĂšme semestre de lâannĂ©e en cours.
âLa refonte de cette loi sur les hydrocarbures sâest faite sur la base dâune large concertation avec les partenaires et les expertsâ, a dĂ©clarĂ© le ministre.
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This article is provided for information and education purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Readers are encouraged to do their own research and consult a professional before making any investment decisions.
SophiaTX is a joint venture between Venaco Group, an SAP system and innovation firm, and Decent, the blockchain content distribution platform.
Their focus is on creating SAP-integrated solutions for businesses of all sizes, minimizing requirements for programming, and maximizing the ease of creating and deploying applications on their blockchain.
The project's whitepaper says that 76% of the world's transaction revenue touches SAP systems, which gives SophiaTX a very large prospective market to work with.
One of their main aims is to be completely compliant with business and legal regulations, allowing worry-free integration into existing business systems.
From their whitepaper: -It is the SophiaTX Team's ambition to become the principal platform for blockchain adoption by businesses of all sizes."
The SophiaTX platform is made up of three main areas: a blockchain, a development platform, and a marketplace to buy and sell apps built for the chain.
The SPHTX token will be used for:
Developers are able to earn tokens on the SophiaTX platform by creating apps which harness the benefits of their blockchain and integrate into SAP systems. Revenue earned from the purchase and use of these apps will go to developers.
The SophiaTX project aims to solve the core problems of trust and security. Current ERP systems are a clear improvement upon their preceding disjointed systems in business, but still ofer room for improvement in these two key areas.
Much of this is to do with proof of agreements and document records, which would be made more transparent, accessible, and credible by blockchain.
Currently, the exchange of such information is limited and often involves one of many expensive middleware products, which are neither completely trustless nor transparent in nature. SophiaTX may be able to create a new standard for such interfaces, effectively improving compatibility, trust, and transparency. It could also significantly reduce the software and labour costs associated with existing systems.
Some existing ERP systems are also working on integrating blockchain into their systems, however in most cases this appears to be in a private or consortium. The SophiaTX team has recognized this, and does not view this approach as a satisfactory solution in terms of decentralisation and exclusivity. In their view, a public blockchain is the only acceptable and truly decentralized solution.
The team has an extensive history of working in the fields of SAP and other ERP systems at a high level, including experience in companies such as EY, Deloitte, McKinsey & Co, GE and more.
Perhaps most notably, multiple team members are former employees of Alstom power, a company which has now been acquired by GE Power.
These close ties with GE have resulted in a partnership with GE Power, which may be a huge step into wider adoption of the SophiaTX platform.
The advisory board is equally impressive, and includes executives from prominent companies like GE Digital, NAPEC, Vodafone, ABB Group, Marie Stopes, and many more.
This provides a promising indicator of not only excellent support and guidance, but also various potential networks and connections which could result in future partnerships and adoption.
SophiaTX already have a handful of significant partnerships with notable firms and groups:
The main focus of this collaboration with GE Power is to design and develop blockchain solutions for financial operations and supply chain management. This will include collecting and storing data from IoT devices.
KITA Logistics are a supply chain company who specialise in the pharmaceutical industry. They intend to develop a specific blockchain-focused solution for the transport of pharmaceuticals and other products.
EY is working with Equitado and SophiaTX to build an automotive industry-specific supply chain management system. The goal is to improve transparency of processes, which will result in improved efficiency and lower costs.
Hyperledger is a well-known open source group of professionals from the tech, finance, and banking sectors, who share a common goal of applying blockchain to their respective industries.
If SophiaTX do things right, they could very well establish themselves as the go-to blockchain solution for businesses of all sizes across the world.
Their careful attention to regulation, compatibility with existing systems, and networks are likely to deliver a very safe and hassle-free option for enterprises looking to harness the benefits of emerging blockchain technology.
They are still very much under the radar, with their token still existing solely as an ERC-20 token available only on a few lesser-known exchanges.
This token will be swapped for their native blockchain token once their mainnet goes live, in July of this year. Following this launch event, we are likely to see attention grow around the project, as well as possible additions to more notable exchanges such as Binance and Bittrex.
With a market cap still under $100m, there is a lot of room for the project's value to grow as it realizes its potential.
In addition to the mainnet launch, other releases are planned for the next two quarters including a wallet, marketplace, development platform, and SAP client, so stay tuned and watch this space for updates as they become available.
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Un tweet
NAPEC 2018: l'Algérie, une destination d'investissements importants dans le domaine minier https://t.co/orfwrn3PKZ
â Fioul-Actu (@FioulActu) March 27, 2018
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BRIEF-Napec Inc Q3 earnings per share $0.02ïżœïżœ https://t.co/4U5J7H2ceU #BusinessNews #Companies
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Starting regionally with Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt, should take NAPEC towards 84% of world phosphates stock, with developing and poor countries in mind,
where higher GDP countries cannot expect anymore to pay the same prices as Botswana and Angola, in essence NAPEC is aimed at indexing phosphates export prices on national GDP's as communicated by IMF and the World Bank
Developing and poor countries should not expect prices to go up, but others will, and looking forward to welcome both Russia and China as NAPEC members, or the USA even why not providing it doesn't argue against its own GDP, at any rate modeling phosphates production on OPEC while practicing fair prices
And let's pay a clear attention that because NAPEC export prices are indexed on GDP we can begin to see a revenue model where the poorest countries actually pay less, nobody else does that
Let us not complain too much either before we see what it can do to hunger in many countries, and before the introduction of NAPEC on the Casablanca stock market, market economy at its best yes we are paying more for phosphates but we have stocks in that company
The one thing about it is that NAPEC is geared towards transforming large quantities of phosphates rock into fertilizers doing so locally, the margin is much more, we are done I think with exporting most of it as mineral rock, meaning current fertilizer producers are bound to become acquisition assets for NAPEC to service regional markets
Not excluding the diversification into other forms of phosphates transformation, for both the oil derivatives and nuclear energy industries
How do you value 84% plus of the world's phosphate reserves, everything points out to NAPEC becoming a very large company, a multinational present in phosphates rock extraction, transformation and exports, and a valuable source of financial liquidity for Morocco, indeed for the whole region
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Report Coverage on Industrials Stocks, Badger Daylighting, Stantec, Bird Construction, and NAPEC http://ift.tt/2x24L0BÂ
Report Coverage on Industrials Stocks, Badger Daylighting, Stantec, Bird Construction, and NAPEC http://ift.tt/2x24L0BÂ
from Twitter Search / Canadian_Money https://twitter.com/Canadian_Money/status/913747475219050496
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