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cogimyunkittens · 2 months ago
,,,,nanaping doodl...
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sweet-dottie-dan-dan · 1 year ago
❤❤❤❤Red Characters Collage❤❤❤❤
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Middle (Main Row):
Lord Kallous the Merciless (Elliott From Earth)
First Row:
1- Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
2- Becky Botsword (WordGirl)
3- Panty Anarchy (Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt)
Middle/Second Row:
1- Mei-Lee (Turning Red)
2- Nanaping (Catch Teenieping)
Third Row:
1- Lammy (Um Jammer Lammy)
2- Blossom Utonium (The Powerpuff Girls)
3- Praxina (LoliRock)
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quirk-nova · 2 months ago
hello, can you do wittymeow, Dreamping, & Nanaping please (not together)
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Wittymeow (Wish Cat) aesthetic board for anon
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Dreamping (Catch! Teenieping) aesthetic board for anon
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Nanaping (Catch! Teenieping) aesthetic board for anon
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wagaaruji · 6 months ago
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Happy birthday Musubi!
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tokwattoge · 1 year ago
Journal | 7.3.2023 5:51 AM
Good morning! Productive morning agad for me kasi 5:30 ako nag simula mag class. Nagising ako ng 4:51 ata pero hindi na ako natulog, actually nahihilo nga ako ng very very light. Hahhaha pinagninilayan ko nga kung mag nanap ba ako mamaya o hindi eh, pero wala naman akong advance na binuksan so kung mahilo talaga ako mamaya pwede naman ako mag break muna pero sana kahit hanggang 8 makapagturo ako para count na agad sa day time incentive.
Productive din kasi nakapagligpit ligpit ako kanina dahil nagising ako at bumangon 30 mins before magstart yung work. Hindi ko naman natapos lahat pero fairly, lahat naman ng kalat sa sala and kitchen naligpit ko.
Looking forward to a great day today. Praying na makumpleto ko agad yung tinatarget ko ng lesson slots para no need na mag extend! Targeting 20 lessons today currently 3 na ang booked. At the same time, sana may maset rin akong meetings para sa financial planning session. 🙏
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from Chinese cities written backwards, excluding the letter "G"
Adnaixiyuf Afehc Afehcnauy Afiew Ahcnauhc Ahiqihs Ahsiur Ahzed Aijoahsiy Ailahcniq Ailuhc Aixiebiab Aixnemuhs Aixuful Aixut Aliuhzihz Alrohcuohz Aluhieb Amijuhnuy Amuhz Atnaim Auhiew Auhneh Auhsihc Auhsihznan Auhsuw Auhsuy Auhsuyab Auhznaix Auhznehiem Auqaiqiq Auyoab Auyouh Auyoul Auyud Auyuf Auyufniy Auyup Auyuw Ayoaixuf...
Baqnaix Baqnauhnut Baqneb Baqnem Dulix Dumahsel Duohz Ehciab Ehcil Ehcnahsuw Ehcnal Ehcnan Ehcnay Ehcnuy Ehcul Ehcuw Ehieb Ehiemara Ehner Ehoaix Ehzoarab Ehzoaz Ehzouh Eliah Eliuhs Elixiew Elnehcnup Esiak Esihz Esiynay Ezehciy Iahcam Iahciy Iahcnaix Iahsihsulu Iahsnas Iahzuhznew Ialuhnil Ialuhnix Iatnaynahs Iauhcus Ibehoh Iboahuw Iboaijnahs Iboail Ibrab Iebiyial Ieboait Iefiew Iehne Iemut Iemutyup Iewiy Iewnay Ihcus Ihcuw Ihsak Ihsel Ihsiauh Ihsihc Ihsihcnil Ihsij Ihsil Ihsnal Ihsnil Ihsuyuk Ihznauhc Ihzniq Ijaix Ijibrab Ijiehciuhc Ijiuzial Ijnaijuq Ijuqus Ilehzoadum Ileij Ilelnahs Ilieb Ilnilix Imnijib Imniy Imoamial Iqniboab Isuyilix Iubnuk Iubnup Iubnuy Iuhieb Iuhius Iusiahs Iusialum Iuska Iuskailil Iuziyam Iuzob Ixiat Ixiewuw Ixiqoahs Ixiquf Ixiuh Ixiuhc Ixiur Ixiuzed Ixneh Ixnehieb Ixnil Iyial Iyieb Iyius Iynaf Iynuk Kudieboah Ladnaix Larakud Mahcoaitup Maijnahsel Naadül Nacatob Nafaw Nafihz Nahciauh Nahcihsof Nahcil Nahcna Nahcnehcul Nahcnem Nahcus Nahcuw Nahnew Nahnil Nahsiur Nahsneme Nahsnixiz Nahsod Nahsulnet Nahsum Nahuh Nahzed Nahzihs Nahznahs Nahzuhc Nahzuhsof Naidamiahz Naidief Naiehsuy Naijehnud Naijieb Naijihs Naijil Naijila Naijnah Naijnahs Naijnaij Naijnail Naijnait Naijnan Naijnialu Naijnil Naijuq Naijuwiy Naileij Nailix Naiqnauhc Naiqnijuw Naixic Naixijnix Naixiuz Naixnaij Naixnehc Nakra Nalad Namaij Namiy Namiyiauh Namut Nanaid Nanaijnix Nanaim Nanap Nanas Nanaxrab Naniq Nanix Naniy Nannaijnan Naprutnaij Nasak Nasaluoh Natiq Natohzieb Nauhc Nauhcnahs Nauhcnan Nauhen Nauhiab Nauhiemaij Nauhiquf Nauhnil Nauhoaij Nauhs Nauhsak Nauhsal Nauhsoahis Nauhuw Nauhziah Nauhziat Nauhzipiur Nauhznahc Nauyiab Nauynuz Nauyup Nauyuw Nayad Nayatieb Nayed Nayehcnin Nayeitup Nayeuy Nayiak Nayiew Nayihz Nayihzuij Nayij Nayil Nayilu Nayiy Nayiz Nayna Naynahc Naynan Naynanohz Naynehc Naynut Naynutiq Nayoahc Nayuw Nefeh Nefius Nefnin Nefnut Neful Nehciy Nehcna Nehcnan Nehcnauh Nehcnuhz Nehcuw Nehoahnuh Nehznac Nemara Nemeit Nemiy Nemnan Nemutra Newiy Nidam Nidieb Nijehs Nijila Nileijuqad Nileit Nilnehc Niluoh Nilül Nimahcnil Nimnil Nininil Nipel Nipiuhniq Niqne Niqoaz Niqup Nixed Nixneh Nixniy Nixoahuhz Nixuh Nixuwoaij Nuhoaz Nuhuwoam Nuhzur Nutna Nutyuf Nuyoul Nuziy Nuzouluh Oahciuh Oahseh Oahsieb Oaijnuziur Oaixnibihs Oamaij Ouhcus Ouluh Ouluohzoul Ouzoul Riuhc Runnail Runnaitup Rutyup Salrokeh Soaij Sodnaynay Toahs Toaijnauhs Toamut Tohcnaiq Tohzauh Tohznah Tohznij Tohzuf Tohzuh Tohzuquf Uaciy Ubnuhz Uhcat Uhieb Uhiew Uhihc Uhihs Uhnil Uhoaiq Uhsnay Uhsof Uhziahieb Uhzoad Uhzur Uijnaixnij Uilad Uiliahiew Uilül Uixijil Uixnip Uohciy Uohcneh Uohcnuh Uohcul Uohcuw Uohhohziuh Uohnehc Uohnew Uohnij Uohnijnahc Uohnil Uohnip Uohnix Uohniy Uohnuh Uohseka Uohsiahcuy Uohsum Uohzadul Uohzehc Uohzehciy Uohzehcus Uohziahcam Uohziemuh Uohziew Uohzipis Uohzipnef Uohzir Uohznahs Uohznaidam Uohznaix Uohzned Uohzneh Uohzniluy Uohzninix Uohzniyuy Uohzoahs Uohzoara Uohzoaz Uohzoul Uohzoulu Uohzouz Uohzuhciab Uohzuhcuh Uohzuhsehc Uohzuiq Uohzuskaij Uokaijiuh Uokehc Uokiahs Uokiauynay Uoknahs Uoknahz Uoknan Uoknay Uokuf Uokux Uonaynim Uotnas Uotniy Uoyaimnil Uquij Usihs Uwoam Uyeup Uyihcnul Uyiyiab Uynauh Uyoaz Xuwiat Yaixufniq
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fourwindsgalleryaus · 7 years ago
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Na Na Ping fossil ivory and coral rings with coral necklaces and beautiful historic Zia bird pot #fourwindsgallery #jewellery #doublebay #native #fashion #design #style #artist #NaNaPing #fossil #ivory #rings #historic #zia #pot
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somethingg-new · 2 years ago
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Nana x Burberry (Cosmopolitan Korea, July 2022)
Photographer: Kim Yeong Jun
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closetdecaty2 · 2 years ago
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cogimyunkittens · 1 month ago
nanaping in gl2...! ive never touched anything gacha in a looong time
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@marcysdreamydays11 i made smth in gl2 u happy
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takisabi · 3 years ago
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I actually went inactive on tumblr before I posted these!! Since Tokyo 7th Sisters will not give AXiS BD cards I resorted to drawing them myself! These were from 2020; I am still very happy with them :)
I remember having to figure out who else to add to them so I went with… people they either interacted or someone mentioned them… I considered a full AXiS group but that would just be chaotic
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im-jinahh · 7 years ago
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Nana’s photoshoots: Grazia (2015) x Si (2017)
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wagaaruji · 1 month ago
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Alina Sandstorm
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bbelphie · 5 years ago
Any hcs about how the MC would comfort Belphie and Levi when they’re feeling down? 💕
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don’t mind me i just got a tiny bit sad when doing this and also may have gone a tiiny bit overboard with belphie’s.
rly i got into some sensitive topics that may resemble symptoms of depression and anxiety/mild anxiety attacks. if you’re uncomfortable with it ((or maybe just hits home way too much)) please be careful while you’re reading!
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naps naps NAPS nApS nnnnaps nanapsps nupsnA ps naps nanaps naps
and i’m not even kidding, belphegor just sleeps the sadness away. most of the time. i can relate to that ngl
however, there are times when feeling down that he can’t sleep. and sadly, they’re more common than you’d expect it. before the exchange student event, he would have beel to help him with that, and when he was locked up in the attic, he had his anger towards lucifer to take his mind out of the sorrow.
it often feels like a heavy weight that crumbles over him and stays. especially when he overthinks about his sister’s death.
now, most of these moments are spent alone, because he can’t bring people to worry over him after everything. his relationship with his brothers are still being mend back together. beel can’t always be there for him. even his wrath towards lucifer has dissipated.
belphegor had nothing to occupy his mind with. the thought was almost suffocating.
what else can he do besides finally succumb to the emptiness?
that when he remembers you. so bright and strong, the lovely memory clouds his mind in such a way and all he can think about it’s you, you, you.
that’s when he calls you on his d.d.d with such a desperate voice that belphegor himself was surprised hearing it. the powerful seventh prince of hell felt so vulnerable and open but wasn’t able to think about that with his longing increasing now at a severe rate. he wanted to see you. to hear you voice, to feel your warmth.
when belphegor finally spots you on his door, just a few meters away, he swears he could even feel your warmth radiating in waves. all he wanted to do was crash into you and let it all out.
and yet, he was so scared. he didn’t move a inch after you entered the bedroom. a mist of blue and pink irises stares at you expectantly but he was paralyzed. he did so much bad to you, why did you even...
spoken words aren’t needed to realize that belphegor needed you. you met the demon half way to his bed before his train of thought comes back and he hugs you tightly. and in a matter of seconds, the mighty demon belphegor was being saved by no one else but you. a human. a being he swore to hate until the end of the times. his human.
he felt so safe and welcomed inside your embrace. belphie didn’t need to say anything, neither be understood. you were there for him nevertheless, and it felt like home.
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levi is a mess. anyone would agree about that fact. always rambling and being the shut-in otaku that he is. he’s the dirty weirdo of the family and is not wanted by anyone. or that’s what he thinks.
but lately it’s been worse. everything is just going wrong for him and all he wants to do is curl up on a ball on his bed and cry. but as one of the demon brothers and the third powerful prince of hell, he has things to do. but that wouldn’t matter if at the end of the day he comes back to his precious 2d girls.
however, he wasn’t able to even do that. the week was full with stuff he had to do, and he needs to do it if he doesn’t want to hear another one of lucifer’s discurses about responsibility and respecting diavolo.
it was not, in any way, something he wanted. every meeting, every reunion, every ball full of people that leviathan attended drived him to the edge. the simple thought of being around so many demons and angels makes his skin crawl and send shivers running down his spine.
“ they hate me. why would they want someone like me here? ”
he can feel their eyes on him. judging, gossiping, laughing. they’re all making fun of me. his heart is palpitating so much it feels like it wants to get out of his body. maybe that’s why levi feels like his chest is gonna burst. maybe that’s why his vision is so blurry and he feels like being smothered. and maybe that’s why he can’t breathe.
in a moment of worry, your vision fell upon his form. it was really subtle and he was hiding so well in the ballroom but you could swear you’re seeing his body shaking. as soon you got closer, you realized your suspicions were right. but it wasn’t only that.
you noticed three things first: leviathan was staring at his feet with both of his hands gripping tight on his clothes. his breath was irregular and way too heavy. and if you looked closer, he was sweating.
you say his name once, twice and thrice again and he’s still in a strange daze. on last resort, you touch his trembling arm, softly. and yet, leviathan jumped in surprise with the contact. his eyes — always reminded you of the sunrise you missed seeing so much — finds yours in a worried state. the sight of you relieved him for a single second, only to make him remember the reality of his situation again.
there was fear in his eyes but, he managed to stutter a “what do you want?” though in a very slurring way, just enough to you understand. you take his hand in yours — they’re cold as ice and it makes you wonder if you’re really in hell — to take him somewhere without any people. you know lucifer will scold you, but you also needs to share some thoughts with him as well.
you arrive at the balcony and you can see his tense shoulders shake. all you could do at that moment was hold him tight and whisper encouraging words in his ear while levi cries with his head on your shoulder. surprisingly, he didn’t flinch from your touch. in fact, levi found himself craving it.
levi was so tired. he just wanted to take a breath. everything kept happening and happening and he didn’t had the time to react properly to them. it was like a snowball of bad events rolling down in his direction, about to crash into him.
and it did and it hurted. but he had someone with him to go through this time. he had you. and he couldn’t be more thankful. after some blushing and embarrassing realization that he just cried on you, he will totally thank you properly.
but for now, he only wishes to hear your calming voice and to be comforted by your presence more. to stay with you. just a little more.
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fourwindsgalleryaus · 7 years ago
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Stunning Na na ping inlay dragonfly and rings fossil ivory and Morencci turquoise #artist #nanaping #inlay #dragonfly #rings #fossilivory #morencci #turquoise #fourwindsgallery #jewellery #doublebay #native #fashion #design #style
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closetdecaty2 · 2 years ago
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