anantkumarsahani · 5 months
Shri Gurunanak dev ji also seen the Almighty God Kabir and explained thoroughly who is Kabir.
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
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zacksfairest · 11 months
For the jumbo OC asks! Vaela - 💋📙🍇; Lehala - 🌹😊🌺; Ayala - 🍑🌀💗;
Ask me about my OCs
Vaela - 💋📙🍇
💋 How affectionate are they with their friends? Their family? Their romantic partner(s) (if they have any)? Are they more physical or emotional when it comes to displaying their affection? Why?
So prior to Zaresh, she was always super affectionate with her family and what few friends she had. She loved hugs and cuddling and the like. Zaresh kinda ruined that, and she came to be averse to physical contact for awhile.
HOWEVER! She does slowly get past that :) She doesn't tense when her family or friends hug her anymore, and she even eventually starts initiating hugs and such on her own!
She is definitely a bit of both—emotionally and physical in her affection, I mean. She feels a lot! She's just a bit stunted for a little while. But i just love that everyone brings her back, helps her realize it's safe to be both receive and give fictional affection again.
I'm not quite sure how she'd be with a romantic partner yet. Zaresh is her only experience, and I have yet to really explore how she might handle an actual romance.
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
Vaela loves PRETTY THINGS and GOWNS and JEWELRY and GEMS and LAVISH CLOTHING. I love to reiterate how much her and Zaresh have this very specific thing in common. She just loves fancy things and could spend hours shopping in a market or along storefronts pointing out all of the lovely things to you.
It's not very deep, but something shiny or fancy will always make her brighten up.
She also loves talking about hunting tactics. She spent quite a bit of time on her own on the run from Zaresh, and so picked up a lot of ways to survive on her own. She loves exchanging strategies on how best to take down a target, how to track them. And also different bows and arrows and arrowheads! She started off stealing secondhand bows and arrows and then fashioning her own, so learning about the different kinds of actual weaponry is fascinating.
🍇 Day or Night? Sun or Rain? Summer or Winter?
Daytime for sure. Vaela hates the nighttime, the darkness. It reminds her too much of her time in Zaresh's basement, and the Underdark.
She definitely prefers the sun. Once upon a time, she would have said the rain, the sound it makes hitting the roof and how it cools a hot city day—but she spent a lot of time squatting in the pouring rain, cold and alone and miserable, when on the run from Zaresh, that she's grown to hate so much as a light drizzle.
Oooohhhh. I'd have to say summer. She can wear such pretty dresses in the summer :)
Lehala - 🌹😊🌺
🌹 How easy is it for them to connect with others and make friends? On the flip side how easy is it for them to make an enemy of someone? Are they the kind of person who hangs around the food table at a party and never talks to anyone or are they the type who can talk to anyone?
Within Lehala's clan? Amongst her people? Incredibly easy. She feels a deep kinship and connection among the Namda, and even amongst the other clans she was easily able to find people with which she could be friendly. And maybe even become friends! She was in line to be the leader of her clan, she needed to be good with people, she needed to be able to chat them up and form connections with the people who might one day fight for her.
But among non-Namdans? She finds it significantly harder. It's why she's been pretty closed off until recently with the party. She does not know these people. They do not share the same customs. They do not understand the intricacies of each flick of her tail and every twitch of her finger. The Namdans are relatively insular and do not interact with others outside of possible mercenary work, and even then they usually work alone or with fellow Namdans. So making friends with others who aren't amongst her people? Incredibly difficult for her.
But you can wear her down, as has been shown with the party. And now that they've earned her trust and, dare I say, her friendship, she'd happily die (again) for them.
😊 What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down? What cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? Is your OC genrally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? What about your OC makes others happy?
Oh, this is gonna be sooooo sappy, but talking and thinking about her people and her memories of them instantly fills her with immense happiness. She misses them so much, and feels like she's failed them, so thinking of the times before The Worst Vacation Ever makes her feel warm inside.
Also her past conquests—skirmishes fought, battles won, opponents defeated. She feels great pride in her skills as a fighter and a leader, so reminiscing on those memories also makes her happy.
I'd say Lehala is a relatively happy person, all things considered. Her clan would say as much. She can and will be very serious when matters call for it, but she's not incapable of happiness. She definitely enjoyed making her closest friends smile. They would laugh and joke and banter around the fire, when out on a mission or in the hours before a battle. She had a deep affection for her clan and every member of it.
Hm. I couldn't say what about her makes others happy. I mean, her friends among Clan Mavari certainly loved her spirit, her strength. She inspired such loyalty in them, and they had every faith in her abilities.
🌺 Does your OC have any tattoos or other body art? Does their body art have any specific meaning behind it? Do they have any scars? How did they get those scars? Any birthmarks?
No body art, I'm afraid. She has NUMEROUS scars, and I couldn't possibly go through the story of each and every one of them. But she got them in various sparring matches, battles, and fights that she's gotten in over the years, all varying in their valor and bravery and stupidity.
She is missing one horn though! She lost it in a (somewhat) recent battle.
Ayala - 🍑🌀💗;
🍑 Where is your OC’s favourite place to relax or calm down? Recount a story of their time spent in this place! What makes it so special to them?
Oh, this is a tough one. As a Mandalorian, she doesn't really have a...place. In the time period in which she lives, her people have scattered to the far corners of the galaxy as the Empire attempts to hunt them to extinction. Even with any somewhat permanent homesteads she's lived in, they never really stayed for long. Clan Ger'Mana was definitely mostly nomadic for the time she's been with them.
This is going to sound incredible stupid, but what calms her is the feel of her beskar'gam on her body, her buy'ce encasing her head. There is a comfort in the weight of it, the solidity of her steel. She finds solace in it, has entrusted her life to that armor—and it has saved her many, many times.
But when home isn't a place, it's usually a person. For Ayala, what would best help her relax was the company of her squad: Vys'kydir, Caedyc, and Saya (her sister). Nothing could help her decompress or bring her back to herself like them.
Even her parents! Her mom Eliava and her dad Aran. They would do the trick too.
There is a specific instance where Vys really helped her when she was brought to tears in the midst of the Imperial invasion that led to her capture. He sat with her and held her as she cried, the weight of every Mandalorian lost under her leadership just becoming too much, especially as artillery continues to fire overhead. Just being there, holding her hand as she cried, helped.
🌀 Where is your OC from? Where were they born? Do they still live there, if not why did they move? If they still live in the area how has it changed since their childhood? How many places has your OC lived in and where has been their favourite?
Ayala does not know what planet she was born on. Her mom would not tell her. Ayala's mom, Eliava, was a slave. She worked in a nightclub/brothel on some planet far away. When she had Ayala, she decided that was the breaking point. She would not allow a child to be born into this life, especially her baby girl. She knew only too well what a Twi'lek girl would be forced to be.
She had to get out.
There was a Mandalorian patron that frequented the establishment. Eliava knew their reputation as mercenaries and hired hands. So she approached him, begged him to get her out. Offered him money and whatever else he could want. The Mandalorian was resistant, cold. What could a slave woman possible give him? And there would certainly be trouble to follow as her master sought to hunt her down.
What finally broke him was when Ayala appeared behind her mother's legs, her bright blue eyes wide and afraid.
And if there's one thing that is a Mandalorian's weakness, it's a kid in need.
So he agrees to smuggle them out, payment to come at a later date.
Long story short, the Mandalorian—Aran Ger'Mana, leader of Clan Ger'Mana—and Eliava fell in love somewhere along the way on this prolonged trip. And he might have fallen a little bit in love with Ayala too, and by the time they decided to marry, Aran was already reciting the Mandalorian adoption rite.
Aran had a daughter from a previous marriage, Saya. She is human, like her father, and is of his blood—but that changed nothing, and Ayala was welcomed into the clan and family as if she had been born into it.
But all of that to say, Ayala does not know where she came from, and she has no specific attachment to anywhere she's lived since. Her attachments and memories lay with her family and clan.
💗 What would your OC say is their best feature? Why? What do their friends / family / lover(s) / people they know think is their best feature and why
Hmm. Ayala doesn't care much for her looks. Not that she's not an absolute knockout, but when you spend most of your time in full armor, your appearance isn't something you care much about.
If pressed, she'd likely say her eyes. They are a bright and light shade of blue, and absolutely stunning.
If we are talking non-physical feature, she would say her reliability. Her people can rely on her for anything. She will keep them safe and alive. She will ensure no one will hurt them. It is why she picked a dark shade of ocean blue for her armor color. Among Mandalorians, that color represents reliability.
(Which makes the tragedy of her defeat at Commodore Corran Raandall all the more tragic)
Man, each person in her life cherishes something different about her.
Her mom loves how vibrant she is. How alive. She would insist that the room brightens whenever Ayala walks in a room—even when she had her helmet on. She also loves how her daughter's very presence just commands respect. After the life her mother had lived—a slave, relegated to a mere object for other's service and pleasure—seeing her baby girl live the exact opposite of such a life just brings her so much pride.
Her father would likely say mostly the same, but would add in how much he loves her confidence. Despite the fact that she was not born into this life, she took on the mantle of Mandalorian warrior, of next in line to lead the clan, like she had been born for it. Mandalorians may think nothing of adopting anyone into their culture, but that doesn't mean Ayala had to take to the life
But take to it she did, and with the ease of a custom fitted glove. So much so that she is considered the obvious choice to lead them once Aran relinquishes his place as the head, even above his natural born daughter.
Saya, her sister, looks up to Ayala so much. Ayala is older, but only just barely, and yet it's enough that Saya immediately latched on to her. She admires her sister's courage and the strength and skills she exhibits. Whether it be training or sparring or in the midst of battle, Ayala is precise in everything she does. Saya aspires to be even a tenth of the warrior her sister is (she is more than that, and Ayala tells her this all the time.)
Vys'kydir would say that Ayala's best feature is her tactical mind. More than once she has gotten them out of a tight spot by out-thinking their enemy. He admires how she can keep a level head, even when blaster bolts are scorching the ground at her feet. More than once, frustration and anger have started to get the better of him, and she was there to talk him down (or beat it out of him, in some cases).
Caedyc would say much of the same as all of the above, with this one addition:
While this isn't necessarily her best feature, he does admire how stubborn she is. Half the reason why she has won so many sparring matches and skirmishes is because she just refuses to lose. Even when she does lose, it is kicking and spitting and clawing the entire way. And always while shouting for a rematch. Ayala does not like to lose. She is a fighter through and through, has been since she clawed her way into the world, and she will never go down without a fight.
And last but not least, because I cannot resist:
Thrawn thinks one of Ayala's best features is absolutely unshakable love and faith in her people. He can feel the love and adoration she has for the Mandalorian people in his very chest every time she speaks of them. It's something he's never heard from anyone in this galaxy, and she's the only one who has matched his love he has for the Chiss with her own love for her people. She would die for them, kill for them, lie and cheat and sell her very soul to preserve them. She would make a deal with the very Imperials who have nearly wiped out her clan if it meant those left could go free.
And Thrawn also so very adores her absolutely indomitable spirit. Even brought before him in shackles, stripped of her armor and forced to deal with Imperials once again, she was never once cowed. She held her head high, like a leader, like a commander, and even had the audacity to speak down to him.
But she had that right. She had resisted an Imperial invasion. If anyone in this galaxy had earned the right to look down upon Thrawn and the position he held, it was Ayala Ger'Mana.
He would never see that spirit broken, would never even attempt it, and he'd be damned if he allowed anyone to even so much as make her waiver in her strength and resolve.
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mohan-12 · 2 months
Live Ramini 🛑🛑
*Durg Rishali Namdan Centre*
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nijitora · 4 years
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남산 스카이라인 이제 좀 그쳐도 될것 같은데 ..#장마 #여름 #우기 #일상 #라즈무 #하늘 #남산 #skyline #namdan #rainyday #rain #cloud #summer #monochrome #snap #daily #seoul #love #beautyful #sky #曇り #空 #夏 #南山 #イテウン https://www.instagram.com/p/CDgus89pRjK/?igshid=1xim3j3kdf2z1
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mia2409 · 6 years
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Quê Bác. 🌴 #quebac #uncleho #home #namdan #nghean #vietnam (at Nam �Àn, Nghệ An, Vietnam)
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svik009 · 5 years
मनुष्य जीवन को सफल बनाने के लिए व समस्त बुराइयों से निदान पाने के लिए तथा सुखमय जीवन जीने के लिए संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी से नाम दीक्षा ग्रहण करें।
जगतगुरु तत्त्वदर्शी संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी से निःशुल्क नाम दीक्षा लेने के लिए कृपया यह फॉर्म भरें 👇🏻
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zacksfairest · 11 months
Lehala - ❌🔥📀
Ask me about my OCs
My darlingest girl who I cannot wait to play both in D&D and BG3 lmao
❌ What kind of things would end any relationship for them? Is there a history behind why these things bother them? Could they ever take someone back despite this? If so or if not, why?
Hmm. Lehala has a deep sense of honor and dedication to those she loves, so if this person—whether a romantic partner or a friend—were to disrespect anyone or anything that falls into that category, she'd drop them so fast. Maybe this someone looks down on the Namda and their ~barbaric~ ways? Maybe they think the fact that her people, and her family, are of mixed races is weird?
Maybe their sense of honor just differs significantly from her own? All of these things are deal breakers for her.
Hmmm. I think that this person would either need to greatly reform themselves (thinking she and/or her people are barbaric, for instance) and atone for this in some significant way. Couldn't tell you how, because this is hypothetical, and Lehala is in my head with her arms crossed and her foot tapping. She thinks hell would freeze over before she would ever welcome anyone like that into her life to begin with, let alone let them back into her life after such a revelation.
I think this question will be interesting to think on the longer she's with the party, seeing as she's exposed to such different people and worldviews. Maybe the rigidity of her people's belief in a battle driven sense of honor, as well as the isolationism they tend to participate in, will waver just a bit for her.
🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
She loves the color blue! Though this is in no small part because her skin and eyes are such lovely (let slightly different!) shades of blue. She's also partial to purple and red and black. She'd love to find leathers/armor that is this color scheme.
She definitely doesn't like to be too constricted by clothing/armor. Her current look isn't exactly modest, like Celeste's fancy garb, but it's really just because it gives her freedom of movement. Her fighting style is very much up close and personal, and even though that makes her more exposed, she feels she has more control over her body.
And besides, that's what the shield's for! Acts as both a weapon AND an armor sometimes!
Music an an interesting thing to consider. She definitely prefers music that is percussion heavy. That gets the blood pumping, harkens back to war drums.
She actually isn't much of an alcohol drinker! Any time she does partake though, it's simple stuff. And even then she won't drink much of it. Usually tastes awful and impairs her judgement. She doesn't like the idea of not being completely in control of herself.
📀 How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted?
An interesting question. I actually pulled up her character sheet to look at her wisdom score lmao.
But I don't think it's entirely easy to do any of these things with Lehala. She is a seasoned warrior, a leader, and a potential head of an entire clan of warrior people. She needs to have a good head on her shoulders, a good intuition when it comes to people. It would genuinely take a master manipulator playing a LONG game with her to truly succeed in lying and manipulating her, I think.
I will say that she is also real real bad with trust. But this mostly stems from her being raised to mistrust outsiders than any unresolved issues from a betrayal. She is far more likely to trust a shady fellow Namdan than even the most trustworthy-seeming outsider. They hate the Namdans, after all, and see them just as bloodthirsty war mongers and barbarians. What good could come of trusting one?
So, outside of the party, she has a pretty healthy level of distrust for anyone they meet—unless the dice say otherwise, of course lmao.
I do think you could trust Lehala, though. She is not out there trying to manipulate those around her or play any mind games. What you see with her is pretty much what you get. If she doesn't like you, she'll let you know. If she does, she makes that pretty apparent too.
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rssbeas-blog · 6 years
स्टोरी एक ब्लाइंड आदमी की जो डेरे में आया करता था…
New Post has been published on http://rssbeas.com/story-ek-blind-aadmi-ki-jo-dere-main-aya-krta-tha.html
स्टोरी एक ब्लाइंड आदमी की जो डेरे में आया करता था…
Once a blind person, who was a devotee of Atmakta, came to the tent. He said to a servant of the hero, “Veer ji, I want to talk to your chef, you can tell how I can meet him, that savadar Veer said that the total owner is doing satsanga at this time so i will give you pandal I’ll leave in There is also much more compatible, can not be met and the serviceman Veer puts the other person on a side behind in the pandal. He heard satsanga with great love, already satsang created such a stir in him that he started thinking about donation. At the same time, the Sauvadi Veer came to him and asked how you felt satsang then that person again said that you should get me from your mentor.
The servant Veer said, “Veer ye ye tomorrow da satasgaan again and stay with me at night.” On the second day, that sevadar Veer placed him in Satsang Padal. On the second day, Mahārāj explained only about the name of Dan, that the tears were flowing with the eyes of that person. He got very distraught towards the master and from the end the owner of the complaint will pay me the same amount. The same day the satsang came to the end of the Satsang the other day and took him along The lower person pleaded with the service officer that if I could get the name Dan, I could also get a name donation, then that serviceman said that there is no order that any person may get a name but if you look after your donation I’ll take it along,
Namdan was not so strict at that time, if there was obstruction in the line, then after looking at him, he sent him forward and towards the other side, the barracks, which were being obstructed by his way, broke all the walls. Granted, when the true Patshah was presented to the owner, Satguru ji insisted that there is no stock of your eyes and therefore you can not get donations and donations can be given to the person as soon as he listens. That is: – Well then you have sent me to the place where name donation can be found. Knowing, knowingly about it, Satguru placed her on the name donation and said that it was done in the same way. .
When all the names were donated to charity, Satguru himself himself came to him and said that his brother stood up, when he stood up and said, “till my dear one is good” (look carefully at me) because eh sarup your work When he looked upwards, his head had come, then he appeared to the true Patshah Ji, and the entire Malik ji gave him a name donation. He had had faith in him that for a while, he could carry out the outer garment, he could bring in the presence of the joat, so he made a big mistake and followed the teachings of Satguru and simultaneously recited the bhajans and the curtain of the owner opened. . He got to know the whole story of his last birth. After some time, he came to the darray. Maharaj Ji was doing satsang, he got up in the middle and says that he has to apply the Hajur, then Maharaj ordered that sit down, no matter The person then stood up and said that if you do not go to Hajur, you order him, then he said, “Heal the Jedi. You have to run a firearm.” O the world, you do not remain in the mischief. It is a complete Guru and I have full faith, Tell the story of birth I was stuck in my last life and on my way to the tent, my place was on a kicker’s tree, once a few satsangi anchors brought from the tent were eating under the same tree, eating the pahad with their hands. After I left that meal I ate it, so the man got birth and I had an urine, a baby girl was lying in a state of unknowingly in the side of the truck and was pained. I used to be disturbed, I did not like anything except the month, went to that puppy and took out his eyes and ate it
That is why I got a man’s birth by eating a feast, but because of eating my puppy’s eyes I am an infant in this life, so brothers, I have got all this good from the whole guru, you do not even make the mistake of understanding them as a common man.
Radha Swamiji
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betatran · 6 years
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Im happy in this moment. 📸: @zoro1tuoi #ilovephotography #moment #wanderlust #ilovetravel #namdan #langhoangtru #localhouse #vietnam #travelvietnam #ilovevietnam #lifestyle #renbytee #lifeisjourney #wheniamyoung #instapic #instagram #instagood #awesometrip (tại Hoàng Trù, Nghe Tinh, Vietnam) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqUfIbphjYi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16rjvayvud2pf
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anantkumarsahani · 7 months
WELCOME TO THE ELEVEN SATLOK ASHRAM IN INDIA. THERE ARE ELEVEN SATLOK ASHRAM AND MORE THAN FIVE HUNDRED "NAMDAN" centres. There is no competitors to show the way of salvation as directed in Vedas, Quran, Bible etc. The Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji occupied the authority to deliver MANTRAS.
2Days Left For Bodh Diwas
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