#nanami headcannon
chosolala · 3 days
Nanami Headcannons 👉👈
nanami headcannons *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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thank you for the request!! here are my cute nanami headcannons :]
(i love him sm)
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
falls asleep after you and wakes up before you everytime
when he has to go to work, he always makes sure his alarm doesn’t wake you up and does his morning routine
literally only works so he has money for you to spend on whatever you want
hes actually really funny, like he has a sarcastic sense of humor and a lot of his jokes are missed because nobody gets the references
really good cook but can never take the time out of his day to actually make a nice meal
if youre cooking he'll def help u tho ^.^
loves antique stores,, he buys the funkiest house decor there
candy crush lvl 80000
probably tried playing like trumpet or flute at some point in his life but gave up fairly quickly
can literally sense if anything is off with you immediately and always has something to make you feel better, like your favorite snack or takes you out
always ends up watching hour long video documentaries on the stupidest things and just has a bunch of useless knowledge on random topics
always makes you coffee/tea in the morning when he doesn't have to work
randomly just brings you breakfast in bed for no specific reason its so cute
also randomly comes home from work with flowers for you
your fridge is covered in polaroids and pictures of you and him on vacation
always talking trash about gojo to you its so funny how mad he gets over gojos stupid pranks
loves having his hand on your thigh
really likes marvin gaye lol
has a really big sweet tooth, a lot of the time when he comes home he'll bring treats for you guys to share from a bakery
loves to run his fingers through your hair or brush it for you
when youre on your period (or just sick) he will run and buy whatever crazy foods you're craving even if its like 12am
would drop everything for you, even if it messes him up in the future hes always there for you :]
loves to have game nights with you, video games or board games
probably bought you guys a switch and plays overcooked with you (it genuinely stresses you guys out)
literally the most graceful sleeper ever, bro mews in his sleep and just looks so peaceful
sometimes when he gets home from work he just goes straight to the bedroom and falls asleep, suit on and everything
sometimes he'll pick you up and bring you with him to bed
his hands are always so soft, even though hes a busy guy with a rough job his hands are never rough
probably has a record collection
reads in bed before he falls asleep
older women love him so much (like senior citizens)
no matter how bad his day was he never is annoyed or takes anything out on you, hes really good at separating work life from home life
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iinotinlxve · 4 months
↪✩would they hold your hand?
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⤷ characters: yuuji, megumi, toge, nanami
⤷ summary: How they respond and feel about hand-holding!!
⤷ a/n: jjk has officially ruined me. thanks gege
wc: 622
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↣ yuuji itadori ☆
Yes. When he can't kiss you, he's always holding your hand. In the halls on your way to class, standing and talking to Megumi, casually doing anything and his hands are interlocked with yours. They're always warm, maybe even clammy-- you're always surprised when they're cold after he's been outside.
His favorite time to hold your hand is during walks. Both of you in casual clothing, looking at all the shops lining the street. The sidewalks aren't particularly busy, and the weather's perfect.
Yuuji is a really fast walker. He's always anxious about one thing or another, and slightly more active than the average person. But recently, he's tried to slow down a little more to enjoy the moment with you. And because you tell him to...
↣ megumi fushiguro ☆
He doesn't show it, but he secretly likes holding your hand. However, he rarely holds your hand in front of other people. And when he does, he doesn't bring attention to it. Usually it's you who grabs his hand, and he doesn't let go. He only regrets it later, when he gets teased by all his friends.
However, he loves holding your hand while making out with you. He'll interlock his fingers with yours as he kisses you, enjoying how you squeezed onto his hand.
Sometimes he'll hold your hand out of anger, if you can't walk straight. Or if you started to run off somewhere and couldn't stay on track. Overall, he's not physically affectionate, but that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy it, especially if it's with you.
↣ toge inumaki ☆
Since he can't communicate his ideas in verbal language, he relies on other methods to express his affection. So yes, he enjoys holding your hand. Just casually, almost with a slight bit of intrigue and curiosity. Like he was fascinated by the fact you wanted to hold his hand.
He's quietly affectionate, leaning his head on your shoulder. Most exchanges between you were wordless, because he finally came to terms with the fact that you were okay with his silence. At first, he thought he had to try harder. To say something to you. But he soon found out that you didn't care all that much. As long as you were with him, that was all the communication you needed.
↣ kento nanami ☆
I don't see him as a hand-holding guy, but rather the type of person to put his hand on your thigh while you're sitting down at a restaurant.
Discreetly, under the table, almost like an absent-minded habit. He enjoys how your skin feels under his touch, finding a bit of comfort in just your presence alone. Plus, his hands are so much bigger than yours- in public, your normally just latch onto his arm and walk that way.
He'd also rest his hand on the small of your back, especially when you're wearing some sort of dress. Small, discreet hand placement while you're talking to someone, gently pulling you close to him. Sometimes he doesn't realize he's doing it. When you call him out, he just apologizes with a small smile. Although, you figure he's not really sorry...
↣ satoru gojo ☆
He's holding your hand all. the. time. Dragging you along, yanking you by your wrist towards him when he mentions you in a conversation. It's almost like he's bragging. He likes clinging onto you or staying close to you while focusing on something else. He turns off his Infinity, just for you.
He also really likes hugs, squeezing you for comfort. He likes spooning you in bed, and opening his arms with a small pout as he waits for you to hug him. And if you don't comply, he'll whine and complain until you do.
He's definitely outwardly affectionate, both in front of other people and in private.
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lavendertalks311 · 13 days
A few of my favorited TikTok comments on jjk edits and one Levi edit.
The creativity is appalling 😭
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mommypieck · 1 year
JJK headcannons about having a famous gf? Singer/Actor, i think they’re reactions would be cute lmao
im not gonna lie, he loves the attention he's getting by being your boyfriend... and your fans don't like him for being too hot. but overall he's the most supportive boyfriend ever. he always yells at all paparazzi at the red carpet so that they can see his pretty girlfriend. as much as he wants to dress so that everyone can see him, he prefers wearing the most boring outfit so that you can shine. gojo follows at least 1000 of your fan accounts and saves all edits your fans make of you.
he's not too trilled about it to be honest. you two met before you got famous so the sudden spotlight was annoying to him. he's jealous of all of your fans and he doesn't like that your fans have a crush on him. but he's super excited when he sees you on tv or in magazines. he even cuts out your photos from the magazines. same as gojo, he wears the most basic outfits so you look amazing next to him. that said, he also loves picking up outfits for you. and he reads all articles that talk about your fashion choice ("no y/n, they said that pink doesn't bring out your eyes.")
he goes to all castings with you and fights the casters when they don't accept you. nanami does all manager things for you. if you need to bring a coffee? he will. if you need to powder your face? he will do it for you. he tries to be with you on the sets but he can't because of his work, so he just brings you snacks on his break. nanami doesn't like going with you to public events because it's too much attention for him, but he sure as hell will be waiting for you in the backstage or just close in case something happened to you. also likes to flip off paparazzi.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
please can i get headcanons for gojo,geto and nanamis love languages please! thank youuuu
But of course you can Anon!! I read this request and instantly got ideas, so thank you for the ask <3 without further ado,
Now Presenting...
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Starring: Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, and a bonus Ryomen Sukuna ;)
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The Touch Starved,
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Satoru Gojo
PHYSICAL. TOUCH. Gojos love language is physical touch, no I’m actually not taking criticism at this time <3
“But Narrator! He always has his full body condom (infinity) on!” I hear you yell. And Yes, dear reader, that’s the point.
He’s spent so much of his life unable to let anyone get close. Touch is inherently an act of trust, and he doesn’t touch anyone.
So the first time you hug him, and he actually lets himself experience intimacy, he actually turns into a puddle and melts in your arms.
And that shit is basically coke, he’s had a taste and he can not get enough.
When you’re driving he’s touching your thigh, you’re going to sleep he’s cuddling you close, you’re taking a walk he’s holding your hand, watching a movie on the couch and his head is in your lap. You get the idea, if you’re around he’s touching you
If you really want to make his day, offer to play with his hair. There is a 40% chance he’ll tear up about it.
Honestly, I genuinely feel like he’d be a little bit annoying about it. Random hugs and kisses constantly happening, it would be hard to get anything done, I’m not gonna lie
He’s kinda like a cat! The moment you try to get any work done, he’s crawling into your lap and you gotta work around him.
Hold on, wait, where's my cat meme-
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It’s Him.
I’m being serious, cup his face like that and watch him turn to putty.
Moral of the story: Gojo just wants to be held
Man is never defeating the Baby Girl allegations
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The Sickeningly Sweet,
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Suguru Geto
Suguru was born with a silver tongue in more ways than one and he knows how to use it.
“You’re breathtaking, you know that?” “How did I get so lucky to have someone as magnificent as you?” “My darling is so talented, what ever will I do when the world learns to appreciate you as much as I do?”
He’s going to single handedly raise your self esteem, watch him. He is going to pour honeyed words over you like a warm, safe shower
….Look, I’m not good with words, BUT HE IS! You get what I’m trying to say!
He would leave little notes for you to find around the house with sweet little messages. Just to give you a little dopamine rush, ya know?
He definitely sends you random texts throughout the day letting you know that he’s thinking about you and missing you.
God help you on any holiday that could possibly call for card giving. Valentine's Day, Christmas, your birthday, your anniversary, He’s going to write you a card, and it’s going to make you cry. It’s a personal goal of his.
Doing simple household chores has never felt more rewarding tbh.
Like, yea, you’re going to do the laundry anyway. But having him tell you how thankful he is for you and how much he appreciates it really makes getting through the task easier.
Would writing a song for someone count as acts of service or gift giving?...
Doesn’t matter, he writes songs for you, there I said it.
He’s 100000% The type of boyfriend that points out how attractive you are Every. Single. Time. He sees you in any state of undress. Prove me wrong, you can’t. Doesn’t matter if he’s seen it 101 times before, He’s going to call you hot.
Honestly he’s a major confidence booster.
Ngl, part of me thinks I’m giving him too much credit but oh well LMAO.
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The Always Helpful,
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Kento Nanami
Nanami is giving me Acts of Service tbh.
Like, he’s 1000% the “I will make you breakfast in bed” kind of husband material, and that is an act of service if I’ve ever heard it. 
Honestly, He just wants to do anything he can to try and make your day a little bit easier.
If that means doing the dishes even if it’s technically your turn, then so be it!
Doors might as well not exist to you when you’re with him, he will open them all
“I noticed your water bottle was empty. I got you another one.” “I know you’ve been stressed lately, I made your favorite for dinner tonight.” “Here, let me get that for you.”
He was made to be a caretaker tbh.
You can read between the lines there as little or as much as you’d like
If he catches you doing a chore, he’s going to find a way to help, sorry I don’t make the rules.
You’re washing the dishes? He’s drying and putting them away. You started cleaning the living room? Perfect, he’ll clean the kitchen. Oh, you washed the laundry? Looks like he’s gonna fold it and put it away.
He wants you to feel like you’re in a partnership. I genuinely don’t think he buys into this traditional idea that one partner makes money and the other takes care of the home front. Homemaking is a team effort god damn it!
It goes both ways though. If you really want to make him feel loved, a warm home cooked meal is the way to this man's heart.
He’s going to make the next meal to show his appreciation though.
 Someone put this man in a maid dress tbh.
I need me a Nanami tbh lol
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The Ever-Present,
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Ryomen Sukuna
OKAY sooo here’s the thing. It’s fuckin Ryomen my guy. Love languages almost require conscious acts of love, or to at least ya know admit you’re in love. In that sense, Ryomen doesn’t have a love language; he actively mocks the concept of “love languages” as humans refusing to accept the fact that their emotions are all just chemical reactions in their brain designed to make them want to fuck.
That being said, it's Quality Time. 
Ryomen’s love is always quiet. It’s him sitting in the same room as you while you read, casually talking with you while you do chores, or insisting on being in the garden while you tend to it because “It’s my (his) garden, I’ll be here if I want! Don’t think I’m here for you.” He absolutely is there for you.
His biggest act of love is letting you sleep in his room with him. That's quality time by definition my guy.
He genuinely gets so jealous when you spend time with other people because that's how he defines love. It's the person you want to spend time with (Don’t ask him about it, he won’t admit it) so you spending time with other people means you love them. And he can not handle the idea of you loving anyone that’s not him.
Remember when I said Satoru was like a cat? I take it back, Sukuna is like a cat. He wants to be in the same room as you but the last thing he wants is to be perceived by you.
He just wants to watch you read your book and not be grilled as to why he insists on being with you all the time. He’s clearly just, uh…enjoying the fireplace! Duh! Foolish mortal, why would he vie for your affections?...so, uh..whatcha reading?
He will never admit it, but his favorite thing in the world is to sit in the garden with you, listening to you talk about flowers while he pretends not to care.
This is followed closely by holding your close to him at night, whispering words of affirmation to you you will never hear when awake. 
I think that spending quality time with you is the only way Sukuna knows how to show love. I think he often gets overwhelmed by physical affection. He’s not used to it, and he didn’t immediately take to it the way Gojo did. Words of affirmation are out because he’s not a wordsmith unless he’s making threats. Can’t do acts of service because his ego would never let him do a favor for anyone else, and he can’t find any gifts that feel worthy of you- none of them feel right. So, Quality time it is.
Words may fail him, but he’s aware of how he feels. And the soft intimacy of listening to your favorite music with you, watching you hum along and dance makes him feel so viscerally raw, that it’s almost enough to make him admit there maybe more to love than just chemicals making you want to fuck. 
Should I just write a fic at this point? Maybe because GOD I am a fucking sucker for soft Sukuna. Yes I am aware I am part of the problem, I do not care, give me 2 weeks. I can fix him!
Just imagine stargazing with Sukuna for a second. Imagine listening to the crickets chirp off in the distance, both of you are aware that it goes against everything he’s ever said for him to be out here with you, and both of you know better than to acknowledge that fact. You know you’re not supposed to love him because he claims he will never love you, but as your hand meets his, and you watch him tense for just a second before relaxing under your touch again, you both know it’s only a matter of time now. 
 I always get carried away on Ryomens section in these.
I just really love my weird little demon dude lmao. 
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heartsforseo · 1 year
The Standard
Husband! Nanami x reader
Warning(s): none
Characters mentioned: Nanami and dear reader
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Husband! Nanami who would buy you a boquet of your favorite flowers randomly like: *You waking up from your shares bed then seeing a boquet of flowers right next to your nightstand with a note on it*) And don’t worry if you’re allergic to flowers then anything else you would like!
Husband! Nanami that used to like cooking for himself until he met you! Like he would want to see your reaction if you either like it or not! And would ask why you don’t like it and would use your advice. He would also do all of the shared chores when you had a rough day!
Husband! Nanami who would update you on what’s happening on his side right now, and if he isn’t THAT busy he will might send a picture of what’s happening.
Husband! Nanami who would put you on his priorities as first. Like if he was on a mission he will kill the curse so fast then go home, or if he is still at work he would finish it immediatly or just skip it because work is-.
Husband! Nanami who would be happy when he come home and see you placed foods he liked in the table! Like bread, cooked dishes fried in garlic oil, and Ahijo!
Husband! Nanami who at first would be in denial that he likes you but time past and he starts accepting it and will court you until you’re his.
Husband! Nanami who’s saying of will you marry me either be romantic or just straight up say it in your face one day.
Husband! Nanami is the smart, observative person but crumbles when it comes to you.
Husband! Nanami who would def be your soft spot and he would be his soft spot. He will rant to you about work and you will also rant to him about work!
Husband! Nanami overall is just the standard!
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mayumiiyuu · 1 year
“and that’s the way I loved you.”
how your relationship with different anime men would be like, categorized by mother Taylor Swift’s song :)
tw: none, unless u count a lil toxic relationship snippets in ‘screaming and crying and kissing in the rain’
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“you look beautiful tonight.”
loving him is easy. these men think the world of you, partly because to them, you are their world. expect flowers from them on any occasion, or sometimes just because. an absolute gentleman through and through, would rather die than be the reason why you cry. always there to listen to you when you’ve had a hard day, always remains patient & understanding; the type to hold onto your waist in a busy crowd to guide you through. he’s always so gentle with you, always showers you with compliments but is still honest. when you fight he always tries to remain levelheaded, he never takes out his anger on you. he makes a lot of effort for you, your parents greatly approve of him, overall such a loving and kind man who rarely ever does wrong by you.
jjk: nanami, choso, YUUJI, todo, inumaki, YUUTA, kokichi
haikyuu: HINATA, akaashi, OSAMU!!!, aran, daichi, asahi, nishinoya, kuroo, iwaizumi!!, tendou, TANAKA, kita!!!!, SUGAWARA!!
tokyo rev: draken, mitsuya, hakkai, inui, souya, shinichiro!!
naruto: NARUTO!!, itachi, gaara, shino, kiba!!
bnha: midoriya!!!!, iida, KIRISHIMA!!!, mirio, tamaki, natsuo
“screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain.”
loving him is complicated. there are days when he makes you smile and laugh so hard your ribs get taut, but there are also days where he leaves you feeling cold. when there are good times they’re the best you’ve ever experienced, when there are bad times they might be the worst. in a fight, he can be mean and blunt, he’ll brush you off and distance himself from you, sometimes you wonder if he’ll ever really open up to you; but through it all he’s there, apologies and gifts in tow to make it up to you. you’re the only person he thinks he’ll ever try to be good for, but there are times when he slips up. the love he has for you is so immense to the point where it scares him, which is why he acts the way he does. sometimes he thinks if he pushes you away enough you’ll find someone better for you. he can be hot and cold with you, one moment he’s sweet and loving and caring, the next he’s distant and resentful and irritable. your friends and family see you guys break up and make up all the time. overall loves you more than anything or anyone else in the world, but struggles with his feelings for you.
jjk: geto, gojo, TOJI???, sukuna
haikyuu: oikawa, kageyama, kunimi, TSUKISHIMA, atsumu, suna(?), daishou
tokyo rev: MIKEY, kazutora, ran, rindou, kokonoi, sanzu, BAJI, hanma, IZANA, shion
naruto: SASUKE, shikamaru huhu, neji (at first), sasori, obito, madara, kakuzu, hidan
bnha: FUCKING DABI/TOUYA, shigaraki, bakugou, keigo
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senoraackerman · 11 months
Imagine: Going on a date with Nanami to the zoo
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Like let’s think about it
•You being all excited to see the animals, especially the reptile exhibit. Nanami would just stare at you as you geeked over a green boa. Ik besties looking at you like tf.
•And when you hear there’s a butterfly exhibit? Nanami better be trailing behind you cause you’re gonna be SPRINTING.
•When you get inside the butterfly exhibit, you’re pretty sure this could be your new home
•Seeing a lot of butterflies landing on Nanami >>
•Seeing Mr. “Stoic, aloof, serious” man become flustered at the amount of butterflies landing on him as you take pictures? I’d PAY MONEY FOR THAT
•Would definitely help you take aesthetic photos in the exhibit
•This man bought you a plushie from the zoo 100%
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lav-bee · 1 year
Dr. Stone x Reader Headcannons
PDA in public vs private
Characters: Chrome, Ryusui
❤️- read as romantic
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- Shy boi •///•
- Of course he wants to give you hugs and kisses in public
- But since he’s never had a relationship before you he doesn’t want to do anything wrong or mess something up
- Not sure how much PDA in public is okay so he sticks to the minimum
- Likes to hold your hand though ^_^ Will squeeze it from time-to-time
- When you’re alone is when he gives you kisses
- He also pulls you into him so you can sit in his lap
- Likes the pressure for some reason? It’s like you’re his own weighted blanket
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- Mans is definitely a hugger in public
- Wants to keep you close so he’ll have his arm around your waist and will pull you into him
- Softly rubs his thumb on your hipbone
- It’s obvious that you guys are together from the close contact but it’s never too bad 😅
- He’s the type to give random back massages, it’s a bit surprising at first since his hands are so warm but they always feel good
- In private he’s more romantic ^-^
- More kisses, specifically jaw kisses (omg)
- So many compliments, and will try his best to make you flustered
- “I desire you.”
...0-0 oh
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kristybluebird · 2 months
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20 years later RGU
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Which JJK adults can you trust with your drink?
Gojo: technically yes
With as much as this man acts like a doofus and a brat, nobody would try to mess with him if he held your drink. It may, however, not be there when you get back, because he probably helped himself to it. His argument is that you were gone too long and he deserved a reward for watching it. If he likes you enough he'll buy you another, though, so it's a 50/50 on whether it's worth it.
Geto: yeah
He's putting his hand over the top and calling it a day until you get back. Minimal effort, but there's no doubt your drink is going to be safe when you return.
Nanami: 1,000,000% yes
Nanami probably offered to keep an eye on it when you were looking around for a safe option. His hand is covering the top and it is held close to his body. He doesn't allow anyone to get within an arms length of him while he's on drink duty. This man will glare down anyone who even suggests he put it down for "just a sec" to come look at something.
Shoko: probably
She's not going to keep a great eye on your drink, but she will put her hand over the top and hold it so long as you aren't gone very long. She's more inclined to help if you offer to buy her next pack of smokes, but that's a habit you're not trying to encourage.
Mei Mei: yes, if you can afford her rates
She'll keep your drink safe, but you're gonna owe her. And yes, the favor is always going to be money. You learn your lesson after the first couple of times.
Utahime: yes
She will watch your drink. If Gojo is bothering her, she may take her eyes off it for a moment, but if she does, she's going to buy you another when you get back and apologize profusely.
Toji: not advised, but in a pinch...
He'll probably watch it. Maybe. But like Mei Mei, he comes with a fee. If you can't pay up, he's just going to roll his eyes and set the drink you pressed into his hand off to the side. If you offer to buy *him* a drink, he'll flash you a toothy smile and mean-mug anyone who approaches him until you return.
Sukuna: lol
If you can even get the courage up to ask Sukuna to watch your drink, he's gonna either kill you, or scoff. If he does take it, you'd be better off buying a new drink as there's no telling what he's done to it. He's an ancient curse, what did you expect?
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imninahchan · 6 months
oi nina, cheguei atrasada, mas você poderia fazer um headcannon do nanami dilf ?
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⌜⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ NANAMI + d i l f 𓂃 ഒ ָ࣪
diferença de idade legal, conteúdo sexual.
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Vocês se conheceram porque KENTO trabalha junto com o seu pai, então de vez em quando você ouvia falar em um certo Senhor Nanami, e o via de relance dentro do carro no qual deixava seu pai de carona;
Foi você quem se aproximou, quem demonstrou algum tipo de interesse primeiro. KENTO sempre manteve distância, por mais que te achasse a coisa mais linda que já tivesse visto, afinal você era filha do colega de yrabalho dele, e era mais nova;
Ele resiste, a boa ética pesa a consciência, e recusa seus passos iniciais. Mas chega um momento que não consegue resistir mais, seja pelo desejo de estar ao seu lado, ou pelo fato de te ver sorrindo com outros rapazes da sua idade. Investe de volta, te traz para a vida dele, é capaz de sentar para conversar com os seus pais, como um cavalheiro, todo cortês, se você não rir e dizer relaxa, KENTO;
Não vai brincar com os seus sentimentos, se está entrando num relacionamento é para dar seu melhor para fazê-lo valer à pena — especialmente pela diferença de idade. Ele não diz, mas sente como se estivesse te privando de algo ao atá-lo a somente ele;
É o tipo de cara que te pergunta “o que você quer?”, e faz exatamente como você pede. Te traz presentes fora das datas comemorativas, às vezes nem sobram mais vasos para colocar as flores que ele te presenteia. Só te chama de ‘princesa’, porque é assim que te vê: a princesinha dele que merece tudo do bom e do melhor, muito carinho, e jamais, jamais, te deixa pagar por algo quando estão juntos;
KENTO costuma voltar tarde para casa, o trabalho ocupa bastante tempo do seu cotidiano, e quando chega em casa, você já está dormindo. Mas compensa nos finais de semana, seja te levando para sair, ou ficando em casa mesmo, com a sua cabeça deitada no peito dele enquanto acaricia o seu rosto;
É um pouco antiquado, mas tenta manter o seu ritmo. Vai ouvir tudo que queira conversar com ele, se for fofocar ou reclamar da vida. Te dá conselhos, tudo com aquela voz calma e rouca dele. NANAMI gosta de cuidar de você;
Quando se trata de sexo, ele não se apressa com nada. Na verdade, nunca houve pressa de nada da parte dele. Pode te desejar, fantasiar cenários sórdidos quando dorme ao seu lado, mas sabe ler bem os seus trejeitos, o momento certo para tudo. E na noite em que vocês se tocam, ele te mostra mais uma vez por que se apaixonou por ele;
NANAMI é um cavalheiro, de fato, porém as boas maneiras vêm do fato de que faz tudo o que a princesinha dele quer. Por isso, se o seu humor for para toques mais brutos, vai ter. Ele sabe te domar, sentar no colo e dizer o quanto precisa ser boazinha, já que ele não hesitaria em te virar sobre o colchão e encher a sua bunda de tapas, ou empurrar o seu rostinho bonito contra o travesseiro enquanto ele mete por trás. Porém, se você quer aninho, ele te dá. Beijando o seu queixo, te fodendo de ladinho até encher o seu corpo, e te falando tantos elogios que você até se esquece que ele pode te tratar como uma vadiazinha também;
Manias que ele tem — só comer/tomar banho/dormir depois que tem certeza que você já fez isso também, te lembrar de datas importantes, não saber reagir quando você o beija em público, acariciar o seu baixo ventre quando está deitada com a cabeça nas coxas dele;
Kinks ou fetiches que valem a pena mencionar quando se trata de NANAMI!d i l f — praise kink cotidiano e constante, spit kink, ele sempre é a parte dominante, gosta de te foder quando você usa lingeries que ele comprou, spanking, shower sex depois que ele volta do trabalho, ama quando você faz oral nele enquanto ele lê, breeding kink ao ápice, e um daddy kink que ele esconde mas é facilmente acordado se você fizer manha.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
I don’t know bout you but I’m introverted af. How would the jjk dudes treat an introverted and shy partner? 😊
AHH I love this request!! though, I will say I also have extreme social anxiety and I think that may have bled through so keep that in mind!
Now Presenting...
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Starring: Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, and Ryomen Sukuna
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Satoru Gojo
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Gojo is going to be a hard one to deal with if you’re an introvert, I’m not gonna lie homies
He is extremely extroverted and loves to be around people.
He actually kinda has to be around people, least he lose his frickin mind
But, he does try to do better and pick up on your nonverbal cues
If you guys are out and he notices you getting overwhelmed, he tries to separate you from the situation
And while he loves hang outs, kick backs, nights out ect, he also loves just hanging out with you at home, quietly watching you play games or read together
I will say he does fall into the trap of finding your shyness cute.
Your flustered body language as you try to hide yourself away in social situations, He finds it cute!
And I honestly think he has a little bit of a hard time understanding your discomfort being around friends.
I mean, think about it. He’s a lonely guy with not a lot of friends. Gojo loves to attend social gatherings and hang outs, because they make him less lonely.
Why would anyone want to be lonely?
I also think he would have a pretty hard time giving you space ngl
Like, you just want to read alone but he wants to be right next to you. 
So, you have to be blunt with no room for misinterpretation when you need space. Just like real life!
I don’t think it would hurt his feelings, don’t worry. He’d be happy you can be so honest with him
He does try to adapt to you and your needs, but ya gotta give him some time
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Suguru Geto
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As an introvert who loves loves loves Suguru, don’t date him if you’re an introvert LMAO
He’s always got people in and around his house and all of them want to talk to him. It’s his “Family”
He may even be a little bit upset with you for wanting space from his family
They don’t mean you any harm, they love you! Why do you hate and avoid them?
I think he would “try” To “Help you adapt.”
By that I mean when you start to get overwhelmed, he pushes you past your boundaries to keep hanging out with them.
He would give you a drink to “help you nerves” 1000%
I just feel like being an introvert and dating him would leave you overstimulated all the time.
Not related (But it feels very related) he sees no problem in using the overhead lights and does so liberally. I mean that derogatorily.
Your best bet at getting some space is sneaking away while the others are deep in conversation
If you’re an introvert please stay far away from this man. I'm so serious. For your own safety stay clear
Now, that being said, I do think you can get some quiet time by agreeing to read with him.
But that’s it other than that you’re screwed.
Good luck soldier.
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Kento Nanami
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He completely understands because he is the exact same way
He's extremely sensitive to your needs and when you start to feel overwhelmed 
And as such, he's really good about getting you away from the situation and to a safe place where you can calm down
He understands space better than any of the other guys because he needs it sometimes too
You guys work because both of you hate everyone else
Ok, that's a bit of an exaggeration but there's truth to it!
One of his favorite fate nights is just sitting with you reading together 
Unlike Gojo, he doesn't see your signs of distress as cute. He sees them for what the are: signs if distress 
Thankfully, he's never opposed to leaving any social gathering early to get you home to recharge your battery
Honestly he probably needs a recharge too
And don't worry, he's not going to ask you to go anywhere else for at least a little while
Honestly, he's the objective best bet for any introvert
He's understanding and gentle about the situation 
All he asks is that you do the same for him
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Ryomen Sukuna
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Ok, here me out on this one. Sukuna loves that you're an introvert 
….because it means he has an easier time keeping you to himself 
What, you didn't think this would come without a catch, did ya?
I've touched on this before but I think Sukuna is really in touch with his SO’s needs, so he picks up on it the moment you start to get overwhelmed
And his version of helping you re-regulate is to just taking you home because he didn’t want to be round people anyway
Honestly, I feel like he may be an introvert too
But not in a “People can drain me” Sometimes way but in more of a “I fucking hate people” way
He’d make fun of you for it too just fyi
“What? Can’t handle a few humans? Pathetic.”
If someone comes looking for you to hang out he’s real quick to be like “Sorry, her battery is dead today.”
Even when it’s not
Does not understand personal time at all.
Ask him to leave you alone all you want, he’s going to be at least in the same room as you.
Probably pouting because you don’t want to be near him
Have I mentioned yet that Sukuna is a nightmare?
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detectiveravioli · 3 months
My noggin has been full of spider yuuji and itafushi Brian rot. Add that with like me watching across the spider verse and thinking of yuujis canon event. It def has something to do with nanamin dying. I don’t make the rules that’s his father!
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obsessive-clown · 4 months
Your content is so nice. To a fellow yandere Nanami enjoyed I am curious about your two cents on this. What would be the difference personality wise between a Yandere Nanami and a Yandere curse user Nanami 🤔
Oh!! This is an interesting one…
As someone who hasn’t dabbled too much into Curse User Nanami media (but would love to), I think I have a few ideas…
First of all:
Curse User Kento is far more sadistic. This is just a given, I mean look at the man. Slaughtering his entire work place? Not giving a shit about other people or anything around him? There is no doubt in my mind that man has a hit list of sorts, and every single name on that list is full of people who have wronged you, hurt you, dated you, slept with you. All of it.
Not to mention, I think Curse User Kento would be a bit sloppier with his work, unlike his Sorcerer counterpart. Whether this be on purpose or just because he has a lack of care. Sometimes he wants you to find someone from your past, that you’ve nearly forgotten about, on the news and taken out brutally. He struggles to show love and interest, at least in normal ways, anyways.
Following Up:
While CU!Kento has a lack of care, empathy and compassion for others, something about you makes his long dead, cold and miserable heart beat and feel something new.
Regular, Sorcerer Kento is just kept to himself. He doesn’t particularly like showing too much emotion. He doesn’t like people seeing his soft side and using that to their advantage. But with you, he lets you in on every bit of it. There’s just something about you that the Sorcerer loves and can’t get enough of. Unlike his Curse User counterpart, he has morals, he approaches you in a calm, normal, civilized manner.
Both of the Kento’s are incredibly problematic in their own sense though.
CU!Kento will convince you to push those around you, away. Gaslighting? He’ll do it, if it means getting to be with you. No other man— person in general— is good enough for you. Only he is. Everyone else is garbage compared to you. He struggles with being overly controlling in my mind. He would love to work on this for you, since he doesn’t particularly like seeing you upset, but he can’t help it. Old habits die hard and he just needs to know he’s your only option and that you’re his.
Sorcerer!Kento will be overly possessive of you. You want to go out? Let him come with you. He hates the thought of another person getting the idea to try and take what’s his. You’re his prized jewel, so naturally, he hovers a lot. Gatekeeping you? Absolutely. You’re his everything, his reason to keep going. He may hide all of this well and be extremely subtle and soft with how he shows it, but it’s a force of habit.
These are just a few things I could think of… I’m sure more will conjure and I’ll have to post about them… I apologize for posting this so late though! And I hope you enjoyed, loves. 🫀
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gelus-ugs · 2 years
JJK characters with a clumsy s/o
Tw - Mentions of blood
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Yuji Itadori
Finds it adorable
It’s one of the (many) things he loves about you :))
He loves being your knight in shining armor!
Except he’s equally as clumsy..
So if you trip, you’re bringing him down with you 😭
Literal definition of “If we go down, we go down together”
Megumi and Nobara have to watch the two of you wherever you go cuz you always end up on the verge of death-
Yuji always tries to save you, but he ends up in the same situation so it’s up to Nobara and Megumi to help 🤦🏾‍♂️
They basically have to babysit you both
They’ve considered buying backpack leashes for the both of you on multiple occasions
But either way, Yuji loves your clumsiness and finds it adorable! Even if you end up taking him down w you every time 😭
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Megumi Fushiguro
He finds it cute, yet exhausting
You’re the reason he’s anxious 90% of the time 😭
He needs you in his field of vision no matter what
He worries about your safety because he knows it takes one moment of him looking away for you to suddenly be rolling down a hill
He’s probably thought of buying you a backpack leash 💀
He thinks it’s adorable though! He loves the way you laugh at yourself after tripping over a chair
Or he finds it amusing whenever you curse out a wall whenever you run into it - despite it being there the whole time
Overall, Megumi finds it funny and loves it - despite it draining all his energy to keep you safe
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Nobara Kugisaki
This girl is so serious when it comes to you
She forces you to wear a backpack wherever you go so she can hold onto the hook of it to make sure you’re with her
She tried just holding your hand at first, but she let go for one second to look at a clothing item and you already vanished
She found you bc you almost ended up dropping a whole rack of clothes 💀
She just sighs and shakes her head whenever you manage to stumble over your own feet or stub your toe
She loves you from the bottom of her heart, but god, you will be the death of her
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Toge Inumaki
Oh god-
This man is going to be the death of you
He laughs and makes fun of you, he doesn’t even bother to help whenever you hurt yourself 💀
However, his anxiety spikes through the roof whenever he turns to you and you’re suddenly gone
He’s going on a whole manhunt to find you
This man is prepared to put up missing posters
He manages to relax when he finds you hauled over Panda’s shoulder while Maki is scolding you for whatever you managed to do
He’s thought of placing trackers on you because god- you seem to always disappear and end up in trouble 🤦🏾‍♂️
He always ends up finding you pretty quickly though and manages to save you from a mess at the last second
Oh, but you bet your ass he’s teasing you after you’re okay
You’re not gonna hear the end of it for the rest of the week
He loves you though, and finds your clumsy self absolutely adorable
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Maki Zenin
Big sis mode activated ✅
She always forces you to walk slightly in front of her so she can see you
If she ever turns her head, she automatically brings her hand to your shoulder or your hand
She makes rules for whenever y’all go out and she always goes over them with you, even when it’s your 1,000th time going out together
She used to always scold you whenever you end up in trouble or hurting yourself, but she eventually gave up - seeing as you’re never gonna change
The only time she scolds you is when you end up in a near death situation
She’s so strict with you- but she does it cuz she loves you and she’s just genuinely worried about you 😭💔
If you ever have to go somewhere without her, she makes sure you text her every hour to let her know you’re alive
There was one time where your phone died so you couldn’t contact her-
She legitimately tracked your ass down and spawned almost immediately to your location 💀
You were just waiting at a train station to go back to Jujutsu High-
Yeah, she’s forcing you to get one of those matching bracelets that vibrate whenever the other person taps it so she can know you’re okay just in case that happens again
Y’all learn morse code as well so you can communicate through the bracelets if needed
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Satoru Gojo
Oh god-
If you thought Inumaki was bad, Gojo is 100x worse
He’s such an asshole 😭
He literally takes videos/photos whenever you end up hitting your funny bone on a table or almost end up falling down some steps cuz you skipped one on accident
This man is constantly laughing at you 24/7
He never helps you up, he’s too busy snapping photos and laughing his ass off
He only helps you when he suspects you’re genuinely in pain
You developed a tactic to pay him back for his taunting
You mastered fake crying, so you’d start fake crying which would immediately cause Gojo to panic
He’d drop everything and run towards you
You’d start laughing and flip him off, saying “That’s what you get” as he stared at you with wide eyes
You didn’t pull this stunt often, you’d do it randomly and space it out every now and then so he couldn’t predict it or catch a pattern
But if you’re in a life threatening moment, this man is immediately by your side in 0.5 seconds
No questions asked, no words spoken, he’s immediately taking you home
He’d probably tease you about it a few weeks later when you’re alright though, both physically and mentally
Yeah..good luck with this man
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Kento Nanami
This man is literally like a strict ass parent
He Y/n-proofs the house bc he’s gone for work a lot of the time and doesn’t want to come home with the house on fire
Yet he still came home to a bloody-handed s/o
He didn’t even notice at first though, he was too engrossed in the pleasing aroma of dinner filling his nostrils
He found you setting dinner on the table, surprised to see everything in one piece
Well..that was until he saw the red pool of blood marking the palm of your hand and dried trails of blood down your arm
He immediately walked up to you and grabbed your injured arm, careful not to make your injury any worse
“What happened?”
You sheepishly smiled at him and began to explain that you were cutting the meat with a butcher knife and ended up slicing your palm, but you couldn’t just stop making dinner so you ignored your injury
He immediately dragged you to the bathroom and pulled out the first aid kit
He carefully, yet swiftly, cleaned your injury and bandaged your hand
He didn’t even bother to scold you, he just pressed a soft kiss to your injury and told you to be more careful
I didn’t mean to make this into a whole scenario LMFAO
But anyways-
This man is always here for you
He worries like hell for your well-being, but he knows that you’ll at least be alive when he’s not there
If you ever go out on a mission without him and you end up in a life threatening situation, he somehow always senses at the right moment when you might need help ??
It always seems as if he just spawned there at the right time to save you and it confuses you like hell
This man is literally your hero while you’re always the damsel in distress
He loves you to death though 🫶🏽
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