#nameless ghouls x oc
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Just Witchy Stuff - Part 5
Summary: As a witch, Ollie lives a quiet life. While most people find her stingy or eccentric in her beliefs and superstitions her presence is well known around the town as that 'witch' at the corner with her little witchy shop. But unlike what people think she has been around a very long time - never staying too long in one town for them to realize she never seems to age. Because of her moving around she wracks up a lot of favors. What she didn't expect was for one of her old favors to show up at her doorstep. This is her adventure!
Pairing: Nameless Ghouls Poly x OC
My Workshop!
-Part 4
The first thing that Ollie registered when she woke up was pins and needles in her mind. Like she'd been laying the wrong way and her body was starting to wake up; the blood flow was all fucked and she felt it deep in her spiritual core as her eyes squinted her eyes open. A long groan croaked from her throat as she felt the room spin and her stomach churn. She rolled over weakly and wretched over the side of the side - a bit surprised but grateful when she opened her eyes to see a bucket right beside her.
A hand rubbed up and down her spine slowly soothing her back to consciousness while another hand was petting her hair from her face; her gaze raising up to peer at her friends sitting beside her. The familiar faces of her the Fae and Pixie smiling in relief brought a source of comfort as Evangeline helped her sit upright.
"Fuck that was awful. How long have I been out?" she wiped at her mouth and gratefully took the cup of water that Rain was holding out to her. She chugged the entirety of it before her gaze fell on Aether as he replied from his station by the couch.
"Only a few hours."
"Dew doing okay?" she licked her lips feeling how chapped and dry they felt.
Ollie could feel the lack of energy she had; not just of her physical strength but of the ebbing magic that Dew had devoured hours before - she'd prepared for that outcome. Being put into a semi-coma by Aether as requested had kept not only her physical self unconscious but his quintessence had also kept at bay the magic from replenishing itself. That was why she needed her artifacts as much as she needed her friends here.
"He's...well..." Aether awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.
"He's compliant...for right now at least." Swiss' unexpected voice spoke up as he slipped from Dew's room. "Currently knocked out actually. Went from huddled in the floor to ransacking the place and then suddenly he just collapsed; I set him on the bed for right now."
Ollie examined Swiss realizing how utterly exhausted the ghoul looked. He hadn't slept it seemed in a while and Ollie wondered just how much the pack had been through before they'd come to find her for help. He was also looking a little worse for wear with a few scratches and rumbled clothes.
"You look like shit." Ollie snorted receiving a small smile from the multi-ghoul.
"You look like the dead." he quipped back.
"At least you still have your spirits up. That's good." Ollie rolled her head on her shoulders cracking her neck as she worked to get herself back in order.
"Tesero..." Copia piped up coming to sit beside the witch on the couch. "I hate to ask this...but..are you strong enough to help us?"
Ollie stared him down a long moment. "No." at his surprised expression that morphed into dismay she continued with a hand on his shoulder.
"That is why I needed my friends and those items they were instructed to bring. This isn't my first rodeo and I have dealt with a lot of demonic presences. I knew if I took this route things could get messy. I'm not strong enough the way I am right now to exercise the Vinashesk from Dew. But what strength I do have will be put into preparing for the ritual with the help of Evangeline and Moss."
She looked at her friends; seemingly having a silent conversation with them before she spoke up again. "If Dew is incapacitated right now it's the best time to do this, but I will need your strengths to hold him at bay for us to do this. But while he is out cold we need to get in there and prepare the banishing circle. Copia, can you do that for us?" she looked back at the papa who after a moment nodded warily.
"The banishing circle is a little more complicated than a summoning one so I will show you what it looks like for you to copy it; to write it you must use the blood of the Vinashesk instead of paint." she added.
"But we don't-" Rain began but stopped when Mountain seemed to pick up on what the witch was hinting at.
"But we have Dew's blood..."
Ollie nodded slowly glad to see someone was following along. "Exactly, it is not pure blood that would usually be used but because he was infected his blood is tainted and thus we have an essence of the Vinashesk to work with."
"But that also means we will need to restrain him to do that. He may be out cold now but...when you have to gather his blood he'll definitely be awake for that." Moss added placing her hands on her hips.
"We will hold him down if someone can drain his blood for Papa." Swiss piped up.
Ollie nodded. "Good. We will need a chair to be placed in the middle of the circle Copia will draw. Evangeline can you get us some holy water?" the witch turned to her friend.
The pixie dug beneath the color of her dress to pull out a small glass vial with a playful wink. "Don't ever leave home without it!"
"That's my girl." Ollie smirked before turning back to the ghouls."So, Dew's blood, a chair, some rope to soak the holy water in to restrain Dew to the chair, and lastly we'll need some candles, one white one black, and one purple. Each is placed at the symbols points - this will help create a barrier that the evil spirit cannot cross while we ritual is taking place." Ollie rose from the couch and looked around the room.
"You guys ready to do this?" after a moment everybody in the room nodded.
"Then let's get son of a bitch outta here."
It wasn't easy. The waiting, the preparation...or the doubt that lingered in the minds of the ghoul. Fear that this could go horribly wrong and they'd lose a pack mate. But the girls were strong and determined - head in the game as everybody gathered in Dew's room. The room itself wasn't big but it felt almost claustrophobic with so many people in it; it stank of fear and worry so palpable even the girls could practically taste it in the air but they did not let the others see anything but strength as it came time to start the ritual.
The disaster that was Dew's room was cleared out enough for a single chair from the kitchen to be placed in the center of the room and while Rain busied himself soaking the white rope he'd gathered from the supply closet his fellow packmates helped grab the unconscious Dew to a sitting position into the chair. After this had been done Rain firmly bound his packmate to the chair; pressing a kiss to the fire ghoul's head as he whispered something to him before stepping away. Moss and Evangeline had the candles in hand and were ready to act quickly.
Copia had to act fast - using a bowl from the kitchen he drew closer to Dew; while Mountain, Swiss, and Aether took a solid grip on the fire ghoul to hold him still Copia gripped the ghoul's bound arm and with a quick apology that sounded like a prayer - made a quick slash on the exposed forearm deep enough to draw blood that he caught in the bowl. As soon as the blade broke sink Dewdrop was awake - but it was not Dew who woke up.
His usually golden eyes were pitch black and black veins were creeping from the edges of his vision as he snarled - his voice sounding too guttural... too demonic even for him as he screamed in a language that the others were not familiar with. He was yanking on his restraints and jerking his body but the others were quick to pin him back down as Copia - with shaking hands drew the symbol Ollie had known him with the blood he'd drawn.
With every point made the girls placed a responding candle to each corner and lit it with a match; when that was done the others had to leave the circle before the last candle was lit. As it was, a white glow emanated from the circle.
While Moss took one pointed corner, Evangeline took a second, which left Ollie to take the front. In her hands, she held open her mysterious black grimoire that had seen better days and in her other, she held the shattered mirror up in front of her like a priest would with a cross.
The pixie and fae held their hands up and closed their eyes; as Ollie began to chant in a language that was certainly not Latin a glittering gold aura withdrew from the fae and pixie's bodies; piercing through the blinding light shield and swarmed around Dew's struggling body while an inhuman wind began to circulate in the room along with it the sound of the monster's ungodly screams.
The ghouls and Copia watched in amazement as they shielded their eyes from the bright light as a black smokey figure began to peel itself from Dew's back and hover behind him; its eyes were white and piercing as it shot forward towards Ollie but the white barrier kept it from escaping. It screeched, twisting and slamming against the barrier as it tried its best to get through to attack the girls but finding it could not it swirled on Ollie again.
Her eyes peeked open and she stared it down - her own eyes which were once a pretty violet color were blood red as she stared it down.
"Go back to hell bitch." she lifted the mirror in front of her face blocking the view of her eyes and forcing the evil spirit to stare at its own reflection.
It shrieked at this and the others watched in terrified awe as the dark figure got sucked into the mirror like a cloud of dust. As soon as every inch of it vanished into the cracked reflection Ollie turned swiftly and brought her hand down hard against the edge of a desk - shattering the mirror completely and with it the barrier vanished with the gust of wind that took with it the agonizing cry of the demon as its essence got shattered along with the mirror.
The only thing in the room left was the smell of candle smoke whose flames had been extinguished with the wind and left the room in darkness again. Swiss bolted over when he saw Ollie's body begin to sway and Mountain yanked the curtains back open to allow light in to see the damage done.
Ollie was exhausted but still conscious as she leaned against Swiss'. Her eyes stared across the room toward Dew's slumped figure with bated breath praying that the ritual went well.
"Did it work?" Aether muttered taking a step cautiously forward.
Rain wasn't cautious at all though as he rushed over and knelt in front of his packmate; gently lifting his head to stare at his face. Dew's eyelids fluttered a bit before his familiar orange glow peeked from beneath his lashes - latching onto Rain's worried face.
"Aye raindrop." he mumbled a second before the water ghoul launched himself at him and hugged him for dear life.
"oh, satanas thank you!" Rain mumbled feeling his eyes well up with tears.
"Well I mean...it wasn't exactly Satan who helped you but I suppose calling the big guy to deal with his demonic nuisance wouldn't be half bad." Moss muttered rubbing a hand over her hair tiredly.
Ollie laughed huskily and rested her head back against Swiss. "You doing okay?" Swiss murmured looking down at the exhausted witch.
"Meh, felt worse." Ollie shrugged before looking at Copia.
"Hey old man, next time...check that you have your ritual shit together alright?" she snorted
"Double check." Moss added
"Triple check!" Evangaline piped up popping her 'p' for emphasis.
Copia looked sheepish and nodded. "Si si. I promise. Thank you...Ollie for all of this." he waved his hand around.
Ollie grunted in reply and made a move to sit up with Swiss' help. "I'm getting too old for this shit." she added as she righted herself.
As Rain began to untie Dew the fire ghoul stood up with a wince but his energy drainage and overall exhaustion didn't stop him from stalking over towards the witch. Everybody held their breath as he stopped in front of her. Ollie just peered at him calmly simply thinking how awful he looked.
"Thank you." she blinked at him in surprise; well she wasn't expecting that.
Dew reached up and drew her head towards him; bonking his head against hers in a show of fondness and gratefulness. "Thank you for not giving up."
Ollie's lips curled up into a half smile as she thunked a fist against his shoulder. "Anytime spitfire. Just..." She drew back a bit to look at him with a narrowed eye. "Don't go trying to be a hero."
He let out a burst of rusty laughter and shook his head. "Wasn't trying to be in the first place."
Everybody else echoed the laughter as the air cleared in the room. She waved a hand around the room. "Now, let's get this cleaned up so we can all go get some much-needed rest." she added.
"Nuh uh!" Rain piped up as he ducked himself beneath Dewdrop's arm. "That can wait for later - come on." he didn't indicate what he was telling them but the other ghouls seemed to know already.
Without instruction, the ghouls grabbed at the girls and dragged them back into the living room where they were soon engulfed into a massive ghoul dog pile. Arms, legs, and tails entwined around different body parts as they meshed together on the floor with some pillows and blankets. Papa chuckled watching the pile with a fond smile as he waited by the door. Happy and relieved they had their Dewdrop back and that everything would be okay now. But he still had paperwork to be done to clean up all this mess so as he turned to leave there was a clicking sound behind him and he turned to find Ollie had her hand raised in the air.
"Come on now Papa, get in here mister. You look like you're about to drop any minute," she told him.
He was going to protest- really he was. But when several pairs of eyes turned to him and grabby hands reached toward the man he simply could not deny them. So he joined them in the pile on the floor squished and cuddled between warm bodies that vibrated with sounds of purring and chittering. He met Ollie's eyes and she gave him a small smile before allowing her eyes to close again and snuggled against Dew's chest for a much-needed sleep not induced by magic or bloodloss...but by the gentle happy purring around her.
~The End
Thank you, guys, for reading! I hope it was as entertaining and fun to read as much as it was to write! If you like little mini-series like this feel free to check out my other works as well!
#Ghost Band#The Band Ghost#Nameless Ghouls#Copia#Nameless Ghouls x OC#Random Ghoul oneshot#Aether Ghoul#Swiss Ghoul#Rain Ghoul#Dewdrop Ghoul#Mountain Ghoul#sister imperator#The Band Ghost Oneshot
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Can’t You See That You’re Lost Without Me? - Chapter III
Nameless Ghouls(Ghost band) x Black!OC
Series Summary: Asteria is forced out of her home and old life, but maybe it’s for the better.
Chapter Summary: Asteria gains mountains trust, with flower crowns.
Warnings: Fluffy meeting, probably bad writing, and idk what else
I would love and very much appreciate any constructive criticism, please interact (like or comment, reposts if you really want to) if you enjoy. Comment or dm me if you want me to start a taglist.

Papa walks me back to my room so that I can read through liber ghoulius eorumque historia and prepare to meet the ghouls. I skim the table of contents, squinting to comprehend the small messy font, stopping when I find one titled Gaining a Ghoul’s Trust. Skip straight to that chapter, I learn that there are six different types of ghouls — air, quintessence, earth, water, multi, and fire.
I skimmed through the information, making it through the first three ghouls and how to gain their trust when a knock rang through my new room. After resting the book on my desk, I open my door to see Papa standing before me.
“Ah, Asteria, are you ready to have a short introduction to the ghouls?” He asks me smoothly.
-- --
“I’ll go in first, and just be careful the ghouls are often wary of new presences. Even the ones who brought you here may end up feeling threatened by you, now that you are in better shape and conscious,” he warns me, concern and worry prominent on his features. I only nod, watching as he slowly pushes open the heavy door and walks inside. I slip in behind him, his taller stature shielding me from the gazes of the ghouls.
Papa briefly informs the ghouls of my presence, before stepping aside, allowing me to be seen. I glance around the eight tall figures scattered around the large room. After a few short moments of staring at all of them and being stared at in return, the shortest masked being charged at me, their red iris narrowed into slits. Their eyes now seem cat-like as I back up quickly, he is, however, grabbed quickly by two of the much taller ghouls. I recognize one of them as the purple-eyed ghoul who had found me in the woods, the other had light-blue eyes. This one seemed shy as he avoids eye contact with me the entire time I watch them hold the red-eyes ghoul back.
The aggressive being calms down rapidly, as though all of their energy is zapped out of them. I stare on, wide-eyed, as they drag the, now, unconscious person out of the room. With a few of them gone and less attention placed on me, I took some time to look around the room. It has a large stage in the furthest part of the room, various instruments scattered around, and a few large couches are placed in front of the stage. A half kitchen with a fridge, microwave, and sink, the walls lined with soundproofing foam.
“Um… Hi, I’m Asteria.” I introduced myself with a small wave. Only two ghouls return my wave, seeming to be the least wary of my presence. Papa then takes my hand and begins leading me back to the door I came through.
“You will have just over a week to get used to them and gain their trust, before beginning the full extent of your job. I find it best you start with the air ghouls, they are the most open and easily trusting.” Papa informs me, holding the door open for me. Before leaving, I calmly wave the white-eyed and dark blue-eyed ghouls over to me, as they had been the only ones to wave back.
-- --
As I walk through cool halls, passing large windows with a lattice pattern, looking out into a vast garden. As I observe the warm autumn colors, the leaves begin to change and grass withers away slowly, only to notice an out-of-place patch of vibrant green plants as well as a few vivid colored flowers. My steps come to a halt as I move closer to the window, the new growth occurring in the transition season that is fall sticks out like a sore thumb.
Upon closer inspection, I notice a ghoul at the epicenter of the lively plants, seeming to be in its element. At this, I realize it’s the abbey’s earth ghoul. I find the nearest door and slowly make my way outside, making sure to keep my hands in front of me to appear as less of a threat. The ghoul doesn’t pick up on my presence until I step into the patch of green, their eyes shooting open quickly as their head turns to me. I raise my hands in front of me, my palms toward them, halting my approach. I recall the information on gaining an earth ghoul's trust as the ghoul sitting before me calmed slightly.
It is best to start outside, where they feel calmest and grounded. As with gaining any ghoul's trust, approach slowly, and just stay in their presence for some time. They will trust that you aren’t a threat any more if you also respect personal space and any parts of nature around you. A small gift or trinket that resembles nature in any way and you will have fully gained their trust.
I slowly inched my way closer to him, my hands still extended in front of me. I sit beside him with a good three feet between us, my legs crossed beneath me. I feel his eyes on me, but I keep my eyes on the vibrant flowers and plants surrounding me, some out-of-season vegetation flourishes around, no doubt a result of the earth ghoul’s powers.
Noticing some daisies and chamomile flowers near me, I realize the perfect gift to give to him. I calmly reach towards the beautifully growing flowers and weave them together in an alternating manner. As I do I think of the meanings of the two flowers and how they coordinate perfectly what I am using them for.
I soon run out of chamomile flowers near me, so I place down the partially made flower crown to get some that had grown farther away. However, before I could stand more of the bright white flowers rapidly grow before me. I glance beside me to see the ghoul’s eyes staring at me curiously from behind his mask, his hand motioning for me to continue what I was doing.
I pluck the last flower I need and close the crown, although it’s missing something. I glance around searching for something to tie it all together, when some ivy vines catch my eye. I quickly wrap the vine around the tied flowers loosely before turning to the ghoul beside me and presenting the crown to him. He only stares at it with his head tilted to the side slightly. ‘Adorable.’ I shake my head just slightly to remind myself to focus on the task at hand.
I begin to raise the crown placed on his head, but he flinches back before I can, my actions seeming to have startled him. I pause, and gesture to show him what I’m trying to do with the crown. He loosens the tension in his shoulders and moves back to how he was, allowing me to place the flowers on top of his silver mask.
I smile at him, the flowers complementing his vibrant green eyes greatly. The corners of his eyes crinkle leading me to believe he was smiling back at me.
“What’s your name?” I ask curiously.
#ghost band#nameless ghouls#papa emeritus iv#ghost band x oc#ghouls are hot#koifics#nameless ghouls x oc#oc fiction#papa and the ghouls
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After a ritual sometimes you just want to hug your frontman - there may be a fic in the works about my two favourite old men.
Saying I’m in love with these is an understatement! Thank you so much to @kabukiaku for the amazing commission!
#the band ghost#nameless ghouls#nameless ghoul oc#namelessghoulnocturne#papa emeritus fanart#papa emeritus secondo#papa emeritus ii#Secondo#secondo x oc
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2nd batch of kofi commissions! thank you all for your support. these were sooo fun to work on omg 🖤😵💫
#my art#terzomega#omega3#the band ghost#terzo x omega#omega ghoul#nameless ghouls#ghost band#astarion#baldurs gate astarion#baldur's gate 3#papa emeritus iii#canon x oc
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Two ladies and I'm the only man, ja!
I really liked the song from Cabaret :3333
Alpha's design by @kabukiaku
#ghost#ghost fanart#ghost bc#ghost bc fanart#ghost band#ghost band fanart#the band ghost#the band ghost fanart#alpha ghoul#nameless ghoul#nameless ghouls fanart#oc#ghost bc oc#original character#oc:magdalene#papa emeritus ii fanart#papa emeritus ii#papa emeritus secondo#secondo emeritus#oc x canon
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papa and my nameless ghoul dancing together !! ✨💙
#my art#ghost bc#ghost fanart#the band ghost#nameless ghoul#papa x ghoul#ghoul oc#digital artists on tumblr#ace having fun with his crush hehe#:)c#!!!#i love drawing ocxcanon if u couldn't tell#papa emeritus iv#copia emeritus#papa iv
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Buenos dias Primo
#ghost#ghost bc#papa emeritus i#nameless ghouls#ghoul#ghoul oc#papa primo#primo#primo emeritus#primo ghost#the band ghost#ghost art#ghost band#yume ship art#yumeblr#meme art#yumeshipper#yumedanshi#self ship#self ship art#self ship community#oc x canon#original character#oc#selfship#selfship art#selfshipblr#self shipper#fictional other#old man yaoi
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the sun goes down, another dreamless night
"In the years they've known each other and worked together, it was quickly discovered how much of a sleep cuddler Primo is." Fic Link
#papa emeritus I x oc#nameless ghoul oc#young primo#ghost scenes from the void#my art#edelweiss ghoul
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phantom and my oc ghoul vega. didn't have the gumption to shade it or finish everything but whatever
#the band ghost#ghost bc#ghost band#ghost#ghost the band#nameless ghouls#my art#vega ghoul#ghoul oc#nameless ghoul oc#nameless ghoul fanart#nameless ghoul art#phantom ghoul#oc x canon
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Shameless Phantom x Mel art 😇
Meliel is my angel OC 🪽
#bug is being a creep loser#kidding#nameless ghouls#phantom ghoul#ghoul x oc#ghost oc#oc art#ghoulposting#the band ghost#ghost the band#ghost#ghost bc#my art
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And what if I told you Terzo and Omega had a baby..
This is Lucius, a Terzomega fan child my friend and I came up with! Credits to Crimson blood cosplay, the one who designed him. We love him like he's our own 🤧

The cat's name is Bella!! She's like an older sister to him
#ghostart#ghostbc#ghostfanart#ghostbcfanart#ghost#namelessghoul#ghost the band#omega ghoul#nameless ghoul omega#terzo#terzo emeritus#papaemeritus#papa emeritus iii#papa terzo#oc#original character#fanchild#terzomega#terzoxomega#omega x terzo#omegaiii
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Just Witchy Stuff (Nameless Poly!Ghouls x OC) Part 1
Summary: As a witch, Ollie lives a quiet life. While most people find her stingy or eccentric in her beliefs and superstitions her presence is well known around the town as that 'witch' at the corner with her little witchy shop. But unlike what people think she has been around a very long time - never staying too long in one town for them to realize she never seems to age. Because of her moving around she wracks up a lot of favors. What she didn't expect was for one of her old favors to show up at her doorstep.
AN: Ollie is an old OC of mine based on a lot of myself that shows a glimpse of the writer behind the writings :) Enjoy!
Pairing: Nameless Ghouls Poly x OC
My Workshop!
-part 2
If you were to ask her what her favorite part of being a shop owner in this part of town was; she'd surprise you with the answer. While most people would say the foot traffic or tourism that comes through. Maybe they'd say it's just business and they love the money aspect of things; being able to do something to pass the time? Ollie would say she loved being a business owner because she loved to meet the people that would wander into her shop - the souls that would come in all clouded with whatever troubled them only to walk out with a precious part of them returned or uplifted with hope. To be able to make a difference even without them realizing it. Even when people often scoffed at her methods. She never batted an eye at them; perhaps when she was younger it bothered her. But when you were over 500 years old scathing comments and judgemental gazes did little to chip anything off her shoulder.
Ollie loved her small shop. She'd taken great pride in making it comfortable. As if one walked into another's home. Upon entry with the sound of a jingle bell above the door like a fairy chime to announce your arrival the first thing you'll most likely take in is the heady scent of Cedarwood, Sage, and Rosemary in the air around you that Ollie used in a homemade cleansing spray to clear the negativity and promote a protective cleaning aura upon entry to her small but protected domain. If you look at each corner of the room there are fresh sprigs of lavender and eucalyptus hanging from intricately intertwined leather cords that give the room an added layer to your senses also used for protection and calming. There are two areas in the large open space that is partially blocked off by a Japanese partition wall for a sense of privacy each section contained comfortable couches, an armchair, a low coffee table and some throw pillow to sit on to relax in with a single small bookshelf to each mini portioned privacy rooms with a bowl of crystals and some incense holders burning cones on top of the short bookshelves for others to choose from to indulge in. Beyond the closed-off rooms, it looked like any other small store; with rows of dark antique shelves lined with products - everything from spell books, bundles of herbs, and satchels of premade crystals charged and cleansed personally by the residential witch that owned the shop. There were loose leaf teas of all sorts of blends promoting different aspects of chakra, aura, and mental spell barriers to help the mind, body, and soul.
Other shelves were lined with different jars with spells within, jewelry made and blessed, and even a little bar area that offered complementary teas that were on display for sale as well. Signs offering personal spells made to order and other nicknacks only a witch or pagan would appreciate for she did not just delve into the surface of what people thought witchcraft was. There were things from all sorts of different religions as well as deities to work with. From candles, offerings, and little booklets she'd written and printed to help those who wanted to work with certain deities. Some items were....not for the faint of heart that involved voodoo and dark magic that she kept locked behind the checkout counter at her personal disposal. It would be bad if some unknowing wanderer were to get a hold of such items not knowing what it was.
Ollie prided herself in her cozy store. She had put a lot of work into it as well as money but mostly mental focus and energy to be able to keep everything up. No one would have realized that there were certain aspects of her store she was rather protective of and took seriously. Like the line of salt just inside the door of her shop. How there are lines of salt on the edges of window sills and any entry towards her home. Of how beneath the wildly colorful rugs scattered around her store there would be graphs and symbols carved or painted into the hardwood floor where no one else would see.
She was thorough if nothing else but despite the protection meant for not only herself but those who walk through her door, she is rather open and friendly to new faces. That was one thing she had going for her. So deceptively sweet, sassy, and kind that people did not see the beast that lurked beneath her violet eyes. Another signature trait of hers that people believed was contacts. The one thing people did not understand was that that kind person like Ollie who was sweet and open; giving without expecting anything in return their other sides are just as extreme and strong - god or whatever deity that person serves better protect them well if anyone gets on Ollie's bad side for there is nothing worse in this world and the next than a woman scorned - destructive if she's a witch; for she does not work alone.
After a long tiring day of smiles, spells, and emotional distress that her psyche took today, Ollie was more than happy to be able to flip the sign from 'Open' to 'Closed' on her door so that she may make herself a cup of tea and meditate but as she turned to walk back into her store a voice called from down the street sounding awfully familiar in it's over the top cheerfulness that no one should be having at midnight.
"Olivia, My dear! Won't you wait a moment?! We must see you, urgently!"
The woman spun on her heel and watched with furrowed brows as a group marched their way in a cluster down the deserted streets towards her quickly. Now because of her profession, Ollie kept her store open no later than midnight in case there was a wandering poor unfortunate soul that needed her help without the stares or judgment of others on the otherwise timely streets her store was located on but those were few and far in between. But the voice was certainly one she hadn't heard in many years - and she secretly grimaced at the realization of who was approaching.
The woman was tall and blond with her greying hair pulled up into a form of bun updo at the back of her head and her face although far more wrinkled than Ollie had last remembered her having was more prominent in the yellow light of the street lamps - no amount of concealer, foundation, or lipstick could conceal her age.
"Sister Imperator." Ollie's voice was even as she eyed the group while leaning against the open door. "I'm surprised you remember my shop after all these years." a wry smile tugged at her pink lips as her violet eyes gleamed in the light while she examined the ragtag group behind the imposing woman and the oddly dressed man trailing nervously.
Besides Sister Imperator, there were 6 others. A man who was dressed in a scarlet red suit from head to foot and what looked like some kind of mask painted on his face that made him resemble a panda as he walked with a cane in one hand although he clearly didn't need it and a fedora hat on his slicked back black (but greying) hair. His eyes were mismatched she'd noted. One white eye and the other a normal green that looked almost grey in the shadows. Behind him were 5 others dressed all in the exact same black attire. Black skinny jeans with black suspenders while their skin-tight black button-down shirts tucked into the pants and black riding boots. What was curious was the fact they all wore what looked like a faceless silver mask with engraved hair and horns - a form of devil mask or something of the like. But the masks only covered their heads and faces down to the noses leaving the people's chins exposed; well would have been if they weren't covered in black fabric. They looked stoic and their stances were....unnatural; too stiff and detached. She wasn't too keen on their energy either; dark and foreboding - like swirling black smoke that only her eyes could see coming from them.
"Olivia, dear?" Sister Imperator's voice broke through the fog of the witch's thoughtful examination bringing her slowly back to the present as if she was slowly being pulled from the water.
"Hmm?" Ollie blinked and turned her attention back to the woman before her lips curled slightly. "Sorry, Sister. Of course, come on in." she swept her hand inside her store.
The blonde woman walked straight in with no problem and while the man began to follow he paused halfway in and turned awkwardly towards her. He pointed with a gloved hand at her face and she raised a brow curiously when he didn't say anything at first.
"Is that you're real hair color?" he asked in a tone of voice that clearly spoke volumes of his lack of social skills.
Ollie reached up to tug a piece of her pure white hair in front of her eyes in amusement as she looked closely at her own hair as if realizing it for the first time that it was snow white.
"Why, won't you look at this?" she murmured before meeting the man's gaze with a humorous one of her own.
"Yes, it's natural. I actually used to be a brunette but...it changed over time. One of the hazards of my profession" she replied truthfully which seemed to satisfy the man as he gave a little hum and began walking inside again.
Ollie watched as the bulkiest of the silver-masked fellows followed after the man and presses a hand to the door to keep it open to allow Ollie inside first and she began to turn away until she realized that...he wasn't moving. His foot was hovering over the edge of the door but it didn't go past the line of salt at her doorstep. Her gaze stared at the foot before slowly dragging her eyes back up to meet the pale purple behind the mask.
"Sister Imperator. I don't believe you introduced me to your friends." Ollie's gaze did not leave that of the masked figure.
"Oh, yes well..." the woman behind her cleared her throat uncomfortable as she looked around the store as if realizing for the first time where she was.
"They are safe, Olivia. I promise you on my life." the blonde said her tone leaving no room to argue but Ollie did not move for a hot minute.
"It's not your life I'm worried about." she finally shot over her shoulder before her foot moved forward carefully and brushed the toe of her boot across the salt line slowly.
"Don't touch anything," she warned the masked figures in a low voice that broached no argument before swiftly turning and heading deeper into the store.
The store itself was dimply lit. The lights above were shut off and only a few oil lamps on a few surfaces within the store gave light. She led the way to the partitioned area and moved to the small counter where she kept her complementary teas.
"Alright, now that you've invaded my holy space." her voice was only partly joking as she busied herself in preparing a personal blend of tea.
"Would you like to make the introductions?"
Sister Imperator sank into one of the armchairs and sighed. "Always with the pleasantries, Olivia."
"Or should I call you The Arcane Priestess." there was a gleam in the other's eyes that made Ollie tense up.
"I haven't gone by that name in centuries. A name you should not even know. Now talk. You know damn well I don't enjoy these little visits of yours so let's stop with the pretense of friendship. I'm tired, I've had a long day." Ollie snapped her gaze sharp as she turned cooly towards the group.
"Touchy aren't we?"
Ollie's violet eyes flashed and her hand clenched around the edge of the counter. "Your crossing the line sister, do you want me to take back the youth I gave you?" one brow quirked up and that seemed to shut the other up if only for the moment as the older woman's jaw tensed and she flapped her hand around the group.
"This is my son, Papa Emeritus IV -"
"Please call me Copia, mi cara." The awkward man in the suit gave a little smile to the witch who merely flicked her gaze up and down his frame a few times as if seeing him differently.
"These are... Well, these are my ghouls." Copia motioned for the masked group that had yet to take a sit; they damn blended into the darkness of the room so silent and still she didn't even bat an eye at them.
"I know it may seem a little out of this world -" Copia began but Ollie raised a hand to him to stop his upchuck.
"The names Ollie." she interrupted with a tip of her head and outstretched hands. "I'm a witch. There is nothing from this world or the next that can surprise me Copia. I think you should have already known that - or at least realized upon coming to a witch shop in the middle of the night." she snorted.
Copia seemed to flounder for words as he idly tapped his fingertips together. "Si si..."
Ollie then turned to Sister Imperator. "Now, you delivered your charges in my care. You may go."
"I am not leaving Olivia this is-"
Ollie leaned forward towards her; violet eyes darkening into something dangerous; the threat within them was clear as day and dangerous. "I. Wasn't. Asking." her gaze flickered to the door.
"Copia can fill you in after the visit when he returns to you. You're aura is suffocating and I cannot work with you breathing down my neck, snake. Now leave."
Sister Imperator stared shocked at the younger woman. It was hard to think that a girl who looked no older than her early 20s was speaking in such a way to a woman old enough to her be mother; the lack of respect. But it was the look in those purple eyes that held such years in them. A power in them that radiated through her entire being so palpable that even Sister Imperator had to rise to her feet feeling like a caged and cornered animal in a cage with a predator that could rip her to shreds and then some.
"Papa, I will be waiting for word." the woman stated with a false smile and nod before she all but ran from the shop. The door clicked shut behind her with more force than needed.
Ollie inhaled deeply and raised her hands to her temples to rub at the throb that was beginning to form but when she felt the unnerving pairs of eyes on her she lifted her head to peer at the others in the room. There was a heavy silence before she let out a puff of air from her mouth and placed her hands on her hips.
"Sister Imperator and I have known each other since before you were born Copia." Ollie gave a slight smile. "I knew Papa Nihil when he was younger than you when the Clergy was first starting. Trust me, I know a lot more about you guys than I should; I just like pretending like I don't in front of your mother. Gotta keep my trick cards close hmm?" the witch gave a bit of a more genuine smile before straightening up and motioning around.
"Alright, now let's go somewhere more private so we can talk. These walls have ears." she led the flabbergasted Papa and his ghouls from the room and behind the counter. She stood in front of a bookshelf and did an intricate sign with her hands. Seconds later the bookshelves parted to reveal a small well-lit tunnel.
She could tell as soon as they began to walk how the ghouls at her back visibly relaxed as the trap doors closed behind them - locking them inside as they walked. The tunnel was deceptively long in comparison to the building's structural making and if that itself was confusing the hellish creatures could feel the magic that palpitated from the very stone as they walked. Like honey coating the walls they soaked it up subconsciously basking in the magic energy like starving animals while they listened to the little witch and Papa talking ahead of them.
"You may have felt a difference," she shot her violet gaze back at the creatures with a small smile that held hundred years of secrets. "I don't like to practice my personal preferences in the common shop. That is more for show - for the customers that need the basics; it's for protection...for the light magic that people expect. Down here, gentlemen. This is where my true art takes form. Where the darkest of lies and secrets can be unfolded and the more...macabre and black magic can be done without the judging of others."
They came to an old-looking Victorian door with a brass knocker in the shape of a demonic-looking lion's head before she grasps the ring the head held within its menacing-looking jaws - knocking it loudly with a sound that vibrated the air around them it. And then with a start, the lion's head came to life - its golden eyes blinked open and they landed on the group.
"Sorry, Volrath. Didn't mean to wake you. May we enter?" Ollie spoke to the head.
The door knocker blinked slowly at her before its eyes closed again and the door clicked open allowing the group within the confinements of within.
"Oh...." Copia murmured as he stepped in looking around the vast space.
Ollie spun her arms around with a proud smile on her face as she pinned her guests with a look.
"Welcome to where the magic happens, boys."
The space was large. Looking like a two leveled warehouse filled to the brim with shelves of books, statues, and cases filled with items that looked older than time. A living area with comfortable couches covered in soft fabric with an old kitchen off to the side of the open floor space. The top level was guarded by archways made of stone and railings of iron that lead to a half circle wrapped around. One side was what looked to be a library or office space filled with all sorts of things up there that they couldn't make up while the other side looked like her personal living space and bedroom.
"This place is..." Copia began as he spun around feeling as if he'd stepped out of time for a moment.
"It's neat hmm? I like to contribute different eras I've lived through to my personal space. This is where I live. Below the shop. This space was designed to house and entertain different creatures and such that would pop down here for my services." Ollie looked visibly happier and more relaxed now that she was in her space as she idly pulled her snow-white hair up into a messy bun.
"What kind of magic work do you do?" the quiet voice of one of the ghouls spoke up causing her to look over her shoulder at the bunch.
"What do you think?" her lip curled up slightly but when no one replied she sighed out a chuckle. "To the world above," her voice was gentle and almost wistful as she pointed to the ceiling.
"I am just the crazy witchy lady that sells stuff people think is a hoax or a scam. Down here though, I practice far harder and more dangerous magic than some love spells, blessing crystals, and burning sage." she laughed
"There is a reason Sister Imperator calls me The Arcane Priestess. I've been around a lot longer than I look, boys. I've worked with so many deities, gods, creatures, and magic that you'd be surprised. So trust me when I say, my personal space is a safe space for you lot." she wagged a finger at the ghouls.
"Now drop the glamor. It gives a bittersweet taste to the air and I don't like it," she ordered placing her hands on her hips.
Heads tilted to look at each other silently but she was patient as she gave them time to adjust and instead look over to Copia. "Trust me, they aren't the first ghouls I've worked with or helped before. Now, what's going on that needs my help?"
Copia played with his cane as he nervously looked around. "Well..."
"Copia. I don't judge. I'm a freaking witch for crying out loud. Working with hellish creatures is child's play for me. Shit! That reminds me. I need to visit Luci." she clapped her hands and darted up the stairs towards her office workspace on the second floor; unbestowed to her that others followed behind her.
She was finishing lighting a black candle with a white marked seal on the side when she turned to find one of the ghouls reaching out to touch one of her other alters and she reached out sharply to grab their wrist.
"Don't." her voice was firm even when her grip was gentle as she guided the clawed fingers from the alters and shiny objects placed on that particular alter.
"Mother Hecate isn't very fond of others touching her stuff," Ollie stated softly before she turned away to view the others.
The ghouls were all standing there looking around but silent; deglamoured and their ashen skin and tails were flicking back and forth. She did not say anything about their masks figuring when they were ready and comfortable enough that they'd take it off when they were good and ready to do so. Instead, she guided everyone further into the room and motioned for Copia to take a seat on one of the couches situated inside the room.
"Sorry about that. Now. Go ahead and tell me what trouble you've gotten yourself into. Have you summoned a ghoul you can't control?"
"No....well not really. I mean si." Copia floundered waving his hands. "We did do a summoning but it backfired and well...it wasn't exactly a ghoul that we summoned - we sent it back of course but not before...well..." he looked towards the ghouls.
"Not without a scrape or few..."
AN: If you guys enjoyed this let me know if you'd like for me to make one shot series for Ollie and the Ghouls! I'd love to hear your thought. Did you like it? Would you like to see more of Ollie and the Ghouls outside of this series?
#Ghost Band#The Band Ghost#Nameless Ghouls#Copia#Nameless Ghouls x OC#Random Ghoul oneshot#Aether Ghoul#Swiss Ghoul#Rain Ghoul#Dewdrop Ghoul#Mountain Ghoul#sister imperator#The Band Ghost Oneshot#Should I make a one shot series for Ollie?#feedback wanted
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Can’t You See That You’re Lost Without Me? - Chapter 1
Nameless ghouls (Ghost band) x Black!OC
Series Summary: Asteria is forced out of her home and old life, but maybe it’s for the better.
Chapter Summary: When her mother reaches her last straw with Asteria, Asteria is forced to come to terms with a new, strange environment. One that presents a stark contrast to that of her previous one.
Warning: Abuse, probably bad writing, potentially unrealistic portrayal of seeing a ghoul first thing when you wake up with a concussion, idk what else.
I would love and very much appreciate any constructive criticism, please interact (like or comment, reposts if you really want to) if you enjoy. Comment or dm me if you want me to start a taglist.

I quietly exit the cabinet, grabbing the few bags I had in my room and filling them with my things. I managed to sneak into my bathroom to grab other necessities such as a toothbrush and deodorant. I quickly tossed the bags just outside the dark window, before grabbing my secret stash of money amounting to about a hundred-fifty dollars. Just as I finish grabbing it, my door slams open, my mother fuming in its wake.
I scramble to my feet, as she approaches me quickly, sprinting to the front door. I fumble with the locks for a moment, allowing her time to catch up to me. Just as I get the door fully unlocked and begin to pull it open, my mother pulls my head back by my hair, with a deadly grip once more, and slams my forehead into the door pushing it closed. Black dots fill my vision as I crumble to the floor. Fighting the urge to slip into unconsciousness, I reach for the door handle again. Opening the door successfully and doing my best to crawl out of the doorway.
As I slowly push myself up, nearly out of the house, my mother's foot makes contact with my back, making me fall and tumble down the porch steps. I barely open my eyes to see her glaring at me, as the ringing in my ears grows louder, I can just barely hear her say, “You are no daughter of mine.” I black out soon after she slams the door shut.
I groan softly as I slowly open my eyes, my head pounding, my body stiff and aching from the abuse it endured not long ago. I pushed myself up slowly, though every part of my body protested at the movement. I walked around the house to where my bags were, grabbing them and setting off to anywhere but that wretched house. I continue to walk slowly, not only due to my aching limbs but also because of the darkness that still surrounds me. I had slept for a few hours before coming to, waking in the early hours of the morning.
I walk till the sun peaks from behind the trees, stopping at the edge of town where the houses lessen to meet a dense forest that residents of the small town make a clear point to avoid. I take a deep breath before stepping into the forest, not wishing to see the stares of people I have known my entire life. The same people who had shunned me and ridiculed me. My eyelids grow heavy as I pass the identical trees knowing that I am very lost. I stop next to a large tree, knowing mindlessly walking through the dense foliage will do me no good, and sit against the tree as I quickly close my eyes, falling asleep.
-- --
I hear a soft conversation near me as I begin waking up once more for the day. The voices grow closer as I slowly open my eyes and look toward where the conversation was coming from. I make eye contact with vibrant purple eyes, staring at me closely with concern filling them as they glance around my face. I am confused when I see the concerned look in their eyes, as they are the only feature of theirs that I can see. Memories of last night fill my head quickly and I realize that bruises have begun to form on my dark skin.
I bring my hand up and gently rub my forehead, as I survey the silver facial coverings the person in front of me adorns. Though there is a cut out for the person's mouth, it can’t be seen, hidden by a black mask of sorts. Silver hair is depicted on the mask, along with two horns poking out at the top of their head. A deep voice comes from behind the slightly unsettling mask before me.
“Are you alright?” He asks softly, as his eyes continue to stare at my (visible) injuries. I go to respond but am caught off guard by movement behind the figure in front of me. Having forgotten the other person's presence, I glanced at them quickly, noticing light blue eyes behind an identical mask. Instead of responding, I attempted to stand, finally coming to my senses and realizing the potential danger I could be in with the two masked men, alone, deep in the woods.
However, once I am standing fully, blood rushes to my head quickly, and a headache instantly forms, causing me to stumble. My head, clearly unable to take more blood, shuts down, forcing me to pass out and fall forward. Before completely losing consciousness, I feel two strong arms catch me. The last thing I see is those purple eyes framed by the strange silver mask staring down at me.
-- --
I slowly open my eyes to find myself in a dimly lit room. I look to my right to find a large window, the forest I was in not long ago lying behind tall stone walls and iron gates. I jolt up, realizing I didn’t know where I was exactly. Looking to my left, a tall figure stands in the doorway, dressed in all black, a black button, black dress pants with suspenders, and black dress shoes to complete the ensemble. A silver mask rests on their face, similar to the two men I had encountered in the forest. I recognize the stark purple eyes from the day before, however, I still push myself into the far corner of the bed. He raises both his hands in front of him to present himself as non-threatening as he fully enters the room.
“Glad you’re awake. How are you feeling?” He asks, pulling out a chair from a desk I hadn’t noticed. I remained in the farthest corner from him as I shrugged slightly, avoiding eye contact, my throat dried out after the numerous naps I’d taken for the day. My head was still foggy from what may be a concussion, my ribs screamed for me not to move and calm my breathing. He sighs, standing and leaving the room.
In his absence, I take in the rest of the room. Taking note of the large wardrobe next to the desk, a door leading to what I assume to be a bathroom, the small desk on the same wall as the door into this room, and my bags sitting beside the desk. All the furniture is made of the same dark wood that resembles that of the trees in the surrounding forest. The walls are made of stone just like the walls outside. In the corner of the room across from the bed is a fireplace and a small loveseat made of a dark fabric. The room has a very cozy, dark academia aesthetic that I would enjoy more if I knew how I got here and if I knew where she was.
I slowly stand from the bed, swaying only slightly before fully gaining my balance. I walk into the bathroom, taking in my appearance in the mirror. A dark bruise from being punched on my left cheek, my bottom lip split but the blood was gone as it glistens with some sort of ointment, my right eyebrow also split from my collision with the door, my forehead also darkening from the forming bruise. I turn on the sink, leaning down to sip the cool water, sighing in relief as the cool liquid runs down my throat.
A woman walks into the room as I exit the bathroom, she’s dressed in a simple long-sleeved black dress that stops just before her knees, accompanied by knee-high socks and Mary Janes. She smiles softly at me, seeming surprised that I wasn’t in the bed.
“Hi. I’m Jessica, Jess for short,” she greets, staring at me kindly. “Two of our ghouls found you in the woods, they brought you here so we could help with your injuries. I understand if you’re scared and you are welcome to leave at any time, but you can stay until you heal. Longer if you so wish,” She reassured me, calming me just slightly knowing that I am not trapped here.
“I’m Asteria,” I state meekly, my shyness shining through. She smiles wider at my response.
“Well, Asteria, there are clothes in the wardrobe if you want to shower and change. I’ll come back in an hour so you can adjust a bit.” She says starting to leave the room. I reach for her arm quickly before she can reach the door. She turns back to me, clearly confused.
“What are ghouls?” I question, settling on the first coherent question that ran through my head as I thought of the mysterious masked figures I had encountered. She smiles at me, patting my arm before walking to the door again.
“I’ll explain everything when I give you the tour.” She says from outside the door just before closing it. Leaving me alone with my thoughts.
#ghost band#papa emeritus iv#nameless ghouls#ghost band x oc#nameless ghouls x oc#oc fiction#papa and the ghouls#ghouls are hot#koifics
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Wanted to draw Desert with Aurora, just doing Ghoulette things 🖤
#oc: desert#☆: desert#desert ghoulette#desert ghoul#aurora ghoulette#aurora ghost#aurora#ghost bc#the band ghost#ghost#ghost fanart#ghost band#ghost oc#oc x canon#ghost the band#ghoulette#nameless ghoul fanart#nameless ghouls
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alpha you better HUSH your hypocritical MOUTH- a lil gift art to @doodleshrimps (creator of the lovely lady madeline here) in return of all the amazing art they've done of my alpha design. you made me a certified madeline/alpha fan now.
#my art#the band ghost#terzomega#alpha ghoul#omega ghoul#papa emeritus iii#oc x canon#ghost band#ghost fanart#nameless ghouls fanart#alpha you got some EXPLAININ TO DO
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mwah mwah alpha design by @faiyx / @serpentine-illusion
#ghost fanart#ghost bc#ghost bc fanart#ghost band#ghost band fanart#the band ghost#the band ghost fanart#alpha ghoul#nameless ghoul#nameless ghouls fanart#oc#ghost bc oc#original character#oc:magdalene#oc x canon
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