#names that sound like nikola
leiiilaaaa · 2 months
3rd house placements and your voice!
hii, i wanted to do more of a light & fun themed post that goes over the kind of voice you have, the type of communicator you are, and other things as well according to your 3rd house placements. if you do not have any placements in your third, check out the house ruler and apply it accordingly, ex; my third house is ruled by pisces, apply the neptune features to it!
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sun in 3rd house - talk about thinking out-loud!! sun in 3rd people are such great communicators, they get things across loud and clear. never ones to hold back, natural conversationalists, and you have a voice that often sounds younger. when you talk it's heartfelt and you feel that half-assings in conversations is just not you! sometimes, your age is mistaken due to your lengths of knowledge and the ability to express your inner child through your interests. you use your hands often when you speak! often have such a memorable voice and this placement is a strong indicator of being a music artist too; justin beiber, jay z, drake, britney spears, all very household names and all are always getting their voice impersonated by other people interestingly enough!! there's versatility that spews through these people, not hard at all for them to improvise, standup, debate, etc. can be gossipy though and involved in dramas very easily because of this.
moon in 3rd house - mental clarity goes crazy here. your emotions give you all the drive you need- creatively and you don't hold back on that. they intellectualize their emotions and can formulate feelings into words very well. the kind of voice they have is much softer, eloquent, and comforting. they're the kind of people that send you a voicemail and you listen to it over and over again because it's endearing. "say it with your chest," type of people, as the moon is mostly fixated in the chest-stomach region. they have a good discernment of their environment, walking analysts, know when to intervene, etc. celebrities with moon in 3rd; jennifer aniston, megan markle, margot robbie, etc.
mercury in 3rd house - very fast-paced talkers, versatile in the way they communicate. also uses their hands while they speak, has a witty and sarcastic tint to them when they speak. often very humorous people and naturally highly innovative. for these people ideas flow into them at fast rates, often giving them plenty of projects to work on. placement of high intelligence, and great at mirroring. "excuse me, may i interrupt," types of people. love adding on to others and i notice with 3rd house mercuries as they get older, they do become a lot quieter and keep ideas to themselves. celebrities with this include; jim carey, nikola tesla, stephen hawking, etc. (like i said super wise and funny thats a dub for sure)
venus in 3rd house - first thing that comes to mind is glamorous voice. often times they talk about their love-lives (yes they always have the craziest stories about others or themselves in love). just like the sun, these people have a notable voice too. one that can even get them famous. often these people have strong followings, or crowds that really like listening to them. highly influential and lowkey some party heads. might have some commitment troubles, but other than that they have good projecting voices- soothing, and has good posture too. celebs with this; cristiano ronaldo, taylor swift, kris jenner, etc.
mars in 3rd house - i like to say they have some of the most electric voices ever. seriously. they know exactly how to spice up conversations and they move a lot when they talk. they inspire others to take course of action, usually very good individuals at gaining crowds as well, but what differentiates venusian people and mars people- is the attitude. mars gain people's attention through their eccentric-ness. other people find mars in 3rd house bundles of expression, always on the go and actually very good manifestos. usually has raspiness and deepness to their voices because they tend to shout a lot. celebs with this; miley cyrus, harry styles, katy perry, etc.
jupiter in 3rd house - these people have a love for languages. usually very diverse linguistically, and always the guy that knows a guy. very good at developing acquaintances in their environment. usually has more high-pitched voices, slow and even sensual, but clear. they like knowing a bit of everything while they can. sometimes, these people can attract things out of thin air, and receive many comments on their voice or abilities to make their life experiences sound a lot less gruesome than it really is. kind of in their own little world and has open demeanor. often times you see these people unexpectedly associating with others that "make no sense" for them or in environments that "make no sense for them". side note: the biggest struggle these people will face is people trying to mold them to be somebody they're not. they love to expand wherever they can. celebrities with jupiter in 3rd; lana del rey, lionel messi, jim carey, and gordon ramsey.
saturn in 3rd house - mean big business ok!! let me tell you, these people are amazing at using their environments for their endeavors. they're very humble speakers, reserved and kind of talk when asked to. they are great at explaining principles of underlying things, usually seems older than what they really are. they stick to one thing at a time, and they are actually easy to read while talking to them. their body language is more telling than their words sometimes. watch a saturn in 3rd house's jaw clench when they are stressed, or crack their knuckles while thinking heavily. celebrities with this placement; steve jobs, kylie jenner, bjork, zoe kravitz, etc.
uranus in 3rd house - "you can't outdo the doer," is what i get from this placement. highly intellectual people, makes significant shifts into the world. when they speak, they're actually very good at impressions, get told they don't look like how they sound, or will attract many "haters" because they challenge status quo mentality. they will never stand down when communicating their deepest interests. they seem quirky & nerdy, however highly reliable and feels a strong sense of "these people need me." as they become older, they are more cherished, while they are younger they might seem air headed. their voices are so unique to them, that you cannot easily be reminded of them by others. they are completely in their own lanes. one of a kinds. celebrities with this placement; albert einstein, elon musk, celine dion, michael jordan, etc.
neptune in 3rd house - has a deep understanding of the environment they're in. they are very quiet and timid. these people really like to connect to people based off their souls and not their physical forms. and when they speak, they have a genuine tone and strive for genuine connection. sometimes, these people think many people they cross paths with are meant to make them feel good, feel bad, question, etc. highly accepting and others can admire this person too. seems ditzy, but on the inside is a whirlpool of feeling and emotions they sense. sometimes they can get abnormal praise, simply for the way they express themselves. i notice with these people they love to make facial movements when speaking, like very dramatically sometimes. you can always tell when these people are nervous too, watch how many times they shake their feet to soothe themselves. always seems very introspective wherever they go. celebrities with this placement; al pacino, leonardo dicaprio, beyonce, kendrick lamar, etc.
pluto in 3rd house - bringing pluto into this mix, wherever they go they love to change what they can in their environments. they want to change things for the better, and usually really find interest in talking about things that isn't so typical in conversation. they are very serious people when in discussion. they hate to say a lot without leaving impact. these people will sound much older and have a profound tone. often they bring the collective darkness to a collective lightness. i notice they love using metaphors, talking in 3rd person, and dropping their egos a lot in conversations. makes undeniable changes to societal norms or social structures. these are life changers and add some humanitarianism to everyday encounters, really love dropping a lot of their own lore too! celebrities with this; angelina jolie, martin luther king, adam levine, kylian mbappe.
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thank you so much for skimming through this i appreciate it as always, let me know if you relate, disagree etc. super interesting in seeing what you think, let me know if u want me to do more like these <3
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l5byrinth · 3 months
“and i love you, it's ruining my life”
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pairing: nikolas omilana x reader
summary: in which niko avoids you for a certain reason, and at some point you can’t take it any longer.
a/n: hii everyone i’m back from the dead like i always am every few months!!! school has been draining, but one night i got this motivation and managed to write this, hope you like it <3 btw i know i should be finishing of the hunger games requests, but there are so little fics on here for the beta squad members and the motivation just got to me when watching a video.
also pleaseeeee start requesting more beta squad, not just niko because there aren’t many fics for these amazing men
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NIKO never knew what it was like to be so infuriated by someone, it caused restless nights. To be so head over heels, that all your thoughts were consumed by only that person. That was until Niko met you. The way you had him wrapped around your finger, without you even noticing or trying, was something he never understood. But it was you, how could he not be?
The famous youtuber also didn’t know what it was like to love someone that wasn’t his. Someone not meant for him.
He had respect for your relationship, of course, he wasn’t one to mingle and make things worse. Especially since your boyfriend was one of the best ones you’ve had. However, the mere thought of you drove him absolutely insane and he wasn’t sure for how much longer he could bear it anymore.
You were happy, though, and he didn’t want to be the reason that would be ruined.
So he avoided you like the plague. Leaving every room you entered, switching the topic whenever you were mentioned, trying to keep his eyes from wandering off to where you were standing. It was killing him, but if it meant keeping you happy, he didn’t mind the torture one tiny bit.
Niko hadn’t told anyone about what he felt for you, he would take it to his grave, that’s for sure. Yet, he was more obvious than he thought he was, since he’s noticed the sympathetic looks his friends gave him whenever you were around. Numerous times. It didn’t matter, it’s not like you were ever going to find out and that’s all that really mattered.
After Niko had arrived back at his apartment, he was surprised to hear not a single sound being made. Knowing Aj, he would always either be gaming and yelling for the whole neighbourhood to hear or edit a video with the volume on to the max.
After checking a few rooms for where his roommate was, he got a call from Aj himself.
“Where are you, you rat?” Niko questioned, not even bothering to greet him. Aj let out a laugh on the other line, “Missing me now, are you? Giraffe.”
Niko rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help the smile forming on his face, “Ha ha, hilarious.”
“Anyway, I’m at Chunkz’ right now.”
And after conversing for a few minutes, discussing everything and nothing, they ended the call. The tall guy let out a loud sigh, as he sat down on the sofa, turning on the tv to watch anything that came up first. However, just when he was about to push the button of the remote, the doorbell rang.
Niko was confused to say the least, but didn’t expect much of it. It was probably one of his friends needing something from him.
When Niko opened the door, however, he wished he didn’t. His heart dropped to his stomach, his breath hitching in his throat. That was the effect you had on him. Your hair was messed up quite a bit, your lips forming a pout as you looked at him. Oh, how he had to restrain all the power in him not to kiss that pout away.
A soft call of your name left his lips, as if he was terrified it was just a hallucination. “Niko,” Your voice was stern, yet there was some kind of sadness to it. And without saying another word, you entered the apartment as if you owned the place.
When you walked past him, your scent wafted into his nostrils and he took it in. He closed his eyes, not wanting to lose control and confess the second he turned around and looked at you again. Niko closed the door, taking his sweet time going to you. You were pacing back and forth in the living space of the apartment, your eyebrows furrowed and face filled with worry.
“What’s wrong?” Niko questioned, earning a rather unbelievable scoff from you. When you stopped pacing and moved closer to him, Niko took back a step, making you even more frustrated than you were before. “You’re asking me what’s wrong? I should ask you!” You couldn’t comprehend why the closest friend you had ever had, wasn’t present in your life anymore. The minute your feet took a step closer to him, he backed away once more, “Look! What’s this? Why are you avoiding me?”
You were absolutely fuming to put it lightly. What was he doing?
His gaze fell down to the floor, because if he would look at you right now, he knew he would ruin things even more. “I don’t get it, Niko…” Your voice was dripping with desperation, but you couldn’t care less at the minute, only interested in whatever was going between the two of you.
Another step closer, but this time he didn’t budge, his eyes stuck to the ground. But when you said his name so sweetly, who could blame him when he averted his gaze to meet yours. The question that left your lips, made the guilt sink inside of him, “What did I do wrong?”
However he didn’t cave in. He couldn’t and he wouldn’t, no matter how tempting the thought of you being his seemed right now.
“Niko, please. Talk to me!”
Silence, once again.
“I can’t talk, please don’t make me.” His whisper was barely audible, but still loud enough for you to hear. “Why not, huh? Are you just going to ignore me like you have done for the past couple of-“
“I have to! I never wanted for this to happen.”
The tone in his voice took you by surprise, your eyes searching his for a more clear answer, “What are you talking about?”
“You think I wanted for all of this to happen? Of course not!” He started, and he regretted everything he said after, “I couldn’t help it. Couldn’t help to feel at home with you, couldn’t help but feel as if you are the only one in this universe.”
His gaze was burning into yours, “I couldn’t help but fall in love with you.”
Something fluttered unwantedly in your chest, followed by your breath hitching in your throat. Niko’s in love with you?
“You… what?”
“I fell for you, hard and painfully so. I’m sorry, okay? It happened one way or another and now you’re the one consuming my thoughts and dreams. I care for you and love you so deeply, it hurts me to stay away from you. But I did what’s best and will continue doing so.” He rambled, never noticing how you were still hung up on the first sentence he uttered.
But when you met his gaze once more, and saw the spark in his eyes when he looked at you, you wondered how you could’ve been so blind. “Now, please, leave before I do something both of us will regret.” Niko warned firmly.
You were stood there absolutely speechless, but came back to earth quickly, when you realised your boyfriend was waiting for you outside.
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bones4thecats · 6 months
Can I request Nikola, Qin Shi Huang, Buddha and Leonidas with a s/o that's like Nyx?
How Past! Them Met Their Nyx! S/O
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Nikola Tesla, Qin Shi Huang, Buddha, and Leonidas Name: How Past! Them Met Their Nyx! S/O Requester: Anonymous
A/N: I only have four of Nyx’s kids mentioned (Aether, Hemera, Thanatos, and Hypnos), so just roll with it. By the way, the reader here is considered (in thought) to be a female, but it is left ambiguous so that you male and other readers feel accepted.
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I am downright in love with this man
🧪 When you first met Nikola Tesla, you were just relaxing at night, taking a stroll underneath your sky as your long dark cloak faded into stars at the ends flowed in the air
🧪 You had just spoke to your old friend Hades during a meeting in the Underworld about your second-youngest son’s, Thanatos’, efforts of bringing souls down to the Underworld for Hades to handle
🧪 At the moment, you just wanted some peace, and knowing that your two youngest were busy with work, one being on guard for dying souls and the other watching over many different people in order to help them sleep
🧪 Though, hearing the sound of soft feathered wings moving, you looked up and noticed a bright white pigeon flying around while carrying moonflowers, chrysanthemums, lotuses, and sunflowers in its beak. These all reminded you of the cute flower crowns that the youngest Valkyrie sister, Göll, would make you and your children
🧪 You smiled gently as the bird landed on your outstretched hand and dropped a moonflower into your palm before flying off
🧪 The bird began to fly farther from your gaze as you heard the patter of small feet coming from behind you, making you turn around expecting to see a young child, and a young child you saw
🧪 He looked no older than 4 years in humans, and you noticed that he nearly had fallen older, making you lean down and catch him so he wouldn't crash and hurt himself, it reminded you of helping Aether walk all those centuries ago
" I am so sorry, ma'am/sir! " " It's alright, young man. If I may ask, why are you in such a rush? " " Oh, my pigeon flew that direction carrying some flowers I grabbed for my mother. It's so hard to catch up to, troublesome bird. "
🧪 You chuckled at his expression, he really was quite the interesting mortal, now wasn't he? You could see great potential in his soul, making you look back to where you once stood where the dropped flower laid on the ground
🧪 Picking it up, you opened the boy's palm, dropping the flower once again, not onto the ground, but into the soft hand of the young boy
" I may not be able to retrieve the rest of your flowers, but, here is one that the creature left. I also have something that may help you out! "
🧪 Reaching into your pocket lacing your cape, you summoned some flowers from one vase in your home that you shared in Valhalla with your sibling, Gaia
" Here are some flowers freshly picked from my sister's garden, they, by what she tells me, symbolize things such as motherly love and whatnot. I hope your mother enjoys them. " " Thank you so much! What's your name, if I may ask? " " I am... (Y/N). What is your name, young man? " " Nikola Tesla! " " Well, it was a pleasure meeting you Nikola Tesla. " " Nikola! Where are you, lil' brother? "
🧪 Looking up in shock as the boy turned around, you stiffened, being discovered by a mortal child was nothing, but a possible adult was something truly bad. A child could pass it off like nothing, an adult could not
" I'm over here, Dane! " " Oh thank God. Who were you talking too? " " The lady/man- where did they go...? "
🧪 Nikola looked around for the sight of the person who gifted him the glorious flowers, only for his older brother to pick him up and begin bringing him home in a rush
🧪 As the elder boy ran home with his brother in arms, the younger's mind wandered, where did that nice woman/man go? And will he ever see them again?
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👑 Taking a nightly stroll was something the Emperor of China was familiar with, it was a time that he could have to himself, no guards right behind him and no duties clawing at his door for him to deal with
👑 Just himself and the night sky that he admired
👑 Meanwhile, a cloaked being was walking through the woods, passing through the trees with ease, as they had been on the same path multiple times throughout their limitless lifespan
👑 Due to being in an argument with the Head of the Gods, a headache was pounding through the head of the person as they rubbed their temples with their fingers
👑 As they traveled through the shady lands, they stumbled across a large temple, one they recognized as the very one the Emperor of China resided in
" What a sight, I never realized just how dazzling these building looked from such a high point. "
👑 The star-covered eyes of the mystery person burst with light as the sound of another's voice came from behind them, causing them to turn around, gripping a blade underneath their cloak
" Whoa there! There's no need for that. I apologize if I startled you, uhm, whoever you are. I just saw you walking alone and decided to go with you. " " It's- it's alright, I suppose. "
👑 A stern silence cracked between the two individuals, allowing the pitchy sound of a blade being laid back in a case to echo across their ear-shots
👑 Looking at the stars, Qin Shi Huang sighed deeply and back at the cloaked person who decided to stay alongside him, and he had to ask himself; did this person not know who he was? Could they be a traveler of some kind?
👑 A traveler of some kind you were...
👑 Qin looked down at your feet and noticed that your skin was dipping into a very pale looking shade as your cloak became very faded, as if it was turning into dust
" So... to make this far less awkward and save us a few moments of boring silence, may I ask what your name is, possible traveler? " " It is Y/N, and yours? " " Emperor Qin Shi Huang, but you may call me Qin Shi if you wish. " " Alright then, Qin Shi. "
👑 Qin Shi Huang sat down on the grassy plain, his masked face still looking up at the star-littered sky with such happiness obvious, despite his eyes being hidden
👑 You smiled gently and sat beside him, crossing your legs as you manipulated a star to sway across the sky in what humans seemingly began to call a 'shooting star'
" Ah, it seems that a shooting star has crossed the sky. What shall I wish for? I know! "
👑 Looking at the Emperor, you were shocked at how normal he seemed. Normally the high-ranking humans that you came across were tyrannical and fairly crude in their words and actions
" There! What did you wish for, Y/N-san? "
👑 When Qin looking back over at you, he was shocked to see that instead of you sitting there, a moonflower stood bravely, its petals pristine without any scuffs, as if it bloomed just second before
👑 Where in China had you gone?
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🍭 Ever since Buddha first became a God, many weren't fond of him, though most of the Deities littered across Valhalla have only heard about the God of Buddhism through word of mouth from the few Gods that had met him so far
🍭 You, the Deity of the Night in the Greek Pantheon, had only hear about the man through your children's words, mainly Aether and Hemera, who were by-far your most patient children
🍭 And even during present time, you loved to stare at the stars and remember the first time you met your soon-to-be husband
🍭 It was a lovely night in one of the many fields in Valhalla, and normally you would watch over your domain of the starry sky as Humanity was being dealt with by your youngest boys, Thanatos and Hypnos
🍭 You had dressed yourself in your long star-covered cloak, hiding yourself from any prying eyes, since many feared you just by hearing your name. Even the strongest of all Gods, Zeus, feared the mention of your name
🍭 Holding yourself high while hidden, you walked through the grassy plain, brushing past tree by tree as the wind pulled the cloth covering you back lightly
🍭 To describe it in a few words; you were in Paradise
🍭 As you walked carefully around many plant-life and sleeping creatures, Buddha was laying in his hammock, starring at the same sky you controlled, admiring the stars as they flickered delicately in the vast land known as space
🍭 Sucking on a lollipop from his stash hidden away, Buddha sighed and stretched his back, allowing it to pop as he caught onto the sound of grass being pushed down and let back up in the form of footsteps
🍭 Grabbing his Six Realms Staff, the God held it up for whoever was around to see as he let out an annoyed groan. After all, having your peaceful silence interrupted would be annoying
" Alright, whoever ya' are, come on out. I don't wanna waste anymore time than necessary. " " I apologize, Lord Buddha. I was just taking a walk around to admire the stars and must have awoken you. "
🍭 Cocking an eyebrow at the light-and-honey-coated voice, Buddha looked up and noticed your form walk up from behind the one tree holding up the front of his hammock and once he saw your face, his eyes widened
" Holy shit! You're Y/N, the Deity of the Night! I never thought I'd be seeing you walk around in Paradise so late at night. "
🍭 Chuckling lightly, you nodded as you pulled down your hood, allowing your hair that faded into the dust of space to run out freely, making Buddha laugh at your smile
" I knew you were powerful and all from the stories told, but they never said how dazzling you looked~ "
🍭 Rolling your eyes at his attempt of flustering you, you just looked up at the sky as Buddha stood up and planted himself right beside you to look at the stars and moon with you
🍭 It was nice sharing such a moment with a lovely person like you, maybe you guys could do it again some other time?
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🚬 As one of the classic Greek Gods, you were held at a fairly high standard once your myth became the talk of the land
🚬 But, ever since Zeus and the rest of the Olympians came along and destroyed your whole time with your siblings and rest of your allies, you became more of a side-god when it came to standards of worshiping
🚬 Leonidas wasn't fond of the Gods ever since his demise, blaming the demise of him and his 300 (though really 299) soldiers on the Greek God Apollo, whom your oldest children, Aether and Hemera, served alongside
🚬 You, on the other hand, had no-one to place a blame onto, though you weren't fond when someone were to try offending Apollo, as you had treated the male like a son since he was a young God making his way in the Pantheon
🚬 Holding his title far from the grasp of the Gods, Leonidas despised being told what to do, so, when your second youngest, Thanatos, began to hold himself to a standard against Leonidas, you were called in by Hypnos to help out
🚬 Watching as parts of the sky began to fall down and form a humanoid shape was something far new to Leonidas, and because of that he stepped back and readied his weapon to protect himself in case something happened
" There is no need for that King Leonidas I, I am merely here to retrieve my pain in the ass son. " " Pain in the ass? But Mom/Dad, he- " " Enough! I will listen to your side of the story when you take a break in the next few millennia, Thanatos. "
🚬 The King of Sparta watched as you grabbed Thanatos' ear and tugged on it like a parent would when scolding a child for doing something badly, like hitting a kid for example
🚬 Watching a Deity of your stature just treat your son like a human parent would made Leonidas' guard come down slightly, sensing you weren't going to attack him out of nowhere, you had a sense of understanding radiating off you
" Hypnos, please bring your brother back home and also let Aether and Hemera know that he is grounded for the next few months. No using his scythe during that time, only his old training stick. " " What?! "
🚬 Sighing as Hypnos dragged his brother through a portal he summoned, you turned to look back at the human and you smiled nervously, holding your hands out in defense
" I apologize for my son's actions, he sometimes gets in his own head and begins to believe himself to be more powerful than he really is. I think he's spending to much time with the Olympian Brothers... " " It's... alright, I suppose. "
🚬 Smiling gently, you held your hand out for the mortal to shake, making his raise his eyebrows slightly, he was surprised that a Deity of your ranking would actually try touching a human
🚬 Allowing his weapon to lean back up against the building's wall, Leonidas shook your hand, making you mentally sigh, thanking your creators for allowing him to forgive you and shake your hand as a sign of that forgiveness, since every other human just tried disrespecting you for your parenting skills
🚬 Letting go of his hand, you pulled your cloak's hood down and allowed your markings of stars and the moon to shimmer out against the sunlight, making Leonidas mentally swoon; you were quite the looker, how could Zeus fear you and not admire you?
" I hope I see you once again, King Leonidas I of Sparta. " " Just call me Leonidas. And I agree, I hope we meet once again. "
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 7 days
The Eri request where she temporarily turns into an infant was adorable!!
How about the ROR with Eri Reader where she accidentally becomes a baby for a week?
Eri tried to defend one of her family members from a god’s ability and was turned into a baby as a result OR it was the result of an accident with Beelzebub’s elixirs that accidentally spilled on Eri
So much obnoxious and ugly crying seeing Eri so tiny and delicate!
Each Pantheon is taking turns caring for Baby Eri, from Greek, Norse, Hindu, Sages, Shinto, the Valkyrie Sisters and the Human Fighters
Baby Eri is surprisingly very touchy as she likes touching her family members faces and playing with their hands (Or fingers because some of them have big hands)
Eri’s not a fussy baby unless she’s startled, then she’ll cry, as she wants to be held until she falls asleep (She’ll cry from sudden loud noises or anything scary)
Her favorite food is apple sauce as she’ll even excitedly coo when she sees any of her family members holding it (Loki received a few lumps when he was lightly teasing Eri from showing and hiding her food)
They were surprised that Baby Eri developed some favoritism for certain family members, such as Adam, Eve, Buddha, Shiva, Hercules, Jack, Thor and even Anubis
They were relieved to learn it will only be temporary (However they’ll probably be sad Eri won’t be so wittle anymore, only to remember they took a bunch of pictures)
Please get plenty of sleep and stay hydrated!
-It was an accident, an experiment gone wrong, and you were unfortunately in the wrong place at the wrong time and were hit by Beelzebub’s and Nikola’s failed experiment.
-Many had called out your name in worry, thinking you had been hurt when you disappeared in a cloud of smoke, but it was the sound of a crying baby that made everyone freeze.
-When Hercules, who made it to you first, found you- he froze, seeing that you had been turned into a baby. He was so gentle, cradling you like you were the most fragile of glass as he turned, his eyes wide, panicking as you were crying, showing everyone that you had been turned into a baby!!
-Everyone, naturally, freaked the freak out something fierce, panicking at what had happened, but Adam quickly came over, taking you from Hercules and cradled you in his arms, trying to get you to calm down.
-Once you were calm and sleeping, only then did everyone else calm down, trying to figure out what had happened to make you like this.
-Nikola and Beelzebub were able to figure out what went wrong and that you would be fine in about a week, which is about when this affect would wear off and you would return to normal- so until then you would be a baby!!
-You were highly protected for the first two days, Adam and Eve holding you close, with Hercules sitting right behind them and the Valkyries all around you, forming a protective barrier against all others, much to the dismay of everyone else who also wanted to see you when you were so tiny!!
-At the dawn of the third day, Adam relented, only letting the other human warriors to be close to you, and they all passed you around as you cooed happily, playing with their larger hands, gumming them with your toothless mouth.
-Lu Bu was the only one who was really panicking, completely stiff as Adam handed you to him, he didn’t know the first thing about holding a baby and figured if he just stayed still you would be fine.
-It was amusing, as the Valkyries were taking all sorts of photos of you while you were tiny, seeing this big scary warrior being completely frozen while you chewed on his scarred fingers.
-When the gods finally were allowed, under the supervision of either one of the Valkyries, Adam, or Hercules, there was a lot of crying. Loki was obnoxiously crying, taking millions of photos while he couldn’t make a coherent word, loving how tiny you were.
-There were some that had one of your protectors breathing down their necks as they held you, Zeus was at the top of that list, while others, like Odin, Hades, and Shiva, were expert baby holders and knew exactly what to do.
-Thor was just like Lu Bu, frozen stiff, not wanting to accidentally hurt you, which many did think was adorable. Poseidon didn’t want to hold you, mainly because he didn’t want to hurt you, but he tried to play tough, saying it was beneath him, but Hades knew better and made his younger brother sit down and hold you, but when you started crying Poseidon chased Zeus around for teasing him about making you cry.
-Everyone enjoyed the time while you were so little, playing with you, exploring with you, and taking care of you- it was so different to see you so widdle.
-You woke up in the Hindu pantheon, as Shiva and his wives were some of the only ones the Valkyries and Adam trusted to take care of you, since he was such a good father.
-You rubbed your eyes, feeling a bit confused as Shiva was snoring next to you and you shook one of his arms and he snorted awake, seeing you back to normal as you spoke, still a bit groggy, “Did we have a sleepover?”
-He chuckled warmly, hugging you close, “Something like that- you had an accident.” You were confused, not remembering anything but when he arrived with you to see everyone else, many called out your name happily, seeing that you were back to normal.
-You were in awe, seeing the photos of when you were a baby, “Was I really this tiny?” they all nodded in unison as Loki held you close, happy to have you back to normal as you were in awe of what had happened.
-They all remained silent, while happy to have the normal you back, they adored having you so small, you were so precious, so delicate- it gave them a glimpse of what could have been if they found you as a baby and raised you.
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mikeywayarchive · 3 months
My Chemical Romance bassist Mikey Way has a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Comic with "anime inspired" art and a villain that goes back to the original '90s toys
By George Marston published June 24, 2024
Mikey Way is turning the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' greatest love into their worst enemy
Full article under the cut:
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(Image credit: IDW Publishing)
My Chemical Romance is one of the most popular bands of the last 20 years, and in the time since their last official release, several of the group's multi-talented members have branched into comic storytelling - including bassist Mikey Way, whose latest comic is a short in the upcoming anthology comic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Black, White, and Green #2.
A veritable teen idol of his own thanks to My Chem's beloved presence in the punk and emo scene, Way is tapping into a deep-seated love of both the TMNT and their personal favorite food of pizza for a story that captures the youthful energy of the Turtles in a way that only someone who was there for their meteoric rise and pop culture presence could.
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(Image credit: IDW Publishing)
"I was a massive Turtles fan as a kid! Being born in the '80s, wave one of Turtlemania hit when I was about eight years old, so safe to say I was all in," Way tells Newsarama. "My older brother was into the black & white comics early, so I was at least aware of the Turtles prior to that big boom, but my fandom really came alive with the original cartoon series." 
"Followed up by the Playmates toy line and then into the live action movie, it really checked every box imaginable for me," Way explains. "The characters and the world building had something for almost everyone. While I was initially into Michelangelo, (because of his name and the nunchucks) I grew into way more of a Raphael fan. He's got more layers as a character in my opinion."
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(Image credit: IDW Publishing)
Way's brother is, of course, Gerard Way, singer of My Chemical Romance and founder of the DC imprint Young Animal, which published Mikey Way's first comic, Collapser, which was co-written by Shaun Simon with art by Ilias Kyriazis. For TMNT: Black, White, and Green, Way collaborated with artist Nikola Čižmešija and colorist Lee Loughridge, whose art you can see in the newly revealed pages from the story seen here.
"I love Nikola’s style so much!," Way says. "He has this fantastic anime inspired quality to his work, and it lends itself perfectly to a Ninja Turtles story. I was floored by his pencils and he was a pleasure to work with."
As for the content of the story itself, it all comes down to something that many fans of the TMNT probably love as much as the Turtles do themselves: pizza. Way brings in a classic villain, Pizza Face, who first appeared in the original TMNT toy line in 1990 as a villainous pizza chef, before being revived in the 2012 animated series as a mutated pizza blob.
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(Image credit: IDW Publishing)
"I wanted to do a story that was an ode to '80s horror, with a nod to Candy Man or the urban legend of Bloody Mary," Way says of why he chose Pizza Face.
"The character of Pizza Face fascinated me as a kid, because he looked like the mascot on most Pizza boxes mixed with a 'Freddy' or 'Jason'," Way continues. "That mythology I created in my head as a kid really stuck with me. When the opportunity arose to write a Ninja Turtle story, it was literally the first thing that popped out of my head."
And yes, Mikey Way does have a favorite pizza place: 
"Star Tavern in Orange New Jersey. Hands down the greatest there is, in my opinion."
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(Image credit: IDW Publishing)
Though Way's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Green story is only eight pages, Way does plan more comics to come very soon - though he's not quite ready to say exactly what just yet.
"I feel like I have more stories that I want to tell," he hints. "At the risk of sounding vague, I would say one can expect an announcement of some sort very soon."
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Black, White, and Green #2 is on sale now.
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bunnies4steven · 7 months
Hellooo can I request a fic?
Steven Grant has a bimbo girlfriend who is so fascinated by Steven and how smart he is and gets happy when she gets something right, like when Steven says “good job” or “my smart girl” or “good girl,” making the reader all smiley and happy, giving Steven an ego boost, and making him all dom towards her. Maybe it's a smut where he overstimulates her?
Steven Grant x AFAB!Bimbo reader
𓆩⚝𓆪 caution: this fic contains themes of sexual activity. if these things trigger you I advise you to not read this and click off.
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If there was one thing that Steven loved about you it was your simplicity. You didn’t have many thoughts running through your head like the average person. The only thing you thought about was fashion, makeup, and your stevie. There were so many perks of having you as a girlfriend. Like, how you always chose to wear the tightest and skimpiest clothes and how adorably naive you were to how other men looked at you. When Steven first met you he tried his hardest to be the respectful man he was but when you weren’t looking he couldn’t help but stare at your plump ass under that mini skirt. Or, his fetish for how you caked yourself with makeup, which always ended up looking flawless, and how he would ruin your makeup. His favorite look on you is the mascara stains on your face as he fucked your pretty throat. He loved how when he fucked you from behind he would pull your hair back and watch your face be coated in mascara stains and your lip stick smudged. But, his favorite thing was how you looked at him. You thought Steven was a genius, and while yes he is a smart man he isn’t no Nikolas Tesla.  Every little thing that Steven did fascinated you. He could just be washing his clothes and you would stare at him in awe with your pretty doe eyes. 
You, his sweet little bimbo, gave Steven a confidence boost no one else has before. So here you were on his lap as you both read an Egyptian mythology book. When you read anything you struggle to sound it out like the class clown who was forced to read in front of the class during popcorn reading. Gosh, you really were stupid. “Aaaanuuuubis i-is t-the gooood of death?” You sounded out, Steven could only just smile and respond to you with “That’s good love. Remember confidence is key. Don’t question yourself when reading.” As you kept reading Steven gently lifted your skirt up. You weren’t wearing any panties, such a naughty little girl for him. You then asked “Stevie, what are you doing?” He then assured you, “Shhh, pretty girl, just go back to reading.” You obediently kept reading and as you read Steven’s fingers found his way to your folds. He felt your dripping wetness and he smirked. Steven gently started rubbing your sensitive bud which made you whimper, “Mmm! Stevie!” Steven then cooed at you “Keep reading for me baby. You're doing such a good job, good girl.” When he praised you your cheeks flushed. You loved when your stevie praised you for being the good girl you were. You then continued reading “A-Anubis is the g-god of death and protector of graaaves. He g-guuiidesss people to the u-underwoooorld.” Steven’s two fingers then entered your pussy which made you squeak. He pumped his fingers inside and out your pussy. His breathing got faster as he felt your tight walls grip on to his fingers which each thrust. Steven praised you, “Such a smart little girl readin’ for me while she is gettin finger fucked, innit?” You nodded and moaned. You stopped reading from how good you were feeling. His fingers curled in your wet pussy as he teased “Well don’t stop now, princess keep reading for me.” You kept reading for him just like the good little girl. You were getting closer to your orgasm. You felt your core getting warmer and your breathing getting faster. You then moaned “I’m c-cumming. Stevie m’ gonna cum!” “Cum for me princess, be a good girl and cum for me.” Steven encouraged. Your legs then trembled and you squealed. — Now here you were bouncing on Steven’s cock as you desperately tried to read the paragraph from the textbook. You have already orgasmed six times tonight. Your makeup was ruined and your mascara was running down your face. Steven hand’s gripped your ass cheeks as he sucked on your nipples as you bounced on his cock. You could barely speak and your moans filled the room. “Keep readin’ for me honey.” Steven cooed. “Mmmph! C-Can’t s’ sooo hard! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You babbled. The feeling of bouncing on his cock and feeling his thick cum and juices inside of her and on his cock made her mind fuzzy. She couldn’t read properly or think properly. “You can do it sweet girl, do it for me, be my smart girl.” Steven encouraged you. There it was his encouragement. You would’ve done anything to make your steven happy.. You then read from the book as best as you could “R-Rahhh mmm! Rah is t-the g-god of- mmph! Rah is the g-goooood of s-suuuun!” You squealed. “Good fuckin’ girl!” Steven growled before he smacked your ass. Steven was coming close to his another orgasm. His breathing got faster and he threw his head back on the couch. He felt his cock twitch as he moaned, “M’ gonna cum again, love. I want you to cum for me again, princess. Rub that little clit for me, honey.” Steven moaned and you then whined “I c-can’t cum anymore s’ too much!” “Do it for me, be my lovely girl, and do it for me.” Steven groaned before his thick cum filled your tummy. Your fingers then found your clit and you rubbed it in circles. You then screamed in pleasure, “M’ cummin!” 
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tumb1rprincess · 2 months
Long post ahead, I have a lot of feelings about Mag 101
Boy oh boy was I waiting for this one. I'd heard bits of it before starting the series, so was really looking forward to reaching this point and having context for the bits I had heard.
So, first part with Jon and Nikola, jeez louise. Nikola once again walks the fine line between horrifying and hilarious and I gotta love that. She talks about skinning Jon so casually, it made my stomach twist, but the way she talks like a kindergarten teacher or something is so funny.
Nikola asks Breekon and Hope to keep the coffin away from her, I feel like there's something being implied there. Is she afraid of it? Also, interesting that Elias is like "all seeing, all knowing" yet Nikola can hide Jon from him. So Elias does have weaknesses.
I actually looked up the transcript for this one out of curiosity, just seeing if Jon was actually saying anything during this first bit. Honestly though, the transcript describing it as "muffled feelings" and "possibly muffled swearing" makes it a lot funnier. Still pretty sure he said "Fuck you" when Nikola asked how he was feeling, and it was made funnier when I found out Jon was shoving his fist into his mouth for this bit. The mental image of that makes me snicker.
Then there's the second part with Michael. Jon's annoyed groan when Michael said he was going to kill him is still funny. He's still scared of course, but there are so many people out to get him that he's also so done with the death threats at this point.
Michael, baby, baby boy, Michael, god, it's just so sad. He was so scared, he couldn't comprehend what he was seeing, but he went along with everything Gertrude said anyway, because he trusted her. And she saw him as disposable, someone who was gullible and easy to trick so she could accomplish what she wanted. It was to stop the Spiral, but it was still cruel. It reminds me of Leitner commenting on how many assistants he went through during his career and I feel like there's something to be said about how he and Gertrude see their assistants as disposable when Jon is the exact opposite and tries so hard to keep his safe. And the Distortion may say he doesn't want to be Michael, but I think Michael's anger and betrayal after what Gertrude did to him lingered, even after the Distortion took him. He sounds angry, he says so many times about how Michael trusted Gertrude, like emphasizing how much she betrayed him.
On a different note, slammed my fucking fist into my desk at hearing Peter Lukas's name. Every time I hear him, I think of the statements that involved him or just the Lukas name in general and my blood boils
Jon's defeated "Okay" just killed me. Like, the man was fully ready to open that door and accept his death, and it was only because Michael killing him sounded a little less painful than what Nikola was planning. I did laugh for a second at the door being locked before Michael's scream blasted my eardrums. Can't believe the freaky little guy is gone. RIP Michael, you were a good one, your laugh will forever give me the creeps (side note: I found out that that's just the voice actor's natural laugh? WTF man?)
Also, quick shoutout to ThirdChildFilm's short based off of this episode that got me into this series in the first place:
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Jonah Rant
Someone on Youtube reminded me that I rage-typed an essay-length tirade about Jonah Magnus and his status as a certified Bastard Man right after the finale. They asked if there was a chance they could see it, which was a good question because did I even still have it? Turns out: Yes! It’s evidently been chilling in Onedrive for ~2 years. So for those who wish, my thoughts regarding that awful little man are below.
Spoilers for The Magnus Archives.
I went into the finale fully ready to not hear from Jonah again. I thought ‘oh, cosmic horror, as important as he thinks he is, he’s inconsequential and John just zaps him with eye lasers or something’. I didn’t want it per se, but I thought it was plausible.
But no. Oh no. Jonah Magnus speaks again, and he hasn’t been around for all of season 5. We heard him on a recording and we heard him chanting in the background and also all distorted in a job interview flashback, but there has been no actual uncompelled words being spoken by Jonah Magnus in real time since 159.
Yes he wrote the incantation but, rather crucially, he did not read it.
I binged TMA right as it got up to the season 4 finale. I got through season 1 in one day, and season 2 the next, and then got through three and four in the days after that. I caught up just in time for 160 to drop.
So I, foolish, naïve baby that I was, had over a year to forget what this character actually sounded like, and just how much of a slimy, insufferable fucker Jonah Magnus is. Was. Bitch.
I’ve gone into this elsewhere so I won’t belabor it but one of the reasons I’m so viscerally miffed by him is because of every human character in this podcast, he is the only one that is never shown sympathetically. I’m not counting Nikola Orsinov, or NotThems, or other manifestations of the Entities. I mean of the human, or avatar-human characters he is the least grey. Morality in this show is complex and tough to think about in my brain and one of the great ways it does this is through having really layered characters with motivations that are, at least a little, understandable. Jude Perry was a violent, sadistic lady...she was also devoted to Agnes and in some ways I think you could argue they were each other’s only links to humanity until what’s-his-name came along. Coffee shop Himbo guy. Peter Lukas is a misanthrope to the max who will send people into a nether realm if they so much as look at him wrong – which is to say, look at him at all. He was also raised to know nothing but loneliness, and pursuing it was kind of the only way he ever got some sort of approval. Which also manifested as more distance.
We get these little nuggets of what brought a villain where they are now, and we certainly don’t have to excuse them, but we have some context. We have some understanding that there is humanity in there, and that understanding makes them all the more unsettling.
Not fuckin’ Jonah.
What do we know about him? He’s a couple centuries old. Great. He found out about the powers, was drawn to the eye, and decided to start body-hopping to cheat death. He’s been doing this for ages. He tried a ritual and it failed. He took his time then, plotting and planning, and being smug, and finally arriving at a hypothesis that had a lot of credence to it. Everything fell into place, he was right, its all or nothing with the entities but the Eye rules because it opened the door (or WHATEVER).
So his big motivator is he doesn’t want to die.
And you know what, this is super understandable. We don’t know what his childhood was like (Jesus, can you imagine him in a little powder wig, climbing a tree to get a high vantage point to spy on people and get blackmail on them?), but fear of death is almost universal.
And of all the billions of people on this planet, I cannot help but notice that we are not thwarting narcissistic necromancers every fifteen minutes. Because the world would have fucking exploded a long, long time ago if we had more Jonahs in it. i.e. the people who would make aggressive selfishness a full-time occupation.
There’s a sort of cocktail of shit that makes him a memorable baddie not the least of which is that he never even attempts to justify his abhorrent actions. He’s not lying to himself, or anyone else, he’s not serving a cult, or a bunch of worms. He’s in it for himself, and if he has to stack the corpses of every living thing on the planet to reach immortality he’ll fucking do it without hesitation. Couple that with his manipulations, his merciless psychological torture, and a low, smooth voice that is always so infuriatingly composed and you have a Hell of a villain.
(I maintain that one of the reasons he’s so effective is that he enunciates so carefully. He doesn’t run words together, or mumble, he never really raises his voice, he is always in control, and everything is a flex right down to the articulation. I feel like we associate crisp, clear speech with formality, presidential addresses, or theater, things like that. Where you know what you are going to say and so the recitation is more confident. We hear this happen in statements, to a certain extent, but there’s still a lot of emotional range. For 199 episodes we never heard Jonah lose this pointed, smarmy tone. People don’t talk so formally in life, or when they’re talking on the podcast. There is something unsettling and intimidating about hearing such clear and confident speech all the time. It sounds like he knows exactly what to say in any situation. It sounds like he is utterly confident in every word that leaves his mouth. It sounds like he’s in a scene and no one else got the script but him. Because that is kinda what’s going on. At the very least, he thinks that’s what’s going on)
When he drops from wherever he’s suspended in the panopticon, he, you know, sort of makes a noise because that’s gotta be jarring. And we for once, for once, for fucking ONCE hear him even vaguely uncertain. And stupido io, I thought he was finally brought low and we might get a tantrum or something.
But no. Jonah Magnus has a lot of lost time to make up for, it’s been 20 eps since he’s been able to serenade everyone with his unique brand of horny arrogance. This motherfucker has exactly a millisecond of confusion and grogginess before “I was having the most...wonderful dream”. You can hear him edging.
And he’s kiiiiind of surprised to see John by himself with a knife, but still, so blasé, so, ‘oh, is that all?’ He’s a liiiiitle regretful to hear it’s over, but immediately heads into waxing rhapsodic about seeing a thousand lifetimes and the rapture of infinite sight and suffering and other Hellraiser shit when John speaks for all of us and tells him to shut up. Yet another reason to respect him.
And John has a lovely little catharsis where he gets to tell this orchestrator of his despair that Jonah has failed because the Things that Jonah is so devoted to will die a slow death. How long has he been waiting to say that, do you think? I mean at this point there’s nothing that could do what he’s probably feeling justice but he says it himself he gets some satisfaction from “knowing that I’ll be leaving these things that you serve trapped and starving in their own private hell.”
And all Jonah has to say is: “That we serve.” To the bitter, bitter end he is determined to just...okay I was gonna say twist the knife but that seems a bit tasteless now...determined to cause even more hurt. He cannot resist, it’s kind of all he knows. He is at the edge of a cliff and taunting the person that’s about to push him off of it.
And if you ever need a posterchild for ‘hubris’ just pull up a sound clip of Jonah Magnus. He tries to play the old ‘alright, playtime’s over,’ card, brushing the dust and what-the-fuck-ever else off his suit and manipulate John again. He has the...not even audacity, he’s looped back around from being semi-omniscient, to being so confident in that omniscience he thinks he knows everything and therefore acts way more stupidly than someone without that surety. He is enough of a dipshit to try and say to John “we both know you don’t have it in you”.
Motherfucker, what have you been doing for this entire season? What have you been doing this entire show? You have purposefully created someone who has withstood the brunt of every entity and come out more or less intact. You purposefully guided him into honing his powers, and put him in a position where he has nothing to lose. Well, Martin, but Jonah can’t do anything about that. Not anymore. Because the one person who can protect Martin is coincidentally the same person who can, will, and reeeeeally wants to Kill Jonah.
“King of a ruined world and I shall never die” my ass. King? Really? You were a placeholder, my dude. The Eye didn’t give a fuck that you were at the top of the panopticon and it didn’t give a fuck when John pulled you out of it. You said it yourself, dipshit. You might have started the archives, but John IS the archives. He is the only person more powerful than Jonah and Jonah, of all people, should know this. Especially considering you could presumably see John cutting through the domains, dishing out biblical vengeance, on a warpath for your tower.
So of course, he decides to antagonize John even more if that is even possible by telling him they both know he can’t do it.
And John fucking punches him and it’s great. Extended sounds of brutal ass whooping, please and thank you.
And then we get one of two lines that sums up Jonah Magnus for me.
“P-please John, I don’t want to die”.
This guy. Who dedicated his several lives to ruling the world and feeding on everyone else’s pain. Who has committed atrocities that numerous to count and too horrible to name. Who is being confronted by the direct target of his machinations and who, I think it’s safe to say, hates him more than anyone or anything else in existence. Has the absolute fucking nerve to go “but I’m scared :(”
When he went ‘I don’t want to die’ I actually said to literally no one because I was alone in my room “HA, Fuck you.”
John puts it a bit more eloquently. “Neither did they”. Beautiful. And then he’s gutted like the repulsive little fish he is.
The second line that sums up this insufferable megalomaniac is a little earlier. It’s casual, neither of them makes a point of it. Maybe because it’s a little redundant. “Empathy only holds you back in the end”.
I don’t want to die, and Empathy only holds you back in the end.
I mean, that’s the thesis statement of the shit-eating essay that is Jonah Magnus.
He’s so far beyond regret, or anything that isn’t 100% self-motivated he cannot perceive that perhaps John will have maybe, I don’t know, changed a bit. Gotten used to horror. Killed. He cannot fathom anything outside the tower as more than a food source. He is so used to seeing people as pawns he dies not actually understanding why John killed him. “Good luck” are his last lines.
First of all, the direction is ‘wetly’ and on the one hand I know what that means, but on the other, I cannot think of a more fitting adjective to end on with this guy.
Second of all, the ambiguity of how sincere he is or isn’t being is enraging, and so classic and I hate him, which is to say fucking excellent job of writing and acting both.
He goes to his grave thinking John’s making a power grab. He cannot conceive of any other reason for John doing what he’s doing. They’re opposite ends of the spectrum. One who can think of no one but himself, and one who will sacrifice himself because he’s thinking of everyone else. You know how matter can’t be created or destroyed? I think guilt might be the same way. And Jonah found a handy receptacle for all the guilt he doesn’t have time for and that receptacle is named Jonathan Sims head Archivist of The Magnus Institute.
What a good villain. What an infuriatingly mellifluous bitch. The thinks he’s King of the World, he thinks he’s going to get such special treatment, he thinks consequences apply to everyone but him, he thinks this is a game he can win when he doesn’t even know what the fuck he’s playing.
As much as he looked at John and went “perfect, an insecure idiot”, the Web looked at him and went “perfect, a pompous ass”. He wanted to live forever, but now he’s dead. And he doesn’t even get to live on in memory. No one knew he was up there. No one remembered Elias, let alone Jonah. You think Georgie, Melanie, Rosie, and Basira are going to tell the world about him? What would be the point?
Congratulations, Jonah. You tried to ensure your immortality and ended up ensuring that you died both literally and figuratively. Before it got yeeted into another dimension The End must have had a fucking Field Day the second his heart stopped beating.
What a bastard. What an unfathomable bastard. Like he really thought this would all work out for him, that he was the most Important Thing in the world when, at best, at best he was a glorified fucking contact lens.
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zabala0z · 25 days
S3 is once again killing me again with all the lore and I love it. School started up so I might be slower with my thoughts but I got episodes 92, 93, 94 and 95 to talk about!!!
MAG 92: Nothing Beside Remains
Elias makes me want to eat my phone, similar to that one guy from MAG 65 :) I was like screaming the whole time. Of course he can see everything, he literally called the police before Daisy came. I took that as "oh he has spies" but no he can see everything, I hate that. Is Jon eventually gonna get that ability or does The Eye give different gifts. Elias hasn't shown any "compellling" sort of power so I assume the latter. ALSO MORDECAI LUKAS?? I need to see a statement from a Lukas member cause what is up with that family, I'm dying.
Guess Basira is now working there. Hope Elias is paying her. the fact he won't tell Jon shit is so funny to me. So The Stranger is now, basically, the confirmed main villain. BBEG yknow? Mildly terrified, I hate circuses and mannequins so this season is gonna like body me
Not much to say on MAG 93 but whatever entity has the whole "gross shit" as its deal, I'm guessing this falls under it. Purple fungus, the obsessive cleaning, etc. Also yaaay Breekon and Hopes!! Again!11!! get out! Poor Georgie. Love her for being like "Do you even have qualifications??". Jons explanation helped me a lot because during Elias's explanations, I'm mostly just muttering curses to myself because I HATE Him. Avatars. Baller. So Jude Perry was the avatar of The Desolation (destruction, fire, etc) Michael Crew was the avatar of The Vast (sky??, emptiness, general loneliness) and then like Jon is an avatar and I'm guessing so is Elias. I think you can have more then one avatar but anyways.
MAG 94: Dead Woman Walking
Jon refereed to the entity as "The End" which, using my notes, was mentioned in Mary keys statement when gertrude asked where the book came from and Mary said "The End" and said she could never serve it, not finding death interesting. Wild that she can't feel fear anymore??? Like damn. This kinda read as someone in a depressive state in some form. Or like a nihilistic person. Cause like "everything ends, time, it has already ended". Wild.
Not much to say on MAG 95 but I did understand the context vaguely which is more then what I can say for the other war statements. Also Martin and Basira friendship??? Love it. She gets really engrossed in books. I dunno if she was like lying or this is something supernatural related but I love Basira
MAG 96: Return to Sender
Literally screeching oh my god. The fact these things just hijacked this mans business is almost funny. They also talked with a circus ringmaster. Nikola Orsinov? gregor Orsinov? A different one. the statement was given 1996 and Gregor was the leader around the 40's but Nikola, by her description I think, sounded young. So. Who was this ringmaster? Maybe Im getting the timeframe wrong. or they're like eternal. Maybe they like just shed skin and steal a new body, just going by the same last name- okay I don't know.
Also, SARAH BALDWIN???? Welcome back girl. The fact the gorilla skin was stolen by gertrude means she was trying to stop The Unknowing, and likely that's why its been this long for it to happen, because they need that skin. Ew. The Stranger loves skin a little too much. Also Sarah being filled with sawdust and cloves. Great. If Not Sasha was shot, would we have seen that? Or is it different with every one of those, NotThem.?
Anyways, I think that's everything. Every statement, I'm kinda thinking, "which entity does this fall under" now that I know the surrounding universe. Tough since I only know 6 by name and I think there's more. 6 too many entities for this world though
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pumpkinprincess22 · 5 days
Some characters in my rewrite are getting renamed and some unnamed characters are getting names! Here is a few of them
Nicole Von Ronsenburg - Nicole was born the eldest child of the Lord of Scaleswind. Her name when she was born was Nikola but she changed it when she ran away to a less Scaleswind sounding name to blend in further North.
Lord Von Ronsenburg - He never had a name in canon so he's named Alexander Von Ronsenburg now.
Nekoette Ashida - We don't have time to get into the many reasons I don't like the name Nekoette so let's just say I don't like it and move on. Her name is Reina now. I initially named her Rena after Lady Irene but then I changed it to a more Japanese name to fit with Nana.
Kawaii-Chan - This one is easy, changed her name from KC to her birth name from MyStreet because Nana Ashida fits the setting better.
Lady Irene - The religious figure's name is remembered as being Irene but her name as a person was actually Irena. Based on a random early S1 lore drop which was retconned but my ass went but what if it wasn't. In Scaleswind she is remembered as Irena, the person who saved their city. Throughout Ru'aun she is remembered as Irene, the Divine Warrior.
Abraham Goldwin - So he's not technically a character in MCD but he is important to my Zianna so he's important to me. Jeffory and Vylad's father, Zianna's ex-fiance. He is the person Abby is named after and the reason Jeffory and Abby use the surname 'Goldenheart'.
Shad and Irene's daughter - She doesn't have a name in canon but I am giving her one. She accidentally became my favourite character last night when I got a little too invested in her. Her name was Astra.
Finally and perhaps most importantly Aphmau herself - I decided I didn't really like her name so I changed it. Arja is a nickname of Irena in finish and it begins with an A. It's the perfect name for her.
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82mitsu · 5 months
{18Trip} The 18 Questions Corner - Yowa Netaro
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This is a translation for the 18 questions interview uploaded on the official Youtube channel. I suggest to read this translation alongside it!
Note: P stands for "Player", this series has a voiced male & female character for the player. The interviews are conducted by the male player in this case.
TL note:
メロメロリン (lit. meromerorin) comes from how if you’re completely head over heels over someone, or infatuated by them, you’ll be meromero. Essentially, a word that means to be madly in love. In Japanese, it’s also what the Pokemon move Attract is called. -Rin is an extra addition to make it sound cute. 
I believe 369 in “Cafe369” is a reference to 3-6-9 theory from Nikola Tesla. The gist of it is that these numbers hold the key to the whole universe, so to say. 
P: 18 questions for the Tourism Ward Mayors! We look forward to your cooperation!
Netaro: At last my turn hath come.
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What’s your name?
It is Yowa Netaro. 
How old are you?
It’s a leap way beyond circa 35,000 hours. 
Tell us about your occupation!
The genius frontman of a fine meat bun establishment named “Cafe369” is no one other than I~!
What’s the first thing you do when waking up in the morning?
Working out my arms and legs!
Anything you’re particular about with lunch?
I eat until my tummy’s full~
What pops up in your mind when it comes to “evening”?
Evening. Placing it in the context of a weather forecast, it’s a word specifying the window of time between 3 pm to 6 pm. Thus, 3 pm to 6 pm it shall be!
What’s your routine before bed?
A movie and TV drama watch party♪
Where do you start with washing your body?
My temple!
What’s essential when leaving for a trip?
Intellectual curiosity♪
What do you check before traveling somewhere?
The zoo hath lately piqued my interest!
What’s your favorite method of transportation for traveling? 
What’s one item you’d bring to a deserted island?
A perfect deserted island all-in-one survival set IN a fourth dimensional bag!
Please give us some fanservice! 
Leave it to me! Ahem, ahem- Aaa~aaah. ✧・゚: *Not a chance I’d let you have any regrets for coming this far to see me, Honey.*:・゚✧ …Kabam!
Who’s someone you’d lean on for support? 
I turn to Evening Squad’s Nari. That fella has, indeed, an excellent observant eye. 
Who would you swap bodies with for a day?
Hmmmmm~ I have settled on Evening Squad’s Kuu!
What would you want to do as them?
I, akin to Kuu, also want to put mortals under an enthralling spell! 
Pass on a message to your roommates!
Toi and Ryui, you two make quite the interesting pair if I do say so myself! And the other one besides them… he’s also included♪
Tell us from the heart, what’s a “journey” to you? 
Something along the likes of going on a stroll! 
P: Thank you, those were all 18 questions!
Netaro: Nicely done! I wonder if my charm has been sufficiently transmitted~?
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Netaro: HAMA’s 18th Ward Mayor, the man known as Yowa Netaro~! At Cafe369, you can have your fill again and again with never before seen meat buns, invented by yours truly~!
More TL notes:
While not translatable in English, Netaro’s dialogue has a tendency to deploy わ (wa) for the particle は (ha, but read as wa). It's a stylistic choice.
~のじゃ (~noja) is an archaic take on ~のだ. It functions as ~です essentially. It’s old man speak, or “little anime girls who look 12 but actually they are a gazillion trillion billion years old" speak.
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lostonehero · 6 months
Meanwhile in the selkie au the mech chat
Jonny D'Ville has returned to the chat.
Jonny D'Ville has changed his name to Jon.
Jon: Alright I'm here.
Several people are typing
GP Jordan : what the fuck you vanish and now you're an archivist and married and you have a dog?
Barisis: honestly the dog is the most surprising part and I became a cop.
Marius: Honestly facts
Brain: how did you even get a dog?
Nastya: it looks more like a wolf
Jon: Martin's a wolf hound, I think... I don't actually know. He's very big.
Ivy: big is an understatement. How did the infamous catman get a dog?
Jon: I got married.
Brian: so the dog isn't yours?
Jon: Martin just kind of settled with us.
Ivy: you got adopted by a dog
GP Jordan: I demand to meet this wolf dog. Also your husband I guess the less cool Tim
Marius: your name isn't even Tim
GP Jordan: invalid
Nikola: invalid
Ivy: invalid
Brian: invalid
Nastya: invalid
Jon: They have a point.
Barisa: You're not defending your husband?
Jon: he refuses to believe I was in a band. He also purposely stapled all of the fake statements together and buried my desk in them.
Barisa: sounds like a you problem.
Barisa changed Jon's name to First mate.
First mate: I hate all of you.
Several people are typing
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bones4thecats · 8 months
I'm not sure if you accepting RoR request but can I request Shiva, Buddha, Qin Shi Huang and Nikola Tesla with a fem reader that's Nyarlathotep? (crawling chaos from HP Lovecraft) she looks normal and even cute most of the time but she can be very much terrifying when turning into her cosmic horror form or if she wants to just mess around with the gods (mostly Zeus and Odin) by messing with their heads most of the time and they can't do much because she's an outer god but around them she's very sweet and helpful and ties her best to push away her violent tendencies for their sake
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Shiva, Buddha, Qin Shi Huang, and Nikola Tesla Name: {Character} with a Nyarlathotep! Reader Requester: Anonymous
A/N: At this point, I may as well make a page dedicated to my H.P. Lovecraft-themed Reader pieces, since I've written like three pieces now! It's ironic because of how much I love reading about these characters, lmao
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🪩 This man thrives on destruction, he's the God of it for crying out loud!
🪩 When he first met you, you and your father, Azathoth, were attending the Gods' Council meeting, and you were one of the Gods who decided to spare Humanity, and when asked by him, you just replied with a sly
" Oh, I do not wish for them to live because of pity or love, silly! Quite the opposite, actually! Humans have caused so much chaos and madness, it's wonderful! And, I plan on keeping them for as long as I find them enjoyable. Now, ta-ta~ "
🪩 He'd be lying if he said he didn't find you a hint alluring, you looked far cuter than what was written down, you were always described as a being that looked more 'monstrous' and 'hideous' than anything Humanity could've created
🪩 Shiva and you would normally speak whenever necessary, but, after a while, your more distant bond grew into a blooming friendship and eventual marriage!
🪩 This God definitely doesn't care about how mad you sound with your words, he just fears that maybe one day you'll either say something to the wrong person or you'll end up going unstoppable with madness and get annihilated by a stronger being
🪩 Whenever Loki messes around with Shiva, you end up messing with his mind a lot, prompting Odin to knock you away, which makes you target him, much to his birds' annoyance
🪩 Shiva tried pushing his own violent tendencies away for you and his fellow wives' sake, and because of this, he ends up having a special day every month for him to go out and let out those thoughts and actions, and, when he notices just how much pressure was building on you, he'd take you with him
" Go ahead and blow that massive boulder up! Good job, my Being of Chaos! "
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🍭 This guy was concerned when he first met you, you were seemingly more insane than the other Gods he met, and that included those such as Loki, and we all know how crazy that guy is
🍭 The only reason this guy even spoke to you was because of how strongly your father stood with the destruction of Humanity, every. single. time. that the Gods voted
🍭 Buddha was getting annoyed with how ignorant and oblivious your father was, and he could tell you were as well, and when he asked you about how you truly felt about your father, you acknowledged him, unlike many different Gods, and spoke to him calmly with hidden insanity
" My father is quite ignorant and, to be honest, sometimes even I wonder how in the name of the universe he has so much power. But, let me be honest with you, Buddha. Because of this, he's fun to manipulate. But, don't tell anyone about that, yeah? Yeah! Alright, gotta go, bye! "
🍭 He was quite off-put when he asked Brunhilde about you, and when she said how dangerous and hideous of a being you were, he was confused, you were adorable and seemingly sweet
🍭 Your God-friend and you were some of the only Gods who voted for Humanity's safety, though, you both kept it to yourselves, not wishing to have a certain someone's rage on your asses
🍭 When Ragnarok commenced, you teleported to speak to Brunhilde, telling her your plan of siding with Humanity during the Gods' strongest point to break them down mentally, you did love to watch them struggle, after all!
🍭 After finding out that Buddha was siding with Humanity, you jumped down, causing many to believe you were fighting against him, but, when you announced your defect to their side, your father's rage knew no bounds
" Oh, father, just how much of an ignorant prick can you be? Humanity does have some, decent, qualities to them. And while I may never fully understand them, I will try my best to do so. Anyways, have fun fighting, my dear! "
🍭 Much like Shiva, he appreciates how much you try staying sane around him and the Human Fighters, it lets him know just how much you do care about him
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👑 When Qin first met you, it was because one of your father's minions accidentally caused mass destruction to his home, leaving many lives in ruin and an emperor very, very, upset
👑 You attending the small meeting with your father, though you spent your time screwing around with the nearby humans, causing the ruler to ignore your father's rambles of incoherentness
👑 While he initially disliked how unsettlingly cute yet sadistic you were, once he got to know you a bit better, thanks to some well-spent time on Earth by yourself, he began to see you for what you really were
👑 Being raised by such a cruel yet idiotic being, you really didn't have the best examples when it came to interactions with other brings, heck, you had some of the most horrendous relationships with your two siblings, Nameless Mist and Darkness
👑 During one of your first meetings while on decent terms, he asked you exactly what you were going to do, since he had heard about Ragnarok forming from one of the guards of his
" Ragnarok? It sounds pretty pathetic to me, honestly. Though, I suppose watching the smug smirks of those so called Gods fade would make me smile myself. I kid, I kid! Oh, you see right through me, emperor! Honestly, really it's a funny thing, but, I may side with Humanity in the downfall, you know how I am! "
👑 Qin disliked how cruel and hostile you were with pretty much anyone, but, when he noticed how much softer and seemingly polite you were with his fellow fighters, he would smile to himself
👑 You must really care about him if it meant you were trying to push back the only thing you ever knew behind just so he could be happier and not driven to the brink of insanity himself from stress
" Why am I so kind with the mortals? I figured I was being sneaky with my behavior, oh well! They're far weaker appearing then they really are, I suppose. And I respect that, to a degree. I'm not going soft, damn you! "
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🧪 Nikola Tesla, the man known on Earth as the 'Ultimate Mad Scientist of His Time', and his title alone was enough to interest you
🧪 Once you learned of where he resided in Valhalla, you took a small trip there, leaving a simply written note on the table your father sat at daily, and setting a straight-lined course there
🧪 He was just working on his newest invention when his doors slammed open, making him jump and snap his head back to see a fairly tall humanoid-being standing there
🧪 While he stared at you, you smiled and ran up to him, allowing your form to float above him and ask if he was indeed the human known as 'Nikola Tesla'
🧪 Once reassuring his identity, you began asking about his work, from how he made something so complicated look so seemingly simple, despite the multitude of horrendously long equation written on his chalkboard
🧪 Due to his own curiosity, Nikola had to push himself to ask who and what you were, in which you just laughed and answered him with a honey-coated voice
" Who am I? That's quite surprising, dearest mortal! I am Y/N, the offspring of the Outer God, Azathoth, and the God of Madness, at least in many's eyes I am. Humans are different creatures... ANYWAYS! How about you explain about that, uh, what did you call it again? Ah, yes! The electric engineering, how does that work again? "
🧪 Nikola was very off-put by how devoted you were to being by his side to learn everything he was working on, and, in all honesty, he kinda enjoyed having you around to speak to, it made him feel a little less lonely
🧪 While he was being scolded by Brunhilde for speaking to a God who was said to have only sided with Humanity to make them suffer at their own hands, he couldn't help but argue back with how you were far more gentle with his fellow scientists when working on his armory
" Brunhilde. While I agree with the fact that their father isn't ideal in the slightest, Y/N is going behind his and the multitude of Gods' backs just to help me and my fellow geniuses win Ragnarok. You may not trust them, but I do. Now, I recommend you leave before they arrive, it may get ugly, and I do not wish for their aura to destroy our hard work. "
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Family RoR x child reader who is learning some words like airplane but the reader says air pain. From the tik tok. Like it’s funny and this idea came to my head. How would the rest of the family react to child reader mispronouncing the names ? I think is very funny to think about it. Thanks
-It was a joyful day in your family, when you said your first word, ‘Fluff’ as that’s what you called anything that was soft and fluffy, like stuffed animals, blankets, those with luscious hair like Buddha, and anything cute.
-However, that led to rules that certain words were not to be said around you, as you were learning by repeating things, and Adam and Odin both threatened everyone if they taught you a bad word, whoever taught it to you was going to be buried in the backyard.
-You had been gifted picture books with all sorts of things from animals to places to inanimate objects that had a picture of the item then the word and everyone’s been taking turns reading to you, saying the word so you could repeat it and learn.
-Some words you had no issues with, thanks to Buddha and Loki who taught you ‘snacks’ and Jack taught you how to say ‘tea’ and ‘book’ properly, running up to him as he’s drinking tea, holding a book, “Papa- book!” which would always make him smile and he would read to you.
-You were sitting in Ares’ lap with Hermes sitting beside him, a look of concentration but also mild frustration on your face as Hermes was trying not to laugh, “Air plane.” You tried to mimic him, “Air pain!” he chuckled softly as Ares ruffled your hair gently, “You got one word- good job, but ‘plane’.”
-He sounded it out so you could hear the word and you repeated it a few times, getting mad that it didn’t sound the same before you finally got it.
-The two beamed at you and praised you, making you giggle as Ares cuddled you close before Ares grabbed a book about animals so you could practice.
-You pointed out the different animals, “Ef-efa- efalant! Tiger! Horsy! Ducky! Papa Hercy!” you were adorable, still having trouble pronouncing elephant, but what amused them was when you pointed at the lion, calling it ‘Papa Hercules’.
-A little while later you were going to spend time with Loki and Odin, you were standing by Loki in the kitchen as he got you a bowl of Cheerios to munch on.
-He handed it to you, and you beamed, “Fank you!” he grinned and the two of you headed to Odin who smiled, seeing you approach as they were going to read to you.
-You tripped and fell, spilling your cereal everywhere, but you weren’t hurt, popping back up, “Fuck!” the two men turned white, looking horrified as many who were also nearby looked at you in horror.
-Odin kneeled next to you while Loki was picking up your cereal, “Y/N who taught you that?”
-You beamed, not realizing that it was a ‘no-no word’ as you spoke, “Papa Polo! He drop his fancy juice and said it. We say when we drop stuff, right?”
-Loki was doing his best not to laugh, his hands over his mouth, trying to stifle his anger before Odin ruffled your hair gently, “Y/N- that is a no-no word, but you’re not going to get in trouble because you didn’t know.” You looked a bit worried about saying a no-no word but you calmed when he told you that you’re weren’t going to get into trouble.
-Loki could sense the impending storm and he wanted to be witness to the ass beating that was soon to commence.
-Nikola came over and smiled, “Want to come and get ice cream with me?” your excited, sparkling eyes were the only answer he needed as he picked you up as Loki grinned, “Odin and I will read to you when you get back! Bye-bye!” you waved at him and your other family members, not realizing that they were about to hunt down and bury Apollo in the backyard, since you were going for ice cream!
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chussyracing · 4 months
what has been happening in the world of motorsports lately?
Natalie Robyn will leave the role of CEO of FIA after little over one year in the position after a “mutual agreement”
there is a rumour about Logan’s manager speaking to Haas for the opportunity of American team hiring American driver from next season onwards (reminder that Kevin is likely out of contention, Ollie is the hottest candidate and Guanyu is next in talks with Haas according to the paddock gossip)
the Chicago GP was denied …for now (so at this point you have to consider it being a possibility, potentially rotating circuit?)
Merc apparently offered Carlos a one year contract, since they want to keep their options open (potentially for Max leaving or for Kimi stepping up into the team), Red Bull is keen on keeping Checo (although Marko denied they would give him the 3 years contract extension he would like to get) so that door is closing, Audi reportedly extended the deadline on the decision from Carlos till around Monaco
there will be a special edition of Ferrari Trento on the podium this weekend (I’m adding a picture below) and special awards with names of previous winners including people of Emilia Romagna for the year 2023
Williams posted Lap of Legends with Logan driving against AI programmed legends (Andretti, Hill, Manson, Prost, Button, Villeneuve)
Alex Albon extended his Williams contract on multiple year basis (meaning he will be driving with the team through the new regs, but with Fred and Charles starting a new fashion in F1, we simply don’t know how long exactly that contract is)
Domenicali confirmed 25 races a season is a maximum stated by the Concorde Agreement, but he wants to expand F1 calendar in other ways (rotating circuits, more sprints, some journals even talk about sprints at every race weekend)
Ferrari esports team won the constructor championship
Max is supposed to be joining Team Redline this weekend because apart from Imola he is said to be racing in virtual 24 hours of Nürburgring (but with how their weekend is going so far? who knows)
F3 drivers Alex Dunne and Martinius Stenshorne became members of the McLaren junior academy
speaking of juniors, Nikola Tsolov, Martinius Stenshorne and Arvid Linblad (Alpine, McLaren and Red Bull juniors) broke the sporting code by racing in different series without announcing it (the reports differ about who raced where, if they announced it to their teams or to FIA) – the result is, Tsolov and Stenshorne will get a race ban, one of Spa, one for Silverstone, and Lindblad will only get a fine, because he didn’t race in a full race just took a part in testing/practice before the real race
reminder for people watching Sky Sports, that David Croft won’t be in this weekend, and Harry Benjamin is stepping in his place
FIA is considering a different penalty system for continuous penalties and for the situation where a driver gains advantage by leaving the track (Kevin started a revolution)
Domenicali also spoke about a possible engine change for 2030 regulations as the feedback from fans is that they miss the good old sound of F1 (so possibly more noise)
team principals (and Domenicali) had a shared dinner together in Imola and Andrea Stella didn’t get the memo about the dress code for the night
More than Equal initiative founded by David Coulthard and a Czech businessman Karel Komárek started a driver development programme with first 6 female drivers between 13 and 14 years from across the world including Czechia and Slovakia (and 4 more female drivers under the age of 13 got their backing)
31st world stars charity football match between star team for the children and all stars drivers will be held in Monaco on 21st May (we have yet to get confirmed who will be present)
Adrian Newey said he is ready to join another team after a short holiday and according to Jonathan Mcaboy, he already signed with Ferrari
in the latest interview James Vowles reminded that letting go of Logan in the middle of the season is not planned but he has to be open and say that he is at risk of losing his seat for next season because they are talking to 4-5 other drivers (he also said that their car is about 15 kgs overweight and their new upgrade introduced here is meant to fight that problem)
head aerodynamicist Gioacchino Vino is leaving Mercedes but they will get Simone Resta (strategy) and Enrico Sampo (performance) joining as soon as in October (side note: some reports say Vino was poached by Ferrari but 1: it is one not very reliable source, I highly doubt this is a figure Ferrari would go for and there are also reports it was not his choice to leave the team)
Pierre will run an auction for his tribute helmet for Senna after this weekend and donate the money to his charity
Charles said that Xavi leaving was a team decision, and he was informed after Miami
Valtteri Bottas held talks with James Vowles behind closed doors in Imola
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czolgosz · 3 months
my (hopefully comprehensive) leon czolgosz rpf compendium
full books:
the bradys and the anarchist queen; or, running down the "reds" (1902): short dime novel; has a bunch of slightly changed names so they can't get sued for libel i guess; the portrayal of anarchists as evil is so exaggerated that it's mostly just funny; more seriously, warning for earnest anti-black racism
with claw and fang: a fact story with a chicago setting (1911): a dubious response to the anarcho-egoist/proto-fascist book might is right (1896); leon czolgosz's name is nikola golzosch and he has different things going on from real life; bizarre & very christian; also warning for earnest anti-black racism
assassins (1991): the musical. we all know this one.
the anarchist (2001): the daniel a. coleman one, which is in fact the original The Anarchist; from the perspective of a psychiatrist who sort of befriends leon czolgosz in prison and is pushed left by his experiences with anarchists & his suffragist girlfriend; boring!; i have made most of a pdf of it 🫡 wait a bit
death of riley (2002): an aspiring detective investigates the murder of her employer (another detective) and meets bohemians and anarchists who are involved in the murder and the investigation alike in varying ways; leon czolgosz is canonically gay if you care; on z-library
the temple of music (2004): a wild ride, but still mostly coherent; has a bunch of different pov characters, only one of which is fictional; the writing is really not bad, and it was pretty emotionally evocative for me; probably has the most leon czolgosz scenes; speaking of which, he is in the midst of a mental breakdown for most of the book; on anna's archive
the anarchist (2009): the john smolens one; about some people trying to capture leon czolgosz and failing, and then getting involved in another anarchist domestic terrorism plot afterwards; probably has the second most leon czolgosz scenes; on z-library
a moment in the sun (2011): i haven't read this yet, as you all know; about the turn of the century in general; on z-library
the fifth assassin (2013): leon czolgosz never actually shows up, but there is some fiction narrative surrounding him; all the assassinations are connected, someone is repeating them all, and there's about to be a new fifth one; the protagonist aims to catch this assassin; on z-library
assassin of shadows (2019): some detectives uncover the conspiracy surrounding the mckinley assassination; on z-library
a gilded lady (2020): i never actually read it apart from the one very short leon czolgosz scene and don't really know what it's about; on z-library
very short things:
"interview with an assassin" (1901): a description of an interview in which leon czolgosz is a devout christian and explains his actions accordingly; written in opposition to christian proselytisation which had increased due to the assassination
"the last guest" (1901): about a woman contemplating leon czolgosz's execution; his corpse shows up but that's really it
"czolgosz heard from" (1901): excerpts from a letter leon czolgosz sent from hell
"oklahoma fish story" (1903): john wilkes booth, charles guiteau, and leon czolgosz are hanging out together in oklahoma
"the scar his ring made" (2010): short story by a high schooler about paweł czołgosz being abusive; starts on page 85
"very short dorian gray x leon czolgosz fic" (2022): need i say more
"reason" (2024): genderbent, one-sided leon (leona) czolgosz x emma (emmett) goldman
tv show episodes (which i haven't seen):
reaper s1 ep6 "leon" (2007): leon czolgosz escapes hell and some people are trying to make him go back; apparently the least accurate portrayal ever (it does not sound like they were trying anyway)
murdoch mysteries s7 ep15 "the spy who came up to the cold" (2014): the opening scene is the mckinley assassination; about a possible conspiracy around the assassination
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