#nancy drew 2x01
hucklebucket · 1 year
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seeinganewlight · 1 year
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nancy drew parallels
the search for the midnight wraith (2x01) ⇾ the trial of the missing witness (2x12) ⇾ the warning of the frozen heart (3x01) ⇾ the dilemma of the lover's curse (4x01) ⇾ the maiden's rage (4x02)
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lover-of-mine · 1 month
Okay, so, I have been watching Ryan's filmography and I have found something that I like to call The Ryan Guzman Trope™ and is that in a lot of his pre-911 projects there's almost always this kinda intense/kinda intimate scene where the love interest sees Ryan's character shirtless while he's unaware of it. Now let's go back to 9-1-1's 2x01 and Eddie's introduction to not only us but to Buck and... is technically the same freaking scene. Which you know could mean nothing but choices were definitely made. I'm just saying. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
🔎 Nancy Drew
I KNOOOOWWWWWW I was a Ryan fan pre 911, I was actually counting down the episode to his introduction when I started watching the show, and that man always has The shirtless scene. Like, I know Ryan has an amazing body, has had his whole career and he doesn't seem to have a problem showing it off, but it really is a trope when he's involved kapakapakapakoa which could mean nothing lol
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flythesail · 1 year
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Countdown to Nancy Drew: 31 Days
"I'm afraid that I don't know who I am, that I'm just the worst parts of all of them."
— 2x01: The Search for the Midnight Wraith
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chenfordsrollisi · 1 year
Playing Catch Up
Finish 7th and final season of Riverdale [Finished 8/30/2023]
4th and final season of Nancy Drew [Abandoned after 4x03. Too sad.]
14th and final season of NCIS: Los Angeles. [Finished: 9/8/2023.]
The Lincoln Lawyer S2 [Abandoned in the middle of 2x01. Lost interest.]
Castle S2-8
Grey's Anatomy: S6-11x21
The Resident: S2-5x23
TWD S8-11
NCIS: Hawai'i. Gonna try rewatching and see if I like it better this time around.
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alphinias · 1 year
So I started watching Nancy Drew bc of your page and all the attention on Nace. I’m about 7 episodes into season 1 and am genuinely wondering if Nace was similar to Jiara where the fans saw it more so than the writers at first or if they were always meant to be together? I guess I’m not far enough in to tell yet but I’m just curious!
Also I feel hardly any chemistry between Nancy and Nick so can’t wait for that to end
Yay! Great decision because it’s honestly such a fun show and nace is so well done. One of the most well done slow burns I’ve seen.
I think there was a bit of a mix. The writers have admitted to knowing there was potential between Ace and Nancy when they cast Alex, and Kennedy has just recently admitted to trying to play into it a little from the beginning just in case it was something the writers explored later. So while I don’t necessarily think they went into the show knowing “this is our epic endgame”, it was on their minds as a possibility and I think throughout season one they played with everyone’s chemistry enough to cement for themselves that this was the winning ship they wanted to go with. You can pretty much immediately feel a shift at the beginning of S2 because they’d settled on it by then, although the second half of S1 has several scenes where the chemistry really begins to jump out. You’ll immediately know the ones! I can’t speak as much on fan response because I just joined the fandom around 2x01; to my knowledge it was generally supported, which the writers probably noticed, but I don’t think there was an insane response like what Jiara had from S1. Probably just because the fandom was smaller and quieter.
Nancy and Nick was pretty painful to get through! Nothing special there chemistry wise, and if they start the show already sleeping together there is a 99.9% chance I won’t ship it anyway.
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erikiara80 · 2 years
True Sight is like Parseltongue. An ability Will gained for the connection he shares with Henry (the soteria/eye of Vecna). And like we know Will's real powers are doormant because of the soteria (but I believe Will was very close or awakened them in the shed scene in s2), so true sight not being an original power of his makes a lot of sense.
It's possible that Truesight is like Parseltongue. But, of course, there are other options. It's fascinating.
I was thinking... Will sees the UD in S2, when the Mind Flayer/Henry is trying to possess him, but in S3 and S4 he only feels Henry's presence or what he feels. So maybe it wasn't really him using Truesight in S2 but Henry using their connection to make him have visions and manipulate his mind/soul to possess him. In S4, when he made people have visions, they couldn't move. Chrissy, Max and Nancy were like Will in 2x04, when the Mind Flayer possessed him in the field. In fact, in 2x01 Will told Owens that he was frozen. He couldn't breath, or move or do anything.
We also know that the visions started in S1, right after Will coughed up Dart. A creature of the UD. What does that mean? Can that be the real beginning of the connection? Something Dart did while he was growing inside Will's body? Something similar happened to El in S3 after the Mind Flayer bit her, so... maybe.
I think that in the shed scene Henry was using his powers, not Will's. And he could do it because the Mind Flayer's particles that connected all the creatures were in Will's body. So it didn't matter if his powers were blocked. Henry would've killed everybody at the hospital with telekinesis, if he could. But maybe he just can't fully use his powers when he possesses someone. Like, he couldn't with Billy or Nancy’s boss either. Billy and those men were only a bit stronger. I guess we'll know for sure that Will is actually using his powers when his nose bleeds, lol. That would help a lot, thank you writers.
Another interesting detail, imo, is that Henry drew the Mind Flayer when he was young. And the landscape in his drawing looks a lot like the UD. He said that when he found out that he had powers he became an explorer, so I wonder if it's possible that he could really see the UD when he was a kid. That would actually be Truesight.
I hope this makes sense. : )
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heroesandlovers · 3 years
Nancy Drew 2x01 "The Search for the Midnight Wraith"
Diving into Season 2 on my rewatch. Even after watching this first episode...there was so much I missed the first time around! Can't wait to dive in more.
Why does the episode open with “THREE HOURS LATER”? Is this three hours after S1 ends? (time truly moves differently in the Drewverse)
“I have no idea who I am anymore, and now, I may never get the chance to figure it out”.
Woah OK so…this line really does just summarize the whole season huh. Two of the major plot lines are 1) The Drew Crew trying not to die and 2) Nancy’s identify crisis
The Drew Crew tries to circumvent their deaths by destroying the instruments. Most of these involve destroying or removing objects of destruction (meat hooks, trucks) but Ace takes the challenging “I’ll try to render Bess non-flammable”
Detective Tamara comes looking for Nancy. They had a victim who had run in front of a car but before going unconscious had said Nancy Drew’s name.
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While at the hospital, George helps Nancy run interference on Carson. I think it’s funny they call him Mr. D it’s the same number of syllables as Mr. Drew it saves no time 🤷‍♀️
Nancy doesn’t recognize the girl. But in her conversation with Tamura we are introduced to the “Gorham Wraith” for the first time. “A phantom that rises with the full moon and feeds on the fear of those lost in the woods. Draws you deeper and deeper in until you can’t find your way out”. I’m going to pay much more attention to this wraith thing this time around! This is some good foreshadowing for the season.
Somehow Nancy notices that the girl has Aglaeca written in code on her hand. She transfers a copy to her own hand and sends it to Ace to see if he can crack the code.
Meanwhile, Nick and Ace are back at the Claw.
“It’s not like you to have doubts about Nancy. You did drink poison for her”. This act has stuck with more than just the audience. Nick commenting on it means it stuck with him too.
This feels different to Ace though. “This isn’t water”. This is a death curse that they only caught because they helped Nancy. Nick says “If you blame Nancy why are you hacking for her”
Ace doesn’t deny that he blames Nancy. He does blame Nancy. He's mad at Nancy
Ace has cracked the code which was a message for Nancy that they are willing to “sell” her a mirror that can be used to fight the Aglaeca. Bess’s social media SOS had apparently worked?
“Personal space much Nancy?”
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Although reluctant (interestingly Ace was most reluctant and grounded Nick😲 was the one who pointed out this was the most solid lead they had), the group agrees to check it out.
In the woods, they find video of Amanda (the girl in the hospital) talking to her twin Gil about the mirror. They also see her being attacked by the wraith and realized that must be what chased her to the road where she was found.
Ace knows of a nearby lodge where they assume Gil was calling from. “I used to hike a lot when I was an Eagle Scout”- of course Ace is an Eagle Scout (although technically once an eagle scout, aren’t you always an Eagle Scout). Actually eagle scout seems more Nick’s vibe.
They track down the hunting lodge…but run into Mr. Hudson there who is holding a business meeting. They get escorted to a room used for processing mean/animals (so...meat hooks and bloody floors) while they wait for Everett to meet with them.
“He’s your blood”
“Yeah but I am nothing like him or the Hudsons”- Nancy is desperate to convince herself that this is true.
For someone afraid to die, Ace was awfully blunt with his murder accusations to Mr. Everett.
Ryan comes in to save the day. How did he know they were there?
Ace, because he can read Nancy better than most, knows exactly what is up with Nancy. “You want me to tell you you’re nothing like your grandfather? That you don’t drag your friends into bad situations?”
Nancy- because she’s always been open with Ace “Yeah, kinda”
Ace points out that they are literally walking into danger and fighting death because they helped her. Obviously this isn’t fair of Ace, but I think it’s a normal reaction for him to be upset.
They encounter the wraith and run into an abandoned bus where they find Gil Bobbsey (when did we learn the last name?), who despite being on his way to a diabetic coma, wants to negotiate the deal and get the money.
To try and keep the wraith away (because it feeds off fear) the Crew tries to think of happier times. Bess brings up The 4th of July, which was Nancy’s first day at The Claw.
Yay flashbacks!
We get Nick and Nancy’s meet cute. (eh...wasn't that cute. just OK)
They created this whole flashback scene. It must be important to the plot and not just nostalgia right?
The Drew crew runs out of the bus to escape the Aglaeca, but Nancy stays back. Why? Is she temporarily overwhelmed by everything that has happened over recent events?
“I’m afraid of me. I’m afraid I’m just the worst parts of all of them” The wraith is feeding off Nancy’s fear of herself. Her hear that at her core, she is just like the Hudsons. Gah I missed so much on the first watch of this!
Nancy figures out the wraith is afraid of fire and uses that to escape the bus. Gil is the one to pull her out. They finish the deal to the the Aglaeca mirror, where they find a riddle….something about a sea shanty.
Det Tamara shows up and takes the stolen mirror, and arrests Nancy (because apparently just her holding it is enough?) But Ryan saves her once again by telling the police the mirror was a gift and not stolen.
Ryan and Carson scenes…there just aren’t enough of them in the world. Although this one isn’t particularly warm and fuzzy.
A #Nace scene! Where we find out what Ace is REALLY mad at. He’s mad that the thing he has come to value the most, the thing that has finally given him some direction and identity, may be soon taken away from him.
While Nancy feels like she is losing her identify, Ace feels like he is just finding his.
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“Next time, you feel like sacrificing yourself to prove you’re not a Hudson, please don’t. Just cause I’m mad at you, doesn’t mean I want to lose you”.
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“Next time, you feel like sacrificing yourself to prove you’re not a Hudson, please don’t. Just cause I’m mad at you, doesn’t mean I want to lose you”.
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Nancy and Ace
I know people are mad at Ace for being mad at Nancy. I confess I am too. Nancy doesn’t really deserve it. They all followed her on this journal willingly, she even gave them the out! But it’s normal to be mad sometimes. Guess what, PEOPLE GET MAD AT PEOPLE THEY LOVE ALL THE TIME. And listen, if you’re gonna be mad, through out lines like “Just cause I’m mad at you doesn’t mean I want to lose you”. Ace is doing mad right.
Nancy looks more than a slightly stunned by Ace’s comment.
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I really feel like this episode the writers were ALL IN on Ace and Nancy. The two were like magnets every scene they are in together they don't know the definition of personal space.
Nancy and Nick
But just to keep us on our toes, the writers threw in the flashback where Nancy and Nick first met. They show a Nick frustrated because Nancy won't answer his texts (I mean...in this case she was trying to get our of Everett Hudson's death room). And they show us Nick and George NOT telling Nancy about their relationship.
Hey writers....nice try
A new section because I love him and all his quips deserve their own section
“Like a proposed death, like a serving suggestion on a waffle box you can’t actually….”
“I’ll try to render Bess nonflammable”
The cooler was once his happy place (Sorry but all I could think of was he and Laura getting caught by Carson coming out of the cooler)
"You have a lovely home"
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7Who: Alex Saxon as Ace What: Aviator Nation Unisex Traveler Lightweight Jacket - Sold Out Where: 2x02 “The Reunion Of Lost Souls" , 2x01 "The Search For The Midnight Wraith" , 2x03 "The Secret Of Solitary Scribe" , 2x04 "The Fate Of The Buried Treasure" , 1x18 "The Clue In The Captain’s Painting"
Note: Altered by the costume departmen
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klutzysworld · 4 years
Gawd i’ve missed the Drew crew
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hucklebucket · 2 years
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seeinganewlight · 1 year
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nancy drew parallels
the search for the midnight wraith (2x01) ⇾ the trial of the missing witness (2x12) ⇾ the ransom of the forsaken soul (3x01) ⇾ the danger of the hopeful sigil (4x03)
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nacesource · 2 years
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NACE APPRECIATION WEEK (2022): Day 7 ↳ Free choice: Moment you were all-in
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NANCY DREW || 2x01: The Search For The Midnight Wraith
“Sometimes you just have to let fear be”
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charmedslayer · 3 years
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2.01 | The Search for the Midnight Wraith
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youdrewafish · 3 years
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Nace Appreciation Week Day 2: Tropes or Parallels
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